UNIQLO Market Studies in Thailand: Date: 20 April, 2015

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UNIQLO market

studies in Thailand 2014

Date: 20th April, 2015

A. Research background

 Currently there are over 20 top fashion brands in Thailand; fashion brands are getting larger in market size
due to the enter of new brands like Mango, H&M and UNIQLO. Also the rising in middle income class has led
to the opportunity for fashion brands.

 All new entrants brand has made a successful entrants into Thai market with their unique design & pattern
and UNIQLO is one of that.

 UNIQLO opened its first store at Central World in 2011, making this UNIQLO’s largest store in Southeast Asia
that currently there are 10 stores in Thailand.

 UNIQLO report has mentioned that UNIQLO Thailand also fulfilled targets, reporting continued strong sales
growth as four new stores opened for business. Therefore, UNIQLO plans to expand its branches in Thailand
to 100 by 2021

 This study is aim to study UNIQLO brand awareness, brand perception and purchase behavior toward Thai
B. Fashion & Clothing Market Overview in Thailand
Casual wear is the major proportion (29%) of fashion & clothing market in Thailand
However, the growth of casual wear sector is forecasted to be no growth this year; Only children’s wear and
lingerie sector show significant growth. The rest of market growth seems to be stable

Number of
Company in Forecasted
Unit : % Thailand Growth in 2015
Casual wear 28.6
21,542 -1%
Children's wear 16.0
12,077 100%
Formal/Business wear 14.8
11,126 0%
Footwear 12.3 9,264 0%
Lingerie and underwear 7.9 5,963 50%
Athletic, sports and… 7.2 5,409 -50%
Leather components and… 3.2 2,429 -10%

Leather bags 3.2 2,395 5%

Specialty and occasional wear 2.6 1,993 0%

Clothing accessories 2.2 1,655 -3%

Fashion accessories 1,460 0%

Sources : The 2012 Business and Industrial Census (Manufacturing Industry) Whole Kingdom, National Statistical Office;
Department of Business Development, Department of Industrial Works
C. Fashion Industry Analysis in Thailand
Threat of new Threat of Power of buyers Power of suppliers Degree of rivalry
entrants substitutes
Moderate High Moderate Low High

Threat of new entrants Degree of rivalry

Capital required to enter the Thai market is All fashion brands has entered the market
relatively low long enough to establish customer loyalty
Numerous government supports for foreign Strong brand identity of existing fashion
investors brands
Brand loyalty could discourage potential new Emerging of Thai modern fashion brands by
entrants young designers
Industry is moderately concentrated and New entrants from global leading players :
dominated by over 20 fashion brands H&M, UNIQLO
Power of buyers Threat of substitutes
Buyers are fragmented and no individual Unbranded or fake-branded products are
buyer has any particular impact on price or substituted for fashion industry
products A competitive price & design products from
Buyers could easily switch to other brands local designers available at various local market
with the price & quality is not reasonable Imported fashion products from China &
Power of suppliers
High quality local garment suppliers available
The switching cost to new suppliers is quite

Sources : Thailand Board of Investment;

Online News; W&S Analysis
C. Top Fashion Brand Vision & Direction
Brand Strategy & Direction
Lee To be the leading denim jeans brand and largest apparel company

ZARA To offer the latest fashion trends for women, men and kids

UNIQLO To focus on mass-producing affordable clothes by deliver unique design

Levi's To deliver classic American style Jeans

H&M To be the leading fashion retailer at affordable price

Lacoste To offer sport-inspired trends and the iconic polo shirt

ARROW To offer fashionable yet functional apparel

Nike To be the inspiration & innovation for every athlete in the world

Adidas To deliver a brand built on passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle

DAPPER To be the leading fashion labels

Topshop To be the greatest fashion design apparel leader

GAP To deliver the latest styles & fashions for the whole family

XXI Forever To deliver must-have styles & the hottest deals apparel
Sources : Company Annual Report

B. Research design
Research Method Online research
Fieldwork Period 18st – 30th March 2014
Research Area Nationwide (Thailand)
Respondent Criteria Male & Female (50%:50%) , Aged(above 16 years old)
Sample Size Consumer Behavior : 650 samples
Insight to UNIQLO : 240 samples
Number of Questions Demographic & Screening : 8 Questions
Consumer Behavior : 8 Questions
Insight of UNIQLO : 9 Questions
Criteria Purchased clothes in the last 6 months
Research Objectives To understand about Thai consumers behavior toward clothes consumption
To evaluate brand awareness and perception among UNIQLO existing customers

