Core Course - Ps6Crt11: Comparative Politics

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1) In which form of Government, bicameralism is an essential feature?

a) Presidential b) Parliamentary c) Federal d) Unitary

2) Comparative politics is mostly methodological which focuses on

a) How part of an analysis b) What part of an analysis

c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

3) For comparative politics study in a country, which one of the following can be taken for study?

a) Political parties b) Militaries c) Parliament d) All of these

4) Comparative politics focus on:

a) Themes b) Regions c) Countries d) All of these

5) Which one of the following is a feature of Presidential system?

a) Separation of powers b) Bi-party system c) Supremacy of the Parliament

b) Collective responsibility

6) Filibuster is related to :

a) A long speech in Parliament to delay a vote b) Opposition leader‟s speech

c) Prime Minister‟s vote of thanks d) Speaker‟s power to stop a member

7) The American Declaration of Independence was issued in:

a) 1772 b) 1776 c) 1783 d) 1786

8) The United States at present is a Federation consisting of :

a) 45 states b) 52 states c) 50 states d) 100 states

9) The American Constitution consists of a Preamble and :

a) 7 articles b) 17 articles c) 27 Articles d) 24 Articles

10) The American Constitution is based on the Principle of:
a) Separation of Powers b) Co-ordination of Powers

b) c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

11) The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were primarily designed to protect which of
the following:
a) Individual right b) Inter-state commerce c) The Judicial branch

c) Equal protection
12)The New Jersey Plan would most likely to be supported by:
a) States with large populations b) States with small populations
c) States that were mostly agricultural d) States in South
13)Who is known as the Father of the American Constitution?

a) James Madison b) Benjamin Franklin c) Thomas Jefferson

d) Abraham Lincoln

14)Which two political thinkers represent the Institutional Approach of Comparative Politics?

a) Almond and Coleman

b) Easton and Dahl
c) Duverger and Sartori
d) Leo Strauss and Dicey

15)Which political scientist defined politics as an “authoritative allocation of values”?

a) David Easton b) Laski c) Plato d) Jean Blondel

16) The Structural-functional approach and the input- output approach have been derived from:

a) The political stimulation approach

b) The quantitative approach
c) The general systems theory approach
d) The sociological approach

17) The Input-output approach was developed by:

a) Samuel Lubell b) David Easton c) Laski d) Plato

18) The behaviouralist approach to the study of political science was developed as a protest

a) Historical Approach b) Philosophical Approach

c) Institutional Approach d) All of the these
19) Which one of the following is not relevant to Traditional Approach?
a) Philosophical b) Behavioural c) Institutional d) Historical

20)Which is the oldest approach to the Study of Comparative Politics?

a)Historical Approach c) Legal Approach

c) Institutional Approach d) Philosophical Approach
21) Evolutionary approach is also known as:
a) Legal Approach b) Historical Approach
c) Institutional Approach d) Behavioural Approach
22) Which political thinker called politics as „Master Science‟?
a) Aristotle b) Plato c) Laski d) Hobbes
23) The _____ is the social institution that determines a society‟s production,
distribution,andconsumption of goods and services.
a) Service sector b) Labour market c) Economy d) Employment rate
24) Which of the following economic model is based on private ownership of the means of
a) Communism b) Anarchy c) Socialism d) Capitalism
25) The ___ model takes the view that society is ruled by a small group of like-minded individuals
who run the country‟s political and economic interests.
a) Pluralist b) Elite c) Political action committee d) All of these
26) Which of the following did not adopt legal approach for the study of politics?
a) Herman Finer b) Hobbes c) A.V. Dicy d) Bodin
27) When did the Post Behaviourlist approach emerge?
a) Mid Eighties b) Mid Sixties c) Mid Seventies d) Mid Fifties

28) Political culture changes______

a) Frequently b) Very slowly c) With each generation d) Very quickly
29) Churches, Clubs, Business are all elements of______
a) Political culture b) Political trust c) Civil society d) Civil engagement
30) In 1787, American Constitution was ratified by:
a) 9 states b) 10 states c) 11 states d) 12 states
31) The first ten amendments in the Constitution of U.S.A. are called:
a) The Bill of Rights b) The Implied Powers c) Judicial Review
d) Veto
32) Declaration of American Independence was made on:
a) March 21, 1776 b) April 20, 1776 c) July 4, 1776 d) None of the above
33) The Constitution of U.S.A. came into effect on:
a) September 17, 1787 b) July 17, 1788 c) March 4, 1789
d) December 3, 1790
34) One of the important agencies, which help in the formation of public opinion, is:
a) Commuted Judiciary b) Free mass media c) Unicameral Legislature
d) Single party Government
35) Who compared the voice of the people with the voice of God?
a) Hobbes b) Laski c) Machiavelli d) Green
36) Which one of the following is not a feature of American Constitution?
a) Judicial Review b) Unicameral Legislature c)Separation of powers
d) Checks and Balances
37) Who was the first President of U.S.A.?
a) George Washington b) Hamilton c) James Madison d) Benjamin Franklin
38) Sine the 1840‟s on which day of the week have U.S. Presidential elections been held?
a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Friday d) Monday
39) American Presidential elections take place every___
a) 5 years b) 6 years c) 3 years d) 4 years

