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Northwestern Agusan Colleges

Bayview Hill, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

Science 9
1st Quarter

Living Things and

Their Environment


Grade & Section

Mrs. Joy V. Paceño

What I Know (Pretest)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and answer the questions in the best way you can. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before each number.

______1.Which of the following is the function of the respiratory system?

a. absorption of nutrients c. gas exchange
b. transport of oxygen d. skeletal support
______2. Which of the following statements describes the function of the diaphragm?
a. It contracts and relaxes during respiration to change the volume of the chest cavity
b. It serves as the passage of air into the lungs
c. It carries blood throughout the body
d. It is the site of gas exchange

______3.The lungs bring ______ into the body, and eliminates _____ from the body.
a. carbon monoxide, oxygen c. carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide
b. oxygen, carbon dioxide d. oxygen , carbon monoxide

______4. Which of the following structures is NOT part of the respiratory system?
a. Alveoli b. Bronchus c. Heart d. Trachea

______5. A baby swallows her food and accidentally, it does not enter the esophagus. What
structure does not function properly and diverted the food into the respiratory tract instead of the
a. trachea b. epiglottis c. larynx d. bronchus

______6.Which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation?

a. The ribcage contracts inward
b. The volume of the chest cavity decreases
c. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downward
d. The pressure within the chest cavity increases

______ 7. At what structures in the lungs do the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?
a. Bronchi b. Alveoli c. Bronchioles d. Trachea

______ 8. What happens to the pressure in your chest cavity when you inhale?
a. Air pressure remains the same c. Air pressure is increased
b. Air pressure is reduced d. Air pressure changes
______9.What organ in the circulatory system is responsible for pumping the blood throughout the body?
a. Heart b. Blood vessels c. Blood d. Arteries
_____10. Which of the following blood vessels is responsible in carrying deoxygenated blood
to the heart?
a. Arteries b. Veins c. Capillaries d. All of the above
_____11. What is the main function of the blood in circulatory system?
a. Carries the gases, nutrients and other molecules to and from the different parts of the body.
b. Pumps the blood throughout the body
c. Where the exchange of gases and nutrients take place.
d. Where the carbon dioxide is absorb.


______12.Which type of circuit/ circulation is responsible for the movement of blood from
the heart to the rest of the body, excluding the lungs?
a. Pulmonary Circulation c. Systemic Circulation
b. Coronary Circulation d. Both a and c

_____13. How do the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to circulate blood
and oxygen throughout the body?
a. Air moves in and out of the lungs through the trachea , bronchi, and
b. Blood moves in and out of the lungs through the pulmonary arteries and veins that connect to
the heart.
c. Both a and b.
d. Neither a nor b

_____14. All of the following are true about human circulatory system except _____
a. Heart rate changes in response to our physical activity.
b. White blood cells help fight microbes that may cause diseases.
c. Veins have thinner walls than arteries.
d. The atria pump blood out of the heart.

_____15. Which structures of the heart receive blood from the lower and upper parts of the
a. Arteries b. Veins c. Atria d. Ventricles
Parts of the Human
Lesson Respiratory System
What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

Name the main parts of the human respiratory system.

What’s New

Can you live without water for a few days and without food for a week? How about if you stop breathing
for more than a few minutes? Yes! You will die immediately if you stop breathing for more than a few minutes.
Remember, you can survive for several days without water and survive for a month without food, but you
cannot survive for more than 5 minutes without oxygen. It is a part of the air that we breathe. Without this
constant intake of air, the cells of your body would die quickly. Our cells need a continuous supply of oxygen to
support its activity which supplies energy to the body. As a result of this energy-producing process, the cells
perform all the vital tasks and keep you alive.
The human respiratory system consists of organs in the body that help us to breath. Respiration is
linked to breathing. The respiratory system does two very important things: it brings oxygen into our bodies,
and gets rid of carbon dioxide.

What Is It

The Human Respiratory System

Breathe in and out. Can you hear the quiet sounds of breathing in and out? The air that you breathe
moves to the different parts of the respiratory system. These are the nose, nasal passageways/nasal cavity,
pharynx (throat), larynx(“voice box” or “Adam’s Apple”), and trachea (windpipe) which divides into two tubes
called bronchi. These tubes carry air into each lung. Inside the lungs, the bronchi divide into tiny tubes called
bronchioles. At the end of the bronchioles are hundreds of tiny air balloons called air sacs or alveoli. A
large dome-shaped muscle called the diaphragm is also found under the lungs.
Perform this simple activity to name the parts of the human respiratory system.

 Name the parts of the human respiratory system.

Directions. Observe the drawing of the respiratory system in figure 1. Label the parts with the given words
inside the box. Write your answer on the blank.

diaphragm nose nasal cavity pharynx lungs mouth larynx trachea

What’s More

ACTIVITY 2. What a Bunch of Grapes!

Name the parts of the lungs using the bunch of grapes model of the respiratory system.

Materials :
bunch of grapes or any fruits and vegetables that demonstrate bunching like lanzones, niyog-niyogan, lato,
cauliflower, malunggay leaves or even tree branches
( Note: Aplastic/real bunch of grapes is used as a model)
1. Hold up the bunch of grapes. Let the bunch of grapes represent the respiratory or breathing system.
2. Locate the parts of the respiratory system as represented by the plastic/real bunch of grapes model in
figure 2.
3. One by one gently take out some of the grapes to expose more of the branching stems. Observe its
4. Trace the pathway of oxygen using the material you have.

Adapted from Science – Grade 9 Learner’s Module, 1st Edition, 2014

Figure 2. The bunch of grapes model of the respiratory system

Guide Question:

1. What does each part of the plastic/real “Bunch of Grapes” model represent, in relation to the
breathing system? Complete the table below.

Parts of the “Bunch of Grapes”

Parts of the Breathing System
1. main stem

2. two large branching stems

3. little stems

4. individual grapes


 The trachea is a hollow tube so as to allow the air to pass through, not like the main stem of the plant
you are using.
 There are only two large branching stems in the respiratory system.
 Unlike the grapes, the alveoli are so numerous that they cannot be counted individually.
 Bronchus (singular) and bronchi (plural); alveolus( singular) and alveoli (plural).
What I Have Learned

MATCHING TYPE. Match column A with B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before each number.

____ 1. lungs A.
____ 2. Trachea
____ 3. Bronchioles B.

____ 4. nose C.

____ 5. alveoli

____ 6. bronchus D.

____ 7. diaphragm




What I Can Do
Listed below are the parts of the human respiratory system. When air enters our nose it passes to
different parts before exchange of gases occurs. Arrange the correct sequence through which air passes after
it enters your nose or mouth on the blanks below.

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