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Class : V
Sub : English
A Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. For example
 Ruchi is a gentle girl. She does not quarrle with anyone. She is ready to
help everyone. All the teachers love her.
 Pankaj is a lovely boy. He is always smiling. His neighbors love him
very much.
 In the first example given above. the words She and Her stand for
Ruchi. In the next example, the word He, His and Him stand for Pankaj.
The words Ruchi and Pankaj are nouns and the words she, her, he, his
and him are pronouns.

 Pronouns are used to avoid the repetition of nouns.
 The noun for which a pronoun stands is called its antecedent. In the
example given above Ruch (noun) is the antecedent of the pronouns
she and her.
Kinds of Pronouns
There are seven kinds of pronouns:
1. Personal Pronoun
2. Demonstrative Pronoun
3. Interrogative Pronoun
4. Reflexive Pronoun
5. Emphasising Pronoun
6. Possessive Pronoun
7. Relative Pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun: stands for persons or things. For example:

(a) I am intelligent
(b) We are brave.
(c) You are healthy
(d) They are young
He/She/Vinay/Veena is simple
In the above sentences, all the italicized words are personal
pronouns because they stand for three persons:
 the person speaking (First Person)
 the person spoken to (Second Person)
 the person spoken of (Third Person)

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The pronouns I and we denote the person or persons speaking. So they
are said to be personal pronouns of the First Person.
The pronoun you denotes the person or person spoken to. So, they are
said to be personal pronouns of the Second Person.
Note: „You‟ is used both in singular and plural. The pronouns
they/he/she/Vinay/Veena denote the person or persons spoken of.
So, they are said to be personal pronouns of Third Person.
The various forms of personal pronouns are given below:-
Person Singular Plural

First Person I, me, mine we, us, ours (used for both
masculine and feminine)

Second Person you, yours you, yours (used for both

masculine and feminine)

Third Person he, him his (masculine) they, them, theirs (used
she her, hers (feminine) she for masculine, feminine
it (neuter) and neuter genders)

2. Demonstrative Pronouns are used to point out the object/objects to

which they refer. For example:
(a) This is a temple.
(b) These are buildings.
(c) That is a hill.
(d) Those are hills.

Note:- The words this, that, these, those, etc. are adjectives when
used with a noun, but pronouns when used for a noun; as This pen is
mine. (This stands for the noun pen, hence, it is a pronoun, i.e.
demonstrative pronoun)

3. Interrogative Pronoun: It is used for asking questions. For example:

(a) What is your name?
(b) Who came just now?
(c) Which is your bag?

Note:- The words what and which can be used both as an

interrogative pronoun and an interrogative adjective; as
What is your idea? (Interrogative Pronoun)
What idea did you give? (Interrogative Adjective)

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4. Reflexive Pronoun: Pronouns like myself, yourself, ourselves, when
used as the receiver of an action are called Reflexive Pronouns. For
(a) I hurt myself.
(b) He praised himself.
(c) They helped themselves.
(d) We blamed ourselves.

5. Emphasising Pronoun: It is used to convey emphasis. For

(a) He himself came to me.
(b) You yourself bought these dresses.
(c) They themselves told the truth.
In the above sentences, all the italicized words are Emphasizing

6. Possessive Pronoun: It shows possession. For example:

(a) These dresses are mine.
(b) That pen is yours.
(c) That building is mine.
(d) These furniture are mine.
In the above sentences, all the italicized words are Emphasising

7. Relative Pronoun: It relates a noun to a group of words that

follow. For example
(a) This is the pen which I like the most.
(b) The man whom I met yesterday was very gentle.
(c) We praise those children who are obedient.
(d) Here are the story books that you purchased yesterday.
In the above sentences, all the italicized words relate a noun to the
group of words that follow the noun.

Join these sentences using Relative Pronouns:

1. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the second President of India. He was a great
2. That lady is my mother. She is arranging my books.
3. Our army destroyed the bunkers. Some terrorist were hiding them.
4. I thanked the doctor. He saved the dog.
5. The incident was very inspiring. You narrated me.
6. The teacher praised the children. They were maintaining the park.

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