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Nick Tumminello

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Tumminello, Nick, author.

Title: Your workout perfected / Nick Tumminello.
Description: Champaign, Ill. : Human Kinetics, 2019. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018007762 (print) | LCCN 2017051930 (ebook) | ISBN 9781492558149 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781492558132 (print) Subjects: LCSH: Physical fitness. | Exercise. | Weight training.
Classification: LCC GV481 (print) | LCC GV481 .T85 2019 (ebook) | DDC 613.7--dc23
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ISBN: 978-1-49255813-2 (print)
Copyright © 2019 by Nick Tumminello
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Exercise Finder

PART I Training Objectives

1 Fitness

2 Function and Performance

3 Fat Loss

4 Physique

PART II Exercises
5 Warm-Up and Mobility Exercises

6 Upper-Body Exercises

7 Lower-Body Exercises

8 Core Exercises

9 Conditioning Exercises
PART III Programming
10 General Beginner Programs
11 Fitness Programs
12 Function and Performance Programs
13 Fat Loss Programs
14 Physique Programs
15 Strategies for Minimizing Injury
About the Author
Earn Continuing Education Credits/Units

Exercise Finder

Chapter 5 Warm-Up and Mobility Exercises

Bodyweight warm-up 1
Bodyweight warm-up 2
Bodyweight warm-up 3
Weight plate or medicine ball warm-up 1
Weight plate or medicine ball warm-up 2

Chapter 6 Upper-Body Exercises

Angled barbell press and catch
Angled barbell shoulder to shoulder press
Barbell bench press
Barbell bent-over row
Barbell high pull
Barbell incline bench press
Barbell overhead press
Barbell overhead push press
Box crossover push-up
Cable biceps curl
Cable compound straight-arm pull-down
Cable pec fly
Cable rope face pull
Cable triceps rope extension
Close-grip push-up
Dumbbell bench press
Dumbbell bent-over back shrug
Dumbbell biceps curl
Dumbbell chest squeeze press
Dumbbell front shoulder raise
Dumbbell high pull
Dumbbell incline bench biceps curl
Dumbbell incline bench press
Dumbbell overhead press
Dumbbell pec fly
Dumbbell pullover
Dumbbell rear delt fly
Dumbbell rotational shoulder press
Dumbbell shoulder A
Dumbbell shoulder L
Dumbbell shoulder T
Dumbbell shoulder W
Dumbbell shoulder Y
Dumbbell side shoulder raise
Dumbbell triceps kickback
Dumbbell triceps skull crusher
Dumbbell upright row
Explosive push-up
Explosive box crossover push-up
E-Z bar biceps curl
E-Z bar preacher biceps curl
Feet-elevated push-up
Fighter’s cable lat pull-down
Lat pull-down
Lat pull-down with neutral grip
Leaning lat pull-down
Leaning lat pull-down with neutral grip
Lockoff push-up
Low-cable angled upright row
Low-cable one-arm face-away biceps curl
Low-cable one-arm rear delt fly
Low-cable one-arm side shoulder raise
Machine back row
Machine chest fly
Machine chest press
Machine rear delt fly
Machine shoulder press
Neutral grip pull-up
One-arm angled barbell press
One-arm cable press
One-arm cable row
One-arm compound cable row
One-arm dumbbell freestanding row
One-arm dumbbell off-bench row
One-arm dumbbell overhead press
One-arm dumbbell overhead push press
One-arm dumbbell overhead triceps extension
One-arm dumbbell row
One-arm half-kneeling angled cable row
One-arm motorcycle cable row
One-arm push-up
Overhead cable triceps rope extension
Resistance band bent-over row
Resistance band biceps curl
Resistance band chest fly
Resistance band loop pull-apart
Resistance band loop push-up
Resistance band one-arm bent-over row
Resistance band one-arm incline press
Resistance band overhead triceps extension
Resistance band pull-up
Resistance band side shoulder raise
Resistance band step and chest press
Resistance band triceps extension
Seated row
Seated row shrug
Smith bar triceps skull crusher
Stability ball push-up
Standing cable chest press
Supine resistance band shoulder L
Two-arm dumbbell bent-over row
Underhand grip Smith bar row
Wide-elbow Smith bar row
Wide-elbow Smith bar shrug
Wide-grip barbell bent-over row
Wide-grip seated row

Chapter 7 Lower-Body Exercises

45-degree hip extension
Barbell front squat
Barbell hybrid deadlift
Barbell rack pull
Barbell Romanian deadlift
Barbell squat
Bench scissor jump
Broad jump
Copenhagen hip adduction
Deadlift jump
Dumbbell fighter’s lunge
Dumbbell goblet squat
Dumbbell lateral Romanian deadlift lunge
Dumbbell leaning Bulgarian split squat
Dumbbell Romanian deadlift
Dumbbell step-up
Elevated dumbbell reverse lunge
Elevated dumbbell leaning reverse lunge
High-platform machine leg press
Lateral bench scissor jump
Lateral bound
Low foot Bulgarian split squat
Machine hip adduction
Machine leg extension
Machine lying hamstring curl
Machine seated hamstring curl
Mid-platform machine leg press
Nordic hamstring curl
One-leg 45-degree cable Romanian deadlift
One-leg angled barbell Romanian deadlift
One-leg bench hip thrust
One-leg cable hip adduction
One-leg dumbbell bench hip thrust
One-leg hip bridge
One-leg hip lift
One-leg hip lift with weight plate
One-leg one-arm dumbbell Romanian deadlift
One-leg squat
One-leg stability ball leg curl
Resistance band loop hybrid deadlift
Resistance band mini loop low lateral shuffle
Side-lying hip adduction
Squat jump with arm drive
Stability ball leg curl
Stability ball wall squat
Trap bar squat
Traveling dumbbell leaning lunge
Traveling dumbbell lunge
Traveling dumbbell Romanian deadlift lunge
Zombie squat

Chapter 8 Core Exercises

Ab wheel rollout with resistance band
Angled barbell rainbow
Arm walkout
Cable side bend
Cable tight torso rotation with hip shift
Cross-body plank
Dumbbell plank row
Fast-hands plank
Hanging leg raise
High-to-low cable chop
Leg lowering with resistance band
Low-to-high cable chop
Medicine ball arm walkout
Off-bench side lean hold
One-arm plank
Plank march with resistance band mini loop
Reverse crunch
Side elbow plank with external shoulder rotation
Shoulder tap plank
Stability ball arc
Stability ball knee tuck
Stability ball pike
Stability ball pike rollout
Stability ball plate crunch
Stability ball rollout
Weight plate around the world
Weight plate speed chop

Chapter 9 Conditioning Exercises

25-yard dash
300-yard (274 m) shuttle run
Bodyweight and resistance band complex
Bodyweight leg complex
Dumbbell complex
Dumbbell farmer’s walk complex
Gorilla burpee
High-resistance upright bike sprints
One-mile run for time
Two-minute bodyweight complex
Unilateral farmer’s walk complex
Weight plate complex
Weight plate push


This book would not be possible if it weren’t for several people. My good friend
and business associate David Crump came up with the book’s title. Eileen
Escarda of Escarda Photo took all of the great exercise photos, along with the
exercise models used in the photos: Jay Bozios, Serina Branch, Juli Lopez, and
Korin Sutton. Gil Krohn and the staff at the ZOO Health Club in Oakland Park,
Florida, allowed us to do the photo shoot at their facility. Jason Silvernail, DPT,
coauthored chapter 15 with me. Many thanks to the Human Kinetics family—
with special thanks to Justin Klug, Jeff Mathis, Roger Earle, and Laura Pulliam
—for their involvement and hard work with me on this book. It’s truly a
privilege to work with these professionals in bringing this project to life, and I’m
honored that they’ll forever be a part of this book.
I’m so lucky that I get so much love and support from my mother, Faith
Bevan; her husband, John Cavaliere; my father, Dominic Tumminello; my
girlfriend, Romina Marinaro; and my close friends, Marc and Brenda Spataro,
Kate and Daniel Blankenship, Ryan Huether, Rob Simonelli, Billy Beck, Deanna
Avery, Paul Christopher, and Joe Drake from Gravity and Oxygen in Boca
Raton, Florida.
As I think about all the people in the fitness and performance training field or
related fields who have been a part of my life, I’m reminded that there’s no such
thing as a self-made person. I owe a debt of gratitude to the following colleagues
for their friendship, continued support of my work, and help in my professional
growth: John Rallo; Sivan Fagan; Nick Clayton; Brad Schoenfeld; Jim Kielbaso;
Bert Sorin, Richard Sorin, and the Sorinex Equipment family; Matt Paulson,
Ryan Ketchum, and the Fitness Revolution family; Nick Bromberg; Ethan and
Liz Benda; Shelley Murray; Lindsay Vastola; Tim Arndt; Ben Cormack; Isa
Olsson; Eric Helms; Karen Litzy; Bret Contreras; Alan Aragon; Lou Schuler;
Luke Johnson; Chris Burgess; Mark Comerford; Bob Rossetti, Ron Rossetti, and
the Northeast Seminars family; Dave Parise; Joel Seedman; Vince McConnell;
Billy Beck; Jason Silvernail; Lars Avemarie; Bill Sonnemaker; James Fell; Tony
Gentilcore; Marie Spano; David Jack; Tyler Christiansen; Quinn Sypniewski;
Adrianne Ortiz; Bob Esquerre; Jeremy Boyd; Anastasis Charalambous; Jonathan
Goodman; Andrew Vigotsky; Claudia Micco; Espen Arntzen; Steve
Weatherford; Andrew Heffernan; John Spencer Ellis; Lee Boyce; Jonathan
Mike; Robert Linkul; Nick Collias; Leah Lyons; Neil Pecker; Kennet Waale;
Serkan Yimsel; Ian Houghton; Lara McGlashan; Chris Shugart; Matthew
Sandstead; Rick Howard; and Elisabeth Fouts and the Power Systems family.
I’m sure there are other people whose names deserve to be on this list. I owe
those people a big handshake and a hug.
Finally, I thank all my clients—past, present, and future—for allowing me to
continue to do what I love.


If you’re looking for a straightforward, realistic guide to working out that helps
ensure that the work you’re putting in is as smart, safe, efficient, and effective as
possible, look no further!
There are four reasons most people work out: for fat loss, to build muscle, to
improve function and performance, or for general fitness and health. This book
simplifies the science and techniques behind each of these goals, clarifies
misconceptions, and provides you with a variety of specific workout plans—
gym workouts and bodyweight workouts—that you can use for each of the
Chapter 1 focuses on fitness. If you always feel like you’re failing when it
comes to exercise because you’re not interested in organizing your entire life
around the gym, then chapter 1 is perfect for you! As discussed in chapter 1 and
elsewhere in the book, exercising for general fitness and health purposes is a
great goal to have. You don’t always have to exercise for functional performance
or a physique-related goal—the key is to understand who you are and what you
want out of exercise.
Next, chapter 2 looks at function and performance. Chapter 3 is about fat
loss. And chapter 4 is on the topic of physique. Each of the first four chapters
identifies common myths that can create confusion and hold you back from
improving in each of these four goals. These chapters also establish the scientific
principles and methods you need to know in order to enjoy long-term success.
In chapter 5, Warm-Up and Mobility Exercises, you’re provided with several
warm-up sequences that get you ready for action so you can get more out of each
workout. Chapters 6 through 9 detail a wide variety of exercises for the upper
body (chapter 6), lower body (chapter 7), and the core (chapter 8) as well as
exercises for conditioning (chapter 9). What makes these chapters unique is that
in addition to providing easy-to-follow exercise descriptions, they also include a
section on ways to perfect basic exercises, showing you how to do these
exercises better than the way they are commonly performed.
Chapters 10 through 14 are the workout programming chapters, where
everything you’ve learned in the previous chapters is put into action. Each of
these chapters provides a multitude of workout programs for you to choose from
depending on how many days per week you prefer to exercise based on your
schedule. Chapter 10, General Beginner Programs, provides a workout plan for
those who are just starting out or who haven’t done any regular strength training
in a while. Chapter 11, Fitness Programs, features workout plans for those who
want to improve and maintain their overall health and fitness without necessarily
focusing on a specific programming goal. Chapter 12, Function and Performance
Programs, provides workout plans for those who aren’t making a career in
athletics but are interested in improving overall athleticism. Chapter 13, Fat Loss
Programs, features workout plans for those who want to lose body fat while
minimizing muscle loss. Chapter 14, Physique Programs, provides workout
plans for those who are focused on aesthetics and are exercising to maximize
muscle size.
All the workout programs provided in this book have been designed with the
big-box gym member in mind. For instance, the programs combine exercises
requiring immobile equipment (e.g., squat rack or machine) with exercises using
mobile equipment (e.g., dumbbells, resistance bands). This mixture enables you
to bring the mobile equipment to the immobile equipment and remain there
without having to walk all over the gym and lose the equipment you’re using to
another member.
Since we’re not always able to get to the gym and don’t always have access
to all the exercise equipment we’d like to use, chapters 10 through 14 also
feature two alternative home gym workouts and two bodyweight workouts you
can use to stay on track while training at home or on the road in a small hotel
gym with limited equipment and space.
Although each of the programs provided in chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 is
focused on a different training goal, the programs in each of these chapters
involve many of the same exercises. This is because everyone should be doing
upper-body exercises, lower-body exercises, and core exercises to ensure that
their workouts are comprehensive. It's how those exercises are applied,
organized, and prioritized that makes the training programs in each chapter
unique for each training goal. In other words, the programs in each of the
programming chapters are set up differently because each emphasizes a different
goal. This doesn't mean that you won't gain any muscle when doing the function
and performance programs provided in chapter 12, or that you won't get stronger
when using the fat loss training programs provided in chapter 13, for example.
The benefits you’ll get from doing the workouts in this book aren’t mutually
exclusive. But because the workout plans featured in chapters 10 through 14
each have a different emphasis, you will achieve the most in the area
Regardless of the emphasis that you choose to focus on, the most important
factor is your ability to continue your workouts, and that means staying injury
free. The final chapter of this book, chapter 15, Strategies for Minimizing Injury,
identifies several potential risk factors for injury and provides simple and
practical exercise recommendations you can use with any type of workout
program to reduce your risk of suffering an injury.
If you’re an inexperienced exerciser, you will appreciate the clear and user-
friendly manner the information and workouts provided in this book are
delivered in. If you’re an advanced exerciser, fitness professional, or sport coach,
you will certainly recognize the effectiveness of the training methods utilized
here and will gain exciting new ideas, insights, and strategies for exercise
Let’s get to work!

Training Objectives


If you’re like most people, you’re not interested in being a gym rat who
organizes your entire life around food and gyms. When it comes to diet, most
people don’t change their eating habits all that much, so they’re mainly
exercising to offset the foods they love to eat. And when it comes to exercising,
most people aren’t trying to win a contest for the best body on the beach.
They’re also not interested in chasing impressive lifting numbers. When people
exercise, with or without the guidance of a personal trainer, they just want a
great workout experience that challenges them but doesn’t hurt them. They often
gauge their success by how much they’ve enjoyed each workout, how they feel
at the end of the workout, and how many workouts they’ve completed per week.
If this sounds like you, then this chapter and the corresponding workout
programs have your name on them!

Benefits of Resistance Training

Resistance training is most often associated with improvements in both
aesthetics and athletics, since resistance training helps you develop muscle and
strength. But what about the general fitness and health benefits of resistance
training? Using resistance training as regular physical exercise has many benefits
for your body and your mind.

Weight Management
In addition to its potential effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of
metabolic syndrome, regular resistance training can help improve body
composition (1,2).
You don’t have to be a cardiologist to know that carrying extra body fat (i.e.,
being overweight) can place more stress on your heart and put you at a greater
risk of dealing with health concerns, such as diabetes, increased blood pressure,
high cholesterol, and an increased risk of heart attack.

Lower Risk of Disease, Death, and Functional Limitation

In addition to maintaining a healthier weight, creating higher levels of muscular
strength by using a regular resistance training program is associated with a lower
risk of all-cause mortality, fewer cardiovascular disease events, and a lower risk
of developing functional limitations (3,4,5).

More Energy, Less Fatigue

Research indicates that regular resistance training may increase one’s energy
levels while decreasing feelings of fatigue (6). This comes as no surprise, since
resistance training can help improve body composition. Put simply, carrying
around more body fat makes you work harder both in life and in sport.
Therefore, the more extra body fat you’ve got, the faster you’ll get tired and feel
fatigued. Following a regular resistance exercise plan can help you drop fat,
especially when combined with good nutritional habits, and will help you to
become more energy efficient and feel better throughout the day.

Bone Loss Prevention

In addition to promoting muscle strength and mass, resistance training also
effectively increases bone mass (i.e., bone mineral density and content) and bone
strength. It may reduce the chance of developing a musculoskeletal disorder
(e.g., conditions of the bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments), such as
osteoporosis (7,8). Additionally, resistance training may help slow or even
reverse loss of bone mass in people with osteoporosis (9).

Reduced Anxiety and Depression

Research supports that resistance training, and physical exercise in general, may
prevent and improve depression and anxiety. Studies dating back to 1981 have
concluded that regular exercise, such as resistance training, can not only improve
mood in people with mild to moderate depression but also may play a supporting
role in treating severe depression. Other research has even found that exercise’s
effects lasted longer than those of antidepressants (10).
Research has also shown that physical exercise reduces anxiety by affecting
the brain’s response to stress. This evidence suggests that active people might be
less susceptible to the undesirable aspects of stress and anxiety than sedentary
people (11).

Improved Brain Function

Scientists once thought that our brains stopped producing new cells early in life,
but more recently, it’s been discovered that we continue to manufacture new
brain cells throughout our lifetimes. The most potent stimulant for brain growth
is physical exercise.
Research has shown that physical activity seems to stimulate the production
of new brain cells and neurons and promotes their survival. This facilitates
attention and concentration and helps lock in memories as they form. In later
years, physical activity was associated with lower risks of cognitive impairment,
Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia in general (12). Another study concluded
that, if exercise began by early middle age, it further reduced the risk of
developing Alzheimer’s (13).

Better Sleep
Sleep is the way our bodies rest and recover. Exercise elevates mood and reduces
stress, and research has documented that exercise improves sleep patterns, which
can help you become more alert in the daytime and helps promote better sleep
habits at night (14).
Let’s face it: If you’re regularly exercising, especially with a challenging
resistance training program, your body will need to rest and recover, making it
likely that your sleep will improve.

Using resistance training to stay active and improve overall fitness and health
while also enjoying the physical challenge it provides is a worthwhile goal. I just
gave you seven scientifically founded reasons why.

Cardiovascular Exercise, HIIT, Muscle,

and Beginners
Some say steady-state cardio interferes with muscle gains. But research
indicates that in previously untrained men, adding low-impact aerobic exercise
(like cycling) doesn’t jeopardize gains in strength or muscle size. In fact, it may
even increase muscular gains (17).

Personal Trainers and Your General

Health and Fitness
There are many obvious benefits of exercise, like building muscle
and improved strength. There are also numerous, well-evidenced
physical and mental health benefits that many trainers seem to be
unaware of.
These include, as discussed earlier, disease prevention,
preservation of bone mass, improved mood (even in those with
depression), anxiety/stress reduction, improved sleep, an enhanced
feeling of energy and well-being, the delay of all-cause mortality,
and even brain growth.
Yet many personal trainers have this elitist idea that you’re
basically wasting your time working out unless you’re training with a
specific focus on physique or performance measures. This feeling is
directed at recreational gym-goers who are working out for general
fitness and health purposes but not focusing on a specific physique
or lifting performance goals.
Many trainers look down on people who exercise for fitness and
health, proclaiming that these people are “satisfied with being
mediocre,” as if those not interested in organizing their entire lives
around gyms and food are somehow inferior humans.
These same trainers continue to be frustrated, wondering why
some people “don’t get it” or “don’t care” as much as they do and
ultimately end up not sticking around. But it’s usually not that these
people don’t care; it’s that they don’t care about what the trainer
wants them to care about. These trainers are the ones who just
don’t get it.
These personal trainers fail to realize that to most people,
“getting results” from exercising isn’t about achieving impressive
deadlift numbers or building a wider back—those are gym rat goals.
It simply means staying active, overcoming physical challenges, and
enjoying each workout. Those are respectable and reasonable
goals that personal trainers should encourage and be proud to

Other evidence shows that aerobic exercise improves muscle size and aerobic
capacity. These improvements are similar between younger and older men (18).
It’s likely that these results also apply to women because aerobic exercise alters
protein metabolism and induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Ironically, it can
also serve as an effective countermeasure for both women and men prone to
muscle loss (19).
But keep these study results in perspective. They involve untrained people.
As high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has grown in popularity, the standard
30-minute bout of steady-state aerobic training (the low-to-medium intensity
exercise on a treadmill, elliptical, or bicycle) has become less popular. If you’re
just starting or restarting an exercise program, beginning with HIIT may increase
your odds for injury.
It’s a better idea to start with low-intensity aerobic exercise until you can run
or use the elliptical or bike for about 30 consecutive minutes at a moderate
intensity to increase your aerobic fitness. This gives you a better foundation for
using high-intensity conditioning methods (16).
Steady-state cardio affects trained individuals. Look at bodybuilders: For
years, they have been doing steady-state cardio while prepping for their shows
and are able to maintain impressive amounts of muscle mass. This can’t simply
be chalked up to the influence of drugs, because there are plenty of natural
bodybuilders who do this as well.
It’s unrealistic to think that doing a reasonable amount of steady-state cardio
will automatically cause you to lose hard-earned muscle, especially if you’re
emphasizing resistance training. For the intermediate or advanced exerciser who
already has a solid training base, doing HIIT each workout is unnecessary. Too
much in a week can be hard on the body and keep you from recovering
sufficiently between workouts. A great method to use on recovery days is light to
moderate cardio.

Resistance or Cardiovascular Training:

Which One First?
Research has shown that performing aerobic exercise first in the workout may
develop maximal aerobic power (20,21). Doing cardio first is best reserved for
those who are training for an endurance event such as a marathon. The opposite
is true for those training for general fitness and health purposes.
For example, one study demonstrated that fat oxidation and calorie burning
were increased during the aerobic exercise component when it was done after
resistance exercise (22). This increased metabolic effect was even more
pronounced when the resistance exercise that preceded it was performed at a
higher intensity. This is important to note; several other studies have shown that
performing cardio first in the workout can compromise the performance of
subsequent resistance training exercises due to residual fatigue, therefore
reducing the mechanical tension—which will be discussed in more detail later—
developed during the strength training portion of the sessions. This interferes
with the strength and muscle gains (23,24,25).

How Personalized Is Your Training

That many personal trainers have training biases is another
problem. Some trainers follow a bodybuilding philosophy, others
follow a powerlifting philosophy, others are more into Pilates, some
do “3D functional training,” others may be more into kettlebells, and
the list goes on. Many personal trainers think that their chosen
exercise method is the best, most complete method of training, and
therefore advise everyone to exercise the same way. In other words,
many trainers just end up giving their clients lessons on what that
particular trainer likes to do instead of using the best modalities for
There are two types of personal trainers: fitness professionals
and fitness hobbyists. Fitness hobbyists try to get other people
excited about their pet exercise hobby, regardless of your individual
goals, while the fitness professional fits the workout program to you,
not you to the trainer’s specialty or bias.
Improving your overall fitness and health is a goal with different
parts. It’s combination of fat loss, refining your physique, and
performance training without specifically focusing on one over the
other. Therefore, it requires several different exercise components.
No single piece of equipment or type of training will be ever able to
fully address all aspects of the goal when it has many parts. It
makes sense to take a mixed approach to exercise programming,
and that’s exactly what all the workout programs in this book do!
You Don’t Have to Be a Gym Rat or Do Extreme Workouts
It’s commonly thought that to improve your overall fitness and
health, you must either work out 24/7 or do extreme routines like the
ones we see athletes and bodybuilders doing in magazines and on
television. This is simply not true.
If you’re trying to become a bodybuilder or a high-level athlete,
you must exercise like one. However, if you’re simply interested in
getting into better shape, you certainly don’t need to become a
“health nut” who lives in the gym or does extreme workouts. For
example, research has found that running even 5 to 10 minutes a
day and at slow speeds (less than 6 miles per hour) is “associated
with markedly reduced risks of death from all causes and
cardiovascular disease.” (15)
The fitness and health workout programs in this book involve
resistance training, and they certainly keep you moving for longer
than 10 minutes. These study results are not a workout
recommendation. This research shows you don’t need a long and
complicated workout routine to reap all the benefits of exercise. You
just need to get moving and keep improving.
Both Men and Women Need Intense Weight Training
Many men are comfortable with training to gain at least some
muscle mass, so allow me to speak to women for a moment. When
you talk about toning, enhancing, or shaping certain areas of your
body, you mean building muscle and losing body fat. When it comes
to developing your muscles, there is no such thing as exercises for
“toning” muscle versus exercises for “bulking” it. Muscles only have
one physiological way to grow, and that is called hypertrophy.
Muscle creates the shape of your body, and therefore more
muscle equals more muscle tone. You can’t build a perkier, rounder,
or sexier anything without building muscle. To build (i.e., improve the
shape of) that muscle, you need to stimulate muscle tissue. Those
tiny pink dumbbells just aren’t the tools for the job, because they
don’t challenge your body to become stronger and won’t improve
the shape of your body. But women will certainly benefit from the
type of lifting just like men do.

Additionally, research has also found that doing resistance exercises first
seems to increase the metabolic effects of the subsequent aerobic session (26),
which is why all the workout programs in this book involve doing any
cardio/conditioning activities after the resistance training portion of the workout.
It’s important to understand that the studies about cardio compromising the
performance of subsequent resistance training exercises refers to doing a full
cardio workout (like a 30-minute run) in the same session as a full resistance
training workout. This is not the same as placing small amounts of a cardio-
based activity, like a 45-second bout of shadow boxing, for example, within a
circuit along with the resistance training-based exercises. This type of circuit
training can allow you to reap the metabolic benefits of both activities while
making a fitness or fat loss-oriented workout more interesting and diverse.

Fitness trends come and go. And every new “best” workout claims to be
better than the last “best” workout, demonstrating why what’s popular is usually
based more on marketing than on good science. You do not have to follow the
latest workout trends to get into better shape (i.e., improve your fitness and
health), and it’s misguided to do so. Regardless of what’s currently “in style,”
you should follow workout strategies that are based on scientifically backed
exercise principles—described in the first four chapters of this book—that have
repeatedly been shown to produce the results you’re after. It’s important to read
the next three chapters as well as this one so that you can understand what these
principles are.

Function and Performance

This chapter is for those who want to improve performance, be able to perform a
movement task faster or harder than previously (speed and power), lift
progressively heavier weights (strength), lift the same amount of weight for
more reps (muscular endurance), and reduce the recovery time needed to
perform a series of exercise challenges (conditioning).
In this book, training for improved performance isn’t about training for any
specific sport; it’s about training to improve the general physical qualities that
determine overall athleticism—speed and power, strength, muscular endurance,
and conditioning—that could be applied to any sport. Strength and conditioning
workouts help you improve the physical qualities (i.e., more power or strength)
that are not addressed by simply playing and practicing your sport. Focusing on
improving overall strength and power can also help athletes decrease injury risk.
Although much is often made about “sports specific” training, most athletes can
benefit from adding overall strength, increasing explosive power, and improving
conditioning levels. This can help you move faster, be stronger, and outlast the
Just like when training for fat loss or building muscle, which are covered in
the next two chapters, training to improve the power and strength that determine
overall athleticism has its own set of myths and misunderstandings. This chapter
identifies these myths and clarifies the misconceptions.

Training Principles and Methods for

Function and Performance
Research shows that relative strength (i.e., how strong you are relative to your
own bodyweight) is the greatest predictor of performance in sprint, vertical
jump, and change of direction (1). Many trainers and coaches will assert that you
can’t become strong and powerful without focusing your training around the
“big lifts,” which are the traditional barbell bench press, squat, and deadlift.
Saying that you can’t get stronger and more powerful without emphasizing these
exercises is an example of how people confuse training methods with training
The principle of specificity, a universal training principle, dictates that
adaptations to training will be specific to the demands the training puts on the
body (2). Since the purpose of programming is to create the appropriate training
stimulus to elicit specific adaptations, the first step in the programming process
is to determine the desired training goals. The training goals ultimately
determine the types of exercises and methodologies that need to be part of the
workout program.
Specificity in training can be accomplished by targeting muscle groups,
energy systems, speed of movement, movement patterns, or muscle action types
(3). For example, if the goal is to become more explosive, the program should
include explosive exercises (i.e., power exercises). If a someone has a
multifaceted goal, such as improving overall health and fitness, it is basically
training for a combination of fat loss, function, and physique without specifically
focusing on one over the other. This program requires several training
components because no single type of training will sufficiently address all the
goals (4).
Another foundational training principle is the principle of progressive
overload, which dictates that the training stress—based on frequency, intensity,
and type of exercise as well as recovery processes—should exceed the training
stress experienced during the previous workout (5). For example, if you’re
training to improve strength, you could gradually add heavier loads or perform
more repetitions with the same load to ensure progress.
Now that you’ve got a general idea of training principles, we can discuss that
when trainers and coaches talk about sticking to the basics, they’ve got a list of
certain exercises (e.g., traditional barbell bench press, squat, and deadlift, etc.)
they believe are foundational to improving human performance. But let’s break
that down.
The word foundational denotes an underlying basis or principle, something
that’s fundamental. When this definition is applied to exercise programs, it
becomes clear that there aren’t any fundamental exercises—often called the
basics—that need to be used. There are only foundational or fundamental
training principles, like specificity and overload, that need to be practiced. These
principles dictate the exercises that should be included and how they’re applied
in a comprehensive training program. In other words, exercises are just methods
that allow us to apply principles.
Many will judge a training program as either “good” or “bad” based on
whether it uses a certain set of exercises deemed as the basics. This is putting
methods before principles. When it comes to good program design, we don’t go
from the methods down; we go from the principles up. A good program isn’t
determined by the exercises it incorporates, but by how the training principles
are utilized.
Some trainers and coaches will take things a step further when they assert
that successful programming is all about mastering the basics, which translates
to saying that good training involves mastering certain exercises. This isn’t fully
accurate either. First, if you’re not trying to be a powerlifter or an Olympic lifter,
there’s no single exercise that you must do. When it comes to doing exercises
like barbell deadlifts, you need to only use them in a way that’s safe and helps
you improve your overall strength or muscle growth. You need to possess basic
competence in the lifts you’re performing; however, you don’t need to learn or
practice the powerlifting-specific skills required to be a master deadlifter.
As far as exercises go, there’s no such thing as fundamental exercises. There
are fundamental human actions, like pushing, pulling, rotation, locomotion, and
level changes (6), and there are many conventional and unconventional exercise
applications to choose from to express those (universal) human actions. For
example, squats fall under the fundamental human action of “level changes.” In
other words, squatting is just one way of many for humans to perform the action
of change levels.
The reason it’s important to delineate fundamental human actions from
traditional exercises is that when we think about squats, we usually think about
how you move when you perform a barbell squat (front or back). And when we
think that this type of squat represents a foundational human action that
everyone should be able to do, we end up taking a one-size-fits-all approach and
try to fit square pegs into round holes. Not everyone is built to squat that way.
However, when we realize that the traditional style of squatting is just one
way to train the fundamental human action of level changes, we don’t put it or
any other exercise on a pedestal. We know that there are plenty of ways we can
train level changes that better fit the individual based on their skeletal
framework, body proportions, and injury history. This is why it’s ridiculous
when some trainers and coaches say, “You just don’t know how to coach these
lifts.” People can’t be coached out of their individual skeletal frameworks, body
proportions, and injury histories. Trying to fit people to exercises instead of
fitting exercises to people is one of the biggest training mistakes trainers and
coaches make.
It comes down to this: Are you using the exercise, or is the exercise using
you? Given the natural variations between our bodies, it doesn’t make sense to
tell someone that just because some lifters can do the traditional squat or deadlift
that everyone should be able to do it the same way. Sure, you can force people to
try, but it’s a much smarter approach to select exercises based on individual
When you have a grasp of training principles (i.e., movement specificity and
overload), you understand that only those competing in weightlifting-oriented
sports must do certain exercises. The big (barbell) lifts are a great way to create
progressive overload because they provide a lot of value in your strength
training, but they’re not the only way. Resistance exercises are just a way to put
force across joints and tissues to help them to grow stronger. That’s it! Barbells,
dumbbells, cables, machines, and bands are all just different tools that allow us
to apply force across joints and tissues. And, unless you’re in the gym to be a
powerlifter, there’s no reason your training should be overly focused on mainly
improving your strength in the three big lifts. An athlete or gym-goer doesn’t
have to do a particular exercise to improve. The training program should adhere
to training principles, and there’s a wide variety of exercises that allow athletes
and fitness enthusiasts to adhere to these principles and achieve their goals.
Research highlights that no form of exercise has magical properties. One
study compared unilateral (single leg) versus bilateral (two legs) squat training
for strength, sprints, and agility in rugby players. The results of this study found
that Bulgarian split squats were just as effective as barbell back squats in
improving measures of lower-body strength, 40-meter sprint speed, and change
of direction (7). Another study also found that single-leg and double-leg training
exercises increased strength and decreased fatigue in the lower body, with no
differences between the single-leg and double-leg results (8).
Additionally, another study found that, although unilateral and bilateral
training appear to affect muscle size adaptations similarly, and while both the
unilateral and bilateral training groups had increases in both unilateral and
bilateral strength, the unilateral training group had the greatest strength
improvements in unilateral strength and the bilateral training group had the
largest improvement in bilateral strength (9). In other words, although strength
improved in both bilateral and unilateral training for the two groups, the
magnitude of strength increases seems to be specific to the training type, which,
again, is the principle of specificity at work. This highlights the importance of
having a well-rounded strength training program that includes more than just
traditional barbell exercises to strengthen your lower and upper body in a wide
variety of stances, positions, and actions. That’s exactly what the programs in
chapter 12, Function and Performance Programs, will help you do.
Training Load for Function and Performance
Research indicates that although both high-load and lower-load training to
failure can elicit significant increases in muscle hypertrophy (i.e., size) in well-
trained individuals, high-load (heavy) training is superior for maximizing
strength adaptations (10,11). That said, strength is your ability to produce force,
and power is strength divided by time or how quickly you can produce force.
Although lifting heavy weights can help improve your power, there’s plenty of
evidence to show that improvements in power are maximized (in both men and
women) when you also regularly incorporate regularly low-load (lighter)
exercises that require you to move fast (12,13).
This should come as no surprise because the principle of training specificity
dictates that the adaptations you make to training will be specific to the demands
the training puts on the body. As I also said earlier, if you want to maximize
improvements in your overall strength, you must incorporate training with
heavier loads (relative to your own strength level or 1RM). If you want to
become more explosive, you’ve got to use explosive exercises. This is why the
workout programs in the performance workout programs chapter emphasize both
explosive exercises (exercises that involve lighter loads, sometimes just body
weight) and heavy lifting.
When it comes to heavy lifting, it doesn’t mean lifting a specific amount of
weight that would impress the powerlifting community in barbell squat, deadlift,
or bench press competition lifts. It simply means getting stronger than you were
without sacrificing your overall health or physical capacity to participate in the
other physical activities and sports you enjoy.
Sets and Reps for Function and Performance
Training for strength and power are similar when considering the number of sets
and reps. The general rule for strength and power calls for doing more sets,
around four to six or more sets, while keeping the reps low, in the one to five
reps per set range (14). And, the general recommendations for rest between sets
are similar for strength and power. A review of the research for rest intervals
between sets for targeting specific training outcomes found that resting three to
five minutes between sets produced greater increases in strength by allowing
your body the optimal amount of time to recover, and higher levels of muscular
power were demonstrated over multiple sets with three to five minutes of rest
versus 1 minute of rest between sets (14). Resting longer than three to five
minutes doesn’t mean performance will increase further. Plus, you’ve only got so
much time to work out anyway.

Training for Improved Conditioning

In addition to strength and power, you also need a high level of
power endurance to perform optimally. The strength and power
training methods in the workout programs in this book are great for
improving your strength and power, but they’re not so great for
improving your power endurance, which is your ability to resist
fatigue and be able produce the same level of power for a longer
time—the length of competition. In other words, many of the low-
rep, high-load training methods help you peak your power in short
bursts, but they don’t require you to call upon every ounce of
strength you have and explode—even when you’re tired.
Power endurance is only developed through exercise protocols
that force you to be explosive while in a fatigued state. The
conditioning protocols included at the end of many of the workout
programs in the function and performance workout programs
chapter increase your power endurance. They require you to
expend a high amount of effort for extended periods of time, which
is exactly what power endurance is, making them just what the
doctor ordered for improving your ability to be explosive at the end
of a competition when you’re fatigued.
In short, if you don’t train to outlast the competition, you won’t
outlast the competition. Using the conditioning methods in this book
to complement your strength and power training will help you to be
the last person standing when the smoke clears.
The major difference between training for strength and training for power is
the weight load being used and the speed the movement is being performed.
Strength training involves moving against higher loads (relative to one’s strength
level). Power training involves lighter loads (sometimes just body weight) and
focuses on moving under control at high speeds.

