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Free Spells

Break Spells, Curses, Relationships, etc...


You Need: black candle, water and a black bowl
Place the candle into the black bowl, fix the candle to the bowl using the wax
drippings from the candle so that it stands alone.
Fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the wick.
Breathe deeply and meditate for a few minutes.
When your mind is clear, light the candle.
Visualize the power the spell cast against you as living within the candles flame.
As the candle burns down, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water.
As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is broken.
Finally, dig a hole into the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the candle.


light 1 pink candle, 1 green, and a black candle.
Be sure that nobody else can see you (close all curtains, doors, windows, etc.)
Now, get a bowl full of water and put 3 drops of green dye in it.
Now that you've done that, slowly tip the bowl over each candle allowing them to be
extinguished while at the same time chanting:
"Juina Shelt Fonsed."
You must do this very slowly and imagine the spell being lifted from your body and
all the
good luck and fortune that will soon come to you and the evil that will go to the
that placed the hex/curse upon you.


Although it is relatively rare that someone is truly hexed, it does happen.
Also, it is important to note that the mind has a very
powerful effect on the body, so if you believe yourself to be hexed, in effect, you
This spell will remove any hexed or jinxed condition, whether real or imagined.
Fashion a poppet out of white felt or other white material.
Stuff the poppet with vetivert herb, and place on your altar.
Inscribe your name on a purple candle and anoint (Go here to learn anointing) the
candle with an appropriate oil (I use patchouli, but there are other formulations
the market, such as uncrossing oil, or go away oil which will work just fine).
Visualize as strongly as possible the hex upon you...feel its power and the
strength it has
had over you...Now take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it over the poppet,
strongly visualizing the hex/jinxed condition being broken. Put as much feeling and
emotion into this process as relax...allow the candle to burn down
It is finished...the hex is mote it be.


Although it is relatively rare that someone is truly hexed, it does happen.
Also, it is important to note that the mind has a very
powerful effect on the body, so if you believe yourself to be hexed, in effect, you
This spell will remove any hexed or jinxed condition, whether real or imagined.
Fashion a poppet out of white felt or other white material.
Stuff the poppet with vetivert herb, and place on your altar.
Inscribe your name on a purple candle and anoint (Go here to learn anointing) the
candle with an appropriate oil (I use patchouli, but there are other formulations
the market, such as uncrossing oil, or go away oil which will work just fine).
Visualize as strongly as possible the hex upon you...feel its power and the
strength it has
had over you...Now take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it over the poppet,
strongly visualizing the hex/jinxed condition being broken. Put as much feeling and
emotion into this process as possible. Relax. Allow the candle to burn down
It is finished...the hex is mote it be.

Time: After Midnight any night, waning moon
Incense: benzoin Herb: angelica
Anoint candles with rosemary oil use white candles as many as you like.
You Need: one bead from a necklace you own (preferably a pearl-faux or not)
A small patch of black cloth, some string for tying. Incantation:
"I cast a spell asking , I now ask the favor of having the spell removed.
I understand to take back a spell means giving up something of my own to show my
is true and my intentions are good, I give this pearl/bead from a necklace I own.
I transfer the spell into the and render the spell dormant.
No harm may come from the cancellation of this spell.
No further power shall it have. This is my will -so be it."
Place the pearl/bead in the black cloth - add your angelica herbs -
tie up tightly in the string until you have wrapped the pearl/bead entirely in the
Dribble a bit of wax from the candles on your final knot you tie and
Then throw the small package away far from your home. Close circle and give thanks.


If you think you have been cursed, and that is why you are unlucky in love,
you need to make a supplication to Aphrodite, asking her to intervene.
This supplication should be done on a Thursday evening at dusk.
Light 1purple candle and 1 pink one. Burn 7 pine needles in a bowl or brazier.
Offer the goddess three red roses, 1 for each stage of a woman's life (Maiden,
Mother and Crone).
Then ask her to bless you in love and to break any curse that may exist.
Pour your heart out to her. Ask forgiveness for any and every thing you have ever
done to hurt another who loved you. Offer to make amends by doing something in
Aphrodite's name.
Make a commitment to showering your future partners with love and romance.
Vow never to be unfaithful, etc. Be respectful when addressing Aphrodite and be
Do not make empty promises or break the ones you make. If you say you will do
something, do it.
If you do not, you may not like the result. There is no spell for this one, no
You simply speak from the heart and if you are sincere, she will answer.
Aphrodite can be a generous, loving goddess, guiding us towards bliss.
Or she can be a vengeful harridan.
Be warned, if the reason you are "unlucky" is because you have been unfaithful,
cruel, or otherwise wasteful of Love's gifts, you will face her wrath unless you
to immediately change your ways, and then do so.


To the Goddess, I do pray
Grant me power, strength to flay
This one's curse
With these words, I hold thee at bay.


If you believe a spell has been cast against you, place a large Black candle in a
(or a Large Black Bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inches
above the
cauldrons rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax
or the
drippings of another black candle so that the candle will not tip over.
Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick.
An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water.
Deep breathe, meditate, clear you mind, and light the candle.
Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame.
Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and
with the candle's flame (yes, the power against you). As the candle burns down, its
will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water.
As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water. the spell will be
Break your visualization of the spell's power: see it explode into dust, becoming
Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle.


