Safety Stock and Its Availability For Planning Purposes - SAP Blogs

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Srini Ravindra Kumar

February 24, 2014 6 minute read

Safety Stock and its Availability for Planning Purposes

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Safety stock, the necessary or unavoidable evil as it is sometimes called, exists as a ‘Quantity Float’ in
planning to take care of variabilities both in demand and supply.

Safety stock is an integral part of the Net Requirements Calculation in MRP/Forecast-Based Planning and
characteristically it is considered as a stock as well as a requirement plus a receipt and this makes it
interesting when it is made available for planning purposes in the form of a prescribed percentage.

Purpose of this document is to discuss about the usage of safety stock for planning purposes and the
system behaviour during the usage of the same. Also we will see the recommendations suggested by SAP
whilst using this feature, towards the end of the document.

#1: No Safety stock or No MRP group with the appropriate setting maintained in material master for the

For the PIRs existing we see the concerned procurement proposals created. 1/11
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#2: Now maintain the safety stock alone in the material master.

Maintain Safety stock = 100.

Data gets re ected in MD04 screen. Exception Message 96 is set automatically.

#3: Execute MRP for the material

A planned order gets created to cover the safety stock.Today’s date is 22nd Dec’12. We had executed Basic
dates scheduling and for the In-house production time of 15 days, system has created a planned order with
the date as 9th Jan’2013.

Keep observing the Exception Message 30 and the Rescheduling date pointing to 22nd Dec’12 here and in all
subsequent screenshots. 2/11
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Also note that for all other requirements/PIRs we have the procurement proposals created individually and
are intact as in previous step.

#4: Maintain the MRP group parameters speci c to the percentage availability of safety stock as in OPPR.

Again this MRP group is maintained in the material master.

#5: Execute MRP again. 3/11
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Observation is when safety stock availability (100% of 100 which is again 100) is equivalent to the rst
PIR/requirement then both gets clubbed as a single lot and associated to the rst PIR/requirement date.

#6: Now make the share of safety stock available as 50% and execute MRP.

We can see that there is a separate planned order to cover the safety stock requirement rst 9on 9th Jan’13)
and as it is su cient to cover the future requirements of 5 and 10 units there are no further planned order
proposals that are created.

#7: Now make the share of safety stock available as 20% and execute MRP. 4/11
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As 20% of safety stock 100 (which is again 20 units) is available and as it is su cient for the other two
requirements it does not create new planned orders.

#8: Now make the share of safety stock available as 19% and execute MRP.

As the available percentage does not cover the future requirements, system creates the proposal for 5 + 15
= 20 units and observe that the date is tied to the last requirement (15 units) here. Important thing to note is
that system did not create a planned order for 1 unit rather for the complete shortage in the planning
horizon. 5/11
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Detailed information on the available safety stock value is not seen in the SAP help site but there is a Note
that explains the details.

<SAP Note: 120778 – MRP: Available safety stock and rounding value

Two major processing steps occur during requirements planning:

First, the system determines the uncovered net requirement quantities for each individual day in the
planned horizon. It does this based on the stocks that have to be taken into account, the requirements and
the rmed receipts.

Then, during the lot-size calculation, the system creates procurement proposals for all net requirements
and, depending on the lot size parameters, net requirements can be covered exactly, split or combined into
one procurement proposal.

The safety stock that is available is a special case because the net requirements calculation interprets it as
stock and as requirement and receipt.

First it is taken into account as a stock because it is used to cover the first requirements on the time axis.
Only when the available part is consumed does the system calculate the net requirements for the
corresponding day. Since this first net requirement should also balance out the available safety stock, the
first net requirement is increased by the available part of the safety stock, which means that at this point, the
safety stock itself is a requirement that is to be procured.