Strength Training Myths

Many trainers, coaches, and exercise enthusiasts believe and continue to
perpetuate common myths about strength training. To help you to make smarter
choices in your training and to ensure that you’re not running around your gym
spreading misinformation, the following will address commonly held beliefs
about strength training and separate the sense from the nonsense about them.
The Better the Lifter, the Better the Athlete!
Yes, strength matters for performance. However, there’s a big difference between
being a good athlete and simply being a good lifter in the gym. In other words,
not every good athlete is a good lifter, and not every good lifter is a good athlete.
For proof of this, look no further than the NFL combine results. Research has
confirmed that there isn’t a reliable link between combine performance and
future NFL success. One such paper concluded that “the 40-yard dash, vertical
jump, 20-yard shuttle, and 3-cone drill tests have limited validity in predicting
future NFL performance.” (15) Another paper found “no consistent statistical
relationship between combine tests and professional football performance.” (16)
The author also stated that “the results of the study should encourage NFL team
personnel to reevaluate the usefulness of the combine’s physical tests and
exercises as predictors of player performance.”
These athletes had “raw” physical ability, but what separated the NFL zeros
from the heroes was the ability to use that talent as a platform to play the game
well. This is important to understand; it’s completely unrealistic to credit any
workout program an athlete may use, much less a specific exercise like the
bench press, for the success an athlete achieves. You’ve got to be careful trying
to emulate what the world’s best athletes are currently doing in their workouts;
their success is caused by more than just what they do in a workout.
If any credit is given to a strength and conditioning program, it’s mainly for
improving your physical capacity (i.e., strength and power) to do what you
already know how to do. Running faster doesn’t help if you’re running to the
wrong spot on the field, and strength doesn’t help if you miss a block or push
your opponent in the wrong direction. But a strength and conditioning program
can help an athlete have more gas in the tank (the conditioning) to express their
skill and their will throughout the competition.
Always Do the Full Range of Motion
Partial reps are commonly thought to be just a way of “cheating.” But they can
be extremely beneficial for building strength. Incorporating them into your
workouts helps develop strength better than just exclusively going with the full
range of motion of many common pressing and lower-body exercises.
Chest presses and squats are both examples of exercises that are most
difficult at the bottom of the range of motion. In presses, this is where the lever
arm is the longest. The motion becomes easier as you get closer to the top of the
range of motion, where the lever arm is shortening and giving you a mechanical
advantage on the weight.
Research comparing the results from a group that trained with only a full
range of motion squats (for 6 sets) twice a week to a group that trained with a
combination of a full range of motion squats and partial range squats (for 3 sets
each) twice a week found that although both groups improved their squat
strength, the group that did the combination of full and partial range of motion
had superior results (17). This was somewhat predictable. Using a weight that
you can move during the most difficult part of the range of motion (where the
lever arm is the longest) means that the load would be too light to create a
sufficient overload stimulus in the less difficult ranges of motion (where the
lever arm is shorter).
The point of this research is that a full range of motion doesn’t necessarily
elicit greater strength adaptations. The weight you’re lifting isn’t limited to how
strong you are in the entire range of motion involved in the given exercise
movement. It’s limited to where the lever is the longest during that given
movement, or practically speaking, when you are the weakest.
This is an excellent reason to incorporate partial reps into your training, so
that you can provide the same relative overload to an area of the range of motion
that involves a shorter lever arm. For example, in the case of doing a dumbbell
press or bench press, mechanical partials involve moving the bar or dumbbells
only through the top third of the range of motion. Since this is the part of the
range of motion that involves a shorter lever arm, the weight used is heavier than
what was used to perform the full range of motions. This is why the performance
workouts in chapter 12 include some partial range of motion sets.
Add Plates Every Week
If this myth were true, then 30-year-olds who’ve been lifting consistently since
they were teenagers should be hitting world record numbers. Since this clearly
isn’t the case, it’s far more accurate to say, “You should get stronger every week,
as long as you’re changing your program every month or two.”
Because the human body adapts, the principle of progressive overload will
only take you so far. Everyone reaches a plateau at some point within a training
program, and they’re unable to keep progressively overloading the same
exercises. This is where applying the principle of variation comes in.
Depending on how often you train each week, you should change your
training program every three to five weeks or so depending on how many days
per week you are training. This usually involves changing the exercises in the
program, which is what the programs in chapter 12 will do. You can modify the
order of the exercises, along with the sets, reps, and rest periods utilized. This
gives the body enough time to adapt, but it usually isn’t a long enough training
period for the program to become boring, stale, or no longer beneficial. The
lesson: Focus on using the same basic human movements—pushing, pulling,
lower-body exercises, etc.—but in slightly different ways by using exercise
Strength Training on Unstable Surfaces is More Functional
Does your trainer have you lifting weights while standing on unstable surfaces
like wobble boards, a Bosu, or a fitness ball to improve your “functional
strength” or “core stability”?
Here’s the problem: The principle of overload is a universal training
principle. Essentially, if you want to gain strength and improve your power, you
must create sufficient overload on the body to stimulate such adaptations.
However, research has shown the diminished force output suggests that the
overload stresses required for strength training necessitates the inclusion of
strength training on stable surfaces (18).
In short, lifting weights while standing or kneeling on a stability ball or on
another type of unstable surface is a poor application of strength training because
the environment created when doing so is not nearly as effective as being on a
stable surface for stimulating gains in strength and power.
Now, some may claim that they’re not using exercises that involve standing
or kneeling on unstable surfaces to increase strength. Instead, they may say
they’re doing this to improve functional performance. However, research says
otherwise: “Resistance exercise performed on unstable equipment may not be
effective in developing the type of balance, proprioception, and core stability
required for successful sports performance. Free-weight exercises performed
while standing on a stable surface have been proven most effective for
enhancing sports-related skills” (19).
If your goal is to improve (functional) performance, you need to consider
where you are standing. Unless you’re a circus performer whose act involves
balancing on a big ball, the ground you’re living, practicing, and playing on is
stable. Also, don’t confuse a slippery surface (like playing in the rain) with an
unstable surface. Since functional training is about transfer, it’s more functional
for field, court, and combat athletes and those looking to improve their overall
strength and power to train on the same stable surface they live, practice, and
compete on.
Standing on unstable surfaces like a stability ball is a learned skill that’s no
different than learning to ride a bike. You get good at riding a bike by practice,
and you’ll get good at standing on a stability ball when you practice standing on
Let’s consider another example involving balance. No one expects that being
able to balance on a bike will offer much transfer into improved (functional)
performance in activities other than riding a bike, so it doesn’t make sense to
think that standing on an unstable surface will be any different. Neither come
close to replicating the force production and neuromuscular coordination
patterns of running, jumping, punching, throwing, etc.
Isolation Exercises Are Nonfunctional for Improving
Just because the performance workout emphasizes more strength and power
training over the other workout programs in this book, it doesn’t mean that
isolation exercises are not also incorporated into the workouts.
Since isolation exercises do not necessarily reflect the specific movement
patterns of many common actions in athletics, their positive benefits for
improved performance potential is less obvious. This has led some personal
trainers and coaches to mistakenly label isolation exercises as nonfunctional and
therefore not valuable.
Performance improvements from exercise training aren’t purely related to
gains in strength and power. They can also be related to increased bodyweight
from gaining muscle size (i.e., hypertrophy). Using some isolation and machine-
based exercises to aid in getting bigger can help you improve your overall
athletic performance in sports like football, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf,
etc., where you’re required to produce horizontal and diagonal forces when
standing, such as when pushing an opponent or swinging a bat, racquet, or club.
In that, one of the factors that determines our levels of stability and strength
from our feet is our bodyweight.
A body’s mass (or weight) contributes to stability because heavier bodies are
harder to move and are more stable. Lighter bodies are the opposite: They’re
moved more easily and are less stable (20). Getting bigger (gaining muscle
weight) can help you better use your strength by providing a greater platform
from which to create and resist force.
Additionally, isolation exercises can also help reduce your risk of injury. For
example, a research study about elite soccer players separated into two groups
evaluated training in the groups. Although both groups used the same training
programs, one group had additional, specific hamstring training using the lying
leg hamstring curl machine and the other did not. The research showed that the
addition of the lying curl increased sprint speed and decreased the risk of
suffering a hamstring strain injury (21).
This agrees with other research, which showed that the lying leg curl exercise
(where movement originates at the knee joint, such as when using leg curl
machine) elicited significantly greater activation of the lower lateral and lower
medial hamstrings compared to the stiff-legged deadlift (where movement
originates at the hip joint, such as in a Romanian deadlift) (22).
The takeaway from this research is that a comprehensive hamstring exercise
program should incorporate at least one exercise where movement is focused at
the hip joint (such as the deadlift or other similar compound exercises) and one
exercise where movement is focused at the knee joint (such as the leg curl
machine or other similar isolation exercise) as each offers unique but
complementary training benefits. Different regions of the hamstring complex can
be regionally targeted through exercise selection. This is contrary to the common
belief that just sticking to the “big” compound lifts provide a fully
comprehensive training stimulus. It doesn’t.
Training exercises for the hip adductors is another example of the importance
of using isolation exercises for performance. A scientific review found that hip
adductor strength was one of the most common risk factors for groin injury in
sport (23). One study on professional ice hockey players found that they were 17
times more likely to sustain an adductor muscle strain (i.e., groin injury) if
adductor strength was less than 80 percent of abductor strength (24).
It’s not uncommon for personal trainers and strength coaches to claim that
you don’t need to do specific exercises to target your adductors, as compound
exercises like squats and lunges do the job effectively. However, the research in
this area shows this is false.
A review investigating the barbell squat found that a greater hip external
rotation position (feet turned out) in a wide stance and increased load will
increase hip adduction activation during this exercise (25). However, the highest
values in muscle activity for the wide-stance squat (26), along with those found
during a single-leg squat and a lunge, are relatively low compared to exercises
that focus primarily on the hip adduction movement (27). To reach greater levels
of muscle activation in the adductors, exercises targeted at training the hip
adductors are superior to exercises like wide-stance squats, single-leg squats, and
These principles don’t only apply to training the hamstring and adductor
musculature. This research highlights the importance of including isolation
exercises for overall development in addition to the other types of exercises
when training for improved performance.

Since many people are not athletes trying to refine performance and are
instead interested in focusing on fat loss, the next chapter clarifies many of the
misconceptions about exercising for fat loss.

Fat Loss

Many who exercise want to lose some extra body fat without losing muscle. But
with the conflicting information (and just plain misinformation) out there, it’s
easy to fall prey to false beliefs about fat loss. Those false beliefs can hinder
your long-term progress. Many people have lost fat, but most gained it back.
People become confused and frustrated, thinking they’ve tried everything.
This chapter identifies several common mistakes so you don’t make them and
provides the simple-to-understand truth about how to eat and exercise for
successful and safe fat loss without all the fads and diet dogmas.

Nutrition for Fat Loss: Made Simple

We can’t talk about fat loss without talking about eating behaviors (a.k.a. diet).
You won’t find a more common question than, How should I eat for fat loss? For
an answer you’ll get lots of different opinions. The fact is, this issue, along with
other issues like it, isn’t about what this or that so-called expert says, and it’s
definitely not about what some athlete, trainer, or lean person at gym says. It’s
about what the body of scientific evidence—not just a single study—says when
taken as a whole.
The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) has provided a list of
conclusions and recommendations (for eating and exercising) in their position
stand paper on diets and body composition. Here are a few of major takeaways
from the ISSN’s scientific paper (1):
There are many diet types and eating styles. The various diet archetypes
are wide-ranging in total energy and macronutrient distribution. Each type
carries varying degrees of supporting data and unfounded claims.
A wide range of dietary approaches (low-fat to low-
carbohydrate/ketogenic, and all points between) can be similarly effective
for improving body composition, and this allows flexibility with program
design. To date, no controlled, inpatient isocaloric (i.e., calories matched)
diet comparison, where protein is matched between groups, has reported a
clinically meaningful fat loss or thermic (i.e., metabolic) advantage to the
lower-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet.
Common threads run through the diets in terms of the mechanism of
action for weight loss and weight gain (i.e., sustained hypocaloric versus
hypercaloric conditions), but there are also potentially unique means by
which certain diets achieve their intended objectives (e.g., factors that
facilitate greater satiety, ease of compliance, support of training demands).
Diets focused primarily on fat loss (and weight loss beyond initial
reductions in body water) operate under the fundamental mechanism of a
sustained caloric deficit. This net hypocaloric (i.e., reduced calorie)
balance can either be imposed daily or over the course of the week.
The collective body of research about intermittent caloric restriction (i.e.,
intermittent fasting) demonstrates no significant advantage over daily
caloric restriction for improving body composition. Increasing dietary
protein to levels significantly beyond current recommendations for
athletic populations may improve body composition. The ISSN’s original
2007 position on protein intake (1.4-2.0 g/kg) has gained further support
from subsequent investigations arriving at similar requirements in athletic
populations. Higher protein intakes (2.3-3.1 g/kg Fat Free Mass) may be
required to maximize muscle retention in lean, resistance-trained subjects
in hypocaloric conditions. Emerging research on very high protein intakes
(>3 g/kg) has demonstrated that the known thermic, satiating, and lean
mass-preserving effects of dietary protein might be amplified in resistance
training subjects.
Most existing research showing adaptive thermogenesis (i.e., a slowing of
metabolism) has involved diets that combine aggressive caloric restriction
with low protein intakes and an absence of resistance training, essentially
creating a perfect storm for slowing metabolism. Research that has
mindfully included resistance training and adequate protein has
circumvented the problem of adaptive thermogenesis and muscle loss,
despite very low-calorie intakes.
The long-term success of a diet depends on compliance.
As you can see, the relationship of how many calories you consume per day
to the number you expend per day is the single most important factor when it
comes to determining whether you lose fat.
Now, whenever someone says this, someone else tries to refute it by bringing
up the fact that the quality or composition of the calories you eat matters. They
present it as an either/or proposition. But this relationship doesn’t discount that
some calories are more nutrient dense than others. (After all, we’ve all heard the
term “empty calories.”) It simply demonstrates that one can be both well
nourished and overfed. Food quality and food quantity are important factors that
should be considered together; as important as it is to eat high-quality, nutrient-
dense foods for general health, you can still gain fat from eating “healthy” if you
eat too many calories relative to what you’re expending.
That said, focus on the quality of the foods you eat. Emphasize fruits and
vegetables and high-quality meats, eggs, and fish (or protein substitutes, for
vegetarians and vegans), while limiting refined foods, simple sugars,
hydrogenated oil, and alcohol. Fruits, veggies, and lean proteins are generally
lower in calories than things like fast food and candy. Don’t overeat. Stop before
you feel bloated and stuffed. You’ll likely end up taking in fewer calories
without even actually counting them.

A Calorie Isn’t a Calorie: The Truth

The people who like to say that “a calorie isn’t a calorie” usually do
so because (a) some foods are more nutrient dense than others and
(b) different nutrient profiles affect the thermic effect of food, a term
used to describe the energy expended by our bodies in order to
consume (bite, chew, and swallow) and process (digest, transport,
metabolize, and store) food in different ways. Although both points
are true, that explanation still doesn’t validate the claim that a
calorie isn’t a calorie. To understand why it doesn’t, we must first
establish what a calorie is.
A calorie is a unit of energy equal to the amount of heat needed
to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. In
short, a calorie is a unit of heat. With this definition in mind, for a
“calorie isn’t a calorie” to be accurate, some type of food would have
to provide calories that aren’t a unit of energy equal to the amount of
heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1
degree Celsius. Name a food that provides calories, whether it be a
nutrient-poor or nutrient-dense food, that aren’t a unit of heat. The
fact that you cannot name a food (because there aren’t any) proves
that a calorie is a calorie because all calories are units of heat.
This highlights the fundamental problem with saying that a calorie
isn’t a calorie. It conflates the nutrition of the food with its energy-
producing value. This certainly isn’t just semantics; it’s why we have
terms like “nutrient-poor foods” and “nutrient-dense foods” to
delineate the nutrition in the food from its energy-producing value.
Some foods are more physiologically filling than others, and some
deliver more nutrients with those calories.

You don’t just want to be well fed; you want to be well nourished.
Emphasizing the quality (i.e., nutrient density) of the foods you eat over the
quantity (i.e., number of calories) is an easy approach. Try it and see where that
gets you. It spells success for most people.
But it’s certainly possible to eat too many calories from nutrient-dense, high-
quality foods. Don’t think for a second that you can’t gain fat from eating
“healthy.” While you can first emphasize the quality of the foods you eat and see
where that strategy gets you, it may only take you so far. You may need another
strategy as well. The next step is to focus on the caloric quantity of the food
you’re eating and put yourself into a caloric deficit. The ways to create a caloric
deficit involve eating fewer calories, increasing your activity level to expend
more calories, or a combination of both.

What’s the Best Type of Diet?

Multiple dietary approaches will result in fat loss if protein intake is sufficient.
The most effective strategies state that diets should be individualized and take
into account lifestyle habits, medical history (including diabetes, insulin
resistance, other diseases, and medical concerns), dietary history, and food
preferences. Above all, the most important factor that will help a person lose fat
and improve health—no matter what diet plan is followed—is adherence.
Choose the diet plan that (a) ensures you get plenty of protein and (b) that you
can stick with.
The fact is, when you strip away the big claims and different formulas, the
different popular diets get people to eat more lower-calorie, nutrient-dense foods
while consuming fewer higher-calorie, nutrient-poor foods (junk foods). The
reason you can find people who swear by just about every fad diet isn’t because
of a diet dogma and special eating formula this or that special diet promotes, but
because it simply got people to change their lifestyles by eating more nutritious
foods more frequently than they were before.
Lifestyle is a factor in diet success. Many people fail when attempting to
improve their eating habits, even though they change their lifestyles, because the
lifestyle changes they make are unrealistic and misguided. They try to change
too many diet behaviors too fast. This is why it’s important to (a) choose a
healthier eating style that’s realistic for you to stick with and (b) gradually
implement it by making small changes in your eating behaviors, turning them
into positive habits before changing other eating behaviors.
In every fad diet, there’s always a specific “enemy.” If it’s not a type of
macronutrient (fat, carbohydrate, etc.), it’s a type of food or a list of what’s off
limits. Interestingly, some of the foods that are on the no-no list of one magic
cure-all diet are emphasized as “good” in a different diet. If this isn’t enough to
highlight why these types of restrictive diets are based mainly on great
marketing, keep in mind that—just like workout trends—every few years, there’s
a new diet claiming to be better than the last. It’s no wonder these diets never
seem to gain any credibility in the legitimate medical and scientific community.
Additionally, although some supplements have been scientifically validated
to aid in health and performance, you don’t need to take a specific supplement to
improve your general health and physical appearance. There are three things you
do need to do:
Consume a diet that emphasizes whole foods (i.e., fruits, vegetables, and
high-quality proteins), while limiting junk food and alcohol.
Eat plenty of protein.
Participate regularly in some form of physical activity. Strength training is
a great one!
You most likely already knew these things, but the goal of marketing is to
make you think you need something more—like a special diet formula or magic
supplement. This explains why just about every physique competitor or figure
model I’ve ever trained has told me about the countless times they are asked
what they eat or what supplements they take, as if they know secrets about
nutrition or looking good that aren’t readily available. I’ve jokingly
recommended telling the people who ask them these questions something crazy
like, “I eat reticulated python meat for muscle and put powdered bumblebee
urine on my thighs and belly before I work out to accelerate fat loss in those
areas.” Of course, this is nonsense, but it demonstrates how we often think we
need to use exotic exercise and nutrition practices and make the process more
complicated and unrealistic than it needs to be. Sometimes everyone just needs
to be reminded to keep it simple.
It often seems that contradictory scientific conclusions about nutrition appear
almost daily. Remain skeptical of “magic” and “miracle” claims and avoid being
taken in by marketing hype. You will see that most legitimate studies amount to
no more than tinkering with the basic nutritional principles and simple advice
provided previously.

Safety and Potential Side Effects of a

High-Protein Diet
Spend enough time in the fitness or nutrition field, and you’re sure to
see someone wave a caution flag, warning you that a high-protein
diet is dangerous to your kidneys. However, again, it’s not what this
or that so-called expert claims; it’s what the weight of the scientific
evidence dictates.
In a 2000 study, researchers looked at bodybuilders and other
well-trained athletes whose protein intake was judged to be either
high or medium relative to their body weights. They took blood and
urine samples to see if there were signs of kidney problems.
The researchers found that the athletes’ nitrogen balance
became positive (that is, they had enough protein to build new
muscle tissue) when their daily intake exceeded 0.57 grams per
pound (1.26 grams per kilogram) of body weight. They saw no link
between protein intake and creatinine clearance, albumin excretion
rate, or calcium excretion rate, any of which, if elevated, would
suggest that a high-protein diet was potentially dangerous. Their
conclusion: “Protein intake under 2.8 grams of protein daily per
kilogram (2.2 lb) of body weight does not impair renal function in
well-trained athletes, as indicated by the measures of renal function
used in this study” (2).
In a 2005 study, the researchers suggested that “while protein
restriction may be appropriate for treatment of existing kidney
disease, we find no significant evidence for a detrimental effect of
high protein intakes on kidney function in healthy persons after
centuries of a high-protein Western diet” (3).
Another question that arises: Is a high-protein diet harmful to
your bones? Not only is that statement based on a myth, it’s a
completely backward myth. A 2002 study concluded that “excess
protein will not harm the skeleton if the calcium intake is adequate”
(4). And a review study published in 2003 showed that people with
chronically low protein consumption were at higher risk for having a
lower bone density and more bone loss (5).
A 1998 study found that protein supplements help elderly folks
heal faster from bone-related injuries. They looked specifically at
femoral fractures—the large leg bone that connects with the pelvis
to create the hip joint—and found that supplementing with 20 grams
of protein a day reduced bone loss and allowed seniors to return
home sooner from rehabilitation facilities (6).
The takeaway is that, in general, more protein in your diet is
better than less, especially when your primary goal is body
composition—maximum muscle, minimum fat. A good daily target is
1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Unless you have kidney
disease, there’s no reason to think a high-protein diet is dangerous.
The real danger to your health comes from a low-protein diet. It’s
bad for your body composition, bone density, and metabolism.

The Best Exercise Method for Fat Loss:

Metabolic Resistance Training
A 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis—one of the most powerful forms
of scientific evidence because it’s essentially a study of studies—came to two
conclusions when it comes to exercise and fat loss:
Resistance training was more effective than aerobic endurance (cardio)
training or a combination of resistance and aerobic endurance training,
particularly with utilizing whole body and free-weight exercises at around
two to three or more sets per exercise performed at an intensity of ≤75
percent 1RM. This equates to using heavy enough loads so you can’t do
more than about 10 reps per set. It’s important to note that using loads that
enable you to perform more than 10 reps per set before reaching fatigue
are still beneficial for fat loss, but this research highlights the importance
of incorporating heavier lifting into your fat loss training efforts.
When training to maximize fat loss, the focus of the exercise training
“should be on producing a large metabolic stress,” induced by
emphasizing the resistance training parameters or intense levels of cardio
training, such as high-intensity intervals (7).
When your main exercise goal is to maximize fat loss, you don’t want to
focus on using traditional strength training methods. Instead, you want to
emphasize metabolic resistance training modalities like circuits (a continuous
series of exercises using multiple pieces of equipment) and complexes (a
continuous series of exercises using the same piece of equipment). These
metabolic resistance training methods create a higher metabolic demand than
traditional resistance training methods do and require more extended, high-
intensity, total-body effort than traditional strength training methods (8).
Research looking at the effects of aerobic and strength training on fat mass in
overweight or obese adults concluded that “a program of combined aerobic
training and strength training did not result in significantly more fat mass
reductions over aerobic training alone.” Of course, results like these will often
make the rounds in the media, along with the claim that “science shows that
cardio is better for fat loss than strength training.” (9) That the scientific
evidence of exercise on fat loss shows that resistance training is more effective
over the long-term than cardio training or a combination of resistance and
aerobic endurance training has been discussed previously.
That said, there’s a simple explanation for how cardio can appear to be the
more effective exercise method for fat loss. It’s true that cardio does burn more
calories during the workout than resistance training. We’ve already established
that fat loss comes from being in a caloric deficit. Here’s the rub: Instead of
spending your extra time, which is limited and valuable, doing cardio to expend,
let’s say, 300 calories, you can simply cut 300 calories out of your diet each day
and end up with the same result without having to bother with cardio. In other
words, you essentially eliminate the need for doing cardio (from a fat-loss
perspective) when you simply eat fewer calories to create a deficit.
Now we must address the other reality. Many people don’t just want a “lean”
body. They also want a stronger and athletic-looking body. To achieve that,
strength training is necessary. This is why the researchers in the study previously
mentioned also stated that a program including strength training is needed for
increasing lean muscle (9).

Spot Reduction: The Myth That Won’t

A zombie idea is something that no matter how many times it’s
killed, it just keeps rising up again. Spot reduction (i.e., localized fat
loss through specific exercise) is a zombie idea.
Some have attempted to use the results of a study that said “an
acute bout of exercise can induce spot lipolysis and increased blood
flow in adipose tissue adjacent to contracting skeletal muscle” (16),
portraying it as scientific evidence showing that targeted fat
mobilization is physiologically possible. They then assert that spot
reduction is a valid training method.
Here’s the problem: Even if targeted fat mobilization is a real
physiological phenomenon that can be taken advantage of by
contracting the muscles in the fatty area to increase blood flow, if
you’re following a comprehensive resistance training program,
you’re already benefiting from the targeted fat mobilization benefits
of strength training.
To substantiate claims that a certain training method (e.g., certain
exercises with certain set/rep/rest ranges) is more effective than
other training methods for spot reduction, a person would have to
demonstrate that in a scientifically controlled and comparative
environment. The person would also have to refute the studies
already done on men and women that show spot reduction does not
occur because of resistance training (17). For example, one study
that investigated spot reduction in the legs found the training
program was effective in reducing fat mass, but this reduction was
not specifically achieved in the legs (18). Further, two studies that
examined the effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat found
that it did not preferentially reduce adipose (fat) cell size or
subcutaneous fat thickness in the abdominal region compared to
other adipose sites (19,20).
In short, while you may be able to mobilize the fat nearest to the
working muscle, fat is not lost in the specific area you’re targeting.

In short, the point of this chapter and the subsequent workout programs in the
book is that when fat loss is your main goal, focus on strength training to
improve your muscle, which makes up the shape of your body, and watch your
diet (instead of doing lots of extra cardio) to reveal your shape.
Don’t get it wrong! There’s nothing wrong with incorporating cardio into
your workouts to reap its aerobic benefits and expend some additional calories in
the process. But keep your focus on resistance training over cardio. You don’t
have to go nuts on the cardio, which can be time consuming and boring, if fat
loss if your main exercise goal.

Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle

You won’t find a more commonly asked question about exercise than “Can I lose
fat and gain muscle at the same time?” The answers often have many different
opinions. But it’s about what the scientific evidence says. To date, there are
several studies showing that, yes, you can simultaneously build muscle and lose

Muscle Weighs More Than Fat:

Clarifying the Confusion
It’s obvious that 10 pounds is 10 pounds, regardless of what it is.
So, 10 pounds of fat weighs the same as 10 pounds of muscle.
However, this doesn’t debunk the myth that muscle weighs more
than fat, as many people think.
Pound for pound, muscle tissue takes up less space than fat
because muscle is denser. This difference in density makes muscle
weigh more than fat if you compare same-size portions. Density is
the quantity of matter packed into a measured volume. The denser
an object is, the more particles compressed together within the
same space, and the heavier it is compared to something of equal
size but less dense.
The density of an object is often measured in grams per milliliter
(g/ml). The density of skeletal muscle is 1.06 grams per milliliter
(14), whereas the density of adipose tissue (fat) is about 0.9 grams
per milliliter (15). A liter is a metric unit of volume, and 1 liter of
muscle weighs 2.3 pounds (1.06 kg), compared to 1 liter of fat,
which weighs 1.98 pounds (0.9 kg).
Therefore, the trouble with saying that “muscle weighs more than
fat” is that it implies the terms heavy and light, which, on their own,
refer to mass, not density. Density is mass or volume, and weight is
mass under the effect of gravity. The density of something stays the
same wherever you take it—Earth, Mars, or anywhere in the
The statement “muscle weighs more than fat” needs to be
reworded to something like “since muscle is denser than fat, muscle
does weigh more than fat if you compare same-size portions.” That
doesn’t sound as sexy, but it’s certainly more clear and accurate.

Research has demonstrated this in variety of populations:

Overweight, sedentary adult males (10)
Older men and women (11)
Physically active healthy men (12)
Young women (13)
From a nutritional perspective, although a caloric deficit is needed to lose fat,
a caloric surplus isn’t necessarily needed to build muscle. This is because stored
fat is stored energy. The stored fat calories are available for the body to use as
fuel for the muscle-building process.
But hold on. Get this part straight: Your body can’t turn fat into muscle or
vice versa. Fat is fat, and muscle is muscle. If you’re overweight, your body can
use your stored energy (fat) to fuel the muscle-building process when the needed
calories to build muscle isn’t coming from additional food intake.
Science tells us that the more fat and the less muscle you have, the greater
your ability to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. This doesn’t mean you
should get fat. It just means your biology is working in your favor when you
want to pack more muscle on, but have some fat to lose.
It’s also important to understand that the leaner you are, the harder it becomes
to lose fat while gaining muscle. If you’re already lean, a large caloric deficit
will make you lose some muscle even with resistance training and adequate
protein intake. The goals, especially when you’re not overweight but just
looking to lose that extra bit of fat, are to make sure your diet delivers enough
protein and that you’re doing regular resistance training. When you do that,
you’ll limit any muscle loss to a very small amount.

Although you can’t spot reduce with resistance exercise, you sure as heck can
spot enhance by building muscle with strength training. The next chapter is all
about building muscle. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to want to build your
body. You have to know the principles and methods behind building muscle to
make the most out of your valuable time and energy. In the next chapter, you’ll
learn those principles and methods.


This chapter highlights some of the biggest muscle-building workout mistakes

even personal trainers can make.
If you want to get the most out of workouts that focus on building muscle,
you need to understand these principles. Use the simple, practical training
strategies that this chapter provides. You’ll avoid mistakes and get better results.

Building Muscle: The Science of Size and

Making sure you eat proper amounts of protein is important, and to maximize
muscle development, you need to create a training stimulus that uses the three
mechanisms for increasing muscle hypertrophy (1):
Mechanical tension—This tension is created from movement and external
loads on the muscle to produce (concentrically), reduce (eccentrically), or
control (isometrically) force.
Metabolic stress—Practically speaking, this is associated with that
burning sensation you get in the muscle during fatiguing exercise, and it’s
otherwise known as achieving the muscle pump.
Muscle damage—This refers to microtears in muscle tissue. They trigger
the body to repair the damaged muscle and grow it back bigger and
denser. The microtears occur when you’re either performing an exercise
with heavier weights or doing more reps than you did before. Other causes
are performing an unfamiliar exercise variation, stretching your muscles
while they’re being activated, or accentuating the eccentric (lowering)
portion of the exercise. Although this damage often leads to delayed-onset
muscle soreness (DOMS) after an intense exercise session, soreness is not
needed for muscle development (1).
It’s important to note that without mechanical tension, you don’t create
muscle damage or metabolic stress. Mechanical tension drives muscle growth,
and muscle damage or metabolic stress are just the physiological effects of it.
This explains why research shows that lifting a lighter load to failure produces
gains in muscle size like that produced by lifting a heavy load to failure (2).
From a practical perspective, the scientific evidence on rep ranges tells us
that there is no magical rep range for maximizing muscle size; therefore, you can
incorporate both heavy-load and low-rep sets (1-5 reps) along with medium-load
and high-rep (15-20+ reps) sets if you’d like.
But most people focused on building muscle are usually not interested in
using weights so heavy that they can only do five reps or less with it. And that’s
fine. Performing some sets in the six to eight rep range serves as a nice middle
ground between sets with heavy loads and fewer reps (1-5 reps) and sets with
medium loads and more reps. This is why the muscle-building workouts in this
book don’t involve exercises performed for five reps or less.
The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you’ll be able to do. The amount of
weight you’re using also determines the quality of reps you’re performing. If the
weight load is too heavy, you may not be able to do good, quality reps.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before the Lift

Evaluating your lifting program gives you the chance to see if you could be
doing things more effectively. The following details a variety of questions to ask
yourself before you lift along with what you need to know in order to avoid the
common mistakes and get the most out of your workouts.
Are You Lifting Too Much?
At any given time at any big-box gym, you’ll see at least one guy doing biceps
curls or shoulder raises, and he has to throw his lower back into it each time he
brings the weight up. If you don’t see that dude at your gym, it may be because
it’s you.
It’s easy to make this mistake. After all, you’re in the gym to lift weights, and
the previous section did mention that lifting heavy loads is an effective stimulus
for muscle growth, right? Well, sort of. Training to maximize muscle is not about
becoming a “weightlifter.” It’s about using weights as a tool to increase your
muscle size. Simply throwing as much weight around as you can move to boost
your ego and impress the people around you is the wrong approach.
When you use weights that are too heavy, here’s what happens:
You reduce the time under (mechanical) tension because you’re forced to
use momentum to cheat.
You’re unable to lower the weight slowly and with control, further
reducing your time under (mechanical) tension.
You utilize more muscles, which reduces the accumulated pump (i.e.,
metabolic stress) in muscles you intend to target.
Training to maximize muscle isn’t just about moving the weight—that’s
weightlifting—but about controlling the weight through the entire range of
motion involved in the exercise you’re doing. The point of emphasis on each
repetition is to avoid swinging the weight up or “cheating” by using other areas
of your bodyweight to move the load.
Do Cheat Reps Work?
There is research showing that using moderate momentum (cheating) increases
the torque of the target muscles even without an increase in the load. That
moderate increase in load and using momentum allows the torque to be
increased even further. While an excessive use of momentum results in lower
demands on the target muscles, an excessive increase of the load reduces the
total hypertrophy stimulus by virtue of the decreased number of repetitions that
can be performed successfully. The time under tension is shortened dramatically
It can appear as if the results of this study validate cheating by incorporating
momentum into the sets, but it doesn’t. The results of this study shouldn’t
surprise you, because mechanical tension on the muscles is still present during
cheat reps. However, this doesn’t mean that cheating with momentum is just as
effective as not cheating by avoiding momentum. Cheating is basically only
applying mechanical tension in part of the range of motion and using momentum
to get through the rest of the range. Although cheating may still have you
moving through the full range of motion involved in the exercise, from a
mechanical tension perspective, it’s essentially a partial rep performed by target
muscles. We have good evidence demonstrating that a partial range of motion
rep creates less muscle growth than a full range of motion rep (4,5,6).
How Are You Lowering the Lift?
Controlling the weight while minimizing momentum in exercises to maximize
muscle gains also applies to the eccentric portion of each rep. People who cheat
the weight up (on the concentric portion of the rep) normally also let the weight
come crashing back down (on the eccentric portion of the rep) instead of
maintaining deliberate control by slowing the weight down when they lower it.
Not controlling the weight on the way down could be less effective. We have
evidence demonstrating that a slower (4 second) eccentric lowering action
during biceps curls produced superior increases in arm growth than did a one-
second eccentric action (7). This makes perfect sense. A slower eccentric action
causes more time under tension, which creates more mechanical tension on the
working muscles than a shorter eccentric portion does.
Additionally, from a training safety perspective, since cheating creates an
overload of mechanical tension in a small piece of the range of motion involved
in an exercise, it is more likely that you’ll use a weight that’s too heavy for you,
making the muscles deal with forces that exceed the structural integrity of your
tendons and ligaments and increasing your risk of injury.
If you want to maximize your gains in muscle size, maximize your time
under (mechanical) tension on every rep by using strict form as well as
controlled eccentric (lowering) movements of around three to five seconds.
Are You Avoiding Machines?
The whole idea of pitting free weights against machines is like pitting fruits
against vegetables. Both training modalities offer a unique benefit the other
misses, so it makes sense to do them both to make your muscle-building
workouts more comprehensive, just like eating both fruits and vegetables will
make your diet more nourishing.
Free weights excel by requiring you to stabilize and control not just the load
being moved but also the path of the movement. However, free weights fall short
when it comes to keeping consistent mechanical tension on the working muscles
throughout the range of motion involved in most exercises. That’s where
machines excel and therefore offer distinct benefits for building muscle.
All free-weight exercises have one disadvantage that a machine doesn’t—
gravity! Free weights use a single load vector, gravity, to create resistance. If you
use a pulley cable machine, you’re also working against a single load vector,
which is the line of the cable itself. When you work against a single load vector,
you’re going to have points within the range of motion involved in the exercise
where the lever arm is long, creating high levels of mechanical tension on the
involved muscles, and ranges where the lever arm is short, resulting in little to
no mechanical tension on those same muscles.
Example: During any style of biceps curl, the point at which your biceps is
being maximally loaded (stimulated) is range of motion when your forearm is at
a 90-degree angle with the load vector. If you’re using free weights, gravity is
your load vector. The point of maximal mechanical tension on the biceps would
be when your elbow reaches 90 degrees of flexion or when your forearm is
parallel to the floor. If you’re doing biceps curls using a cable machine, however,
the cable itself is the load vector. The point of maximal mechanical tension to
your biceps is when your forearm makes a 90-degree angle with the cable.
Here’s the kicker: The farther away you move from a 90-degree angle in
either direction of the load vector, the shorter the lever arm and the less work
your biceps have to do; therefore, your biceps experience less mechanical
tension. That’s why, in a free-weight biceps curl, the closer you move toward the
bottom or top of the range of motion, the less work your biceps do because the
lever arm is shortening. People tend to rest between reps at the top and bottom
positions when doing barbell or dumbbell curls.
This applies to any free-weight exercise in that they’re all being loaded by a
single load vector (gravity or a pulley cable). On the other hand, selectorized
machines have a cam system, which isn’t dependent on a single load vector like
free weights or cables. Instead, the cam is set up to offer you a much more
consistent resistance throughout a larger portion of the range of motion. This
gives you much more time under tension because your working muscles don’t
get the same chance to rest at the bottom or top position of the range like they do
when you are using free weights.
While you can absolutely build plenty of muscle size exclusively using free
weights, there’s no reason to avoid machines if you have access to them. Both
types of exercises have advantages, so don’t let popular misconceptions blind
you to machines’ unique muscle-building benefits. For muscle gains (and
strength gains, which are discussed in the Function and Performance chapter),
machines can be very beneficial when used with free weights.
Should Men and Women Train Differently?
It’s common to see men stampede toward the free weights, while women pack
into the Pilates and yoga studios and line up on cardio and weight machines.
Should men and women train as differently as they do? There’s a lot of
confusion, and here’s the truth.
I’ve written workout programs that were featured in major men’s exercise
magazines, only to see those exact programs later printed in the same publisher’s
women’s exercise magazines. The only thing that changed was the terminology.
In the men’s version, it said something like, “Use this workout program to build
a stronger and more ripped body,” whereas in the women’s version, it said
something like, “Use this workout program to shape the tight and toned body of
a goddess.”

Might Doesn’t Always Make Right:

Who’s Your Best Source for Training
One of the most prolific training myths—another zombie idea that
will stay alive, no matter how many times you try to kill it—is that the
biggest, strongest, or leanest people in the gym are always the most
qualified to give smart, safe, and reliable training advice information.
Sometimes they are, but often they’re not!
Those people have often achieved their results despite what they
(think) they know and what they don’t know, not because of it.
They’re gym rats who focus on organizing their lives around gyms
and kitchens. Although they might be a great resource to you on the
emotional and psychological aspects of disciplined training and
dieting, and can share the experiences they’ve had in doing so,
they’re often not so great to rely on for the intellectual aspects of
training, such as an understanding of the principles of biomechanics
and physiology (along with the current research) that determine how
to best individualize a training program based on your goals,
abilities, and medical profile.
Never forget that most, if not all, of the training myths that
continue to swirl around gyms are perpetuated by the biggest,
strongest, and fittest people in them. The fact that these people
keep believing this nonsense demonstrates my point. Thinking that
those people are the best source of exercise and diet info simply
because of how much they lift or how they look keeps the myth
alive. However, when you consider that the more time you spend in
gyms and kitchens (i.e., on keeping your own gym rat card), the less
time you’re able to spend on learning the technical and tactical
aspects of programming necessary to make you qualified to provide
reliable advice and information to other people.
Another way to think about this is to think of astronauts versus
astronomers. Astronauts are great to talk with when you want to
learn about the mental and emotional aspects of going into and
being in space. These experiences are often very individual to them.
However, an astronomer is the one to talk to about what you’d have
to do to get into space and back to Earth, something that’s is based
on scientific principles that are universal to everyone.
The world of fitness and conditioning is full of highly trained
bodies but poorly trained minds. For example, people often judge
the training or nutrition information someone is providing based on
how the person providing it looks or how much they can lift. Sure,
that seems to make sense on the surface, but here’s the problem:
What if a person who doesn’t possess impressive lifting numbers
writes up information on strength training and then gives it to a
record-setting powerlifter to read to the rest of us? Is it now better,
more reliable strength training information? Or, what if a person who
has 20 percent body fat authors a course on fat loss and gives it to
a person who has 10 percent body fat to teach? Is it now better,
more reliable fat loss information? Of course not, because the
information stands or falls on its own merits, which is exactly how it
should be judged and discussed.
So, when people with a great physique are making a claim about
training or nutrition, they should certainly get your attention based
on that, but without good scientific evidence to support what they’re
telling you, their claims must be taken with a grain of salt. The
smartest approach is to think less about what a person looks like
and more about the validity and reliability of what they’re claiming.

Despite what it might seem, this common practice is not dishonest or

misleading. After all, even the best workout won’t do anyone any good if it’s not
put into practice.
The publishers of these exercise magazines are merely trying to reach their
readers using the goals they commonly hear them expressing. Put another way:
If exercise is medicine, then we’re much more likely to take our daily dose when
it tastes good to us. If you do a quick Internet search for body-part specific
exercises for the glutes, arms, chest, and shoulders, you’ll see many of those
terms are commonly followed with “for women” or “for men.” This isn’t by
accident. People are including those words in their Internet searches.
The truth is, there are no exercises for men or exercises for women. There are
just exercises. We’re different sexes, but our bones, connective tissues, nerves,
and muscles fibers are all made of the same raw material and function in the
same way. There’s nothing inherently male about a barbell exercise or nothing
inherently female about machine exercises. They’re both effective resistance
training methods, and each can be used safely and effectively depending on your
ability and goals—not your sex.
Don’t be afraid of a machine or resistance exercise. The entire gym is open to
you, so learn how to use it to your advantage. This book is designed to help you
do that.

This, and the previous three chapters have provided simple and
straightforward information that both men and women should keep in mind to
get the most out of their exercise time when they’re focused on improvements in
their fitness, function and performance, fat loss and physique. The next five
chapters will detail how to properly and safely perform a wide variety of
exercises that are utilized in the workout programs for each goal provided later
in the book, beginning with the next chapter on warm-up and mobility exercises.


Warm-Up and Mobility Exercises

This chapter provides five different warm-up sequences you can choose from to
begin each workout session. These sequences do far more than just boost your
body temperature. They include a variety of mobility exercises to help you
develop a more well-rounded body that’s not just stronger and better looking but
also more mobile. These exercises can help you maintain and increase your
overall joint mobility, which can improve joint health. The mobility exercises in
the following warm-up sequences complement the workout programs later in
this book because they require your joints to move into their end range of
motion, whereas the strength training exercises you’ll be performing in the
workout programs discourage that to maximize safety in handling heavy loads.
These mobility exercises also help you perform lifts with more comfort and less
Each warm-up sequence is designed to be done in place, so they require little
space. They have a smooth transition from exercise to exercise, which makes
them easy to memorize.
It’s important to understand that the warm-up sequences in this chapter are
just that: warm-ups. They’re not supposed to make you tired. They’re intended
to complement your workouts by serving as a transition that helps you to feel
more prepared to take on the demands of your training session.
The sequences are divided into two major categories: warm-ups that involve
holding a small weight plate or medicine ball and bodyweight sequences using
no equipment. Each is designed to address the entire body and involve a variety
of movement patterns, and which warm-up sequences you do is up to your
discretion and equipment availability. Don’t always repeat the same one or two
sequences. Every one to three workouts, change which sequence you use to
make your training more diverse and interesting.
Weight Plate or Medicine Ball Warm-Ups
The following sequences use either a weight plate weighing 5 to 10 pounds (2-4
kg) or a medicine ball weighing about 4.5 to 6.5 pounds (2-3 kg). Select one of
the two sequences to begin your workout.
Weight Plate or Medicine Ball Warm-
Up 1
This sequence includes the following exercises performed back-to-back
for one set each.

