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Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ①

At the time the "returnee" uproar was calming down, in a certain day where there
would be consecutive holiday in a few more days. In the living room of his home, Hajime
was encountering an extremely troubling situation.
「If you want to pass through here, then step over your mother's dead body.」
His mother Sumire was standing on his way while repeatedly jumping sideways for
some reason. Her gaze was sharp, and her movement was agile. She was muttering
「 kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi 」 with small voice……it seemed that it wasn't sideways
leaping, but she was imitating India's national sport. It was completely mysterious that
for some reason his mother challenged him with India sport even though he was only
trying to go to the kitchen to take some drink. And then, speaking of mystery,
「Hajime. Tou-san will cry if you aren't showing any reaction soon you know?」
Surely it also applied to the father――Shuu, standing behind him in Joj○ pose that
looked relatively painful. (TN: Jojo pose) In other words, currently Hajime who was
trying to take drink from the kitchen was being surrounded by his mother who was
doing kabaddi and his father who standing in Joj○ pose for some reason. Hajime let out
a long sigh and,
「 I don't want to say something like this to my parents but……I'll dare to say it.
――Seriously annoying.」
「Myy, how can you say that to your father! Just because he is a bit like that, it's cruel!
「 Oii, how can you say that to your mother! Just because she is a bit like that, that's
cruel! Apologize!」
Sumire and Shuu looked at each other. It seemed they both thought that Hajime's
words were directed to the other one. It never crossed their mind that those words could
be for themselves.
「Wait a second dear. Just what is annoying from me. He referred to the father who is
standing in Joj○ pose at the living room you know? In this world there is no human
more annoying than you right now.」
「Ha? I don't get what do you mean though? Is there something more annoying than a
mother who is doing kabaddi inside the house? Stop running from reality, Sumire.」
A beat. 「 Aa? 」 「 Oo? 」 They both pressed on each other. Nagumo family's
married couple were galring at each other while sandwiching their son in between.
Hajime was massaging his forehead to endure the headache from the outbreak of
incomprehensible matrimonial quarrel.
「 Anyway leave aside the matrimonial quarrel for now, can you say just what in the
world you two were planning to do?」
Sumire and Shuu who were glaring at each other returned to their original position
with a jump *hyupa-*, then with a good coordination that would make one wonder just
what with the dangerous atmosphere before this, they spoke their desire.
「「We want to go to another world travel!!」」
Sumire and Shuu's eyes were sparkling. It seemed they wanted to go to Tortus.
There would be consecutive holiday soon, so they must be wanting to go to a family trip.
And they were requesting for the destination to be another world.
「……Tortus huh. My bad, but is it no good to postpone it for a bit later? It's not that we
cannot go, but it will make my plan to get disordered greatly.」
There was a method to go to Tortus. The method was simple. If there was the
compass and Crystal Key, they could go anywhere. Although, it wasn't like there was no
problem at all. It was the fuel. Even calling the amount of energy needed to travel
between worlds as enormous was still underselling it, an absurd amount of magic power
would be necessary. They couldn't travel that easily. For now, there was a stock of magic
power that was just barely enough. There was enough, but there was schedule to use it
until Hajime could establish a method to travel easily and freely to another world. He
hesitated to use it merely just to go playing.
Hajime was looking reluctant, however, Sumire and Shuu showed a complacent
smile as though wanting to say 「 That reaction is just as expected 」 . And then, they
signaled by whistling in front of the dubious Hajime. By the way, Sumire couldn't
whistle, so she was saying 「Pyuuu」. Right after the whistling echoed inside Nagumo
house, multiple silhouettes appeared in the living room. It was a teleport that didn't
even use gate――"Divine Existence". Naturally, the ones that appeared were Yue, and
then Myuu, Remia, Shia, and Tio who seemed to be teleported by Yue. Yue and co then
began moving with a smooth movement that was like trained troupe.
「A-no-ther-world! Want-to-go! A-no-ther-world! Want-to-go!」
When Sumire was starting to take the lead, at the front Myuu, Yue, Remia, and then
Sumire were lining up vertically in that order and began doing Choo Choo ○rain. (TN:
Choo Choo Train, google it) Myuu was laughing while doing her best to move her small
body in big circle. Yue was depicting a circle with slightly delayed movement. She was
expressionless, but she looked like she was having fun somewhat. Remia too was
chuckling 「 Ufufu ♡ 」 while following their movement splendidly. Hajime thought.
'These guys, they absolutely practiced this'. At the same time, the face of his mother who
was pleading for another world travel with triumphant look made him irritated
「That's right!」
「To another woorld!」
「Let's go! Desuu!」
When he looked back, Tio, Shuu, and Shia were lining up horizontally while making
chuuni pose. Their pose was Joj○ pose that came from accumulating research on top of
research. At the front was his mother's gang perfectly reproducing a revolving dance
that was leaving impression in the heart somehow even though its formal name still
wasn't clear despite the dance's fame, while at the back was his father's gang who was
doing perfect chuuni pose that was also impossible to forget.
「I waaant to see my son's cool side juust for a biit~♪」
「It was my dream to get my son to take me going to a trip you knooow~. I wish my son
will fulfill his filial piety~」
The mother and father were whining with their all. Hajime's forehead massage was
getting more intense. When he was holding his head at his wits' end toward the
eccentricity that was under the name of parents' pestering, Yue who was
expressionlessly twirling opened her mouth.
「 … … Hajime. It's important to do what should be done, but family service is also
A telepathy suddenly arrived from Yue.
『……Besides, Okaa-samamother-in-law and Otou-samafather-in-law want to know the
track that Hajime walked. This isn't simply curiosity. But because this is about their
treasured son.』
『 … … I understand. Hajime doesn't really want, Okaa-sama and Otou-sama to know
about what Hajime did. Isn't that right?』
『……You're right. I think it's something they don't need to know.』
『 … … Okaa-sama and Otou-sama also understand that Hajime is thinking like that.
But, exactly because of that, they want to know. In order to convey, that they can
embrace Hajime with their feeling like now even after knowing.』
Hajime looked up. Tortus was an important place where he met Yue and others.
There was no way he was avoiding it. But, at the same time, that world was also hell for
Hajime. What he did to escape and return home, should be called as gruesome in earth.
He didn't have the slightest but of regret, and if it was necessary he would do the same
thing even now. Although, he had already told his parents about what he had done, and
even Hajime would hesitate to make his father and mother to expressly follow his track
and made them felt it for real.
For example, even if he was convinced that how his parents were looking at him
wouldn't change from it, as a son, he felt a hesitation that couldn't be explained with
logic. The travel to another world had been done several times, but he had never
brought Shuu and Sumire together at those occasions was the manifestation of such
thinking. Seeing Hajime was indecisive, Yue spoke encouragingly at him while still
doing twirling dance.
『 … … I also want to know. With what kind of feeling, what kind of hardship you
overcame, in order for Hajime to return back to Okaa-sama and Otou-sama. The two of
them have the right to know. Hajime, answer them?』
「……If Yue speak that much, then I cannot escape anymore huh.」
That's right, escape. It was unlike Hajime to do that. Hajime smiled self-
depreciatingly and his shoulders that were tensed unconsciously relaxed.
「Haa. I got it. Kaa-san, Tou-san, I'll invite you two to Tortus at the coming holidays, so
stop doing Choo Choo Trai○ and Joj○ pose inside the house already.」
Immediately, 「Wa~i! 」 Sumire and Shuu raised both their hands joyfully. They
jumped for joy while high fiving each other. Their frolicking caused Hajime to
spontaneously want to tsukkomiretort 「Are you two children!」. That was how happy
they were to be able to know about what Hajime went through in another world.
「We did it dear! With this we can see a lot of animal ears as much as we want!」
「 Oi oi, Sumire. Don't forget about elf in the flesh! We've got to see the pointed ears
twitching even at the risk of our life!」
「That's obvious! Especially the girl! Gufufuh, I really cannot wait to see erlf in the flesh
it's painful…… 」 (TN: In Japan, elf is read as erufu, with the 'r' sounds like 'l'. Here
Sumire switched the 'u' in the middle with 'o', into erofu. When Japanese people read it,
it will still sound like elf, but the ero there refer to erotic.)
「That's it!」
Hajime turned his gaze to Yue.
「What did you say about following my track?」
「……O, of course they also want to know about that, should be……」
Yue's gaze was fiercely swimming around. Seeing how the two were frolicking
merrily while chanting 「 Erlf! Erlf in the flesh! 」 , no matter how anyone looked, no
parental feeling of wanting to know the son's experience could be seen at all. Rather,
their own interest and desire were bared to see. There, someone pulled *kui kui* at
Hajime's hand……
「Papa. Whaaat is erlf?」
Myuu's pure question. Her eyes were shining with curiosity. No way he could teach
her the meaning of the words of the two dirty adults. Those pure eyes made Hajime felt
like that. Hajime was directing a nihilistic gaze toward Sumire and Shuu while,
「Myuu. There are things in this world that shouldn't be known.」
He answered like that.
At the morning of the holiday. A lot of people were inside Nagumo home's living
「Kaori? My angel? Won't you get back into good mood soon? Look, somehow Otou-san
is also coming like this. Okay?」
On the living room's sofa, there was the figure of Kaori who although she was sitting
demurely with upright gesture of both her legs sticking close to each other and her
hands put on the knees, her expression wasn't even trying to hide her sullenness.
Toward such Kaori――the one who was desperately cheering up his beloved daughter
was Shirasaki Tomoichi.
「Kaori, Oji-sanuncle is seriously depressed, so how about leaving it at that?」
The one who was smiling wryly beside Kaori while intermediating was Shizuku.
「Tomoichi-kun too is getting hardships from his daughter huh.」
「……Otou-san? What does that mean? Rather I believe the one getting hardship here
is me who found out about my family's hidden occupation and outrageous behavioral
principle though?」
「……I stirred up the hornet's nest.」
The one who sent sympathetic words to Tomoichi and got rewarded with
reproachful gaze from Shizuku was Yaegashi Koichi who averted his eyes. Beside Koichi,
the one who similarly averted her eyes was the grandfather Yaegashi Shuuzou.
「Fufu, Tomoichi-san and Kaori-chan are really close.」
「……It's always embarrassing every time, Kirino-san.」
There were two ladies leisurely watching the father-daughter quarrel while drinking
tea at the living room's table. One was Yaegashi Kirino, the other one was Shirasaki
Kaoruko. They were respectively the mother of Shizuku and Kaori. Hearing the talk of
Nagumo family going to Tortus for a trip at this consecutive holiday, Kaori and Shizuku
pleaded 'In that case we too!'. The result, the families of both household were gathering
like this in the living room of Nagumo house. Unfortunately, the family outside these
two families wasn't able to take consecutive holidays. One other family would be the
exception and passed off in this time. In order to bring along that last fellow traveler to
this Tortus travel, currently Hajime wasn't in Nagumo house. The people here were
waiting for his return.
Actually, Kaoruko was a great fan of Sumire's shoujo mangagirl comic, and Kirino
who didn't know about the manga itself but knew about the live-action film knew about
Sumire's true identity as the author. Their tension was rising, they were also getting
excited talking with Remia and Myuu who joined in the conversation about the mother-
daughter's story of the fishman tribe. Shuu was making fun of Tomoichi, Tomoichi who
snapped assaulted Shuu…… Yue was making fun of Kaori, Kaori who snapped assaulted
Yue…… Shia coaxed Shuuzou and Koichi that she wished to be shown the technique of
Yaegashi-style (hidden), then the two displayed outrageous ninjut――ancient martial
arts technique in the garden…… On that garden's tree, a regrettable dragon who
blundered early in the morning was being hung down wrapped in bamboo mat……
The neighbor saw the garden of such Nagumo house while passing through hurried
footsteps…… The gossip among the neighbors that Nagumo house was a haunted
environment of the residential area was accelerating…… They killed time like that for a
while. Suddenly, the space in the living room began to distort like jelly. It was the proof
of space teleportation using "gate". As expected, a round hole that a person could pass
through was spreading.
「 That bastard, he is obviously having lingering attachment. As I thought, perhaps I
should do a scene of Inugami house once to him properly? 」 (TN: Inugami house,
something like murder story or something in Japan I think)
「That's why I'm saying, why is Hajime-kun is so fixated with Inugami house?」
「 Taichi-kun also get a lot of hardships isn't he. More importantly, it's really like
Anywhe○ Door. How amazing~」
The one who entered was Hajime and Aiko, and then Aiko's mother Akiko. It would
be Akiko alone who joined them from Hatayama family. The other family members
couldn't leave alone their farm even temporarily and this time they would pass up the
opportunity. They would participate at another chance when the travel between worlds
became easier. Hajime who crossed through space while talking about something saw
the two fathers and the two wives scuffling before his eyes, and then he saw the Yaegashi
family displaying things like KatonFire Style or KawarimiSubstitute Technique in the
garden, then he saw the four madams chatting and giggling while feeding Myuu, and
said a short sentence.
「Eh? What's with this chaos?」
Even though he only left them for thirty minutes, for some reason he was shown
great commotion inside the house. His expression cramped. And then, he saw the
Hatayama mother and daughter whose eyes opened wide,
「Aiko's home is really peacefully nice huh. I really like Hatayama family you see~」
「Hee!? I, is that so? Ehehe~」
「My, Hajime-kun you flatterer, saying happy thing like that. Come again to play in the
future. Our house's fruits are the best thanks to Aiko you know?」
「Yes. I will come at that time without fail.」
Hajime and Hatayama mother and daughter conversed peacefully. Under their feet
there was still a great ruckus. 「 Speaking of the cause, it's the son of you bastard! 」
「 Ha-ha-ha! Tomo-kun, your heart is really narrow huh~. This is why recently Kaori-
chan is calling me "Otou-san" adoringly――」「Don't say anymoreeeeee! I'm a bit aware
of it after alllll-. Also, Don't call me Tomo-kunnn- 」 The father of Shirasaki family and
the father of Nagumo family were grappling like that. Incidentally, beside them
was 「 Muiiiiiiiih, Yue you idioooot 」 「 Nniiiiih, Kaori you stupiiidd 」 there was
exchange of cat punch and cat kick. Furthermore, 「Pa, papaaa! Save meee! 」 Myuu
who was jostled and treated affectionately like a cat by the madam group was reaching
out her hand to him while gasping for breath, at the garden Shia VS Shuuzou & Koichi
was almost starting, Shizuku was desperately stopping them. In the end, it would be one
hour later when everyone calmed down and they could depart.
Everyone was bringing only baggage in the amount that wouldn't become hindrance
and moved to underground the Nagumo house. The parents from each family were
going 「 A really deep underground room is…… 」 in surprise. Tomoichi whose
occupation was an architect was muttering something like 「 The Building Standards
Law is……」. Before long they could see the end of the stair, but ahead it became a wall
and the path ended. While everyone's attention gathered at Hajime wondering what to
do, Hajime put his hand on a corner of the wall. Instantly, brilliant crimson light ran
through the whole wall, and the wall split into two. 「 Oo~ 」 Admiring voices were
「The wall is using a magic called soul magic. If it's not someone that Hajime-kun give
permission to, they absolutely won't be able to enter inside. After all the magic literally
investigate the compatibility of the soul. Of course, I can enter inside!」
Kaori showed a triumphant look especially toward her father. 「 I'm trusted by
Hajime-kun you know!」 Such implicit claim caused Tomoichi to display a "sullen face"
that was exactly like his daughter before this. But, the next moment he made a grand
tsukkomi with his eyes snapping wide open.
「 WAIT A SECOOOOOOOOND! This is obviously strange isn't it!? What's with this
Yes, the underground space Hajime was proud of had the size a bit like a theater
building. No matter how one looked at it, it was the size that reached until the other
houses in the neighborhood and even underground the main street. As an architect who
often got troubled how to create as much as "size" as possible with limited space, surely
this underground space that felt like saying 「It exist for the sake of crushing Building
Standards Law! 」 「 The land of other people is mine. The land of the country is also
mine」 couldn't be tolerated no matter what. This space that was as though it existed
for the sake of making him, a first class architect wanted to say 'Are you showing off this
outrageous thing to me, huuuuh!?' caused Tomoichi to send a glare at Hajime. Hajime
smiled wryly while saying.
「 I didn't do anything that will make it troublesome to deal with if it's exposed. I'm
enlarging the underground space using a magic called space magic. You know about the
Treasure Warehouse that Kaori has right? The principle is the same.」
「I, is that so……. Anything is really possible with magic huh……」
Tomoichi felt like the common sense of architect was overturned right from the root
and he looked up. He barely ignored the overwhelming gaze of my angel beside him that
was looking for agreement 「 Hajime-kun is amazing isn't he? Right, right? Otou-san
also think so right?」. He was also doing his best to ignore the exasperated gaze of his
wife who was looking at him acting like this.
「 Hmmm. This is nice. When Tomoichi-kun yelled just now his voice doesn't really
echo. The wall and floor also look strong against impact, it feels like we will be able to
have good training here without being a bother to the neighbors. And above all else, it's
making the heart dance just from it being underground.」
「 Right. Hajime-kun. About this underground space, can you make it under Yaegashi
house too if we request it?」
「Otou-san!? Ojii-chanGrandfather!? You two are still planning to make our house into
even more outrageous residence!?」
The current house head and assistant instructor of Yaegashi-style who was stepping
repeatedly on the floor and striking the wall roughly were leaking out their admiration
and envy and desire all over. Together they also ignored the grieving voice 「 Stooopp
it!」 of the daugther who wanted them to stop.
「……If Shizuku is okay with it, I won't be reluctant to be of help.」 (TN: A reminder,
Hajime is using polite language all this time when he is talking with his wives' family
here. He is using casual language when talking with his own parents though)
When Hajime was worrying whether it was all right to increase his lover's hardship
for more than this while looking at Shizuku, Shizuku shook her head left and right in a
display of 「Firm rejection!」.
「 Hajime-san, I wonder if you will also receive request for individual underground
space? I want to have consultation about a space where only limited people can enter
using soul magic though……」
Shizuku had no ally. Kiriko's gaze with her index finger touching her cheek and her
head tilted that strangely looked appropriate for her was locking straight at Hajime.
Even while Hajime's cheeks were cramping, for now he put away the problem for the
future by saying 「 If there is a chance I will be open for consultation 」 . Except the
father of a certain bug rabbit, Hajime was doing his utmost to be considerate to the
speech and conduct of his wive~s' family, so he hesitated to reject them down bluntly.
「Hmmmm, no matter how many times I hear it, the discomfort from seeing Goshujin-
sama using polite language art still amazing.」
「Isn't it~. A lot has happened since coming to earth, I have also seen Hajime-san like
this several times though.」
Tio and Shia were looking at Hajime with a really complicated expression. For the
two of them, the demon king Hajime who was crushing absurdity with even more
absurdity was exactly what Hajime was to them, so they only felt chill that made their
body shiver for some reason when seeing his action and speech that were considerate to
other people. Although, this was the manifestation of Hajime's feeling that was trying to
treasure the entirety of his wive~s' family, so they didn't intend to stop him. They
advanced deeper into the underground space that was also Hajime's "underground
workshop". Here and there, things like transmutation material, or modern technology
goods were placed, the golemsGrim Reapers that were in the process of creation were
especially eye-catching.
Even Yue and others, and Sumire and Shuu who were used to seeing them to a
certain degree had their gaze wandering around restlessly in curiosity. While that was
going on, Hajime pulled several books from a bookshelves that were safekeeping various
materials. Instantly, *gogogo-* a heavy sound resounded and the bookshelves split to
left and right. The wall behind it had a metallic two-leaf door that was also made solidly.
Seeing that, it seemed Shuu had a question suddenly welling up inside and he asked
while tilting his head.
「 Come to think of it Hajime. Why are you using that kind of door? If you have that
crystal key something, you can connect the space from anywhere right?」
It was a question that was only natural, which caused everyone's gaze to gather on
「Certainly that's true. But this door is also an artifact more or less, it's taking part in
economizing the use of magic power. It erased the need to use magic power for
designating or fixing the coordinate in place. Though it only has the effect of reducing
the cost by twenty percent.」
「 I see. If I remember right, the exit is fixed at the palace in the other world. Hahah,
Tou-san completely thought that the reason you made this is only because this is
Hajime slowly averted his gaze. Actually eighty percent of his reason was that. Also,
he secretly gave the name "World Door" to it. Even though there was already the door
that was locked using soul magic to enter the workshop, by the point he set up
bookshelves to hide this it was beyond obvious that this was merely his hobby working
in full. The gaze of Yue and co, the wive~s who guessed his reason was lukewarm.
Myuu's praise of 「Papa! This bookshelves is cool nano! 」 echoed inside his heart in
bad meaning. Sumire's wide grin that seemed to say 「I understand you know?」 was
「A, anyway, I'll open the door so back away a bit.」
Hajime took out Crystal Key from his Treasure Warehouse, then put it inside the
keyhole of the World Door that wasn't particularly necessary. Then, crimson light that
was particularly meaningless surged through the whole surface of the World Door, then
a pattern that seemed really meaningful emerged out also without any particular
meaning. When even more magic power that was taken out from magic crystals in stock
was poured in, before long the World Door started to emit light that was overflowing
with mystique and impact. Of course, the light was meaningless.
There, Yue and others also joined in pouring magic power in order to lighten
Hajime's burden, each of their magic power light brilliantly illuminated the
underground workshop. Sumire and Shuu were watching in fascination toward that
sublime sight without even making commotion with wide eyes. The other parents were
even more so. Before long, the magic power of Hajime and co that was real cheat was
completely taken by Crystal Key and World Door. Finally space connection to the side of
Tortus was formed. Hajime rotated the Crystal Key. *Click*, heavy sound of a lock
getting opened rang and the door opened. At the same time, *RINGOOOON!* a bell
ringing sound reverberated. This was the sound that notified the "gate opening" at the
palace's side.
Hajime's crimson, Yue's golden, Shia's bluish white, Tio's pure black, Kaori's silver,
Shizuku's lapis lazuli, Aiko's cherry blossom, lights of seven colors overflowed. In front
of the opened gate, Hajime who was illuminated by the backlighting looked back across
his shoulder while smiling. And then,
「Then, let's start the another world travel.」
Saying that he stepped inside the light at the lead. Sumire and Shuu looked at each
other's face and their face burst into a bright smile. They raised 「Yafuuuuuh」 a cheer
while leaping into the light following their son. After them, Yue and others followed
while smiling.
「Now, Otou-san! Okaa-san! Let's go!」
「O, ooh, yo-yo, you're right! But, is this thing really all right……」
「As expected, it gives a bit of hesitation.」
Tomoichi got cold feet and Kaoruko felt nervous. Kaori grasped the hand of her
parents who were like that and jumped into the gate while pulling the two.
「He, hey, Aiko. I know that it's fine, but the other side, that's, it cannot be seen from
「 … … It should be visible though……haa. This is because of Hajime-kun's excessive
dramatic act. Geez……sometimes he is just like a child.」
Aiko was making expression of 'really can't be helped' while taking the hand of
Akiko who was getting a second thought as expected. Then she led her into the light.
Seeing such Shirasaki family and Hatayama family, Shizuku fired up herself 「 As
expected, normally anyone will get second thought like that in this time. I have to get a
hold of myself here!」.
「 To think that I'll be able to have mysterious experience like this in this age. Kukuh,
I'm feeling high spirited that is unbecoming for an old man.」
「That's only reasonable, Oyajifather/old man. This is the world of sword and magic you
know? It's natural to be thrilled if you are a man. The first one from Yaegashi family who
enter will be me!」
「Muh, damn Koichi! Getting head start is unforgivable!」
「 Geez, man will be like boys no matter how much time passed isn't it? But, fufu, my
heart beat also cannot calm down so I cannot say anything about other people myself.
Please wait, dear! Otou-samafather-in-law!」
Everyone of Yaegashi family leaped into the light eagerly. Leaving behind their
daughter. Inside the spacious underground workshop, Shizuku was left alone. Even
though she was fired up because it was a travel to unknown world for her family……her
eyes were turning hollow. But, seeing the light was gradually getting weaker, she
suddenly returned to her senses and,
「Wa, waiiiit! Don't leave me behind!」
She raised her voice in panic while leaping into the gate.
The World Door that was set up inside Nagumo house's underground workshop.
That door that was connected to another world with lights of seven colors overflowing
was passed through by people who were fearful, people who were used to it, and also
people who were high spirited. Like that, while *ringooon* sound that was like church's
bell was ringing out, they whose eyes were narrowed because of the dazzling light finally
managed to secure back their sight. There, what leaped into their sight was――
「……This is another world.」
「Haha……what grandeur. No more words are coming to me.」
It was a grandeur nature. The World Door at Tortus side was on the summit of a
tower that was connected to the place with sky corridor. Naturally, the sight was a 360
degree of great panorama. The God Mountain was destroyed, so although they couldn't
pay respect to the sight of the highest peak that once displayed majestic appearance, the
view around became better instead. The mountain range that was continuing on and on
to the north without end was truly the very sigh of another world that was usually seen
from fantasy movie and the like. The great plain that was spreading to the south, the
palace that was right nearby, and then the scenery of the capital that was filled with the
sounds of reconstruction.
It was a magnificent sight that was the same like in earth. But, without any reason,
from the air that the skin felt, the people who was currently watching in fascination at
the scenery of Tortus from the summit of the tower felt it. That this wasn't earth. That
this was another world of sword and magic. Sumire's dazed muttering was agreed by
Shuu who was similarly having his eyes wide open. Their voice finally caused the parents
of each family to return to their senses. The round tower was about a hundred meter
above ground. Just in case there was fence set up, but normally anyone would refrain
from approaching the edge. But, Tomoichi and Kaoruko, also Shuuzou and Koichi,
Kirino too, and then even Akiko followed behind Sumire and Shuu who were striving to
be the first to reach the handrail and they ran their gaze until the sight below.
「 … … Nn, nnh. Ee~, below, you can see the capital of Hairihi Kingdom that is in the
middle of reconstruction.」
Suddenly Yue pointed one hand slowly toward the capital while saying such thing
「Yue? What are you doing?」
Hajime asked as the representative of everyone.
「……I am tour guide Yue. Entertaining the group is my mission!」
「Eh? Why tour guide?」
「…… Bus guide-san at the school trip was amazing in various things, she looked like
she was having fun so I wanted to give it a try.」
「I, I see. Or rather, was that guide really that amazing?」
She was amazing. Her mental strength was. Yue said that and then coughed.
「……And then, the mountain of rubbles that is visible over there, is God Mountain that
once boasted a height at the same level with Everest in earth. It was destroyed from the
meteors that Hajime rained down by a lot.」
For now, there were three convulsing expressions, and three expressions that were
unknown what kind of thought they contained. And then,
「 As expected from my son! You got flashy there huh, oi! So you destroyed another
world's Everest!」
「Please tell me! How did it turn out like that!」
Even though their son was carrying out large scale destruction that changed the
geography, for some reason the Nagumo married couple Sumire and Shuu were making
ruckus with rocketing tension. Kaori answered in the place of Hajime who was making
really conflicted expression.
「See, we knew that the enemy would come out from the God Mountain, so in that case
it's fine isn't it if the they are blown away along with the God Mountain right after the
battle started! That was the idea wasn't it? It was really amazing.」
「 I guess. Countless meteors were raining down from the sky, and they impacted on
God Mountain one after another……a shockwave that was like great earthquake was
spreading……I thought, perhaps the end of the world is something like this.」
Shizuku talked with a faraway look. Tomoichi asked with convulsing expression still
on his face.
「Ha, Hajime-kun. You, are you really able to make meteor rain down? I, I don't think
it's possible but, you cannot do the same at earth too right?」
Hajime-san slowly averted his gaze. As expected, no matter what he couldn't say
that he was able to drop meteor even on earth. Furthermore, it didn't just stop there, he
had sent up a lot of satellite weapons to the orbit, where he would be able to go *buppa*
with sunlight convergence laser anytime. It was even harder to say that. Although, it
could be guessed from his behavior. Tomoichi's expression was grandly convulsing even
more. One of the cause of his expression was also because Kaori was making a
triumphant look for some reason. He wondered since when my angel had become a
child who would be proud of mass destruction…… There, as though reading the mood,
Shuu tapped on Tomoichi's shoulder. When Tomoichi who was busily rethinking the
cultivation of his beloved daughter's aesthetic sensibility turned a conflicted gaze at him,
Shuu made a nice smile that seemed to say 「 It's all right, leave it to me 」 while
nodding with a thumb up and,
「 Listen well, Hajime! Absolutely don't use it at earth! You understand right!? It's a
promise with Tou-san!」
He rebuked with an unusual strong tone like that. Hajime's eyes turned round
seeing that, even so he smiled wryly and answered 「I got it. There is no way I will use
something like this there」. But,
「 Are you serious? It's absolute you know? You really, really mustn't use it I'm telling
you! A~bbsolutely y'know! Really――」
「 Are you pretending!? Are you planning to make Hajime-kun use it!? I've been
thinking of this since some time ago though! Hajime-kun's unprecedented conduct was
inherited from you right!? Nagumo-Shuu!」
Tomoichi howled. The person in question himself was making a happy face like
「Tomo-kun's reaction is really nice huuuh」. It went without saying that pulsing vein
snapped into place on Tomoichi's forehead. It looked like the grappling of Tomoichi VS
Shuu would start again. Beside them Kaoruko smiled wryly saying 「I'm sorry for my
husband everytime」, while Sumire lowered her head saying 「My husband himself, it
looks like he is really pleased with Tomoichi-san……I'm sorry that he is an idiot 」 .
There, tour guide Yue-san went *buppa* with bombshell announcement that would
send the place falling into even deeper chaos.
「……By the way, there was the headquarter of the sacred teaching church that was the
largest religion in this Tortus, but they were the puppet of the evil god with the pope for
starters, so all the people there were bombed to death. By Aiko.」
Aiko's chest was pierced by spear of words and she crumbled. Akiko was saying 「I
heard the story but, when looking at the actual spot of the scene like this……I don't have
any words……」 with her expression somewhat pale and her body slightly trembling.
「 Oh my. Geez Aiko-sensei, even though you are cute like a small animal……you are
unexpectedly radical aren't you?」
「Hmmm. A teacher who won't shirk from bombing many to death for the sake of the
students……you are truly a model teacher.」
「I'm glad that you are the one in charge of Shizuku.」
「 I'm sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry――police officer-san, I'm
the culprit. Sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry」
Kirino hid her mouth elegantly with her hand while chuckling 「 hohoho 」 , and
Shuuzou with Koichi gave her words of praise……for Aiko it became additional blow
instead. She was fiercely doubly stimulated with trauma and guilt that she even
prostrating on the ground with hollow eyes while beginning to apologize profusely. The
parents who were in the verge of fighting because of what the child did, the apologizing
to each other, pale expression, praise from playful sense of values…… Shia who was
watching that smiled wryly, while Tio spoke with a troubled face.
「I have anticipated this but, as I thought, the travel in Tortus has become chaos.」
「The number of people shouldst be reduced a bit mayhaps.」
On the other hand,
「Papaa~. We still aren't going down nano~」
「 My my, geez Myuu……to not only acting completely unperturbed, but instead even
feel bored in this situation」
Myuu was already urging to embark on the lift. As though to say that the chaos
situation before her eyes 'ain't my business at all'. Remia's expression was turning
conflicted seeing her daughter's nerve that was getting bolder day by day. Seeing
everything including Myuu just now, Hajime looked up to the sunny sky and,
「This is bad. I want to go home already.」
He muttered such thing earnestly.

Arifureta After Story New Year Special Planning Tortus Travel Journal ②

The "World Door" that connected earth and Tortus. Hajime who somehow settled
down the chaos that was produced on the top of the tower that was built adjacent to the
palace finally led everyone to go down the tower. Cheers rose inside the lift that was
moving using magic power. The tension of fellow parents heightened from the aftertaste
and they talked to each other. Hajime gave a glance at them while opening the door that
was connected to the palace. Then, right after that,
*Pata pata pata* The sound of footsteps and the voice calling Hajime's name with
overflowing joy resounded.
「Lily. That's quic――oops」
Hajime was going to comment how fast she came to receive them, but before he
could finish, Liliana leaped onto his chest so his words were stopped. Hajime lightly
directed away the impact and received her *pofuh* on his chest. There Liliana showed
him a wide smile. She was already in a state where she saw nothing else except Hajime.
Her atmosphere felt like there were hearts floating up buoyantly.
「……Nn. The person who forthrightly ignored us and charged at Hajime right now is
the princess of this Heiligh Kingdom, Liliana S B Heiligh-san.」 (TN: So far I also used
Hairihi as the name of the kingdom, now I decided to change it into something cooler
sounding) Yue who seemed to intend to continue being tour guide Yue without change
gave introduction while her index finger pressed on Liliana's cheek and grinded.
「Fuwa!? Everyone, all together! Please excuse my rudeness.」
Liliana kept up the appearance as a lady while it was already too late. Her cheeks
were blushing while she gracefully separated herself from Hajime. Then she gave a
greeting with a lovely courtesy.
「Lily-chan! Long time no see! You're healthy?」
「Hahaha, you're still a princess as ever.」
「 Sumire-okaasama, Shuu-otousama. It has been a while. Thank you very much for
welcoming me at that time.」
Actually, Liliana had already met Sumire and Shuu. As expected, although she was
one of the wive~s, it would be too pitiful for Liliana if she wasn't even introduced to
Sumire and Shuu face to face until they went to Tortus someday, so although it was only
for a short time Hajime called Liliana to earth instead. At that time, the entrance of a
real princess from another world, furthermore that princess was a wife of their son
caused Sumire and Shuu's tension to climb up drastically. They prepared a warm
welcome using every method available for Liliana. Liliana was even more nervous to
give a greeting to Hajime's parents than when she was doing government affairs, but the
two's unexpected reception caused her to spontaneously be moved to tears.
Liliana's appearance in dress, the refinement that could be felt from her even
without her doing anything, and then the tiara that was snugly placed on her head and
so on, it was obvious just from a glance that she was a princess. Tomoichi and co, the
parent~s who saw a princess of another world for the first time were staring with
emotional gaze. No, it was only Tomoichi who while feeling emotional was also sending
glances at Hajime that seemed to want to say 「This bastard. So there is still more girl
he had laid his hand on-」. Hajime smiled wryly while saying.
「……Tomoichi-san. I believe I have mentioned about Lily before.」
「 Really sorry, Hajime-kun. When I heard that you have other woman other than my
angel, my heart was completely dyed with killing intent then.」
And so, he didn't hear most of the story. Or rather, he immediately assaulted Hajime
at that time. Right after that he ate a backdrop from my angel and his consciousness was
blown away. Tomoichi-san mumbled about such fault-finding while attempting to calm
his heart. Kaoruko left alone her husband who was like that and walked toward Liliana.
「 So you are Lily-chan, no, Liliana-sama. I often heard about you from my daughter.
She said that you racked your brains very much for them all in the middle of the terrible
situation. Please let me express my gratitude.」
Kaoruko said that and bowed her head. Tomoichi hurriedly stood by her side and
lowered his head, and then everyone of Yaegashi family and also Akiko altogether
lowered their head saying 「 Thank you for what you had done for our children 」 .
Liliana opened her mouth in panic.
「Such thing, please lift your head, all of you. We were the one who involved them into
our world's circumstance. It's only natural for me to do everything that I could. Besides,
what someone like me had done were only trivial things compared to the things that
Kaori and everyone else had done for us.」
Liliana gently put her hand on Kaoruko's shoulder and made her lifted her face, she
also prompted the others to lift their head too. Liliana smiled sweetly with a warm gaze.
「 Everyone's daughter is this country's……no, this world's savior. I should be the one
who say thanks. My heartfelt gratitude for having raising these wonderful people. I
express my thanks as the representative of this world's people.」
'In addition, being able to become friend with everyone, being able to fight together
with them, those are things that I will be proud of for my lifetime.' Saying that Liliana
bowed her heads deeply and displayed her gratitude to the parents. Kaoruko and
Tomoichi, Shuuzou and Koichi and Kirino, and then Akiko too, they were staring at
Liliana wordlessly. Even Sumire and Shuu who were already given the same words from
her were staring at Liliana with an expression that were at loss for words. Every single
one of them felt the surge of indescribable emotion in the back of their heart. It was
close to a deep emotion, perhaps it was delight, however, it was a surge of feeling that
was bigger that couldn't be described with word.
This person said to them that she was proud to be able to meet their children. That
she was grateful that they raised their children into such people. As a parent, there was
no greater gift than this. When glancing to the side, Kaori and Shizuku and Aiko were
blushing slightly with embarrassment while their gazes were averted to other directions.
Tomoichi and others smiled slightly at their children's state, and then they lowered their
head even deeper than before toward the princess of another world who gifted them
with such lovely words and,
「We too, thank you.」
They said. 'I see. So this is a real princess.' The parent~s were in acceptance. Amidst
that Liliana opened her mouth with bright voice to change the atmosphere slightly.
「And, for everyone to visit here……」
「Yeah, just as Lily guessed, it's for sightseeing. Tou-san and Kaa-san threw a tantrum
asking for that.」
Hajime shrugged his shoulders and replied like that. Liliana chuckled hearing that.
And then, 「 If it's something like that 」 she puffed up her chest with overflowing
「Then, I will have to give hospitality to the best of my ability. Hajime-san, what kind of
plan do you have?」
「We haven't really decide anything. If we are traveling normally, then no matter how
much time we have available it won't be enough, so I'm thinking to decide a base and
then use gate to guide them to every place.」
「If that is the case then please, stay in this palace by all mean.」
「Yeah, I was thinking to ask you that though……」
「Yes, please leave it to me.」
It seemed that it would be Liliana herself who would receive them, so Hajime's
expression turned a bit worried. After all, Liliana was super busy. She was the one who
practically managed this country. It wasn't so clear without focusing closely, but there
was faint shadow visible under her eyes. It was skillfully hidden using cosmetic, but she
should be tired that some sign had appeared on her face.
「 Are you all right? You are being pressed with work right? We can take care of
ourselves you know?」
「No no, please don't mind it. After all the work won't end at all whether I rest for a bit
or doesn't rest at all!」
How could she say 「The work won't end!」 with such bright voice? The occupation
"princess" seemed to be a really black type of occupation. Sadness was pooling inside
everyone's eyes.
「Now now everyone. First please let me introduce my mother and little brother. Okaa-
sama earnestly wished to meet with Sumire-okaasama and Shuu-otousama. Not just to
Okaa-sama, please allow me to introduce the family of the heroes to other people too by
all means!」
Liliana led them in high spirits. Hajime and co looked at each other with a bit of wry
smile seeing her like that, even so they obediently followed her. Although the capital was
in the middle of reconstruction, because the palace was a building that would become
the country's symbol, and then because it was the symbol of the reborn kingdom that
surpassed the hedge of race in the new world, its construction was done the fastest with
most effort poured into it. Because of that, although there was no air of history that
could be felt compared to the previous palace, it still had impressiveness that would
move the emotion, especially for Japanese people who in the first place had never seen
the inside of a western type palace. Like Tomoichi, with his occupation as an architect
his gaze was moving around busily with deep interest. His wife and daughter chuckled
smilingly at him.
「 Hmm, just how many hidden route and mechanism are here……my blood is
「Ojii-chanGrandpa……I wish you will focus a bit more to other aspect though.」
Shuuzou's gaze was also busily moving around, but it seemed he wasn't observing
the building's construction, but it was her heart of adventure that wished to discover
hidden route. Looking there, Koichi and Kirino were also concentrating with the feeling
like 「 I will be the one who find out the most! 」 . They completely ignored Shizuku's
exasperated face. Midway, the passed several servants, civil officials, and military
officers. Seeing their peculiar conduct, Sumire and Shuu turned grinning expression
toward their son.
「Fufu, it's itchy somehow isn't iit?」
「Ahaha, after seeing that kind of conduct from close by, you are really the demon king-
sama huh.」
「……It's not like that title is self-proclaimed you know?」
Each time they passed someone, those people would naturally moved aside to both
sides of the corridor and lowered their head. After all among them there was Liliana of
the royal family. But, everyone noticed it. The people's gazes weren't directed to Liliana,
but mainly to Hajime. The moment they saw Hajime, their body would turn stiff without
exception. It was apparent that their stiffness wasn't caused by fear, but from being
filled with awe. After all, them bowing their deeply didn't look like they were being
forced at all. Every single one of them thought from their heart that they should do so, it
was clear just from seeing them. Reverent atmosphere was overflowing from their whole
In addition, mainly among the maids, the heat residing inside the females' eyes was
amazing. Although they didn't make any obvious move of flattery, their extraordinary
emotion was transparent to see. Indeed, if such attitude and eyes were directed toward
their son, as parents it surely couldn't be helped that they would be writhing a bit from
pride and also itchiness. Hajime didn't pay any mind at all to the attitude of the palace's
people, but as expected he was bothered by the gazes and expressions from his parents
and the other parents, so he averted his gaze with a really complicated look. Then, when
they arrived at a crossroad, Hajime's averted gaze caught sight of a maid coming from
the corridor ahead. Different from other people, she didn't stop and lowered her head or
moved aside toward the wall, but approached near in a straight line.
The woman with long dark brown hair swaying behind her and smooth footsteps
approaching them was Liliana's personal maid Hellina. She was quite tall for a woman
with straight posture, her smiling expression was also filled with refinement. As
expected from someone who was picked as the princess's personal attendant, she was a
beautiful woman who would make anyone accept it. The moment that Hellina turned
her gaze to the group of Hajime and co, she bowed with a beautiful motion that would
also make anyone got taken aback and continued her words.
「Liliana-sama. Luluaria-sama wish to receive a bit of time for preparing right now. If
you are going to introduce everyone, then perhaps you should first go to where Randell-
sama is.」
「Eh? Ah, you're right.」
Thinking carefully, something like a sudden visit without any contact beforehand
shouldn't be done when the other party was a queen of a country. Luluaria was a woman
with tolerant and gentle disposition, but as exacted, it would be troubling for her to
suddenly meet the family of the heroes who were their benefactor without any
preparation whatsoever. As a queen, it was necessary for her to prepare the appropriate
appearance. To say nothing of how this would be their first meeting, it would be even
more important. Noticing that, Liliana's cheeks blushed thinking how she was slightly
too high spirited and she casted her eyes down.
「 Hellina, about contacting Okaa-sama……looking at you it seems you have already
done it haven't you?」
「Yes. Right away after the bell of the gate opening rang.」
Hellina understood that Liliana would immediately rush away without even giving
attention to anything else. She didn't come together with Liliana despite being her
personal attendant was for the sake of arranging all the preparations beforehand. Truly
an excellent maid. The entrance of a genuine maid (the meaning here was in broader
sense) of another world and what's more a maid that looked like in a class of her own
caused Sumire and Shuu's eyes to blaze fierily. Their tension kept rising up without
stopping. But there, Liliana suddenly showed a questioning face.
「 Hm? I'm thankful that you got in touch with Okaa-sama but……Hellina, you knew
about the visit of Sumire-okaasama and everyone else?」
Hajime and co had met with Luluaria several times, so if it was with someone
among them, Luluaria too wouldn't prepare her appearance meticulously every single
time. They had built such lighthearted relation between them. For Hellina to
intentionally get in touch with Luluaria meant that right after the "bell of gate opening"
rang, she was aware that Hajime and co arrived with their family this time. How? It was
only natural to feel doubt about that. The answer to that was immediately showed from
the words of the sweetly smiling Hellina after that.
「Hajime-sama. As you commanded, I have arranged for the rooms, lunch, and so forth.
Where will you all have your lunch?」
「For now, it will be after we look around the capital in general. We haven't decide the
「Understood. Then, please contact me again at that time. Also――」
「Wa-wa-wa-waaa~~~-t a second!」
Liliana-san intercepted. She cut in with a pose as though she was doing Kabaddi
between the two who was conversing like they understood each other as though it was
only natural.
「What do you mean by command? Since when?」
「 I had received an artifact for communication from Hajime-sama, so right after the
gate opening, I took action following the command that I was given. That's all.」
「Just now I told you that we can take care of ourselves right?」
'What are you doubting at?' Hajime and Hellina both tilted their head
「Artifact for communication? Wait, don't tell me it's the broach Hellina is wearing!? It
has crimson jewel attached and looks like it's something really expensive, so perhaps
spring has also come for Hellina!? Was what I thought but, don't tell me that's an
artifact!? What's more it's Hajime-san's!? I don't receive anything like that you
Hellina-san smiled sweetly to the shaken princess.
「 Hajime-sama. About the aforementioned matter, my deepest apologies. I've never
thought that your arrival will be this fast, the writing of the list is still not finished yet.」
「Don't worry about it. This is also an unexpected trip for me after all.」
「Much obliged. For the moment, 80 percent of it is finished. I brought that part with
me. Will you look at it?」
「80 percent? That's fast……. Fine then, I'll take a look at it at night.」
「Then, here it is.」
Beside the ignored Liliana, the two did a transfer of some kind of document. After
Hajime briefly ran his gaze on the document, a faint smile emerged on his mouth.
「You did well compiling this. This quality in this short time……. Good work.」
「I'm honored.」
Again she was bowing her head beautifully, the exclusive lady attendant of princess
「E, eeeh? Hellina? Hellina is my attendant right? That's right isn't it?」
「? But of course, Liliana-sama.」
It was very suspicious. Everyone there thought so. Doubtful expression and fixed
stare were sent to Hajime from the wive~s, and then grinning face from Sumire and
Shuu, sharp gaze from Tomoichi, and for some reason admiring gaze from the other
「Goshujin-sama, if thou wish to hath beautiful woman to abide by thee so much, then
look, the best woman for it is here thou see? Give me command to thy heart content
without reservation! Now, now!」
The greedy disappointing dragon who couldn't hold herself back approached with
rough breathing.
「……Hajime, as I thought you like maid? Should I wear maid uniform?」
「Papa, do you like maid-san nano? Then, Myuu too will wear maid uniform nano!」
「My my, Hajime-san too is a man isn't he? Ufufu.」
「Uu, I have been worried about the relation of Hajime-kun with the maids in the palace
since before but……to think, he is already progressing until this far. A failure!」(Kaori)

「Hajime, that, it's not a strange relationship isn't it? It's not right?」(Shizuku)
「 La, laying your hand on the maids is no good! Hajime-kun! Do you understand!? 」
The questioning wive~s. Hajime sighed as though to say 'just what are you all
saying' while storing the document into the Treasure Warehouse. And then, he turned
toward Hellina who was waiting with graceful air without being perturbed even by the
commotion, then his hand quietly gestured to the side. It seemed to be a signal that told
"Leave". Hellina quietly bowed her head, then she quietly left.
「Ha, Hajime-san feel more like her master than me……」
It went without saying that Liliana felt down after that.
While Hajime was receiving really complicated look from the wive~s and the
parent~s, the group finally arrived at the room of Liliana's little brother and the next
king Randell. The throne was still empty because Randell's enthronement would be
matched with the timing of the festival of the reconstruction completion. The thinking
was that it would be a really good omen for the new king to be enthroned at the rebirth
of the kingdom. And so, currently Randell was spending every day immersing himself in
study for his enthronement. Even now he was receiving lecture from his instructor in his
「Randell. It's me. Do you have time right now?」
When Liliana knocked the door and asked, a dubious sounding voice replied back
from inside the room.
「Ane-ueElder sister? Of course I don't mind but……」
Randell was suspicious because even though the "bell of gate opening" had rang out,
and yet Liliana came to his place not so long after that. Because when the bell rang, then
that "hateful son of a bitch" was undoubtedly here. That "son of a bitch", basically if he
didn't have business he wouldn't come visiting Randell by his own inititative. Most of
the time it would be Randell who go to where he was to snarl and curse at him. And so,
surely Randell was thinking that this was unusual. Such feeling was oozing from his
voice. In the place of Randell, the old instructor who served as his private tutor opened
the door. And then Hajime's group came into view. The old instructor's eyes opened
wide and Randell who was sitting at the back raised a shocked voice 「Bya!?」 and his
body leaped up.
「 Randell, and then Sagesse-sensei too. Forgive me to disturb in the middle of the
lesson. The families of Hajime-san and everyone are coming to play so I'm thinking to
introduce them.」
「Wha-, the parents of the bastard!?」
「Truly! Then I have to give my greeting by all means.」
Sagesse-sensei showed pure surprise and delight, but Randell was obviously
showing vigilance other than surprise. It seemed that his agitation was great that the
way he called Hajime inside his heart came out from his mouth carelessly. Hajime and
co entered inside Randell's study room in groups. There was nothing particular inside
the room, even so Sumire and co ran their gaze inside the room curiously. And then,
Randell's state that was like a completely vigilant cat for some reason caused interested
attention to gather on him. Perhaps because he was in the middle of studying, Randell's
outfit was casual and simple. He didn't look formal at all, so he only looked like a cheeky
rascal. His look was that of a pretty boy just as expected from Liliana's little brother, that
he gave off a striking impression. Yue came forward like usual.
「 … … Everyone, the one you can see here is the next king of this country, the little
brother of Liliana, Randell-kun. She was head over heel toward Kaori for a period of
time, but the king of insensitivity Kaori unhesitatingly ignored him, and in the end
without any awareness she stabbed him messily with blades of words, reducing his first
love into misery.」
While Kaori quickly turned toward Yue and raised her voice, Randell-kun who got
various thing about himself exposed got stabbed by Yue's blades of words. His hands
pressed his chest, he groaned 「guhah」 while falling on all fours. Shizuku and others
who knew about the time that Yue mentioned smiled wryly, but the mothers went
「My!」 with their eyes sparkling from hearing the prince's first love story.
「Geez-, Yue, don't say strange thing! That's impolite toward his highness Randell! Even
though she was only looking up to me and Shizuku-chan who were close with Lily. Even
I wouldn't do anything terrible like ignoring him or anything! I thought of him like a
cute little brother who is a bit naughty!」
「Your highneeees! Get a hold of yourself! It's something that is over already isn't iiit!」
A further blow at this late from Kaori who still didn't notice Randell's feeling yet.
Everyone there thought. In various senses, it was you Kaori who was being rude.
「Hmmm. Should I be happy that a prince of a country fell in love with my daughter…….
Or else, should I feel indignation that pest will appear no matter where it is……」
「Dear. Before that we have to apologize to the prince first. If the situation was always
like that while he was taking care of everyone in this world here……it's just too much for
the prince.」
Shirasaki married couple. Although it was from different angle but they were also
made to worry about their daughter.
「Mu, Kaori's parents……. There is no need for concern.」
Prince Randell. Even though he was trembling like a baby deer that only just got
born, but he stood up by his own strength!
「 Let me introduce myself once more. I am a man who won't look back to the past!
Randell S B Heiligh! The next king of this Heiligh Kingdom!」
「No, your highness. I always taught you to please properly reflect on your past.」
Prince Randell threw out his chest proudly with a triumphant look. Something like
the accurate tsukkomi of Instructor Sagesse didn't mean anything for him. Anyway,
Sumire and co read the mood and gave applause 「Oo~」. The old instructor Sagesse
also introduced himself, after that Sumire and co also introduced themselves. When the
introduction was over, Sumire raised her hand 「Question!」 energetically asking for
permission to ask something. Prince Randell's vigilance was heightened. Somehow, it
looked like his silky blonde hair was standing on end.
「A, a question to me? Bri, bring it on. I won't run away! Come at me!」
「 Kufuu! Prince Randell is adorable――cough. Honorable prince! What do you think
about my son?」
It seemed that the voice of heart that leaked out at the first half was small and didn't
reach Randell. Randell didn't look particularly offended and his expression became
really complicated hearing the question at the later half.
「The basta――cough. Na, Nagumo, do-do-dono-, what do I think about him, is it……」
'He don't want to call his name by that much……?' While everyone was thinking that,
Randell was oddly sweating while desperately searching for words. And then, his gaze
glanced at the Hajime in question――
「Myu, Myuu! So you also came……」
It seemed that the shock and agitation from the arrival of Hajime and Kaori's
parents caused him to not notice Myuu who was behind Hajime. The prince's cheeks
were dyed red for some reason after seeing Myuu who showed her face suddenly from
behind Hajime.
「Randell~, long time no see nano~」
「Yo, you are still, talking like that toward meee~. I am the next king you know!?」
Myuu waved her hand repeatedly with friendly smile. In respond Prince Randell was
surprised again for some reason. His gaze darted around while he spoke frankly. Myuu
tilted her head cutely and asked.
「It's no good, nano?」
「Eh!? I, it's not no good but……」
「Then it's fine nano.」
「Bu, buuut, like it's too candid, or it cannot be shown in front of other people……in the
first place, I am the older one!」
It was common knowledge that Myuu was the beloved daughter of the demon king,
so hiding behind his position could be said as strange. And so, by making the fact that he
was older by four years old as good excuse, he used it as reason and spoke mumblingly
「 But, Lily-oneechan told Myuu, "Myuu-chan is more adult than Randell mentally
aren't you", you see nano.」
Liliana-san averted her gaze aside. The other people somehow guessed what kind of
feeling Randel harbored toward Myuu from his attitude, so the mothers got sparkling
eyes once more from the premonition of the prince's love, but other people were making
pitying expression that said 「 Again, really what a hardship he got 」 . Since just now
Myuu was staring at Randell with head tilted in puzzlement 'Just what do you want to
say?', Randell's calm was gradually disappearing against such Myuu. *Fidget fidget,
fidget fidget*. Perhaps unable to look on quietly, this time Kaoruko who loved shoujo
manga and love story asked a question with the intention of giving timely help to
「Say Myuu-chan. Is Myuu-chan close with his highness Randell?」
「Yep. We are friend nano!」
「Fri, friend……I'm a friend……」
Randell looked happy, or unsatisfied……. *Fidget fidget, fidget fidget*.
「 I seee, you two are friend. Your highness Randell, he look kind, and his age is also
close to Myuu-chan.」
'As expected from Kaori's mother! Are you a goddess!?' Randell's gaze seemed to
want to say that. As though in agreement, Myuu grinned cheerfully while nodding.
'Good. My time has come!' His expression also seemed to want to say that too. Kaoruko
who still only knew about Myuu from her daughter's hearsay knew that Myuu was a
child who loved her papa. But, she didn't know as far as the depth of that love. She was
thinking that it was like 「When I'm older, I'll become papa's wife~」 that a little child
would often say. She was thinking with common sense. And so, imagining the love
between a little girl in the city with a young prince, she spoke with sparkling eyes.
「I seee. Ufufu, could it be, perhaps there will be a future where Myuu-chan become a
queen. That's if you get even closer with his highness Randell, right?」
Randell's cheeks became bright red. He was about to say 「 Kaoruko-dono! Mo,
more than that is―― 」, but…… Myuu who seemed to guess the meaning of Kaoruko's
words spoke as though to pour cold water on it.
「There ain't such a future nano.」
Kaoruko and Prince Randell, their eyes turned into a dot together. Hajime and co
covered their eyes as though to say 「Oh dear~」, while the parents other than Sumire
and Shuu gazed in wonderment. That was understandable. After all, Myuu who was
always full of energy with wide smile on her face was now making a terribly serious face.
Kaoruko added on her words even while feeling shaken.
「Bu, but you are close with his highness Randell――」
Kaori tried to stop with 「O, Okaa-san, let's stop there」, but it was already too late.
The blades of words were fired once more.
「Myuu will marry papa.」
「You really like your papa aren't you? but, his highness Randell is also――」
「It's impossible.」
The serious faced Myuu. The serious heart that was conveyed to everyone whether
they wanted it or not. And then the resounding scream of heart.
「Your highneeess! Don't do anything rash!」
Randell-kun, he fell on all fours and said 「Again! It's you again! I realized it a bit
though! 」 while hitting the floor repeatedly. A really complicated atmosphere drifted
inside the room. Perhaps feeling responsible for that, Kaoruko was all flustered. Here
there was one thing. It was a well-known fact how Kaori had natural airheaded
characteristic inside her. It was her forte to drop explosive words without any
awareness, and she was also a maiden who just charged ahead. Now then, there was one
question. Who in the world she got those from? The answer was simple. In trying to help
the completely dejected prince somehow, Kaori's mama merciless stepped forward!
「Myuu-chan. Don't you think that his highness Randell is a cool boy? Perhaps――」
Kaoruko desperately tried to encourage Randell but,
Myuu bluntly asked back. Her face was absurdly puzzled! *Crack*, there was a
sound like a crack entering a glass. The sound came from around Randell's chest. Myuu
glanced at the wincing Kaoruko, then her gaze turned toward Hajime, after that her gaze
returned to Randell,
Myuu tilted her head and spoke once more. Inside Myuu, the definition of "cool
person" had been fixed along with the person for it. When she used that as the standard,
the prince crumbling down before her gaze was……it seemed her evaluation became
something like 「Somehow, he look unreliable, just what is cool from him?」. A painful
silence descended. Kaoruko was going 'Awawah' while turning a gaze that seemed to say
「Kaori, what to do? Okaa-san has really done it now」 toward her daughter. Certainly,
it seemed she had totally killed the prince's heart. Randell stood up while kept looking
down. And then, while everyone was watching over him, he was walking with brisk steps
until the door and he suddenly stood still. He opened his mouth without looking back.
「Sumire-dono, about your question before this……」
「Eh? Ah, yes.」
Sumire's gaze was unusually swimming around. 'I cannot find any word to say to
this young prince! I cannot endure being here!' Her state was like that. While everyone
was focusing on Randell with the same state, the young prince glared rigidly at Hajime
across his shoulder.
'Reach until the heaven!' A yell that seemed like it was let out with such intention
resounded inside the room. And then he ran out of the room. Behind him, Instructor
Sagesse suddenly returned to his senses with 'hah' and chased behind 「 YOUR
KNOOOOWWW-」. With amazing agility. Like *shutatatatatata-*. Odd atmosphere was
drifting inside the room as expected. The color of Kaoruko's face was bad from feeling
responsibility. But, it seemed Randell too had grown. After a while, from the other side
of the corridor, 「 But, not yet! It's still not over yet! I swear, I'll win without fail next
time! I'll beat up that bastard for sureeeeeeee- 」 such yell could be heard. It seemed
that his fighting spirit hadn't been broken yet.
「In a sense, your little brother is an interesting guy huh.」
「Haa, that child, geez. The way he fall in love, or something……」
Hajime grinned in amusement hearing Randell's war proclamation (?). Beside him,
Liliana thought of her little brother 's suffering disposition or nature. She was massaging
her head as though she got a headache. In the end, Hajime and others left the study
room that was left alone by its owner and they headed to the next place.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ③

After Randell burned his fighting spirit toward his second springtime of life while
running away to somewhere, Liliana showed around the group inside the palace.
Luluaria who was making preparation in great hurry would also finished soon around
this time, so they didn't go as far until the capital. Hearing that the knights were doing
morning training in this timing, right now they were heading to the training ground
especially because of the request from Shuuzou and Koichi knowing that they would be
able to see real knights of another world.
「The army of the kingdom in general is classified into soldier division, knight division,
and magician division. Among the knight division, there is even more classification into
kingdom knight order and imperial guard knight order. Right now it's the kingdom
knight order that is practicing in the training ground.」
Liliana was talking about such thing while on the way. The tour guide Yue was
resting. The reason was because she had no knowledge at all about something like the
organization of the kingdom's army. She had zero interest about it. The parent~s were
listening to the story with deep interest while going 'I see I see'. Their digital cameras
were already standing by. They were fully motivated to take photo together with the
knights. Sumire was asking Liliana with a gaze that was strangely filled with expectation.
「Lily-chan, is there female knight too ? Or perhaps, it's completely a male occupation
as expected?」
「Of course, there are also a lot of female knights. Or rather, the current knight order's
captain is a woman.」
「Myy-! Is that so!」
「Hou, a female knight order captain huh……hmm」
Sumire's eyes were shining extraordinarily with expectation. After her Shuu was also
making an expression that was excessively filled with expectation. Hajime was turning a
ve~ry exasperated gaze at his parents who were like that. He was their son so he
understood what they were thinking. They must be wanting to make a female knight
said 「Kuh, just kill me!」 anyway. Kirino was opening her mouth with a voice that was
filled with expectation, but from different point of view.
「As the captain, her strength must be number one in this country too isn't it? Amazing.
……I wish to have a bout with her by all means.」
「Okaa-san. Restrain yourself okay? If not I'll cut you down you know?」
Shizuku was directing a ve~ry exasperated gaze at her mother who served poison
when Hajime came to play at their house (at least, it was nonlethal) or trapped him with
a lot of playfulness. She understood what she was thinking because she was her
daughter. Hearing Kirino's words, Liliana made a bit of wry smile.
「 The person herself is frustrated that her strength still hasn't left the immature level
though. In the first place, she was the head of my exclusive royal guard, so her strength
is more than enough but……her predecessor might be just too great.」
「Hou, so the predecessor is that strong? I wish to meet that person too by all means.」
Shuuzou spoke his hope in the same line like Kirino. But hearing that, the
expression of Hajime and everyone immediately clouded. Especially Liliana and Kaori,
and then Shizuku and Aiko. Their expression looked sad, lonely, or perhaps nostalgic……
many emotions were contained complicatedly within their expression that couldn't be
expressed by few words. Starting from Shuuzou, the parents who didn't know about the
circumstance made dubious face. But, they immediately guessed it somehow. In order to
change the atmosphere that became slightly tense, Hajime opened his mouth while
getting a slightly distant look.
「 Meld Logins. The previous captain of the kingdom knight order. The man who
worried himself sick almost as much as Lily, no, in a sense it was even more that Lily, he
was thinking of us students who were summoned here. In the term of pure sword skill,
until the very end even Amanogawa whose spec as hero was cheat level wasn't a match
for him. He was a man who was authentically the kingdom's strongest.」
He was a splendid man without compare whether in spirit, personality, or strength.
Those words of praise were without exaggeration. Even Sumire and Shuu were holding
their breath in surprise at Hajime's rare words and attitude. Kaori and Shizuku
continued after him while immersing themselves in memory.
「For us, he was a person who was like a big brother whose age was slightly separated
from us. He was reliable, and when he was at our side we could feel really assured.」
「 For us who didn't know left from right after getting summoned here, he was our
heart's support. Not just Kouki, I too am wondering whether I can match him in pure
sword skill even now……. I wanted him to see, just how strong we have become.」
Aiko looked up to the ceiling while speaking with a small smile tugged on her lips.
「 I was a bit jealous toward that person. It was like all the students were relying on
Meld-san rather that someone like me.」
And then, Liliana added more words while looking straight forward.
「 He was without a doubt, this country's pillar. Unfortunately, he lost his life in the
middle of the terrifying scheme that assaulted this kingdom……even now, there are a lot
people who idolized him, the man called Meld Logins. He is the one who is "a knight
among knights", "the symbol of kingdom knight" they said. Even Kuzeri who was the
present knight captain idolized him very much……」
She compared her current self with Meld. Because she knew about how large he was.
Shuuzou spoke his request once more with a quiet expression.
「If it won't be a problem, I wish to be allowed to offer a prayer in front of his grave by
all means……」
Looking closer, the other parents also asked for the same thing if it was for the
person who had done that much for their children. Liliana's expression became a bit
「There is a hero memorial monument. But, previously the monument was in the style
of being engraved directly onto the rock surface of god mountain but, it was lost because
the mountain was destroyed like that, so right now a new hero memorial monument is
in the middle of construction at the center of the capital. The name of Meld Logins has
been inscribed there at the very least, will everyone be fine with that?」
「Mu? Is there no custom of cemetery or erecting individual gravestone in this world?」
「 There is. Rather, that is the norm. In fact, the cemetery that got dragged into the
capital's destruction has been repaired to a certain degree. We cannot neglect it after
Shuuzou and everyone's expression turned dubious once more hearing Liliana
explaining with hesitant tone. They could guess that Liliana surely attended to the
maintenance of the cemetery in really early stage in consideration for the emotion of the
living and their feeling that was grieving for the dead. And yet, why was she unable to
guide them to the graveyard of the people who sacrificed themselves for the country……
Shuuzou and everyone tilted their head in puzzlement. The one who gave them the
answer was Hajime, the cause of it.
「As expected, there is still not enough leeway for them to repair the graveyard that has
no bodies in it while putting off the reconstruction of the capital. When the
reconstruction of the capital has progressed to a certain degree, the gravestones for
those people should be next in line.」
「 No bodies? That's……I see, so their body still hasn't been found. The removal of the
rubbles is still――」
「No, it's because I turned their body into mince meat with gatling railgun.」
A painful silence descended. Even Sumire and Shuu gulped their saliva 「Nnguh」
hearing that. The hearts of the parents were as one. That was, 「Just now, you praised
him as a great man right!? What do you mean you turned such person into mince
meat!?」. The parents were staring hard at Hajime hearing the shocking truth that was
spoken casually. Hajime went 「Aa~」. He was a bit at loss for words while speaking
out the insufficient words――the shocking truth part II.
「 Including Meld, a lot of the kingdom's knights and soldiers were already died and
turned into manipulated puppets. The culprit was a girl from our class. Ah, Meld was
killed by god's apostle though. Then, they were tenacious because they were already
dead, so turning them into mince meat was the quickest and surest way. After all, that
time Shizuku and others were attacked and fell into a pinch. So, well, the biggest reason
was because Kaori got killed and I snapped though.」
「Wait a secooondd!? What do you mean that my angel got killed!?」
Tomoichi-san's eyes opened wide. It was already shocking enough that a girl
classmate killed a lot of soldiers and turned them into puppet, but getting told that
「Your daughter died once」 was a shock that Tomoichi couldn't overlook. Of course,
Kaoruko was also losing her self-control, saying 「I, I've never heard of that! Kaori!」.
Kaori's gaze was darting around.
「Eeerr. I didn't say it because I thought that you two would just worry, but actually my
heart got stabbed, like 'pusu-'」
The light Kaori-san who apologized 「 Sorry I didn't mention it 」 with an
embarrassed laugh 'tehe-'. Kaoruko staggered on her feet before Sumire supported her.
Tomoichi's gaze was directed to Hajime, questioning him just what happened. Hajime
nodded deeply as though to say 'That's exactly like I feel'.
「 Please rest assured, Tomoichi-san. Whether it's the god's apostle, or the guy who
killed Kaori, I had properly murdered them.」
「Thank you very much! But, that's not what I want to ask right now!」
His beloved daughter who grew angel wings after missing for a long time before
returning home. 'Don't tell me, she became angel because she had ascended to heaven
once!? Any side effect!? Will she go back to heaven!?' Tomoichi demanded for
explanation while getting half-panicked.
「 Ca, calm down Otou-san! Okaa-san too, hang in there! I'm all right! See, it was
Hajime-kun and others, they revived me back to life. Look, it was soul magic that I had
showed before. Using that you see, certainly I got only my soul transferred into the body
of god's apostle, but right now I'm living inside my authentic body, that's why, okay?」
「Bu, but there is actually angel wings growing……」
「That's from metamorphosis magic. I got Yue to cooperate to make it so I can turn into
apostle even in my original body, that's all.」
「I, I see……」
After Shizuku and others also explained together about the detail of the situation of
that time, the shock from the incident "Hajime-san turning someone he respected into
mince meat" somehow got settled down too. Sumire and others looked at each other's
face, their expressions were clouded from realizing anew that the situation was just that
terrible at that time.
「 However, Hajime-kun. From Shizuku's story, at that time that devil race army were
invading in great number right? It's amazing that this kingdom was safe while the
classmates were in such situation, where even Kaori-chan was in that kind of danger.」
'I had heard the story to a certain degree but……', Koichi groaned while stroking his
chin. After going back to earth, Shizuku talked about Hajime in order to narrate the
heroic tale, so he had learned of the method that Hajime took, but when the story of a
person that actually died got mixed into it, it felt even more real. Because the feeling of
realness was appearing like that, the story about how Hajime repelled an army of ten
thousands felt even more unreal instead.
「Hmm, then how about thou hath a look?」
Tio took out some kind of small crystal plate from her Treasure Warehouse. Its size
was exactly the same like an SD card, but its material was an ore that was like water
colored crystal. This was a medium artifact that recorded the image of the past that was
projected using regeneration magic. Tio set it into her own smartphone. And then, she
operated it with a practiced hand movement and projected the image into empty air like
a hologram.
「The image of the training ground at that time wouldst be a bit too stimulating, so I
will project it from when Goshujin-sama repelled the devil army.」
The projected scene――the orb that Hajime lifted up shined brilliantly, then right
after that, a pillar of light was fired from the sky. The world was dyed white. The impact
shook the atmosphere, it felt like it could be felt even from through the image. The
monsters running about in panic. The devils who were looking dumbfounded at the
approaching light pillar. Everything got *chudon* altogether. The devil army was
vanishing, as though an eraser was rubbed on a paper that was lightly painted out using
pencil. Everyone's face was twitching watching that.
「I, it's truly a magnificent CG huh?」
Tomoichi-san tried to escape reality.
「It's live filming though?」
Tio-san thrust the reality forward. The parent~s leaked out weird moan 「Uboa」
「 Hajime! Don't use it on earth okay! Absolutely don't! Promise Tou-san! You
absolutely, absolutely must――」
「 Nagumo Shuuu!! That's why I'm telling you to stop speaking jokingly! It's seriously
not funny at allll!」
As expected from the demon king's papa-sama. Even after seeing a scene of nearly
ten thousand monsters and devils got erased with his own eyes, he was a man who
would still run a gag. It wasn't funny just as Tomoichi said, so he grasped Shuu;s collar
and shook him back and forth. The atmosphere that was stiffening from the continuous
shock was slightly loosened by such act of the two. Hajime gazed at Shuu and Tomoichi
who were quarreling and he made a slightly grateful smile. It was a faint smile, but it
seemed it was enough for Shuu and Tomoichi who glanced aside at him. Shuu winked
slightly, while Tomoichi snorted slightly and continued the quarrel.
「……Nn. Hajime.」
「Ou. Tio too, thanks.」
「I think it's also not something to be intentionally showed though, Goshujin-sama.」
Hajime smiled at Yue who was looking up fixedly at him and he also thanked Tio
who was acting just like he instructed through telepathy. Yes, Tio showed the recording
just now was from Hajime's instruction. As expected, he avoided showing the gruesome
actual scene as it was in consideration of everyone's degree of mental tolerance, but he
wanted to show Sumire and Shuu what he did even if just a part of it. Because even
though they were making ruckus of 'erlf, erlf', it should be certain that the two of them
wanted to know about the path Hajime had taken. And then, Shuu's speech and conduct
was an implied message of 「 It's all right 」 to his son. It was the expression of his
feeling as a parent, that he would accept his son properly and that he was glad his son
would show that to him. What was unexpected, was how Tomoichi too seemed to
understand and got onboard with Shuu's conduct. That must be the implicit declaration
of his intention that said 「I won't reject you」.
Thinking normally, even if it was in a unique situation of being in the middle of war,
putting aside the monsters, a lot of "people" were killed there. No one would be able to
blame Tomichi even if he showed even stronger refusal. Looking closer, it wasn't just
Shuu and Tomoichi, even Kaoruko, everyone of Yaegashi family, and Akiko didn't show
anything like refusal. Even if they showed him feeling of terror or refusal, Hajime
wouldn't feel regret or necessity to change what he had done, he didn't even intend to, so
he planned to silently accept it in case that happened but……
「 Let me say my gratitude once more. Hajime-kun. I'm thankful that you brought
Shizuku home. In that kind of situation, without you there, whether our daughter could
be here at our side like this right now or not is……」
Following Shuuzou's words, Koichi and Kirino nodded at Hajime. Kaoruko and Aiko
also seemed to feel the same.
「……No. I was only doing what I want to do.」
Hajime only answered like that with few words. Hajime wasn't an ally of justice. He
didn't fight for any reason like "to save his classmates". Everything was for the sake of
forcing down all the unreasonableness this world thrust before him right from the front.
Merely for the sake of showing that he wouldn't bend his knee or pull back even for an
instant. And so, being thanked for saving their child felt really uncomfortable for him.
「 Hmph. What's with that face. ……For us, our child is the most important thing. The
child of our family, Kaori, you brought her back home for us. That's why, I'm thankful as
a parent. Just accept it honestly.」
――Rather than other people's death, our son's safety is far more important.
The words that Shuu once said right after Hajime went home were resurrected in his
mind. Perhaps parent was that kind of person in the end. Hajime thought that when he
saw Tomoichi's displeased look that might be him hiding his bashfulness. When his gaze
looked around, whether it was Kaoruko, or Akiko, or Shuuzou, Koichi, or even Kirino,
they all nodded with gentle expression. Hajime awkwardly scratched his cheek while he
answered「……Yes」 to Tomoichi's words. A quiet, gentle atmosphere filled the area.
Their legs had stopped moving, so they resumed walking without anyone in particular
prompting it. And then, Liliana opened her mouth to tell everyone that they would soon
arrive at the training ground. She was going to speak with bright voice to change the
atmosphere a bit, it was then,
「Everyone, over there is――」
A scream that sounded like it was piercing from the bottom of earth to the heaven
resounded! It was a joyful yell that was like a beast overflowing with delight and zeal!
Shizuku leaked out「Ugeh!?」 voice that was unbecoming for a young lady. Right after
that, someone broke through the corridor's window and sprang out in front of the group.
Even though that silhouette was wearing knight helmet and armor, it leaped up with
unbelievable agility. That figure was exactly that of a Lupi○ Dive!
「Onee-samaaa! I wanted to meet y――」
A single shout. Shizuku also leaped toward that person who was coming in Lupi○
Dive. And then, she rotated midair and caught the head of the diving person between
both her legs, then without pause Shizuku twisted her body to knock the person onto the
「 Hou! That's Yaegashi-style TaijutsuMartial Art – The Third Secret
Technique――RyuugatsuiDragon Fang Fall!」
「Maginificent, Shizuku! Your skill improved again!」
「Oh my. Shizuku, since when!」
Her family was joyful. Even though this was where they should worry about the
opponent who got her head struck on the hard stone floor with a force that cracked the
「Hah!? Oh no. I unconsciously shot her down……. Wait you, are you okay?」
Shizuku was a bit flustered while addressing that person whose forehead was
pushed down on the floor with her butt stopped moving in the pose of pointing to the
ceiling. Then,
「 But of course-, Onee-sama! To be able to receive affection the first thing right after
our reunion, it made me completely wet from the happiness!」
「Ah, right, as expected you're all right. ……I wonder why there is no damage……」
The female knight stood up in a flash as though nothing had happened. Her temple
was just turning a bit red, but there was no sign that she was even concussed. 'This is
only natural for those who are worthy to become a step little sister of the secret society
"Soul Sisters"!' She was making a face that seemed to express that, but if it was ordinary
person their consciousness would undoubtedly get sent to dream land, or perhaps their
forehead would split and blood would go *spurt~*. 'Just who in the world this girl is?'
While the parents were puzzled like that, tour guide Yue-san whose turn finally arrived
stepped forward.
「…… Even this world is infested by the self proclaimed "stepsistersSoul Sisters" who
idolized Shizuku as "Onee-sama". This is one of those vermins. Or rather, she is their
Just from that explanation, everyone immediately got it saying 「Aa, a stepsister girl
huh」. Shizuku was bewildered saying 「You all get it with that explanation!?」.
「Muh, so Hajime-sama is also together like usual. ……Tonight is a night of new moon I
「Oi, rotten knight. So what if it's "a night without moonlight" huh?」
The female knight whistled *pyu~ pyupyu~* while facing aside. Hajime sighed at
the stepsistersassassins who existed everywhere, watching vigilantly for an opportunity
to prey upon his life no matter in which world he was. Tour guide Yue-san gave
supplementary explanation of the female knight's career history.
「 … … She was once a royal guard of Lily, but when there is a man who approach
Shizuku, ‘then it ain't matter whether they are his majesty the emperor or whoever!’ She
would attempt to cause abnormal status effect using darkness element magic as though
to declare that. Demotion upon demotion was piled up on her, however, she is a
valorous person with nonexistent sign of introspection. By the way, her prank magic is
truly excellent.」
It was an unexpected praise from the prodigy of magic Yue. And then, everyone let
out a dry laugh at such personality that was beyond help and her expertise in such good-
for-nothing magic. A certain kohaijunior-chan at earth was also like this but, it was a
wonder why Shizuku's self-proclaimed little sisters were all nothing but people with
strong peculiarity like this……
「Sheesh Shizuku, there are nothing but funny kids who idolized you isn't it?」
「Kaori-chan is also a funny kid in a sense after all.」
「Eh!? Koichi-ojiisan!? You thought of me in the same category with that person!? I'm
plainly shocked here!」
「Oi Koichi! Don't lump my angel together with this kind of strange creature!」
「Just now, I got a feeling that I was disrespected very naturally by Kaori-sama and an
unknown gentleman though……」
The female knight was slowly, gradually approaching Shizuku even while saying
such thing. 'It ain't matter who is watching! I will dive into Onee-sama's chest no matter
what!' Such desire wasn't hidden at all. Naturally, Shizuku was also slowly backing away,
trying to hide behind Hajime. 'Kuh, as expected there is no other choice but to bring
carnage here huh', thinking that, the female knight glared at Hajime while entering
battle preparation. She was going to activate a darkness element magic to make it so
that a lot of flies would fly around annoyingly around the eyes, it was then,
「Gee!? Captain!?」
The one who came running in full speed with a look that resembled Hannya noh
mask was the present captain of kingdom knight order who was mentioned in the topic
before this――Kuzeri Rail, that person. From her intelligent eyes, her tight eyebrows
and lips, she was undoubtedly a beauty. Her straight blonde hair was let down freely
while it was slightly split to the left side from the center, but her figure when she
brushed up her hair with one hand often fascinated the knights. The demonic look of
such woman gave a lot of impact. It was to the degree that Liliana who should be used to
seeing it unconsciously raised a scream 「Hiih!?」.
The female knight immediately attempted an escape. But, the captain-sama showed
an astounding acceleration! The female knight's escape route was cut off! The female
knight tried to further struggle in vain, but Captain Kuzeri launched a magnificent body
blow without hesitation! *Zudon-* Along with a sound that was like a cannon firing, the
female knight's body floated. 「 Uboa 」 Such groan leaked out. Looking closer, the
knight armor that should be of the highest quality was dented with a fist shape. The
female knight fell on her knees on the spot. Ignoring her, Captain Kuzeri faced Hajime
and co with a pale expression. And then, she bowed her head in a flash with a vigor that
made one wonder whether she planned to even head butt the floor.
「Everyone! My subordinate has been extremely disrespectful!」
The captain-sama looked as though 'I'm not gonna raise my head no matter what
until I'm forgiven!'.
「 Aa~, it wasn't like she did actual harm, and even if she tried there won't be any
problem so don't mind it.」
'That's why you can raise your head', Hajime said as in the place of everyone else
who was still looking with wide open eyes at the sudden happening. Captain Kuzeri
timidly and slowly raised her head.
「 However, this is this fellow we are talking about. If Shizuku-dono is present with
Hajime-done beside her, without a doubt she would try to attempt some kind of
「Well, you stopped her just before she could.」
「My deepest apologies!」
The head that was almost lifted up moved toward the ground once more in a
standing dogeza posture. It was amazing flexibility she got there. At this rate, it felt like
the captain-sama who didn't do anything bad would continue to lower her head forever,
so the other people also called out encouragingly to Captain Kuzeri unanimously.
Captain Kuzeri kept shrinking down in shame. Different from the broadminded Meld, it
seemed she was a diligent and worrywart type of a person. This time too, Kuzeri
received a notice from Hellina about the arrival of Hajime and co along with their family
to play. As the knight captain, she came here to give them brief greeting, but when she
arrived, she found a subordinate who shouldn't be here, so then she charged forward
while feeling stomachache. After Captain Kuzeri who was pardoned greeted them
respectfully, she faithfully asked for permission 「 Please allow me to take a bit of
time」, then she glared fiercely at the female knight who had recovered without anyone
「You, why are you here!?」
「Because Onee-sama is here!」
The female knight saluted smartly while sending a gaze that seemed to say 'Why are
you asking such an obvious question?'. *Biki-* Blood vein emerged on Captain Kuzeri's
「I'm not asking that kind of thing! You, what about Kouki-dono!?」
Hearing that Liliana raised her voice 「Ah, now that you mentioned it! 」. Hajime
and co made a questioning expression, wondering what was the relationship between
the female knight and Kouki. Liliana explained it simply. So to speak, while Kouki was
being active in Tortus, in order to silence the people who said various things about it, a
knight would accompany him as an observer as well as support, and this female knight
was the one who received that duty. Everyone looked at the female knight, thinking that
perhaps Kouki was also returning to the capital. But for some reason she looked
triumphant and,
「 I got the hunch that Onee-sama would be summoned soon, so I returned here
She said that. While sending a gaze that seemed to say 「I want to be praised, Onee-
sama!」 toward Shizuku. An illusion of dog tail wagging around could be seen behind
「This stupid idiot!」
*Zudon-*, Kuzeri Blow exploded once more. This time it was a splendid heart break
shot. A fist shaped dent similar like before was made in the armor at the heart position.
The female knight said 「My, my heart……it, feels like it will stoopp 」 with pale face
and staggered feet. The impact of the heart break shot seemed to cause irregular pulse in
her heart.
「 In other words, you left Kouki-dono behind! The current him will immediately act
recklessly! I should have commanded you to support him attentively on top of observing
「E, err, ca, captaiiin. My, my heart is……」
「Listen here, your duty this time was something Liliana-sama decided in consideration
of you who kept causing nothing but trouble, so that you who are actually skilled and
also accomplished won't need to quit being a knight!」
「I, I am thankful……bu, but, before that, my, my heart is……sto, stopp――」
「Even I don't actually want to fire your or anything. I know you very well since you still
belonged to the royal guard. You are someone who can do it if you try. I thought that if
you leave the capital to travel together with Kouki-dono and work for the sake of society
and people, you will recover back yourself slightly. Even you yourself, weren't you
brimming with motivation before departing, saying "I will bloom the second time at the
central for sure!"? That's why I――」
The female knight's face was pale. Foam was bubbling from her mouth, and light
was vanishing from her eyes. 'Eh? Could this be something plainly bad?' Liliana and
others were flustered. Even Hajime was saying 「 I, is she okay? 」 while looking
alternately at the captain and the female knight.
「Eei! What are you doing sleeping like that! Listen to what I'm saying properly!」
*Zudon-* A second heart break shot for today. The fist shaped dent on the heart
position became deeper. At the same time, 「 Gahah!? 」 the female knight breathed
again. 「Eh? Just now, I thought I saw Captain Meld desperately telling me to go back
from the other side of the river…… 」 She then murmured something terrifying. The
captain-sama who could freely move and stop the heart of her subordinate cleared her
throat once and then gave an order once more.
「Anyway, this duty is something important even for you too. If you understand, then
quickly return to where Kouki-dono is!」
「I firmly protest, captain!」
「Because that bastard, he was loitering at the north mountain range area for three days
without eating or sleeping you know! I cannot accompany that kind of man whose
thought is filled with "holy precinct's monster absolutely kill"!」
「You, do you understand the meaning of order? No one will recognize your rejection!」
「Respect of fundamental human right! It will!」
「Annoying! Who cares just go back! I'll fire you for sure this time if you don't!」
「Bring it on! I have resolved myself to follow Onee-sama from here on!」
'No, even if you resolved yourself like that I won't accept it you know?' Shizuku
immediately insisted that, but the female knight only showed an unshakeable
determination. Seeing her like that, something sparkling was starting to gather at the
corner of Captain Kuzeri's eyes.
「……I can't do this anymore.」
The dignified and strong knight order captain-sama's spirit was in the verge of
breakin! The female knight who threw out her chest stubbornly, and the completely
exhausted captain-sama…… While a really odd atmosphere was ruling over the place,
Hajime moved while letting out a sigh. He confirmed something with the compass in
one hand, then he approached the female knight briskly.
「Mu? What is it, Hajime-dono?」
「For now, not just the captain but Shizuku is also troubled with you being here, so go
back to the mountain.」
A gate was opened. Hajime grasped the female knight's collar violently. And then,
the female knight who was bewildered 「Wha, what are you doing!?」 was tossed away
by Hajime into the other side of the gate――thrown away at the air above the place
where Kouki was at, the "north mountain range area". From the other side of the closed
gate, 「ONEE-SAMAAAA-, II'LL BEE~ BAA~~CK!」 such shriek could be heard. But,
it immediately became quiet.
「Anyway, I sent her to Amanogawa's place. Even if she returns here it will take a while.
Well, look, those soul sisters bunch, I think you will be quite used to them if treat them
while thinking that they are that kind of creature. So get a hold of yourself okay?」
「Ha, Hajime-donooo. I'm grateful for your consideratiooon」
As fellow people who were similarly troubled by soul sisters, Hajime spoke to Kuzeri
with a bit of sympathetic feeling. For some reason Kuzeri spoke her thanks to him with
tears of gratitude. In front of Hajime and co who thought that she was a bit
exaggerating, Kuzeri started talking while making eyes that looked like dead fish.
「 Really, I really don't know anymore, just what should I do with her……. A knight
captain who is toyed by a single subordinate, in the end can someone like that be called
as captain? Besides, the reconstruction is currently going on so I have anticipated it but,
dispute keep happening without end……. Besides my subordinates were also frenzied as
though they were triggered by those, perhaps they were venting their emotion that they
cut loose while in their day off, but they did it too much that complaints came from the
people……. If they wouldn't change after I talked to them, I would beat them up
thoroughly but, for some reason recently there were several people who got happy from
that treatment instead……. How can they translate getting punched as "reward" in their
mind? It's impossible for me to comprehend. Vice Captain Komold too, he would try to
cut corners when I took off my eyes from him just for a bit……. And yet that guy only has
popularity……. As I thought it's impossible for me to succeed after Logins-sama――」
「I, I see. I understand that you have been piling up various stress, so calm down a bit.
It's no good if the knight captain cry in front of people right?」
「 My apologies. I received kind words and consideration after so long so I
Captain Kuzeri wiped her eyes clean with her sleeve. Everyone's gazes were filled
with a lot of sympathy. And then, Hajime naturally turned from Captain Kuzeri toward
「Say Lily.」
「To, to think that Kuzeri's stress is accumulating by this much……」
Liliana was letting out cold sweat saying 「 Perhaps I worked her too much 」 .
Certainly, at the present situation where the reconstruction was going on, there was a
mountain of problem even just within the kingdom. And then, the knight order was
dispatched to take care of a lot of those problems. Certainly it would be very difficult for
Captain Kuzeri who was taking supreme command of the knight order. Simply beating
up everyone just like in war time also wasn't a good thing to do. Especially when it was a
problem related with the beastmen who they were finally able to start the process of
tying friendship with, she would have to act considerately to deal with that.
「What about the bunch in the church? The new pope should be handling the situation
well right?」
「……Right now he is in the middle of provincial tour. The lightness of his footwork, it's
as expected from his excellency the pope of the reborn holy church but……」
「It's a bit too light huh……」
The pope whose role wouldn't be an exaggeration even if it was called as governing
over the peace of people's heart was in the middle of a trip. Surely the pressure on
Captain Kuzeri doubled from that. Perhaps her subordinates consisting of only broken
people was also a factor that drove her to the wall. Kuzeri who took command while
fighting in the front line at that legendary decisive battle wasn't getting looked down by
her subordinates by any means. Rather, they trusted her at the same level like Meld or
perhaps even more. In contrast of the macho "big bro" Meld, Kuzeri should be called as
"big sis" who gave heartfelt consideration instead. A part of her subordinates was
consisted of broken people perhaps could be said as similar like the soul sisters' attitude
toward Shizuku.
Naturally, such captain that had attained deep trust like that from the subordinates
was an existence that they kingdom couldn't continue without, especially right now
when the kingdom's foundation wasn't solid. Captain Kuzeri was too overworked in
various meaning that she almost broke down, but if she actually broke down for real,
then Liliana would have her soul slipping out from her body after that without doubt.
Seeing Captain Kuzeri who looked somewhat down and Liliana who was in a dither
wondering what to say to such Kuzeri, Hajime scratched his head.
「Captain. I'll give you this. Even in this work environment that is like a black company,
it should become a bit better with this. Don't lose against the soul sisters and the
deviants……live strong.」
What Hajime offered was a broach with crimson jewel fitted into it. Captain Kuzeri
instinctively accepted it, then immediately after, her eyes snapped wide open because
she felt her body getting light as though she was floating.
「 It's an artifact filled with things like regeneration magic, soul magic, well, there are
various things. Exhaustion recovery, mind stabilizer, limit break, regeneration
acceleration, beautiful skin effect……there is no harm in wearing it.」
「I, I cannot receive such amazing thing!」
「 It will be a disaster if captain snap and stop functioning right now. Just accept it
without reservation. You can just think of it as the husband of your black hearted boss
sending you refreshment in her place.」
'Who are you calling a black hearted boss!' Liliana almost raised a protesting voice,
but she was the person in charge of the work environment that driven the knight captain
that she almost burst into tears, so she held her tongue 'muguu'. And then, the captain-
sama who was gifted with a healing artifact…… She casted her gaze down while her hand
kept grasping the broach tightly, and somehow her body started trembling slightly, then
「I offer my sword to you-! My lord!」
She said such thing unexpectedly while kneeling. Her eyes that were clouded from
anxiety were sparkling bright. Liliana complained 「Offering your sword like that is no
good right!? Your lord is me you know!? 」, but Captain Kuzeri's gaze didn't leave the
demon king. While everyone's gazes were concentrated to Hajime, Hajime showed a
pondering gesture for a bit, then he suddenly took out the list he received from Hellina
before this and began to jut down some kind of memo. And then, he cracked a smile,
「 Let's have talkinterview slowly next time. But for now, do your best in your job as
「My lord!」
Kuzeri bowed her head happily, then she said 「 Then I will return to my work!
About the training, please, watch to your heart's content! 」, gave a bow with briskness
that was incomparable to when she first arrived before returning. The dumbfounded
Liliana suddenly returned to her senses with 'hah'.
「 Eh, what's this? What is the talk that Hajime-san mentioned!? Don't tell me, you
aren't satisfied with just Hellina, now you are planning to reach your hand to even
「That sounds bad to other people's ear. I was just thinking to have conversation with
her about change of occupati――cough-. About improvement of her work environment,
that's all.」
「 You said change of occupation just now! Where is Hajime-san planning to transfer
「You are misunderstanding I'm telling you. Well, it won't be anything bad for Liliana
so it's fine.」
「For some reason I feel worried though……」
At this time Liliana didn't even dream that a few years later Kuzeri would change
occupation into the demon king's maid at earth. 'Even at another world, black place will
be black huh', Shuuzou and co made a bitter expression toward the tough world, while
Tomoichi sent a sharp gaze to Hajime that said 「 Are you planning to add more
woman!? 」 , Sumire and Shuu were saying 「 Damn it! We forgot to ask her to say
『Kuh, kill me!』 just now!」 in vexation, and Yue and co were sending puzzled gaze at
Hajime wondering just what he was scheming this time. Amidst all those,
「Everyone, Luluaria-sama's preparation is finished.」
Hellina who came beside them unnoticed told them that.
「Nn-. Hajime-san, I will have you explain in full later okay? Well then everyone, I will
introduce you all to Okaa-sama. Please come over here.」
After reminding Hajime firmly, Liliana guided the group toward where her mother

