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Quarter 3


Quarter 3 – Module 3:
WEEK 6-7
Active Recreation

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Department of Education . Republic of the Philippine

Physical Education and Health – Grade 10
Learner’s Material First Edition 2015
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Table of Contents
Your Engagement in active recreation,
PHYSICAL sports, physical activities, and understanding of
health concepts will contribute to your sense of social connectedness and help you assume
greater responsibility through a variety of roles as you participate in a real world situation. The
Physical Education and Health modules are uniquely crafted to explore your greatest potential
and promote lifelong skills through active participation in the different learning experiences.
Emphasis is placed on combining tactical knowledge that you will acquire, and the
Cover Page
development of skills for a better performance and achievement of the expected learning
Copyright Page3
Introduction 4

This module is designed to provide and equip you with knowledge, skills, and habits that
will enable you to
Part I: What I Need to achieve competence in maintaining your health
Know ........................................................... 6 and physical condition. The
domain in Physical Education focuses on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical
II: Whatthrough
I Knowactive recreation such as sports, fitness, street6dance and hip-hop dance, while
Health Education emphasizes on the development of the proper skills of a health-conscious
Part III: What Islifelong
consumer, It .......................................................................
participation in health trends, issues and concerns 7 in health care, and
planning for a health career.
Part IV: What’s More………............................................................. 9

Part V: Assessment ....................................................................... 9

Each module follows a standard format or pattern with a short overview of the lesson, content
and performance standards, pre-assessment and instructional activities categorized into five levels:
What I Need to Know, What I Know, What What’s In and What’s More and Assessment. Every level
provides activities that will allow you to experience meaningful and varied learning. Your involvement
in the different tasks can take many forms, ranging from self-reflection and group tasks to beyond the
classroom learning activities. Like any good material, you will also be assessed and evaluated to
ensure that you will have a thorough grasp of the lesson before tackling the next activity. Your deeper
understanding of the lesson will help you gain more relevant skills and information, preparing yourself
for the challenges of the world.

As you start putting life into this module, you will discover many great opportunities and
learning experiences that will change the way you spend your time. You need to visualize a
better version of yourself and aspire to achieve a holistically healthy you.

Come on. Let’s get started!

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Part VI: Answer Key ....................................................................... 11




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What I Need To Know

This module aims to enhance your knowledge on Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid. It is also
designed and written to help the students to appreciate the importance of Philippine Physical Activity
Pyramid and practice and apply it for their growth and development.
Do you still remember the Food Guide Pyramid? It tells about the types of food, as well as the
proper amount of each type that you need to consume in order to keep yourself fit.
The counterpart of this pyramid is the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid which indicates the
type of exercises that you have to indulge in.
Analyze the pyramid and find out for yourself if you are doing enough exercises to keep
yourself fit.

In this module you are expected to:

 Describe the Philippine Activity Pyramid;
 State the importance of engaging in physical activity to one’s fitness and health;
 Assess one’s participation and enjoyment in physical activities.

What I Know

Direction: Using the words on the box, identify what is being asked by the following. Write your
answer on a separate answer sheet.

A. Regularly F. Habitually K. Food Guide Pyramid

B. Aerobic Exercise G. Filipino Activity Guide Pyramid
C. Food Guide Pyramid H. 3 to 5 times
D. Recreational Activities I. 2 to 3 times
E. Watching TV J. Yoga

_____1. Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid works similarly to ___________________.

_____2. Dancing, playing badminton and basketball belong to ___________________.
_____3. According to Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid, playing basketball and dancing can be
done _________________. It can be done 3 to 5 times a week.
_____4. It is an example of activity that can be done minimally or takes a few times a month.
_____5. Browsing to internet and playing computer games can be done ________________ a week.
_____6. It is an example exercise for strength and flexibility.
_____7. Outdoor games like piko, sipa and patintero can be done ___________ a week.
_____8. Brisk walking, swimming and bicycling are examples of ________________.
_____9. Day to day activities like walking and taking the stairs can be done ________________.

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_____10. Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is based on _____________________ conceptualized
by the Philippine Association for the Study pf Overweight and Obesity (PASOO).

What Is It

The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid

The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid works similarly to the Food Guide Pyramid. The bottom of
the pyramid indicates the activities that must be done everyday. These include day to day activities,
such as walking, stretching and doing household chores. The activities at the top, are those that must
be done minimally because they do not provide physical activity that promote good health. These are
watching television while being seated or laid on the couch, playing computer games and using
mobile phone most of the day.
The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is based on the Filipino Activity Guide Pyramid
conceptualized by the Philippine Association for the Study of Overweight and Obesity (PASOO).
According to the Association, good health results form the proper nutrition and regular physical
It must be noted that the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is designed not only for losing
weight. It is recommended also for thin and slim individuals who must engaged in physical activities in
order to be physically fit and healthy. As such, the pyramid is designed for all ages and sizes. Being
physically active makes you fit and strong. Engaging in physical activities is beneficial for your health
and overall well-being.

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The base of the pyramid includes activities that are easy, convenient and accessible to
everyone. These activities, part of our daily routines, when performed habitually or daily for a
minimum of 30 minutes, even 10 minutes at a time will provide metabolic efficiency by
increasing total energy expenditure. So if you are diabetic or obese, with poor sugar control
and have never engaged in any form of exercise before, activities like walking, climbing the
stairs, and doing household chores may be a good start.

It is important to note that for beginners, the amount of cumulative activity time is more
important than the specific type and manner of activity. Aerobic exercises like jogging, brisk
walking, swimming, aerobic dancing, and recreational activities like ballroom dancing,
badminton, and tennis burn more calories per minute per body weight and are advised for
those who want to lose more weight. To get the most benefit from the activity, it has to be done

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3-5 times a week for at least 30-45 minutes. These activities will also improve your
cardiovascular endurance.