Some binding spells can cause physical manifestations.
You feel as if invisible strands of hair or thin strings are wrapped around you.
You can't see them but you can feel them and nothing you do can make that sensation
Here is a way to dispel a binding.
Cut a bit of your own hair and set it in a small bowl.
Light 3 candles, 1 red, 1 white and 1 green. In a fire safe bowl or incense
brazier, light a
piece of charcoal and add some myrrh, patchouli and sandalwood incense (powdered
not cone or stick). Take a sterile needle or pin and prick your right index finger.
Squeeze three drops of blood into the smoldering incense.
As you drop the hair onto the lit incense repeat these words:
With blood, candle and scent times three
No longer shall this binding be
Free to live and free to soar
Let me leave the house once more.
As I burn this hair, a part of me
Let my heart and soul be free!
And for those who doth cast despair
Binding me with sightless hair
I send to them this well-earned curse
Let their evil spell reverse!
Teach them mercy and love's sweet gift
Once learned, this simple spell shall lift.
As is my will, so mote it be!
Let the incense burn out and scatter the ashes outside.
Lifting the binding spell should take care of the problem. Keep an eye on those
around you.
Someone who wished you ill will start to experience the torment they put you
Once they understand that what they did was wrong, then the sensation will fade
and they will be back to normal.


You need:
Picture of both parties together or write the names on a piece of paper
A burning dish
Cut the paper between the two of you and say:
As I cut their tie let the bond between them be broken.
Burn both halves of the paper apart. Say:
As I burn the tie let the bond be ever severed. So Mote it be!
Thank the deities and dismiss the circle if you have used one.
Bury or scatter the ashes.


Light two black candles and chant:
In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits
In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark
And the Gods of the Netherworld
And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me
Let them suffer their own curse
Let these candles be their candles
This burning be their burning
This curse be their curse
Let the pain they have caused me and mine
Fall upon themselves
Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and
each night
chant the spell until the candles are spent.


This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business
that you no longer wish to be in. It is a fire spell. To work it, gather herbs of
and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.) -Something written in their
hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do.
Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever
and set fire to it as you perform the spell. It should make a very satisfactory
blaze that reduces to ashes.
The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if you are
very angry.
Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters,
photographs, etc.
It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move house if you have to. Be
careful with this spell.
It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever. It's also powerful.
"by basilisk and bloodstone
by the garlic in the fields
by the poppies and what they yield
invisibly I make my shield
to detect thee and deflect thee
By dragon's blood and salamanders
by horses when their hooves strike sparks
by the dragon breathing flames from the Book of Life
I erase thy names
I cut the cords and unlock the chains
I sever all the ties by which we were bound
and with impenetrable walls myself I surround
against thy power and its source
against thy evil and its source
Vesta, Pele, Lilith Kali Kali Kali
I banish thee forever from me
and any harm from thee to me
doubles back and tables turned
thou shalt by thyself be burned
Lilith, Vesta, Pele Kali Ma Kali Ma
by the power of three times three I banish thee,
I banish thee, I banish thee I am set free So mote it be! "


Some binding spells can cause physical manifestations.
You feel as if invisible strands of hair or thin strings are wrapped around you.
You can't see them but you can feel them and nothing you do can make that sensation
Here is a way to dispel a binding. Cut a bit of your own hair and set it in a small
Light 3 candles, 1red, 1 white and 1 green. In a fire safe bowl or incense brazier,
a piece of charcoal and add some myrrh, patchouli and sandalwood incense
(powdered kind not cone or stick).
Take a sterile needle or pin and prick your right index finger.
Squeeze three drops of blood into the smoldering incense.
As you drop the hair onto the lit incense repeat these words:
With blood, candle and scent times three
No longer shall this binding be
Free to live and free to soar
Let me leave the house once more.
As I burn this hair, a part of me
Let my heart and soul be free!
And for those who doth cast despair
Binding me with sightless hair
I send to them this well-earned curse
Let their evil spell reverse!
Teach them mercy and love's sweet gift
Once learned, this simple spell shall lift.
As is my will, so mote it be!
Let the incense burn out and scatter the ashes outside.
Lifting the binding spell should take care of the problem.
Keep an eye on those around you. Someone who wished you ill will start to
experience the
torment they put you through. Once they understand that what they did was wrong,
then the
sensation will fade and they will be back to normal.


Burn 7 white candles at 7pm on a Friday evening.
Place another shorter candle into a pot of soil.
After 10 minutes, blow out the white candles in turn and allow the shorter
candle to extinguish itself in the soil.


To be done after an argument has occurred between you and a loved one.
Draw two figures on separate sheets of paper-one representing you and the other
the other person. Personalize the figures as needed (e.g.. Draw yellow on the head
for blond
hair, draw glasses , etc.) Place an unbroken bay leaf on one figure and lay the
other figure
face-down on top, creating a sandwich type thing. Say:
"Let the bay leaf take the energy and anger that is between us."
Separate the figures. Pick up the bay leaf and crumple it in the palm of your hand.
While doing so, say:
" As this leaf is broken and blown away,
Let the anger contained within also break and blow away."
Place the figures again on top of each other and say,
"Now there is no anger between us."
Blow the leaf to the wind. Wrap the figures up with a pink ribbon and put in safe

Needs: White candle Scissors Small knitted clothing article
Inscribe the candle with your problem, then draw a question mark beneath the
Light the candle and say:
"Problem, problem, melt away.
Solutions come to me today."
Snip a thread at the edge of the knitted piece and pull the yarn to unravel it.
"Knitted thread, as you unwind,
Problems can no longer bind."
Wind the yarn into a ball saying:
"As I smooth you to a ball,
Solutions rise-come one and all."
Alternate unraveling and winding with the appropriate chants. The solution
will come by the time all the yarn is wound.