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ④

The place Hellina led Hajime and others at was a small garden in the palace. There
was no various flowers blooming profusely or trees that were artistically pruned like the
previous garden. It also had no size that was ideal for small children to play hide-and-
seek. However, it was a garden that was vaguely giving a gentle atmosphere that blew
refreshing cool breeze that calmed down the heart that was continuously blazing with
zeal for the country’s restoration. Hajime and others sat surrounding pure white long
table that was placed in the middle of such garden. A bright voice that invited jovialness
was resounding with tea and sweets in front of them.
「My, Sumire-sama. If you speak more than that, Hajime-done won’t be able to recover
The one who was elegantly speaking with a pleasant, high-pitched sound while
placing her hand in front of her mouth was Liliana in ten more years……it was a
beautiful woman who could be mistaken like that. Luluaria S B Heiligh――she was
Liliana’s mother and the current queen dowager of this Heiligh Kingdom. This year she
would become 34 years old, but her figure sitting side by side with Liliana at the head of
the long table looked like they were sisters. She was clad in gentle and kind atmosphere
that was similar with Liliana. Although, unlike Liliana, perhaps because she was a queen
she was overflowing with grace and dignity that ought to be expressed as the lady among
lady. With the death of the king of the kingdom, her husband Eliheid, the destruction of
the capital, and then the matters related to the reconstruction, her heart and body were
exhausted from all the hectic situations. She looked thinner compared to before, that
was why she was really looking forward to the future of her daughter Liliana.
「What are you saying Luluaria-sama. My son will be your son-in-law, so there are a lot
more things that I want you to know about――」
「Kaa-san, just be silent already.」
Hajime’s entreating voice interrupted the words of Sumire who was going to
continue talking gleefully. Sumire sent him a dissatisfied looking gaze that said 「Even
though it will be the good place from now 」. Ahead of her gaze there was the figure of
Hajime lying face down on the table with an atmosphere like he was wounded all over
for some reason.
「 Even if there are things that her majesty the queen should know about, it’s not my
black history by all means.」
Yes, after they finished with self-introduction and idle talk, Luluaria asked about
how Hajime was at his home. Since then until now Sumire kept talking about Hajime’s
black history――how he tried to fire Kame○meha at the garden while yelling in high
spirit when he was a child, how he was feeling that he was being targeted by a
mysterious organization when he was in elementary school, how he wouldn’t stop
playing game until he collapsed forward while sitting down when he was in middle and
high school. In the middle Hajime tried to intercept, but Shuu intercepted the intercept.
Furthermore, the wive~s who were eager to know about Hajime in the past no matter
what it was about blocked Hajime using all the skill that they had, so in the end Sumire
kept talking until Hajime’s soul was slipping out from his mouth. Like that, seeing the
maids who were desperately holding back their laughter and Hajime who looked like his
soul was going to leave his body because of the demon king’s unexpectedly, cute (she
wouldn’t say it was painful no matter what) past that they heard from his mother,
Luluaria finally extended a helping hand for Hajime. Luluaria nonchalantly changed the
topic even while smiling joyfully. The demon king-sama sent her a grateful gaze as
though he was looking at messiah!
「Nevertheless, it’s a relief to know that Sumire-sama and Shuu-sama are kind people.
Everyone else are also good people that surpassed my imagination. Now I don’t have any
doubt about the happiness of my daughter’s future.」
「Oh no, that’s really exaggerating……not!」
「Ha-ha-ha-, I’ll warmly welcome a good child like Lily-chan!」
Sumire-mama and Shuu-papa weren’t timid at all even when it was a queen they
were talking to. Even though Tomoichi and the others shrunk back timidly from the
overflowing grace and dignity of the queen when she introduced herself, these two were
the only one whose eyes brightened right from the start. An encounter! With the
seriously real queen of another world! Thank you lord, thank you! That was how they
were acting. It went without saying that the expression of Luluaria was slightly
convulsing seeing that. Tomoichi opened his mouth a bit reservedly.
「 About that……your majesty, you don’t feel any dissatisfaction or anything that your
daughter‘s partner has relationship with other women?」
「Wait, dear」
Kaoruko elbowed her husband chidingly. Kaori was looking at her father with her
eye pupils contracting into a dot. Tomoichi-san was trickling out sweats like waterfall.
Luluaria perceived the feeling of a father from such Tomoichi and she answered while
making a small smile.
「From the beginning, people with high social status are often surrounded with mistress
or lover, and when it come to royalty and nobility, it’s something natural to accept
mistress. My husband――Eliheid didn’t have a concubine was a rare case.」
「Ugh……I see, certainly there is an image that royalty and nobility are like that.」
Tomoichi nodded with a bitter expression. It was hard for him to accept. Even
though he was thinking that perhaps he could increase his ally with Luluaria, something
like ‘How can my daughter not be the first wife when she is a princess!’……. It was
completely obvious that he was thinking such thing. Hannya-san stand b~y. A strange
aura was rising from Kaori who was staring with her pupils contracting into dot. The
smile of Luluaria who was sensing the habitual quarrel of father and daughter was
deepening further, and then she gently caressed the head of Liliana who was sitting
beside her.
「 Originally, this child has no freedom to marry based on love. A marriage that isn’t
useful to the country’s interest is against the duty as royalty. Such thing cannot be
recognized no matter what.」
It was a sense of value that wouldn’t be found in the modern age Japan. Tomichi
and others unconsciously held their breath hearing Luluaria who was sternly asserting
that without dressing it up.
「But, fortunately my daughter fall in love with “the godslaying demon king”, and that
feeling is accepted. The love and country interest coexist in this case, and not just that
it’s a peerlessly good opportunity that cannot be matched by any other. Even if she
doesn’t become the first wife, there is no reason to object at all. That is just how great an
existence Hajime-dono is for this world.」
Hajime who was the godslaying demon king and the savior of the world in the
common recognition of Tortus’s people had the standing that was above the royalty of
any country. Therefore, even if a princess only became his concubine or even just a
mistress, that would be an unequalled honor and fortune……that was the thinking of the
people in this world. Putting aside Tomoichi who was making a difficult expression,
Luluaria continued 「Besides……」.
「This child went through a lot of hardships because of my worthlessness. As a mother,
I want her to go to the side of a gentleman that she love without being concerned of
something like the country’s interest.」
「O, Okaa-sama isn’t worthless. I have never thought that I went through hardships!」
Luluaria looked apologetic from the bottom of her heart. Liliana gripped her hand
tightly while responding with words of denial. Certainly, it was Liliana who was publicly
grasping the popularity and the heart of the people. It was also Liliana who was
managing the diplomacy with the empire. However, it was Luluaria who brought
together the nobles after the king and top authorities died and the kingdom fell into
chaos. She was also shouldering the majority of the burden regarding government
affairs. Although Liliana acted as the substitute of the king, but until now it was Luluaria
who was playing the role of the unsung hero. Luluaria directed a loving expression
toward her daughter who was vehemently arguing against her while asserting that
because of such reason she had no complaint even if Liliana wouldn’t become Hajime’s
first wife.
「 Besides, this child is saying things like this but, it’s a fact that she is burdened with
many things. Perhaps because of her strict upbringing, she become someone who
completely prioritized duty above all things……even if she actually entered a political
marriage, I’m worried that if it’s this child she will keep work and work and won’t be
able to build a good marriage life.」
Liliana looked at Luluaria with a shocked gaze. At the same time, the figure of the
knight commander who they met just now crossed the mind of Hajime and others. The
knight commander Kuzeri who was like a pitiful office lady who was cornered both in
body and mind by a black company. Hajime nodded while speaking.
「I see. Certainly if it’s Lily, I feel like her first sentence when waking up her husband in
the morning will be 『Now, it’s time to work!』.」
「……Nn. Even in the middle of work I think she will say 『Eh? Rest? Didn’t you just
have it for five seconds just now?』.」
「That’s possible. Lily seems like someone who will say something like 『Holiday? I’m
sorry for my ignorance. I’ll look for the word at dictionary for a bit 』 when getting
asked about holiday.」
「 Rather, even if her husband invite her to a date in holiday, I think she will say
something like 『Because it’s a holiday shouldn’t we do a fun work instead? 』 with a
serious face desuu.」
「Lily……a work date is, as expected that will be too pitiful for the husband……」
「 Liliana-san. Perhaps it’s strange to hear this from a teacher like me but, I think it’s
better to introduce labor standards act in this country.」
「Everyone, is that how all of you are thinking about mee-!?」
As expected Liliana howled in surprise from getting treated as a regrettable wife
from the mouths of Hajime and co. She slapped the table repeatedly and fiercely
protested that she was a healthy maiden and an exceedingly proper princess. However,
in reality she prioritized her duty as princess and chose to not come with Hajime to
earth. Her action thoroughly took away the persuasiveness from her protest.
「Uu, Okaa-sama! Okaa-sama too please tell them the truth!」
「 Let’s see. Indeed I think that right now she has become far more girly than before.
Fufufu, that day, when you came back from the empire and kept talking endlessly about
Hajime-done in the meeting, I got thinking ‘My my, so the day that even this child know
love finally came!’ and got into high spirits that was unbecoming for me.」
Liliana remembered the embarrassing past and she went 「Uh」 in a loss of words.
Yue immediately urged Luluaria 「More detail of that story please」 to continue to talk.
Acccording to Luluaria, after the “Revolt of Hauria” at the empire was over and the
business at Fea Belgen was finished, Liliana who returned to the kingdom attended the
meeting to give report and consolidated their plan going forward, where she complained
about Hajime endlessly. But, that too was going on only at the beginning and her
complain was gradually changing into a talk that sounded like a maiden in love.
「 If I remember correctly, you said that he helped you gallantly when you were in
danger right? And then, I think you said in the party after that you pushed away the
imperial prince who was your fiancée and asked him for a dance? And you also said that
even with the prince glaring, he took your hand while looking really troubled correct?」
The gazes of Hajime and others snapped at Liliana. Liliana averted her gaze quickly.
It was a fact that Hajime took Liliana’s hand. It was also a fact that he danced with her
while ignoring Prince Bias. However, the fact was subtly shifty. It could be interpreted
like Hajime was trying to take away Liliana from the imperial prince.
「 I remember she was also talking happily how Hajime-dono praised that she looks
good in her dress.」
「Sa, say, Okaa-sama? Let’s stop with――」
Liliana pulled at Luluaria’s sleeve while sweating from the gaze of Yue and others,
but Luluaria continued further with a delighted look.
「Besides, when Lily talked how Hajime-dono said something like he would protect her
no matter what happened, geez, she was really-, her face was adorably bright red. I
never saw her like that before……that was truly the face of a maiden in love. Even
though she is my daughter it made my heart beating fast.」
「Stop it already-」
Luluaria blushed remembering what happened at that time. Liliana’s cheeks was
blushing even redder than her while begging for her to stop. Certainly, it was also a fact
that Hajime said “something like” he would protect her. However,
「Oi, Lily. If I remember right, at that time――」
「That’s right-, I exaggerated it a bit! Do you have any problem! I’m sorry!」
The princess snapped and then confessed. Her maidenly heart wanted to make her
experience to sound a bit more like a moving tale no matter what. It was what people
called as a sudden impulse. Kaori was looking at Liliana with a difficult expression.
「How should I say it, it’s that isn’t it? She isn’t saying any lie but, how she is talking in a
way to create misunderstanding is completely similar with Hajime-kun when inciting
the people.」
「……Nn. After all they were the draft writer and also the editor of the truth (lol) of the
church and god.」
「In a sense, these two are the strongest provocateur couple isn’t iit.」
「We, well, any maiden would exaggerate about their love episode.」
The whispering talk of Kaori, Yue, and Shia that wasn’t hidden at all made Liliana to
fall prostrate on the table. It was only Shia who at least sent her a consoling word but……
most likely that came from her feeling of fellowship with Liliana. Shia too often went
into a rant about her start of romance without being aware of it.
――’How did it feel when I first encountered Hajime-san? I felt an impact that shook
my brain and a tingling that made my whole body stiffened! I also felt like I was flying in
the sky! It was truly a destined meeting!’
Something like that. Luluaria was looking at Liliana who was writhing in shame
looking somewhat amused. It seemed she was making fun of her daughter with full
awareness of what actually happened.
「By the way, is it alright if I ask everyone what is your plan from here on? If possible I
wish to hold a welcoming parade, and the a party……」
Sumire and others opened their eyes wide hearing things like welcoming parade or
party. In their imagination it was something like a parade in Disney ○nd. Their self
advancing through the street while waving their hand to the many citizens surrounding
them. Kaoruko whose expression was twitching the very first exchanged glance with
Tomoichi beside her while speaking their reservation.
「Tha, that is a bit……yo, you know right, dear.」
「Ye, yeah. Doing something too grandiose is also a bit……too much see.」
It seemed their commoner sensitivity wanted to be spared from being the leading
role of such parade. Akiko also nodded up and down in high speed in agreement with
the Shirasaki couple.
「That’s right. I’m not good at being standing out.」
「Yaegashi live in the shadow――cough-. We are just commoners after all.」
「It will be troubling to have our face getting known by so many people.」
Shuuzou, Koichi, and Kirino were also looking unwilling because of their commoner
sensitivity……or something that seemed to be a bit different from that. Shizuku stared
fixedly at her family. It was a gaze that felt like saying ‘Right now, you almost blurt out
thing like “We are a family that live in shadow after all” aren’t you!?’.
「Everyone, it seems that you all don’t really like appearing before the public!? I believe
that it will be a great encouragement for the people of this country to catch a glance of
everyone here but……」
「H~m, it sounds fun, I’m completely okay with that. Right, dear?」
「Oo. I want to experience that at least once in my life! Something like showing up with
impact you know.」
The Nagumo couple was in high spirits. Tomoichi was looking at Shuu with eyes
that seemed to say 「This guy, unbelievable!」.
「Now look here, Nagumo Shuu. I’ve been thinking to say this since some time ago but,
an adult at your age sticking your neck at anything just because of curiosity is just isn’t
right in my opinion.」
「Tomoichi-kun. You are a man with no guts aren’t you? It’s because you are like that
Kaori-chan is closer to me――」
「Don’t say that! Let’s take it outside-, this bastard!」
Kaoruku admonished Shuu and Tomoichi who looked like they were going to start
quarreling and grappling with each other like usual while she was doing her best to
express their intent to refuse with inoffensive words.
「 Your majesty. Thank you for your kind words but, about us becoming an
encouragement to the people just from seeing us……it will be a different matter if it’s my
daughter and Hajime-kun and the others, but we are just their family, we really are just
commoners in reality.」
「……I see. It looks like there is a bit of difference in our perception here.」
「Difference, is it?」
「 Yes, I should have made clear our position respective to each other from the very
beginning. It was something that is the norm for us that it became a lapse in my
Luluaria lightly apologized before she explained to Kaoruko and others who were
tilting their head.
「In the first place, if we are speaking about status, then everyone here is above me you
「Eh? You aren’t referring to Hajime-kun and my daughter Kaori, aren’t you?」
Luluaria nodded silently. Kaoruko and others looked like they didn’t really get it.
「Naturally. Sumire-sama, Shuu-sama, Tomoichi-sama, Kaoruko-sama, Shuuzou-sama,
Koichi-sama, Kirino-sama, Akiko-sama――everyone, you are the family of the apostles
of god you know? From the viewpoint of the people of this world, you all are equal to the
residents of heaven.」
「Tha, that’s exaggerating……」
「 No, I’m saying the truth. Sumire-sama and Shuu-sama who are the parents of the
demon king goes without saying but……it’s especially even truer for Akiko-sama.」
「Eh? Me?」
Akiko whose name was suddenly mentioned looked at Luluaria with a shocked face.
「Yes. Akiko-sama is the mother of Aiko-sama who is the “goddess of good harvest” as
well as the “goddess of victory” after all. To be the parent who gave birth to a living
god……from the viewpoint of the people of the church, you are worthy to even become
an object of worship.」
「I’m just a housewife of a farmer though!?」
A housewife in countryside. But in another world she became an existence that was
like holy mother Maria. The holy mother whose specialty was rolled omelette and
chopped burdock root. The tough holy mother who rampaged on a granny bike for a
round trip of 14 kilometer for the sake special sale, four times a week. Akiko looked at
Aiko looking like she wanted to say 「 There is some kind of mistake right? 」 . Aiko
averted her gaze quickly. Akiko feebly staggered. She leaked out a strange voice
「Uboo」 while her eyes rolled until the white of her eyes was showing. 「Okaa-san!?」
Aiko yelled while immediately supporting her. Aiko too, perhaps because she knew
about the zealousness of the people, especially the people of the church toward her, she
was pleading to Hajime 「Please spare us from the parade, really! 」 with teary eyes.
Hajime smiled wryly while speaking to Luluaria.
「Your majesty. I’m sorry but please don’t hold any parade. In any case, such thing will
put a great burden in the time and also manpower spend for it while this country is in
the middle of the reconstruction like this, isn’t that right?」
Luluaria smiled with a face that looked slightly troubled.
「If Hajime-dono say that, then it cannot be helped. Although in the first place this is a
sightseeing tour for your family in the end.」
「 Yes. We are coming here by using the consecutive holiday that is going on at our
world. We don’t have that much time. We are students, and our parents also have
「 I understand. But, in the dawn of the reconstruction’s completion, please grace the
people with your appearance along with your family too. Everyone surely will be happy
with that after all.」
「I’ll give it a consideration.」
Somehow the welcoming parade was successfully averted. Kaoruko and others
sighed in relieve. They sent thankful gaze toward Hajime. But, at the same time they
were in admiration that he was able to exchange conversation with the queen properly
unlike his parents. They were sending extremely complicated gaze at Shuu and Sumire
who were looking really down that they wouldn’t get a parade. They were chatting for a
while after that. And then when everyone was starting to think that it might be the time
to break up soon, Sumire spoke a single request.
「Luluaria-sama. I have a request though……」
「My, what could it be? If it’s a request from Sumire-sama then I wouldn’t say no.」
Luluaria answered with a friendly smile but……
「If possible, can you allow us to give a prayer in front of the grave?」
Luluaria spontaneously held her breath in a loss of words. It was unnecessary to ask
who Sumire was referring to. There could only be one person if Sumire was requesting
Luluaria herself in this place. Yes, it was Luluaria’s husband, the dead king――Eliheid S
B Heiligh.
「I heard from Lily-chan that the graves for those who died are still not build. But, as
expected I don’t think that even the king won’t have a grave with only his name put on
the memorial monument……」
「 … … Yes. It’s just as you said. It’s also related to the country’s dignity, so there is a
graveyard that is exclusive for royalty within the palace’s ground. My husband’s grave is
also there……Sumire-sama, I’m greatly obliged by your consideration.」
Luluaria made a faint smile and nodded slightly. In respond to that Sumire hid her
frivolous attitude and gazed straightforwardly at Luluaria.
「I’m not being considerate.」
「I just want to give a greeting to the person who will become family after this.」
「Yes. Although he has died, a family is still a family. I was wondering whether it will be
a rude thinking toward someone who was a royalty but, it seems there is no need to
worry about that.」
「That’s……of course, Sumire-sama has higher status than me after all.」
Luluaria thinned down the queen dignity that she was wearing from the beginning
and showed a slightly perplexed look. Sumire shook her head slightly toward Luluaria’s
「I heard from Lily-chan that Luluaria-sama was earnestly wishing to meet with us. We
are also feeling the same. However, what I want isn’t to meet with the queen dowager of
this country as the mother of the demon king. I want to come here to meet my new
That was why she was interacting with Luluaria with an attitude that was friendlier
compared with other people. She didn’t understand about the way Luluaria thought and
her sense of value, so she proactively talked to her to probe her and grasped the sense of
distance between them.
「From the bottom of my heart I express my condolence, Luluaria-sama.」
「……Thank you very much, Sumire-sama.」
A gentle wind was blowing. The words of Sumire who wanted to interact with her as
family made Luluaria’s eyes to moisten slightly. Tears weren’t flowing from her eyes
because she was a noble who mustn’t cry in front of other people, but those eyes
expressed her feeling more eloquently than anything. Liliana graped Luluaria’s hand
with a gentle expression. Luluaria also grasped back with her warmed heart in it. There,
judging that the talk had reached a stopping point, Hellina quietly appeared.
「Luluaria-sama. The lunch time is approaching, what should we do?」
「My? It’s already that time?」
It seemed they had talked for quite long. It seemed that Luluaria herself was also
enjoying the tea party more than a simple reception. In addition, there was also how
Sumire was talking too much. Looking at how a third of the whole conversation
consisted of Hajime’s black history, in a sense it should be said that she wasstronger
than the demon king in this world. In the end, this tea party became a luncheon
meeting, and after that they had even more lively talk. Basically each parent got heated
up in exposing the black history of each of their child, the demon king and also his
strongest wive~s were looking uncomfortable, or rather they were looking desperate in
enduring their shame. The people of the capital would surely doubt their eyes if they
could see this. Although, in exchange of the sacrifice of the children, Sumire and others
seemed to manage to deepen their friendship, especially Sumire and Luluaria entered a
relationship where they called each other as “Sumire” and “Lulu”. Like that, while
Hajime, Kaori, Shizuku, Aiko, and Liliana were completely limp due to the mental
exhaustion, the whole group went out to take a stroll through the capital.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑤

After finishing the luncheon meeting with the queen, Hajime’s group that was joined
by Liliana who was acting as guide set out to the new capital that was in the middle of
reconstruction. The sound of craftsmen exercising their skill was resounding from
everywhere. Furthermore, magic power lights of various colors were surging from the
surrounding. It seemed the magic used was mainly transmutation magic, but body
strengthening magic and wind element magic to assist with material transport were also
being used. The fantastical scene that couldn’t be found at earth caused the eyes of
Sumire and others to shine. Especially someone like Tomoichi who was a first class
architect, as expected the stimulation to him was strong due to the nature of his
occupation. When other noticed he was already getting drawn toward the dazzling sight
ahead of his gaze with unsteady steps. His figure was like a lost child wandering around
following his curiosity. Kaori smiled wryly while grasping Tomoichi’s hand firmly.
「Looks like the recognition obstruction is working properly……」
「……Nn. No problem.」
In respond to Hajime’s words, Yue coolly pushed up her red framed glasses while
nodding. If the demon king’s group was walking at the capital, obviously the people
would instantly mob them. Because of that, right now everyone was wearing Hajime’s
quality product, the recognition obstruction artifact.
「So, Hajime-san. Where are we going?」
Liliana imitated Yue with coolly pushing her glasses while asking. Perhaps because
she was the princess who was making work as her priority, that gesture looked
excessively appropriate on her. If she was also wearing earth’s ladies suit, she would
look like a female director that seemed really capable. She would be the director
「 We haven’t really decided. I was only thinking of getting them experiencing the
fantasy world for now……. It also depends on how much the reconstruction has
「I guess that’s understandable. Everyone, do you have any request――」
「I want to go to the adventurer guild!」
「I want to go to the adventurer guild though!」
The two people who were splendidly raising their hand swiftly in harmony were as
expected, the Nagumo couple. They had bright smile on their face.
「Adventurer guild……if my memory isn’t mistaken, it is the organization of people who
make fighting in this world as their occupation huh.」
「Hmm, that’s certainly interesting.」
「I wish to see what kind of weapons they are using there.」
‘Eh? Suddenly the guild? There are other places we can go sightseeing to you know?’
Liliana almost said that, but before she could, the members of Yaegashi family displayed
strong approval. With fierce smile on their face.
「I’m sorry Lily. Can I ask you to take us to the adventurer guild first? If we postpone it,
Ojii-chan and others might assault that place on their own instead.」
「 I agree with Shizuku. It looks like Tou-san and others were talking with each other
last night, that it’s the custom for earthling that arrive in other world to go to the
adventurer guild first. They might rush there on their own if we ignore them.」
The eyes of Shizuku and Hajime looked distant. They were thoroughly familiar with
their parents’ behavior……. Their ability to take action sometimes could slip through
even the awareness of the demon king and the swordswoman who would sometimes
argue in the other world.
「 I, I understand. The requests that are coming to the adventurer guild is in rapid
increase because of the ongoing reconstruction, so we had prioritized its reorganization.
I believe that everyone will be able to see it in a state that is no different from before.」
‘Yahoo!’ The intimate spouses Sumire and Shuu high-fived with each other. And
then there was also the intimate (?) spouses of Koichi and Kirino who were making
dangerous statements like 「 I’m itching to have a go 」 「 I’ll have them show us the
degree of their strength 」 for some reason. Their daughter was sending them a fixed
gaze hearing that. And so, Hajime and co went to the adventurer guild that was newly
set up slightly to the eastern side from the center of the capital. Previously the guild’s
building made from wood with solemnity that gave the impression of its long history,
but the new guild headquarter now was a building with a lot of metals used in its
construction, giving it a solemnity in a different sense from before. Perhaps because the
building’s solidness had increased, its height had increased by three times, from the
previous two floors into six floors right now. There was a large double-leaf door at the
front entrance, but surprisingly there was a very thick iron bars above that door. From
its construction, it seemed that it was something like a shutter that could be dropped
down or lifted up.
「It has really changed huh……」
「Yes. It was the idea of the headquarters’ guild master. He said that previously we were
overestimating the capital’s great barrier. He intended for the guild to serve the role of a
fortress when push comes to shove.」
Hajime and others were listening to that explanation while getting hurried on by
Sumire and others who looked like they were going to charge in anytime. Due to the
requests regarding the reconstruction or being the guard of the people who were coming
and going because of the progressing cooperation with other countries, it seemed that it
was the truth that works were rapidly increasing here. The enlarged request board was
fully covered with request forms. Adventurers with various appearances were tearing off
those request forms one after another. The guild staffs were putting up new request
forms continuously. The place was extremely busy……it was clear that the guild was
filled with energy. Sumire and Shuu cheered ‘waaaaaah’ and rushed toward the request
board. It looked like they were somewhat regressing to become kids after seeing the
basic staple of the fantasy in other world that they yearned for. They were completely
like kids getting highly spirited in an amusement park. The two were hopping up and
down behind the many tough looking adventurers gathering in front of the board while
staring at said board. Tomoichi was getting concerned with the attention from the
surrounding while raising his voice toward the two.
「O, oi Nagumo Shuu! You’re too high spirited! It’s embarrassing so restrain yourself!」
「 Tomoichi-kun! There is a request for construction work see! In order to produce a
novel architectural style that is worthy for the new capital, they are recruiting people
who are knowledgeable about the architectural style of foreign country!」
「Secure that request!」
Tomoichi-san raised a cheer ‘waaaaah’ and rushed toward Shuu. Kaori’s hand was
shaken off and she raised her voice 「 Ah! 」 . Kaoruko put her hands on her cheeks
seeing her husband’s childish act and her face blushed.
「Tha, that person, really-. How embarrassi――」
「Kaoruko! There is a request about cooking here! Looks like it’s looking for assistant,
but it’s written that if you want then the shop’s original recipe will be added as the
reward too!」
Kaoruko-san wordlessly moved with soundless footsteps smoothly. The woman who
was also a researcher in the level where she could open her own cooking class used
Sumire’s shoulder as support while hopping up and down to confirm the request.
「E, even Okaa-san」
「 Kaori. State of emptiness. Empty your heart and then count prime number in your
The high spirit of the two groups of spouses that didn’t look like adventurer at all no
matter how you looked at them bewildered the surrounding adventurers and caused
them to look at the spouses with warm gaze. Kaori covered her face with both hands
seeing that. Hajime kindly patted the shoulder of such Kaori. He was showing a clear
smile like somehow whose mind had opened to enlightenment. Shizuku suddenly
gasped and looked around. The Nagumo spouses and Shirasaki spouses were like that.
There was no way her hopeless family would just stay still! As she expected.
「 Hou. You guys have the atmosphere of really “capable” people……your weapons are
also really something.」
「You yourself have a sword that is quite high quality. If you don’t mind can you tell me
the workshop where you got that?」
There, Koichi and an unfamiliar adventurer were showing to each other their kunai
and long sword,
「You……you ain’t a normal person. It’s like your footsteps ain’t making sound at all.」
「Fuh. Just as I claimed, I have taken your back. Now teach me about that special short
And, there was also Shuuzou who was placing his ninja sword on the neck of a coldly
sweating adventurer from behind,
「Fufu, this is just a side show, so please calm down, the two of you.」
「I, I get it! I get it already so untie this!」
「It’s digging into me! It’s digging into me I’m telling youuu!」
And, Kirino were with two adventurers that were tied with superfine string which
forced them into the posture seiza…… ‘WAAAAAAH’, Shizuku raised her voice angrily
while dashing forward. She dealt a blow to her family that had too much freedom using
her black katana (sheathed). Just where in the world they were hiding weapons like
ninja sword or kunai? She should have made them toss away those when departing from
home, and yet……
「Ojii-chan, Otou-san, Okaa-san. Try jumping for a bit over there. Jump quickly, now!
Come on, quick!」
「Oh my, Shizuku. It sounds like extortion you know?」
「Okaa-san, shut up!」
‘Come on, just jump already!’ Shizuku pressed with a fixed gaze. Everyone of
Yaegashi family shrugged their shoulders and jumped up and down. Instantly, flashes of
slashes ran through the air. Shizuku’s exquisite skill that only cut what she wished to cut
caressed the body of her grandpa and parents. Immediately, *drop drop clang* the
sound of things dropping――caltrop, throwing star, dozens of type of bundle filled with
unknown powder, sickle and chain, blowgun set, retractable claw, camouflaged thin
fabric, log――from many kinds of ninja tool.
「Log!? Where did you keep something like log on you!?」
「It’s just a bit of storage technique. We were thinking of teaching it to Shizuku too but,
you know, that. You received treasure warehouse from Hajime-kun so we thought you
must have no need for it.」
「That’s not the problem! Ojii-chan you idiot!」
Just where in the world they were storing that many hidden weapons and dangerous
looking drugs and even a log inside their clothing that wasn’t really that loose? The
surrounding adventurers were taking steps back for about ten steps. 「 These guys,
they’re absolute bad news!」 was written on their face. In contrast, there was a single
man who was getting excited.
「I, is that for substitution technique!? Is that log for that!? Shuuzou-san! Please show
me the substitution technique in the flesh at least once!」
Shizuku was taken aback. Hajime’s eyes that seemed to have opened to
enlightenment now were sparkling with curiosity and romance. And then, Myuu beside
him was also……
「Myuu too! Myuu also want to see substitution technique nano! Or rather, Myuu want
to do it nano! Shuuzou-ojiichan! Please teach it to Myuu too!」
「No way, Myuu-chan!? These similar father daughter!」
Hajime and Myuu were going to rush toward Shuuzou while going ‘waaaaaah’, but
Shizuku put herself on the line to not let them pass. Shuuzou-san, he didn’t look that
dissatisfied to be asked so by the two. ‘These guys, they are already hopeless!’ With
expression that seemed like that, Shizuku sent a gaze that was asking for help.
「Right right, Hajime-san. Let’s calm down.」
「My my, Myuu. Let’s try asking again at night okay?」
Hajime, Shia put him in choke sleeper while dragging him back. Myuu, she was
carried up in Remia mama’s arm and got brought back. Shuuzou-san, he got dejected
because he couldn’t show his technique to the two while storing away the log. As
expected, it was unclear where and how he stored away the log. Perhaps because they
were making ruckus like that, someone called out to them.
「Oh my! Isn’t this the demon king-sama! Long time no seee. What are you doing at this
kind of place?」
A voice that sounded familiar made Hajime to tap on the arm of Shia that was
around his neck and he turned his gaze toward the voice……
It made him blink. Ahead of his gaze, there was a beautiful woman of blooming age
that he didn’t recognize. Although she seemed to be of considerable age, her exceptional
figure and her unique atmosphere that was bewitching even while giving the impression
of liveliness and coolness made her a woman that was attracting much attention. She
was middle aged woman that looked really young for her age as though through magic.
It was clear she was a staff of the guild from the uniform she was wearing. She should be
an acquaintance from how she was saying long time no see, but frankly speaking Hajime
had no recollection of her.
「My bad, who are you?」
Hajime who was released from the choke sleeper tilted his head while asking. Just in
case he also looked around to Yue and others, but they too were only tilting their head.
As expected it seemed they also didn’t know this woman. The bewitching middle-aged
guild staff folded her arms and shook her head toward Hajime and co who were like
that. The twin hills that rivaled even Tio’s got emphasized which spontaneously drawn
in the gaze of the adventurers whose attention was caught because of the words “demon
「What is this. Could it be you don’t remember me? How heartless. Who do you think
took care of the adventurer registration of you all?」
「? It was the granny guild staff in Brook city whose appearance show the harshness of
time progression though?」
「What, so you actually remember.」
Hajime was getting increasingly bewildered at the talk that didn’t mesh with each
other, but Yue and Shia looked like they noticed something. Their eyes opened widely
and then they asked with a trembling voice that seemed to say ‘that’s impossible’.
「……Co, could it be, you are Catherine?」
「Are you Catherine-san?」
「That’s right you know?」
‘What did you say――!?’ Hajime’s yell resounded. Sumire and others gathered
toward them wondering what was going on.
「Ahahah, you children are talking strangely. Who else can I be other than Catherine.」
「 Rather, you look like someone who cannot possibly be Catherine! Is this
metamorphosis magic? Are you using metamorphosis magic!? You have completely
metamorphed here!」
‘This kind of before-after is impossible!’ Hajime yelled.
「 H~m, well, certainly, Brook was tranquil, I was also putting on a bit of weight from
the good life there. The busy time in the headquarter here made me lost a lot of weight,
so perhaps now I’m giving different impression from before.」
「No no no, this ain’t at the level of different impression. This is in the level of Moo○n
turning into Shia.」
「Moomi○? I don’t know what is that, but you are really exaggerating there.」
The transformation that was like a lovable chubby character turning into a lovable
peerless beauty with extraordinary figure gave Hajime a great agitation. Although, her
current figure was understandable if he recalled the talk of the branch guild leader of
neutral commercial city Fhuren, Iruwa Chang――that Catherine was an existence that
was like the Madonna of the guild staffs, who were idolized and called as “teacher” due
to her position as the guild master’s private secretary and also her guidance to the staffs.
「Wait Hajime, don’t just stand there alone making funny faces, introduce her to us. She
is your acquaintance right?」
Sumire sharply slapped the back of her son who was in the middle of confusion and
said that. In respond Hajime introduced Catherine half in a daze. In the city that they
first visited after getting out of the abyss, this woman was the person who took care of
his adventurer registration. He explained that after that, she also wrote introduction
letter for their convenience in other guild branches and gave them a lot of help. Sumire
nodded in understanding and then quickly bowed her head to Catherine who could even
make RIZA○ seriously went white in the face from her dramatic before-after. (TN:
RIZAP, it seems to be a famous private gym in Japan)
「My son is really indebted to you. Catherine-san, please let me express my gratitude for
that to you as his mother.」
「Don’t mention it. It is my side instead that received the favor of having the world got
saved. Rather it’s us who have to say thanks. If I was able to become of help to your son,
then there is no greater honor than that.」
Catherine made a charming smile and grasped Sumire’s hand. Hajime thought. This
was a scam. Catherine’s outer face was made from scam, he thought. Incidentally, he
also wondered that perhaps Brook city was really a den of devils just as he expected.
After that, Catherine also exchanged brief greeting with Shuu and others. Sumire and
others were completely pleased with the lively woman who was completely open without
hiding anything and they hit it off. But, it would also be troubling if they hit it off too
much with each other……
「That’s right. That demon king-sama, even while he was being served by two beautiful
girls like Yue-chan and Shia-chan, he was really disappointed seeing it was me who
acted as the receptionist.」
「Wai-, that’s misunderstand――」
「 Aa~, that sounds likely. That son of mine, he is a child who love the templates of
another world, so there is no doubt that he would want to hear the guild’s receptionist
saying things like 『Amazing-, you aren’t an ordinary person!』 when seeing his ability
or the material that he sold.」
「Kaa-san!? I didn’t think anything like――」
「 It will be troubling if you are underestimating woman’s instinct. Yue-chan also
noticed at that time, after all she was tightly grasping demon king-sama’s hand to the
limit at that time.」
「Stop! That’s a groundless――」
「 … … Nn. Hajime, he was also holding expectation for the receptionist girl in the
capital’s guild.」
With what Catherine, his mother, and his first wife pointed out, Hajime ended up in
a state where his soul was going to escape from his mouth. Shuu gave a thumb up saying
「That’s how a boy is!」 with an understanding gaze. Tomoichi’s murderous gaze was
stabbing into Hajime, while the surrounding adventurers――especially the men were
making highly sympathetic gaze that seemed to say 「I understand that」 toward the
demon king’s unexpected side. But, at that timing, a voice called out to Catherine. For
Hajime who wished to divert away this topic, it was truly a salvation. He sent a grateful
gaze that said ‘Who is the one that is my savior!?’,
「My? Temporary manager Catherine-samaa! What are you doing in that kind of place I
wonderr? The work is piling up you knoow?」
「God dammit! There is no salvation!」
Hajime despaired seeing the arriving savior. The one who appeared from the guild’s
stair was a mass of muscle that was nearly two meter high. It was a pseudo human with
grim face, short mustache, braided hair, wearing guild staff uniform’s mini skirt version.
「Oh, Alabell, sorry about that. I’ll return right away.」
「Please do soo. ……Oh? Ohooh? Could it be, the person over there is Yue-oneesama!?」
The girl (?)――Alabell’s movement was showing excessive wiggling and swaying.
She was undoubtedly one of the group that was being mass produced by a certain
monster of clothing shop. One of that mass produced manly women was calling Yue as
“onee-sama”. That mean she was without a doubt one of the person who received Yue’s
「It’s understandable for Onee-sama to not remember. I was the stupid youngster who
tried to make a pass at Yue-oneesama and Shizuku-oneesama in the past.」
‘I really don’t want to remember it, the mistake I committed due to my youth……’
the manly man became melancholic. It didn’t matter but, she/he was standing still on
the stair, so it felt like the inside of the extremely short skirt could be seen. The area
between the extremely muscular thighs was almost visible! Several people among the
adventurers were already collapsing with pitiful expression as though they had seen
something that mustn’t be seen. They were like the people who got done in by a certain
cursed video. As a matter of fact, it was truly a brutal brief glimpse.
「Ah, could it be, you are the adventurer of that time? Er~r, if I’m not wrong, you said
your name at that time was Abel the “Flash Blade” or something?」
「My! Shizuku-oneesama! You remember!」
*Gou* There was the sound of wind roaring. When they noticed, the gigantic face
that seemed only possible because of the use of metamorphosis magic was already in
front of Shizuku’s eyes. Shizuku-san spontaneously screamed 「 Hiih 」 and backed
away. The fake gold ranked adventurer that picked a quarrel with them in the capital’s
guild at the past. He was a handsome man with pompous attitude. Even such person
now had evolved into a splendid abnormal creature. It was unclear why he changed job
to become a guild staff, but based on his strength there was no doubt that he was gold
ranked for real this time. Yue hit her palm *pon-* and opened her mouth.
「……Aa, the person that time. I remember. Is Mariabel healthy? Has he opened a shop
in the capital?」
「I’m happy! You remembered! Yes, yees, Mariabel-neesama is also healthy! She made a
lot of lovely clothes! Please be kind and visit her shop no matter what!」
「……I see, that’s good. It was worth it for me to smash him.」
Yue nodded while using barrier to block the gigantic grim face that was quickly
approaching. At the same time, the inside of the adventurer guild became noisy. The
presence of the demon king’s group here was gathering people and attention, but Yue’s
remark caused the male adventurers to push and shove at each other to back away.
「Do, don’t tell me……don’t tell me she is the legendary!?」
「 Smasher……she is the legendary Smasher! The founder of the path of smash that
wouldn’t let go of the preycrotch it aimed!」
A mark of “!?” appeared above Yue’s head. When she restlessly looked around her,
she saw the male adventurers looking at her with frightened gaze. She was feared even
more than the demon king, limited to the male! Or rather, what in the world the path of
smash was…… The treatment that was treating her like she was some kind of legendary
gunman was also extremely curious. Yue was a bit shaken up while trying to know more
about that but……
「Tha, that person is Smash Master Yue……the grandmaster of the path of smash……」
「That’s right-, she is the one and only peerless Smasher who made numerous men to
reincarnate! The Smash Goddess Goddess of Manly Women who can’t help but going
smash if she meet a crotch!」
「! ! ?」
Even more terrible title showed up. It seemed the first wife of the demon king had
become a goddess without noticing it. The goddess of crotch crusher that is.
「O, Okaa-sama, this isn’t what you think. There is a bit of misunderstanding……」
Starting from Sumire, the parents’ gazes were getting really doubtful. ‘It will be a
disaster if they think I’m a wife who love to crush crotch!’, Yue-san was shaken up like
that while attempting to dispel the misunderstanding. Shuu was listening to that while
speaking to Hajime with a slightly twitching expression.
「Ha, Hajime. You, what in the world you made Yue-chan did……」
「No, I’m telling you that’s not it, Tou-san. I also have smashed numerous crotches to
this day. Me and Yue combined were even called as “Smash Lovers”, shortened into
「Oi, Hajime-kun. That won’t serve as excuse at all.」
Tomoichi started to take distance from him with a creeped out expression. To speak
further, Yue was the only one whose title became expanded was because midway Hajime
refrained from doing smash due to his sense of impending crisis from the mass
production of the manly women. Even after the legendary decisive battle, the whole
world banding together in solidarity without any exception was obviously impossible.
Among the people naturally there were those who were thinking of bad things.
Especially the fools who were trying to target the female of the beastman who tried to go
out from the sea of trees. The one who flattened their crotch flat was none other than
Yue. From that, she was given the title as the grandmaster of the crotch smash, the
smash goddess of the manly women. As expected, it was a nickname that was
embarrassing to be known by her relatives. Yue was unusually red faced and shaken up.
However, the fact was the fact so she was at a loss for words and sought for help from
Hajime with teary eyes.
「……Ha, Hajime. Hajime too say somethi――」
「 Yue……I, told you before to refrain from doing smash in order to avoid their
propagation too. But, you said you cannot forgive woman’s enemy and didn’t stop. That
will of steel in smashing crotch……it’s worthy to be called as grandmaster!」
「! ?」
Seeing the refreshing smile and thumb up of Hajime who was always supporting her
in any kind of time, Yue showed a really shocked face that made it felt like the sound
effect of *GAAAAN* could be heard. And then, 「 … … Uu, Hajime! Idiot! 」 she
expressed her dissatisfaction with sulking light punches on him. Seeing such Yue, there
was one girl who approached with a refreshing smile at this perfect timing.
「 Hey hey, Yue♪ Right now, how are you feeling? Grandmaster-san, how are you
feeling? Vampire princess-san who is showing an abnormal obsession to man’s
important part, how are you――」
「……Drop dead, Kaori!」
Yue-sama transformed her light punches into a serious punch with flowing
smoothness. A golden right straight gouged into Kaori’s cheek! But, she must had
anticipated it. Naïve! Kaori’s fist that was unleashed at the same time became a cross-
counter and drilled Yue’s cheek! Both sides didn’t flinch and executed an artistic body
blow! *BAM-* The graphic sound was accompanied with exhalation 「 Fuguu 」 that
leaked out from their mouth.
「Aaa, Yue-chan! Now ow, Okaa-san isn’t put off by you so calm down!」
「Kaori, you are violent only to Yue-chan. Now, apologize! Ah, hey! Don’t kick with your
Sumire and Kaoruko each pinioned Yue and Kaori from behind and separated them
from each other. The two who would quarrel (?), frolic around (?) if there was a chance
made their respective mother unable to hold back their wry smile. Each of them knew
that their daughter would only take this kind of attitude only toward each other, so their
expression was complicated. The noise inside the guild was getting louder and louder.
Too many people had gathered that not only moving in and out of the guild, even the
work inside the guild was starting to get hindered. They would be nothing more than
hindrance if they stayed longer than this, so Hajime bid farewell with Catherine and
urged everyone to go outside. Hajime responded to the cheers of good will from the
people like a celebrity appearing in front of the fans before he suddenly noticed an
unpleasant fact that he spoke up.
「 … … Come to think of it, it feels like there was never a time where there was no
commotion when I entered the guild……」
「As expected from Goshujin-sama. Thou must be born under that kind of star.」
「That’s one unpleasant star.」
Hajime was feeling down at Tio’s words that seemed to say 「What are you saying
after this late 」 while escaping from the guild. After escaping from the eyes of the
people for a moment, the recognition obstruction was coming into effect once more.
Hajime and others talked about the commotion just now while heading to the center of
the capital. The plaza where the church of the reborn holy church was located had the
size that was similar with a sports ground. There was also a fountain at the center of the
plaza. Liliana explained like a tour guide that the place was set to be a place from
relaxation and refreshment. But, for some reason she was showing a strangely awkward
look even while explaining, so Hajime and others tilted their head in puzzlement.
Especially Aiko who kept getting glances from Liliana was feeling even more confused.
「Err……Liliana-san. Is there something that you want to tell me?」
「N, no. That’s not……」
Liliana was evasive, but when the plaza came into view, she fixed her gaze at Aiko as
though she had resolved herself.
「Aiko-san……please be strong!」
「What do you mean!?」
Liliana clenched both her hands to form fists and yelled out 「 Fight! 」 . That
behavior made Aiko wanted to ask her for more detail. But, there was no need for that.
The cause immediately became clear after all. Yes, at the center of the plaza. Enshrined
at the center of the fountain that was spurting water in arcs to twelve directions was……
「……Eh? Li, lies……tha, that’s, could it be……」
It was an Aiko statue. An artistic statue that lifted both its hands to the sky as
though offering a prayer to the world was there! Aiko was looking up to the sky with an
expression of love! She was smiling as though she was asking for blessing to spread far
and wide in the world! Truly a goddess! It was the magnificent statue of a living god who
governed over good harvest and victory!
Aiko’s scream echoed. In the world, just how many people could see a statue of
themselves while they were still alive? To say nothing of people who could see believers
kneeling in front of that statue and praying wholeheartedly, how many of such people
existed in the world? Hajime and others glanced at Aiko who snapped into a frenzy
while leaking out strange voice 「O, ou……」 that was unclear whether it was a voice of
shock or sympathy. But, at that timing, the door of the church that was located at the
south side of the plaza was thrown open loudly. When they spontaneously turned their
gaze there, they saw multiple men clad in armor and priest robe breathing roughly.
A familiar man at the forefront raised a loud voice that shook the world. The volume
of the voice that made even the windows of the church to rattle calling at her caused
Aiko to scream while jumping up in surprise.
The next man was also someone who they had seen from somewhere. The look of
the man who was holding back emotional tears with bloodshot eyes was guaranteed to
make ten from ten people to be creeped out. Aiko jumped up in surprise once more.
‘Is that a call when dealing with intruder?’ Aiko made that tsukkomi in his heart
while snapping and yelling angrily. *ZUDODODODO-* The men’s footsteps resounded
and without pausing they performed head sliding. They performed a forward roll with
superb positioning and smoothly ended up kneeling on one knee sharply.
「Aiko-sama. It has been a long time! Your David is present here!」
「Similarly-. Your eternal servant, Chase, is right here![
「Joshua here! It has been like an eternity that I’m waiting for the day where I can meet
you once more!」
「My goddess-. Please bestow this Jade with any divine decree of yours!」
Aiko turned on her heel with all her strength. It was the greatest turn of her life,
with sharpness that spontaneously made her wanted to sing her own praise. But, even
that superhuman movement that was brought about by her feeling that wished to escape
from this dangerous place for even an instant sooner didn’t work against the demon
king. Hajime strongly grabbed the collar of Aiko who was trying to escape.
「Let me go! I’m begging you please release me, Hajime-kun! I’m in front of my mother!
I cannot endure this at all!」
Because of the shame. Akiko blinked seeing the men who was handsome but a bit
creepy kneeling in front of her daughter. There, Yue-san suddenly stepped forward. It
seemed she still hadn’t forgotten the setting of tour guide Yue.
「……They are the people who once belonged to Aiko’s bodyguard squad. Aiko made all
of them fall for her and they became the member of her reverse harem.」
Both mother and daughter raised a voice that seemed to say 「Just what have you
「 Fuh. Even that is a matter of the past. The current us are pious believers who are
faithful to Aiko-sama. We are the knights who protect the goddess.」
「David-san please just shut up for a bit!」
‘By your will.’ Like that, David, the captain of templar knight order understandingly
bowed his head. He had only changed the target of his faith, but it seemed his slightly
dangerous fanatically faithful heart hadn’t changed at all. While that was going on, the
plaza was starting to get enveloped by a commotion. They were too noisy, so as expected
the recognition obstruction was dispelled. The people could be heard saying things like
「Oo, don’t tell me, the person over there is the goddess? 」「Wha-, the living god who
was sent by Ehito-sama!? 」「It’s Aiko-sama in the flesh! Bless her! 」「 Aiko-sama in
the flesh, banzai!」「Aiko-sama in the flesh! YAHAAAAAAA-!」 and so on. Aiko went
‘Oh no-’ and slowly backed away. Or rather, she hoped that they would stop with the
“Aiko-sama in the flesh”. Even though beside her there were also the demon king and
the princess, the gazes of the people that were gathering in accelerated speed were fixed
on Aiko.
In the occasion of the legendary decisive battle, with his incitement technique
Hajime called himself as “the goddess’s sword”. That was one of the causes of this. In
their point of view, the relationship between the two was something like master and
servant in love with each other. Of course, the master in this case was Aiko-sama. To say
nothing of how Ehito had already got flattened in reality. In the first place the common
believer would never heard their god’s voice even once in their life. But, such common
sense was overturned by the living god Aiko. It could even be said that, perhaps……it
was already at the level that it was natural for them to be moved to tears and breathe
roughly while staring in fixation at her. If Aiko was left alone then she might ran away
alone to the end of earth, so Hajime tightly grasped Aiko’s hand. That also caused the
people to cheer. Aiko’s face was rapidly turning red. If it came to this then she would just
act in abandon like usual! ‘I’m gonna do the goddess act seriously yeaah~, I’ll super
seriously do it yeaaah~’, like that she accepted her fate……
「Puh. Aiko, even in another world, this is how it always goes for you?」
Akiko-okaasan was trembling while desperately biting her lips to hold back the
laughter. Of course she was shocked by her daughter’s position, but she was her mother.
She was able to accurately guess what was going on inside her daughter’s heart. She
understood like the back of her own hand that his daughter was going to act as goddess
in completely desperate state. Even if her daughter was getting worshipped at another
world, she was still making useless effort and charging ahead in complete desperation
like usual…… And then surely after that she would hold her head while being at her wits’
end. It seemed that the gap between her daughter that was like usual and her daughter
that ended up became a living god went past through her shock and caused laughter to
well up from her. Aiko’s eyes became resentful seeing her mother laughing at her
cornered self. And then, she turned around to face the direction of the plaza and,
「Everyone in the capita~l! Good day, it’s me!」
She brazenly greeted the people while lifting both her hands to the sky just like her
statue. Cheers burst out and Hajime and others focused on her half in bewilderment and
half in interest while going 「Oo?」. Aiko whose eyes looked somewhat glassy moved
her hand in a snap toward behind her dramatically――pointing at Akiko. Aiko glanced at
Akiko who went 「Eh?」 and grinned widely,
「 Today, I came here in order to introduce my mother! Yes, this person is none other
than my mother――the mother of the goddess of bountiful harvest and victory――the
holy mother Akiko!」
「Aiko!? You!」
The shocked and protesting voice of Akiko-okaasan was drowned by the loud cheer
that was like an explosion right after that. The chorus of voices that were praising the
holy mother Akiko was resounding wide.
「Fu-fufufu-. A mother that is laughing on the suffering of her daughter who is treated
as goddess can just become the holy mother.」
「You! You are selling away your own mother!」
「That sounds bad in people’s ear! I’m just taking you along with me!」
「Either way it’s still bad!」
In the capital’s central plaza that was enveloped in roaring cheers where even hymn
was starting to resound, the ugly quarrel of mother and daughter was developing. And
then, at that timing a woman wearing a beret quietly approached Hajime.
「Demon king-sama. I am a painter called Caliope Elegy. Please, allow me to draw the
beautiful frolicking of the honorable goddess and holy mother.」
It seemed she was a painter. She had tools for drawing picture set up throughout her
body. Hajime thought for a bit before looking at Aiko and Akiko who were still
quarreling……he grinned.
「I allow it. Draw to your heart’s content. I don’t mind even if you dramatize it.」
「All my thanks to you!」
The female painter took distance with a movement that seemed slimy somehow,
then she set up her tools in the blink of eye. She began to draw with bloodshot eyes and
terrific momentum.
「I don’t care of someone like Okaa-san anymore!」
「 A child like you! Even if you come home I won’t make rolled omelet or chopped
burdock root for you anymore!」
「That’s harsh!」
The two were still doing a questionable quarrel (?). They didn’t know. That currently
they were being drawn by the painter of the age. The quarrel scene was drawn as
religious painting of beautiful frolicking between the goddess and the holy mother. The
duplicates later on would sell like hot cake. And then, with this as her stepping stone
Caliope-san would attain great success instantly, she would get the job to draw a huge
painting to decorate the shrine, and it would become a legacy until the later generations.
The housewife of a farmer family and her daughter would be depicted in a historical
painting in another world and got worshipped religiously…… It went without saying that
later on, the mother and daughter would go 「Uboo」 together with their soul coming
out from their body.
After that, Hajime and others succeeded in escaping from the plaza that was in
uproar. At that time, the little sister of David who heard the commotion and arrived
there exercised her shrewdness and gave them an escape but…… Hajime who recalled
that her name was written in the document that Hellina wrote up smiled inside his heart
at the capableness of the actual little sister nun-chan and Hellina’s capability that didn’t
overlook that. Like that, they went around at places that were unique to another world
like weapon shop, magic tool shop, and shop of general good, and Sumire and others,
the parent~s had a good time in the capital of the other world.
In the middle, it seemed that Hajime’s visit was detected by the artisan’s instinct of
the leader of the kingdom’s exclusive transmutation masters, Wolpen, he and his happy
go lucky subordinates crawled out from the woodwork to crowd Hajime, then Mariabel
who heard the news from Alabell assaulted――or rather coming to give his greeting……
At the site of the demolished library, regeneration magic was used to reproduce the
figure of Hajime who was working hard in the past there in order to supplement his
lacking ability by learning knowledge. Shuu and Sumire felt warm seeing that, while
Tomoichi and others were blinking in shock seeing the complete difference of the image
with Hajime’s current atmosphere…… Everyone shivered seeing the figure of Kaori that
was continuing to watch fixedly at the studying Hajime from behind bookshelves……
Each time Hajime moved between bookshelves, Kaori would swiftly and silently
moved from shadow to shadow while keeping a fixed gaze on him through the gaps of
the bookshelves. Seeing her daughter like that, Tomoichi escaped from reality while
Kaoruko was holding her head…… When Kaori was desperately making excuse, as usual
Yue raised her voice in delight 「……Proof obtained! Proof obtained! Officer, it’s this
person! This person is a genuine stalker! 」 , and then as usual too it devolved into a
scuffle…… Hajime’s group who was spending enjoyable time like that enjoyed a dinner
with Luluaria once more that evening, Like that, the next day, Hajime and co departed
to the place that Shuu and Sumire strongly wished for. It was a place that for the two of
them, no, for anyone was a harsh place, however, it was a place where a happening that
could even be called as fateful occurred. Yes, they departed to Orcus Labyrinth.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑥

A huge object was floating in the world of azure where the light of the sun was
pouring down. Hajime’s artifact, the airship Ferner. It was flying as though gliding
above the sky where clouds that looked like cotton candy were floating sparsely.
Originally they planned to use gate to teleport until the city of Horuad, but the wish of
Shuu and others 「This is a rare chance, so we want to try flying in the sky of another
world」 resulted in this.
It went without saying who was the people who were making those strange voices. It
was the Nagumo spouses. They held on the handrail on the rear deck and leaned their
body forward to gaze at the superb view of another world. As for the strange voices, it
seemed it was because they were deeply moved. And then, although the other weren’t
raising strange voices like those two, the Shirasaki spouses, Hatayama Akiko, and the
members of Yaegashi family were also similarly feeling moved seeing the other world’s
sky, mountains, plains, and the European Middle Ages styled cities and villages that
sometimes came into view. The scenery that they were seeing right now itself was
moving, but it was also added with how they were staring at the surrounding area
outside the plane that was moving in high altitude. The experience that was impossible
to get in earth made them couldn’t help it to feel excited even though they were adults.
「Son! You are amazing!」
「Son! You are the best!」
「Well, thanks.」
Shuu and Sumire rotated their upper body and snapped up a thumb up to behind
them. The synchronization in their words and action made one wondered whether they
had made prior arrangement beforehand. Though for Hajime, his parents were already
like this since he became aware, so it was already too late to wonder about that. Hajime
smiled wryly at the delight and action of his parents. Tomoichi asked him then with a bit
of excitement.
「 Hajime-kun. What’s with this avant-garde hull? How about the propulsive power?
How can something this big is flying even though it has this kind of shape? Or rather, in
this altitude we aren’t having trouble breathing or even feeling the slightest breeze……」
Hajime’s wry smile deepened at Tomichi who looked like he would press his
question further even now while explaining. So to speak, Ferner was moving by
adjusting the gravity neutralization effect and the gravitational direction from the
gravity stone. More accurately speaking, the airship was “falling” rather than “flying”. So
to speak, the propulsive force came from magic power, as long as Hajime was on board,
he could freely move the ship no matter where he was. There was a barrier put up so the
wind pressure could also be adjusted, and so on. Also, about the avant-garde hull――the
shape that was like manta fish was because of Hajime’s preference. Things like
aerodynamics and the like, he didn’t give a damn about those things, so he said.
「No, how should I say it, it’s really fantastical huh……」
「Fufuh, Otou-san, Otou-san. Hajime-kun is amazing right?」
Tomoichi-san fell silent morosely. His daughter circled to in front of him and
pressed for answer, but he turned around and drove her out from his vision. When Kaori
circled around once more, he turned around. Tomichi, turn-. Kaori, turnn-. The
Shirasaki father and daughter was turning and turning and turning. It was the persistent
offense and defense of the father and daughter, but seen from the side it only looked like
a super close parent and child. The atmosphere was naturally getting filled with warmth
and smile. Tomoichi was sending a gaze that was filled with demand for help! To his
wife. Kaoruko was making a gaze as though she was looking at difficult people while her
gaze turned toward Hajime. It seemed she left it completely to him. Please change the
topic okay! Her gaze said. Hajime shrugged in acknowledgement and after showing a
pondering look for a bit, he grinned widely.
「Oi, Tio.」
「Mu? ……Aa, I see. Kuku, I doth not mind.」
Tio was quick on the uptake. The two of them really had mutual understanding of
each other. Everyone’s gaze was turned at Hajime and Tio, at the same time the two of
them started walking together to the edge of the deck.
「Yue, take care of the ship’s handling.」
「……Nn. Have fun.」
Yue laughed ‘fufu’. Sure enough, it seemed she had completely grasped the intention
of Hajime and Tio. She poured her magic power into Ferner and accepted the control of
the ship while smiling gently.
「 Tou-san, I’ll show you an astounding fantasy scene after this. It will be a fantasy
among fantasy that anyone will absolutely admire if they are a man.」
「What? Hajime, just what in the world are you planni――」
Shuu didn’t even hide his excited face after hearing his son’s words, but the next
moment, his expression became frozen. Because Hajime and Tio jumped off the ship. A
single hop from Ferner, really casually.
「Eh, huh?」
Shuu and Sumire were dumbfounded with mouth gaping open. Tomoichi and others
were also in a daze with their mouth staying open. But, the next moment they raised a
shocked yell ‘WAAAAAAAAH!?’ and rushed forward toward the deck’s handrail. Yue
and others the wive~s were completely calm. Despite that they didn’t notice that fact at
all and they leaned forward while holding on the handrail to look below in order to
search after Hajime and Tio who suddenly leaped to their death. It was right at that
A grand and majestic roar that stirred the air hit the ears. Shuu and others
spontaneously jerked and backed away while trembling. Ahead of their gaze, a giant jet
black shadow passed through from below to above. Akiko and Kaoruko unconsciously
fell on their butt from the impact of the view. The shadow that was causing that by
rushing in the sky was of course,
「Dra, dragon!」
Shuu’s emotional and shocked voice echoed to the surrounding. He already knew.
That she was able to transform into dragon like what came out in book or game. He had
also seen it for real before. Although, this was the first time Shuu and Sumire saw her
flying in the sky freely like this. In the end they had only seen her figure transforming on
the ground. Above Ferner that was gliding in the sky, Tio in the black dragon form was
circling around elegantly. The jet black dragon scale that was shining from the sunlight
reflection was very beautiful. The large wings that were catching the wind and the huge
body that was full of impact were tremendously majestic. One more roar surged out as
service. This time it was accompanied with a scorching breath attack. The eyes of Shuu
and others who were looking up from the deck of Ferner were emitting a shine that
didn’t lose to the sunlight. They were letting gout voice of excitement that sounded
similar like a roar. Tio circled around above them one more time before flying parallel to
Ferner with smooth gliding.
「How’s that, Tou-san? Great right?」
Hajime said that while unusually sticking out his chest looking incredibly proud. He
was standing imposingly on Tio’s back with his arms folded while grinning.
「I’m totally jealous-. A man’s romance is right in front of me-」
Shuu hit the handrail in frustration repeatedly. He was also kicking the ground with
a vexed look. Hajime laughed cheerfully seeing his father looking like that. Then he told
Tio to land on the deck.
「It seems Tio doesn’t mind, so how about Tou-san and everyone else also ride on her
back? Flying on the sky riding on a dragon’s back in another world will be a nice
memory of a lifetime you know?」
「……Tou-san has never felt so grateful like today, for having a son like you who have a
dragon wife. Please let me!」
「 Tio-chan! Actually I had the thinking that someday I want to ask to ride on you!
『Fufu, it wouldst be mine pleasure if it’s Hahaue-dono and Chichiue-dono. The others
art also like family to me, so come up without worry, because I wouldst guarantee thy
The voice of Tio that was directly resounding inside their head seemed to make
Tomoichi and others to be convinced for real that the majestic black dragon near them
was really Tio. They nodded up and down in high speed speechlessly. Like that, Shuu
and Sumire rode on Tio first and Tio leaped up to the sky once more. Just when it
seemed they looked a bit scared, as expected from the parents of Hajime, the spouses’
tension was at max right from the start. Shuu was even hopping up and down on Tio’s
back while yelling ‘hyaho~i’.
「Hm? What’s the matter Tio?」
Hajime sharply noticed Tio letting out a voice that sounded deeply emotive and
asked. Then, Tio spoke with a voice that sounded vaguely in agony.
『No, it’s nothing big. Being stepped on like this by Goshujin-sama’s parents art quiet
pleasant in its own wa――』
Goshujin-sama’s fist that impacted hard until the internal organs smashed on the
back of the perverted hopeless dragon. The hopeless dragon-san smoothly spoke out her
gratitude even while screaming. The terrific impact caused the altitude to drop with a
jerk and the body balance crumbled.
Shuu fell leaving behind that voice. Like that 「 aAAAAAAAAAA~~~ 」 a trailing
scream resounded through the sky. Hajime made a face that said 「Ah, damn it」, while
beside him Sumire screamed 「DEAAAAAARRR~」. And then, a silver flash rushed at
the corner of their vision. A beat later.
「 Geez-, Hajime-kun, what are you doing! Otou-san almost turned into a stain in the
ground just now!」
Kaori flapped her silver wings to fly up while carrying Shuu in her arms from
behind. Shuu who experienced skydiving without parachute was muttering 「Thank you
very much, thank you very much-. Living is wonderful…… 」 while his eyes were half
rolled back.
「Well, even if he become a stain on the ground, if it’s Kaori then it’s recoverable……」
「Don’t treat Otou-san father-in-law like a broken doll! Geez……treat life with care, you
Although there was limitation to a certain degree, the demon king-sama’s group had
basically risen above death. Even Hajime himself was starting to have thinking like
「 It’s fine, it will only be death for a bit. It will only really be for a bit 」 taking root
inside himself. *Flap flap. Flap flap.* The silver wings that actually didn’t need to be
flapped at all to fly were flapping adorably due to habit and Kaori returned Shuu on
Tio’s back. The moment it became obvious that there wasn’t any particular problem,
Shuu stared fixedly at Sumire who was laughing while holding her stomach while raising
his voice toward Tomoichi who was on the deck.
「Tomoichi-ku~~~~n! It’s just like you said, Kaori-chan is~, certainly an angel!!」
「That’s right isn’t it! Kaori is an angel! Kaoriii~, that was amazing~! You did great! But,
Otou-san’s life has shrunk by fifty years here, so please don’t suddenly jump off
It seemed that Tomoichi-san would soon run out of life span.
『Chichiue-dono, I beg for thy forgiveness.』
「 No no, that’s fine. I was getting a bit too high spirited. And it was also really
「Pupupu~, dear, you went 『Aa~~~』 in real life! Ahahahah」
Laughin unreservedly at her husband’s shameful sight was Sumire quality. Shuu
cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment while attempting to shift the topic.
「The great labyrinth we are going to right now is also a really thrilling place right? That
free diving was a good side entertainment.」
「I think the thrill of a great labyrinth is different from just now though……」
There, Hajime who was also smiling a bit like Sumire made a slightly worried
「 Tou-san, Kaa-san. As I thought, I think it’s better to only visit the surface floor and
Oscar’s hideout in Orcus. Fighting against monster is……it’s more gruesome than Tou-
san and others think……」
「 No, Hajime. We came here because we want to know the track that you followed. I
want you to show us what kind of path you were walking.」
Although, Hajime wondered how much he should show them. In his opinion, the
happening before he fell into abyss and the survival after he encountered Yue would be
fine to be shown. That was as long as the two of them, and also Tomoichi and others
didn’t give up from the bloody battle. However, the event at that time when he went
through the change of his mind…… He flatly refused to do something like bragging of his
misfortune. There would be no point of him purposely showing the bloody and
nauseating event. If they wanted to know about the path that he walked, he thought that
it would be enough to start from after his encounter with Yue. But, would Shuu and
Sumire be convinced with that much…… It would be great if it went well and they let the
censoring passed. Hajime was thinking of such thing for a while.
『 Kuku. Even Goshujin-sama who was always quick and decisive art also a parents’
child. I couldst see thou straying in various things before thy parents.』
She was saying those words while laughing slightly, but her voice was filled with
gentleness, understanding, and also affection toward Hajime’s hesitation. It seemed that
the telepathy was sent only to Hajime seeing that Sumire and Shuu didn’t react. Being
seen through at various things and having a definite affection directed to him like this
made Hajime to avert his gaze to faraway in embarrassment.
「You’re right. I’m like this in front of family, “princess Tio”.」
「 Really thank you for always considerate at various things, “princess Tio”. You are
always reliable, “princess Tio”. No, I’m seriously not your match, “your highness”.」
『 Stop calling me princess-. That is truly embarrassing! Goshujin-sama! Thou art
Strength left Hajime’s shoulders and he sat down cross-legged. He then caressed the
solid and smooth scale with a surprisingly gentle hand movement. Tio slightly shook as
though writhing emotionally.
「 Tio, turn around. Also hold back that expectant gaze of yours. Perform a lovely
sightseeing flight okay?」
『Right-. Leave it to me. I’ll have them taste to their heart content, just how great the
black dragon of Goshujin-sama art.』
Question mark floated above Shuu and Sumire seeing the intimate conversation of
their son and his dragon wife that seemed to have ticklishly sweet atmosphere somehow.
Even so they were sending a gentle gaze at their son. After that, Tomoichi and others
also enjoyed being dragon rider to their heart content. Then the group arrived at the city
of Horuad while their excitement hadn’t cooled down.
「……Right, everyone. Here is the spot where the famous incident “Kaori-san confessed
wholeheartedly, she got easily rejected though and went pugyaaa” took place.」
In front of Orcus Great Labyrinth, the cat fight that was like usual occurred. Hajime
and others who entered Horuad introduced the inn that they once stayed at and the
guild that they used while going until the entrance of Orcus Great Labyrinth. Like that,
the first voice that Yue spoke out was that. Tomoichi’s gaze became fierce. 「 You
bastaardd, why the hell you rejected my angel, huuuh!?」He spoke with a thuggish look
like that. However, surely even if the place got introduced as 「 The place where her
confession succeeded 」 , there was no doubt that he would still say 「 You bastaardd,
what do you mean that you are going out with my angelll, huuuh!? 」 with a thuggish
look. While Kaoruko, Kirino, and Akiko were giving a deeply interested gaze that said
「Oh my」, Shia smiled wryly while giving mediating words.
「 Eeer, about that. It’s not like it was just Kaori-san who got rejected by Hajime-san.
Other than Yue-san, everyone got thoroughly rejected after all.」
「My, is that so? Shia-chan also got rejected?」
「Somehow that sounds hard to believe.」
Kaoruko and Kirino’s eyes turned into saucer because they knew about the current
intimate relationship of Hajime and co. Myuu smiled cheerfully while adding the
explanation at the two.
「For papa Yue-oneechan was “special” nano!」
Kaori whose appearance was a bit messy made a displeased expression as though to
confirm those words and said.
「It’s frustrating but, that’s how it was, Okaa-san.」
「 Truly. Goshujin-sama at that time was completely an adherent of Yue supremacy
「He hasn’t changed that much even now though~」
Tio and Shia muttered in nostalgia. Aiko and Shizuku smiled wryly while continuing
after them.
「 Thinking back, Shia-san’s guts was amazing. Even though when I reunited with
Hajime-kun it was a Hajime-kun that was a complete believer of Yue supremacy
doctrine, she still brazenly declared 『I’m Hajime-san’s woman desu』.」
「In a sense, that time of confession was Kaori’s turning point. Since then, Kaori began
to rush nonstop to a strange direction.」
It was human’s nature to become absurdly curious when seeing the related party to
be immersed in recollection by that much. Especially when there was a method to
reproduce that scene, then it would be even more so. Kaoruko’s eyes shined and she
pressed on Yue.
「Yue-san Yue-san. Can you reproduce Kaori’s confessions scene?」
「……That’s a piece of cake, Kaori mama.」
Yue’s crimson eyes sparkled. She gave a powerful thumb up. Kaori attacked to stop
her…… Kaori mama pinioned her from behind. Kaori papa who didn’t want to see
something like his daughter’s confession scene tried to chide his wife, but before that the
magic of past viewing activated. And then, the confession scene was unfolding before
their eyes.
『I love you.』
Kaori who turned bright red blocked her ears with her hands while yelling ‘no no’,
but the past image was mercilessly progressing. The eyes of her mother were shining
brilliantly as though saying 「My my」. Inside the image, Hajime turned Kaori down,
however, she exposed herself with strong gaze and words. And then, at the corner of the
image, for some reason there were men piled up with this and that getting discharged
from their crotch……
『Because, my feeling that think of Hajime-kun won’t lose against anyone.』
Kaori tried to drown out her own words with a loud strange voice, but her line
resounded clearly. By the way, they were at a public place, so naturally there were a lot
of people. Like adventurers, or merchants……. Everyone had warm eyes like 「Hou」 or
「 Oh my 」 . Anyway, Kaori kept blocking her ears and rolled around on the ground
while hugging her knees. It seemed she couldn’t help but roll in a frenzy from the
overflow of her embarrassment. The battle of woman inside the image ended, and at the
end Yue gave permission for Kaori to accompany them while Hajime got left out from
the talk for some reason, and then the two smiled at each other fearlessly. It was the
moment of beginning of the history of the love rivals that still continued even now.
「Watching it once again, rather than the beginning of Hajime and Kaori, it’s more the
beginning of Yue and Kaori. They are super close with each other using the love rival
relationship as cover.」
「「We aren’t close!」」
Yue and Kaori intimately objected in synchronization. They were really close with
each other. By the way, the image of Kouki challenging Hajime to a duel and fell into
hole at that time was also playing, but the kind everyone splendidly pretended to not see
「Uu, Okaa-san you idiot!」
Kaori pointed the tip of her ultra shyness at Kaoruko. However, Kaoruko gently
caressed the head of the crouching Kaori like she was a little kid.
「Fufu, I’m sorry Kaori. But, Kaori was really cool there. As expected from Okaa-san’s
daughter. You really did your best.」
Other people were watching, it was a bit embarrassing to be consoled like a little
kid……Kaori fidgeted with blushing cheeks.
「You see, Okaa-san too was fighting against the swarming cockro――cough, women in
order to catch your Otou-san. I remember in the past~」
「Okaa-san, just now, you said cockroach……hey, just now, you were going to call other
woman as cockroach――」
「 Your Otou-san, he was really, really popular. What’s more, he was someone who
couldn’t differentiate between being kind and pampering, he was being kind to any kind
of cockr――woman, so Okaa-san had it hard.」
「 Ka, Kaoruko? You don’t need to go that far about the matter of the past I think? I
think? We are in front of Kaori, look, there are also everyone else, right?」
「Otou-san. More importantly than that, Okaa-san called other woman cockroach……」
It seemed that the Shirasaki spouses had also gone through various things.
Tomoichi-san was sweating like rivers, while Kaori-san was put off that her mother
almost called other woman as cockroach so naturally. The bearer of the original Hannya,
the current user of Yaksha stan○――Shirasaki Kaoruko. Seeing from this, indeed, it
seemed that Kaori had really inherited her blood. As expected, Kaori didn’t call other
woman cockroach, but that must be because luckily she was similar with Tomoichi in
that aspect. Soon the crowd of people would get too big, it looked like it would become a
commotion if they stayed longer than this. Hajime thought that as expected, this wasn’t
something to be done in front of the entrance. He forcefully carried Yue like a sack when
she was going to invite even more chaos by saying 「……And then, this is the figure of
Shizuku rejoicing from receiving a present of sharp thing from her best friend’s loved
one」, and he urged everyone to enter inside Orcus Great Labyrinth.
「Hou, it’s quite developed. It looks exactly like a game’s dungeon.」
「Really. The lighting is……aa, is this the green light stone Hajime mentioned? A natural
mineral become lighting for the place as it is.」
Shuu and Sumire were looking around busily inside the dungeon with great interest.
Tomoichi and others too surely had the image that the place would be darker and eerie
like a tunnel. They seemed to be greatly interested seeing that the path was
unexpectedly developed.
「 The monsters that comes out in the surface of Orcus aren’t a big deal. But raw
material can be taken from them to a certain degree. With the level of the monsters here,
not just low level adventurers, even civilian can manage somehow, so there is also a lot
of demand. That’s why this area is properly developed.」
Hajime’s explanation that was like a tour guide was added further by Kaori.
「Conversely, if you come out to a place like a natural cave that isn’t developed, it means
that it’s a place that is dangerous for people who aren’t combatant, so be careful okay?」
Hajime said 「 Although…… 」 there while pulling out Donner with really natural
movement. And then, he pulled the trigger even without really taking aim. It wasn’t
accelerated electromagnetically, even so the firing sound was loud and echoed greatly
due to the location. The bursting sound that made the air shook made Shuu and others
to turn their gaze to the front in surprise. Over there, there was a monster like mice with
its head blown away. It was a ratman.
Kaoruko covered her mouth with her hand while Akiko went a bit pale. It seemed
the people of Yaegashi family were calm, but even Tomoichi’s expression looked tense.
Even more ratmen crawled out from the corner ahead. They shrieked up ‘KIIIIIII’ which
sounded harsh on the ear and their dark red eyes glinted fiercely with killing intent.
Clear killing intent and hostility rode on the wave of air that descended on the group.
Kaoruko immediately clung on Tomoichi while feeling like weak in the knees. Tomoichi
was supporting her with pale expression. Beside Hajime, Yue was looking up at him
wordlessly. Hajime guessed what her gaze was saying, but he smiled and shook his head.
Right after that, the group of ratmen fiercely rushed forward. Their number was roughly
「O, oi, Hajime? That’s――」
「Hajime, it’s alright isn’t it?」
Shuu and Sumire asked in a bit of agitation. Hajime answered with his action. Firing
sounds burst out consecutively. It was precisely five shots. One shot would open wind
hole on several of the ratmen altogether, furthermore the penetrating bullets would
ricochet and dug into the remaining targets. It was a swift killing, no, it was truly an
instant killing. Shuu and Sumire, and then Tomoichi and others were dumbfounded in
mute amazement seeing gun fired from nearby and the technique that looked like it
came out right from Hollywood. Even calling the fight overwhelming would still be
presumptuous. It was a difference of status between both sides that was exactly like an
elephant stomping on ants. They couldn’t help but feeling that. Hajime made his
“treasure warehouse” shined and summoned bullets from empty air like it was nothing
and casually performed gun spin reload while turning around. The bullets were loaded
into the cylinder like a joke, and just right after they perceived that the gun was put into
a holster with flowing motion.
「Just as you saw, even if we are in the abyss, there isn’t anything here that is a match
against me. And just like Kaori said, I hope you all would refrain from acting on your
own because of curiosity but……well, Yue and others are also here so it’s fine even if you
think that there would be no danger here.」
Tio and Shia stayed in the rear, while Kaori, Shizuku and Aiko stayed at the left and
right. As long as they were staying in the middle of that formation, nothing would
happen even in the worst case. There was one problem. The reason why the monsters
weren’t turned into ash by Yue’s magic or turned into dust by Kaori’s disintegration, but
dealt with gunshot that left behind remains which looked the most graphic in a sense.
「So, how is it? As expected, should we just go directly to Oscar’s hideout?」
That question was especially directed to Kaoruko and Akiko. They must had
understood how graphic a battle could get from the scene just now. Although they were
monsters, seeing a living thing burst out right before them was a traumatic shocking
sight. However, the image of the past they would see from here on would be even more
gruesome than this. It would be better if they rethought once more right now. This was a
consideration from Hajime who was thinking that. Sumire who saw the how greatly
shaken Kaoruko and Akiko were proposed that the two of them took a rest at the
hideout ahead of them. It seemed that Sumire and Shuu didn’t plan to pull back. They
intended to follow after the track of Hajime till the end. Kaoruko looked at Tomoichi.
Tomoichi nodded with a strong gaze even while he was still a bit pale. Kaoruko looked at
Akiko next. Aiko was worried about her and grasped her hand, but she too took a firm
look at Aiko and then turned her gaze to Kaoruko and gave a strong nod. After Kaoruko
saw that, she looked like she had resolved herself.
「No, we are fine Hajime-kun. Please teach us too the path all of you have gone through.
……I too want to know the path my daughter had followed.」
「……I understand. But, please don’t force yourself. The chance isn’t just this time. If
it’s necessary, I’ll be available anytime to show you anything.」
Seeing Kaoruko recovering her smile back and saying her thanks, Hajime shrugged
with a troubled expression in resignation. After the parents cleared the first barrier, he
advanced while talking about the memory of that time. Midway a monster that looked
like a cute raccoon came out,
Shizuku who loved cute things hesitated a bit. This monster almost had no combat
ability, but it had a battle style of approaching with its adorable appearance and then
injected a powerful paralysis poison with a bite. And so, there was no danger even if she
hesitated but……
「Haa, I’m not good with this type――」
*Supan-*, a pleasant sound resounded. The raccoon-chan cried 「Kukyu?」 and its
head flew. The perpetrator was Kaori-san. Kaori turned around while behind a fountain
of blood spurted out from the monster’s neck.
「Shizuku-chan, it’s alright? Leave this kind of thing to me!」
The empty eyes of the raccoon’s head that was rolling on the floor was looking at
Shizuku hatefully. Shizuku replied with a faraway look. Surely ahead of her gaze there
was the Kaori of the past who was gentle and unrelated with violence. Kaori papa and
Kaori mama who were making the same faraway look behind Shizuku undoubtedly were
also recalling their past daughter in nostalgia. After that, Shuuzou and others said 「I
can’t endure anymore! Let us fight! 」, so they advanced while experiencing real battle
under their daughter’s supervision. After a while, the group finally arrived at floor 20
that connected to the floor 65. The first thing they did was taking care of several Rock
Mount that were camouflaging themselves as rock by disintegrating them, opening win
hole on their body, splattering them, or turning them into ash.
「I think you can call this place the fated crossroad. It has been removed right now but,
at that spot there was a crystal with beautiful appearance called Glanz crystal, but it was
a trap that teleported the victims to floor 65.」
Tomoichi asked with a complicated expression after hearing Hajime’s explanation.
「……I heard. The kid that once killed Kaori, activated that trap right?」
「Yes, that’s right. That guy had feeling for Kaori, and because of that he reached out for
that Glanz crystal for her.」
「I wonder, what would happen if that time I didn’t show interest to that crystal……」
Would their fate change? Kaori showed a complicated expression. Hajime kindly
patted the head of Kaori who was like that while speaking.
「It wouldn’t change anything. He didn’t act because of one cause. ……The target of his
scorn which was a virtually incompetent guy had the attention of the girl he liked. The
days in the school and then everything that happened since coming to this Tortus were
nurturing the seed of killing intent inside that guy.」
And then, he literally “succumbed to evil temptation”. He, the human called Hiyama
Daisuke didn’t have the strength to oppose that devil’s whisper.
「There is no need to worry about it, both in good meaning or bad meaning.」
Hajime asserted firmly with unwavering tone toward Tomoichi and others whose
complicated thought was showing on their face from hearing the deed of the classmate
who died in another world.
「 That guy is already gone. I killed him. Everyone doesn’t need to feel troubled about
that guy or that guy’s family. Even if there is a need to worry, it will be my burden. It will
be troubling if other people get concerned on their own about my burden.」
‘I’ve got no plan to feel burdened about it though’, Hajime read the atmosphere and
didn’t say that. It was a harsh manner of speaking that felt like rejecting away others,
but it was clear that those words were filled with thoughtfulness toward Tomoichi and
others. Tomoichi and co relaxed their expression slightly. Even so, perhaps in order to
change the atmosphere that had become slightly gloomy, our Yue-sama took a step
「……Don’t worry, Kaori. It’s just as Hajime said, nothing would change.」
The smile of Yue that was even emitting kindness made Kaori’s expression broke out
into a smile……
「……Yes, no~thing would change. Hajime would encounter me without a doubt, and
inevitably rejected Kaori.」
Yue-sama threw out her chest and snorted ‘fufuh’.
「 …… Because, Hajime said it. Even if he returned to the past, 『I’ll follow the same
path no matter how many times』『I want to meet Yue after all』 he said.」
‘Mufufuh’, Yue-sama laughed while her hand elegantly covered her mouth. *Snap*
Kaori kept smiling while blood vein pulsed on her forehead.
「 … … Yes, Hajime would come to meet me. Leaving Kaori behind! Leaving Kaori
behind! No matter how many――」
A silver flash surged out while grazing Yue’s head. The thrust of a large sword that
was clad with disintegration magic was unleashed! If Yue didn’t immediately bent down,
she would become like the raccoon-chan before this!
「……My, my scalp, it got slightly shaved, perhaps」
「Chih, I missed.」
Yue-sama held her head with both hands saying 「 Even though the experience of
my scalp getting shaved happening once is enough……」 while her eyes became slightly
tearful. It seemed she still perfectly remembered how in the past she got shot by Hajime.
「……You-, this stupid Kaori! It’s really childish to get angry from hearing the truth!」
「 Yue is the bad one! Besides, I’m still in my teenage year! Not like Yue! Eh, come to
think of it, Yue-san Yue-san, how old are you right now?」
「Come at me!」
Yue and Kaori started quarreling that was like breathing to them. Certainly the
atmosphere had returned to normal but……at this point this felt a bit exasperating
already. While the two were grappling with each other, they
「If the trap didn’t activate, various things would absolutely change I’m telling you!」
「 … … No way it would change! No matter what kind of path it was, it’s destiny that
Hajime would meet me!」
「The, then, it will be fine if I lock him up! Like in the inn or in the palace……anyway I’ll
just lock him up! If it’s Hajime-kun at that time even I can lock him up anyway!」
「……Confinement!? Terrible!」
「I, it’s not terrible! Everything is for Hajime-kun’s sake!」
「 …… Kaori you psycho! Rather than getting confined by the dangerous Kaori, better
me who confine Hajime!」
「No! I’ll be the one confining him!」
「……I’m the one-, who am going to-, confine him!」
‘Confine, confine! Confine Hajime in!’ Yue-sama and Kaori-san grappled with each
other while repeatedly yelling that. Hajime opened his mouth with unusually pale
expression and also trembling voice.
「 The past me was really in serious danger huh. Before talking about Hiyama or
whatever, the imprisonment bad end from Kaori and Yue was right beside me……look,
this arm. It’s really getting goose bumps.」
A hand gently patted Hajime’s shoulder that was slightly trembling. Unexpectedly it
was Tomoichi.
「Hajime-kun. It’s fine, in the end love will win. I too, in the past I also got confined by
‘This uncle, he suddenly revealed something outrageous’……not just Hajime,
everyone other than the two grappling with each other also thought that. It was only
Kaoruko who for some reason was fidgeting with embarrassed look while saying 「Geez
dear, don’t mention that」.
「 You see, at first she would only come to look after me devotedly like a regularly
visiting wife, but during that time her private items keep increasing inside my room, and
when I realized it was like the two of us were living together……」
「E, err, Tomoichi-san?」
Tomoichi-san was looking back at the past while slightly trembling. What’s this, it
looked like light was gradually vanishing from his eyes……
「 We were always together when going out, even though we had different class in the
university, when I noticed she would be waiting for me outside the classroom……」
「 O, o~i! Kaori! Stop fighting and look after your father for me! Somehow this looks
Tomoichi-san’s eyes were rapidly getting blank.
「Kaoruko would do all of the shopping, so there wouldn’t be any need for me to go out
other than for a date. But, even that date would gradually turn into things like watching
movie inside the house, or spending comfortable time together, things like that……」
「Kaoruko-san! Your husband’s eyes are dead you know!?」
Kaoruko-san was blushing hearing her husband talking about their life before
marriage while fidgeting.
「 I wonder when did it happen. Once I went out for drinking with the girls in the
university, then the next day, Kaoruko told me. 『 It’s okay that you don’t go to the
university anymore. Leave everything to me. It will be fine if Tomoichi-san stays forever
in this room』 she said……」
「 Kaori-!! The dangerous one was actually your mother! Ah, no, you are also a
dangerous enough girl huh! God dammit!」
‘Tomoichi-san! Return to your senses!’ Hajime said while shaking him back and
forth. Tomoichi gasped and returned to his senses, then he looked at his daughter who
was still making racket about ‘confinement-confinement’……
「Hajime-kun. Call me when it get bad. I’ll give you some advice.」
「……Yes, thank you very much, Tomoichi-san. If it feels like Kaori finally become like
“that”, at that time please let me listen to your life experience.」
Right now they looked like a happy husband and wife, so surely Tomoichi had
handled the past yandere Kaoruko well. mIn Hajime’s view, for the first time Tomoichi
looked like a very reliable adult. And then, seeing Hajime honestly begging for help with
an expression that was slightly twitching, Tomoichi too was also feeling something. The
two of them exchanged a powerful handshake with each other. Hajime and Tomoichi. It
was the instant where the distance of their heart shrunk by a little. After that, Myuu who
was actually having fun with following the track of the Hajime before she met him
remonstrated Yue and Kaori because the group didn’t make any progress at the slightest
due to their quarrel. She came forward, faced the two and pointed her finger forward
and said 「Myuu know the two of you are really close with each other nano! That’s why
please be a bit more quiet nano! Both Yue-oneechan and Kaori-oneechan are bad
nano! 」 . To think that a five years old little girl would caution them with 「 Let’s be
quiet」…… Yue and Kaori who were told that they were bad got depressed and sat with
seiza posture before Myuu, and they apologized 「 … … Sorry that Kaori is too high
spirited」「Forgive Yue for her noisiness」. Like that, the group that pulled themselves
back together finally teleported to the floor 65 using the gate, toward the destination of
that trap.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑦

They noticed that the air had changed at the same time when they got through the
dazzling light. *Hyuu hyuu* The sound of wind shook their eardrums.
「……So this place is like this.」
「How should I say it, this place, it’s really eerie.」
It was a space that was shaped like a gigantic dome. And then, there was a long and
large stone bridge that connected that space from end to end. Shuu and Sumire who
were looking around on top of that spoke their impression sounding like they had their
breath taken away. The wind that felt like it was stickily caressing their skin from the
bottom of the earth was blowing up from below. It made the parents to get goosebumps.
They were on top of a bridge that felt like it was floating midair without any handrails or
a curb. Kaoruko and Akiko were looking around with terrified expression while staying
at the center as much as possible. Hajime opened his mouth toward the parents who
were busily looking around.
「This is the place where we were teleported to by the trap――the sixty fifth floor.」
In case they were descending through the floors normally, they wouldn’t come out
into this place. This was a place where they would teleported into only in the case they
got caught by the trap. Hajime explained so, but,
「I, I see, I got it, Hajime. But you see, before you explain!」
「Oi-, Hajime-kun! Behind, behind!」
Shuu and Tomoichi were desperately pointing behind Hajime while raising their
voice. Hajime’s tour guide explanation entered their right ear and slipped out through
their left ear. Kaoruko and Akiko, and then even Sumire were staring unblinkingly at
behind Hajime right now with a pale expression. They didn’t look like they were
listening to his talk. That was only natural. After all, if speaking in manga terms, there
was a monster approaching with a pressure that felt like there would be
*GOGOGOGOGO-* sound effect drawn behind it with big and bolded letters. It was
emitting pressure that forced the parents to comprehend whether they wanted it or not
that this was an existence that was in a completely different level from the monsters they
saw until now.
The monster’s roar resounded and shook the atmosphere. Kaoruko and Akiko
hugged each other tightly while their legs became unable to stand anymore.
Furthermore, a lot of Traum Soldiers were approaching from the other side of the stone
bridge. Their eye sockets were shining piercingly with dark red flame. Even the
members of Yaegashi family had tense expression.
「Aa~, this is bad. I should have put mental resistance on everyone beforehand.」
「……Nn. This is a failure. Everyone, sorry.」
Hajime awkwardly scratched his cheek while he still hadn’t looked back. Yue too
was making an apologetic look while applying fear resistance using soul magic on the
parents. ‘No, that isn’t the time for that though……’ It felt like the sound of the parents’
heart could be heart like that.
The third roar. At the same time, the stone bridge shook fiercely. The monster was
the master of the sixty fifth floor that once cornered Hajime and co into a predicament.
It began to charge above the stone bridge where there was no place to escape. And so,
for the time being, *DOPAN-♪*
A roar that was a bit different from before resounded. A crimson flash blew up one
of the monster’s front legs. It happened right when it was stepping forward, so the
monster that lost its support fell on the ground face first like in a comedy skit. It then
obeyed the law of inertia and slid *SUZAA~~~*. And then it stopped still right before
Hajime with only a single step of distance remaining between them.
「 Cough-. Ee~, this thing’s name is Behemoth. Fundamentally it only has two attack
patterns of a normal rush or a rush while transforming scorching red like “My horn is
burning red”. It’s a relatively disappointing monster.」
Behemoth roared *GURYA-* and somehow it managed to stand up. It stared down
Hajime with an angry eye glint while its horn transformed scorching red above its head.
Hajime-san pointed with his finger and said 「As you can see, this is its scorching red
transformation」 as introduction for Behemoth-kun’s signature move.
「Although it was when we still hadn’t arrived for long in Tortus――」
Behemoth swung down its head. Hajime’s uppercut burst up. The artificial arm’s
vibration pulverization and skill “Strong Arm”, and then the explosion from the elbow
accompanied the punch.
New discovery. Behemoth’s scream sounded like a dog.
「Thinking back now, getting tossed around helplessly by this kind of pseudo cow that
know nothing except charging ahead is nothing but the height of stupidity. Surely there
was a way that would be a bit better to deal with it.」
「It can’t be helped Hajime. At that time everyone was absolutely at their limit.」
Shizuku smiled wryly while agreeing. During that time Behemoth that got hit by a
fierce punch on its nose was desperately rubbing its nose with its remaining front leg. It
was a gesture that a puppy would often do when appealing 「 My nose feels reeally
「Hajime-sa~n! What should we do about the skeletons over here?」
The crowd of Traum soldier was gradually approaching Hajime and co. Hajime
pointed there with his finger while saying 「Please look over there. They are bones 」.
The parents’ gaze was naturally guided to there.
「They are called Traum soldier. Their strength isn’t really much. But, they have many
soldiers. The choices in the trap at this floor is fundamentally to advance ahead and slip
through a single powerful Behemoth, or to pass through the Traum Soldiers with their
violence of numbers and then go back to floor 20 through the stairs ahead of them. 」
Hajime continued his explanation while turning to Kaori and gave an instruction
「 Ya, Kaori-san, disintegrate them along with the magic circle 」 sounding like an
elderly nobleman from somewhere. Kaori replied lightly 「 Ye~s 」 , while at the same
time silver flash planted trauma into the Traum Soldiers. They instantly became ash,
and furthermore the magic circle that continued to produce the Traum Soldiers turned
into ash along with the ground. The parents went 「O, oo」 sounding half bewildered
and half in admiration like ‘Kaori-san is seriously awesome’. There, Behemoth recovered
from its pain. It made its horn scorching red once more and assaulted Hajime with clear
killing intent and hostility.
「And, through one thing and another, I held back this Behemoth, the bridge crumbled,
and we harmoniously fell together.」
Along with the really abridged explanation, a Cross Velt appeared above the
Behemoth that was going to charge ahead. *Pashu-* An object that was like an anchor
fired into the Behemoth, and right after that it got pulled toward the end of the stone
――‘GUO!? Gu, GURYAAAA-!!’
‘Wai-!? What’s this!? I, I’m pulled……no, NO WAY I’LL LOSE-!!’ It felt like such
voice of Behemoth could be heard. It desperately stood its ground in the attempt to
prevent itself from getting dragged away, but from the beginning it almost had no
leeway to control its posture with the size of its physique. When it got dragged
draggingly for a meter, its resistance ended in vain and it easily got dragged toward the
stone bridge’s edge.
‘AH!? My hind legs!?’ Behemoth wriggled and struggled. Its hind legs fell while its
front leg’s claws were clawing on the ground desperately to crawl up but……
「Ee~, about its depth, I fainted at that time so I don’t know how deep it is, but in this
rare chance we have here the Behemoth-san who possess a conspicuous burning horn,
so let’s test for a bit if we can confirm how far it will fall down.」
Behemoth’s gaze snapped toward Hajime. Surely there was no way that it
understood his words, but its expression really looked like it was saying this.
――‘You’re lying right?’
Like that. Hajime-san grinned and aimed his Donner. His aim was the front leg of
Behemoth that was desperately clinging on the ground, the claws there. *DOPAN-* A
shooting sound echoed. At the same time the claws of the Behemoth that should be said
as its lifeline were pulverized. Behemoth’s eyes were saying 「 This is, just too
cruel……」……it felt like that.
Behemoth raised a scream that sounded slightly similar like Shuu when he was free
diving from Tio’s back while falling toward the bottom of the Abyss. Thanks to the
scorching red horn, the sight of its falling could be seen clearly. For a while everyone
was peering down harmoniously without saying anything, and then Kaori opened her
mouth with a really complicated expression.
「 …… Thinking back after looking at this, it’s really deep. It was really a miracle that
Hajime-kun survived from this.」
「You’re right. If I remember right, he was blown away by the water stream that spurted
out from a tunnel on the wall and the stream brought him into a different tunnel was
「Papa, papa. Myuu think if Papa appeared at the nine death one life special show in the
TV before this, papa would surely get the first place nano. 」 (TN: Nine death one life,
it’s a phrase in Japan that means a narrow escape from death)
「 Myuu, I wonder about that. Goshuujin-sama hath returned alive quite a lot from
extremely deathly situations, so it couldst already be said that it’s nine death nine life
「……Nn. Perhaps it will be ok if it’s a special show about a man that absolutely won’t
die no matter what happen.」
「 No no, Yue-san. In that case it will be better to just upfrontly make special show of
shocking video or astonishing video. There is no doubt that Hajime-san will monopolize
the best 100.」
The parents were letting out a dry laugh while making faraway gaze at their son and
daughters who were talking carefreely with the fading Behemoth’s scream as BGM. They
slowly and quietly returned to the center of the stone bridge and let out a large sigh. And
then, Sumire spoke.
「Then, Yue-chan. Please replay the past image okay?」
「Why!? I had explained it carefully and thoroughly just now right!?」
Hajime spontaneously made a tsukkomi. Yes, Hajime was acting like a tour guide
because he was aiming to avoid the replaying of the past image by explaining it orally.
「……Nn. Hajime, you don’t know when to give up.」
「N, no, but you know, Yue.」
Hajime who got scolded ‘bad child’ by Yue, but for him who was always decisive and
resolute in everything, at this time he was being really obstructive even at this late.
「Goshujin-sama, firm thy resolve already. Hahaue-dono and Chichiue-dono, as well as
everyone else, they wouldst not change their decision to watch the past of Goshujin-
「 That’s right Hajime-san. Besides, if it’s the usual Hajime-san, even if everyone’s
mental image of you become bad, won’t you say something like 『So what. If it become
bad, then I just need to make it good again』.」
Yue and others thought that Hajime was still reluctant to show his gruesome past.
They made a slightly exasperated expression while expressing such words to persuade
him. However, Hajime attempted to object with his expression still looking bitter.
「 No, about that it doesn’t really matter anymore for me. I have consented and also
resolved myself regarding that point.」
「……Nn? Then what are you dissatisfied about?」
Yue tilted her head. Hajime spoke in respond.
「……This is just for example, something like a drama that you are acting in it, isn’t it a
relatively high hurdle to have your family watch such thing?」
The reason of Hajime’s reluctance came to light. It seemed he was simply
embarrassed. Kaori and Shizuku, and then Aiko turned their gaze to their respective
family and nodded 「Indeed!」. At that time, they were under various pressing crisis.
Their discomposed figure, their heated figure when making some kind of resolve, their
failure, and also their hardworking figure, everything would get seen by their parents.
Thinking really carefully, certainly it might be embarrassing! Shame assaulted Kaori and
co at this late. An atmosphere that perhaps as expected it would be better to explain
orally and stopped with the past playback was starting to flow.
「 Tha, that’s right isn’t it. It’s a bit, you know, the me at that time, was like that in
various things……」
「 Ce, certainly. Unlike Kaori, I think it’s fine for me at Orcus but……I, I want to be
spared from the past playback in the ic, ice and snow cavern……」
「I wasn’t here at all so there is no problem but……after this……e, especially in the city
of Ur……」
Seeing their daughter who were starting to become reluctant, Kaoruko, Kirino, and
Akiko looked at Yue with a smile. Their gaze spoke more eloquently than their mouth.
Yue glanced at Hajime.
「That’s why, Yue. Also you too Tio. Right now stopping it is――」
「Yue-chan, Tio-chan, Sumire-okaasan is feeling sad.」
Sumire cut off Hajime’s words and said such things with a dramatized gesture. Yue
and Tio who were about to accept Hajime’s words thinking that it couldn’t be helped
were startled and looked at Sumire.
「 I really hope you two will listen to Okaa-san’s request. If not, Sumire-okaasan will
become really sad and have to rethink about various things, about the suitableness of my
son’s wife and so on――」
「 … … Nn-! Please watch Okaa-sama! The image that is even more vivid than the
combination of Ultra Blueray and 4K HD! Fast forward, replay, skip and slow function,
everything can be done at will!」
There was no hesitation. Hajime raised his voice 「Yue!?」, but Yue intentionally
put her hand on her ear saying 「Eh? What did you say?」 and pretended not to hear.
While that was going on, the figures of Hajime and co getting teleported to the center of
the stone bridge were projected. Sumire and others, the mother camp high-fived
「Waa~i」 with each other. Shuu and others the father camp were sending Hajime kind
gaze of understanding and sympathy. During that time the nostalgic Hajime and others
of the past were teleported to the center of the stone bridge. ‘Oo!’ Cheers were raised.
Sumire and co watched over their children of the past. But, their voice immediately
quieted down and their expression stiffened.
――’I definitely won’t let you kids die!’
The tense voice of Captain Meld resounded. The reproduced Behemoth and also the
Traum Soldiers were things they had seen just now. They were monsters that Hajime
and Kaori casually took care of. But, the situation where the students inside the image
were becoming half panicked conveyed the urgent situation at that time clearly. It
conveyed the killing intent of the monsters fiercely through the image. Kouki got into a
heated dispute with Meld who was trying to make him retreat. Shizuku recommended to
obey Captain Meld, but Kouki shoved aside the words of his childhood friend and
resolved to fight. There, Hajime came running.
――‘They’re all panicking because their leader isn’t with them!’
Hajime who had docile personality and thoroughly avoided quarrel raised a
thundering yell.
――‘Quit being so focused on what’s in front of you! Look at what’s behind you for
The classmates were attacked by the Traum Soldiers and showed a chaotic situation.
The scene of other kids also screaming in fear and despair while fighting made the
parents wanted to avert their gaze. The development after that was truly like surging
waves. Behemoth’s charge. The shockwave blowing violently. Hajime and others who
tumbled around like toys. In the place of Meld and other soldiers who were wounded
and couldn’t move, Kouki and co challenged the monster. However, even the hero’s
trump card “Heaven’s Might” didn’t do anything. Kouki was blown away and they ran
out of method.
――‘Carry Kouki out of here!’
Meld’s words were directed to Hajime. His words said to abandon them the knights,
and even Shizuku and others, to save only Kouki no matter what. In this situation where
no one would survive if someone wasn’t abandoned, Sumire and others, especially the
members of Yaegashi family who was shown right now the decision to cast away their
daughter were gritting their teeth hard. Their daughter was lying down on the ground
while groaning in agony before their eyes. It was unknown how they were feeling as
parent. Like that, the moment of destiny finally arrived. A single young man whose
fighting ability was equal to nonexistent came forward. He only had a single weapon.
With just the technique to process mineral, he remained in the battlefield by himself.
While everyone was retreating, he was frantically holding back Behemoth. Shuu
called out the name toward that figure of his son, while Sumire was tightening her lips.
They understood. Their son normally had the principle to not rock the boat, but he was a
child who wouldn’t hesitate to take action when it was really mattered. At this kind of
time, he was a child who absolutely wouldn’t show his back no matter how scared he
was. However, as parents they thought this as expected. ‘Why didn’t you run away.’ They
felt proud of their son who took a step forward for the sake of someone else, but at the
same time they also thought that they wanted him to discard such courage. Like that,
「Ah」 a voice was raised. It was unknown whose voice it was. Or perhaps, it might be
the voice of everyone there. The multitude of magic that rained down like falling stars
were flowing above Hajime who was desperately retreating, and then, a single fire ball
landed right beside Hajime. Hajime was blown away easily like a leaf. His eyes were
blank, however, he desperately tried to return. That effort, was prevented by Behemoth’s
last killing intent.
Shuu and Sumire spontaneously reached out their hand toward Hajime inside the
image. As though reacting toward the two of them, Hajime was reaching out his hand
while falling toward the abyss. He was immediately swallowed by deep darkness and
vanished. What resounded after that was Kaori’s yell. Only that sad yell that screamed
out her pain which broke open the heart echoed in the surrounding. And then, the image
of the past vanished suddenly. Not to mention Shuu and Sumire, even Tomoichi and
others continued to watch the spot where Hajime was falling. Seeing that, Yue seemed to
think of something and nodded 「Fumu」.
「…… Nn. That was a marvelous gutsy image of Hajime. I can eat three bowls of rice
with only that gallant figure of Hajime just now.」
「……Yue, try to read the mood for a bit.」
Kaori-san’s tsukkomi ended up as empty air. Yue lifted her hand and said 「……By
the way everyone. Please look at this image for a bit 」 , then she snapped her finger
while looking at Tio. Tio wordlessly asked 「Ee~ seriously? We are going to do that in
this atmosphere?」 with a troubled expression, but Yue pointed sharply with her finger
as the GO sign. Tio sighed while putting into her smartphone a pseudo SD card that had
recording of past image. She then projected the image in midair with hologram.
――‘Nagumo-kun, are you awake? It’s me, Shirasaki. Can we talk for a bit?’
The two who reacted and turned their face toward Yue in a flash were Kaori……and
「Wawawa-, Tio! Stop!」
「……I won’t let you!」
Yue-sama took the advantage of Kaori’s agitation and restrained Kaori with
combination magic of gravity – space – binding light chain. Kaori screamed
「Fukya!?」 while collapsing on the ground like a bagworm.
「Hajime-kun! Please!」
Hajime aimed Donner at Tio. He planned to shot the smartphone. He pulled the
trigger instantly without any hesitation. But, in that instant,
With Yue’s order, the superhuman rabbit reacted spontaneously. She reached her
hand in front of Tio with a speed that didn’t even leave behind afterimage, and grasped
the bullet that flew with speed that far surpassed the speed of sound. Although it wasn’t
railgun shot, but this rabbit was really damn bugged……Hajime thought with twitching
expression. Shia stepped in within that opening and restrained Hajime firmly with a
solid grapple.
「Ahaha……I’m sorry, Hajime-san.」
「……In most case, you are prioritzing Yue rather than me huh.」
Hajime thought 「How miserable」 somehow. The image kept playing even during
that time. Kaori dressed in negligee entered into Hajime’s room even though it was late
at night.
「 Kaori!? Yo, yo yo yo, you are in a man’s room dressed like that! Otou-san don’t
remember raising Kaori into such bad child!」
「Oh my Kaori! How bold!」
The Shirasaki husband and wife were in great excitement. Although it seemed their
excitement’s vector was to the opposite direction.
「Yue! Stop alrea――muguh」
Kaori removed the binding by disintegrating it along with the magic power, but she
was unable to stop the recording. She was embraced by her own mother and her mouth
was also blocked. There was no way she would be able to disintegrate her own mother.
Inside the recording, a conversation that caused the people involved to writhe in agony
was continuing.
――‘Why don’t you protect me?’
――‘I’ll protect you, Nagumo-kun.’
Groans that sounded like ‘NUOOOOO~’ resounded. They came from Hajime and
Kaori. It seemed the mental damage on them was critical. Kaori separated herself from
Kaoruko and covered her face with both hands and crouched down. Yue patted her
shoulder kindly.
「 … … Don’t worry Kaori. From here on I will also properly display my embarrassing
sides after all.」
「 Rather by that you mean, because it’s unavoidable if Hajime-kun’s past image is
displayed, before that happen you will take me down with you……it was something like
that right? Right?」
「……Kaori. This is what I think. Friends are wonderful.」
「Let’s review the definition of friend okay! It isn’t anything like a relationship to go to
the grave together just so you know!」
Kaori grabbed at Yue with teary eyes. Yue lightly dodged her ‘hyoi hyoi’ while
rythmically humming 「 Friend♪ Friend♪ 」 . Excluding Hajime who was still having a
faraway look from the serious damage he bore due to shame, everyone returned from
the painful atmosphere just now into the usual atmosphere seeing the two who was
acting comical harmoniously like that. Amidst that, Shuu was roughly stroking the head
of Hajime who was busy running away from reality due to the lethal embarrassment
「What are you doing, Otou-san.]
「It’s nothing? More importantly, what happen after this? From here on is exactly the
time when you have it the hardest right? Show it to Tou-san properly.」
「……Haa. I get it. I’ll bring you there. Just, it’s worrying that you all have Yue acting
considerate just from a past image of this level.」
「Haha……I get it.」
It seemed that everyone understood that more than the objective of taking Kaori
down together with her in shame, Yue was projecting Kaori’s past image because of her
consideration to the parents. Warm gazes that were filled with gratitude were showered
to Yue who got her cheeks stretched out by Kaori. Yue who noticed such gazes while her
cheeks were stretched out *munyo~n* by Kaori blushed slightly from a bit of
Hajime and co arrived to the abyss instantly using gate. When they stepped on the
bank with flowing cold underground water where Hajime was washed away to, there
was a magic circle there, the one that Hajime carved in the past using transmutation
magic in order to warm himself. After staring at that a bit emotionally, Hajime turned
his gaze ahead of the tunnel, to the depth of the darkness.
「……So Hajime, advanced through this path.」
Hajime shrugged affirmatively at Shuu’s question.
「Now then, with us here, even the abyss won’t pose any trouble. Although, the abyss is
the abyss. The level of the monster here is different. I’m thinking to take some measures
before advancing.」
Saying that, Hajime looked at Myuu. Myuu tilted her head in puzzlement. Hajime
spoke to her.
「 Myuu. It’s the demon ranger’s turn. Have them thin out the enemy at this floor for
「Got it nano! You bastards~, it’s time to work yeah! Nano!」
Myuu’s exclusive treasure warehouse shined. The next instant, smokescreen of
seven colors that didn’t have any particular meaning burst out! What showed up from
inside the colorful smokescreen that dispersed with a whirl were Myuu’s exclusive multi
legged living golems where each one of them were making cool pose. Their name,
Demon Rangers!!
「Everyone have at them! Nano!」
‘Aye aye-ma’am!!’ Demon rangers made a splendid salute as though to say that,
equipped wheels at their feet, and then they showed beautiful skating like master of
skiing while vanishing into the corridor ahead. After a while, explosive sound *chudon-*
and firing sound *dorururururu* resounded, then after that screams like 「Kyukyu!?」
or 「Gurya!?」 or 「Pigyaaaaa!?」 echoed. ‘Aa, surely the wild rabbit ears are being
turned into raw meat thereee’, thinking so, Shia asked while her rabbit ears were slightly
「Hajime-san Hajime-san. Why are you using Myuu-chan’s golems? I think it’s fine to
us your own Grim Reapers.」
Hajime scratched his cheeks awkwardly while replying with a really complicated
「Well, that’s true, but in that case, their action fundamentally will stay within the range
of my perception no matter what. Even if there are multiple of them, it doesn’t change
the fact that I’m the one controlling them.」
‘However. Demon Rangers are……’, when Hajime looked at Myuu,
「 Myu? Myuu isn’t controlling Bel-chan and others nano. Bel-chan and others will do
their job properly if they are ordered nanon.」
‘Why are you asking something so obvious?’, Myuu tilted her head while saying so.
「That’s why. Rather than controlling multiple bodies using the perception ability of a
single person, seven people……no, seven bodies? Aa~, well, setting aside the inside,
having seven perception ability to deal with it is more certain right?」
「Thinking it over once more, what is “inside” them?」
Not just Shia, the other people were also asking with their slightly twitching
expression. However, Hajime also didn’t happen to have the answer. They tried looking
at Myuu but,
「? Bel-chan is Bel-chan nano. Sa-chan and the others are also Sa-chan and the others
‘Why are you asking something so obvious?’, Myuu tilted her head while saying so.
「 We, well, no matter. In this world here there is also soul magic or necromancy, this
kind of thing must happen sometimes. I’ll clarify it eventually but……for now, it’s not
anything bad for Myuu so I guess I’ll put it on hold.」
Their identity would come to light due to a certain incident, while the demon king
would notice that the unnatural working of their consciousness that didn’t try to
seriously investigate the inside of the golems true identity seriously was the working of
demon kings. But this was a story of slightly ahead in the future.
「 Now then, those guys are securing the safety of this area so there is no problem……
Tou-san, Kaa-san. Also Tomoichi-san and everyone too. Sorry that I’m sounding
persistent, but I think it’s pointless to watch what happen from here, rather it will be
disgusting. Putting aside Tou-san and Kaa-san, for Tomoichi-san and everyone else it’s
not like what happen here is related to Kaori and the others. Purely unrelated to my own
feeling, I strongly recommend to not see the event here.」
Hajime’s words that were laced with the air of seriousness didn’t even shake Shuu
and Sumire’s determination. Tomoichi and others looked at each other for a bit. And
then, they seemed to reach mutual understanding and nodded to each other, then they
turned a strong gaze toward Hajime.
「 There is no way it’s unrelated to us, Hajime-kun. We here are the parents of our
daughter who got caught by a harem bastard. You, the case that made it necessary for
you to become the current you……as Kaori’s father there is no way I can avert my eye
from it.」
It seemed everyone shared that thinking of Tomoichi. Then, Hajime shrugged and
he had nothing further to say. And then,
「Understood. Then, Yue, I’ll leave the image projection to you. Skip and fast forward at
the timely moment. After all I was here at this level for about ten days. Also, Kaori and
everyone else, I’ll leave the protection of everyone’s mind to you all.」
Hajime gave his instruction while lightly lifting up Myuu in his arms for some
reason. Next he also took Remia’s arm and pulled her to his side. Myuu and Remia tilted
their head. Hajime smiled brightly to the two of them while saying this.
「 Let’s meet again here when you all finished. We are going to have tea time, so take
your time.」
「Myu!? Papa! What about Myuu!? Myuu also want to watch nano! Or rather, papa also
won’t go with them nano!?」
「I won’t.」
Hajime papa. His face was smiling, but his tone was firm. Sumire and Shuu went
‘Ee~?’ with a dissatisfied voice.
「Hajime, just what are you saying.」
「No, Kaa-san. Why do I have to watch together with everyone else the scene of my sad
self writhing around. What’s more if I have to give commentary or something……that’s
too surreal, impossible.」
「No, but you see, Hajime……」
「Tou-san. If it’s about what I was thinking at that time or whatever, ask about that to
Yue and the others. When we created the Crystal Key at the ice and snow cavern, my
emotion was completely transmitted to them. They should know about it really well.」
‘Besides’, Hajime strongly hugged Myuu while saying.
「If it’s Tou-san and the other parents, and Yue and the others who already know about
it then it’s one thing! But I absolutely cannot show to Myuu the embarassing sight of me
writhing around looking like this and that because of whatever while shouting kill kill
It seemed that was the biggest reason. A papa always wanted to show only his cool
side to his daughter.
「It’s not embarrassing at all nano! That’s why, papa! Myuu also――」
「If you say that you want to see it no matter what, then go after crossing my corpse.」
It was a tremendous resolve and determination. Myuu’s expression became dejected
saying 「 Ee~, that’s just not done nano…… 」 And then, Myuu tried to wriggle and
squirm to escape from Hajime’s hold, but the desperate Hajime papa showed no
carelessness or opening with resolve that there ain’t no way he would show his daughter
his black history. His hold was unshakeable and she couldn’t get away.
「E~rr, dear. I’m also staying behind? I too have interest to your past though……」
「 Remia. Look, this struggle of Myuu. It’s obvious that after this she will be in a bad
mood. I need support to fix Myuu’s mood during the time until everyone come back. The
burden is too heavy for me alone.」
That’s true. He would be the culprit of her bad mood. Like that the papa~s nodded
deeply. It seemed that it was the same for everyone at how they had it hard when dealing
with their daughter’s bad mood when they were the cause. Shuu too, when he against his
better judgment viciously beat up Myuuhis granddaughter in a fighting game, Myuu
would often tell him 「I hate someone like Shuu-ojiichan!」 and he would end up like a
corpse, so recently he came to understand really well the difficulty of dealing with a
daughter. ……Though that was simply him reaping what he sow. While Remia mama
was sending to Hajime papa a gaze that was saying 「My my, really you are…… 」 as
though she was looking at a truly difficult person, Hajime urged Yue and others with his
gaze that was saying 「Now, leave this place Myuu to me and go ahead!」.
Yue and others, and then Shuu and others advanced ahead with a really complicated
expression. From behind, a loud voice of 「Papa you idiooo~t!!」, and then there was a
loud voice of 「Ouch!? Oi Myuu! You mustn’t squeeze the base of the nail! Ah, oi! Don’t
bite! 」 , and a voice without a care 「My my ufufu 」 were resounding. It made their
expression became even more complicated. Like that, after they took a distance that hid
the figures of Hajime and others in the darkness, Yue finally reproduced the image of
the past around the area of a large intersection.
The illusion Hajime that appeared in reality was advancing step by step even while
looking scared. The frail figure that was completely different from Hajime’s current state
that was overflowing with confidence that could even be said as haughty and arrogant
made Shuu and Sumire looked nostalgic. Tomoichi and others looked like they couldn’t
connect the illusion figure with the current Hajime no matter what, so they were
showing a bewildered expression. Then, right after that, a battle between a kicking
rabbit and two tailed wolf began. Hajime’s expression was twitching at the kicking
rabbit’s overwhelming power and he tried to get away from that place……
「Hajime-, don’t!」
Right after Shuu spontaneously yelled so. A cruel past began to play in a pace that
was like raging wave. The eyes of Shuu and others couldn’t even perceive the kicking
rabbit’s charge. It was a kick that possessed a destructive power that surpassed
Behemoth’s charge even with that small body. Hajime was blown away along with the
blasting of the ground. He rolled over on the ground many times. His left arm was
broken and dangled down powerlessly, however it didn’t end there.
「U, a……」
It was unknown whose groan it was. The appearing floor master――claw bear. Even
through the image of the past, the atmosphere of killing intent and brutality that ran off
the proper course could be felt. Ahead of the gazes of the parents that were completely
swallowed by the sight, Hajime lost his left arm. That arm was eaten right in front of
him and he crawled deeper into the wall desperately while crying.
「Uh, guuh」
Kaoruko and Akiko fell on their knees. They put their hand on their mouth with
their face losing complexion. It was literally a memory that overturned their stomach.
Kaori immediately raised their mental resistance using soul magic and healed them with
regeneration magic.
「……He is really something.」
In the place of Shuu and others who were losing their words, it was Shuuzou who
muttered with a low voice. Koichi and Kirino whose expression was similarly grave like
Shuuzou continued after him.
「 Exactly. In this situation, there aren’t that many people who can move for survival
even only unconsciously……」
「Normally, they would be unable to move from fear and it’s over.」
Kirino got close to Sumire who was biting her lips. Yue was making an expression
that seemed to say ‘No matter how many times I see it, I want to kill this claw bear!’
while turning toward Shuu and others and asked.
「……It will be even more terrible from hereon. Will it be fine?」
「…………Yeah. Please do, Yue-chan.」
Yue nodded briefly and continued the replay. In the reality, there was an entrance
where people could enter while standing into the place where Hajime once used it as a
base. They advanced from there. The playback from there was fastforwarded. A total of
ten days. Hajime feeling nothing but agony and the process of the way of his mind
getting remade could be clearly seen. There was no help from anyone. There was
darkness, hunger, phantom pain, and then solitude. Even if there was anything
unpleasant, Hajime’s principle was always to make a troubled smile and warded it away
without rocking the boat. Even when he stepped forward for someone else’s sake, rather
than getting into a fight he would perform a dogeza with his principle of nonviolence.
Such Hajime divided the world into two sides in order to survive. That was, whether it
was an enemy, or not. And then, he established an absolute standard. That was, to kill
anything hostile to him. He absolutely wouldn’t yield toward everything in this world. A
completely transformed look. Eyes that were like beast.
Sumire clung on Shuu. Shuu also wordlessly hugged Sumire tightly. From there it
was the height of gruesomeness. In order to survive, he slurped the lifeblood of beast
and devoured their flesh. That was truly the act of a beast. The breakdown of his flesh
arrived. The regeneration using the divine water. He was within the violent agony where
death would be a salvation, however, it was a hell where he couldn’t die by all means.
Breaking, healing, breaking, recovering. Perhaps it was because of the agony that
surpassed the permissible amount, his hair lost its color. Perhaps it was the proof of his
reincarnation and growth, faint dark red line ran on his skin. It was, truly. The moment
of the birth. The monster of the abyss.
While such scene was playing, not just Kaori, even Tio and Aiko were busy rallying
up the mental strength of the parents many times using soul magic. If they didn’t do
that, the parents’ mind would already shut down from a long time ago. It wasn’t a scene
that could be watched by ordinary person with their sanity intact. For a while no one
said anything. Before long, inisde the past image, around the time Hajime was starting
to do numbing trial and error in order to create Donner, Kaori opened her mouth and a
small voice leaked out.
「 … … I wasn’t able to do anything for him. It can’t be helped that I, we all vanished
from inside Hajime-kun.」
Her eyes were holding back tears. Rather than sadness, it was the proof of her
frustration. Everyone’s consciousness was finally taken off from Hajime and turned
toward Kaori.
「I’m thinking it once more, I’m glad that Yue was here, at the bottom of this abyss for
Kaori spoke her words with her eyebrows knitted apologetically because she knew
about Yue’s suffering from being imprisoned for a long time here. However, Yue didn’t
look like she was feeling any displeasure at the slightest, far from that she was showing a
faint smile. A gentle smile. Seeing the two of them like that, even the parents who had
their heart completely chilled after losing all complexion watching Hajime’s past that
was too ghastly looked like they recovered back a little bit of warmth. Even if only
awkwardly, everyone had a small smile on their face. And then, they began to watch
once more at Hajime who was standing up. Following the past Hajime, they arrived at
the scene of a decisive battle. The battle against the claw bear that once broke Hajime’s
heart. Even though they understood the result already, the ferocious battle made
everyone clenched their sweaty hand. Like that, Hajime who won the battle at the end
and finished off the claw bear was……
――‘That’s right… I just want… to go home’
He would live, and went home to his birthplace, to his family. To where his father
and mother were. No matter what he had to do. Even if he had to kill someone else. He
would absolutely go home. He looked up and ascertained his own heart. Hajime started
walking. Toward the abyss’s even deeper abyss. However, this time he wasn’t tumbling
down into it, but with his own legs, carrying a clear and absolute determination, and
resolve. Shuu and Sumire couldn’t endure it anymore. There was no way they could keep
their tears from flowing. Their cry might be infectious. Tomoichi and Kaoruko, and then
Akiko too were wiping their eyes. Shuuzou and others seemed to hold some kind of large
emotion within their heart which caused them to take deep breath repeatedly. Yue, she
took the hand of Shuu and Sumire and formed her words while smiling gently.
「……Otou-sama, Okaa-sama. Please feel proud. Hajime was strong. He didn’t return
home because he became strong. He went home because since the beginning, his heart,
was really strong. It was Otou-sama and Okaa-sama, who granted him that strength.」
Sumire was overcame with emotion and strongly hugged Yue. Shuu too hugged Yue
along with Sumire. Everyone was staring at that with warm gaze. Before long, perhaps a
bit embarrassed from such gazes, Yue tapped the back of Shuu and Sumire *pofu pofu*
and separated her body from them. Within the atmosphere that was solemn but
somewhat warm, Yue coughed and cleared her throat.
「 … … Then, for now let’s return to where Hajime is. Hajime should agree now to
properly accompany us from here. Or rather, I will make him come along.」
The first wife-sama declared with a serious expression. Next, in order to change the
place’s atmosphere, she even uttered something unnecessary.
「 … … From here on, it will be the happy and embarrassing heroine time of Yue-san.
Forgive me Kaori.」
「Why do you apologize I wonder!? I wonder!?」
「……At first, surely anyone had this thought, the “Kaori is the heroine theory”. Forgive
me for betraying that.」
「Who are you apologizing to!?」
「……I’m sorry for stealing the person that you love.」
「Okay, you are picking a fight with me aren’t you! I accept, bring iiit!!」
‘Calm down Kaori!’ Said Shizuku while pinioning Kaori from behind. Kaori-san
struggled somewhat more than usual. With Kaori’s noble sacrifice of her emotional state
(?) as the compensation, the atmosphere recovered to some degree just as Yue aimed. To
be able to use even recovery magic for the mood through the sacrifice of her emotional
state, as expected from the healing master. Like that, Yue and others returned to the
bank where they first arrived at. Shuu and Sumire were wracking their brain thinking
what kind of words they were going to say to their son. Tomoichi and others were also at
a loss of how they should act toward Hajime. When they arrived while feeling like
「Look, Myuu. What about this? It’s pretty right? It’s a ring processed from the grantz
crystal I mentioned just now. There is also a necklace see!」
There was the figure of the relatively no good Hajime papa who was desperately
observing his daughter’s mood by giving present of expensive accessorry. However,
Myuu herself kept hugging tightly into Remia’s chest. She looked like a koala. She
glanced across her shoulder briefly at Hajime, but she immediately huffed ‘puih’ and
returned her face on Remia’s chest. Her face was completely buried into Remia’s
breasts, so even her field of vision at the left and right was completely shut out. The five
year old kid who was completely sulking seemed to be a formidable enemy even for the
monster of the abyss.
「Remia! Give me your wisdom!」
「 My my, dear, really……first thing first, I think trying to win over a young daughter
using jewel is completely out you know?」
「……Then, what about candy?」
「Myuu isn’t that kind of simplistic woman nano.」
The monster of the abyss-sama finally collapsed on all four.
「……Somehow, it feels stupid to think complicatedly.」
「You’re right.」
The ghastly and grand past of just now felt unreal. No, well, he was like this right
now after overcoming all of that, so it wasn’t like it was strange though…… The Nagumo
husband and wife smiled wryly thinking that. Tomoichi and others too, seeing the figure
of Hajime in a whirl of busyness dealing with his daughter erased their pensive feeling.
However, their emotion and gaze were a bit different from before. Like that they walked
toward Hajime, Myuu, and Remia. ‘Let’s see, as your senior in fatherhood, we will kindly
give you a little lecture in how to deal with your daughter’, the father~s said. After that,
it went without saying that the father~s got hit by their respective daughter’s nitpicking
of their fault and they got sunk instantly. Like that, the “papa group” deepened their
camaraderie in a strange way. The distance of their heart toward Hajime was especially
shortening while the group went toward the next fateful location―― Toward the place of
encounter of the monster of the abyss and the vampire princess.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑧

Hajime papa who managed to fix the humor of Myuu somehow or other showed a
tired look like right after his transformation from eating the monster meat the first time.
「About from here on ahead, it will only be a repetition of me single-mindedly fighting
and eating monsters until floor 50. The sun will goes down if we are going to watch all of
those, and it’s not really entertaining anyway. I’m thinking to go right away to floor 50
‘Is there any objection?’, Hajime asked with his gaze. Shuu and others replied that
they didn’t mind.
「……Nna. We teleport?」
Yue raised her face with a slightly lascivious expression from Hajime Hajime’s neck
and asked. She was replenishing her magic power that was decreasing from consecutive
use of regeneration magic by bite and chuu~. It looked like she was biting from behind
while getting carried on his back. Yue habitually bit and chuu~ at everywhere on
Hajime’s body if there was a chance, so her movement was so natural just like how grass
swayed from blowing wind. It was to the degree that there was no ground for making
tsukkomi at it. Yue was going to crawl her tongue on Hajime’s nape looking like she
wanted to have a bit more, but Kaori tore her off from him and tossed her away. Hajime
glanced at that while saying.
「Before that, this is a good chance, there is something that I want to take a look for a
bit beforehand.」
「Hajime, what could it be?」
Shuu tilted his head in puzzlement. The one who knew this place the best was
Hajime, and there wouldn’t be anyone else than Hajime who was doing anything here. It
was natural to wonder what in the world he would want to see. Hajime carried Myuu on
his shoulder while starting to walk ahead. At the same time, he took out a sunglass from
his Treasure Warehouse and put it on. Sumire’s gaze became excessively gentle.
「Stop it Kaa-san. That gaze which is saying 『Putting on sunglass in a dark cave like
this, geez, really this kid! He still isn’t able to graduate huh!』, don’t look at me with that
This sunglass was an artifact to look at the past image――Urd Glass. Hajime
explained while walking through the cave searching for something.
「Hajime-san, what are you searching for?」
Everyone walked behind Hajime. There Shia asked as their representative.
「A rabbit.」
「A rabbit is right here you know?」
*Pyon pyon!*, Shia rabbit hopped up and down while placing both her hands beside
her rabbit ears. Attracted by that, above the shoulder Myuu was also mimicking rabbit
ears with both her hands while going pyon pyon! Hajime smiled warmly while adjusting
the Urd Glass and looking around,
「Ah, there it is.」
Saying that, he sent a gaze at Yue asking her to execute regeneration magic. Yue
consented and snapped her finger. What was projected was……
「That’s, a kick rabbit? Ah, could it be!」
Shia went *pyon!* with a comprehending expression. Right after her Kaori
continued with the answer.
Yes, what was being projected before everyone was Inaba-san in his younger days
with his splendid rabbit ears twitching around, no, this was the origin of Inaba-san!
「Kaori, what is this Inaba-san you are saying?」
In respond to Tomoichi’s question, Kaori explained in a way so that everyone else
could also understand. She explained, that Inaba was a monster of this floor, a kick
rabbit, but he accidentally consumed the god water that Hajime spilled behind, which
strengthened his magic power and physical body further. From that he became an
existence that deviated from a normal monster.
「It seemed that he was watching Hajime-kun defeat the lord of this floor, the claw bear.
He said that if he too can still become stronger, then he want to chase after Hajime-kun!
So he departed to a training trip while going down the floor with his own strength, that’s
the kind of rabbit he was.」
Tomoichi and others made admiring voice ‘hoee~’ hearing Kaori’s explanation.
Ahead of their gaze, Inaba-san was searching for the slightly remaining god water in the
ground’s depression and drank it while casually kicking and killing its brethren and two
tailed wolf. Shizuku smiled wryly while adding more explanation.
「 Before the final battle, Suzu who came here to obtain subordinate monsters
accidentally discovered him and she formed a contract of employment with him.」
「Co, contract of employment……」
――Full guarantee of all necessities of life. Three meals a day. No, four meals with
afternoon nap included, five days work a week with two days off. Paid vacation
provided! In addition, free time also could be negotiated! Furthermore! If the offer was
taken right now, oh my, a special magic stone of Suzu would come along free of charge!
With this you could say good bye to yourself of yesterday! Now, in this chance, wouldn’t
you take this status up surrounded by happy comrades in a lovely workplace!?
Surely, Suzu at that time wasn’t right in the head. Because the monsters that obeyed
her were nothing but insects, her heart became somewhat ill. She was desperate. It was
for the sake so that Eri who was her opponent in the decisive battle wouldn’t say 「Ee,
what’s with this insect woman. It’s disgusting……」 to her.
While hearing that explanation, Inaba-san finally had an encounter. Yes, an
encounter with the claw bear-san that was revived by the dungeon’s characteristic
function. The rabbit face was totally anxious looking like it was saying 「 This is bad-,
totally badd-」. The claw bear made the gaze of a predator and didn’t doubt that it was
absolutely the stronger monster. It approached as though to show off that dignity. There
was no place to escape. Death would be a certainty if he showed his back. His instinct
was ringing, insisting to run away immediately, but the thinking ability that was
bestowed by the god water was thrusting that fact before Inaba. There was no path of
survival other than fighting, it said. Nothing but death was waiting if he escaped, it said.
「Oo! He resolved himself!」
「Inaba-san! Do your best nanoooo!!」
‘Rather than resolve, it’s more like a complete desperation though……’, everyone
starting from Shia who were watching the sight were thinking so, but the father and
daughter who reconciled with each other were getting excited for some reason, so they
were staying quiet. Hajime and Myuu were completely transformed into cheering
audiences. Everyone else glanced at the two of them who were like that while also
directing their focus toward Inaba’s do-or-die battle. Inaba-san made use of his speed
and did everything he could to leap around the claw bear. From a distance that should
be said to be a super close range, he evaded the claw and fang of the claw bear and
landed a low kick.
「Ah, that’s dangerous nano-. Inaba-san! Put some more distance nano!」
Myuu reflexively covered her eyes with both her hands, however, she was properly
watching the battle from the gap of her fingers while yelling.
「……No, it’s fine like that.」
「What do you mean papa, nano?」
「Listen Myuu. The claw bear, even though its body is big like that, it’s a speed fighter.
In a straight fight, it’s faster than a kick rabbit. It will be a checkmate if that big body
approach with that speed. It will be impossible to get out from it’s attack range.」
There was the extending wind claw, and also the flying slash. In other words,
「It’s only blind spot is right beside that big body! A super close infighting is the only
path of survival for Inaba!」
「 Oh gosh nano! It’s a single high risk high return gamble! Inaba-san, what a man
The father and daughter were absurdly heated up.
「AA! Inaba-san’s midair spinning kick hit the claw bear-san’s head nano!」
Taking advantage of an instantaneous opening, Inaba leaped using a claw that was
slashing at him as a foothold and his fierce spinning kick caught the claw bear’s head.
The claw bear staggered and pitched forward. However,
「 It’s not working nano! Inaba-san! He got hit by a severe counterattack and got sent
flying! His stomach is seriously damaged nano! Papa, why is the claw bear alright
「At the moment of the impact, the damn bear shifted the hit spot slightly. That super
reflex is also the claw bear’s strong point. After all even my railgun too, as expected it
couldn’t be dodged if the enemy reacted after confirming the attack by sight, but it
dodged it by sensing the killing intent the moment it fired.」
「I see nano.」
While they were speaking like that, Inaba narrowly escaped from that due to the
continuation of the god water’s effect. He raised a battle cry 「 Kyuuu~~~- 」 while
standing up. It looked like he was saying「Not yet……ain’t no way, I’ll die here-」.
「Wo~ah! Inaba-san’s speed is increasing nano! What’s more! He is accelerating further
within acceleration nano! What could that be, papa!」
「That’s……Ground Shrinker and, Stacked Ground Shrinker. That guy, he awakened the
derivative skill at this instant……」
「 Say, Myuu and Goshujin-sama. Somehow, both of thee hath become like
Myuu and Hajime looked at each other in respond to Tio’s half smiling pointing out,
「 No good nano! Even with him getting faster the claw bear-san is going even further
than that! A sharp turn using the claw stabbing on the ground! The claw bear-san’s
mobility is monstrous! Nano! Inaba-san, he received a fierce tackle and got blow away!
Commentator papa-san, is there any chance of victory for Inaba-san? Nano.」
「Broadcaster Myuu-san, let me answer. If it stay like this, Inaba-san’s chance of victory
is zero desu!」
「Both of thee art having fun!?」
When everyone noticed Myuu was even holding a mike. Above her broadcasting seat
which was Hajime papa’s shoulder, she shook around her small fist while continuing
with her passionate broadcasting.
「 Inaba-san fell! Can’t he stand-, can’t he stand anymore!? No, he stand up-, he is
standing up, Inabaaaaaa-! Nano!」
「Standing! Inaba is standing! This is really soul stirring!」
Inaba-san was vomiting blood, even so he stood up. In his eyes the color of
resignation was nonexistent. Rather, the flame of fighting spirit was burning up even
more fiercely there! And then, Hajime papa and Myuu were also blazing up! Somehow
that spirited mood spread out, so that not only Sumire and other parents, even Yue and
the others were also letting out feverish cheering. Like that, Inaba got sent flying many
times, he were slashed up many times, even so he held on to his thread of life by
desperately moving to avoid fatal wound with the god water’s recovery only barely
holding on. Even while his whole body became covered in wounds and blood……
「Inaba-san! Fast! He’s fast! Only his afterimages can be seen nano!」
「 I’ll explain. That is a movement of variegated and free tempo using the skill
Rhythmless. The braking and acceleration that are too drastic surpassing the focused
acceleration and produced afterimages!」
「Thank you nano, commentator papa-san! Ah, when Inaba-san swung his feet at empty
air, the claw bear-san got sent flying nano!」
「 Fuh, it looks like he finally also learned the flying kicking attack――Rank○ku. That
cheeky bastard, he is rapidly growing in this battle……no, he is evolving- 」 (TN: One
Piece reference)
「 ○ ankyaku! Evolution in the middle of battle! Powerful words are coming out!
Oooohh! What could that be, commentator papa-san! When Inaba-san crossed his feet
while headstanding right below the claw bear-san, the neck of claw bear-san who should
have dodged burst out and blood spurt like fountain nano!」
「Holy cow……is that Dragon Sla○……」(TN: Slayers reference)
「○gon Slave? Commentator papa-san, what could that be? Nano.」
「It’s the martial art that boasted undefeated in the history of a thousand years……the
opponent will die!」
「Commentator papa-san who is getting lazy with the explanation, thank you very much
nano! Just search the explanation in google okay! Nano!」
Kaori spoke 「Myuu-chan!? Who are you talking at!?」 in bewilderment, Shia was
saying 「That bastard, he was hiding his technique……how impertinent. Next time, I’ll
make him taste my Mu○ha desuu 」 enthusiastically, while Shuu and the parents were
cheering in high spirits. Right after that, Inaba made his last dance. (TN: Search for 無空
波 in google for the reference of Shia’s word) The claw bear’s balance crumbled from
consecutive flying kicks, furthermore Inaba-san leaped up using Rhythmless and
vanished from the claw bear’s field of vision. He landed on the ceiling right above. His
bending legs caused a great crack to occur on the ceiling, the next moment,
「Kyukyuuuuuuuuuu (With this……IT’S OVERRRRRRR-)」 along with such battle cry,
a crater was formed on the ceiling while he fell like a comet. The crown of the head of
the claw bear that had just adjusted its balance was pulverized when the strong kick with
maximum power landed.
「He did well despite his injury! Thank you for the moving scene!」
Loud hip-hip-hurray applause was echoing inside the cave. Even the demon rangers
who had returned when anyone noticed were stomping the ground with their many legs
and giving grand applause. Ahead of the gazes of Hajime and co who were as though
they were looking at a Hollywood masterpiece action movie, was Inaba-san looking up
to the sky in front of the formidable enemy he defeated. Even without any words, from
his strongly clenched fist, his rabbit ears that were standing up straight toward the sky,
and his rabbit tail that was shaking with warrior’s excitement, it was easy to guess the
inside of his heart. Right now, he understood his wish. That wish was to train himself,
and ran up toward the faraway height. It was the wish to go out to the wide world, fight
against a the line up of powerful opponents, and then one day, to reunite with the new
king! With his front leg he brushed away his rabbit ears *fuasa-*! Like that Inaba-san
started walking. Toward the dark path ahead.
「……Somehow I’m feeling déjà vu.」
「Before this, it’s exactly like what my son had done.」
Hajime pretended to not hear the words of Shuu and Sumire and looked aside.
Sumire mama and Shuu papa grinned widely toward such son while attacking further.
「Or rather, compared to a certain somehow who was messily eating various things that
mustn’t be eaten……」
「While chanting kill kill disturbingly, while laughing like a psycho……」
「He is, far more like a main character isn’t he!」
「He is, far more like a main character!」
‘Certainly!’ Tomoichi and the others also nodded. In respond to the parents who
were like that, Hajime screamed ‘This is why, I don’t want to show my black history at
all!’ inside his heart while yelling back 「 My bad okay! For not being like a main
character!」 with slightly reddened cheeks.
The party that was greatly heated up from the beginning of Inaba-san’s adventure
directly teleported to floor 50 also because of Hajime’s shame. In that place, there was a
large door that was in an opened state, and large human shaped depression at both
sides. In front of that sight, Hajime turned a worried expression toward Yue.
「Are you alright, Yue?」
「……Nn. No problem.」
This was, the place where Yue was imprisoned for three hundred years. Ordinary
person wouldn’t even be able to guess what she was feeling inside her heart. Guessing
Hajime’s concern, Sumire and the others were also giving her worried look.
「Yue-chan. If it’s painful for you, you don’t need to force yourself you know?」
「It’s just as Sumire said. Yue-chan, if you like we don’t mind if we just go already to the
hideout at the lowest floor.」
The concerned Sumire and Shuu, and then Tomoichi and others who were also
feeling the same were directing gaze of consideration toward Yue. However, Yue was
showing a perplexed expression that seemed to say 「 Eh? What’s with this
atmosphere…… 」 . But, she immediately guessed the circumstance and smiled wryly
while opening her mouth.
「……It’s misunderstanding, Otou-sama. Okaa-sama.」
「…… Nn. Hajime is worried, not because this is the place where I was sealed. Ahead
from here, I was mostly stark naked, that’s why.」
When Yue said that shyly with blushing cheeks while fidgeting, not just Shuu and
Sumire, everyone there leaked out 「Ah」 from their mouth. Correct, Yue-sama, from
here on ahead, she would be mostly wearing only a coat with opened front while being
stark naked underneath. She would be in such truly outrageous appearance all along
from here. When there was battle, it was a coat with defensive power that was lower that
a wet tissue. This was the same like a lavish panty shot……no, it was a dreadful
appearance that was normally exhibiting this and that completely.
「Tha, that is certainly, it’s understandable that Hajime-kun would worry……」
Tomoichi’s words that had no composure at all was responded by Yue with the
shaking of her head.
「 … … No, what Hajime is worrying about, is not me but the eyes of Otou-sama and
everyone else.」
「 … … Nn. The meaning of his worry is 『 Are your countermeasure really effective?
Depending on the situation, the eyes of Tou-san and others will get crushed but even so,
is it really okay, Yue?』, like that.」
Knowing that his eyes were in the verge of danger, Tomoichi turned in a flash
toward Hajime. Shuuzou and Koichi were also taking slight distance away from him in
wariness. In the home, when they almost got a look of various things from a happening
that was like lucky pervert event (mainly caused by Yue and others running wild), Shuu
often got hit with eye crushing or electric attack. Because of that right now he was
making a comprehending look. Hajime was showing a really surprised look seeing the
slightly scared Tomoichi. Seeing that, Tomoichi said 「 As expected, it must be Yue-
chan’s joke isn’t it」 and he was going to sigh in relief……
「There is regeneration magic so it’s fine.」
「It’s not fine at all!」
It looked like, regeneration magic would give bad influence in various senses.
Hajime coughed while watching Shuuzou and Koichi who were taking even more
distance from him.
「No, it’s really alright. Because Yue want Tou-san and Kaa-san to watch the time when
she met me no matter what, it seems she has already prepared a countermeasure
「……Nn. Leave it to me.」
Yue-sama was full of confidence. Seeing that attitude in this situation where it was
involving the possibility that her nakedness could get seen, Shuu and the others felt
tension leaving their shoulders thinking that it would be fine in that case. The seriously
wanted to be spared from getting their eyes crushed, and also from the situation where
their wife would give off frightening air that would be accompanied with some kind of
physical violence.
「……Then, let’s start.」
Yue’s finger snap echoed clearly. The past playback began. The past Hajime
appeared, and two pseudo Cyclops manifested from the wall’s depression. Hajime took
care of them with his gun.
「By the way, these monsters don’t resurrect because only the monsters related to this
sealing room have a different origin.」
Hajime’s explanation was given while the past Hajime was fighting the other
remaining pseudo Cyclops. In other words, while the great labyrinth’s monsters were
prepared by Oscar Orcus and his comrades the liberators, the pseudo Cylops and pseudo
scorpion were monsters created by Yue’s uncle, Denreed, so they wouldn’t resurrect
again. Denreed was a user of creation magic and metamorphosis magic, but he couldn’t
use regeneration magic or soul magic, so it was only natural that it was like this.
「……Nn! It’s here! Everyone attention! Here! Here!」
At the same time when the explanation ended, Yue-sama was greatly excited for
some reason. She extended her finger straight and urged for attention. Inside the
projection, Yue who was imprisoned within a gigantic sealing stone was desperately
saying 「Help」 with a hoarse voice……
――‘No way’
And there was the figure of Hajime-san who was going to close the door mercilessly.
Everyone’s gaze turned toward Hajime. Seeing an imprisoned beautiful girl desperately
asking for help, Hajime looked absurdly suspicious and absurdly irritated. Even Shia
and others who knew about this already were making look that said 「This is just not
done isn’t it~」 or 「Demon~」 once more. As for the parents, it went without saying.
However, when it came to Yue-sama herself who was the person who got abandoned,
「 … … Nnh, this lack of hesitation. Hajime right now who is extremely sweet is also
great for me, but Hajime of this time who was relatively merciless was also great.
She looked slightly intoxicated. She was already, or rather, as expected, this person,
if it was regarding Hajime then it seemed anything would be fine.
「Yu, Yue. Acting like that, art not that mine character? I wish that you wouldst not take
away mine setting.」
「Tio-san, I think it’s not that kind of problem though.」
Tio was speaking with troubled look. Aiko too was giving a tsukkomi with even more
troubled look after that.
「 That time at the encounter with me, Hajime-san was also completely merciless
though……although I sometimes talked about it with beautification, even so I won’t get
intoxicated while remembering about it. Yue-san is too much of an advanced level. As
expected from someone who is able to hit it off with Kaori-san.」
「Shia!? What do you mean by that!? I wonder!?」
「 The meaning is exactly like it sounds. Kaori, you, remember like the time when
Hajime dropped his fist on your head because you played around with Yue too much,
you were grinning for a bit from that weren’t you? Both of you are two of a kind.」
When Shizuku pointed that out, Kaori turned her gaze to far away. Tomoichi was
crying seeing his daughter wasn’t denying that.
「……Nnh. Quiet! It will be the important scene after this! It’s Hajime and my, yes, Ha
– ji – me – and – my! Scene of the beginning!」
「You don’t need to emphasize it like that! Yue you idiot!」
Inside the sealing room where Kaori’s angry yell echoed, Yue’s pained scream 「 I
was only betrayed! 」 resounded. Hearing those words, the light from the gap of the
door that was becoming a thin line kept shining in just barely before it completely
vanished. Hajime looked up to the ceiling. A painful silence was enveloping the area. At
this time, what could be happening inside the heart of Hajime who was betrayed and fell
into the bottom of the abyss. For the sake of living, he shaved off all superfluous parts
and swore in his heart to make his wish came true even if he had to get off from humane
path. And yet, with that single sentence, he stopped moving the door that he should
close. His expression turned like he had just bit a sour grape. His heart vehemently
argued to not get involved with something unnecessary, however, his body wouldn’t
obey. When he noticed, he was opening the door. As though to buy time in order to
ascertain his heart, Hajime asked Yue’s circumstance.
And then, Yue was simply earnestly staring at such Hajime continuously. She looked
as though, she was a person who was witnessing a miracle itself. Or perhaps, like a
person who finally came across someone she had been waiting all this time by chance.
Like that, it gushed out. Hajime should have cut off everything, removed anything that
would be a hindrance, and swore to live only for himself, but he then poured all his
strength in order to save only a single girl. Vivid crimson color filling the room. Red
sparks brushing away the darkness. The cage of three hundred years, melting down like
mud. Like that seeing the liberated Yue, Hajime was……
「No, this just ain’t right, Yue.」
A tsukkomi came with a greatly twitching expression. Yue-sama, a shocked face was
on her face as though to say 「That’s impossible!?」.
「Right, this isn’t right at all, Yue.」
「It’s disappointing nano, Yue-oneechan.」
Kaori and Myuu launched their exasperated tsukkomi. Yue-sama, her face was
twitching as though to say 「You’re lying right!?」.
「Yue-chan, can you perhaps make it a bit better?」
「Okaa-san, is sad. Yue-chan’s sense, perhaps it’ll be better if I personally polish it.」
Tsukkomi mixed with a sigh also came from Shuu and Sumire. Yue-sama, her face
was blank as though to say 「 I don’t understand 」 . She believed in hope and looked
around but……there wasn’t even a single ally for her. If it was said that it couldn’t be
helped, perhaps it really couldn’t be helped. After all, no matter although it was so that
her nakedness wouldn’t be seen……
――This can’t be shown!
There was a Self Restraint-kun appearing in front of Yue holding a signboard with
those words. (TN: Ask google sensei this 自主規制君 to know what is going on) Even
though it was a serious and moving scene, it became wasted in various things because of
「……Ho, howeverr, in TV it’s always like this!」
「It’s mainly in variety show right? If this comes out in the emotional scene of a drama,
the show will undoubtedly goes down in flame.」
「!? Blu, blunder……」
The vampire princess who sometimes just fail fell on her knees and then got on all
fours. This was the result from her thinking that from the sensitivity of Japanese than
Self Restraint-kun surely wouldn’t harm an emotional scene, but actually, that
sensitivity, isn’t it a bit……but, when in Rome do as the romans do……nn, it should be
ok! Was what Yue thought. This was a complete lack of research on her part. It was like
the misunderstanding of foreigner who was under the impression that in Japan there
would still be someone who was styling their hair in topknot.
「……E, even though I thought, that I finally can show my emotional scene with Hajime
to Otou-sama and Okaa-sama……」
「Aa~, Yue? This is an illusion laid on the past image right? Then, won’t it be fine if you
just overlap clothes appropriately on your image?」
「……Hics. I’ll do that. Okaa-sama, Otou-sama, can I replay it for a bit? Is it okay to do
a Take 2?」
The warm expression of the Nagumo spouses expressed their okay permission more
eloquently than anything.
Take 2-!!
For now in the image Yue looked like she was wearing a dress. The figure of Hajime
breathing roughly from magic power exhaustion was also projected. The Yue in the
image had faint expression that couldn’t be compared with the current her. However,
she took Hajime’s hand and with a straightforward gaze,
――’Thank you’
They could see the overflowing emotion from Yue who was saying that.
「……Well, about this time」
「What is it?」
Shuu asked in respond to Hajime’s mutter. Ahead of their gaze, the moment when
Yue became “Yue” for the first time was playing. Everyone was watching with a moved
expression and warm gaze. Hajime stared at the past Yue with a gentle expression. And
then he turned his gaze toward the current Yue and opened his mouth.
「When Yue told me “thank you”, perhaps, it connected me to Yue. Like, even though
I’ve fallen to become a monster, I didn’t fall to become a fiend.」
Saying that, Hajime turned his gaze toward the past image once more. When
everyone’s gaze followed to where he was watching, there was the image of Hajime and
Yue facing the pseudo scorpion. The pseudo scorpion had terrific appearance that was in
a different level from anything before. Yue was in front of that monster, however, she
was calmly staring at only Hajime. That wasn’t a gaze that was begging for help at all. It
was a gaze that yielded herself to him. It was the expression of her will, that no matter
what option Hajime picked, she would entrust her everything to him. Getting betrayed,
and then three hundred years in the darkness at the bottom of the abyss. Toward the
determination of such girl, Hajime formed a fearless grin that bared his canine teeth.
「Thinking back, the determination at this time was the turning point. It wasn’t about
walking to the future with Yue or not. It was the crossroads, whether I’ll be able to stay
as me or not. Seeing Yue who entrusted her life to me even after getting betrayed and
then locked into this kind of place, rather it was me who was saved.」
He was going to completely lose his human heart and be reduced into a beast that
wouldn’t shirk from any inhuman act. If he abandoned Yue, or perhaps, if Yue only
begged to be saved without caring of her appearance, surely Hajime would walk through
such path, and then he wouldn’t interact with Shia or anyone else, and surely he also
wouldn’t be able to laugh like right now.
Yue entangled her hand to his hand and snuggled on him. Hajime’s hand gently
grasped her hand back and poured an extraordinarily gentle gaze on her. Although the
past Hajime and Yue were in a mortal combat against the pseudo scorpion, however, the
gazes of Shuu and others were directed to Hajime and Yue. The two snuggling on each
other looked really natural. They looked really picturesque. It truly made anyone
watching to be convinced without any reason, that the two were fated to meet and in the
end they actually met with each other. Shuu and Sumire stood before Yue.
「Yue-chan, thank you that you met with our son.」
「It was really great that in this foreign land of another world, Hajime was able to meet
a girl like Yue-chan.」
「……Okaa-sama, Otou-sama.」
‘Nnu’ The sound of a small groan surely came from Yue holding back her tear. At
that time, within the past projection Hajime and Yue finished defeating the pseudo
scorpion at that timing and smiled at each other. Kaori puffed up her cheeks slightly,
however she immediately formed a wry smile that seemed to express 「 It can’t be
helped」. Even Kaori was feeling like that. The expression of everyone else was soft, and
then, they certainly seemed to be understanding. How Yue was special for Hajime, and
how Hajime was special for Yue. What was between the two of them was something
unshakeable that no one, yes, not even god could lay their hand on.
「Kaori, you’re amazing. To charged in between these two, Okaa-san is in admiration at
you once more.」
「Is that a praise……I wonder? Somehow it also sound exasperated though……」
Kaori’s expression was complicated toward Kaoruko’s words. And then, Tomoichi’s
expression looked like he had stomachache, it was a hard to describe and complicated
「It’s really just as you say. Aiko, since when you became that proactive? What’s more
even though it’s with your student.」
Aiko-sensei. Her expression became hard to describe, as though her vital spot got
stabbed through.
「Don’t say anything, Okaa-san!」
「 It’s amazing that you got between them, Shizuku. What’s more, even though it was
with a person who your best friend Kaori-chan loved……the life in another world really
changed our daughter.」
Beside Aiko-sensei, Shizuku was also making a hard to describe expression, as
though she just got hit with the body blow from a heavy weight boxer.
「However, if we art saying that then Shia is the most amazing one then. Thou were the
first attacker right? Furthermore, at that time it was Goshujin-sama who was still eighty
percent made from brutish factor, and against Yue who was the advocator of Goshujin-
sama supremeacy――no, Yue who couldst be called as the founder of Hajime religion
without any exaggeration. Thou art seriously a hero.」
「A, ahaha……looking back, I was really blind to any fear even if I say so myself.」
While Shia and others were laughing like that, Yue who separated herself from
Hajime took the hand of Shuu and Sumire.
「……Nn! Next, over here! Otou-sama, Okaa-sama, over here! Come!」
「Oops! I get it I get it. Yue-chan, we will properly follow, so you don’t need to pull like
「Fufuh, Yue-chan really, you are so high spirited……」
Seen from the side, Yue who was insistently pulling at the two was really
enthusiastic. Her cheeks blushed and her eyes sparkled. She looked like a child in
amusement park pulling at the hand of her parents toward a ride. It seemed she was
very happy that she could share with Shuu and Sumire her important memory with
Hajime. Starting from Hajime, everyone was stimulated by the gap moe from her
childish figure and they had a warm expression. Even Kaori who usually should be
ridiculing Yue right away was like that, so it could be seen how powerful the destructive
power of the childish Yue. The place that such Yue was pulling them toward, was a cave
in the same floor.
「……Nn. This is the place, where I and Hajime conversed with each other slowly for
the first time, after finishing the battle against the pseudo scorpion.」
The finger snap went *snap-*. The past projection started. The two’s conversation.
Before long, the scene that Yue wanted to show the most arrived.
――‘Going home?’
――‘To my original world? Of course I’ll go home. I want to go home. ……I have
completely changed in various things but, I want to go back to my birthplace……to my
Shuu’s hand messed up Hajime’s hair roughly, while Sumire placed her hand softly
on his shoulder. Perhaps Hajime was slightly embarrassed, because he intentionally
didn’t react and fixed his gaze toward the image. Ahead of his gaze, shadow fell on Yue’s
――‘I already, don’t have……a place to go back to.’
Unlike the past Yue, the present Yue’s expression was extraordinarily sweet, and
overflowing with warmth. It was clear to anyone’s eyes, that the next words were a
treasure that couldn’t be replaced by anything for Yue.
――‘Then, won’t Yue come too?’
Hajime’s words asking if she would come along to his birthplace. Yue couldn’t hide
her shock, however, she asked 「Is that okay?」 along with hope and slight anxiety that
couldn’t possibly be hidden. When Hajime nodded in respond……
「She fell.」
「She fell in love there.」
The words of his mother and father made Hajime averted his gaze with all his
strength this time. While getting slightly red. While thinking that the grinning face of his
parents was extremely annoying. Although, it couldn’t be helped that Hajime reacted
like that. That was how charming the smiling face of Yue that was like a blooming flower
after making that “promise”. Kaori leaked out a negligent voice 「So this was it~, this
was where Hajime-kun~」, Tio and Shia spoke 「Now I see」「It can’t be helped isn’t
it」 in understanding, 「…… Dear?」「 Yo, you’re wrong Kaoruko! It’s not like I got
charmed or any――hih!?」 and the comedy skit of Shirasaki spouse played on.
「I, I’ll say this first, at this time it was still like that you know? I’m telling you I wasn’t
that much in love with Yue okay? We were in the middle of survival live with our life in
the line. Something like time off for romance was――」
「We get it, we get it. In other words, you fell in love, but the situation was too desperate
in various senses that you “didn’t have the awareness”, that’s what you’re saying
「Right, he just didn’t have the self-awareness. Even so, the factor that made Hajime fall
in love with Yue-chan was “blushing smile” wasn’t it~. 」
It was that kind of smile so if you said that it can’t be helped it can’t be denied but
Shuu and Sumire were speaking together to Hajime who was making twitching
expression with grinning face that couldn’t get any wider.
「「Hajime-san, you were seriously easy heroine!!」」
「Shut up!」
Even though he was a man, the monster of the abyss, someone who was called the
demon king and the like, to be like a heroine that blushed easily when getting smiled
at…… Hajime couldn’t admit it by all means and objected. But Yue silently snuggled up
on him and smile-. Hajime-san, he became quiet like a deflating balloon. Everyone
thought. ‘That’s seriously easy!!’
Yue looked delighted, and Hajime raised a groan. And then, ‘that’s some guts trying
to lead me around by the nose……no, I really got led around by the nose already but,
that’s that, this’s this! No way I can back away like this!’ Like that, Hajime was
somewhat getting wild while in embarrassment. He took out the Crystal key and
connected the space to somewhere,
「Let’s stop by somewhere else for a bit. There is something that I want everyone to look
no matter what.」
Saying that, Hajime invited everyone to the other side of the gate. The place they
arrived was a cave that was particularly gloomy. Hajime used Urd Glass to confirm the
past’s time axis and place before whispering to Kaori for some reason to perform past
playback magic. When Kaori was doing the past projection just as she was told while
getting bewildered……
「That’s, Yue right?」
「……Nn. That’s me but……-!?」
Inside the cave, Yue who was properly clothed was walking alone while looking
around restlessly. Why, she was at this kind of place……rather, why, Yue was alone
here…… Kaori was going to speak that question representing everyone, however, those
words were prevented from coming out by Yue who turned toward Hajime in a flash
looking like she had noticed something.
「……Ha, Hajime?」
「Hm? What’s wrong Yue? You looked shaken. I only want everyone to watch Yue’s cute
aspect you know?」
「……Payback for just now!? Childish!」
「I don’t know what are you saying.」
Hajime laughed ‘ha-ha-ha-ha-‘. Yue looked at him with a slightly angry look saying
「Geez-」 while――assaulting Kaori.
「Wai-, Yue!?」
「……Resolute, prevention!」
The rushing Yue and the shaken Kaori. Hajime who handed down the order that was
even accompanied with aura of supremacy. Shia who moved reflexively from her
conditioned reflex. Yue’s face crashed on the chest of Shia who stood on her way with
speed that didn’t even leave behind afterimage. Without delay she then got restrained by
Shia’s breast valley and both arms. ‘Fuga!? Fugafuga!’ Only that sound could be heard
but, surely she was saying 「Shia!? Me and Hajime, whose ally you are!?」……perhaps.
Even while all that was going on, the image was still playing. At the same time, Hajime
started explaining.
「This is image from after conquering the lowest floor and we were training using the
hideout as base. I was doing hide-and-seek with Yue as training in presence isolation.
Yue had the demon role. Because she is a vampire.」
‘You are doing wordplay there……’ Such tsukkomi was poured on Hajime from
everyone’s gaze, but Hajime-san didn’t pay it any mind.
「 Please look. The figure of Yue who was unable to find me and gradually become
‘Fugaa~h’, a stifled voice resounded from Shia’s breasts, but Shia also didn’t know
about this scene, so she said 「Yue-san, sorry! But, I’m curious!」 and strengthened the
restrain from curiosity.
――‘Ha, Hajime~? Le, let’s take a break for a bit? Come out~’
Yue-chan couldn’t find Hajime and raised her voice while walking trudgingly inside
the cave. However, in training, Hajime of this time was absurdly stoic. He was a person
who would act until surpassing the limit in everything.
――‘Wh, why aren’t you replying to me? Hajime~’
Her eyebrows were knitted down pathetically, her small hands were placed in front
of her chest, while walking coweringly, nervously. That figure of Yue-chan was far
removed from the figure of the current Yue-sama who was brimming with confidence.
She was like a lost child…… It was a figure that dangerously stimulated the protective
desire, to the degree that the parents almost stepped forward reflexively altogether. If it
was in the middle of city, it was guaranteed that the big friends or the self-styled
gentlemen would gallantly come to protect her. Without fail! Hajime-san who should be
able to hear the voice of such Yue-chan, even so Hajime-san didn’t come out. In
everything, do it until surpassing the limit! Like that, Yue-chan passed through the limit.
――‘Hajimee~, where~, uwaaaahn’
It was only a matter of time until she cried, Yue-chan wiped her eyes while starting
to cry normally! As expected, it seemed Hajime couldn’t endure that and hurriedly
rushed out. While keeping such image at the corner of their eyes, everyone’s gaze moved
toward Shia’s chest. Yue who was liberated from the restrain was covering her face with
both hands. It really looked like she was in a state of wanting to enter a hole if there was
one! She was bright red from her ear until her neck. There,
「Yue-oneechan, is cute nano!」
Myuu’s words were half serious and half consoling in her own way but,
「……Please just kill me.」
Yue-sama who was immortal so she couldn’t die held her knees curled into herself!
It was a truly rare appearance.
「Hajime. You are really childish huh. Good job!」
「Really, to be happy from seeing Yue-chan’s crying face, what kind of sadist you are. I
don’t remember raising up that kind of son, GJ!」
Hajime smiled with a sigh ‘fuh’. With the parents like this, the son was also like this.
And then, 「 Uu, Stupid Otou-sama and Okaa-sama! Also, Kaori who is grinning over
there, you’ll absolutely get judgment」 Yue expressed her indignation. Kaori raised her
voice 「Why only me!?」. Completely ignoring that, Yue opened a gate with a heart that
was blazing in revenge.
「……Everyone, over here.」
The pressure that wouldn’t let any objection to be said caused Hajime to let out cold
sweat saying 「Crap, I might have overdone it」. While he was like that, the place they
arrived at was a cave somewhere. Right away, green spheres flew from deeper inside like
「……Nn, Lighting Dragon」
*GOAAAAA-* The lightning dragon raised the roar of a thunderbolt and annihilated
all the green spheres while going deeper into the cave. A beat later. From inside the
scream of 「 GYAAAAAAAH!? 」 could be heard, but it became silent right after that.
……Evil had left. Without even any chance to make its appearance. Yue began the past
playback as though nothing had happened. It projected Yue who had flower blooming
on her head that manipulated her, and a vexed Hajime. And then a quasi alraune
appeared. A scene of Yue being turned into hostage which would be an impossible sight
at the present flew into their sight.
――‘Hajime! Don’t mind me……shoot!’
A tragic heroine, get. Everyone was holding their breath at the urgent situation and
Yue’s self-sacrifice. ‘Where has the comedic footage just now gone to, it suddenly
become too serious!’ Shuu and others wanted to say. But, as expected serious-san was in
the middle of vacation.
――‘Eh, is that okay? That saved me the trouble.’
*DOPAN-♪*, after a li~ght speech, the trigger was pulled with a really li~ght feeling.
Above the crown of Yue’s head burst, and the pulverized flower fluttered in the air.
Inside the projection, Yue went 「Eh?」. Even the quasi alraune went 「Eh?」. At the
same time, Shuu and others also went 「Eh?」.
「 … … Nn-. Everyone, do you see! Do you see!? Hajime, he shot! He shot me without
hesitation! Please look! My scalp, it was shaved! The sound *pshew-*, it was the sound
of my scalp getting shaved! Truly a brute! Inhuman! A super sadist!」
‘Certainly!’ Everyone nodded. It appeared Yue brought out the “Yue-sama’s scalp
*pshew-* incident* for revenge against Hajime. It seemed she was plotting to overwrite
the memory of her embarrassing past using Hajime is a brute opinion.
「Hajime, you, such thing……」
「If it’s in a tale, Yue-chan is the heroine you know? I never heard something like a main
character that shaved the scalp of the heroine.」
「Hajime-kun, don’t tell me, you’ve never done anything like that to Kaori too right?」
Shuu, Sumire, and Tomoichi stabbed Hajime with their creeped out gaze. In
addition Kaoruko, Akiko, and Kirino too were stabbing him with gaze that was saying
「As expeted, Yue-chan is too pitiful」. Hajime tried to cling on a ray of hope by sending
his gaze to Shuuzou and Koichi, thinking that if it was them then perhaps they would
recognize his method as valid when a hostage was taken? But,
「We, well, that’s. That was a nice shot.」
「 Although it was in order to shot through the flower, aiming at the head is……as
expected it was shocking.」
Koichi and Shuuzou, as expected they were creeped out. ‘That’s impossible!’ Hajime
pleaded. ‘You two are in the lacking common sense faction right!? Here is a scene where
you two should go 「Umu, splendid!」 isn’t it!?’ He insisted with his gaze.
「Ha, Hajime-kun at this period, is really merciless isn’t he……」
「Ka, Kaori, even you……」
「Look, those eyes of Goshujin-sama when saying 『saved me the trouble』 and pulling
the trigger! Not calling those eyes as the eyes of a brute art――」
「Tio, you just shut up.」
「Sto, stop it, Myuu! Don’t look at papa with those eyes like you are looking at someone
beyond help!」
Hajime papa who seemed to be tormented the most by Myuu’s gaze threw a sharp
glare at Yue who was making a triumphant look for some reason.
「Yue, you, you are still holding a grudge huh. That’s really petty of you.」
「……Nnh!? What a remark. Even though it’s a fact that Hajime is a brute.」
「It’s in the past. Besides, you are too exaggerating just from getting your scalp shaved
「……It’s not that kind of problem. The shooting itself is the problem.」
「You told me to shoot.」
「……You don’t understand woman’s heart too much.」
「It was because I was considerate to your woman’s heart that I even showed hesitation
in the middle of combat. Or rather, in reality there was also the idea of not aiming at the
flower and just shot through the face, and yet I did my best to settle it with only shaving
your scalp.」
「!? ……Fi, first time I hear that. Hajime, you intended to shot my face!?」
「 That will be the fastest right? You can regenerate after all, so I thought it might be
「……No way it’ll be alright! Stupid Hajime ! Brutish fiend!」
「Wah, what’s with you! Wait, dangerous! Stop with the Flame of Divine Punishment!
That ain’t a joke!」
Kaori took over the past projection and repeated the image. The projection of the
manipulated Yue and Hajime battling overlapped with present Yue and Hajime getting
into a fierce exchange. Kaori led everyone to the corner of the room and activated a
powerful barrier, then she spoke with a bright smile.
「Couhg-. Eee~, just now an extremely rare event of Yue VS Hajime-kun started. Please,
watch till the end leisurely.」
「Kaori……you’re really」
Shizuku’s exasperated face didn’t do anything. Something like the quarrel of Yue
and Hajime, certainly, it was extremely rare to the degree everyone was thinking that
perhaps this was the first time. Even if they weren’t Kaori, it couldn’t be helped that
their gaze unconsciously became fixed into the scene. In fact, even Shia, Tio, and also
Aiko had their gaze fixed to it with their eyes and mouth wide open saying 「Oo~」.
「 Ka, Kaori, is it alright not stopping them? Somehow Yue-chan become an adult and
something like a halo is starting to appear behind her. Hajime-kun too, somehow
crimson light burst out like a tornado around him.」
Tomoichi asked his daughter with twitching face. But, Kaori herself was,
「It’s fine, it’s fine. They are going to flirt with each other at the end anyway. ……Chih」
「Kaori!? Just now, did you click your tongue!? Otou-san don’t remember raising Kaori
to be that kind of child you know!?」
Putting aside the Shirasaki father daughter,
「……Stupid Hajime! Recently our alone time is too little! Spoil me more」
「 That’s really my bad huh! This damned spoiled woman! When the Tortus travel is
over, I’ll plan the travel for just us two next time so just be quiet!」
Hajime and Yue’s quarrel……quarrel (?) was getting increasingly intense. Their
argument was completely off the mark, but in the end did the two of them notice it?
After that, Kaori forcefully interfered when the quarrel became something that only
looked like mere flirting. Hajime and Yue who were showered with warm gazes from
everyone curled to become small together while urging the group to the next place to
divert the attention. During that time, it needn’t be said that Kaori’s clicking her tongue
was mass produced. And then it also went without saying that even from here on,
Kaori’s clicking her tongue kept getting mass produced.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑨

Hajime collapsed before their eyes.

Shuu and Sumire spontaneously rushed toward him seeing that scene. They kneeled
beside him and reached out their hand, but those hands passed through their son’s body
and wandered in empty air.
「Tou-san, Kaa-san. I’m over here.」
Hajime approached Shuu and Sumire while smiling wryly. Yes, the real Hajime was.
The two gasped and turned their gaze. They saw the figure of their son holding up Myuu
there and let out a long sigh in relieve. And then, they made a similar wry smile. At the
same time, before their eyes the past Hajime who was wounded all over melted into thin
air and vanished. This place was the true Orcus Great Dungeon――floor 100. The final
destination of the abyss, the place where the hideout of Oscar Orcus was located, and
then, the location where the strongest guardian the Hydra was lying in wait. Until now
Hajime and co were watching the grand last boss fight that Hajime and Yue got into.
Even though they understood that it was nothing more than projection, it was a fight for
survival with impact that couldn’t be compared with a mere 3D movie. The hydra’s roar,
the fatal breath attack, the counterattack using magic and gunshot……
And then, Hajime who covered Yue and got swallowed by the fatal light. His right
eye was evaporated, a part of his body was carbonized, and he pitched forward falling as
though he had no strength left. In order to protect Hajime, Yue dashed forward holding
Donner with one hand in her condition that only had meager magic power. The scene
was a storm of light bullets trampling through space like a meteor shower couldn’t help
made the parents but stiffen up even though they knew that it was just a projection. In
fact, if Kaoruko and Akiko didn’t receive magic that increased their mental resistance
from Tio, they would have fainted more than dozens of times about now. The sight of
those light bullets hitting Yue hard until her body became tattered was something hard
to believe looking at her current invincible queen like self.
At the same time, her figure that was gritting her teeth without taking even a single
step back no matter what, risking her life in order to protect Hajime looked so noble it
shook them. Sumire and Shuu too, they couldn’t help but hugging Yue tightly while
watching the projection. Before long the fatal light of judgment was fired. Before that
attack that was unleashed in order to annihilate the insolent intruder, Yue was staring
straight ahead, however…… Hajime revived in a hair’s breadth.
Everyone spontaneously cheered 「 Oo! 」 . But, they immediately understood from
looking. That Hajime didn’t revive or anything. It was only his guts supporting him.
Hajime’s figure that was visibly in appalling state vividly displayed that he almost wasn’t
even healed at all.
However, from there it was a dramatic development. It was overwhelming,
astounding, and miraculous. It was like a tale of a legend. The two nestling close to each
other within the meteor shower was slipping through as though they were dancing. The
light of annihilation was already like it was nothing more than a splendorous lighting
illuminating the two. Running through the air, smashing the ceiling and dropping it,
transmuting an improvised smelting furnace. The blue flame of demise was unleashed
with harmonized beat of the two. The scream of death agony of the last guardian echoed.
When everything was over, Shuu and other parents, no, even Shia and the others who
were watching that sublime scene that could be mistaken as a part of a myth forgot to
even breath due to the intense deep emotion they couldn’t describe with words inside
them. Like that, when Hajime said 「 I’m spent 」 and fell flat, all of them finally
returned to their senses.
「Amazing right?」
Hajime’s words that sounded somewhat elated echoed. Shuu and Sumire’s eyes
turned wide hearing that. If pushed to say, all this time Hajime had no motivation in
showing his past projection all this time, but now he wasn’t even really alluding
anything like 「 It’s just something of the past 」 about this scene, instead he looked
proud……no, just from looking it could be seen that he was being smug. In the middle,
Myuu who was being hugged clung to Hajime tightly, so half of his face was covered by
the little girl, but the other half of his face was clearly showing his smugness.
「 That’s unusual, for you to make such self-satisfied look when it’s not about your
「Because it was that kind of deadly battle. ……The cheat recovery item that was the god
water, a weapon that can fire excessive fire power regardless of the state of the user, and
then a partner with cheat-like magic ability. I wouldn’t be able to survive if even a single
one of those was missing. It was a battle that was literally putting up everything I and
Yue had.」
In a sense, perhaps it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that everything began from
this victory.
「Above all else, my partner did her best here. The victory of this battle, well, there isn’t
any need to be humble about it. It’s my and Yue’s――pride.」
Saying that, Hajime gently patted the head of Yue who had come to his side
unnoticed. Yue’s expression became loose and soft, as though a voice 「funi~」 would
leak out from her mouth somehow. Shuu muttered 「Is that so……」 while narrowing
his eyes from the dazzling sight, while Sumire too was saying 「I see 」 with a gentle
「Even so, that was truly intense Goshujin-sama.」
「Yes……it far surpassed my imagination.」
Tio and Shizuku’s words served as the beginning. After them the other people also
started saying their impression. The parents couldn’t hide their excitement, while Shia
and others were oozing out some envy and admiration. Shia alone was knocking her fist
together while saying 「I want a one-on-one fight. How far I can go in a handicap battle
using only my fist, I wish to test myself desuu! Won’t the monster pop up again?」 with
her rabbit ears shaking wildly. The wild rabbit couldn’t stop herself from swinging her
fist after knowing there was such a formidable enemy. The hopeless rabbit of the past
who wasn’t good with strife……had died!
「Now that she said it, Hajime. The monsters of the labyrinth can pop up again right? It
looks like the hydra doesn’t come out though……」
「Aah, perhaps because it’s the last boss. It won’t pop up when I or Yue are here.」
‘I see, so if I’m alone I’ll be able to have at it with that guy then!’ the fighting god
rabbit said with her rabbit ears swinging wildly. Leaving the rabbit aside, Tomoichi was
turning his gaze to deeper inside with shining eyes.
「So Hajime-kun, the hideout is behind that splendid door?」
「Yes, that’s right. How about we go there right away?」
For Tomoichi, it seemed that this last boss room was actually really interesting and
attracted his attention. The pillars in the pillared corridor had splendid engraving
applied to every single of them, displaying a solemn atmosphere. The double-leafed door
standing at the inner part itself was also a work of art. In that case, the hideout was
surely a place that would charm the heart of an architect without a doubt, Tomoichi
thought. By the way, it seemed regeneration magic was applied to this place, so the trace
of the fierce battle had been automatically fixed. In a sense, this large space itself could
be called an artifact that possessed automatic recovery function. It could be perceived
clearly that Oscar’s skill was godly.
「……Nn, before that, please watch the training scene of Hajime without fail.」
This room after the battle versus the Hydra became a good training place for Hajime
and Yue during the two months after the dungeon conquering. It seemed that Yue
wished to show everyone that the current Hajime’s fighting ability and precise shooting
that made everyone shudder weren’t something that were easily obtained. She wished to
show Hajime’s effort here. Tomoichi said 「Hmph……very well, let me take a look of it」
while he sent the gaze of “evaluation of worthiness to become son-in-law of who knows
how many times it is” toward Hajime. He received an elbow on his side from Kaori.
「Actually I’m really interested. That shooting skill isn’t normal. I’m curious what kind
of training he did to learn it.」
「 His martial art too. It’s not systematic but, it has a really rational movement……I
understand that it’s something cultivated in real battle but, as expected, I’m also
extremely curious at his training too.」
It seemed that this was an extremely fascinating event for Shuuzou and Koichi. The
eyes of the two were shining blazingly. Next they moved forward in order to secure the
front seat with rough breathing. They received a strike from the back of Shizuku’s
「……Nn. Then……around here I think?」
Yue muttered while at the same time she adjusted the time axis and snapped her
finger. What was projected was the firefight between Yue and Hajime. From what they
could see, Hajime was exhausted from excessive training while Yue was looking worried.
Even so, Hajime said that there was no meaning in training that wasn’t surpassing the
limit and he asked Yue to be his opponent. Yue nodded to respond to Hajime’s
determination. Hajime yelled to her.
――‘Now, no need to hold back. Come! Magic cheat!’
――‘Nn-. Eat this, the violence of quantity!’
It was the violence of quantity. It was flame bullets in number that covered the sky.
And then, for some reason the bullets were heart shaped. Yue-sama, seeing the heart
shaped fire bullets got their magic core fired through and dispersed, her chest tightened
*kyu-!* and she prattled something like 「 I was shot through 」 . Her feeling toward
Hajime, was 3000 Celsius♡ Something like that. In addition, it was a tyrannical number
that showed no end in sight.
「Yue-chan……Okaa-san, doesn’t hate you okay?」
「As to be expected from thee, Yue.」
Gazes that were filled with exasperation stabbed Yue. There was just a single person
clicking her tongue.
「……Nn-. I made a slight mistake.」
It seemed she mistook the time axis. She tried to show the training in a different
time axis while feeling slightly flustered but…… Putting aside Yue’s behavior, the
unfolding scene was intense. The storm of magic bullet that even resembled the meteor
shower of light bullet before this was shot through by the two handguns Hajime wielded.
He continued to stave off the attack just barely. Concentration power to the degree that
made his speech became halting. Super high speed midair reload using super fast gun
spin. Precise sniping that was like aiming at the approaching grains of rice which made
the heart of the spectators skipped――firing through the magic’s core. Like that……
――‘Then, itadakimasu’
――‘Wai-, sto-, aaa—–!!’
Hajime-san who was unable to resist was overcame, or rather he was pushed down
and devoured deliciously――
The past projection was disintegrated along with the magic power and it dispersed.
「 Yue you pervert! Saying it’s a training while doing such envio――impure act!
Unbelievable, completely unbelievable! What’s more, to think that you would assault
Hajime-kun who was completely exhausted and couldn’t move, how envi――terrible!」
「Kaori, your real thought」
Just as Shizuku pointed out, Kaori-san, her real thought was completely leaking out.
She was slightly drooling. Tomoichi san was looking at faraway. It seemed that he
decided that he didn’t see anything.
「……Nn, I’m sorry. Assaulting Hajime became a daily occurrence so」
‘That ain’t any excuse at all……’ Everyone thought. And then, the male faction
thought 「 So he was assaulted routinely……. 」 and looked at Hajime with a
complicated expression. Hajime threw his sight to really faraway. Like this and that, for
a while they watched Hajime who trained until he collapsed every time, Yue who would
nurse Hajime who became unable to move in various senses, and Kaori who would go
‘Disintegrate-‘ every time the nursing looked like it would become R-rated. By the time
Shuu and others started to show comprehending expression of Hajime’s current
strength seeing how he continued to train absurdly, the training showflirting show
ended and the group finally stepped inside the hideout.
「This place……is it underground here?」
The one who unconsciously muttered that was Tomoichi who was looking forward
to it the most. It seemed that the whole group had the same feeling like that leaked out
sentiment. Spacious area, artificial sun shining at the ceiling, one side of the walls inside
became a waterfall, there was also a river and also fruit trees and vegetable field. And
then, a three storey mansion that looked like it was created by directly scraping off the
rock wall was being illuminated by the artificial sun, showing its white wall gorgeously.
「The sun will become like a moon when night comes. By putting this artificial sun into
practical use, I created the sun convergence laser weapon――Hyperion.」
「……Hajime-kun. As an adult, I think there is something that I should say to you who
thought of a mass destruction weapon when seeing a sun of blessing but……sorry. I
cannot find any word.」
「No, Tomoichi-san, even if you apologize to me with that kind of creeped out face……」
「Papa–! Myuu also want a sun as present for Myuu’s next birthday nano!」
「No, Myuu. Even if you begged me with such smile that is like a sun……」
Although, Myuu was also a girl at that age. Perhaps she would need a weapon
soon…… Putting aside the hopeless Hajime papa who was pondering such thing, Yue
took the initiative to act as guide.
「 … … Right, everyone. This is the residence of me and Hajime in Tortus. This is our
love nest.」
「This is Oscar Orcus-san’s hideout isn’t it!」
‘Aa?’ ‘Oo?’ Yue-sama and Kaori-chan glared at each other. This was a scene where
anyone would definitely want Self Restraint-kun to put censor on the face of the two.
That was just how terrible the two were making the expression that beautiful girl
shouldn’t show. ‘Okay okay, break it out you two~’, Shia & Shizuku separated the two.
While that was going on, Hajime invited the parents inside the mansion. At the end of
the line Yue and Kaori were being dragged by their respective best friend. Tomoichi let
out a long sigh.
「 How beautiful…….What’s more, to think that the building doesn’t have any joining
「 Oscar was a transmutation master like me. This residence was also created using
transmutation, so it’s style is very different from a normal building.」
Tomoichi was earnestly letting out sigh of admiration seeing the strange
architecture style that he had never seen before. His eyes were sparkling bright, like a
child that was visiting an amusement park for the first time. Kaoruko was watching her
husband who was like that with a warm gaze. After that, Hajime showed around the
living space and workshop, the treasure warehouse where many of Oscar’s creation were
still left behind, and the site of the storage place of the “Oscar’s prototype – succeeded
by Hajime” maid golem that was burned and destroyed by Yue in the past. There were
only novel things inside. The parents were excited from start to finish. Especially when it
was times like when they found “Prototype – Dragon Killing Sword” (Named by Oscar)
in the treasure warehouse, all the men went into festive atmosphere where they all tried
swinging it. By the way, for some reason the one who handled and looked the best with
it was Kirino-okaasan.
「 And then this place here…….it’s where we obtained the first age of god magic and
learned the truth of this world.」
After opening the thick door at the third floor and entering inside, it was the room
where the magic circle for inheriting age of god magic was inscribed. Hajime showed a
thinking gesture for a bit. Shuu asked him while his eyes were shining seeing the magic
「Hm? What’s the matter Hajime?」
「……Aah, I’m thinking that I might as well introduce everyone.」
「Introduce? Who do you mean?」
「 Of course, I mean the liberator who was the creator of this great labyrinth. The
extraordinary transmutation master――Oscar Orcus.」
Saying that, Hajime sent an eye signal to Yue. Right after that, a silhouette emerged
in front of the chair placed at the back of the room. A black clothed youth――Oscar.
『 You did well overcoming the trial and arriving here. My name is Oscar Orcus. The
person who created this great labyrinth. Perhaps you will understand if I say that I’m a
The entrance of the intellectual looking young man wearing glasses with his black
hair tied behind his neck gathered the attention of all the parents who were curiously
looking around inside the room.
「 It’s the recording medium Oscar left behind. It’s something like his last will. When
entering the magic circle after clearing the trial, he will show his figure to the dungeon
conqueror. Right now it’s just a past projection though.」
Even while Hajime was giving explanation, Oscar was continuing his talk with deep
intellect and firm will behind his eyes. The truth of the world, the path they had taken,
and then their wish.
「……They were, unable to win against the god. But, they didn’t lose the battle.」
Yue talked with narrowed eyes. Unusually a deep respect could be seen in her eyes.
The parents felt a bit surprised at that. Someone who Yue genuinely and deeply
respected from the heart was extremely few. Kaori formed her words after her.
「 They themselves were no good. But, they didn’t give up the future. Believing that
someday people who will inherit their power will appear, they vanished to the corner of
the world. They even parted from their comrades.」
「That became our strength. Kaori was able to survive was also thanks to what they had
left behind.」
With deep emotion Shizuku let out her words tremblingly filled with deep thought of
gratitude. Aiko also spoke with a voice that was filled with similar deep gratitude.
「 Everyone was able to return to Japan was also thanks to them leaving behind their
「 Truly, they art worthy to be described as brilliant. Even in the long history of the
dragon race, there were none who persisted in such firm and striking way of life like
Tio closed her eyes as though praying for the dead’s happiness in the next world and
she silently gifted them with the greatest eulogy. Shia lowered her rabbit ears solemnly
and opened her mouth.
「 Someone like Miledy-san was seriously annoying, but she even turned into a golem
and continued to live……a thousand years, ten thousand years? Throughout a long
period of time that no one know about, by herself alone……she was annoying but, she
helped up, saved the world, and died a noble death.」
「……Nn. She went out with a smile. She was an annoying person but, she was a strong
person who was worthy of admiration.」
「 O, oi. Shia, Yue. You don’t need to keep saying annoying every time……no, she was
really annoying just as you said but……」
Usually Hajime would deliberately not read the atmosphere, but now that he was
reading the atmosphere for a bit he was making that kind of statement, though naturally
he was ignored.
『I pray that from here on you will live under free will.』
Oscar finished with that and vanished. A tranquil atmosphere silently filled the
room. A beat later, Shuu and Sumire came forward. Tomoichi and others also came
forward as though they understood what they were going to do. All the parents put their
hands together before the place where Oscar was standing and prayed silently. Their
prayer was filled with gratitude and respect, and various other thoughts.
――‘Nn. What to do?’
――‘Hm? Nothing particular. In the first place, we were summoned by the god as he
pleased and got told to go to war. That god is nothing but trouble. I don’t give a damn
what will happen to this world.’
Everyone went 「 Hm? 」 hearing that conversation. Hajime and Yue leaked out
their voice 「……ah」.
――‘Yue, are you bothered about it?’
――‘My place is right here……I don’t care of anything else’
After the last will of a deceased person, what’s more it was the last will of a great
person, for some reason a pink colored space was formed. Kaori’s eyes turned hollow.
Not just the gaze of the parents, even the gaze of Shia and others toward Hajime and
Yue became complicated. Yue tried to end the projection right away, but Kaori took it
over in the middle. Yue tried to protest 「What are you doing!」, but before she could,
――‘Aa~, for now, this place is already ours, let’s clean up that corpse’
――‘Nn. Fertilizer for the field’
Next, Hajime-san took the ring that was the proof of conquering the dungeon from
Oscar’s finger. They had conquered the dungeon so it was only natural to take it but……
The figure taking off the ring without any hesitation was the figure of a pure outlaw who
didn’t possess the very concept of compassion or sympathy itself. Furthermore, that
figure said 「Does this guy has anything else on him」 while rustling the black clothes
around. Like a vulture. The doubtful gazes of the parents and the wive~s were becoming
reproachful eyes that made even Yue turned pale. Hajime and Yue turned their gaze to
the beyond with harmonized movement. But, Shuu grinned widely and clasped his hand
on Hajime’s shoulder. And then, he spoke with a voice that was scarily lacking in
「Hajime. Do you know what is Tou-san thinking right now?」
「E, e~rr……Tou-san, you know, though not much, I at least made a proper grave.」
「 I see. Then I want to offer prayer in front of the grave, so show me the place after
「Ro, roger. Then right away――」
Hajime immediately tried to turn around to gloss over the matter, but he didn’t
manage it. His opposite shoulder also got clasped by a hand. Whose hand? Sumire’s.
「Hajime? Don’t you have anything to say to Okaa-san and Otou-san I wonder?」
「Anything, to say?」
The smile of Sumire-okaasan became really deep. Hajime thought, 「 Ah, this, it’s
that thing huh 」 . That hunch was right on the money! Right after that, the eyes of
Nagumo married couple slanted upward with great momentum.
「Don’t treat the dead rudely-, this stupid son!」
「That person wasn’t your enemy or anything right! Far from that he was someone who
gave you important gift! This idiot son!」
Indeed, it was completely as they said. *Bam-*, Hajime-san received clenched fists
on his head. It was absurd to expect such emotion and common sense from Hajime of
that time, there were various excuses he could make. Although, now that he was
harboring a definite respect toward Miledy and others the liberators, looking back at his
action then, even he himself was thinking that perhaps it was a bit unforgivable……
Because of that,
「So, sorry」
He honestly showed remorse.
「Go, Goshujin-sama art apologizing!? A dream! This art a nightmare! Shia! Help me to
wake up!」
「Leave it to me! Shaoraaa-!!」
Thunderous sound. A full swing of the war hammer. A silhouette flew into the wall
and went through it. And then, the voice of happiness saying 「Thank you very much!」
with echo. Shuu and Sumire turned their gaze to Yue as though nothing had happened.
「Yue-chan too! Your generally cold reception toward non family, well we don’t mind it
but, an act that is blaspheming the dead, Okaa-san cannot admire that at all!」
「……Ye, yes. I’m sorry.」
「Well, considering the situation at that time it might be understandable but……treating
the dead as fertilizer even though he didn’t do anything bad to you, I don’t think Otou-
san can overlook that.」
「……Ye, yes, Otou-sama. When I myself watched that scene anew, I think that perhaps
it’s a bit unforgivable.」
‘I’m really reflecting……’ Yue-sama was downhearted. ‘Otou-sama and Okaa-sama
scolded me……’ She was seriously depressed. The demon king and his legal wife who
achieved being the world’s strongest for real were reflecting. It was an extremely
miraculous situation. If the people of Tortus saw this sight, they would go crazy or faint,
or perhaps they would revere and worship the two parents similar like the mother of a
certain goddess of bountiful harvest, no doubt about it. There was nothing that was
representing Oscar on the chair inside the room but…… Hajime and Yue somehow got
the feeling that he was laughing wryly at them.
After that, they offered prayer in front of Oscar’s grave, pulled out the dragon
woman who was stuck on the field, and then the group activated the past playback
everywhere in the hideout while getting a glimpse of Hajime and Yue’s life at that time.
It was truly a sugary livelihood where they could only be called as newlywed spouses.
Extremely high sugar content. The scenes that would undoubtedly give anyone sugar
diabetes in one shot made Kaori’s tongue clicking to generate like machine gun. And
then, Yue was looking smug even while feeling embarrassed. A flash of silver grazed her
「? What’s the matter?」
Shizuku looked like she wasn’t convinced somewhat. Aiko tilted her head and asked
「How should I say it……some footage flew in here and there unnaturally……somehow
it’s like I’m looking at an edited recording……」
「Ah, certainly, there is that kind of feeling.」
It seemed it wasn’t just Shizuku who was feeling that something wasn’t right. Aiko
also clapped her hands in agreement. There, Sumire pointed at a door deeper inside the
room and raised a questioning voice.
「Hey, Hajime. We haven’t go there. What is behind that door?」
「Aa~, that place, it’s that. The bathroom. It’s connected to an open air bath.」
「 My! That’s great! So there is also bathing custom in another world! Or perhaps is it
the personal hobby of Oscar-san?」
Saying that, Sumire turned her step toward the bathroom energetically. Hajime
spoke toward his mother who was like that.
「It goes without saying but, we won’t activate the past replay there.」
「 I get it. There is also Yue-chan here, there is no way I’ll be so sad that I’m going to
intentionally watch my son being stark naked.」
There was one reaction to Sumire’s words. However, everyone entered inside the
bathroom while no one was noticing it.
「Ho~, it’s a splendid bathroom!」
「There is like a waterfall coming ahead of our gaze……it looks like Oscar-san was also
talented when it come to architecture design.」
Shuu and Tomoichi were in admiration. Hajime poured his magic power to activate
the Merlion hot spring version to show how the hot water came out from it. But, at that
「Aaa, my hand slipped~」(monotone)
Kaori-san, it seemed her hand slipped and activated the past replay. What would
slip inside a bathroom should be the foot, and even if the hand slipped why would the
age of god magic got activated? But putting aside those questions, what got projected by
the careless magic activation was the figure of Hajime relaxing in the hot spring at night.
「My, nice body.」
「……Oh my」
By the way, the top was Kirino, and it was Koichi who turned toward her in a flash.
The bottom was Akiko, and it was Aiko who turned toward her in a flash.
「Hey-, Kaori! What do you mean your hand slipped! Dispel it right away!」
「 Don’t stare hard at it like that! It’s nothing you hadn’t seen before! Aah geez, you
aren’t listening huh. Shizuku! Hold down that secretly perverted childhood friend of
yours right away……wait, why even you are staring hard at it like that huh!」
Hajime lightly slapped Kaori’s cheek *pechi pechi* to return her to her senses while
demanding her to dispel the magic once more.
「Come on return to your senses, hidden pervert meister!」
「I’m not a hidden pervert or a meister!」
「Who cares about that, just dispel it right away.」
「E, err, it feels a bit difficult! It’s because my hand slipped! My hand keeps slipping!」
「What do you mean your hand keep slipping!?」
「Like this, like a bobsleigh!」
While the meister and Hajime were doing their comedy skit, the situation that
Hajime feared finally arrived.
「Yue! Hide it!」
The one who finally came was the past Yue. She immediately projected a swimsuit
illusion above her past projection. The eyes of the male faction got protected just in the
nick of time.
「Uh, I’m sorry.」
Hajime was oozing out cold sweat at the accident that almost happened while
sending Kaori a reproachful gaze. Kaori too reflected on herself that she was messing
around too much while dispelling the magic. But, for some reason the projection didn’t
vanish. Inside the projection, Yue-sama who was scattering around a bewitching
atmosphere in full blast for some reason was standing before Hajime. ‘Why didn’t it
vanish!?’ Hajime’s expression was flustered, however, he immediately discovered the
magic power stream using his magic eye stone. The culprit, was the hopeless dragon.
「Ah, yes! SHAORAAA-!!」
「Thank you very much-」
The hopeless dragon vanished into the other side of the waterfall. But, it seemed the
projection cut off too late.
――‘I’m getting out!’
――‘You won’t escape!’
――‘Wai-, wait, ah, AAA——!!’
There, the projection dispersed as though something precious had scattered.
*Shii~n*, a really awkward silence was flowing. There, Yue’s cheeks flared up bright red
while she reported once more.
「 … … Nn. Otou-sama, Okaa-sama. Let me apologize beforehand. It was delicious.
Thank you for the meal.」
「Ah, yes, sorry that we can only prepare such meager meal?」
「No, Sumire, I think that’s not the right thing to say.」
The awkward atmosphere became even more awkward. Shia and others were
showing complicated expression that felt like saying 「Aa~, it was this timing……」.
「Papa~. What delicious thing Yue-oneechan was eating nano?」
「……Ask Remia about it later.」
The question of a child that was troubling parents was completely thrown toward
the mother by Hajime-san. His life gauge was at the red zone.
「I, I see. The past projection that looks edited is because something like this.」
「……The projection got really heavily edited.」
That was how many daily scenes that were in the category of “We cannot show it
okay!’. The blushing Shizuku and Aiko were restlessly looking around with indescribable
expression. Kaoruko and Kirino said 「Aa~, to be young」. They felt awkward, but they
also gave a slight teasing atmosphere. On the contrary, the atmosphere of Shuuzou and
Koichi felt half awkward and half lukewarm. And then, Tomoichi was,
「Ka, Kaori……」
His expression was shuddering in respond to his daughters gatling tongue clicking
that came from her grand self-destruction due to replaying the past as he pleased
because of curiosity.
「……It will be, lunch time soon, let’s eat.」
Yue was still bashful and fidgeting. Hajime had a distant look while announcing the
end of the morning part of Orcus tour in order to change the atmosphere somehow.
Hajime and co easily returned to the royal palace using a gate. A long time had passed
without them noticing while they were doing the Orcus tour. The time had gone long
past noon. Perhaps because they were shown various things, they forgot about their
empty stomach. But now their empty stomach abruptly began to declare their existence.
Hajime and co took lunch that was prepared by Hellina along with Liliana who almost
cried because she got left behind while doing her work in desperation. They had fun
talking about various memories, which caused Liliana’s teary eyes to become
increasingly sullen. At the same time, she was also showing a superhuman technique of
listening to Kaori’s complaining 「Hey, listen to me Lily! That stupid Yue! That stupid
Yue! She was an erorist-san! Hey, are you listening? Lily!」 that was like a machine gun
while acting sullen while she was doing her work and also calming Kaori down at the
same time, furthermore she was doing it while eating with a beautiful table
manner.Hajime slightly consoled such Liliana while the group finished their lunch.
「I never thought, that I would be left behind for real……」
「 No, my bad Lily. But you see, the power of Hellina’s gaze was terrific. It told me
『There is, work. Taking, princess away, absolutely no good (monotone)』.」
「What’s with the halting language. Or rather! I – a – mm! The princess! Hellina, is the
maid! Why does Hellina get prioritized!」
「Why are you laughing!?」
Hajime looked aside with a face that seemed to say ‘The after meal tea, is
delicious~’. Liliana glared at him with a resentful expression. Though she got teary eyes
so that expression not only lacked impact, rather it looked cute. Liliana directed a tearful
glare to the culprit who was her exclusive maid. Hellina bowed respectfully.
「 My deepest apologies, Liliana-sama. However, in order to accompany the trip of
Lord――cough-, Hajime-sama’s trip starting from tomorrow, it is also necessary to
finish within today all matters for the next couple of days that needs Liliana-sama’s
「Pe, perhaps that’s so but……no wait, just now, didn’t you say lord just now? You just
referred to Hajime-san as your master didn’t you!? Hey, Hellina!?」
「 Today the destination is Orcus Great Labyrinth. This Hellina know what is inside
Liliana-sama’s heart so well it’s painful, but I believe the place Liliana-sama should
accompany them to should be the imperial capital that will be the destination starting
from tomorrow.」
「Uu……I cannot deny that……but, I want to know about Hajime-san’s past in the great
labyrinth……also, you casually ignored my question didn’t you?」
「If Liliana-sama wish it, it will come true someday. The thing that has to be done right
now should be done right now. I will sort out the work that can be postponed for later. If
Liliana-sama’s work get delayed, the lord surely will also feel worried for you.」
「……You’re right. I understand, Hellina. Also, now you aren’t even hiding how you are
calling him lord anymore. Please come to my room for a bit later. I will teach you once
more who is your master!」
Hellina bowed respectfully. Shuu turned his gaze toward Hajime while feeling a bit
concerned about the crisis the relationship of the master and servant.
「So Hajime. What are we going to do in the afternoon?」
「For the time being I’m thinking of going to Raisen Grand Canyon.」
「That’s where the encounter with me happen isn’t it!」
The rabbit ears moved *myon myon*. Shia looked really happy. But, Kaori put a halt
on that.
「 Shia, sorry. I want to go to Orcus one more time before we go to Raisen Grand
Canyon. Is it okay?」
「Hoe? I don’t mind that but, is there still anything else to see there?」
They would use up the majority of their schedule here if they were also going to
watch the minor detail. Shia tilted her rabbit ears, thinking that they should have seen
all that should be seen.
「 You see, the time when we reunited……I want Otou-san and everyone else to watch
‘I see’, Shia nodded. In this trip, it felt like Tomoichi and Hajime had closed the
distance between them by quite much, but as expected, Tomoichi was still holding a
strong reluctance toward Hajime. That was why Kaori wanted to show her father the
time when she was rescued.
「Yeah, I also want to see that no matter what.」
Shizuku too seemed to recall something about that time. She glanced to Hajime
while blushing slightly. Hajime turned expressionless just for a moment from receiving
that glance. But, that too really only happened for an instant.
「……I guess. The time after we came out from Raisen Grand Canyon would also be fine
but……there was also that scene huh.」
「……Hajime. It’s alright.」
Beside him Yue sharply noticed. She said “it’s alright” not with a questioning tone,
but with a tone that was filled with conviction. Hajime looked fondly at Yue in respond
and caressed her cheek. As though to say “I’m fine”. Hajime smiled wryly at Shuu and
others who were tilting their head in puzzlement while gulping down his tea all at once.
Then he announced their departure for the afternoon part of Orcus tour. While getting
seen off by the princess who had bloodshot eyes as though to say ‘Even if it killed me I’m
gonna finish all the pressing work for these few days within today for suree~’, Hajime
and co returned to Orcus Great Labyrinth. Their destination was the surface level of
Orcus Great Labyrinth――the floor 89. Kaori’s gaze slightly wandered off to empty air as
though to look back to that time while she started talking.
「At that time, we advanced until the next floor, the floor 90.」
「I think it was around four months since Hajime fell into abyss.」
Shizuku added. The place they arrived at while giving that explanation was the place
where Kaori and co once fell into a desperate situation in the past. They were at a
spacious space with octagon shape located in floor 89. There was a large hole still gaping
open at the ceiling and wall. At the ceiling was the trace where Hajime smashed through
using pile buker. The tunnel at the wall was the improvised hideout where Kaori and
others escaped for dear life while carrying the wounded. There was a regenerating
function for the stone bridge at floor 65 that was a destination for a trap, but the
majority of Orcus Great Dungeon’s surface level didn’t have regenerating function. And
so, the trace of battle from that time was remaining clearly. Kaori performed the past
replay. The time axis was seemed to be when they escaped from floor 90 into this room.
With Kouki in the lead, the pale looking hero party, Nagayama party, and Hiyama party
showed up from the passage deeper inside. After having some words, Nomura Kentarou
who possessed the vocation earth mage started opening a hole in the wall.
「We were ambushed at floor 90. By a demon race woman and a lot of monsters. All of
the monsters were unthinkably strong.」
「Two of us were petrified, Suzu was also heavily wounded. The mental shock and the
exhaustion from going through losing battle, where, it’s just as you can see there.」
Hajime and Yue and the others also didn’t know about the detailed timing when the
demon race woman――Cattleya attacked. And so, they were watching with great interest
at Kaori and the classmates who were escaping into the improvised hideout at that time.
Then, ahead of where Hajime and co were watching, Nomura and others were starting
to talk to each other. And then, they were staring still without any word at one of the
four passages inside the room.
「? What are they doing? ……Hah!? Kaori, replay the scene just now for a bit!」
「Eh? Okay but……」
Kaori rewound the scene slightly. And then she resumed the scene. This time she
noticed. A black silhouette was soundlessly vanishing into the passage.
「It’s Endou! Endou is there!」
「 … … Nn-, as expected from Endou! He couldn’t be noticed just with a single
「 Endou-san is really absurd isn’t he. As expected from the man who could travel
through the dungeon without getting noticed by the monsters even once desuu! That
thinness of shadow cannot be copied!」
「 Umu. It’s truly a mystery. Even the projection of past replay inadvertently failed to
notice him……even within the long history of the dragon race, someone with shadow
that thin art the first time.」
「Endou-kun……I’m sorry that I always forgot to call your name when taking absence in
the class! Sensei cannot forget Endou-kun’s despairing expression when you got told
『Your number of attendance days is lacking』 by the first year’s head teacher!」
A wailing resounded from earth……it felt like that. By the way, Endou-kun had
perfect attendance. He had never even arrived late. Anyway, all the parent~s thought of
Kousuke and his parents and cried.
「E~rr, Kaori? Why did he go off alone?」
「E, e~rr you see, Endou-kun he, how should I say it, his presence, should I say that it is
weak, anyway he is a person with constitution that is hard to notice. It’s to the level that
even monster will completely ignore him even though he is right before them.」
「……Such human exist for real?」
「……He really exist. I think that it’s mysterious though. It’s not a skill or magic. It’s a
constitution that he has since before we were summoned.」
「Even earth was relatively filled with fantasy huh. Otou-san didn’t know……」
Anyway, thanks to the man who was nonchalantly within the category of mankind’s
strongest and could escape from the dungeon to the surface just by himself, the
reinforcement that was Hajime made it in time. The parents were given that
explanation. Tomoichi and others understood that he too was one of the benefactor of
their daughters’ lives. They asked to rewind the projection slightly and expressed their
gratitude. They couldn’t find him just like how hard it was to find Wall○ though. (TN:
Ask google-sensei about find Wally) ‘Eh? The projection has been rewound, so he should
be right in front of us shouldn’t it? Where?’ While thinking that. ‘Find Endou!’ After
spending a bit of time for that, the past projection displayed the attack of the monsters
that were led by Cattleya. The entrance of the hideout that was camouflaged was blown
away. Kouki resolved himself and rushed out.
From there the situation developed quickly. The hero’s power that used Limit Break
was absurd, however, Cattleya used Meld as hostage and sealed it. Unable to retreat or
fight, Kouki was defeated against a monster called Ahatd that was in a different level
from other monsters. Cattleya offered a deal which was responded by Shizuku with a
grave expression. Shizuku desperately string together her words in order to find a path
of survival somehow. Then, Meld who recovered his consciousness put his life on the
line for the last struggle――he tried to explode himself.
「So he is Meld Logins-dono.」
「I see……he is a magnificent warrior.」
Shuuzou and Koichi who were staring so hard at Shizuku’s figure they could open a
hole with their gaze saw Meld who got mentioned in the talk at the palace and raised
voice of admiration. But, right after that, even Meld’s determination for death was
sealed and ended in futility. He received a fatal wound and tumbled down on the
ground. Seeing that, the expression of Shuuzou and others warped in grief. The one who
snapped seeing that was Kouki. Inside the projection, he displayed an astounding
strength and cornered Cattleya once. But, the matter couldn’t be resolved that easily. At
the eleventh hour he finally noticed that “he was turning his sword toward a person” and
Kouki’s sword turned dull. Regarding the matter of killing a living being, not to mention
having the resolve for that, Kouki didn’t even have the self-awareness of it. Cattleya
laughed at that. Like that the table was turned. In the place of their trump card Kouki
who became unable to fight, it was Shizuku who stood at the front line. Although it was
the period of time where she was unskilled compared to the present, her speed and
sword skill were astonishing. Seeing their daughter in a genuinely desperate battle in
another world, Shuuzou tightened his lips forming a thin line, while Koichi was
clenching his fist hard. And then, Kirino quietly grasped Shizuku’s hand. Right after
that, Kirino’s hand grasped so strongly that Shizuku felt pain.
The scream of Kaori. Shizuku too also suffered defeat. She was literally vomiting
blood and crouched down. As a mother, it was undoubtedly a sight that Kirino couldn’t
endure to watch.
「Ah, Kaori!」
The two who unconsciously yelled were Tomichi and Kaoruko. Ahead of the two’s
gaze, Kaori recklessly rushed out alone by herself from the party’s formation that
crowded to each other in order to protect themselves.
――‘Ka, Kaori……what are you doing……go back quickly. You mustn’t stay here’
――‘No. It’s the same anywhere. If that’s the case, then it’s better to be at Shizuku-
chan’s side’
――‘……I’m sorry. I couldn’t win’
――‘It’s me who should apologize, for being unable to do anything than this. My
magic power is nearly spent’
It was like their last words. No, those were truly their last words. They were helpless.
It was a complete checkmate. Ahadt approached as though to engrave that on their
body. The parents trembled seeing the sight that had gone past being urgent and could
even be said as despairing……
「It’s here! Otou-san Okaa-san! Everyone pay attention! Here! Here!」
Kaori-san was greatly excited for some reason. Her fingers pointed out straight and
asked for attention.
「……Kaori. That’s, don’t copy……my act before this.」
「Silence! It will be an important scene after this! After all it is Hajime-kun and my, yes,
Ha – ji – me – kun – and – my! Scene of reunion!」
「……Nn-, you don’t need to emphasize! Stupid Kaori!」
‘Or rather, Kaori, you remember most of Yue’s speech huh……’, a lukewarm
atmosphere flowed among them. At the projection Kaori and Shizuku were snuggling on
each other where they were just a step before death, but the tension was completely
dispersed. Then, the next instant the ceiling burst. A giant stake with crimson spark
running on it pierced Ahadt along with the despair and pulverized them. From the
smashed ceiling, Hajime descended and landed lightly. His back was turned toward
Kaori and Shizuku as though to protect them, and he looked toward them across his
――‘You two are really close like usual huh’
Hajime smiled wryly while saying that to the dumbfounded duo. Instantly.
「……Kaori, noisy!」
Kaori grabbed Yue’s shoulders and shook her back and forth while raising a shrill
scream like a big fan accidentally encountering a celebrity. It seemed she didn’t even
hear Yue’s protest. Yue was already in a jostled state. Her reproachful gaze was rapidly
evolving to become a super reproachful gaze.
「 Otou-san Otou-san! See see!? It’s moving right!? That’s Hajime-kun see! And then,
the one getting protected there, is me! Kufuu!」
「Ah, right, I’m watching. I, it’s really moving」
‘If only Kaori doesn’t act so high spirited a bit creepily like this.’ Tomoichi-otousan
added inside his heart. Kaoruko put her hand on her forehead and her expression
turned as though she was watching a troubling child. And then, the Hajime-kun in
question was covering his face with his hands. If there was a hole he would want to enter
inside. On the other hand, the other involved person which was Shizuku was
She was staring at the paused projection of past Hajime’s face from the side with a
somewhat dazed expression *pohee~*.
「She fell in love.」
「So she fell in love here.」
「I see now.」
The words of Kirino, Koichi, and Shuuzou caused Shizuku to twitch. She wouldn’t
deny that at this late hour, but just in case she mumbled 「At this time, it’s not like, I
have self-awareness of it or anything…… 」 with a small voice. Gentle gazes showered
down on her. Unable to stand it, she wrapped her ponytail around her face. Ponytail
guard activate. Don’t look at me! Kaori who was in a good mood hugged Yue’s head from
behind and she nuzzled it in delight while saying.
「Then, I’ll put the scene in the loop~」
「……Bakaori, don’t get carried away.」 (TN: Baka + Kaori = Bakaori)
Yue lightly slapped *pechi pechi* the cheek of Kaori who was hugging her while she
was going to forcefully end the past projection.
「Yue, my bad but keep the projection playing.」
Yue obeyed Hajime’s words and forcefully advanced the past projection ahead.
Kaori was annoying, so she reflexively wanted to end the scene. Due to a curbstomp
fight that would put off any ordinary person watching it, the powerful monsters were
easily turned into mince meat. Just in case, faint mosaic were applied to the image by
Yue’s miraculous feat so the scene was kind to the eye compared to the reality. Like that,
that time finally arrived. A single dry gunshot sound. It resounded excessively loudly.
Shuu and others didn’t speak any word. They couldn’t say anything. It was like there was
a solid lock closing the box where their words were stored. Fresh blood danced within
their sight.
――‘Why, why did you kill her. Is there any need to kill……’
Kouki’s words echoed.
「 If you are watching then you can understand, the demon race is undoubtedly
“person”. What was done just now, was without a doubt a “murder”.」
Shuu and Sumire silently looked back to Hajime who said that. Tomoichi and other
parents covered their mouth and went pale. Shuu walked toward Hajime. And then, in
opposite of the time when Hajime carelessly treated the corpse of Oscar before this, he
clasped his shoulder gently. He massaged the shoulder as though to loosen something
「Thanks for showing us that.」
Shuu only said that. He didn’t say anything else. Sumire was also the same. She only
stroke Hajime’s hair messily, then she only silently watched the continuation of the past
image. Things that should be asked had been wholly asked that time when Hajime
returned home to them. What they wanted to say had also been wholly expressed in
words. There was nothing that they wanted to discuss once more, to say nothing of
wanting to admonish Hajime or anything. They simply wanted to watch his experience
with their own eyes. That was all. Hajime didn’t understand what should he call the
deep emotion dwelling within Shuu and Sumire’s eyes. However, somehow, he thought
that the emotion resembled ocean. While Yue and others were watching over them,
Tomoichi and other parents snuggled close to Kaori and Shizuku, and then Aiko too.
Within the projection, Kaori was being shocked by Hajime’s complete change, even so
she said her gratitude that he was alive.
「Otou-san, I was only lucky.」
「……I see. No, you’re right.」
Tomoichi looked at Hajime. With Japanese people’s sensitivity, no, with a human’s
sensitivity, the act that occurred before their eyes where something that was hard to
accept right away. However, Tomoichi, and also Kaoruko and the other parents too were
certainly feeling emotion that couldn’t be measured with just ordinary common sense or
「Shizuku. You had done your best. You did great surviving.」
「You fought well in order to protect your friend. I’m proud of you.」
Koichi and Shuuzou naturally noticed. Shizuku was scared at the bottom of her
heart, however she faced Cattleya with a definite killing intent. Both of them caressed
Shizuku’s head with clumsy hand manner. Shizuku wanted to cry slightly but then
Kirino gently hugged her. Like that, Tomoichi and others faced back toward Hajime and
spoke out their thanks once more. Their words were short, but their words were filled
with the deepest emotion until now. The projection ended and silence returned. For a
while, everyone were entrusting their body and heart to the silence in order to sort out
their heart. Before long, unexpectedly it was Tomoichi who breached the silence perhaps
in order to return the atmosphere to normal.
「Even so, when I imagine that my Kaori will get turned down after this……yep, I want
to punch Hajime-kun flying until the end of the earth once more.」
「Shouldn’t that feeling be past its expiration date soon?」
「There is no expiration date to the feeling of a father who is thinking of his daughter
you know, Hajime-kun.」
The atmosphere of the place softened just as planned from that conversation. After
that, Hajime and co looked around at the happening in Orcus for a bit more. Somehow it
felt unfitting to come out from here and then go right away to a new destination and had
fun there. Within their chest there were complicated emotions that were transparent,
complicated, clear but heavy, such contradicting emotions were jumbled within them.
They wanted to keep hold to those feelings for a bit more. And so, the group visited the
sealing room once more with an atmosphere like taking a walk. It was Hajime’s idea.
What he showed them there was the event before the legendary decisive battle.
――‘Let’s take her back, without fail’
――‘Yeah. We’ll take her back, without fail’
Kaori and Hajime were talking about their memory of Yue, and then they showed a
determination that was like blazing flame. Yue writhed while leaking out strange
voice 「 Nfuu 」 . Kaori blushed for some reason while also incomprehensibly acting
tsundere saying「I, it’s not like I like Yue or anything, I’m telling you there is no way it’s
like that!」. They also replayed past projection in Oscar’s hideout once more, showing
the time axis before the legendary decisive battle.
――‘I wish for my life and death to be together with Yue-san’
Shia’s resolve was displayed to Hajime. In order to take away the option of letting
only her survive. If they were unable to save Yue, then she would rather die together
with Hajime, so she wished. ‘Obviously, rather I won’t let you get away’, Hajime
responded with a smile. Yue leaked out a voice 「 Nuwaa 」 as though she was in the
verge of death. Shia blushed and said 「 Do, don’t misunderstand, I simply super love
Yue-san! 」 , inflicting a straight punch directly on Yue. Yue died in agony. She
automatically revived though. Through various things like that, everyone’s feeling
recovered their calm. Around that time.
「Now then, let’s continue the trip.」
Hajime ordered that with a gentle voice. Gentle voices of agreement resounded. Like
that the group headed to their next trip destination――the Raisen Grand Canyon while
looking forward to the encounter with a hopeless rabbit.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑩

A du~~ull atmosphere was hanging in the air at the terrifying execution place that
would make even brutal criminal to sob――at the bottom of Raisen Grand Canyon. The
fixed stare of the parents was staggering. Kaori and Shizuku were hugging Shia tightly as
though to sandwich her.
「I see. So this is the encounter that is so sensational it shakes the brain――」
「As well as paralyzing, that it make you feel like flying in the sky, isn’t it.」
The eyes of the Nagumo husband and wife that were looking at their son were truly
cold. The son in question was looking at the sky saying 「It will be evening soon huuh」.
He was obstinately avoiding to meet their gaze. As expected Yue also didn’t show any
sign of meeting their gaze anytime soon, however, she was trying to make excuse
「……Tha, that’s, Otou-sama! Okaa-sama! I also had the door almost closed on me! My
scalp was also scraped! How should I say it, this couldn’t be helped for Hajime at this
time so!」
「Yue-chan said that, but your attitude was also really cold there. You pulled the rabbit
ears too hard that Shia-chan became like onion.」
「……Nn-. ……She clung close to Hajime so……」
Yue was mumbling excuse with small voice in respond to what her mother-in-
lawSumire pointed out while turning her gaze to the sky. The sky was also pretty like
this at that time huuh……her expression seemed to say that. Now then, Hajime’s group
that came to travel in Tortus. Why were they falling into complicated atmosphere like
this at the bottom of the canyon of death…… After taking a break for the sake of the
parents who learned various shocking scenes and past at Orcus Great Labyrinth, Hajime
and co departed to Raisen Great Canyon. The majestic sight that was like Grand Canyon
and the brutal monsters that swiftly attacked made the parents to shudder and their
heart beating fast in excitement. Like that, Hajime and co swept away the monsters in a
flash while showing the “past playback” due to Shia’s strong request. Of course, it was
the scene of their encounter with Shia. Hajime understood that the atmosphere would
become like this, so he was extremely reluctant to show the playback, but Shia herself
「Tou-sama-, Kaa-sama-! It’s here desu! Here! We met each other here! Now now, Yue-
san! It’s the long awaited turn of me! Please replay the moving scene! Come, do it
Shia said while hopping around like rabbit. Her rabbit ears were flapping *wassa
wassa*, her rabbit tail was swaying *bun bun* while she requested with her tension at
the max. Not just Sumire and other parents, even Kaori and other wives also became
interested in seeing it and in the end, the past was replayed. Yes, the figure of Haijme
elbowing, electrifying, and at the end throwing Shia who was desperately asking for help
toward a flock of Hyveriaflying dragon was displayed. And, the atmosphere became like
「It’s really nostalgic desu~. Hajime-san who helped us in the end no matter whatever
he said in the beginning was seriously tsundere! Isn’t it desu~」
*Dopan-* Dodge!
「Don’t call me tsundere.」
「……Nn. Hajime at that time was completely tsun.」
Seeing Shia dodging the bullet normally even while saying such thing, both Hajime
and Yue said 「 Even though she was a hopeless rabbit at that time…… 」 with an
expression that was a mix of loneliness and nostalgia. Kaori and Shizuku were still
hugging Shia while,
「Uu, this kind of encounter is just too much. I can understand why Shia will beautify
her memory.」
「Really, just what part of this kind of man that made you fell in love with him?」
「Shizuku-san, those words are seriously a boomerang to yourself you know?」
They were moved to tears full of sympathy that her encounter was so harsh she
changed the memory inside her brain. Shia’s cheeks were twitching. It was as though
they were treating her like a pitiful person trying to overcome her trauma by convincing
herself of something that wasn’t true. For Shia it was really upsetting.
「Shia, thy art actually mine comrade. I’m happy.」
「I’ll pile bunker your ass you know?」
Tio smiled happily. Shia’s disdainful gaze stabbed Tio’s heart like pile bunker. She
couldn’t help but panted ‘haa haa’. Shia’s expression was displeased. Then next a small
hand patted her.
「 Shia-oneechan. “Problem is the future. That’s why I don’t look back at the past”
nano.」「What could you mean by that! Myuu-chan!」
Myuu’s expression was kind. Her smile was like an adult woman filled with love.
The saying that seemed to be obtained from TV or internet and that expression said it
more eloquently than anything. It was a compassionate heart that said 「It must be a
sad affair. Let’s forget it? Nano 」. Her rabbit ears stood straight in protest. Although,
Kaoruko, Kirino, and then Aiko and Akiko the female camps were also sending her gaze
that looked comforting and cheering up as though to say ‘Let’s live in the future!’, that
she was losing confidence 「 Eh? Could it be my encounter was too pitiful? That’s
impossible…… 」 . Tomoichi dealt another blow using his words with eyes that looked
like a hitman.
「 Hajime-kun. I don’t think it’s possible but, you didn’t treat Kaori the same like this
right? If that’s actually the case, then I’ll have to turn into Asura.」
「No, it’s just as shown in Horuad, I rejected her normally.」
「I’ll have to turn into Asura!」
Ignoring the conversation between Tomoichi-san who only had Asura route
remaining for him and Hajime who was attempting to preserve the human route,
Sumire who seemed to have pulled herself together patted Shia’s head.
「I’m really sorry for my son, Shia-chan. You’ve really worked hard.」
She didn’t speak in more detail. But everyone understood the true meaning of her
words. In order to save her family, she didn’t give up no matter how harsh the treatment
she received. She believed that the future could surely be changed if she did her best.
She was told that it was a sin for her to be born. Her existence cornered her family to a
predicament and made her lost some of them. Anyone realized that Shia herself had
those things carved deeply into her heart more than anyone. She was called things like
hopeless rabbit and acted somewhat comically, even so the desperation deep inside her
eyes was conveyed fully.
Shia grinned sweetly in embarrassment and also happiness from the bottom of her
heart. The dry atmosphere was moistening along with the warm gaze from the parents
and the other wives. And so,
「Yosh, everything is alright. Let’s go to the next one.」
Hajime clapped his hand and gave the order. Everyone sent him gaze that said
「 Read the atmosphere 」 . It seemed he really couldn’t stand to be present at the
atmosphere right now. Hajime-san wished to run away. The problem was the future.
Hajime-san wouldn’t look back at the past.
「 Wait wait, Hajime. Why are you that hurried? There are things that we still haven’t
「There isn’t anything like that. One hopeless rabbit showed her guts. That’s all.」
He drowned out those words. It was as though he was being ‘I won’t allow further
question than that!’. Or perhaps he was being ‘I don’t want to touch the topic ahead of
that!’. The parents were taken aback by that. Even Yue, Kaori, Shizuku, Aiko, and then
Shia herself and even Myuu, they all averted their gaze simultaneously. It was as though
they understood Hajime’s feeling.
「 The father of Shia-chan, he seemed like a kind person~. I’m looking forward to
meeting him.」
She said it. Sumire-okaasan said it.
「 How should I say it, the image of father and daughter is different. You know, Shia-
chan gave the feeling of annoyi――cough. I mean aggressiveness and challenger spirit in
the playback.」
「 Tou-sama? Just now, were you about to say that I was a muscle brain? You almost
said that!」
Ignoring Shia who was pressing the question on Shuu, Tomoichi also expressed his
「Yeah, I thought that the rabbit people race will be more brimming with curiosity with
character of fortitude but……」
Hajime and Yue looked at each other. They were making face that was saying
「Certainly, they’re brimming with curiosity with character of fortitude, right now」.
「They’re actually peaceful people with kind personality. I feels like they’re liking things
like flower or animal.」
Kaoruko’s impression made Kaori and Shizuku to look at each other. Their face
seemed to say「Right on. It seemed they loved those things, a long time ago」.
「Shia-san is special isn’t it.」
「She is truly the hero of her race.」
「The father and everyone else protect Shia-kun’s family, while Shia protect the body of
her family who cannot fight. That’s how it is huh.」
Kirino, Koichi, and Shuuzou’s impressions made Shia and Tio to look at each other.
Their face wanted to say「Rather they’re dealing damage to my heart though. Everyone
is frontline addict though」.
「 All of them are handsome man and beautiful woman. The small children are also
really cute. Fufu, when I imagined that this kind of people are living in the house inside
a forest, it reminds you of Sylvania○ isn’t it~」
Akiko’s dreamy impression made Aiko and Myuu and Remia to look at each other
with an expression that said 「 Certainly it’s already just a dream 」 . Next, Hajime’s
expression changed as though to say 「If I have to say they’re Shiryuubania 死流刃仁悪
instead, I guess?」. (TN: Hajime changed the word Sylvania with kanji that has similar
sound with it where the kanji has the meaning of ‘death style blade evil and good’.) It
couldn’t be helped that they looked like that. That “cute small kid” right now introduced
himself with name like “Baltfeld of Certain Death” and found his meaning of life from
shooting through his prey’s head, while the other child introduced herself as
“Neastadtrm of Outside Massacre” who if there was a chance would compete ruthlessly
with the older women of the same clan daily in order to receive the affection of the boss.
(Ha, Hajime-san, what to do? Everyone is imagining a clan of “forest rabbit-san”! Even
though in reality they’re head reaping rabbits who’re lurking in the forest! They’re a
group of warmonger and assassin! They will be absolutely appalled desuu!)
(This is why I was reluctant to show those guys before their complete change.)
(It was Hajime-san who changed them though! Can’t we change the schedule? Like
telling them they can’t meet my family because they’re a bit busy right now or
(Try doing that and then get found out later on. We’re talking about those guys. Next
time they’ll take initiative to introduce themselves. At that time it will be with an
excessive show added……terrifying)
(……Certainly. This is father and everyone else. They’ll aim for our next visit and lie in
ambush. No matter how many months, how many years, they will lie in wait at the
palace’s gate.)
Hajime and Shia were both at their wits’ end. Shuu and others were looking puzzled
seeing the two of them whispering to each other secretively.
「What’s the matter Hajime?」
「No, it’s nothing. We talked a bit about the time to introduce Hauria clan. Kaori, take
care of the follow up using soul magic and regeneration magic.」
「 Wait a second Hajime. What’re you saying when we’re going to meet the father and
family of Shia-chan who looked that kind……wait, Kaori-chan!? Why is your expression
that determined!?」
「I will protect Otou-san father-in-law’s heart-」
「What do you mean!?」
「It’ll be a destructive power that made even Hajime-kun shocked and fell into stupor
but-, I’ll protect everyone-」
「 Hajime is the godslaying demon king isn’t he!? Shia-chan’s family, what kind of
people are they!?」
「 Tou-san, steel yourself. Perhaps, among everyone here Tou-san’ll be the one……in
most danger.」
「I’m asking one more time here-. This is Shia-chan’s family you’re talking about right!?
The rabbit-san who looked kind in the playback right!?」
Shuu was filled with trepidation. Inside his brain the image of Carm and others
looking like a group of psychopath flashed. In a sense he wasn’t mistaken. By the way, it
could be easily guessed that the reason Shuu was in most danger was because he was
Hajime’s father. Just like his son, he had various things sealed deep inside his heart.
「 Let’s put aside the matter of Tou-sama and others for now! Let’s head to the next
place, next!」
Shia pointed to the west of the canyon as though to avert her gaze from the
unpleasant future. The problem was that it was a future that would come sooner or later.
Shuu and others didn’t feel fully satisfied, even so they obediently went through the
gate. Their destination was of course Raisen Great Labyrinth.
「So this is……the second great labyrinth?」
Shuu’s question was only natural. Tomoichi and others also stared wide-eyed.
――Welcome! To Miledy Raisen’s exciting and thrilling great labyrinth♪
「Right, of course you’ll react like that. We were also like that.」
「……Nn. It’s slightly irritating seeing this even now.」
「Right desu~. It’s already annoying right from the start.」
Hajime and others got a faraway look. Although they often heard about the story,
Shizuku, Tio, and Kaori who hadn’t really experienced it themselves. The time for them
to vicariously experience it had finally come and they were feeling excited and thrilled
about it.
「When the story about this great labyrinth came up, the three would enter their own
world so it made me curious.」
「It wouldst give us an odd sense of alienation when they art like that.」
「 At the decisive battle I met with Miledy-san but……she overwhelmed the monsters
with gravity magic……her voice at that time was really level-headed, so I couldn’t match
her image with the character that Hajime-kun and others mentioned no matter what.
Rather, she felt like a good person who was humorous――」
Kaori said such thing while staring at empty air and remembering Miledy who came
as reinforcement at the decisive battle leading her golems. The instant she said those
words, the eyes of Hajime and others snapped open intensely.
「Kaori, return to your sense. You’re brainwashed.」
「……Bakaori. You better polish your ability to judge people a bit more.」
「 It was a really extreme situation that Kaori-san even got a strange delusion wasn’t
「Why are the three of you going that far!?」
Everyone’s expression became 「 Who in the world Miledy Raisen is…… 」 seeing
the uncommon reaction of Hajime and others. Hajime cleared his throat *cough* and
pulled himself together before opening his mouth.
「From here we’ll explore this Raisen Great Labyrinth, but this place is a mountain of
physical trap. We don’t know which is where, so be more careful than when you were in
Orcus. Be very careful to not act by yourself and touch something carelessly.」
The parents nodded firmly after seeing the serious expression and warning of
Hajime. Kaori immediately moved to begin the “past playback”. But, before she could,
「It’s still the entrance you know, Kaori-san.」
Shia grabbed her shoulder strongly.
「Eh? But……」
「But, what?」
「I, it’s nothing.」
Shia was smiling. But, the smile was strangely pressuring. It was plainly scary. In
addition her grip on Kaori’s shoulder was like a vise. A vigor like “I’ll absolutely hinder
the past playback!” could be felt.
「……nn. I’m starting the past playba~~ck」
Yue-sama unexpectedly turned traitor. She quickly stepped forward, opened the
revolving stone door, casually struck down the arrow that flew out right after the door
was opened, and then replayed the past with smooth and flowing motion.
「Don’t tell me-, it’s retaliation for before this!? That should be invalid already after this
「……Nn? What did you say?」
Yue’s hearing was suddenly becoming bad. Shia went mad ‘ugaaa~h’ and leaped at
her. By the way, what Shia meant by “before this” was her line of 「 ― ― I win if it’s
breasts!The girl over there is flat isn’t she!」 that got replayed in the past replay at the
canyon. In front of Shia who was trying to hold her down, Yue was,
「!? Hajime-san!?」
Shia was pinioned from behind. Her expression was saying ‘Unbelievable!’ and her
rabbit ears stood on end.
「My bad, Shia. It’s my reflex.」
「Are you a trained dog!? Let go~~, everyone don’t look~~~」
*Struggle-struggle-*. Even though she was trying to get away from Hajime’s
restrain, the past was projected before her body strengthening’s level was raised.
「Wha, what in the world it is? Hey, Yue. Shia is seriously disliking it, if it’s better not to
see it then……」
「……Nn, I’m joking.」
The moment the regrettable scene of past Shia vanishing at the other side of the
revolving door because of her carelessness, the image vanished at the same time. It
seemed that even Yue didn’t have the intention to show Shia’s black history for real as
expected. After all it was concerning a girl’s dignity.
「I, I’m glad desu. If Yue-san was serious then I’ll have to become Asura after that.」
「There’re many people who almost become Asura huh.」
Tomoichi-san averted his gaze quickly.
「Well, if I hath to guess, Shia must hath done a great blunder. At that time Shia seemed
to be still really inexperienced after all.」
Right now Shia was a person of firm character even among Nagumo family. Rather,
Shia could pass as a reliable rabbit even more than Yue who was heading to become a
NEET vampire princess in full speed. But here there was an embarrassing failure story
of her in the past. Everyone was terribly curious, but Shia who was folding her rabbit
ears flat on her head and looking bright red until her neck was cute so no one asked
further and in exchange they stopped after tasting the warm and relieved atmosphere.
But, being merciless in this kind of time was the quality of that person who was the
number one most annoying person in the world. The moment Hajime and co stepped
inside the dungeon and the revolving stone door closed, behind that door bright letters
floating in the air shined radiantly and brilliantly in an intensity that was never seen
――Were you scared? Hey, were you scared? You wet yourself.
――It’s fine you know! It’s only wetting yourself! There’s also rabbit girl that soaked
herself wet so it’s fine! Ah, but remember to clean up okay! Manner is important doncha
know? Pugyaaa――h
The letters were subtly different from before. Or rather, there was addition.
Everyone swallowed the voice「Ah」 that almost slipped out from their throat. It was a
good work in their part of being able to immediately pretend of not understanding what
the words meant. Although, within the silence that even felt terrifying, it couldn’t be
helped that their gaze was slowly moving. Yes, moving toward the direction of the child
who wet herself.
Shia-san was looking down. Her expression couldn’t be seen. It was extremely eerie.
Her rabbit ears too weren’t moving at the slightest like the calm before the storm.
「I, I wonder what it talked about-! I don’t get it at all!」
Aiko-chan desperately gave a follow up. But it became a lethal damage instead.
Seeing Aiko’s usual fruitless effort, Akiko said「You be quiet-」 and hit her daughter’s
「 I, it might be talking about Myuu! Nano! Before Myuu met papa, Myuu often wet
herself at night after all!」
「My my, mama is proud of Myuu. But, right now let’s refrain from saying anything for
a bit okay?」
Myuu desperately made a follow up with the mentality of self-sacrifice. But instead
it made it hard for Shia to stay here. Remia quickly collected Myuu. She buried Myuu’s
face into her chest to zip close her mouth.
「Shi, Shia-chan? You know, Okaa-san and everyone else doesn’t really――」
「 Just you wait 」 (TN: Here Shia stop using polite way of speaking. Even though she
still used desu even when facing the apostles, here she doesn’t do so.)
Shia’s tone that should be unassailable like iron wall broke. She held out her hand
toward the worried Sumire to stop her, and then she started moving slowly. She
equipped Vire Drucken so naturally like a flowing water. The next moment,
Pale bluish white magic power burst up! That was the proof of the activation of body
strengthening Level X! With her rabbit furs standing completely on end and bloodshot
eyes, the attack of Shia who went through character breakdown HIT the revolving stone
door! The area near the entrance was exploded into pieces along with a thunderous roar.
Even the gigantic boulder that was like a camouflage outside was sent flying until it
impacted the cliff wall at the other side. A part of Raisen Great Canyon collapsed!
Without pause she began fighting against the monsters of Raisen that got lured by the
thunderous sound to vent her rage. The fierce quake and disastrous scene that was like
cataclysm made Sumire and others screamed 「Kyaaaaaah」 while yelling 「Shia-chan
calm downn」. During that time Hajime showed a cramping expression.
「 Shia should have come here just before the last decisive battle but……looking at her
state right now, this is the first time she saw that huh.」
「 … … Nn. In other words after Shia returned from here and before she departed to
battle, Miledy intentionally added in the sentence.」
That must be how it was. When Hajime recalled Shia’s state after returning from
Raisen Great Labyrinth before the decisive battle, various things must have happened.
This was undoubtedly Miledy’s revenge. As expected from the formidable person who
undoubtedly would be the world champion for eternity if there was an UzaAnnoyingledy
World Championship. Even after her own death, she still left behind her annoyingness
for future life……. He even felt like that right now Miledy was actually watching from
somewhere while laughing hard holding her stomach too. Unable to keep listening the
impact sound that surged out without pause and watching Shia swearing while
forgetting her 「desu」, Tio departed to the battlefield for the time being.
「Shi, Shia. I understand thy feeling. But for now let’s calm dow――」
「Thank you very much-」
Tio vanished to faraway in the sky. Kaori was in a dither while pulling on Hajime’s
「Ha, Hajime-kun-, what now! This is the first time I saw Shia snapped like this!」
「The time before this she also snapped completely though.」
「Hajime! Do something about this! That’s the role of a lover!」
「It’s fine Kaa-san. Even if we leave her alone, she is in Level X so her magic power will
dry out while we’re talking and she’ll collapse, so for now let her vent everything inside
Just like Hajime said, it became quite a few minutes later. Shia-chan was on her
knees limply above the sea of blood and mountain of corpse of the monsters. If they
sharpened their hearing, they could hear the sad sobbing voice faintly. Seeing that,
Hajime and others who had refined the strategy to improve Shia’s mood while she was
venting looked at each other and nodded firmly. Hajime turned his gaze to Myuu, she
showed a really manly expression that said 「Leave this to Myuu! Nano」 and walked
toward Shia. At the foot of the mountain of monster corpses, she placed both her hands
on her mouth like a megaphone and raised her voice.
「 Shia-onee~~chaa~~n. What’s the matter so suddenly nano~~? Why are you crying
「Hics, sniff, everyone learned it……it might be alright if it’s only Tio-san and others……
but even Kaa-sama and Tou-sama……fueh……and the families of Kaori-san and others
「What did they learn nano?」
Myuu’s puzzled question made Shia went 「 Eh? 」 . Shia showed a bewildered
expression seeing Myuu’s big and round eyes staring at her in puzzlement.
「Wha, what did they learn you say……that’s of course, you know, the thing written at
the entrance」
「Entrance? There was writing? What was written nano?」
「Eh? Eeh? Huuh?」
Shia tilted her head and even her tears stopped trickling in this mysterious
situation. Myuu also tilted her head matching her. It was as though she really didn’t
understand anything. Shia finally looked at the direction of Hajime and others
wondering what was with this situation. Sure enough Kaori and others were also making
puzzled expression. Even Tio who already returned when she noticed was tilting her
head as though nothing had happened. And then, Hajime and Yue secretly made a
thumb up.
「Ah, co, could it be their memory with Yue-san’s magic……」
She recalled that possibility and felt grateful as well as apologetic and various other
emotions. Shia who finally returned to her senses timidly descended from the mountain
of corpse.
「Err, Myuu-chan. You really don’t remember anything?」
Shia stared fixedly on Myuu. Myuu stared back questioningly. *Staree~~~.* *???
「I’m sorry Myuu-chan. It’s nothing desu.」
Shia grinned and walked toward Hajime and others. Myuu instantly stroked her
chest and let out a breath of tension 「fuhii~h」―― Shia turned around *whoosh* in a
flash. It was a truly sharp movement like “Daruma doll tumbling”. But, even Myuu
wasn’t the demon king’s daughter just for show! When Shia turned around she already
started walking with a smile *grin* returning on her face. Shia nodded 「fumu」 and
walked again―― *Whoosh* *Grin* *……fumu* *fuii~* *Who-whoosh!!* *Grin grin-!!*
*……fu~mu* *Myu~~, papaa-*
「You two, what’re you playing?」
「Ah, I’m sorry Hajime-san.」
Shia responded to Hajime. Behind her Myuu was holding her chest. It seemed her
heart was pounding hard even from before entering the great labyrinth. It was truly a
situation that wasn’t exciting at all. A small thumb up came from Remia mama. Myuu
sent back a thumb up with an expression of a warrior who had acquired
「Er~r, everyone, did anyone see anything at the entrance?」
Shia asked with a smile. Even though she was smiling, deep inside the eyes that
were narrowly opened, there was the sharpness of a veteran detective ascertaining the
truth and falsehood. Aiko and Akiko twitched. Shizuku averted her gaze reflexively.
Kirino sent them rebuking gaze. Shia’s eyes narrowed silently.
「Shia-chan, just what’s with you since just now?」
「Are you perhaps feeling unwell? Should we stop with the sightseeing today?」
「Ah, no no, nothing like that! I’m sorry Tou-sama and Kaa-sama. How should I say it,
I’m really sorry for various things desu.」
It seemed Shia had somehow guessed it. In other words, their memory wasn’t
actually modified, instead they were trying to make it looked like that was what
happened. As expected, it was appalling to modify the memory of their own family, but
they were trying to persist with the kind lie in consideration for Shia. Shia’s cheeks
reddened slightly in embarrassment, but she had even made Myuu be considerate of
her. This time she took advantage of that kindness and kept her sanity. The parent~s
sent a warm gaze seeing Shia’s state. Yue and others also snuggled closer to console
Shia. With everything returning to normal, the group finally moved inside Raisen Great
Labyrinth. Past playback was activated at a place where stairs formed in a complicated
structure like trompe l’oeil. But, Hajime and Kaori committed a sorrowful blunder there.
「Come to think of it, that Endo, he conquered this place by himself didn’t he?」
「 Ah, certainly. Want to take a bit of look? It was slightly after the decisive battle if I
remember right.」
Kaori set the time and performed “past playback”. After a while, a man fully clothed
in black outfit――Kousuke appeared in the projection. After the decisive battle, he fell in
love with a Hauria older woman――Ranainfe……Rana who perceived him even when he
was in stealthy state and confessed. However, Rana gave conditions after much thought,
which was a savage request of conquering a great dungeon and dealing a wound on
Hajime. Kousuke came here to carry that out. Doing such challenge that could also be
called as mad in a sense, as expected Hajime and others thought that even Kousuke
must be nervous. However, the image of Kousuke in the projection seemed strange. He
was muttering to himself in a low voice. Wondering what he was saying, they strained
their ears and……
――A rabbit girl who soaked herself wet……the rabbit people race is originally a
fainthearted race……and I think there won’t be anyone else of them coming here……eh,
in other words, it’s something like that huh. Shia-san, over there she――
「Calm down Shia-」
Shia-chan lost her sanity once more. She was turning around while shouldering
Drucken, so Hajime hurriedly grabbed her from behind. But, in front of Shia’s physical
strength he was getting dragged! Yue and others also jumped Shia in great panic to stop
her, but they were all getting dragged together. At the end even the parents also joined
to become like a human rope, but the bugged rabbit whose heart was burning to seal
Kousuke’s mouth couldn’t be stopped!
After that, Shia returned to her sanity after getting a promise that they would get rid
of Kousuke’s memory. Whether that measure was really carried out or not…… When the
classmates asked Kousuke about his time conquering Raisen Great Labyrinth, at the
beginning he would always go 「Raisen……the entrance……uh, my head-」, it could be
easily guessed from there. In any case, it seemed that Raisen Great Labyrinth was a
place that couldn’t help but shave down Shia’s SAN point even though its master wasn’t
there anymore. Perhaps it really should be called as the demon’s gate. Although, they
also had a bit of objective this time. And so they continued with the sightseeing of
Raisen Great Labyrinth. Hajime and co advanced deeper forward while playing the “past

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑪

After they somehow calmed down the raging berserker Shia. As expected perhaps
they should stop with touring Raisen Great Labyrinth, if it was now they could teleport
using Crystal Key or with Yue brute forcing her magic power until the deepest room……
That was Hajime’s suggestion, but Kaori, Tio, Shizuku, Aiko, and Myuu, the five of them
firmly refused. It seemed they wanted to be able to share with the “feeling of
understanding” that only owned by Hajime, Shia, and then Yue until now.
「 Rather, perhaps we should conquer it in a normal way and obtain gravity magic
「 Indeed. There art also the feeling that it’s too late to obtain it now, but there art no
disadvantage in obtaining it. This might be a good timing.」
「 Right……Hajime and others will protect Okaa-san and other parents, so should we
give it a try?」
「Eh? H, h~m, it feels a bit impossible for me though……」
「Myuu too nano……」
Kaori and others talked between them. For some reason Hajime’s eyes were
wandering around hearing that. He showed a bit of pondering look, 「Well, it’s alright I
guess……it’ll be alright won’t it? 」 he said with unusual lack of confidence. His
expression was looking anxious.
「Geez, Hajime-kun worry too much. We aren’t that weak okay?」
「No, right, well, that’s true.」
Hajime really didn’t make himself clear. This was Hajime who was always bold and
audacious with imperturbable mind, so seeing him like this made everyone to opened
their eyes wide in surprise. Shizuku tensed her expression.
「Even though you didn’t even make that kind of face in Orcus……we’re going to have
brace ourselves like this. That’s why Ojii-chan and you two! Don’t start warming up!
Don’t make that face that say 『Ee~, it’s unfa~ir that only Shizuku is going』! I’ll shred
you all for real if you three are doing as you please!」
Everyone of Yaegashi family looked really dissatisfied. The adults in their age were
sending booing ‘boo~boo~’ to their daughter in reality. Shia who had returned to her
sanity right now formed a wry smile to such hot-blooded Yaegashi family and opened
her mouth.
「H~m, there is no problem with everyone’s capability but……this dungeon will change
its internal structure within a certain period.」
「Eh!? Is that so?」
「Yes desu. It’s a trick in order to laugh while rolling on the floor seeing the challengers
feeling down after pointlessly mapping the area with hard work.」
「That’s nasty!」
「Miledy was a damn contemptible human after all!」
It stood to reason. ‘Because of that we also don’t understand the path you know~’,
Shia said. Continuing after her Hajime also pointed out with a wry smile.
「In the first place, we planned to teleport after letting everyone touring this place to a
degree. I think you will need one week at the very least if you want to conquer this
dungeon in a normal way.」
「……Nn. Right now we have the compass, so if it goes well perhaps you’ll be able to
reach the goal easily? We don’t know if you’ll be recognized as having conquered this
dungeon though.」
‘I see’, Kaori and co nodded. In that case, for the time being they would rely on the
compass, if they weren’t acknowledged in that case, then they would do it the normal
way if there was another chance. They concluded of trying the challenge with such
feeling. Because of that, Hajime would only show the path with the compass, while
Kaori, Tio, and Shizuku would go ahead of the group. The tour of Raisen Great
Labyrinth stared like that. Aiko together with Myuu were observing from the rear. It
seemed they didn’t really have confidence. Though Myuu was burning with
combativeness while saying 「 I’ll be back nano 」 . (TN: In the raw Myuu said it in
butchered English which is, ‘Airu bii bakku nano’)
「 Yue, can I count on you for the past playback here? If it’s necessary I’ll share my
magic power with you.」
「……Nn. It’s fine. You can just leave it to this Yue-san.」
Right now Yue boasted magic power capacity that was equal or superior to a god, so
even in Raisen that dispersed magic power, she was able to use magic with brute force.
Although, doing the same like in Orcus when she continuously projected the past
without pause throughout the tour……as expected it was impossible to do something like
that here. The magic of “past playback” was already consuming magic power in
proportion to the amount of time that was traced back even in normal situation. When it
came to a scene that was more than a year in the past, even for the current Yue it was a
consumption amount that she couldn’t ignore. Also, Hajime sharing his magic power
with her was referring to the kissing biting chuu~. Yue fired up herself and began to
proactively cast the past playback while licking her lips. It wasn’t just imagination that
she looked to be much more motivated than usual. It wasn’t because she could do the
biting chuu~ with Hajime. They were doing that daily so there was no problem. There
was one reason. It wasn’t just Hajime who was asking her to do it, Yue also wanted to
see it. The nostalgic scene.
There was the trembling Shia who got the fur on the tip of her rabbit ears cleanly cut
by rotating blade that flew out from the wall.
――Uu~, I get a bad premonition somehow desu~
There was also the weak-kneed Shia looking around restlessly.
The stair became a slid and she rolled down while getting smeared with slimy liquid.
Shia-chan who hit the back of her head hard and writhed around was priceless.
――This damn clumsy rabbit! Move away quickly!
――I’m shorry~, but my body can’t movee~
The rabbit-san who slipped with her legs making M shape and then straddling
Hajime’s face with that splendid butt of hers looked really hopeless! Even after that, she
got hit by metal basin and her face got sloshed with mysterious muddy white liquid,
getting hit with consecutive attacks of metal basins, getting a second helping of metal
basin, the totally hopeless Shia rabbit was tripping all the traps like there was no
tomorrow. She was sobbing, then snapping at Miledy’s writing……
「How nostalgic~」
「……It’s nostalgic~」
Hajime and Yue were nodding to each other with extremely satisfied expression.
They were giving off air as though they had reunited with old friend that they hadn’t met
for a long time. By the way, this “nostalgic hopeless show of Shia-chan” was the second
time today. The first time needn’t be said. It was the past image of the encounter in
Raisen Great Canyon. At that time everyone reacted to Hajime’s cold treatment, so they
were unable to pleasantly enjoy Shia’s hopelessness.
「The hopeless Shia-chan is cute as expected eh.」
「Shia-chan of this time, is gone already huh……」
Sumire and Shuu smiled warmly. At the same time, they were showing a lonely
atmosphere as though they were thinking of a daughter that they couldn’t meet
「Uwaa, she was really a hopeless rabbit wasn’t she?」
「She was already a bug when we first met her.」
「 I think it was just barely with me. At that time there was still a slight scent of
hopelessness fromst her.」
「Ah, it was also like that at my time. When we met at Ur, she was still treated relatively
A second of silence. Kaori and co looked at each other and grinned.
「「「「The hopeless rabbit is really nice~」」」」
‘Nice~♪’ They said and nodded to each other. Myuu and others were also really
enjoying seeing the pathetic and completely hopeless Shia. 「 How hopeless nano~ 」
「 My my, the hopelessness is cute 」「 That’s a hopelessness that is unthinkable from
her current self 」「 But, that’s a nice hopelessness 」「 That’s a hopelessness that you
can’t really find in the recent years」「It’s the greatest hopelessness in this ten years」
「 That’s a fine quality hopelessness with abundant variation and the right amount of
sharpness」 and so on, everyone exchanged their impressions that sounded like lines
from somewhere.
「No, now see here, everyone. Calling me hopeless hopeless like that is, you know……」
Shia was flapping her rabbit ears wildly while trying to protest with sullen
expression. But,
「Ah, amazing! That’s the cliché trap!」
A large rock was rolling down from above. Kaori said 「 I’ve seen this before in
movie!」 with a slightly high tension before disintegrating it. Right away, a ball made
from metal was rolling down next while scattering melting liquid. As expected it couldn’t
oppose Kaori’s disintegration. Inside the past projection,
――Uwaaa~~hn, I’ll haunt this place if I dieee!
Shia was running past while screaming pathetically and yelling complaint as expected.
And then ahead where Hajime had escaped from the trap, he crucified Shia on the wall
to help her narrowly escaped death. Also, Yue was being held in Hajime’s embrace
importantly. Seeing her past self at that time protesting while sobbing, the present Shia
「……I was really hopeless huh.」
She got a faraway look. She was gritting her teeth saying 「You call yourself a rabbit
when you can’t even pulverize a mere metal ball like that with your fist- 」 . Sumire
chuckled slightly seeing Shia in that state.
「 Even so――to say something like “I swear, I’ll aa~bsolutely make Hajime-san fall in
love me that you will want to save me in your embrace no matter what-“. Shia-chan, you
really don’t know when to give up.」
Shia’s rabbit ears stood straight. When she moved her gaze, Sumire was there
looking at her gently. It made her felt extremely embarrassed for some reason. Shia
fidgeted restlessly while raising her voice to gloss it over.
「I wonder how is Kousuke-san doing around here!」
「……That’s right. Even though I also wanted to watch that guy’s capture too, I forgot it
already without noticing. As expected, Shia. You did well reminding me.」
「I won’t forget even if I die. Until I send his memory flying.」
Shia’s serious look was really intense. Even the unprecedented lack of presence that
Kousuke possessed could win against the obsession of the bugged rabbit who kept her
eyes wide open it seemed.
「He is the next clan head of Hauria clan after all. I won’t acknowledge him if he display
an unsightly appearance here! Now, Yue-san! Please do it desu!」
「……Nn-, leave it to Yue-san!」
Setting the time axis~, past playback GO!
「……Nn? Nnn?」
Yue leaked out a bewildered voice. There was no Kousuke. Hajime and others also
looked around but they couldn’t find him.
「……I mistook, the time axis?」
‘Such thing shouldn’t be possible……’, Yue thought while starting to redo the past
playback. But in that instant, a large rock was starting to roll down in the past
projection. Then,
――Sniff-, hics-……my heart hurts. I’d rather disappear instead
「Uoh, so you’re there Endou!」
He was there. He was sitting hugging his knee at the corner of the passage.
Kousuke-kun there was wearing black clothes, but it was already tattered everywhere.
Or rather, it felt like his mind was even more tattered than his clothes. He was plainly
crying. His eyes looked dead. It seemed he already messed up, to a degree that he had no
presence at all to the degree that no one could catch sight of him even though he was
inside a past projection. He was so ephemeral that it felt like he would literally vanish
anytime now.
「 Wait, it’s not the time to do something like that! Stand up Endou-kun! The rock is
coming down!」
Kaori even forgot that it was a past projection and raised her voice anxiously.
Kousuke raised his face as though reacting to that. His empty eyes turned toward the
large rock, and a beat. His face seemed to say ‘Uwaaah!?’ ――
――Come! My clones! Become my shield with that body!
He instantly took a pose. He stood at the middle of the passage and crossed his arms
in the shape so that only his right hand was in front of his face. Of course he also didn’t
forget to put on the sunglasses in a flash! Even though the large rock already right in
front him, he also didn’t forget to rotate in place! *Pupupuff-* Three clones appeared
and stopped the large rock just for an instant. The clones were immediately dispersed
due to Raisen’s magic decomposing effect, but using the time they bought, Kousuke
dodged aside instantly.
「……If he has time to make a pose, he can use it to escape.」
「Yue, don’t say it. It’s necessary for the abyss lord.」
It was necessary for the abyss lord! It seemed the “depressed Kousuke” just now was
only an abrupt appearance while in the middle of break. The sinful depth of abyss lord
was already in the state of Level V. His spec was rising with the passage of time, along
with the increase of the painfulness of his behavior!
――O Miledy Raisen! O ancient protector! Know that my abyss will swallow
「O, o……aa~」
The one who groaned was Shuu. He covered his face with both hands and fell on his
knees. He was bright red from his neck until his ear.
「O, oi, Nagumo Shuu! What’s wrong!?」
Tomoichi called out in surprise, but Shuu papa didn’t answer. It seemed he wasn’t in
the state to do so. Sumire mama was watching her husband with a truly nasty face! She
was grinning really widely in enjoyment!
――Kuku-, the like of a large rock is a trifling matter. Muh, a metal ball!? Fuh, so I
can’t deal with it using ordinary means……
「Are you alright!?」
――Very well-, come at me! Carnage is my favorite pastime-
「Hajime-kun! Something strange with your father! No, he is already strange from the
beginning but……this is stranger!」
「Aa!, it’s alright, Tomoichi-san. I’m also like that right now inside my heart.」
「Aren’t you parent and so both overly strange!?」
It couldn’t be helped. Both Shuu and Hajime were the kind of people who possessed
a heavily sealed box deep inside their heart after all. The abyss lord was prying open the
seal of that that sealed box really easily. Inside Shuu, his young self wearing black
history T-shirt was peering out saying 「You call?」. Hajime was someone experienced
in facing the real abyss lord, so he was still able to barely push back the self inside his
heart who was wearing chuuni T-shirt and armed trying to crawl out saying 「You call
right? You’re calling again right? 」 . They enjoyed the adventure of abyss lord in the
degree that barely kept the seal in check……it was thrilling in its own way. That was
something that couldn’t be denied.
「 Hey, dear. How are you feeling right now? You who was personally obsessed with
sneering ‘Fuh’ at the past! You who would say 『You see……I have something that I have
to do no matter what』 with a meaningful smile when I invited you for a date at holiday
even though actually you didn’t have anything to do, and later on you would invent some
reason to invite me to a date♪」
Sumire laughed while holding her stomach. Shuu who kept covering his face with
both hands while trembling all over due to the serious damage.
「Hey, Kaa-san. What Tou-san mean by the time when you two started dating……」
「Of course. It was when we already finished graduating middle school for a long time.
It was when we were at second year of high school. This person’s sickness, it went on for
「I, I see. But Kaa-san. Let’s stop with that much.」
「Fufuh, At that time his intention was to show his cool figure to me isn’t that riight~.
How cute~」
「Seriously stop it! Tou-san’s mind is dying!」
Shuu-otousan finally started sitting while hugging his knees and buried his face into
his knees. Tomoichi consoled him with a really complicated expression, while Koichi
showed understanding with an enlightened expression, but Shuu was locking himself
within the hard shell of his heart. Abyss lord’s savory lines echoed like BGM……
「How should I say it, Otou-sama and Okaa-sama really get along well aren’t they~」
「 Right. They look more like best friend rather than spouses, that art really
「It’s fun just watching Ojii-chan and Obaa-chan nano!」
「It always give a warm feeling watching them, ufufu.」
Hearing Shia, Tio, Myuu, and Remia’s words made Kaori and others to nod too. As a
matter of fact, this husband and wife always looked like they were having fun. Kaoruko
and Kirino watched Sumire playfully poking *poke poke* with her fingertip on her
husband whose mind died and couldn’t move. And then Akiko also opened her mouth.
「……When Kaori and others were gone and we met in the 『family association』 that
was started for the sake of the search, the two of them really gave the impression of
“capable people” though. Fufu, certainly it’s fun seeing them right now.」
「 Exactly. It was Miya-chan and others who took leadership, but they were really
capable in noticing other small details……」
「They were really like the unsung hero of the family association. Thanks to the two of
them, it was really easy to do activity.」
They didn’t stand out, but they would do it when the times come. They casually
accomplished the necessary things. The mothers conversed nostalgically while recalling
the Nagumo husband and wife at that time. Kaori and others opened their eyes wide
「Hee~」 in interest.
「 But, I like these two right now better than “the serious and capable duo” of that
Kirino said with a smile while watching Shuu who somehow recovered due to the
care given to him and Sumire who was lightly tapping his head repeatedly. Kaoruko also
continued while smiling gently.
「You’re right. It’s troubling that it’s us who feel embarrassed watching them though.」
Sumire and Shuu whose eyes were still dead were puzzled when they finally noticed
the warm atmosphere of the surrounding. Perhaps it should be said that in a sense they
had just entered the world of just the two of them.
「……Nn. I and Hajime also want to become husband and wife like the two of them.」
「Spare me from having a wife like Kaa-san okay? Yue is fine as you are.」
「! Hajime……」
「Yes yes, both of you! Don’t enter the world of just the two of you! Okay!」
Hajime and Yue took each other’s hands and brought out a sickly sweet atmosphere.
But a large sword swung down between the two of them. It was like the sword was
splitting the pink heart enveloping the two of them into two!
「Both Hajime-kun and Yue, watch the time, place, and occasion! Good grief-」
Tomoichi matched her daughter’s peevish state by spitting ‘Keh’ peevishly too.
「With the parent like this, the son is also the same huh. Good grief-」
Then, a wall of text appeared in good timing……
――Hey hey, how are you feeling right now? How are you feeling? Puuh giggle
「「You’re annoying!!」」
Shirasaki father and daughter were beautifully in harmony.
――Fuhahahahahah!! Bring it on, liberator! For you to be able to seriously wound
this abyss-. My blood is seething-. Fuhah, fuhahahahah!!
「「You shut up-!!」」
Nagumo father and son were also beautifully in harmony.
「……Hey, how about we move forward soon?」
The group finally continued forward after Shizuku talked with a deep sigh. After
that, they watched Kaori, Shizuku, and Tio fighting the golem knights, and as expected,
at the first room, they were shaken around together with the room and returned back
(they were in floating state using gravity magic so there was no damage), then they once
more went through a mountain of nasty booby traps and the fierce attack of Miledy’s
writing that easily rubbed people’s nerves the wrong way while advancing for a while. As
expected from the three of them. They weren’t harmed physically, but……
――Just now, you were totally surprised weren’t you!? Weren’t you!? You’re
absurdly shaking in your boots~♪
――Congrats for overcoming the trap! It’s totally meaningless though! Pugyaaaah
――Eeeeeh? What’s the matter, making that kind of gloo~my expression! Are you
getting on age already? Pupuh
Not just Kaori, even Shizuku and Tio were unbelievably clicking their tongue.
「It’s really refreshing seeing Shizuku clicking her tongue.」
「Please look there. Shizuku-san’s eyes. Her eyes like a someone who will randomly kill
‘Anyone is fine, I want to just cut……’, Shizuku-san’s face seemed to say that. Shia
was trembling, not wanting to see such Shizuku. Beside her, Aiko was trembling when
she looked at Tio.
「Ti, Tio-san making that kind of face, it’s the first time I see it……」
「……Ti, Tio~? Your pupils turn into slit like dragon. Calm down――」
「Aa? Whaat? Thy got any complaint aah?」
「……It’s nothing.」
「Yue-oneechan got silenced nano!? By Tio-oneechan!?」
In any case, it was great that they now could share in the feeling! Hajime, Shia, and
Yue thought that while nodding at each other. And then,
――I guess……it’s enough already……
Perhaps it was the limit of the abyss lord mode. Kousuke seemed to have returned to
his sane mode looked dead in the eyes. He stayed lying down on the ground without
making any twitch at the slightest. Incidentally the past Hajime, Shia, and Yue were
resting right beside him while huddling close to each other. Compared to Hajime who
was holding extraordinarily lovely flower at both sides with a hint of calm atmosphere
enveloping them, Kousuke’s state was really beyond any words to describe. It seemed
that Kousuke’s mental state was already riddled with wounds. The spring of his
willpower was already dried up. Also, due to the traps his body was also like ragged
cloth. His stamina was also at his limit apparently. It couldn’t be helped even if words of
giving up slipped out from him.
――That’s right, let’s go home……no, perhaps it’ll be impossible to go back? I don’t
know where the exit is
*Mumble mumble, mumble mumble*, the state of Kousuke who was continuing to
mumble to himself wasn’t good. Even though he returned to his sanity he was already
not sane at all. Some resemblance with Hajime who was trembling in the abyss could be
seen from him.
――Even though I managed to survive that battle……am I going to die here? I’m,
really an idiot huh
Hajime looked at Kousuke who was in a state of broken heart with a troubled
――Yaa~i yaa~i, this good for nothi~ng!! Fuhyahyahyahyah
Hajime finally raised his voice roughly at the text that mercilessly attacked the
already weakened enemy. Or rather, it was a text that was right on the spot for the
current Kousuke……
Thinking really really carefully, Miledy’s text toward Kaori and co was also like that.
Even though Miledy wasn’t here anymore, how did the text can appear in real time?
Perhaps, soul magic or something was used to sense the challenger’s state, and then it
automatically selected a text from the available patterns and displayed it. There was no
doubt that it was Oscar who created this. What a terrifying ancient transfiguration
――That’s right, I’m a just a good-for-nothing anyway. A madaototally hopeless old
guy that won’t be noticed by anyone……. Surely, when everyone return to earth, they
won’t even notice that I’m gone……
「E, Endouu~, you’re reallyyy」
「I’m sorry that I sometimes forgot to call your name in the roll-call, Endou-kun-」
Tears were pooling at the corner of the eyes of Hajime and co hearing the
monologue that was just too pitiful. Aiko raised her voice in repentance.
――Heheh, even though I have a life like in a manga like this……surely even if it’s
turned into manga the main character will be Nagumo, while my character won’t even
get a face……
「It sounds like it will really happen in reality-, so don’t say such a sad thing-」
Hajime spontaneously said. Sumire gave tsukkomi 「Calm down. This is just a past
playback right」 to her son who was unusually unable to bear the situation. Actually a
few years later, the autobiographical manga that Liliana drew (the somewhat beautified
and dramatized version) also had the appearance of Kousuke there but……even though
he appeared, for some reason only his face was hidden by his front hair and couldn’t be
seen. It wasn’t like that when Liliana tried to draw his face, she wasn’t able to remember
it at all……that wasn’t the reason. Surely.
――I simply, want a life when other people notice me……
「……Nn~~~, do your best Endoou!」
「Kousuke-oniichan fight nano!」
「Kousuke-kun-, stand up! Stand up on your feet!」
「Endou-kun-, you are a capable person!」
「Kousuke-, does thy intend to give up on Rana-. Show that thy art a man!」
「I won’t forget-, to call your name anymore in the roll-call-……perhaps!」
「You’re the next clan head of Hauria aren’t you! Please show your guts!」
In contrast with the parents who didn’t know what to feel, Hajime and others were
getting heated up in the same level like when they watched Inaba-san’s rising up story.
Then, although there was no way their voices reached him……a faint light was lit in
Kousuke’s eyes.
――Nn? Nagumo is main character? ……Thinking carefully, if I die here there is
possibility that Rana-san’ll also get taken away by Nagumo?
「No, that’s not gonna happen.」
「Right now is different but, Rana-san at that time was constantly in welcoming state.
Or rather all of Hauria’s females are like that.」
Hauria’s female camp were always looking for opening to be granted with their
boss’s affection, even if they had to gang up on Shia with all of them.
――Rana-san will……my Rana-san is being approached by the demon king’s
poisonous fang-
「Oi, don’t say something scandalous like that.」
――No way no way no way-. This ain’t the time to sleep at this kind of place-. Right
now, even at this very moment, Rana-san might get attacked, and yet I-
「……Looks like I need to have a talk with Endou about his perception of me.」
Hajime’s eyes turned into demon king. The possibility of Kousuke getting attacked
instead of Rana was high! Although his eyes were still hollow, there were light lit inside
them. Kousuke crawled on all four and stood up. Kousuke showed his guts, but his state
made everyone went ‘Oh?’……
――!? Tsu, what, a voice is speaking directly in my brain……
――Fuh, my other half. Do you want power?
――Yo, you are-, don’t tell me-
――Indeed. My name is the abyss lord “Kousuke E Abyssgate”!
――Abyss, lord……
――I shall ask you one more time. My other half! Do you want power-
――Yeah……yeah-. I want power! A power that will make Rana-san recognize me-. A
power to protect Rana-san to the end from the demon king-
――Kukuh. So you finally accept me. Very well! Let’s go together! There is no end to
By the way, it wasn’t a conversation inside the head. Kousuke was simply talking
alone like two people. It was something like one-man show. Inside the great dungeon
where there was nobody else. Everyone went 「Uwaa」 with an expression as though
they had seen something that shouldn’t be seen. Or rather, they couldn’t watch this at
all. This state that cornered Kousuke by this much wasn’t something so half-hearted. It
seemed that another personality was made inside him because of the absurd stress.
Right now the scene they were watching was exactly like that. So far as it went, Kousuke
right now didn’t have anything like multiple personality, so he must have recovered his
sanity properly, even so this scene was painful enough to make Hajime and co lost their
「Hajime. Call Kousuke to our house when we’re home and have a talk with him man to
「I’ll do that, Tou-san. I’ll be a bit kinder to him.」
Nagumo parent and son were staring at Kousuke with their kindest expression to
date. Like that, Kousuke became the abyss lord once more and stood up. He damaged
himself while advancing forward. Kaori and others were also smoothly conquering the
dungeon at the same pace. They also had their fill enjoying Shia’s pathetic past at the
same time. Two hours past like that. As expected, because of the inner structure that
continued to change, they couldn’t clear it within several hours. In the end, they ended
teleporting to the last boss area using Crystal Key.
「We have properly conquer some part of the dungeon, it’ll be nice if we get recognized
after defeating the boss……」
「 You’re right Shizuku-chan. Other great dungeon also has shortcut, so the possibility
isn’t zero.」
「 Fumu……if mine memory serves me right, the last art a battle against a giant golem
While deploying the gate, Hajime averted his gaze with his all for some reason.
「 Miledy golem you mean. It was powerful desu. Thinking back now, seeing that it
didn’t directly use gravity magic, I think she held back a lot against us at that time
「……Nn. Perhaps, she simply couldn’t use her strength in order to save her power for
the end. But, they way she dropped the whole ceiling, or controlling the knight
golems……she was strong.」
Yue and Shia commented. Shia then said 「Now that you mention it」 and hit her
palm as though noticing something at this late hour.
「 Miledy is now gone, so it became a half autonomous golem isn’t it? If I remember
right, Hajime-san placed it here once more didn’t you?」
「We, well yeah. It was after Endou conquered the dungeon but……that was because at
that time I didn’t know that Endou was cornered to that degree. I thought that it would
be problematic if dungeon conqueror show up so easily……」
「……You thought? What’s the matter Hajime? You’re acting strange since some time
「No, it’s nothing. Because I thought that, I added a little bit extra. Yeah, just a little but,
you know.」
Hajime-san still keeping his gaze averted with all his effort and wouldn’t meet
anyone’s gaze. Even while feeling suspicious, maintaining the gate that kept getting
dispersed was really difficult, so everyone shelved their question for later and leaped
inside. Although, there was no need to ask him later. Because the answer appeared right
before them.
Kaori, Shizuku, and Tio stiffened. Countless blocks were floating within a vast
space……that was fine. It was just as they heard. But, however. They didn’t hear about
this. *GOGOGOGO-* Three pairs of mechanical wings on the back were emitting light,
full load of weapons……it was a gigantic golem that looked like mobile sui○s they saw in
robot anime of modern Japan. They didn’t hear anything about this! Hajime deployed
triple layers of eight points barrier with a natural movement. At the same time, the new
golem-san folded its arms in a savory pose and casually activated its gimmicks with
*JAKO-!!* sound. The arms that extended from its rear had cannon turret docked above
the shoulders.
――Two 88 mm rail cannons. Stand b~~~y
The gigantic drills on both sides of the waist started rotating *KIIIIIINN*, at the
same time six gun barrels from the inside that was split into four showed themselves.
――Two variable 30 mm gatling rail guns. Stand b~~y
The chest armor slid and from inside an armament that looked like beehive showed
――Heat seeker missile – 120 shots. Stand b~~y
Someone turned the golem into this appearance. Of course, there was only one
culprit. Kaori and others were turning to look across their shoulder with stiff motion like
a creaking machine that hadn’t been oiled. Their faces were written with 「This is a lie
right? 」 . Hajime obstinately kept his gaze averted he simply said the necessary words
「Look to the front. ――You’ll die you know?」
At that instant, the sound of tyranny loudly resounded. At the same time,
A scream and an insult and a flustered voice resounded. Flash and flame blast and
shockwave trampled the space. Kaori took defensive posture with her disintegration
wings along with Shizuku, while Tio guarded using her black scales while gasping ‘ahn
「 … … Ha, Hajime-san? What’s that? It’s completely different from our fight though.
That’s not a level of adding a bit extra though!」
「That’s Super Miledy GGolem.」
「I see. I don’t get it.」
Tio was blown away while they were talking. She raised her voice ‘Aha~~hn’ in
anguish while the giant body of black dragon crashed on the wall. The scales she was
proud of were tattered. On the other hand with Kaori and Shizuku, perhaps it was just as
expected from the disintegration defense, it was splendidly blocking the barrage, but
they were unable to move from their spot. Then, Super Miledy G seemed to lose patience
and showed a new movement. It was posing savorily while swinging its right arm, then
the arm morphed with *gashon-* sound into an electromagnetically accelerated pile
bunker. It charged forward while the gushing of dramatic light on its back fluttered like
「Ka, Kaorii! RUN」
「Ha, Hajime-kun! It’ll be fine right!?」
The Shirasaki husband and wife were completely panicked. Hajime nodded strongly.
「It will be fine. In the past, I broke through that disintegration defense using the same
method. Even if it’s Kaori, she won’t be able to win against the sure-kill Pile Shot of my
masterpiece Super Miledy G.」
「That’s not what I meant!」
Kaoruko-okaasan unusually tsukkomi-ed with all her strength. The kindhearted
Myuu screamed her warning 「Run! Kaori-oneechan! Super run awa~~y nano!」. Kaori
too seemed to have sensed the sparking gigantic pile bunker. In a hurry she escaped
from the back of the silver wing cocoon together with Shizuku, and then without delay
she withdraw in godspeed. Right after that, the fiendish barrier that would disintegrate
everything was easily pierced through from the center with a thunderous roar.
Tomoichi-otousan jumped at Hajime. Sumire-okaasan also yelled 「Kaori! Shizuku-
chan-. Come back her~~e」. But, the best friend duo didn’t give up.
「We aren’t just going to keep getting done in-」
「Let’s go-, Shizuku-chan!」
Kaori and Shizuku appeared behind Super Miledy G when anyone noticed. Each of
them moved to take away the arms of Super Miledy G with a slash of disintegration and
space severing slash respectively. ‘Oo!!’ Cheers were raised but……
「Fuh, naïve. Do you two think that I’ll overlook its many blind spots that are created
due to its huge size?」
「……Hajime, which side you’re on?」
The three pairs of protuberances that seemed like wings were purged from Super
Miledy G. Those parts that were in the shape of triangle immediately floated in the air
while turning around and pointed their tip to behind. Gun muzzle could be seen at the
tips. All-range weapon was romance!
「It’s a lie right!?」
*CHUDODODODON* A storm of rifle bullet was fired. Kaori dodged with godspeed.
Shizuku summoned a swarm of black katana and bundled them like flower petals, at the
same time she activated space severance “Senka” in all the black katana.
『Eeei-, goshujin-sama! This art overdoing it!』
Tio made her comeback even while dropping complain like that. She rushed Super
Miledy G with the black dragon’s huge body to seal its movement but……
「Wha-, a bea○ saber!?」
It was Shuu who yelled. Just as he said, Super Miledy G grasped two sticks that were
attached on its thighs and mowed horizontally with another cool pose while activating
the bea○ saber at the same time.
「 The highest grade flame is heated even more using sublimation magic, and then it’s
compressed using gravity magic. It was a pain to recreate that.」
「……So this is the thing that Hajime made me helped with.」
Tio’s scales were torn off right at this time and she tried to take distance in panic.
But Super Miledy G docked the handle of the two bea○ sabers together to make them
into a spear. Yue got a faraway look while looking at Tio who was being cornered by
Super Miledy G that was making a savory pose.
「Hajime’s bad habit came out.」
Sumire’s convulsing expression told the story. Which was, the disposition of Hajime
who would dash without knowing to stop when it came to creating things. Or rather, it
was the karma of Nagumo family. Even after that, there was space leap attack by bit
weapon…… Or the opposite of countering by using the gate installed in the variable
chakram to displace the attack of Kaori and co back to them…… Or an outrageous
dodging method by purging the spot that would get cut and then immediately docking
the parts back together…… Or external weapons flying out from several floating blocks
which then docked with Super Miledy G, and then using the strengthened weapon a
barrage was laid out like a storm…… Or the right hand burning bright red…… Or
becoming battle mode by transformation…… Or drill……
「A, as expected isn’t this looking bad?」
「Is it just my imagination? It feels like Shizuku is half-crying though……」
Kirino showed her rare flustered appearance, while Shuuzou was sweating coldly.
Although, the three of them weren’t survivor of the holy precincts just for show. They
had also grown stronger since then, so they wouldn’t allow themselves to keep getting
done in forever. The three of them got used to the movement of Super Miledy G and they
had also recovered from their flustered state. They began to show teamwork in
harmony. Kaori toyed with the opponent using godspeed, Tio attracted its attention
using large scale attack, and Shizuku took advantage of the instantaneous opening by
stepping forward and cutting down its weapons little by little. Even if they got hit Kaori
would immediately heal them. Was Super Miledy G amazing that it could contend with
the three of them right from the front? Or, were the three amazing that they could take
on the embodiment of Hajime’s passion that was unrestrained?
It was extremely complicated. At the very least, it was a good fortune that abyss
lord’s challenge was before Super Miledy G got deployed here. But considering that this
thing was deployed here due to that abyss lord’s success, it could also be argued that
right now Kaori and co were screaming in frustration was also his fault. Putting that
aside, Kaori and co were managing to shave down the opponent bit by bit like in a RPG
boss battle. Their battle was quite an impressive sight. Shia and Myuu, and then the
parents starting from Yaegashi family were gradually cheering them on loudly. For some
reason Hajime-san’s fearless grin was also deepening, and Yue’s exasperated gaze was
also getting stronger!
「Haa, haa-, just a little bit more!」
「I, I thought we’re going to die but……looks like we’ll manage somehow.」
『Haa haa. Tha, that accursed goshujin-sama-. With something like this-, who wouldst
be able to conquer this place in the future!』
Their exhaustion was fierce due to Raisen’s special characteristic. The three of them
were already nearing their limit. However, Super Miledy G also got most of its weapons
cut down by Shizuku. It also got hit by disintegration bombardment and dragon breath.
It was damaged all over.
「Shizuku-chan! Tio! We’re going to finish it in one go!」
The three heightened their spirit so that this would be the last but…… Mass
production of trump card was exactly Hajime quality.
「 Naïve-, that’s naïve you three! You’re so naïve like Coca ○ola with plenty of sugar
tossed in and then boiled until it’s concentrated!」 (TN: Naïve in Japan is amai, which
could also mean sweet.)
「……That’s why, whose side you’re on Hajime?」
Hajime-san was the ally of romance. As though answering its creator, Super Miledy
G emitted light. Crimson magic power was sparkling and enveloped Super Miledy G.
The armor parts were purged with *bashun bashun* sound, and its gigantic body
became slim. Super Miledy G became two sizes smaller. It folded its hand and scattered
vast amount of crimson particles around. It was shining as though its whole body was
heated red hot.
「Do, don’t tell me Hajime. You……」
Shuu turned a gaze that was mixed with awe at his son’s deed that knew no
compromise. Hajime let out a 「Fuh」 savorily like a certain lord somewhere. Yue-san’s
gaze was lukewarm. Her expression was saying 「How cute」 like what Sumire sent to
Shuu before.
「The boss will become stronger when its HP gauge enter the red zone. That’s common
Kaori’s yell echoed, at the same time Super Miledy G’s figure blurred. It seemed to
be some kind of “Limit Break” state. It displayed a terrific mobility and instantly
approached the three! The figure that blurred to two or three layers was just like Neunte
in the past. Bea○ sabers flew out like assassin blade from the tips of its two arms and
two legs! Cool!
「Trans-A○ Mode activate! Go-, Super Miledy G! Show them-, your power!」
「Hajime-, just which side you’re on!」
『 Goshujin-sama-, let’s hold family meeting later on-. I wouldst not let thy get away
with this!』
Intense quake burst deep underground Raisen once more. There were also angry
yells and screams raised up. After that, what was the result of the dungeon conquer of
Kaori and co……
「Hey, Hajime-kun. Are you reflecting?」
「Hajime, who is telling you that it’s fine to stop sitting seiza?」
「 Goshujin-sama, remake it. Back to the level of the original Miledy golem. Thy
「……Yes ma’am. I’m really sorry.」
It could be guessed from seeing Hajime who was sitting in seiza posture with his
head hanging down, the Super Miledy G that became rubbish nearby after self-
destructing, and the magic circle in Miledy’s hideout that wasn’t shining. It seemed that
Kaori and co obtaining gravity magic would still take a little while more.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑫

That man was in a horrible state.

――Guh, so my hidden secret technique is shattered-
His breath was short and gasping. One of his arms were limp and didn’t move at all
as though it had been dislocated.
――So it can’t reach-. My strength-
The blood that was flowing out from his split forehead dirtied his face gruesomely.
The black outfit was blackly dyed by his bleeding. He was literally wounded all over.
――So this is……as far as I go……
He ran out of weapon with only a single broken dagger remaining. His stamina was
already at the limit. However, but. Only the oath he swore in his heart, was going
――Even if it’s hopeless by yourself, I’m still here
――My other half……
――We’ll go together-, isn’t that right!?
――Yeah, exactly. Exactly, partner!
That was why! Although there wasn’t anyone watching! He played two roles alone
like performing conversation!
――Not yet-. It’s still not over yet! You master of the deep labyrinth! My abyss has
no limit-
Well, he was the abyss lord. He swung around the limp arm forcefully while making
a turn, the only action that he couldn’t possibly stop doing. Right after that, the abyss
lord ate Miledy golem’s iron fist and he was blown away.
――Ogeeh, fuh, that was an, gofuh……afterimage!
It wasn’t an afterimage so he received great damage. He was literally vomiting
blood. And then, the current Miledy golem was an automatic type that didn’t reflect her
personality, so it attacked further without the slightest mercy at all. He desperately
leaped from floating block to floating block desperately, but there the group of knight
golem drew near.
――Wai-, sto-, don’-
He was ganged up and beaten black and blue. He was beaten up within an inch of
his death. He was also kicked and grinded repeatedly. Next he also almost got
everything he had torn off from his body. The lord barely escaped with his life from the
encirclement of the knight golems by jumping out. He was in a half naked state. He
hugged the black outfit that had been reduced into a tattered scrap on his chest. His
figure running in totter with teary eyes looked completely like a girl who was desperately
running away from a rape. Seeing such figure that was pathetic in a sense,
「He really doesn’t learn. As expected, Endou got guts.」
Words of praise echoed. It was Hajime. It was Hajime-san who prevented the great
labyrinth capture of Kaori, Shizuku, and Tio as the result of his passion and romance
gushing out excessively in developing and deploying the last boss in the style of series
collaboration type Gun○m――Super Miledy G. After getting hounded by the extremely
enraged Kaori and co and made the Super Miledy G self-exploded tearfully, Hajime and
co entered the deepest room. There, they got on Miledy’s magic circle, but as expected it
seemed they weren’t recognized as successfully overcoming the last boss, so Kaori and
others couldn’t obtain the gravity magic. Naturally they pressed at Hajime in double
extreme rage mode.
If asked how angry they were, it could be easily guessed when that Tio was starting
her lecture with monotone voice that was filled with logic, prudence, moral, ethics, and
sense. There was nothing more terrifying than a pervert who was scolding with
composure as well as seriousness. Also, Kaori was staring fixedly *jiii~~~* at him with
eyes that were like whirling black hole, while Shizuku was starting to sharpen her black
katana quietly. That sight was also absurdly terrifying. It was to the level that Hajime
displayed an astonishing scene of spontaneously taking seiza posture and said 「 I’m
really sorry for getting carried away……」. And, that was why Hajime who was unable to
endure the complicated gazes of the parents as well as Yue and others relied on our
abyss lord at the same time when Tio’s scolding finished. If it’s that guy then surely!
He’ll smash apart this atmosphere without a doubt! Hajime thought. Like that she asked
Yue to replay the past to observe abyss lord VS last boss golem that was still normal at
that time but……
「Yeah, even though he has been beaten up like this for almost nearly one hour.」
Shuu agreed with Hajime. His expression was showing strong color of admiration as
expected. The lord’s fragrant behavior was reaching the extreme when entering the
climax of the labyrinth capture. At first both parent and son would cover their face with
both hands while appreciating the playback from between their fingers, but right now
they weren’t being like that anymore. The other people were also the same. That was
solely due to the deep impression they received from the strength of the lord’s will that
endured through this far. He exhausted every possible mean, however he wasn’t a match
against what he faced. Even though he was in abyss lord mode he was running around
without regard to his appearance, screaming pathetically, and even became teary eyed.
And yet apparently there was no option of giving up within the lord. Even though
Hajime aimed to “smash apart the atmosphere” with the fragrant act that would make
anyone able to endure watching, the lord’s battle was unexpectedly tugging at their
heart. Right now there was no one who would make tsukkomi at every little fragrant
action or getting red faced. They were purely cheering at the lord’s deathly battle.
「 … … Nn. It’s making us feeling thrilled like this even though we already know the
result……Endou, keep going.」
「 Doing something like this for someone she love, it’s really firing you up! Do your
Yue was feeling sweaty in their palm, while Shizuku, Tio, and Aiko were also
cheering while making comment at the same time regarding the main culprit.
「 Really, after seeing this I’m reminded once more about how absurdly brutal the
requirement that was set up.」
「After this an even more brutal requirement would be waiting. Normally it wouldn’t be
strange for someone to think that they’re indirectly being rejected from being given such
requirement but……」
「 From the atmosphere of Rana-san at that time, it was like she was I unconsciously
said that! wasn’t it? Really, as expected from Hauria.」
「I’m sorry for our Rana-san-」
If it had to be said further, if this requirement was cleared it still didn’t mean that
Rana would go out with Kousuke. She would simply just “considering” going out with
Kousuke. It made anyone wanted to make tsukkomi, Rana-oneesan, are you trying to act
like a certain princess from a country somewhere huh? Of course, for the person herself
it was the first super passionate wooing from the opposite sex in her life that made her
embarrassed and flustered that her mouth unconsciously slipped but……that kind of
thing was also related with “So it’s Hauria again huh” as expected.
「But doing this for the sake of a girl he love is wonderful isn’t it.」
「Really. Endou-kun is a mysterious kind who I can recall completely how he look even
though I should have met him several times but, after seeing this I won’t be able to
forget him anymore――perhaps.」
Kaoruko agreed to Sumire’s words. Akiko and Kirino also nodded deeply.
「 Actually, before seeing the past image here I was thinking “Endou-kun? Who was
that?”, but to think he is actually someone this amazing.」
「His battle technique is also splendid. I even want to make him learn the reverse side
of Yaegashi style.」
Even the evaluation from the mama~s was extremely favorable. And it went without
saying how Shuu and others the papa~s were feeling. Kousuke’s evaluation was rising
explosively. But, there Sumire suddenly tilted her head.
「Eh? But it’s strange. I can’t really remember his face……」
「Now that you say it……even while looking at him like this, mysteriously I can’t see his
「Strange……. Things like his front hair, or the dust, or the golem, when his face almost
come into view there will be something in the way and I won’t be able to see his face
Kaoruko and Kirino were also puzzled by that profoundly mysterious phenomenon.
「Kousuke-oniichan, she is like the faceless god nano~」
The gaze of Hajime and Shuu and Sumire snapped at Myuu. Remia asked Myuu
with her usual nonchalant tone.
「Myuu, what do you mean by faceless god?」
「He is a friendly uncle nano~」
「Myuu! Give me a bit more detail of that! What kind of uncle he is!?」
「? I can’t really remember nano. That’s why he is just like Kousuke-oniichan!」
「Right now Kousuke-oniichan doesn’t matter!」
「Wait Hajime! Myuu-chan is joking isn’t she? She is isn’t she!?」
「 Pe, perhaps, she saw something at the internet right? Right? Myuu-chan, that’s the
case right?」
In respond to Shuu’s question, I don’t really get what you are saying……Myuu made
a puzzled expression that seemed to say that. Seeing that, the Nagumo parents and
child’s expression spasmed together.
「 It’s someone’s bad joke, obviously that’s the case. But Hajime! Just in case, do
something about it!」
「 Yeah, you’re right. That’s just a fiction after all! But Hajime! Just in case, do
It seemed it was only the Nagumo parents and child who really got an idea about it.
Everyone was making a puzzled expression wondering what they were so flustered
about. Then, right after that, the lord inside the past playback screamed. The blocks on
the ceiling came off and fell down like heavy rain.
「Ah, that one huh. That was also dangerous for us wasn’t it.」
Even Hajime who was greatly worried by Myuu’s disposition to attract strange
occurrences immediately returned to his senses and let out deeply emotional words. In
the past he used Limit Break and Lightspeed to somehow slip through this, even so he
couldn’t get away unharmed from this “ceiling drop”. In a manner of speaking, it was a
last boss’s handbook all area attack.
「Eh? But unlike with our time, the way they fell is systematic isn’t it?」
「 … … Nn. Perhaps, without Miledy controlling it, they’re falling through the pattern
that had been set beforehand.」
Just like Yue said, the ceiling blocks were only falling straight with their timing
slightly off. So to speak, it was like high speed tetris. It seemed that it became something
that could be slipped through somehow just barely. Although, the lord had been
wounded all over and past his limit from a long time ago. He desperately slipped
through the heavy rain of ceiling blocks but his movement was lacking luster as
expected. Finally he got hit by one block. He raised a voice of anguish and his body was
blown away. The lord fell toward the ground of the vast space. Just before he crashed on
the ground, he somehow deployed a barrier in an instant and softened the impact. But,
he vomited blood from the great damage. While his expression turned despairing seeing
the mercilessly falling blocks, he crawled and rolled on the ground, somehow shoving
himself into the gaps between blocks and avoided becoming a stain on the ground.
Although, that was all. He was buried under the mountain of blocks and no matter how
they looked it he had run out of option. He was also running out of strength too.
「……Oi oi. That guy, from here how did he……」
Hajime’s question was only normal. It was like the checkmate had been unspokenly
declared from what they could see. Then,
――Damn it……this is pathetic……
Kousuke’s mutter echoed. It was a small mutter that sounded hoarse and weak.
However, it was a voice that contained no resignation at all.
――But well, something to this degree……yeah
――If not, then dealing a wound on that guy……will just be a pipe dream
The automatic Miledy golem and the knight golems were surrounding him at
midair. In the middle of that a disquieting presence was rising up from under the ceiling
blocks restlessly.
――Because that guy……Nagumo……he didn’t give up a single thing
――He was against an opponent he was totally helpless against……against a god-……
even so he fucking won-
――Then, even I-
*Stir stir stir stir* Something like a black mist was flowing out from between the
gaps. It completely covered the ground in the blink of eye……
――Who the hell is going to give up at the end like this-, I’ll burn this soul until
nothing remain-
Clone bodies were gradually rising from the black mist. Naturally, Raisen’s
degrading effect dispersed them. Clone bodies were created again right after. Disperse.
Appear. Disperse, appear, further dispersion. Disperse, appear, appear appear…… If it
was dispersed then even more appeared! Appear appear appear disperse appear appear
appear appear disperse appear appear appear appear appear appear appear appear
appear disperse appear appear appear appear appear appear appear appear appear
disperse―― The appearance rate of the clone bodies was suprassing Raisen’s magic
power dispersion effect! A sublime will was mastering the stunt of creating clone bodies
from clone bodies at this eleventh hour, realizing multiplication at overwhelming speed!
Seeing that scene, seeing the friend who used his way of living as the support of his heart
to rouse himself, Hajime was――
「Uwah, disgusting-」
Creeped out. Next,
「Papa-, it’s scary nano~~」
Myuu hugged her papa with tearful eyes. Because, it couldn’t be helped. They were
crawling out rustlingly without end from the gaps of the blocks. The ground was
completely covered with the stirring lords in the blink of eye. That scene looked exactly
like a great swarm of Ggokiburi?cockroach. It was the reappearance of nightmare in
Haltina sea of trees.
「Hiih. No more of that-」
「Shizuku-chan! Get a hold of yourself! That’s not G but Endou-kun!」
「Both of those things are the same!」
「I understand that you’re confused but-, Shizuku-san! As expected that’s too pitiful for
him desu!」
「Black thing, a lot, no!」
「Aa, Yaegashi-san is regressing into infant! Here-, soul magic!」
「Don’t return me to sanity! Ai-chan-sensei!」
「 Shizuku, that’s pathetic. In our Yaegashi style, there is also ninjutsu――cough,
acrobatics and torture――cough, questioning art that used cockroach.」
「Ojii-chan! Confess already that we’re ninja! I won’t be deceived at all!」
「I’ll teach it next time to Shizuku so you can conquer your weakness.」
「I’ll sever our parent and child relationship! Okaa-san!」
Shizuku recalled the gruesome pass of loving G at Haltina Great Labyrinth and
slipped into small madness. But even during that time the abyss lord that had been truly
awakened began his last battle. Using the clone bodies as stepping stones, or sometimes
throwing them, with the overwhelming quantity that continued to multiple endlessly he
leaped toward Miledy golems and others. The knight golems were wrestled by several
dozen lords in a flash and taken down to the ground, or perhaps they were dragged into
simultaneous self-destruction and got pulverized. The clones plundered the shield or
sword from those knight golems and shaved down the weapon of Miledy golem using
wave attacks from all directions.
――Kuh, this black steel-, it’s too hard-
――There isn’t a scratch even with suicide bombing-
The azantium armor that protected the Miledy golem’s core. Although its power was
reduced, it was a protective wall that blocked even Hajime’s railgun. The lord gritted his
teeth before it. But, at the same time,
――Muh!? This is……so that’s how it is!
――I shall self-destruct! Glory to the abyss!
The piled up ceiling blocks were blown away. The ceiling blocks were pulverized
with brute force using quantity of suicide bombing. Cutting across the cloud of dust, the
clones carrying black sword or spear leaped up.
「That kind of thing huh……」
「……Nn? Hajime, what’s the matter?」
Hajime showed a face of understanding. Yue tilted her head and asked him.
「 No, it’s the azantium chest armor protecting Miledy golem’s core. It’s practically
impossible to destroy in a place where you can’t use magic decently. It will be a
checkmate if you can’t brute force using magic with colossal magic power.」
「……Nn. Certainly.」
「 Even though it’s a place where you can’t use magic, you can’t clear it without using
magic……as expected from Miledy! Dirty! You’re dirty Miledy!」
「No, there was a relief measure after a fashion. You know, even my pile bunker, even if
it has enough power it will be broken if it’s only normal metal stake right? But mine was
also manufactured from azantium.」
Right after that, the clone bodies hit Miledy golem’s azantium armor dozens of times
with the black swords or spears before it finally cracked. They were shaving off the
armor bit by bit in order to widen the crack. Kaori nodded in understanding.
「 I see! The weapons that Endou-kun are holding are also made from azantium! The
reward of enduring the rain of ceiling blocks is obtaining those weapons from inside the
blocks after destroying them!」
「It seems that originally it’s something like that.」
「That’s a lie! There is no way Miledy can have that kind of conscience!」
「 Shia, you are really scathing toward Miledy huh. No, I understand your feeling
Even while making such conversation, the lord endlessly continued thrusting at
Miledy golem exactly like hungry G swarming at just one food.
――We, still have this much strength!?
――This power that is welling up from inside……
――I see. This is, this is……the power of love-
That was just the special quality of abyss lord mode you know? That exposition was
thoroughly explained from Kaori to all the parents. Right after that, the clones finally
succeeded in throwing the Miledy golem to the wall. The main body of the lord landed
on the floating block right above it while holding a black spear. His last charge was
――Try to receive this-, o ancient protector! This is my abyss style final ultimate
secret techniqueAbyssgate Zero――――
He said such thing. No matter how much time passed boy would always love the
cliché or chuuni……as though to proof that, not just Hajime and Shuu, even Tomoichi
and others were also going 「Oooh」 in excitement, and finally Kousuke E Abyssgate’s
finishing attack――
Struck out. It was a normal thrust, but perhaps surely it was the final ultimate secret
technique. Just to be clear, it reached Miledy’s core without fail. Miledy golem turned
limp, light was gone from its eyes, and it was crucified to the wall. Then the lord fell to
the ground as though he had used up all of his energy and willpower and lied spread-
eagled. Seeing that Hajime was――
「Was that a rip-off?」
「That was a rip off.」
「That was a rip off wasn’t it~」
Nagumo family was merciless. Certainly, it was like a certain fast battleship that was
personified into human. Perhaps before long he would also speak 「YES! I will show you
what Aby is made of!」.
「A, anyway he won! Endou-kun is amaziiing」
「 Really. As expected from someone who is called “nonchalantly the mankind’s
strongest” or “the demon king’s right arm”.」
When Kaori and Shizuku said that in order to repair the mood that was broken by
the Nagumo family, words of praise were expressed as though they had just seen a great
Hollywood movie.
「Yeah, really.」
Although he spoke few words, Hajime’s expression that formed a small smile
expressed his praise more eloquently than anything.
「H~m, but is he really alright? Endou-kun, it feels like he really had spent everything
he has……」
「He isn’t even twitching you know? Somehow it feels like he will die anytime now.」
The Hatayama mother-daughter worriedly looked at the lord on the ground.
――Hics hics hics hics, I did it, I did it me……I want to die……hics hics hics hics, with
this I’m one step closer to Rana……I’m glad I came alone……hics hics hics hics……what
the hell did I mean by the inner me……why did I play two role by myself……I am me……
ah, this way of speaking is also……shit-, my heart is invaded……I’m becoming not me……
wait that’s why that’s not it, me! I cannot speak in that way! Ah, I’m talking to myself
again! This is bad, really baad, even though the lord mode should have been dispelled
my words are strangely fragrant like thiiss…… He couldn’t move from the damage, but,
rather than the damage to his body, the damage to his heart was unbearable that the
flood of tears couldn’t stop. The figure of Kousuke continuously muttering to himself
could be seen there.
The impressed face of Hajime and co was overwritten with 「Uwaa」 to the expression
of pity right away.
Although, it was the truth that the damage was serious, even the recovery medicine
that he brought with him had been used up since a long time ago. If that was the case
then just how on earth Kousuke could advance forward from here and then returning
back later? While everyone was watching over him, that answer finally arrived. One
knight golem was regenerated and approached Kousuke with noisy footsteps. Kousuke
moved only his eyes to confirm that and his expression turned pale. He was extremely
fatigued that he couldn’t even move a finger. He was truly in a hopeless situation. If he
was attacked right now, he would be killed as easily as killing a baby. But, that knight
golem didn’t even unsheathe its sword and slowly kneeled beside Kousuke. Then at the
next moment, it took a surprising action. Shockingly, it took out a small jar filled with
liquid from somewhere and gently placed it on Kousuke’s mouth. Due to that, Kousuke
was healed to the degree that he could lift up his body. It seemed, there was some
healing bonus as the reward for clearing the great labyrinth. Seeing that,
「Lies-, this is a lie-! There is no way that Miledy is someone this upright!!」
「……Nn!? Shia, calm down! You forget your “desu” desu!」
「Yue too calm down! The end of your sentence got a “desu” there!」
Shia was frenzied. Yue’s mind was in chaos that she snatched Shia’s end of a
sentence. Hajime understood the two’s feeling and soothed them down. That was just
how shocking Miledy’s kind consideration was even now when they knew that she was a
true protector who thought of the world. At the very least, it would be impossible for her
to make him drank the potion like that. Even if she gave someone a recovery medicine,
surely she would place it on a position that was just barely couldn’t be reached by the
hand of someone who couldn’t move!
「That’s right desu! Surely, it was a paralyzing medicine or something that she dressed
up as recovery medicine――」
「Ah, Endou-kun stood up! Looks like he recovered!」
「I don’t want to admit it! I don’t want to admit it!!」
It seemed that Shia’s feeling toward Miledy was really strong whether for good or
bad. Her rabbit ears and rabbit tail were shaking left and right wildly. While everyone
was soothing down Shia, a floating block came in front of Kousuke. It was the same with
the one that Hajime and co rode. Kousuke’s step was unsteady but he somehow got on it
and vanished into the deepest room. Like that, around the time Shia somehow calmed
down. There was the sound of a lot of water flowing along with the scream
「Aa~~~~~~!!」 reaching their ears.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑬

Inside a pure white room, the illusion water was whirling with rushing sound
*zaa~~~~*. Witnessing the intense stream that felt like it would really swallow them for
real, the audiences――especially the parents like Shuu and Sumire were holding their
breath. At the same time,
――Things that you don’t like, can only be washed away with water☆
At the end of her sentence it felt like there was a voice ‘run♪’ that sounded truly
aggravating. It caused everyone to go 「Uwaa」with an appalled expression. Of course
they would. Whether it was the white room that looked immaculate, or the whirling
water, or the hole at the center, no matter how they looked at it, it was a scaled up
version of a toilet, and the past Hajime, Yue, and Shia were flushed into it. The act of
flushing humans, furthermore conquerors who had overcome the trial of the dungeon
after much effort like they were filth――
「Miledy, seriously DEATH to Miledy-」
Shia was recalling various things again and almost got raging again. The intonation
at the end of her sentence was subtly different from usual which was noticed by
everyone, but like they said, best to not wake up the sleeping dragon and all that.
Everyone didn’t make any retort at her. Within the past image, Yue immediately used
wind magic to make the three of them float, but the figure of her getting struck into the
water to crush the attempt was projected in the image. Yue-sama’s hair was also
fluttering slo~wly in the air from the magic power aura of anger oozing from her.
「……It’s frustrating but, even watching it now it’s still really brilliant.」
Even without asking what, they understood what she wanted to say. It was Miledy’s
activation of gravity magic. “As easy as breathing” must be referring to something like
this. Although she was angry toward the humiliating act, as a magic expert it seemed
that her focus was directed to that as expected. While watching the sight inside the
image where Hajime and others were yelling angrily even while being flushed away,
Kaori asked Yue beside her who was making a ‘gunununu’ groan.
「Can the current Yue do the same thing?」
「……Of course. Is what I want to say but, if it’s limited to only gravity magic……then
eventually I might be outdone by her.」
It was really honest of her. That must be exactly why she was going ‘gunununu’.
「 … … The magic’s formulation power, the magic power control and efficiency,
activation speed, the lack of waste in all of them is too striking. Even though it’s a magic
that she used casually, it’s a superb technique at its core.」
In other words, in case it came to a straightforward battle, it was possible that at the
end even the current Yue would get pushed back due to inferior processing speed and
number of moves. Everyone except Hajime showed a shocked expression at Yue’s
objective evaluation. The vampire princess who was generally accepted as a cheat in
magic was evaluating herself as “still not there” even if it was only limited to one field. It
couldn’t be helped that everyone was staring at Yue open mouthed in a daze. That
dumbfounded state was wiped away by the thunderous sound next.
――Heh!? This is, don’t tell me-!?
Miledy’s flustered voice resounded, then the next moment in a corner of the room
exploded. The unexpected explosion blast made everyone couldn’t help but get flustered
even knowing that it happened in the past image. Shuu and Sumire raised their voices
「Uoh, what’s going on!? Hajime explanation please!」
「Hajime! You’re the culprit anyway! What did you do!?」
The two parents who suspected their son as the criminal without even a shred of
doubt. In fact he was the criminal, so Hajime averted his gaze slightly while confessing.
「Just before I got flushed away, I threw a knife attached with a grenade to the wall.」
Leaving behind explosive before leaving. That was Hajime quality. ‘A terrorist! His
way of thinking is completely that of a terrorist!’ That was what Kaori papaTomoichi’s
expression was saying while also saying it loudly. Everyone couldn’t help but agree.
Hajime-san looked really pleased at the 「Hinyaa~~h」 scream of Miledy. That made it
even harder to deny it. Even while doing such thing, the time was advancing inside the
past image. The figures of the past Hajime and co completely vanished, then the
explosion and water stream also settled down. Like that,
「Eh!? There is another room deeper inside!?」
Shia raised a shocked voice. Her rabbit ears also jumped straight. Hajime and Yue
also opened their eyes wide in surprise. Kaori and others who visited this room for the
first time were also showing confusion. Hajime thought for a bit before opened his
mouth with a groan.
「Thinking really carefully, Miledy was living here, so it’s natural that there is a living
space for her. To think that I was satisfied from just stripping off all of her
belongings……we should intrude into there-」
「Goshujin-sama, that art of burglary!」
「 The treasure of a hidden room! It’s exciting nano! Let’s snatch everything inside
「My my, Myuu……. Dear, please restrain yourself slightly in front of Myuu……」
Myuu was speaking like a member of bandit group with a smile. As expected,
against Tio’s exasperated face and Remia’s gaze as though she was looking at a troubling
person, even Hajime had no room to argue back. The gazes of the parents were also
really cold. To varnish over it, he tried saying 「That Miledy fellow was also hopeless, if
she has a home there then it should be fine if she treated her guest to a tea or something
isn’t it」 but,
「There is no one who will prepare tea for a robber you know, Hajime.」
「Hajime-kun. His common sense is still not……」
He also received exasperation from Shizuku and Aiko. Perhaps, if Hajime and co
were more motivated to kill the god, then Miledy might have invited them inside the
room. And then, she might told them the story about the liberators in more detail.
Everything was the fault of Hajime who did something like 「Oy, try jumping for a bit.
You still have something else right? Aa? 」 when pestering Miledy for items. That was
the final answer. He should resign himself to receive the exasperated gaze from
everyone. The atmosphere was awkward, so Hajime cleared his throat and forcefully
moved the talk forward.
「My bad Yue. Can you replay the past a bit more?」
「……Nn! I’ll do my best!」
She also resupplied her magic power from the magic crystal stone. Yue clenched
both her fists in a show of her motivation. Yue herself seemed to be curious about the
room that they didn’t even notice at that time and about Miledy after they were flushed
away. The group smiled wryly at Hajime’s obvious diversion of topic while turning their
focus to the past image too. Inside the image, the wall was grandly destroyed. Mini
Miledy who was blown away until the other side of the room was twitching. But right
away she stood up in a flash and said things like 「 That bastard! 」 or 「 I thought I
almost died for real there!」 or 「Get cursed so that you will be abnormally sweaty at
your armpit!」, anyway she hurled abusive language at Hajime. She was also expressing
her anger by flapping her arms and legs while she was at it. Mini Miledy golem was tiny,
so it could be seen like a child making a fuss. They didn’t understand the principle
behind it but her Nico-chan mask was making so many different expressions it looked
really comical. For a while she rolled around kicking her arms and legs, hitting the floor,
doing the bridge of anger posture, etc, to vent her resentment, then Miledy finally
noticed the futility of her act. She looked at the broken wall and her shoulders dropped
powerlessly, then she made an abrupt change by showing her motivation and started
repairing. For a while there was only the scene of Miledy doing nothing but repairing, so
Yue fast-forwarded it while Hajime checked the wall during that time.
「From what I saw in the image, there is a mechanism around here……」
「Hajime, won’t it be fine if you just open a hole using transmutation?」
Hajime glared at the wall while shaking his head at Shuu’s words.
「It feels like I’ll lose if I do that.」
「You, you’re in the faction of not looking at the game guide when playing game huh.」
Shuu showed an understanding face that said ‘I get you~’, and there the image’s
fast-forward stopped. At the same time, the wall’s repair was also finished apparently.
Hajime too found the wall’s mechanism and succeeded in opening the wall. They
entered inside following the past Miledy.
「It’s unexpectedly simple……the number of books is amazing though.」
「……Nn. She was a golem so she didn’t need food.」
「There is a bed. But, there isn’t anything like toilet or shower desu.」
The inside of the room wasn’t really barren, but there wasn’t really any sign of living
from it. The lack of things that originally should be necessary for a human’s livelihood
gave them such impression even more. The first thing that caught their eye was the
bookshelves. The bookshelves were made by gouging out the wall itself and they reached
until the ceiling. Old books were placed inside them to the brim. There wasn’t any sign
of decay might be because they were protected by magic. The bed was simple. There was
also no blanket because there was no need for it. It was just a place to lie down the
golem body. Miledy was inspecting the wall from inside her living space. Hajime sent
her a glance before sending his gaze to the place he was the most interested in.
「A photo nano!」
Myuu’s eyes sparkled as though she had discovered a treasure. She ran toward it
*sutetetetete-* with rapid steps. Kaori’s eyes blinked in astonishment at the discovery of
the unexpected item.
「 So there was something like photo at the era when Miledy-san and others were
「 Perhaps the civilization was developed, or perhaps she especially ordered it from
Oscar. Perhaps it’s the latter I think.」
They approached while making such talk. Framed pictures were lining up on the
shelf jutting out from the wall. All the photos had smiling face. They contained a lot of
people, various places, along with displays of extraordinary smiles. And then at the
center of the photos, there would be one girl without fail. A girl with the same pretty
blond hair like Yue, and blue eyes just like Shia.
「Hajime. Could it be she is……」
「Yeah, Tou-san. This girl is Miledy. The liberator Miledy Raisen.」
In the past, within the breaking holy precincts, Hajime and Yue alone saw Miledy’s
soul. The blonde haired and blue eyes girl projected over the golem’s body. Hajime and
Yue absolutely couldn’t forget the figure of that girl they saw at the end. And then, that
unforgettable figure was inside the photos right now. Among them, there was one photo
that looked conspicuously radiant. It was a group photo of seven people. At the center,
the glasses youth who they saw before this――Oscar was looking panicked with his arm
getting pulled by Miledy. And then as though to surround those two, there was the
expressionless Naiz, Meiru who had a fearless smile, Vendeur who was looking
exasperated, Laus with a grim look, and Lyutillis with her bewitching atmosphere.