C. Respondent profile
■Gender ■Age

16 - 20 yrs
40.0 36.6
Male 21 - 25 yrs
Female 21.3 26 - 29 yrs
> 30 yrs

■Current living city ■Monthly household income

13.6 A Class B Class C Class

South 19.3 Class Income (THB)
23.1 Northeast 48.9 A > 60,000
2.2 West B 30,001 – 60,000
31.8 C < 30,000
7.3 East
Greater Bangkok
14.4 10.7
Unit : %

D. Key findings : Consumer Behavior & Top Brand
1. Proportion of personal spending
Proportion of clothing spending is in the same range as other spending (13%)
Research found out that over 89.5% of respondents purchased clothes within 1 – 3 months

2. Top 3 type of clothing

T-shirt & Shirt is the top type for purchasing popular brand clothes
The majority of male (29.6%) prefer to purchase Polo-shirt and another 25.9% prefer to purchase T-shirt ;
while the majority of female (28.2%) prefer to purchase shirt
3. Important aspects concerning when buying clothes
Quality of fabric, can be matched with many occasions and price of the products are the most
important aspects concerning when buying clothes
The respondents are also looking for durability when buying clothes(40.3%)
4. Most popular brand
Lee is the most popular brand with highest score on ever used and top of mind brand
Zara is the brand preferred for future intention; while UNIQLO is the brand with highest score on expansive
5. Reason for choosing top 10 brands
Comfortable, Durable, High Quality and Reasonable price are still the main reasons for top 10
6. Most popular place to buy clothes
Top 3 places for fashion shopping are 1) Department store (44.1%) ; 2) Market (22.6%), Online
store (14.5%)

D. Key findings : Insight to UNIQLO
7. Brand image of direct competitor of UNIQLO
Brand image of H&M goes in the similar direction with UNIQLO

8. UNIQLO Brand Awareness

Around 85% of respondents know UNIQLO and 43% actually made a purchase on UNIQLO

9. Reason for not to try UNIQLO

Too expensive (36%) & plain design(15.7%) are the top reasons why some people don’t buy UNIQLO

10. Most type of clothes often bought at UNIQLO

T-shirt is the main types people like to buy at Uniqlo (41.7%)
11. Visiting UNIQLO Frequency
Most people purchased UNIQLO clothes once a month (24.3%); the majority are at age of 16 – 20 yrs (27.8%);
and age group > 30 yrs (27.3%)
12. Spending at UNIQLO
The average spending at UNIQLO is 501 – 1,000 THB (36.8%)
13. Top 3 words best describe UNIQLO
Joyful, Playful and Young are the term when people think about UNIQLO
14. Sources of knowing UNIQLO
31.1% of respondents claimed that they know UNIQLO from walk into the store
15. Brand Image of UNIQLO
90 % of people who know UNIQLO talk positively about UNIQLO especially on design & pattern

E. Detail findings

1. Consumer Behavior & Top

Fashion Brand
2. Insight to UNIQLO Brand

1. Proportion of personal spending
Proportion of clothing spending is in the same range as other spending (13%)
Research found out that over 89.5% of respondents purchased clothes within 1 – 3 months

Proportion of personal Spending Clothes purchasing frequency

Money to
pay monthly 89.5
phones, 11.3

Food, 14.4

n , 11.6 Transportatio
Beauty n, 13.2
11.9 Clothing,
Entertainment 7.7
, 12.6 2.8

I bought it within I bought it within Never bought

Unit : % 1 - 3 month 4 - 6 months within 6 months

Q2. Please tell us the proportion of your personal spending like? [SA] n = 650
Q7. When did you buy clothes last time? [SA] n = 650
2. Top 3 type of clothing
T-shirt & Shirt is the top type for purchasing popular brand clothes
The majority of male (29.6%) prefer to purchase Polo-shirt and another 25.9% prefer to purchase T-shirt ;
while the majority of female (28.2%) prefer to purchase shirt.