1. Halo
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the weight plate or
medicine ball behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Rotate the weight plate or medicine ball around your head in a horizontal,
clockwise pattern (see figures a and b). Move your arms smoothly, in a
coordinated manner, while keeping the center of the medicine ball or
weight plate nearly level with your eyes. Perform 8 to 10 reps in one
direction, then reverse the motion and perform another 8 to 10 reps.
2. Figure Eight with Hip Rotation
Stand tall, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Using
both hands, hold the weight plate or medicine ball just above your right
ear, with your elbows bent a little.
Action and Coaching Tips
Move the weight plate or medicine ball diagonally across your body,
toward your left knee, by shifting most of your weight onto your left leg
and rotating your torso to the left side while raising your left heel off the
ground (see figure a). Without stopping the motion, move the plate or ball
up to just above your right ear (see figure b). Repeat on the other side by
moving the plate or ball diagonally toward your right knee while shifting
most of your weight onto your right leg and rotating your torso to the right
side as you raise your left heel off the ground. Again, without stopping
motion, move the plate or ball up to just above your right ear. That’s one
rep! Continue moving dynamically through this action until you’ve
performed 10 to 12 reps of full figure eights.
As the name implies, this exercise involves moving the medicine ball
through a figure eight pattern. The cross portion of the figure eight is
made in the middle of this exercise, between rotating and shifting your
weight from right to left. Do not pause at any time during this exercise;
move fast and with control. Move smoothly, with good rhythm and timing
in your arm movements and while shifting your weight. Be sure to rotate
your hips and shoulders together at the same rate while looking straight
3. Reverse Lunge with Twist
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold the weight plate or medicine
ball at your chest (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Step backward with your left foot and drop your body so that your knee
lightly touches the floor or is right above the floor as you rotate your torso
to the right (see figure b). Reverse the movement by coming out of the
lunge and bringing your left foot forward so that you are back to the
starting position, your torso facing forward. Do the same movement with
the other leg while turning to the other side. Continue to alternate sides;
perform 6 to 8 reps on each side.
Do this exercise smoothly and with a consistent rhythm, coordinating
your upper body and lower body in the lifting and lowering phases of
each repetition. Keep your head facing forward throughout; in other
words, your shoulders rotate, but your head does not. This technique
keeps you from getting dizzy and helps maintain range of motion in your
4. Around the World
Stand in a wide stance, with your feet about 12 inches (about 30 cm)
wider than your shoulders. Hold the weight plate or medicine ball directly
above your head, with your elbows slightly bent (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your elbows bent, use your entire body to make the biggest
circles (more like horizontal ovals) that you can make (see figures b and
c). Be sure to bend your knees at the bottom aspects of the movement
and shift your weight to the same side the ball is on. Also, reach high at
the top parts of this exercise. Perform 6 to 8 reps in one direction, then
reverse the motion and perform another 6 to 8 reps.
Weight Plate or Medicine Ball Warm-
Up 2
This sequence includes the following exercises performed back-to-back
for one set each.

1. Rotation
Stand tall while holding the weight plate or medicine ball at chest height.
Your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Rotate your torso to the right side while raising your left heel off the
ground and rotating on the ball of your foot as you turn (see figure b).
Rotate your hips and shoulders together, at the same rate, while looking
straight ahead. Quickly reverse the motion and repeat on the other side.
Do not pause at any time during this exercise; move fast while using
deliberate control. Continue moving dynamically until you’ve performed
15 to 20 reps on each side. Your nonrotating foot should point nearly
straight ahead on each rep.
2. Lateral Ribbon Lunge
Stand with your feet positioned about 3 feet (about 1 m) apart. Keeping
your left leg straight and both feet flat on the floor, shift your weight onto
your right leg while slightly bending your right knee and sitting back at
your hips (see figure a). Hold the weight plate or medicine ball in front of
your right shin.
Action and Coaching Tips
Push your left foot into the ground. Move your right foot toward the
midline of your body and place it down so your feet are now hip-width
apart. As you step in, simultaneously swing the plate or ball in a circular
motion to the left. Continue swinging the plate or ball until it is overhead
(see figure b). Repeat by stepping out laterally with your left leg as you
swing the plate or ball out to your left shin, then reverse the motion, once
again finishing with the plate or ball overhead. Continue to alternate
sides; perform 6 to 8 reps on each side.
This exercise gets its name because it involves moving the plate or
ball in a ribbon-shaped pattern, with the round portion of the loop
occurring as you swing the plate or ball overhead; the X of the ribbon
occurs each time you swing the plate or ball across your torso, and each
end of the ribbon stops at the bottom of each lunge.
Move smoothly with good rhythm and timing in your arm movement
and stepping. Do not allow your back to round out at the bottom of each
lunge, and keep your feet flat on the floor throughout.
3. Overhead Side Lean
With your feet roughly hip-width apart, hold the weight plate or medicine
ball directly above your head, with your elbows slightly bent (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
While keeping the weight plate or medicine ball directly above your head,
lean your body laterally to one side and shift your hips to the opposite
side until you feel a mild stretch (see figure b). Reverse the motion and
repeat, leaning your torso and hips to the opposite direction. Perform 10
to 12 reps per side, alternating sides on each rep.
4. Swing
With your feet roughly hip-width apart, hold a weight plate or medicine
ball with both hands, your arms straight and in front of your body (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Hinge forward at your hips, keeping your knees bent at roughly a 15-to
20-degree angle. Drive the weight plate or medicine ball between your
legs, as if hiking a football (see figure b). Once your forearms contact
your thighs, quickly reverse the motion by simultaneously driving your
hips forward and swinging the weight plate or medicine ball upward.
Finish with the plate or ball at eye level or above your head (if it’s not
uncomfortable for your shoulders). Reverse the motion to complete one
rep. Move dynamically, without pausing at any point. Do 12 to 14 reps.
Do this exercise smoothly and with a consistent rhythm, coordinating
your upper body and lower body in the lifting and lowering phases of
each repetition. Do not allow your back to round out at the bottom of each
Bodyweight Warm-Ups
As the name implies, these don’t involve any additional equipment, except a mat
if you want one for the exercises performed on the floor. Select one of the three
sequences to begin your workout.
Bodyweight Warm-Up 1
This sequence includes the following exercises performed back-to-back
for one set each.

1. Arm Circles
Stand tall, with your arms reaching out and your feet hip-width apart (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your arms straight, swing your arms dynamically toward the
back and then up and around to make circles in a smooth and rhythmic
action (see figures a and b). Although your arms are straight, do not lock
your elbows. Make the biggest circles you can without any discomfort.
Perform 10 to 12 backward rotations and 10 to 12 forward rotations.
2. Hip Circles
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your feet pointed straight
ahead, and your hands on your hips.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your legs straight, rotate your hips, making the biggest
horizontal circles you can make without discomfort (see figures a and b).
Perform 6 to 8 reps clockwise and another 6 to 8 reps as you move
3. In-Place High Kicks
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Kick your right leg up toward the sky, keeping your knee slightly bent (see
figure b). Simultaneously, reach your left arm out in front of you at
shoulder level. Quickly lower your right leg back down to the floor, then
kick your left leg up toward the sky, keeping your knee slightly bent.
Simultaneously, reach your right arm out in front of you at shoulder level.
Then, lower your left leg back down to the floor. Continue alternating legs
and using the opposite arm with each kick. Keep your torso upright and
your ankle flexed throughout. Perform 4 to 6 reps on each leg.
4. Zombie Squat with Reach-Through
Stand with your feet slightly farther than shoulder-width apart and your
toes pointed outward. Reach your arms through your legs, keeping your
knees slightly bent (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
As you bring your torso upright, simultaneously bend your hips and drop
them into a squat (see figure b). Keep your heels flat on the floor and do
not allow your knees to drop toward the midline as you squat. Finish with
your arms outstretched in front of you at shoulder level. Reverse to return
to the starting position. Perform 6 to 8 reps. Squat as deep as you can on
each rep.
For a more advanced variation, perform the exercise in the same
manner but place your arms overhead, in line with your torso, each time
you drop into the squat.
5. Seal Jack
Stand with your feet together and your arms extended in front of you at
shoulder level, your hands together (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
As you open your arms horizontally to the side, jump up just enough to
spread your feet wide (see figure b). Without pausing, quickly reverse the
movement. Do the exercise smoothly, opening and closing your legs and
arms simultaneously. Be as light on your feet as possible, minimizing the
time that your feet are in contact with the ground. Perform 20 to 25 reps.
Bodyweight Warm-Up 2
This sequence includes the following exercises performed back-to-back
for one set each.

1. Arm Crossover
Lie on your left side, with your knees and hips bent a little more than 90
degrees. Straighten your right arm, palm facing down (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
While keeping your bottom arm and both legs in position, rotate your
torso to the right as far as you can (without forcing anything) until your
right hand and upper back are flat on the floor (see figure b). Hold for one
or two seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform 6 to 8 reps
on each side. Do all reps on one side before switching sides.
If you’re unable to get close to touching the other side of the floor
when you’re rotating, perform this exercise with a small medicine ball or
rolled towel between your knees to allow for a greater range of motion.
2. Yoga Lunge to Same-Side Torso
Rotation and Hamstring Stretch
Begin in a push-up position, with your wrists underneath your shoulders
and your feet hip-width apart. Bring your left foot up so that it’s flat on the
floor just outside of your left hand. Form a nearly straight line with your
torso and right leg (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
While keeping your torso in a fairly straight line with your back leg, rotate
your torso to the left as you reach your left arm toward the ceiling (see
figure b). Reverse the action and place your left hand back down, but
now put it on the floor, just outside of your left foot (see figure c). Then,
simultaneously shift your weight backward as you try to straighten your
left leg while flexing your left ankle toward you (see figure d). Reverse the
action and place your left hand back down on the floor to the inside of
your left foot. Repeat this sequence for 4 to 6 reps on the same side
before switching sides by stepping your right foot up so it’s just outside of
your right hand.
Do not pause for more than a second at any point; maintain a constant
flow. If you’re unable to place your foot flat next to your hand when you
step forward, you can make the exercise easier by elevating your hands
on a platform (e.g., an aerobic step).
3. Prisoner Squat with Hip Rotation
Stand tall, with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your
toes turned out about 10 degrees. Interlace your fingers behind your
head, with your elbows pointed out to the sides.
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat by bending your knees and sitting back at your hips (see figure a).
Go down so that your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Don’t allow
your lower back to round out. As you squat down, your knees should
track in the same direction as your toes. Do not allow your heels to come
off the ground or your knees to come together toward the midline of your
body. Reverse the action by extending at your legs and hips, and as you
rise, simultaneously rotate your torso to one side while allowing your
other foot to rotate freely by elevating your heel and turning on the ball of
your foot (see figure b). Rotate your hips and shoulder simultaneously,
moving them at the same rate. Return to the starting position and repeat
the same motion by squatting back down, then rotating to the other side
at the top. Perform 5 to 7 reps on each side, which is 10 to 14 total
4. Lateral Lunge with Zombie Arm Reach
and Air Row
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms pulled in to the sides
of your body with palms facing toward the front (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Step to one side and lower into a side lunge while keeping your trailing
leg straight and both of your feet flat. As you step, stretch your arms to
the front at shoulder height (see figure b). Reverse the motion by
stepping back to the middle as you pull your arms back to your sides.
Repeat on the other side. Continue to alternate sides while maintaining
good rhythm and timing, both when stepping and when reversing the
action; the movement should not look choppy. Perform 4 to 6 reps on
each side.
5. Jumping Jack
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands at your sides (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
As you raise your arms above your head, jump up just enough to spread
your feet wide (see figure b). Without pausing, quickly reverse the
movement. Do the exercise smoothly, moving your legs and arms
simultaneously when opening or closing. Be as light on your feet as
possible and minimize the time that your feet are in contact with the
ground. Perform 20 to 25 reps.
Bodyweight Warm-Up 3
This sequence includes the following exercises performed back-to-back
for one set each.

1. Dynamic Pigeon
This is a dynamic (more active) version of a yoga position known as
pigeon pose. Get on all fours, with your hands underneath your shoulders
and your knees under your hips.
Action and Coaching Tips
Extend your right leg straight at a 45-degree angle across your left leg
(see figures a and b). Shift your hips backward as you drive your right leg
back at a 45-degree angle as far as you can without lifting your hands off
the floor. As you shift your hips backward, allow your arms to extend fully
but keep your hands on the floor. Reverse the motion, bringing your right
knee back down underneath your right hip. After bringing the right knee
back, extend your left leg behind you at a 45-degree angle to perform the
same action. Alternate legs while keeping your shoulders parallel to the
floor throughout. Do each rep smoothly, with control, without pausing at
any time. Perform 6 to 8 reps with each leg.
2. Downward Dog to Yoga Lunge and
Opposite-Side Torso Rotation Combo
Begin in a push-up position, with your wrists underneath your shoulders
and your feet positioned roughly 6 inches (15 cm) farther to each side
than shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform the downward dog portion of this drill by shifting your weight
backward while raising your hips toward the sky and dropping your heels
downward (see figure a). Then, reverse the action while stepping forward
on your right foot, keeping it flat on the ground just outside of your right
arm so that your torso now forms a straight line with your left leg (see
figure b). Rotate your torso to the left as you reach your left arm toward
the ceiling (see figure c). Reverse the motion and place your left hand
back down on the floor, just underneath your left shoulder. Then, shift
your hips backward again into the downward position. As you reverse the
motion this time, step forward on your left foot, keeping it flat on the
ground just outside your left arm so that your torso now forms a straight
line with your left leg. Now, rotate your torso to the right as you reach
your right arm toward the ceiling. Reverse the motion and place your right
hand back down on the floor, just underneath your right shoulder. That’s
one rep! Perform 3 to 5 total reps, alternating legs each one each step.
Do not pause for more than a second at any point; maintain a constant
If you’re unable to place your foot flat next to your hand when you step
forward, you can make the exercise easier by elevating your hands on a
platform (e.g., aerobic step).
3. Reverse Lunge with Overhead Reach
Stand tall, with your feet together and arms out to the front with palms
down (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Step backward with one leg, dropping into a lunge position while reaching
both arms overhead and leaning backward a little (see figure b). Return
to the standing position with your feet together and repeat by stepping
back with the other leg. Repeat for 4 to 6 reps per side, alternating legs
on each rep.
4. Rotational Arm Swing
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart, and reach your arms straight out
in front of your shoulders, palms facing in (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Quickly rotate your torso to the left side, driving both your left hip and
your left arm behind you while allowing your right foot to rotate freely by
elevating your heel and turning on the ball of your foot. Rotate your hips
and shoulder, moving them at the same rate (see figure b). Return to the
starting position and repeat the same motion to the other side. Make your
motions fast and dynamic. Perform 6 to 8 reps on each side.
5. In-Place High-Knee Skip
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart and your elbows bent roughly 90
Action and Coaching Tips
Lift your left knee to a point just above your hip while also lifting your right
arm and moving your left arm back (see figures a and b). Quickly reverse
your arm positions as you drive your left leg down to the ground and
elevate your right knee. Much like jumping rope, skipping requires a
double foot strike pattern, or right-right hops, followed by left-left hops.
Unlike running in place, to skip in place, you must coordinate your arm
pumping with your double foot strikes. Perform 20 to 25 reps per leg,
keeping your torso upright throughout.
Once you’ve become proficient at using each warm-up sequence in this
chapter, you can mix and match the exercises to develop your own personalized
warm-ups that best fit you. Just be sure to keep your warm-ups short and not
fatiguing, Again, it’s supposed to be a warm-up, not a workout.
The following three chapters describe how to perform a variety of exercises
utilized in the workout programs later in this book for building muscle,
improving function and performance, fat loss, and general fitness and health. No
matter which workout program from chapters 10-14 you choose, the warm-ups
you’ve learned in this chapter will help you get ready for action!

Upper-Body Exercises

This chapter covers a variety of exercises designed to strengthen and develop

your upper-body musculature. These exercises involve pushing and pulling loads
in either a horizontal, diagonal, or vertical plane (direction) from a variety of
stances and body positions and using both single-arm (unilateral) and double-
arm (bilateral) actions. Although the upper-body pulling motion of moving
something—such as an object or opponent—closer to you is the opposite of
pushing something away from you, these two movements are often used
together, such as in actions like sawing and punching (i.e., a one-two
combination in which a left jab is followed immediately by a right cross). Torso
muscles maintain your body position and posture while you perform the pushing
or pulling action.
Some of the exercises in this chapter distribute the loading challenge through
several upper-body muscles. For example, the pushing exercises integrate the
chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles. The pulling exercises integrate efforts by
the lats, midback, posterior shoulders, and biceps muscles. Other exercises are
more targeted and provide a more focused resistance challenge to certain muscle
groups in the upper body.
Basic Upper-Body Exercises:
The following section provides basic upper-body exercises and shows you how
to do them better than how they are commonly performed. This will help you
train smarter, more safely, and efficiently. All it takes is a couple of small
Seated Row
Sit on a cable row bench with your feet firmly planted on the foot plate.
Grab the neutral-grip handle attached to the cable pulley that places your
hands roughly shoulder-width apart (see figure a). Keep your knees
slightly bent and your back straight. Maintain a slight arch in your lower
back and keep your chest out.
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the handle toward your midsection, focusing on driving your elbows
back until the handle touches your lower abdomen (see figure b). Do not
allow the front of your shoulders to round forward at the end of each
repetition. After squeezing your shoulder blades together at the peak of
the contraction, slowly return to the starting position.
You use a shoulder-width grip on a bar instead of using the narrow V-
shaped handle. This is not to say that using the close-grip V-shaped bar
is incorrect or somehow inherently dangerous. However, when using a
close grip, your hands are stuck in a more narrow position, cutting off the
final two to three inches in your range of motion. If you prefer the close-
grip method, there is nothing wrong with continuing to use it. With a wider
grip, you are allowing your muscles to reach the maximum level of
contraction through a greater range of motion that in turn affects muscle
recruitment of the midback.
Maximize your range of motion.
Complete muscle contraction of the midback muscles.
Lat Pull-Down
Position yourself just behind a traditional lat pull-down bar and hold it with
an overhand grip over your head (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the bar down to the top of your chest while keeping your back
straight and your elbows following a straight line (see figure b). Slowly
reverse the motion, keeping control. You can also add variety to this
exercise by performing it using an underhand grip, with your palms facing
you at roughly shoulder-width apart.


You place hands in an overhand grip a few inches outside shoulder-
width, instead of very wide on the bar. The belief that a wider grip on the
pull-down bar activates the lats more than a narrow one does originates
in bodybuilding dogma, but it also appears to be based in science. One
study found that the wide-grip pull-down produced greater muscle activity
than pull-downs using a closer, underhand grip. The problem is that this
study didn’t compare different overhand grip widths (1).
Luckily, another study compared a 6-rep max (6RM) load and muscle
activity using three different overhand (i.e., pronated) grip widths. Lifters
performed 6RM in the lat pull-down with narrow, medium, and wide grips
—1, 1.5, and 2 times the biacromial distance, a measure of shoulder
width. This study found that, aside from a bit more biceps involvement in
the medium-grip width, all three grips produced similar lat activation (2).
You can mix up grip widths to add subtle variety to your lat pull-downs
without feeling as if you’re missing out on the “special” lat building benefit
of using a wide grip. That said, if your objective is to add in some extra
biceps work while also doing lat pull-downs, a medium-width grip is just
what the muscle doctor ordered.
Less awkward grip
Same lat muscle recruitment with more biceps recruitment
Leaning Lat Pull-Down
This exercise is performed in the same manner as the lat pull-down,
except you lean backward slightly instead of remaining upright. Position
yourself just behind a traditional lat pull-down bar and hold it with an
overhand grip over your head, then lean back at roughly 25 degrees from
upright (see figure a). Find a grip width somewhere outside of shoulder
width that feels most comfortable to you.
Action and Coaching Tips
While leaning your torso backward, pull the bar down to the top of your
chest while keeping your elbows pointed in the same direction as your
line of pull (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion, keeping control.
For variety, you can use an underhand grip with your palms facing
you. Or, you can use a neutral grip by exchanging the straight bar for a
handle that allows your palms to face one another, spaced roughly
shoulder-width apart.


You lean backward at roughly 25 degrees from upright. Most personal
trainers, strength coaches, and exercise enthusiasts think that upper-
body pushing must involve some type of flat pressing movement, some
type of incline pressing movement, and some type of overhead pressing
movement. They’re on the right track because pressing in each direction
creates a slightly different loading stimulus.
There’s no reason this shouldn’t also apply to pulling movements, just
like how horizontal pushing movements (i.e., bench press, push-ups,
etc.) are complemented by horizontal pulling movements (i.e., adding row
variations). And, just like how vertical pushing movements (i.e., shoulder
presses) are complemented by vertical pulling movements (i.e., pull-ups
and pull-downs), diagonal pushing movements (i.e., incline presses,
angled barbell presses) are complemented by exercises like the leaning
lat pull-down or the one-arm half-kneeling angled cable row, both of
which are featured later in this chapter.
Provides a different loading stimulus than with an upright torso
Adds training variety

Place your hands on the floor just farther than shoulder-width apart, with
your elbows straight. Turn your hands outward so that your fingers point
at roughly 45 degrees (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Lower your body to the floor while keeping your elbows directly above
your wrists (see figure b). Once your elbows are almost at a 90-degree
angle, reverse the motion by pushing your body up so that your elbows
are straight again. At the top of each push-up, do not finish with your
shoulder blades pinched together; instead, protract (push apart) your
shoulder blades while keeping your body in a straight line.
At the bottom of each push-up, position your arms at a 45-degree angle
to your torso instead of at a 90-degree angle. From an overhead view,
your arms will form the shape of an arrow instead of a T with your torso.
The T position makes the exercise easier and therefore creates a lesser
effective training stimulus because it requires less muscle activation (as
measured by EMG) in the pecs and the triceps. Plus, in the T position,
shoulder horizontal abduction flexibility is limited, so you’re not making
the most of the range of motion you can train through (3).
Maximize your range of motion
Better involvement of the chest and triceps muscles
Barbell Bent-Over Row
Stand with your feet roughly hip-width apart. Hold a barbell with an
underhand grip and keep your hands just outside shoulder-width apart.
You can also perform bent-over rows with an overhand grip, which many
people find to be a weaker gripping option. Bend over at your hips,
keeping your back straight so that your torso is roughly parallel to the
floor (see figure a). Keep your knees bent 15 to 20 degrees.
Action and Coaching Tips
Row the bar into your body, just above your belly button (see figure b).
Pause for one second and pinch your shoulder blades together at the
top. Do not allow the fronts of your shoulders to round forward at the top
of each repetition. Slowly lower the bar to complete the rep. Do not allow
your back to round out at any time.


To ensure you can control the weight throughout the entire range of
motion, select a weight you can hold for a few seconds at top of the
concentric portion of the range of motion (i.e., with the barbell pulled into
your body) while maintaining good technique. If you can’t hold it for a few
seconds, then the weight is too heavy to perform a full set while
maintaining control on each rep. This is an important deviation from the
way most people choose the weight for this exercise, which is usually
based on how heavy it feels at the beginning (i.e., bottom portion) of the
row instead of at top portion.
When performing the barbell bent-over row, the lever arm is at its
longest—you have the least mechanical advantage—when your humerus
(your “biceps bone”) is parallel with the floor (in line with your torso). This
is at or very close to the end of concentric portion of the range of motion.
This is why you often see lifters pull the weight halfway with good form,
then jolt it the rest of the way when performing exercises like barbell
bent-over rows and one-arm dumbbell rows. Using a weight based on
what you can move during the most difficult part of the range of motion,
instead of at the easier portion of the ranges, like most people commonly
do, ensures that you’re not just moving the weight, but controlling the
weight through the entire range of motion involved in the exercise.
Maximize your range of motion
Complete muscle contraction of the midback muscles
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
Stand parallel to a traditional weight bench with your left hand and left
knee on top of the bench and a dumbbell in your right hand. Your right
foot is on the floor, and the right knee is slightly bent. Keep a straight
back that is roughly parallel to the floor. Rotate your torso slightly to the
right so that your right shoulder—the same side you’re holding the
dumbbell on—is slightly below the level of your left shoulder (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
While keeping your right shoulder slightly below the level of your left
shoulder, perform the row by pulling the dumbbell toward your body so
that your right elbow ends up at roughly a 90-degree angle while you
drive your left shoulder blade toward your spine (see figure b). Do not
allow your rowing-side shoulder to move forward at the top of each rep.
Slowly lower the dumbbell toward the floor until your arm straightens,
without allowing the dumbbell to touch the floor.


You rotate the shoulder toward the side you’re holding the dumbbell.
Instead of keeping your shoulders parallel to the ground, rotate it slightly
toward the same side you’re holding the dumbbell on.
When performing one-arm dumbbell rows, people usually pull the
weight halfway with good form and then pull it the rest of the way up by
turning the torso toward the rowing arm. As discussed previously, as you
get closer to the concentric end of the range of motion in rowing
exercises, you’re getting weaker as the weight is getting heavier
(because the lever arm is getting longer). Turning your torso upward on
the side you’re rowing with is a “cheat” that may be good for the ego, but
it reduces the involvement of your midback muscles. Keeping your torso
rotated slightly toward the same side you’re holding the dumbbell on
prevents this cheat and ensures better use of your midback muscles
through the full range of motion involved in the exercise.
Avoid cheating through the top portion of the range of motion
Improved muscle contraction of the midback muscles
Two-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
Bend over at your hips, keeping your back straight so that your torso is
roughly parallel to the floor (see figure a). Keep your knees bent 15 to 20
Action and Coaching Tips
Row the dumbbells toward you while keeping your arms at a 45-degree
angle to your torso; at the top, pinch your shoulder blades together (see
figure b). Pause for one second at the top of each repetition. Slowly lower
the dumbbells without allowing them to contact the floor until the set is
completed. Do not allow your back to round out at any time. At the top of
each repetition, do not allow your wrists to bend or the fronts of your
shoulders to round forward.


To ensure you can control the weight throughout the entire range of
motion, select a weight you can hold for a few seconds at top of the
concentric portion of the range of motion (i.e., with the dumbbells pulled
into your body) while maintaining good technique. If you can’t hold it for a
few seconds, then the weight is too heavy to perform a full set while
maintaining control on each rep. This is an important difference from the
way most people choose the weight for this exercise, which is usually
based on how heavy it feels at the beginning (i.e., bottom portion) of the
row instead of at top portion.
Also, when performing the row, focus on how far your shoulders go
back. A good row isn’t about how far your elbows go back. It’s about how
far your shoulders go back since the target back muscles control your
shoulder. At the end of the concentric portion of each rep, your elbow
should be bent at roughly a 90-degree angle. Bending it more makes the
row more biceps-dominant, which takes work away from your back
Increased activation of your back musculature
Reduces cheating
Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
Bend over at your hips, keeping your back straight so that your torso is
roughly parallel to the floor and your knees are bent 15 to 20 degrees
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping a small bend in your elbows, raise your arms out to your sides
(see figure b). Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle relative to your
torso at the top of each repetition, thus forming a T shape with your torso
at the top of each rep. Do not swing the dumbbells up. Pause for one
second at the top of each repetition and pinch your shoulder blades
together, then slowly lower the dumbbells in front of your torso. Do not
allow your back to round out at any time.


You use a neutral grip, with your palms facing each other, instead of a
thumbs-down grip or an offset grip where you hold the dumbbells all the
way to the pinky side. Research has shown that using a neutral grip
when doing a rear delt fly increased the activity of the posterior delts
compared to using a thumbs-down grip (4). This also makes sense from
an anatomy perspective because the neutral hand position is more
externally rotated than the pronated position, as both the posterior deltoid
and infraspinatus muscles are also external rotators of the shoulder (5).
Gripping the dumbbell all the way to the pinky finger side forces you to
resist shoulder internal rotation (by using more of your posterior delts as
external rotators).
Better targeting and recruitment of the rear deltoids
More efficient
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand
next to your hips (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Curl the dumbbells up toward your shoulders by bending at your elbow
without allowing your elbow to move forward or backward (see figure b).
Do not swing the weight up by overextending at your lower back. Once
your hands are up in front of your shoulders, reverse the motion by slowly
lowering the dumbbells back to your side.


Instead of gripping the dumbbell from the middle in the traditional
manner, grip it all the way over on the thumb side. The biceps are not
only elbow flexors but also wrist and forearm supinators. If we want to
achieve maximal biceps recruitment when doing dumbbell curls, we must
involve both elbow flexion and forearm supination. You can do this by
holding the handle all the way over on the thumb side. This small change
makes a huge difference because this grip forces you to resist forearm
pronation. The biceps are forced to act as supinators while also serving
as elbow flexors.
Better targeting and recruitment of the biceps
More efficient
Dumbbell Upright Row
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a pair of dumbbells, resting
them on your thighs (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the dumbbells toward the sky, outside of your torso, until your elbows
reach shoulder height (see figure b). Then lower the dumbbells back to
your thighs in a controlled fashion to reset and begin your next repetition.


You use a wider grip, with dumbbells instead of a barbell, and avoid
pulling your elbows above shoulder height. Using dumbbells instead of a
barbell allows more freedom of movement. Your arms can move apart as
your lift the weight. A wider grip has been shown in studies to increase
deltoid and trapezius activity and reduce biceps brachii activity (6). In
addition to maximizing recruitment of the muscle we’re trying to develop,
we need to also consider exercise safety. Avoid pulling the elbows above
shoulder height.
Research indicates that impingement typically peaks between 70 and
120 degrees of glenohumeral elevation. Research has recommended
that asymptomatic individuals elevate their arms during the upright row to
just under 90 degrees (shoulder height) (7). Other authors have made
similar recommendations, so at least in this case, don’t listen to the full
range of motion gods.
Increased shoulder muscle recruitment
Potentially safer on the shoulder joints
Dumbbell Front Shoulder Raise
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your
sides (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms out in front of your body
until your elbows go just above your forehead (see figure b). Do not
swing the weight up. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to your sides. Use
deliberate control on the lifting and lowering portion of each rep.


You increase range of motion when lifting your arms up during this
exercise. Stopping when your arms are parallel to the floor is like
stopping a biceps curl when your forearm is parallel to the floor.
Many lifters say they don’t lift their arms above shoulder level—even
keeping them slightly below shoulder level—when doing shoulders raises
to minimize the involvement of the upper traps. Interestingly, many of
these same people do shrugs, upright rows, and other trap-oriented
Now, if for some reason you’re avoiding upper trap exercises and do
not want activity in your upper traps, just know that research has found
that, out of 16 commonly used shoulder training and rehabilitation
exercises—such as seated row, knee push-up plus, or biceps curl—all
but one exercise showed moderate to low activity in the upper traps (8).
And none of the 16 exercises investigated in this study were a shoulder
shrug or upright row. The one exercise mentioned here is commonly
known as the full can, which is where you’re standing with your arm at
your side in external rotation. Then you lift your arm in the scapular plane
(at a 30-degree angle to your torso) until your arm is 90 degrees to the
floor. In short, it’s very much like a side shoulder raise.
The point is, don’t have the delusion that your upper traps aren’t being
activated in upper-body exercises that you didn’t think involved that
muscle group.
Greater range of motion
More comprehensive shoulder training
Dumbbell Side Shoulder Raise
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your
sides (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms out to the sides at roughly
a 30-degree angle in front of your torso until your elbows go just above
your forehead (see figure b). Do not swing the weight up. Slowly lower
the dumbbells back to your sides. Use deliberate control on the lifting and
lowering portion of each rep.


You increase range of motion versus what is conventionally done. You lift
your arms in the scapular plane, at roughly a 30-degree angle to the
torso, instead out to the sides. Research shows that doing shoulder
exercises in the plane of the scapula creates the same demands on the
shoulder musculature, but reduces the unwanted stress on the rotator
cuff tendon (9,10).
Potentially safer on the shoulder joints
More natural path of movement
Dumbbell Overhead Press
Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand
just above your shoulder, with your elbows at roughly a 30-to 45-degree
angle to your torso (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the dumbbells directly overhead until your arms are almost straight
(see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion, bringing the dumbbells back
down to the starting position, outside your shoulders. At the bottom of
each repetition, your elbows should be directly underneath the
dumbbells; your forearms should remain perpendicular to the floor. Do
not allow your wrists to bend backward at any time.
You keep your arms at an angle to the torso, in the scapular plane,
instead of directly out to the sides. Just like with the lateral raises, doing
this exercise in the plane of the scapula will create tension in the delts but
decrease joint stress.
Every time you raise your arm overhead, there’s some level of contact
of the rotator cuff on the acromion, so there’s always some level of
impingement with arm elevation (11). But you don’t want excessive
contact that causes irritation and inflammation, because that can lead to
shoulder impingement syndrome. Doing the dumbbell overhead press in
the plane of the scapula is one strategy to minimize joint stress.
Potentially safer on the shoulder joints
More natural path of movement
Dumbbell Triceps Skull Crusher
Lie supine on a weight bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand, with
your arms outstretched above your shoulders, toward the sky (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells toward your forehead while
keeping your palms facing one another (see figure b). Once your elbows
almost reach a 90-degree angle, reverse the motion and extend your
elbows until they’re almost straight again to complete the rep. To avoid
getting hit in the head by the dumbbells, lower them slowly with
deliberate control.