Even though their expressions were all over the place and they had different race and
birthplace……it was obvious from looking at it. All of them had fun somewhere inside
them. All of them directed warm feeling toward Miledy. Their heart became one with
her as their center.
The gazes of Hajime and others naturally turned toward the Miledy inside the past
image. Mini Miledy seemed to have finished repairing the wall and performed the last
check. She lied down spread-eagled on the bed and spouted out her indignation that
seemed to have been reignited. She flailed and flailed around. She raged a lot with her
metal body. Before long, even that flame of anger seemed to have died out. She lied
down spread-eagled without moving at all. Her Nico-chan mask also returned to its
default state. With as much as she had made a ruckus, the air that was silent as grave
was painful. When she wasn’t moving at all like this, Miledy was like an unmoving junk.
Seeing her like that made a desolated feeling to constrict their chest for some reason.
Myuu grabbed Hajime’s hand tightly.
「She is, all alone.」
Shia muttered a few words.
「……Nn. Even more than me, for far longer time.」
Yue who had tasted an imprisonment of three hundred years stared at the unmoving
Miledy with a clear gaze. Shuuzou suddenly asked.
「Hajime-kun. How long she was alive?」
「I don’t know the precise number. But if I have to say, it’s to a degree that there is no
precise record remaining whether in literature, or even in Miledy’s own memory.」
「I see…….」
That was, just how much time it was? Just how many times the history was created
and destroyed by Ehito’s hand during that time. Yue’s era, Tio’s era. And then, the many
eras far before that. History. It was months and years that would allow a water drop to
pierce through a giant stone. Gazes filled with various emotions were directed toward
the lying down golem that was silent alone. Her annoyingness that rubbed people’s
nerves the wrong way was number one under heaven. And yet, why was it. Along with
the desolation, they sensed an immense will that even made them felt fear. While
Hajime and others were staring wordlessly, before long, Miledy slowly reached out her
hand toward the ceiling. As though she was trying to touch something. Perhaps, she was
trying to grasp for something.
――They really……appeared……those who surpassed our trial……
The emotion dwelling inside that voice, how should it be described? No one
understood how to describe it. But, it was deep and heavy. To a degree they were
overwhelmed by the small whisper. While everyone was watching, Miledy suddenly
stood up and stared lovingly at the photos. She was reporting about Hajime and others
to her comrades who had passed away a long time ago with flood of emotions. There
wasn’t even a shred of her annoyingness there. Inside the silent space where no reply
came back, there was only Miledy’s happy voice being spun like a melody.
「She looked very happy there.」
Shuu said while putting his arm on Hajime’s shoulders. Hajime felt extremely
embarrassed for some reason and replied curtly 「Looks like it」, but the corner of his
eyes loosened.
「Mu, muu……a mere Miledy dare to looks so solemn desu」
「……Nn. Making us cry like this」
Tears pooled up on the corner of Yue and Shia’s eyes. Kaori and others too, seeing
the back of mini Miledy continuing to talk at the photos made their eyes moistened from
the feeling rising up in their chest. Before long Miledy seemed to be satisfied and ended
her report toward her comrades. She then took a different photo.
――Everything, began from you
The photo was displaying a red haired woman wearing maid uniform. She had a
style that rivaled Tio and showed an annoying smile that reminded them of a certain
someone. And then, beside that woman,
「Is this……Miledy-san when she was a child?」
Just like Kaori said, there was the figure of small Miledy there. But, Hajime and
others couldn’t immediately declare that the girl was Miledy due to the same reason why
Kaori was muttering with questioning tone. The reason because, the child Miledy’s
expression was only showing a bit of bafflement. The color of emotion couldn’t really be
seen from her face, and her eyes were also practically lightless. As people who knew
Miledy, the red haired maid and the child Miledy looked opposite in expression and
attitude……it couldn’t be helped for them to think so.
「Who is this woman……」
The gaze Miledy directed to the woman’s picture was different from the one she
directed to Oscar and others, however, the passion felt from Miledy was equal if not
more. It made Hajime to unconsciously direct a questioning gaze at her. Sumire stared
at the bookshelves and asked.
「Hey, Hajime. Miledy-san doesn’t leave behind a diary like Oscar-san?」
「It’s also my first time entering this place so……let’s try searching it for a bit.」
Projecting the era when Miledy and others were living using past replay was
impossible no matter what due to the magic power cost. They wouldn’t be able to see
through that far if they weren’t using concept magic for that. The past of Miledy wasn’t
written in detail even in Oscar’s diary, so the bookshelves of this room was the only
possibility for them to be able to learn about the red haired maid.
「Let’s search! I’m absurdly curious!」
「……Nn. This maid’s smile is very irritating. I also want to investigate.」
「The dress that the small Miledy art wearing, it looks really high quality. There art also
a maid accompanying her, couldst it be Miledy was born from a good family? I’m also
Next after Shia who considered Miledy as her one and only sworn enemy!, Yue, Tio,
and then Kaori and others were also nodding in enthusiasm. Everyone was apparently
curious about the past of the liberator’s leader. Hajime nodded with a wry smile, then he
took out the compass. He searched for anything like Miledy’s diary. In the end…… The
compass reacted.
「Oh, it seems there is something.」
There was a book with blue cover at a corner of the bookshelves. Hajime took it into
his hand and flipped the pages quickly.
「 Note……or rather it’s like a record for memory awakening just in case something
happen. The story about her childhood……it’s here.」
It seemed that Miledy’s own memory was preserved mainly using soul magic. The
book in Hajime’s hand was something like external memory just in case there was a
problem with the golem. Yue and others were also gathering around to look eagerly. As
expected it would be difficult for everyone to read a single book, so Hajime extracted
only the interesting part and read it aloud. As the result,
「I, impossible desu……such thing is just!」
Shia was flustered. Furthermore it was to a great degree. It was like she had just
learned the secret of the world. Her rabbit ears were trembling, as though to say 「 I
don’t want to accept it-! I don’t want to accept it! 」 . Certainly, “that” was a shocking
truth. It was an unbelievable truth that overturned her world. Hajime and Yue were also
showing agitation that had never been seen before. Kaori and others were all shedding
tears. It was that big of a truth. An impossible truth. Yes, that was……
「 Miledy’s annoyingness! Was something she inherited! I’m not going to believe it no
matter what!」
Miledy-san, at the beginning she wasn’t annoying! Rather, she was a lady who would
be the next head of the house of count Raisen!
「 Impossible……this red haired maid……is the annoying person of the beginning
「 … … To think that Miledy, was actually the one annoyed by this woman’s
annoyingness……that’s just strange!」
Strength left the legs of Hajime and Yue. It seemed the shock the two felt made even
them fall on their knees. According to the note, the red haired maid “Bel” was the
exclusive maid of Miledy when she was still a noble. Apparently she was a really
annoying person. That annoying way of speaking of Miledy came wholly from this Bel
after many twists and turns.
「 Lo, look here, Hajime-kun, Yue, Shia. I think that’s not the point you three should
focus on.」
Kaori wiped her tears while sending a fixed stare at Hajime and others. Shizuku and
others were also sending them a cold gaze together.
「 It’s just as Kaori said! This person called Bel was the founder of the “Liberator”
organization! That Bel-san died and Miledy-san inherited her will! Those are the points
you should pay attention to shouldn’t it!?」
「Goshujin-sama. This art the unknown episode where the Miledy that we know is born
you know?」
「Hajime-kun, Yue-san, Shia-san. Sensei wish that you three will read the atmosphere a
bit more.」
「Papa……Miledy-oneechan, is pitiful nano……」
The emotion of Miledy that was conveyed from the book was brimming with sorrow.
Not to mention Kaori and co, even the parents couldn’t help but to cry. And so, it also
couldn’t be helped for them to think 「Read the mood, seriously……」. Receiving cold
gazes from everyone else who were being tearful, as expected Hajime, Yue, and Shia
became awkward. They coughed while standing up. And then, he urged Yue to continue
the past replay with a slightly solemn atmosphere. With that, Miledy who was caressing
Bel’s photo lovingly with her metal finger spoke her fundamental feeling that didn’t fade
even after several thousand of years had passed as though she was praying.
――May the people of the future, be able to live under free will
The words of prayer were filled with mysterious power. It was quiet, but it
reverberated with dignity. Her small back looked extremely big.
「Rest assured. The world is liberated……no, guess there is no need to tell this.」
「……Nn. Miledy said it at the holy precinct. 『Finally, I can go to where everyone is
without worry』, she said.」
They remembered that time at the end. After Hajime said that they absolutely
wouldn’t forget about Miledy and others, and Yue said that the path Miledy and her
friends had taken wasn’t pointless, the bashful and emotional expression Miledy showed
at that time. Even after the past image vanished, for a while no one said anything. In
order to feel the weight of history that humans had piled up. And also, in order to offer a
silent prayer mourning the protectors of the world. It was unknown how much time
passed of them doing that. Before long everyone naturally softened the atmosphere and
looked at each other.
「Hajime. You showed us something good. Thanks.」
「 I’m glad to learn about Miledy-san. Though if possible I want to know more about
Shuu and Sumire said that, then Tomoichi and others also spoke the same thing
while enduring gentle emotion behind their eyes.
「 Yeah. When we were traveling we didn’t really have any leeway, so we basically just
ignored the matter of the liberator but……using the trip this time as opportunity, it
might be good to try investigating about that era.」
Like that, Hajime too replied with a gentle smile. There Shia hit her hand as though
she remembered something.
「That’s right! This is a good chance, let’s take a look at Miledy before she departed to
the final decisive battle! ……That was the last battle for her, so surely she departed full of
「 Kuku-. Shia. No matter what thou said, you art hopelessly curious about Miledy art
thou not?」
「It’s not like I’m curious about her!」
Seeing how she reflexively refusing it so quickly like that, it seemed she was curious.
Her rabbit ears were flapping *funyan funyan* shyly.
「Yue, can you do it?」
「……Nn. I’ll pass the baton to Kaori after this considering my magic power.」
「Leave it to me~」
While saying that, Yue activated the past replay by matching the time period when
Miledy departed from here based on Kaori’s memory. At the end of her endless journey,
the day of the final battle, what kind of feeling she harbored when she departed to
battle…… While everyone was watching in a solemn atmosphere――
――Yaa! Are you well~♪ Peeing rabbit-chan♪ Pugyaa—h
――Is vocation “robber”-kun and, the completely horny vampire-chan also wellll?
「She, she predicted us……」
Hajime’s cheeks were twitching. Mini Miledy was dancing bouncily. It seemed
Miledy had predicted that after the battle Hajime and others would come here and
peeped using past replay. The Nico-chan mask winked in a very annoying way. Then she
moved her index finger as though to say 「Naïve!」 while going ‘tsk tsk tsk’ also in a
really annoying way. It was irritating.
――Do you want to watch the serious Miledy-san? You want to see it that much?
――Too ba~~d! Serious-san cannot win against Miledy-saan~~♪
――Hey hey, right now, what do you feel? Even though you’re being solemn thinking
of Miledy-san, the person herself smashed apart the atmosphere. What do you feel when
that happened? Hey hey?
Miledy-san pre-final battle who was skipping around. As though to say ‘I’ll do the
last annoyance of my life without regret yeah!’. Before everyone could make tsukkomi
‘Isn’t there anything else that you can leave behind huh……’, seventeen *snap* ominous
sounds resounded. Those were the sounds of blood vein snapping out on everyone’s
――But it can’t be helped that you’re thinking about Miledy-chan! Whatever you
say! Miledy-chan is a transcendent genius beautiful magician who easily surpass the
world’s standard after all! Ahaha-
The gentle atmosphere……was already gone. Everyone’s eyes were really cold.
――Such Miledy-chan who is the very picture of woman gifted in both intelligence
and beauty, has prepared a present for your sake! Here! Try pouring magic power here!
Mini Miledy pointed energetically with the fingers of both her hands toward right
below the wall that had just been repaired before this. The movement that was
excessively smooth and snappy looked truly irritating. Hajime wordlessly walked
forward and tried pouring magic power. The wall flashed bright. And then it was
projected. The sight of Hajime and others getting flushed like excrement.
――Pugyaaah!! THE BEST-!! Look look, that expression! I want to leave it behind for
future generation! Does this show my thanks for the explosion!? Fu hya hya hya hyah
*Snap snap snap-*, large number of blood vessel formed up on the forehead of
Hajime, Yue, and Shia. Bext magic power burst up. Bursting bullets, storms and space
crushing attacks attacked the wall. Most likely she was recording the video using the
camera function that the golem was equipped with. Miledy then buried the camera part
into the wall at the same time when she repaired it. She must had set it up so that it
projected the image when magic power passed through it…… Her action looked like it
was done with the resolve of her knowing that she wouldn’t use that function anymore,
and yet the content of that action was just too pointless. They had no more words for
that. The wall was blown away along with a thunderous sound. The solemn atmosphere
was also completely blown away along with it. But, at that instant,
「What, water……MILEDY」
It was unexpectedly a raging stream once more. It wasn’t just illusion. A genuine
raging stream was flowing in without stopping from the room of magic circle. The
destruction of the wall seemed to be set up to also become the trigger to activate the
flush toilet styled shortcut.
「Wai-, Hajime-kun! What now!?」
「 Please calm down, Tomoichi-san. Right now something like water stream isn’t a big
deal for us, we also can escape using gate.」
Miledy’s trick was rubbing them the wrong way just like usual, but it wouldn’t work
against the current Hajime and co. They could destroy the mechanism that produced the
water, or they could also freeze all the water itself, even escaping using gate was
possible. In fact, Kaori and Tio were already protecting everyone using spherically
shaped barrier. The water level instantly rose until their knee but, they weren’t being
washed away by the raging stream.
「Good grief, just what didst Miledy hath in her mind. If she filled even this room with
water, then her books and her photos wouldst become wasted.」
「Perhaps they are being protected by age of god magic?」
The exasperated Tio was replied to by Shizuku who was smiling wryly. All of the
books seemed like they had magic that prevented degradation over time applied on
them, but it was unknown whether they would be safe even when they were submerged
in water. For now, Hajime took out the crystal key to make the water flow outside using
gate. While he was doing so, the answer toward that question was taught by a voice that
completely changed into a gentle voice.
――The problem is that
――In the end, I couldn’t hold out to the last
Everyone’s gaze was turned toward the mini Miledy. When they noticed, the figure
of girl shaped Miledy appeared over the golem body. Those azure eyes reflected the
books and photos. The love and pain that were showing from that expression made
them held their breath.
――I thought for a tiny bit, that I want the treasures here to become something that
belong only to me for eternity but……I couldn’t dispose of them with my own hand
The matter that they wanted to be conveyed to the later generation had been
recorded by Oscar and others. What were here were only Miledy’s very personal
recollections. The things that she used to console her heart through the endless time.
That was why, she wanted to monopolize these memories, but she was unable to dispose
them with her own hand. That was why,
――Hajime-kun, Yue-chan, Shia-chan. I’ll leave it to you three about what to do with
the things here.
Surely they would come here. The first conquerors of Raisen Great Labyrinth,
Hajime and others who lived in the future. Miledy left to them about what to do with the
past. She also understood that if it was Hajime and others right now they would be able
to deal with the trap she left behind. Most likely, if they escaped without doing anything,
then the books and photos would be washed away to somewhere that wasn’t the spring
near Brook and wouldn’t be seen again by anyone’s eyes for eternity. With that none of it
wouldn’t be left in this world anymore except the fragment of memories that was known
by Hajime and co. The rest would all stay inside Miledy’s heart only.
――I won’t mind no matter what choice you make. Because that choice without a
doubt will also be the best choice
The figure of Miledy closing her eyes and joining her hands on her chest while
closing her eyes, was annoyingly beautiful. To a degree that not a single one of everyone
here could take their eyes off her.
――Let me say this as the last
Behind the opened eyelids, there was a clear azure radiance. If the current Miledy
had her photo taken and it was explained to the world that it was the photo of none
other than the leader of the liberator, the protector of the world, then without a doubt
people would call her as a saint.
――I pray that your future, will be under your own free will, forever and ever.
Like that, the girl shaped Miledy vanished. What remained after that was only the
unspeaking golem. The gazes of Yue and others were poured at Hajime who was holding
the crystal key. They asked with their gaze what to do. Apparently they were entrusting
the decision to Hajime. Hajime’s gaze looked around, at Yue and others, and then to to
Shuu and others. He compared with his gaze the crystal key in his hand and the photos,
and at the end, he stared at the unmoving Mini Miledy in the past that looked like it
stopped functioning. And then,
「Raisen Great Labyrinth tour, is it okay to end it here?」
He said that with a wry smile. He was suggesting for them to leave this place like
this. To leave Miledy’s memories as Miledy’s own. To that choice, everyone smiled
gently and nodded. He opened a gate inside the barrier. The other side was the spring
located at the outskirt of Brook. The gate was connected to that area’s footpath.
Everyone passed through the gate and stepped on the grass while at the end they turned
their gaze toward Miledy, one more time. In that instant.
――Ah, that’s right! No matter what your choice is, the device to erase the sentence
that reveal the rabbit-chan’s peeing is the only thing that I’ll wash away no matter what!
Girl Miledy who abruptly reappeared once more said such thing while her finger
pointed with a snap. While Shia was raising her voice 「Eh!?」, when they looked at the
direction Miledy pointed at, a part of the wall made clacking sound and opened. An ore
engraved with letters tumbled out from there. It seemed the letters on the walls of
Raisen Great Labyrinth were linked to that artifact. The letters engraved into that ore
would be projected in the labyrinth. Most likely there were also a lot of other hidden
shelves that contained many ores. In other words, if the ore that became the core of the
annoying sentence got washed away……
「Wai-, you-――」
――Soon I’ll become unable to endure the loneliness of continuing to talk to an
empty room, so Miledy-chan is going to rest! Then bye by~~e-!
While Shia’s tone was breaking and her hand was reaching out, Miledy put one hand
on her waist, placed a horizontal peace over her winking eye, and lifted up a foot, taking
a pose that made it as though sparkling stars would scatter around her before vanishing
for real this time. At the same time, the artifact ore was swallowed by the raging stream
and flowed into the hole on the floor that was opened unnoticed. Shia who was watching
that scene from across the barrier and gate froze for a breath, then
She went crazy once more. Kaori and Shizuku said 「Waaaah, Shia calm down! 」
while pinioning her from behind with the two of them. They got the feeling that for some
reason, Miledy was messing up with Shia in particular. Perhaps she had emotional
attachment to Shia, or perhaps to rabbitman race itself…… Hajime thought such thing
while quietly closing the gate. Setting that aside Hajime muttered.
「In the end, Miledy was Miledy huh.」
It went without saying that everyone fiercely agreed. Like this, the afternoon part of
Tortus travel’s first day――Raisen Great Labyrinth tour ended with the feeling like they
got toyed around from the beginning to end by Miledy who should be deceased already.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑭

*Splash-, splash-!!* There was a fish that splashed fiercely. No, it was a middle-aged
man. No, no. It was a fish with the face of middle-aged man. In other words, it was the
human faced fish monster――Lee-san or better known as Leeman. At the spring located
in the outskirts of Brook. On the grass a slight distance away from the spring’s side, he
muttered 『Heh, damn it all. I too have become decrepit huh』 with a small voice while
hopping on the ground with a nihilistic smile. He hopped and hopped in order to return
to the spring. But, there wasn’t any sign of him getting nearer. The distance until the
spring was infinitely far…
「Hajime. I can’t believe that in this world there is a real Se○man……」
「When you see it at reality……it’s quite an impactful sight.」
Shuu and Sumire let out a trembling voice. Tomoichi and others, and then even
Shizuku and Aiko who met the fish with middle-aged man face for the first time were
also getting creeped out they took a step back. As expected Lee-san wasn’t kind to the
mind of most people who met him for the first time. Because it was extremely surreal.
His existence was. After the tour of Raisen Great Labyrinth was over and they pacified
Shia who was going into frenzy due to Miledy’s prank, they decided to teleport away for
the time being. The location was where Hajime and co were thrown out in the past after
going through the flush toilet shortcut. The intention was just to tell the others that this
was the place where they were tossed out before moving on to the next location, but
there Hajime suddenly remembered. Come to think of it, at that time Lee-san was also
thrown out together with them……he thought. And then recalling further, after that he
was captured by a passerby and got sold into Fuhren’s aquarium as a rare monster.
Hajime explained such while staring at Lee-san who was hopping around. Then Shia
who they somehow made to recover into sanity abruptly spread out her rabbit ears and
said to Hajime.
「 Tha, that’s right-, Hajime-san! This isn’t the time to stare at Lee-san splashing
around! Even now at this moment, there is my first kiss in the side of that spring!」
「Shia, can you tell me more about that I wonder? I wonder?」
「Eh? Right after you conquered the dungeon? Hajime, you assaulted Shia?」
「Ee!? Hajime-kun, at this kind of place!? Even though Yue-san is also here!?」
Kaori’s neck twisted around and she drew near to Shia. Shizuku and Aiko sent
Hajime a shocked gaze, while Tomoichi said 「This animal-」 and released murderous
eyeglint. Kaoruko and others were also making face that said 「Oh my」.
「 When I took step to save Shia’s life that was in danger of drowning because she got
shocked by Lee-san, the instant she recovered she clung and kissed me with body
strengthening max.」
Hajime’s half-closed eye insisted wordlessly, 「Which one of us is the animal?」. Or
perhaps it was saying 「It’s this girl who is the animalistic rabbit」.
「My-, really Shia-chan, you’re completely a carnivore rabbit!」
「Kaa-sama! You’re wrong desuu! Hajime-san and Yue-san recognized me after my first
clearing of great dungeon! They also called my name properly! There was just this,
various kind of feeling surging out! The rabbit of the forest isn’t a beast! 」
‘Rather I’m a lady!’ She made an appeal of her chastity after this late but, everyone’s
gaze was lukewarm. The exposure of her clothing since moving to earth was also
somewhat high……, and no matter what she said she would immediately cling to Hajime
to the same degree like Yue……. The forest rabbit=beast theory was gradually becoming
the accepted opinion. ……Unfortunately, the forest rabbits nesting in the sea of tree at
present were also a group of beasts in a different meaning, so it wasn’t like the theory
was that mistaken. And so, with the mentality of 「 It isn’t scary if it’s done with
everyone!」, she sought to take down someone along with her.
「Even Kaori-san also has criminal record of clinging and kissing Hajime-san desu!」
Kaori was startled. Kaori papa bared open his eyes into a glare. Kaori mama was
going ‘my my’ in excitement.
「 When she was possessed by the ghost in the undersea ruin, she clung and kissed
Hajime-san right after she recovered! Isn’t that right!」
「Tha, that’s……I……」
The end of her sentence lost strength limply like the tail of a dog that got found out
doing mischief. Kaori looked at Hajime seeking help, but Hajime sighed ‘fuh’ and
averted his gaze,
「 She did that huh. In addition, she pretended to be unable to walk and clung on my
back like a haunting ghost……」
「Isn’t it terrible calling me a ghost!?」
「So you aren’t denying about the kiss.」
An accurate tsukkomi from Shizuku. Kaori’s face was rapidly reddening. Tomoichi’s
face was reddening into a deep red rather than just normal red, while the others were
sending lukewarm gaze that seemed to say 「Kaori-chan too, her atmosphere is like a
healing saint but she is actually an animal……she is an animal saint! 」. Kaori spoke in
denial toward that.
「Tha, that’s wrong! It was only feelings like inferiority complex or impatience, various
emotions bursting out! Even I am a lady I’m telling you! I’m not an animal, really!」
Even her desperate justification alongside Shia was blown away lightly by her usual
「 … … Fuh. From here on the two of you can introduce yourself as “clinging lady”
「I don’t want to be told that by Yue-san desu.」
「I don’t want to be told that by Yue.」
A serious faced tsukkomi exploded from Shia and Kaori toward the kissy freely lady
「As for me, I’m more in the side of getting someone clinging on me rather than clinging
on someone.」
Tio spoke with a lonely look from being unable to join the talk, but for the time
being she was ignored. The gazes of the parents were looking uneasy for some reason so
Hajime attempted to change the topic. He stared at Lee-san who was splashing around
while speaking out something that he suddenly noticed.
「Come to think of it Myuu. You don’t look really surprised even when looking at Lee-
san huh?」
She was from the sea people race, so perhaps she was used to sea monster as
expected, Hajime thought. But at the same time he was taken aback. Beside Myuu, with
a de~ep smile and unblinking eyes Remia was staring――glaring? at Lee-san. It seemed
that Myuu was creeped by that slightly scary smile of her Mama and stayed quiet.
「Wha, what’s wrong Remia?」
「? There is nothing wrong you know? Ufufu. But, I’m just thinking that this person is
the “Lee-san” who taught my daughter unnecessary thing is it? That’s all. Ufufu, really, I
wonder what I should do to him.」
「Seriously what’s wrong!?」
Remia who was always going “my my ufufu” like a gentle big sister was rarely
smiling in anger like this. The air was stinging as though spice was scattered around.
Myuu was slowly stepping away from Remia who was chuckling ‘ufufu’. She then
awkwardly said.
「 You know, papa. Myuu, once talked with Lee-san when Myuu was waiting for papa
and everyone to pick up Myuu nano.」
「 Seriously……wait, Lee-san is also in the western sea, so I guess it’s not strange that
you encounter him by chance.」
It seemed after Hajime and co cleared Melusine Undersea Ruin, temporarily parted
from Myuu, and Myuu encountered Lee-san by chance.
「And then, when Lee-san realized that Myuu is papa’s daughter, he told Myuu that he
would lend Myuu his strength anytime nano.」
「 That person……no, fish? ……Or monster? Well anyway, Lee-san is a nice and caring
uncle after all.」
「But, he got tied up with rope by his wife and made to look after his children nano.」
「Myuu forgot before this but he also has message for papa. ――“Choose a wife that is
older than you in the end. But, don’t let woman’s authority to rule over you. Never let
yourself become whipped” nano.」
Hajime got it now. It seemed that Lee-san was a husband who was whipped by an
authoritarian wife.
「 I get the gist. Myuu, you didn’t understand the words’ meaning and asked Remia
didn’t you?」
「Myuu asked mama nano.」
Myuu also asked an abnormal question after that, ‘did mama tie up rope around
papa’s neck and made him played with Myuu nano?’. It was because she saw Lee-san’s
wife tying up Lee-san with seaweed and dragged him away while angrily yelling 「Play
with your children!」. Remia mama who was making various misunderstanding due to
Myuu’s questions inevitably got angry with the ruffian who taught her little daughter
about an abnormal marriage relationship.
「You should, properly clear the misunderstanding……」
「Papa, Myuu properly cleared the misunderstanding.」
Then, why did Remia still angry? While such questioning gaze gathered on her,
Myuu frowned and glanced at the splashing Lee-san.
「 According to mama, “to leave his family alone and pretend like a wanderer……. In
addition to ask a child to give a message to not get whipped by his wife……just what does
he think his wife and children are I wonder? Mama finds it a bit hard to forgive that kind
of person”. That’s what mama said.」
「I, I see……」
For some reason, the gazes of the papa~s including Hajime turned to the faraway.
They all gazed at the sun that was going down toward the western sky. A type of people
who focused on their hobby and unconsciously forgot themselves……such point might
be the common point between the men here. The gaze of Yue, Sumire, and all the other
wives were feeling strangely painful for some reason.
「We’re going to go back to your hometown too in the trip this time……it’ll be nice if we
can meet with Lee-san there. Right? Myuu?」
「Ye, yes nano.」
*Whoosh* A wind that strangely felt like it was desiccated was blowing through.
Even though they were at the side of a spring. The throat of the men there felt strangely
dry……that was what they felt. Kaori said 「Aa~ I think it might be impossible with my
magic power to continue further~」 with a tone that sounded forced while erasing the
past projection of splashing Lee. Remia’s dee~p smile also returned to her former gentle
smile. The men were relieved. Sumire smiled wryly at the husbands’ state while turning
her gaze toward Shia saying 「Even so」in order to change the topic too.
「Ah, yes, what is it Kaa-sama?」
Sumire didn’t reply right away. She calmly approached Shia. And then, she began
caressing Shia’s head with a gentle movement. Shia was astonished. Sumire turned a
smile that also looked kind toward such Shia.
「Let Kaa-sama say it to you too, okay? I missed the timing, so let me say it right now.
……You have worked really hard. You have done well. Thank you for accompanying
Hajime and Yue-chan without giving up.」
Various shocking images kept coming in Raisen Great Labyrinth tour so it got
ignored, but in a sense, there was no doubt that this great labyrinth’s clearing was a
turning point for Shia, and also for Hajime and Yue. If Shia’s heart yielded at the
middle, if there was a time she ran away…… There was no doubt that Hajime and Yue
wouldn’t recognize Shia as a companion. They recalled the past Shia they saw at the
bottom of Raisen Grand Canyon who could do nothing but run away when encountering
Hajime and Yue by chance. They still hadn’t seen other scene like Shia’s training in the
sea of trees, but when they recalled the vivid scene of Shia dealing the finishing blow to
Miledy golem, they could easily imagine just how much courage Shia continued to
muster. She did her best for the sake of the future she wished for. She was truly making
good of her words. She splendidly surmounted a next to impossible feat that was truly
easy to say but hard to carry out. As the result, she added her color to the world of
Hajime and Yue that was only filled with the two of them. A brilliant color even.
「Err, that, I……」
Shia got bright red. Her rabbit ears and rabbit tail were restlessly wriggling around
searching for words to say. There Shuu also approached her and patted her head lightly.
「Based from what I saw in the abyss, if Shia-chan wasn’t with them, Hajime and Yue-
chan might really mow down everything, discard everything, and complete a world that
is literally just the two of them. Hajime and Yue were able to form bond with the people
they encountered at the future from there……was surely thanks to Shia-chan.」
The moon that nestled close to the abyss’s monster. With just that, surely the world
of Hajime and Yue’s heart would spread only as a silent night with only the two of them
inside it forever, no doubt about it. It would be a slightly lonely world that couldn’t
accept other people and formed with only the two of them. The sunlight that shined into
there was Shia. That was why, the world of Hajime and Shia changed color, and then it
obtained a space for nurture. To nurture bond with people.
「Tha, that’s, exaggerating desu. I just wanted, to return the favor, to go together with
the people with the same constitution like me who I finally met, that was all……also, I
just fell in love with Hajime-san so……」
Shia hid her eyes with her rabbit ears that turned floppy from the praise and
gratitude of her mother-in-law and father-in-law. It was only her rabbit tail that kept
wagging around. Seeing Shia like that, Hajime and Yue looked at each other, and a beat
later, their expression turned affectionate toward Shia.
「There ain’t any need to be humble. In fact, I think the present time won’t exist if we
didn’t meet you. Surely, even Aiko’s words “I don’t want you to live in a lonely way”
wouldn’t leave any strong impression in me and I’d just ignore it.」
「……Nn. Because Shia did your best I was also able to soften my heart. Without that, I
might do nothing but agreeing with everything that Hajime think.」
「U, u. I, is that so? ……Fuheh」
It seemed that she finally became unable to hold back her happiness. The 「fuheh」
of happiness came out from Shia. Her mouth broke into a really wide grin while
mumbling incomprehensibly. Kaori opened her mouth with a warm smile.
「 Come to think of it, Tio said it at the great labyrinth of the sea of trees wasn’t it?
According to what Tio said, both Hajime-kun and Kouki-kun are lacking for the title of
“hero”. The true hero is none other than Shia she said.」
「That art a nostalgic story. However, umu. I certainly said that. And then, I wouldst not
say anything different even now.」
「Hajime at the beginning was really scathing to everything other Yue wasn’t it? If it was
me I think my heart would give up right away. Certainly, she is a hero.」
「So what I said in Ur……could reach Hajime-kun was thanks to Shia. Considering that,
then I think it was really great that their first meeting was with Shia.」
Tio and others said those, and then Hajime added further.
「Come to think of it, Myuu. When you escaped from the underground organization at
Fuhren, it was me who first noticed your presence in the underground sewer, but it was
Shia who rushed toward you first you know?」
‘Is that so!’ Myuu said with her eyes turning round. A beat later she smiled happily.
「 Shia-oneechan at that time was really kind. Myuu felt really relieved nano. Shia-
oneechan, thank you nano!」
「Shia-san. Let me say it once more, thank you for saving Myuu. I think that surely it
was because you were there that Hajime-san too became that close to Myuu so
During the journey, there were a lot of things that Hajime came to form. That was
surely because the monster of abyss was recovering the heart of the former Hajime bit
by bit. Because he was recovering his heart while growing. Before his heart was
completely reduced into a monster, if Yue was the one that tied that heart to a “human”,
then it was undoubtedly Shia that reminded that heart of its “humanity”. Those two
were exactly the moon and the sun that were irreplaceable for “Hajime’s world”.
「Err, e~rr……yo, you are welcome, desu?」
She couldn’t find any word. Shia became bashful and shy. The air that became
awkward because of splashing Lee-san became warm as though it received the spring
sunlight. After that, Hajime and co headed to the city of Brook in order to have slightly
early dinner as well as for sightseeing. It was a period of time when the sun was starting
to burn in orange color. Following the request of the parents who wanted to enjoy the
beautiful scenery and atmosphere of another world, they didn’t teleport this time but
traveled using the magic power fueled car in its open car mode. They advanced leisurely
in low speed that was about the same speed of a horse galloping. By the way Brieze
couldn’t carry everyone, so a new car was created for this trip. It was a medium bus that
could transport a maximum of twenty people easily. The design was made to look
similar with armored car which was a part of its charm. Also, the distribution of seat was
Hajime, Yue, Remia, and Myuu at the first row. The second row was filled with Shuu,
Sumire, Shia, Tio. The third row was for Shirazaki family, the fourth row for Yaegashi
family, and the fifth row for Hatayama family.
「 Hey, Hajime-kun. There is this suspicious red button and a dangerous looking stick
beside my seat here though……」
They were bathing on the refreshing evening wind, however, for some reason,
everyone had the same complicated expression like Shuuzou who asked that question.
And then, their gazes were also directed to some spots inside the car. Didn’t they want to
enjoy the scenery…… Hajime felt puzzled while driving and answering the question at
the same time.
「Of course, that’s the activation button and the trigger for the gatling gun.」
「I don’t know what do you mean by “of course” though?」
「? It’s because this is a car?」
「I don’t understand it even more……」
Why didn’t he get it……Hajime tilted his head with uncomprehending expression
instead. Yue and others seemed to guess the answer somehow and got a faraway look. At
the same time Koichi and Kirino also asked.
「Hajime-kun. Why is this vehicle’s appearance like an armored car?」
「 I think that the seats are obviously fewer compared to the size of the vehicle
though……why is that?」
Very well. Then it shall be explained. Fufuh.
「Of course, it’s because a lot of weapons are installed inside the vehicle.」
「A lot of weapons」
「Are installed inside the vehicle」
The outer appearance of armored car already didn’t look like a vehicle to be used to
leisurely travel on the road of another world. Rather it looked like a vehicle for going to
war wasn’t it……that was the thought of Kaoruko and Akiko who were trembling while
repeating Hajime’s answer haltingly. Their expression were like someone who was doing
rodeo on top of a bomb.
「Yes, to explain it simply, both sides have twenty gatling gun and a total of 120 missiles
each. The front side and backside can deploy 55 caliber 120 mm electromagnetically
accelerated tank cannon “Excalibur”, and the bottom of the vehicle can release a
maximum of 300 of all sorts of self-propelled explosive “Run○”.」
‘There is also a lot of other weapons!’ Hajime continued to explain at length. For the
time being, everyone kept silent. Remia covered Myuu’s ears with both hands.
「And so」
This travel micro bus could act as one man army even against the army of earth so,
「The safety is perfect. Please rest assured.」
「Hajime-kun. Just where in the world you want to go too with such loadout?」
Tomoichi’s gaze that looked like he was looking at a pitiful person stabbed Hajime.
To Brook town……it was obvious that he didn’t want to hear that answer.
「O, Otou-san. You’re wrong. Hajime-kun you see, he is still, you know……he is in the
middle of rehabilitation!」
Kaori’s words stabbed Hajime. Hajime’s common sense was still in the verge of
death. That opinion of Kaori apparently made everyone convinced unanimously.
Everyone went 「 I see…… 」 while nodding quietly. Perhaps because they had just
watched the bloody experience of Hajime in Orcus Great Labyrinth, they made a kind
expression that seemed to say 「Well, it can’t be helped」. It was really unexpected. For
Hajime that was. Just in case, the roof could also be deployed instantly, and the armor
itself was made from azantium. Naturally the defensive power was raised from the base
using “Vajra”, and there was also space isolation magic that covered the whole bus, so
certainly its safety was high.
「I, it also has airbag installed, you know?」
Hajime tried to explain that in addition there was also the equipment of normal car
but there was no reply. Even when he sent glances at the back mirror, there was only
lukewarm gazes reflected there. 「Rehabilitation to recover common sense……do your
best」 The kindness of the parents that said that permeated into Hajime’s heart. Just
like splashing antiseptic to an open wound.
「……Nn. Hajime, do your best?」
「What’s that cheering for?」
The kind gaze from his beloved who sat beside him felt painful right now. Then with
a voice that was small but audible until the back seat, Hajime said 「A vehicle without
weapon is like a person not wearing clothes. Everyone don’t get it….. 」 sullenly while
starting to look only at the front. It seemed he was sulking. With an expression of
looking at someone troubling, Yue poked lightly at Hajime’s cheek several times. Remia
and Yue also poked at papa’s cheek from across Yue. For some reason Shia and Tio also
poked from the seat behind. Kaori wouldn’t be able to reach from her seat’s position,
however she wanted to join and poked at the sulky Hajime with a different method.
「Do, don’t poke using your silver feather-」
「I’m sorry. I didn’t think.」
The chance of Kaori mistaking her control of disintegration ability wasn’t non-
existent, so sending silver feather remotely to poke at his cheek was too scary. Shizuku
was staring at Hajime looking like she also wanted to poke. Of course she couldn’t reach
so she did her best reaching out using her black katana――Brieze II hit a rock and
shook. Because of that, Shizuku who was in an unstable posture of leaning forward was,
Such adorable scream resounded. And then,
*GON* Such raw sound could be heard. At the same time Hajime’s scream also
leaked out. It seemed Shizuku thrust her black katana strongly with the momentum of
her falling. It was really fortunate that the katana was sheathed. If it was unsheathed,
around this time there would be a tunnel from the back of Hajime’s head until his
forehead opened through.
「I, I’m sorry」
Hajime’s twitching expression and glare reached through the back mirror. Shizuku
averted her gaze in panic.
「Me, me too!」
「Aiko! You don’t need to! That wriggling ivy! Put it away now!」
Why did the girls wanted to poke at Hajime? Was something inside the girls driving
them on?
「Fufu, Kaori and everyone else are really getting along.」
「 Geez Shizuku, you’ll immediately turn like a child when you’re in front of Hajime-
「Everyone really loves Hajime-kun huh~. Isn’t that right, Aiko?」
Kaoruko, Kirino, and Akiko watched the interaction of their daughters and made a
really bittersweet expression. In contrast, the male parents were making really
complicated expressions. It seemed there was also a bit of sympathy mixed in seeing
Hajime’s cheek getting poked along with a bit of the danger in the middle too. While
that was going on, something was coming into view from far away.
「Oh, Hajime. Is that it?」
Shuu leaned forward and pointed to the front. Ahead, something like a tall rampart
was coming into view bit by bit. There was one long object stretching straight toward the
sky which must be the watchtower. Within the scenery that looked burning due to the
evening sun at the background, the rampart looked like a swaying shadow. It convinced
them that indeed, this was truly a fantasy sight. Not just Shuu, the other parents were
also raising from their seat with sparkling eyes. But, Hajime who was being asked tilted
his head and refrained from replying.
「It should be so but……it’s strange that we can see it from this distance. Was the town
that big?」
「 … … N~n. That watchtower, it might be 30 meters tall. It’s three times taller than
It seemed the town’s scale was different from their memory. Shia abruptly stood up
and imitated a round glasses with both hands that she placed on her eye. She also
hummed ‘muun’ at the same time. Her azure eyes were tinged with light. It was Shia-
style super strengthening limited to sight. If she did it to the maximum limit she would
be able to read the letters of a newspaper from two kilometers away. It was a bugged
technique although it sounded plain. With that bugged sight, Shia checked the Brook
Town. A moment later.
She let out an appalled voice while sporting a wry smile.
「What’s wrong Shia?」
「 Err you see. Anyway, the height of the outer wall is now twice than before. Now it’s
made from stone when it was made from wood before but……there is no doubt that it’s
the Brook Town. Also, well, you will understand when we go there.」
「? Well, I guess. Rather, what happened that they increased the defense like that?」
「……Nn~. After the decisive battle, a lot of monsters escaped from the holy precincts.
Perhaps they’re on guard against that?」
「I don’t think that’s it though.」
Shia’s wry smile deepened. Shuu and others kept asking question in curiosity.
Hajime sent them a glance before increasing the speed. Like that they arrived before the
gate of Brook Town.
Hajime was speechless. He was also expressionless. Behind Hajime, everyone was
making expression of surprise or admiration or amusement. The reason was,
――The town of beginning Welcome to the holy land Brook!
――The journey of his majesty the demon king began from here!!
Such sentences were written on stupidly huge boards. In addition,
――New creation demon king amulet on sale! The grace of the demon king will bring
you success!
――Currently accepting applicant for pilgrimage tour! You can also experience the
demon king’s footsteps vicariously!
――The twelfth demon king army cosplay convention is open!!
――Applicant recruitment for the fifth demon king quiz! Can you win against the
quiz queen, Soona Masaka!?
Because countless stupidly huge banners were hanged down.
「De, demon king-sama!? Why are you here demon king-sama!?」
When Hajime’s eyes were starting to twitch, a voice suddenly called out to him.
When he looked there, a man dressed like an adventurer was looking over here in
astonishment. Most likely he was the gate guard. There were also several people behind
him. They were also astonished and stunned. For now, the demon king-sama tried
「Oi, what’s with those things?」
「 Eh? E, even if I’m asked that, this ain’t the time to stare absentmindedly-. Oi, you
guys-! Hurry, contact the mayor and top brass! Our demon king-sama has descended
here! Tell your family too! It will a dishonor for this holy land if we can’t even prepare a
single welcoming-」
「「「Ye, YES SIR」」」
*DODODODO-* The subordinates of the gate guards dashed away. A beat later,
across the wall,
――Demon king-sama’s party has descended! Descended-!!
――Lit the sacred flame! Raise your cheers! It’s demon king-sama in the flesh-
――Clear the path! Toss those drunkards over there into the barn!
――Someone go contact Masaka Inn!
――Where is Chrystabel-dono!? Does anyone know!?
――We can’t stay like this! Let’s show our pride! As the people of the holy land!
――Get to the front gate in thirty seconds!
――Okaa-san, where are you-
――If it’s your mother then she already dashed to the gate! She’s a severe demon
king-sama fan after all!
Such cheers that sounded like angry yells or shocked voices were raised up. The fire
cauldrons that looked like Olympic Cauldron placed in fixed interval at the top of the
outer wall were lit in succession. Seen from afar it looked similar with candles lined up
on birthday cake. And, a moment later after that, the sound of bell *clang-clang-clang*
was resounding from the summit of the watchtower. In addition *BUOOOOOOOOO-
BUOOOOOOOO-* there was even the sound of blowing a trumpet shell.
「The atmosphere feels like they’re going to war after this.」
「Myuu, know this nano! In fantasy movie, the knights fighting the army of evil will do
the same thing in their fortress nano!」
The twitching of Hajime’s eyes became intense. Certainly, this reaction was the most
correct one in a state when the demon king army was approaching a city. That was if the
exploding emotion that was the opposite was excluded. In the blink of eye, great noise
that shook the ground and vibrated the air was spreading through Brook Town. Hajime
and the wive~s were creeped out while Shuu and others were overwhelmed that they
couldn’t say anything. Then, the gate guard took a step forward. He fell on one knee with
adroit movement that looked as though he had done simulation of it for several
thousand times, bowed his head, and spoke out.
「Your majesty. This Porter Helly is extremely delighted to receive the honor of being in
your audience for the second time.」
「The second time?」
「 Yes-. It’s only natural that your majesty can’t remember. I too only finally
remembered at the legendary decisive battle that your majesty were “the young man
who met a rare disaster of having a broken status plate” who I previously interacted
with. When I realized that status was actually true, embarrassingly my waist lost
strength and I was unable to stand.」
「……Ah, the guy at that time huh.」
The gate guard kneeling before them with a name that was similar with a certain
wizard was apparently the gate guard that dealt with Hajime and co when they visited
Brook Town for the first time.
「Yes-. Thanks to that I was able to become the most famous gate guard in the world! I
also received interview from reporters and historians many times, and most likely my
name would also get recorded in the history book! Right now the occupation of gate
guard became amazingly popular as the job where you might be able to become the first
one to encounter a great person! I become popular among girls as though my past is just
a lie and my salary also bloated up! Thanks to your majesty the meal today is also
delicious! I’ll follow your majesty for my whole life!」
「Don’t follow me.」
The smile of the gate guard was truly dazzling. His guts to openly puffed up his chest
saying 「 I want to get a slice of demon king-sama’s pie! 」 might be suited for a gate
guard in a sense. Even while they were conversing like that, the tumult inside the town
was getting bigger the swirling presence at the other side of the gate was enlarging with
accelerating speed. The residences of Brook Town seemed to be really well trained. Let’s
put it bluntly. It was a bit scary. Hajime looked back across his shoulder with a twitching
expression. His eyes expressed his feeling more eloquently than anything, 「 As I
thought, let’s skip going to Brook」. Shuu and Sumire were looking disappointed saying
「 Ee~, even though we’re looking forward to it already~ 」 , but Tomoichi and others
seemed to agree due to their mentality of an ordinary person who was going to get
dragged into a riot. But, before they could turn around――
An energetic voice. ……From above the outer wall. A girl was waving her hand in a
big way. Right after that, like the eagle div○ of a certain assassin cree○, the girl spread
both her hands widely and dived from twenty meter high without hesitation. Shuu and
others didn’t even have time to say 「 Ah 」 . Even though the girl was wearing an
adorable maid uniform, she rotated midair with a sharp movement. Just before she
crashed on the ground, she landed on the wall due to the rope her hand was holding and
with light footsteps she rappelled down. At the end she kicked on the wall and twirled in
the air as though she was dancing before splendidly landing on the ground. To tell the
truth, this girl was the poster girl of a normal inn――Soona Masaka-chan. But, at the
next instant, there was a thunderous sound *ZUDON* next as though there was a quake.
Looking there, a lump of flesh was flying in the sky. Like a human cannon that was fired
using catapult. The thunderous sound was perhaps the sound of stepping when that
lump of meat jumped over the outer wall……
Throaty voice, thick limbs, muscles of steel, face that was like in a cartoon strip. And
then, frilly mini skirt. A monster with such attributes was falling from the sky.
*ZUDON* Another earthquake reverberated. With an awesome heroic landing of falling
on one knee & one hand raised, accompanied with a pleasant smile (or rather it was a
viscous smile objectively speaking), it needn’t be said who this person was. The monster
of a common clothes shop, and the leader of all manly women――it was shop manager
Chrystabel. Furthermore, another group raised their voice *WAAAAAAA-!!* like the war
cry of battlefield and crossed the outer wall not through the gate but over the top of the
wall just as expected……
――Group of those who want to be stepped on by Yue-chan! Charge! Charge! Obtain
the honor of being the first one to give your greeting!
――Group of those who want to be Shia-chan’s slave! Don’t get left behind! GO GO
Group of those who want to be sister with Yue-oneesama! We’ll become her step
sister without fail this time! Follow me-!!
――Demon King Hajimee, today is the day he’ll take our ball――――――
And then at the end, the gate was finally destroyed from inside and the residences
flooded out with smiling face…… For some reason, there were countless extremely
familiar figures…… Seeing those, Hajime spoke shortly.
「This is a haunting of demons huh.」
‘Really, you are right.’ Yue and everyone else thought in deep agreement while
trembling if fear from getting surrounded in the blink of eye.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑮

That day , the demon king died. Beside the dead demon king, the demon king’s
wive~s also――died. Especially their eyes. And then,
「Ahah, ahahahahahahah. The, there are a lot of Hajime! The quality is hi~gh!」
「Oi, Hajime! Everyone is waiting for you! Raise your score quickly! Puhah!」
The parents of the demon king were roaring with laughter. They were rolling around
holding their stomachs while laughing. Shirasaki family, Yaegashi family, and Hatayama
family were making expression that was half troubled and half conflicted not knowing of
what to say. In front of them, they were lined up in a row. White hair wig, eye patch,
black coat, imitation prosthetic arm (most likely the inside was hollow so their arm
could be inserted) and model guns in two hands held in striking pose. Young men (a
part of them were old men) with those appearance――numbered forty in total. And
then, women dressed like Yue and others in the past numbered twenty people for each
of them (there was a part that was exception). They were staring at the “real deal” with
sparkling eyes! Yes, the holy land Brook right now was in the middle of a cosplay
tournament. Naturally there were a lot of imitation demon king party there.
「This is……harsh……」
The demon king unbelievably whined. He looked like his soul was going to slip out
from his mouth.
「……Hajime. Can I chant my lightning dragon?」
Yue and others were also red faced. The shock they felt seeing a lot of people dressed
like them chuuni style wasn’t as big as Hajime, even so embarrassing things are
embarrassing regardless.
「Do, don’t do that……」
「No way-, Hajime-san is being considerate!? Are you in your right mind!?」
「Hajime-kun! Here is soul magic!」
*Pika―* Hajime shined. Shia and others who completely thought that they would
need to stop Hajime from shooting like mad were slightly revived due to the shock that
surpassed their shame. And then, they were worried for Hajime who was looking up to
the sky with dead eyes to escape from reality which was really unlike him. Hajime spoke
to Shia and others who were like that with a hollow gaze.
「Violence to cosplayer, is forbidden.」
The rule of steel bound even the godslaying demon king. Perhaps. There was also
enough possibility that he would become deranged from the excessive shame.
「E, err……why even I……」
「E, even Myuu is there nano……」
People with the appearance of little girl or lady wearing normal dress with white
base tone, emerald green wig, and the unique ears of seaman people could also be seen
here and there. Myuu was still simply looking troubled of how to react, but Remia’s
confusion and shame were already at an overflowing level. Mentally she was at the level
of ordinary people, so her face looked like it was saying 「 I want to go home right
now!」. Other than them,
「……Why? Why art I the only one with only three people?」
There were only three cosplayer-san of Tio. The three of them were going ‘haa haa’.
Indeed. It seemed the only people who wanted to cosplay as a pervert were only
perverts. Apparently Tio’s popularity in the holy land Brook was low. It was really sad
how there was no one who paid attention to the “dragon race”factor and cosplayed
based on that. Ignoring the pervert who was plainly shocked, Hajime whose mind was
slightly stabilized by Kaori’s soul magic for the time being,
「We came to have meal. Let’s go.」
Took the policy decision of ignoring all these. When he did that,
「「「「「「「「「「SIR YES SIR」」」」」」」」」」
All the cosplayers and also all the citizens who were watching the event like people
watching Hollywood star walking on red carpet saluted all at once and opened a path.
That sight was like when Moses split open the sea. Their expression was joyful
expression that said 「We just received the imperial edict of demon king-sama!!」. The
residences of the holy land were actually well trained. And then, they were already
beyond help.
「Demon king-sama! If you wish to have meal then please come to out place!」
「That was our plan originally but……」
Soona-chan energetically raised her hand and invited them to “Masaka Inn” but,
「 I beg you, please stay the night! Please stay the night there! Our inn is fully booked
due to the cosplay tournament but we will chase away all of them so there is no need to
worry! Ple, please rest assured for the night too! The night too! The night too!」
「I can’t feel assured because you’re there.」
Sparkle sparkle, haa haa. Soona-chan’s eyes that were burning in passion were
moving from Hajime to the wive~s in turn. The content of her wild imagination was
clear. This time will be a debauched party isn’t it!! Hyahhooo~i!! Hajime massaged his
forehead. This was that Soona who executed a beautiful Eagle ○ive that continued to a
rappelling smoothly. It was unknown how much skill in peeping she had learned since
then. Seeing the two’s interaction, Sumire guessed that they were quite acquainted with
each other and said.
「Hey, Hajime. It looks like you’re close with that girl but, what kind of relationship you
have with her?」
「We aren’t close. She is the daughter of the inn where we stayed when we first came to
this city.」
「 … … As expected from another world. Even the daughter of an inn can do Eagle
「This girl is just strange. She damn risked her life for peeking at her guest. Her skill in
rappelling is also for peeking into the room from outside the window, other than that
she was also diving inside the bathroom for a long time. She is an extraordinary secret
「 Tha, that’s a horrible evaluation-, demon king-sama! I’m simply watching over the
honored guest’s safety!」
Her persuasiveness was nonexistent. The eyes of the residences that were looking at
Soona were all unblinking without exception after all. It was truly mysterious that guests
never stopped coming to the inn even then.
「I beg you! Please come to our inn! Just a bit more, just a bit more and I’ll! I feel like
I’ll be able to reach it!」
「Reach to where huh?」
Or perhaps it was “to what”. Hajime sent his most suspicious gaze of this year
toward her.
「 Yes yes-, anyway it’s useless talking about it in the street right? Let’s accept the
welcome at Soona-chan’s place! That’ll be alright isn’t it? Mayor?」
「Ah, yes.」
Everyone thought, ‘You are here mayor……?’. Hajime pulled Shizuku to use her as
shield toward Chrystable that was persistently drawing close to Hajime while turning his
gaze to the city mayor for the first time. How should he say it……the mayor’s appearance
looked like he was going to die. A body that was thin like wire and the dying hair roots.
Dead eyes that had given up various things and the deep dark circles under his eyes that
looked like they wouldn’t disappear until he died. Even though he would look like a
dandy middle aged man at his forty if he dressed well, right now he only looked like an
old man at his eighties. Furthermore, it was an ephemeral old man who looked like he
was going to have a nice chat about his past with the death god on his bed before
「 Now, everyone! I understand how you’ll be curious about demon king-sama’s party
but it’s no good if you make too much commotion pyon! Return to your work! You
tournament participants should go back to the venue too! ――It’s fine like this isn’t it,
「Ah, yes.」
「 Please refrain from gathering in front of Masaka Inn okay~! Next time Masaka Inn
will sponsor a debriefing meeting about the dinner of demon king-sama and his party so
please be patient until the~n! ――Is that alright with that, mayor?」
「Ah, yes.」
Other than them the civil officials of Brook, the staff of the church, the upper
management of the guild, and then the people in charge of the event also came to the
mayor but…… All of them didn’t “ask for instruction” but merely confirmed 「We’ll do
this. It’s fine right?」 to the mayor. And then, the mayor-san would answer them 「Ah,
yes」 with a transparent expression.
「Sa, say, mayor. Won’t it be better if you tell them sternly?」
Hajime spontaneously spoke out but, Yue and Sumire and everyone else also
nodded intensely.
「Ah, yes.」
This was awful. Mayor-san, it seemed he was already at his limit. Hajime felt
sympathy for some reason and asked.
「 Is there something that you want to do? It looks like we had caused a ruckus so I
won’t mind to do a bit of favor――」
「I wish for Catherine to return. 」
The tone of the first words of the mayor that they heard other than 「Ah, yes」 was
very strong. It was earnest.
「I wish for Catherine to be summoned here.」
Mayor-san repeated. So it was like that. Brook was turned into the haunts of the
wicked was because that great woman who acted as a break was gone. In understanding,
Hajime felt slightly pressured by the mayor who looked like he was going to drop dead
anytime while saying.
「 We, we’re going back to the capital after our dinner so……I’ll tell her. That, it’ll be
better if she returns, seriously.」
「Are you god?」
Mayor-san, he stared at Hajime as though he saw the sunlight at the other side of
the cloudy sky. *Trickle* A single tear flowed down. And then, he took Hajime’s hand
and strongly, strongly shook it before he was back to saying 「Ah, yes」 mechanically to
the words of his surrounding while vanishing inside the crowd.
「Geez-, isn’t he pathetic!」
Chrystabel-san harshly criticized the mayor. ‘What is this greatest cause of the
damage to mayor’s mind is saying’, Hajime and others thought with their unblinking
glare stabbing him. But, his next words made Hajime and others to stiffen together.
「Catherine too, she won’t be able to go to her business trip peacefully if her husband is
in that state!」
「Wa, wait a second. Who did you say is whose husband?」
「? Oh, you didn’t know? The mayor just now――Adam Walker is Catherine’s husband
you know?」
The husband of that metamorphosis type devilish beautiful woman, was that old
man faced mayor who looked like he was going to ascend to heaven……
「「「「「Wha, WHA――――T!?」」」」」
A scream of surprise slipped out from Hajime and co.
「The mayor you see, in the past he repelled aside the tough warriors of the guild and
snatched away Catherine in this town that is his hometown. He was a good man with
mettle but now, it’s a shame~」
「Recently he is aging drastically. As expected he must be lonely that his beloved wife
isn’t at his side.」
Everyone couldn’t even close their mouth hearing Chrystabel’s words. Hearing
Soona’s comment, they made tsukkomi 「That ain’t it 」 inside their heart. Catherine
who welcomed them to this city that was the haunts of the wicked as though it was just a
normal city wasn’t an ordinary person as expected. At the same time, the instant that
stopper was gone, the residences of Brook immediately went wild to this degree. They
also weren’t ordinary people as expected.
「So Brook is the haunts of the wicked from the start huh.」
「……Hajime. Let’s have Catherine return with demon king authority?」
「Fuh, as expected, husband and wife has to be together isn’t it! Isn’t it!」
Hajime nodded to the words of Yue and Kaori. Then, the second shocking word
bomb was casually dropped.
「Ah, by the way the only son of Catherine and the mayor, the boy called Jonathan you
see……he was the boy who cosplayed as Hajime-kyun at the very front just now.」
The son was a trueborn son of Brook town. The demon king party couldn’t help but
feel deeper sympathy to the mayor. After that, Hajime and others somehow arrived at
“Masaka Inn” through the sparkling gazes of the residences that were showering them.
On the wall of the inn,
――The first inn in the world where demon king-sama stayed! Welcome to Masaka
――The room where he nurtured love together with the first wife-sama, available for
reservation with special price if you get it now!
――The utensils that were used by demon king-sama party is currently displayed at
the first floor!!
――Demon king party’s cosplay goods, on sale with special price!
It was jammed packed with banners. In front of the inn, there were “demon king
cracker” that had Hajime’s face as deformed character printed on it, “special tomato
juice – made by Yue-sama’s supervision”, “special three colors dango made by hammer
pounding that was directly taught from Shia-sama”, etc. Commodities that Hajime and
others had no recollection about were lined up all over the place, but they did their best
ignoring them and entered the dining hall.
――Masaka’s Kururu dish that demon king-sama greatly loves! The
recommendation is teriyaki!
There was a horizontal banner in the dining hall. In addition, huge words of “Demon
king-sama’s words” were drawn on the wall, and beneath it,
――I surely won’t forget the hospitality that I received from this inn for my whole
life. When this rigorous journey is over, I want to come here again to eat Masaka’s
Kururu dish
Such comment that he didn’t have the slightest memory of saying was written there.
As expected Hajime couldn’t hold back and sent demon king style iron claw at
「Oi, what’s that?」
「Wha, what could you be possibly talking abo――AH!?」
The prosthetic hand that looked like human hand at the outside but was actually
made from azantium at the inside dug into Soona-chan’s head until the very limit.
Soona-chan’s head was about to pop like balloon.
「 I-I-I-I, I’m sorry! Should I say it was just a bit of sudden impulse! This inn became
like a tourist attraction because it was an inn where demon king-sama stayed so, I took a
bit of advantage――」
「A bit?」
「 Catherine-san isn’t here, and it’s a chance for a thriving business so I did it without
thinking at all I’m sorry-」
*Mekya mekya mekya-*, Soona’s head was making a sound that it shouldn’t make.
「Hajime-kyun! Forgive her! The merchants of Brook Town are all taking advantage of
demon king popularity like mad, so it’s not just Soona-chan’s fault pyon!」
「That’s even worse! You guys, you went demon king this and that, but actually you all
got no respect for me at all right!? You guys are fully intending to make use of me, or
rather you guys already made use of me like mad!」
「The sales on the whole town rose explosively pyon! Thanks to that we also could build
a worthy outer wall for a holy land!」
「So the fund for that is from there huh!」
「Next we’re going to build the bronze statue of Hajime-kyun and others and then the
church worshipping the demon king pyon!」
「Stop-, stop only that! I don’t wanna to become like Aiko!」
「Hajime-kun!? Horrible!」
If something like bronze statue was created……’I’ll paint Brook town crimson-‘
Hajime yelled with an air that expressed his seriousness. As expected even Chrystabel
thought that this was bad. He was unusually sweating coldly while saying 「I, I’ll notifiy
everyone」 and withdrew. Even though he just wanted to have meal while basking in
nostalgia, the chaos was continuing for some reason. If they seriously didn’t return
Catherine here, the risk of Brook’s eccentrics running wild to no end was big. He
couldn’t help but shudder. Even after Ehito was destroyed, the people of Tortus
continued to hold faith to “the pure Ehito Ehicliberei” and the holy church. So far as it
went, the demon king was thought to be at the side of that Ehic-san so he thought there
would be no problem but…… Depending on the situation, factions might be born. Like
the old church faithEhic faction and new church faithdemon king faction. He wanted to
be spared from being set up as the symbol of a religious war. Especially because of the
shame it would bring.
「Hajime-kun♪ A bronze statuse, isn’t that fine! Together with Yue-san and others too!
Everyone as bronze statue♪」
「Aiko, you’re planning to bring us down with you huh……」
「 Hey, Hajime-kun. Are you really fine with making someone like my daughter your
wife? She is a daughter who will bring down even her mother with her you know?」
Ai-chan hugged Hajime’s arm with a truly nice smile while going
‘Comrade♪Comrade♪’. Seeing that, not just Hajime and Akiko, even Yue and others sent
a cold stare at her. It wasn’t like they didn’t understand her feeling but……that was that.
This was this!
「Err, demon king-sama~. It looks like the meal is finished you knoow」
Soona who was becoming flaccid in her state that was held up by Hajime’s iron claw
said. When they looked, the inn mistress and her husband were making apologetic look
about their daughter while bringing in the food. Although this inn was making
exaggerated promotion like mad, the delicious smell drifting from the food was enough
to make the stomach of Hajime and co to cry out. It was at the level where they held a
great expectation. With that Soona too was tossed away with Hajime saying ‘You
narrowly escaped death’ and the matter wasn’t turned into something serious. Soona
muttered 「 I, I thought I was going to die……but, this feeling……ah, I, might have
come…… 」 with a small voice, but no one gave a damn. They didn’t want to know
anything about what this problem girl reached through that danger to her life. The meal
that began after such chaos was coupled with deliciousness that didn’t betray the aroma.
All the chaos from before became like a lie and a peaceful atmosphere enveloped the
table. Surely Chrystabel leaving was also playing a large factor. They were in the middle
of family trip, so it seemed he was also being considerate as an outsider but,
「 I’ll go call the children who are in the middle of training♪ Look forward to it while
It was really concerning about what he said. “Children in the middle of training”,
just what could it mean…… It didn’t feel like the food would go through their throat if
they thought deeply about it, so for the time being they forgot it. Together with the full
powered wink of Chyrstabel-chan when he left. Like that, around the time when their
stomach was filled to a certain degree. Everyone was showing a satisfied smile for the
other world cooking. Especially those like Kaoruko who loved cooking, they looked like
they were having a lot of fun. Sensing that slightly calm atmosphere, the inn
mistress――Kiina Masaka and the cook who was her husband――Galadrius Masaka who
seemed to have waiting for the right timing came to give their greeting. Hajime and
others learned their name for the first time. The husband was a calm looking person
with slight playfulness that could be felt from him but……his name was quite showy. The
father and son Shuu and Hajime slightly reacted 「Cool…… 」 in their heart. The inn
mistress spoke in shame.
「 Everyone, I’m truly grateful for your visit to Masaka Inn today. We never even
imagined that everyone will visit here again……furthermore this time there are even the
goddess of harvest-sama and the family. It’s truly a great honor.」
「Right now we’re in the middle of tracing back our journey. We stopped by here on the
「I see. At that time there were only Yue-sama and Shia-sama. Fufu, demon king-sama
too has been really……」
Really, what? That gaze moved toward Tio, Shizuku, Kaori, Remia, and then at the
end her gaze moved back forth to Myuu and Remia several times before the inn mistress
smiled ‘hohoho’ complacently. She looked like someone with common sense, but
perhaps she was also a Brook citizen at heart. Should they said that it was to be expected
for the mother to be like this when the daughter was like that? But, at that timing,
Hajime and Shia suddenly got surprised and turned their gaze to the same direction.
「I bring the after meal dessert~」
As expected from the poster girl of a famous inn. Although they were small plated,
she placed five plates on one arm that she stretched with also another plate on her head.
She brought those desserts without any difficulty at all to their table. But, that wasn’t
what they should pay attention to. Hajime looked at Soona with a gaze like an explorer
who just discovered an UMA.
「……You, was your presence this thin?」
「 Or rather, it felt like your presence vanished from the kitchen for an instant
Soona-chan placed the plates with a dumbfounded face as though she really didn’t
know what Hajime and Shia were talking about. However, Yue and others shuddered
hearing what they said. Their face said ‘Eh? Now that they mentioned it, since when this
girl is this near?’. Shia whose senses were the most sensitive to detect presence and
Hajime whose senses were second after her failed to grasp this girl’s presence even if it
was only for an instant? Though there was no doubt that they were letting their guard
down, so this being just their imagination……was also possible.
「Oi, Soona. You, “what” did you arrived at before this?」
「I don’t really understand what are you say――」
Hajime’s left hand made some gesture. The danger of iron claw was going to come
once more. Soona-chan was sweating coldly, however right after that she puffed out her
chest and spoke with an amazing smug look.
「If I have to say it, then I guess it’s “Inn’s poster girl – final secret technique”.」
「Really, just where are you heading to huh.」
「 To watch over the guests no matter where and when. I want to become such super
first class girl of the inn.」
「Really, just why is this kind of inn is so popular……」
Soona-chan had most likely, surely, reached the super first class peeking skill
without a doubt. It felt like his SANsanity would be shaved away if he asked the details,
so Hajime didn’t pursue deeply. When staring into the abyss, the abyss would also stare
back at you……a certain abyss-san said that while making a stylish turn. In exchange,
everyone of Yaegashi family was deeply interested. Shuuzou asked.
「 If I remember correctly, I heard that the people of the rabbit clan are skilled in
controlling their presence but……you’re of the human race, am I right in considering
「Of course. Look, I also don’t have rabbit ears right?」
She made rabbit ears with her hands and hopped *pyon pyon*.
「Fumu. In that case you’re really something. I wish you will teach us the trick even if
it’s just one……」
「 Trick, is it……I don’t know what trick you’re referring to but, it’s not like I’m not
thinking that perhaps you will manage somehow if you watch over Shia-san.」
It seemed she wouldn’t admit that she was able to manipulate her presence till the
end. Koichi continued the questioning. For Yaegashi family who lived in the
shadow――cough-, had hobby for acrobatics, they wished to learn about Soona-chan’s
“inn girl’s technique” no matter what. Shizuku-chan was staring fixedly at her family!
Koichi papa ignored her!
「No no, she is a rabbit man race which is a race that excelled in presence manipulation
from the beginning right? A method that is even us human can do is――」
「 It’s troubling even if you ask me who is nothing more than an inn girl but……as
expected perhaps by firmly and slowly and stickily watching Shia-san closely you might
learn something or perhaps not.」
「……I see. In other words it’s “learning by watching”.」
Everyone of Yaegashi family (excluding the daughter) simultaneously turned their
face toward Shia. They stared at her without blinking. They stared witho~-ut blinking.
「Hajime-san, what should I do? Somehow a stray bullet is coming to me.」
「Should I watch over you?」
「You bully desu!」
Somehow everyone’s gaze gathered on Shia and she got extremely uncomfortable.
There Myuu raised her hand to ask.
「Yes! Soona-oneechan! Can I ask a question? Nano!」
「 While I’m greatly moved being called as Soona-oneechan, of course I’ll answer that
「 Myuu has often watched Shia-oneechan but, Myuu can’t do presence manipulation!
What kind of Shia-oneechan Myuu has to watch so Myuu can learn it?」
「Wai-, Myuu-chan!?」
It was the pure question of Myuu-chan who wanted to become strong. Shia’s rabbit
ears stood on end *usa-!?* hearing that.
「Soona-oneechan also can’t do something like presence manipulation but……」
Soona started with that while throwing her gaze to empty air in reminiscence
「 For example, like Shia-san who crawled along the corridor when she attempted to
make a secret night visit to demon king-sama’s room in the middle of night while
thinning down her presence to the extreme.」
「Or like Shia-san who entered into the room when demon king-sama and Yue-san went
out for a bit and concealed her breathing under the bed while waiting for a chance to
「Oy you-, inn girl! If you don’t you’re your mouth now then a sure kill rabbit punch will
come flying――」
「Or like Shia-san who invaded from behind the ceiling and slipped into demon king-
sama’s bed.」
「Rabbit Punch」
Soona-chan was struck from the back of her head by a pulled back fist that flew from
the front. She sank on the ground. Everyone’s gaze gathered on Shia. This time a
different emotion was put inside their eyes. Their gaze was really lukewarm. Shia’s face
became bright red. She squirmed *usa usa* restlessly.
「Tha, that couldn’t be helped can it. Hajime-san and Yue-san at that time would forget
my existence if I didn’t go that far desu.」
Hajime and Yue’s face turned understanding. Although Yue’s attitude softened after
they cleared Raisen Great Labyrinth, Hajime’s attitude was still very salty. Soona who
revived like a slime rubbed the back of her head while being lost in deep emotion.
「It was magnificent. The presence was so thin that I almost lost sight of her if I didn’t
have my surging passion.」
「 Just who in the world are you who were able to use your secretly pervert soul to
normally observe Shia who seriously killed her presence?」
「Fuh, if you set up mirrors using superb angle inside the plumbing, then it’s possible to
observe even from my own room――」
「Ma’am! Check the plumbing right away! This damn girl made a surveillance network
「Please rest assured. It’s already removed. I’m doing periodical check after all. Because
if it’s left alone it will increase like rats.」
「Don’t just deal with the symptom, cure the source, your daughter’s sickness that is.」
「It’s an incurable sickness.」
「 Demon king-sama and Okaa-san, both of you’re horrible! Besides even Okaa-san,
before you married Otou-san you would observe a lot of guests night by night――」
「Just what are you blurting out in front of the guests!?」
As expected, it seemed the daughter was like this because the mother was like that.
In exchange of the inn mother-daughter who was starting to make a ruckus ‘gyaa gyaa’,
the husband with cool name lowered his head.
「My deepest apologies. Should I say that the family lineage of my wife has that kind of
「 A secretly pervert disposition huh. Don’t tell me that she is running an inn is also
because as the extension of her hobby?」
「 I think that’s not it but……actually, the family lineage of my wife has been running
inns for generations all this time. Also, it’s not just Soona, everyone in my wife’s family
is good at moving without being noticed by people……. Also, I believe that you have
known about Soona becoming the quiz queen from the banner but」
「Aah, I forgot that because of too much impacts but, what about it?」
According to him, it seemed that people following after the demon king’s track with
historians at the lead were rushing her to gather data. Naturally the person they were
gathering data the most from was Soona-chan due to her very great observation.
「 Actually, I was also told that my wife’s family is good at information gathering or
something……they‘re excessively good at asking what they want to know from casual
In other words, the scholars who came here instead got asked about the information
of Hajime and co that they gathered from all over the place. As the result she became an
unbeatable quiz queen. Not just Hajime, even the expression of Yue and others were
convulsing. They thought, ‘Hey, claiming as “just an inn girl” is too forced already isn’t
it? No matter how you think you’re a first class spy aren’t you!?’,
「What kind of person the ancestor of Masaka family was……」
「 Who knows. There isn’t also anything like family tree so……. Based from what I
learned, everyone single one of them was of the human race and managed normal inns
‘But’, Galadrius continued.
「When I married, my wife’s parents gave me a condition.」
「Yes. ――Don’t discriminate demihuman race. If I can’t do that, they won’t accept me
as son-in-law they said.」
「……Hee. They were follower of the church right?」
「Yes, of course. But, it seems that’s the teaching that had been inherited by generations
of Masaka family. Well, the family business is inn. So I think it’s a teaching to treat all
customers equally seeing that this is a service business.」
Or perhaps, the ancestor had a reason that they didn’t want to discriminate
demihuman race――right now it was beastman race though――and wanted to look after
them. Yue spoke her conjecture with a pondering face.
「 … … There is also the matter of presence manipulation, could it be, there was a
rabbitman race among the family ancestors?」
「Even if there was, it was a long time ago that even the family tree couldn’t be traced
back right? It’s a bit hard to believe that they can continue inherit that disposition until
「 As for me, that make it sounded like the past rabbitman race is so much of a secret
pervert that it got genetically succeeded by the later generation. That’s a bit
In any case, it seemed that Soona-chan’s familial technique of highest level that
reached the extreme came to be only because there was the groundwork from her
bloodline and learning by watching the bugged rabbit. ‘What the hell with that’, Hajime
made a tsukkomi to himself.
「I see. As expected it can’t be learned just in one day.」
「As expected the quickest shortcut is none other than diligent training.」
「That’s right, Otou-san father-in-law, dear. There will be interaction with the people of
Hauria in our travel schedule right? How about we suggest to have joint training
「That’s a good idea, Kirino!」
Shizuku-chan was looking with a chilly gaze! ‘That’s a stupid idea!’ It was clear that
her gaze was saying that. Because, it was that Hauria they were talking about! Yaegashi
mixing with them, dangerous! Absolutely no good! When they also finished eating the
desert with such conversation in the middle. ‘Let’s return to the palace to prepare for
tomorrow after looking around the town for a bit. Eh? Aren’t we going to stay at Masaka
Inn? Who the hell is going to stay at the inn with this kind of pure spy girl here! We’re
returning to the palace!’ With that kind of atmosphere Hajime and co stood up from
their chair――in that moment.
「Hajime-kyun! Everyone! Leave it to us to show all of you around the town pyon♪」
*Zuban* The door was opened with a loud sound and the frilly muscle
monster――Chyrstabel appeared. No, he certainly said “us” just now.
「 「 「 「 Hajime-kyun! We had been looking forward to our day of reunion
Muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle
muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle
muscle muscle muscle muscle. Frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill
frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill frill
frill. The monster parade of muscle and frill was approaching with density that might
pulverize the inn’s entrance. Hajime was surrounded in the blink of eye. The muscles
were talking *michi michi-michi michi-* in high spirit to him! They seemed to have
been rushing to come here, The breathing they exhaled *bashuuh* and the glistening
sweats on their skin were pressed on Hajime’s face all over!
「……Nn!? Hajime-, hang in there!」
「Aah, he is foaming in the mouth!」
「Papa-. Don’t die nano!」
「My my, how awful!」
「Kaori! Regeneration magic, quickly! Goshujin-sama art dying from shock!」
「 Wait! Shizuku-chan is also fainting with the white of her eyes showing! She is
whispering things like the capital’s guild or Mariabel’s muscle, anyway it’s like she is
seriously ill!」
「A, anyway, I, I’ll use soul magic to Hajime-kun!」
The unusual occurrence of the demon king dying, once more. The town that was
making the godslaying demon king to be in the verge of dying two times in such a short
time――the holy land Brook. Indeed, it was certainly just as Hajime said, this place was
the haunted……that was what Sumire and others thought with conflicted expression
while looking at Hajime and Shizuku who were receiving emergency treatment.

By the way, the manly women of “manly women descendantBel Family”who were
peering timidly on Hajime and Shizuku with worried look were the thugs at Horlad
Town who got ‘smashed’ by Hajime a little bit before Kaori confessed to him. They also
participated in the legendary decisive battle, but because their training period was short
and they were still inexperienced, unlike Yue’s first smash partner Mariabel and
AbelArabel who was at the very least a gold rank adventurer, they were going through
demonic remodeling――or rather training day and night to become “proper Bel” or
something. In other words, it seemed they were still lacking in muscle and cuteness.
These people who sought the way of the manly woman who was still lacking polishing in
their muscle and adorableness seemed to be dreaming to be reunited with the demon
king who gave them the chance (?) to enter this path. They went 「To be able to give a
tour of this town, how lovely!」 and they were reaa~-lly in high spirit so……
「Uuh……who is this place? Where am I……」
Hajime resumed breathing even while in confusion. The meats drew close *zuzui-!!*
in worry with tearful eyes (that looked bloodshot) while yelling「「「「「Hajime-kyun!
Are you okay!?」」」」」,
「What, so this is a dream.」
They made the demon king to foam from the mouth once more and fainted. After
that for a while , throughout Masaka Inn, or rather throughout the whole Brook Town,
the scream of 「 HAJIME~~~!! 」 from Yue-san and co, and also together with the
scream of 「 SHIZUKU-CHA~~N 」 were continuing to resound to call back the two’s
souls back to the living world.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑯

「Absolutely no way.」
Hajime was throwing a tantrum in the sky far above. He was sitting on the sofa
inside Ferner’s bridge with his arms crossed and looking aside sulkily.
「Do, don’t say that. Please, Hajime-san.」
Right beside him, sitting at the opposite direction where Hajime was averting his
gaze was Liliana making such request while snuggling close to him. The group returned
from the holy land Brook that was transformed into the haunts of the wicked to the
capital yesterday night. No, in Hajime’s case perhaps it should be called as “returning
alive” instead. His soul slipped out from his flesh body seven times (Yue slapped it back
every time). His SAN point was consigned to oblivion eight times (Yue kindly returned
his sanity every time). His mind also regressed to a child four times (Yue went ‘haa
haa’). His attempt to dye Brook Town crimson reached nine times (Yue hugged him with
all her strength to stop him). It was a deathly battle. It was truly a nightmarish deathly
battle against the deviant residences * drilly monsters of the wicked haunts. With a
mind that reached the limit, Hajime shook off the residences who were
<ruby>swarming him like the dead from the hell<rt>trying to make him
stay</rt></ruby>. After that, he kept hugging Yue all this time in order to heal the
wound of his heart. Shia and others, especially Myuu tried to console him but……as
expected, the first wife-sama was powerful at this kind of time. Hajime who was still
somewhat under the influence of his infantile regression wouldn’t separate from Yue no
matter what anyone said. Like that, Hajime finally came back to his senses after a night
passed but……
「If I say no way then no way.」
「 Even so please. Visit Ur Town too. Right now the pope is also in the middle of
visitation, as expected passing through it without stopping by is……」
「I don’t care. I’m, on a trip. I’m going, to the imperial capital.」
「Yo, you hate it so much you’re using baby talk……」
Presently Hajime and co were in the middle of three days trip heading to the east of
the continent. Their destination was Hoelscher Empire, but Liliana asked them to stop
by at the lake shore town Ur that was on the way there. Because of that she was in an
argument with Hajime who absolutely didn’t want to stop by. Even the wish of Liliana
who had taken care of her work to a certain degree and looked forward to the trip today
didn’t move him at all. Sumire who couldn’t bear to watch asked in exasperation.
「Geez, just why are you that reluctant?」
Shuu and others who were also in the bridge were waiting for the answer. Shia and
others were also waiting for the answer, although with a face that looked like they
somehow understood Hajime’s reason. Naturally, Hajime’s answer was,
「That place has surely turned the same way as like Brook!」
That was probably the case. After all, if the holy land Brook was “the town of the
beginning of the demon king’s journey”, then Ur Town was the “town where the sword
of the goddess descended”. ‘It absolutely has changed into the haunts of the wickeeed!
Hajime-san don’t want to go to that kind of place!’ It seemed that was the reason. After
saying out loud the word “Brook” by himself, it seemed Hajime recalled the nightmare
yesterday and pulled Yue’s arm before embracing her tightly.
「Aa~. Hajime-san is hugging Yue-san like a plushy again……」
「 How envious…..but, Yue is unusually making a troubled face so I can’t really say
「Myu……papa, as expected it seems that it’s no good if it’s not Yue-oneechan when he
is weak nano……」
In regard to mental stability effect and healing effect, perhaps Myuu and Shia and
others could be expected to have the same effects, but if one also expected for
“protection“ effect to maintain sanity from nightmare, then it couldn’t really be said that
they would be effective unless it was Yue-sama. So to speak, if Myuu and others were hi-
potion, then Yue was elixir. It seemed their level was different.
「 Leave it at that, Hajime. I can’t bear seeing my high school son regressing into an
infant. Honestly, Tou-sa is thinking that you’re a little bit gross.」
「Tou-san, tell me that more indirectly. That hurt.」
Hajime embraced Yue back on his chest like a kid hugging his doll. It seemed the
destructive power that was brought about by the “Bel lineage” had made the demon king
to be riddled with wound by that much.
「……Say, Hajime? As expected this is a bit embarrassing.」
Apparently even Yue could feel embarrassed from getting everyone’s attention by
being hugged like this. Of course, Hajime didn’t pay any mind to it.
「Goshujin-sama. There art not any “Bel lineage” in Ur correct? It wouldst be fine.」
「You’re too optimistic, Tio. Those guys are propagating. They’re expanding their force
behind the scene while mankind isn’t aware. We don’t know where they’re lurking.」
Chrystabel and others were treated like they were invader from space. It was
troubling because they couldn’t really deny it decisively when considering their
incomprehensible nurturing method and mysterious strength.
「 But still……it is the place where we met. It wouldst be cruel to ignore that place.
<ruby>Hahaue-dono<rt>mother-in-law</rt></ruby> and others art wishing to witness
our past too.」
「What’re you gonna do showing them something like your ass getting shoved with pile
bunker huh?」
「 Fuguh……haa haa. Tha, that art not all there is to it! Like, this and that, there art
various other things!」
「There was only you going haa haa. It will be bad for Myuu’s education.」
「We saved the city from a great swarm of monsters attacking from all directions! Also,
there art thy first kiss with Aiko too!」
Aiko was hit by a stray bullet. 「 Ah!? That’s right! 」 she said with her eyes
swimming around. She also wished for everyone to watch how Hajime and co protected
the city but……that scene was embarrassing. Somehow Aiko was also starting to lean to
agree with Hajime’s opinion to ignore Ur Town……but.
「 Aa geez, this is irritating! Shia-chan! Okaa-san gives you the permission! Take Yue-
chan away!」
Sumire-okaasan snapped seeing and hearing her son’s grumbling. Hajime
fundamentally was someone who would make a swift decision and take quick action, so
this was an extremely rare sight in a sense. Because of that she was enjoying his state
until yesterday, but finally the feeling of irritation won inside her.
「Shia, I believe in you――」
「Shia-chan? Okaa-san, and your worthless husband, which one is more important?」
Sumire’s nice smile burst out. Shia looked alternately at Hajime and Sumire several
「Okaa-sama! Order received desu!」
「Shia!? You’re betraying me!?」
She didn’t have the rabbit ear to listen to Hajime’s nonsense. She closed the distance
with super speed and seized Yue with her overwhelming physical strength. Naturally,
Hajime immediately reached out with his hand to take Yue back but,
「Tio-san pass!」
Yue-san floated in the air. Hajime raised his eyes at Tio who caught her normally.
Tio shivered and panted from that while Hajime closed his distance with “Ground
Shrinker”. Before his hand reached,
「Kaori-, pass!」
「Wawa-, caa~tch! Aa~nd rele~ase!」
「……I’ll kill you Kaori!」
「It’s me this time!? Wait, Yue, you’re really light……」
「……Treatment. The treatment to me」
Yue-san who was thrown all over like a ball and light like a dream. As expected she
didn’t want to be treated like a ball more than this, so she got away from Shizuku’s arm
and floated up lightly using gravity magic. An intense reproachful glare scanned inside
the room. During that time Sumire circled behind the back of the flustered Liliana.
Without pause she hugged her from behind and put the cheeks of the bewildered Liliana
between her hands.
「Hajime, look! At the dark circles under Liliana’s eyes that are so deep it put you off! At
her eyes that are cloudy like a corporate slave working in a black company! At her
pitifulness from making a cheerful smile that isn’t even thinking that her condition is
painful even then!」
「Eh? Okaa-sama? A, am I……pitiful? Eh? Huh?」
Certainly, she was in a horrible state. Her face was. Even though she was a princess.
Just how much she was looking forward to this trip huh? Just how much she forced
herself to take care of her work so she could take a leave huh? One couldn’t help but
make such tsukkomi. Or rather, everyone wanted to make that tsukkomi before the
departure, they intended to indirectly acted concerned to her and asked 「 Don’t force
yourself. Or rather, isn’t it impossible for you to join the trip today? 」, but seeing her
figure that was full of liveliness only in her atmosphere despite having a face that was
unbecoming for a princess, everyone was put off and they couldn’t say anything in the
end. The state of Liliana that was finally spoken out by Sumire flustered Hajime. Seeing
that Sumire dealt an additional blow.
「Lily-chan wanted to go in this trip so much that she ended up in this pitiful state! This
child had done her best see! To a degree she doesn’t even realize about her own
disastrous state!」
「Sa, say Okaa-sama? What do you mean by me being pitiful……」
「 Your heart is heavily wounded because of the thing yesterday? Hah, that’s funny
coming from the demon king. You see, true serious wound refer to a pitiful child like the
current Lily-chan!」
「……Pitiful……I’m, pitiful……even though I’m a princess……eh, but, pitiful what?」
Princess Liliana, fourteen years old, she was feeling shocked from being pitied while
looking completely uncomprehending just what was the cause of her being pitied.
Pitiful! Everyone’s face looked like they were going to burst crying.
「 Kuh……being told that……I don’t have any way to argue back. I……it seems I was
really cowardly, to think that I became this timid just from this much……」
「 Ha, Hajime-san!? You accepted that!? I, it’s not like there is anything that should
make me get pitied or――」
「Looks like you have opened your eyes. ……Hajime. Now you can listen to the wish that
Lily-chan asked from you that she even reduced her own lifespan can’t you?」
「Lifespan!? Okaa-sama, just what are you talking――」
「Yeah, Kaa-san. I was wrong. Those muscle and frill monsters ain’t anything to worry
about. How can I call myself a husband if I don’t listen to the request from Lily who
reduced herself until this state.」
「 What kind of state do you mean by that!? How do I look like right now from
everyone’s perspective!?」
「 It’s fine if you understand. Now, let’s go to that Ur Town whatever. Okaa-san
absolutely doesn’t want to miss any memorable place in this trip. I intend to enjoy
everything there is to enjoy after all.」
「Your real feeling came out there.」
Lily-chan became tearful. She was ignored by her mother-in-law and husband, and
everyone else was also strangely kind to her, they were sending her pitying gaze that she
wanted to scream 「 I don’t get it! 」 . Seeing Liliana whose expression looked like she
didn’t understand what was going on, Kaori looked at her with a pained eyes while
「 Hey, Lily. I wonder, how much work you did so that you can come along in this
「Eh? Even if you asked me how much……」
「Regarding the time, how many hours you worked in one day?」
「Eh? I didn’t count such thing in detail though……」
The air froze. The expression of the parent~s who were working adult especially
froze. Liliana was perplexed by the strange atmosphere while timidly releasing
additional shocking words with an air that wanted to say 「I am, normal right?」.
「I, I wake up in the morning and work……and then when I see the next morning sun,
I’ll take a bit of rest……eh!? Everyone, why are you all crying so suddenly!? O, Okaa-
sama!? Otou-sama!? And even Kaoruko-sama and everyone too!? Why are you all
hugging me!?」
The parent~s were crying while tightly hugging the working fourteen years old
princess. Sumire spoke with a nasal voice.
「 To, to think it was that bad……I have to ask Luluaria if she is planning to kill her
daughter! That’s too harsh even if she is the princess!」
「Ple, please stop-, Sumire-okaasama! If Okaa-sama learn this then she will stop me!」
「Lily-chan!? Why are you making a sorrowful face like that!?」
According to Liliana, not just Luluaria, it seemed even Hellina and others would
stop her if they found her working through the night. And so, she often secretly did her
work while hiding.
「 Everything is for the sake of my country’s rebuilding! If I don’t do it then who else
The black princess-sama strongly insisted with boiling motivation and cloudy eyes.
Well that’s, if she was making herself as the standard while giving direction to her
subordinate, then even that knight order captain would break. Kaori spoke to Hajime
with an expression of ‘I can’t watch this anymore!’.
「Hajime-kun. Can’t you lend your strength so the reconstruction can be finished as fast
as possible?」
「……I guess. Before we return to earth, I’ll distribute artifacts to increase the ability of
people like Wolpen and others the transmutation masters or the workers in civil
engineering and construction of the kingdom.」
The transmutation masters of the kingdom looked up to Hajime as grand master
and rapidly improved their ability, and on top of that transmutation masters from all
over the world who idolized the demon king were also gathering, so right now more than
a hundred transmutation masters were working in the kingdom. If their capability was
improved with artifacts, it would definitely be a big help for the reconstruction. Artifact
with the emblem of demon king was something that anyone desperately wanted, so in
order to avoid needless chaos Hajime didn’t hand it out freely except to some exception
but…… Seeing Liliana’s state, Hajime decided to add one more exception. He was forced
to make this decision.
「……I don’t get it. Even though I’m completely normal」
While being buried under the consoling parent~s, Liliana’s uncomprehending
whisper resounded through the room. In any case, Liliana’s wish was granted and
Hajime took the route toward the lakeshore town Ur. Like that, at the Ur Town that
Hajime visited after resolving himself in various senses……
「This is a lie……right?」
It was a situation that made Hajime unable to say anything more.
「 Err, Hajime-san? It’s only because Brook without Catherine-san is too much like
“that” you know?」
Hajime was speechless while looking down on the city from behind the window of
Ferner’s bridge. Liliana spoke to him with a wry smile. Just as she said, it seemed that it
was really just Brook Town that was becoming the stronghold of a group of people with
a couple of loose screws. Yes, lakeshore town Ur was completely normal! It wasn’t really
any different from the last time he saw this town. There were changes like the carvings
and paintings that were drawn on the defensive wall that Hajime created using
“transmutation” when fighting against the big swarm of monsters from all directions, or
the boorish wall that was refined and cleanly maintained, or the former site of the
battlefield that was cultivated together with the blood and flesh of the monsters and
became a beautiful grain producing field, but those changes should be welcomed
「What an ordinary place……」
「Hajime-san, just what kind of image that you have about this world’s people?」
Liliana-sama sent Hajime a reproachful stare as the representation of Tortus people.
「No, because you know……」
The residences of the capital――the lot that switched into religious organization
worshipping Aiko looked fanatical, there were a lot of firms selling body pillows or T-
shirts or other things that were printed with picture of girls in his class. Wolpen and
others the transmutation master group added optional function into the capital’s great
barrier as they pleased, furthermore the drama that told the tale of the journey of the
demon king’s group was projected with the palace’s artifact. It was projected on the
great barrier itself, the movie function that was like a type of planetarium was really
embarrassing. Though he immediately destroyed it. And so on, Hajime mentioned the
people of the capital who were a little bit like “that” in the head. At the end he looked at
「Even the princess is like this.」
「What do you mean by that!?」
Even though Kaori who sympathized with the tragic face of the black princess
applied regeneration magic, the princess babbled 「 As expected age of god magic is
amazing! The fatigue that cannot be cured anymore by normal recovery magic is
vanishing! With this……I’ll be able to work as much as I like! 」 . She was bad
news――that was what Hajime meant.
「It’ll be great if the reconstruction is finished quickly……. So that Lily can return to her
「That’s why just what do you mean by that!?」
Even while making such conversation, Ferner moved to the spot beside the front
gate of the town. Sumire who was also looking out of the window like Hajime raised a
voice of admiration.
「 Even so it’s a beautiful place isn’t it~. The lake is sparkling, and the wheat tip
fluttering from the wind is like a water ripple.」
Certainly, it was a beautiful scenery. The large lake brightly reflecting the light of the
sun. The vast grain producing field that was making use of the lake. The tip of the crops
waving in the wind, the scenery was like a sea of gold on the ground. There was an
astonishingly majestic mountain range extending at the north. Vivid autumn colors
could be seen even from afar. And yet if they moved their gaze slightly to the east, this
time deep green color was expanding like midsummer tree. At the other side they could
see an area of withered trees as though winter suddenly arrived. It looked like an
exhibition of four seasons. It was wondrously, magnificently, and eye-catchingly
beautiful. Not only Sumire, the other parents and also Myuu and Remia who
unexpectedly never visited here were all watching in fascination while sighing 「Hou」.
Shuu asked casually.
「 Hajime. If I remember right, this is the number one grain producing region in this
world isn’t it? Is it the harvest time right now?」
「 I don’t know about that. As expected I haven’t grasped the situation until the detail
like the harvest cycle but……」
When Hajime turned his gaze to Liliana, she guessed what he wanted to say and
「Originally, the harvest period of Ur is once a year, and originally right now isn’t the
time for that. But, right now the harvest period of Ur become a cycle of three times a
year. It’s not limited to Ur, but also several other arable lands.」
「Lily-chan, how can that be?」
「In other words, Otou-sama. Approximately thirty percent of arable land in the north
of the continent become a fertile ground that grow crops with three times the normal
speed recently. So inevitably the amount of harvest also became three times the usual.」
‘And then, the key figure of that was none other than!’ Liliana’s eyes were filled with
feeling of gratitude and awe.
「――“The goddess of the harvest”, Aiko-san!」
「Yo, your welcome.」
Aiko humbly bowed her head shyly. Hajime continued the talk seriously.
「 Vocation “farming master” ――a super rare vocation that possess tremendous
aptitude for skill and magic related to agriculture, the innate sense to see through the
problem in the soil and points of improvement, and the ability to carry out improvement
to those problems. It’s a plain vocation in a glance but, it’s rarity is right after “hero”
「Eh, is that so? It’s not because my child is a farmer’s child?」
Akiko tilted her head with a puzzled expression. It was shocking enough that the
vocation made it possible to improve the soil so the crop’s growth speed was increased,
but it seemed that she never imagined that her daughter had a talent that precious. It
might also be because she herself was from a farmer family. Hajime added his
explanation toward such Akiko.
「 It seems there are quite the number of people with inferior version of that vocation
though. So to speak, it’s the highest class of vocation in farming type. You can think of it
like that.」
「 … … In other words, whether it’s rice or wheat or vegetable or anything can be
nurtured to high class quality in our orchard……is it something like that?」
「It’s like that.」
「……Aiko, you’re hella amazing.」
「Okaa-san, your wording.」
「 Because, you helped out some at our work but, you weren’t that interested to
agriculture weren’t you? It’s unfair somehow.」
「Tha, that’s not my fault! It’s not like I chose my vocation by myself!」
The very conflicted gaze of Akiko and the impressed gaze of the other parents that
seemed like to say 「I see. I understand now why she is worshipped as the goddess of
bountiful harvest」made Aiko to shrink like a small animal from bashfulness. But, there
Hajime changed his tone slightly.
「Yes, Aiko,s talent and ability, it’s hella amazing.」
His tone was mixed with wry smile but, it was a bit low and lacked cheerfulness.
Akiko and others turned a puzzled gaze at him.
「 Please try to imagine. Just how valuable an existence that can multiply food supply
when it’s in the middle of war.」
Akiko looked at her daughter with a sudden realization. Aiko too seemed to recall
“that incident” which occurred at Ur Town that time. Her expression stiffened in
bitterness and pain.
「 Aiko’s power can completely change the food situation at the northern continent. A
troop that doesn’t have any problem at all with food will be like a nightmare from the
enemy’s perspective.」
Shuuzou put his hand on his chin and continued Hajime’s words with a groan.
「So it’s a problem of “stamina as a nation” huh. War is like a gluttonous monster that
eat up every aspect of the country completely. And yet, if the enemy’s ability to continue
war won’t weaken at all in the food aspect……」
「Naturally, such thing can’t be left alone.」
「From the enemy country’s perspective, that will be even more troublesome than the
hero in a sense.」
Koichi and Kirino sent a concerned gaze at Aiko. They somehow guessed what had
happened to Aiko. Aiko herself shivered slightly hearing the words that Kirino said.
Those words were completely a coincidence but, it made her remembered whether she
wanted it or not. Of that bitter and painful memory.
――Hatayama-sensei. ……It’s to kill you
The words that her previous student threw at her. Killing intent. Madness.
――There is no way the demon race won’t leave alone an existence that is more
troublesome than the hero in a sense isn’t it?
Aiko looked down. Her mind was seized by the memory――
「Well, naturally she was targeted. And the method of the enemy was to tempt one of
our classmates to join the demon race’s side. They made him instigate a big swarm of
monster to kill Aiko along with the town――」
「Ha, Hajime-kun!」
Hajime suddenly said it with a light tone indifferently. Aiko reflexively stopped him.
But, Hajime didn’t pay her any mind and continued.
「And, through one thing and another, I killed that classmate.」
Sound of gasp resounded. It wasn’t clear whose sound it was. But, the
parents――especially Tomoichi and Kaoruko, and then Akiko opened their eyes wide.
The sound must have come from one of them. Hajime smiled wryly at Akiko and others
who were at a loss for words and continued.
「If we land on this town, then you will surely overhear about the story of that time from
the talk of the citizens here. Because for them, this story is nothing more than an
impressive tale of the “goddess of the good harvest” and her sword defeating the
mastermind and saving the town.」
In other words, Hajime deliberately mentioned this story was to avoid the
unexpected appearance of the truth. Murdering a classmate. One of the students among
the classmates who couldn’t return home. One of the causes why the mass media made a
great ruckus. They would be able to watch that past if they wished. Even if they didn’t
watch, surely they would overhear about it. Akiko and others tried to observe the
expression of Hajime and co. There wasn’t any gloominess, regret, and of course no
suspiciousness at all on their face. Conversely there also wasn’t any sign of them looking
satisfied or delighted. Their face was the same like what they saw before. No matter
what happened, they accepted everything that happened because of what they had done,
there was only such resolve in their face. Yue and others were silently observing the
condition of the parents. Only Shuu and Sumire were carefully watching because they
had already said what should be said. Amidst that, it was unexpectedly Akiko who
opened her mouth first.
「Thank you for your consideration, Hajime-kun. And, I wonder if I can watch your kiss
scene with Aiko?」
Aiko was astonished. Akiko showed a mischievous looking smile saying 「Because
I’m really curious」. Then Shuuzou and others also took advantage of the opportunity to
also start talking.
「A battle against 60,000, such fight is full of romance. I wish to be allowed to watch it
no matter what.」
「After all you can’t really watch something like that even from movie……」
「I’m interested with the battle against Tio-san in her black dragon form. It makes my
heart dance imagining a fight of weapon versus dragon.」
Those impression made them sounded completely like warmongering tribe.
Tomoichi and Kaoruko also relaxed the tension in their shoulders seeing how Akiko and
co reacted. In any case everyone once more displayed an expression of resolve to watch
the path that Hajime and co had taken in their travel. Kaori, Remia, and especially
Myuu were also looking interested. Shizuku too, normally she would at least send a
reproachful gaze toward her grandfather and parents, but this time she didn’t really do
anything like that. It seemed she harbored interest toward the great battle where they
didn’t participate in.
「If it’s about the number of enemy then the final battle had a lot more though.」
「That is that and this is this, Hajime-kun.」
It seemed that it was something like that according to Kaori.
「 Fufu, finally even the fateful encounter of I and Goshujin-sama wouldst be shown.
Now, Goshujin-sama! Let’s go with high spirit!」
「Do you want the scene where you got your ass pile bunkered to be seen so much like
that huh?」
Surely she wanted to display it. She was a pervert after all.
「Now, Hajime. A lot of people of the town are coming out. We got it already with the
prior warning, so let’s go already.」
Just as Sumire said, the people of Ur Town were gathering toward outside the wall.
Their voices didn’t reach here, even so it looked like the place was full of noise. They
could see the people waving their hands with bright expression. It was a really normal
welcome. There wasn’t any cosplay, there was also no inn poster girl performing eagle
○ive from the top of the wall. Of course, there was also no soul sister or any other
perverted special group. Above all else,
「……Yosh, looks like there isn’t any manly woman.」
That point was wonderful.
「……Hajime, just how wary you are toward them?」
「 Well, if there is any of them here, Yue-san will get treated like doll again, so it’s
relieving that there isn’t any of them here.」
Hajime landed down Ferner while they were making such talk. The rear hatch
opened while the surrounding was noisy with so many people outside. The moment they
put down their feet from the slope on the ground, loud cheers shook the air. ‘Goddess of
good harvest-sama! Sword of the goddess-sama! Demon king party! Welcome!’ Bright
voices filled with affection and gratitude and respect resounded. Kaoruko and Tomoichi
went red from such welcoming and showed agitation.
「Uu, this is a bit embarrassing……」
「If we have something like parade in the capital just like the queen suggested, it will be
more than this. It was the right choice to refuse.」
It felt like they had become a movie star. People with commoner sensitivity lie Akiko
felt really embarrassed from this.
「Nice! My son and his wives are really popular! It feels like my nose is growing long I’ll
turn conceited~」
「Thank you thank you! I am the demon king’s father! The father-in-law of the goddess
of the good harvest!」
Sumire and Shuu waved back their hands with wide smile like they were movie star.
Tomoichi and others sent them a gaze that seemed to say 「As expected, this couple is
really wrong in the head……」. Amidst that, the crowd was getting parted. An old man
surrounded by knights of the church were advancing forward. He was wearing the
highest rank clergyman outfit that was adequate for traveling despite looking
splendorous. It pointed to one person.
「Your highness, it has been three months since we last met.」
This man who exchanged words friendlily with Liliana was none other than his
holiness the pope of the reborn holy church――Simon L G Liberal. “Pope with
excessively light footwork” “Wandering his holiness” “Master of absconding and
scampering” “Wanted pope” “If you notice this face notify the granddaughter Deacon
Sybil” “The pope whose scruff is grabbed and dragged by his granddaughter” “Or rather
that man, his running is too fast that even active knight can’t catch up to him, seriously”,
etc, etc. Possessing such nicknames, he was the highest authority of the church that was
different in various senses compared to the previous pope. Of course he was acquainted
with Hajime nad Yue and others. Pope Simon looked easygoing and somewhat senile,
but his personality that was based on that many acquaintances and experiences had
depth. He was nurturing friendship with Hajime and others too. From the beginning he
held objection in regard to the discrimination toward the demi-humans (presently they
were called beastman) and after many twists and turns he was demoted to the remote
region at Gruen Great Desert along with his family, but after the destruction of the
divine mountain, Liliana sounded him out about becoming the new pope. When he
arrived to the capital, somehow he listened to Aiko’s worry――a forbidden love between
student and teacher, it’s no good absolutely! But――and also gave a bit of advice.
Because of that Aiko especially looked up to him like a grandfather. Now that Pope
Simon for some reason was looking around at Hajime’s surrounding and tilted his head
going 「Eh?」. And then,
「It has been a long time, Hajime-dono. By the way, young miss Yuuka isn’t here?」
「Oi, you’re sprightly as usual, Pope Simon. But……what about Sonobe?」
「 About that, I’m just thinking, your wives are all present here right? But then why is
young miss Yuuka the only one not here then?」
He asked such question. Actually at the same day he listened to Aiko’s worry, he also
listened to Yuuka’s worry. He was especially close with her too. By the way, the worry of
Yuuka at that time was her wondering of how to return the favor to her life savior who
was a certain demon king……something like that. Simon-san saw how she was feeling
really bittersweet at that time. And so,
「No, why are you mentioning Sonobe’s name there, I don’t understand that instead.」
Simon tilted his head even further hearing that from Hajime and said.
「Young miss Yuuka is you’re your wife right?」
「Why’s that huh? That ain’t true.」
Pope Simon stared in puzzlement, and then he nodded as though he realized
something and corrected himself.
「I see, so she settled down as your mistress as I thought. Somehow I got the vibe from
that girl that she is a mistress type.」
「Pope, have you finally started to turn decrepit?」
「Kukuh, you’re playing stupid like this. Even though you yourself like her. But I get it,
that feeling of yours! A man sometimes want to get healed by a mistress――」
「This sex obsessed gramps, I’ll fill you with holes if you don’t shut up.」
Hajime moved his hand toward Donner while a vein pulsed on his forehead but,
before that,
「……I always thought that Yuuka is suspicious. Hajime, since when you made her your
「Hajime-kun? Since when you got into such relationship with Yuuka-chan I wonder? I
「 Ce, certainly Sonobe-san really care a lot about Hajime-kun……but, I think it’s no
good to make her a mistress just because of that! I think something like that is no
「Yuuka……since when she became like that……Hajime-san! As I thought you intend to
make Hellina and Kuzeri to become your mistresses too instead of subordinates isn’t
Yue, Kaori, Aiko, Liliana, and then even Shia and others were looking suspiciously at
him…… Tomoichi papa’s eyes were turning into that of a killer. The eyes of Kaoruko and
others the mother~s were turning a bit cold. And then,
「Papa~. What does mistress mean?」
「……It’s a word that Myuu has no need to know.」
Hajime’s expression twitched greatly at the words of his pure daughter while
thinking. Even though he thought that he finally arrived at a peaceful and normal town,
but this hooligan pope, just what in the hell he was doing throwing a bomb like this. The
people of the town got noisy hearing Pope Simon’s words. As expected, even at Ur Town,
a peaceful sightseeing trip……didn’t seem to be possible.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑰

Currently the town of Ur was being enveloped by a great hustle and bustle. Even
though originally it was a tranquil town of agriculture, right now the main street was
being crowded with people in a number that was unbelievably gathered in less than a
hour. The air was trembling with excitement and fervor. It wasn’t unreasonable. After
all, the guests who came were the party of that demon king. Not to mention the goddess
of abundant harvest, even the kingdom’s princess Liliana and the new pope were
present. It was truly a sight that might only happened in a life time for the people of the
rural village. Although, the people of this Ur Town differed from the residences of a
certain haunt of the wicked. Perhaps it was because of their common senses or because
of attentive upbringing, although they were excited, they divided and lined up properly
at the right and left of the street like in a parade and didn’t hinder the traffic. And so, the
procession down the road was a pleasant one. At most there was only Aiko going past
through being embarrassed and straight into a “state of complete effacement” due to the
unceasing respectful words, affectionate cheers, and question like when would she bear
a child with the demon king-sama that were continuously thrown at her.
「Aiko, you. It feels like you’re looking transparent though……are you okay?」
「Yes. Aiko is okay.」
「Hajime-kun, my child isn’t okay here.」
Aiko answered the question of her mother Akiko with a smile that looked
transparent. Indeed, from how she was only looking straight forward with a smiling
expression that didn’t even twitch for a millimeter, she definitely wasn’t okay.
「 She isn’t getting used with getting treated as a goddess no matter how much time
passed huh.」
「Yes. Aiko isn’t used to it.」
She looked no good in various senses. For the people of this town, Aiko was the
patron god who created the foundation of their current life, so their zeal toward her was
conveyed all the more. For the time being, Tio sent a soul magic to Aiko after receiving a
glance from Hajime. Aiko flashed bright *peka-*. She is shining! How sublime! Could it
be it’s a blessing toward us? What an extremely compassionate person! Aiko-sama
banzai!! Aiko-sama banzai!! Aiko-sama banzai!! Aiko-sama banzai!! Aiko-sama banzai!!
Aiko-sama banzai!! Aiko-sama banzai!! Aiko-sama banzai!!
「Goshujin-sama. It backfired.」
「Nothing that can be done huh.」
There was nothing that can be done. Aiko’s atmosphere was turning even more
transparent. Her eyes were peaceful, as though they were being opened to
enlightenment. It added even more to her mysticism and the people were starting to
pray「O goddess~」 even more to her.
「Ai-chan’s popularity, it’s amazing……」
「It even look like she is idolized more than Hajime in this town.」
Ai-chan’s deification wasn’t stopping! Usually she would get nagged persistently by
the vice principal in school where she would obsequiously bowed her head to him over
and over. She would run around with swirling eyes because there were too much things
that she had to do. The gap between her status here and her state that was like a small
chick over there was absurd. The heartfelt of Sumire and Shuu made everyone’s
expression to become a complicated look that looked both like admiration and
「 Ho-ho-ho. Perhaps Aiko-dono is more suitable to become the pope rather than me.
The time when she was in confusion because of her romantic feeling to Hajime-dono
feels nostalgic.」
「Wait, Simon-san!?」
Ai-chan, she was resurrected by the unexpected revelation. She put her index finger
on her mouth and went ‘shh-, shh’ telling him to be quiet, but the female camp with
Akiko in the lead went「Hou. Tell us more about it」 and pressured Pope Simon with
their gaze. Naturally, Pope Simon yielded.
「She was hopelessly harboring feeling toward Hajime-dono! But, she was his teacher!
Something like a forbidden love is no good! But……she can’t possibly forget about him!
It was something like that, she was truly a maiden. To a degree that she was fidgeting
and worrying alone amidst the flower bed.」
‘This old geezer-! What are you doing leaking out the content of someone else’s
consultation like that!’ Aiko thought with the corner of her eyes raised, but the female
camp’s lukewarm gazes made her covered her face with both hands immediately. Her
ears and neck were bright red.
「Hee, hmm~m, is that so~」
「……Okaa-san? Is there something that you want to say?」
Aiko glared from between her fingers at Akiko who were talking in delight.
「 You, even after you returned you were also fidgeting and worrying didn’t you? You
didn’t tell me anything until Hajime-kun himself came to our house.」
「Uguh, that’s……because……」
「 You who were dull and indecisive and hopeless in regard to romance like that
「Okaa-san, don’t say it so directly.」
「I thought it was amazing that you could make your approach toward Hajime-kun but,
it seemed that it was also thanks to Simon-san wasn’t it?」
Saying that, Akiko turned her eyes toward Simon and courteously bowed her head
saying 「Thank you for being a great help for my daughter」.
「Don’t mention it, there is no need for any thanks. I didn’t do anything. It was simply
the result of Aiko-dono being able to properly treasure her own feeling.」
「 “ I think it will be great if Ako-dono can treasure that newborn feeling” ――it was
Simon-san who said that though.」
‘Hee, what’s this. So you ain’t just a funky old geezer huh. You were actually doing
something that was really like a clergy.’ Hajime and others showered Pope Simon with a
gaze that was saying that. Pope Simon averted his gaze in a bit of embarrassment. There,
a heavy voice resounded.
「……Hee, you gave such advice to Aiko-san. Even though you only said “Well, do your
best” to me.」
It was Liliana. She was staring reproachfully at Pope Simon’s back. It seemed she
was also making consultation to Pope Simon. She was the one who nominated Simon to
be the new pope and he was also her talking partner since her childhood. There must be
a relationship of trust between them. Exactly because of that she was feeling
dissatisfaction that he was serving as Aiko’s consultation partner better than with her.
「That was because I received the consultation from princess after I learned that the one
talked by miss Yuuka and Aiko-dono was Hajime-dono.」
「What about it?」
Pope Simon spoke his excuse with a serious face.
「Honestly I was thinking, someone like Hajime-dono can just get castrated.」
While he was already being served by such charming women, on top of that, there
were even three more women including the princess……go explode. You demon king of
the night just go explode! I don’t care! I hope you get into bloodbath or carnage between
women, feel troubled! It seemed that he got such thinking and his response became
apathetic. Pope Simon-sama, it seemed his heart was still youthful.
「Oy you, you clergyman leader」
「I don’t give a damn! I’m just representing the heart of all the men in the world!」
Simon-sama was sulking even with his age. The male camp Shuu and others were
making expression that was saying 「Well, it’s not like I don’t get where he is coming
「Is it okay to have this kind of pope, Lily?」
「Even like this there are a lot of people who are looking up to him you know, really.」
Liliana made a troubled smile. While they were talking like that, the destination
came into the view of the group. Tomoichi who was walking all this time with
awkwardness due to the street that was in the state of parade asked.
「Hajime-kun. Is that the “Inn of Water Fairy”?」
「Yes, that’s right. That’s the inn where we were staying.」
The origin of water fairy was coming from the fairy-like existence that was believed
to dwell in Urdia Lake. There was also explanation like it was a long-standing
establishment since ancient time. Also, Aiko wished to come here first to give a greeting
to the owner who had been of help to them with various things when they first visited
here. After explaining, this time Kaoruko opened her mouth with a slightly troubled
「Eerr, will these people continue to stay on the street……I hope that it won’t cause any
trouble to their work……」
The number of people that seemed like they had suspended their work no matter
how she looked at it was standing at both sides of the main street, so her worry was
reasonable. Although, Kaoruko was talking indirectly there, her true feeling was
undoubtedly……that it was hard for her commoner sensitivity for people to be waiting
for them outside all the time while they were looking around inside this inn. Guessing
that, Hajime showed a bit of considering look before he brought his face slowly on Aiko’s
ear. Aiko raised her voice 「Hyah」 due to the breath that suddenly touched her ear.
Cheers like 「 Oo!! What intimacy!! 」 「 As expected our Aiko-sama is number one! 」
「Aiko-sama is no other than the first wife! 」 were erupting from the surrounding. A
blood vein pulsed on Yue-sama’s forehead. Kaori’s smiling face that wasn’t smiling was
directed to the people. The chill that they suddenly felt made them acted strange. Look!
The goose bumps on these arms!
「Ha, Hajime-kun. What are you doing in public like this――」
Aiko blushed. Hajime started to whisper something in a small voice into her ear.
Then, right after that,
「No way!」
Aiko showed a firm refusal for some reason. As though to say that he had finished
anticipating that reaction, Hajime-san whispered even more. In addition, he even put
his hand on Aiko’s ear with a caressing gesture. Aiko was turning even redder from
shame, however, she didn’t try to get away. ‘There is a chill as though there are
vindictive women glaring, but to hell with that! They will burn the precious figure of
Aiko-sama into their retina and engraved it into their brain!’ It was unclear whether the
people were thinking that or not but, there were even more cheers. There were also shrill
cries 「 Kyaa~~♪ 」 from the town girls at that age. The town right now was really
heating up!! On the other hand, Sumire and others the parent~s were looking with a
gaze that said 「No, really what’re you two doing on the street!?」. It seemed Yue and
others could hear what Hajime was saying, their expression looked really complicated.
「Eh? If I do that then in exchange……? Tha, that is……certainly that will help buuut……
but……uu, I get it. I just need to do it right!? Right!」
For some reason, the smell of complete desperation drifted from Aiko. Just like
usual. And so, ignoring such Aiko, Akiko and others turned a suspecting gaze at Hajime
wondering just what he had said. Hajime didn’t really give any answer, in exchange he
distributed sunglasses. It seemed he was telling them to wear it. Tomichi bluntly showed
a wary expression that said 「What are you planning to do?」. Amidst that, Aiko who
received something from Hajime stepped forward. And then, she put one hand on her
chest and lifted her other hand above her head. It was a pose like the goddess of
freedom. However, what she lifted wasn’t a torch, but a suspicious silver tube.
「O town of Ur! I have returned!」
A beat. ‘WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA’ a cheer that was several times louder than
anything from before resounded. Akiko’s eyes turned round from her daughter’s strange
action. The other parents were also surprised. While they were like that, Aiko’s gaze
wandered a bit and she muttered 「Er~r?」, and after a beat, she moved her right hand
slightly forward. Right after that, crimson light surged brightly. While the people were
getting even more heated up expecting some kind of miracle, Aiko also raised her voice
further. The scent of desperation drifted fully from her.
「 Everyone who was in that place at that day! Do you remember? Of the miracle that
descended! That miracle that repelled the tragedy that assaulted everyone’s
Aiko’s expression once more turned like she was straining her ear and muttered
「 Er~r…… 」 . She made crimson light surged from the silver tube and spoke more
「 Everyone who couldn’t be present in that moment of miracle! If it’s possible do you
wish to learn? Do you wish to witness it? Do you wish to share the excitement!? Of the
miracle of that day!」
Aiko raised her voice 「Er~r」 for a moment like usual. Of course, she also didn’t
forget to make the silver tube to shine red!
「Very well! Then I shall show it! This time, let’s share the excitement with each other!
On the name of the goddess of abundant harvest, I will resurrect the scene of that day!
By my miracle of past projection!」
Holy cow! Holy cow! A miracle of the goddess for our sake!? Holy cow!! The citizens
of Ur Town who were usually calm and diligent were pulled in by Aiko’s speech and
turned wildly enthusiastic. Their tension were raising with abnormal level! With a face
that seemed to say ‘This is the last! I can only dash forward to the finish!’, she made red
light to flash bright while making her last words resounded.
「I proclaim that here, I will open the great screening of the movie titled “Curbstomp of
Ur Town ~Descending Goddess and Her Sword~”! The location is the northern grain-
producing region! The broadcast time is one more hour! Come to watch no matter
It was like a movie advertisement, but that wasn’t wrong. Even if the citizens didn’t
understand the detail, but they comprehended that they would be able to witness the
power of the goddess once more at the northern plain where the great battle once
occurred. A beat later.
「 Now-, hurry to the north gate! The seat’s distribution will be first come, first
The red light flashed. ‘WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH’, the citizens started running
simultaneously at the same time with the goddess’s signal. They made the ground to
shake *DODODODO-* while striving to be the first to witness the miracle on the special
seat. The main street was emptied in the blink of eye. Aiko who splendidly succeeded in
inciting the mass was,
「Uu, it was embarrassing……」
She whispered so while her face returned to being bright red. Hajime took off his
sunglasses while nodding in satisfaction.
「A splendid provocation……or rather incitement.」
「 But the lines all came from Hajime-kun! It’s amazing that you could produce such
lines right on the spot!」
Aiko took out something from her right ear. No matter how one looked it was a
microphone headset (artifact version). It was a telepathy receiver. In other words, Aiko
was just following Hajime’s speech it seemed.
「Also, in the end, what is this thing? I pushed the button each time I talked just like I
was told though.」
Saying that, Aiko returned the silver tube back to Hajime. Sumire similarly took off
her sunglasses while saying with a twitching expression.
「Hey, Hajime. For some reason, I feel like I have seen that somewhere.」
「Hey, papa! Is that the flashy thing from Man In Bla○k nano!?」
Myuu who was looking excessively suited with the stylish sunglasses like the one
that was worn by the main character of Matri○ asked while hopping around *pyon
pyon* in anticipation. It was clear to see even with her eyes still covered in sunglasses.
Her eyes were sparkling right now. Hajime grinned.
「That’s right. I name it “Neu○lyzer New”. Other than the ability to blow away memory
when it flashed like the original, this excellent tool can also be used to guide the mind
subliminally like just now!」
Apparently the diligent citizens of Ur could move in perfect order like that even if it
was due to the words of their goddess was due to the lovely memory fabrication tool of a
certain secret organization that fought against aliens. For the time being, Tomoichi got
into the point.
「That’s brainwashing! Throw away such dangerous thing immediately! Also, I saw that
movie too! I don’t want to believe it but, you haven’t mess up with my memory using
that right!? Especially about the matter of my family’s angel!」
「Tomoichi-san. That’s a really hurtful accusation. I won’t use it to family.」
「It’s no good to use it to outsider too isn’t it!?」
「 However, Tomoichi-san. It’s truly useful to protect family from country or strange
organization……this is what they call unavoidable measure. It was a bitter decision that I
「I’m amazed you can say butter decision with absurdly nonchalant air like that!」
「By the way, there is also five yen type of this device. Well, that one is for the personal
use of the guy with assassin occupation though.」
「You handed such dangerous object to such dangerous guy!?」
Tomoichi-san grabbed Hajime’s shoulders tightly. He attempted to teach
‘Brainwashing is absolutely no good!’ from the sensitivity of an ordinary person with
great virtue. Looking at how he didn’t give up that by saying “It can’t be helped because
it’s Hajime”, in a sense he was properly thinking about Hajime……thinking that, Hajime
himself could only make a troubled face. There, someone threw him a lifeline.
「To think that “Neu○lyzer” actually exist……Hajime-kun. How much is it? I don’t mind
to pay your asking price.」
Shuuzou-san’s eyes were serious. He took out a check book from somewhere.
Shizuku opened her eyes wide in shock. Beside her, Koichi took out his credit card from
his wallet.
「We have secretly made a request to a company that has connection with Yaegashi you
see……but as expected, it seems that realizing it is difficult. I don’t mind even if you take
however much you like from my personal bank account, so can you sell it to me?」
「Hajime-san. I will give you our Shizuku, so please give me one okay?」
「Okay, Okaa-san. If you wish for a cold blooded fight to the death with your daughter
then I accept!!」
‘Shizuku-chan that’s no good calm dooown!! Kaoriii, let go! My family you see!
They’re no good unless they get sliced and diced at least onceee! Hajime-kun! This is the
Neura○zer New’s turn to shine! Just several seconds if alright, blow away Shizuku-
chan’s memory for her!’ Shizuku who had manslayer’s eyes while being pinioned from
behind and Kaori who was desperately holding back her best friend who was like that.
And then at the same time, there was Tomoichi papa who was making argument
「 You’re giving bad influence to Hajime-kun’s education! 」 to Yaegashi family while
simultaneously saying 「 Nagumo Shuu! If you’re a father then make Hajime-kun has
proper restrain!」 to Nagumo papa.
「Kaoruko-san. Tomoichi—san really is a good person.」
「 Oh my, Hajime-kun. Thank you. Really that person, he is someone with an upright
personality since the past.」
Seeing Shirasaki father-daughter who were urging for self-restrain to Yaegashi
family and Nagumo family, Hajime talked to Kaoruko with a warm expression. Kaoruko
smiled happily in response. And then, Hajime-san immediately put away the
“Neura○zer New”. Myuu was watching longingly, but Remia’s eyes weren’t smiling. The
group advanced through the emptied street even while making such commotion.
「 Even so Aiko-san. Despite what you said, whether it was your posture or your tone
when giving speech, they were all magnificent. As expected from my fellow agitator.」
「Lily-san. Is that, a praise?」
Liliana was giving a peek of her Black Lily side that was like ‘Sometimes, I make
those commoners to go putty on my hand with my agitator technique you know!’. Aiko
stared unblinkingly at her while saying to not group herself with her. While making such
talk, they arrived at their first destination the “Inn of Water Fairy”. When they
immediately went inside……
「I have been waiting-, ONEE-SAMAAAAAAAA-!!」
The <ruby>female knight<rt>soul sister</rt></ruby> who got tossed into a gate
that connected to deep inside the northern mountain performed a Lupi○ dive! Although
this was the nearest city to the northern mountain region, this was too fast for her to
climb down the mountain and reached here. The abnormality of that and the bloodshot
eyes plus rough breathing ‘haa haa’ caused Shizuku to scream. And so,
「……Nn. “World Piercer”.」
Yue opened a gate. In front of Shizuku, a curtain of light was deployed like a shield.
The female knight raised a resentful voice 「 DAMN YOUUUUUUUUU-!! 」 while
vanishing into the other side of the light. The gate closed. It faded out after opening for a
few seconds. Shizuku hugged Yue in gratitude.
「Uu, Yue, thank you. Just now was simply scary……」
「 … … Shizuku, no worry. I sent her away for more than a hundred kilometer to the
「 That will be fine if it’s like that won’t it? After this, we plan to go to the northern
mountain region where we met Tio but, no matter how she won’t return in just several
hours right?」
「……Shizuku. No worry.」
Yue couldn’t give a guarantee when it came to the soul sister that boasted
incomprehensible vitality. A really silent atmosphere filled the room. When it came to a
hundred kilometer to the north, it was at the other side of two or three mountains from
here, for people who weren’t summoned from other world like them, the place would be
really dangerous due to the threat of monsters there but……it looked like there wasn’t
anyone who was worrying about the female knight’s survival.
「Shi, Shizuku-chan! It’ll be fine! Next time I’ll protect you!」
「Shizuku-oneechan! Don’t feel down!」
「 What great tenacity. If her character is beaten up into shape, she will become a
splendid shinobi――cough-. She might be able to become a user of Yaegashi style.」
「Shizuku, I’m sorry what my knight have done. I’ll also scold her later.」
「I’ll also punch her away!」
Kaori, Myuu, Liliana, and Shia consoled Shizuku one after another.
「Right, thank you everyone. Also, Ojii-chan, I’ll cut you down you know?」
Shizuku thanked Kaori and others while throwing an eye glint of a manslayer to her
grandfather who was making a considering look. Yaegashi family who was losing all
restraint in this Tortus travel. It felt like the daughter would seriously become deranged
if they didn’t quit it. But there, an elderly gentleman showed himself from inside the inn.
「Welcome, everyone. Let me say my heartfelt gratitude for visiting this establishment
once more.」
Even though the outside was in a state of parade, he wouldn’t leave from his own
castle no matter. What. This man with elegant and calm atmosphere was none other
than the owner of the “Inn of Water Fairy”.
「Phos-san! Long time no see!」
This was Phos Celluo. Not only he gave service to Aiko in his inn, he also helped her
with his advice. Aiko greeted him with a delighted expression. Phos too also returned
the smile not with a business smile, but with a joyful smile that came from the bottom of
his heart. And then, he ran his gaze through Sumire and others the parent~s including
Kaori, Shizuku, Myuu, and Remia who he only met for the first time.
「Welcome to the Inn of Water Fairy. I am the owner of this inn, Phos Celluo.」
The posture of his bow was truly beautiful. He really looked like a first class hotel
manager. The interior design also hadn’t changed since the past, there wasn’t any items
that gave misleading impression or prioritizing profit like some other inns! The
atmosphere of the room was very calming! There wasn’t any need to feel shocked by
staff that could show up out of nowhere or fearing a parade of frilly and muscular
monsters. The members who met the owner for the first time also introduced
themselves back smilingly.
「 Thank you kindly for your introduction. Will everyone stay here for today? If that’s
the case then I’m very sorry, but our inn has become fully occupied just now. The only
service I can provide everyone is only a meal for your pleasure.」
「It’s fine. We’re fine with that, owner.」
Hajime-san took Phos’s hand with an excessively kind expression. He firmly shook
the owner’s hand with both hands. Owner Phos was bewildered. He could never even
imagined that Hajime was feeling moved by his common sense that was treasuring his
guests unlike some other inn that would do something unreasonable like 「We have no
empty room but we will chase them out right away! 」. Not just Hajime, everyone was
making applause *clap clap clap clap* with gentle expression. As expected from a long
standing inn. As expected from a first class establishment. As expected from Phos
Celluo! Something like genuine “<ruby>No way!?<rt>Masaka!?</rt></ruby>” service
was unneeded! This inn was really reassuring!
「Tha, thank you very much?」
As expected even Owner Phos was looking troubled at the abrupt great praises. He
intended to simply treat the guests normally so, he really didn’t get at all what was going
「Well, putting that aside, today we came to have a look at this inn.」
「Taking a look is it? I see. In other words, you wish to view our room then. However, I
have also said it just now that there are guests staying here so……」
Saying that, Phos turned his gaze toward Pope Simon.
「 Umu, I don’t mind. I have nothing that will make me feel troubled even if they are
seen. Owner, I shall give my complete permission.」
「Very well.」
It was only natural if one thought about it but, the one who reserved the most room
in this town was the people of the church Simon and co. With that problem resolved,
Phos bowed his head cheerfully. But, at the same time,
「 I believe that everyone is having a trip to reminisce about the past but, could it be
everyone will also head to the northern mountain region?」
「Hm? Yeah, that’s the plan. We will look around the town, and then we’ll head to the
mountian region before heading straight to the empire.」
「If that’s the case, shall I also prepare some dishes that can be carried for the lunch? I
remember that Nagumo-sama liked dishes that used rice. Recently the quality of the rice
here is extremely good, and the scent from the herb that can be taken from the
mountain is also rich. Everyone has taken the trouble to visit here, so please allow me to
show my hospitality even if only for a little……is that alright?」
「Owner. That’s a splendid suggestion. Thank you so much. Please allow us to presume
upon your kindness.」
An unexpected polite language from Hajime-san. He even took the owner’s hand
with both hands once more. To be honest, they could manage somehow by themselves
about the lunch, but it seemed Hajime received deep impression and held respect
toward Owner Phos’s consideration and spirit of service.
「……Hajime, he is really traumatized by the Masaka Inn.」
「 Well, it’s the inn where that Hajime-san fainted multiple times after all……to say it
myself, I think that is a really dangerous place.」
Yue and Shia were making a conflicted expression while watching Hajime who was
sending respectful gaze at the owner. Shuu muttered 「 … … Strange. My son never
directed that kind of gaze at me……」 with a serious face. Tomoichi was plainly shocked
「Eh!/ Nagumo Shuu, you seriously thought that you would be able to receive respect
from Hajime-kun with how you’re acting!? 」 . They progressed to grapple with each
other. ‘This bastard! Even you aren’t being respected at all by Kaori-chan! Don’t you say
that-, Nagumo Shuu-!! Bam-smash=!!’
「As expected from Phos-san. It’s amazing that you’re respected by that Hajime-kun.」
Aiko sent a respectful gaze toward Phos. There Myuu pulled at her sleeve. She was
still wearing the sunglasses. She might liked it.
「Aiko-oneechan. You mentioned about the owner-san being a big help but, what did he
do for you other than providing room to stay?」
Including how Aiko said that she wanted to greet the inn owner first, it was apparent
that there was a trust between them that surpassed a simple relation between an inn
guest and inn owner. It seemed Myuu thought that it was strange. She slightly pushed
down her sunglasses and showed her eyes that were shining with curiosity. Phos seemed
to hear that, but he said 「I didn’t do anything special at all though……」. He tilted his
head, looking like he really didn’t have any idea at all, but Aiko strongly denied it
「That’s not true」.
「 When I didn’t know what I should believe in and became unable to move, it’s not a
bad choice to just believe in what I want to believe――Phos-san advised me like that
when I was worrying.」
「Aiko. What were you worried about? Your relationship with Hajime-kun?」
「 It was something before even that, Okaa-san. ――I, almost held a grudge toward
Hajime-kun at that time.」
Akiko was speechless. It was because she understood about Aiko’s current feeling,
and at the same time she also understood about Aiko’s staunch feeling toward her
students. Hajime also turned his gaze toward Aiko. However, he wasn’t surprised. His
expression looked understanding, and also because he had already listened to Aiko’s
honest feeling in front of the monument of the deceased in the palace, his expression
was also kind and soothing toward Aiko. While everyone was focusing on her, Aiko put
on a small smile and said.
「I mentioned it before right? Shimizu Yukitoshi-kun……the one who got dragged into
the attack that was targeted to me and got fatally injured……the one who Hajime-kun
finished off……my student who died in this town.」
One shot to the heart. One shot to the head. The scene of that time was clearly
remaining in Aiko’s mind without fading at the slightest. Even now her chest would feel
pained when she recalled the scene of that day. Inside her heart, there was herself that
was yelling ‘Why wasn’t I able to do better! Why wasn’t I able to notice Shimizu-kun’s
thinking faster! Even though if I noticed, there might be other way!’. If only she was at
least able to get her act together, then the unnecessary act――the situation making
Hajime pulling the trigger might not need to happen. That was her regret. Because there
wasn’t any need to deal the finishing blow on Shimizu Yukitoshi who was fatally
wounded already by the attack that targeted Aiko. Hajime could simply leave from that
place without doing anything. Just with that the “threat” of Shimizu who didn’t show
any willingness to reform would be gone. He fired so that the people in that place
wouldn’t think that “a student dead because he got dragged by Aiko”. It was so that Aiko
wouldn’t break because she broke her most important belief. Hajime made everyone
thought that he killed Shimizu Yukitoshi for his own sake. Aiko spoke of that while
looking at Phos once more.
「 My apprehension toward Hajime-kun, and my thinking that I have to believe my
student which was going to crumble……Yuuka-san and David-san and others were also
really worrying about me……at that time, I was able to think properly because Phos-san
said that to me.」
「 That’s why, please allow me to say it again. Thank you very much for your concern
toward me at that time. It was thanks to Phos-san that was able to take a look on myself
once more. I was really glad for being able to stay in this inn.」
「……I’m the one who have to thank you. That’s the greatest praise I can receive as an
owner of an inn.」
Perhaps because of feeling moved, there was something that glistened gently on the
wrinkled eyes of Owner Phos. He then deeply bowed his head to hide his face, because it
was something that he couldn’t possibly show to his guest. Seeing Phos like that, Akiko
too gave him her words 「Really, thank you very much for everything you have done for
my daughter 」 with even greater feeling of gratitude than before. While a calm
atmosphere was flowing, Myuu pulled at Aiko’s sleeve once more. She seemed to read
the mood and took off her sunglasses.
「Aiko-oneechan……are you alright?」
Because she was a sharp child, Myuu must have sensed that there was regret and
feeling of blaming herself that wouldn’t abate inside Aiko. Her expression looked
worried. Other than Myuu, Akiko and others, and then Kaori, Shizuku, and Liliana were
making the same expression. Toward them, Aiko was――
「I’m fine. My inability to forget the regret and everything else, is something that I can
do, and something that I should do. Isn’t that right, Hajime-kun?」
「Yeah. You’re right. All this time I’ve been watching sensei who is like that.」
Hajime and Aiko showed a smile of understanding for each other. That time of just
the two of them alone in that evening, they recalled the words that were exchanged in
front of that monument of the deceased in the palace and they gently stared at each
「……Hajime. Tell me about it in detail.」
「Hajime-kun. Something really happened at that day wasn’t it? At that evening, your
atmosphere was suspicious for some reason!」
Yue and Kaori came between the two of them forcefully. Everyone else seemed to be
curious too. Hajime and Aiko blinked their eyes together, then a beat later, they
shrugged and said.
「My bad but it’s a secret. Right, Aiko?」
「Er~r……ehehe. I’m sorry. Yes, it’s a secret.」
In respond to Hajime’s words, Aiko showed an apologetic expression to Yue and
others. Even so, she nodded with a happy smile. Kaori and others groaned ‘muu~’. As
for Yue, she shrugged her shoulders just like Hajime. Perhaps she had understood it
since the beginning.
「Really, what’s with this child. Showing off like that.」
「How nice it is to be young isn’t iit~」
Akiko made an exasperated face, while Kaoruko was blushing. Tomoichi went 「You
must also have a secret with my daughter riight!? Ee!? ……No, wait. I won’t allow
something like a secret that exist just between you and my family’s angel! If you’re
keeping a secret then fess it up now immediately-」 and approached near.
「As I thought, Hajime-dono can just get castrated!!」
「You’re right. Hajime, you go explode.」
Pope Simon sulked, and Shuu also jumped on the bandwagon. Myuu was putting on
her sunglasses, though there wasn’t any particular meaning to it. Remia tried to take it
away but she escaped. Somehow the situation was getting chaotic, so Hajime clapped his
hand to change the atmosphere.
「Don’t forget that we proclaimed of holding a movie screening in one more hour. Let’s
resume the tour quickly. And on that topic, in this place we’re just going to show that we
were staying at this kind of place, but there isn’t anything that we should see by using
past projection.」
Hajime said that and quickly led the procession.
「Then, I’ll begin preparing the take away food.」
「Yes, we’ll leave that to you. I’m looking forward to the improved rice dishes.」
「I shall give my all in order to meet your expectation.」
Owner Phos who became one of the few adults that Hajime respected bowed with a
posture that was extremely refined just as expected. He then withdrew into the back of
the inn. And then the group went up to the second floor of the inn. Hajime showed the
room where they were staying, then after that they looked around at the room where
Aiko and others stayed…… Then Kaori said 「 Come to think of it, while we were at
Orcus Great Dungeon, I wonder how did Yuuka-chan and others spend their time? 」.
Due to such curiosity they played the past projection of a time range that seemed fitting.
In that moment,
『 Naïve-, that’s really naïve! Yuuka-chi!! Like that you won’t be able to steal away
Nagumo-chi from the other world’s beautiful girl!!!』
Unexpectedly, it was the heated voice of Miyazaki Nana. Everyone’s gaze snapped
toward Hajime. Inside the past projection, Yuuka who was sitting with girlish posture on
the bed looked shocked before saying 『 Ha, haa!? Yo, you’re wrong! It’s not like I’m
thinking that of Nagumo!』 with a flustered tone. Setting aside that scene, Hajime was,
「There isn’t any past that we especially need to watch. Now, let’s go to the next place.」
He urged the group to progress ahead as though nothing happened. Naturally,
「……Shia! Restrain Hajime!」
「Acknowledged desuu!」
「Kaori! Rewindst the scene a bit further behind!」
With amazing coordination, the four continued the past projection.
「Wa, wait a second you girls! Putting aside our own past, the past of Yuuka and others
Shizuku alone insisted with common sense that it was bad for them to peep like that,
「Shizuku-oneechan! ――”The greatest foresight to the future lies in looking back at the
past” nano!」
「I’m sorry, Myuu-chan. I don’t really get what you’re saying――」
「――”If you aren’t found out then everything is legal” nano!」
「Myuu-chan!? Shizuku-oneechan think that’s a wrong way of thinking!」
「 Hajime-san, we have to talk for a bit regarding the upbringing of Myuu. Shia-san,
please bring Hajime-san to the corner of the room while keeping him restrained okay?」
「Ah, yes.」
Hajime was dragged to the corner of the room while being restrained from behind
and his mouth covered with one hand. There Remia mama approached saying 「My my,
really. What should I do about this person 」 with a deep smile. Yue-sama stepped
forward in the place of her husband and said.
「 … … Well then, from now we’ll begin the “examination meeting whether Yuuka can
possibly become a dark horse”!」
It seemed that an examination meeting would begin. At earth, Yuuka-chan who was
doing her best helping in her family’s restaurant sneezed cutely from the chill that she
suddenly felt.

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑱

The “Is it possible that Yuuka will become the dark horse investigation meeting” started.
When looking at Yuuka who was flustered when Miyasaki Nana teased her about
Hajime, of course Yue and others would want to confirm various things. And so at the
corner of the room,
「Hajime-san, are you listening?」
「Ah, yes.」
Hajime thought while sitting with seiza posture. There was Remia in front of him
showing a smile that gave off pressure like a demon king. She was staring straight at
Hajime with eyes that weren’t laughing in a distance where their knees touched each
「Honestly, the action and words of Myuu recently is intolerable. As her papa, don’t you
think that the words ‘it’s legal if it’s not found out” is not good?」
「Ah, yes. I think it’s not good.」
「Look, even now she is wearing sunglasses even though we’re indoors. Please observe,
it’s like she is a small gangster.」
「No, equating sunglasses indoor=gangster is a bit hasty――」
「What is?」
「No, it’s nothing.」
Remia talked tediously and fervently. She must be really worried about Myuu whose
words and actions lately became stylish. Her frustration that seemed to have piled up
was spat out from Remia’s mouth like a flood. Because she was Remia-san who usually
always gave a gently and soft atmosphere, so Hajime listened to her obediently with a
docile expression thinking that he had to hear her. Seeing the shocking scene of the
godslaying demon king kneeling on the floor while being lectured, the new pope Simon
and Liliana exchanged glances and understanding 「This is absolutely cannot be shown
to other people」 and swore to keep this great secret together. Putting that aside, as for
the flustered Yuuka……
Yue and Kaori groaned for some reason. It was like they were reaching the
conclusion ‘Ah, this is seriously a dark horse! The second Shizuku-chan!’. Rather it was
the opposite. Shizuku and Aiko opened their mouth and muttered with an expression of
calm understanding.
「Well, of course it is……」
「Indeed. I too still didn’t manage to sort out my feelings……it’s a pathetic story but, for
me to be unable to have enough talks with Sonobe-san and others……」
The past playback in front of their gaze――the time axis that was before Nana’s
remark 『You won’t be able to steal away Nagumo-chi from the other world’s beautiful
girl!!! 』 toward Yuuka――within that playback there was Yuuka and others looking
somewhat dejected. Actually, the remark before was originally Nana putting on a brave
face in order to change the room’s gloomy air, perhaps she was trying to forcefully
change the air in consideration of Yuuka and Taeko. That seemed to be the case. The
reason for that was because the time axis of this past was after Hajime and others
left――in other words it was after Shimizu died. The circumstance at that time and the
sentiment of Hajime and others had been talked in their greeting with Phos. That was
why the people here could watch this objectively. But, for Yuuka and others, the
situation was an unbelievable incident that happened in front of their eyes. They were a
related party.
『Nagumo-chi……he was scary.』
Those words that leaked out from Nana’s mouth were their honest feelings and
sentiment for themselves, Atsushi and others in the adjacent room. A classmate killed
another classmate. It was only natural for them to feel like that. It didn’t matter even if
they felt indignation toward the reckless action of the person called Shimizu that left no
room for sympathy. No matter how much they understood in their head that they would
undoubtedly die at this time if Hajime and others weren’t there, someone they knew was
killed in front of them. Scary is scary.
『Nagumo……he has changed completely……』
Yuuka also leaked out what was inside her heart. She didn’t refer to his appearance
or strength, but his heart. About his way of living as a human.
『Even though before, Nagumo-chi was someone who was always acting flippantly.』
『How should I say it, he was like an incompetent? He wouldn’t object at all no matter
what Hiyama’s group did to him.』
『Thinking back now, I never even saw him angry.』
The three talked about the Hajime that they knew bit by bit. The Hajime that Yuuka
and others talked about was a young man who was thoroughly unrelated with violence.
Rather than exerting violence, he would rather be in the receiving end of violence. He
would endure it with a smile. Letting it go over him. He was a boy that was like a willow.
While lending their ears to that conversation, Kaori, Shizuku, and then Aiko narrowed
their eyes nostalgically. Sumire and Shuu also narrowed their eyes and looked toward
the corner of the room. The lecturing had stopped without them noticing. Hajime and
others were also watching the past projection. Hajime noticed the gaze of Sumire and
Shuu and shrugged. The projection continued playing and after a while, Yuuka and
Nana and also Taeko continued to be silent to sort out their feelings. Like that, due to
the atmosphere that was too heavy, Nana who was fundamentally not a deep thinker
and had the tendency to get carried away easily became unable to endure it and
gradually made bright comments, and at the end it was leading to the comment from
before. The projection cut off there. Tomoichi and the people of Yaegashi family made a
conflicted expression, while Kaoruko and Akiko made a difficult expression.
「Well, that’s only normal. Thinking back of what I did, them not harboring any feelings
of avoidance is surprising instead.」
The words that Hajime directed toward the parents caused everyone starting from
Tomoichi to look conflicted.
「Bu, but, after this, I noticed Hajime-kun’s true intention and then I also explained it
to Sonobe-san and others!」
「No, Aiko. It’s not like you need to give any follow up.」
Hajime smiled wryly at Aiko who was arguing vehemently. He killed someone. For
everyone to accept that like it was alright, that was the true horror instead. Them
harboring fear inside their heart or perhaps even harboring a feeling of rejection
wouldn’t be strange at all, rather that was normal. Hajime explained that. Hearing that,
everyone’s expression became even more conflicted. Hajime deepened his wry smile and
added even more words especially toward the parents.
「I have no intention to act like a saint. I don’t have the slightest wish for everyone to
think well of me. I also don’t feel like proclaiming how and what I did was justified every
time. For me at that time, I did so because it was necessary. No more and no less.」
He would accept what happened as the result of his deed. He did what was
necessary toward the troubles that were falling toward him. That was all. The parents
looked at each other after Hajime finished like that. At the end they looked at Sumire
and Shuu. The two were looking at their son like he was a hopeless child, even so they
would still accept him. Seeing the two’s expression like that, the other parents let out a
long sigh. There were a lot in their mind but, it would be fine if they talked it out calmly
later. It looked like they dealt with it like that. This trip wasn’t a trip to discuss about the
right and wrong of Hajime’s methodd and passed judgment. They only wanted to know
more about someone who might become their family, what was he thinking and what
had he done during his fierce travel. They wanted to accept him fully knowing him. They
participated in this trip with such intention. And then, it wasn’t just limited toward
Hajime, but also toward their own children. That was why, the parents closed their
mouth and let out the tension from their shoulders before nodding.
「Anyway, with this you guys understand right? Stop it already with the distrust about
Seeing everyone coming to a grip with their emotion in their own way, Hajime urged
them to finish with this observation. Indeed, seeing from the scene just now, it wasn’t
necessary to consider the Yuuka-chan is a dark horse theory. But however, some people
put a halt to it……
「……Muu. What do you think, Kaori-san.」
「Objection! From the attitude of Yuuka-chan after the final battle, I think that it might
be too premature to judge it from just this scene!」
「……Nn. Objection accepted-」
「You two, read the mood.」
With an expression that said ‘What is this demon king who won’t read the mood is
saying~’, Yue and Kaori ignored Hajime completely. No, it wasn’t just the two. Liliana
also raised her hand while stepping forward.
「Yes-! I also think so! The action of Yuuka-san after returning to the palace……it was
nothing but suspicious!」
Of course, Aiko also speak with a face like a detective hypothesizing the criminal
with one hand supporting her chin.
「 Certainly. That time too when Liliana-san took advantage of Hajime-kun’s travel to
head to the empire and she got thrown back into the palace’s dining hall using “gate”……
she looked displeased hearing about the story of Hajime-kun in the empire! Especially
when it came to parts like the dancing together, she was looking at Lily-san with a
terrible stare!」
The voice that resounded contained conviction like when a detective said ‘You’re the
culprit!’. Then similarly Tio joined her arms and hid her mouth behind them. She
pointed out while making that intentional midair Gendo○ pose.
「 Speaking of that, Pope Simon hath mentioned it just now―― 『 That was because I
received the consultation from the princess after I learned that the one talked by “miss
Yuuka” and Aiko-dono was Hajime-dono.』.」
「Ah, now that you mentioned it he said that! Yuuka-san consulted about Hajime-san to
Simon-san……it can only be that kind of talk! Simon-san even told Hajime-san to get
Shia said 「There is only one truth desu!」 while looking at Simon. Simon averted
his gaze and shut his mouth.
「I haven’t fallen so low that I will just blabber about what other people consulted me
「Just now you blabbered about what I discussed with you wasn’t it!?」
A sharp tsukkomi from Aiko. However, Pope Simon kept his gaze directed toward
far beyond and suddenly began to pretend to be senile saying 「 Heh? Why am I over
here……」. It was a well-known fact that he was a high spec grampa who could vanish
like a gust of wind, so it was too hard to believe.
「……Pope Simon.」
「Wha, what?」
Yue-sama drew near silently. That default blank stare was even more blank than
usual. Even though she was just staring, it made the opponent to be excessively fidgety.
It was a super blank stare that it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it was in the
category of magic. Simon was shaken and backed away. Yue-sama ordered him.
「……Spit it out.」
「 N, no! Half of my body is made from sincerity! I won’t speak of a maiden’s
「 Simon-san, by that you means, that I’m not a maiden? No, well, it doesn’t really
matter though? I am old after all? I’m also not in the age to be fixated with the word
maiden anyway?」
Light vanished from Aiko’s eyes. Ruby blank stare and single colored eyes were
cornering Pope Simon! But, Pope Simon was unexpectedly tough! Yue sighed, then right
after that, her eyes sparkled.
「Oi, Yue. It’s fine already right? Let’s quickly――」
「……Hajime. I’ll go out for a bit. I’ll return soon.」
「Eh, oi, wa――」
Before he could finish speaking, Yue’s hand grabbed Pope Simon’s arm strongly.
Right after that, the two of them vanished. It seemed they teleported somewhere. In a
sense, this was a situation where the church’s top leader went missing but……it was
something usual so it was fine, perhaps.
「Hajime, just where is Yue-chan going?」
「Perhaps……to the capital.」
「So she can teleport to the capital in her spare time……that’s amazing.」
While Nagumo family was having such talk, Kaori began to use some kind of
regeneration magic. It seemed she still intended to see something. Tomoichi papa and
Kaoruko mama were looking slightly put off at their daughter who was completely
lacking hesitation at violating other people’s privacy.
「Ka, Kaori. You should stop there. Although they’re your friends, there are thing that
you should and shouldn’t breach――」
「Myuu-chan! Please give a lovely line for this kind of time!」
「――“The die is cast. Everyone is already an accomplice yeah?” nano!」
「Hajime-san, let’s go to the room’s corner once more okay?」
「 Remia, I’m seriously introspecting so spare me from the lecture. From here I’ll
endeavor to cultivate Myuu’s aesthetic sensibility properly!」
「Goshujin-sama, so thou hath the awareness that thou art not proper.」
「So you’re guilty, Hajime-san.」
「Yaegashi family is also like that so I also cannot really say anything but……Otou-san
father-in-law, Okaa-san mother-in-law, please allow me to participate in Nagumo
family’s family meeting next time. I’m worried about Myuu-chan’s future.」
Hajime papa’s position was in danger. While they were having such conversation,
Kaori seemed to have found the scene she sought. It seemed to be the night after
Hajime’s group met with Yuuka’s group, the time axis of the night before they departed
to the north mountain range.
『Seriously~, that was Nagumo-chi~, impossible~』
Nana sat on the bed and folded her arms while groaning with a face like a scientist
who was faced with a hard problem. Taeko too, she was filling her cup with water from
the water jug inside the room while continuing after Nana with a complicated
『That gun was dangerous wasn’t it……or rather that pressure was even worse. Who was
that? Did Nagumo actually has split personality?』
『 That! He is already a completely different person! What’s moreee, there was also
those two other world beauties you knoww. Nagumo-chi wasn’t that kind of character
right!? He was an otaku, otaku!』
『 The blonde girl, she was a terrific beauty wasn’t she? But, for me I think it was the
attire of that rabbit eared girl that was dangerous.』
『Dangerous! That was dangerous! Her breasts almost spilled out! What’s that, is that
Nagumo-chi’s taste? Did he demand the girl to dress sexily? Ain’t he a terrific pervert
Nana and Taeko seemed to be getting heated up while talking, they kept saying
‘Dangerous! Dangerous!’. It seemed they perceived Hajime-san as a really dangerous
guy. False accusations were coming up.
「……So my attire, is dangerous is that so」
And then Shia was also getting dangerous for some reason. Her expression was
darkening. It even felt like there was a vertical line entering her face. Her attire was
called dangerous, and on top of that she was indirectly said to wear perverted attire. It
couldn’t be helped. Because, she wasn’t forced to dress like that. And it was her tribe’s
native dress. Shia’s pleading gaze was directed at everyone inside the room. Right now
she was wearing clothes that were bought in Japan, but as expected its exposure rate
was great. She was wearing super mini skirt, and her navel was also exposed. She tried
asking the others ‘Could it be, my appearance is dangerous? That’s not true right?’. First,
the parent~s averted their eyes. Next Aiko and others also averted their gaze in order.
The native dress of rabbit tribe was dangerous……that seemed to be everyone’s opinion.
Shia’s eyes died.
「 Shi, Shia-san. I understand that it’s that kind of thing, that’s why I don’t think it’s
Certainly it was like that from the perspective of the people of this world. Myuu also
made a small fist and backed Shia up.
「Shia-oneechan! It’s not dangerous at all nano!」
「Because, mama isn’t even wearing anything! Especially at home!」
At the end was Remia-san’s scream. ‘Eh!? Remia-san……she is a nudist at home!?’
Tomoichi, Shuuzou, and Koichi’s head snapped toward Remia. Remia hugged her body
and her cheeks reddened. She insisted 「 I’m properly wearing clothes…… 」 with a
small voice while hiding behind Hajime. For the time being, fists flew from Kaoruko and
Kirino toward the males of their family. By the way, what Myuu was saying was that the
seaman race also dressed thinly like the rabbit race. She didn’t mean that they were
nudist at all. Furthermore, it was the case when they were living at Erisen. At that time
when they were living along with the sea, their usual style when at home was wearing
bikini and pareo. Perhaps it was the backlash from that which made Remia’s interest
toward clothing and accessories to be endless since coming to earth. Back to the topic.
Even while they were derailed in reality, Nana and Taeko’s impression toward Hajime’s
party continued……and then, suddenly their attention moved toward the person who
had been staying silent by herself all this time. Yes, it was Yuuka.
『Yuuka-chi? What’s wrong?』
『You okay?』
The two’s slightly worried voice made Hajime and others to return their focus
toward the past projection too. Inside the past projection, Yuuka was sitting on her bed
hugging her knees. A pillow was inserted between her body and thighs. She was holding
her legs with an absentminded expression.
『Hm? No, there isn’t really anything particular……』
Even while she replied like that, she completely didn’t look like “there isn’t really
anything particular”. Nana and Taeko looked at each other with troubled expression.
Yuuka felt the strange atmosphere of her two friends and smiled wryly. But then she
immediately buried her face into the pillow she was holding.
『It’s just……I’m thinking, he is actually alive.』
Those words, seemed to be containing an emotion that was too large to be a mere
plain statement of fact.
『Nagumo……he is alive』
Her bare toes curled tightly.
『That’s great……it’s really, great』
It was words of relieve that came from the bottom of her heart. That voice sounded
like a weight that she didn’t need to shoulder was taken off from her. Rather than
Hajime’s change, rather than his words that said he had no more concern for his
classmates, it was Hajime’s survival that greatly occupied Yuuka’s heart more than
anything. Inside the past projection, Nana and Taeko looked at each other again, and
then they began to grin. At the same time, in the real world half of the people starting
from Kaori and others were making a bla~nk stare as though to say 「 As I
thought…… 」 , while the remaining half starting from Shuu and Sumire were making
smirking face.
「You guys don’t forget. After this, there was that thing with Shimizu and the air became
like that night they stayed up.」
Hajime reminded them as though to decisively cut down their line of thought. Then,
「……Now then, I wonder about that.」
As expected Yue-sama in detective mode returned. Pope Simon with a sour look was
also beside her.
「……The proof, is right here!」
‘What do you mean by proof huh’, even that tsukkomi of Hajime didn’t worth anything.
Yue-sama had performed past projection in the capital and she even recorded it with an
artifact which she then played.
『――I’ll feed him with the western cooking our family is proud of until his stomach is
Yuuka talked with a dejected look that she had been saved by Hajime several times,
and yet she couldn’t give anything back to him, that she didn’t have anything that
Hajime would want. And then Pope Simon admonished her and the answer she arrived
at was that. The figure of Yuuka with a smile that was like a clear sky could be seen
there. She was sitting side by side on a bench with Pope Simon with her legs swinging
back and fro.
「This is why I didn’t want to talk. Miss Yuuka who is this laudable~, and also earnest~,
this scene shouldn’t be shown to the like of Hajime-dono who should just get castrated
and go explode! Even though I’d approach her intently if only I was fifty years
The reason Pope Simon didn’t want to talk wasn’t because of sincerity, it seemed it
was just a simple selfish desire. And also jealousy. And then, Liliana was directing a
completely chilled gaze toward Pope Simon who was properly giving consultation to
everyone else other than her as expected. Ignoring the princess who was making an
expression that was thinking of dismissing this old man who was the present pope, Yue-
sama projected even more recording image.
「……I went ahead and recorded this too.」
What was projected was……
『――I won’t waste this life you saved!』
She wouldn’t waste what Hajime had done for her. Before the battle against the
monster army, Yuuka conveyed her resolution to Hajime whose back was turned toward
her on top of the wall. And then, after Hajime’s words toward her, she said
『……Thank you.』
She made a small smile that could be seen as a wry smile and also as a shy look,
however her figure turned around with a springy footsteps.
「Hajime-kun. Your honest impression of that time?」
The words of interrogator Kaori came. Yue and Shia had sensed something at that
time so they weren’t really affected but, Shizuku and others were showering Hajime with
deeply interested gaze. Shuu and Sumire were also sending him a somewhat lukewarm
gaze that was more than a mere curiosity. Hajime awkwardly scratched his cheek while
「 … … Well, it didn’t feel bad. But as expected the me at that time was lacking
composure somewhere inside, I was completely focused in returning home together with
Yue and others. That was why, I didn’t hold any concern toward my classmates……as for
her words that she won’t waste the result of me risking my life, well, it left a deeper
impression than a mere thank you.」
To gloss over his bashfulness from the focused gazes from the surrounding, Hajime
added 「 Aiko’s words “I wish that you don’t live in a lonely way where you cut off
everything other than what’s important to you” also left an impression 」. It wasn’t just
Yuuka, this “reunion in Ur City” itself gave influence to Hajime’s heart. Because of that
Hajime could take another good look at his heart that should change, and his heart that
renewed the determination to not change. Hajime smiled at Aiko, proud to have her as
his teacher. Shuu and Sumire also spoke their gratitude once more toward Aiko who
gave the impetus “ to think” toward Hajime who continued his journey that rushed in a
straight line. Aiko herself remembered how her immature self was holding a
contradiction and simply moved about in confusion desperately. She went red while
acting humble. Akiko was watching her daughter who was making such face as a teacher
with a gentle gaze. Toward such Akiko, Hajime smiled and opened his mouth to talk
further about “Aiko-sensei” at that time……
「……Nn. My gratitude to Aiko. But Hajime. Don’t try to divert the topic.」
Yue-sama insistently pulled at Hajime’s sleeve with a blank stare. Hajime-san
clicked his tongue 「Tsk」. With that everyone returned to their senses. That was right,
currently they were asking Hajime about his impressions toward Yuuka’s action!
「 Geez, really Hajime-kun! Why are you that skilled in inciting or guiding someone’s
thought like that!」
「 I don’t really get what are you saying there, Kaori. I’m just trying to talk about my
deep respect and gratitude toward Aiko. I’m also not using the Neu○lyzer New right?」
「Papa~. A silver tube is sticking out from your sleeve nano~」
It seemed that it slipped down due to Yue’s insistence tugging on his sleeve. Seeing
that everyone’s eyes turned extremely blank. Sumire held out her hand with a smile. It
seemed she was confiscating it. Hajime reluctantly handed the Neu○lyzer New while
looking aside with obviously displeased face. Because, he could imagine it. About the
conclusion that would be produced by the investigation meeting from here.
「……Nn. Then everyone」
At the same time with the end of the projection, the committee chairman of “Is it
possible that Yuuka will become the dark horse investigation meeting” Yue looked
around toward the committee members (especially the wive~s) and asked.
「……The conclusion?」
It seemed she was possibly a dark horse.
「Hajime. Tou-san won’t mind at all even if Yuuka-chan comes as a wife!!」
「I mind.」
「 Hajime! Okaa-chan hasn’t been introduced to this girl! You should do it properly if
you’re making her your wife!」
「I’m not.」
Shuu papa and Sumire mama quickly showed their acceptance.
「Hajime-kun-, someone like you, you’re still not satisfied even at this point!?」
「It’s a misunderstanding Tomoichi-san. That’s why please don’t shake me like this.」
Even with his shoulder grabbed and shaken up by Tomoichi, Hajime attempted to
explain it as misunderstanding till the end.
「 In the first place, I also never get treated in the western restaurant that is Sonobe’s
house, and she never even invites me. Perhaps even that girl has forgotten about it.」
Yaegashi family and Kaoruko, and also Akiko sent a gaze that seemed to say 「Even
if you say that……in this circumstance 」 toward the girls inside the room. Indeed,
Hajime’s persuasiveness was nonexistent. Naturally Kaori and others were also sending
him doubting eyes. But, even so, Hajime didn’t give up his claim that both him and
Yuuka had no intention like that in the end. There Tio displayed an unneeded wisdom
and spoke a suggestion.
「Then, how about we divine the future?」
「Divination? Where did that idea come from?」
Not just Hajime, everyone other than Tio and one more person was looking puzzled.
「No, see here. Amongst us there art a divination expert remember?」
「There is someone here with that kinda hobby?」
Girl tended to like something like that……perhaps it was Kaori or Shizuku? He
remembered them getting excited with talk of divination with other girls in class
before……thinking that Hajime looked at the two, but the two of them shook their head.
「……Errr, everyone. Has you all forgotten what my vocation is?」
Shia who was dejected after hearing her attire got called dangerous timidly raised
her voice. Hajime and others looked at each other……
「It’s “martial artist” right?」
「……Nn? Not “fighting god”?」
「Eh? It’s “hammer user” isn’t it?」
「 Eh? Kaori, there isn’t anything like that. Isn’t Shia’s vocation “fist fighter”? Because
she is strong even barehanded, no, rather she might be stronger when barehanded.」
「 I also completely thought that Shia-san’s vocation is related to hand-to-hand
「? What are papa and all you Onee-chan saying nano? Shia-oneechan’s vocation is “the
transcendent” nano!」
「Oh, Shia-chan’s vocation is “Shuten Douji” wasn’t it?」
「No Sumire, if I remember it right Shia-chan’s vocation should be “deterrence”.」
Although there was the joke from Sumire and Shuu at the end there, it seemed
everyone else believed that Shia was an owner of fighting type vocation without any
doubt. From Tio’s exasperated expression and Shia’s faraway look, everyone became a
bit anxious and listed up candidate like 「 Ah, was it “iron man”? 」 「 … … Wrong,
Hajime. Perhaps it’s “bugged rabbit” 」 「Yue, I think Hajime-kun is close! Surely it’s
“iron fist”!」, but not only it wasn’t close at all, they were even getting farther away.
「Aah geez, just what is everything thinking about me!」
「Super rabbit whose evolution knows no end.」
「……Bugged rabbit whose body is half made from irrationality, while the other half is
made from muscle.」
「Hajime-san, Yue-san. I’ll punch you.」
The rabbit ears spread out fiercely. She was in the verge of exploding. Hajime and
others turned docile, but they were still tilting their head in puzzlement. Tio said to
「Shia’s vocation art “fortune teller” right?」
「That’s right desu! I am a mystical fortune teller rabbit of the forest desu!」
Now that she mentioned it that was true. Hajime and others recalled it even while
making expression that wasn’t convinced at all. Frankly speaking, it wouldn’t be strange
at all even if this thing was called as one of the seven mysteries of the world.
「Anyway, how about we hath Shia divining this? Of the future of Yuuka.」
Right. It was Shia who could see through even the future. There was a value in
having a look with that power of divination. Accepting that, Hajime felt it was
troublesome, while Yue and others looked at Shia with deep interest. Shia cleared her
throat and widened her legs to shoulder width.
「……Shia, your divination tool? What’ll you use?」
「 Things like palm reading is impossible without Yuka-chan here……will you use her
birthday or something?」
‘I know if it’s her birthday you know’, Kaori said. Shia’s rabbit ears fluttered.
「No, such thing is unnecessary. If it’s fortune telling than I can do all kind, but there
isn’t any tool here, so let’s go with a method that can only be used by me right now.」
「A method that can only be used by Shia-oneechan?」
「 Yes, Myuu-chan. I’ll simply think of Yuuka-san strongly while activating “future
「 My, amazing. Such thing will be highly prized even in the kingdom if such thing is
possible. Or rather, in order to solve our lack of workers, after this we plan to hold a
large scale recruitment but if you can help……」
「Lily-san, let’s detach your thinking from work for a bit. Rather, it feels like I can see
the future of Lily-san dying from getting overworked. Also, this won’t have the precision
of “hypothesized future” or “oracle sight”. It’ll be something hazy somehow like, ‘this
kind of future might be possible?’.」
It seemed the accuracy would be hit or miss at best. But, being able to see a scene
that showed a possibility of the future was something unique of Shia. Like that Shia said
「Then here I go」 and heightened her focus while inhaling a deep breath ‘suuu~~’……
「Somehow it’s different from my imagination!!」
A divination so unexpected it even made Hajime’s eyes widened started. A fierce
scream and bluish white magic power surged from Shia. Her form that was slightly
leaning forward with her arms rounded and strained was just like the “Most Muscular”
posing of body builder! On top of that, “something behind” like Yue’s “lightning dragon”
and Kaori’s “Hannya” was faintly…… It was like something from a different time axis,
like a muscular rabbit that displayed her true nature in common daily lifeArifureta
Nichijou…… Bursting! Bursting! It’s formed to the supreme level! The muscles are
rejoicing! That muscle motion that was just very lively, the intensity that was like a
supreme ruler, it made everyone there to open their eyes wide like saucer!
「 NUOOOOOOOOOOH!! ――I can see-, I can see it! The future-!! ……………………ah,
*Paan* Magic power dispersed with a bursting sound. White smoke was rising up
slowly from Shia who was crouching forward and breathing hard. It was
incomprehensible. While Hajime and others were dumbfounded, Shia suddenly brushed
up her rabbit ears and lifted her face. And then,
「Hajime-san, I think having a mistress is improper desuu」
「What the hell are you saying」
Divination could be right or could be wrong. According to a bugged rabbit, it seemed
that future could be changed if one tried their best but…… In the end, what would
Yuuka’s future be like? In any case,
「……We got to move to the outer wall soon. We have made the citizens wait for very
Hajime left the inn with quick pace to shake off the stabbing gazes from everyone

Arifureta After Story Tortus Travel Journal ⑲

Ur Town, the northern grain field area. It was a legendary place were a great swarm
of sixty thousand monsters marched into in the past and got massacred. Right now it
was becoming a beautiful place that displayed golden wheat tips swaying like a ripple
thanks to the “goddess of fertility” too. In such famous place,
「Love and courage~♪ Changed into a single bullet~♪ Shooting through~~♪」
An angel was dancing. On a makeshift stage, with the golden ripple of wheat and
brilliantly shining sun as the background, wearing attire of pure white frilly mini skirt,
an angle was dancing and singing like an angle――it was Myuu. A smile that turned tens
of thousands of people were subdued by her, elegant steps, carefree song, a stick mike
that emitted sparkling rainbow effects in a pentagram shape in her hand. And then,
using that stick mike,
「Right into the middle of the heart♪」
When it was pointed up toward the sky, it immediately unleashed a rainbow flash!
That figure was exactly that of a dancing and singing magical girl! The Magical Myuu of
shooting and explosion! She was extremely adorable. The citizens of Ur that crowded
the place went ‘Hyahha!’ in great excitement. Nagumo family was busy taking photos
without rest! And then, of course such cute magical girl had a partner.
「Ba~d children will be~♪ Punished by the authority!」
The one who similarly wearing an attire of frilly mini skirt (gold color) holding a
stick mike in hand while winking splendidly was, to tell the truth, the princess of this
country Liliana――no the magical girl of politic and incitement! Pretty Lily! And then,
when she lifted up the stick, crimson light instantly surged out! Each time they
witnessed it, the citizens of Ur would go ‘Fuuh! Fuuh!’ with their excitement at the peak!
But however, the main star of this stage wasn’t Magical or Pretty. Yes, the unit’s leader
was, the magical girl of fertility and victory――
「Affectionately~♪ Nurturing~♪ With care✩ If not~ Gas explosion! Will – come – down
– on – you♡」
It was Miracle Ai (twenty six years old!)! Of course, she was equipped with frilly
pink mini skirt and magical stick mike. Along with a beautiful step, she placed a
horizontal peace sign over her eye and sent a full power wink! Seven colored stars flew!
Right now Miracle Ai was shining at her brightest! And then, her eyes were dead!
While the special stage was enveloped in a vortex of wild enthusiasm due to the idol
magical girls unit, Yue’s leaked out muttering resounded strangely clearly. Surely, she
was representing the feeling of everyone other than Hajime without a doubt. Now then,
if it was asked why the past event replaying of 60,000 monsters VS Hajime and co was
becoming an idol live event like this…… The replay was carried out safely without
accident. But, because of the show, it became the cause of this. Because, it was just too
horrible in a different sense from Miracle Ai. Blood sprayed, earth was overturned, the
air exploded. Roar, explosion, and then cries. A single electromagnetically accelerated
bullet would pierce through the enemies until far behind, causing shower of flesh and
blood to pour down. Rockets that struck down like heavy rain ripped off flesh and blood
as expected and dyed the air red. Flame grilled flesh and super gravity mass produced
red stains on the ground. The clamoring sixty thousand monsters were reduced into
mere mince meat like a joke. Thousand, tens of thousands of them.
At that time the citizens’ lives were at risk. Even the people remaining in the town
consisted only of people with the will to fight. That was why, even when they saw the
monsters dying, and even after everything was over, it was excitement and relieve that
occupied the majority of their heart. However, right now was a time of peace. The
citizens here were mostly people who were fundamentally unrelated to fighting.
Although they had at least watched adventurer or vigilante corps battling against
monster, it was only against several monsters at best. They were such normal citizens.
And they witnessed it. The hellish scene of pandemonium. A real mountain of corpses
and river of blood. Legend was beautiful only because it was inside a story. Story that
was passed down was interesting exactly because it was glorified. For many people, they
could enjoy battle only because it was only in the realm of imagination. And so, half of
the citizens of Ur fainted. There were also cases of vomiting occurring here and there.
From the perspective of ordinary people, seeing the ground covered with living
thing’s flesh, blood, and entrails even if they were from monsters was a gruesome scene
that inflicted considerable damage to their mind. It seemed that the sensitivity of
Hajime and co were slightly numbed, so by the time they realized it was already too late.
Rather the audiences were also turning into a hellish scene of pandemonium. If Tio
didn’t stabilize their mind with soul magic right away, surely it would become an even
bigger disaster. Of course, Tomoichi and Kaoruko, and then Akiko were also fainting
with the white of their eyes showing. Kaori and Yue were the one to deal with that.
Sumire, Shuu, and also Remia were turning a bit pale, but they held out somehow. They
were quite something. Yaegashi family was……a slightly special family so you could
easily guess. But well, because of that, the citizens who held out nursed the citizens who
fainted and vomited while raising voice 「O, oo~」 that sounded admiring even while
their expression was cramping. The atmosphere was getting dry but…… Seeing the
situation, the one who felt the biggest guilt was――
「 I, it was Aiko who incited them, so perhaps this should be considered her reaping
what she sow?」
Akiko said with cramped expression seeing her daughter sparkling with dead eyes.
Just as she said, it was Aiko. Aiko said “With just soul magic I am worried what will
become of them after we left. Can’t we give them some care?”, “For example can’t we do
something to improve their memory of today even just for a bit”, “Is there anything that
I can do for the citizens, I’ll do anything!” and consulted Hajime desperately. She
messed up. Inevitably Hajimed replied 「 Hm? Just now, you said that you will do
anything?」……and it ended up like this.
「 No, Akiko-san. The one with biggest fault is my son. I’m really sorry. He is an
unworthy son who always led the pure Ai-chan into a horrible path.」
Sumire bowed her head deeply. It was exactly like she said. Perhaps inside her heart
she was also thinking that Hajime was the cause, Akiko only kept her cramped smile
without denying or affirming it.
「And, Hajime. Can you explain it already?」
Shizuku represented everyone and questioned the horrible Hajime who was still
busily recording his daughter’s big moment while completely disregarding both Aiko
and Liliana even though he was the major cause of this.
「Explanation? For what?」
「Your idea to rewrite the incident today with the memory of the improvised live event,
well, I’ll unwillingly accept it as a good idea.」
However. Those attires, or the sticks, and above all else how could they sing and
dance like that even though this event was decided so suddenly. Or why was Ai-chan-
sensei able to continue dancing so radiantly even though her eyes were dead like that?
「――Spit it out. What did you do?」
No matter how they looked at it something was fishy. Then, the cause was Hajime. It
was like how 1 + 1 = 2. It seemed Yue and others also had no objection to what Shizuku
said. Everyone were looking at Hajime with a blank stare like Yue’s. Hajime put away his
camera and opened his mouth with a quiet expression. Behind him, Magical Myuu and
Pretty Lily and Miracle Ai started their second song. The three lifted their leg & winked
simultaneously! It was beautiful.
「It’s because Myuu watched an anime and said she want to try being a magical girl.」
He made it, the transformation set. Although, it didn’t mean that they could
transform anytime anywhere. The principle was simple. It was a quick change of attire
using “treasure warehouse”. And so, Hajime must be within several meters from them
for it to work. After all, the transformation needed sparkling magic power effect, the
light effect that enveloped the body while the clothes they were wearing got stored into
“treasure warehouse”, and then teleporting magical girl attires and fixing it on their
bodies perfectly to the inch. It was a special technique that couldn’t be done if it wasn’t
Hajime who possessed the skill to perfectly teleport six bullets into his gun’s cylinder.
Also, the attires themselves were something he ordered to be made through his
connection. In other words, it was a professional work.
「 Please wait Hajime-san. I understand about the costume change, but putting aside
Myuu-chan, why are you carrying attires that matched Aiko-san and Lily-san’s size?」
「It’s because, Myuu want to become magical girl together with her Onee-chan.」
Shudders ran through them. In other words, Hajime had prepared magical girl
costume for all of them! And then, as long as they were within the effective range of
“treasure warehouse”, there was a risk of them being transformed into magical girl!
「Myuu also said, she want to do it together with mama and Sumire-obaachan too――」
「Hajime-san! Please don’t get near me for a while!」
「Hajime! Hand over your treasure warehouse to me right now!」
Remia mama and Sumire-obaachan backed away with a pale expression.
「 Fumu. To be transformed into that appearance with all eyes filed upon me art
quiet……haa haa. Setting that aside, goshujin-sama. Thou also tinkered with their mind
correct? From what I’m seeing, that stick seem suspicious.」
「Yeah, correct.」
Hajime ignored the ‘haa haa’ and smiled ‘fuh’. He was like a craftsman boasting
about his creation. Everyone thought this, 「Ah, his MAD transmutation master switch
is turned on……」.
「That stick type artifact, its name is “Glittering Covenant✩”.」
「……Hajime, return to your sanity.」
「Shia, do you remember? The artifact that Carm and others put on Gahard and other
imperial family.」
「 If my memory is correct, it was the “Collar of Covenant”. ……It’s an artifact that is
enchanted with soul magic that made them obey to the covenant with their life……uwaa,
I got a really bad premonition desuu」
「 Fuh, exactly. “Glittering Covenant✩”――it’s an artifact that forces you to become a
magical girl using soul magic while you’re still keeping your sense. It won’t take your life
but, you won’t be able to help but becoming a magical girl at the level of your soul.」
What is this guy saying……everyone’s gaze on him was saying that. Also, what he
meant by “becoming magical girl” was mainly being forced to sing and dance the
opening and ending song of a magical girl anime until the completion. The dance and
song were printed into the soul, so they were only actualizing the stage held inside their
soul. They would do it even with their eyes dead. The magical girls unit entered the third
song. The enthusiasm was reaching the zenith. The three were dancing beautifully in
perfect synchronization. Also, everyone only noticed just now but, Pope Simon was at
the front row. He was really getting into it he was even wearing a headband. Ignoring
that, Hajime looked to far away with a melancholic expression for some reason and
「Recently, there are a lot of troublesome bunches, like strange organization or country
「The, the talk suddenly changed?」
「 Because of that, I also felt something like a bit of stress and started thinking
something like “original style 108 harassment” to kill time.」
「……I’m sorry, Hajime. To think you were that cornered.」
「This art mine greatest negligence. Goshujin-sama’s head art not screwed right.」
For now he shot Tio first. Thank you very much-.
「And, while I was racking my brain about what kind of harassment would be good, I
recalled my nemesis. Yes, it’s Christabel and his ilk. Remember, those guys are
nightmare wearing frilly mini skirt? Your sanity is eroded just from looking at them.
Then, if a normal man is forcefully made to dress like that before dancing and singing
magical girl anime theme song while still retaining their senses……」
This time the male camp shuddered. What the hell this guy is thinking……they
「 I named it, original style 108 harassment “Make a contract with me and become
magical girl! (Forced)”.」
There were already several victims. Mainly Japan’s government officials (the
unlawful one”. It seemed they resigned the next day. It seemed all of them wanted to
take another look at their life for a while in southern island where no one knew them. It
couldn’t be helped. Trained beefy agents who were experienced in the ways of the world
were made to dress in frilly mini skirt at the middle of residential area public park, and
forcefully got to glitter and sparkle✩. They got reported to police.
「 Holy cow……Hajime. Before this, you asked me to introduce you to a pro composer
who is a business partner with our company was for……」
「Heh, as expected from a pro. He was listening attentively to my absurd request while
going 『Myuu-chan is just too angelic! The image is welling uppp! 』 and created five
songs for me.」
Those songs with wonderful melody even though the lyrics itself were horrible, it
seemed they were created painstakingly by a pro in that field. The ability to take action
of a papa who wouldn’t compromise if it was for his daughter’s sake was terrifying.
Before they realized it the last song was starting. An air of desperation and resignation
wafted from Miracle Ai. Sparkle sparkle!! Everyone watched that while Yue as expected
spoke as their proxy.
「Because, Aiko said that she would do anything. I thought that this can be a chance to
allow Myuu to become magical girl like in anime at the world where she was born. I
thought she would hesitate as expected if she do it alone, so it will be reassuring if a
goddess and a princess are together with her right? Originally I thought to make her do
live event at Erisen. Together with all of you.」
「「「「「「!? 」」」」」」
Yue and others turned toward Hajime in a flash simultaneously. This man-, what
terrifying scheme he is cooking up!? He would become a damn fiend without batting an
eye if it’s for his daughter’s sake! Their faces were saying that. The song finished. With
Magical Myuu at the center and Pretty Lily plus Miracle Ai at her left and right, it was a
perfect posing. The clapping resounded like thunder.
「Hajime, go dogeza to Ai-chan and Lily-chan later. Also, give them a thorough care.」
「……For Aiko, well I got it. But Lily doesn’t need it right?」
「Lily-chan’s treatment! It’s too coarse isn’t it!?」
As expected Sumire-okaasan got angry. She didn’t want to see her daughter-in-law
showed another dry smile while saying 「 Even though I’m a princess…… 」 . But, a
shocking truth came out there.
「? Looks like you’re misunderstanding but……there isn’t any covenant binding Lily you
「She perfectly copied the song and dance just from Myuu singing and dancing once in
the preparatory meeting before getting on stage. She was really motivated, as expected
from a princess.」
Princess Liliana, there was suspicion that her vocation was “idol”. Putting that aside,
Aiko who wonderfully finished the magical girl routine crumbled down, however, the
audiences whose enthusiasm wouldn’t cool down repeatedly yelled out encore request
heartlessly. Myuu and Liliana went 「 Can’t be helped nano! 」 「 Ge, geez! That’s
troubling! 」 with expression that didn’t seemed to be that dissatisfied and moved to
respond the audiences’ expectation. Some white vapor was slipping out from Aiko’s
mouth, so Hajime hurriedly used Neu○lyzer New! and dispersed the audiences. Like
that a new legend was created in Ur Town today. It would be talked and passed down for
many generations. Furthermore, after that, a mysterious company called South Cloud
Company would sell magical girl goods through its business partner Yunker Company
but……it would sell like hot cakes. After healing Aiko’s mind with all possessor of soul
magic dispatched.
「 Hajime-kun, I would rather you just kill me off painlessly. If it’s impossible at least
use the Neu○lyzer New! on me.」
Hajime performed a serious dogeza at Aiko who said that with a serious face. And
then, he used Neu○lyzer New! and erased the Miracle Ai memory. Inside Aiko there was
already no more memory except of the cute Magical Myuu and Pretty Lily. After a red
flash, Aiko gave a rave review of 「 What a lovely stage! Myuu-chan and Lily-san were
both really cute! 」 . Everyone, they interacted with her with the feeling of handling a
glasswork that would break if it was touched. But, there her actual mother prioritized
her curiosity.
「 And, when can we see the scene where Aiko’s first time got taken away by Hajime-
「Okaa-san, that’s misleading! Be careful with your wording!」
Aiko cleared her throat *cough* once.
「It absolutely won’t be shown.」
「That’s! Ai-chan-sensei, unfair! Even though mine was shown!」
「You wanted to show it yourself right!? I don’t want that!」
Ignoring Kaori’s booing and, Shizuku, Myuu, Remia and others’ curious gazes, Aiko
resolutely showed her rejection.
「Aiko-san, why do you dislike it so much? Hajime-san saved you with a kiss when your
life was in danger, isn’t that lovely like a heroine in a tale?」
Liliana who loved romantic novel so much she was a veteran in love delusion said
that with an enraptured face. Aiko thrust the reality toward such dreaming princess.
「 That’s right. I was almost dying. I was poisoned, at that time I might be convulsing
while the white of my eyes was showing.」
Aiko glanced at Hajime.
「I was also foaming a bit from the mouth.」
The white of eyes, convulsion, foaming mouth. A kiss scene of her in such state.
They wanted her to show that scene? Did they think she was Tio, no, a pervert? Aiko
covered her face with both hands and crouched down. At the time her heart was
jumping around from the deep kiss, but thinking calmly it was a relatively terrible
situation. The female camp fell silent from imagining that situation. They finally guessed
the meaning of being unable to drink medicine except by mouth to mouth. Certainly that
was a scene that one wouldn’t want to show no matter what.
「In the first place! Hajime-kun promised that you will make it so that the scene won’t
be shown if I cooperate with inciting all the citizens! You will keep the promise right!?」
Aiko glared at Hajime with all pretense thrown out of the window. Hajime shrugged.
It seemed that even if they tried to replay the past, this time Hajime would use all his
strength to prevent it. At the same time Yue and others also understood how seriously
reluctant Aiko was to show the scene from this. They decided to respect her wish. There,
Shuu changed the atmosphere and placed his hand on Hajime’s shoulder.
「Hajime. Can we take a look at that scene?」
Tension returned with those words. The air felt like it was just a hair trigger away
from exploding. It didn’t need to be mentioned that Shuu was referring to the scene
where Shimizu was shot. They had heard already about the situation at the time and also
the feeling and true intention of Hajime and others. Therefore, there was no more need
for words. But, as a father he wanted to see what his son had done. Shuu was expressing
that with his calm gaze. Hajime smiled wryly and shrugged.
「I can do that, Tou-san. Yue, can you do it? You who know about the time and flow of
event when that happened should be able to replay that past scene with pinpoint
「……Nn. Leave it to me. In that case, I can also put the Mosaic-kun of the “This can’t
be shown!” just in Aiko’s scene.」
「It was a serious scene, so don’t do that.」
Next Hajime also ran his gaze toward Tomoichi, Kaori, and others. He told them
that it was up to them whether they wanted to look or not while,
「Tio. Just in case, drive away other people with soul magic.」
He also took measure so no interruption would come. By the way, Pope Simon
carelessly got hit by Neu○lyzer New! along with the citizens and right now he was
wandering somewhere……perhaps. And then for the last, Hajime stood in front of Myuu,
「Then, Myuu. Let’s go to the other side.」
「!? Again nano!? Myuu is going to be the only one left out again nano!?」
She must have expected this for a bit. She was casually hiding behind Shia and
attempted to erase her presence. She spouted out her dissatisfaction without
「Papa is cruel! Even Myuu want to know about papa’s past nano! Why is it only Myuu
who can’t nano!?」
「Because Remia is sca――cough. Because this’ll be bad for your education.」
Remia mama’s scolding was working! Hajime papa was a papa who could have
「Absolutely no! Absolutely no!! Myuu will watch it no matter what nano!」
She hugged Shia’s leg tightly in an appeal that she wouldn’t leave here at any cost!
While Shia was making a troubled expression, Remia scolded 「 Myuu! Don’t be
selfish!」 but……
She threw herself on the ground and kicked around with her arms and legs. She
began to throw a classical tantrum. That loud voice caused several citizens curiously
looking over here even with Tio’s soul magic driving them away. Hajime looked at
Remia. Remia shook her head with a troubled face. Compared to the children of the
same age, Myuu was a child who had amassed a far denser experience. As long as she
was together with a family like Hajime and co who were like a singularity, there was
enough possibility of a life full of disturbances waiting for her even from here on. Then,
having her watching intense and harsh scenes beforehand might be helpful for her.
Although. Myuu was still a little child whose age didn’t even reach double digit. Even
though there wasn’t even any real urgency, there was no reason to proactively show her
such scenes starting from now. Because no matter what kind of path she would choose,
Hajime and co wouldn’t have any difficulty in protecting her so that she had time to at
least grow up without rushing. And so, even if she was skillfully rolling around while
kicking her arms and legs, or bending her body like a bridge in dissatisfaction, or
progressing until she was doing a pseudo break dance, what was not allowed was not
「Myuu, stop that already. Be reasonable.」
「No! Myuu won’t listen to papa nano!」
「I see……then it can’t be helped.」
Oh? Could it be the okay would be given? Myuu lifted her face from her state of lying
face down with such hope. Hajime papa’s smiling face was there.
「There is something like this is my original style 108 harassment.」
「Eh? Pa, papa?」
A bad premonition was……Hajime quickly lifted up the twitchy looking Myuu and
spoke with an unchanging smile.
「――It’s called, ”Up, u~~p! 4 km high!”」
「 Papa, Myuu want to drink juice over there nano. Myuu isn’t interested in anything
else anymore nano.」
She became really reasonable. By the way, about the ”Up, u~~p! 4 km high!” of the
108 harassment that would be called as “demon king style” one day by other people, it
could change into ”Up, u~~p! Out of earth!” with rocket attached depending on the
demon king’s mood. Of course, they wouldn’t fall down again.
「 And so, together with Myuu who’s only interested in juice now, both of us will go
over……ah, Pope Simon is wandering like zombie, so we will be with that person too.
Call us if you finished.」
「Myuu can’t win……against demon king papa nano……」
Remia also came along with Myuu who was taken away in Hajime’s arm, just in
case. While seeing them off,
「Hey, Nagumo Shuu. Don’t tell me, that Hajime-kun was serious? Even if Myuu-chan
kept throwing tantrum like that, he didn’t plan to carry out his threat right?」
「Obviously. There’s no way he will make his beloved daughter to free diving.」
「O, of course isn’t it……」
「If he is doing it, perhaps he will do it together, Like, when you’re sky diving together
with an instructor.」
「So he’ll do it!」
「In that case, I think Myuu will enjoy it normally though.」
「Myuu-chan is just too gutsy!」
Yue and others nodded in agreement with Shuu’s prediction. The parents were
showing cramped expressions. After that, even with the atmosphere turning mushy
before the serious scene, everyone starting from Shuu and Sumire watched the past
scene. And then, Phos brought the food for them to take out at that timing, so the group
thanked and said their farewell to Phos before departing to the northern mountain
range. They boarded Fernier once more while saying farewell to Pope Simon who
returned to his senses and the citizens who gathered.
「Princess! Fill the gap with the other wives in this trip! Make it a fait accompli! Allow
me to see the face of princess’s children before I die!」
「Wha, wha-wha-wha-wha, chil, children……she, sheesh, really Simon-sama!」
Princess Liliana, she sent repeated glances at Hajime after hearing Pope Simon’s
parting words with an expression that didn’t look that annoyed. Yue and others were
also sending fixed stare at that…… The expression of the parents other than Shuu and
Sumire were really conflicted.
「Aiko-dono, it was magnificent! I won’t forget that moving feeling until I die!」
「 Hah? That moving feeling? Aa, you mean the stage! Yes, I also won’t forget! Both
Myuu-chan and Lily-san were lovely!」
「Umu! Those two were also lovely! I’m looking forward to the day I can see it again!」
「Me too!」
Pope Simon was making a talk that was just barely safe. He didn’t know that Aiko’s
memory got flashed by her own request. And so,
「Then goodbye! Magical A――」
Hajime just barely hugged Aiko and blocked her hearing. A fine play! Everyone was
letting out cold sweat while also letting out a sigh of relieve. But,
――Aiko-sama, how intimate!
――She is the only one hugged like that among all the wives present there! As
expected from the first wife Aiko-sama!
――Aiko-sama banzai! The goddess of fertility and victory banzai!
――Miracle Ai is justice!
――Miracle Ai! Banzai!
All the citizens heated up further. Hajime hugged even stronger so that Aiko
wouldn’t hear.
「Ha, Hajime-kuun. You must not~. What are you doing so suddenlyy~」
Aiko didn’t look that annoyed. It was only at this time that Yue and others only sent
her a conflicted look. The parents starting from Akiko were smiling wryly. Like that, a
loud cheers ‘WAAAAAAAA’ rose among the awkward atmosphere of the group and,
――Please come again!! Demon king-sama! Goddess-sama!
Hajime and others flew away toward the north mountain range with those words
sending them off.