Unit : % Others
Lady singlet 11.6
Tank top 9.2
Dress (Long/Short) 5.8
Others, 31.3
Strapless & Others 4.8
Shirt, 24.9

Male (n= 260) Female (n=390)

T-shirt, 29.7
T-shirt 25.9 19.8

Shirt 16.7 28.2

Others T-shirt Shirt Polo-shirt

Polo 29.6 13.7

Q3. Please rank top 3 type of clothing you buy? [Type Number of Answer] n = 650

3. Important aspects concerning when buying clothes
Brand is less important factors; only 38.9% of respondents are considering when
buying clothes; Friend recommendation is also not a key factors for purchasing
Quality is number one factor (87.0%); while the clothes can be matched in various occasions is Total
the 2nd top aspects ( 85.6%) Unit : % Important
Quality of fabric/product 50.15 36.88 87.04
Can be match in various occasions 48.92 36.73 85.65
Price 46.30 39.04 85.34
Durability 42.75 40.28 83.02
Design 49.38 31.64 81.02
Easy to take care 50.15 28.86 79.01
Dress making 47.84 30.40 78.24
Promotion 43.36 31.17 74.54
Customer service 43.67 25.46 69.14
Has serveral stores/easy to find the chain store 41.98 19.44 61.42
Atmosphere for choosing clothes/ Shop… 43.36 14.51 57.87
Trendy 37.35 14.66 52.01
Brand 26.23 12.65 38.89
Friend/Family recommended 24.69 7.25 31.94

Not Impotant at all Not Important Moderate Important Very Important

Q10. Please tell us how important the following aspects concerning when you bought? (5 = very important, 1 = not important at all)?
[MSA] n = 650
Popular Brand Index Concept

Brand is one of the important company assets and is also considered

as identity of the company. Brand or trademark is a name or symbol
representing a particular product or service and it gives a psychological
Top of
Mind meaning or association.
(TOM) Moreover, brand is also a promotion tool where this helps to reach
out to popularity or people awareness that eventually influence
consumers’ behaviour.
In order to improve organizational performance, brand development
should be evaluated. For this purpose, W&S Group conducted a PBI
POPULAR (Popular Brand Index) concept development where the measurement is
Future BRAND
Expansive analyzed by using 4 parameters - Top of Mind, Expansive or brand
Intention INDEX
(PBI) expansion, Last Used or well known as Market share and Future Intention.
Below is the calculation/formula to get the PBI score of a certain

𝑃𝐵𝐼 = 𝑤1 ∙ 𝑇𝑂𝑀 + 𝑤2 ∙ 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑤3 ∙ 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑈𝑠𝑒𝑑 + 𝑤4 ∙ 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Last Used
Additional Information:
• Top of Mind (TOM) = The first brand in mind of the respondent.
• Expansive = Most brand found on advertising (TV, Billboard)
• Last Used = The last brand used in the determined period of time
• Future Intention = Brand in mind the respondent would like to
purchase in the future
4. Most popular brand
Lee is the most popular brand with highest scores on ever used and top of mind brand
Zara is the brand preferred for future intention; while UNIQLO is the brand with highest score on expansive

Top of Last Future Brand

Unit : % Brand mind Expansive Ever_used Purchased Intention Index

top_of_mind Lee 10.34 13.4 43.75 11.74 19.78 13.66

ZARA 7.49 12.03 24.69 7.67 22.57 12.21
30 UNIQLO 7.66 14.6 20 9.08 13.45 10.85
20 Levi's 7.13 7.9 39.84 9.39 16.69 10.24
intention expansive
H&M 2.85 8.25 25 7.82 17.62 8.87
Lacoste 5.53 3.44 29.38 7.82 15.46 8.17
ARROW 3.92 5.84 30.31 9.08 12.36 7.71
Nike 1.07 6.87 32.5 7.98 13.91 7.17
purchased ever_used
Adidas 1.25 3.78 29.38 4.54 11.28 5.09
DAPPER 0.89 1.72 11.09 1.41 11.9 3.94
Q10. Please tell us what clothing brand that you aware of, even you never bought it? [MA] n = 650
Q11. Please tell us what clothing brand that you ever bought ? [MA] n = 650
Q12. Please tell us what clothing brand that you bought most often? [SA] n = 650
Q14. Please tell us which brand you prefer to buy in the future? [SA] n = 650
Q16. Please tell us which brand of clothing that you find most often on commercial advertising (TV, Billboard & online)? [FA] n = 650

5. Reason for choosing top 10 brands
Lee, Zara, UNIQLO are commented for having beautiful design & pattern
Beautiful, Comfortable and Reasonable Price is the reason why the respondents purchased UNIQLO

High quality Reasonable Various

Brand Brand Index Beautiful Comfortable Durable clothes price design Famous Modern