You hold two dumbbells parallel to one another instead of using both
hands to hold one dumbbell. Holding two dumbbells is universally more
comfortable and less awkward on the shoulders while also making it
easier to avoid flaring your elbows out to the sides.
Less awkward
More natural to maintain arm position
Cable Rope Face Pull
Stand in front of an adjustable cable column with a rope attached at or
above your eye level. Hold one end of the rope in each hand, your palms
facing one another and your elbows pointed out to the sides (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the rope toward your face, without overarching your lower back, as
you drive your arms apart so that your hands end up just outside your
ears (see figure b). At the end of each repetition, your elbows should be
slightly higher than your shoulders, and the middle of the rope should end
up just in front of your forehead. Slowly reverse the movement back to
the starting position.
Here, you grab rope handles from the outside instead of from the inside,
as is commonly done. Grabbing the rope handles from the outside not
only is less awkward on your wrists but also allows you to move through
a greater range of motion when performing this exercise.
Increased range of motion
Less awkward on the wrists
Additional Upper-Body Exercises
The exercises in this section also focus on helping you maximize the strength
and development of your upper-body musculature. There aren’t unique
adjustments for doing them, so they don’t warrant the same level of description
as the exercises in the previous section. You also may find some not-so-common
upper-body exercises here to help you incorporate some variety into your
Barbell High Pull
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pick up a barbell, your hands a
few inches outside shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend your knees and
hinge forward at your hips, with the barbell resting just above your knees
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Explode your body upward, using your arms and legs to pull the bar
toward the sky until your elbows reach shoulder height (see figure b). To
initiate the movement, use your lower body, not your arms. When you lift
the bar, do not allow your lower back to overextend. Then lower the bar
back to your thighs with control to reset and begin your next repetition.
Angled Barbell Press and Catch
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place one end of a barbell in a
corner or inside a landmine device and hold on to the other end (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Explosively press the barbell up and away from you, allowing it to leave
your hand by a few inches (see figure b). Then catch it with your other
hand (see figure c) and control it on the way down to your shoulder (see
figure d). Explode the barbell up again, throwing it a few inches in front of
your hand. Then catch it with your other hand and lower it with a
controlled motion back to the original side to complete a full repetition. It’s
okay to allow your torso to rotate a bit each time you catch and throw the
Each time you catch the barbell, do so as if catching an egg. Use your
entire body, simultaneously bending your knees (slightly) and arms to
absorb the fall and keep the egg from breaking.
Angled Barbell Shoulder to Shoulder
Stand tall, with your feet parallel to one another and a little wider than
shoulder-width apart. Hold on to the end of the barbell with both hands
stacked one over the other and with the end of the barbell in front of your
right shoulder (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the barbell out and away from you so that when your arms reach
full extension, the barbell is directly in line with the center of your body
(see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion and lower the barbell to your left
shoulder. Press it out and away again so that it ends up in the middle of
your body. Make sure you do not allow your shoulders or hips to rotate
throughout this exercise.
One-Arm Angled Barbell Press
Stand with one leg in front of the other, splitting your stance. Place one
end of a barbell in a corner or inside a landmine device and hold on to
the other end of the barbell (see figure a). If the barbell is in your right
hand, your right leg is your back leg.
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the barbell up and away from you while keeping your torso upright
and stable (see figure b). Do not press the barbell toward the midline of
your body; keep it in line with your same-side shoulder as you press it up
and out. Slowly reverse the motion and lower the barbell back in front of
your shoulder. At the bottom of each repetition, your forearm should form
a 90-degree angle with the barbell. Do not allow your wrists to bend
backward at any time; keep your wrist straights throughout this exercise.
Barbell Overhead Push Press
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell at the top of
your chest, with your hands just outside shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Holding the barbell at your chest, slightly bend your knees (see figure a),
then quickly reverse the motion, exploding into the bar and driving it
overhead with your arms and legs in a coordinated fashion (see figure b).
Do not allow your lower back to overextend as you press the barbell
overhead. Once the bar is completely overhead, slowly reverse your
motions to complete a full repetition. Keep your wrists straight; do not
allow them to bend backward at any time.
Barbell Overhead Press
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell at the top of
your chest, with your hands just outside shoulder-width apart (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the barbell overhead until your elbows are almost fully straight (see
figure b). Do not allow your lower back to overextend as you press the
barbell overhead. Once the bar is completely overhead, slowly reverse
your motions to complete a full repetition. Keep your wrists straight; do
not allow them to bend backward at any time.
Barbell Bench Press
Lie on a weight bench with your feet flat on the floor, pressing them firmly
into the ground to keep you stable. Hold an Olympic barbell above your
head using a grip that places your hands outside your shoulders (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Slowly lower the bar toward your chest until your elbows reach just below
your torso (see figure b). Keep your elbows at roughly a 45-degree angle
relative to your torso. Press the bar up to the sky above your chest. Keep
your elbows directly under your wrists throughout, and do not allow your
wrists to bend backward at any time.
Barbell Incline Bench Press
Lie on a weight bench angled at about 45 degrees, with your feet flat on
the floor, pressing them firmly into the ground to keep you stable. Hold an
Olympic barbell overhead using a grip that places your hands outside
your shoulders (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Slowly lower the bar toward your chest until your elbows reach just below
your torso (see figure b); keep your elbows at roughly a 45-degree angle
relative to your torso. Press the bar up to the sky above your chest. Keep
your elbows directly under your wrists throughout, and do not allow your
wrists to bend backward at any time.
Wide-Grip Barbell Bent-Over Row
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a barbell with your hands
roughly 1 foot (0.3 m) outside your hips. Bend over at your hips, keeping
your back straight so that your torso is roughly parallel to the floor (see
figure a). Keep your knees bent 15 to 20 degrees.
Action and Coaching Tips
Row the bar into the middle of your torso just below your chest, pinching
your shoulder blades together at the top (see figure b). As you pull the
bar, keep your elbows directly above your hands, and do not allow your
wrists to bend. At the top of each repetition, pause for a second, keeping
the barbell as close to the lower part of your chest as possible without
allowing the fronts of your shoulders to round forward. Slowly lower the
bar without allowing it to contact the floor until the set is completed. Do
not allow your back to round out at any time.
Dumbbell High Pull
This exercise is performed in the same way as the barbell high pull
except that the dumbbells allow your arms to begin closer and then move
apart at the top of each rep. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, just in front of your thighs. Slightly bend
your knees and hinge forward at your hips with the dumbbell handles
resting just above your knees (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Explode your body upward, using your arms and legs to pull the
dumbbells slightly outward and toward the sky until your elbows reach
shoulder height (see figure b). To initiate the movement, use your lower
body, not your arms. When you lift the dumbbells, do not allow your lower
back to overextend. Then lower the dumbbells back to your thighs in a
controlled fashion to reset and begin your next repetition.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Lie on a weight bench with your feet flat on the floor, pressing them firmly
into the ground to keep you stable. Hold a dumbbell in each hand above
your shoulders, with your arms straight (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Slowly lower the dumbbells outside your body at a 45-degree angle to
your torso, stopping when your elbows go just below your torso level (see
figure b). Press the dumbbells back up toward the sky, above your
One-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Push
Stand tall, with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in
front of one shoulder.
Action and Coaching Tips
Slightly bend your knees (see figure a), then quickly reverse the motion,
exploding into the dumbbell and driving it overhead with your arm and
legs in a coordinated fashion (see figure b). Do not allow your lower back
to overextend as you press the dumbbell overhead. Once the dumbbell is
completely overhead, slowly reverse your motions to complete a full
repetition. Keep your wrists straight; do not allow them to bend backward
at any time.
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Lie on a weight bench angled at about 45 degrees with your feet flat on
the floor, pressing them firmly into the ground to keep you stable. Hold a
pair of dumbbells above your head, outside your shoulders (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Slowly lower the dumbbells outside your body at a 45-degree angle to
your torso, stopping when until your elbows go just below your torso level
(see figure b). Press the dumbbells back up toward the sky, above your
One-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press
Stand tall with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart while holding a
dumbbell in front of one shoulder (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the dumbbell overhead without allowing your lower back to
overextend (see figure b). Once the dumbbell is completely overhead,
slowly reverse your motions to complete a full repetition. Keep your wrist
straight; do not allow it to bend backward at any time.
Dumbbell Rotational Shoulder Press
Stand tall, with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in
front of each shoulder (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press one dumbbell into the air directly over your same-side shoulder as
you rotate to the opposite side (see figure b). To better allow your hips to
rotate, raise your heel off the ground as you turn. Lower the dumbbell in a
smooth, controlled manner as you bring your torso back to facing straight
ahead. Then turn to the opposite side to perform the rep with the other
One-Arm Dumbbell Off-Bench Row
Stand facing a traditional weight bench, with your left hand on top of the
bench and a dumbbell in your right hand. Keep a straight back that is
roughly parallel to the floor. Stand in a slightly staggered stance, with
your right leg behind your left leg (see figure a). You can also stand in a
parallel stance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform the row by pulling the dumbbell toward your body so that your
right elbow ends up at roughly a 90-degree angle while you drive your
right shoulder blade toward your spine (see figure b). Do not allow your
rowing-side shoulder to move forward at the end of each rep. Slowly
lower the dumbbell toward the floor until your arm straightens, but don’t
allow the dumbbell to touch the floor. Repeat all reps on the same side
before switching sides.
One-Arm Freestanding Dumbbell Row
Assume a split stance, with your left leg in front of your right leg and both
knees slightly bent. With your right hand, hold the dumbbell in a neutral
position so that your palm faces the opposite side of your body; your left
hand hangs near the front knee. Hinge at your hips, keeping your back
straight so that your torso becomes roughly parallel with the floor (see
figure a). Keep your back heel raised off the ground to ensure that most
of your weight is on your front leg.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a row by pulling the dumbbell toward your body, without rotating
your shoulders or hips more than a few degrees, while pulling your
scapula toward your spine in a controlled manner as your arm moves
(see figure b). Do not allow your rowing-side shoulder to move forward at
the end of each rep. Slowly lower the dumbbell without letting it touch the
floor. Maintain a stable spinal position, keeping your back straight
throughout the exercise. Complete all reps on one side before switching
Dumbbell Pec Fly
Lie on a weight bench with your feet flat on the floor, pressing them firmly
into the ground to keep you stable. Hold a dumbbell in each hand above
your shoulders, with your arms straight and your palms facing each other
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your elbows slightly bent, slowly open your arms out to your
sides until your elbows go just below your torso and you feel a stretch in
your chest (see figure b). Reverse the motion by driving the dumbbells
back up in a motion similar to that of hugging a tree. For additional
isometric work, you can squeeze the dumbbells together for one or two
seconds at the top of each rep.
Dumbbell Chest Squeeze Press
Lie on a weight bench with your feet flat on the floor, pressing them firmly
into the ground to keep you stable. While holding a dumbbell in each
hand above your shoulders with your arms straight and your palms facing
each other, squeeze the dumbbells together (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
While continuing to squeeze the dumbbells together as hard as you can,
bend at your elbows and lower the dumbbells down to your chest as your
elbows go out to the sides (see figure b). Reverse the motion by pressing
the dumbbells back up while squeezing them together.
Dumbbell Bent-Over Back Shrug
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend
over at your hips, keeping your back straight, so that your torso is parallel
to the floor (see figure a). Keep your knees bent 15 to 20 degrees.
Action and Coaching Tips
Pinch your shoulders blades together while allowing your elbows to bend
slightly (see figure b). Pause for two to three seconds before slowly
reversing the motion by protracting your shoulder blades at the bottom of
each rep. Do not allow your back to round out at any time.
One-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell with one arm
extended above your head and your elbow directly above your shoulder
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
While keeping your elbow above your shoulder, bend your elbow and
slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until your elbow is fully bent
(see figure b). Reverse the motion by extending at your elbow to press
the dumbbell back up and complete the rep.
Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend
at your hips, keeping your back straight so that your torso is parallel to
the floor. Keep your knees bent 15 to 20 degrees. Pull the dumbbells up
into your torso as if performing a row, keeping your elbows bent to a 90-
degree angle (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your torso and biceps bone parallel with the ground, extend your
elbows until they’re straight (see figure b). Pause for one or two seconds.
Slowly reverse the motion by allowing your elbows to bend back to a 90-
degree angle to complete one rep.
E-Z Bar Biceps Curl
Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, holding an E-Z bar with both
hands, using an underhand grip, next to your hips (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Curl the bar up toward your shoulders by bending at your elbows without
allowing your elbows to move forward (see figure b). Do not swing the
weight up by overextending at your lower back. Once your hands are up
in front of your shoulders, reverse the motion by slowly lowering the bar
back down.
E-Z Bar Preacher Biceps Curl
To perform this exercise, you’ll need to use the apparatus that’s
commonly known as the preacher curl. Sit on the seat of the preacher
curl with your spine upright and your feet hip-width apart. Place your
chest and arms against the pad while holding an E-Z bar with both hands
roughly shoulder-width apart with an underhand grip (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your shoulders to round forward, curl the bar up toward
your shoulders by bending at your elbows (see figure b). Once your
hands are above your elbows, reverse the motion by slowly lowering the
bar back down. You can also perform this exercise with an overhand grip.
Dumbbell Incline Bench Biceps Curl
Lie on a weight bench angled at about 45 degrees, with your feet flat on
the floor, pressing them firmly into the ground to keep you stable. Hold a
pair of dumbbells below your shoulders and keep your arms straight (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Curl the dumbbells up toward your shoulders by bending at your elbows
without allowing your elbows to move forward (see figure b). Once your
hands are up in front of your shoulders, reverse the motion by slowly
lowering the dumbbells back down. You can also perform this exercise
with a neutral grip.
Dumbbell Shoulder A
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
Bend over at your hips, keeping your back straight so that your torso is
parallel to the floor. The arms hang down below the shoulders (see figure
a). Keep your knees bent 15 to 20 degrees.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping a small bend in your elbows, raise your arms backward, just
outside your hips, pointing your thumbs toward the floor (see figure b).
Do not swing the dumbbells up. Your arms should be at a 15-degree
angle relative to your torso at the top of each repetition, thus forming an
A shape with your torso. Pinch your shoulder blades together and pause
for one second at the top of each repetition, then slowly lower the
dumbbells in front of your torso. Do not allow your back to round out at
any time. Pinch your shoulder blades together at the top of each rep.
Dumbbell Shoulder W
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend over at your hips, keeping your
back straight so that your torso is parallel to the floor and your knees are
bent 90 degrees. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend your arms
against your torso, with palms facing up (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Raise your arms out to your sides just outside your torso, keeping your
thumbs pointed toward the sky (see figure b). At the top of each
repetition, your arms should form a W shape. Pause for one second at
the top of each repetition and then slowly lower your arms back down in
front of your torso.
Dumbbell Shoulder Y
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend over at your hips, keeping your
back straight so that your torso is parallel to the floor and your knees are
bent 15 to 20 degrees. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, your arms hang
down toward the floor with palms facing in (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping a small bend in your elbows, raise your arms out to shoulder
height, pointing your thumbs toward the sky (see figure b). Do not swing
your arms up. Your arms should be at a 45-degree angle relative to your
torso at the top of each repetition, thus forming a Y shape with your torso.
Pause for one second at the top of each repetition, then slowly lower your
arms in front of your torso. Do not allow your back to round out at any
Dumbbell Shoulder T
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend over at your hips, keeping your
back straight so that your torso is parallel to the floor and your knees are
bent 15 to 20 degrees. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, your arms hang
down toward the floor with palms facing up (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping a small bend in your elbows, raise your arms out to your sides,
pointing your thumbs toward the sky (see figure b). Do not swing your
arms up. Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle relative to your torso
at the top of each repetition, thus forming a T shape with your torso.
Pinch your shoulder blades together and pause for one second at the top
of each repetition, then slowly lower your arms down in front of your
torso. Do not allow your back to round out at any time.
Dumbbell Shoulder L
Lie prone on a weight-bench with your head above the top of the bench
and feet placed on each side with your knees bent and legs relaxed.
Holding a dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms out to the sides to
shoulder height, bending your elbows 90 degrees so that your hands
point down toward the ground (see figure a). This exercise can also be
performed from a standing, bent-over position with your torso parallel to
the floor.
Action and Coaching Tips
Without moving your elbows, rotate your arms up as far as you can to
bring your hands toward the ceiling (see figure b). Pause for a second or
two at the top of each rep. Slowly reverse the motion to return to the
starting position.
Dumbbell Pullover
Lie supine on a weight bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand with
your arms outstretched above your shoulders toward the sky with your
palms facing each other (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your elbows slightly bent, reach your arms overhead lowering
the dumbbells toward the floor while keeping your palms facing one
another (see figure b). Once your arms are roughly parallel to the ground,
reverse the motion and raise the dumbbells back up until they're almost
straight again to complete the rep.
Lat Pull-Down with Neutral Grip
Position yourself just behind neutral grip handles that are attached to the
lat pull-down machine. Hold the handles so your arms are roughly
shoulder-width apart over your head (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the handles down to the top of your chest while keeping your back
straight and your elbows following a straight line (see figure b). Slowly
reverse the motion, controlling the movement.
Leaning Lat Pull-Down with Neutral
This exercise is performed in the same manner as the lat pull-down with
a neutral grip except that you lean backward slightly instead of remaining
upright. Position yourself just behind the neutral grip handles that are
attached to lat pull-down machine and lean backward at roughly 25
degrees from upright (see figure a). Your arms should be roughly
shoulder-width apart over your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the bar down to the top of your chest (see figure b). Keep your
elbows pointed in the same direction as your line of pull. Slowly reverse
the motion, controlling the movement.
One-Arm Cable Press
Stand facing away from an adjustable cable column while holding a
handle at roughly shoulder height. With the cable handle in your left hand
and your elbow at roughly a 45-degree angle from your body, split your
stance by putting your left leg behind your right leg (see figure a). Keep
your rear foot straight and your back heel off the ground.
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the cable straight out in front of you (see figure b). Slowly reverse
the motion and bring the handle back in to your body as you bring your
left arm back toward you in a row-like motion while extending the
opposite arm. Don’t allow your shoulders or hips to rotate more than a
few degrees. Lean slightly forward to allow you to move heavier loads.
To prevent the cable attachment from digging into your arm, you can
use an extender strap (which can be purchased at a store that sells rock-
climbing gear) between the handle and the cable attachment.
Standing Cable Chest Press
Stand tall in a split stance with your rear heel elevated off the floor, just in
front of the middle of a cable crossover machine. The wider the cables
are apart, the farther in front of the apparatus you’ll need to stand to
properly perform this exercise. Hold the handles in each hand at your
shoulder level, with arms out to your sides and your elbows bent 90
degrees (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press into the handles by extending your arms and bringing them
together toward the midline of your body (see figure b). Slowly reverse
the motion until your arms are back out to your sides and your elbows are
bent. A slight forward torso lean is okay to use if needed to perform this
exercise, especially when using heavier loads relative to your strength
One-Arm Cable Row
Stand tall, with your spine straight and your knees slightly bent while
facing an adjustable cable column adjusted to roughly shoulder height.
With your right hand, grab the handle in a neutral grip (i.e., with your
palm facing the opposite side of your body) and split your stance so that
your right leg is behind your left leg (see figure a). Keep your back heel
raised off the ground to ensure that most of your weight is on your front
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a row by pulling the cable toward your body, driving your
shoulder blade back so that it’s retracted at the end of the row (see figure
b). Do not allow your rowing-side shoulder to move forward at the end of
each rep. Maintain a stable spine, without allowing your shoulders and
hips to rotate more than a few degrees. Slowly reverse the motion by
allowing your scapula to protract while your arm straightens. Perform all
reps on one side before doing the other side.
One-Arm Motorcycle Cable Row
Stand tall, facing a cable machine or a resistance band that’s attached at
roughly midtorso height to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many
resistance bands come with an attachment for this). Hold the cable
handle or both resistance band handles in your right hand. Stand with
your feet in a split stance, your right leg behind and your feet roughly
shoulder-width apart. Hinge at your hips and lean forward, keeping your
knees bent 15 to 20 degrees until your torso becomes parallel with the
floor (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull your right arm into your side without allowing your torso to move or
your shoulder to round forward (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion
by allowing your arm to straighten to complete one rep. Perform all reps
on the same side before switching sides and reversing your stance.
One-Arm Compound Cable Row
Stand facing an adjustable cable column that’s set at your midtorso level.
Keep your feet roughly shoulder-width apart in a split stance, with your
left leg in front and your knees slightly bent (see figure a). Hold the
handle in your right hand using a neutral grip (i.e., with your palm facing
the opposite side of your body). Keep your back heel raised off the
ground to ensure that most of your weight is on your front leg.
Action and Coaching Tips
Hinge at your hips, reaching your right arm in front of you toward the
origin of the cable (see figure b). Do not allow your rowing-side shoulder
to move forward at the end of each rep. Reverse this motion while
performing a row. Finish the row as you return to the upright standing
position. Slowly reverse the motion, hinging at your hips and reaching
out; use good rhythm and timing. Perform all reps on one side before
switching to the other side.
One-Arm Half-Kneeling Angled Cable
Using a mat or rolled towel for comfort, assume a half-kneeling position
with your right knee on the floor in front of a cable column that’s set at
above the height of your head if you were standing (see figure a). Keep
your torso straight and both knees bent at 90 degrees. With your right
hand, grab the handle in a neutral grip (your palm facing the opposite
side of your body) so your arm and cable are at a 45-degree angle to
your body.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a row by pulling the cable toward your body, driving your elbow
down and into your body as far as you can while keeping your forearm at
a 45-degree angle (see figure b). Keep your spine upright and do not
allow your rowing-side shoulder to move forward at the end of each rep.
Slowly reverse the motion by allowing your arm to extend and your same
side shoulder to rotate slightly toward the cable. Perform all reps on one
side before doing the other side.
Seated Row Shrug
This exercise usually requires a specially designed seated-row apparatus
that is available in most gyms. Sit with your feet hip-width apart on the
platform with your knees slightly bent and your back straight (see figure
a). Hold a lat bar in an overhand grip, with your hands roughly 10 inches
(25 cm) outside your chest.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your arms almost straight, pinch (retract) your shoulder blades
together and pause for a second or two (see figure b). Slowly reverse the
movement by allowing your shoulder blades to separate (protract) as far
as possible without allowing your spine to round.
Wide-Grip Seated Row
This exercise usually requires a specially designed seated-row apparatus
that is available in most gyms. It can also be done by sitting on the floor
in front of a low cable with your feet braced against two dumbbells. Sit
with your feet hip-width apart against the platform or dumbbells, your
knees slightly bent, and your back straight (see figure a). Hold a lat bar in
an overhand grip, with your hands roughly 10 inches (25 cm) outside
your chest.
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the bar into your body at chest level, pinching your shoulder blades
together at the end (see figure b). Do not allow your wrists to bend as you
pull the bar; keep your elbows directly behind your hands throughout. At
the top of each repetition, pause for one second, keeping the bar as
close to your chest as possible without allowing the fronts of your
shoulders to round forward. Slowly reverse the movement.
Fighter’s Cable Lat Pull-Down
You’ll need a dual adjustable cable machine for this exercise. Sit between
a set of cables above you. Hold a handle in each hand with your arms
straight at roughly a 45-degree angle to your torso (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull one arm toward your body, bringing your elbow all the way down to
your hip bone. Combine the pull-down motion with a small side crunch in
a motion, similar to that of a fighter blocking a body strike (see figure b).
Reverse the motion in a controlled fashion. Once your arm becomes
straight, repeat the action with the other arm. Do not allow your torso to
twist, and keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor throughout.
Cable Pec Fly
Stand tall, in either a split stance or a parallel stance, just in front of the
middle of a cable crossover machine. In each hand, hold handles
attached at shoulder level. Your arms extend out to your sides, with a
slight bend in the elbows (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bring your arms together in front of you while keeping a soft bend in your
elbows, as if you were hugging a tree, until your hands touch in the
center (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion until your arms are back
out to your sides and your elbows are just behind your shoulders.
Overhead Cable Triceps Rope
You’ll need an adjustable cable column to perform this exercise. The rope
should be attached above your midtorso level. Stand in front of the
column, but face away from where the rope is attached. Stand in a split
stance, leaning your torso slightly forward and your rear heel off the
ground. Hold each side of the rope in each hand with your arms by your
ears and your elbows bent beyond 90 degrees (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your body in the starting position, extend your elbows until your
arms are straight (see figure b). Do not drive your shoulders downward
as you extend your arms on each rep. Slowly reverse the motion and
Cable Triceps Rope Extension
Stand in front of an adjustable cable column with a rope attached above
your eye level. Hold one side of the rope in each hand, with your elbows
bent above 90 degrees and your palms facing each other (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
With your knees slightly bent, straighten your elbows until your arms are
straight (see figure b). Do not allow your shoulders to round forward as
you press the rope downward on each repetition. Slowly reverse the
motion to complete the rep. Keep your elbows by your sides throughout.
Low-Cable One-Arm Rear Delt Fly
Stand with your feet roughly hip-width apart next to a cable column with a
handle that’s attached at your ankle level. Grab the handle with your
opposite side hand and move a few feet away from the cable. Bend over
at your hips, keeping your back straight so that your torso is roughly
parallel to the floor. Allow the arm that’s holding the handle to reach
across your body toward the cable’s origin, keeping your elbow slightly
bent (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
With a slight bend in your elbow and your hand positioned in a neutral
grip, lift your arm out to the side until it’s roughly parallel to the floor so
that it forms a 90-degree angle with your torso (see figure b). Slowly
reverse the motion, allowing your arm to reach across your body at the
end of each rep. Complete all reps on the same side before switching
sides. Do not allow your torso to rotate at any point; keep your shoulders
fairly level with the ground throughout.
Cable Compound Straight-Arm Pull-
Stand facing an adjustable cable column, with your feet roughly hip-width
apart and a rope attached to the column above your eye level. Hold one
end of the rope in each hand, your palms facing one another. Hinge at
your hips with a slight bend at your knees and extend your arms above
your head (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
As you raise your torso to an upright position, pull the rope down,
keeping a small bend in your elbows, until the handles touch just outside
of your hips (see figure b). Do not round your shoulders forward at the
top of each repetition. Slowly reverse the motion, hinging at your hips and
reaching your arms back above your head; use good rhythm and timing.
Perform the exercise smoothly, with your arms going down as your torso
goes up and vice versa.
Low-Cable Angled Upright Row
Stand tall, about two feet in front of an adjustable cable column with a lat
pull-down bar attached to a cable column below your knees. With your
arms straight and at a small angle away from your body, hold each side
of the bar a few inches outside of shoulder width, your palms facing down
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the bar toward you at a 45-degree angle until your elbows reach just
above shoulder height, and don’t overarch at your lower-back (see figure
b). Pause at the top for one or two seconds before slowly reversing the
motion. Do not allow your wrists to bend and keep your elbows and
forearms in line with the cable throughout.
Low-Cable One-Arm Side Shoulder
Stand tall, with your feet roughly hip-width apart next to a cable column
with a handle that’s attached at your ankle level. Grab the handle with
your opposite side hand and move a few feet away from the cable to
allow the arm that’s holding the handle to reach across your body toward
the cable’s origin (see figure a). Your elbow should be slightly bent.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your elbow slightly bent, raise your arm out to the side at roughly
a 30-degree angle in front of your torso until your elbow goes just above
your forehead (see figure b). Do not overextend at your lower back or
side bend at your torso to raise the weight. Slowly lower the handle back
down and across your body to complete the rep. Perform all reps on the
same side before switching sides.
Cable Biceps Curl
Stand tall in front of an adjustable cable column with an E-Z Bar handle
attached to the column below your knees. Hold each side of the handle,
using a neutral grip, your palms facing each other. Keep your arms by
your sides and your elbows slightly bent (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Curl the E-Z Bar up toward your shoulders by bending at your elbows
without allowing them to move forward (see figure b). Once your hands
are up in front of your shoulders, reverse the motion by slowly lowering
the rope until your arms are almost straight.
Low-Cable One-Arm Face-Away
Biceps Curl
Stand facing away from a cable column, with your feet roughly hip-width
apart and the handle attached at your ankle level. Hold the handle in one
hand, your arm straight and in line with your torso (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Curl the handle up toward your shoulder by bending at your elbow
without allowing your elbow to move forward (see figure b). Do not cheat
the weight up by overextending at your lower back. Once the cable lightly
touches your forearm, reverse the motion by slowly lowering the handle
back down until your elbow is straight. Perform all reps on the same side
before switching sides. Do not allow your elbow to drift in front of or
behind your torso throughout.
Machine Chest Press
This exercise requires a specially designed machine that is available in
most gyms. The machine allows you to push its handles horizontally
away your body. Sit tall, with your back in front of the pad. Hold the
handles at midchest level, with your elbows directly behind the handles
with your arms bent (see figure a). Find a comfortable foot placement that
best allows you to perform the exercise with proper technique.
Action and Coaching Tips
Without fully locking out your elbows, press the handles so your arms are
straight in front of your shoulders (see figure b). Slowly reverse the
motion, bringing the handles back to the starting position.
Machine Back Row
This exercise requires a specially designed machine that is available in
most gyms. It allows you to pull its handles horizontally into your body. Sit
tall, with your chest in front of the pad. Hold the handles at around
shoulder height with a neutral, overhand, or underhand grip, depending
on the gripping options the machine allows (see figure a for an example
using the neutral grip). Find a comfortable foot placement that best allows
you to perform the exercise with proper technique.
Action and Coaching Tips
Row the handles into your body, pinching your shoulder blades together
at the top without allowing the fronts of your shoulders to round forward
(see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion until your elbows are straight to
complete the rep.
Machine Shoulder Press
This exercise requires a specially designed machine that is available in
most gyms. It allows you to push its handles vertically above your body.
Sit tall with your back against pad. Hold the handles at roughly shoulder
level, with your elbows directly underneath the handles and your elbows
bent (see figure a). Find a comfortable foot placement that best allows
you to perform the exercise with proper technique.
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the handles directly overhead until your arms are almost straight
(see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion, bringing the handles back down
to the starting position outside your shoulders. At the bottom of each
repetition, your forearms should remain perpendicular to the floor. Do not
allow your wrists to bend backward at any time.
Machine Rear Delt Fly
This exercise requires a specially designed machine that is available in
most gyms. It allows you to pull its handles horizontally to the outside of
your body. Sit tall, with your chest in front of the pad. Hold the handles at
shoulder height with a neutral, overhand, or underhand grip, depending
on the gripping options the machine allows (see figure a for an example
using the neutral grip). Find a comfortable foot placement that best allows
you to perform the exercise with proper technique.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your elbows slightly bent, open your arms out to the sides of
your body (see figure b). Slowly reverse the movement. Be sure to keep
a stable spine and minimize any overarching in your lower back when
performing this exercise.
Machine Chest Fly
This exercise requires a specially designed machine that is available in
most gyms. It allows you to push its handles horizontally to the inside of
your body. Sit tall, with your back in front of the pad. Hold the handles at
shoulder height with a neutral grip, your palms facing forward (see figure
a). Find a comfortable foot placement that best allows you to perform the
exercise with proper technique.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your elbows slightly bent, close your arms in front of your body
until the handles touch. Slowly reverse the movement, allowing your
hands to go out to the sides of your body (see figure b). Be sure to keep
a stable spine and minimize any overarching in your lower back when
performing this exercise.
Resistance Band Step and Chest Press
Face away from a heavy-duty resistance band attached at roughly
shoulder height to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many
resistance bands come with a doorjamb attachment). With your knees
slightly bent and your feet roughly hip-width apart, hold a handle in each
hand, your arms at a 45-degree angle to your sides and your forearms
parallel to the floor (see figure a). The band should create enough
tension that it forces you to lean slightly forward.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step forward with one leg while performing a chest press with both arms;
maintain your slight forward torso lean with your rear heel off the ground
(see figure b). Step your lead leg back to the starting position while
allowing your arms to come back as well. Alternate legs on each
repetition. Explode into each repetition, as if you were shoving someone.
Be sure to use a resistance band that creates enough tension to make
you work to hold your position from the start of each repetition—not just
at the end, when your arms are extended.
Resistance Band Loop Push-Up
Place a Superband around your upper back and place your fingers (but
not your thumbs) inside the bands from the bottom up (see figure a).
Position your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, with your elbows
straight (see figure b). Turn your hands outward so that your fingers point
at roughly 45 degrees.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a push-up by lowering your body to the floor while keeping your
elbows directly above your wrists (see figure c). At the bottom of each
push-up, position your arms at a 45-degree angle so your torso forms the
shape of an arrow. Once your elbows are almost at a 90-degree angle,
reverse the motion by pushing your body up so that your elbows are
straight again. At the top of each push-up, do not finish with your
shoulder blades pinched together; instead, protract (push apart) your
shoulder blades while keeping your body in a straight line. Keep your
body in a straight line from your head to your hips to your ankles; do not
allow your head or hips to sag toward the floor at any point.
Resistance Band Triceps Extension
Stand in front of a resistance band attached at above your eye level to a
stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many resistance bands come with
a doorjamb attachment). Hold one handle in each hand, with your elbows
bent above 90 degrees. With your knees slightly bent, hinge forward at
your hips to position your torso at roughly a 45-dgree angle while keeping
your back straight (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Straighten your elbows toward the sides of your body until your arms are
straight (see figure b). Do not allow your shoulders to round forward as
you press the handles downward on each repetition. Slowly reverse the
motion to complete the rep. Keep your elbows by your sides throughout.
Resistance Band Overhead Triceps
Stand in a staggered stance facing away from a resistance band
attached at below your torso level to a stable structure or inside a
doorjamb (many resistance bands come with a doorjamb attachment).
Hold one handle in each hand and lean your weight forward with your
arms extended at roughly a 45-degree angle above your head, with your
elbows bent above 90 degrees (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your elbows to flare out to the sides, extend your elbows
toward the front of your body until your arms are straight (see figure b).
Slowly reverse the action to complete the rep.
Resistance Band One-Arm Incline Press
Face away from a resistance band that’s attached at a low position
(below knee level) to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many
resistance bands come with an attachment for this). Lean slightly forward
and stand in a split stance, with your left leg in front. Hold both handles of
the band in your right hand (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your torso to rotate or overextending at your low back,
drive your arm straight out at a 45-degree angle (see figure b). Be sure to
keep your arm at the same angle as the band. Slowly bring your arm
back to complete one rep. Perform all reps on one side before switching
arms and reversing your stance.
Resistance Band Side Shoulder Raise
Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart with the middle of a resistance
band underneath the middle of your feet. Cross the resistance band in
front of you by grabbing the handle that’s on your right side with your left
hand, and grab the handle that’s on your left side with your right hand.
Hold the handles by your sides with your elbows slightly bent (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms out to the sides at roughly
a 30-degree angle in front of your torso until your elbows go just above
your forehead (see figure b). Do not overextend at your lower back to
raise the weight up. Slowly lower the handles back to your sides.
Resistance Band Bent-Over Row
Stand tall, facing a resistance band that’s attached at a low position (just
above the ground) to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many
resistance bands come with an attachment for this). Holding one handle
in each hand, lean at a 45-degree angle, keeping your knees soft and
your back straight (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the band toward your body so that your wrists come by your ribs,
ensuring that you squeeze your shoulder blades together every time you
pull your arms in without allowing the fronts of your shoulders to round
forward (see figure b). Reverse the motion by extending your arms back
out, without allowing your lower back to round out or losing your stance.
Resistance Band One-Arm Bent-Over
Stand in a split stance, with your right leg in front while facing a
resistance band that’s attached at a low position (just above the ground)
to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many resistance bands come
with an attachment for this). Holding both handles of the band in your left
hand, lean forward at a 45-degree angle, keeping your knees soft and
your back straight (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull the band toward your body so that your wrists come by your ribs,
ensuring that you squeeze your shoulder blades together every time you
pull your arm in without allowing the front of your shoulder to round
forward (see figure b). Reverse the motion by extending your arms back
out, without allowing your lower back to round out or losing your stance.
Perform all reps on one side before switching arms and reversing your
Resistance Band Chest Fly
Face away from a band that’s attached at roughly shoulder height to a
stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many resistance bands come with
an attachment for this). With your feet hip-width apart and in a parallel
stance, hold a handle in each hand, keeping your elbows out to your
sides and your forearms parallel to the floor (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bring your arms together in front of you while keeping a soft bend in your
elbows, as if you were hugging a tree, until the bands lightly touch the
outsides of your arms (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion until your
arms are back out to your sides and your elbows are just behind your
Resistance Band Biceps Curl
Stand tall, facing a resistance band that’s attached at a low position (just
above the ground) to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many
resistance bands come with an attachment for this). Hold one handle in
each hand with your arms in line with the band at a roughly 45-degree
angle to the floor, elbows straight and palms facing the upward (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Curl the handles up toward your shoulders by bending at your elbows
without allowing your elbows to move upward (see figure b). Do not allow
your lower back to overextend as you curl the band into you. Once you
cannot bend your elbows any further, reverse the motion slowly until your
elbows are straight again.
Resistance Band Loop Pull-Apart
Stand tall while holding a resistance band loop with both hands just
outside shoulder-width, keeping your arms extended out in front of you at
shoulder height (see figure a). There should be some tension in the band
to start each rep.
Action and Coaching Tips
With your elbows slightly bent, pull the band apart until it lightly touches
the top of your chest (see figure b). As you pull the band apart, do not
extend at your lower back or allow your shoulders to round forward.
Slowly reverse the motion, until your arms come back to the width they
started at. Keep tension in the band throughout.
To reduce the resistance, you can either begin with your hands
positioned wider or hold one layer of the band instead of both layers as
Supine Resistance Band Shoulder L
Lie supine on the floor, with your knees slightly bent and your legs raised
above you. Wrap the center of a resistance band behind your feet.
Holding one handle of the resistance band in each hand, place your arms
out to the sides at shoulder height, bending your elbows 90 degrees and
keeping your elbows and the backs of your arms in contact with the
ground (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without moving your elbows or allowing your arms to lift off the ground,
rotate your arms down. Bring your hands toward the floor as far as you
can (see figure b). Pause for a second or two at the bottom of each rep.
Slowly reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
Resistance Band Pull-Up
Hang from a pull-up bar using an overhand grip and place one foot inside
a resistance band loop that’s anchored on the bar you’re pulling yourself
up to (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bring yourself up so that your chin goes above the bar (see figure b).
Don’t swing your body. Slowly lower yourself with control.
One-Arm Push-Up
Assume a one-arm plank position, with your feet spread several inches
wider than your shoulders (see figure a). Your weight-bearing arm should
be positioned so that your wrist is directly under the same-side shoulder.
Turn your weight-bearing hand out slightly so that your fingers point at
roughly a 45-degree angle away from your body. Your non-weight-
bearing arm should be on the opposite hip or behind your back.
Action and Coaching Tips
Drop into a one-arm push-up, allowing your torso to rotate a few degrees
away from your weight-bearing arm while keeping your elbow on the
working side tight to your body (see figure b). Drive into the floor and
push your body back to the top of the push-up to complete a full rep.
Perform all repetitions on one side before switching to the other arm. Do
not allow your lower back to sag toward the floor at any time.
Lockoff Push-Up
Begin in a low push-up position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, one
hand on top of a medicine ball or platform, and your other hand on the
floor (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press up with one hand on top of the platform or medicine ball. At the top
of the push-up, lock off by fully straightening the elbow of the arm resting
on the platform or ball (see figure b). Place the other arm at your chest
and pause for one or two seconds at the top of each repetition, then
slowly lower yourself. Perform half of the repetitions with your right arm
elevated and the other half with your left arm elevated. Do not allow your
shoulders or hips to rotate at any time; keep your torso parallel to the
ground throughout.
Explosive Push-Up
Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor with your elbows
straight (see figure a). Turn your hands outward so that your fingers point
at roughly 45 degrees.
Action and Coaching Tips
Lower yourself to the floor while keeping your elbows directly above your
wrists and at a 45-degree angle to your torso (see figure b). Once your
elbows are angled at almost 90 degrees, quickly reverse the motion by
explosively pushing your body up so that your hands leave the floor (see
figure c). Land lightly on the floor as you simultaneously lower yourself
down to begin the next repetition. Do not allow your hips to elevate
before the rest of your body; keep your body in a straight line throughout.
Box Crossover Push-Up
Begin in a push-up position, with both hands on top of a platform and
your feet just outside shoulder-width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without moving your feet, step one hand off the box or ball to the floor
while performing a push-up (see figure b). As you come out of the push-
up, bring your hand back to the platform or ball. Repeat the same action
on the other side. Do not allow your head or hips to sag toward the floor
at any point.
Explosive Box Crossover Push-Up
Begin in a push-up position with both hands on top of a platform and your
feet just outside shoulder-width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without moving your feet, step one hand off the box or ball to the floor
and lower into a push-up position (see figure b) while raising into an
explosive push-up by driving your body up and across the platform as
fast as you can (see figure c). Catch some airtime. As you come out of
the push-up, bring your opposite hand back to the platform. Repeat the
same action to the other side. Do not allow your head or hips to sag
toward the floor at any point.
Close-Grip Push-Up
Begin in a push-up position, with both hands on top of a platform and
your feet shoulder-width apart (see figure a). Turn your hands outward so
that your fingers point down toward the floor.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a push-up by lowering your chest toward the platform until your
elbows are angled at almost 90 degrees (see figure b). At the bottom of
each push-up, your elbows should be against your sides. Then, reverse
the motion by pressing yourself away from the floor until your elbows are
Stability-Ball Push-Up
Assume a plank position with your hands on a (55 to 65 cm size) stability
ball and your fingers pointing down toward the floor (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a push-up by lowering your body to the ball while keeping your
elbows directly above your wrist (see figure b). Once your elbows reach
an angle just below 90 degrees, reverse the motion by pushing your body
up so that your elbows are straight again. At the top of each push-up, do
not finish with your shoulder blades pinched together; instead, protract
(push apart) your shoulder blades while keeping your body in a straight
line. Do not allow your head or hips to sag at any point.
Feet-Elevated Push-Up
Begin in a push-up position, with your hands shoulder-width apart on the
floor and your feet elevated on top of a weight bench or chair (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a push-up by lowering your body to the floor while keeping your
elbows directly above your wrists (see figure b). At the bottom of each
push-up, position your arms at a 45-degree angle to form the shape of an
arrow with your torso. Once your elbows are almost at a 90-degree
angle, reverse the motion by pushing your body up so that your elbows
are straight again. At the top of each push-up, do not finish with your
shoulder blades pinched together; instead, protract (push apart) your
shoulder blades while keeping your body in a straight line.
Keep your body in a straight line, from your head to your hips to your
ankles; do not allow your head or hips to sag toward the floor at any
Smith Bar Triceps Skull Crusher
Using a Smith machine, face a barbell positioned at belly-button height
and hold on to the bar with your hands roughly shoulder-width apart.
Lean forward with your arms extended (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend at your elbows and lower your forehead to your wrists (see figure
b). Reverse direction and extend your elbows, as in a triceps extension,
to complete the rep. Keep your entire body straight throughout the action.
To increase the difficulty, lower your body closer to the floor by
lowering the bar; the closer your torso comes to being parallel with the
floor, the tougher the exercise is. To decrease the difficulty, use a higher
bar placement.
Underhand Grip Smith Bar Row
This exercise is an alternate version of the suspension row. Using a
Smith machine, face a barbell positioned at belly-button height. Hold on
to the bar using an underhand grip, your arms extended straight in front
of your shoulders. Lean back, keeping your body in a straight line from
head to toe (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull yourself up toward the bar by bending at your elbows, keeping your
elbows tight to your sides (see figure b). Perform a rowing motion until
your midtorso contacts the bar. When pulling yourself up, keep your body
in a straight line; do not lead with your hips. At the top of each repetition,
pause at the top for a second and do not allow the fronts of your
shoulders to round forward. Slowly lower yourself until your elbows are
To increase the difficulty, start the exercise from a more severe
backward lean by lowering the bar, thus bringing your body closer to the
Wide-Elbow Smith Bar Row
This exercise is an alternate version of the wide-elbow suspension row.
Using a Smith machine, face a barbell positioned at belly-button height
and hold on to the bar using an overhand grip, your hands placed about 5
inches (13 cm) outside of your shoulders. Keeping your arms straight and
extended in front of your shoulders, lean back with your body in a straight
line from head to toe (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull yourself up toward the bar by bending at your elbows and performing
a rowing motion while flaring out your elbows (see figure b). Do not allow
your wrists to bend as you pull yourself up; keep your elbows directly
behind your hands throughout. Your elbows should be at a 90-degree
angle to your torso at the top of each repetition. Pause at the top for a
second, then slowly lower yourself until your elbows are straight. Keep
your body in a straight line; do not lead with your hips when pulling
yourself up.
To increase the difficulty, start the exercise from a more severe
backward lean by lowering the bar, thus bringing your body closer to the
Wide-Elbow Smith Bar Shrug
Using a Smith machine, face a barbell positioned at belly-button height
and hold on to the bar using an overhand grip, your hands placed about 5
inches (13 cm) outside of your shoulders. Keeping your arms straight and
extended in front of your shoulders, lean back with your body in a straight
line from head to toe.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your arms nearly straight, pinch (retract) your shoulder blades
together and pause for one or two seconds (see figure). Slowly reverse
the movement by allowing your shoulder blades to separate (protract) as
far as possible without allowing your spine to round out.
Hang from a pull-up bar using an underhand grip (see figure a). Grip the
bar at a width that feels comfortable for you. You can use assistance to
perform the movement with less than your bodyweight by either placing
your feet on the platform or by placing one foot inside a resistance band
loop that’s anchored on the bar you’re pulling yourself up to.
Action and Coaching Tips
Bring yourself up so that your chin goes above the bar without swinging
your body (see figure b). Pause for one second at the top of each rep
before lowering yourself. Slowly lower yourself with control.
Neutral Grip Pull-Up
Hang from a pull-up bar using a neutral grip that place your hands around
shoulder-width apart (see figure a). You can use assistance to perform
the movement with less than your bodyweight by either placing your feet
on the platform or by placing one foot inside a resistance band loop that’s
anchored on the bar you’re pulling yourself up to.
Action and Coaching Tips
Bring yourself up so that your chin goes above the handles without
swinging your body (see figure b). Pause for one second at the top of
each rep before lowering yourself. Slowly lower yourself with control.
Hang from a pull-up bar using an overhand grip. You can use assistance
to perform the movement with less than your bodyweight by either
placing your feet on the platform or by placing one foot inside a
resistance band loop that’s anchored on the bar you’re pulling yourself up
to (see figure a for an example using a resistance band loop).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bring yourself up so that your chin goes above the bar (see figure b).
Don’t swing your body. Slowly lower yourself with control.

Lower-Body Exercises

The exercises presented in this chapter challenge your lower-body musculature

—which consists primarily of the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves—
from a parallel stance, split stance, or single-leg stance.
Some of these exercises distribute the loading challenge through several
muscles in the lower body and lower back as the movement is performed, while
other exercises provide more focused resistance only to certain muscle groups in
the lower body.

Finding Exercises That Are Perfect for

The exercises in this chapter, as well as those in the upper-body
and core exercise chapters, can be for any goal. The goal dictates
how they’re structured and utilized within a given program.
An individualized program isn’t just about what exercises you do;
it’s also about what exercises you don’t do based on your ability and
injury profile. Find exercises that fit you instead of trying to fit
yourself to exercises. As mentioned previously (in chapter 2), most
people don’t have to do a specific exercise to improve. There are
only training principles that must be adhered to, and there are many
exercise applications and variations that allow people to adhere to
the principles and achieve their goals.
Trying to fit the individual to the exercise instead of fitting the
exercise to the individual is one of the biggest training mistakes. For
example, many personal trainers and strength coaches attempt to fit
everyone into the mold of performing deadlifts or squats in the
conventional style by using a barbell. Though well intentioned, this
approach is misguided.
Bodies vary, and people should not do the same exercises in the
same manner. Taking a one-size-fits-all approach to deadlifting, or
any other exercise, not only ignores the obvious physiological
differences between humans but also can be dangerous. Sure,
we’re all part of the human species, just like all makes and models
of cars are part of the category that we refer to as vehicles. But, as
with vehicles, humans come in all shapes and sizes. Your size and
shape are determined by your structure, which in turn determines
function. A Mini Cooper and a minivan are made up of the same
basic parts and can perform the same basic driving functions. But
you’d never expect a Mini Cooper to drive and handle in the same
way as a minivan because of the different ways in which their
(same) basic parts are put together.
This is why it’s unrealistic to expect a guy who’s built like a
football running back to move the same way as a guy built like a
lineman. Granted, both can change levels, run, push, pull, twist, and
so on; however, they perform the movements in different ways
based on their differing structures. Because of these individual
variations in the ways that humans move, no given exercise can
exactly match everyone’s movements.
As I said in chapter 2, resistance exercises are just ways to put
force across joints. That’s it! When you understand this, you quickly
see that no exercise has magical powers; barbells, dumbbells,
cables, machines, and bands are all just different tools that allow us
to apply force across joints. Choose the exercise variations that best
fit how you move.
Basic Lower-Body Exercises:
The following section provides basic lower-body exercises and shows you how
to do them better than the way they are commonly performed. This will help you
train smarter, more safely, and efficiently. All it takes is a couple of small
Barbell Squat
Place a barbell across your shoulders (not on your neck) and stand with
your feet just farther than shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out
10 to 15 degrees (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend at your knees and hips and lower your body toward the floor; go as
low as you can without losing the arch in your lower back (see figure b).
Your heels should not lift off the ground, and avoid allowing your knees to
drop in toward the midline of your body; keep your knees tracking in the
same direction as your toes. Once you’ve gone as deep as you can,
reverse the motion and stand up.