Arifureta After Story - Tortus Travel Journal ⑳

――Keep living. Keep struggling, and struggling to live like you’re going to die from
here on too. Do that, and one day……there is meaning in you surviving this day, the day
you can think so is going to come for sure
Behind the roaring waterfall. Inside that natural cave, a voice that was heavy like
rock, hard like steel, and unshakable like a great tree echoed. At the northern mountain
range, near the summit of the first mountain there. It was the place where Hajime and
co found Will Cudeta who was stranded here. The scene of that time was being watched
through past replay.
He was a young master of a house of count. He asked for unreasonable things and
accompanied some veteran adventurers. He wasn’t any use at all, yet he was the only
one who survived. He harbored a terrible feeling of guilt about it, however at the same
time he was helplessly happy of the fact that he survived. Will sobbed with a crumpled
face saying that he was an ugly human. Hajime grabbed his collar and threw those
words on him. Inside the past replay, Hajime immediately came back to his senses and
let go of Will. It was as though he was feeling embarrassed that he got so heated up. He
was giving off an awkward air.
「There is certainly a meaning of your survival huh?」
Shuu messed up Hajime’s hair with a rough stroke. Hajime averted his eyes as
though he was faced with a black history. He slapped down Shuu’s hand with
embarrassment. But, even though he averted his gaze from his father, Sumire was lying
in wait ahead of his gaze.
「 You don’t need to be that embarrassed. Look, Will-kun is it? A bit of strength has
returned into his eyes.」
「……It was mostly me venting out my anger. It was too childish of me I can’t bear to
look at it.」
Hajime and Will’s circumstance overlapped at the aspect of “surviving alone inside a
cave”. That Will spouting out words that it was shameful for him to survive sounded like
he was saying that Hajime’s own survival was a mistake and he spontaneously spoke
that line just now. Certainly, it could be called as him venting out.
「That’s not true! Papa, you were cool nano!」
Myuu tightly hugged the legs of the self-depreciating Hajime. Her perfectly round
eyes were sparkling. At the same time, a kind tune could also be vaguely felt from her
voice, it conveyed both her true feeling and consideration. A smile naturally formed on
Hajime’s face. He unconsciously stroked Myuu’s head. Myuu narrowed her eyes
pleasantly, as though she was entering a warm bath. 「Myu~~」 An adorable voice that
lacked tension slipped out. Aiko’s expression loosened smilingly seeing such Myuu while
showing her agreement.
「 That’s right. Those words also echoed deeply at the bottom of our heart. Just how
heavy the experience of Hajime-kun in the abyss. It felt like we were able to slightly
sympathize with that experience that we could only imagine about.」
Just as Aiko said, Aiko and Yuuka and others inside the past replay were all showing
expression as though they were greatly moved by something. It was like they were in
front of a small hearth within harsh winter. Hajime who only showed his cold side to
them since their reunion gave off a humane heat, and that heat melted the freezing part
inside themselves. Their expression showed that. Tomoichi and others who had actually
watched the struggle for survival in the abyss were also feeling something from those
words just now. They were sending gaze that was filled with warmth somewhere inside
toward Hajime. Tomoichi asked with a gentle tone.
「Hajime-kun. Is he still an adventurer even now?」
「I’m sorry, I don’t really know how he is doing right now. After the final battle, he came
with his parents and brothers one time for greeting but……it seemed they were really
busy with the reconstruction, perhaps he is helping his parents right now.」
Hajime tilted his head in puzzlement, but Liliana told them the answer.
「Cudeta House’s contribution for the reconstruction is immense. They cooperated with
Fuhren, and they even use their own private fortune in the effort. To reward that
dedication, now they are the feudal lord that govern over the southern territory of the
It seemed they obtained great success where their influence was at duke level. When
the devil race invaded the capital, many high class nobles became sacrifices. And then
the number of surviving nobles who perceived that as chance to fatten their own pocket
also wasn’t just a few. Liliana’s eyes for judging people were the real thing, so there was
no problem in discerning that type of people but, it couldn’t be denied that “people who
could be trusted” was lacking in supply.
In such situation, the count who underwent great hardships to fulfill his duty as
noble and also returned the favor to his majesty the demon king who saved Will and
helped Liliana who was the demon king’s wife seemed to be someone who could be
strongly trusted even in Liliana’s eye. Right now he was even becoming one of the
kingdom’s mainstay leaders.
「Inevitably the responsibility that the lord is shouldering is also becoming immense, so
Will-san also washed his hand from being an adventurer and give his all in helping with
his house’s work. Right now he is holding the post as the official responsible for the aid
commodities and the like in Fuhren as the representative of Cudeta House.」
「Hee, so he is the one in charge of negotiating with that metropolis of commerce, that’s
amazing. Your average joe will get cajoled and has all his possession stripped away from
him in that job though.」
「Right now everyone is united so even Fuhren isn’t being that opportunist. If they are
doing business greedily which cause the people’s dissatisfaction to pile up, and that
news enter a certain someone’s ear……they’ll end up like a certain underground
organization in the past! Or so they think.」
So that’s how it is. The tragedy that befell the underground organization that
auctioned Myuu and caused dirty fireworks to bloom in a part of Fuhren seemed to left a
lasting impression in the mind of the upper echelon there. It wasn’t like Hajime was the
ally of the people but, Liliana had worked hard doing everything she could. Then, seeing
that Hajime would move……surely they couldn’t discard such possibility.
「 Fufu. To say nothing of how Will-san is someone who his majesty the demon king
personally saved. They can do nothing else but treating him with sincerity and good
faith. Fufufu.」
Oh? It felt like Princess Liliana’s smiling face was wicked……
「 Hey, Lily. Could it be, you did something like advising the lord regarding Will’s
A lovely whistling voice echoed in the cave. What a cliché way to play innocent. Even
though it was just whistling but the way it had absurdly delicate and beautiful tune was
aggravating. Furthermore, the tune was from the magical girl song before this. What fast
learning. The slight arrangement so that the tune was usable for whistling was even
more irritaiting. The tough princess who made use of her husband’s influence without
reservation caused everyone to look conflicted. Setting that aside……Kaori returned her
focus into the past replay.
「……Muu. Hajime-kun entered a world with Yue all alone again.」
「 That’s right, Kaori-san. They’re creating this pink world anytime anywhere. Do you
understand my feeling when we were still traveling with just the three of us?」
「 Yes, I understand it, Shia. Because, Shia is making an amazing face even inside the
projection. This face, filled with things like alienation or loneliness or emptiness, it’s like
all those are all jumbled up. Surely I’ll also be like that in your position!」
Somehow the friendship value of Kaori and Shia was rising. They hugged each other
tightly. It might be understandable. After all, inside the past projection, tightly grasping
Hajime’s hand,
――It’s fine, Hajime isn’t wrong
――Live with your all. Keep living. Forever together with me. Okay?
Yue’s expression was compassionate like the holy mother. Hajime was lovingly
staring at such Yue while caressing her cheek. Of course, Yue was also rubbing her cheek
on Hajime’s hand fawningly. There was the illusion of heart shaped bubbles were
drifting airily and the air being colored pink. Even though it was inside the projection,
somehow even the air felt sweet like cookies.
And then that sickly sweet scene became paused as a still image. The culprit was of
course Yue-sama. Her face was smug. It was really smug. At the same time she was even
pointing her finger and bending backward like a certain pirate empress when looking
down on others. With godspeed Kaori moved behind Yue and restrained her. In the
same beat Shia carried out a tickling execution with her rabbit ears. Shizuku and Aiko
and Liliana also joined in nonchalantly. Shia held Yue’s waist and lifted her up
horizontally. Even her shoes were taken off and not just her sides, even the back of her
feet were tickled.
「……Nh!? Nnh!? Sto, stop-, fuhih!? Hyawa!?」
The moment she tried to shake them off, 「 That looks fun nano~! 」 Myuu also
joined in the tickling! Yue became unable to act roughly and screamed ‘ahi ahi’ with
tearful eyes. The parents were watching their frolicking with gaze that seemed to say
‘They’re really getting along’. During that, Hajime suddenly noticed. How Tio was
strangely docile.
「Oi, what’s the matter Tio? You’re making a face like a normal dragon race like that.」
「I am a normal dragon race people though!?」
「Why art thou laughing!?」
‘How insulting!’ Tio huffed as though to say that. Seeing her like that Hajime
narrowed his eyes thinking that something was strange as expected. Because, she wasn’t
going ‘haa haa’ even though he just insulted her with something like 「You are a dragon
race that is not dragon race. You’re dragon race (lol) right?」. It was abnormal.
「And, what’s wrong?」
「……Good grief, goshujin-sama art sharp. Well, it’s delightful that thou art watching
me carefully like that――」
「A docile Tio is so strange that it’s conspicuous to anyone whether they want to notice
or not, right?」
「 Nh fuuh. Mine overwhelming gratitude for the sharp words that floweth like water
and yet sharp like spear!」
「Enough, just say quickly what’s wrong.」
Hajime was slightly relived seeing Tio finally going ‘haa haa’ and urged her. Then
Tio turned around and bared open her feeling while smiling bitterly.
「 It’s nothing, it’s not something that needst to be worried about. I am merely a little
ashamed of mine blunder.」
Hajime guessed Tio’s thought from those words. Most likely, she was reminded once
more from seeing Will inside the past projection. How she was controlled and killed the
「It was truly, an irredeemable mistake.」
Indignation could be seen inside her bitter smile. Behind her golden pupils, there
was a flicker of flame that blazed fiercely as though burning herself. Yue and others
stopped messing around seeing that. They looked at Tio with a quiet expression. And
then the parents gasped and opened their eyes wide. Kaoruko and Akiko got flustered by
the stifling air. They gave a follow up toward Tio.
「Bu, but, if I remember right, Tio-san was controlled wasn’t it?」
「That was what I heard from Aiko too. Then――」
「 Both of you, mine gratitude for thy consideration. But, human lives were lost. It
couldst not be put away merely by saying that it couldst not be helped.」
Kaoruko and Akiko became speechless from Tio’s decisive reply. Shuuzou and other
Yaegashi family members seemed to understand Tio’s feeling. They were watching her
with a calm gaze. Sumire and Shuu looked at each other and asked Tio.
「Didn’t you obtain the forgiveness from Will-kun and the other adventurers’ family?」
「After the final battle, you went to apologize to them before going to earth didn’t you?
Hajime also accompanied you right?」
Actually, Tio already went to apologize to the families that were left behind by those
adventurers. Not just from Will, she also obtained forgiveness from them. It seemed
there was already explanation about the circumstance from Will beforehand, and there
was also Tio’s achievement in the final battle and other place that they received Tio’s
apologize with no ill feeling so much that Tio felt troubled instead but……
「That is that, this is this. Due to mine mistake, lives were lost needlessly. Whether I am
forgiven or not for it, it’s something that I must not forget for mine whole life.」
Tio spun words of admonition like a strict judge, or perhaps like a priest that
preached the truth. From her words there was certainly the figure of strict and moral
dragon race who wouldn’t allow any pampering for herself or averting her gaze from
what she should shoulder. With self-reproach and self-admonition, and then prayer to
the death for happiness in the next world in her heart, Tio silently closed her eyes. While
solemn atmosphere was filling the cave, a small silhouette came running with rapid
「……Fufu, thank you. Myuu.」
Before it was to Hajime. Now it was to Tio. However, this time it wasn’t with words.
Myuu was simply clinging on Tio’s leg. Yue and others, also the parents too were praying
for happiness in the next life for the dead. Time flowed solemnly for a while. Before
long, Hajime broke the silence.
「Well, she isn’t worrying or anything, if it’s something that Tio decided herself then I
don’t really have anything to say but……」
「What is it goshujin-sama?」
Hajime didn’t mind if she wasn’t being tormented by guilty conscience and trapped
in it. In that respect, Tio was more level headed than anyone else despite being a total
pervert, so he wasn’t worried. Though although he said that, Hajime’s expression
softened with consideration somewhere in it. Tio tilted her head seeing that.
「There might be negligence in your part. You must be really confident in the defense
power of the unbreakable dragon scale. You were also undoubtedly very tired after flying
continuously from the far away solitary island without stopping until here.」
「That’s, well……that art the case. However……」
Tio tried to argue back, however, Hajime interrupted her with his hand and
「 Above all else, you were unlucky. Even though you were hiding within a vast
mountain range, you still encountered that guy. What’s more it was in a superb timing
where he was in the middle of carrying out his plan. It made me wonder just what kind
of coincidence was that.」
Hajime folded his arms while talking. Everyone focused on him. Hearing the word
「Unlucky」, her expression looked like she wanted to object 「That’s not an excuse」
so much, but she stayed quiet and lent her ear.
「Tio, should I say as expected from the dragon race, that mental strength of yours isn’t
a joke. I’ve never seen you shaken no matter what kind of trial it was in the great
「……I hath, lived for more than five hundred years after all.」
Yes, whether it was at Great Dungeon Haltina, or the cave of ice and snow, against
trial that tested the mind, she would face it with more firmness than anyone, and broke
through it.
「Yeah, that’s why I’m saying this. You were unlucky.」
「Goshujin-sama, that’s……」
「Of all people, you got found out by an absurd genius like Shimizu.」
It was Shuuzou who was muttering with a questioning tone. But, it seemed everyone
felt the same. They harbored surprise and puzzlement toward Hajime praising Shimizu
Yukitoshi as genius without exaggerating. Hajime shrugged sensing such atmosphere.
「Because that’s true right? Even though it took a whole day, he brainwashed this Tio
you know? How else you’re going to call him other than a cheat level genius?」
Not only that. Even without looking too far back, the feat of dominating a large army
of sixty thousand monsters within two week wasn’t normal. Even if it was just him
controlling the boss monsters within that army instead of all sixty thousand, that still
counted of nearly a hundred monsters. Furthermore, those monsters were the boss of
several hundred or several thousand monsters, so naturally they were powerful
monsters. And he completely brainwashed them under his control, so it could be seen
how amazing that was.
「Perhaps it was actually Shimizu who was the natural enemy of the devil race. Exactly
because of that they brought up the talk of accepting him as their comrade and when he
was captured by us they immediately washed their hands off him……well, it’s nothing
more than a speculation though.」
「Hajime-kun, what do you mean by natural enemy?」
「Shuuzou-san, I explained the situation at Tortus already didn’t I? Do you remember
what was the absolute advantage of the devil race?」
「That’s……if I remember right, a general called Freed was leading a monster army……
aa, so it’s something like that. Shimizu-kun was……could it be, there was a chance he
might steal that monster army……」
「 Yes. He controlled that large army while he was still inexperienced. If he trained
diligently, there was enough possibility he could do that. Even if he could not, it was
proved that numbers can be resisted with numbers.」
Aiko looked down hearing Hajime’s speculation.
「……If, Shimizu-kun stayed at our side, he might be able to become a hero just like he
「 I wonder about that. What that guy wanted was an environment where “he was the
only special one”. If that’s the case than either way it’s only the devil race’s side that can
grant his wish. I think the result wouldn’t change.」
「Is, that so?」
「That’s so. After all every last one of the guys in the class is a cheat.」
The biggest example was, Kouki. As a hero his spec didn’t allow anyone to catch up
to him. And then, Eri. She developed the magic “Soul Bind” to bind the death’s soul and
enslave them with her own effort. It was a skill that took a step inside the territory of
soul magic which was an age of god magic.
Kaori was also like that. Even if she didn’t obtain the apostle’s strength, just by
training diligently in recovery magic as she was, she would be able to become a healer
who could heal in the scale of thousands by herself alone. Shizuku too, she surpassed the
hero if it was just in speed. If she increased her slashing ability and trained her skill and
magic, she would literally be the strongest and fastest swordsman who could cut
Suzu could deploy a barrier in the class of the capital’s great barrier with her own
strength, Ryuutarou too, using his senses alone he was able to use “Vajra” from the start
when Hajime needed to plunder that skill from monsters by repeatedly breaking down
and regenerating his body, his toughness could only be described as abnormal. There
was no need to mention Aiko. Then there was a certain abyss lord and also others, they
were abnormal since before coming to Tortus.
“Being the only one special” ――that environment that Shimizu wished for would
undoubtedly never come to pass. And then, there was no doubt that his conceit wouldn’t
accept that. It was beyond doubt that the young man called Shimizu was a “threat” who
possessed extraordinary power.
「Getting back on track, Tio.」
「If it was us who received the brainwashing, we might not be able to wake up just from
getting hit by physical impact. You were hit by a threat of that level from the beginning.
That’s why, I won’t tell you to not get too bothered by it, and I also respect your resolve
to shoulder that responsibility, but……」
Hajime’s gaze wandered around at empty air while searching for words. And then he
spoke with a troubled expression.
「The people with the right to blame you, they forgave you. That’s why, if it’s just for a
bit, it should be alright for you to also forgive yourself shouldn’t it?」
Tio’s expression became very troubled. She couldn’t accept it……it wasn’t because
she thought that. She couldn’t express it in words but, she fell into the sensation of her
heart getting tightly clutched and became unable to understand what kind of expression
she should make. Hajime muttered 「 You’re really, you’re only strict toward yourself
rather than toward your surroundings」 before adding more words.
「 … … The war against god is over. The longstanding wish of the dragon race is also
accomplished. That’s why, Tio. Isn’t it fine even if you spoil yourself just a bit more?」
「……Is that so?」
「 Yeah, that’s what I think. Or perhaps it’s that? By treating yourself harshly, you’re
getting self-‘haa haa’ inside? In that case I might be poking my nose unwontedly
「I’m not self-‘haa haa’ or anything!? Pleasure art meaningful when it’s given from other
people who thou couldst trust!」
「No, no one gives a damn」
Tio grabbed Hajime’s collar looking extremely angry, but no one tried to stop her.
The reason was simple. Tio’s expression, it was loose like someone stuffing their cheeks
with candy. Everyone in that place was watching Tio hitting Hajime repeatedly *pow
pow* with a gaze that wanted to say ‘even a dog won’t want to get near’. *Pow pow, pow
「……Nn, anyway, the past replay here is over. Let’s go out.」
The group headed outside following Yue’s command. *Pow pow, slap slap*.
「I wonder if she sensed the presence of Hajime and others? Hey, Tio, do you remember
about that――」
「Eei, annoying! This useless dragon!」
「Thank you very much-, for supreme slap-!!!」
The useless dragon-san spun artistically like a figure skater while crumbling down.
She was going ‘ahe ahe’ so much. It was a picturesque expression of ecstasy. At the same
time, Yue split open the waterfall at that timing so the scenery outside was visible.
Inside the past image, a black dragon was glaring down with soul-stirring and fierce
pressure. It was really giving off the atmosphere of a last boss. The surging out jet black
magic power and the vast pressure that was conveyed even through the projection. The
dragon eyes that were glaring fiercely were so sharp that all the parents jerked in
surprise. In front of such dragon that was like an evil dragon from a story,
「Goshujin-sama! I asked thee for a second helping-!!」
If your right cheek was slapped, then offering your left cheek was the way of the
world! Tio pleaded for reward with an expecting gaze as though to say that. And then,
the past Tio was growling. The image was paused for the moment. Yue turned around
toward everyone behind and said.
「……It’s this gap.」
Kaori and others, and also Sumire and other parents, they simultaneously looked at
Tio who was sitting beside Hajime’s foot while going ‘woof woof auu♪’. Their heart
became as one. Really, what a really hopeless legendary dragon……they thought. In any
case, the group exited the cave. With the waterfall behind them, they gathered on an
empty lot that was still desolated from the scar of battle. Hajime tossed away Tio who he
dragged along with him and opened his mouth while glancing at the paused past replay.
「Now then, a shocking image will be playing after this……」
「 It wouldst be the wonderful moment when a new door was opened for me! Please
watch! I’m asking everyone to please watch-!」
Yue, Shia, and Aiko were staring like they were looking at an alien. Why would she
herself wish for that moment to be publicized……they wondered.
「Honestly, it’s just a scene of a pervert being a pervert.」
「Hajime-kun. You shouldn’t mislead everyone. It’s “the scene of Hajime-kun creating a
「……Nn. It’s not good to nonchalantly direct the flow to make it look like it’s not your
「In the first place, it’s Hajime-san’s responsibility no matter how you look at it. Please
shoulder your responsibility properly.」
「Cough-. It’s just-, a scene-, of me creating a pervert-」
The three different comments from three different people caused Hajime to reword
his sentence with a look of self-abandonment. The wive~s were strict with their husband
「And, will you watch? Or will you not? I strongly recommend that you don’t watch it.」
「There’s no way we won’t watch the current Tio’s beginning after coming this far!」
「Ri, right. It’s also a bit scary after hearing the story though……」
Hearing Kaori and Shizuku’s reply, the parents were also nodding even while
looking slightly hesitant. Until now, they had been watching the track of Hajime and
others that they actually didn’t even need to see, including the heavy and painful scenes.
In that case, how could they refuse to watch something like shocking scene that the
person herself wished to show off! They convinced themselves like that with a tension
that they slightly didn’t understand. Hajime sighed. He turned his gaze toward Myuu.
Myuu twitched. She made an upward gaze and asked timidly. She didn’t want to go
through ‘Up, u~p’, but she really wanted to watch.
「……Is it, no good? Nano」
「It’s fine. If Remia allow it.」
Myuu went 「 Eh? 」 . It seemed she didn’t expect an okay to be given. When she
hurriedly turned her gaze, Remia mama was looking slightly hesitant. This was also
unexpected. A scene where a pervert was awakened to perversion, no matter how one
thought about it, it would be bad for a child’s education. It would excessively bad. And
yet she hesitated because……
「Ma, mama? Myuu, want to watch nano. The time when Tio-oneechan and papa met,
Myuu want to watch it nano.」
「Ri-right……i-it might be fine, I think.」
「It’s fine!?」
「Uu……yes, if Myuu want to watch then」
Remia mama said that, looking like it was a really painful decision! Hajime said OK,
Remia said OK, why would they do that…… Getting concerned, or rather getting
worried, the man with common sense Tomoichi asked while sending Myuu a concerned
「Hajime-kun. Is it really okay? Or rather, why is it okay?」
「No, well, it’s about Tio after all.」
Tomoichi and Kaoruko and others tilted their head. Hajime continued with a wry
「No, it’s not really meaningful to not watch this scene with the excuse that it’s bad for
her education. Look, even now she is going ‘haa haa’ from getting tossed away by me
「So it’s because she is already a walking obscenity――」
「Thank you so much-」
「 ― ― It’s the same whether she watch or not. It’s the fetish of a family member, or
rather it’s her major personality, so perhaps it’s fine even if Myuu doesn’t deny it so
Looking at Remia, she nodded with a troubled expression. It seemed she was of the
same opinion. If they told Myuu that ‘You can’t see this!’, then in the first place they
should tell her ‘You must not look at Tio!’. For Remia, that kind of attitude toward
family would be bad for Myuu’s education instead. Though it was a hard decision for her
to make.
「Waa~~i! Nano! Myuu can watch Tio-oneechan’s scene nano!」
「Umu-, Myuu! Pay a close attention! Of mine way of life!!」
「Myuu will pay a close attention nano!」
Myuu hopped and hugged Tio. Tio was going ‘haa haa’ while accepting the hug.
Someone breathing hard with expression of ecstasy while being hugged by a little girl, it
was bad in a different sense. Like that, even while harboring worry of ‘Is this really
alright~, Myuu-chan won’t get traumatized from it riiight~’, they shared an unspoken
understanding that if push came to shove a mosaic would be put on Tio’s existence itself
using illusion, then Yue looked around with a gaze that said ‘Now, have you steeled
yourself?’――at that timing.
「Nn? This presence……」
「Eh? Hajime-san, could this be……」
Hajime and Shia suddenly turned their gaze to other direction. The other people
wondered what it was about and followed their gaze. There they started to see a black
dot in the sky. It was gradually getting bigger and before long they could also see wings
「Oo? Is that……Jii-sama!?」
The figure that came into view was a gallant red dragon. An indigo blue dragon was
also flying slightly behind it. Like that, two dragons flapped their wings hard on the
empty lot while landing. Right after that, the dragons were enveloped in light and took
human form.
「Long time no see, Hajime-kun.」
The red haired good looking man wearing kimono――Tio’s grandfather Adol Clarus
was wrapped in an aura that was like a great tree. His tone that was greeting him was
also similarly powerful and yet calm.
「Long time no see, Adol-dono. It’s surprising to meet you here. A coincidence……it is
not isn’t it?」
「Umu. I heard the story from the queen of Heiligh. I flew here to greet you and also to
suggest something.」
Adol smiled a reassuring smile even though it was still filled with dignity. His gaze
looked around toward the parents.
「It’s a honor to meet everyone. I am Tio’s grandfather, Adol Clarus. Because it was my
dearest wish to be able to meet everyone, I was embarrassingly unable to contain myself
and intrude on your trip like this. My apologies.」
Adol said that and lightly bowed his head. Shuu and others who were dumbfounded
finally returned to their senses. This was someone who was one of the few people that
Hajime would seriously show respect toward. Naturally Shuu and others were also
feeling it. Of the majesty and refinement that made them wanted to kneel naturally.
They held their breath, thinking that this was a real king.
「That’s, please raise your head. We’re the one who feel honored to be able to meet you,
「Tha, that’s right desu!」
「O, oi, Sumire! Tone! Your tone is weird, yes!」
「You are also acting strange desu!」
The Nagumo couple were plainly losing their cool. Hajime covered his face with
both hands. A lighthearted laugh immediately came from Adol.
「I have heard about you two a little from Hajime-kun, but it seems you two are really a
delightful parents.」
「Ha, hahaa, thank you for saying that~」
「 Geez, really our son, just what has he been saying I wonder. Calling us the world’s
most delightful and wonderful parents like that!」
「Tou-san, Kaa-san. Please. Calm down.」
Hajime begged at his parents who were starting to show the sign of running wild
while sweating a lot. Of course Yue-sama immediately used soul magic. Tomoichi and
others were also slightly nervous from being swallowed by Adol’s atmosphere, but after
looking at the two who were at their wits’ end from right nearby and,
「It’s Adol-ojiichan nano~~!!」
「 Oo! Myuu! Long time no see! Has you grown slightly taller? Umu, you have also
become slightly heavier.」
「Muu, Adol-ojiichan, bad nano. Talk of weight is “taboo~” for a lady nano.」
「Oops, indeed. I apologize. It was imprudent of me. Myuu is already a splendid lady.」
「Ufufu~ nano~」
Adol hugged Myuu with a wide smile like they were normal grandfather and
granddaughter. Seeing that, they recovered their cool. Each of them exchanged greeting
with a calm face of an adult. While the adults were deepening friendship with Adol at
the center, Liliana silently approached Hajime who had various questions pasted on his
「I’m sorry, Hajime-san. I forgot to mention it.」
「Nn? You mean about Adol-dono?」
「Yes. Actually, Adol-sama and everyone of the dragon race are shouldering the role of
communication and defending the whole continent.」
So it was like that. If it was the dragon race who could fly freely in the sky without
anyone obstructing them anymore, they would be able to move quicker than anyone to
resolve various problems like the quarrel that still existed between races, various areas
that were still shaky in foundation, and so on. Regarding the communication and
information sharing too, considering their nobility and trustworthiness, there would be
no one else that could be reliably entrusted with such role.
「 Oh my, is that so. If that art the case, then everyone in the village hast come to the
Tio approached and tilted her head. Yue and others also gathered and listened. Then
it wasn’t Liliana who answered but the youth dragon race who accompanied Adol. Yes, it
was the indigo blue dragon race who had been sending stern eyes toward Hajime all this
「No, princess. Only around thirty percent of the village’s populace came here.」
「Oo, Ristas! Long time no see. So thou art here.」
「……I’m here. From the start.」
Eh? What’s this. It felt like there was a certain abyss lord who received this kind of
treatment…… By the way, Ristas-kun’s first love was Princess Tio, in the past he was also
one of her former fiancée candidates. It was a known fact, so Kaori and others were
sending him a sad and sympathetic gaze. Ristas-kun, he was making a face that wanted
to say ‘If you guys are sympathetic then return back the proper princess!’, even so he
continued explaining.
「Although the gap between demi-humans and human race is being closed, right now is
an important period for both sides to understand and accept each other. All of us dragon
race flying freely in the sky too much might cause a needless sentiment.」
「I see. Certainly it’s as thou say. It wouldst be inexcusable if we cause people to harbor
feeling like fear toward other demi-humans.」
「 Yes. Also, while everyone is busy doing reconstruction, it’s too much to ask them to
secure a place for everyone in the village to stay here. And so currently we are selecting a
place where a new village of the dragon race can be set up in the continent under the
cooperation of the countries.」
「I see……so that’s how it is……」
Tio nodded several times looking somewhat deeply moved. More than five hundred
years had passed since the dragon race escaped from the continent. Finally even the
dragon race was able to come back to the continent.
「 There are various prospects raised for the site. Fea Bergen was also generously
proposing to set up an autonomous region for us to live together with them but……for
good or bad our existence is mighty, so we’re making our decision carefully.」
「Umu. That’s good to hear.」
「 Yes. And so, princess. The future of us dragon race is hanging on this period from
now, so I beg you, please return back to the――」
「Stop that, Ristas.」
Ristas pitched forward to entreat earnestly, but those words were silenced by a
gunshot from Hajime――before that could happen, Adol who seemed to pause his
conversation with the parents for the moment interrupted him with an exasperated face
while still carrying Myuu in his arms.
「Pa, patriarch-, however-」
Ristas tried to argue even then, but Adol shut him up with his gaze and said.
「Tio, don’t mind us. Rather, you should enjoy yourself. As for what will become of our
new home, everyone is praying for your happiness, and they are in high spirit to one day
display our new home to you and surprise you with it.」
「Jii-sama……I see. Umu, even without thee telling me, I shall do as I please. I wouldst
not leave goshujin-sama’s side. I was also told just now that it wouldst be fine for me to
spoil myself more.」
「Hou. So Hajime-kun said such thing……fufu, he said something good to you.」
The two calmly smiled to each other with the face of a grandfather and a
granddaughter. Ristas was going 「 Gununu 」 with a vexed face like in manga while
glaring at Hajime. Hajime ignored that with a shrug while sending his gaze to Adol once
「And, Adol-dono. You mentioned something about a proposal……」
「Aa, that’s right. As mentioned just now, we will migrate here before long.」
「Yes. Congratulations, is it alright if I say that?」
「 But of course. Thank you. Although, it’s a place where we had spent more than five
hundred years there. We are quite attached to it. I heard about the trip of everyone here
in such timing, so I was thinking if everyone together with your families will accept my
invitation to visit the village once before we migrate.」
「I see…….」
Certainly, this might be their last chance to see the settlement of a hidden village in
an isolated island that was located at the northern sea far away. With that as the case,
this invitation was truly a precious offer that they should be grateful for. This wasn’t in
their schedule but, ‘How about it?’ Hajime asked with his gaze.
「In mine opinion, I wish that we couldst visit no matter what.」
Added with that wish of Tio, the group’s heart decided immediately. Of course, the
answer was yes.
「That’s how it is, Adol-sama. We will be in your care.」
「That’s great. The people in the village will be happy too.」
Hajime took Myuu while the two shook hand. Seeing the respect that was visible on
Hajime’s expression, Shuu muttered 「 Eh? Have Hajime ever looked at me like
that……」, Tomoichi replied 「I’ve also heard that before. Or rather, don’t compete with
Adol-san, Nagumo Shuu. The difference in status as a person between the two of you is
too far 」 . While the two of the them were silently grappling with each other, Adol
continued his talk.
「 And, I heard a little from Shuu-dono just now, but it seems everyone is planning to
watch the battle at your first meeting with Tio?」
「Eh? Aa~, yes, that’s, right. Yes……」
Sweat trickled down Hajime’s cheek.
「Please allow me to watch it too.」
「 Ha, hahaa, about that. As expected, the recording of defeat of a granddaughter isn’t
something that should be seen by her family I think……I too, was a li~ttle bit merciless
at that time you can say……」
In a super rare occasion, Hajime’s gaze was swimming around like a migratory fish.
Tomoichi and others looked astonished seeing Hajime babling incoherently like that.
Yue, Shia, and Aiko were making an expression that seemed to want to say 「Well, of
course he will act like that」.
「You don’t need to finish those words, Hajime-kun.」
Adol shook his head with a pained expression seeing Hajime’s extreme
「I have heard about the gist of it. I had even fainted from that. I have steeled myself!」
「I’d rather you don’t steel yourself so much for this kind of thing!」
Certainly, Adol had the expression of a warrior that was going to challenge a
diecisive battle. The eyes of Ristas-kun who was standing behind him was staring at a
world far away. It seemed this one hadn’t managed to steel himself. He looked like he
was going to say 「There is nothing in my memory……」.
Hajime’s gaze asked Tio 「 Oi Tio! Could it be you even talked to them about the
matter of pile bunker in the ass!?」. In respond Tio dared to answer back with her gaze
「 It was the beginning of mine love with Goshujin-sama. I wanted everyone in the
village to know about it 」 while looking bashful for some reason. She had a terrible
kind of sensitivity. As expected from the super perverted dragon.
「Certainly it was, a litte bit, unique method of attack, I say, that it might open, aa~, the
door? that was hidden inside Tio.」
「Chief. It’s not just might. It was definitely that attack that pried open the door. And
the result is that.」
「……Ristas. Haven’t you become, somewhat self-despairing right now?」
Ristas-kun looked like he was going to spit out ‘keh’ even now. He was turning
slightly delinquent when faced with the reality that was hard to accept. It couldn’t be
helped. After all before the legendary final battle, the village was almost met the bitter
experience of annihilation due to the “story of the beginning of my love with Goshujin-
sama” that was talked by Tio when she returned home.
The village fell into a hellish pandemonium by the completely changed figure of
their princess. At that time Adol fainted while Ristas-kun also entered cardiac arrest due
to the extreme shock. If Tio didn’t stop with just showing the recording of the battle at
the demon king castle and also showed the recording of the pile bunker in the ass
incident…… Surely the figures of dragon race wouldn’t be seen when the legendary final
battle broke out, no doubt about it. Adol cleared his throat once and pulled himself
「Even so, Tio’s black scale was never brokenby anyone in the village. And yet you broke
it and made Tio who boasted an undefeated record even if it was just in the small world
that was our village to admit defeat. I wish to observe such battle by all means. No
matter what kind of content it has, it is the event where the love between both of you
began. I’m curious as Tio’s grandfather.」
It seemed Adol had already intended to accept everything that her granddaughter
was as a grandfather. Tio’s cheeks reddened seeing Adol’s grandfatherly expression.
Ristas was sending his gaze to look at far away while he was starting to sit down and
hugged his knees. And then he covered his ears with both hands. It seemed he intended
to shut out all of the outside world from his senses.
「W-what now Tio? If he is going as far as saying all that, then I have no other choice
except to show it but……if you don’t want to show――」
「Bring it on-」
「I’m an idiot for asking.」
Hajime looked up to the sky before looking toward Yue. Yue made a kind expression
and sent him a thumb up. As expected from the first wife-sama. It seemed she also had
the caliber to accept everything that Hajime was. Tio was hugging herself and wriggling
around because her grandfather was going to witness an even that was her “first time” in
various senses. Ignoring her, Hajime signaled with his gaze for Yue to activate the past
replay. Well, it couldn’t be helped. That was just how impactful it was. Said Adol-san
With a glance Hajime asked 「Oi, Tio! Could it be, you didn’t mention about the ass
pile bunker!? 」 . Tio too replied back with her gaze 「 I only showed the memory
playback of the battle in the devil king castle! Because, it was really urgent at that time!
As expected, I thought that it wouldst be bad if I showed them the ass pile bunker!」. It
was really a wise decision. And then, the time to pay for that had come now.
「Wha, what now, Tio? This is more or less the record of your defeat. You don’t want to
show it to the grandfather you respected don’t you?」
Hajime-san desperately tried to cover it up! Yue and others who somehow guessed
his though sent a thumb up. But however,
「U, umu. That’s right. As expected it’s embarrassing or rather……unlike Hahaue-dono
and others who art already aware from the beginning that I am someone like this, the
people of the village art still feeling respect toward me……」
As expected, unlike with the earth group who was interacting with her with the
awareness that she was a pervert since the beginning, toward them who had only seen
her side as a noble and wise last descendant of the royal family all this time since her
birth, showing them the scene of her awakening through ass pile bunker was a bit……
Though she was saying that, Tio-san was also wriggling around at the same time.
「But-, it’s also difficult for me to suppress the desire to purposefully show the scene to
those brethrens of mine so that they wouldst look at me with scornful gaze-. Aah, this
conflicting desire-. Goshujin-sama! What should I do!?」
「It’ll be better if you enter the grave isn’t it?」
No matter what time it was, in the end Tio was Tio. Ignoring Tio who was hugging
herself and wriggling around, Hajime faced the greatly dignified Adol-san who was
watching them warmly and Ristas whose expression was twitching before telling them
the pre-screening warning.
「 Adol-dono. In this world, I believe there are things that one is better off not
「Fumu? That’s a wise saying. However, I believe that I’m not so narrow minded I will
be offended just from my granddaughter’s defeat.」
「Even if, she lost in a horrible way?」
「Tio was controlled right? That battle should be a pure battle for survival. In that case,
no matter what kind of method you used, I wouldn’t call it as cowardice or despicable.」
What a praiseworthy person. It wasn’t just for show how he was able to accept even
the Tio who was transformed into a pervert as 「 She simply have a slightly strange
taste」 with unperturbed attitude. Seeing that unshakeable gaze of Adol that was like a
saint and his large hearted smile that felt like it could accept everything, Hajime
resigned himself with 「 Ah, this is impossible. I can’t easily divert his attention 」 .
Hajime turned his gaze toward Yue and told her to resume the past projection. Like that
the intense battle began. Everyone held their breath at the scene where he blocked Tio’s
breath with a large shield.
The scene after that too, the shooting, and the black scales that deflected it. Tio’s
tenacity that evaded Shia’s iron hammer and counterattacked while under the attack of
gravity magic caused admiring voice to be raised. Hajime’s tempestuous attack――the
frontal attack from Schlagen that broke through the breath from the front and the storm
of pinpoint sniping into the spots with weak defense――caused shocked yell to be raised.
It was a fierce battle. Whether it was the tough battle of Tio’s soul stirring figure, or the
tyrannical might from Hajime’s artifact, it was a battle like the story that was passed
down in myth……
Everyone was absorbed in watching without even any leeway to speak their
impression to each other. Even Adol was going ooh and aah with an impressed
expression. Ristas who was shutting out reality had also stood up before anyone noticed
and watched the playback while clenching his sweaty palm. Yes, they were all watching
with rapt attention. Even though that moment, had finally come.
――Die from your butt. This useless dragon
――AA———-!!!? AAAAAAH———-!!!
A thick stake stabbed into the princess’s butt. A sad voice of ‘Please pull it ouuutt~’
echoed to the surrounding. No one said anything. They were truly at a loss for words.
Even though the past image continued to flow, it was like the time at the real world had
stopped. Looking closer, Kaoruko and Akiko were half fainting. Kirino covered her
mouth as though she wanted to say 「 Oh myy 」, while Sumire was looking up to the
sky. As expected, it seemed to be a shocking scene that surpassed their imagination.
Unable to keep watching, Remia’s face went bright red while she unconsciously
pressed on her own butt with averted gaze. Or rather, the female camp including Yue
and others were also pressing their butt with blushing cheeks. They were also trembling
a little, perhaps because they were imagining what if something like that was done to
them. Myuu could only keep watching with her mouth gaping wide open. Her face
seemed to say ‘An encounter with the unknown nano!’.
「Thi, this art embarrassing~」
「Normally it won’t stop with just embarrassment though.」
The hopeless dragon was wriggling shyly. It was like someone who was displaying
their romantic kiss scene. Even after that, the pile was punched hard & grinded while
still piercing the butt and there was screaming, however, this scream was getting filled
with luster bit by bit. Even the male camp became unable to watch and averted their
gaze. It was during that time Tio finally dispelled her dragon transformation.
Over there, the princess Tio who was loved and respected by anyone was already
gone. What was there was only a pervert who had opened a new door after going
through ass pile bunker and moaning ‘haa haa’ with expression of ecstasy. Inside the
image, the group began to descend down the mountain. Tio got her foot grabbed and
dragged on the ground carelessly even though she was a princess. Even then, she was
making perverted ‘ahe ahe’ face that was terribly disgusting――in that moment,
Ristas-kun instantly transformed into dragon and flew to far beyond. Even though
he was trying to stick with the stance of not seeing, not listening, and not knowing
anything! till the end, he carelessly got attracted by the soul-stirring battle and ended up
witnessing it. His heart was at his limit after seeing that. The tears that spilled down
from Ristas-kun’s eyes were falling down glitteringly. His springtime of youth and first
love became a rain that was pouring down.
「Ti, Tio-oneechan. Is your butt, alright, nano?」
Myuu approached Tio fearfully. Even while she was still dumbfounded from the
shocking image, she at least understood that ass pile bunker was a deed that shouldn’t
be done to humans. She was worried that perhaps, Tio-oneechan’s butt was still in a
terrible state even now? Her small hand was rubbing at that spot. Tio shivered and her
expression broke into a broad smile.
「Umu. It’s alright, Myuu. At first the pain felt as though it penetrated until mine brain,
but when thou get used to it, it become a pleasure that couldst not be described with
「Tio-san? If you speak even one more word to Myuu, I’ll become slightly serious.」
「Fuwah!? U, understood, Remia……」
Behind Remia mama who was making ‘my my ufufu’ face that wasn’t smiling, there
was something flickering! With high waves as the background, there was a blasphemous
existence that couldn’t be described with words at all! Or something like that! The
strongest black dragon was easily defeated before the anger of a mother who was
thinking of her child. She sat down in seiza posture beautifully. Her gaze wouldn’t meet
Remia mama’s eyes no matter what. Large bead of sweats trickled down.
Yue erased the past replay while glancing at that. While the air was filled with
indescribable atmosphere, Hajime silently stole glance at Adol. Adol, was smiling. He
was doing nothing but silently staring at the place where the past Tio was at with an
aura that could even be called as peaceful.
It was shocking. No, certainly, the person himself said that he had already fainted
when hearing the story and built up some resistance from there but……Hajime thought
that even Adol would at least grimace when seeing what happened from up close like
this. And yet he was like usual, on his face was an expression of affection that felt like it
could accept everything. As expected fromt he leader of the dragon race. The
grandfather of Tio. One couldn’t help but to take off their hat in admiration toward the
depth of his heart……
……Hm? Adol-dono’s condition seemed……?
「Adol-dono. Are you alright――」
Adol stayed completely still without moving at the slightest while the affectionate
expression was still pasted on his face. A thought crossed Hajime’s mind. He didn’t want
to believe it, even so he tried calling out to him and placed his hand on Adol’s shoulder.
Then at the next moment. Adol collapsed backward while still standing straight &
smiling. It seemed, or rather, as expected, the resistance that he built up from simply
hearing the story was unable to bear the weight of the sad reality.
*Bam* He collapsed splendidly, however, as expected the smile on his face was still
there with his body not even twitching. His consciousness had completely flew away to
somewhere. The place was frozen. A beat later.
「Ji, JII-SAMAAA—————!?」
Tio’s shriek echoed through the vast north mountain range. After that, Adol
recovered somehow through getting showered with a lot of soul magic. Before heading
to the village that was located in the solitary island, Tio said that she wanted to join up
with her servant who was also her wet mother Venri before teleporting to the village, so
for the time being they headed to deep inside the northern mountain range area but……
It went without saying that the atmosphere along the way was so terrific it was beyond
description. Also, Ristas-kun never returned. After that it seemed nobody was able to
contact him for a while.

Arifureta After Story - Tortus Travel Journal ㉑

「S-say, Adol-san? Are you alright? You aren’t forcing yourself?」

「If you like, you can punch our son? We won’t mind even if you mount him and rain
down punches on his face you know? You don’t need to hold back on our account.」
At the depth of the northern mountain region. The slight scent of lake could be felt
in their nose. The group of Hajime and co were on the top of a mountain that was 3000
meters above the sea. If they passed the mountain range with the height of 5000 meter
before their eyes, they would be able to see the northern ocean. Also, although they were
at the top of the mountain, of course their feet weren’t touching the ground. They were
on the deck of Fernier that was currently passing above the mountain.
Their destination was the mountain range area at the other side, the coastline that
was facing the northern sea, but they didn’t teleport directly there because of the request
of the parents to watch the grand and magnificent mountain range――that was the
excuse they used to buy a little time. Yes, it was for the tranquility of Adol-ojiichan’s
heart who just fainted after seeing the shocking recording of pile bunker in the ass. As
the parents of the culprit, Shuu and Sumire’s way of being considerate wasn’t just half-
baked thing. They were interacting with Adol as though they were handling a glass
craftwork that could easily break if it was touched.
「I’m thankful for your consideration, Shuu-dono, Sumire-dono.」
Adol smiled wryly on the deck while the wind that was adjusted to become a
pleasant breeze when going through the deck was making his hair flutter.
「 But, I’m fine. Rather it was truly pathetic of me to faint like that even after all the
grandstanding I had shown. I thought that I have managed to build up resistance to
Tio’s state before the final battle but……I ended up bothering everyone instead. My
「Don’t say that it’s a bother. The granddaughter who you cherished got soiled like that,
so you can be angrier……」
「 It’s just as Shuu said. Now, our son has also resolved himself. Please beat him up
however much you like until his head swelled up like a Buddha head.」
Adol slowly shook his head. His expression was the very picture of conflicted where
he couldn’t find any words to say.
「I don’t know what do you mean by Buddha head but……surely even Hajime-kun never
even expected in his wildest dream that Tio is……how should I say it, a
pervert――cough, an owner of such unique disposition. I can’t find it in me to blame
him because it was something unavoidable. Rather I’m the one who should apologize for
my granddaughter’s behavior.」
「 No no no, please raise your head Adol-san! Doing something like that is just
impossible no matter how high her defense is. I’m his mother and even I is creeped out
by that! Everything is Hajime’s fault! I’m really sorry! Right dear!?」
「 Exactly-. Furthermore, even after she begged him to stop, he continued to keep
grinding like that……I’m really sorry that my son is a sadist!」
「 If you say that, then I have to apologize for my granddaughter being such a
I’m sorry-, I’m sorry! My son is a sadist! My granddaughter is a masochist! A
thousand apologies! Nagumo spouses and grandpa Adol were bowing to each other
humbly in a way that rivaled Japan’s salary man. The gazes of Yue and others naturally
turned toward the sadist son and masochist granddaughter.
「Tio, the sky is really blue.」
「Truly. What a refreshing sky it is.」
I don’t hear anything. The two were saying that with their back while harmoniously
looking at the sky side by side. Their eyes were looking at a really far distance. In a
sense, they were inside their own world right now. It could also be called escaping from
reality. Similar like Adol and others, Shizuku and Kaori, and also Liliana who saw the
beginning of Hajime and Tio’s love for the first time were also still blushing slightly
while conversing with each others.
「 How should I say it, it’s the joining of two bad dispositions but, I also got the
feeling……that both Tio and Hajime were fated to meet.」
「 Y-yep. Even though the two of them shouldn’t have that kind of interest at the
start……it wasn’t just Tio who was awakened, but Hajime-kun too. That’s the impression
that I got.」
「……S-say, Shizuku, Kaori. Does Hajime-san……has preference for butt?」
Liliana was fidgeting while her cheeks were blushing bright red as though to ask
「 Is it better if I also resolve myself for something in that direction!? 」 . It was a
mistaken resolve, so Shizuku and Kaori gave all their effort to pull Liliana back to sanity.
Kaori’s papa Tomoichi glanced at his daughter who was doing that before he
passionately wrote something into his notebook. His wife Kaoruko peered into it.
「Dear? What are you writing?」
「It’s the plan for the betterment of Hajime-kun’s fetish. If I don’t rehabilitate him-」
It seemed that Hajime was an owner of hopelessly abnormal fetish in Tomoichi’s
eyes. His air was like a warrior who had obtained a mission. Hajime’s shoulders jerked
in reaction.
「That’s surprising Tomoichi-kun. If it’s you then I thought that you would start saying
things like 『 As I thought he isn’t worthy for my daughter! I’ll separate them! 』 or
Shizuku’s grandpa Shuuzou raised one eyebrow while looking at Tomoichi in
surprise. Tomoichi’s expression changed as though he was going to cry tears of blood.
「I don’t want to be told 『I hate someone like Otou-san!』 anymore-」
He exposed his emotion while looking like he was going to vomit blood for real.
「 I see. Certainly trying out “correcting the son-in-law” will be better than that. Yosh,
Tomoichi, I’ll also help out! I’ll prepare a place for us men to talk with each other.」
Shizuku’s papa Koichi clenched his fist with burning spirit. As expected, even a clan
of ninja (till the end this was just a title from other people, the people in question
themselves were denying it) couldn’t shut their eyes from the possibility of their
daughter turning like Tio. Hajime’s shoulders jerked once more in respond. The implicit
determination of the fathers 『There is no way we are going to let our daughters become
like that perverted dragon!』 also made Tio jerked hard while breathing ‘haa haa’.
「Oh my, really dear, you are blind to your own shortcoming――」
「Kirino, let’s have a little talk later.」
Yukino’s gaze snapped toward Yukino-okaasan. She was looking at her husband in
amusement with her hand touching her cheek while chuckling 「 Fufufu 」 . Shizuku’s
gaze snapped toward Koichi-otousan. Koichi-otousan averted his gaze so fast it might
have left an afterimage. The night activity of her parents that she didn’t want to know
about. Shizuku covered her face with both hands and crouched down. Kaori and Liliana
did everything they could to console her although their cheeks were slightly red. While
the topic of butt was spreading, Myuu was raising her voice in bewilderment at the
corner of the deck.
「M-mama? Myuu want you to let go already nano……」
Quick and decisive. The instant the disquieting and abnormal topic was spreading,
Remia mama swiftly led her daughter to some distance. Even now at this moment she
was blocking Myuu’s ears with her hands.
「It looks like Myuu will be able to go through this without learning anything that you
don’t need to know. You can endure it a bit more right?」
「Ah, yes.」
Mama’s smile would accept no argument. Myuu said 「 T-there is something like
this in this world nano? 」when she saw the shocking recording of the ass pile bunker.
Even the fact that Myuu had such encounter with the unknown was already something
that Remia mama regretted a little. Mama will protect Myuu’s wholesome mind!
Because, the source of the bad influence is the papa! I won’t let my daughter step any
further into that world! Her determination was firm like rock.
Fernier was crossing the last mountain range while the atmosphere was getting
somewhat chaotic like that. From the scattered gaps in the cloud spreading below them,
they could see grasslands and several crawling rivers. The ship’s altitude was lowering
along the mountain’s slope. And then when they got out under the cloud, the ocean
entered their sight with even more clarity. From the foot of the mountain, they could see
the jagged coast for around twenty kilometers ahead. To the east and west there were
also rocky area and grassland stretching out along this innermost area of the mountain
「However, why is it at the backwoods like this again……」
Shuu paused the apology contest for the time being and looked puzzled. Sumire and
others understood what he wanted to say and question mark floated above their head
「Right. Isn’t this place a bit too inconvenient as the new village of the dragon race?」
「 Well, as expected the impression of a hidden village is really striking if it’s this
Aiko’s mother――Akiko looked at the many layers of mountain range area behind
them and spoke out, while Aiko also nodded while also turning a gaze that seemed to be
filled with consideration toward Tio. Why was Venri coming to inspect this kind of place
that was like a remote region among remote region while she was searching for lands
with prospect to be the new village of the dragon race in this continent? Certainly it was
only natural for them to have such question. Tio spoke the answer to that question with
a gentle voice. However there was a loneliness seeping out from her voice.
「About that, Akiko-dono. It’s because this place is where the country of the dragon race
was once located at the past.」
Akiko gasped with a taken aback look. She wasn’t the only one. Other than Hajime
and others who had been told beforehand, all the parents were staring fixedly at Tio and
「It was five hundred years ago. This might sound like singing our own praise but, in the
past there was a beautiful capital of water and greenery here.」
Adol said that a little bashfully. They looked down toward the ground once more.
There wasn’t any sign that in the past there was a kingdom here that was ruled by Clarus
family. Surely everything had been intentionally erased so that there wasn’t even a
fragment of it that remained. And then, the traces of destruction that overturned even
the ground with them were already covered by lush greenery due to the passing of time.
They had been changed into rivers and springs that drew a different tracks compared to
the past.
「 Well, this is simply one of the proposed sites. Though in my personal opinion, we
finally obtained a chance for a fresh start, so building the village in a completely
different place will also be fine……」
「I agree with Jii-sama. Even so, as expected among the people who hath lived for long
there are those who are feeling nostalgia. It’s understandable that they proposed this
site as one of the prospects.」
「 Indeed. By the way, Venri is also one of those people. She volunteered herself to
investigate this place. It seems that occasionally the descendant of the servant lineage
can have more attachment to this land than the lineage of the master they served.」
「I couldst understand that feeling a little.」
Hajime and others couldn’t interrupt the conversation between grandfather and
granddaughter. They couldn’t imagine how they must be feeling when they regained
their authority after their homeland was unreasonably stolen and so many years had
passed. It was hard to even measure it. But then it seemed they noticed the atmosphere
of Hajime and others. Tio who was in a slightly solemn mood intentionally showed a
bright smile.
「 Well, it’s not mine business though. I’ll simply look forward which site everyone art
going to choose and what kind of village they wouldst create there.」
「Then, how about we also invite the people of the village to Japan in the near future?
They must be curious of the place where their princess married into, and perhaps they
will be able to use the place as reference for their new village.」
Hajime also mentioned 「Hauria too is also waiting impatiently last time they said
something like 『 Boss, is the trip to Japan still not yet? Should we all wait in standby
naked? 』 」 while smiling wryly. Shia’s gaze turned distant hearing that while Tio
showed a joyful expression. And then, she snuggled close toward Hajime with a very
natural movement. Hajime’s hand also reached out without any prompting to caress
Tio’s head. Then right at that timing.
「That invitation is naturally also extended to me right, Hajime-sama?」
Hajime’s arm was tightly grasped. By a hand that reached out abruptly from the
side. At the same time, a face was also abruptly drawing real close. Between Hajime and
Tio. As though to interrupt between the two. Hajime pulled back his hand without
showing any particular surprise because he had noticed the person’s approach. And then
he called the name of the aging woman who forcefully wedged herself between Tio and
「Of course you are also invited, Venri-san.」
「Very good. This Venri will pro~~~perly ascertain whether the princess is managing to
live well and whether Hajime-dono has done anything disrespectful or not to the
princess over there!」
The one who made her entrance with both hands placed on her waist while huffing
harshly was Tio’s wet nurse and servant Venri. She had azure hair and wearing a
beautiful kimono of the same color. Her back was standing so straight one would
wonder whether there was a rod placed inside there. Her appearance had gone past
middle aged, but there was a fullness in her vigor, and her looks was youthful compared
to her actual age. In addition, a refinement of a lady could be somehow felt from her.
She intentionally landed on Fernier’s deck while the ship was in the middle of
descending to land on the ground. Her gaze went around to the wryly smiling Adol and
Yue and others, and then to Shuu and others who were looking at her dumbfounded.
「Pardon me for my disturbance, everyone. I am princess Tio’s servant, Venri Corte. My
deepest apologies for my late greeting to everyone who have been a great help for
princess all this time.」
She said that and then bowed with a beautiful movement. Then right after that her
gaze moved especially toward Shuu and Sumire. Her mouth made a broad smile and she
said 「 It’s my pleasure to be able to meet everyone 」 . Shuu and others returned the
greeting while having a realization. It seemed she was only strict toward Hajime. It
stood to reason. Well, her precious princess got turned to be like this! Of course the way
she see him become harsh like this! They thought. Tio spoke to Shuu and Sumire with
her head held high in pride.
「 She called herself a servant but Venri art mine wet nurse. I think of her as mine
second mother. I hath been wanting to introduce her to Chichiue-dono and Hahaue-
donohonorable father and honorable mother all this time.」
「Princess……those words are wasted on me. This Venri is feeling extremely moved.」
Venri elegantly used the sleeve of her kimono to wipe her emotional tear. A glimpse
of the deep bond between the two could be seen from there. The expression of Shuu and
others also naturally turned gentle. Adol smiled while asking Venri.
「Venri, I’m thinking to introduce everyone to the village after this. Perhaps you are still
in the middle of investigating this place but, how about you also come together with
「But of course Adol-sama.」
Fernier was just landing at that timing. As expected the distance would be too far
away until the hidden village at the solitary island, so they would move there using
Crystal Key. Because of that Hajime and others got off Fernier first in order to store the
ship into the treasure warehouse. It would take time to walk through the ship to go
down on the ground, so Yue used gravity magic to make everyone floated to the
ground……while that was going on,
「Putting that aside, Yue-sama, it has been a long time.」
「……Nn. L-long time no see.」
For some reason Venri moved to Yue’s side. She greeted Yue while staring at her
fixedly with her dragon eyes. Then for some reason Yue was showing a slightly faltering
behavior in respond.
「 How is princess doing in Japan? Has her bad habit of going ‘haa haa’ has been
「……A, a little bit by bit?」
「Why are you lying?」
「……!? I-I’m not lying or anything……」
「 Before everyone went home to Japan, didn’t I pleaded at Yue-sama to such degree.
That I hope Yue-sama can rehabilitate the princess even if just for a bit. Yue-sama,
didn’t you promise me that you will put every effort for that?」
Tio made a tsukkomi 「 Eh!? There was such promise between both of thee!? Or
rather what is the meaning of this “rehabilitation”!? 」, but Venri-san ignored her and
pressed harder on Yue.
「……I, I’m doing my best.」
「You are lying again aren’t you? Do you think that you will be able to trick me? Though
I look like this I have lived three times longer than Yue-sama you know? Yue-sama is
really underestimating me.」
「……I, I don’t have such intention!」
「Yue-sama. You are the first wife in your husband’s house. To manage the concubines
and to remonstrate them at times, those are the duty of Yue-sama as the first wife. Am I
「……You aren’t wrong……」
「I don’t want to think of this but, it’s not the case that Yue-sama is ahead of the other
wives in living a disorderly private life isn’t it?」
「……I’m living properly.」
「Have you been staying late at night? Are you lying around idly for the whole day just
because there is holiday?」
「……I, I’m not?」
Venri-san’s eyes were silently narrowing down. As expected, it seemed the eyes of a
dragon who had lived for long couldn’t be deceived. In reality, Yue often spent her time
reading shoujo manga until late at night, or immersing herself in fiction world for the
whole day when it was holiday while equipping herself with potato chips and carbonated
drink. It was also the traditional way of everyone in Nagumo family to spend their time,
so not only Hajime, even Shuu and Sumire were averting their eyes while feeling like
they wanted to leave this place.
「What about food? Have you eaten three times a day properly with a balanced menu?
Even if Yue-sama is a vampire with immortal body, a healthy life can only be created
with healthy heart and body. You are living in a completely different world right now, so
I can understand that there might be some aspect in it that you haven’t familiarized
yourself with, but you haven’t been snacking recklessly because of stress right? How is
your state of health?」
「……I-it’s fine! Everything is fine!」
At first Venri was repetitively finding fault at Yue with great length, but before they
realized it her words had changed to become words that were worried for Yue’s
condition. Actually, in the days after the final battle and before the return to Japan,
knowing that her princess had become a concubine, Venri-san came to talk to Yue and
continued telling her about how the first wife should be and what had to be done to live
a healthy life, etc, etc. But she didn’t stop there, before anyone realized it she had had
done the offense (?) of taking care of Yue’s everyday necessities completely.
Her appearance was completely like a mother who was being too meddlesome and
helpful with her daughter…… Perhaps it was because of her inherent disposition as a
servant or because she had the personality of extremely liking to help other people, her
attention was locked-on at the first wifeYue for the sake of her princess too in the future.
Yue didn’t have the memory of a “mother-like mother”. Her biological mother and
father were already transformed into fanatic when she became aware of her surrounding
as a child.
Her parents would grant all of Yue’s wish, and they never scolded her. They weren’t
looking at her as their daughter but as “priestess” of their god. Their emotion toward her
was closer to being a worship. It wasn’t an emotion that a mother should hold toward
her daughter by any means. And so for Yue it felt really itchy, or perhaps bewildering
that someone was scolding and taking care of her to this degree like a mother. Putting
everything together, she found it hard to deal with Venri…… The unvarnished truth was,
Venri had somehow become someone who she couldn’t argue against. And that wasn’t
just limited to Yue.
Her attention was also turned toward Hajime. Did he get immersed in his research
too much and neglected his private life, did he forget to eat and sleep. Did he do
anything abnormal with princess. Had he dirtied his hand with crooked business
transaction, etc. In Hajime’s case, ninety percent of her words were more an expression
of her worry rather than fault-finding. Her biological mother Sumire had the principle of
laissez-faire. She didn’t take care of every single thing for him, and she also didn’t scold
him about this or that.
Of course she would scold him when it was really necessary, and she would
immediately notice if something was worrying Hajime. She also wouldn’t spare any
effort to help him. But anyway, Venri was also diligently being helpful to Hajime during
the one month after the final battle before they returned home to earth. As expected he
became overwhelmed by the fierce assault of “nosy mom” that he wasn’t used to.
Because of that, Hajime was also unable to strongly argue when he was against Venri.
「 Now now Venri. I’m sure you have a lot of thing that you want to talk about with
them, but that should be enough for now. You can continue it again after we arrive to
the village right?」
「Hah!? M-my apologies Adol-sama. I forgot myself.」
Everyone had landed on the ground since a long time ago. Fernier was already
stored away too. What was left was only to teleport, so Venri awkwardly backed off when
Adol interrupted her. Adol kindly smiled toward such Venri.
「Fufu, I understand. For you Tio is already like your own daughter. In that case Yue-
dono and the other people there are also like your own daughter now that Tio has
wedded into their family. A helpful person like you naturally can’t just leave them alone.
You also have been looking really lonely since Tio departed.」
「 … … I understand, that I’m being unable to let go of my child but……I have acted
unsightly just now.」
The way she hid her blushing face with the sleeve of her kimono looked really
adorable despite her past middle-aged appearance.
「Yue-sama, Hajime-sama. My apologies for nagging the two of you like that as soon as
I arrived.」
「……Nn, it’s fine. ……I don’t really, hate that side of Venri.」
Yue averted her eyes while blushing slightly. That gesture looked slightly tsundere.
「 So thy understand it, Yue. I too was often at the end of Venri’s nagging since I was
little. There were also times when I found it annoying and ran away but……when that
nagging was gone from mine life, it made me felt like there was something lacking and
lonely. 」
「Princess. I also have something to talk with you as soon as we arrive at the village. I
won’t allow you to run away! Don’t think that you will always be able to go ‘haa haa’
「D-did I stir the hornet nest……however, this is mine characteristic. Accept the reality
「 Even if Adol-sama and everyone in the village accept it! Even if the whole world
acknowledge it! This Venri alone won’t acknowledge it! I shall beat up the way a lady
should behave once more into you!」
「 A determination of steel!? Thou art horrible! Venri thou blockhead! Lonely
「……What did you say?」
Dragon scale formed on the neck of Venri-okaasan! The pupil in dragon eyes were
turning into sharp slit! Tio screamed 「 Hyaa~~~ 」 while evacuating to behind Adol.
And then her head peeked out from there while using her grandfather’s body as a shield.
It was an exchange that had been repeated often since Tio was a child. Adol laughed
cheerfully seeing that. Shuu and Sumire and the others were watching that scene with
amused chuckle.
「Oh my Tio-chan, she look really childish like this.」
「 She is a habitual criminal who is always going ‘haa haa’, but she never showed that
kind of childish attitude even at home.」
Surely this exchange between master and servant who were also mother and
daughter were a salvation to the heart of the dragon race when they were still enduring
the pain after their country was destroyed. There was no basis for that, but Hajime and
others were convinced inside their heart that must be the case. That these master and
servant who both had lost a lot had been leaning and supporting each other like this for
more than five hundred years and cheered the other dragon race with that. Perhaps that
was why, Sumire naturally opened her mouth.
「Venri-san, if you like……」
「Princess, reflect on yourself over there――ah yes. What is it, Sumire-sama?」
「How about living together with us at Japan?」
Venri who turned around toward Sumire showed an astonished face. But, that only
lasted for a moment. She displayed a smile and shook her head.
「 I’m thankful for your consideration Sumire-sama. However, I’ll accept just your
「You don’t need to feel reserved you know?」
「U-umu. I also think that it wouldst not be so bad if Venri live together with us……」
Tio peeked out from above Adol’s shoulder. Venri looked happy to hear that, but her
expression turned a bit troubled.
「Thank you very much princess. I’m extremely happy with your feeling.」
「But, I’m already at this age. It will be a bit too difficult for me to learn about another
culture in a new world from zero again.」
Venri wanted to be helpful for other people, she didn’t want to be a burden for other
people. She had her pride as a servant. A considerable effort would be needed for her to
be able to accomplish her duty as a servant at earth. And then during that time she
would be at the side who needed the help of other people. That would be slightly too
harsh for Venri who came from a family of servant for generations. In addition it seemed
that Venri had lived in this world for too long to be able to burn with desire for a new life
in a new world.
「Princess has embarked on your own journey. You have grown up……to be a little bit
problematic though.」
「Thy should omit the little bit at the end there.」
Tio’s shoulders dropped in dejection. Venri chuckled and,
「Then, as expected I’m thinking to give all me efforts in creating a new homeland. So
that one day when princess has a child of your own, you can say “this is our homeland”
to that child.」
「You have a place to return to. No matter what happen in the future from here on, that
will become a large support for princess’s heart.」
Gazes quietly turned toward Hajime. There was a man in front of their eyes who had
turned many impossible things to be possibly with only one thought in his heart,
returning home. Indeed, they could only agree with what Venri said.
「I’m feeling a bit lonely that I can’t stay at princess’s side as your servant but, this must
be the right time. I’m thinking to retire and quietly spend the rest of my life after we
finished building our homeland.」
「Don’t say……」
Something like that…..those words melted and vanished inside Tio’s mouth. The
inside of her chest became filled with loneliness seeing the peaceful and calm expression
of Venri because she had finished her role. However, Tio also had the feeling of wanting
to reassure her second mother who had gone through many troubles for her so that she
could think 「 The princess will be fine 」 . Tio held her tongue with a conflicted
expression. Venri intentionally acted lively and hugged such Tio with affection seeping
out from her whole being.
「It’s disappointing but, it can’t be helped……」
「Yeah. Her pride as a servant is making her to do that.」
Shuu and Sumire were also looking disappointed while guessing what was going in
Venri’s heart just like Tio. Then, at that time,
「Hajime-san? What’s the matter?」
Liliana asked with a puzzled look. It was because Hajime was staring fixedly at her
with a pondering face. Yue and others also looked toward Hajime when they heard that,
but Hajime himself didn’t say anything. He only moved his gaze quietly toward Tio next
before falling into his thought again. And then at the end he began to stare at Venri.
*Jii~*. He was staring still *jii~* as though to bore a hole into what he was looking at
with a pondering expression. He put his hand on his chin and carefully considered
「Err, Hajime-sama? As I thought, I really have displeased you with my nagging before
this haven’t I?」
「? No, Venri-san hasn’t done anything displeasing you know?」
It seemed that Venri thought Hajime was feeling offended by her nagging before
this, but from the way Hajime replied indifferently to her, it seemed he really wasn’t
offended. Then why was he staring so intensely at Venri like that? He was staring
thoroughly at her from up to down. A strange atmosphere filled the area. Venri was
gradually starting to fidget. Her cheeks were blushing slightly.
「W-wait a second Hajime-san! It’s rude to stare at a lady like that!」
「Hajime, just what’s up with you?」
Shia, Shizuku, and Kaori were talking to him warningly but…… Hajime ignored even
they and nodded 「Fumu」 as though he was convinced of something.
「I have something I need to talk with you for a bit, so can you stay behind?」
「A, talk?」
Hajime said such thing while immediately opening a gate. It was already the hidden
village at the solitary island at the other side of the shining membrane. It seemed
Hajime was saying for the others to go ahead while asking Venri to remain behind alone.
「 Goshujin-sama. It’s not like we are in a hurry, so if thy hath something to talk how
about doing it with everyone at the village?」
「No, I want to talk alone with Venri-san.」
Venri looked bewildered, even so she asked 「Is this about the princess?」 with a
slightly worried look. If it was a talk that Hajime didn’t want for others to hear, then the
only thing she could think about was that it was a matter that was related with Tio.
「No, it’s not related to Tio. I just have a suggestion about what Venri-san want to do in
the future.」
「M-my future, is it?」
There Tomoichi gasped in surprise, however he immediately looked aghast and
「D-don’t tell me Hajime-kun, you-. What are you thinking! Venri-san is like Tio-san’s
own mother! F-furthermore……you-, there is a limit in how wide your strike zone can
「? ……!? –!?」
Eh, no way right!? Gazes that were asking that gathered on Hajime. Especially
Venri-san, her shock made her speechless.
「What are you talking about Tomoichi-san? That’s upsetting. What kind of person do
you think I am?」
「 A savage bastard who will lay his hand on anything within your reach
「……Let’s have a talk later. It can be a talk about rehabilitation or anything, but let’s
have a talk later man to man. A proper talk.」
「That’s just what I want.」
Hajime ignored Tomoichi papa’s wild imagination and urged everyone to enter the
「We’ll only talk for about five minutes. We will catch up immediately, so come on, go
over there already everyone.」
「……Muu, Hajime. You’re keeping it a secret even from me?」
Yue pouted and sent Hajime a protesting gaze. But, Hajime was unwavering.
「It’s not really anything so significant to be called a secret, but there is this plan that
I’m working on with just Hellina.」
「Please wait a second Hajime-san. I don’t know anything about that though!?」
「It’s nothing that Lily need to know about. For now that is.」
「Even though I’m a princess!? Furthermore even though I’m Hellina’s master!?」
Hajime brushed away even Liliana’s protest and sent her off to the other side of the
gate by pushing her back. Seeing Venri who was still bewildered and standing still
without knowing what she should do, Tio sent Hajime an intense blank stare.
「I don’t want to think this but, Goshujin-sama, thou art really not planning to lay thy
hand on Venri right?」
Venri cleared her throat before Hajime could answer.
「Princess, there is no way that’s the case.」
She looked calm in a glance, but the way she restlessly fixed the collar of her kimono
was displaying the slight discomposure that she was feeling. That was how it looked like.
「 Please think of my age. In the first place, Hajime-sama isn’t an outrageous person
who would whimsically lay his hand on his wife’s relative correct?」
「Umu. Well, that’s true.」
Tio nodded in understanding while guessing that Hajime surely must be planning to
ask for Venri’s help with work for the various plans that he was working on. With that
Tio passed through the gate too. Like that, Yue and others also stepped through the gate
even while they were making a slightly suspecting gaze to come out at the village’s
「Oo! Chief! There is also the princess and everyone else!」
「Welcome home chief, princess! There are a lot of guests with you!」
「Could it be, those people are from Nagumo family?」
The dragon race people said those things while gathering, but then Tio made a
gesture of putting her index finger over her mouth and said 「 Shh~~ 」 . The dragon
people who were immediately told to be quiet as soon as they appeared held their
tongue despite their bewilderment. And then Yue and Tio activated wind magic. They
sent wind through the gate to try to listen to the two’s conversation. As expected, they
were curious of what kind of talk the two were having! Even so, there was the gate
between them and the indirect method they were using, so they could only hear bit and
piece of the conversation……
『……Eh? …………then, in other words?』
『Yeah. Because of that I’m……and, ……I need your help for that.』
The mark “!?” floated above the head of Yue and others. They approached the gate
even closer. Shuu and others were also deeply interested, and even Adol got very
curious. The dragon people also looked at each other and approached closer in unison.
『B-but I’m…………just now…………so』
『I understand that. However fundamentally if Venri-san…………do that. In other words
a local…………that’s how. I think there won’t be a problem with that.』
There Tomoichi opened his eyes wide and his 「 Don’t tell me, he is planning to
make her his local wife!? There is nothing but problem with that! 」. Kaoruko slapped
her husband’s head and scolded him 「Don’t talk about wild guess like that!」. Certainly
that was true……Tomoichi reflected. Yue and others smiled wryly thinking there was no
way that was the case.
『…………No, as I thought I’m……besides I’m princess’s…………』
『But, you are…………correct? This is a duty of a lifetime…………』
Yue and others looked at each other. 「What does that mean, duty of a lifetime!?」
Their gaze asked.
『 Besides I’m Tio’s…………if you consider that then there shouldn’t be any problem.
How about it? To simply spend your remaining life…………it will be too much of a
「「「「「Too much of a waste!?」」」」」
『Hajime-sama, you are going that far……』
「「「「「Going that far!?」」」」」
What, really what were they talking about! Was it really true, Hajime was really
making advances on Venri!? No, there was no way that…… Even if, by any chance that
was really the case, there was no way Venri would……
『By the way, if you agree with this…………then anything you want to…………』
『What did you say? Tell me more about it.』
「Venri!? Why art thou getting into it like that!?」
The commotion was spreading through the village of the dragon race. The people at
the back who couldn’t hear what they were talking about asked the people in front of
them and so the story was getting subtly distorted as it passed from mouth to mouth.
And so the story ended up as, That demon king, the spouse of the princess is seducing
that Venri-san! Yes, that Venri-san who only has the princess in her eyes, that iron wall
and princess loveee Venri-san who despite all the marriage talks that were brought to
her, all her engagement ended up getting called off!
「 Adol-san, please don’t stop me! As a mother I have to punish the idiot son who is
trying to seduce his wife’s mother!」
「Now now, don’t rush into conclusion like that Sumire-dono. It’s still not certain that
it’s really like that……」
Seeing Adol’s composure, Sumire and also Yue and the others regained their calm
saying 「 W-well, certainly, it’s hard to believe that Hajime would suddenly woo
someone like that……」――
『What do you think? Surely it’s not just Japanese clothes…………will also look good on
『T-that’s……no need to flatter me like that……』
『 It’s not flatter……anyway, can you consider it? Don’t say anything about your
remaining years…………yes, a new second life……together』
『……That’s, it’s troubling…………that strongly』
「「「「「It only sounds like a seduction-」」」」」
There was no limit in how big the commotion in the village was growing! Venri-san’s
age was almost the same like Adol. Even from Tio’s perspective, Venri was from the
generation of her grandfather and grandmother. The demon king’s strike zone was too
wide! A feeling of awe in a different meaning was spreading. And then Kaoruko, Kirino,
and Akiko, even the three of them felt their heart was beating slightly faster from
listening to the passionate (?) wooing that was directed toward someone whose
appearance was even older than them! Shirasaki papa and Yaegashi papa were
『 I don’t mind if Venri-san give me your answer after the new homeland is finished.
Even if…………I’ll keep the seat for your open forever.』
『You are going that far for me……』
『 Rather than saying that you will spend your remaining years quietly…………I think.
Surely Tio will also be happy.』
「There is no way I wouldst be happy from knowing that mine mother is seduced!?」
『……Geez, Hajime-sama is really a smooth talker.』
「 V-Venri!? Aren’t thee sounding a bit eager there? It feels like there art bashfulness
mixed within thy voice though!?」
It was like Tio’s heart was crying 「Tell me that it’s a lie!」, but
『 Understood. This Venri has definitely accepted Hajime-sama’s feeling. Please allow
me to think about it very carefully before giving my answer.』
Tio-san crouched on the ground while holding her head. Her second mother
accepted the advances of her husband……how should she react here as a wife, and then
as a daughter? Shuu and Sumire were also holding their head at their wits’ end. The
wive~s were also all twitching in their expression without exception. However, they
were all battle ready to have a TALK with their husband. The village was already in a
great uproar by the fall (?) of that iron wall Venri with her excessive loveee for the
princess that made her completely single for her whole life. There Hajime and Venri who
had finished talking passed through the gate. What awaited them was naturally,
「Uoh, what’s up with you all?」
「E-everyone? Just what’s the matter?」
The mood of the place was extremely bizarre with chilled atmosphere and
enthusiastic atmosphere getting jumbled up together and flooding the place. In addition
there were the wive~s with their fully reproachful gaze, the parent~s with their total
exasperation, and then the enthusiastic dragon people.
「Goshujin-sama, Venri-! Just what in the world both of thee art planningggggggg!!」
With that scream of Tio as the beginning, questioning voices and congratulating
voices, or perhaps envying voices and scolding voices and so on were breaking out. The
whole village was flooded with great uproar. After that, Venri learned that the
perception of her getting wooed and caving in had spread throughout the village. She
went around to solve the misunderstanding in great panic. Although she couldn’t tell
them the detail, she explained that she only accepted a job offer for someone at their old
age. With that the commotion was more or less quieted down. And so, once again the
group received the welcome of the dragon people and the tour of the hidden village
began, though Tio and the others were still looking with slight suspicion at Hajime.

Arifureta After Story - Tortus Travel Journal ㉒

Due to the Demon King’s Strike Zone is Too Wide Incident (misunderstanding), the
village of dragon race fell into pandemonium for one hour before calm returned at the
present time. Conversely there were people who were losing composure as each second
「To think that the members of Nagumo family would come here……we would pour all
our efforts in our welcoming if only we knew beforehand.」
「 Our deepest apologies for not even being able to provide any decent hospitality for
With the identity of the parents coming to light, after giving another greeting to
Hajime and others, the dragon people were acting very humble toward the parents for
some reason. They thought that as a race that put great importance to virtue, everyone
of the dragon people would feel something toward the family of the man who opened a
forbidden door in their princess and it would show in their words……and yet they were
showing this unexpected reaction instead. Although the reason for that immediately
became clear. Yes, the reason could be felt from every single part of their words even.
「Really, our princess must have been a great bother to everyone haven’t she?」
「 Everyone doesn’t need to hold back or anything against her! If it looks like she is
cutting too loose, all of us in the village will do everything we can to reeducate her!」
「 To think that you will accept this kind of princess, uu, I don’t know what to say……
even us had never even dreamed that our princess would be hiding this kind of horrible
「 Is Myuu-chan’s education in her aesthetic sensibility alright? Isn’t the princess a
harmful existence for a child like her?」
Their words were extremely straightforward. Venri secretly told everyone what was
going on. It seemed that the emotion of the people in the village toward Tio was split
into two factions. The first was the faction that was still escaping from reality and
screamed 「 There is no way the dragon race’s princess is a pervert like this! (Tear of
blood) 」 like Ristas-kun. The other faction was the faction tolerating the perverted
princess that said 「 Hajime-dono only opened the door. It was princess herself who
raised such perversity behind that closed door (faraway look) 」. Ninety percent of the
village belonged to the latter faction.
And then all the dragon people had this thought exactly because they accepted their
perverted princess. Is princess doing well in the family where she married into? Aa, I’m
worried! Is she troubling all the people of Nagumo family? Even though they have gone
to a great pain to accept a princess who has such particular disposition! Also what if she
give a bad influence to Myuu-chan……we really can’t apologize enough! Aah, I’m
worried! That was their thought.
「 E-everyone-, enough already! How couldst everyone call me a bad influence for
Myuu’s education!」
And so, the princess who was the single focus of the respect and affection of the
dragon princess was trembling fiercely in shame by the words of her relatives while
losing her composure. There, a good looking man with dark green hair opened his
「 Then I’ll ask you this instead princess. Which part of a fellow who desire insult and
violence to be done on herself while breathing heavily with an ecstatic face can be good
for a child’s education in aesthetic sensibility?」
「 A-Alois……it’s unfair to answer mine question with another question while looking
seriously like that……」
This man was the former main candidate to be Tio’s fiancée. Alois was a dragon race
of wind element and he was considered as the fastest dragon among the dragon race if
Tio was excluded. His strength was at the top rank among the dragon race and the
people’s trust toward him was also deep. He was also extremely capable as a leader.
After Tio went out to marry into another family instead of taking a groom into Clarus
family, he was also the one who got recommended to be the candidate of the next chief.
He reached his current position all because he harbored a serious feeling toward the
princess and wished to be recognized as worthy to be her spouse. Her had ceaselessly
accumulated efforts for such a long time until now with his whole heart directed toward
the princess. The princess came first no matter what. He could do anything if it was for
the princess. A Man among man…… Alois-san should be that madly in love for Tio but,
he had a serious look on his face right now. It was a serious look that was completely
「Disappointed……I don’t feel that at the slightest. Because this too is also a side of the
princess. Then the only thing we can do is to accept that side of yours. Even so, this and
its influence for a young girl are two completely different matters. A child is a treasure.
It’s the duty of adult to protect and show them the way. Am I mistaken?」
「Ah, no, thy art not wrong……」
Their position had completely reversed. Alois-san already had the air of a chief. In
the past when Tio returned home before the final battle, when the cruel reality was
thrust before him, he ran away from reality and hallucinated that the a fellow dragon
race youth beside him was the princess――he had experienced being a broken man like
that but…… It seemed that he had become unbound by the past in various meanings.
The dragon people standing around Alois were also making a gaze that said 「This
princess really cannot be helped at all 」 toward Tio. Their expression was already like
that, someone who was accepting and wouldn’t abandon a problem child even while
their mind was greatly worrying for the child――yes, their expression was like a mother.
Regardless of gender or age.
The princess backed away. What in the world happened while I was in Japan!?
Where hath the respect and affection toward me gone to!? Her expression seemed to
say. Unable to watch the greatly shaken Tio, Shuu and Sumire smiled wryly while
defending Tio.
「Err~, Tio has never bothered or inconvenienced us, really. So please don’t worry like
that, everyone.」
「Yes, she is a good wife for our son.」
The eyes of all the dragon people snapped wide open. Their pupils shrink vertically
into a slit! It was a total activation of dragon eyes to detect falsehood by the whole
village!! While Shuu and Sumire jerked and trembled, everyone in the village saw
through their dragon eyes that it seemed they really weren’t thinking of Tio as a bother
and sighed in relieve. Next one of the female dragon people turned her gaze toward
Remia with a gentle expression.
「 I’m glad. We all have been in suspense all this time, worrying what if the princess
brought any negative influence for Myuu-chan.」
「……Y-yes. Everything is fine you know?」
The air froze. Remia was averting her eyes desperately. She wouldn’t look into the
dragon eyes!
「Remia!? What’s the meaning of this!? Art thou saying that I’m bad for Myuu-chan’s
Princess Tio looked extremely shocked. She hid her lips with her sleeve while her
feet staggered. Remia gasped before she straightened her posture. And then she made
her usual ‘my my ufufu’ smile that hid her true feeling and,
「Bad influence? There isn’t anything like that you know?」
She declared so for Tio’s sake.
Tio’s bad influence was seen through by all the dragon people. It seemed that even
the strongest Remia Smile couldn’t display its full prowess in the situation where her
worry for her daughter and Tio’s honor were being weighed. Tio fell on her knees after
abruptly learning Remia mama’s strong concern here. Tomoichi and others went
「Uwaa」 with twitching expression after getting a glimpse of the darkness of Nagumo
family. There, a messiah jumped forward in front of Tio.
「Waa~~it a second nano! Objection! Nano!」
「Myuu! Thou, art covering for me……」
Myuu stood imposingly in front of the dragon people with Tio behind her. That
figure was like when she protected a devil parent and child from the rampaging Hajime
in the demon king’s castle. Tio was moved to tears by the small figure of a hero. The
dragon people flinched back. Amidst that, Myuu puffed out her chest with a huffy
indignation and her proclamation resounded through the area sonorously.
「 It’s troubling that everyone is underestimating Myuu nano! Something like
differentiating good from bad is something that Myuu can proo~perly do nano! Just
because Tio-oneechan is an irredeemable pervert doesn’t mean that Myuu will get
affected or anything! Myuu guaranteed! Myuu won’t become like Tio-oneechan no
matter what!」
「Myuu! Mama was wrong! Mama should believe in Myuu rather than lying like that!」
「……Remia, don’t kick me whilst I’m already a corpse……」
Tio crumbled. In front of her Myuu and Remia, the mother and daughter embraced
each other strongly. All the dragon people sent them a rain of praises and applauses
「 Oo! What a wonderful parent and child love! 」 「 Myuu-chan too, what an
unbelievable strength of will at her age」「Bravo! What a wise child she is!」. Adol was
looking down on her granddaughter amidst that with a troubled expression. Alois then
spoke a suggestion to him.
「Adol-sama, everyone has taken a great trouble to visit here. It will be a disgrace for the
dragon race to only let them to inspect the village. How about we let them enjoy the
traditional cooking and dance of the dragon race?」
「Fumu, a good proposal. Hajime-kun, what do you think?」
When Hajime looked around, Tomoichi and others who were making a conflicted
expression at the series of exchange also nodded happily. Especially someone like
Kaoruko who had been very interested with the cooking of other world from the start.
Her eyes sparkled when she heard the words traditional cooking. It seemed Yue and
others also had no objection, so Hajime nodded and Venri stepped forward.
「Then how about Adol-sama and princess show everyone around the village while we
are preparing them? I think we can finish everything if we have one hour.」
「What are you going to do Venri?」
「This is a rare chance so I’ll also join the food preparation. Allow me to show everyone
my skill.」
Tio’s head instantly snapped toward Venri when she heard those words.
「 Then I wouldst also cook! Jii-sama can show everyone around by himself! Also, the
dance too! I wish to put my dance on display too by all means!」
It seemed she was planning to regain the respect and affection of her brethrens by
displaying her traditional cooking and traditional dance, or rather she was planning to
do that by taking command of the “hospitality preparation”. But Alois-san spoke a
sentence before that.
「Princess, you are joking too much.」
「What do thou mean by thaaatt!!」
In addition, the lightning dragon Elder Catullus who was one of the oldest dragon
people and the owner of the vocation “Observer” widely opened his usually slit-eyed
eyes in a snap and spoke.
「Princess, I’m begging you please just wait quietly without doing anything!」
「Am I a bomb that art in the verge of exploding!?」
Tio stood up and shouted「I already heard enough mon! I’ll do it by myself mon!」
slightly childishly. Then she rolled up her sleeves and moved toward the building.
However, a command surged out from Alois at that instant.
「 Everyone attention! The fourth paragraph of the the third clause of “Princess
Countermeasure Manual”!」
「There art a manual to deal with me!?」
The dragon people swiftly moved in a rush. They blocked the path into the building
while ingredients and tableware, everything needed for a banquet suddenly appeared in
their hands like a magic trick. It was as though they were saying「We’re sorry princess.
We are happy with your feeling but there is no more work to do」. In addition, another
group moved briskly toward the village’s exit with adroit movement and formed two
lines. They instantly formed a road that was made of human crowd to see off people
leaving. Their skill was high. They had properly trained in it!
「「「「「Take care princess! Everyone!」」」」」
「All of thou art going that far!?」
Princess Tio’s tsukkomi echoed in vain. Hajime and others looked at Tio with
twitching face. Liliana who was shaking *puru puru* like a slime was the only one who
looked strangely happy. Her gaze toward Tio seemed to say「I found a comrade!」.
「Princess. Please don’t misunderstand.」
「Everyone is still as respectful to you princess just like before. Rather you can even say
that our respect and affection toward you has increased even more.」
「It really doesn’t look like that though?」
Princess Tio looked really doubtful. She stared suspiciously at Venri who was
whispering into her ear.
「 Everyone has accepted the current princess. That’s exactly why they have this
thinking. “Princess had never showed any negative side to us before she met Hajime-
sama, Could it be that was caused by our excessive respect toward the princess was
oppressing her true self?”.」
「Nu, such thing……」
「To go further, we even grieved at heart wondering if we had all been so faint-hearted
that princess was forced to perform the act of “the ideal princess of the dragon race”, so
much so that princess herself didn’t notice what her true feelings were.」
「How couldst that……however, I wasn’t acting at all……」
「Princess’s prerequisite to be your fiancée――”to be stronger than you”. That is surely a
fragment of princess’s oppressed true nature. The princess had appealed to us all this
time. “Made me into a damaged goods! Make me listen to you by brute force!”.」
「That wasn’t it though?」
No, my feeling was pure at that time, thinking that if someone is going to be my
husband then it wouldst be better if it’s someone stronger than me, Princess Tio wanted
to say so, but now that she had realized her true nature as a masochist pervert, even she
herself became doubtful of her own words……
「Therefore everyone talked with each other. How should we interact with the princess
from here on, what should we do so that princess can be happy, we held a gathering and
talked so many times.」
「How couldst that……something like that happened whilst I was absent……」
Now she got it. Her brethrens thought so much about her like that they spent much
time discussing with each other of how to deal with her. Then they reached the
conclusion of changing themselves instead of changing her. That certainly could be said
as proof that they hadn’t lost respect toward her. Tio was moved emotionally and
covered her eyes with her sleeve. A warm feeling slowly accumulated at the corner of her
eyes as tears of gratitude. While Hajime and others were watching that going on with a
warm expression, Tio turned her gaze to speak her words of gratitude toward her
「 Everything is for the sake of dragon race’s future! The dragon race will never yield
against the bad rumors! We shall show the whole world that the princess is the only
unique case! We all are healthy and wholesome!」
「 「 「 「 「 We are all healthy and wholesome! The dragon race is healthy and
Tio’s emotional tears went「Ah sorry, I’m in the wrong place」 and instantly drew
back. A reproachful gaze stabbed at Venri beside her, but Venri’s gaze quietly moved
toward the sky far away. Even while that was going on, Alois was passionately giving out
orders. Recently in the continent there had been a very slight rumor going around, “Is
the dragon race perhaps a perverted race?”. He was sending out orders to everyone in
order to not let such rumor spread out any further, all to protect the dragon race’s
「 The first step of anti princess measure! Absolutely don’t give the princess any
stimulation! I repeat! Don’t give her any kind of stimulation at all!」
「 「 「 「 「 We won’t give princess any stimulation! Until she return back to Japan
「Japan art not a quarantine facility though!? Or rather, do all of thee think that I’m a
toxic substance or something!?」
As expected her tsukkomi only echoed in vain. Also this first step of anti princess
measure was a countermeasure in case Tio came out in public setting. Even this kind of
pervert was one of the wives of the demon king who saved the world. Just like how
Queen Luluaria asked them to show themselves in a parade, the possibility of Tio
showing up in events like ceremony and the like wasn’t low by any chance.
At that time, if by any chance she started going ‘haa haa’ due to an unexpected
stimulation while in front of many of the populace watching…… At this occasion, they
didn’t mind anymore if other thought of Tio as a pervert. But, it was a common
knowledge that Tio was the princess of the dragon race. The risk of people thinking that
such masochistic nature was the racial nature of the dragon race was not non-existent.
That absolutely had to be prevented!
They were in the village right now, so this was the perfect chance for practicing the
countermeasures. The heart of the dragon race became one with Alois at the center.
There was no way they could carry out the countermeasure in other country if they
couldn’t even do it in their own village! A cry of fighting spirit burst out. For the future
of the dragon race! To show the world that dragon race isn’t a pervert you know, it’s just
the princess who is a pervert you know!
「Now, have a good day princess.」
Alois said the farewell. His words were polite. However the people taking position in
front of the building――especially the female dragon people were shooing with their
hands as though to say 「Come on, we’ll be busy with the banquet’s preparation, so go
away already, go!」without the slightest respect.
The brethrens who were forming two lines to create a path of leaving also radiating
aura of wariness as though to say「Why aren’t they leaving already? Don’t tell me……the
princess is planning to cause something? 」. Tio’s eyes rapidly died. I don’t know what
kind of face to make here……her half smile seemed to say that. She couldn’t say
anything. Hajime spoke to her with unusually concerned voice.
「Aa~, Tio? I’m counting on you to show us around. Come on, the village’s people are
also enthusiastic to prepare a welcoming party for Tio’s return here after so long,
Tio turned around after Hajime urged her. The voices of her brethrens 「 Have a
good day! Princess! 」 showered her while she was walking through the path between
the lines of people. Just from the appearance of the scene, this was truly like the
departure of a royalty but……
「S-somehow it looks like, Tio-oneechan is getting banished nano……」
「Shh~h! Myuu, don’t say it out loud!」
Myuu’s whisper represented the voice of the heart of Hajime and everyone.
Hajime and co were currently strolling inside the forest at the north of the village
after leaving the settlement. The sunlight filtering through the trees was beautiful. The
echo of the sound of waves from afar made the atmosphere felt surprisingly refreshing.
Although they were inside a forest, there was a small path leading deep inside the forest.
Coupled with the cool and clear air, it made them felt like they were exploring a secret
hideout somewhere. ……If only the guide Tio wasn’t hunched in dejection.
「T-Tio-oneechan, are you alright?」
「I’m fine. There art no pro――」
*GON* A protruding thick branch hit Tio-san’s head. However, she continued
walking as though nothing had happened. It felt like her footsteps were accompanied
with the depressing sound effect of *tobo tobo*. Her illness was serious.
Myuu looked up at Hajime with a worried expression. Hajime’s expression turned
troubled. His usual trick when Tio got docile was to hit her butt or insult her for the time
being. No matter how down she was feeling, such trick promised that she would
instantly recovered. It was the wonder drug that was exclusive for Tio.
However, Right now in this situation……Hajime hesitated using that wonder drug.
Because, Adol-ojiisan was right beside him. He just fainted while still standing straight
and smiling not long ago. Above all else, this fetish of Tio had brought such dramatic
change to her brethrens. Now then, what should he do now?
Yue and others were also just smiling wryly――except one, Liliana alone was looking
at Tio with extremely gentle gaze――it seemed they were at a loss of how to talk to her.
But then, Adol who was unable to bear watching the situation opened his mouth with a
wry smile.
「 Tio. Cheer up already. It’s not like everyone in the village is hating you. You
understand that right? Rather it’s because they can accept you as you are right now that
they are――」
「They were shooing me away while saying Shoo shoo, go away already, though. They
treated me like a bother though. Even though, I’m a princess.」
「W-well, perhaps their treatment to you has become somewhat rough but, that too is
an expression of their lo――」
「 They hath even created something like “princess countermeasure manual” before I
knew it though. There was the order 『 The first step of anti princess measure!
Absolutely don’t give the princess any stimulation! I repeat! Don’t give her any kind of
stimulation at all!』 like they art facing a monster though.」
「 Their group action was really adroit, making it clear that they hath been training
routinely though.」
Adol stayed silent and quietly averted his gaze. Umu, the weather is also nice today.
Oh, miss small bird, how about resting on my shoulder? He was acting like that. He had
washed his hands completely from his granddaughter.
There was no way Adol didn’t know what the villagers had been doing as the chief. It
was evident that he was approving the dragon people’s countermeasure against their
princess. Rather, looking at her half-baked follow up to Tio just now, it seemed that he
was even thinking 「You are reaping what you sow, so it can’t be helped」.
It can’t be helped, Liliana stepped forward with rapid footsteps as though to say
that. She would give Tio the best encouragement she could. She lightly tapped Tio’s
shoulder *pon pon* and,
「Comrade♪ Comrade♪」
A princess is an existence that is treated crudely! Liliana showed a pleased smile
that seemed to say that. Liliana’s hand on Tio’s shoulder was like a hammer that that
was hitting a stake. Tio’s shoulders were dropping even more in dejection.
「As expected, even Tio-san can feel dejected at this kind of situation……」
「Then she should hide her perversity from the start instead of showing it off.」
Shia stared at Tio’s back as though she was watching a strange creature. Kaori
secretly replied with a whisper. Then Shizuku secretly whispered her conjecture.
「This is just my guess but, perhaps she didn’t want to hide her true nature to her family
and want them to accept her as she is.」
「But, she still wanted them to treat her the same like before as “the princess everyone
respected and beloved”, is that it?」
Aiko also added her conjecture. But then she mumbled her words. She swallowed
the words that she reflexively almost said. But that action ended up in vain. Yue-sama
easily spoke the words. The feeling of everyone in this place including the parents.
「……Nn~, this troublesome pervert.」
「Tsu!? T-that art horrible, Yue」
The words of the first wife-sama that gouged into the heart like Gae Bolg made Tio
jerked and turned around. There, she found the eyes of someone who was looking at the
garbage dump after some crows ransacked it and made all the garbage got scattered and
felt that it was extremely troublesome to clean up the mess. The destructive power was
overwhelming when it was coupled with Yue-sama’s blank stare! Haa haah!!
「……Nn. She revived.」
「I see. This is Yue-dono’s, no, the first wife-dono’s true strength……」
「No, rather I think this is mostly because of Tio’s perversity, Adol-dono.」
As expected, it seemed Adol-dono’s heart still hadn’t recovered fully. Hajime said his
tsukkomi to Adol before he cleared his throat. He opened his mouth to change the
「And so, Tio. Where are you leading us to?」
「Goshujin-sama, I wish that thou couldst give me at least a single kind word……」
「I’ll push you off from the cliff later so cheer up.」
「Mine overwhelming gratitude! Haa haah」
Tio finally pulled herself together, or rather she finally put her feeling in order.
According to what she explained while going ‘haa haa’, it seemed that she was leading
them to the village’s graveyard.
「……I see, your parents?」
Hajime guessed in his mind and asked the question quietly. Everyone starting from
Shuu and Sumire gasped and held their breath. Tio looked back across her shoulder
with a soft expression. It was unthinkable that she had just been doing ‘haa haa’. The
parents were making a complicated expression while listening to her words.
「It might not be suitable going to such place when everyone come here for sightseeing,
but I wish to introduce everyone first before showing the other nice places. Chichiue-
dono, Hahaue-dono, art that alright?」
Of course there was no way they would refuse. Tomichi and Shuuzou and the others
also nodded readily. The group continued walking for a while quietly. Then they
suddenly came out to an open space. The sunlight that filtered through the trees were
gone and the blue sky could be seen from the circle shaped opening.
「Mu, Jii-sama, this art……」
「There is no need for us to hide anymore. I wish to put them in a place where the sun is
「I see. Indeed.」
Countless gravestones were lined up orderly before their eyes. Sunlight was
brilliantly illuminating the place. Coupled with the surrounding trees and refreshing air,
this place didn’t have the characteristic lonely atmosphere of a graveyard. A vague hint
of holiness could be felt from here.
「Tio, what’s the matter?」
「 Originally, there were more trees in this place that the sky was fully covered by the
leaves and branches.」
「……Nn~, because this place was a hidden village?」
「 Umu. It was a preparation to prevent this village being discovered from the sky. A
barrier was laid out around the village to prevent such thing, but the burden wouldst be
greater to extend the barrier to also cover the graveyard that was some distance away.
But, it seemed that after the final battle, everyone in the village hath put this place in
order so the sun couldst be seen.」
「 How should I describe it, this place doesn’t really feel like a graveyard in a good
meaning……this place is beautiful.」
「The atmosphere is like standing in the middle of a church.」
Following Shuu and Sumire’s impression, Tomoichi and others also looked around
while speaking their favorable impressions. Then they followed Tio’s guidance to walk to
the deepest area. There they found two white gravestones that were surrounded by fence
unlike the other gravestones. The two gravestones were standing close to each other. On
each of the white gravestone there were the names “Haruga Clarus” and “Orna Clarus”
「I hath returned, Haha-ue, Chichi-ue. Let me introduce them, mine new family.」
Tio puffed out her chest proudly without any solemn atmosphere at all. She
introduced Hajime and others in turn as though she was giving a report.
Kaori, Shizuku, and Aiko had also become her family, so their parents were also
Tio’s family. She slowly introduced every single one of them and explaining what kind of
person they were, but her words didn’t only describe their work and character, she even
mentioned about detailed virtue that even the person themselves weren’t aware of it. It
made Tomoichi and others blushed from realizing that she had observed them that
However, the moment she said 「Yaegashi family art a family of shinobi」, Shuuzou
immediately corrected her 「We aren’t ninja, Tio-kun」, followed by Koichi 「There is
no way ninja exist in the modern era, Tio-kun 」 , and then Kirino 「 We are only
managing a shabby dojo and security company you know, Tio-kun? 」. It seemed they
had no intention of conceding that. They were troublesome ninjas. Tio looked toward
Shizuku who was groaning 「 Nn- 」 , but Shizuku carelessly replied 「 Just call us a
gathering of oddballs who are good with acrobatics」. As expected, even their daughter
considered them troublesome ninjas.
Also, only Liliana’s introduction 「 She is a princess of a kingdom. A terrifyingly
black princess who worked her knight commander like a slave until she fell ill 」 was
crude like that. Liliana raised a protest and in the end she introduced herself. It seemed
Tio-san plainly disliked Liliana’s 「 Comrade♪ Comrade♪ 」 comment before this. After
the introduction of everyone ended, Shuu and Sumire stepped forward. They kneeled
before the gravestones and straightened their posture.
「 Nice to meet you, Haruga-san, Orna-san. My name is Nagumo Sumire. I’m really
blessed to be able to receive a lovely daughter-in-law like your daughter.」
「 Nice to meet you two, I am Shuu, Tio’s father-in-law. Please don’t worry. We
guarantee your daughter’s happiness. If our son make her cry……no, he has made her
cried a lot in a different meaning, and his treatment of your daughter is also quite
horrible but……」
「Wait a second, dear! Know the right time and place when mentioning something! Just
because Tio-chan is a pervert who can’t choose the right time and place for her act
doesn’t mean that you can also do the same!」
「N-no, Hahaue-dono? Rather Hahaue-dono’s words stabbed mine heart far deeper just
now. It made me felt slightly good though……haa haa. Even though I’m in front of
Chichi-ue and Haha-ue-. Nn-.」
「Aiko, please.」
「―― “Soul Repose”!!」
When Hajime who looked like he was enduring a headache muttered that, Aiko
activated the soul magic to stabilized the mind that she was good at. The two of them
were at the same beat.
Casting “Soul Repose” to the living daughter in front of the graves of her parents……
although it was just a magic’s name, Tomoichi and others turned really complicated.
Adol’s eyes were watching at the far away as though to say 「I’m not recording anything
in my memory」.
「 A-anyway! Even if our son is making your daughter cry, we firmly promise your
daughter’s happiness! So please rest assured!」
「Tou-san, you fumbled your word.」
「Sorry I stutte――」
「I’m not going to do the “I stuttered” exchange with you.」
Hajime let out a sigh at the desperate state of Shuu papa who was about to blow his
fuse. Even so he also kneeled beside his parents and closed his eyes quietly. Then with
all his heart,
「I’m going to make her happy. Forever and ever. I swear it to the two of you and all of
the dragon race.」
He said that. Tio’s breath was caught in her throat and she gulped, while 「Hou」
slipped out from the mouth of Tomoichi and the other men. Kaoruko, Kirino, and Akiko
let out 「My」 with a slight blush, while Adol smiled happily and closed his eyes from
feeling deeply moved. And then Yue, Shia, Kaori, Shizuku, Aiko, Myuu, and Remia
looked at each other before they also kneeled before Hajime and his parents. They
closed their eyes to offer their prayer, then Yue softly spoke as everyone’s representative.
「Our happiness is together with Tio. We promise.」
「Yue……all of thee too……」
Tio’s voice trembled slightly. She was hiding her face with her sleeve because she
didn’t want her face that was turning slovenly from embarrassment and happiness to be
「……Tio. You have really obtained a lovely family.」
「Umu, umu-」
Adol very gently caressed the head of his granddaughter who was unable to form
any words. After that, actually the plan was to show them around to other places too
until the time for the banquet began but…… Somehow, everyone found it hard to leave
from this graveyard that was enveloped in a peaceful joviality,
「 Chichi-ue and Haha-ue, and also many of the people who died in the great
persecution loved to sit in a lively circle together. How about all of us also talked for a bit
until it’s time?」
Tio also proposed that, so in the end they spent time there until the banquet started.
They talked without running out of topic. There was also this feeling, as though there
were a lot of people around them having fun. They were feeling such atmosphere
enveloping them. Most of the graves in this place didn’t contain any remains of the
departed people. Only the remains of people who died after moving to this hidden
village were buried here. There wasn’t a single remain of the people who died in the time
of great persecution. But, this was the place where their soul returned. It was a place
that was created with such hope. That was why, surely……
Like that the conversation that sounded like a report to the dead continued. Tio also
talked about the story of the first generation Clarus and the mausoleum where he was
enshrined, and how before the final battle she obtained a way to transform into her
dragon god form. It was at that timing that Venri came to call them. When they returned
to the settlement, the dragon people looked strangely happy. They welcomed the group
with a very warm gaze. There were even a lot of people among the elders including
Catullus who were moved to tears.
「Aa, the people in charge of watching the princess must have told them what happened
in the grave. There were a lot of them around us at that time after all.」
Shia said so while her rabbit ears were flapping. Hajime and Yue and others had also
noticed that, but as expected they became slightly embarrassed when the people around
them wordlessly expressed 「Thank you very much for treasuring the princess like that.
Please take care of her from now on too 」toward them. Their expression and gaze had
said it even more eloquently than any words. Even so the one who was the most
embarrassed was Tio. She was hiding her face with her sleeves. Today was a day where
she often hid her face in embarrassment like that.
「I told you princess. Everyone is cherishing you greatly.」
「U-umu. It seems so.」
Venri whispered while looking toward the village square once more. The place had
been tidied up and decorated to a degree that was unthinkable to be done in just one
hour. The place that looked like a kabuki stage where usually high ranked people like
Adol were standing on when there was an assembly had been decorated for the dance
show. Several beautiful carpets and a feast were lined up at the open space in front of it.
It was clear from a glance that everyone had put their all to prepare this. In addition,
「Then princess, let’s also go there.」
「Mu? Venri, go where?」
Tio looked puzzled. Venri chuckled while speaking.
「What are you saying. Didn’t you mention it yourself. That princess will also dance.」
「Nu-, I didst say that but……art that alright?」
「There is no reason why not isn’t it? The preparation is finished. As expected, the first
dance should be offered for Haruga-sama and Orna-sama. That’s how it should be.」
Looking closer, there was a group of women on standby carrying fans, ornaments,
and tools to arrange the hair. Surely a kimono for dancing show had also been prepared
inside the room. Alois and Catullus came toward them at that moment.
「Princess, please forgive our rudeness before this. It has been decided after nearly two
months of discussion that a treatment of that degree should be alright for the princess
now that you have been liberated from various shackles. What do you think?」
「I was seriously feeling dejected from that!」
「 Please rest assured princess. Alois and us too are also very seriously on our guard
toward any harmful rumor about us dragon race that might spread.」
「I couldst not argue anything back about that! Forgive me!」
Tio averted her gaze with a huff. Then she told Hajime and others 「I wouldst go for
a bit! Go enjoy the feast ahead of me! 」 before she stared walking angrily toward the
women who were on standby with the dancing equipments. Alois and Catullus looked at
each other and,
「Venerable elder. It seemed that we were correct.」
「That seemed to be the case.」
They said that and nodded to each other with expression of understanding. Adol
laughed cheerfully while patting Alois’s shoulder.
「It will be hard but, Alois, I shall depend on you as the next chief.」
「As someone who doesn’t have the name of Clarus, this burden is heavy to be honest
but……I shall devote myself diligently. Now then, Hajime-dono, everyone, please go to
the center. The princess’s dance is number one among the dragon race. I ask everyone to
watch it from the special seat.」
Once for a period of time Alois’s gaze toward Hajime was also harsh just like Ristas-
kun, but now respect and goodwill could be felt from him like a servant who was serving
the main house. As expected, the people of the dragon village had already completely
reached a conclusion and acceptance about their princess’s fetish and also about Hajime
who made that fetish bloomed. And so the banquet began. The traditional dishes were
delicious. The conversation with the dragon people who wished to hear about Japan was
also fun. A peaceful and lively time passed.
And then Tio’s dance. Her beautiful figure that was dancing lithely and gracefully
made Hajime held his breath. Yue, Sumire, and others were also watching with their
gaze fixed on that sight. All of them without exception forgot to even put food into their
mouth during the dance. They were entranced by the performance.
The gorgeous sleeves flapped like butterfly wings. The fans that had flower petals
drawn on them made them hallucinated as though there were really flower petals
dancing in the wind. Verni and Adol narrowed their eyes in satisfaction. Alois and others
were quietly shedding thears.
……Perhaps, they were moved. It didn’t seem like they were crying because they
recalled their princess of the bygone days and saw the gap with her current self. And so,
after Shuu and Sumire gave a loud applause in excitement and Kaori and others also
bathed her with praise, Tio also joined them in the feast…… Before long, the banquet
came to an end with strange feeling that was like a mix of calmness and exaltation
enveloping everyone.
Hajime and co returned back to the continent through the gate while the dragon
race saw them off in great cheers. Only Adol and Venri came together with them to
continue with their work in the continent. They teleported to the previous place, the foot
of the mountain that was the former site of the dragon kingdom. There they said
farewell to each other with reluctance.
「 Take care of your health. Restrain yourself so that you won’t trouble everyone too
much. Do you understand princess? I heard that the food in Japan is really delicious,
but you must not drink and eat too much. Keep in mind to always strive for an orderly
「I-I get it. Don’t keep treating me like a child forever.」
Tio pouted sullenly at Venri’s nagging, even so anyone could see that Tio also looked
slightly happy. They watched her with a warm gaze.
「Hajime-kun. Perhaps I don’t need to say this once more to you, but please take care of
「Leave it to me. When it become easier to travel between worlds, I shall invite everyone
to Japan next time. Please look forward to it.」
Hajime and Adol exchanged a firm handshake. Yue and Sumire and others also
exchanged words with Adol and Venri, shook hands, and then they finally departed……
It was at that moment.
「Oh? Can everyone hear that?」
Shia’s rabbit ears were twitching. Hajime and others tilted their head. They didn’t
really hear anything but……
Oh? Certainly they could hear something? It sounded like an echo though the
mountains so it was difficult to hear, but certainly some kind of sound was
「Oh? What could this be? My arm is feeling terrible goosebumps……」
「Shizuku-chan!? Are you alright!? You are looking really pale!」
「 Shizuku!? What’s wrong!? You are shaking like you have been thrown into Schnee
Snow Field!」
「Yaegashi-san’s ponytail is……curled up like a dog’s tail!?」
「Nuuh, what’s with this ominous presence!」
「Adol-sama! Could it be, a monster!? I heard that there are still monsters that ran away
from the holy precincts hiding in the north mountain range-」
Hajime and Yue looked at Shia. Shia let out an 「 Uwaaa 」 and her expression
became creeped out. It seemed her excellent rabbit ears had already grapsed the true
identity of the approaching “ominous presence (lol)”. Myuu and Remia anxiously leaned
close to Hajime. All members of Yaegashi family pulled out a ninja sword from who
knew where. Kirino stepped forward to cover Kaoruko and Akiko. It was at that
Shizuku jumped. It seemed she had realized the true identity of this presence.
「Wait a second Hajime, what’s going on!」
Sumire immediately hugged Shizuku while asking. Hajime showed a twitching
「 Seriously? ……Well yeah, she was tossed to the northern mountain range, so the
possibility of encountering her here isn’t zero.」
「……Hajime, the hero? He should be with her.」
「W-what is that girl doing even after Kuzeri scolded her like that……she left Kouki-san
behind again――」
Lliana’s worry was immediately erased.
――S-stop, stop already! Shiitt, just what’s wrong with you! At least cut off the rope,
don’t drag me-
「Hajime-san. I can hear the hero-san’s scream though.」
「There is no reason to send her back if Amanogawa is together with her. Perhaps she is
forcefully dragging him with her with that thinking. What tenacity.」
「Hajime! Please! Let’s teleport right away! Hurry! Super hurryyyyy!」
「Shizuku-chan-, calm downnn」
「――“Soul Repose”! “Soul Repose”!!」
The voice of stepsister (Soul Sister) that was looking for Onee-sama was
approaching near with terrific momentum. This wasn’t the speed of human! Shizuku
was absurdly scared! The last mountain was going to be passed by already while they
were talking. There wasn’t even a second to waste!
「Hajime-kun! Leave this place to me and go ahead!」
「No, Adol-san. Please don’t say unlucky thing like that.」
Even while Hajime was saying that, Shizuku’s panicked state and the ominous
presence of a Soul Sister searching for her Onee-sama that alarmed even the chief of the
dragon race also pushed him into action. He prepared the compass and Crystal Key in a
bit of hurry.
「Ah, oi, Shizuku! Don’t pour magic power from the side――」
The gate opened. To the next destination of sightseeing that had been originally
planned from before. However, the coordinate was slightly shifted due to the tiny panic
that Shizuku caused, and because she clung at Hajime, he dropped the Crystal Key at his
feet. Because of that the gate was opened below them like a pitfall. As the result, Hajime
and others all dropped down simultaneously together with a scream
――You, calm down!!
――Adol-sama! Amanogawa-dono looks like he is going to ascend to heaven-
While listening to such voices. And then,
A scream burst out from their destination. Also,
「Your majesty!?」
「Are you alright!?」
「Damn you-, villain――wait, Nagumo Hajime!? Also, ee!? Why are you all!?」
Such voices that were filled with confusion also resounded. It seemed they had
safely arrived at the next destination――the empire. However, they arrived by falling
right above Emperor Gahard.