Lee 13.66

ZARA 12.21

UNIQLO 10.85

Levi's 10.24

H&M 8.87

Lacoste 8.17

ARROW 7.71

Nike 7.17

Adidas 5.09

Q13. Please tell us the reason why you bought this brand most often ? [FA] n = 650

6. Consumer Behavior : Trend, Fashion & Style
There are two main types of fashion consumer; those who like to pay attention on
choosing appropriate clothes; and those who like to wear casual & comfortable clothes
67.13% mentioned that they always enjoyed shopping when they have time, while 72.07% like to wear
casual & comfortable clothes Total Agree

I pay deep attention to choosing the appropriate clothes 18.83 41.67 34.10 75.77%
I always enjoyed shopping when I have time 25.93 38.58 28.55 67.13%
My fashion style always be people praise 42.90 35.80 11.88 47.69%
I always update the latest fashion trends 39.81 29.32 13.27 42.59%

I like the to wear famous brand clothes 43.36 21.30 8.64 29.94%
I usually wear style trends of actress / singer 37.04 20.22 7.25

Completely disagree Disagree Normal / No comments Agree Absolutely agree Total Agree

I like to wear casual and comfortable clothes 22.69 45.22 26.85 72.07%
It's ok to wear old-fashioned clothes for me 36.88 32.87 12.19 45.06%
I do not pay much attention to the selection of clothes 33.02 21.60 7.25 28.86%
My fashion style is often criticized by others 42.59 16.98 8.95 25.93%
I do not like to go shopping; it's expensive 43.06 15.90 7.10 22.99%
I do not like to go shopping. it's a waste of time 34.26 13.58 5.09 18.67%

Completely disagree Disagree Normal / No comments Agree Absolutely agree

Q17. Please tell us the level of agreement in each sentence ? [MSA] n = 650

7a. Most popular place to buy clothes compare to age
Top 3 places for fashion shopping is 1) Department store (44.1%) ; 2) Market (22.6%),
Online store (14.5%)
Department Store is popular for those aged over 25 yrs old, while market is the popular place for those 16 –
20 yrs old, and online store is a popular channel for 20 – 24 yrs old
Shopping 16 – 20 20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30 yo
Unit : % Place/Age (n=119) (n=138) (n=156) (n=237)
Department Store 44.1 Department 33.9 43.5 43.6 49.6

Market 15.5 Market 22.6 10.9 18.6 12.8

Online store 11.0 Online store 8.7 14.5 11.5 9.8

Weekend Market Market 13.9 8.0 12.2 9.4

Supermarket/Hypermarket 9.3 Hypermarket
8.7 9.4 7.1 11.1

Stand alone
Stand alone shop 5.6
7.8 9.4 5.1 2.6

Event Market 3.9 Event Market 4.3 4.3 1.9 4.7

Q18. Please tell us which place you most often buy clothes ? [SA] n = 650

7b. Popular Market & Emerging online store
JJ market is the most favorite shopping place for respondents(51%)
80% of respondents claimed that they know Zalora and 20% used to visit online store on Instagram
The percentage of people like to visit this market The percentage of people used to visit this online channel
73.4% admitted that they have online purchase experience

JJ Market 51 %

80 % respondents
visited ZALORA

The Platinum Mall 38 %

20 % respondents
visited Instagram
New Siam Center 30 %

Union Mall 19 %
Q19a. Which market place you like to go the most ? [MA] n = 650
Q19b. Which is the channel to purchase clothes online ? [MA] n = 650

E. Detail findings

1. Consumer Behavior & Top

Fashion Brand
2. Insight to UNIQLO Brand

8. UNIQLO demographic comparing to other brands
The majority of UNIQLO customer are at the age over 30 yrs (41.6%) as they are
targeting working adults
The percentage of class A customer of UNIQLO (33.0%) is also significant than other brands (19.3%)

Unit : % Age Unit : % Income

16 - 20 yo 19.3
9.7 A

20 - 24 yo
25 - 29 yo

36.6 C
30 yo and above 33.5

Other brands UNIQLO Other brands UNIQLO

Q2. Please tell us your age ? [SA] Other brands 650; UNIQLO n = 277
Q4. Please tell us your income ? [SA] Other brands 650; UNIQLO n = 277

9. Brand image of direct competitor of UNIQLO
Brand image of H&M goes in the similar direction with UNIQLO
High Quality of Clothes & Convenient Location are the brand image of UNIQLO, while Quality of Clothes &
Friend Recommendation are the brand image of H&M

