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The Internet Revolution and Digital Future Technology

Impact of information revolution on my learning in school

Internet is widely used nowadays. It seems like it is just a technology wherein it
floats on the cloud, but it is operated by a network with a network and some sort of
technology. Internet began with a simple transfer of messages used in military, business
and commerce, government, and other sort of industry. Internet runs through packet
switching wherein it transfer data into pieces making transaction much faster. Internet became an outlet for
introduction of some sort of app such as Facebook, YouTube, which became a venue for person to be
known.Several application became
well-known such as the Yik Yak App, which became also a venue for some adverse
effect. Several challenges such as ice bucket challenge became famous and spread all
throughout the world. Internet is a product of Information revolution. Internet has a big impact on my
learning in school. Communication became much easier with this. Student have faster
access to communication through low cost. Student with their professor are able to send
files, send messages, teach through online, and easily post question, send assignment, and announce
things. More access to information,according to the documentary “The Internet
Revolution and Digital Future Technology” there are 100 billion of searches in a month
happens on Google, and I am part of those billion searches, in one click I am able to
know things which gives me an access on several link. Assignment, researchers, and
other things became much easier compared to searching things through browsing books. During this
pandemic, internet became one of fundamental aspect why student still
have the chance to study. Several application and website gave free access to leanings
such as TESDA, Harvard Online, Scribd giving each person to learn through virtual
world. Connectivity,learning, saving and sharing of document are became easier, this is big
impact of information revolution, because without it we still live on the world where
major access of information is through reading several books,

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