You need:
- Picture of both parties together or write the names on a piece of paper
- A burning dish
Cut the paper between the two of them and say:
As I cut their tie let the bond between them be broken
Burn both halves of the paper apart. Say:
As I burn the tie let the bond be ever severed. So Mote it be!
Thank the deities and dismiss the circle if you have used one.
At last, bury or scatter the ashes.


Do this 5 nights in a row, at dusk - as the sun dies and darkness descends.
Light 2 Black candles and as they burn, speak this invocation:
In the name of the Gods and all ye spirits,
In the name of Kernunnos, and the light and the dark
and the Gods of the Netherworld,
Remove thy curse and sting from my heart and mine.
And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me,
Let he or she suffer their own curse.
Let these candles be their candles,
This burning be their burning,
This curse be their curse.
Let the pain they have caused me and mine
Fall upon themselves.
The two candles are completely burned each night.


You will need your magic mirror or a consecrated small round mirror,
a wide-mouthed glass jar, ashes, vinegar, a knife or something else sharp like a
razor blade
or piece of broken glass, and an apple.
After sundown, set the jar before the mirror and place in it some ashes.
Fill it up about 2/3 of the way with vinegar.
Take the apple and carve into it something that will represent the person or the
negativity which
follows or attacks you. Try and make it as clear as you can-while you carve, infuse
the apple
with all of the negativity you perceive around you. Raise the apple above the jar
and say:
"Evil send must come to rest
Reflect it back to who knows best
Energy spent for evil and bane,
Go back now from whence you came
Far away I send you this hour
May all your attempts to harm turn sour!"
Place the apple in the jar-for best results do this spell for three consecutive


To get rid of negative energy.
At the alter: A cup of salt, A fresh lemon, Athame
Light white candles and protection incense. Anoint brow, heart and throat with oil.
Put the lemon in the center of your alter and cut it into 4 slices (round).
"All spells against me congregate in this lemon, that's your fate.
Sour spell to sour fruit, you must go there cause it's your suit.
Bound to this lemon evermore. Each spell against me that's your store.
All in this lemon, now I see, and as my will so mote it be!"
When you feel that the chant has captured the negative thought forms in the lemon,
begin to sprinkle the salt on the lemon. Chant:
"Uncrossed! Uncrossed!
This salt for me breaks up the attacking energy.
As lemon dries in salt and air,
I'm freed from harm and all despair.
Uncrossed and happy now, you see!
And as my will so mote it be!!!"
Use lots of salt and when you are finished, thank all the elements.
Leave the lemon near your alter where you can watch it.
If it dries out, your work is done. If it should mildew, repeat the ritual.

When one feels under psychic assault or if concerned that they are the recipient of
magick, one solution is to use reverse magic. One effective method of implementing
this is utilizing
candle magic. A reverse candle is one that reverses whatever the individual who is
to harm may be doing. If there is a specific individual in mind (an ex-spouse, an
ex-lover, an
ex-employer, etc.) then write his/her name on the candle (red on top half, black on
bottom half)
using permanent markers or some other indelible method. Each night for three
nights, burn
about a third of the candle.
While the candle is burning, visualize positive outcomes (such as a move to a new
location for
the other party, a move to a new location for you, successful mediation of a
problem, etc.) and
how the situation can get reversed for the good of you and any other individuals
who may be
involved (children, elderly parents, etc.) including the individual who's name is
inscribed on the candle.
When the candle is burned down to a stub dispose of it immediately by taking it to
a body of fresh water.
Once the candle is in the water, turn and walk away. If it is winter or if you
can't get to fresh water
then bury it in the earth (not near your home) or dispose of it in a dumpster or
some other waste
area as far away from your home as possible.
When you return to your home after the disposal, return by a different route from
the one you
took to get there. It is critical to think positively during the process.
Negativity will bog the
process down. Upon your return home create a positive spell outlining what you want
situation to be -- use a white candle or one that represents the positive to you.