Brand Brand Image

Others Topshop  Strong Brand
Topshop  Fashionable

Fashionable Brand Zara  Fashionable

Can be matched  Good Design
Durability with many
Design occasions GAP  Various Occasion
ZARA Easy to take GAP Design
Promotion & care Employee
Sales service  Employee Service
Quality of
cutting Friend H&M  Friend
XXI H&M Quality of
Clothes  Quality of Clothes
Atmosphere Uniqlo UNIQLO  Quality of Clothes
Price  Convenient Locations
ny locations XXI  Good Price
Forever  Store Atmosphere

Q15. Please tell us which clothing brands relevant to statement above ? [MSA] n = 650

10. UNIQLO Brand Awareness among age group
Around 85% of respondents know UNIQLO and 43% actually made a purchase on UNIQLO
Out of 85%, half of them purchased UNIQLO and 9% purchased even they don’t like about the brand.
Another half of 85% do not purchase UNIQLO with only 1% used to purchase but would not purchase again
Unit : %
Those who purchase UNIQLO (43%) Unit : %
20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30
This is the one of my favortie 16 – 20 (n=34) (n=56) (n=68) (n=82)
44.4 52.6 40.4 54.5
This is the most favorite brand 13.0
27.8 28.9 40.4 23.4
This is the brand that I
somewhat dislike but I would 9.0 27.8 18.4 19.2 22.1
buy if necessary
Those who do not purchase UNIQLO (42%)
20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30
This is the brand that I known 16 – 20 (n=34) (n=56) (n=68) (n=82)
but I never considered to buy
56.1 54.5 49.1 43.0
This is the brand I known and I
21.0 41.5 43.6 50.9 53.5
considered to buy

This is the brand that I used to 2.4 1.8 0.0 3.5

purchase and I wouldn't 1.0
purchase it again
I don't know UNIQLO 15.0
Q20. Please tell us which statement is relevant to your attitude for each clothing brand the most? [SA] n = 650
E. Detail findings

1. UNIQLO Potential
2. UNIQLO Existing

11. Reason for not to try UNIQLO among gender
Too expensive (36%) & plain design(15.7%) are the top reasons why some people
don’t buy UNIQLO
While plain design is 2nd top reason for not to try for female; clothes pattern disliked & low price perception
that lead to quality suspicious is the 2nd top reason for male
Male (n=80) Female (n=160)
Too expensive 36.0 38.3 35.2
Design is too plain 15.7 10.0 17.6
Has no size to fit me 14.8 13.3 15.3
Disliked clothes pattern 14.0 15.0 13.6
Unattrative design 12.7 13.3 12.5
Not trandy design 11.9 13.3 11.4
Not suitable for my age 11.9 11.7 11.9
Mass fashion 8.9 5.0 10.2
Brand I cannot trust 7.2 10.0 6.3
Too inexpensive that quality is… 6.4 15.0 3.4
Made from uncomfortable febric 6.4 8.3 5.7
Others 6.4 6.7 6.3
Low quality product 5.9 13.3 3.4
Low quality of dress making 2.1 1.7 2.3

Q21. Please tell us why you never purchase clothes from UNIQLO ? [MA] n = 240

E. Detail findings

1. UNIQLO Potential
2. UNIQLO Existing

12. Most type of clothes often bought at UNIQLO
T-shirt is the main type that people like to buy at UNIQLO (41.7%)
Polo shirt is popular for age of 20 – 29 (20 – 21.1%); Shirt is more popular for those over 30 yrs (13.5%); while
Cardigan is in interested for those young age under 20 years old (33.3%)

16 – 20 20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30
Unit : % (n=34) (n=56) (n=68) (n=82)
T-shirt 41.7
38.9 31.6 42.0 47.3
Polo shirt 14.4
5.6 21.1 20.0 9.5
Shirt 11.1 11.1 10.5 8.0 13.5
Cardigan 11.1 33.3 15.8 6.0 6.8

Dress (Long/Short) 7.8 5.6 7.9 8.0 8.1

Others 6.1 5.6 7.9 4.0 5.4

Jeans 5.6 0.0 0.9 1.7 0.9

Jacket 2.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.1

Q22. Please tell us which type of clothing you bought most often? [SA] n = 277

13. Visiting UNIQLO Frequency
Most people visited UNIQLO store once a month (24.3%); the majority are age
group of 16 – 20 yrs (27.8%); and age group > 30 yrs (27.3%)
Age group of 25 – 29 are likely visit UNIQLO store 2 – 3 times a month(30.8%); while age group of 20 – 24 yrs
prefer to visit twice a month(15.8%)
16 – 20 20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30
Unit : % (n=34) (n=56) (n=68) (n=82)
Once a month 24.3 27.8 26.3 17.3 27.3