Arifureta After Story - Tortus Travel Journal ㉓ Breaking Into the

Emperor’s Palace! Shizuku’s Full Powered Body Blow

The emperor palace that was the symbol of Hoelscher Kingdom. The scream of its
owner, Emperor Gahard was resounding in the throne room. The grand throne was
toppled. And its owner was also similarly toppled. Although he was a master among
masters who had mastered all kinds of martial arts, it seemed that he couldn’t deal with
an unexpected situation like more than ten guests falling from a gate that was suddenly
opened right above him.
Although even in such situation, with an intuition that should be called as wild
instinct, he had managed to pull out his sword until half way while still sitting on his
throne. As expected of the emperor of this militaristic country. The main reason why he
was toppled along with the throne was none other than Hajime’s kick so that the sword
wouldn’t reach his family at any cost.
「Oops. Sorry emperor.」
「 Get off me right away if you are really sorry-! Rather, who is the one sitting on my
「Oh, I’m sorry!」
If the one who kicked him down and sat on his stomach was the son, the one who
was crushing the face of his majesty the emperor with her butt was the mother. The
father also didn’t fall behind with the way he was crushing the emperor’s hand with his
knee. It was plainly painful because his hand was crushed between the knee and sword
By the way, everyone was lifted up with Yue’s gravity magic before the collided on
the floor so no one was harmed. However, Yue wasn’t the only one moving. Kaori and
others also immediately acted so,
「Kaori……Otou-san is a bit embarrassed……」
「Ah, I’m sorry Otou-san.」
「No, thank you. Uu, you have grown up strongly……」
Tomoichi was carried in princess carry by Kaori. He covered his face with both
hands and curled into himself,
「Hajime, thank you. But put me down because this is embarrassing……」
Shizuku who right before the teleport fell into a mini panic because she was
seriously freaked out by the incoming Soul Sister(monster) was writhing because
Hajime was carrying her in princess carry.
「……S-Shuuzou-san. Sorry to bother you. I must be heavy right?」
「No no, not at all. Akiko-san is light like a feather.」
「……uu, that’s……」
「Wait, Okaa-san!? Why are you turning red!?」
「 S-shut up! The last time I experienced princess carry was by your father at our
marriage ceremony!」
Akiko-okaasan went red because of Shuuzou’s swift action to protect her while
Shuuzou could only smile soberly.
「Kaoruko, are you alright?」
「Y-yes, I’m alright Kirino-san. Thank you. ……That’s, can you let me down?」
「My, it’s cute how you blush like that.」
「Y-you are teasing me again……geez.」
Similarly, Kirino was also carrying Kaoruko in princess carry and Kaoruko was
turning red from it. Their atmosphere became similar with the extremely yuri yuri
atmosphere that their respective daughter also often created with each other. Perhaps
the saying that apple wouldn’t fall far from its tree could be applied here. Also, Myuu
and Remia were also immediately carried by Shia and Tio, while Aiko and Liliana landed
safely without tumbling as expected.
And then, Koichi papa who didn’t really need to do anything seemed to have too
much free time that he intentionally somersaulted three times midair and also landing
in a hero pose on top of that. Perhaps that was why (or perhaps for no reason at all),
those composed members of Yaegashi acrobatic group (lol) couldn’t bear to see their
daughter’s pathetic state.
「 Shizuku, that was unsightly. Even though you were in panic, that’s no excuse to be
unable to perform a landing of this level.」
「Shinobi――cough-. Acrobatic is beginning with a leap and ending with a landing. We
should have taught you that many times.」
「It seems that you have slacked off. You will need to redo your training when we return
「How about you worry for me a little!? That thing is already a pursuer(nemesi○)! All of
you also heard how that thing yelled ONEEEEEEEE-SAMAAAAAA didn’t you!?」
Certainly, it was very similar with how that certain person (?) yelled
STAAAAAAAAAARRS!!. Though it seemed the pursuer just now still maintained her
human form…… It felt like that Soul Sister would transform in three stages into a
grotesque form before long. Even though their daughter was being targeted by such
thing, the adults of Yaegashi family weren’t agitated at the slightest and did what was in
their capability to help the people around them before landing beautifully. There was no
doubt that these people possessed heart of steel.
「Your majesty-, are you alright!?」
「Nagumo-dono! What in the world is going on here!」
The people who seemed to be the imperial guards were helping Gahard to stand up
even while their face was turning pale. While they were doing that, the empire’s nobles
who seemed to be in the middle of audience with the emperor before this interruption
pressed Hajime for explanation.
「Nagumo-dono, please let us hear an explanation. We have been notified beforehand
through the gate that your group are traveling from the kingdom to here, so I’m sure this
is not an attack but……」
「Even if it’s you Nagumo-dono, this kind of violence is just extremely rude!」
Indeed. The emperor of their country was trampled on. It was only natural that the
noble uncles here got their vein pulsing angrily on their forehead. And so, Hajime
guiltily scratched his cheek while apologizing honestly.
「 No, we were really at fault there. Actually we should teleport to a more proper
location, but we were almost attacked by a dreadful monster just now so the teleport was
done in emergency. Because of that the coordinate slightly shifted from the actual
「 The strongest monster in history is forced to evacuate in emergency!? That’s
「 I-impossible……the demon who trampled even the god and devoured him until not
even the bone remained could only escape against a monster!?」
「Hah, could it be……this monster is your future self that came back to the past!?」
「「「That’s it-」」」
「No good……it’s over already for us……」
The enraged big shots of the empire instantly crumbled on their knees
simultaneously. The powerful people who had climbed up until their current position in
this country where strength decided everything was shaking like a newly born deer.
Their despair was like that of a gamer who just needed one more step to finish a
speedrun that he had spent 90 hours on and yet he found that the safe data had been
blown away. From their reaction it was clear how the empire perceived Hajime. The
empire nobles looked like they would melt into nothing like a slime whose core was just
Yue and others were making an atmosphere of 「 Well of course they will become
like this 」 , but the parents who didn’t know what the perception of the empire to
Hajime was based on was looking at Hajime thinking 「This guy, just what had he done
here……」 as though they were looking at something terrifying.
「Aa~, all of you, calm down. You all are looking unsightly in front of our guests.」
Gahard shouted after he recovered with Kaori’s healing. Normally the nobles would
spring on attention and lined up with adroit movement, but now all the nobles of the
empire here were completely brokenhearted from being faced with the prospect of “the
arrival of the demon from the future who had evolved even further”. All strength had left
their body and they were turned into a group of mere “listless old men”.
Blood vein snapped on Gahard’s forehead. But, it wasn’t like he couldn’t understand
their feeling, so for now he ignored them and ordered the imperial guards to return to
their position. Then he sat down heavily on his throne with his displeasure at MAX. And
then he crossed his legs roughly and supported his face on his right arm that was put on
the elbow rest.
He then turned a completely cold gaze toward Hajime. Now then, what could he
refer to with that short question…… Hajime pondered and nodded. And then, he moved
his hand as though to caress his expression on his face before it turned completely into a
terrifyingly refreshing smile.
「Yaa, buddy. I came to play.」
He said such thing. It seemed he didn’t feel like giving a long explaination. His
buddy Gahard-kun responded to that with a smile,
This time he pulled out his sword fully and leaped at Hajime. The surrounding
screamed 「Your majesty, please stop! Do you want to destroy the country!?」 or 「His
majesty has gone mad! 「Someone stop him!」 to stop him, but Gahard ignored them
all. *Clang* A loud metallic voice resounded. Gahard’s sword was blocked by Hajime’s
artificial arm. What was even more irritating for Gahard was that his sword was caught
between the fingers. Gahard’s face slowly closed in to very close range with blood veins
pulsing dangerously on his forehead. He spoke with words that were trembling from
「You are really lookin’ down on me eeh? Nagumo Hajime!」
He had completely turned into yakuza. That figure that was trying to slash at Hajime
with bloodshot eyes and the way he rolled the end of his sentence was completely like
that of a yakuza boss.
Kaoruko and Akiko turned pale from the impressive pressure and sat down
powerlessly on the floor. Tomoichi and Shuu & Sumire were also watching with held
breath. As for everyone from Yaegashi family……well, they were an exception among the
common masses. The situation should be so pressing like that. However, Hajime shook
his head sadly.
「That’s horrible. Wasn’t it you who called me buddy before this?」
After the legendary decisive battle, most of the artifacts that were used in war were
collected and destroyed by Hajime’s hand. Especially for the artifacts that were used by
the empire. Hajime especially created an artifact to gather the artifacts from them.
Naturally no artifact managed to avoid destruction. At that time Gahard looked like he
was going to cry tear of blood.
He even clung on Hajime without any shame for his appearance. He also followed
Hajime around like baby duck following its parent duck. He would stare silently without
blinking from the shadow. The wistful gaze of the empire’s strongest, and also a middle-
aged man on top of that, following him around the clock……
It was horror in various senses. It was tremendously annoying. And so Hajime gave
up and gave him a small Fernir. Then the next day there was a proclamation――the
demon king and the emperor were best friend who had tied deep friendship between
「 At that time I thought of it as an outrageous harmful gossip that I considered
dropping a meteor on the empire but……」
「Oi you bastard, don’t expose something terrifying so nonchalantly like that」
The noble uncles who had revived a little were turned into slime once more hearing
that. Gahard protested with his gaze but he was ignored.
「 We were comrades in arms who managed to survive the legendary decisive battle
together by some miracle. It was an anguishing decision to make but, in the end I
decided to let it be.」
「You bastard. Just how much did you hate me huh. That statement is just touching my
nerves the wrong way!」
「That’s why, as a buddy, I also included a trip to the empire in our family holiday like
this. I’m thinking to introduce my family to the emperor too.」
And yet……As though to say that, Hajime shook his head with a very sad expression.
Gahard started chanting magic. Also, it was actually the opposite. Hajime didn’t want to
introduce his family to the emperor, he wanted to introduce the emperor to his family. A
real emperor of a fantasy world is someone like this you know! Something like that. In a
sense, Gahard was just something like a spectacle……
It wasn’t just Luluaria and Adol, Hajime also held some respect toward the leaders
of various countries and organizations who participated in that legendary decisive
battle, but it was only his treatment to Gahard that was lighthearted like this.
As expected, the way the empire was run in the past and the emperor’s stance that
considered that as only right might be preventing Hajime to hold complete respect
toward Gahard somewhere inside his heart. After all, Hauria had paid a lot of sacrifices
because of that. As someone who knew of Shia’s lamentation and regret, Hajime might
be unable to treat Gahard with respect that easily.
「What happened just now was also an accident. Actually I planned to open the gate in a
proper location. After all there is a saying that good fences make good neighbors.」
「……By the way, where did you originally plan to open the gate?」
Hajime planned to introduce his relatives. He didn’t have the intention to stop at
least paying the minimum respect and aggravate the situation. Hearing that, although
Gahard was still displeased he at least stopped chanting and pulled back his sword. But,
「Well that’s……over there.」
Expression vanished silently from Gahard’s face seeing the spot that Hajime pointed
at. Because, no matter how he looked at it Hajime wasn’t pointing at the direction of the
castle gate or the capital’s gate, but “there”――in other words, the spot ten meters away
from the throne. That meant,
「There is almost no difference at all ain’t it!!」
From the start Hajime planned to teleport directly into the throne room. It was truly
an act of entering the place that symbolized the country with muddy shoes! There wasn’t
any decorum or anything in that! Even the parents & Shizuku and others were looking
exasperated. Only Shia gave him a thumb up that seemed to say 「 As expected from
Hajime-san! That level of treatment is just the right one for someone like Gahard
Anyway, Gahard-kun slashed with his sword once more, but as expected Hajime
moved to catch it with his hand. However, despite what Gahard was saying before this,
his first slash must be him holding back. This time his attack that came from overhead
stance looking like it was aiming to split Hajime into two now twisted like a snake and
brilliantly transformed into a horizontal slash. Hajime immediately pulled back to dodge
it. It seemed that Gahard-kun had snapped relatively seriously toward his best friend
From the surrounding screams like 「 Your majesty! Please stop! 」 「 The empire
will be destroyeeddd! 」 「 It’s hopeless……it’s over for usss…… 」 or 「 What a
magnificent sword skill! 」 「 Even though he is using a straight sword, he slash as
though he is using serpent sword……splendid! 」 「 His body trunk is also amazing.
That’s truly a body without any pointless waste 」 were reverberating. As for the last
sentences, perhaps those were coming from the members of a family of acrobats?
ORAAAAAAAAAH The yell of fighting spirit was accompanied with countless
twisting slashes that assaulted Hajime. Hajime calmly handled them with his artificial
arm as shield or dodging with taijutsu. Shuu and Sumire were panicking.
「Hajime! Apologize! We are the one at fault here! Come on quickly!」
「 Do the treasured last resort that has been passed down the Nagumo family for
generations, the DOGEZA, quickly!」
「 GOOOO, Hajime-san! Someone like Gahard is more suited to lick the floor desu!
Please teach him his place!」
「Shia-chan!? Don’t provoke them!」
As expected, Shia really loathed Gahard. She didn’t even listen to Sumire’s request
for her to stop and continued provoking them while shadow boxing.
「Emperor, how can you treat your buddy like this. If you don’t calm down quickly, an
unfortunate incident might occur with the small type Fernier you know.」
「What are you saying is completely like a terrorist! Don’t you have any self-awareness
about it!? This shitty demon!」
Certainly, Hajime’s words sounded like a terrorist who was taking someone hostage.
Tomoichi-san, a person with common was holding his head in his hands. It seemed like
another “Hajime-kun’s rehabilitation plan” would be added in his notebook.
「 Kaori, Hajime-kun is saying something like that. As I thought, breaking up with
「Cough. It’s nothing at all, Kaori.」
Yue and others also thought. Tomoichi papa is too weak against his daughter……in
exchange Kaoruko who was also as flustered as Shuu and Sumire were asking her
「Kaori, won’t it be better to stop them? Won’t this become an international problem?」
「 R-right. I think there won’t be any problem with that but……certainly, it might be
better to stop this because it looks like the souls of all the empire nobles are going to
leave their body at this rate, I think?」
「 To me this only look like the two of them art just messing around with each other
「Even so, we can’t also just keep watching like this until his majesty collapse.」
Shizuku said that with a sigh, but Kirino-okaasan spoke her opinion 「 I want to
watch this for a bit more」 like a child who couldn’t stop playing games even after being
told to go to bath. Shizuku glared severely at her mom.
「It can’t be helped. We will only waste time for our trip like this, here I shall――」
Unable to keep watching, Liliana stepped forward to reprimand the two with her
dignity and position as a princess. All the empire nobles, all the imperial guards, and
then all the flustered parent~s were looking at her as though she was a messiah……
「Fernir is already mine! Rather than giving it back, I’d rather relinquish the throne and
run with it until the end of the world-」
「 How much did you like it huh. But, well, it’s impossible for you to run away you
「Kuh, certainly you have teleport……then, I’ll crash it to the kingdom’s palace to die an
honorable deaath-」
「That’s why I told you it’s pointless. Liliana got the artifact to explode it with her.」
*Gin gin gin-* The fierce sounds of sword fight suddenly stopped still. A second.
Two seconds. Gahard lowered his sword with a trembling hand. His face looked like he
wanted to say 「 Lies, tell me that it’s a lie…… 」 , even so anger of 「 That guy might
really do just that」 was jumbling into his mind and his expression spasmed strangely.
And then, his gaze turned slowly. Toward Liliana who was stepping forward right at this
moment to mediate between the two. Liliana quietly averted her face.
「Princess Liliana.」
「Y-yes? What is it, your majesty.」
「Just now, is what this shitty brat said true?」
「……About that matter, a part of my memory is just really blurry due to vast amount of
works that I have to take care of every day, so I can’t answer immediately. Also, there is
a possibility that a misunderstanding exist between us in regard to the definition of
“explode” and “artifact”, we will also need to investigate with all the people related to
this case, so I shall pour all my effort to jog my spotty memory while establishing an
independent committee if it prove necessary. With that I shall send the formal letter
with the required answer in several more days so――」
Vague answers like politician often did flowed out like a flood from Liliana’s mouth.
The veins on Emperor Gahard’s forehead was making ominous snapping sounds.
「……Before this, when I invited you to ride Fernir together with me, you stubbornly
refused to accept didn’t you?」
「 How embarrassing of me. Actually I am afflicted with a severe case of acrophobia.
「When you were observing Fernir from the ground, you were grinning strangely at that
time. You were also toying with something in your hands as though doing a beanbag
juggling game. It was an unusual expression and act coming from Princess Liliana, so it
firmly remained in my memory.」
「I was thinking to learn how to juggle to amuse myself――」
「It was a red, small sphere.」
「There is no such thing in my memory.」
Shuu and others thought. Princess Liliana is getting bad influence! The culprit who
was giving that bad influence was lightly hitting his palm *pon* and stated.
「Ah, you mean that. The hard override detonator artifact that I sent her.」
「Hajime-san! What are you saying! Even though I still want to continue playing god by
watching his majesty’s smug face when he is riding Fernir while I’m thinking 『 But,
well, your life is in on the palm of my hand though?』――ah」
This was the moment when the black method of stress relieve of the black princess
was discovered. Not just Sumire and Shuu and others, even Yue and others were going
「Uwaa……」 with twitching expression that didn’t know what to say. Myuu was going
「T-this kind of Lily-oneechan……Myuu never know it nano……」 while hugging Remia
with a shocked face from learning the dark mask of the princess that she didn’t want to
know about. Remia mama’s eyes were looking at Liliana with similar gaze like when she
was looking at Tio with worry for Myuu’s education of aesthetic sensibility. Even all the
empire nobles were going 「 As expected from the demon’s bride…… 」
「Terrifying……」「There is no hope……it’s over!」 with frightened gaze toward her.
「Nagumo Hajime, how are you going to make up for this, oo?」
Gahard’s expression became really indescribable. At present he was the only one
who possessed a flying vehicle in this world. That made him felt good more than
anything, and yet the truth was he was riding a dangerous thing that could instantly turn
into his coffin. It was impossible to guess what he was feeling right now.
「By the way, I also handed one to Karm……」
「 What the hell are you doing!? He is the most dangerous guy to be given such thing
ain’t it-」
No, because, there is no guarantee that you won’t start trying an invasion using
Fernir that can easily enable you to control the sky, so an insurance is necessary right?
When Hajime explained that, certainly it was just as he said. Gahard could only grinded
his teeth.
「Well, don’t worry.」
「There ain’t anything at all that don’t make me worry here」
「I’ll remove the self-destruct function after this so that you can ride it without feeling
hesitant at all from here on.」
Emperor Gahard looked really dubious. He was looking at Hajime with as though he
was looking at a swindler. Even so, Hajime had just heard that the dragon race, the
original ruler of the sky had returned to the continent and they would build a new village
here. With them here, something like a single mini Fernir that didn’t have any artifact
weaponry wouldn’t be any threat at all There was no more need for insurance using self-
destruct function. When Gahard was told that, he seemed like he was somewhat
「That’s why, I ask you to overlook the teleport incident just now.」
「Tsk, so that’s how you want to frame it.」
If he refused, surely the self-destruct function would be left untouched……no, now
that the holders of the detonators had been exposed, surely this guy would install a
different nasty feature in Fernir. Thinking of that, Gahard reluctantly sheathed his
sword even while making an expression like he had bitten a thousand of sour grape.
「No way……」
「Oi, Princess Liliana. Do you have any complain huh?」
Liliana showed a disappointed expression at the conclusion that was reached
between the two. Gahard showed an expression that had gone past anger and reached
exasperation in respond to that. He looked like he was thinking 「 This girl, she is
corrupted by her husband too much……no, has she been like this from the start? Like
husband like wife? Scary」.
「 Let me ask this just in case but, this monster that made you blundered with your
teleportation, will it cause any trouble?」
「 I think there is nothing but trouble in various senses with that monster but……well,
it’s the Soul Sister.」
「Aa, I see.」
The uncles of the empire who were turning into slime revived.
「What, thank god. So it’s just a mad fanatic of Shizuku-sama.」
「Recently the “Onee-sama religion” is also spreading in this capital too but, well, there
is no problem I guess.」
「Yeah. After all the Soul Sisters are harmless if we just steer clear of Shizuku-sama.」
「 Rather they are beneficial existence instead as long as we remember to praise
Shizuku-sama sometimes.」
「Wait a second everyone!? Somehow I’m hearing a lot of words that I can’t just ignore
It seemed that the Soul Sisters weren’t just proliferating in Heiligh’s capital, but also
in this empire’s capital. At the kingdom Shizuku got involved with a lot of female knights
and noble daughters, because of that Soul Sisters there kept increasing in number
but…… It was incomprehensible why the disease was also spreading through the
empire’s capital even though Shizuku didn’t really have any activity here. The answer
came from Gahard himself.
「 It’s really annoying y’know. At the legendary decisive battle, the non-combatants of
the kingdom went through a gate to evacuate here while our army switch with them to
go to the battlefield right?」
「 Y-yes. I also did various things at that time like installing the gate and showing the
people the way, so I know about that.」
Shizuku was confused, but she was someone with naturally excellent discernment.
She immediately went pale while muttering 「Don’t tell me……」.
「Looks like you have realized. Yes, they were pouring here at that time, the kingdom’s
Soul Sisters.」
And then they prattled it everywhere, “Shizuku-oneesama’s Heroic Saga”, just how
wonderful this “Shizuku-oneesama” was. The mass who were anxious when faced by the
danger to mankind’s survival, the noble daughters in the empire who loved heroic saga.
The Soul Sisters talked to them with genuine passion in their speech. It even like they
were acting in theater with pointlessly refined performance.
「Shizuku-chan! Hang in there!」
「Yaegashi-san! ―― “Soul Repose”!」
Shizuku’s eyes rolled back and she collapsed. But Kaori immediately caught her
body while Aiko healed her with magic of mind stability. However, the damage to
Shizuku-oneesama was immense.
「……Nn~, before long, it feels like the church will split to become two religions.」
「No no, Yue. David and others looks like they might also call themselves something like
goddess religion before long. Perhaps there wouldst be three major religions in this
world soon.」
「Both of you! Please don’t spoke of something ominous like that!」
「There is this thing called power of words that might be able to alter reality! Especially
when words come from powerful people! Yue-san is even able to casually use something
like “Divine Words”, what are you going to do if what you two say really become
Shizuku and Aiko held their head in their hands due to Yue and Tio’s bad
premonition. There was also the future where a certain workaholic princess became the
god of a new religion in other world, so the possibility of Shizuku and Aiko also
becoming a god couldn’t really be denied completely. Especially because Soul Sisters
were existences that spanned over the worlds. There a muttering from a noble uncle
dealt an additional blow.
「Well, even before that there was how his majesty spread the words how he proposed
marriage to Shizuku-sama. That expedited the speed her name was spreading.」
It seemed that Shizuku’s popularity in the empire had been really high even before
the Soul Sisters came. Furthermore, she was one of the demon king’s wives right now. In
other words, she was a woman who their own emperor and the demon king competed
for……such perception of the people made Shizuku’s popularity to increase even further
with them thinking “Shizuku-oneesama is seriously Onee-sama!”.
「Soul Repose-Soul Repose-Soul Repose――!!」
Aiko’s light pink magic power enveloped Shizuku’s whole body. It was applied on
her too much that somehow it looked like she was being absorbed in pink colored
delusion. But there, someone let out a voice because he couldn’t pretend to ignore the
words that were said just now.
「……Hou. He was asking our daughter for marriage.」
Suddenly there was the alarming presence of someone powerful! Gahard got slightly
on his guard. Of course, standing there was the grandfather who was self-proclaimed to
be good in acrobatic――Yaegashi Shuuzou.
「It’s an honor to be granted this chance to have an audience with your majesty for the
first time. My name is Yaegashi Shuuzou. Shizuku’s grandfather.」
「……I see. That abnormal presence, I’m convinced.」
What are you convinced about? Why are you convinced that the abnormal presence
came from my grandfather? Hey, what is it you are thinking! The revived Shizuku got an
angry look in her eyes. Gahard ignored that Shizuku and took a deep breath. And then
he turned his gaze toward the visitors once more with easygoing aura.
「 So many things happened since the beginning that it might be too late to do this at
this point but, I guess I shall introduce myself once more. I am the emperor of
Hoelscher Empire, Gahard D Hoelscher.」
Shuu and others relfexively gulped by the sharp kingly aura that pierced their body.
It made his atmosphere that was like an entertainer with the straight man role toward
Hajime before this was just a lie. Certainly the introduction might be too late at this
point, but even knowing that, there was enough pressure in this introduction to make
them understood that Gahard was indeed an emperor.
The empire nobles who were his vassals also straightened their posture and lined up
orderly at both sides. Now Hajime and others were facing Gahard in between of their
lines. To match the atmosphere, Shuu and others also straightened their clothes and
posture to adopt a more serious attitude before they introduced themselves one by one.
Myuu and Remia too, although they were acquainted with Gahard, not all the
authorities in the empire knew about them, and this was also their first time coming to
this palace. So,
「I’m Myuu! Papa’s daughter! Best regards!」
「I’m Myuu’s mother, my name is Remia. It’s an honor to be granted this audience with
your majesty.」
Remia introduced herself with flawless decorum while Myuu was raising her her
hand energetically. The place was immediately filled with noises.
「T-that’s the demon’s beloved daughter……」
「In the final battle, I heard she controlled several outrageous golems at the same time
and slaughtered the apostles.」
「I heard that she is a little girl, but to think it’s true……」
「As expected, the demon’s child is also a demon……」
「It’s hopeless――」
「Duke, enough already with that.」
Shuddering and fearful gazes were pouring toward Myuu. Myuu went 「Eh? Eh?」
in bewilderment. Remia’s expression was completely convulsing. Hajime was going to
bury the one who said “demon’s child” demonically, but it would only complicate the
talk so Sumire-okaasan caught his shoulder tightly.
In exchange, Shia-oneechan’s finger bullet (one of the coins that she always brought
with her. If she wanted to, she could also perform “Rakansen” that fired a pile of thirty
coins like machinegun) flicked the target’s forehead with *ZUBAKON-*. The nobles
closed their mouth immediately. However,
「E-err, my name is Nagumo Sumire――」
「T-that person is-, the demon’s mother!!」
「 I thought that she is definitely among them but……kuh, I can’t stop shaking when I
actually see her directly like this-」
「 Oi, draw her face right this instant! Then distribute the picture to every office! The
empire might be erased from the map if anything untoward happen to her!」
The commotion was immediately resurrected. It became a tiny pandemonium.
Sumire’s expression was convulsing. It was common knowledge that the demon king
was someone who treasured his relatives to excessive degree. That demon’s mother was
already someone who they should treat with even more care than when interacting with
the demon king himself. This was the moment that it was discovered how people here
had such perception.
And then, there was only one person left who hadn’t introduced himself. His true
identity was as plain as day. Everyone of the empire watched him while holding their
breath. Cold sweats were trickling out like waterfall from their whole body. Shuu who
was unable to endure the gazes for even a second longer introduced himself with a very
small voice while he felt like crying.
「I’m Nagumo Shuu. My apologies that my son is always being a bother……」
「What modesty……he doesn’t seem like the demon king’s father at all.」
「 No, wait. The father of the demon king, his existence is already akin to that of the
great demon king. There is also the saying of how the truly dangerous monster will hide
their fangs and claws……」
「I see. So he is currently judging our worth-」
You are wrong. I’m really just an ordinary person. I’m an otaku whose hobby is
making game and made that my job……he wanted to say that, but Shuu fell silent in
front of the fear and awe of the nobles that were ballooning up on their own. The
parents’ gazes were releasing a glint that seemed to want to say Just what have you done
in this country? The reaction of these people are really terrible you know!? Explain it to
us! Come on, say it! toward Hajime. Hajime cleared his throat.
「And so, Shuuzou-san. About the matter of the emperor asking for marriage」
He attempted to divert the topic with everything he had. They would have a chance
to watch it through field trip after this anyway, so there was no point wasting time for it
now……exasperated gazes were also coming at him from Yue and others. Naturally
Shizuku was trying to plead at him to not say anything unnecessary but, Gahard
immediately settled it before she could say anything.
「It was just like I said before this, I took a liking to Shizuku and asked her to marry me,
and then I got rejected. That’s all there is to it.」
Gahard shrugged and easily stated that. 「Oo, how manly 」 All the nobles of the
empire thought. Not just them, even Shuuzou and others were showing admiration and
understanding. The talk was over with this……before that could happen, Kaori made a
pondering expression looking like she was thinking of something.
「Come to think of it, Shizuku-chan. Before the final battle, when you went to ask the
empire to join the battle, you said that the emperor were persistently making advances
at you didn’t you?」
「……Nn? What’s that, I don’t know anything about it. More details.」
The one who reacted wasn’t Shizuku but Yue. At that time she was moved
(forcefully) to the holy precinct so it was only natural that she didn’t know.
「Kaori, don’t say anything unnecessary――」
「……Nn! Past replay!」
Yue’s “Past Replay” was activated with no argument allowed. I’m curious about
other people’s romance story so it can’t be helped! Because I’m a girl! It was as though
she was saying that. Shizuku’s hand reached out to stop her, but Yue lightly dodged her
while she finally found the time axis of that time. And then the image flowed.
『――Then your majesty. I look forward to working with you.』
It seemed that the scene was after Shizuku had finished explaining the situation in
general and the details of the plan from there on had been decided. Gahard nodded
firmly, but after that his atmosphere changed completely and he showed a bold smile.
『And, Shizuku. Have you been embraced by Nagumo Hajime?』
『!? What are you talking about! Don’t ask something worthless――』
『 Ain’t no way this is a worthless matter ain’t it? And, what’s the answer? If he still
hasn’t then just accept my offer already.』
『I have no obligation to answer such question! And I have said this many times, I have
no desire to accept your majesty’s proposal!』
It seemed that it was the last meeting just before the final battle. Gahard’s approach
was really persistent. Gahard averted his gaze in displeasure from the image. The
empire nobles were watching the image like such scene wasn’t unusual at all. The
parents especially the members of Yaegashi family and Yue and the wive~s were
watching with deep interest. Shizuku was getting desperate to catch Yue…… And then,
when Gahard inside the image was trying to make up some reason to make Shizuku
stayed at his side, Shizuku finally snapped.
『 Aah geez, enough already! The one I like is Nagumo-kun! I love him! I had even
confessed to him, both this body and heart are only for him! No matter what happen
from here on, he will be my only special per――!!』
At that instant, *DOGOOO-* such sound rang out very loudly. That sound was
accompanying Shizuku’s artistic body blow that impacted on Yue-sama’s liver. Yue-
sama’s body bent backward into the shape of “<” and the image vanished with a puff. At
the same time she fell on her knees.
「Idiot! Yue you idiot! Bully!」
「……Shi, Shizuku, sorry……but, I wish that you would……hold back a little……auh」
「Awawa, no good! Yue’s eyes are rolling back!?」
「 Seriously? To KO Yue in one hit like that. Shizuku should be a speed fighter rather
than a power fighter though……」
「 The blow just now art equivalent to Shia’s Level VI art it not? It might be an
instantaneous Limit Break due to her embarrassment.」
「Shizuku-oneechan’s maiden power is immense nano!」
「As expected from the maiden cheat Shizuku.」
「Anyway, I’ll apply Soul Repose on you okay……」
The throne room was enveloped with overwhelming chaos. Gahard was already
sitting on the throne while starting to perform maintenance on his sword. In the end,
when would the proper talk about the tour here would begin…… Tomoichi, Kaoruko,
and Akiko, the group of adult with common sense looked at each other’s face wondering
what should be done here.But, at that moment. *DOGON-* A thunderous sound
boomed and the door of the throne room was sent flying. And then,
「 Oooo――ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! I have arrived! Shia Hauria! Let us have a combat to the
death fair and square! Desuwa!!」
A gorgeous type beautiful woman with her blonde hair styled in ringlet curls rushed
in while shouldering a large scythe that was radiating ominous aura. Silence filled the
room as though time had stopped. It seemed that even more chaos had arrived.

Arifureta After Story - Tortus Travel Journal ㉔ This Feeling, It’s Definitely
Love Desuwa! by Imperial Princess

Someone suddenly broke into the throne room. She was a bizarre person in various
senses. It felt like the time had stopped due to the intrusion. The members of Nagumo
family were the one who raised their voice in the middle of that.
「Blond noble lady, with ringlet curls!?」
「She also laughed loudly! In addition there was “desuwa” at the end of her sentence!」
「Almond shaped eyes and gorgeous appearance! Wearing a dress while carrying death
In order from above, it was Shuu, Sumire, and Hajime. The three of them yelled in
unison for the last.
「「「What a wonderful attributes holder!!」」」
Nagumo family, they are always like this――the members of other families were
sending them that kind of gaze. Meanwhile, Myuu seemed to look frustrated somehow
because she was unable to be in unison with them despite also being a member of
Nagumo family. Remia mama’s gaze looked worried for her daughter’s future. Gahard
and all the nobles of the empire looked like they had a headache. Aa, she came……their
expression seemed to say that.
「I’m honored by everyone’s praise desuwa-!!」
「She isn’t, shaken!?」
Tomoichi was shaken. It wasn’t because when the girl puffed out her chest, her
voluptuous breasts that didn’t even lose against Tio were jiggling heavily. If he was
shaken by that then the madam would confine――not, she would SCOLD him later. So
he didn’t commit such blunder. He was someone who still couldn’t get used with
Nagumo family’s eccentric behavior. And yet, this mysterious noble lady was able to
majestically accept their reaction despite this was her first time on the receiving end of
it. Tomoichi trembled in fear while pointlessly feeling defeated for some reason.
「Now, Shia Hauriaa-! It’s time for a fun, fun strife! Prepare yourself!」
Shia who was giving lap pillow to Yue who was still knocked out the white of her
eyes showing was widening her eyes in surprise. The gorgeous blond girl with drill hair
pointed her jet black scythe toward her sharply. It seemed this unknown lady was fully
intending to ignore the situations in front of her eyes, like the demon king’s presence or
his family’s presence or being in the presence of his majesty teh emperor. Or rather,
those things didn’t even enter her eyes. She was only looking straight at Shia alone. Her
eyes were getting more and more bloodshot. The pressure was even more tremendous
coming from a beauty like her.
The gazes of Hajime and others were poured at Shia with the question of 「Eh, is
she your acquaintance? This noble lady who seems to be a slightly dangerous person 」,
but it seemed that Shia also wasn’t familiar with this person. Her rabbit ears were
flapping from how rapidly she shook her head. There, the person who knew the girl’s
true identity――Liliana stepped forward while making a troubled expression.
「E-err, your highness Princess Tracy. What are you so suddenly――」
Yes, this dangerous character was none other than the first princess of Hoelscher
Empire, Tracy D Hoelscher. Sumire and others were taken aback. Hajime and others
glanced at Gahard, but then they nodded in understanding instead.
「So, like father like daughter huh. That saying is really fitting.」
「What do you mean by that, oi」
Obviously I meant exactly like I said, such unspoken voice reached Gahard and he
snorted in displeasure. That imperial princess glanced briefly at Liliana who was calling
out to her and,
「I don’t have any business with you. Stay out of this, black hearted princess!」
「Who are you calling black hearted!」
「Of course it’s you, the girl who is always laughing flippantly while in your heart there
is nothing but the calculation of how to snatch away all the benefits. I have always told
you right? I hate you desuwa!」
「T-Tracy-sama is still blunt like usual aren’t you……」
「If you marry with Onii-sama and become the queen of this country, I thought that I
would take the initiative to beat your crooked personality into shape but, now that
would never happen I don’t have any interest at all to you desuwa! Rather than that,
Shia Hauria!」
Tracy’s blunt words made Liliana smiled wryly in a practiced way at toward Tracy
who hadn’t changed at all throughout their acquaintance from events like ceremony or
party since they were kids. Meanwhile, Shia somehow guessed the reason Tracy was
challenging her after hearing the word 「Onii-sama」.
Speaking of the person who Liliana almost married to become the queen of this
empire, it was definitely the crown prince who got his head chopped off――Bias D
Hoelscher. Then it was only natural for this princess to harbor a grudge toward Hauria.
And so Shia made a very annoyed expression.
「You want to have a duel?」
「 A death match desuwa! A serious battle that will make the blood boil and the flesh
dance desuwa!」
「Whatever, but……as you can see, I’m busy right now.」
Although it looked like she would recover with a bit more time, Yue was still in an
unconscious state. Most of all right now they were in the middle of a family trip. There
wasn’t any reason for Shia to get involved with such bloody matter, nor she had any duty
or obligation for it. Even if it was something that was grounded on the imperial
princess’s uncontrollable desire for revenge. And so, Shia turned a cold gaze toward
Tracy and cut down that demand.
「I don’t have any reason to accept, so I refuse.」
「Acknowledged desuwa! Then, let’s begin the battle!!」
「Are you listening to me!?」
*Zudan-* Tracy-san showed a sharp step forward that was unimaginable coming
from someone wearing high heels. She charged forward while radiating a happy
atmosphere instead of a vengeful desire for some reason. Instantly, muddy black aura
surged with tremendous momentum from the huge scythe of the girl. Hajime, Kaori,
Shizuku, and Tio immediately evacuated the parents (excluding the people of Yaegashi
family) and Myuu and others. The large scythe mowed horizontally with sharpness that
surpassed the imagination and sound of slicing wind to attack Shia.
Even so, the opponent was Shia. The war god rabbit whose bug and cheat made even
Hajime and others shuddered. Even the violent attack that was unthinkable coming
from a princess could be avoided easily. Shia carried Yue under her arm while back
stepping swiftly. Then, at that moment,
「It’s time for decapitation desuwaa――EXESSSSSSS!!」
The aura that gushed out from the scythe suddenly pursued Shia with the shape of
crescent moon. Shia was taken by surprise in spite of herself. It was clear that the large
scythe was an artifact when it was radiating an aura that looked like miasma. However,
its strength was strange. The jet black slash that it fired off seemed to be as strong as
“the hero’s Heaven Soaring Flash”. As a resident of Tortus, Tracy’s specs should be
incomparably lower than the hero. Then the source of that power must be none other
than the large scythe.
It wasn’t Haijme’s artifact. Not to mention the user was a resident of Tortus. Then
there was no way it could produce such power that surpassed the expectation――such
preconception made Shia got caught in surprise. Although, Shia wasn’t so soft that she
would allow herself to be hit directly even with that. *Pyon* She dodged the slash by
performing an aerial cartwheel. Behind her was Gahard’s,
「Don’t shoot here! If it hit the curtain behind that paintil will……UOOOOOOOOH」
Gahard intercepted the attack with such desperation. All the nobles were also,
Such screams (?) were echoing, but they were the people of the empire so Shia
ignored them.
「I have foreseen it desuwa!」
Tracy stepped into Shia’s guard right after she landed. Her timing was superb, as
though she had really foreseen it. She didn’t continue swinging her giant scythe, instead
the jet black aura converged on her fist. Added with her step that put a crack on the
floor, she sent out a magnificent punch that was backed with the twist of her waist.
Right at that instant.
「……Nn, geez! What’s this! Treat me gentler――」
「Ah, Yue-san don’t desu」
Yue-sama also revived and grumbled at this excellent timing. She activated her
gravity magic to try to slip away from Shia’s hold. Furthermore, she moved to the
opposite direction of where Shia was going to move to. It really couldn’t be helped. Just
after she had gotten hit with a punch to the gut (liver blow + maiden power burst), it
became really noisy for some reason around her, and then her body also got shaken
*pyon pyon roll roll* uncomfortably. It was the worst way to wake up. But, because of
that Shia lost her balance and Tracy’s fist was approaching. Even if she blocked, getting
hit with a punch by the empire’s princess of all people was something that her pride as a
Hauria couldn’t allow――
She instantly used something nearby as shield. She had gone and done it. Yes, she
grabbed the neck of Yue who was trying to slip away from her hold and dragged her
toward her. The result from that was naturally.
Yue-sama, she got hit by a second punch to the gut for today.
Tracy went 「Ah」 and stopped her movement. Hajime and others also let out the
voice 「Ah」 from witnessing the mess before them.
「……To, today is, unlucky, day? Slump-」
Yue-sama, fainted for the second time today. Complete with the white of her eyes
showing. The atmosphere fell dead silent. Yue whose neck was held by Shia was
dangling on the air like a grabbed cat. Her body was swaying back and forth slo~wly. A
second. Two second. Shia slowly moved Yue to carry her back under her arm. She
turned her gaze to the surrounding people who were looking at her with convulsing
expressions, looked u to the ceiling, dropped her gaze to the completely limp Yue――and
「 How dare you do something so horrible-. Is this-, is this the way the empire do
things-! Desu!」
「「「「Shifting the responsibility like that, dirty! As expected Hauria is dirty!」」」」
All the nobles of the empire yelled a tsukkomi in unison as though to follow the
cliché. But, their tsukkomi wasn’t light hearted like when comedian made one. Their
faces were clearly saying As expected that girl is really bad news~, her head seriously
has a lot of screw loose using the demon king’s first wife as shield like that~.
「Fuh, as expected from you, Shia Hauria! You will use even your family as shield if it
proves necessary! You are truly an insane rabbit! I’m in complete admiration desuwa!」
That statement is really crazy you know, the gazes of the adults with good senses like
Tomoichi and others were saying that. But Tracy didn’t even pay them any attention and
pulled herself together. She swung her large scythe and sported a wideeeee gruesome
grin on her face. Somehow she looked like she was really having fun. And then, the way
her eyes looked at Shia…….looked really passionate somehow. Somehow, Shia thought.
Although the vector was different, this princess reminded her greatly of a certain
perverted elf princess……. An unpleasant dread crept up her back. Shia unconsciously
raised her voice.
「Wait, emperor! She is your daughter right!? Please stop her!」
「 Aa~, sorry but keep her company. She has been like this all the time since the final
battle. I thought that it might be real bad if she isn’t allowed to vent real soon. She might
even try to charge at Hauria’s village solo at this rate.」
If something like that happened, what kind of wretched and inhuman revenge would
come back? Gahard shook his head with the thought scaryy~ filling his mind.
「Don’t screw with me desu! I’ll secretly sneak on you and pulled the roots of your hair
so that you will be bald forever only on the top of your head you know!」
「 Of course you will! Dirty! As expected Hauria is dirty! Come at me head on you
bastard! Dammit-」
「Shia Hauria! Please you’re your tryst with me right nowww!」
I really don’t want to deal with these guys anymore! Gahard held his head in
frustration. Tracy ignored her father who was like that while rushing forward once more
with blushing cheeks and lips twisted to a grin that seemed to say how she was really,
really hopelessly having fun right now. Shia glared fiercely at her. She had enough
already and intended to knocked her out with one punch. But, there an unexpected
person was shockingly stopping her.
「Shia. Sorry but keep her company. Just for one round of five minutes. Don’t KO her
during that time okay?」
「Demon king-sama, I’m grateful desuwaaa-!」
Shia dodged the giant Scythe’s slash while still carrying Yue. At the same time she
looked toward Hajime. There he was dropping his gaze toward something in his hand. It
was a bundle of paper. At the same time Shia’s excellent “super hellish rabbit ears” were
picking up Hajime’s muttering.
「……I see. The candidate for the raid captain huh. Extremely warlike and berserker.
But, she isn’t actually a meathead. If it’s not a personal battle she know when to quit
depending on the need, and her ability to command an army is also high……her vocation
is “sorcerer”? She has natural talent in mastering magic tool? In other words artifact
user huh. Fumu……」
For some reason it seemed that he was evaluating Princess Tracy. Beside him
Liliana was saying 「Ah, that’s the document that Hellina gave you!」.
「 Hajime-san!? Hajime-saa~~n! I don’t like keeping an empire’s princess company
「If you accept, I’ll help you with fixing Yue’s mood later.」
「!? Can’t be helped then desu! Oraah, come at meee-, princesss! Desuuu!」
「Ahah! It has to be like that-. Keep me company aplentyyy, Shia Hauriaaa! Desuwaa!」
What do you mean, explain! Shia wanted to insist that, but she immediately
accepted the request after Hajime said that. Because, Yue would be scary when she woke
up after this, so it couldn’t be helped! And so,
「Tio-san-, pa~ss!」
「Oou!? Thy treatment to Yue is really rough!」
Shia casually tossed Yue away like she was a thing. It was certainly rough. But, she
chose Tio in consideration of her breasts’ soft cushion. She was at least still paying
attention to the minimum consideration. And so the “empire’s first princess VS Hauria’s
strongest” began in the throne room for real. It was like the rehash of “emperor VS
Hauria’s most elite squad” in the past.
「I think it will be fine if it’s Shia-chan but……that princess-sama, doesn’t she feel a bit
「 Yeah. Oi, Hajime. It feels like you are occasionally interviewing or examining some
people but really, what are you scheming?」
「That’s right, that’s right! Otou-sama! Please tell him more! Ask Hajime-san just what
in the world is he scheming with Hellina!」
Shuu and Sumire were looking at Hajime with worry. They didn’t think that Shia
would get wounded, but her opponent was an imperial princess who was displaying a
fixation to Shia that was a bit out of the norm. They were also at the presence of his
majesty the emperor here. What if it became an international problem? They were
worried if the situation would become undesirable even though they wanted to sightsee
here. Tomoichi and Kaoruko also asked Hajime the question while ignoring Liliana who
only wanted to know the secret maneuver of her number one retainer and her husband
and sending worried glances at Gahard and the empire nobles.
「 O-oi, Hajime-kun. His majesty has given permission but……will it really be alright?
Somehow, it has become a fantasy battle that I can’t follow with my eyes anymore there.
Isn’t this too fierce? This is already a death match isn’t it?」
「Aa……the splendid decorations are getting destroyed……ah, the pillar is blown away!
Even though it has such pretty engraving on it……they aren’t going to ask us for
reimbursing them later aren’t they?」
「It’s fine, there is no problem.」
Tomoichi and Kaoruko who weren’t an otaku were visibly shaken while they
couldn’t help themselves from feeling uneasy. Their gaze was fixed on the source of
sounds of destruction like *ZUGAGAGAGA* or *DOGON-ZUBAN-* that continued to
resound without end. Each time the sound resounded, the beautiful throne room was
quickly transformed to look more like a war torn area.
「O—HO-HO-HO-HO-! How funnn! This is really fun desuwaaa!! As expected from you
Shia Hauria! My attacks can’t even scratch you! I’m getting wet desuwaa」
「T-this damn pervert! Or rather you are only aiming at the neck too much! You won’t
be able to hit me even in a thousand years like that!」
「 What are you saying! Beheading is none other than the aesthetics of battle! What’s
more my opponent is Hauria’s strongest! Then the only fitting victory here is when I
you’re your head desuwa! Think with common sense!」
「 That kind of common sense-……common sense……kuh, it’s hard to object when I
think back at my family desuu-」
Loud laughter and fed up curses were flying back and forth. What Tracy brought
about was circular tracks that were continuously getting drawn without any moment of
pause at all. Using her wrists, arms, walking technique, and her whole body, she
produced endlessly rotating slashes.
Even though her weapon should be classified as super heavy weapon type, she
continuously rotated it at high speed as though she was only handling a baton.
Furthermore, her skill was turning her attacks into a thing of precision. It could only be
described as a stunning performance. Coupled with the super fast combo and muddy
black aura that was radiated by the jet black giant scythe, it was like looking at a
localized black storm from the side. Seeing that made anyone only able to accept it.
That skillfulness was truly a superb skill that was worthy for a daughter of the
emperor who was a master of unconventional swordsmanship. Of course, the average
warrior would be instantly turned to little slices in front of such storm of violence, but
Shia was handling all of them perfectly. In respond to the slashes that came from all
directions, she ran around freely with high speed steps while sometimes doing things
like dodging in godspeed with her upper body leaving behind afterimages like a certain
agent of Matr○x, or placing her hand on the giant scythe’s blade to softly divert the
trajectory. She didn’t seem like she was in danger at all. Although,
「 That princess……she is really amazing isn’t she? I think Shia might be using body
reinforcement. Around Level II I think.」
「There is the restriction of not being allowed to KO her after all. She is also considering
Hajime’s wish so it looks like she decided to “only dodging as much as possible” but……
even so it’s amazing that she can keep up with Shia like this.」
「Well, the princess herself art also performing body strengthening though……even so,
she couldst only be called as exceptional the moment she managed to force Shia to also
use body strengthening.」
Tracy were also amazing enough to make Kaori, Shizuku, and Tio to show impressed
expression. There, Gahard who stood up from his throne and walked toward them
snorted while folding his arms.
「 Even though she is like that, now that both her elder brothers are gone, she is the
second strongest in this empire in term of plain combat ability. In other words, she is
the strongest next after me. In addition, that girl’s specialty is combining diverse magic
tools into her battle tactics. She is already surpassing me if she put out all the stops and
completely using all artifacts that we have,」
That meant, this princess was practically the strongest of the empire. Hajime’s eyes
widened slightly and he opened his mouth.
「 Oi oi, the empire is running based on strength supremacy right? That princess is
definitely the next emperor then?」
「 I guess. I’ll retire if she try to supplant me through formal duel. Even though……I
should be able to retire already.」
For some reason Gahard was sighing while watching the battle that was heating up
before their eyes. Rather than looking worried of getting overthrown by his daughter, he
looked like he more dissatisfied that she wouldn’t overthrow him already. Hajime tilted
his head.
「You looks dissatisfied huh?」
「I want to retire already and go to an adventure to teh end of the world riding Fernir. I
have enough doing the emperor job already. After all I had experienced the greatest
battle there is in the legendary decisive battle.」
It seemed to be something like that. He must have been able to obtain satisfaction as
an emperor in the battle of that legendary decisive battle. Surely there would be no other
great achievement that could surpass that battle, in that case from now on he would
rather live freely as he pleased as an adventurer to keep chasing after a great
achievement as just a mere man.
「Why isn’t the princess aiming for the throne then?」
「 Obviously because there is something else that she is obsessed with rather than the
position of empress.」
Gahard jerked his chin as though to say, you get it just from looking, right? Shuu
and others who were listening to Hajime and Gahard’s conversation without
interrupting were also turning their attention back to the battle after that gesture.
「Aa! Aa! Shia Hauria! Just how can you be that lovely!」
「Aah geez! Don’t look at me with such feverish gaze like that Altina desu!」
Tracy took out two jewels from between her jiggling breasts and crushed it in her
grip. Instantly, the jet black aura swelled up and wrapped around her body, accelerating
her even further. At the same time she also made her skirt to flutter using her
centrifugal force. Her lascivious garter belt and transparently smooth white thighs were
exposed while she unclasped the black chain that was entwined around her thigh. That
black chain must also be a magic tool or an artifact. The chain was flying on its own in
the air irregularly and entwined around Shia, restraining her.
Fuhn, Shia instantly pulverized the chain. In addition she grabbed the chain and
pulled with overwhelming strength. Tracy didn’t resist and jump on her own without
any hesitation. She used even the strength she was pulled with to accelerate and closed
the distance instantly. She swung her giant scythe, swung, and swung! In contrast with
the intense attack, what was reflected on her face was a slovenly slackened expression of
「A, a pervert……」
「O-Okaa-san! Shhh」
Akiko-san covered her mouth while unconsciously saying it. Aiko shushed her in
worry that saying that was disrespectful for the imperial family.
「Tio-oneechan, it’s great isn’t it! Nano! Your kind has increased nano!」
「No Myuu. Don’t say it as though mine family hath grown bigger……」
「Myuu! Shhh. Tio-san will get carried away if you tell her that!」
「……Say, Remia. Recently, thy scathing words to me hath increase isn’t it? Of course
I’m happy for that but……say say, I doth not think that it couldst be the case but, you art
not hating me right? Right?」
「……My my, Tio-san, really you. Ufufu.」
「 Why wouldst you not answer me clearly!? As it thought, is it about the matter of
Myuu’s education!? Is that why!?」
Anyway, it was clear that her highness Princess Tracy was so fixated to Shia that she
would easily discard the throne.
「But, it also doesn’t like she is doing this for revenge……」
Bias(Her big brother) was killed, and then even though it was only temporarily she
got something like “Collar of Covenant” put around her neck. Another of her big brother
(the second prince) also died because of that collar. Therefore, she was targeting Hauria
fanatically because of her desire for revenge……at first Hajime thought that was the case.
Shia too must be thinking the same. However, it seemed that wasn’t the case from how
Tracy was acting.
「 You see, that girl, it seems she has gotten completely charmed by Hauria’s method
and way of living.」
From the start the people of the empire believed in the supremacy of strength. They
had the disposition to harbor respect and admiration toward the strong who produced
result. That tendency became stronger among the nobles, and even more so among the
royalty. Even siblings would openly target each other’s life through death match.
Because they were the family that was ruling the country, weakness was seen as a great
sin. Although even they were just human. There was no way they could decide and
accept everything simply with the standard of strength and weakness, or from the result
of a single match.
Other than the former crown prince Bias (first imperial prince) who got his head
chopped off, the second imperial prince (after the Collar of Covenant was put on him, he
went Who can believe such impossible claim! I’m taking off this collar! and took off the
collar for real and went insane before dying), and Tracy herself, she had three more little
brothers and two little sisters (all of them were siblings from different mothers). But all
of them harbored quite a lot of negative emotions like pent-up resentment or terror (in
the level of trauma) toward Hauria. And yet…… For some reason Tracy was the only one
who discovered the “aesthetics of battle” from seeing the countless chopped off heads
and the head of her big brother the next emperor who should be stronger than her that
were rolling around on the floor of the party venue by Hauria’s assault. She got a screw
loose in her head. More than one even.
「 That’s why. It seems after that she got this yearning for Shia Hauria who is the
strongest Hauria.」
「Then, why is she trying to kill her?」
「Isn’t it because she has a screw loose in her head?」
Tracy-san was certified as a daughter with screw loose in her head by her own
father. Even her own father found it hard to comprehend, but the point was, a longing to
also become strong like Hauria――like Shia the strongest Hauria, a fighting spirit to
want to try challenging such existence as a warrior, a need for social approval and self-
esteem that was based on a feeling of reverence that wanted Shia to look at her, and
various other kinds of gushing out pathos were blending with each other chaotically, and
so it seemed the result was this kind of state.
「From the start she is a girl with strong obsession after all. Before this her obsession
was directed to Princess Liliana though……」
「Eh!? Please wait a second, your majesty. Just now she told me right to my face that
she hate me though.」
「She is always saying that since the past but, that girl actually like you extremely you
「What kind of tsundere is that!? Every time I met her in the past she always told me
harsh things like I’m black hearted or my smile is disgusting though!」
「No, I’m not lying. It seems she got exceedingly impressed by you princess when she
saw you arguing against adult using your calculation and smile as your weapon. That girl
is fundamentally apathetic toward other people. She won’t persistently pick a quarrel
with someone she doesn’t a give damn about.」
That’s absolutely a lie, Liliana’s gaze said with shock and even greater doubt. In
respond Gahard continued 「That’s exactly why」.
「 It seemed that girl had a really big expectation. How would Princess Liliana broke
you’re your engagement with Bias, or perhaps you would use your strength to make use
of the marriage for your own benefit. After all that girl was the one who thought that
Bias isn’t worthy for Princess Liliana the most.」
And yet, there wasn’t any sign of Liliana leading Bias by the nose at all. In addition,
although calling it resolve sounded nice, to Tracy the mask of smile that Liliana was
putting on at that time only looked like resignation. You are the black hearted princess
right? Even though you are weak physically, you are the strong who fight with that
ingenuity and your fake smile right? Just what are you doing then?
「Something like that. She was really displeased with that event in her own way. Well, in
other words, she is someone who show her good will in a contrary way.」
「I, I see……」
It was a feeling that could be called selfish, but in a sense she was completely
recognizing Liliana. Liliana’s expression turned conflicted hearing that.
「Aa, so was that why? She wasn’t at the party venue when Hauria attacked.」
「Indeed. In short she was sulking at that time. She even skipped the party.」
At Hajime’s question, Kaori and others who were in the place at that time went
「Ah」. Yes, when Tracy appeared, all of them didn’t realize her identity because they
hadn’t met her at that party in the past. If she was the first imperial princess, normally
she would be present at the engagement party of the crown prince. The significance of
the engagement between the crown prince(Bias) and the kingdom’s princess(Liliana)
was great. It was no different than proclaiming that the position as the next emperor
had been decided at that point. Some of Bias’s half siblings who weren’t able to stomach
that fact――in the case of the young imperial prince and princess then it was due to their
concubine mother――were boycotting the party, but at the very least Tracy’s reason for
not attending the engagement party seemed to be this.
「 I see……let’s use past replay later to see how did the Haurias secured the imperial
family at that time.」
「That’s an unpleasant tour you’re planning, you bastard.」
Gahard’s face scowled heavily. He must have guessed what Hajime was planning
from the words past replay. All the empire nobles were saying things like 「I don’t want
to see that nightmare for the second time 」 「 Oops, I need to get back to my work
soon」「I’m going to my paid vacation at the afternoon. ……I need to leave the capital
soon 」 while secretly trying to escape from another entrance. Then, it was at that
timing *pipipi-pipipi-* there was alarm sound. The sound came from Hajime’s
wristwatch. It seemed that five minutes had passed.
「Hajime-san! It’s enough isn’t it! It’s alright for me to punch her isn’t it! It’s fine for me
to go One Punch ○an on her isn’t it!」
Tracy’s face turned sad with the end of the honeymoon time. She was pointlessly
beautiful, so it really pained the heart of the people there.
「 Time of bliss pass really quickly……then, I shall put my entire being into this next
strike desuwaa-」
Tracy too understood that she wouldn’t be a match for Shia if Shia got serious. She
came to a clean decision Honorable death is the best! and her villainess noble lady face
twisted to look even more villainous.
「You are a disgusting person but, well, you got spirit! Desuu! Out of respect for all the
diligent practice that you have clearly accumulated until now, I’ll utterly defeat you as a
warrior head ooon!」
Like that, the two of them were going to enter the last moment with an atmosphere
that felt nice in a sense――it was then.
「…On the contrary! Yue-san whose stomach got punched hasn’t forgotten her anger!」
「Ah, wait Yue!」
Actually Yue had recovered from a little while ago but she pretended that she was
still unconscious until now. She suddenly got up in a flash and shook off Kaori’s restain
while firing off an extra large lightning sphere. It seemed that she wanted to flip the
table at the climax of this duel that was going to end in a good note somehow.
It was truly childish. Since this trip started Yue-sama seemed to have become really
excited and in high spirits like kid going ‘kya kya ufufu’ when in a vacation. Like that,
just as the lightning sphere was going to envelop both Tracy and Shia――Shia surely
would defend against this attack with her fighting spirit defense, but for YUe it would be
enough as long as Shia was troubled by it――completely…… At that moment,
「What a treat at this last minute! Eat it! ――EXESSSSSSSS!!」
Of all things to happen, Tracy charged at the lightning sphere on her own. She
rotated her giant scythe dancingly and,
「……Wha-, what!?」
Yue’s comical shocked voice echoed in the hall. Shockingly, the giant scythe split the
lightning sphere into two, four, eight, it didn’t stop there, the lightning was coiling
around the rotating scythe and then getting absorbed into the blade.
「Nnfuuu!! It’s brimming desuwaa!! I can do it with this-」
A second round of shock. The jet black aura pierced the sky. It was an explosive
increase of power that could be mistaken as volcano eruption. At the center of it
imperial princess Tracy was grinning joyfully. It was as though she was getting really
excited that there was An unexpected second round desuwa! And then,
「――“Limit Break!!” Desuwa!」
That skill that would never be permitted except for the hero, Hajime who was an
exception among exception, and those who owned Hajime’s artifact, was activated right
now. Also, a certain abyss lord whose existence itself was incomprehensible had also
obtained an incomprehensible power called “Abyss Lord” through incomprehensible
sequence of events that was actually no different at all from “Limit Break”, but it was
something completely incomprehensible so it wasn’t counted here. Tracy’s ringlet curls
were blown up and down fiercely by the wind while her blue eyes were shining like
jewels. Then a second later.
「「「「Wha, what in the world!?」」」」
Shia was naturally among those who yelled. In addition Kaori, Shizuku, Liliana, and
even Aiko who knew about how special “Limit Break” was were also yelling together in
shock. Even Hajime’s eyes widened 「 Eh? Seriously? 」 . Gahard was smiling wryly,
while Shuu and others who thought that the battle would finally end couldn’t digest the
situation and watching with their mouths wide open. Amidst all those, there was only
one person――
「……J-just as planned!」(TN: Keikaku doori)
Only Yue was looking extremely awkward and averted her gaze thinking that she
had really done it this time.

Arifureta After Story- Tortus Travel Journal ㉕ Yosh, You Pass! by Demon

The imperial princess Tracy activated “Limit Break” which should be impossible.
Muddy black aura burst up like a tornado. The figure in the center of it sported a grin
that split her lips like a crescent moon. Coupled with her harsh beauty and giant scythe,
she looked exactly like a “fallen villainess”. Compared to Shia’s cute figure and bluish
white magic power, she looked like a hidden last boss who was standing in the way of
the heroine.
In fact, the strength flooding that body was immense. From the pressure she
radiated her specs had definitely increased by several times. To the observer, they
somehow hallucinated that her blond drill hair had somehow increased in number. They
looked like they were twisting and meandering. Anyway, it was also certain that this
wasn’t just a bluff or illusion from Shia’s grumbling 「 Mumumu- 」 and her wary
expression. Hajime also checked with his magic eye stone. He learned that Tracy wasn’t
using any kind of artifact and she was really activating the “Limit Break” with her own
「 Now, here I come! Shia Hauria! Has you finished preparing for the fun, fun
「I already have more than enough though?」
「Myy-, how unfriendly! But, that side of your is also lovely desuwa!」
「Aa, she is really Altina’s kind desuu. My words won’t go through desu-」
Shia didn’t even try to hide her disgusted face. Tracy made a smile of wild joy and
raised her giant scythe in overhead position for a vertical down swing.
「Please I ask you, to accept this seething passion of mineeee!」
「 It will be a bit hard to deal with this using just Level II……why is there so many
degenerate pervert who turn out to be abnormally superhuman I wonder?」
Shia let out a long sigh, but Tracy completely ignored her and let out a magnificent
loud laugh「Ooo-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-」 with her tension increasing through the roof. She
was in a perfect condition. She began to rotate her giant scythe in high speed. By doing
that, the muddy black torrent of magic power was converging into her giant scythe.
「Muu, this isn’t normal. Hajime-kun, is it alright to not stop them?」
Shuuzou who hadn’t said anything at all since the match started and only watched
with his eyes blazing fierily finally let out a worried voice from feeling the aberrant
pressure. Koichi and Kirino also stopped watching the battle gleefully with their gaze
alternately looking at Shia and Hajime with a bit of worry. Hajime, no, Yue, Kaori,
Shizuku, Tio, and then Aiko, Myuu, Remia, and even Liliana were tilting their head as
though to say 「Just what are you saying?」 They noticed a second later. Come to think
of it, Shuuzou and others had never seen the bugged bunny Shia before.
From the past replay they had only watched Shia’s hopeless rabbit performance at
her first meeting with Hajime, the way she fought desperately in Raisen while looking
like she wanted to cry, and even at the battle against Tio in the northern mountain range
and against the giant army of monsters, she was overshadowed by Hajime and others.
She was doing her part in those battles, but she still wasn’t at the level of bugged
character at that time. It was understandable then that they were feeling somewhat
concerned just from Shia facing an opponent of this level. In fact, Tomoichi, Kaoruko,
and even Akiko were also looking slightly worried. And so Hajime smiled wryly and
replied with only a short sentence.
「It’s fine. You will understand if you watch.」
He urged them with his gaze to look at Shia and Tracy after saying that. Shuuzou
and others followed his gaze toward that direction…… And then,
「Now! It’s time for massacre desuwaaa――EGXESSSSSSSSSSSS!!」
The giant scythe that was rotating in high speed overhead fired innumerable jet
black blades. Those blades drew a giant arc and a part of them passed above the head of
Hajime and others to circle around. The blades attacked Shia from left, right, above, and
even from the back. Originally this technique must be for carving apart the whole area
around the user. Tracy’s technique to control it to form a cage of magic blades was
astonishing. But……
Shia lifted her foot, and dropped it. She entered the state of body strengthening
Level V just for an instant. A tremor that felt like an earthquake shook the palace. The
floor――it was the floor of the throne room, so the surface was made from a hard
mineral material, added with steel plate and magic barrier that automatically activated
from impact――turned into a crater with cracks spreading like spider web. At the same
time a shockwave also radiated out around Shia.
With just that, the majority of the jet black magic blades rushing toward her were
erased. Even the rest was blown away to every direction. Just in case, Shia had sent a
short gaze toward Yue. She blocked the shockwave toward the audiences with perfect
timing, even so the pupils of Shuuzou and others including all the empire nobles turned
into dot in shock. But, the bugged bunny didn’t obtain her numerous nicknames just
from something of this level. The true absurdity happened right after.
「 Ahah. Receive this! This is my full power in full throttle! It’s time for beheading
desuwaaaa! ――EGXESSSSSSSSSSS!!」
With a slight delay after the magic blades attack from all directions, Tracy appeared
behind Shia. It seemed she had even cut through the shockwave. Apparently she was
convinced that Shia would be able to endure her attack and she closed the distance by
using the magic blades as cover. Tracy sported a happy smile of wild joy when Shia
looked back across her shoulder and their eyes met. However, there wasn’t the slightest
hesitation in her swing.
The giant scythe’s sharpness had been explosively increased due to the thick jet
black aura wrapping around it. It swung toward Shia’s slender neck―― *Gakii—-nn* A
sound like metal clashing on metal echoed. Time also felt like it had stopped.
「……I think I just heard a sound that should be impossible coming from human body
Tracy-san’s mad joy vanished for an instant. It seemed her mind was blown away by
the completely unexpected, no, the completely absurd occurrence. Even now there was
the sound of *creak creak scrap scrap* that shouldn’t be made from human body. She
looked at Shia’s completely unprotected neck that had been hit by her strongest and
greatest slash. Her expression turned blank. This was one of the reasons why Shia was a
bugged bunny that blew away even the madness of a battle maniac.
――Shia-style Metamorphosis Magic Steel Coating(Fighting Spirit Defense)
Throw away your blade and come at me barehanded! What’s wrong……you scared?
But it’s fine! Shockwave will pass through so it’s still effective! This fragment of
absurdity seemed to say that. The eyes of Shuuzou and others flew out like in a gag.
Their face seemed to say 「 Something like this is possible!? 」 . I understand. I
understa~nd your feeling, Hajime and others seemed to stay with their faraway look.
Then in front of them Shia slowly pulled back her fist.
「 Passion, ideal, principle, intellect, elegance, refinement――you have enough of all
those. But, however-, you are overwhelmingly~ lacking in “fighting spirit”–!!」
Tracy came back to her senses with a gasp and stepped back with convulsing
expression. Even so she reacted swiftly. She took a short chain from the dream breast
pocket. There were ten rings on that chain. She instantly put her fingers into those rings
and poured her magic power, activating a barrier that was worth ten “Holy
「This is how you put your fighting spirit into it desuu! SHAORAAAAAA——!!」
「There is no way this is――hidebuu!?」
*Papapapapann* Continuous sounds of breaking echoed, then right after that Shia’s
fist pushed forward as though no barrier was on its way at all. That fist landed on
Tracy’s chest immediately after. Tracy was blown away while spinning in the air. She
crashed on a pillar inside the throne room and bounced, then she hit another pillar and
bounced again, she bounced all around like a pinball, and in the end she crashed on a
furniture vase that looked absurdly expensive and came to a stop with only her butt
sticking out. Her body was convulsing *Twitch-twitch-twitch* She looked dead no
matter how they looked at her…… No, she moved just a single arm by squeezing out her
last strength. She lifted her hand behind even though that hand was shaking fiercely……
「M-my deepest, gratitude. Niceee, fiiighttt~ desuwa――slump」
She made a firm thumb up and firmly spoke her praise and satisfaction, and then
she fell limp at the end of the death match. No, that’s you. You have done really well.
Everyone couldn’t help but send her their praise and applause inside their heart. Even
the interviewer Hajime reflexively grinned at the imperial princess’s brave fight.
「She passed.」
「Passing what huh?」
「Passing of what!?」
Hajime paid no mind to Gahard’s stare. He also didn’t listen to the questioning of
Princess Liliana. While they were doing that, Shia slowly lowered down her outstretched
「She is an outrageous pervert but, well……she has a good fighting sense.」
She lightly brushed away her rabbit ear *fuasa* with one hand. Shia smiled fuh and
coolly turned around. Her gesture was a bit savory. A bit like a certain lord. The
dumbfounded Shuuzou and others remembered to breath seeing her action. Yaegashi
family’s eyes were sparkling, no, blazing. Tomoichi and others were also smiling faintly
seeing the reason why she was called bugged.
「 Wait, this isn’t the time to just watch! First aid! First aid! Your highness! Are you
「T-that’s right! Kaori, let’s help out!」
Slowly, blood was spreading from inside the vase where Tracy’s vase was buried
into. Kaori and Shizuku ran toward her in great panic.
「H-Hajime-kun! Is the princess alright!? Look, she is twitching like a fish that is fished
up to the land――」
「Ah, her convulsion stopped……」
Tomoichi and Kaoruko went deathly pale.
「It’s fine. Even if she really die, it’s possible to revive her if she is still freshly dead.」
「 Your appreciation for life is too low! Do you need rehabilitation starting from your
moral value!?」
「Reviving the dead is so easy like preparing an instant food huh……」
The common sense of the adults with good senses was crumbling into dust that
vanished into the wind. Tomoichi’s gaze stabbed at Shuu and Sumire as though to say
Just how did you raise this guy!, but the two of them averted their gaze away in a flash
and mumbled vaguely. If one sharpened their hearing, they would hear excuses like
「 No, well, with the fantasy encroaching into the real like this, something like
resurrection is just a small detail isn’t it? Even in video game the characters often die in
battle, yep」「If it’s a game then the real hurdle will be making a come-back from 1 HP,
yep」 being muttered.
This is why Nagumo family is just-! These damn game maniacs! Tomoichi held his
head in his wits’ end. The mini Tomoichi in his heart was peeking out saying 「Isn’t it
fine already? There won’t be any hardship if you just accept it you know? 」. Hopefully
Tomoichi-san would win his battle against his inner self here. A slight distance away,
Akiko was alternately glancing at Tracy who was lying on a sea of blood and her father
Gahard with an uneasy look while pushing on Aiko’s shoulders.
「 H-hey, Aiko. If it’s Kaori-chan then she can heal her highness right? It will be fine
「Y-yep. It will be fi――」
「Ah, her soul slip away――」
「Shirasaki-san-. Do you need any help!?」
「Ai-chan-sensei~, please do!」
Aiko broke into a dash. She jumped *pyon* to the rescue scene. Then 「 Haaih 」
she let out a yell of fighting spirit like a master of kenpo. Her hand shined in light pink
color and hit something down as though she was performing a volleyball smash. Right
away, Tracy’s body jerked and bent backward like a shrimp.
「……Shia, did you mistake your strength control?」
「Don’t tell me, Shia, thou……wisheth that if circumstances permit it……? 」
「 N-no way! It’s not like I was thinking of something like Try dying one time! just
because she is an imperial princess!」
Hajime turned his gaze toward Gahard while such conversation was going on.
「 So, empire. What is that artifact? Is that some kind of the empire’s secret treasure?
Also, how can that princess use “Limit Break”?」
「Really, just how thick is the skin of your face?」
Gahard let out a deep sigh in complete exasperation.
「――”Magic Eater Scythe Egxess”. It’s an artifact that the first emperor discovered at
the bottom of Ur’s lake.」
「Ur’s lake?」
「 Err, your majesty? If that’s true, Ur is in the kingdom’s territory so the kingdom
should have the right of possession for it isn’t it?」
「「Just shut up you black hearted princess who is hungry for benefits」」
「Why are you two in sync like that!? Or rather, I’m telling you I’m not black hearted!」
Gahard ignored the protesting Princess Liliana and continued explaining. According
to him, the first emperor was a leader of a mercenary group. It could be understood that
he was an extremely ambitious person from how he built a country despite such status.
Him discovering Egxess at the bottom of Ur’s lake because his ambition was pulling him
toward that coincidence.
「 There is a legend that “something precious” is dwelling in the bottom of Ur’s lake
since the ancient time because of spirit or whatever. You might have heard about it if
you ever went there.」
「Aa. I heard that from the owner of the “Inn of Water Fairy”. It seems the inn’s name
was also taken from that legend……aa, I see. So the first emperor sought even that kind
of legend, in order to obtain new strength.」
「Yeah. He didn’t know what might possibly become his strength after all. I heard that
he even directed his ambition to rule toward the church deep inside.」
「So your weak faith came from your bloodline huh.」
Gahard shrugged. Tracy also resumed breathing at that time. She had recovered to a
degree where she groaned 「Uu~n uu~n desuwaaa」 with her unique end of sentence
that was as firm as Shia. Kaori continued her treatment while Shizuku was giving the
princess a lap pillow. Aiko was staying on standby in preparation for the worse with her
soul magic. They were sending creeped out glances that said 「Uwaa, there is far fewer
places that are alright in the princess compared to not?」 at Shia.
It seemed that the princess’s whole body was far more beaten and messed up than
her appearance at the outside suggested. Even so, she recovered successfully so
Tomoichi and others patted their chest in relieve while Yue and others were listening
carefully to Gahard and Hajime’s talk from the start.
「And so, it seems there was a small ruin that looked like a church at the bottom of that
lake. That scythe was left there together with a lithograph.」
「Church? Lithograph? The holy church also built a church in that kind of place?」
「No, I heard that the building’s style was completely different. It was a ruin from who
know which era. Most of all, the letters that were written on the lithograph was teh proof
of that.」
――Magic Eater Scythe Egxess. I offer it to those who bear a grudge to the god.
「A heretic huh. Could it be……」
「By the way, since the empire’s founding those who can use Egxess at the level that can
be called as “master” is only Tracy other than the first emperor.」
「 Is it because the scythe will forcefully devour the user’s magic power once they
touched it and even after they let go of it?」
「Hah, as expected from the greatest transmutation master. You get it just from looking
at it.」
There was also how it was very difficult just to handle a scythe as a weapon. But
more than that, the magic power amount that the weapon demanded was absurd even
when it wasn’t in use. It was to the degree that only owner of magic power in the level of
Hajime and others could use it. Otherwise――
「 The user will have to fight until they die. To fight and fight in order to continue
devouring the magic power(enemy).」
「It’s really a cursed tool huh. I feel something like a deep-seated grudge from it. As I
thought, it’s a relic from the era of the Liberators……no, perhaps it was from even more
ancient time. It seems the holy sword has existed far longer than the era of the
Liberators, so perhaps this thing is also something as ancient as that.」
「 … … Muu. Although my lightning sphere was weakened so it would only shock the
target unconscious, this thing was still able to devour my magic.」
Yue’s gaze was attracted by curiosity toward Egxess that was lying near Tracy.
Perhaps because they had just heard the story, even though Tracy’s hand wasn’t holding
it right now, the scythe was clad in an aura that was like miasma and it felt like they
could hear a groan of deep-seated grudge Ooo from it. Then after that, that muddy black
miasma stretched out slowly……and touched Tracy’s leg *chon*. Right after that, Tracy’s
body jerked and convulsed,
「F-fightt~, fight more~ desuwaa~」
「 Y-your highness!? What’s the matter…….eh!? Her magic power is rapidly slipping
「Don’t run away from the ancient battlefield~ desuwaa」
「What do you mean ancient battlefield!? Your highness, get a hold of yourself!」
「I-I’ll use the magic of magic power transfer!」
The treatment seemed to become flurried for some reason. It was like a field
hospital there. Hajime pointed at Tracy and looked at Gahard.
「She is completely cursed isn’t she?」
「Don’t mind it. That’s not really different from her usual behavior.」
「Just how did you raise her huh.」
「That’s the result of me not raising her.」
「Raising a child properly is important isn’t it, dear?」
Remia mama casually entered the conversation. Her lovely smile stabbed into
Hajime papa. Eh? What did you say? Hajime pretended to not hear anything.
「So, about the Limit Break. Of course she didn’t have it originally. It’s something she
acquired. It seems she obtained it from that legendary decisive battle. In all likelihood,
the artifact that you supplied for us must be the trigger.」
「But, it’s strange that the princess is the only one if that’s the case isn’t it? At that time,
the whole mankind’s battle strength should be put through Limit Break. Or are you
telling me that now there are a lot of other people who have Limit Break too?」
「I also thought so and investigated, but Tracy is the only one. ……This is just my guess,
but there are two causes. First that she is using Egxess on top of being in Limit Break
state where her body was strengthened like crazy. The other cause is that she didn’t
receive Shirasaki Kaori’s healing……that’s the only thing I can think of.」
What do you mean? Hajime and others tilted their head in puzzlement. Gahard
recalled that time and he looked like he got a headache.
「Originally I didn’t intend to bring that girl into the battle. The crown prince and the
second prince had passed on at that time, so that girl was the next emperor candidate
based on her real strength and also her right of inheritance’s ranking.」
「 Certainly. The other countries all left behind their children who would shoulder the
future. I also sent Randell and mother to evacuate to the empire at that time.」
Gahard himself was prepared to die in battle at that time, so his decision was only
natural, Liliana said with an understanding nod.
「Come to think of it, if she participated in the final battle, it was strange that we didn’t
meet her in the meeting inside the fortress. Or rather, various people came to meet me
before the final battle started but……the princess wasn’t among them.」
Hajime’s gaze turned toward Shia and Tio. His gaze asked them whether they had
met her without him knowing about it. From Tracy’s personality, she looked like she
would definitely head to meet Shia or the Hauria clan at the very least but…… Even so, it
was strange that they never heard about her at all until now. Shia and Tio also shook
their head as expected.
「No, I don’t remember ever meeting her.」(Shia)
「I was the one who joined up with everyone last at that time.」(Tio)
「 I was also the supreme commander after a fashion at that time but……I didn’t
remember her coming to greet me. Or rather, I don’t remember meeting her even after
the battle was over.」
Gahard nodded, saying that it was only natural.
「 That’s because she not only ignored my order to participate in the final battle, she
even took out Egxess that was sealed in the deepest part of the treasure vault without
Also, at that time the loyal soldiers of the empire who were guarding the vault all
received the Princess Smash without exception. And so, because all in the vault
belonged to the emperor, it was completely a robbery even if it was done by an imperial
princess. According to some of the mister soldiers who were clinging and pleading to
Tracy even while trembling from the pain of their son below, when Tracy tried to take
out every single artifacts that could be used for the battle, suddenly muddy black aura
overflowed from the deepest part of the vault.
In other words, Egxess responded to Tracy’s heart that was seeking strength……or
perhaps it sensed that it was “time for the last battle”…… The truth would remain
buried, but anyway, Egxess had never radiated out miasma by itself until then, so the
soldiers there who couldn’t participate in the final battle because they were too weak felt
that it was destiny and they couldn’t bring themselves to stop Tracy anymore.
「Because of that she even made use of my disguise artifact to camouflage herself and
slipped through the gate easily. After that the stupid girl hid all the time so that she
wouldn’t get forcefully send back. After all Egxess stood out too much even if she was
hiding her true form.」
So that was what happened, she couldn’t show herself to anyone else. No wonder
that nobody recalled meeting her there then.
「W-why did she go that far?」
A person with common sense, Kaoruko-san asked that question. She implicitly
asked, Even though she is a princess, why……? Even after she had seen how Tracy acted,
she was still unable to wipe the fantasy of “If she is a princess shouldn’t she not act like
that?”. It must be because the first princess she saw was Liliana whose exterior was
completely “a lovely princess of a fantasy world”. As expected from the black hearted
princess who had mastered the 108 uses of the mask of smiling face. She perfectly
manipulated everyone’s impression on her. And then the one who answered that
question of Kaoruko-san wasn’t Gahard who was about to open his mouth……
「The answer is obvious desuwa! It was a grand battle that would only happen once in
this lifetime! The great decisive battle that would be deeply carved in mankind’s history!
There would be nothing more unfortunate than being unable to participate in such
battle! Desuwa!」
It was Tracy. 「 Revived!! I’m revived!! 」 She stood imposingly while being
surrounded by Kaori and others. Even though she almost died, no, she had plainly died
just now, her expression was looking extremely refreshed instead!
「Shirasaki Kaori, and the other two! My thanks! It was annoying when my dead elder
brother Bias waved at me from the other side of the river saying 『Come over here! You
should come over here too!』, so I was busy throwing the rocks in the riverbed but……
well, I should overlook that matter! Be thankful!」
No, are you grateful or do you want other to be grateful to you, which is it? Everyone
there did their best to swallow that tsukkomi inside their heart. Because, she had clearly
gone through a near-death experience, but nobody there felt like performing a comedy
anymore by making a tsukkomi about it.
「Eerr, I guess I should at least ask, are you alright? Especially in your head.」
Shia spoke out words that sounded quite horrible depending on how one listened to
it. Tracy’s expression burst into happiness because Shia talked to her. It wasn’t a face of
ecstasy or arousal. It was a cute and refreshing smile like a girl who was celebrating her
birthday. She was pointlessly beautiful, so she looked excessively charming.
「There is no problem with my body, Shia Hauria. Thanks to you even my gloomy heart
has also been cleared up. If I’m not mistaken, the gentlemen called this state of mind
as……that’s right, this must be what they called “sage mode”! I’m completely like a sage
right now desuwa!」
All the male there starting from Hajime averted their gaze toward the distant sky
with beautifully synchronous movement. You don’t need to perform the role of ignorant
princess at this kind of timing you know……they seemed to want to say that.
「Is that so. Please stay like that forever if possible.」
「Oh my……to say that “I’m fine the way I am” like that. Fufu, Shia Hauria, you really
are a smooth talker aren’t you desuwa?」
「There is no change at all with your Altina brain desuu……」
Shia quietly hid behind Tio. A pervert for a pervert. A pervert meat shield! That was
what she was doing. Hajime asked once more in order to return the conversation to the
right track.
「And princess. What’s the reason you can use Limit Break?」
「Yes, yes. It’s definitely just as his majesty said.」
According to her, she hid and then joined the battle, experienced an extreme
situation in the middle of the final battle, and in the end she survived. As expected, there
was no way she didn’t stand out with the way she swung around Egxess right at the
center of the battlefield. In the end Gahard easily captured her when she was exhausted
and unable to move. And then, the mankind allied army that was in a ragged state both
in mind and body due to forcefully using “Limit Break” and the fierce battle later on
would receive the treatment for their soul and body from Kaori and Aiko after their
magic power recovered but……
「 Good grief! Even though I only sneaked to the frontline of hell just for a little, his
majesty gave me a punishment instead desuwa! Irrational! Unreasonable! A parent who
doesn’t understand his daughter’s heart! You’re stu~pid-stu~pid desuwa!」
「By the way, this girl had been belligerent and dislike losing since she was little but, the
screws in her head only became this loose since the incident of Hauria attack.」
Gahard’s dry stare caught Shia who was peeking out from above Tio’s shoulder.
*Pyoko-* Shia’s face pulled back. It was as though she was quickly saying My rabbit ears
doesn’t hear anything~.
「 Aa~, in other words, that punishment was not receiving any healing and recovering
from the weakened state of Limit Break by your own strength huh. We never met you
after the final battle because you got immediately sent home and unable to move all that
time while recuperating then?」
「That was what happened, demon king-sama! Furthermore, Egxess too, it mercilessly
kept taking away my magic power even during my recuperation, so my recovery got even
more delayed……my stomach was bloating thanks to drinking magic power recovery
potion everyday desuwa.」
Really this child is a real glutton! Tracy lifted up Egxess and slapped it *pechi* as
though to say that. In actuality, she was in a state where it wouldn’t be strange even if
she died anytime. For the whole month her whole body would be wracked with pain
intermittently, and intense feeling of fatigue continued to torment her without showing
any sign of healing. Her treatment period was truly harsh to the extreme. An ordinary
person would undoubtedly go mad first before their flesh body died. That was how bad
her condition was.
But, with her insatiable longing and rivalry toward Hauria, she overcome that
hellish boundary of life and death and she also became able to adjust the degree of
magic power that Egxess devoured from her. And then when she completely recovered,
it seemed she awakened to “Limit Break” with her own strength. Also, the gazes of many
people especially the maids toward Gahard became extreme~~~ly cold because even
though they had won the legendary decisive battle with much effort, the princess was
the only one who kept suffering continuously like that. As expected, even Gahard
thought that the punishment was sufficient already after three days passed. He also
didn’t want to throw a damper on the victory mood anymore than this, so he planned to
request Kaori for healing. But,
「It was this girl herself who refused. She said things like she has the feeling something
will wake up inside her if she overcome this trial.」
「 She was also awakened to something else wasn’t she? It absolutely wasn’t just
Hauria’s attack that caused her screws to turn loose like this, but also because of that
hellish month.」
「I can’t deny that.」
This time it was Shia’s blank stare that pierced at Gahard. Gahard quietly averted
his gaze.
「 Originally, I wanted to go meet Sha Hauria and demon king-sama and party
immediately but……when I arrived at Fea Bergen, everyone had already returned home
If only I could hijack his majesty’s Fernir at that time, how frustrating desuwa!
Tracy said while glaring at her father.
「 I see, and so your highness kept training until now so that you can make your
challenge when one day when you meet her.」
「I also use kusarigama(sickle and chain) but……it’s impossible for me to use a scythe of
that size. Your highness, your battle just now was truly a sight for sore eyes.」
Koichi and Shuuzou and then Kirino gave her their heartfelt praise. There Tracy’s
eyes finally caught sight of all the parent~s. She tilted her head with the question of Eh?
Who could this people be? Everyone smiled wryly and introduced themselves once
「My! I see! Then once more, my name is Tracy D Hoelscher desuwa. It’s truly an honor
to be able to meet with the family of such truly powerful people.」
Tracy bowed with a beautiful courtesy. She was seriously an imperial princess just
from her appearance. Certainly, she had some serious screw looses in her head but, “at
least” she was able to discern how she should act at any given time. It was just as
Hellina-san investigated! Eh, who is this girl? Tomoichi and others made such face
seeing Tracy’s complete one-eighty, however she ignroed them and her hand shyly
touched her cheek.
「However, if that’s the case, it’s embarrassing to show such shoddy battle to everyone
for your first sightseeing here.」
「No, our praise just now is genuine.」
Tracy’s face became like an embarrassed maiden at Shuuzou’s words. However, her
words next contained really dangerous words.
「But, in the end I was unable to reap Shia Hauria’s head. Far from that, I couldn’t even
put a scratch on her. I’m truly ashamed of how lacking I am. I wish that next time I’ll be
able to take her head with *splat*, like this desuwa.」
「I’ll wrench off your head before that. Desuu」
Oh my, I’m happy! Tracy’s face became like a maiden who had just gotten confessed.
As expected she was still Tracy.
「I had also went to a warrior journey to sharpen my skill in order to have the greatest
tryst with Shia Hauria, and yet……」
As a fellow princess, Liliana’s expression convulsed while she looked like she wanted
to say That ain’t what a princess should do……
「T-Tracy-sama, you went out to such a journey?」
「The people of the empire really is no good just as I thought desuu. If I don’t quickly do
something with this princess at least……」
「……Shia, give up already. It’s already too late for this princess. I think she will chase
after Shia until she die.」
「Assassination is a no okay? Right now you are making a really bad face, Shia. You’re
completely an evil bunny.」
「……I realize once more that Hauria is a race that is specialized for assassination. How
All the empire nobles started to tremble fiercely when they heard the words
assassination by Hauria. Look, this goosebumps on my arms……they were showing each
other’s arms.
「In the end, I couldn’t even conquer a great labyrinth……I was able to reach the deepest
part of Great Labyrinth Raisen but, I was completely helpless before the last guardian.」
The gaze of everyone’s in Hajime’s group snapped toward Hajime. Hajime let out an
「 It attacked just like demon king-sama. When red magic power burst out, it moved
with super speed……at present I can’t imagine how I can possibly win against it no
matter how much I struggle. Shia Hauria, you conquered such enemy didn’t you? As I
thought, I’m still a novice desuwa!」
「H-hahaa, that’s not really true I think? Right, Hajime-san?」
「 Come to think of it, I got the feeling the color of that that magic power’s light was
exactly the same like demon king-sama……」
Gahard seemed to guess something and glared at Hajime. His gaze was completely
saying 「 You again! 」 . But, it was a matter of the past. Super Miledy G had self-
exploded. Now the guardian there was the Normal Miledy G. In other words, it was
something that had ended. It was statute of limitations, statute of limitations! Hajime
attempted to change the topic in order to distract Tracy from arriving at the truth of the
matter, and also in order to escape from the blank stares of his family.
「 Princess! Great Labyrinth Raisen is the trial of the Liberators’ leader Miledy! It’s
obvious that the it can’t be conquered that easily!」
「! I see desuwa!」
Tracy-san, what an honest girl.
「 You have no need to feel any self-depreciation! You have excellent skill! I was
「My-, a praise from the demon king-sama personally!? It’s an honor desuwa!」
「In line with that, I have a proposition for your……」
Hajime quickly moved to Tracy’s side to escape from his family’s gazes. Tio muttered
「Ah, this scene, I hath seen it before. It’s the same like that time with Venri! 」. Liliana
was saying 「Again-」 while puffing out her cheeks like a squirrel. Amidst that, the two
turned their back to everyone else and secretly conversed about something……
「 If you accept now, I’ll also throw an improvement for that Egxess. What’s more the
maintenance will be free of charge, forever. Demon king quality guaranteed.」
「W-what an offer! But, what kind of improvement……」
「 I’m thinking something like bombardment mode or form transformation to make it
easier to carry but……other than that, let’s see……how about a function to make the cut
wound splatter like rose petals?」
「What in the world! What in the world with such lovely option! That’s stylish!」
「If taken to the extreme, it’ll be possible to also use the shooting recoil for high speed
movement or midair movement. I also got various other items for you. If you’re a
magician then……this is an unprecedented treatment that isn’t just for anyone, you get it
「But……I won’t be able to fight Shia Hauria with that.」
「On the contrary. Rather, there will be far more chances to fight her under the pretense
of training from here on!」
「Agreed. You are my master desuwa!」
Hajime had put on soundproofing as the countermeasure of Shia’s hell rabbit ears,
so everyone couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but in the end teh two
exchanged a firm handshake with a nice smile, so Hajime’s scheme had succeeded it
seemed. Tracy’s gaze turned toward Shia just for an instant and she licked her lips.
Shia’s rabbit ears stood on end with chills running through them. Next her gaze turned
toward Liliana. For some reason her expression turned kind like a big sis, so shivers and
chills also ran through Liliana’s back.
All the empire nobles were watching their princess and the demon king
handshaking with a dreading gaze. They were sending glances at Gahard were
undoubtedly to insist 「Isn’t this bad? Her highness is making a deal with the like of the
demon king! It absolutely won’t end well! 」 . Gahard also felt the same! Hajime took
down the soundproofing and he came back toward the group with a pleased smile on his
and Tracy’s face. Gahard demanded an explanation with pulsing vein on his forehead.
Liliana cheered him on!
「Oi, Nagumo Hajime! What the hell are you talking with her! That girl is my precious
daughter so that I can be free――not that, she is the one who will shoulder the future of
the empi――」
「Ooops, my hand slipped!」
「By your will, my hand slipped desuwa!」
Gahard’s words that leaked out his true feeling were interrupted by the two who
displayed a synchronized action like true master and servant. In addition, Egxess was
swung in a flash *hyun*. Magic blade flew out and went passed right above Gahard’s
head to behind him. It was already too late when Gahard gasped in realization.
「S-someone stop it—-」
Gahard turned around while ordering his imperial guards with a desperate look, but
at that time the jet black magic blade was already cutting off the red curtain hanging
behind the throne that was embroidered with the empire’s crest. The curtain was cleanly
slashed in a straight line. And so, what appeared from behind the falling curtain was――
「Hih, what’s that painting!?」
「W-why is such repulsive painting is decorating the back of the throne……」
「I-is this the art culture of the empire?」
The words of Kaoruko, Akiko, and Tomoichi were denied by Gahard’s yell with all
his might. All the empire nobles were yelling things like 「Even though I don’t want to
see it anymore! Or 「Even though, even though it had stopped showing up in my dream
anymore-, but now- 」 or 「 O-oi! Guards! Watch the surrounding carefully! Check
whether there is Hauria here or not!」 while looking like they would lose their sanity.
Yes, there was a huge painting of zombie like humans tormenting the rabbit race
that looked like zombie the way their rabbit ears wilted like shriveled carrot――it was a
very heart-warming painting that was gushing out with advocacy of anti
discrimination――adorning the back of the throne. The feeling of oppression from it was
overwhelming. Certainly it felt like this picture would reduce the sanity of anyone who
saw it.
「 Eh? Why is Ume○-sensei’s painting is here? 」 (TN: Umezu Kazuo, a horror manga
「T-that’s nasty……nn, come to think of it, there was a time when Hajime took a liking
to this style and drew a lot of it for practice……」
Nagumo spouses looked toward their son with a gaze as though they were looking at
a criminal. The answer came from Liliana.
「 Yes, the culprit is Hajime-san. At first it was hanged without permission in our
Heiligh Kingdom’s palace, but I swiftly took it down and after discussing it with Hauria,
I asked them to hang it here.」
In a sense, she was really a demon……everyone there thought that.
「Shit-, someone! Isn’t there anyone! We need a new curtain! Hurry!」
Gahard yelled loudly while doing his best so that the painting wouldn’t enter his
sight. But, his voice that sounded urgent and overflowing with uneasiness brought even
further chaos. The many people on standby outside the throne room――a lot of soldiers
and retainers were gathering because the emperor’s angry yells and thunderous sounds
of combat kept coming from inside――rushed in because they finally received
permission to enter and they would finally be able to check what was going on inside――
「「「「「Hiih!? What in the world!?」」」」」
The completely wrecked throne room. The glimpse of rabbit ears. And then, the
terrifying giant painting that was displayed in its full glory once more…… It went
without saying that the throne room fell into pandemonium. And so,
「Yosh. It looks like the emperor is busy, let’s go sightsee to other place without delay.」
This guy was a demon……everyone thought.
「I shall show the way! My maste――cough. Maou-sama, everyone!」
Even though she should be a person of the empire, Tracy began to show the group
the way cheerfully as though she was completely unconcerned with what was occurring
there. Yue and others had a lot of things they wanted to say, but for the time being it
would be troubling to stay in the middle of this chaos, so they immediately followed the
two. The adults, Shuu and others looked at each other, then they turned toward Gahard
apologetically before they also exited the throne room quickly. From behind the group,
「 As I thought that guy is really a demon-! Shit-!! One day I’ll absolutely retire from
being the emperor and become free—」
Gahard’s voice was oozing with hardship. It was completely removed from his
daring figure in the past. That voice echoed futilely inside the throne room.

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