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Species: Human
Sex: Male
Apparent Age: Late Thirties
Culture: Feudal
Social Class: Guilded
Height: 5’5”
Frame: Light
Weight: 134 lbs
Appearance: Ugly
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Voice: Average
Obvious Medical Traits: Acne scars on face
Apparent Occupation: Timberwright
Apparent Wealth: Moderate
Weapons: Timber axe,
hand axe
Armour: None
Companions: Labourers
Other obvious features: None

Special GM Comments:






John S. Daniel II ________________________________________________

Artist: ________________________________________________
Richard Luschek
Art Sponsor: ________________________________________________

John S. Daniel II ________________________________________________

HârnWorld © 2008, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.

Timberwright Name: GORDY OF FLAREN Race/Sex: Human/Male

There are lots of timberwrights working in the forests Occupation: Timberwright Born: 26 Nuzyael 684 (Ulandus)

throughout Hârn; most provide trees to be used for com- Str 13 Agl 15 Sml 12 Wil 13 Cml 05
Sta 16 Eye 13 Voi 11 Aur 10 End 14
mon goods, building materials and charcoal. Gordy is Dex 12 Hrg 14 Int 10 Mor 11 Mov 15
more of a specialist and prides himself on being able to Medical/Psyche: Acne scars on face
find just the right, piece of wood for what is needed. Physical Skills: Climbing 60, Condition 80, Jumping 56, Riding 14,
Many of his customers are weaponcrafters, lances and Stealth 76, Throwing 67
spears require long straight hardwoods, while axes, Communication Skills: Awareness 65, Intrigue 44, Oratory 18,
Rhetoric (Haggling) 60, Singing 36
maces, bows all have unique requirements. Woodcarvers Languages: Harnic 60
and artisans are also frequent customers. Gordy under- Scripts: None
stands the particular needs of these crafts, and always has, Religion: Ritual: Peoni 11; Piety: 12
or can find, the perfect wood for the job. Combat Skills: Initiative 84, Dodge 75, Unarmed 56, Hand Axe 56,
Gordy can be seen wandering the woods with his Poleaxe 64

timber-axe in hand, studying trees, occasionally taking Craft Skills: Agriculture 32, Carpentry 77, Carving 45, Foraging 56,
Survival 70, Timbercraft 90, Weatherlore 46
branches, or marking a tree for future harvest. When har- Armour / Weapons: Wool cap, heavy cloak, cloth long sleeve tunic,
vesting trees, he often hires a group of labourers and cloth leggings, good leather calf boots. Hand axe and timber axe.
mules to assist with getting the tree back to the shop he Weapons Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
shares with his father. His father is semi-retired and Hand axe 3 11 66 61 • 4 6 •
Timber axe 6 12 74 74 -15 5 7 3
Gordy is considering finding an apprentice to train. He
Location Armour Layers AQ B E P F
would like to marry but is shy around women, and be-
Skull C +0 1 1 1 1
lieves that his scars will drive any prospects away, so he Face • • • • • •
avoids the subject. Neck • • • • • •
Shoulder C +0 1 1 1 1
He is known to the nobility and often negotiates the Upper Arm C +0 1 1 1 1
rights to harvest a single tree from a particular manor or Elbow C +0 1 1 1 1
Forearm C +0 1 1 1 1
forest hundred. The forests of Hârn are home to both Hand • • • • • •
barbarians, and bandits, hazards that Gordy has learned to Thorax C +0 1 1 1 1
avoid. Though frequently asked, he never admits to hav- Abdomen C +0 1 1 1 1
Hip C +0 1 1 1 1
ing seen anything out of the ordinary. Groin C +0 1 1 1 1
Gordy is seldom without work, and harvests trees Thigh C +0 1 1 1 1
Knee C +0 1 1 1 1
year round. His father maintains a curing shed behind Calf C, L +0 3 5 4 4
their house. Some of the timber in the shed has been cur- Foot C, L +0 3 5 4 4
ing for years, just waiting for the right customer to come Invocations: None
along. Convocations: None

HOOKS Spells: None

Psionics: None
Labourers needed: Gordy has a tree to harvest, his
Notes: Timber Axe: (see illustration) 5’6” long (1.68m) used for mark-
regular labourers are unavailable, so he is willing to offer ing trees, stripping bark and removing branches prior to felling.
good wages to help harvest the tree and get it back to
Chance Encounter: The PCs encounter Gordy on
one of his explorations; he is looking for a tree suitable for GM NOTES
making lances. A wealthy Baron has contracted with a
weaponcrafter for a dozen lances. _________________________________________________
Missing: Gordy is a few days overdue from one of
his trips. His father, an elderly woodcrafter offers a small
reward to the PCs if they can find him.
The Suspect: The local lord believes that someone
is passing information to the bandits living in the forest. _________________________________________________
Gordy has come under suspicion. Rather than arrest him,
the lord hires the PCs to follow him and find out what he _________________________________________________
knows about the bandits.

© 2008, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

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