You adjust your stance (width and foot position) to best fit your body and
the way you move. Experiment with wider stances than parallel and with
turning your toes out slightly to find the stance that allows you to go down
the deepest in the squat while maintaining an arch in your lower back.
Many lifters think a proper squat is a shoulder-width stance with your
feet pointed straight forward. The new angle here is to not take such a
one-size-fits-all approach to squatting. Research in both Eastern and
Western populations has not only found normal variations in femoral neck
angles but also asymmetrical differences between the left and rights
sides of individuals (1,2). This is in addition to normal anatomical
variations in the structure of the hip acetabulum, which can influence how
someone is able to perform the squat movement (3,4).
The normal anatomical variations of the hip joint structure and the
length of one’s torso, femur, and tibia—structure determines function—
indicate that an optimal squat is very individual and therefore uses a
variety of foot positions, stance widths, depths, and torso angles.
Better range of motion
Safer, more natural path of movement for your body
Barbell Front Squat
The front squat uses the same mechanics as the back squat; the only
difference involves the bar placement. Rest an Olympic barbell on the top
of your chest, keeping only your thumb, index finger, and middle finger
underneath the bar (see figure a). Stand with your feet just farther than
shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out 10 to 15 degrees. Stay tall
and lift your chest to create a rack for the bar instead of trying to hold it
up with only your arms. If you feel like front squats bother your wrists or
are simply unable to get your wrists into the proper position, loop wrist
straps around the bar and hold on tight, keeping upward tension on the
straps by pulling them vertically as you perform the front squat.
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend at your knees and hips and lower your body toward the floor as far
as you can without losing the arch in your lower back (see figure b). As
you drop into the squat, keep your elbows lifted high toward the sky.
Once you’ve gone as deep as you can control—without allowing your
heels to lift off the ground or your lower back to lose its arch—reverse the
motion by extending your legs and returning to the standing position to
complete the rep. Be sure to keep your knees wide and tracking in the
same direction as your toes throughout; do not allow your knees to drop
in toward the midline of your body.


In addition to taking a more individualized approach to finding your
optimal squat stance, which was discussed in the section on barbell
squats, you’re doing three things differently here from the way people
often try to perform barbell front squats. The first is using your chest to
create a rack for the bar to rest on instead of trying to hold it up with only
your arms. The second is allowing your pinky and ring fingers to stay
above the bar, which makes it much less awkward on your wrists and
hands to hold the bar in place than when trying to keep all your fingers
underneath the bar. Third, if the previous two tweaks bother your wrists,
or you are simply unable to get your wrists into the position described,
you can use wrist wraps.
Easier on your wrists
Less awkward to hold the barbell in place
Barbell Hybrid Deadlift
Stand in front of a barbell with your feet slightly farther than shoulder-
width apart and turned out 15 degrees. Keeping your back straight and
maintaining an arch in your lower back, hinge at your hips and bend your
knees. Lower your torso to about a 45-degree angle and grab the bar,
your hands shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back straight, drive your hips forward toward the barbell
and lift it off the ground while straightening your legs (see figures a and
b). Reverse the motion and slowly lower the barbell back to the floor to
complete the rep. As you hinge forward, drive your hips backward and do
not allow your back to round. Lift the bar by extending your hips, not by
overextending your lower back. Keep the barbell close to you throughout;
it should touch your shins and track against the fronts of your legs as you
perform each repetition. Your arms should be close to touching the
insides of your legs at the bottom of each lift.


This lift combines the Romanian and sumo deadlifts, which you’d do with
a wider stance and a more upright torso. For many, the hybrid deadlift is
a smart substitute for traditional deadlifts for two reasons. First, the wider
stance is easier and more natural for most lifters to do while maintaining
the alignment cues. Second, this starting position keeps the barbell
closer to the hip joints than the conventional style, which provides a
shorter lever arm. This gives you a greater mechanical advantage while
placing less overall stress on the lower back. One study did a
biomechanical analysis of straight bar and trap (hex) bar deadlifts and
found that the trap bar deadlifts placed less overall load on the lumbar
spine because it also involves a shorter lever arm. However, not
everyone has access to a trap bar (5).
More universally comfortable and natural
Less stress on the lower back
Elevated Dumbbell Leaning Reverse
Stand on the flat side of an Olympic weight plate or on an aerobic step
platform, your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold a dumbbell in each
hand at your sides. You can also do this exercise using only body weight
by allowing your hands to hang down at your sides or by interlacing your
fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step backward on your left leg, placing the ball of your foot on the floor
while bending both knees and lowering your body into a lunge. As your
knees bend, hinge at your hips and lean forward at roughly a 45-degree
angle while keeping your back straight (see figure b). Once your back
knee lightly touches the floor, reverse the motion by stepping back up to
the platform. Do the same with the other leg.
Use a platform low enough to allow you to touch your back knee to the
floor on each repetition. If a reduction in range is needed, you can
perform this exercise without standing on a platform.


You lean forward at roughly a 45-degree angle as you perform each
lunge off a weight plate or platform. Lunging off the platform increases
the range of motion you’re able to train through during this exercise. Also,
leaning your torso forward increases the recruitment of the glutes and
hamstrings. This places less force on your knee joint and therefore
demands less activation of the quadriceps.
Doing lunges with a forward torso lean can be especially helpful to
females since women are more quadriceps-dominant than men are (6),
tend to have weaker hamstrings (7,8), and therefore can be more prone
to knee injury (9).
Increases the range of motion you’re training through
Increases recruitment of the glute and hamstrings
Elevated Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
Stand on the flat side of an Olympic weight plate or on a workout step,
with your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold a dumbbell in each
hand at your sides. You can also do this exercise using only body weight
by allowing your hands to hang down at your sides or by interlacing your
fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your torso upright, step backward on your right leg, placing the
ball of your foot on the floor while bending both your knees and lowering
your body into a lunge (see figure b). Once your back knee lowers toward
the floor, reverse the motion by stepping back up to the platform. Do the
same with your other leg.
Performing reverse lunges from an elevated platform allows you to
increase the range of motion. The platform should be low enough to allow
you to touch your back knee to the floor on each repetition.
Increased recruitment of the quadriceps from the leaning version
Increases the range of motion you’re training through
Traveling Dumbbell Leaning Lunge
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold a dumbbell in
each hand at your sides. You can also do this exercise using only body
weight by allowing your hands to hang down at your sides or by
interlacing your fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Take a large step forward and drop your body so that your back knee
lightly touches the floor. As your knees bend, hinge at your hips and lean
forward at roughly a 45-degree angle while keeping your back straight
(see figure b). Stand back up tall while bringing your rear leg forward to
meet your front leg and step forward with the opposite leg—the one that
was behind you on the last rep. Do not step so far out on each lunge that
you’re unable to do this exercise smoothly and with control. Repeat as
you walk down the room.


You hinge at your hips and lean forward at roughly a 45-degree angle as
you drop into each lunge. At the bottom of each lunge, the dumbbells end
up at each side of your front foot instead of by your hips due to the
forward torso lean.
This version of the walking lunge still incorporates the quadriceps, but
it reduces the forces placed on the knee joint and transfers more force
into the glutes and hamstrings.
Reduced forces on the knee joint
Increase recruitment of the glute and hamstrings
Dumbbell Leaning Bulgarian Split
Stand tall while holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Place
your left foot on top of a bench or chair behind you (see figure a). Your
front leg should be far enough in front of the bench that your shin can
stay nearly vertical as you drop into each rep. You can also do this
exercise using only body weight by allowing your hands to hang down at
your sides or by interlacing your fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Lower your body toward the floor without allowing your back knee to rest
on the floor. As you lower your body, keep your back straight and lean
forward at about a 45-degree angle (see figure b). Drive your heel into
the ground to raise your body to the starting position, thus completing the
rep. Perform all reps on one side before switching to the other leg. Keep
your weight on your front foot throughout the exercise.


As your knees bend, you hinge at your hips and lean forward at roughly a
45-degree angle while keeping your back straight. At the bottom, the
dumbbells are on each side of your front foot instead of by your hips. In
addition to targeting your glutes and hamstrings, leaning your torso
forward while your rear leg is elevated on something (like a weight
bench) at or above your knee height prevents you from overextending
your lower back. You won’t place unwanted stress on that area to
maintain a fully upright torso with this exercise.
Less awkward and more natural to maintain the torso position
Increase recruitment of the glute and hamstrings
Low Foot Bulgarian Split Squat
Stand tall while holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Place
your left foot on a small box or aerobic platform that’s behind you and as
high as the middle of your shin (see figure a). Your right leg should be far
enough in front of the box that your shin can stay close to vertical as you
drop into each rep. You can also do this exercise using only body weight
by allowing your hands to hang down at your sides or by interlacing your
fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your torso upright, lower your body toward the floor without
allowing your back knee to rest on the floor (see figure b). As you lower
your body, keep your back straight. Drive your heel into the ground to
raise your body to the starting position, thus completing the rep. Perform
all reps on one side before switching to the other leg. Keep your weight
on your front foot throughout the exercise.


You place your back foot on a platform that’s smaller or shorter than a
weight bench and is around the height of the middle of your shin.
Performing Bulgarian split squats with an upright torso is an effective way
to target the quadriceps during this exercise, just like performing lunges
with an upright torso also targets these muscles. Placing your back foot
on a platform that is smaller or shorter than a weight bench prevents you
from overextending your lower back. You won’t place unwanted stress in
that area to maintain a fully upright torso as you perform this exercise.
Less awkward and more natural to maintain the torso position
Increased recruitment of the quadriceps from the leaning version
One-Leg Squat
Stand in front of a pad that is two to three inches (about 8-13 cm) thick, a
small stack of weight plates with a mat on top, or a workout step. Shift
your weight to your left leg and lift the right foot off the floor, with the knee
bent and slightly behind your left leg (see figure a). Your hands are
outstretched in front of you to serve as a counterbalance. You can also
perform the exercise while holding a dumbbell at each shoulder.
Action and Coaching Tips
Slowly lower yourself toward the floor by bending your weight-bearing
knee and sitting back at your hips until you lightly tap your back knee on
the object (see figure b). Do not allow your back (non-weight-bearing)
foot to touch the floor. Reverse the motion and stand up again. Perform
all reps on the same side before switching sides.


You lean the torso forward and hold your non-weight-bearing foot behind
you instead of in front of you. This position is commonly called a pistol
squat, but note that this isn’t to say the pistol squat exercise is somehow
a bad or dangerous exercise. However, this version of the single-leg
squat, called a knee-tap squat, puts you in position that’s more common
to how we move in life and sport, which is why it feels more natural and
less awkward to perform. Plus, leaning the torso forward increases the
glute and hamstring muscle involvement, which also makes it easier on
the knee joint.
Less awkward
More universally comfortable and natural
45-Degree Hip Extension
For this exercise, you will need a specially designed apparatus known as
a 45-degree back extension. With your feet hip-width apart, rest your
thighs against the pad, which is positioned below your hip bones, and
keep your back straight (see figure a). Cross your arms in front of your
Action and Coaching Tips
Hinge at your hips, keeping your back straight, and lower down (see
figure b). Reverse the motion by extending at your hips, without arching
your lower back too much. Pull yourself up so that your body forms a
straight line from shoulders to hips to ankles. To make the exercise more
difficult, hold a weight plate at your belly or chest.
You place the pad lower, below your hip joint, so you’re able to hinge at
your hips without rounding out at your lower back. Although this exercise
is commonly referred to as a 45-degree back extension, the focus of this
version is to create the extension motion via hip extension—hence the
name used here. Keeping your spine straight while you perform the
motion at your hip joints ensures the maximal involvement from your
glute and hamstring muscles instead of your lower back muscles.
Less stress on the lower back
Increased involvement of the glute and hamstring musculature
Dumbbell Step-Up
Stand facing a weight bench with your left foot on the bench (see figure
a). Hold a dumbbell in each hand by your hips. You can also do this
exercise using only body weight by allowing your hands to hang down at
your sides or by interlacing your fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step up by straightening your left knee (see figure b). Once you’re on top
of the bench, allow your right foot to gently touch the bench to help
maintain your balance, then reverse the motion by stepping down with
your right foot first. Bring your left foot down to the floor. Place your right
foot on top of the bench and repeat the exercise. Switch the working leg
(i.e., the stepping leg) on the ground, not when you’re on top of the
Move smoothly and with control; avoid jerking your torso forward to
initiate each rep. Lean slightly forward while keeping most of your weight
on the front leg throughout.


You switch legs on the ground, not on top of the bench, and lean slightly
forward as you perform the step-up. As you lean forward, you also raise
your back heel off the ground and shift your hips forward so your
shoulders, hips, and down leg form a straight line that’s at roughly a 45-
degree angle to the floor. When most people do step-ups, they switch
legs on top of the bench. This is problematic. It can cause you to step up
and down using the same leg, and that can be confusing to keep track of,
thus causing your workout to be uneven. Changing legs on the floor is
easier to count and track.
This exercise is normally performed without this adjustment in body
position, so it’s very easy to cheat (even while trying not to) by using your
back leg to do much of the work and using momentum to propel yourself
up. The body positioning involved in performing this version of the step-
up forces you to move smoothly and with control so you don’t jerk your
torso forward to complete each rep.
Better recruitment of the leg and glute musculature
Prevents cheating
Copenhagen Hip Adduction

Lie on the floor on your right side with your elbow directly underneath
your right shoulder, your right leg straight, and your left leg bent 90
degrees. Rest your left knee and calf on top of a bench or plyo box that’s
roughly 17 to 20 inches high (43-50 cm) while your right leg is
underneath the box platform (see figure a). You’ll want to place a rolled-
up towel or mat underneath your left leg and right elbow for comfort.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your right leg straight and your body in a straight line from your
left knee to your hips to your shoulders, press your left leg into the top of
the platform as you elevate your right hip off the ground and
simultaneously lift your right leg up to squeeze the inside of your right
thigh against the inside of your left thigh (see figure b). Pause for one or
two seconds at the top before reversing the action and lowering your right
leg and hip back down to the floor to complete one rep. Do all reps on the
same side before switching sides and performing this exercise with your
right leg on top of the platform.


The importance of strengthening the adductors with exercises like this is
discussed in chapter 2, Function and Performance. This exercise is often
shown being done with a training partner holding your top leg underneath
your top knee and foot. Without a partner, keeping your top leg straight
and placing your top foot on the end of a platform or plyo box exposes
you to additional lateral forces through your knee joint that are greatly
reduced when the partner is also holding your knee. Here, you don’t need
a partner, because placing the knee on top of the platform allows you to
reap the same benefits while providing more support at your knee joint.
Less unwanted stress on the knee joint
No need for a training partner to perform
Additional Lower-Body Exercises
The exercises in this section also focus on helping you maximize the strength
and development of your lower-body musculature. There aren’t unique
adjustments for doing them, so they don’t warrant the same level of description
as the exercises in the previous section. You also may find some not-so-common
lower-body exercises here to help you incorporate some variety into your
Squat Jump with Arm Drive
Stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat by bending at your knees and hips so that your thighs are just
above/parallel to the ground (see figure a). Reach your arms just behind
your hips, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Jump straight up by
simultaneously extending your legs and swinging your arms above you
(see figure b). Land as lightly and quietly as possible, thus returning to
the starting position.
Each time you squat, keep your knees in the same line as your toes;
your knees should not come toward one another at any time. Do not
allow your back to round out at the bottom position before you jump, and
jump as high as you can on each repetition.
Deadlift Jump
Stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart and hands on the front
of the legs.
Action and Coaching Tips
Hinge at your hips and bend forward toward the floor (see figure a). Keep
your back straight and your knees bent at a 15-to 20-degree angle. Let
your arms hang in front of your body by your knees and keep your
elbows slightly bent.
Jump straight up by simultaneously extending your hips and knees
(see figure b). Land as lightly and quietly as possible, thus returning to
the starting position. Do not allow your back to round out at the bottom of
each repetition.
Each time you set up for the next jump, keep your knees in the same
line as your toes; your knees should not come toward one another at any
time. Jump as high as you can on each repetition.
Broad Jump
With your feet roughly shoulder-width apart, hinge at your hips and bend
forward toward the floor (see figure a). Keep your back straight and your
knees bent at a 15-to 20-degree angle. Reach your arms just behind your
hips, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
Action and Coaching Tips
Allow your weight to shift forward. Just before you feel as though you’re
going to fall, jump forward as far as possible by simultaneously extending
your hips and knees and swinging your arms above you (see figure b).
Land as lightly as possible. Reset your position to perform the next
repetition. If you’re working in a small space, turn around after each
repetition and jump back to where you were instead of continuing to jump
in the same direction.
Each time you drop down to perform the next jump, do not allow your
back to round out and keep your knees in the same line as your toes;
your knees should not come toward one another at any time.
Bench Scissor Jump
Facing a weight bench, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your
arms at your sides. Place your right foot on top of the bench, with your
rear heel off the ground, thus putting most of your weight on your front
leg (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Lean forward by hinging at your hips and step up onto the bench by
explosively extending your right knee (see figure b) and jumping into the
air as high as possible while scissoring your legs (see figures c and d) so
that you land in the same position but with the opposite leg on top of the
Land as quietly and lightly as possible, using each landing to load the
next jump. Each time you land, hinge at your hips and lean forward
slightly. Keep your knees in the same line as your toes; your knees
should not come toward your body’s midline at any time. Jump again,
repeating the action. Swing your arms up as you explode to help propel
you on each jump.
Lateral Bench Scissor Jump
Stand with a weight bench on your left side, your feet hip-width apart, and
your arms at your sides. Place your left foot on top of the bench and
place most of your weight on your left leg (see figure a). From the side
view, your right foot, that’s on the floor, will be behind your left foot, that’s
on the bench.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step up onto the bench by explosively extending your left knee (see
figure b) and jumping into the air as high as possible while you move
across the bench and scissor your legs (see figures c and d) so that you
land in the same position on the other side, with the opposite leg on top
of the bench.
Land as quietly and lightly as possible, using each landing to load the
next jump. Each time you land, hinge at your hips, leaning forward
slightly, and keep your knees in the same line as your toes; your knees
should not come toward your body’s midline at any time. Jump again,
repeating the action. Swing your arms up as you explode to help propel
you on each jump.
Lateral Bound
Balance on your right leg. Hold your left leg off the ground by bending
your knee and lifting your heel behind you (see figure a). Squat and
reach across your body with your left arm.
Action and Coaching Tips
Explode toward your left side, jumping as far you can at a 45-degree
angle (see figure b). Land softly on your left leg in a single-leg squat
position, reaching across your body with your right arm (see figure c).
Each time you land, keep your knees in the same line as your toes; your
knees should not come toward your body’s midline at any time.
Land with a soft knee into a squat position to ensure maximal force
absorption and maximal power production on the next jump. Repeat by
jumping back to the right side at a 45-degree angle and make an all-out
effort on each repetition.
Trap Bar Squat
Although some people refer to this exercise as a deadlift rather than a
squat, the torso and hip positions in this exercise more closely resembles
that of a barbell squat than that of a barbell deadlift.
For this exercise, you need the trap bar. Stand inside the bar, holding
on to the handles and with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Slowly lower yourself down so the weight plates you have loaded on the
bar touch the floor. As you lower your body, keep your feet flat and your
knees in line with your toes (see figure b). Maintain a strong inward arch
in your lower back while lowering into a squatting position. Stand up tall
so that your hands end up directly outside of your hips. Slowly lower back
into the squat until the weight plates on the bar touch the floor.
Barbell Romanian Deadlift
Standing tall with your feet hip-width apart, hold a barbell in front of your
thighs with your arms straight; grip the bar just outside your hips (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips and bend forward toward
the floor; keep your knees bent at a 15-to 20-degree angle (see figure b).
As you hinge forward, drive your hips backward and do not allow your
back to round out. Once your torso is roughly parallel to the floor, drive
your hips forward toward the barbell, reversing the motion to stand tall
again without overextending at your lower back. Keep the barbell close to
you throughout; it should touch your shins at the bottom and track against
the fronts of your legs as you perform each repetition.
Barbell Rack Pull
Stand inside a gym rack, with your feet hip-width apart and your knees up
against a barbell that’s resting at knee height. Keeping your back straight,
hinge at your hips and bend forward toward the floor; keep your knees
bent at a 15-to 20-degree angle (see figure a). As you hinge forward,
drive your hips backward and do not allow your back to round out. Grip
the bar just outside your hips.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back straight, drive your hips toward the barbell as you lift
the barbell off the rack (see figure b). Stand tall without overextending
your lower back. Reverse the motion; slowly lower the barbell down to
the rack. Keep the barbell close to you throughout; it should touch your
knees at the bottom and track against the fronts of your legs as you
perform each repetition.
One-Leg Angled Barbell Romanian
Place one end of a barbell in a corner or inside a landmine device that’s
on your right side. Stand parallel to the barbell in a split stance, with your
right foot behind your left. Keep your right heel off the ground. Position
the middle of your left foot so it’s underneath the weighted end of the
barbell. Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips and bend forward
toward the floor; keep your knees bent at a 15-to 20-degree angle (see
figure a). As you hinge forward, keep most of your weight on your left leg
and drive your hips backward. Do not allow your back to round out. Grab
the end of the barbell with your right hand and keep your thumbs on the
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back straight, drive your hips toward the barbell as you lift
the barbell up and stand tall without overextending your lower back (see
figure b). As you lift the barbell up by pressing your left foot into the
ground, simultaneously press yourself toward the anchor point of the
barbell by leaning toward your right side so your body is at a slight angle
at the top of each rep. Be sure to drive your hips toward the anchor point
of the barbell, and don’t just lean with your shoulders (see figure c).
Reverse the motion and slowly lower the barbell back down to the
starting position. Keep the barbell close to you throughout. Perform all
the reps on the same side before switching sides.
Dumbbell Goblet Squat
Stand with your feet just farther than shoulder-width apart and your toes
turned out 10 to 15 degrees. Grab one end of a dumbbell with both
hands. Place the dumbbell against the top of your chest, with your
elbows clamped down on the bottom end of the dumbbell (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend at your knees and hips and lower your body toward the floor as low
as you can without losing the arch in your lower back or allowing your
heels to lift off the ground (see figure b). Once you’ve gone as deep as
you can control in the squat, reverse the motion by extending your legs
and returning to the standing position to complete the rep. Keep your
knees tracking in the same direction as your toes; do not allow your
knees to drop in toward the midline of your body.
Stability Ball Wall Squat
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed straight
as you lean against a 22-to 26-inch (55-65 cm) stability ball that’s on the
wall at your lower back (see figure a). Your feet should be about 12 to 20
(30-50 cm) inches in front of your hips, and your knees should be slightly
bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand by your hips. You can also do this
exercise using only body weight by allowing your hands to hang down at
your sides or by interlacing your fingers behind your head.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your torso upright, bend at your knees and hips and lower your
body toward the floor as much as you can without losing the arch in your
lower back (see figure b). Once you’ve gone as deep as you can control
in the squat, reverse the motion by extending your legs and returning to
the standing position to complete the rep. Keep your knees tracking in
the same direction as your toes; do not allow your knees to drop in
toward the midline of your body throughout.
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold the dumbbells
in front of your thighs.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips and bend forward toward
the floor, with your knees bent at roughly a 15-to 20-degree angle (see
figure b). As you hinge forward, drive your hips backward and do not
allow your back to round out. Once your torso is roughly parallel to the
floor, drive your hips forward toward the dumbbells, reversing the motion
to stand tall again without overextending your lower back. Keep the
dumbbells close to you throughout; it should touch your shins at the
bottom and track against the fronts of your legs as you perform each
Dumbbell Lateral Romanian Deadlift
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold dumbbells in
each hand.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step laterally, with one leg just outside your shoulder width. Keep your
front knee bent 15 to 20 degrees and your back knee nearly straight. As
your stepping foot hits the ground, shift your weight over your foot and
hinge forward at your hips, allowing the dumbbells to track on each side
of your leg (see figure b). Once your torso becomes parallel to the floor
with your back straight, do not allow your back to round out at the bottom
of each lunge. Reverse the motion by stepping back to the starting
stance and return to an upright position. Then perform the same motion
by stepping laterally to the opposite side with the other leg. Use good
rhythm and timing; do the step and the hip hinge simultaneously and
reverse the motion smoothly and with coordination. Do not let the
dumbbells touch the floor at any point during this exercise.
Dumbbell Fighter’s Lunge
This exercise got its name because it resembles the motion of a fighter
throwing a knee strike. Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart (see
figure a). Hold a dumbbell in each hand. The dumbbell in your left hand
should be outside of your left hip, and the dumbbell in your right hand
should be in front of your right thigh.
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a reverse lunge by stepping backward with your right leg,
allowing your right knee to gently touch the ground as you lean forward
slightly (see figure b). As you return to the standing position, allow your
right thigh to meet the center handle of the dumbbell (see figure c). Your
thigh should meet the dumbbell gently. Smashing into it makes the
exercise uncomfortable to perform.
With the dumbbell against the middle of your right thigh, flex your hip
and raise your knee just above a 90-degree angle with the floor. As you
flex your hip, lift your knee just above your hip joint (see figure d). Lift the
dumbbell with your hip, not your arm. Step backward again with your right
leg and repeat. Perform all reps on one side before switching to the other
Traveling Dumbbell Lunge
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold a dumbbell in
each hand at your sides.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your torso upright, take a large step forward and drop your body
so that your back knee lightly touches the floor (see figure b). Stand back
up tall while bringing your rear leg forward to meet your front leg and step
forward with the opposite leg—the one that was behind you on the last
rep. Repeat as you travel down the room.
Traveling Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Stand tall, your feet hip-width apart (see figure a). Hold a dumbbell in
each hand at your sides.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step forward with one leg, keeping your front knee bent 15 to 20 degrees
and your back knee straight or slightly bent. As your front foot hits the
ground, lean forward by hinging at your hips and allowing your rear heel
to come off the ground (see figure b). Your torso should be no lower than
parallel to the floor and your back should be straight. Do not allow your
back to round out at the bottom of each lunge. Stand back up tall while
bringing your rear leg forward to meet your front leg and step forward
with the opposite leg—the one that was behind you on the last rep.
Repeat as you travel down the room.
Establish good rhythm and timing by performing the step and the hip
hinge simultaneously and by reversing the motion smoothly. Do not let
the dumbbells touch the floor at any point.
One-Leg One-Arm Dumbbell Romanian
Stand on one leg and hold a dumbbell in the opposite hand at your hip
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back and arm straight, hinge at your hip and bend forward
toward the floor; keep your weight-bearing knee bent at roughly a 15-to
20-degree angle. As you hinge, allow your non-weight-bearing leg to
elevate so that it remains in a straight line with your torso and keep your
hips and shoulders flat without allowing them to rotate (see figure b). Do
not allow your lower back to round out as you hinge your hips and lower
your torso. Once your torso and non-weight-bearing leg are roughly
parallel to the floor, reverse the motion by driving your hips forward to
stand tall again, thus completing the rep. Perform all repetitions on one
side before switching to the other side.
One-Leg Dumbbell Bench Hip Thrust
Sit on the floor, your shoulders elevated on a weight bench or chair with
the shoulders resting on the bench. Position the right arm out to the side
across the bench; hold a dumbbell in your left hand in front of your left
hip. Position the dumbbell over your hip in a way that feels comfortable to
you. Position your legs so that your knees are bent about 90 degrees and
your feet are directly below your knees. Keeping your right knee bent 90
degrees, lift your right knee above your hip and lift your hips so that your
body makes a straight line from knee to nose (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your right leg lifted, lower your hips toward the floor until you
either lightly contact the floor or can’t go any deeper (see figure b). Drive
your hips back up to the top position, making sure to extend from your
hips, not your lower back, thus completing the rep. Push through your
heel on each repetition; do not lift the heel off the ground at the top.
Pause for one or two seconds at the top of each repetition.
One-Leg Bench Hip Thrust
Sit on the floor with your shoulders elevated on a weight bench or chair
and your shoulders resting on the bench. Position your arms out to the
sides across the bench. Position your legs so that your knees are bent
about 90 degrees and your feet are directly below your knees. Keeping
your left knee bent 90 degrees, lift your right knee above your hip and lift
your hips so that your body makes a straight line from knee to nose (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your right leg lifted, lower your hips toward the floor until you
either lightly contact the floor or can’t go any deeper (see figure b). Drive
your hips back up to the top position, making sure to extend from your
hips, not your lower back, thus completing the rep. Push through your
heel on each repetition; do not lift the heel off of the ground at the top.
Pause for one or two seconds at the top of each repetition.
One-Leg Hip Bridge
Lie on your back (supine) on the floor with your knees bent and heels on
the floor. Lift your right knee above your hip so your knee is in front of
your rib and chest area (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your right leg lifted, drive your hips up as high as you can
without overextending your lower back (see figure b). Pause for two or
three seconds at the top position before slowly lowering yourself down to
the floor. Repeat all the reps on the same side before switching legs.
One-Leg Hip Lift with Weight Plate
Lie on your back with your legs together, your knees bent 15 degrees,
and your feet resting on top of a weight bench or chair. Raise one leg off
the bench or chair, flexing your hip and knee a little beyond a 90-degree
angle (see figure a). Hold a weight plate at your shin of the flexed leg with
both hands.
Action and Coaching Tips
With your one leg flexed, raise your hips straight up as high as you can
while keeping a slight bend in your knee (see figure b). Do not
overextend your lower back at any time; don’t allow your hips to rotate
during the exercise. Slowly reverse the motion, allowing your hips to
lightly touch the floor. Complete all repetitions on one side before
switching to the other leg.
One-Leg Hip Lift
Lie on your back with your legs together, your knees bent 15 degrees,
and your feet resting on top of a weight bench or chair. Raise one leg off
the bench or chair, flexing your hip and knee a little beyond a 90-degree
angle (see figure a). Place your arms on the floor or in a position that is
Action and Coaching Tips
With your one leg flexed, raise your hips straight up as high as you can
while keeping a slight bend in your knee (see figure b). Do not
overextend your lower back, and don’t allow your hips to rotate during the
exercise. Slowly reverse the motion, allowing your hips to lightly touch
the floor. Complete all repetitions on one side before switching to the
other leg.
One-Leg 45-Degree Cable Romanian
This exercise is performed exactly like the one-leg one-arm Romanian
deadlift with a dumbbell, except that it uses a cable column on the low
setting to change the vector of resistance to a 45-degree angle. Stand tall
on one leg, holding the cable handle in your opposite hand (see figure a).
You can also perform this exercise with a resistance band that is
anchored low, no higher than your ankle level.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back and arm straight, hinge at your hip and bend forward
toward the floor; keep your weight-bearing knee bent at a 15-to 20-
degree angle (see figure b). Do not allow your lower back to round out as
you hinge your hips and lower your torso.
As you hinge forward, lift the heel of your non-weight-bearing leg so that
it remains in a straight line with your torso. At the bottom position, keep
your hips and shoulders flat and do not allow them to rotate; the foot of
your non-weight-bearing leg should point at the floor. Once your torso
and non-weight-bearing leg are at about a 45-degree angle to the floor,
reverse the motion by driving your hips forward toward the cable to stand
tall again, thus completing the rep. Perform all repetitions on one side
before switching sides.
The range of motion is shorter when using the cable than when using
the dumbbell because the force you’re working against is at a higher
point. The dumbbell pulls you toward the floor; the cable pulls you toward
its anchor point at a 45-degree angle.
One-Leg Cable Hip Adduction
Stand tall, a few feet away from a cable column on the low setting. The
column should be at your left side, and the ankle cuff attachment should
be around your left ankle (see figure a). Hold on to a dowel rod against
the ground or the cable column with your left hand for balance. You can
also perform this exercise with a resistance band that is anchored low, no
higher than your ankle level.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your knees slightly bent, lift your left foot off the ground and
drive your left leg across the front of your body as far as you can without
losing your balance or your tall standing position (see figure b). Slowly
reverse the motion, allowing your left leg to go as far toward the cable’s
origin as possible, again keeping your balance and your tall standing
position. Perform all reps on one side before switching sides.
Resistance Band Loop Hybrid Deadlift
First, put your left foot inside one end of the resistance band loop and
your right foot on top of the band (see figure a). Stand with your feet just
outside of shoulder-width apart and turned out 15 degrees. Grab the end
of the band that’s on the outside of your right foot, pull it over your right
foot, and loop the end around your left foot the way you did in the first
step (see figure b). Lower your torso to about a 45-degree angle and
grab the middle of the band, keeping your hands roughly shoulder-width
apart. Hinge at your hips and bend your knees while keeping your back
straight and maintaining an arch in your lower back (see figure c).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back straight, do this exercise fast by driving your hips
forward while straightening your legs and standing tall (see figure d). Be
sure to extend at your hips, not by overextending your lower back.
Reverse the motion and slowly lower yourself back down to the starting
position to complete one rep.
Resistance Band Mini Loop Low
Lateral Shuffle
Place a resistance band mini loop around your legs just above your
knees. With your hands on your hips and your feet hip-width apart, squat
down until your thighs are almost parallel with the floor (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Take small steps laterally to your left, always maintaining tension on the
band (see figure b). Then sidestep back to your right. Do not allow your
knees to give into the band and drop toward the midline. Don’t allow your
torso to wobble from side to side. Keep your knees in line with your feet
Mid-Platform Machine Leg Press
For this exercise, you’ll need to use the machine that’s commonly known
as the leg press machine. Sit with a tall torso and place your feet flat
roughly shoulder-width apart on the middle of the platform (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend at your knees and hips as far as you can while keeping your feet
flat on the platform and maintaining your starting alignment (see figure b).
Once you’ve gone as deep as you can control, reverse the motion by
extending your legs and finishing each rep without locking out your
Keep your knees tracking in the same direction as your toes, and do
not allow your knees to drop in toward the midline of your body as you
perform the action.
High-Platform Machine Leg Press
This version of the leg press changes the muscular focus of this exercise
by adjusting your foot placement on the platform. A higher foot placement
stresses the glutes and hamstrings more, whereas a lower foot
placement (as described in the previous version of the leg press) tends to
place more stress on the quadriceps.
For this exercise, you’ll need to use the machine that’s commonly
known as the leg press machine. Sit with a tall torso and place your feet
roughly shoulder-width apart and near the top of the platform (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend at your knees and hips as far as you can while keeping your feet
flat on the platform and maintaining your starting alignment (see figure b).
Once you’ve gone as deep as you can control, reverse the motion by
extending your legs and finishing each rep without locking your knees.
Keep your knees tracking in the same direction as your toes, and do
not allow your knees to drop in toward the midline of your body as you
perform the action.
Machine Seated Hamstring Curl
For this exercise, use a seated hamstring curl (leg curl) machine. Sit tall
and position the pad you’ll be pushing at the bottom of your calves.
Position your legs hip-width apart and straight out, keeping the backs of
your knees in contact with the seat pad (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Holding on to the handles, pull your calves against the pad by bending
your knees to curl your legs underneath you as far as the machine will
allow (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion under control to complete
the rep. Do not allow the portion of the weight stack that you’re moving to
rest on the other portion of the stack; rather, allow it to just gently touch
the rest of the stack at the end of each rep.
Machine Lying Hamstring Curl
For this exercise, you’ll need to use the machine that’s commonly known
as the lying hamstring curl or lying leg curl machine. Lie face down with
your legs straight and your hip joint on top of the apex of the pads (see
figure a). Adjust the pad you’ll be pushing against so it’s at the bottom of
your calves.
Action and Coaching Tips
Hold on to the handles, and with your legs hip-width apart, pull your heels
toward your glutes as far as possible (see figure b). Slowly reverse the
motion, under control. Do not allow the portion of the weight stack that
you’re moving to rest on the other portion of the stack; rather, allow it to
just gently touch the rest of the stack at the end of each rep.
Machine Leg Extension
For this exercise, you’ll need to use the machine that’s commonly known
as the leg extension machine. Sit tall, with the pad you’ll use to extend
your legs roughly low-shin level, your legs hip-width apart, and the backs
of your knees in contact with the seat pad (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Holding on to the handles, push your shins into the pad and extend your
legs, keeping your ankles dorsiflexed until just before your knees are fully
straight (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion to complete one rep. Do
not allow the weight stack to rest back on the stack. Just allow it to gently
touch at the end of each rep.
It’s important to note that the machine leg extension exercise often
gets bad rap, as many trainers and coaches believe it to be
“nonfunctional” (i.e., not beneficial) and even universally dangerous.
However, when looked at more scientifically and skeptically, these beliefs
are based more on conjecture (10).
Machine Hip Adduction
For this exercise, you’ll need to use the machine that’s commonly known
as the (seated) hip adduction machine. Sit tall, with the pad you’ll be
pressing the insides of your legs against set as wide as you’re able to
manage without discomfort (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Holding on to the handles, push the insides of your thighs into the pads
and drive your legs together until the outsides of the pads touch or until
your thighs are roughly parallel with each other (see figure b). Slowly
reverse the motion to complete one rep. Do not allow the weight stack
you’re moving to rest back on the stack. Just allow it to gently touch at
the end of each rep.
This exercise, like the machine leg extension, often gets an unjustified
bad rap. The misconceptions about using exercises like the machine hip
adduction were addressed in chapter 2, Function and Performance.
Zombie Squat
Stand tall, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out
about 10 degrees (see figure a). Extend your arms in front of you at
shoulder height. Keeping your arms extended in front of you at shoulder
height serves as a counterbalance to help keep your torso upright as you
lower yourself down on each rep.
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat by bending your knees and sitting back at your hips. Go down so
your thighs are almost parallel to the floor without allowing your lower
back to round out (see figure b). As you squat, do not allow your heels to
come off the ground or your knees to come together toward the midline of
your body. Your knees should track in the same direction as your toes.
Reverse and stand back up to complete one rep.
Side-Lying Hip Adduction
Lie on your left side, with your head resting on your left arm (your bottom
arm), which is extended across the floor at roughly a 45-degree angle
above you. Keep your left leg (your bottom leg) straight and in line with
your torso. Bend your right leg (your top leg) and bring it up until your foot
is flat on the floor in front of your bottom knee (see figure a). Grab your
right ankle with your right (top) hand.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your knee straight and your ankle flexed, lift your left leg off the
ground as a high as you can without allowing your hip to flex (see figure
b). Your bottom leg should stay in line with your torso, and do not allow
your torso to roll at any point; keep your shoulders and hips
perpendicular to the floor. Pause for two to three seconds at the top.
Slowly reverse the motion, allowing your leg to return to the floor. Perform
all reps on one side before switching sides.
Nordic Hamstring Curl
This exercise requires either a partner or suitable gym equipment to
securely lock your lower legs in place. Kneel tall, with your legs hip-width
apart and your calves anchored (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your hips and back straight, slowly lower yourself toward the
floor by extending at your knees. At the point where you can no longer
lower yourself with control, allow your body to fall to the floor, using your
hands to control your descent and landing in a position that resembles a
kneeling push-up (see figure b). Use your hands to push back off the
floor (see figure c) and help you reverse the motion so that you return to
the tall kneeling position, thus completing the rep.
Do not allow your hips to drift more than a few degrees behind you.
Maintain a nearly straight line from your knees to your shoulders
Stability Ball Leg Curl
Lie on your back on the floor, with your legs hip-width apart, your heels
resting on top of a 22-to 26-inch (55-65 cm) stability ball, and your arms
out to the sides for balance. Raise your hips off the floor until your body
forms a straight line (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull your heels toward your body while raising your hips toward the sky
until your feet are underneath you (see figure b). Your body should form a
straight line from your shoulders to your knees at the top of each rep.
Slowly reverse the motion and repeat without allowing your hips to rest
on the floor.
Do not overextend your lower back at any time. If your feet drift lower
on the ball while performing a set, adjust the foot position as needed.
One-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl
Lie on your back on the floor, with your legs hip-width apart, your heels
resting on top of 18-to 22-inch (45-55 cm) stability ball, and your arms out
to the sides for balance. Raise your hips off the floor until your body
forms a straight line, then raise one leg off the ball, flexing your hip and
knee slightly above a 90-degree angle (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
With your one leg flexed, pull the ball toward your body with the heel
that’s on the ball while raising your hips toward the sky until your foot is
underneath you (see figure b). Your body should form a straight line from
your shoulders to your knee at the top of each rep. Slowly reverse the
motion and repeat without allowing your hips to rest on the floor.
Complete all repetitions on one side before switching to the other leg. Do
not overextend your lower back at any time. If your feet drift lower on the
ball while performing a set, adjust foot position as needed.
Core Exercises

Core training is always a hot topic. There are hundreds of different exercises to
choose from, and it can be difficult to know which ones give you the best value.
In this chapter, we’ll clarify the confusion by showing you a variety of
scientifically supported exercises that help you maximize your training time.
Let’s kick things off in the next two sections by first covering some of the
popular beliefs about core training that even advanced trainers and coaches think
are true. From there, we’ll finish this chapter by showing how to perform a
variety exercises for the core.

