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Mental Health Awareness

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing fine in these unprecedented times. I know life
has been hard lately, and I don’t want you to end up killing yourself. If you have problems, it’s
okay to seek help. It’s okay to tell a friend about your problems and seek advice. Mental health is
important! If you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that it is not there. We are all susceptible to mental
illness. Sydney Walters of the International Bipolar Foundation explains that mental illness
shouldn’t be thought of as any different from physical illness because our mind controls our
body. The two are interconnected and cannot be separated. Our mind should receive the same
care the way our body does.
When the online classes start, it was pretty hard for me. The slow internet connection in
our house and the never-ending performance tasks made me overwhelmed, and sometimes cried.
I was sad and anxious thinking about it, but I was thankful I have friends who I can tell my
problems without getting judged. But I know it’s not the case for everybody. I know they have
been struggling with problems and anxiety, but they are afraid to seek help because they are
scared of being judged. There is this stigma that if you seek for advice regarding your mental
health, people will think that you are crazy. And that’s wrong.
As Hailey Hardcastle from Ted talks says that it is always okay not to be okay. Everyone
can experience mental breakdowns. We all should give ourselves a pat on the back and celebrate
wins, no matter how small. We should take care of ourselves as well as we take care of others.
Suicide is not the answer to our problems. If we have our problems, don’t hesitate to tell
our friends or our parents. John Donne quoted in his book that “No man is an island.” You are
not alone. Receiving help is the most important thing that we can do for ourselves. Don’t let the
stigma hold us back. Mental illness should not be something to be ashamed of. The change starts
in us. We must treat mental illness equally as we treat other physical illnesses. If we can do it, I
believe everyone will have the courage to seek help and live a better life every day. Thank you.

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