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# Design board

board = ["-", "-", "-",

"-", "-", "-",
"-", "-", "-"]
# Check if the game is over
game_on = True
# Check the winner
winner = None

# Check the current player (X first)

current_player = "X"

# Play the game

def play_game():
# Show the initial game board
# Loop until the game ends
while game_on:
# Handle turn
# Check if the game is over
# Change the player
# Print the winner or tie
if winner =="X" or winner =="O":
print (winner + " won ")
elif winner == None:
print ("Tie")

def display_board():
print(board[0] + "|"+ board[1]+ "|"+ board[2]+ " 1|2|3")
print(board[3] + "|"+ board[4]+ "|"+ board[5]+ " 4|5|6")
print(board[6] + "|"+ board[7]+ "|"+ board[8]+ " 7|8|9")

def Turn(player):
# Get position
print(player + "'s turn")
position = input("Choose a position from 1-9: ")

# Check if the input is valid

valid= False
while not valid:
# Validation
while position not in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]:
position = input("Choose a position from 1-9: ")
# Get correct index in the board list
position= int(position)-1
# Check the available space on the board
if board[position] == "-":
valid = True
print("You can't go there, please try again")
# Place the move
board[position] = player
# Show the game board

# Check if the game is over

def check_if_game_over():
# Check to see the winner
def check_winner():
global winner
row_winner= check_rows()
column_winner = check_columns()
diagonal_winner= check_diagonals()
#Get the winner
if row_winner:
winner = row_winner
elif column_winner:
winner= column_winner
elif diagonal_winner:
winner = diagonal_winner
winner= None

# Check the rows for winner

def check_rows():
global game_on
#Check the row_streak
row_1 = board[0] ==board[1] ==board[2] != "-"
row_2 = board[3] ==board[4] ==board[5] != "-"
row_3 = board[6] ==board[7] ==board[8] != "-"
# signal a win if there is a row streak
if row_1 or row_2 or row_3:
game_on= False
# Return the winner
if row_1:
return board[0]
elif row_2:
return board[3]
elif row_3:
return board[6]
return None

# Check the columns for winner

def check_columns():
global game_on
#Check the row_streak
column_1 = board[0] ==board[3] ==board[6] != "-"
column_2 = board[1] ==board[4] ==board[7] != "-"
column_3 = board[2] ==board[5] ==board[8] != "-"
# signal a win if there is a column streak
if column_1 or column_2 or column_3:
game_on= False
# Return the winner
if column_1:
return board[0]
elif column_2:
return board[1]
elif column_3:
return board[2]
return None

# Check the diagonals for winner

def check_diagonals():
global game_on
#Check the row_streak
diagonal_1 = board[0] ==board[4] ==board[8] != "-"
diagonal_2 = board[2] ==board[4] ==board[6] != "-"
# signal a win if there is a column streak
if diagonal_1 or diagonal_2:
game_on= False
# Return the winner
if diagonal_1:
return board[0]
elif diagonal_2:
return board[2]
return None
# Check if there is a tie
def check_tie():
global game_on
# If board is full
if "-" not in board:
game_on = False
return True
return False
# Change the player
def change_player():
global current_player
# If the current player is X, make it O
if current_player =="X":
current_player ="O"
# Vice versa
elif current_player =="O":
current_player = "X"
# Finish

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