2-3 times a month 19.5 5.6 13.2 30.8 18.2

11.1 15.8 11.5 15.6

Twice a month 14.1
22.2 7.9 9.6 16.9
< Once in 6 months 13.5
22.2 21.1 15.4 5.2
> 4 times a month 13.0
5.6 7.9 7.7 11.7
Once in 3 months - Once in 6
months 5.6 7.9 7.7 5.2
Twice a month - Once in 3
6.5 27.8 26.3 17.3 27.3

Q23. Please tell us how often do you visit UNIQLO? [SA] n = 277

14. Spending at UNIQLO
The average spending at UNIQLO is 501 – 1,000 THB (36.8%)
Those young age 24 – 29 yrs (21.2%) spend highest at around (1,500 – 2,000 THB); while those 20 – 24 yrs
(34.2%) spend on average at around 1,001 – 1,500 THB

16 – 20 20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30
Unit : % (n=34) (n=56) (n=68) (n=82)
501-1,000 THB 36.8
38.9 31.6 40.4 36.4

1,001-1,500 THB 28.6

22.2 34.2 21.2 32.5

1,500-2,000 THB 16.2 11.1 21.1 21.2 11.7

2,500-3,000 THB 9.2 11.1 7.9 9.6 9.1

Less than 500 THB 5.4 5.6 5.3 3.8 6.5

More than 3,000 THB 3.8 11.1 0.0 3.8 3.9

Q24. Please tell us the amount of money you purchase at UNIQLO per visit? [SA] n = 277

15. Top 3 words best describe UNIQLO
Joyful, Playful and Young are the term when people think about UNIQLO
Similar proportions are show to the top 3 words best describe UNIQLO

Unit : %

Young, 22.7 Joyful, 30.8

Playful, 30.3

Joyful Playful Young

Q25. Please rank top 3 words that would best describe UNIQLO? [Type Number of Answer] n = 277

16. Brand Image of UNIQLO
90 % of people who know UNIQLO talk positively about UNIQLO especially on design
& pattern (18.33%)
Other comments are that UNIQLO are comfortable (13.5%); beautiful (12.0%); and reasonable price (10.0%)

Unit : % Good Design & Pattern 18.33

Negative, - Expensive 4%
- Too plain 0.5% Comfortable 13.50
4.83 - No size available o.5%
Neutral, Beautiful 12.00
5.17 Reasonable price 10.00
Good Texture 9.17
Good Quality 9.00
Various design 7.30
Neutral 5.17
Positive, 90 Popular Brand 4.33
Stylish brand 4.17
Just like 4.00
Qnique & Modern 3.00
Lavish 2.33
Expensive but still in a… 2.00
Positive Neutral Negative
Availability 1.17

Q26. What would you say about UNIQLO ? [SA] n = 277

17. Sources of knowing UNIQLO
31.1% of respondents claimed that they know UNIQLO from walk into the store
Printed magazine/newspaper is the 2nd source to know UNIQLO(16.1%) where the majority of those age 25
– 29 yrs (19.2%) know UNIQLO from; while those over 30 yrs (17.3%) know UNIQLO from friends
recommendation; and those young age 16 – 29 yrs (23.5%) know UNIQLO from social media
16 – 20 20 - 24 25 - 29 > 30
Unit : % (n=34) (n=56) (n=68) (n=82)
Walked by the shop 31.1 29.4 33.3 28.8 32.0

Magazine/Newspaper/Brochure 16.1 17.6 5.6 19.2 18.7

Recommendations from friends
who have purchased
15.0 5.9 16.7 13.5 17.3
Social media (Facebook/
instagram/ Twitter)
12.8 23.5 13.9 11.5 10.7

Online magazine/newspaper 7.8 11.8 16.7 5.8 4.0

TV commercial 6.7 0.0 8.3 9.6 5.3

Billboards 4.4 0.0 0.0 5.8 6.7

Other search engine 3.3 5.9 2.8 5.8 1.3

Grand opening/ Events 2.8 5.9 2.8 0.0 4.0
Q27. Thinking the first time that you heard about UNIQLO brand, how did you aware of UNIQLO ? [SA] n = 650


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