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Planning the inquiry

3. How might we know what we have learned? 4. How best might we learn?
our purpose?
be used in conjunction with “How best might we learn?” What areClass/grade: 5
the learning experiences suggested byAge
teacher and/or students to encourage the students to engage with the
What inquire into the
are the possible following:
ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? inquiries and address
School: the driving
Sekolah questions? School code: 7179
What evidence will we look for? FINDING INFO
Title: How We Express Ourselves
 Reading. Students read and summarize articles about culture by following these statements:
To theme:
assess their prior knowledge How
about WetheExpress
culture, Ourselves
students answer the questions about the meaning, symbol
Teacher(s): Ary, Palupi, Yosef, Agustina, Diana, Primma, Hestya
and value
An inquiryof culture
into thefrom
whichFrom the movies,
we discover andstudents
expressmade comments
ideas, about
feelings, the cultural
nature, beliefs and  Students find information about the elements of culture and come with class discussion (kinds of elements of culture, their
and lifestyle, identified the cultural elements, reasons, and their perspectives about the culture.
values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic andtheHelen
function, Hutton
use, their affect to the society/the groups, the function of artifacts and how we value them.
 Photography skills about techniques to capture elements of culture (angle, composition, balance, color,PYP planner
What idea:
are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What Proposed duration: 6 weeks
 Students explore the importance and elements of culture of ritual or tradition in their life. Write a report about their cultural
evidence will we look for?
Rituals and Traditions represent a culture Assessment Assessme
identity (5W,1H, included the belief and values behind each elements of culture.
WALT WILF Assessment Task
Strategy nt Tools  Students apply the photography skills by taking picture of a celebration and identify the elements of culture.
 Home interview project (Ritual and Tradition survey). Students investigate the rituals and tradition happens in the family and
Summative assessment task(s): also around school community through a survey and brainstorm the list of the rituals at school and collect them as the whole
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea? What class list in a form of big chart displayed inside the class –explained in sorting out stage
evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for?  Students categorize the rituals and celebration based on the food eaten, fun or serious occasion, purpose, events in or lives,
birth, death, season change, believe in God, New Year, remembering significant people in past, etc.
Student will choose one or particular ritual or tradition. You need to describe the elements of  Make a ritual and tradition category chart (to memorize an important person, to celebrate change of season, to mark
culture in the chosen ritual/tradition, explain its purpose and perform it. Furthermore, you will significant 2. What doourwe
events in want
lives, to learn?
to praise God, etc).
explain the connections to its beliefs/values/culture and make personal connection as a way to The class concludes the importance of a society doing rituals and tradition (religion, tribe and country).
What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change, connection, perspective,
find similarities and differences between this particular ritual/tradition with other similar  Students created a celebration or tradition proposal by applying all concepts (function, connection, and perspective), how to
ritual/tradition. do, theresponsibility,
elements of culturereflection) to beThen
and each meaning. emphasized within
they presented this inquiry?
in the classroom, involved all students in the classroom.
Concepts: Function, Connection, Perspective
 Students choose one ritual/tradition (based on religion, tribe or country), identify its elements of culture, analyze the meaning,
Summative Criteria: purposeRelated Concepts:
and belief/value.
 Describes the elements of culture of the chosen ritual/tradition REFLECTION  Social Studies : artifacts, citizenship, diversity, family, identity, religions, roles, traditions,
 Students made reflection about the history, the development and the influence of culture.
 Explains the purpose of the ritual/tradition Social organization and culture: identity, tradition, interaction, history
 Makes a connection between beliefs, values and cultures What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the learner profile?

Concepts: Visual Arts : photography, interpretation, performance, techniques
 Makes a personal connection as a way to find similarities and differences  : PSPE : character, diversity, heritage, image, trust, community
 Function
 Articulately explains individual perspectives about culture (characteristics, changes,  Connection :
influences and creation) What
 Perspective : . lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea?
Skills  Ways to express a culture
 Communicates information and ideas through a variety of media  Social skills : Students work together in group to plan, brainstorm ideas and present their creation of cultural celebration.
 Expresses my ideas using appropriate body language, facial expressions and actions  How
 Communication rituals
skills and every
: In almost traditions symbolize
assessment, students aareculture
expected to present their understanding through varieties of
 Accepts the differences of other cultures’ presentation media. How rituals and traditions are similar or different
 Demonstrate creativity to have written and oral presentation  Self-Management skills : students plan and organize the activity
What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries?
 Attitudes:
 Tolerance
 What : Studentsarerespect
the elements
the culturalof culture?listening and accepting other culture identity.
 Creativity
 What are different ways to expressand
: Students create their own ritual celebration culture in the third formative.
a culture?
 Identify and describe the elements of culture
 Appreciation
 What can be considered as rituals and traditions?
: Students appreciated the beauty of cultural diversity around the world.
 Recognize the purposes of different rituals and traditions Profiles:
 Understand how certain culture is expressed through rituals and tradition  How do rituals and traditions represent a culture?
 Risk taker : Students are willing to try understanding different cultures.
 Capture a visual image to capture a culture by using a graphic program  How do groups of people carry out rituals and traditions differently?
 Open minded : Students know the cultural differences.
Provocation :
 Students observe cultural artifacts that they brought and observe them following the guideline
 Students watch videos about several cultural dances and lifestyle.
Reflecting on the inquiry