If you have been crossed or jinxed, or someone has put roots on you, you may not
who did it, but you may suspect and even be able to remember how it was done.
One common way to cross someone is to sprinkle Crossing Powder, Hot Foot Powder,
or Goofer Dust across their trackway or doorstep, or dress their socks or shoes.
I have even heard of women who will dress their own privates so that a man will
drag himself in it and lose his nature or jinx up his love life.
Another way to fix a person is to get something personal of theirs and stop it up
in a bottle
with roots and nails, pins, or needles. Your hair may have been gotten this way, or
a piece
of your clothing, or your personal concerns. This trick may have been done to you
by an
enemy to control you, dominate you, or get revenge on you by destroying your
in love and money matters.
First, if you have been having bad luck for a long time or are suffering from an
unnatural illness
but you have no known enemy and no one has ever openly declared themselves against
check around your home and see if you can find something that anyone could have
put there to jinx you, like burying something in your front yard. If you find
something, like a bottle
with personal effects, roots, or hairs in it, dig it up and burn it or throw it
away in running water.
If you can't find such a thing, you may have been fixed with some mess sprinkled on
your food
or on your shoes.
You need to get 2 white offertory candles for uncrossing and some Uncrossing oil to
dress them.
Also, and this is important, before lighting the candles, I want you to take a bath
in some purifying
herbs or Uncrossing type bath preparation. The hyssop herb bath is something you
can make
up yourself from hyssop leaves or you can buy ready-made Uncrossing Bath Crystals
with Hyssop,
or -- for a really strong job -- you can use the 13 Herb Spiritual Bath, which
contains hyssop and
12 other uncrossing herbs.
Many folks use 13 packets of 13 Herb Spiritual Bath and take a bath every morning
for a total
of 13 days to clear away a really bad jinx. Hyssop is what is recommended in the
Bible for
purification. (Look up the 51st Psalm; this is the one that tells you how to use
the hyssop
bath. If you are not a Christian, you can still use the hyssop herb; it is
traditional for
uncrossing in any case.)
To prepare the bath, you either brew up the herbs into a tea and strain it or
dissolve the
mineral crystals in warm water. Then you recite the 51st Psalm (or an uncrossing
spell of
your choice) as you pour the bath water over your head. If you are taking the 13
Bath, you pour the water and recite the 51st Psalm 13 times for each morning's
When you have finished the bath, step out of the tub and light the 2 white candles
have been dressed with Uncrossing Oil. Stand between the candles. Do not dry
with a towel -- let the bath water dry on you in the air as the candles burn.
Now recite the 37th Psalm, the one folks call "The Uncrossing psalm."
This is the one that begins "Fret not thyself with evil-doers..."
Pinch out the candles (don't blow them out) if you intend to work this spell for
full 13 days. If you do will only be doing it for one day, just let the candles
burn until
they go out, no matter how long that takes.
If you are not a Christian, then instead of the 37th Psalm, just voice your request
in your
own words that the jinx be lifted and the one who put it on you be struck down.
After taking this bath, some people then use the remaining bath water to wash down
floors and especially the doorstep of the house. Mix the bath water into a bucket
with some
Chinese Wash or Van Van Oil to make it stronger. Wash from the back of the premises
to the
front. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once you are
done with the
wash water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour it on the ground
(not down the drain).
Do this every morning upon awakening -- bathing, praying, lighting the white
candles, and
washing down the house -- for 13 days and this will bring you relief from crossed
If you know who has put this crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the
onto them, burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath
overturned saucer under the candle) or carve their name on the candle. If you use a
candle in the figure of the Devil and carve their name on it, dress it with Cast
Off Evil Oil and
things will go harder with them. If you don't know the name of the person who did
this trick to
you, carve the words "My Enemy" on the candle. Burn the black candle on the toilet
tank, a
little bit each night, pinching it out between burnings. Burn it while the moon is
growing smaller --
and on the dark of the moon, the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black
upside down and extinguish it in the toilet bowl, saying
"Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!"
Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads -- or into the yard
of the
person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.


Try this spell to reverse any negativity or hexes being sent your way.
Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed.
Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil.
On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink:
All blocks are now removed.
Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray,
or any
fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits by repeating
three times:
Firedrakes and salamanders,
aid me in my quest,
protect me from all evil forms,
turn back the negativity being sent.
After the third repetition say: So mote it be.


Visualize anger, hatred, and all other bad emotions into a glass.
Making sure you're far back enough as to where you won't be hit, hurl the
glass into a wall or on the floor as hard as possible. Good for stress.

--1 black candle Bowl of salt
--Your favorite 'protective' incense, chalice or bowl of water (whichever your
--A picture of the person from whom the energy is coming from
--A mirror (this mirror shouldn't be like a scrying mirror. It should have a
reflective surface,
and should only be used for magical purposes and should be magically cleansed
and after each use to get rid of any magical 'residue' and it's best if it's small
and can stand up).
Cast your circle as you normally would (invoking Elements, the Goddess, the God,
At this point, I would normally cleanse the mirror of anything, physically AND
Next, light the black candle. The picture of the person should be face up in front
of you.
Pick up the picture and look at it. Say the person's name three times to get their
firmly in your mind. Take the picture and run it through the incense smoke, saying:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Air and the Law of Three!"
Next run it through the flame of the candle (not enough to catch it on fire) and
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Fire and the Law of Three!"
Sprinkle water on the picture (only needs to be a little... unless you caught it on
fire, LOL):
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Water and the Law of Three!"
Sprinkle a little salt on it:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Earth and the Law of Three!"
Next, place the picture facing the mirror; the black candle should be behind the
but still able to cast light upon the picture of the person. Visualize a mirror-
like surface
surrounding you, reflecting energies back towards the person.
"What you send at me goes back! Three times light, three times black! What you
so shall you sew! From above and from below! No harm will come, unless you send.
No loss will come, if ye be friend. No harm to me, by mirror's shine, For I
reflect, by what is mine!
Earth and Air, Water, Fire, Help reflect, by my desire! I invoke the Law of Three!
This is my Will, and it shall be!"
Allow the candle to burn down, and close the circle as you normally would, allowing
the candle to burn itself out. After the candle has burned itself out, be sure to
or dispose of the other materials used. For example I would ritually cleanse the
and burn or bury the picture, depending upon the circumstance.


Go for a walk and pick up seven twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of
the week.
Traditionally the twigs should be ash for Monday, beech for Tuesday, elm for
Wednesday, oak
for Thursday, horsechestnut for Friday, yew for Saturday, and elder for Sunday.
Take them home,
snap them into pieces, and burn them in the hearth or bonfire. Say:
Ill luck is broken, As these words are spoken.