Core Confusion: The Truth About Squats

and Deadlifts
A few studies have taken the position that multijoint, free-weight exercises such
as barbell squats and deadlifts activate core muscles better than more targeted
core exercises like the ones later in this chapter, including stability ball crunches,
dumbbell plank rows, etc. These studies have led many trainers, coaches,
athletes, and exercise enthusiasts to mistakenly think that you don’t need to do
exercises that focus on strengthening your abs and obliques, because squats and
deadlifts do the job more effectively. The truth is, when you look at the scientific
evidence, the claim that (heavy) barbell squats and deadlifts are all you need to
strengthen your abs and obliques doesn’t make sense. Let’s review the science so
you can see for yourself.
One of the two studies most commonly quoted as scientific “evidence” that
squats and deadlifts work better for strengthening your abs and obliques is
entitled “Systematic Review of Core Muscle Activity During Physical Fitness
Exercises.” The purpose of this article was to “systematically review the
literature on the electromyographic (EMG) activity of three core muscles
(lumbar multifidus, transverse abdominis, and quadratus lumborum) during
physical fitness exercises in healthy adults.” (1) (You scientific detective types
will notice that when the authors say “core muscles,” they’re not referring to the
rectus abdominis and the obliques.) The major findings of this research review
were as follows:
No studies were uncovered for quadratus lumborum EMG activity during
physical fitness exercises.
Moderate levels of evidence indicate that lumbar multifidus EMG activity
is greater during free-weight exercises compared with stability ball/device
exercises and is similar during core stability and stability ball/device
Transverse abdominis EMG activity is similar during core stability and
stability ball/device exercises.
It’s clear that the results of this research review certainly don’t demonstrate
that squats and deadlifts create more activation of the rectus abdominis and
oblique musculature than exercises that focus on those core muscles. However,
these findings do tell us that if you’re doing exercises like squats and deadlifts,
you’re not neglecting the deep (local) core stabilizing muscles like the transverse
abdominis and the lumbar multifidus.
The researchers concluded that, “the available evidence suggests that strength
and conditioning specialists should focus on implementing multijoint free-
weight exercises, rather than core-specific exercises, to adequately train the core
muscles in their athletes and clients” (1). Now, if you only read that conclusion
and failed to ask which core muscles the researchers of this study looked at, you
can clearly see how the study was misrepresented as demonstrating that squats
and deadlifts create more abdominal activation than core-focused exercises
directed at those specific muscles.

Core Strength Training Is Overrated

for Athletic Performance
Core training has reached almost mythic status, and many people
would be gravely concerned if a potential function and performance
training program didn’t emphasize it.
A 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis (i.e., a study or
studies) concluded that trunk muscle strength plays only a minor
role for physical fitness and athletic performance in trained
individuals. The authors of the paper stated that “core muscle
strength was associated with only limited gains in physical fitness
and athletic performance measures when compared with no or only
regular training.” (2)
Now, this certainly doesn’t mean that the trunk (i.e., core)
musculature is not an important area to train. If it wasn’t, it would not
be included in the list of exercises in this chapter. It simply means
the benefit that trunk muscle strengthening has on performance is
often misunderstood and is overstated by many trainers and
coaches. So although core training exercises should still be included
as a component of your training, there is no need to view the core
as exclusive to function and performance training or treat core
exercises as something that requires special emphasis over
strengthening the upper and lower body.

Another study often misrepresented is entitled “Trunk Muscle Activity

During Stability Ball and Free-Weight Exercises.” In it, barbell squats and
deadlifts were done with loads of approximately 50, 70, 90, and 100 percent of
the subject’s 1RM (i.e., one repetition max). Subjects also completed three
stability ball exercises: birddog (lying prone over the stability ball while
extending one arm and the opposite leg), hip bridge (lying supine with your
heels on the stability ball and raising your hips off the ground), and ball back
extension (lying prone over the stability ball while extending your torso toward
the sky) (3).
The major findings of this study were as follows:
No significant differences were observed in the rectus abdominis and
external oblique muscles during any of the exercises.
Activity of the trunk muscles during squats and deadlifts is greater or
equal to that which is produced during the stability ball exercises.
Squats and deadlifts are recommended for increasing strength and
hypertrophy of the back extensors.
Once again, if you stopped reading at the second bullet point, you’d
mistakenly think that this study demonstrates that you don’t need to do targeted
abdominal exercises if you’re dong squats and deadlifts. However, this study
showed that squats and deadlifts elicit high levels of activation in the posterior
core muscles (i.e., the back extensors, as highlighted in the third bullet point)
when compared to other exercises that target the posterior core muscles. But they
didn’t compare squats and deadlifts to exercises like those featured in this
chapter that activate the anterior core (abdominals and obliques) musculature.
In summary, the research to date demonstrates that exercises like barbell
squats and deadlifts effectively activate the posterior core muscles (i.e., back
extensors, lumbar stabilizers). However, it does not show that they activate the
anterior core muscles (i.e., abdominals, obliques) better than exercises focused
on the anterior aspect of the core. Indeed, this reality should be obvious because
squats and deadlifts try to drive the torso forward into flexion, which makes the
back extensors work constantly to resist that force and maintain spinal
So, squats and deadlifts likely don’t provide sufficient stimulus to train the
anterior core aspects. The question is, What move or moves offer the most
benefit for working these anterior core muscles (i.e., abdominals, obliques)? The
answer is, the exercises highlighted in this chapter! And the next few paragraphs
tell you why.
With all the available abdominal exercise variations out there, along with all
the varying opinions and conflicting information, it can be confusing for even
the most experienced exerciser or fitness professional to decide which abs moves
may offer the most benefit. Research can help us see through the confusion and
find which abdominal exercise options are the most effective in activating
A study that looked at the muscle activity of a variety of traditional and
nontraditional abdominal exercises found that the stability ball rollout and
stability ball pike were the most effective exercises in activating the abdominal
muscles (rectus abdominis and internal and external obliques) while also
creating the lowest EMG activity in the lower back and hip flexors muscles (4).
It’s important to note that both the stability ball rollout and stability ball pike
exercises involve the shoulders and hips because another study found that the
greatest activation of abdominal muscles is during abdominal exercises that also
require recruitment of shoulder or hip musculature (5). This provides a guiding
principle in judging the potential effectiveness for any abdominal-focused
exercise. As you’ll see, all the exercises highlighted in the chapter involve the
shoulders or hips.
How Useful Are Abdominal Elbow
The abdominal elbow plank is a static hold, where you hover over
the floor on your forearms. The abdominal elbow plank makes
sense in the early stages injury rehabilitation and when trainers use
it to help entry-level clients build awareness of optimal body
alignment in a static position. However, the problem is when the
abdominal elbow plank is always used without moving past it to
more dynamic and challenging exercises.
If you can do a basic abdominal plank for around 30 seconds, it’s
time to stop boring yourself with them and move on to using more
interesting plank versions and challenging abdominal exercises (that
also involve the shoulders or hips to a greater degree), like the ones
featured in this chapter.
Basic Core Exercises: PERFECTED
The following section provides basic core exercises that create or resist torso
bending and twisting while also showing you how to do them better than the way
they are commonly performed. This will help you train smarter, more safely, and
efficiently. All it takes is a couple of small tweaks.
Reverse Crunch
Lie on your back on a weight bench, with your knees bent and your hips
flexed into your belly (see figure a). With your elbows bent, hold on to the
bench just behind and above your head. This exercise can be made
more difficult if you lie on an incline bench with your head higher than
your legs.
Action and Coaching Tips
Smoothly and with control, do a reverse crunch by rolling your lower back
up off the bench and bringing your knees toward your chin (see figure b).
Do not use momentum or jerk your body. Slowly reverse this motion,
lowering your spine back down toward the bench, one vertebra at a time.
Do not allow your legs to extend or your head to lift off the ground at any


You eliminate using momentum and avoid jerking your body up. This is
done by rolling the pelvis toward your head and reversing the action
slowly and with control. When performing this exercise, most people use
momentum and jerk their bodies up and down by kicking their legs to
create the movement. Eliminating that momentum forces the abdominal
musculature to perform the action, which is the main purpose of this
Reduces cheating
More focused on using abdominal muscles to perform the action
Hanging Leg Raise
This is essentially a more advanced version of the reverse crunch. If
you’re unable to perform reverse crunches as described previously on a
bench, it’s unlikely you’ll possess the strength to perform hanging leg
raises in the manner described here.
Hang from a pull-up bar, using an overhand grip and with your hands
roughly shoulder-width apart. Flex your hips and bend your knees,
holding them above your hips in and in front of your torso (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Smoothly and with control, roll your torso upward, bringing your knees
toward your chin (see figure b). Slowly reverse this motion without
allowing your knees to become untucked from your body. Do not use
momentum or jerk your body at any point during this exercise.


You begin with your legs tucked into your body and then roll your torso
up. The way this exercise is usually performed, with your legs hanging
down and by flexing at your hips, is primarily a hip flexion exercises.
Although this certainly involves the abdominals, it’s to a much less
degree than when doing this version. This is because tucking the pelvis
better targets the abdominal musculature.
Less cheating by eliminating the use of momentum
Increases the challenge on the abdominal muscles
Cable Side Bend
Grab the handle of a cable (or resistance band) that’s attached at roughly
ankle level with your left hand. Stand tall, with your feet roughly shoulder-
width apart and the cable at your left side (see figure a). Stand far
enough away from the cable or band so that it’s at roughly a 45-degree
angle to the floor.
Action and Coaching Tips
Without rotating your body, bend your torso sideways to the left until you
feel a mild stretch in the right side of your torso (see figure b). Reverse
the action and finish the rep by slightly flexing your torso to the right
against the resistance. Perform all reps on the same side before
switching sides.


You use a single cable that’s at roughly a 45-dgree angle to your body
instead of holding two dumbbells. When performing this exercise, most
people hold a dumbbell on each side of the body. A great example of a
commonly done exercise that doesn’t make biomechanical sense is
doing side bends while holding a dumbbell on each side. Of course, the
weight of the dumbbell offsets the weight on the other side, making this
exercise ineffective at loading the lateral flexors of the torso sufficiently
compared to performing this exercise while holding a single dumbbell on
one side. Even performing side bends while holding a single dumbbell on
one side of the body isn’t as effective at targeting the lateral core muscles
that resist and create lateral trunk flexion as this version because of the
angle of force involved. There’s not much resistance when using a
dumbbell, unlike when using a cable. The dumbbell is very close to your
body, giving you a mechanical advantage over the weight. You’d have to
hold a very heavy weight, which may exceed your grip strength, to create
the same training effect the cable provides with much lower loads.
More consistent resistance through the range of motion
More effective at targeting the lateral core muscles
Side Elbow Plank with External
Shoulder Rotation

Place your left forearm on the floor with your elbow directly underneath
your shoulder. Place your right foot in front of your left foot, keeping your
hips and knees off the ground and your body in a straight line. Use a pad
or a rolled towel underneath your elbow for comfort if necessary. Hold a
dumbbell with your top hand, keeping your elbow at your side bent at 90-
degrees so the dumbbell is in front of your belly (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
While maintaining the side plank position and keeping your elbow bent at
90 degrees, activate the external shoulder rotators by elevating the
dumbbell toward the ceiling as far as possible without raising your elbow
off your side (see figure b). Slowly reverse the motion to complete one


Front and side planks are boring exercises to perform. Adding the
dumbbell external shoulder rotation adds a new challenge for maintaining
the plank position while you move the dumbbell and makes this exercise
more interesting to perform. Plus, a lot of what you do in the gym involves
using the internal shoulder rotators. Nearly all pushing exercises, as well
as a surprising number of pulls, put you in an internally rotated position.
However, most programs don’t target the external shoulder rotators to
balance it out.
Adds a new challenge to the side plank exercise
Get two things done at once by training the often-neglected shoulder
external rotators along with the lateral core muscles
Low-to-High Cable Chop
Stand perpendicular to a cable column (or resistance band) on your left
side. With both hands on the handle, which is attached to the lowest
position, extend your arms toward the cable’s origin. Position your feet
slightly farther than shoulder-width apart. Squat and shift most of your
weight to your left leg while your arms reach at a downward angle toward
the origin of the cable (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Stand up while shifting your weight toward your right leg and driving the
cable diagonally, upward across your body. Finish at the top, with your
arms above your head on your right side when the rope gently touches
your forearm (see figure b). Reverse the motion to return to the starting
position, then repeat. Perform all reps on the same side before switching


You keep your torso nearly perpendicular to the cable column; you do not
rotate your torso away from the cable column more than a few degrees
as you reach the top of the range of motion. Fully rotating your torso in
each direction, as is commonly done when performing this exercise,
greatly reduces the rotational tension on your torso muscles. In other
words, this modification keeps more constant tension on the torso
muscles to create and resist rotation, helping you make the best use of
your training time.
More consistent tension of the torso muscles
Improves the ability of the torso muscles to control rotation while you
create rotation from your hips
Cable Tight Torso Rotation with Hip
Attach the cable to the highest position and stand perpendicular to a
cable column on your left side. Hold the handle with both hands and
extend your arms toward the cable’s origin. Position your feet slightly
farther than shoulder-width apart and shift your weight toward your left
leg, with your shoulders directly over your hips (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your hips moving with your shoulders, shift your weight to your
right leg as you move your arms horizontally, pulling the handle across
your body to the right until both arms are just outside your right shoulder
(see figure b). Stop rotating your hips and shoulders when the cable or
band gently touches your forearm. Slowly reverse the motion to return to
the starting position and complete one rep. Perform all reps on one side
before switching to the other side.


This variation has four adjustments: a wider stance, a weight shift as you
rotate, reduced rotational range of motion, and the rotation involves both
the hip and shoulders instead of just the shoulders. The wider stance
gives you a larger base of support, which allows you to move heavier
loads and provide a greater strength challenge to your torso muscles to
perform the exercise. Keeping your torso nearly perpendicular to the
cable maintains high levels of rotational tension on your torso muscles,
helping you make better use of your time. And moving the hips in the
same direction and at the same speed as your shoulders is similar to how
we produce high levels of power and strength in athletics.
Increased involvement of your core muscles
Better positioning to perform the movement with more strength
High-to-Low Cable Chop
Stand perpendicular to a cable column on your left side with the cable
attached in the highest position. Hold the handle with both hands and
extend your arms toward the cable’s origin (see figure a). Position your
feet slightly farther than shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
With your arms above your head on your left side and most of your
weight shifted onto your left leg, drive the cable diagonally downward
across your body as you set your hips back slightly and shift your weight
to your right leg (see figure b). Once the cable touches your arm, slowly
reverse the motion to complete the rep. Perform all reps on the same
side before switching sides. Throughout this exercise, keep your spine in
a neutral position and keep your torso nearly perpendicular to the cable
column; do not rotate your torso away from the cable column more than a
few degrees as you reach the bottom of the range of motion (doing so
greatly reduces the rotational tension on your torso muscles).


As with an earlier exercise, the low-to-high cable chop, this exercise also
involves keeping your torso nearly perpendicular to the cable column;
you do not rotate your torso away from the cable column more than a few
degrees as you reach the top of the range of motion. Fully rotating your
torso in each direction, as is commonly done when performing this
exercise, greatly reduces the rotational tension on your torso muscles. In
other words, this modification keeps more constant tension on the torso
muscles to create and resist rotation, helping you make the best use of
your training time.
More consistent tension of the torso muscles
Improves the ability of the torso muscles to control rotation while you
create rotation from your hips
Ab Wheel Rollout with Resistance Band
Anchor a resistance band around something stable (like a weight bench)
near the floor. Hook each end of the band around the handles of the ab
wheel. Kneel with your hands on the handles of the ab wheel, your wrists
just underneath your shoulders, and your arms straight (see figure a).
You may also need to place a pad, pillow, or folded towel under your
knees for comfort.
Action and Coaching Tips
Drive the ab wheel away from you by extending your hips and arms
overhead as if diving into a pool (see figure b). Push the wheel just above
your head without allowing your lower back to sag toward the floor and
without feeling any pressure in your lower back. Once you’ve gone as far
as you can with control, reverse the motion and pull the wheel back to the
starting position, finishing with the wheel under the middle of your torso.


You attach a resistance band to the ab wheel and move through a
smaller range of motion instead of extending your arms completely up
overhead in a straight line with your torso while rolling the ab wheel away
from you. Many people have had difficulty using the ab wheel, or even
hurt their backs doing it, simply because they went out too far beyond
what they could control. Using a band with the ab wheel makes your abs
work harder from the start, so you don’t need to go out nearly as far to
get the same or more of an effective resistance challenge on your
Creates more tension on the abdominals
Less risk of straining your back due to the reduced range of motion
Stability Ball Plate Crunch
Lie face up with a 22-to 26-inch (55-65 cm) stability ball in the arch of
your lower back and hold a weight plate directly above your chest, your
arms outstretched (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a crunch, keeping the weight plate toward the sky (see figure b).
Pause for one or two seconds at the top of each rep, and do not sit all the
way up (with your torso perpendicular to the floor); doing so removes the
tension from the abs. Slowly reverse the motion, allowing your abdominal
muscles to stretch over the ball. Do not allow your neck to hyperextend in
the bottom position; keep your neck in a neutral position throughout.


To focus on your abs when doing ball crunches (i.e., to do them properly),
the ball doesn’t move under you at all. Instead, keep your knees bent at
roughly a 90-degree angle throughout, and flex and extend your spine
with control over the ball. Be sure to hold the weight plate straight above
your shoulders and reach your arm straight up toward the sky as you
perform each crunch rep. It’s common for the ball to roll back and forth as
you perform the crunches. It’s primarily your knees (bending and
extending) driving the motion, not your abs.
It’s important to note that, although some trainers and coaches claim
that spinal flexion exercises, like stability ball crunches, are inherently
dangerous or less effective than isometric abdominal exercises, research
has shown that spinal flexion exercises can not only help promote
nutrient delivery to the intervertebral discs but also may provide superior
muscle and performance gains versus isomeric abdominal exercises (6).
That said, as with any other type of exercise, some exercises, like
stability ball crunches, may be contraindicated for some people who have
pain when performing it and for those with existing spinal conditions,
such as disc prolapse or herniation (6). However, for those with otherwise
healthy spines, the winning combination is to use both isometric and
dynamic abdominal exercises because each offers a unique benefit the
other may miss. In other words, spinal flexion exercises are no different
than any other resistance training exercise. All exercises can induce
stress, which causes tissue adaptation. For your back, loading enhances
tissue resiliency in general, but there’s a tipping point where you exceed
your capacity. That’s the individual nature of training, and exactly what’s
meant by training smart!
Allows for greater abdominal muscle stretch than floor crunches
Not allowing the ball to shift as you crunch keeps consistent tension
on the abdominals
Stability Ball Arc
Place both forearms on top of a 22-to 26-inch (55-65 cm) stability ball
and get into a plank position, with your body in a straight line and your
feet just farther than shoulder-width apart (see figure a). Contract your
glutes and posteriorly rotate your pelvis by bringing your front hip bones
toward your head and your tailbone toward your feet. In other words, if
you imagine your pelvis as a bucket of water, the posterior pelvic tilt
would tip the bucket so that water would spill out of your back, whereas
an anterior pelvic tilt would make water spill out from the front.
Action and Coaching Tips
Move your arms in small arcs, from where your elbows are underneath
the left side of your torso, to straightening your arms as you reach out
above your head, to bringing your arms back underneath the right side of
your torso (see figure b). Alternate between left-to-right arcs and right-to-
left arcs without allowing your head or hips to sag toward the floor. On
each arc, squeeze your glutes tightly each time that you reach your arms
out. Reach your arms as far as you can without feeling discomfort in your
lower back.


You move your arm in an arc instead of making full circles, as if you’re
stirring a big pot. Making full circles is unnecessary and awkward when
your arms are close. Eliminating the bottom end of the circle takes away
the part of the exercise when your arms are fully underneath you, which
is easiest on your abs but hardest on your shoulders.
More constant tension on the abdominals
Less awkward to perform
Leg Lowering with Resistance Band

Lie on your back on the floor, with your knees bent, your hips flexed more
than 90 degrees, and your arms outstretched above your torso just below
shoulder level (see figure a). In each hand, hold the handle of a
resistance band that’s attached about 12 inches (about 30 cm) off the
floor to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb behind you.
Action and Coaching Tips
Maintaining tension against the band with your arms, slowly lower your
legs toward the floor (see figure b). Keep your knees bent and do not
allow your lower back to come off the floor. Once your heels lightly touch
the floor, reverse the motion and bring your knees back above your hips.
To make this exercise more challenging, simply extend your legs
farther as you lower them toward the floor—the farther you straighten
your legs, the harder the exercise; the closer your heels are to your hips,
the easier the exercise.


Instead of keeping your legs almost straight and arbitrarily lowering them
to or just above the floor while allowing your lower back to arch off the
floor, this version forces you to better use your abdominal muscles to
resist the weight of your legs pulling your spine into extension (arching
your lower back off the floor). Plus, this version is more individualized to
your strength level by allowing you to manipulate how much you extend
your legs and how much you lower them without allowing your lower back
to arch. The addition of the band further enhances abdominal muscle
Allowing your lower back to arch off the floor reduces the involvement
of your abdominal musculature to resist spinal extension and places
more stress on the lower back, which may end up extending to the point
of discomfort and increase the risk of injury.
Potentially safer on the lower back
More constant tension on the abs
Angled Barbell Rainbow
Place one end of a barbell in a corner or into a landmine device. Hold the
other end with both hands while standing tall, your feet roughly shoulder-
width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Move the barbell from side to side in a rainbow-like arc from one shoulder
to the other while maintaining a straight spine and keeping a slight bend
in your elbows throughout (see figure b). The movement of the barbell
should come from your shoulders, not your elbows. Avoid any rotation at
your torso; as you move the barbell from side to side, your torso should
face the barbell’s anchored end.
Instead of rotating your hips and shoulders, which is perfectly fine to do
as a different exercise, this involves avoiding any torso movement by
working to remain facing the barbell’s anchor point as your arms move.
Maintaining a stiff and stable torso position forces your torso musculature
to resist the lateral side-bending forces that are being placed on them as
your move the barbell out to the side of your body.
Increased focus on resisting the lateral movement of your torso to
maintain your posture and position
Easily modifiable by reducing the range of motion to best fit your
Weight Plate Speed Chop
Squat and rotate your hips and torso while holding a weight plate
weighing 10 to 45 pounds (4.5-20 kg) outside your left knee (see figure
Action and Coaching Tips
Stand up as you quickly rotate to your right side and drive the plate
across your body in a diagonal pattern, finishing with it just above your
head (see figure b). Without pausing, quickly reverse the motion by
driving the plate back down across your body on the same diagonal path
you used to lift it. Perform all reps to one side, then repeat the exercise to
the other side.
Do this exercise fast, but smoothly and with a consistent rhythm,
coordinating your upper body and lower body during both the lifting and
the lowering phase of each repetition.


A shorter range of motion is performed at a faster speed. Increasing the
speed of the action doesn’t just require you to lift the weight up with more
intensity but also forces you to decelerate the weight plate and pull the
weight back down, increasing the demand on your muscles.
More athletic
Increased muscular activation
Stability Ball Rollout

Kneel on the floor on a 22-to 26-inch (55-65 cm) stability ball, with your
knees hip-width apart, your arms straight, and your palms shoulder-width
apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Drive the ball away from you by reaching your arms overhead as if diving
into a pool (see figure b). Roll the ball out as far as you can without
allowing your head or lower back to sag toward the floor. Once you’ve
gone as far as you can, or your arms are completely overhead in a
straight line with your torso, reverse the motion by driving your arms
downward into the ball and pull it back to the starting position without
allowing your hips to flex.
To make this exercise more difficult, use a smaller ball. Use a larger
ball to make this exercise easier.


You perform this exercise with your arms straight and hands starting on
the ball instead of with your elbows bent and forearms starting on the
ball. Keeping the arms straight allows you to better incorporate the
shoulders by driving into the ball as you pull it back toward you, which
increases both the shoulder and abdominal muscle involvement.
Better incorporates the shoulders
Increased abdominal muscle involvement
Stability Ball Pike

Begin in a push-up position, with your hands directly underneath your
shoulders and your feet and shins hip-width apart on top of a 22-to 26-
inch (55-65 cm) stability ball (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Use your abs to raise your hips toward the sky while keeping your legs
almost straight. Raise your hips until just before they reach above your
shoulders (see figure b). Slowly lower to the starting position with your
body straight. Do not allow your hips or head to sag toward the floor as
you extend your hips back into the starting position.
To make the exercise easier, start with the ball closer to your belly


In this exercise, you stop your hips until just before they reach above
your shoulders, instead of stacking your hips directly above your
shoulders at the top of the pike motion. Stopping your hips until just
before they reach above your shoulders keeps more constant tension on
your abdominal musculature than if you stack your hips directly over your
shoulders. Once your hips are directly above your shoulders, the tension
gets placed mostly on your shoulders, instead of your abs, to maintain
the position.
Constant tension on the abdominal muscles
More concentrated on the abs
Stability Ball Pike Rollout
This exercise combines the ball pike and the ball rollout into one
abdominal exercise. Hold yourself in a push-up position, with your hands
directly underneath your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart on top of
a 22-to 26-inch (55-65 cm) ball (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keep your legs straight and perform the pike portion by pushing your hips
toward the ceiling while keeping your back nearly flat (see figure b).
During the pike portion of the exercise, raise your hips until just before
they reach above your shoulders.
After straightening your hips and coming back to the starting position,
perform the rollback portion by pushing your body backward on the ball
until your arms are fully extended in front of you and your legs are fully
extended behind you (see figure c). Do not allow your hips or head to sag
toward the floor as you extend your arms into the rollback portion of the
exercise. Reverse the motion, then repeat.
To make the exercise easier, start with the ball closer to your belly


You add a rollback to the end of the movement by pushing your body
backward on the ball until your arms are fully extended in front of you.
The rollback portion of the exercise adds another dynamic to the
movement by increasing the range of motion, which then increases the
challenge on the abdominals and shoulders.
Incorporates effective abdominal exercises into one comprehensive
Increases demand on the abdominal muscles
Additional Core Exercises
The exercises in this section also focus on helping you maximize the strength
and development of your abdominal muscles, but there aren’t unique
adjustments for doing them, so they don’t warrant the same level of description
as the exercises in the previous section. You also may find some not-so-common
core exercises here to help you incorporate some variety into your workouts.
Stability Ball Knee Tuck

Hold yourself in a push-up position with your hands directly underneath
your shoulders and your feet and shins resting on top of a 22-to 26-inch
(55-65 cm) stability ball (see figure a). Keep your legs hip-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Pull your knees in to your chest (see figure b). Reverse the motion and
repeat, performing the exercise smoothly with deliberate control. Do not
allow your head or lower back to sag toward the floor.
Weight Plate Around the World
Stand tall, with your feet about six-inches more than shoulder-width. Hold
a weight plate weighing 2.5 to 25 pounds (1-12 kg) in both hands above
your head (see figure a). Extend your arms and bend your elbows a little.
Action and Coaching Tips
While keeping your arms extended and elbows slightly bent, use your
entire body to make the biggest circles (more like horizontal ovals) that
you can make around your body (see figures b and c). Move from the
outside of your body, to just above the floor, to outside your body, to
above your head to complete one rep. As you make circles, bend your
knees and hips at the bottom aspects of the movement and shift your
weight to the same side the plate is on while you reach your arms out
and way from you as far as possible while maintaining a neutral spine.
Also, reach high to the sky at the top aspects of this exercise. Perform all
reps in the same direction before reversing the circular motion and
repeating the exercise in the opposite direction.
Do this exercise fast, but smoothly and with a consistent rhythm,
coordinating your upper body and lower body during both the lifting and
the lowering phase of each repetition.
Dumbbell Plank Row
Begin in a push-up position with each of your hands gripping a dumbbell
placed on the floor (see figure a). Your feet are shoulder-width apart and
your wrists directly below your shoulders. To ensure that the dumbbells
do not roll, place your hands directly underneath your shoulders.
Action and Coaching Tips
From the push-up position, pick up the dumbbell in your left hand and
row it into your body (see figure b). Slowly lower it to the floor and repeat
the action with your right hand. Continue to alternate hands.
One-Arm Plank
Begin in a push-up position, with your hands shoulder-width apart and
your feet a few inches farther than shoulder-width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Lift one arm off the ground without allowing your shoulders or hips to
rotate or your head or belly to sag toward the floor (see figure b). Pause
for several seconds before switching hands. To make this exercise more
difficult, you can perform it from your elbows; if you do so, place a pad,
pillow, or folded towel under your elbow for protection. You can also
increase the challenge of both the straight-arm and elbow-supported
version of this exercise by extending your free arm out to your side so
your arm is parallel with the floor.
Arm Walkout
Kneel, keeping your hands flat on the floor just above your shoulders and
your arms straight under your shoulders (see figure a). Your torso should
form a nearly straight line from your head to your knees. You may also
need to place a pad, pillow, or folded towel under your knees for comfort.
Action and Coaching Tips
Walk your arms out in front of you as far as possible without feeling
discomfort in your lower back and while keeping your body in a straight
line (see figure b); do not allow your hips or head to sag toward the floor.
Squeeze your glutes tightly each time that you walk your hands out to the
long position. Reverse the motion, walking your hands back so that they
end up just in front of your shoulders.
Medicine Ball Arm Walkout
Kneel, putting your hands on the top of a rubber or sand-filled 2 kg or 4.4
lb medicine ball that is on the ground just above your shoulders, and
keep your arms straight (see figure a). Your torso should form a nearly
straight line from your head to your knees. You may also need to place a
pad, pillow, or folded towel under your knees for comfort.
Action and Coaching Tips
Roll the ball out in front of you by walking with your arms, hand-over-
hand, as far as you can without feeling discomfort in your lower back and
while keeping your body in a straight line (see figure b); do not allow your
hips or head to sag toward the floor. Squeeze your glutes tightly each
time that you walk your hands out to the long position. Reverse the
motion, rolling the ball back toward you by walking your hands back so
that they end up just in front of your shoulders.
If using a rubber medicine ball (the kind found at most gyms), choose
one that is fully inflated and large enough—at least 8 pounds (3.5 kg)—to
accommodate both of your hands. If using a sand-filled ball, you can
make the exercise harder by using a heavier ball.
Off-Bench Side Lean Hold
Sit in the center of a weight bench with one leg on each side. Turn your
body to the right so your torso is now in-line with the bench. With your
knee bent to roughly 90-degrees, lean slightly over to your right side
while hooking your right heel and left toes underneath the padded part
the bench (see figure a). Your left leg will be your top leg.
Action and Coaching Tips
Once both your feet are securely and comfortably hooked underneath the
padded platform of the bench, lower your torso as far as you can without
resting the weight of your torso on the bench. Once you’ve gone as low
as you’re able to go while keeping your spine straight, hold this position
(see figure b). Then perform the same action on the other side by turning
your torso to the left—your right leg will be your top leg—while hooking
your right toes and left heel underneath the padded platform of the
Plank March with Resistance Band Mini
Begin in a push-up position, with a mini band around your feet, your legs
hip-width apart, and your wrists directly underneath your shoulders (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your body in a nearly straight line and your ankles flexed by
pulling your toes toward your nose, flex one hip and bring your knee
toward your head until your hip is bent a little more than 90 degrees
without allowing your toes to touch the floor (see figure b). Reverse the
motion by a placing your foot back to the start position, then repeat the
same motion on the other leg.
Cross-Body Plank
Begin in a push-up position, your wrists underneath your shoulders and
your feet shoulder-width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your head or hips to sag, simultaneously raise your right
foot and left hand off the ground. Bring your right knee to your left elbow
while keeping your left hand in contact with your chin (see figure b).
Pause for two or three seconds, then reverse this motion on the opposite
side, touching your left knee to your right elbow. Do not allow your hips or
shoulders to rotate at any time.
Shoulder Tap Plank
Begin in a push-up position. Keep your wrists underneath your shoulders
and your feet shoulder-width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your head or hips to sag, raise your left hand off the
ground and touch your right shoulder. Pause for one or two seconds,
then reverse this motion on the opposite side, touching your right hand to
your left shoulder. Do not allow your hips or shoulders to rotate.
Fast-Hands Plank
Begin in a push-up position, with your hands a few inches outside
shoulder-width apart and your feet a few inches farther than shoulder-
width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your shoulders or hips to rotate or your head or belly to
sag toward the floor, as fast as you can, lift one hand off the ground and
tap the top of your opposite hand (see figure b). Then, place that hand
back on the ground and repeat the action with the other hand. Perform
each rep as fast as possible but with control.

Conditioning Exercises

The conditioning exercises featured in this chapter increase your endurance and
help you get into great shape. They complement your strength training and are
utilized in the workout programming chapters later in this book to finish the
resistance training portion of the workouts. These conditioning exercises and
complexes provide a metabolically demanding challenge to your workouts that’ll
have your heart pounding and muscles burning.

Basic Conditioning Exercises:

The following basic conditioning exercises have been revised so you can do
them better than the way they are commonly performed. This will help you train
smarter, more safely, and efficiently. All it takes is a couple of small tweaks.
25-Yard Dash
Place two cones roughly 25 yards (23 m) apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Jog up to the first cone, then sprint as fast as you can to the other cone.
Do not take short, choppy steps; take powerful strides. While sprinting,
keep your elbows bent at roughly a 90-degree angle and drive with your
arms. Once you pass the second cone, jog several steps before you
stop. Walk back to the start cone and repeat.


Instead of going from a still position and exploding off the line into a
sprint, you jog to the line and begin sprinting once the starting line is
reached. Many strength and conditioning professionals and sports
therapists have found that it’s quite common for athletes to injure their
hamstrings while doing a “quick start” when beginning to sprint. With this
in mind, a jog up to the starting point is a precautionary measure that
reduces the potential risk of injury from quick starts.
It’s important to note that if an athlete training for a specific (combine
type) event that demands beginning a sprint from the still position, the
athlete would certainly need to train for that event by using quick starts.
In cases like this, there’s no reason you can’t also integrate some jogging
starts to work on sprinting speed while making efforts to minimize any
potential injury that quick starts may present.
Potentially safer
More applicable to a wider population
300-Yard Shuttle Run
Place two cones 25 yards (23 m) apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Jog up to the start cone, then sprint as fast as you can back and forth
between the cones for six round trips, which equals a total of 300 yards
(274 m). On each reversal of direction, stay upright as you turn around
(with control) and run back toward the other cone.


In addition to jogging up to the starting point to reduce the risk of injury
that was discussed in the previous exercise, staying upright as you turn
around on each reversal of direction, instead of reaching down to touch
the cone, can also help reduce the chance of an injury when changing
As with the 25-yard dash, if one is training for a specific (combine
type) event, where one has to touch each cone in transition, the athlete
would certainly need to train for that.
Potentially safer
More applicable to a wider population
Gorilla Burpee
With your feet slightly farther than shoulder-width apart, hold your arms
straight in front of your body (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend your knees and hinge forward at your hips so that your torso leans
forward. Place your hands on the ground, with your wrists directly below
your shoulders (see figure b), and jump backward to move into a push-up
position (see figure c). Make sure that your body forms a straight line and
that you do not allow your hips to sag toward the floor in the push-up
position. Jump back up so your feet are outside your hands (see figure
d), then return to a tall standing position to complete the rep (see figure
You start with your feet slightly farther than shoulder-width apart, instead
of the way the burpee is commonly done, which has them closer
together. Then, in this version, you’re lowering and raising your torso by
mainly bending and extending from your knees and your hips, which
places more emphasis on the lower body. Burpees are commonly
performed by bending over mostly from your lower back and placing your
hands on the floor in front of your feet, involving less contribution from the
lower body and placing more stress on the lower back.
More involvement from the lower body
Less unwanted stress on the lower body
Additional Conditioning Exercises
The exercises in this section also focus on helping you maximize your
conditioning levels, but there aren’t unique adjustments for doing them, so they
don’t warrant the same level of description as the exercises in the previous
section. You also may find some not-so-common conditioning exercises and
sequences here to help you incorporate some variety into your workouts.
One-Mile Run for Time
You can perform this either outside or on a treadmill. If running outside,
you want to begin running on flat terrain such on a street or track with
minimal to no hills. If using a treadmill, there shouldn’t be any incline.
Action and Coaching Tips
This is not “jog” a mile. Run a mile in as little time as possible—just like
back in your school days. This drill can be called “the one-mile race”
instead of the “mile run” because it helps people better understand that
it’s about how fast you finish, not just finishing by putting yourself on
cruise-control the whole time. As you run, drive your legs and arms to run
as fast as you can to complete the mile distance. Do not take short,
choppy steps; take a full stride on each step.
High-Resistance Upright Bike Sprints
The upright or Airdyne bike provides a fantastic option for interval training
because it creates a low-impact but very challenging conditioning
workout. Adjust the seat so that when you stand next to it, it aligns with
your hip joint. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the heaviest
resistance you can manage, set the bike’s resistance at a level that puts
you around a six or seven.
Action and Coaching Tips
Pedal as hard and as fast and as you can for the time indicated in the
workout programs in this book. Rest fully between intervals by not
pedaling the bike or getting off the bike completely.
Weight Plate Push

Place a heavy weight plate—try 35 to 45 pounds (about 15-20 kg)—on
top of a towel so that it glides or on a turf surface. For an additional
challenge, you can also place a set of dumbbells (25-35 pounds or 11-15
kg) inside the weight plate. Get into push-up position, with your hands on
top of the weight plate.
Action and Coaching Tips
Drive with your legs by bringing your knees up toward your chest, first
one knee (see figure a) and then the other (see figure b). Push the plate
quickly across the floor for 20 to 25 yards (18-23 m) up and back, for a
total of 40 to 50 yards (37-46 m). Be sure to take long strides and keep
your hips no higher than your shoulders throughout.
Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk Complex
A farmer’s walk complex consists of a series of dumbbell exercises
interspersed with several sets of dumbbell (farmer’s) carries. The
exercises in this complex are performed back-to-back (circuit style)
without rest until all exercises in each complex have been completed.
To begin, use a heavier set of dumbbells for the farmer’s portions and
a lighter set for the other exercises. The lighter set of dumbbells should
be roughly 35 to 40 percent of the weight used for the heavier set. For
example, if your heavier set is 80 pounds (about 35 kg) each, then your
lighter set should be around 30 pounds (13 kg) each.
To set up for this complex, designate two ends of a room about 20 to
25 yards (18-23 m) apart. Place both pairs of dumbbells at one end of the
room. If you don’t have much free space in your weight room, just bring
the dumbbells into the group fitness room or go outside if the weather is
suitable. Perform all the following exercises back-to-back for the reps
indicated to complete one round of this complex.

1. Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk

Stand at one end of the room and hold two heavy dumbbells in each
hand, your palms facing your body by your hips (or at your shoulders).
Action and Coaching Tips
Walk to the other end of the room (see figure), then return to your starting
point, completing one full lap of 40 to 50 total yards (37-46 m). Take
normal strides and move as fast as you can without losing control and
maintaining a tall, upright posture as you carry the weight.
2. Dumbbell Rotational Shoulder Press
Stand tall, with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in
front of each shoulder (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press one dumbbell into the air directly over your same-side shoulder as
you rotate to the opposite side (see figure b). To better allow your hips to
rotate, raise your heel off the ground as you turn. Lower the dumbbell in a
smooth, controlled manner as you bring your torso back to facing straight
ahead. Then turn to the opposite side to perform the rep with the other
arm. Perform 6 to 8 reps on each side.
3. Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
As described for exercise 1, stand at one end of the room and hold two
heavy dumbbells in each hand, with your palms facing your body by your
hips (or at your shoulders). Walk to the other end of the room, then return
to your starting point, completing one full lap, covering 40 to 50 total
yards (37-46 m). Take normal strides, moving as fast as you can without
losing control and maintaining a tall, upright posture.