Leisure activities like bowling and playing golf burn approximately 0.04-0.09 kcal/min/kg
BW. Though these activities are enjoyable and are associated with energy expenditure, they
are not recommended as part of our daily activities. This is because cardiovascular benefit is
achieved only if we can sustain our heart rates at 60-75% of our target heart rate.

Strengthening and flexibility exercises, on the other hand, are intended to improve bone
and muscle strength and improve resilience of our connective tissue. Although you may do it
every day, performing it 2-3 times per week may be enough to provide you with its maximum

Activities that burn the least calories should be avoided. The top of the pyramid refers to
activities that are frequently performed by most children and adults who are overweight. These
activities are believed to be responsible for the progressive rise in obesity and diabetes in the

Regular activity is no doubt beneficial to everyone. No one is too old to enjoy the
benefits of regular physical activity.

To maintain health, one would need to burn 700-1000 kcal per week. For a 60 kg female
walking briskly for 30 minutes (150 kcal) 5 days a week will burn 900 kcal.

To lose weight, one has to burn 2000-3000 kcal per week. A 75-kg male walking briskly
for 45 minutes (338 kcal) 6 days a week will burn 2,028 kcal and is expected to lose 0.5 pound
a week if he keeps his food intake within the recommended range.

The FILIPINO PYRAMID ACTIVITY GUIDE is intended to be a guide that should help
everyone select activity that best fits his lifestyle and health needs. Just 30 minutes of the different
activities over the course of a day is healthy and rewarding!

What’s More

1. The following are the essential words in this module. Create your own formula on how you will
attain lifelong fitness and wellness.

Ex: dancing + proper nutrition + healthy lifestyle = lifelong fitness and wellness

Sports balanced diet

Media and technology weight management
Healthy lifestyle recreational activities
Physical activities lifelong fitness and wellness
Safety household chores
Proper nutrition dancing

2. Justify your answer by giving a brief explanation.

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Direction: Read the article 5 out of 10 Filipinos Die of Heart Disease. If you were a dance
enthusiast and health advocate, write a short speech/ message about your insights on the
importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Be guided by the following criteria:

Criteria Advanced Proficient Proficiency Developing
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Position The position The position The position There is no
Statement statement provides statement provides a statement is position
a clear, strong clear position. present, but statement.
position. does not make
the position
Correctne Includes 3 or more Includes 3 or more Includes 1 No evidence
ss of ideas pieces of evidence pieces of evidence piece of (facts,
(facts, statistics, (facts, statistics, evidence statistics,
examples, reallife examples, real (facts, statistics, examples,
experiences) that life experiences) that examples, reallife
support the support the reallife experiences)
position position statement. experiences) that support
statement. that supports the
the position statement.
Accuracy All supportive facts Almost all Some supportive Most
and statistics are supportive facts facts and supportive facts
reported accurately. and statistics are statistics are and statistics
reported reported are
accurately. accurately. inaccurately
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Some Most
Structure well-constructed with wellconstructed and sentences sentences are
varied structure. there are some are well not
varied sentence constructed, wellconstructe
structure in the but there is d or varied.
essay. no variation
in structure.

5 out of 10 Filipinos die of heart disease – NSO

By Ruth Sindico (The Philippine Star) July 9, 2012

Manila, Philippines – Recent data from the National Statistics Office (NSO) showed that five out of 10
deaths were of cardiovasculoar causes.

The NSO reported that 100, 908 people died of heart diseases in 2009. This accounted for 21 percent
in all deaths in the country.

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It was followed by cerebrovascular disease, which claimed 56, 670 lives in the same year. It
accounted for 11.8 percent of all deaths in 2009.

Malignant neoplasm (cancer), pneumonia and tuberculosis rounded up the top five leading causes of
death in the country.

“within three years (2007-2009), the top five causes of deaths remained on their posts and proved to
be fatal among other causes of deaths,’ the NSO said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that an estimated 17 million people die of
cardiovascular diseases every year. Most of these were heart attacks and strokes.

“A substantial number of these deaths can be attributed to tobacco smoking, which increases the risk
of dying from coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease 2-3 fold. Physical inactivity and
unhealthy diet are other main risk factors which increase individual risks to cardiovascular diseases,’
the wHO said.

The NSO also reported the most female die in their older age compared to their male counterparts.

It was noted that the most number of deaths was at the age of 80 and over with 85, 705 or 17.8
percent. From these 59.6 percent (51, 074) were females while the remaining 40 percent (34, 631)
were males,” the NSO said.

The age group 10 to 14 had the least number of deaths, accounting for only 1 percent of all the total

“It has been observed that as the age increases, the rate of dying also increases. From age group 10
onwards it shows that the number of deaths continuously increase though a slight decrease were
seen at ages 75-79 then it went up again at age 80 and over,” the NSO said.

Deaths in 2009 reached 480, 820, which was 4.2 percent higher than the previous year.

The most number of deaths in the country occurred in the National Capital Region, which accounted
for 75, 019 or 15.6 percent of all deaths in the country.

Answer Key
Pre – Test What’s More Assessment
1. K -Answers may vary. - Answers may vary.
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. I
6. J
7. H
8. B
9. F
10. G

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BetterHealthChannel. (May 29, 2014). Dancehealthbenefits. Retrieved

Dance_ health_benefits?open
learner’s Material in Physical Education and Health 10
Food and Nutrition Research Institute
Marvin. (December 16, 2009). Daily Nutritional Guide Pyramid for Filipinos
Retrieved from

Sindico, Ruth. (July 9, 2012). The Philippine Star.

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