(this is a spell to send bad vibrations back to their source).
Needed: Hand Mirror, Black Candle, Incense, Black string, Bell.
Call the Spirits to witness the rite using the bell. Say:
"I am immune to their hate, their malice.
I will not accept their guilt or their intolerance.
Their words and thoughts are no bane to me."
Hold the mirror behind the candle and say:
"As this mirror reflects back the light of this candle
so shall these things be reflected back to their sender(s)
and as the mirror neither adds or detracts from the reflection
I shall add no malice to nor subtract any from that which I send back.
As it comes to me so shall it return to them."
Tie the black string in three knots. As you tie each knot say:
"With this string I bind this spell, As I will it, So mote it be."
Dismiss the spirits. Let the candle and incense burn out on their own.
Place the string in a special box set aside for spells and leave it there always.


(so they don't continue to play the same detrimental roles in your further
On parchment or some other nice quality paper, write in red ink
(dragon's blood ink, bat's blood would be great too):
(Name) I declare our contract broken.
You no longer have power over me.
Never again will I be your servant, in this life or any other.
(you can use your own words, go into detail about how you feel you've been wronged
manipulated, whatever.)
Sign your name, burn it with a black candle. Get rid of the ashes.


When one has been involved (either Emotionally, Physically or Spiritually) with
person it can create an 'Etheric Link' that resembles a red cord binding between
When the friendship or relationship ends it is often difficult to move on, as you
are still
linked to this person. The Cutting of the Cord Spell is ideal in dissolving the
between people allowing them to move on.
You Will Need:
--2 Red Candles, Length of Red Cord
--A photograph of you and your friend or ex (or a picture to represent you both
--A pair of scissors.
Preparation: Bathe & Cleanse yourself before starting, set out materials, and
Cast a Basic Magickal Circle.
The Spell
Mark the first Candle with your name and the second Candle with the other person's
Charge the Candles with Anointing Oil, starting from the center moving
outwards (sending energy out), seeing the person named on the Candle as you anoint
Take the first Candle in your hand hold it over your Altar Candle visualizing it
being Charged with energy to do your bidding, then present the Candle to the Altar
As the Goddess gave form and substance to our spirits,
I give form and substance to this candle,
As She named us Her children,
I name this Candle as (insert name).
As this Candle is wax and wick,
So it is also flesh and blood, So Mote it be!
Repeat with second Candle.
Sit in meditation and think of the joy this person brought you, picture your
favorite memory.
Visualize the link between your hearts as a thick red cord joining you from heart
Chakra to heart Chakra.
Tie an end of the cord to each candle, joining you together, as you are joined in
Place the photo or picture over the center of the cord saying:
As the Goddess links us in Spirit, I link these forms together,
As above, so below, As within, so without!
Again sit in meditation, and think of the reasons you want to cut all ties to this
person, think about the events that have lead up to this decision. Face any doubts
that you may have and see them for what they are, fear. Know in your heart that the
Goddess wants only the best for you and She wants you to want the best for
When you are ready visualize yourself telling the other that it is over and that
you are moving on, then see yourself turn and walk away - not looking back!
Cut through the Cord that binds you to each other (as well as through the
picture symbolizing your togetherness) and say:
By my free will, with harm to none,
I sever the cord that binds me to (insert name),
As we once chose to share the road we walked,
Now we choose to walk a different path,
Although we still journey to the same destination,
No longer do our steps move in time you are no longer my friend (or
lover), I release the (insert name) from all ties to me
As I am released from thee, As I do will, so mote it be!
Take the candle, 1/2 the cord and 1/2 the picture (the part representing your ex)
in a heatproof bowl, tip a little 'goodwill incense' over it all, with a little
mentholated spirits,
then as you light it say:
As this smoke rises and drifts away,
So do all my bonds to you... So mote it be!
Place 'your' candle on your Altar to burn when you find yourself wishing 'what if'.
Clean up and Close Circle, then bury everything else except your candle.

To throw back evil or ill that is being done to your home or self.
camphor. blue dye. white votive candles. brown paper. cup. plate. turpentine.
reverse oil, run devil run oil, arassa con todo oil, against my enemies oil. 3
small nails.
cigar & rum. Florida water. rubbing alcohol
(you can get these materials in your local store or your local botanica)
Cast a circle or smoke the area you are going to work in with the cigar-blow the
smoke in the
four corners of the room. Fill the cup with luke warm water and add the blue dye-
make sure
the water is heavily dark w/the dye. Put the Florida water and the oils, as well as
the turpentine
and alcohol- put a little bit of everything and while doing this ask the owner of
the roads
- Eleggua - to send back whatever evil or ill that is being done to you.
Blow cigar smoke and rum to the cup-suppose to amplify or electrify what you are
place the 3 small nails. Write the name of your enemies or who is doing wrong to
you on the
brown piece of paper (or a piece of brown paper bag) with a pencil.
Blow cigar smoke and rum on the paper and think of that person or people that are
trying to
bring you down and place it on the plate.
Place the camphor cube in the cup and continue to pray to eleggua that he may
reverse all ill
that is being done to you. Grab the plate and place it over the cup --with
quickness and grip
grab the cup and hold the plate at the same time and turn it over and while doing
this picture
all the bad going back to them--the way it looks the cup is upside down on the
paper and plate.
Put it near the main doorway of your house or room-preferably where a lot of people
enter in.
Put the white votive candle on the cup and spray cigar smoke and rum again and
while staring
at the light of the candle picture the bad going back and ask eleegua to send
whatever evil back
where it came from. Knock on the floor three times or on your altar and call it a
Should be done on the waxing of the moon or when its full. Very strong and highly


