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How does sex determined in human beings?

Humans sex gametes each have the haploid number of chromosomes(23) compared to a
normal cell. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, the number is doubled to form the full cell. the
23rd pair of the chromosome is the one that determines the sex of the fetus. If it is a "XX"
chromosome, it will be a girl and if it’s a "XY" chromosome, it will be a boy.

What does Sex-Linked Trait means?

Sex linked Trait is the phenotypic expression of an allele related to the chromosomal sex
of the individual. This mode of inheritance is in contrast to the inheritance of traits on autosomal
chromosomes, where both sexes have the same probability of expressing the trait. Since humans
have many more genes on the X than the Y, there are many more X-linked traits than Y-linked
traits. In mammals, the female is the homozygous sex, with two X chromosomes (XX), while the
male is heterozygous, with one X and one Y chromosome (XY). Genes on the X or Y
chromosome are called sex linked genes.

Who is Thomas Hunt Morgan? Give his contributions in the field of genetics.
Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in
1933 for his discovery of the role played by chromosomes in heredity. He is perhaps most noted
for his "fly lab" at Columbia University in New York, where he collected Drosophila (fruit fly)
mutants. Morgan studied fruit flies much in the same way that Mendel studied peas. He found
that the inheritance of certain characteristics, such as eye color, was affected by the sex of the

How is Sex-Linked Trait inherited?

Drosophila is used to illustrate how alleles on sex chromosomes are inherited in
predictable patterns. In sex-linked inheritance, alleles on sex chromosomes are inherited in
predictable patterns. For example, in Drosophila the locus for eye color is located on the X
chromosome. The allele for red eye color, which is normal in wild flies, is dominant to the
mutant allele for white eyes. As females have two chromosomes X (with a locus for eye color),
they might be homozygous or heterozygous for either allele. Males, who carry only one X
chromosome, are always hemizygous. They carry only the one X chromosome inherited from
their mother, and it determines their eye color. Homozygous red eyed females (RR) mate with
hemizygous white eyed males (w-). In the offspring, all the daughters are red eyed heterozygotes
(Rw) and all sons are red eyed hemizygotes (R-). Homozygous white eyed females (ww) mate
with hemizygous red eyed males (R-). In the offspring, all the daughters are red eyed
heterozygotes (Rw) and all sons are white eyed hemizygotes (w-).

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