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Lecture – 5

Lentil – Origin, geographic distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic

requirement, varieties, cultural practices and yield

Lens culinaris Family:- Fabaceae

Eastern Mediterranean - Asia Minor, Greece and Egypt.

Geographic distribution
 Important Lentil growing countries:- India, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Spain, and
 Important Lentil cultivating states in India:- MP, UP, Bihar and West Bengal.

Area, Production and Productivity of Lentil (Masoor) in India

Area (Million ha) Production (Million tons) Productivity (Kg ha-1)
1.46 1.22 838

Economic importance
 One of the oldest and most nutritious pulse
 It contains protein 25.0%, carbohydrate 60.0% and Fat 1.8%
 It is rich in calcium, iron and niacin.
 It has the potential to cover the risk of rainfed farming.
 It is also used as a cover crop to check soil erosion.
 The split dal are deep orange (or) orange yellow in colour.
 It is eaten as dal.
 Germinated seeds are used for preparation of usal.
 Being a leguminous crop fix atmospheric nitrogen and improve soil fertility.
 Whole pulse is known as Malka masoor.
 Dried husk, stalks and broken grain is used as cattle feed

1. Small seeded group sub sp. microspermae (masuri)
2. Bold seeded group sub sp macrospermae (malkamasur)

• North India - Light loamy and alluvial soils
• M.P and Maharashtra - Well drained, moderately deep, light black soils.
• Punjab - Undulated lands are used for Lentil cultivation.
• The crop can with stand moderate amount of alkalinity.
• Acid soils are not suitable.


AGR 203 | Crop Production Technology – II (Rabi crops) (1+1)


• It requires cold climate sown in winter season.

• Cultivated up to 3000 m above Mean Sea Level.
• Optimum temperature for growth is 18°C to 30°C.
• Can be raised with moisture conserved during monsoon period.
• It is a very hardy plant. (Not affected by rain at any stage and Can tolerate frost
and severe winter)
• Cold Temperature - Vegetative growth.
• Warm temperature - Time of maturity.

• Time of sowing Second fortnight of October.
• Delayed sowing Heavy yield reduction after 15th November.

Pusa varieties Punjab varieties UP varieties
Pusa 1 – 100 to 140 days L 912 Type 8 - 120 to 125 days
Pusa 4 – 130 to 140 days LL 56 Type 36 – 130 to 140 days
Pusa 6 – 130 to 135 days 150-160 days

Wilt resistant/ tolerant varieties

RVL-31, IPL81 (Noori), IPL -316, Sekhar masoor-2, Sekhar masoor-2, VL Masoor
-133, VL Masoor-514, Kota Masoor-1, Kota Masoor-2

Rust resistant/ tolerant varieties

PL-406, WBL-77, Pant L-6, Pant L-7, Narendra Masoor-1, Sekhar masoor-2,
Sekhar masoor-2, IPL-316, IPL-220, LL 931

Cultural practices
Land preparation
• Soil should be made friable.
• Proper moisture in soil for proper germination.

Seed rate
• Normal sown - 30 to 40 kg ha-1
• Late sown - 50 to 60 kg ha-1
• Small seeded - 40 to 45 kg ha-1
• Bold seeded - 45 to 60 kg ha-1
• Utera cropping - 60 to 80 kg ha-1

Seed Treatment
• Thirum (2 gm) + Carbendazim (1gm) (Or)
• Rhizobium + PSB, one packet each for 10 kg seed.

Yield reduction can be minimized by

AGR 203 | Crop Production Technology – II (Rabi crops) (1+1)


• Closer spacing.
• Higher seed rate

Spacing and Sowing Methods

• Line sowing: 30 cm row spacing (behind country plough).
• Broadcasting: Just like rice fallow pulses.
• Late sown condition: 20 cm spacing.
Depth of sowing
2 to 3 cm.

• N - 20 to 25 kg ha-1
• P - 50 to 60 kg ha-1
• S - 20 kg ha-1
Whenever cultivated after rice – Spray 0.5% ZnSO4.

Weed Management
Fluchloralin 0.75kg ai ha-1 as pre -planting spray (or) Hand weeding twice at 30
DAS and 60 DAS.

Water Management
• 1 to 2 irrigation.
• 1st irrigation at 40 DAS.
• 2nd irrigation at flowering (or) pod formation

Cropping system
• Lentil + Sugarcane (2:2)
• Lentil + Linseed (2:2)
• Lentil + Mustard (2:6)
• Kharif fallow - Lentil (Rainfed areas)
• Paddy - Lentil
• Maize - Lentil
• Cotton - Lentil
• Bajra - Lentil
• Jowar - Lentil
• Groundnut - Lentil

When the plants dry up, leaves begin to fall, stem and pod turn brown, pods
mature and moisture reaches 12%.

Yield:- 1.8 to 2.0 t ha-1.

AGR 203 | Crop Production Technology – II (Rabi crops) (1+1)

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