If you have been having bad luck for a long time or are suffering from an unnatural
but you have no known enemy and no one has ever openly declared themselves against
you, you may have been crossed or jinxed, or someone has put roots on you. You may
know who did it...but you may suspect and even be able to remember how it was done.
One common way to cross someone is to sprinkle Crossing Powder, Hot Foot Powder, or
Goofer Dust across their trackway or doorstep, or dress their socks or shoes.
Another way to fix a person is to get something personal of theirs and stop it up
in a bottle
with roots and nails, pins, or needles. Your hair may have been gotten this way, or
a piece
of your clothing, or your personal concerns. This trick may have been done to you
by an
enemy to control you, dominate you, or get revenge on you by destroying your
in love and money matters.
If you want to undo this sort of work, it helps to know who put the jinx on you so
you can
call their name back at them, but even if you don't know who did it or how it was
there are things you can do to take off the jinx.
Check around your home and see if you can find something that anyone could have
secretly put there to jinx you, like burying something in your front yard. If you
something, like a bottle with personal effects, roots, or hairs in it, dig it up
and burn it
or throw it away in running water. Even if you can't find such a thing, you may
been fixed with some mess sprinkled on your food or on your shoes.
You need to get 2 white offertory candles for uncrossing and some Uncrossing oil to
dress them.
Also, and this is important, before lighting the candles, take a bath in some
herbs or Uncrossing type bath preparation. The hyssop herb bath is something you
can make up yourself from hyssop leaves or you can buy ready-made Uncrossing
Bath Crystals with Hyssop, or -- for a really strong job -- you can use the 13 Herb
Spiritual Bath, which contains hyssop and 12 other uncrossing herbs.
Use 13 packets of 13 Herb Spiritual Bath and take a bath every morning for a
total of 13 days to clear away a really bad jinx. Hyssop is what is recommended
for purification. Call upon the deity of your choice.
To prepare the bath, you either brew up the herbs into a tea and strain it or
the mineral crystals in warm water. Then you recite an uncrossing spell of your
as you pour the bath water over your head. If you are taking the 13 Herb Bath, you
pour the water and recite your prayer13 times for each morning's bath.
When you have finished the bath, step out of the tub and light the 2 white candles
that have been dressed with Uncrossing Oil. Stand between the candles. Do not dry
yourself with a towel -- let the bath water dry on you in the air as the candles
Recite voice your request in your own words that the jinx be lifted and the one who
put it on you be struck down. Pinch out the candles (don't blow them out) if you
to work this spell for the full 13 days. If you do ill only be doing it for one
day, just
let the candles burn until they go out, no matter how long that takes.
After taking this bath, some people then use the remaining bath water to wash down
their floors and especially the doorstep of the house. Mix the bath water into a
with some Chinese Wash to make it even stronger. Wash from the back of the premises
to the front. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once
you are
done with the wash water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour it on
ground outside (not down the drain).
Do this every morning upon awakening -- bathing, praying, lighting the white
and washing down the house -- for 13 days and this will bring you relief from
crossed conditions.
If you know who has put this crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the
onto them, the best thing to hope for is to find the mess they put down -- whether
that be
powders, a doll, or a bottle spell. If you find it, just burn it all up or throw it
into running water.
Not only will this take the root work off of you, it will send it back to the one
who sent it.
Most times, unfortunately, you will not be able to find what they put down to hurt
In that case, one well-known way to reverse their work back onto them is to burn a
candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an overturned saucer
the candle) or carve their name on the candle. If you use a black candle in the
figure of the
Devil and carve their name on it, dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil and things will
go harder with them.
If you don't know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words
"My Enemy"
on the candle. Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night,
pinching it out
between burnings. Burn it while the moon is growing smaller -- and on the dark of
the moon,
the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and
it in the toilet bowl, saying "Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!"
Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads -- or into the yard
of the
person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.


First for this spell you will need:
1 black and red reversing candle (You may find this in any occult supply shop,
botanica, etc.)
or you may use 3 red household candles with the bottom portion dipped in black wax
1 bag of
reversing bath salts (or you may use solar sea salt which you have consecrated for
this purpose)
1 bag of reversing incense, 1 piece of virgin parchment, 1 vial of reversing oil
India ink which
has been consecrated for this purpose, a quill pen to draw upon the parchment.
First you must bathe in water with the bath salts, allowing yourself to air dry
Next, you dress your candle with the oil; anoint the candle starting in the center
and rub the oil
towards each end (If using a jar candle anoint the top of the wax in a counter-
circular motion, starting at the center and out). Write upon the parchment that
which you
desire to be directed away from you in this case psychic attacks (if you know the
write that too). Light the incense and pass the parchment through the smoke, then
the parchment under the candle. Light the candle while visualizing a white ball of
light forming
above it. Then say with all of the force of emotion that you can muster:
"By incense' smoke and candles' flame,
Away from me I send all bane;
By cleansing water and power of salt,
Let any harm come to naught.
To any who would wish me pain,
May all their curses be in vain;
All that blocks me from success,
With this spell I lay to rest.
Harm to None and Good to all,
Lord and Lady hear my call;
As I do will, So Mote It Be!"
Repeat this chant three times As you say the chant, imagine the small white ball
above the
candle growing and expanding until it encompasses you and anyone else who you
desire to
protect. Imagine that any negative energy that meets this ball of light will be
reflected off, never
touching you at all. After the candle has burnt out (about 6 or 7 days for a jar),
take the jar
and any wax left over, and the parchment and place them in a brown paper bag. Take
to a remote location and break the jar inside the bag and dispose of it. As you
dispose of it say:
"Return to the elements from which thou camest!"
As you may have guessed, this is also a success spell in the form of reversing any
energies which may be blocking you from the success you desire, whatever form that
will take. As for the form of the success; leave that to the Gods. Oh, and if you
are using
household candles, remember to repeat the spell three nights in succession, burning
candle and disposing of the remaining wax after all three have been burnt. This
spell will bring
you much success and protection if done in the right way.


