Student Activity Packet SC-1.2

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Semester Course

1.2 Teens and Taxes

Student Activity Packet


In this lesson, you will learn to:

● Explain why so few teenagers file taxes
● Identify common misconceptions about taxes and state the correct facts
● Identify what types of income are taxed
● Analyze a number of scenarios to determine who can be claimed as a dependent and if they need to file a tax return

Resources Questions
Estimated time: 10 mins
How Old Are Most Taxpayers?
1 Analyze the chart and answer
the questions on this worksheet
to complete this Data Crunch.

Then, have a brief class

discussion based on your
findings - your teacher will ask
you questions to guide you.

Estimated time: 3 mins

Updated Tax Figures
2 Throughout this lesson, you
may notice that tax figures vary
based on the year the resource
was created. Review this slide
and make note of the most
updated figures in the section
to the right before proceeding
with the lesson.

Estimated time: 7 mins

Tax Facts (How Much Do You
3 Know About Tax Day?) 1. How does your tax knowledge compare to the majority of the teens’ tax
How much do teens really know knowledge in the video?
about taxes? What are some
important tax facts teens
should know? Watch this video
to find out. Then, answer the 2. As you learned in the video, there is no specific age requirement to pay taxes.
questions to the right. Why, then, do you think there is a lack of awareness and general knowledge
about taxes among teens?

Estimated time: 10 mins Last updated: 1/7/20

Reference: Tax Issues as
4 Dependents and Self- 1. Which of the following people is/are legally required to file a tax return?
Employed Workers
As a teen, filing a tax return can a. Amanda, who can be claimed as a dependent and earned $850 last year.
be a mostly straight-forward b. Greg, who can be claimed as a dependent and earned $12,500 last year.
process. However, you may be c. Jason, who cannot be claimed as a dependent and earned $1,500 last
wondering how that process year.
changes if someone claims you
d. Erin, who cannot be claimed as a dependent and earned $14,000 last
as a dependent or if you are a
self-employed worker. Read year.
these excerpts from two
different articles to learn more 2. The article mentions that if you are owed a refund from the IRS, you won’t be
about what to do in these penalized if you file your tax return late. However, why might you want to file
scenarios. Then, answer the your tax return on time?

3. When filling out a W-4 form, in what situation would a teen want to claim
exemption from federal taxes being withheld from their paycheck? What is the
benefit of doing so?

4. If you are asked to fill out a W-9 instead of a W-4 when you first start a job, what
does that mean? What kind of taxes might you have to pay and how much are

5. What is the income threshold for self-employed workers to file a tax return?

6. What kinds of jobs are exempt from paying the self-employment tax and why?

Estimated time: 10 mins

PLAY: Should They File a Tax
5 Return?
Put all you’ve learned so far to
the test in this fun activity!
Follow your teacher’s
directions on how to complete
this activity. Last updated: 1/7/20

Estimated time: 5 mins
Exit Ticket
6 1. Complete the following sentence: How much you pay in taxes depends on

2. True or False: You do not need to pay taxes if you earn income in cash.

3. What is the benefit of filing a tax return even if you didn’t meet the minimum
income requirement? Last updated: 1/7/20


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