4. Dumbbell Front Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold lighter dumbbells in each
hand at your shoulders—the back ends of the dumbbells will rest on the
tops of your shoulders—with your elbows directly underneath the handles
of the dumbbells (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat as low as you can by bending your knees and sitting your hips
back (see figure b). Do not allow your heels to rise off the floor or your
lower back to round out. Also, do not allow your knees to drop in toward
the midline of your body; keep your knees tracking in the same direction
as your toes. Reverse the motion and return to the tall standing position
to complete a rep. Perform 10 to 14 reps.
5. Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
As described previously, stand at one end of the room and hold two
heavy dumbbells in each hand, with your palms facing your body by your
hips (or at your shoulders). Walk to the other end of the room, then return
to your starting point, completing one full lap, covering 40 to 50 total
yards (37-46 m). Take normal strides, moving as fast as you can without
losing control and maintaining a tall, upright posture.

6. Break-Dancer Push-Up
Begin in a push-up position, with your hands and feet shoulder-width
apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Perform a push-up; at the top, rotate your entire body toward your left
side, driving your right knee to your left elbow while keeping your left
hand at your chin (see figures b and c). Reverse this motion to perform
another push-up and repeat this action on the opposite side, touching
your left knee to your right elbow. Be sure to rotate your hips and
shoulders together at the same rate, and do not allow your head and hips
to sag toward the floor. Perform 10 to 16 reps total.
7. Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
As described previously, stand at one end of the room and hold two
heavy dumbbells in each hand, with your palms facing your body by your
hips (or at your shoulders). Walk to the other end of the room, then return
to your starting point, completing one full lap, covering 40 to 50 total
yards (37-46 m). Take normal strides, moving as fast as you can without
losing control and maintain a tall, upright posture.

8. Deadlift Jump
Stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart and with your arms at
your thighs.
Action and Coaching Tips
With your feet roughly shoulder-width apart, hinge at your hips and bend
forward toward the floor (see figure a). Keep your back straight and your
knees bent at a 15-to 20-degree angle. Let your arms hang in front of
your body, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Jump straight up by
simultaneously extending your hips and knees (see figure b). Land as
lightly and quietly as possible, thus returning to the starting position. Do
not allow your back to round out at the bottom of each repetition.
Each time you set up for the next jump, keep your knees in the same
line as your toes; your knees should not come toward one another at any
time. Jump as high as you can on each repetition. Perform 10 to 14 reps.
Unilateral Farmer’s Walk Complex
This complex is performed in the same way as the previous dumbbell
farmer’s walk complex, except that here, you do two laps of each
farmer’s walk: one lap carrying a dumbbell in your right hand and one
more lap carrying it in your left hand.
To perform this complex, use a heavier dumbbell for the farmer’s-walk
portions and a lighter dumbbell for the other exercises. The lighter
dumbbell should be roughly 35 to 40 percent of the weight used for the
heavier dumbbell. For example, if your heavier dumbbell is 80 pounds
(about 35 kg), then your lighter dumbbell should be around 30 pounds
(13 kg).
To set up for this complex, designate two ends of a room about 20 to
25 yards (18-23 m) apart. Place both dumbbells at one end of the room.
If you don’t have much free space in your weight room, just bring the
dumbbells into the group fitness room or go outside if the weather is
suitable. Perform all the following exercises back-to-back for the reps
indicated to complete one round of this complex.

1. One-Arm Dumbbell Rotational

Shoulder Press
Stand tall, with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in
front of one shoulder (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Press the dumbbell into the air directly over your same-side shoulder as
you rotate to the opposite side (see figure b). To better allow your hips to
rotate, raise your heel off the ground as you turn. Lower the dumbbell
smoothly and with control as you bring your torso back to facing straight
ahead before you begin the next rep. Perform 6 to 8 reps on each side.
2. One-Arm Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
Stand tall at one end of the room while holding a heavy dumbbell on the
left side of your body and your palm facing your body by your hip (or at
your shoulder).
Action and Coaching Tips
Walk to the other end of the room (see figure), then return to your starting
point and complete one full lap, covering 40 to 50 total yards (37-46 m).
Switch hands and do another lap. Take normal strides and move as fast
as you can without losing control. Maintain a tall, upright posture as you
carry the weight.
3. One-Leg Reverse Lunge with
Dumbbell at Shoulder
Stand tall, with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold a lighter dumbbell in
your left hand at your left shoulder (see figure a). The back of the
dumbbell should rest on top of your shoulder throughout.
Action and Coaching Tips
Step backward with your left foot, as you simultaneously drop your body
so that your knee lightly touches the floor (see figure b). Keep your back
straight and your torso centered. Do not lean to one side. Reverse the
movement by coming out of the lunge and bringing your foot forward so
that you are back in the starting position. Perform a series of reverse
lunges by stepping back with only this one leg. Perform 10 to 12 reps on
each side.
4. One-Arm Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
As described for exercise 2, stand at one end of the room and hold a
heavy dumbbell on the left side of your body, with your palm facing your
body by your hip (or at your shoulder). Walk to the other end of the room,
then return to your starting point and complete one full lap, covering 40 to
50 total yards (37-46 m). Switch hands and perform another lap. Take
normal strides and move as fast as you can without losing control.
Maintain a tall, upright posture as you carry the weight.

5. One-Arm Plank
Begin in a push-up position, with your hands shoulder-width apart and
your feet a few inches farther than shoulder-width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Lift one arm off the ground without allowing your shoulders or hips to
rotate or your head or belly to sag toward the floor (see figure b). Pause
for several seconds before switching hands. To make this exercise more
difficult, you can perform it from your elbows; if you do so, place a pad,
pillow, or folded towel under your elbow for protection. You can also
increase the challenge of both the straight-arm and elbow-supported
version of this exercise by extending your free arm out to your side so
your arm is parallel with the floor. Hold for 12 to 20 seconds on each side.
6. One-Arm Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
As described previously, stand at one end of the room and hold a heavy
dumbbell on the left side of your body, with your palm facing your body by
your hip (or at your shoulder). Walk to the other end of the room, then
return to your starting point and complete one full lap, covering 40 to 50
total yards (37-46 m). Switch hands and do another lap. Take normal
strides and move as fast as you can without losing control. Maintain a
tall, upright posture as you carry the weight.

7. Leaning Split Squat Scissor Jump

Assume a split stance, with your legs hip-width apart and your rear heel
off the ground, thus putting most of your weight on your front leg (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Lean forward by hinging at your hips and reach your arms down, keeping
them just in front of your toes. Jump as high as possible while scissoring
your legs (see figures b and c) so that you land in the same position but
with the opposite leg forward (see figure d). Jump again, repeating the
action. Land as quietly and lightly as possible, using each landing to load
the next jump. Each time you land, hinge forward at your hips, keeping
your spine straight. Each time you explode back up, raise your torso.
Perform 16 to 20 total reps (8 to 10 reps per leg).
8. One-Arm Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
As described previously, stand at one end of the room and hold a heavy
dumbbell on the left side of your body, with your palm facing your body by
your hip (or at your shoulder). Walk to the other end of the room, then
return to your starting point and complete one full lap, covering 40 to 50
total yards (37-46 m). Switch hands and do another lap. Take normal
strides and move as fast as you can without losing control. Maintain a
tall, upright posture as you carry the weight.
Dumbbell Complex
This complex uses two dumbbells, one in each hand. After you’ve
finished performing 2 reps of the two-arm dumbbell swing and 1 rep of
each of the remaining exercises in this complex, which is 1 rep of the
complex, position your body properly to start the first exercise and repeat
the sequence. You’ll do 15 to 20 total reps of the exercises in this

1. Two-Arm Dumbbell Swing

With your feet roughly shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each
hand in front of your hips.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back and arms straight, drive the dumbbells between your
legs as if hiking a football and hinge forward at your hips, keeping your
knees bent at roughly a 15-to 20-degree angle (see figure a). Once your
forearms contact your thighs, explosively reverse the motion by
simultaneously driving your hips forward and swinging the dumbbells
upward to roughly eye level to complete 1 rep (see figure b). Perform 2
As you hinge forward, be sure that you drive your hips backward and
do not allow your back to round out. Also, allow your forearms to touch
the insides of your thighs at the bottom of each swing. Use your hips to
powerfully drive your arms forward off your thighs to swing the dumbbells
up on each rep. This ensures that you’re doing the exercise properly by
emphasizing the involvement of your leg and hip musculature instead of
just lifting the dumbbell with your arms.
2. Down Gorilla Burpee
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells
in front of your hips, with your arms straight so they are hanging between
your feet.
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend your knees and hinge forward at your hips to place the dumbbells
on the floor between your feet directly under each shoulder (see figure a).
Jump backward so you end up in push-up position, with your body
forming a straight line, and do not allow your hips to sag toward the floor
(see figure b). Remain in this position and move to the next exercise.
Perform 1 rep.
3. Dumbbell Push-Up
With dumbbells directly under your shoulders, place one hand on the
handle of each dumbbell.
Action and Coaching Tips
Do a push-up by lowering your body to the floor while keeping your
elbows directly above your wrists the entire time (see figure a). Once
your ribs touch the dumbbells, reverse the motion by pushing your body
up (see figure b). Be sure you do not allow your head or hips to sag
toward the floor at any time. Perform 1 rep.
4. Dumbbell Plank Row
Begin in a push-up position with each of your hands gripping a dumbbell
placed on the floor (see figure a). Your feet are shoulder-width apart and
your wrists are directly below your shoulders. To ensure that the
dumbbells do not roll, place your hands directly underneath your
Action and Coaching Tips
Pick up the dumbbell and perform a row by pulling it into your body
without allowing your head or hips to sag or your torso to rotate (see
figure b). Slowly lower it and repeat on the other side. Perform 1 rep on
each side.
5. Up Gorilla Burpee
Remain in the push-up plank position from the previous exercise (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Jump up to your feet (see figure b) and simply stand up tall. Perform 1
6. Dumbbell Squat and Shoulder Press
Stand tall, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each
hand at your shoulders, your elbows directly underneath the handles (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat as low as you can by bending your knees and sitting your hips
back without allowing your heels to rise off the floor or your lower back to
round out (see figure b). Reverse the motion by simultaneously standing
up and pressing the dumbbells overhead so that your knees and arms
straighten at roughly the same time (see figure c). Perform 1 rep. Then
repeat the sequence beginning with the two-arm dumbbell swing.
Weight Plate Complex
The following complex requires you to hold each end of a 25-, 35-, or 45-
pound Olympic weight plate, which is the traditional type of weight plate
found most gyms. The following complex is dynamic and requires good
amount of coordination and athleticism. Perform all three exercises back-
to-back for the reps indicated to complete one round of this complex.

1. Weight Plate Speed Chop

Squat and rotate your hips and torso while holding a weight plate
weighing 10 to 45 pounds (4.5-20 kg) near the outside your left knee (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Stand up as you quickly rotate to your right side and drive the plate
across your body in a diagonal pattern, finishing with it just above your
head (see figure b). Without pausing, quickly reverse the motion by
driving the plate back down across your body on the same diagonal path
you used to lift it. Perform all reps to one side, then repeat the exercise to
the other side. Do 14 to 16 reps on each side.
Do this exercise fast but smoothly and with a consistent rhythm,
coordinating your upper body and lower body during both the lifting and
lowering phases of each repetition.
2. Weight Plate Middle Speed Chop
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart (see figure a). Hold
a weight plate with both hands.
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your back and arms straight, drive the weight plate between
your legs as if hiking a football and hinge forward at your hips (see figure
b). Keep your knees bent at roughly a 15-to 20-degree angle. As you
hinge forward, drive your hips backward; do not allow your back to round
out. Once your forearms contact your thighs, explosively reverse the
motion by simultaneously driving your hips forward and swinging the
weight plate up to eye level. Perform 14 to 16 reps on each side.
Do this exercise fast, but smoothly and with a consistent rhythm,
coordinating your upper body and lower body during both the lifting and
the lowering phase of each repetition.
3. Weight Plate Push
Place a heavy weight plate—try 35 to 45 pounds (about 15-20 kg)—on
top of a towel so that it glides or on a turf surface. For an additional
challenge, you can also place a set of dumbbells (25-35 pounds or 11-15
kg) inside the weight plate. Get into push-up position, with your hands on
top of the weight plate.
Action and Coaching Tips
Drive with your legs by bringing your knees up toward your chest, first
one knee (see figure a) and then the other (see figure b). Push the plate
quickly across the floor for 20 to 25 yards (18-23 m) up and back for a
total of 40 to 50 yards (37-46 m; see figures a-c). Perform 1 lap.
Bodyweight Leg Complex
Do the following exercises back-to-back, fast but with control. Perform all
the reps indicated to complete one round of this complex.

1. Squat Jump with Arm Drive

Stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat by bending at your knees and hips so that your thighs are just
above parallel to the ground while making sure to keep your knees in the
same line as your toes (see figure a); your knees should not come toward
one another at any time. Reach your arms just behind your hips, keeping
your elbows slightly bent. Jump straight up by simultaneously extending
your legs and swinging your arms above you (see figure b). Land as
lightly and quietly as possible, thus returning to the starting position.
Jump as high as you can on each repetition. Perform 10 to 12 reps.
2. Leaning Split Squat Scissor Jump
Assume a split stance with your legs hip-width apart and your rear heel
off the ground, thus putting most of your weight on your front leg (see
figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Lean forward by hinging at your hips and reach your arms down, keeping
them just behind your toes. Jump as high as possible while scissoring
your legs (see figures b and c) so that you land in the same position but
with the opposite leg forward (see figure d). Jump again, repeating the
action. Land as quietly and lightly as possible, using each landing to load
the next jump. Each time you land, hinge forward at your hips, keeping
your spine straight. Each time you explode back up, raise your torso.
Perform 20 to 24 total reps (10 to 12 reps per leg).
3. Reverse Lunge
Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart and your fingers interlaced
behind your head (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Step backward on your left leg, placing the ball of your foot on the floor
while bending both knees, and lower your body into a lunge (see figure
b). Once your back knee lightly touches the floor, reverse the motion by
stepping back up into the starting position. Do the same motion by
stepping back with your other leg. Alternate legs on each rep. Perform
each rep as fast as possible but with control. Do 20 to 24 total reps (10-
12 reps per leg).
4. Zombie Squat
Stand tall, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out
about 10 degrees. Extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height
(see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat by bending your knees and sitting back at your hips (see figure b).
Your knees should track in the same direction as your toes. Go down so
your thighs are almost parallel to the floor without allowing your lower
back to round out. Perform each rep as fast as possible but with control.
Do 20 to 24 reps.
Two-Minute Bodyweight Complex
Perform the following four exercises back-to-back to complete one round
of the complex. Do each exercise for 30 seconds each, with no rest
between each exercise

1. Fast-Hands Plank
Begin in a push-up position, with your hands a few inches outside
shoulder-width apart and your feet a few inches farther than shoulder-
width apart (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Without allowing your shoulders or hips to rotate or your head or belly to
sag toward the floor, as fast as you can, lift one hand off the ground and
tap the top of your opposite hand (see figure b). Then, place that hand
back on the ground and repeat the action with the other hand. Perform
each rep as fast as possible but with control in 30 seconds.
2. Gorilla Burpee
With your feet slightly farther than shoulder-width apart, hold your arms
straight in front of your body (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend your knees and hinge forward at your hips so that your torso leans
forward. Place your hands on the ground, with your wrists directly below
your shoulders (see figure b), and jump backward to move into a push-up
position (see figure c). Make sure that your body forms a straight line and
that you do not allow your hips to sag toward the floor in the push-up
position. Jump back up so your feet are outside your hands (see figure
d), then return to a tall standing position to complete the rep (see figure
3. Squat Jump with Arm Drive
Stand with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart.
Action and Coaching Tips
Squat by bending at your knees and hips so that your thighs are just
above parallel to the ground (see figure a). Make sure to keep your knees
in the same line as your toes; your knees should not come toward one
another at any time. Reach your arms just behind your hips, keeping your
elbows slightly bent. Jump straight up by simultaneously extending your
legs and swinging your arms above you (see figure b). Land as lightly
and quietly as possible, thus returning to the starting position. Jump as
high as you can on each repetition. Perform as many reps as possible
but with control in 30 seconds.
4. Seal Jack
Stand with your feet together and your arms extended in front of you at
shoulder level, your hands together (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
As you open your arms horizontally to the side, jump up just enough to
spread your feet wide (see figure b). Without pausing, quickly reverse the
movement. Do the exercise smoothly, opening and closing your legs and
arms simultaneously. Be as light on your feet as possible. Minimize the
time that your feet are in contact with the ground. Perform each rep as
fast as possible but with control.
Bodyweight and Resistance Band
This complex involves using a resistance band that’s attached at roughly
shoulder height to a stable structure or inside a doorjamb (many
resistance bands come with an attachment for this). Perform the following
exercises back-to-back, fast but with control, to complete one round of
this complex.

1. Resistance Band Alternate-Arm Row

Stand tall in a split stance, with your right foot forward and your knees
slightly bent. Face a band that’s attached at roughly chest height. Hold
one handle in each hand.
Action and Coaching Tips
As you pull the band toward your body with one arm, let the other arm
straighten without allowing your torso or hips to rotate more than a few
degrees (see figure a). Alternate your arms in a quick motion, making
sure that the elbow on the arm that you’re rowing with goes past your
torso (see figure b). Perform each rep as fast as possible but with control.
Do 20 to 25 total reps per stance. Once you you’ve completed all the
reps with your right foot in front, switch your stance and perform the
same amount of reps with your left foot in front.
2. Resistance Band Alternate-Arm Chest
Face away from a band that’s attached at roughly shoulder height. Hold
one handle in each hand, with your elbows out to your sides and your
forearms parallel to the floor. Stand in a split stance, with your left foot
forward and your knees slightly bent.
Action and Coaching Tips
As you press the band horizontally away your body with one arm, let the
other arm straighten without allowing your torso or hips to rotate more
than a few degrees (see figure a). Alternate your arms in a quick motion,
making sure that the elbow on the arm that you’re getting ready to press
with goes past your torso (see figure b). Perform each rep as fast as
possible but with control. Perform 20 to 25 total reps per stance. Once
you have completed all the reps with your left foot in front, switch your
stance and perform the same number of reps with your right foot in front.
3. Resistance Band Tight Rotation with
Hip Shift
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and
the handles of a resistance band on your right side at shoulder level.
Hold the handles on your right side, with your elbows slightly bent.
Position your feet slightly father than shoulder-width apart and your
weight shifted towards your right leg with your shoulders directly over
your hips (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Keeping your hips moving with your shoulders, shift your weight to your
left leg as you simultaneously move your arms horizontally, pulling the
handles across your body to the left until both arms are just outside your
left shoulder. Stop rotating your hips and shoulders when the bands
gently touches your forearm (see figure b). The range of motion in this
exercise is small—roughly the same as the width of your shoulders. Allow
minimal rotation at your hips, which should move in the same direction
and at the same speed as your shoulders. Perform each rep as fast as
possible but with control for 10 to 15 reps per side. Perform all reps on
one side before switching to the other side.
4. Gorilla Burpee
With your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hold your arms
straight down in front of your body (see figure a).
Action and Coaching Tips
Bend your knees and hinge forward at your hips so that your torso leans
forward (see figure b). Place your hands on the ground, with your wrists
directly underneath your shoulders, and quickly move your legs backward
so that you move into a push-up position (see figure c). Make sure that
your body forms one straight line and that you do not allow your hips to
sag toward the floor in the push-up position. Keeping your hands on the
ground, jump up to the outside of your hands and drop your hips into a
squat-type position (see figure d) before you return to the tall standing
position (see figure e), thus completing the rep. Perform each rep as fast
as possible but with control. Perform 15 to 20 reps.

Part III

General Beginner Programs

This chapter provides beginner workout programs for those who are just starting
out or for those who haven’t done any regular strength training in a while. Once
you’ve been through these beginner workouts or if you’ve been regularly
performing moderate levels of strength training, you can start with using the
fitness programs in chapter 11. Do those exercises for at least six to eight weeks
before trying any of the programs found in chapters 12 to 14.

The Basics of General Beginner

This chapter focuses on gym-based programs, but since you can’t always make it
to the gym and your primary training should be done using equipment, it also
provides two home and hotel gym workouts along with two workouts using only
bodyweight and resistance band exercises that you can use on the days when
you’re traveling or don’t have access to any kind of gym equipment.
There are guidelines for using the programs in this chapter. Some of these
guidelines will be the same for all the program chapters featured in this book,
but others differ depending on the type of program you’re doing. Let’s look at
the key points to remember for your beginner programs:
Perform exercises a and b as paired sets. Do all the indicated sets and reps
in a paired set before moving on to the next set. Once all exercises within
a paired set are complete, you can rest a bit longer than indicated between
sets (if necessary) to complete the designated number of reps with good
control. Completing one round of the exercises in a paired set is
considered one set.
The rep range (i.e., 10-15 reps) is next to each exercise in the programs in
the next two sections. If you’re using the same weight for each set, you
may be able to do 15 reps on the first set, 12 reps on the next set, and 10
reps on the third set due to accumulated fatigue. Or, you can reduce the
weight you’re using with each consecutive set to achieve the higher end of
the given rep range on each consecutive set. Both methods are effective at
helping you progress.
When a program indicates to take rest days, this doesn’t mean you have to
do nothing. During your days off, you can do some low-impact activities,
such as going for long walks, hikes, bike rides, or swims. Also, yoga can
be a great option for your active rest periods.
The main goal of the programs in this chapter is to familiarize your body
with the demands of performing basic exercises. Your primary focus when
using these programs, especially in phase 1, is not to reach full exercise
fatigue but to improve your exercise technique and your muscle awareness
when performing the exercises.
Maintain strict form, without cheating by using additional movements or
Mentally focus on the working muscles in each exercise.
Do the concentric (lifting) portion of each rep at a normal tempo and
maintain control during the eccentric (lowering) portion.
Use a weight load that leaves you unable to perform any more reps than
indicated while maintaining proper control and technique.
If an exercise causes pain or discomfort beyond the sensation associated
with muscle fatigue, do an alternative exercise that doesn’t hurt. There are
plenty of movements in the exercise chapters of this book to choose from.
Remember, before you begin a workout in the following programs, be
sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up sequences in chapter 5.

Beginner Gym-Based Workout Program

The beginner gym-based workout program is broken down into two phases (see
tables 10.1-10.3). Phase 1 consists of a single program, which you’ll repeat four
times, either two, three, or four times a week on nonconsecutive days. If you’re
exercising four times per week, you’ll complete phase 1 in one week’s time.
Once you’ve completed phase 1, you’ll move on to phase 2. Phase 2 consists of
Program A and Program B, which you’ll alternate on nonconsecutive days.
You’ll repeat each program in phase 2 three times, either twice, three times, or
four times within a week on nonconsecutive days.
Your Gym Bag
There are a couple pieces of portable equipment that I recommend
you always have in your gym bag—resistance bands with handles
and resistance band loops. These bands allow you to group
exercises requiring immobile equipment (e.g., squat rack or
machine) with bands, which are mobile equipment. This enables
you to use band exercises within a paired set or triset while you
remain at the immobile equipment and don’t have to walk all over
the gym, thus potentially losing your equipment to another member.
There are two places online that I recommend you go to
purchase high-quality resistance bands: and At Power Systems, the resistance bands with handles
to get are the Double Cords; the resistance band loops are called
strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called Versa
Loops. At Sorinex Exercise Equipment, resistance band loops are
called strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called
short bands.

Once you’ve finished both phases of the beginner programs that follow,
you’re ready to move on to the Fitness Programs chapter for at least six to eight
weeks before trying any of the other programs in part III.
You’ll perform the beginner program at least twice per week but no more
than four times per week until you’ve completed all the workouts in each phase.
The sample weekly programs that could be created if you’re training two, three,
or even four times a week as shown in tables 10.4 through 10.6.
Table 10.5 Sample Beginner Gym-Based Training Setup:
Three Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2
Monday: Phase 1, workout 1 Monday: Phase 1, workout 3
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Phase 2, program B, workout 1 Wednesday: Phase 2, program A, workout 3
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Phase 1, workout 2 Friday: Phase 1, workout 4
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
Week 3 Week 4*
Monday: Phase 2, program A, workout 1 Monday: Phase 2, program B, workout 2
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Phase 2, program B, workout 1 Wednesday: Phase 2, program A, workout 3
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Phase 2, program A, workout 2 Friday: Phase 2, program B, workout 3
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*After you’ve competed week four, continue to the fitness programs featured in the next chapter.

Beginner Home or Hotel Gym Workouts

On days that you’re traveling, can’t make it to the gym, or don’t have access to a
gym, you can use the beginner home or hotel gym workouts or the beginner
bodyweight and band workouts here. The two workouts in tables 10.7 and 10.8
involve equipment that’s either recommended for your home gym or that’s
commonly found in most hotel gyms. That equipment is as follows:
A set of dumbbells (up to 50 lb or 20 kg)
An adjustable weight bench that can be made flat or set at an incline
A high-quality stability ball that’s 55 to 65 centimeters
A chin-up bar (many are designed to be easily placed inside the top of a
A set of resistance bands with handles of varying strengths, from light to
very heavy
Resistance band loops of varying strength, from light to medium
Resistance band mini loops of varying strength, from light to medium
Resistance bands, resistance band loops, and resistance band mini loops are
affordable and available at most sporting goods stores or online, but they are not
often found at hotel gyms. We recommend traveling with at least one set of each
type of band. They’re portable and easy to pack in your luggage. It’s also
important to note that since the following workouts are designed to be done with
limited equipment, some of the exercises included will require small
modifications from how they’re featured in the exercise descriptions. For
example, for a cable-based exercise such as the One-Arm Cable Row, you’d
perform it with a resistance band instead of cable if your training environment
doesn’t feature a cable column. Or, for a dumbbell exercise such as the
Dumbbell Shoulder W, you’d simply perform the same movement as shown in
the exercise description without holding dumbbells. These modifications are
indicated within each of the workouts.
Also, these workouts are intended to be used only as an addition to your
regular weekly gym-based workouts on the days you can’t make it to the gym or
when you’re traveling. They are not designed to replace your gym-based
workouts; your primary training should revolve around using the beginner
workout programs in the previous section. Remember, before you begin any of
the following workouts, be sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up
sequences in chapter 5.
The two workouts in tables 10.9 and 10.10 have bodyweight exercises and
resistance band exercises utilizing three types of bands: resistance bands with
handles (these can be attached to any doorway or stable object in matter of
seconds), resistance band loops, and resistance mini band loops. A set of high-
quality resistance bands with handles and both types of resistance band loops—
they come in multiple resistances from light to very heavy—for home use and to
take with you when you travel are a must. They are portable and add a number
of effective exercise options to your bodyweight training workouts, delivering a
value that far exceeds their cost.
Again, the following workouts are not intended to be done exclusively and
are not designed to replace the gym-based beginner workout program earlier in
this chapter. They are intended to be used only as an addition to your regular
weekly gym-based workouts on the days you don’t have access to any kind of

Fitness Programs

This chapter is for those who want to improve and maintain their overall health
and fitness levels. If you’re not necessarily interested in changing your eating
habits, but you’re exercising more to manage your weight and offset all the
foods you love to eat while staying active and building a stronger body that can
get things done (i.e., improve performance), then the programs in this chapter are
for you!
The programs in this chapter use elements from the function and
performance, fat loss, and physique programs and will help you improve your
muscle, strength, and metabolism. But they do more than simply help you
improve your overall fitness level and general health. They help set the fitness
foundation to ensure that your body is ready to safely and more effectively
perform the function and performance, fat loss, and physique workouts provided
in the next three chapters. Regardless of which of those three workouts you use,
it is smartest and safest to start (for at least six weeks) with the fitness programs
in this chapter.

The Basics of Fitness Programs

Gauging exercise success doesn’t just come in the form of gaining muscle size,
lifting bigger weights, or dropping a waist size. You can also judge your exercise
success by how much you’ve enjoyed each workout, how you feel at the end of
the workout, and how many workouts you’ve completed per week. As explained
in chapter 1, in addition to the obvious aesthetic and athletic benefits, there are
numerous well-documented physical and mental health benefits of regular
The programs in this book are more similar than they are different. What
makes a program more focused on something like function and performance, fat
loss, physique, or more general fitness (and health) isn’t the exercises that are
included—most of the same exercises appear in each—it’s how many sets, how
many reps, how long you rest, and the organization and order of the workouts.
Gym-based programs are the focus of this chapter. Since you can’t always
make it to the gym, and while your primary training should be done using
equipment, this chapter also provides two home gym or hotel gym fitness
workouts along with two more fitness workouts using only bodyweight and
resistance band exercises that you can use on the days when you’re traveling or
don’t have access to any kind of gym equipment.

Your Gym Bag

There are a couple pieces of portable equipment that I recommend
you always have in your gym bag—resistance bands with handles
and resistance band loops. These bands allow you to group
exercises requiring immobile equipment (e.g., squat rack or
machine) with bands, which are mobile equipment. This enables
you to use band exercises within a paired set or triset while you
remain at the immobile equipment and don’t have to walk all over
the gym, thus potentially losing your equipment to another member.
There are two places online that I recommend you go to
purchase high-quality resistance bands: and At Power Systems, the resistance bands with handles
to get are the Double Cords; the resistance band loops are called
strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called Versa
Loops. At Sorinex Exercise Equipment, resistance band loops are
called strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called
short bands.

There are guidelines for using the programs in this chapter. Some of these
guidelines will be the same for all the program chapters featured in this book,
but others differ depending on which type of program you’re doing. Let’s look at
the key points to remember for your fitness programs:
Perform the exercises designated with a or b as paired sets, and perform
exercises with a, b, and c as trisets. Perform all reps in each set before
moving to the next set. Once all exercises within a set are complete, you
can rest a bit longer than indicated between sets (if necessary) to complete
the designated number of reps with good control. Completing one round
of the exercises in a paired or triset is considered one set.
The rep range (i.e., 10-15 reps) is next to each exercise in the workout in
the next two sections. If you’re using the same weight for each set, you
may be able to do 15 reps on the first set, 12 reps on the next set, and 10
reps on the third set due to accumulated fatigue. Or, you can reduce the
weight you’re using with each consecutive set to achieve the higher end or
given rep range on each consecutive set. Both methods are effective at
helping you to progress.
When a program indicates to take a break before beginning a new cycle,
this doesn’t mean you have to do nothing. During your days off, you can
do some low-impact activities, such as going for long walks, hikes, bike
rides, or swims. Also, yoga can be a great option for your active rest
periods. If you’re already doing yoga each week, as recommended earlier,
you can simply increase your yoga practice in your (active) rest week
from the gym. Taking 4 to 7 days to “deload” before repeating a workout
cycle can minimize the risk of overtraining and helps you continue to
make gains. It also makes you hungry to get back into the gym, which can
help you avoid getting in the habit of simply going through the motions.
Maintain strict form, without cheating by using additional movements or
momentum. Mentally focus on the working muscles in each exercise.
Do the concentric (lifting) portion of each rep at a normal tempo and
maintain control during the eccentric (lowering) portion.
Use a weight load that leaves you unable to perform any more reps than
indicated while maintaining proper control and technique.
If an exercise causes pain or discomfort beyond the sensation associated
with muscle fatigue, utilize an alternative exercise that doesn’t hurt. There
are plenty of movements in the exercise chapters of this book to choose
Remember, before you begin a workout in the following programs, be
sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up sequences in chapter 5.
Fitness Workout Programs
There are two versions of each of the eight total body fitness workouts, for a
total of 16 different workouts (see tables 11.1-11.8). The B version of each
workout consists of the same exercises, but they’re done for a different set and
rep range than the A version. On the workout days when you’re performing
fewer overall sets of the resistance exercises, you’ll finish with a conditioning
component to the workout.
A good ongoing training program should have enough consistency to allow
you to see progress while also having enough variety to prevent staleness and
boredom. This means using the same basic exercises but in different ways,
which is exactly what you’re doing when performing the exercises for different
set and rep ranges and alternating which workouts include a conditioning
It’s important to note that how often you regularly workout each week
depends on why you’re exercising to begin with. Most people who are
exercising for general fitness and health purposes—working out is often
secondary to them—train less frequently than those who are exercising with a
focus on function and performance, physique, or fat loss. With this in mind, the
workout programs featured here are total body fitness programs that assume
you’re going to miss the next workout due to life getting in the way. These
workouts are designed to be used at least two or three times per week (preferred
over twice per week if your schedule allows) but no more than four times per
week and no more than two days in a row to maximize recovery and minimize
the risk of overtraining. If you’re dedicated to exercising more frequently than
that, you’re not a recreational exerciser who is satisfied with the types of general
fitness programs in this chapter. You are an exercise enthusiast who’s better off
either doing something like yoga, hiking, taking a long bike ride, swimming, etc.
on a few of the days you’re not doing the workout programs in this chapter. Or
you may be interested in trying the workouts in chapter 14, Physique Programs,
which gives you an option to train more frequently than four times per week.
Tables 11.9-11.11 show a few ways a weekly setup could be used with the fitness
programs for training two, three, or four times per week.
Table 11.10 Sample Gym-Based Training Setup: Three
Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2
Monday: Program 1, workout A Monday: Program 4, workout A
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Program 2, workout A Wednesday: Program 5, workout A
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Program 3, workout A Friday: Program 6, workout A
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
Week 3 Week 4
Monday: Program 7, workout A Monday: Program 2, workout B
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Program 8, workout A Wednesday: Program 3, workout B
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Week 3 Week 4
Friday: Program 1, workout B Friday: Program 4, workout B
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
Week 5 Week 6*
Monday: Program 5, workout B Monday: Program 8, workout B
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Program 6, workout B Wednesday: Program 1, workout A
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Program 7, workout B Friday: Program 2, workout A
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*On week six, you’ll repeat the cycle again, starting with program 1, workout A, and so on.

Table 11.11 Sample Gym-Based Training Setup: Four

Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2
Monday: Program 1, workout A Monday: Program 5, workout A
Tuesday: Program 2, workout A Tuesday: Program 6, workout A
Wednesday: Rest Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Program 3, workout A Thursday: Program 7, workout A
Friday: Program 4, workout A Friday: Program 8, workout A
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
Week 3 Week 4*
Monday: Program 1, workout B Monday: Program 5, workout B
Tuesday: Program 2, workout B Tuesday: Program 6, workout B
Wednesday: Rest Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Program 3, workout B Thursday: Program 7, workout B
Friday: Program 4, workout B Friday: Program 8, workout B
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*In this setup, you’ve have completed the entire cycle of workouts in four weeks. It will be four
weeks until you repeat the same workout by beginning the cycle again with program 1, workout A.

Sample Fitness Home or Hotel Gym Workouts

On days that you’re traveling, can’t make it to the gym, or don’t have access to a
gym, you can use these home or hotel gym workouts or the band and
bodyweight workouts for function and performance. The two workouts in tables
11.12 and 11.13 use equipment that’s either recommended for your home gym or
that’s commonly found in most hotel gyms. That equipment is as follows:
A set of dumbbells (up to 50 lb or 20 kg)
An adjustable weight bench that can be made flat or set at an incline
A high-quality stability ball that’s 55 to 65 centimeters
A chin-up bar (many are designed to be easily placed inside the top of a
A set of resistance bands with handles of varying strengths from light to
very heavy
Resistance band loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance band mini loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance bands, resistance band loops, and resistance band mini loops are
affordable and available at most sporting goods stores or online, but they are not
often found at hotel gyms. I recommend traveling with at least one set of each
type of band. They’re portable and easy to pack in your luggage. It’s also
important to note that since the following workouts are designed to be done with
limited equipment, some of the exercises included will require small
modifications from how they’re featured in the exercise descriptions. For
example, for a cable-based exercise such as the One-Arm Cable Row, you’d
perform it with a resistance band instead of cable if your training environment
doesn’t feature a cable column. Or, for a dumbbell exercise such as the
Dumbbell Shoulder W, you’d simply perform the same movement as shown in
the exercise description without holding dumbbells. These modifications are
indicated within each of the following workouts.
Also, these workouts are intended to be used only as an addition to your
regular weekly gym-based workouts on days when you’re traveling, can’t make
it to the gym, or don’t have access to a gym. These workouts are not intended to
replace your gym-based workouts; your primary training should revolve around
using the gym-based programs in the previous section. Before you begin any of
the following workouts, be sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up
sequences in chapter 5.
The two workouts in tables 11.14 and 11.15 have bodyweight exercises and
resistance band exercises utilizing three types of bands: resistance bands with
handles (these can be attached to any doorway or stable object in matter of
seconds), resistance band loops, and resistance mini band loops. A set of high-
quality resistance bands with handles and both types of resistance band loops—
they come in multiple resistances from light to very heavy—for home use and to
take with you when you travel are a must. They are portable and add a number
of effective exercise options to your bodyweight training workouts, delivering a
value that far exceeds their cost.
Again, the following workouts are not intended to be done exclusively and
are not designed to replace the gym-based programs earlier in this chapter. They
are only an addition to your regular weekly gym-based workouts on days when
you don’t have access to any kind of gym.

Function and Performance Programs

This chapter is for those who aren’t necessarily making a career in athletics but
are interested in improving overall athleticism. If you’re a recreational athlete or
weekend warrior and like to gauge success by improvements in your overall
strength, explosiveness, and conditioning (ability to resist fatigue), then the
workout programs in this chapter are intended for you!

The Basics of Function and Performance

The programs in this chapter focus on improving performance by emphasizing
increases in your strength, explosiveness, and conditioning. In each consecutive
workout you’ll do, you increase strength by adding weight and performing fewer
reps for a greater number of sets than in the preceding workout. And, in each
consecutive workout, you improve explosiveness by performing more sets of
fewer reps than in the preceding workout, adding with a focus on speed. Unlike
the programs in the physique, fat loss, or fitness program chapters, which all
cycle through different workout sequences frequently, the workouts in this
chapter repeat the same exercises for several weeks before switching to different
exercises. This ensures progress in the areas these workouts are emphasizing.
Not everyone who is exercising for improved function and performance (i.e.,
improved strength, power, and conditioning levels) is doing so because they’re
recreational athletes or weekend warriors looking to improve an ability to play a
sport or do a variety of athletic activities outside the gym. Some people are
simply interested in improving their performance at the gym by increasing
metrics in strength, power, and conditioning during various exercises. Although
both types gauge success the same way—making progress in the gym—how
often an individual exercises throughout the week is usually (and should be)
different. If you’re a recreational athlete or weekend warrior, it means you’re
regularly (one or two times per week) engaging in playing (or practicing) a sport.
If so, you should be exercising less often than an exercise enthusiast who is
serious about making improvements in strength, power, and conditioning
because you do not have to account for recovering from the physical demands of
playing and practicing in addition to your training in the gym. Therefore, this
chapter provides programs for those who are training two to three times per
week and programs for those who are training four to five times per week. Both
programs utilize a load–explode theme, which means the workout programs in
this chapter incorporate a heavily loaded lift and a lightly loaded explosive

Your Gym Bag

There are a couple pieces of portable equipment that I recommend
you always have in your gym bag—resistance bands with handles
and resistance band loops. These bands allow you to group
exercises requiring immobile equipment (e.g., squat rack or
machine) with bands, which are mobile equipment. This enables
you to use band exercises within a paired set or triset while you
remain at the immobile equipment and don’t have to walk all over
the gym, thus potentially losing your equipment to another member.
There are two places online that I recommend you go to
purchase high-quality resistance bands: and At Power Systems, the resistance bands with handles
to get are the Double Cords; the resistance band loops are called
strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called Versa
Loops. At Sorinex Exercise Equipment, resistance band loops are
called strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called
short bands.

Gym-based programs are the focus of this chapter, but since you can’t always
make it to the gym or use gym equipment, this chapter also provides two home
and hotel gym workouts along with two workouts using only bodyweight and
resistance band exercises. You can use them on the days that you’re traveling or
don’t have access to any kind of gym equipment.
There are guidelines for using the programs in this chapter. Some of these
guidelines will be the same for all the program chapters featured in this book,
but others differ depending on which type of program you’re doing. Let’s look at
the key points to remember for your function and performance programs:
Perform the exercises designated with a or b as paired sets, and perform
exercises with a, b, and c as trisets. Perform all reps in a given set before
moving to the next set. Once all exercises within a set are complete, you
can rest a bit longer than indicated between sets (if necessary) to complete
the designated number of reps with good control. Completing one round
of the exercises in a paired or triset is considered one set.
The rep range (i.e., 10-15 reps) is next to each exercise in the workout
programs in the next two sections. If you’re using the same weight for
each set, you may be able to do 15 reps on the first set, 12 reps on the next
set, and 10 reps on the third set due to accumulated fatigue. Or, you can
reduce the weight you’re using with each consecutive set to achieve the
higher end or given rep range on each consecutive set. Both methods are
effective at helping you to progress.
When a program indicates to take a break before beginning a new cycle,
this doesn’t mean you have to do nothing. During your days off, you can
do some low-impact activities, such as going for long walks, hikes, bike
rides, or swims. Also, yoga can be a great option for your active rest
periods. If you’re already doing yoga each week, as recommended earlier,
you can simply increase your yoga practice in your (active) rest week
from the gym. Taking 4 to 7 days to “deload” before repeating a workout
cycle can minimize the risk of overtraining and helps you continue to
make gains. It also makes you hungry to get back into the gym, which can
help you avoid getting in the habit of simply going through the motions.
For the load exercise in each program, use the heaviest weight load that
allows you to perform the indicated number of reps while maintaining
optimal technique. Perform the concentric lifting portion of each rep as
forcefully as you can; during the eccentric (lowering) portion, maintain
good control. On the explode exercises, perform each rep as fast and
explosively as possible while maintaining optimal technique.
The rest of the exercises in the programs in this chapter constantly vary
sets and reps to make your workouts more comprehensive. Maintain strict
form, without cheating by using additional movements or momentum.
This involves performing the concentric (lifting) portion of each rep at a
normal tempo and maintaining control during the eccentric (lowering)
portion. Be sure to use a weight load that leaves you unable to perform
any more reps than indicated while maintaining proper control and
If an exercise causes pain or discomfort beyond the sensation associated
with muscle fatigue, utilize an alternative exercise that doesn’t hurt. There
are plenty of movements in the exercise chapters of this book to choose
Remember, before you begin a workout in the following programs, be
sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up sequences in chapter 5.

