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“Use of Moodle for

Teaching and Learning”


Dr. Ramesh R. Manza

Department of Computer Science and IT,

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.

• Manual Method

• Who is Moodle?

• Why Moodle?

• Moodle Installation

• Features of Moodle

• Moodle for Faculty

• Advantages

• Support
Manual Methods
• Notification
• Registration for CET
• CET Exam
• CET Result
• Registration of CET Qualified Candidates
• Merit List
• Admission
• Teaching Learning
Cont ……
• Syllabus
• Content creation
• Test
• Tutorial
• Content Delivery
• Final Exam
• Result Preparation
• Result assessment
• Parent meet
• Alumina Meet
Limitation of Manual Process
• Data collection and formatting for
• Students Records
• Placement
• Result assessment
• Alumina

• Need ICT
“Who” is Moodle?

Moodle that is the acronym for

it's an online Learning Management System (LMS).
Why Moodle?
It runs on almost all platform, supporting a lot of
useful function and customization, thanks to his
modular structure.

It's free!
Why Moodle?

• Also, it's available in 78 languages!

• It is used all over the world by teachers
and educators and it's probably the best E-
Learning tool in the net!
Who is Moodle's Dad?

• Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas,

who wrote the entire code in PHP, as a
research for his doctorate at Curtin
University in Australia.

• In the beginning the “M” on Moodle

acronym was the first letter of Dougiamas
Martin Dougiamas
name, Martin.
What teachers can
do with Moodle...

create divide students

online courses into classes
open forums

upload files
and lessons create online tests chat sessions
and examinations
What students can
do with Moodle...

upload their
follow the lessons
homework and test

chat sessions take part

into forums
Using XAMPP Server
• X (cross-platform) A (Apache HTTP Server) M (MySQL) P (PHP)

P (Perl)

• XAMPP is fully functional web server package.

• It is built to test web based programs on a personal computer.

• It is not meant for online access via the web on a production

• Download the standard Moodle install package from

• Download the latest version of XAMPP from

• Install XAMPP

• Start XAMPP, which will start Apache and MySQL

• Confirm webserver is operating with the browser

• Unzip Moodle into the htdocs folder


• Use browser to navigate to Moodle

• Install Moodle, perhaps pausing to update some configuration


• Create Admin user and Front Page settings.

Installing XAMPP
Install Apache, MySQL, Filezilla Service
1. On the desktop, locate the shortcut XAMPP icon, double click on
it, to launch the control panel.

2. In the folder where XAMPP has been installed, look for the
XAMPP_start, or XAMPP_restart.

3. In the folder where XAMPP has been installed, look for the
Apache start and MySQL start icons.
Install PHP curl Library

• Open the php.ini file found in the php/php.ini folder

• Find the line: ; extension=php_curl.dll.

• Remove the ; at the beginning of the line.

• Restart Apache if necessary.

Create the MySQL Database
• To create a MySQL database for the Moodle “site” use the phpMyAdmin utility
included with XAMPP.

• To access this launch the web browser, type http://localhost/xampp in the

address bar.

• The XAMPP default page will be displayed, click the link for preferred language,
say English.

• From the menu on the left, click on “phpMyAdmin”.

• When phpMyAdmin has launched in the browser window, enter
the name of database in the “Create new database”.
MySQL Security
Extract Standard Moodle Package Files
Start of Initial Moodle Install

• In Web browser, type the path to the folder containing the Moodle
files in the address bar.
Choose a Language
Diagnostic Report
Path for Moodle Installation
MySQL Database Settings
Server Checks
Moodle Install Confirm
Forum: you can discuss with all other registered user about
many issues.

Chat: you can talk about what you want in real time with
classmate and professor.
if you're a professor,
you can program lessons, tests and more.
Students can consult this section as a reminder
for future commitments.
Lesson: Moodle provides teacher many ways to set up
their own lessons and courses and to keep them under

Wiki and Glossary: collaboration is the key word of

moodle, which has several functions to work in group.
Quizzes and Tests: there are many ways to evaluate the
preparation of the students.. or to have fun with questions
of any arguments!

...and more!
Moodle has got really many functions! And they are all
easily manageable.
Let's Try!
• And now, after all this chatting, it's time to work!
• Let's enter the world of Moodle, and try to answer to a
simple quiz! We are going to learn how to do it step by step;

• First of all we must be registered

in Moodle. If we are, we should
only login from the panel in the
top of the page
Let's Try: Quiz
• Now we should select the quiz from the right page of our moodle

• Then, check that the quiz is the one we want; select it trought the
button “Attempt quiz now”!
Quiz: Flags and Nations

• The first question! Can you tell

me what's the right answer?
• Yeah, that's India's flag!
• So, we select it, and then we
press the Submit button!

Moodle confirms our answer.. we

have collected 1 mark!
Quiz: Flags and Nations
• In the same way, we can complete the entire quiz!
• Alternatively, we can select all the answers, and then press the
button “Submit all and finish” at the end of the page

• to confirm our choices all in one time.

• A dialog box will appear to make sure we have selected the desired
answers; press ok, and go to the results!
Flags and Nations: Results

• Finally, we are arrived at the results page! Here we can take a

look at our performance, with some statistical information;

Time Information
Score Information
Feedback Comments

• We can repeat the quiz (if this option is enabled), simply by

pressing “Start again” button.
Moodle Software

• Designed by faculty, for faculty

• Used at over 1900 sites worldwide

• Built to be lightweight, intuitive (spontaneous), and

feature rich.
Benefits for faculty

• Customizable

• Visual HTML editor

• Built-in Multimedia
support (mp3, flash,
Flexible Assessment Tools

• Timed Quizzes,
• Random Question Support,
• Cluster Support,
• Short Essay, etc.
• Multiple Quiz Import Formats.
Multiple Quiz Import Formats
Multiple Quiz Import Formats
In Context Help
Many Assessable Activities

• Glossary
• Journal
• Forums
• Workshop
• etc
Online Presentations
Set Course Timings From One Place
Grade Book With Nice Categorization

• More flexible assessment tools

• Timed assessments work
• More types of gradable activities
• Can be modified to meet specific education
• Custom languages
• No student limits
• Online shared folders
• Integrated ePortfolios

• Teacher manual under help

• Tools information and demonstrations
in the Introduction to Moodle course
• Free training sessions or one-on-one
• Free course development support
Moodle 2.7 Overview

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