For example (due to the complexity of the lot size Customizing and the di erent requirement/stock
situations that are possible, we can only describe one scenario as an example):

Safety stock:         10 pieces

Safety stock available for planning: 100 %

Stock/requirements situation:

Date MRP Element Receipt/Requirement Available Quantity

MAY/01/08  Stock          0
MAY/01/08  Safety Stock      10- 10-
JUN/02/08  PIR                    3- 13-
JUL/01/08  PIR                    3- 16-
AUG/01/08  PIR                    3- 19-
SEP/01/08  PIR                    3- 22-
OCT/01/08  PIR                    3- 25-
NOV/03/08  PIR                    3- 28-
DEC/01/08  PIR                    3- 31- 6/11
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During net requirements calculation, the system determines the following

net requirements while taking the safety stock available for planning into

Date Requirement
02.06.2008   13 (10 is safety stock planned as a receipt + 3 for the req on May/01/08)
01.10.2008   12 (3 for July, 3 for Aug, 3 for Sept making it 9 and this is covered by 100% of safety stock and
so it takes the next reqt for Oct’08 3 units and makes it 12 and stops there).

Based on these net requirements, the system then carries out the lot size calculation:

a) No rounding: If no rounding is used, the system creates receipt elements with the value of the net
requirements for these dates. Material shortages occur only up to the value of the safety stock.

b) Rounding = 5: In this case, the system creates a receipt of 15 for JUN/02/08, that is 2 more pieces than
are necessary. These 2 pieces are consumed in the next net requirement so that on OCT/01/08 only 10 are
required instead of 12. If 100% of the safety stock is available for planning, no receipt element is
required/created. Due to the rounding, the next receipt would be required on NOV/03/08 and not on
OCT/01/08 (as was determined in the net requirements calculation). However, this cannot be determined
when the lot size planning is carried out. The next receipt is created on the next date that is determined in
the net requirements calculation. However, in this example, there is no other net requirement calculated for
the original net requirements calculation after OCT/01/08 because only two net requirements (on
JUN/02/08 and OCT/01/08) are available without a rounding value. Therefore, the MRP creates only one
receipt on JUN/02/08. It does not create any more after that. Only when more requirements are added to
the time axis is the next receipt created at a later date.

Problems may occur if, due to roundings, minimum lot size or rmed lot sizes, the lot size calculation carries
out procurement beyond the mere lling of the part of the safety stock that is available. In this case, the net
requirements quantities and dates that are calculated no longer match the resulting available quantities on
the time axis, which causes delayed requirement coverages after the material has been planned.
Note that a useful lot size calculation can only be carried out after the net requirements calculation is
completed because otherwise, processes such as the rescheduling check, lot combination and so on do not
work correctly. However, if safety stocks are available, the net calculation at the time of the safety stock
consumption must assume a procurement of a certain value to ensure that the subsequent net
requirements are calculated correctly. Since the amount of this “scheduled receipt” is not known, the
system assumes the simplest case (EX – exact balancing of the safety stock at the time of the
consumption). Any deviations from this procedure in the lot size calculation can cause incomprehensive
procurement and rescheduling proposals.


It is not possible to change the program since material requirements planning is based on the concept of the
separation of net requirements and lot size calculation.

Therefore, we recommend that you do not use the safety stocks that are available for planning in connection
with rmed lot sizes, minimum lot sizes or roundings.

<End of SAP Note> 7/11
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Hope the information was useful. Please point out any other points of interest which can be added to this
document to make it more meaningful.
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MAN Production Planning (PP) |

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Jiaul Haque

February 24, 2014 at 2:12 pm

Excellent Analysis .Thanks for sharing this document.



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Srini Ravindra Kumar | Post author

February 24, 2014 at 6:25 pm

Jiaul Haque, Thank you very much for your positive feedback.




Ramagiri Srinivas Rao

February 24, 2014 at 8:53 pm

Hi Srini,

Good Analysis. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks & Regards,



Srini Ravindra Kumar | Post author

February 25, 2014 at 8:18 am

Ramagiri Srinivas Rao,Thank you so much for the feedback.


Former Member

February 25, 2014 at 5:22 am


Good one for PP ℹ




Srini Ravindra Kumar | Post author 9/11
8/16/2020 Safety Stock and its Availability for Planning Purposes | SAP Blogs

February 25, 2014 at 8:17 am

Naresh Patil, Thank you Narresh for the feedback.


Former Member

April 4, 2014 at 8:24 am

Nice try,thank you


Srini Ravindra Kumar | Post author

May 3, 2014 at 8:55 am

Thanks Steven.


Former Member

March 31, 2015 at 11:47 am

Accurate and clear !

Thanks for this docu!



September 6, 2016 at 1:33 pm

Very interesting !


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