If you know who has put a crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the jinx
onto them,
burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an
overturned saucer
under the candle) or carve their name on the candle.
If you don't know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words
"My Enemy"
on the candle. Any black candle will do, but if you use a black candle in the
figure of the Devil,
carve their name on it, and dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil, things will go harder
with them.
Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night, pinching it out
between burnings.
Burn it while the moon is growing smaller -- then, on the dark of the moon, the
darkest night of
the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and extinguish it in the
toilet bowl, saying
"Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!"
Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads -- or into the yard
of the person
who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.


For many years the ancient Voodoo priests have used the power of eggs to help
combat the power of evil spells and bad luck. They believe that the egg possesses
strong magical powers and in the right hands can cause bad luck or good luck
depending on the will of the practitioner. If you are plagued by evil spells and
bad luck,
then do this powerful ancient Voodoo egg spell to help you remove any negative
conditions from your life.
1. You must purchase a brown fresh egg before noon of that day. Make sure that you
start this when the moon is waning. It is very important that this egg be fresh.
Place this egg in a brown bag and tie the neck of the bag with a black cloth
Place this bag under your bed.
2. Each night before retiring to bed, you must open this bag and take the egg out
and rub it all over your body. When done, put the egg back into the bag, take a
deep breath and blow three times into the bag. When you are blowing into the bag,
you must imagine that all the bad luck is leaving your body, via your breath.
When done, place the bag back under your bed. Do this for nine days.
At the end of nine days, take the bag with the egg and dispose of it outside your
3. Note: Each time that you blow into the bag, you must immediately tie it back up.
If by the end of seven days you notice that your bag is moving on it's own.
Stop, and dispose of the bag immediately.
DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BAG. Make sure that the bag is secure.
Do not play with this. Only do this if you are serious about destroying the bad
luck in your life.


3 parts Galangal, 2 parts Vetivert, 1 part thistle, 2 parts dried ginger root
Steep herbs in shortening, strain, cool and anoint body at night.

Note: This spell cannot be turned and there is no spell that will rebind the person
once unbound.
Their power will come back; their body will be free. I would not try to make a
spell to undo this;
there is no spell which will achieve this and people that tried have been bound
themselves as
a result. It should also be noted that this spell does not help those who become
bound as a result
of trying to break it.
Needs: Two White candles Two Black candles
Take the person that is bound and place him or her on his or her back looking up.
Place the two black candles at his feet and the two whites at his head.
Light them and then start the spell.
I call on the gods and goddesses of the old days
as well of those of the new.
Break this spell that they call a binding with your power.
Gods of light move about this man or woman's body.
Allow your power to break the holds on him or her.
Goddesses come down and wake his or her body.
Allow the power that you have given this person to be woken.
I call on the East gate.
Break the binding spell that was placed on this person.
Let it be removed for good.
Do not allow a spell of binding be placed on he or she that is before me.
Place your hands to his or her chest and speak once more
Spell Continues:
Gods and Goddesses and the East gate,
help me within my workings.
Allow your power to move within my hands
and allow the binding that was put upon my friend
to be removed and never to come within him again
may he live or die.
I call on the element of the East, the element of water,
to fill these hands and move within this body
to allow the walls that hold him or her fall.
I call on the gate of the West, the gate of fire,
come forth and burn these walls that hold him or her from awaking
and burn the walls that hold back his or her power.
I call on the gate of the South, break the walls down with your power
so my friend may awaken as well his power.
I call on the gate to the North
to come and let the winds move air within my friend's body.
Unlock the binding that was placed on my friend
and awaken his or her power and body to never be locked again.
Move your hands down the sides of his or her body and say this.
Spell Continues:
O great gods and goddesses
and the gates that hold the elements within,
Send your power within my hands
and break free my friend from this binding.
I call on my friend; within your walls,
break that which holds you.
Open your body to my power and break the walls that hold you.
Come to me, my friend.
O great gods and goddesses,
do not allow the binding to work on this person any longer.
The power of both sides, of the Light and Dark,
Your onus is broken and you are free once more.
As the day and night,
so shall you be of both this day, and not just one.
Back away once getting to his feet and dot move close tell you see the light of
come over him or her and then the light of Dark come over him then see his eyes
move little.
Then you may go to him or her to hold and help him.