6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose? 7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP?
Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding of What were the learning experiences that enabled students to:
the central idea. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of Develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to learn?”
the inquiry should be included.  Cooperation : students worked and organized the celebration well within group.
 Causation : students analyzed the causes and various reasons of people explore and the
From the summative task, students were able to explain in details, the short personal history positive/negative effects of each exploration from different perspectives (explorer, explorer’s
of their chosen explorer, as well as the impacts of the particular exploration, for the country, native land, native people and modern people).
exploration personally, for the society at that time, for the society nowadays, and for the  Reflection : students interpreted the overall purposes and impacts of exploration throughout
student him/herself. Students also drew conclusions from several explorers of a certain era time, stated the importance of learning past explorations, and made reflection writing ‘If I were
and area to see general patterns of the impacts of the explorations. an explorer..’. Students used various resources (at least from three different resources) to
ensure the validity of the information.
How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more  I applied during the 3rd Formative because I. Next, I applied enthusiasm when I did all the
accurate picture of each student’s understanding of the central idea. Formative projects because I was determined to finish the project well. Then I applied I also
Strengthen students’ reading skills. applied being a communicator because I can express my feelings and ideas by poetry,
Better management of students’ grouping drawings, and speaking clearly. I also can speak more than 1 language (Chinese, Indonesian,
Share the WALT and WILF to the students from the beginning of the unit. English)..
Display the assessment criteria. Demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills?
 Research skills : students were exposed with collecting, recording and organizing important
information when working the projects of making the explorer’s information card, the Venn
What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the
diagram and the description of before and after of explorer’s contribution.
transdisciplinary theme?
 Communication skills : there were several formative and summative tasks which required
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journey; the discoveries; students to read and view information, write, orally present and display their final
explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of understanding.
individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspective.  Thinking skills : students were challenged to comprehend, analyze and evaluate data on
making the overall purposes and impacts of exploration and when comparing two information
Human Exploration has an impact on society. on the Venn diagram.
 Social skills : students discussed ideas and worked together for the class display.
Human exploration deals with the know-how of the area and the particular time in an era, as it
relates to the methods of transportations and the chosen routes; it relates with the personal Develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes?
history of the explorers, the discoveries and explorations made; it relates with the impacts on Attitudes:
5. What resources need to be gathered?
the society, either individually or in a civilization; the impacts on the society are explored
What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be available? (find these in Multimedia folders)
 Tolerance :
from different point of views (the indigenous, the explorers, the explorer’s society and the  Creativity : during maths and the 3rd formative task as most students thought of interesting and
dance video (serimpi, saman, kecak dances),National Geographic unique way to do the project.
Websites :;;  Appreciation :
How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the
inquiry?  Risk taker :
Human resources are used by students to broaden information about kinds of tradition  Open minded :
or celebration and different perspective of cultural understanding. To support the unit,
students have willingness to bring the cultural artifacts.
Reflecting on the inquiry

8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning? 9. Teacher notes

Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any Strengths Area of Needing Improvement
that were incorporated into the teaching and learning.  The Transdisciplinary Theme, the Central  The management of Summative task based
Students’ Questions Idea and the Lines of Inquiry are linked on students’ interest resulted on the
and carefully scaffolded to guide students’ inequality number of students.
 Who first created culture? inquiry.  Division based on area of exploration
 Where does culture really come from?
 Teachers are ready with sufficient could be tricky as one explorer could
 Since when has culture begun? teaching resources (non-fiction books explore on more than one area. We need to
 How did culture spread all over the world? from library, maps, internet resources) and consider the management of timetabling
guidelines to assist students to work on and number of teachers.
At this point teachers should go back to box 2 “What do we want to learn?” and highlight their formative and summative projects.  Students also need to decide in which area
the teacher questions/provocations that were most effective in driving the inquiries.  The management of Summative task of destination of exploration that they want
provided opportunity for students to to focus.
 What are the elements of culture?
explore their inquiry (which is based on  Students’ limited thinking skills
 What are different ways to express a culture?
the explorer’s area). (comprehension, application, analysis,
 How do rituals and traditions represent a culture?
 The management of simple yet effective synthesis and evaluation) and more
sharing day is flawless. advanced concepts that were focused in the
What student-initiated actions arose from the learning?  The assessment criteria, strategies and UOI (causation and reflection) became
tools their barrier to produce final result which
Record student-initiated actions taken by individuals or groups showing their ability to
suit to the level of teachers’ expectation.
reflect, to choose and to act.
 Not every explorer has ample information
Student-Initiated Actions and student-friendly language.
 Few students brought and used artifacts to support their presentation (stuffed animals,  We need to do some vocabularies
spices, maps, fabric). scaffolding in English by the beginning of
 Few students used their own time to prepare the display for the sharing day. the unit.
 Encourage the students to print the
resources instead of using
 Visual arts suggested :
Performance arts (costume design, mask
making, dance, music)

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