Function and Performance Programs

Before you perform these function and performance programs, first complete the
beginner programs in chapter 10 if you’re just starting out or haven’t worked out
in a while. If you have been regularly working out or you’ve completed the
beginner programs, it’s also recommended that you complete at least six to eight
weeks of the fitness programs in chapter 11 before using the following programs.
Gym-Based Function and Performance Programs: Two or
Three Times per Week
This section has four different programs with two different total body workouts
(see tables 12.1-12.4). You’ll alternate between two versions of a workout in
each program for four to seven times before switching to another program and
repeating those workouts for another four to seven times. The first time you do
each workout in a program, it’s considered a reload workout. A reload workout
is simply a lower-intensity version of the workout, which helps you stay active
and acclimate yourself to the movements and sequencing of the new program
you’re starting. Reloading also allows you to use workouts in a way that doesn’t
fatigue you so you can recover between programs. It also provides active
recovery days between workout programs. See tables 12.5 and 12.6 for sample
gym-based function and performance workouts that are appropriate if you work
out two to three times per week
The workouts in each program have at least one load exercise where you
focus on increasing your strength and at least one explode exercise where you
focus on increasing your explosiveness on each consecutive workout. Other
exercises are included to vary the set and reps and finish with a conditioning
component on the days where you’re performing fewer overall sets of the
resistance exercises in the mixed set/rep scheme utilized. Explanations for load,
explode, and reload are in the previous section, where we discussed key points
about these function and performance programs.
The previous total body workouts assume that you’re regularly
(approximately one to two times per week) engaging in playing (or practicing) in
a sport. These workouts are designed to be used at least two or three times per
week (three times is preferred over twice per week if your schedule allows). The
following tables show how a weekly setup could be used for the two to three
times per week program.
Table 12.5 Sample Gym-Based Function and
Performance Training Setup: Two Times per
Week 1 Week 2*
Monday: Program 1A, workout 1 Monday: Program 1A, workout 2
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Program 1B, workout 1 Thursday: Program 1B, workout 2
Friday: Rest Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*Repeat this sequence four to seven times. You can change the days you perform the workouts
from what is listed, as long as you allow at least one day between workouts to maximize your
performance in your next workout. Once you’ve completed program 1 four to seven times, you
can move on to another program for four to seven times, and so on.
Table 12.6 Sample Gym-Based Function and
Performance Training Setup: Three Times per
Week 1 Week 2*
Monday: Program 1A, workout 1 Monday: Program 1B, workout 2
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Program 1B, workout 1 Wednesday: Program 1A, workout 3
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Program 1A, workout 2 Friday: Program 1B, workout 3
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*Repeat this sequence four to seven times. You can change the days you perform the workouts
from what is listed as long as you allow at least one day between workouts to maximize your
performance in the following workout. Once you’ve completed program 1 four to seven times, you
can move on to another program for four to seven times, and so on.

Gym-Based Function and Performance Programs: Four or

Five Times per Week
Each program in this section has four different workouts (see tables 12.7 to
12.10). These programs feature two workouts focused on the lower body and
two for upper body. The first two workouts in each program have a load
emphasis, which is increasing at least one heavy lift each consecutive week. The
second two workouts in each program emphasize the explode, which is
performing at least one explosive exercise progressively (set/rep) each
consecutive week. Explanations for what load, explode, and reload are is in the
previous section, where we discussed key points about these function and
performance programs.
You’ll alternate between workouts A, B, C, and D in each program for four to
seven times before switching to another program and repeating those workouts
for another four to seven times. The first time you do each workout in a
program, it’s considered a reload workout. A reload workout is simply a lower-
intensity version of the workout, which helps you stay active and acclimate
yourself to the movements and sequencing of the new program you’re starting.
Reloading also allows you to use workouts in a way that doesn’t fatigue you so
you can recover between programs. It also provides active recovery days
between workout programs. See tables 12.11 and 12.12 for sample gym-based
function and performance workouts that are appropriate if you work out four or
five times per week
The workouts in each program also have other exercises to vary set and reps.
They finish with a conditioning component on the days you’re doing fewer
overall sets of the resistance exercises.
These workouts assume that you’re not necessarily playing (or practicing) a
sport on a regular basis but are interested in improving performance at the gym
by increasing metrics in strength, power, and conditioning. These workouts are
designed to be used four or five times per week. The following tables show a
few ways a weekly setup could be used for working out four to five times per
week, starting with program 1.
Function and Performance Home or Hotel Gym Workouts
On days that you’re traveling, can’t make it to the gym, or don’t have access to a
gym, you can use these home or hotel gym workouts or the band and
bodyweight workouts. The two workouts in tables 12.13 and 12.14 use
equipment that’s either recommended for your home gym or that’s commonly
found in most hotel gyms. That equipment is as follows:
A set of dumbbells (up to 50 lb or 20 kg)
An adjustable weight bench that can be made flat or set at an incline
A high-quality stability ball that’s 55 to 65 centimeters
A chin-up bar (many are designed to be easily placed inside the top of a
A set of resistance bands with handles of varying strengths from light to
very heavy
Resistance band loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance band mini loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance bands, resistance band loops, and resistance band mini loops are
affordable and available at most sporting goods stores or online, but they are not
often found at hotel gyms. I recommend traveling with at least one set of each
type of band. They’re portable and easy to pack in your luggage. It’s also
important to note that since the following workouts are designed to be done with
limited equipment, some of the exercises included will require small
modifications from how they’re featured in the exercise descriptions. For
example, for a cable-based exercise such as the One-Arm Cable Row, you’d
perform it with a resistance band instead of cable if your training environment
doesn’t feature a cable column. Or, for a dumbbell exercise such as the
Dumbbell Shoulder W, you’d simply perform the same movement as shown in
the exercise description without holding dumbbells. These modifications are
indicated within each of the following workouts.
Also, these workouts are intended to be used only as an addition to your
regular weekly gym-based workouts on days when you’re traveling, can’t make
it to the gym, or don’t have access to a gym. These workouts are not intended to
replace your gym-based workouts; your primary training should revolve around
using the gym-based programs in the previous section. Before you begin any of
the following workouts, be sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up
sequences in chapter 5.
The two workouts in tables 12.15 and 12.16 have bodyweight exercises and
resistance band exercises utilizing three types of bands: resistance bands with
handles (these can be attached to any doorway or stable object in matter of
seconds), resistance band loops, and resistance mini band loops. A set of high-
quality resistance bands with handles and both types of resistance band loops—
they come in multiple resistances from light to very heavy—for home use and to
take with you when you travel are a must. They are portable and add a number
of effective exercise options to your bodyweight training workouts, delivering a
value that far exceeds their cost.
Again, the following workouts are not intended to be done exclusively and
are not designed to replace the gym-based programs earlier in this chapter. They
are intended to be used only as an addition to your regular weekly gym-based
workouts on days when you don’t have access to any kind of gym.

Fat Loss Programs

This chapter is for those who want to lose extra body fat while minimizing
muscle loss. If you gauge success mainly by how you fit into your clothes, how
you look in the mirror, reductions in your weight, or your body fat
measurements, then the workout programs in this chapter are for you!

The Basics of Fat Loss Programs

The programs in this chapter are mainly total body circuits (i.e., trisets and
quadsets), each consisting of three, four, or five resistance training exercises
performed back-to-back. This maximizes the metabolic demand of the workouts
by requiring you to use your whole body for an extended time—longer than you
would to complete a paired set in the other workout chapters. These workout
programs also include conditioning because they challenge your work capacity.
The only thing that separates these workouts from simply improving your
conditioning is your diet. In other words, if your eating behaviors are not putting
you in a consistent caloric deficit, these workout programs will help improve
your workout capacity (i.e., your overall fitness and conditioning), but they
aren’t going to be very effective at helping you to lose fat.
As explained in chapter 3, you’ve got to be in a caloric deficit to consistently
lose fat. The programs in this chapter are considered fat loss-specific. They help
you accelerate fat loss by using resistance training to maximize metabolic
demand instead of focusing on maximizing muscle size gains (like the physique
programs featured in chapter 14) to improve the shape of your body while you
watch your diet to reveal your shape.
If you’re not as interested in changing your diet, the programs in this chapter
can also be used as weight management to help offset the foods you love to eat
while also improving your overall conditioning level.
There are some guidelines for using these programs. Some of these
guidelines will be the same for all the program chapters in this book, but others
differ depending on which type of program you’re doing. Let’s look at the key
points to remember for your fat loss program.
Perform the exercises designated with a or b as paired sets; the exercises
with a, b, and c as trisets; and the exercises with a, b, c and d as quadsets.
Perform all reps in each set before moving to the next set. Once all
exercises within a set are complete, you can rest a bit longer than
indicated between sets (if necessary) to complete the designated number
of reps with good control. Completing one round of the exercises in a
paired or triset is considered one set.
The rep range (i.e., 10-15 reps) is next to each exercise in the workout
programs in the next two sections. If you’re using the same weight for
each set, you may be able to do 15 reps on the first set, 12 reps on the next
set, and 10 reps on the third set due to accumulated fatigue. Or, you can
reduce the weight you’re using with each consecutive set to achieve the
higher end or given rep range on each consecutive set. Both methods will
help you progress.
When a program indicates to take a break before beginning a new cycle,
this doesn’t mean you have to do nothing. During your days off, you can
do some low-impact activities, such as going for long walks, hikes, bike
rides, or swims. Also, yoga can be a great option for your active rest
periods. If you’re already doing yoga each week, as recommended earlier,
you can simply increase your yoga practice in your (active) rest week
from the gym. Taking 4 to 7 days to “deload” before repeating a workout
cycle can minimize the risk of overtraining and helps you continue to
make gains. It also makes you hungry to get back into the gym, which can
help you avoid getting in the habit of simply going through the motions.
Maintain strict form, without cheating by using additional movements or
momentum. Do the concentric (lifting) portion of each rep at a normal
tempo and maintain control during the eccentric (lowering) portion.
Use a weight load that leaves you close to being unable to perform any
more reps than indicated while maintaining proper control and technique.
Do not rest between exercises within a given set unless absolutely needed
to finish each sequence without rushing through any exercise. In other
words, minimize the transition time between exercises within a given
sequence of exercises. Take as little rest as you need between exercises
within given set or paired set to complete the reps indicated with good
control and technique.
If an exercise causes pain or discomfort beyond the sensation associated
with muscle fatigue, utilize an alternative exercise that doesn’t hurt. There
are plenty of movements in the exercise chapters of this book to choose
Remember, before you begin a workout in the following programs, be
sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up sequences in chapter 5.

Fat Loss Programs

I recommend that you first complete the beginner programs in chapter 10 if
you’re just starting out or haven’t worked out in a while before you start any of
these programs. If you have been regularly working out or you’ve completed the
beginner programs, it’s also recommended that you complete at least 6 to 8
weeks of the fitness programs in chapter 11.
Gym-based programs are the main focus of this chapter, but since you can’t
always make it to the gym and while your primary training should be done using
equipment, this chapter also provides two home and hotel gym workouts along
with two workouts using only bodyweight and resistance band exercises that you
can use on the days you’re traveling or don’t have access to any kind of gym

Your Gym Bag

There are a couple pieces of portable equipment that I recommend
you always have in your gym bag—resistance bands with handles
and resistance band loops. These bands allow you to group
exercises requiring immobile equipment (e.g., squat rack or
machine) with bands, which are mobile equipment. This enables
you to use band exercises within a paired set or triset while you
remain at the immobile equipment and don’t have to walk all over
the gym, thus potentially losing your equipment to another member.
There are two places online that I recommend you go to
purchase high-quality resistance bands: and At Power Systems, the resistance bands with handles
to get are the Double Cords; the resistance band loops are called
strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called Versa
Loops. At Sorinex Exercise Equipment, resistance band loops are
called strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called
short bands.

Gym-Based Fat Loss Programs

These programs alternate between eight different total body workouts and are to
be used if you’re training two, three, four, or five times per week. Doing these
workouts five times per week is a challenge, but it’s a challenge people who
regularly enjoy pushing themselves with exercise are up for! Train no more than
three days in a row to maximize recovery and minimize the risk of overtraining.
The resistance exercise portion of the workouts has two different set/rep schemes
to make your workouts more diverse and well-rounded. Each workout is
designed with a constant theme to create the right stimulus for accelerating fat
loss, and cycling through different workouts gives you the variety you crave!
If you’re training four or five times per week, after finishing a cycle through
all 16 workouts, take five days to a week off before repeating the sequence.
Taking a break from the workouts doesn’t mean you have to do nothing. As
noted earlier, during your days off from training, you can do some low-impact
activities, such as going for long walks, hikes, bike rides, or swims. Also, yoga
can be a great option for your active rest periods between using the following
There are two different versions of each program—A and B—for a total of 16
different routines to cycle through and repeat on an ongoing basis (see tables
13.1-13.8). A workout finishes with a conditioning component on the days
you’re performing fewer overall sets of the resistance exercises in the mixed
set/rep scheme utilized.
The total body workout programs are designed to be used at least twice per
week, but three to five times per week is recommended for best results. The
following tables show a few ways a weekly setup could be used for working out
two, three, four, and five times per week (see tables 13.9 to 13.12).
Table 13.9 Sample Gym-Based Fat Loss Training Setup:
Two Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2*
Monday: Fat loss program 1, workout A Monday: Fat loss program 3, workout A
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Fat loss program 2, workout A Thursday: Fat loss program 4, workout A
Friday: Rest Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*On week three, you’d perform fat loss programs 5 and 6, workout A. On week four, you’d perform
fat loss programs 7 and 8, workout A. Then, on week five, you’d repeat the sequence over again,
starting again with program 1, workout B; and so on.

Table 13.10 Sample Gym-Based Fat Loss Training Setup:

Three Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2*
Monday: Fat loss program 1, workout A Monday: Fat loss program 4, workout A
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Fat loss program 2, workout A Wednesday: Fat loss program 5, workout A
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Fat loss program 3, workout A Friday: Fat loss program 6, workout A
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*Once you go through the entire sequence of the “A” workouts for all eight programs, you’ll repeat
the cycle, starting over with the B workouts (e.g., program 1, workout B; program 2, workout B).

Table 13.11 Sample Gym-Based Fat Loss Training Setup:

Four Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2*
Monday: Fat loss program 1, workout A Monday: Fat loss program 5, workout A
Tuesday: Fat loss program 2, workout A Tuesday: Fat loss program 6, workout A
Wednesday: Rest Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Fat loss program 3, workout A Thursday: Fat loss program 7, workout A
Friday: Rest Friday: Rest
Saturday: Fat loss program 4, workout A Saturday: Fat loss program 8, workout A
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*If you prefer to leave the weekend open and train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday,
that’s okay! On week three, you’ll repeat the cycle, this time starting with program 1, workout B;
program 2, workout B; and so on.

Table 13.12 Sample Gym-Based Fat Loss Training Setup:

Five Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2*
Monday: Fat loss program 1, workout A Monday: Fat loss program 6, workout A
Tuesday: Fat loss program 2, workout A Tuesday: Fat loss program 7, workout A
Wednesday: Fat loss program 3, workout A Wednesday: Fat loss program 8, workout A
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Rest
Friday: Fat loss program 4, workout A Friday: Fat loss program 1, workout B
Saturday: Fat loss program 5, workout A Saturday: Fat loss program 2, workout B
Sunday: Rest Sunday: Rest
*On week three, you’d perform program 3, workout B; program 4, workout B; program 5, workout
B; and so on. Once you’ve completed fat loss program 8, workout B, you’ll repeat the sequence
over again, starting again with program 1, workout A; program 2, workout A; program 3, workout
A; and so on.

Fat Loss Home or Hotel Gym Workouts

On days that you’re traveling, can’t make it to the gym, or don’t have access to a
gym, you can use these home or hotel gym workouts or the band and
bodyweight workouts. The two workouts in tables 13.13 and 13.14 use
equipment that’s either recommended for your home gym or that’s commonly
found in most hotel gyms. That equipment is as follows:
A set of dumbbells (up to 50 lb or 20 kg)
An adjustable weight bench that can be made flat or set at an incline
A high-quality stability ball that’s 55 to 65 centimeters
A chin-up bar (many are designed to be easily placed inside the top of a
A set of resistance bands with handles of varying strengths from light to
very heavy
Resistance band loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance band mini loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance bands, resistance band loops, and resistance band mini loops are
affordable and available at most sporting goods stores or online, but they are not
often found at hotel gyms. I recommend traveling with at least one set of each
type of band. They’re portable and easy to pack in your luggage. It’s also
important to note that since the following workouts are designed to be done with
limited equipment, some of the exercises included will require small
modifications from how they’re featured in the exercise descriptions. For
example, for a cable-based exercise such as the One-Arm Cable Row, you’d
perform it with a resistance band instead of cable if your training environment
doesn’t feature a cable column. Or, for a dumbbell exercise such as the
Dumbbell Shoulder W, you’d simply perform the same movement as shown in
the exercise description without holding dumbbells. These modifications are
indicated within each of the following workouts.
Also, these workouts are intended to be used only as an addition to your
regular weekly gym-based workouts on days when you’re traveling, can’t make
it to the gym, or don’t have access to a gym. These workouts are not intended to
replace your gym-based workouts; your primary training should revolve around
using the gym-based programs in the previous section. Before you begin any of
the following workouts, be sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up
sequences in chapter 5.
The two workouts in tables 13.15 and 13.16 are bodyweight exercises and
resistance band exercises utilizing three types of bands: resistance bands with
handles (these can be attached to any doorway or stable object in matter of
seconds), resistance band loops, and resistance mini band loops. A set of high-
quality resistance bands with handles and both types of resistance band loops—
they come in multiple resistances from light to very heavy—for home use and to
take with you when you travel are a must. They are portable and add a number
of effective exercise options to your bodyweight training workouts, delivering a
value that far exceeds their cost.
The following workouts are not intended to be done exclusively and are not
designed to replace the gym-based programs earlier in this chapter. They are
intended to be used only as an addition to your regular weekly gym-based
workouts on days when you don’t have access to any kind of gym. Remember,
before you begin each of the following workouts, be sure to perform one of the
dynamic warm-up sequences in chapter 5.

Physique Programs

This chapter is for those who are focused on aesthetics and are exercising to
maximize muscular development (i.e., muscle size). If you tend to enjoy
bodybuilding workouts and like to gauge success by how you look in the mirror
(flexing) and by muscle circumference measurements, then the workout
programs in this chapter are for you!

The Basics of Physique Programs

How frequently you work out each week often depends on the reason you’re
exercising to begin with. It is certainly possible to build muscle while training
less often, but people who are focused on muscle building commonly train more
frequently than those who are exercising for other goals. This chapter has two
types of workout programs. The first series is for those who are training four
times per week. The second series is for those who prefer to train five or six
times per week. The details for each program are in the following two sections.
These programs differ from the programs found in the previous chapters
because they create more overall training volume (i.e., amount of exercises, total
sets and reps) per muscle group per week. Research shows that there’s a dose-
response to gains in muscle size. To accomplish this for those who are training
four times per week, the first series of workouts alternates workouts for the
upper and lower body. For those who are training five to six times per week, the
second series of programs is rotating through a split involving a
back/shoulders/biceps workout, a lower body/core workout, and a
chest/shoulders/triceps workout. These workouts are designed to performed for
three days, with one day off.
There are guidelines for the programs in this chapter. Some of these
guidelines will be the same for all the program chapters featured in this book,
but others differ depending on which type of program you’re doing. Let’s look at
the key points to remember for your physique programs:
Perform the exercises designated with a or b as paired sets, and perform
exercises with a, b, and c as trisets. Perform all reps in a given set before
moving to the next set. Once all exercises within a set are complete, you
can rest a bit longer than indicated between sets (if necessary) to complete
the designated number of reps with good control. Completing one round
of the exercises in a paired or triset is considered one set.
The rep range (i.e., 10-15 reps) is next to each exercise in the workout
programs in the next two sections. If you’re using the same weight for
each set, you may be able to do 15 reps on the first set, 12 reps on the next
set, and 10 reps on the third set due to accumulated fatigue. Or, you can
reduce the weight you’re using with each consecutive set to achieve the
higher end or given rep range on each consecutive set. Both methods are
effective at helping you to progress.
When a program indicates to take a break before beginning a new cycle,
this doesn’t mean you have to do nothing. During your days off, you can
do some low-impact activities, such as going for long walks, hikes, bike
rides, or swims. Also, yoga can be a great option for your active rest
periods. If you’re already doing yoga each week, as recommended earlier,
you can simply increase your yoga practice in your (active) rest week
from the gym. Taking 4-7 days to deload before repeating a workout cycle
can minimize the risk of overtraining and helps you continue to make
gains. It also makes you hungry to get back into the gym, which can help
you avoid getting in the habit of simply going through the motions.
Maintain strict form, without cheating by using additional movements or
Do the concentric (lifting) portion of each rep at a normal tempo while
mentally focusing on the working muscles in each exercise. Maintain
control during the eccentric (lowering) portion, taking 3-4 seconds to
lower the weight on each rep.
Use a weight load that leaves you unable to perform any more reps than
indicated while maintaining proper control and technique.
If an exercise causes pain or discomfort beyond the sensation associated
with muscle fatigue, utilize an alternative exercise that doesn’t hurt. There
are plenty of movements in the exercise chapters of this book to choose
Remember, before you begin a workout in the following programs, be
sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up sequences in chapter 5.

Physique Programs
Before you perform these programs, I recommend that you first complete the
beginner programs in chapter 10 if you’re just starting out or haven’t worked out
in a while. If you have been regularly working out or you’ve completed the
beginner programs, it’s also recommended that you complete at least six to eight
weeks of the fitness programs in chapter 11 before using the following programs.
In addition, although the focus of the programs featured in this chapter are
the gym-based programs, since you can’t always make it to the gym, this chapter
also provides two home and hotel gym workouts along with two workouts using
only bodyweight and resistance band exercises that you can use on the days
you’re traveling or don’t have access to any kind of gym equipment.

Your Gym Bag

There are a couple pieces of portable equipment that I recommend
you always have in your gym bag—resistance bands with handles
and resistance band loops. These bands allow you to group
exercises requiring immobile equipment (e.g., squat rack or
machine) with bands, which are mobile equipment. This enables
you to use band exercises within a paired set or triset while you
remain at the immobile equipment and don’t have to walk all over
the gym, thus potentially losing your equipment to another member.
There are two places online that I recommend you go to
purchase high-quality resistance bands: and At Power Systems, the resistance bands with handles
to get are the Double Cords; the resistance band loops are called
strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called Versa
Loops. At Sorinex Exercise Equipment, resistance band loops are
called strength bands, and resistance band mini loops are called
short bands.

Gym-Based Physique Program: Four Times per Week

This program alternates between upper body and lower body and core workouts
if you’re training four times per week. There are two versions—A and B—of
five upper-body workouts and lower-body and core workouts, for a total of ten
different workouts (see tables 14.1-14.6). The B version of each workout has the
same exercises performed in the A version, but they’re done in the reverse order.
A good ongoing training program should be consistent enough to allow you
to see progress but have enough variety to prevent staleness and boredom. This
means using the same basic exercises but in different ways, which is exactly
what you’re doing when performing the exercises in the opposite order. It varies
the workouts because it distributes fatigue to your body differently, without
changing the workouts.
The programs featured here alternate between upper body and lower body
and core workouts and are to be used if you’re training four times per week, with
no more than two consecutive days at a time for recovery. The following tables
show how a weekly setup could be used for working out four times per week.
Gym-Based Physique Program: Five or Six Times per Week
This program starting in table 14.7 rotates through a split involving workouts
focused on back, shoulders, and biceps; lower body and core; and chest,
shoulders, and triceps. These workouts are to be used if you’re training five to
six times per week, but no more than three days in a row to maximize recovery
and minimize the risk of overtraining.
There are five programs with workouts focused on back, shoulders, and
biceps; lower body and core workouts, and workouts that focus on chest,
shoulders, and triceps—each with an A and B version—for a total of 10
workouts (see tables 14.7-14.11). The B version of each workout has the same
exercises performed in the A version, but they’re done in the reverse order to
distribute fatigue to your body differently, providing enough consistency to
allow you to see progress while having enough variety to prevent staleness and
These programs are designed to be used if you’re training five to six times
per week, but no more than 3 days in a row in order to maximize recovery and
minimize the risk of overtraining. Table 14.12 shows how a weekly setup could
be used for the five to six times per week workout program.

Table 14.12 Sample Gym-Based Physique Training Setup:

Five or Six Times per Week
Week 1 Week 2
Monday: Program 1, back/shoulders/biceps, workout A Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Program 1, lower body/core, workout A Tuesday: Program 3, back/shoulders/biceps, workout
Wednesday: Program 1, chest/shoulders/ triceps, Wednesday: Program 3, lower body/core, workout A
workout A
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Program 3, chest/shoulders/ triceps,
workout A
Friday: Program 2, back/shoulders/biceps, workout A Friday: Rest
Saturday: Program 2, lower body/core, workout A Saturday: Program 4, back/shoulders/biceps,
workout A
Sunday: Program 2, chest/shoulders/triceps, workout A Sunday: Program 4, lower body/core, workout A
Week 3 Week 4
Monday: Program 4, chest/shoulders/triceps, workout Monday: Program 1, lower body/core, workout B
Tuesday: Rest Tuesday: Program 1, chest/shoulders/ triceps,
workout B
Wednesday: Program 5, back/shoulders/biceps, Wednesday: Rest
workout A
Thursday: Program 5, lower body/core, workout A Thursday: Program 2, back/shoulders/ biceps,
workout B
Friday: Program 5, chest/shoulders/triceps, workout A Friday: Program 2, lower body/core, workout B
Saturday: Rest Saturday: Program 2, chest/shoulders/ triceps,
workout B
Sunday: Program 1, back/shoulders/biceps, workout B Sunday: Rest
Week 5 Week 6*
Monday: Program 3, back/shoulders/biceps, workout B Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Program 3, lower body/core, workout B Tuesday: Program 5, back/shoulders/biceps, workout
Wednesday: Program 3, chest/shoulders/ triceps, Wednesday: Program 5, lower body/core, workout B
workout B
Thursday: Rest Thursday: Program 5, chest/shoulders/ triceps,
workout B
Friday: Program 4, back/shoulders/biceps, workout B Friday: Rest
Saturday: Program 4, lower body/core, workout B Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Program 4, chest/shoulders/triceps, workout B Sunday: Rest

*At the end of a full cycle, it’s recommended that you take four to seven days off from your
workouts to allow your body and mind to recover and refocus before you continue with a new

Physique Home or Hotel Gym Workouts

On days that you’re traveling, can’t make it to the gym, or don’t have access to a
gym, you can use these home or hotel gym workouts or the band and
bodyweight workouts. The two workouts in tables 14.13 and 14.14 use
equipment that’s either recommended for your home gym or that’s commonly
found in most hotel gyms. That equipment is as follows:
A set of dumbbells (up to 50 lb or 20 kg)
An adjustable weight bench that can be made flat or set at an incline
A high-quality stability ball that’s 55 to 65 centimeters
A chin-up bar (many are designed to be easily placed inside the top of a
A set of resistance bands with handles of varying strengths from light to
very heavy
Resistance band loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance band mini loops of varying strength from light to medium
Resistance bands, resistance band loops, and resistance band mini loops are
affordable and available at most sporting goods stores or online, but they are not
often found at hotel gyms. I recommend traveling with at least one set of each
type of band. They’re portable and easy to pack in your luggage. It’s also
important to note that since the following workouts are designed to be done with
limited equipment, some of the exercises included will require small
modifications from how they’re featured in the exercise descriptions. For
example, for a cable-based exercise such as the One-Arm Cable Row, you’d
perform it with a resistance band instead of cable if your training environment
doesn’t feature a cable column. Or, for a dumbbell exercise such as the
Dumbbell Shoulder W, you’d simply perform the same movement as shown in
the exercise description without holding dumbbells. These modifications are
indicated within each of the following programs.
Note that these workouts are intended to be used only as an addition to your
regular weekly gym-based workouts on days when you’re traveling, can’t make
it to the gym, or don’t have access to a gym. These workouts are not intended to
replace your gym-based workouts; your primary training should revolve around
using the gym-based programs in the previous section. Before you begin any of
the following workouts, be sure to perform one of the dynamic warm-up
sequences in chapter 5.
The two workouts in tables 14.13 and 14.14 have bodyweight exercises and
resistance band exercises utilizing three types of bands: resistance bands with
handles (these can be attached to any doorway or stable object in matter of
seconds), resistance band loops, and resistance mini band loops. A set of high-
quality resistance bands with handles and both types of resistance band loops—
they come in multiple resistances from light to very heavy—for home use and to
take with you when you travel are a must. They are portable and add a number
of effective exercise options to your bodyweight training workouts, delivering a
value that far exceeds their cost.
Again, the following workouts are not intended to be done exclusively and
are not designed to replace the gym-based programs earlier in this chapter. They
are only an addition to your regular weekly gym-based workouts on days when
you don’t have access to any kind of gym.

Strategies for Minimizing Injury

Whether your goal is related to general fitness, function and performance, fat
loss, or physique, the best ability in exercise is the availability to do it in the first
place. You don’t just want to exercise toward your goal; you also want to do so
in a way that allows you to keep training, which means taking steps to reduce the
risk of an exercise-related injury. That’s what this chapter is all about!
Injury risk factors and concerns often vary by sport (factors for swimmers
aren’t the same as those for soccer players, for example) and body region or joint
(factors for ACL rupture are different than for low-back pain). Jason Silvernail,
DPT, coauthored this chapter with me. We have reviewed the literature and used
professional experience to bring you this list of factors that are generalized for
exercise and strength training. We believe everyone should be aware of these
high-value areas and address them in their programs.
Exercise training is generally a low-risk activity, but it’s not a no-risk activity
(1). You can use the following practical strategies, regardless of your training
goal, to successfully use exercise as medicine while minimizing the risk of
having to take medicine because you exercise.
When it comes to minimizing a training-related injury, almost everyone is
familiar with the old advice of “don’t overdo it” and to avoid exercises that tend
to put the body into an awkward position, such as end-range spine movements
(e.g., performing deadlifts with your back fully rounded forward). Although that
advice is fine, far more can be added to the conversation.
The following are a variety of general, practical exercise programming
strategies you can immediately use, along with the rationale behind why they
can help you reduce the risk of suffering a training-related injury.

Exercise Around Pain, Not Through It!

You’re not helping the situation by exercising through pain that’s aggravated by
exercise. Although this should be obvious, many athletes and hardcore exercisers
are stubborn and use exercises that cause pain—a practice that is often the
product of letting your ego get the best of you. Continuing to perform exercises
that cause pain could very well make things worse and lead to further damage,
which could change a painful area from something one can easily train around to
something that’s more debilitating.
Don’t exercise through pain; exercise around it. This recommendation isn’t
referring to the sensation associated with muscle fatigue. This refers to any aches
and pains that exist outside the gym or that flare up when you perform certain
exercise movements. Such problem areas may simply need time to heal through
rest, or they may be injuries—compromised areas of the body that can no longer
tolerate the same level of load and do not improve without appropriate care.
If an exercise hurts you—for whatever reason—find a modification or an
alternative that doesn’t hurt. There are plenty of exercise options in this book
that can allow you to do just that.

Avoid Forcing End Ranges of Motion

When Lifting
Generally, avoiding attempts to force end-range joint and spine actions is the
way to go when lifting heavy loads or using medium loads for high repetitions. It
has been demonstrated that as the spine reaches full flexion (i.e., being fully bent
forward), such as can happen when performing deadlifts with an excessively
rounded back, the support responsibilities of the spine are shifted from the
muscles to the disks and ligamentous tissues (2). These shifts in shear loading
associated with a fully flexed spine posture are quite dramatic and can easily
cause excessive shear load (3). In spinal full flexion, not only is anterior shear
loading higher, but the ligaments are also at risk of injury (4). Repetitive
compressive loading in the spine can exceed tissue tolerance and cause injury
(5). Therefore, maintaining a relatively neutral spine posture when lifting heavy
loads, as directed in the exercise descriptions in this book, is sound training
When joints are moved to their end range as you are lifting weights, the load
is shifted from the contracting muscle to the noncontractile connective tissue
(ligaments, joint capsules, etc.). This isn’t good for two reasons: you’re no
longer providing as good a training load for the muscles, and you may injure or
damage the other connective tissues. Now, weight training helps build those
connective tissues as well, and tissue responds positively to load—they get
stronger over time. You shouldn’t be afraid to load your body by lifting
challenging weights. But loading up your joints at the end ranges of motion
while exercising doesn’t have a good risk–benefit ratio.
Joints function very well in their middle ranges of motion, but they also need
some full range of motion activity to stay healthy and maintain their current
range of movement. To support that, doing some yoga or mobility drills, such as
the exercises in chapter 5, Warm-Up and Mobility Exercises, can serve as a nice
complement to comprehensive resistance training workouts. Because of its low-
load, slow-paced nature, many yoga moves and mobility exercises require the
joints and spine to move into their end range of motion, something that one
usually doesn’t get from weight training. They provide more activity variety and
help give you a more well-rounded body that’s not just stronger and leaner but
also mobile.

Use Care with Previous Injuries

Injury risk is usually increased in those with a previous injury (6, 7, 8, 9). Most
strength and conditioning professionals already know this, and clients and
athletes will often tell trainers or coaches about previous injuries and return to
training after rehabilitation. In addition to the advice about not forcing end-range
joint motion and working around pain, here are other points to consider:
Progress (i.e., increase) the load you lift and the amount you do (i.e., how
many total sets and reps you perform) very carefully around injured areas.
Be especially careful with movements and positions that were part of the
previous injury (for example, a person who injured a knee coming down
from a jump in basketball should be extra careful on single-leg jumping
Don’t neglect injured areas. Building strength around an injured joint is
important. Specific training of injured areas has been shown to help
prevent future injuries (10).
Single-leg exercises have been shown to potentially help reduce injury risk
and are discussed in the following section.

Do Single-Leg Strength Exercises

The variety of research discussed in chapter 2, Function and Performance,
comparing unilateral versus bilateral leg training demonstrated that both single-
leg and double-leg exercises for the lower body optimize performance.
In addition to that, a study suggested using single-leg performance to detect
deficits in unilateral force development (i.e., strength) (11), while another study
demonstrated that a 15 percent or greater variance in closed kinetic chain
strength (i.e., strength when your foot is on the ground) or movement control
ability in single limb performance between the right and left leg (limb symmetry
index) is a good indicator of increased injury risk (12).
With this in mind, it’s important to regularly incorporate some single-leg
training exercise variations into your training, regardless of the main exercise
goal, to work on improving your single-leg control, strength, and strength

Improve Conditioning Levels

Fatigue is a risk factor in musculoskeletal injuries. Those with low levels of
conditioning have been found to be at risk for injury in several studies
(9,13,14,15,16). Therefore, improving your conditioning level can help you to
become more resistant to fatigue and recover more quickly between fatiguing
efforts and potentially reduce your risk of suffering an injury due to fatigue.
In addition to conditioning levels, total training load is emerging as a risk
factor for injury (17). This is where the fine art of progressive overload comes in
and was discussed in chapter 2. All exercise training is an applied stress to the
body. This stress causes the body to adapt by becoming stronger, bigger, and
fitter to accommodate the stress with more efficiency and to better tolerate it and
reduce the chance of injury. Smart exercise training is about applying enough
stress to the body—based on your current ability—to make it adapt without
applying too much stress and overloading the tissues to the point where they
become damaged. Be patient and smart when you’re exercising. Don’t try to do
too much, too fast.

Don’t Smoke
It’s no secret that smoking is generally bad for human health, but some studies
have demonstrated that it is also can be a risk factor for injury (9, 18, 19, 20).
Smoking is a consistent risk factor for poor recovery after injury and poor
healing, so there is good reason to avoid smoking, both to reduce injury risk and
to improve recovery after an injury or surgery.

Get Enough Sleep

There has been an increasing interest in the science of sleep and its effect on
health, illness, fat loss, and athletic performance. A major modifiable risk factor
for training injury risk might be right in front of everyone—in one’s bedroom.
Adolescents and adults not getting 7 to 10 hours of sleep per night may be at
increased risk of injury (21,22,23,24). Reviewing appropriate sleep guidelines
(21,22,25) for performance enhancement and injury reduction is a solid,
evidence-based practice for everyone.

This chapter identified several potential risk factors for injury and then
provided generalized, simple, and practical exercise recommendations you can
immediately use—strategies that have been used to design the workout programs
in this book—to reduce the risk of suffering an exercise-or sports-related injury.
Remember that risk factors aren’t guarantees. Having one of these factors
present doesn’t doom you to injury, and having none of them does not guarantee
an injury-free future. These factors vary in predictive ability and relevance
across different groups of individuals, and the recommendations here are
considered a practical interpretation for you to apply.
It’s important to note that many people confuse identifying risk factors for
making promises. A good example of this confusion is tobacco use. For
example, health organizations don’t say that science has shown that tobacco use
causes cancer; they say that tobacco use greatly increases the risk of developing
cancer (and dying from it). Just because someone does not have an injury from
the risk factors identified doesn’t mean the general training recommendations are
wrong, any more than one’s grandfather smoking until age 95 doesn’t disprove
the general health recommendations on tobacco use.

Take this opportunity to think about the next steps on your exercise journey.
What is your main exercise goal: fat loss, muscle building, improved
performance, or general fitness and health? You now have the programming path
toward it and the knowledge to be well on your way to success. There’s a saying
to “plan your work, then work your plan.” This book has the right game plan,
regardless of your goal. Now it’s time for you to work the plan!
The great thing about exercise is that it works if you work it! As with most
worthwhile things in life, the main building block you need for continued
success in exercise is consistent effort. Be patient, be realistic, and be consistent
in your effort. When you continue to lay a foundation of effort, you can build
just about anything on it.

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About the Author

Nick Tumminello is the owner of Performance University International, which

provides strength training and conditioning for athletes and educational
programs for trainers and coaches all over the world.
As an educator, Tumminello has become known as the trainer of trainers. He
has presented at international fitness conferences in Australia, Norway, Iceland,
China, and Canada. He has been a featured presenter at conferences held by such
organizations as the IDEA Health & Fitness Association and the National
Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), along with conducting staff
trainings at fitness clubs throughout the United States. Tumminello does
workshops and mentorship programs in his hometown of Fort Lauderdale,
Florida. He is the author of Building Muscle and Performance (Human Kinetics,
2016) and Strength Training for Fat Loss (Human Kinetics, 2014). He has
produced more than 20 instructional DVDs and is the coauthor of the National
Strength and Conditioning Association’s Program Design Essentials and
Foundations of Fitness Programming. Tumminello is also the editor in chief of
the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Personal Training
Quarterly (PTQ) journal.
Tumminello has been a fitness professional since 1998 and co-owned a
private training center in Baltimore, Maryland, from 2001 to 2011. He has
worked with a variety of exercise enthusiasts of all ages and fitness levels,
including physique and performance athletes from the amateur level to the
professional ranks. From 2002 to 2011, Tumminello was the strength and
conditioning coach for the Ground Control MMA fight team. He has been a
consultant and expert for clothing and equipment companies such as Sorinex,
Dynamax, Hylete, Reebok, and Power Systems.
Tumminello’s articles have appeared in more than 50 major health and fitness
magazines, including Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Performance,
Women’s Health, Oxygen, Fitness Rx, and TRAIN. He is also a featured
contributor to several popular fitness training websites. He has been on the
advisory board for Yahoo! Health and has been featured in two exercise books
on the New York Times–best seller list, on the home page of Yahoo! and
YouTube, and in the ACE Personal Trainer Manual. In 2015 Tumminello was
inducted into the Personal Trainer Hall of Fame. In 2016 he won the NSCA
Personal Trainer of the Year.
Tumminello writes a popular fitness training blog at

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