You want to get three red candles, and (if possible) 1 black candle.
(if you can't get a black candle without raising eyebrows, go ahead and get a
brand new black permanent marker. Do not use this marker for anything else
but this type of spell if you can help it.) Also. if you have access to any
oils, get some rue oil or get hold of some bulk rue ... and a small bottle of olive
A small candle holder and a clean piece of paper and a red pen to write with are
the next things.(again, a new pen if possible, saving it for this type of spell. A
thing to do is to get a variety of colored pens to save for doing specific spells.)
Melt the black wax of the candle in a double boiler and dip the lower half of the
candles in it, making the black wax coat the bottom half.
Or, if you must, cover the lower half of the red candles with the black magic
On a night where you can block everyone out for a while, take a bath with either
salt or regular salt (1 tsp. is enough) and a bit of rue oil or rue (cut or ground,
doesn't matter).
Do not towel dry yourself, go ahead and air dry.
(You can wear whatever you normally wear to do spells, but you definitely want to
air dry.)
Then, get out the rue oil or, in a small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of ground or cut
rue and
1 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil. Coat one candle with the oil or oil-herb mixture,
from the middle out, going counter clockwise. Do the bottom half first, then the
You'll be doing this spell over three consecutive nights, so save the rest of the
candles and
the oil in a safe place. On the piece of paper, write down what you'd like to see
from you; i.e. bad luck in love, financial problems, trouble from an enemy,
inability to find
what you need in your life, etc. Get thoughtful and make sure it's something you
want to send away. Place the piece of paper under the candle holder (it would
be smart to put this in a pie plate or some other fireproof container), charge the
candle with
your desire to see these things or trends gone, and light the candle, using a
lighter only (no matches).
Do this again for the next two nights, and once you're done, burn the piece of
paper, seeing your life
as if a weight lifted from it. If there's any leftover wax, collect it in a brown
paper bag and bury that
someplace far from you, or throw in a trash can across town! Then forget about it,
don't worry over
it, just know it worked. You can do this whenever you feel the things in your life
are not going the
direction you'd wish, and different candle colors can be used for specific
This is for general, overall reversals.


Second, if a person wanted to try a link-break, they would have to evoke the bond
[to break it] ... They could use a simple sorcerous ceremony to evoke the link. ...
Get a private room, and draw a diagram on a surface you can stand and walk around
They'd diagram out a central circle one pace in diameter.
Then they'd draw another circle about one pace in diameter.
Then they'd connect the two circles with a line.
On one side of the line would be written the person's name.
One the other side of the line would be written the other person's name.
Next two effigies would be prepared. A photograph with a name written on it is
People with old fashioned leanings can make them out of clay or wax.
With some caballa one could make them out writings on sheets of paper.
One effigy is for the person linked to. It's put in a bowl or something that
cooking wine
can burn safely in, like an aluminum kitchen bowl. The second effigy is of the
That can be put into an ordinary kitchen bowl as well.
Next a series of things in a backwards-seeming order is performed.
First, holding the effigy of the other person, the characteristics of the other
are invoked into it. It's then stuck into its bowl and sealed in its circle; let's
call it circle B.
Then the donor's effigy has the donor's characteristics invoked into it and it is
sealed into circle A.
The link connecting the two persons is then *evoked* from inside the donor,
with them calling it forth and projecting it into the line connecting the two
Then with some convenient wand or kitchen spoon or something, tap the line
connecting the two circles, invoking the line to represent the bond between the
Then after walking three times around the whole contraption, counterclockwise and
make drawing gestures with the wand, kitchen spoon, laser pointer, etc. the force
linking the two is commanded to decouple and withdraw from the line into the
separate sealed circles. Then the line is broken physically with the wand, laser
pointer, whatever and the link is commanded to break and not reform.
Remaining are two potentized effigies in separate sealed circles.
It's finished up by taking salt water (Epsom salts are nice) and banishing any
connection that the donor effigy has with the donor by pouring the salt water over
it without breaking the circle A, while commanding any connection be dissipated
Then cooking wine is poured into the other bowl in circle B and a match is tossed
and the command is given for any link that the effigy has with the other person to
cleanly and harmlessly consumed by the flame . Then the mess is cleaned up in a
normal way.
If you should happen to do this, you do it at your own risk, and are fully
responsibility for
whatever happens. It's a good idea to experiment with cooking spirits beforehand in
controlled manner to determine what kind and amount and lighting technique is most
advisable in individual circumstances.

When we share intimate relationships with people, often we unconsciously take on
some of
our partner's traits and visa versa. In a close relationship this can deepen the
connection and
allow two people to function and relate more easily as one. However this condition
is not
desirable because it ultimately weakens both parties involved. Pieces of your soul
artificially incorporated into other people and visa versa.
So if the relationship breaks by any circumstance, both parties may feel as though
missing parts of themselves, and also are haunted with some of pieces of the
other's behaviors,
thinking and emotional patterns, etc. Now, your soul is linked to you no matter
where it has
been stretched to. There are always threads leading back to the source which can
(or only with deliberate effort) be wholly severed. So by breathing with those
threads, it is
possible to retract the lost parts of yourself, and release the parts which are not
yours to keep.
Do this as follows.
Locate your center. Reach within and locate what is not you.
Exhale and release this out back into the world.
Reach out and feel the scattered bits of yourself.
Inhale and feel those pieces retract back into your center.
Repeat until ending of meditation. Center yourself again and sit for a minute to
Do this daily until you feel whole again and not psychically attached to any
external persons.
You will find that there are far more than just one single person who has bits of
you out there,
and far more than just one other person who you've detained within. It's a form of
parasitism that almost all people unconsciously partake in on a continual basis
consciously as well). By doing the above exercise you will reconsolidate yourself.
After this has happened you will become better rooted with a much stronger sense of
boundaries, and you can thus better protect yourself from future occurrences.


Spell and magick be gone (say this three times)
That has been placed on me by person(s) known or unknown to me
Go back from whence you came
Remain with whom you came from
Be with who you were sent by
Then visualize a pyramid going over you.
I am under universal light and universal protection
Nothing less then universal perfection can touch me were I am
The forces of this spell do leave So mote it be.


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