40) What is the minimum age for the eligibility to be a Presidential Candidate in America?
a) 25 b) 30 c) 35 d) 40
41) Congressis the _____ branch of the U.S. Government?
a) Executive b) Legislature c) Judicial d) Federal
42) The durationof the member of House of Representative is:
a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 6 years d) 8 years
43) How long is a Senator‟s term of office?
a) 2 years b) 4years c) 5 years d) 6 years
44) What is the minimum age requirement to serve as a Senator in U.S.?
a) 25 years b) 30 years c) 35 years d) 28 years
45) Where does American Congress perform the majority of its work?
a) Sessions b) Floor votes c) Chambers d) Committees
46) How many Senators does each state have?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 4
47) The total members in the U.S. House of Representatives is:
a) 400 b) 100 c) 435 d) 416
48) The framers created the national judiciary in which article of the American Constitution?
a) Article 1 b) Article 3 c) Article 5 d) Article 2
49) The American Supreme Court has both:
a) Original and Exclusive jurisdiction
b) Original and Appellate jurisdiction
c) Appellate and Exclusive jurisdiction
d) Concurrent and Original jurisdiction
50) In America, power to appoint judges to Federal court falls on:
a) Vice president b) Chief justice c) President d) Ambassadors
51) The power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a government action is called:-
a) The Court‟s decision b) The Court‟s choice c) Judicial review d) The Court Vote
52) The American Supreme Court first asserted its power of Judicial Review in the case of:
a) Marbury Vs. Madison b) Rowe Vs. Wade
c) John Vs. Jack d) Brawn Vs. The board of education
53) Which is the oldest Constitution in the world:
a) India b) U.S.A. c) China d) Britain
54) The term of House of Commons is:
a) 4 years b) 6 Years c) 5 Years d) 8 years
55) Magna Carta was signed by:
a) King John b) King Macbeth c) King Charles d) King Richard
56) The leader of the Cabinet of Britain is:
a) King b) Queen c) Prime Minister d) None of these
57) The Prime Minister of U.K. is elected for ____Year?
a) 7 b) 5 c) 6 d) 2
58) In Britain, The head of the civil service is:
a) Prime Minister b) Queen c) King d) None of these
59) A member of House common must be at least____ year of age?
a) 21 b) 25 c) 23 d) 27
60) Britain has ______ party system:
a) One party b) Bi-party c) Multiparty d) None of these
61) In U.K. the executive is responsible to the:
a) Prime Minister b) Legislature c) Judiciary d) Political party
62) The British Constitution is based on:
a) Written Character b) Convention-ridden c) The Theory of separation of powers
d) Federal Character
63) The presiding officer of the House of common is:
a) Deputy speaker b) Vice president c) Speaker d) Queen
64) The Residential place of the British Prime Minister is:
a) 10 Downing Street b) Red Fort c) White House d) London Palace
65) The majority of the cabinet ministers are always from:
a) The Parliament b) House of Lords c) House of Commons d) None of these
66) The Key man in the British Cabinet is:
a) The Queen b) Speaker c) Prime Minister d) Deputy
67) British Parliament is dissolved by the_______
a) Speaker b) Prime Minister c) Deputy Speaker d) Monarch
68) The term Privy Council was first used in the reign of:
a) Henry V b) George I c) Charles I d) Henry III
69) The Budget of prepared by:
a) The House of Commons b) Cabinet c) House of Lords d) Monarch
70) In Britain, Lord Chancellor is the member of cabinet and also the head of:
a) The Administration b) The Parliament c) The Judiciary d) Finance
71) Which Parliament is known as the „Mother of all Parliaments‟?
a) Chinese Parliament b) IndianParliament c) AmericanParliament
d) BritishParliament
72) “Once a speaker is always a speaker” is a phrase associated with:
a) U.S.A. b) France c) India d) U.K.
73) The House of Lords is the:
a) First Chamber of British Parliament
b) SecondChamber of British Parliament
c) ThirdChamber of British Parliament
d) FourthChamber of British Parliament
74) The highest court of appeal in the U.S.:
a) The House of Lords b) The House of Commons c) The Cabinet
d) The Ministry
75) The lower chamber of the British Parliament called:
a) House of Representatives
b) House of Commons
c)House of Lords
d) Senate
76) The conservative party was founded in:
a) 1824 b) 1834 c) 1818 d) 1816
77) British Parliament is the:
a) Bi-Cameral b) Uni-Cameral c) Tri-Cameral d) None of these
78) The Presiding officer of the House of Lords is:
a) The speaker b) The queen c) The Lord d) None of these
79) According to the Parliament Act 1949, the House of Lords can delay a non-money
bill for _____ years?
a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4
80) Who said that “a state without a Constitution would not be a state but a regime of anarchy?
a) Prof. Jellineck b) Finer c) Leacockd d) Gettell
81) Which of the following country has unwritten constitution?
a) India b) U.S.A. c) France d) U.K.
82) In a perfect federation constitution must be:
a) Rigid b) Flexible c) Partly rigid d) Partly flexible
83) The Labour Party was founded in:
a) 1800 b) 1700 c) 1917 d) 1900
84) The founder of the Conservative Party was:
a) Robert Peel b) Keir Hardie c) Shirleys Williams d) Peter John
85) The founder of the Liberal Democratic Party was:
a) Robert Peel b) Peter John c) Shirleys Williams d) Albert Charles
86) The Government is federal or unitary on the basis of relations between the:
a) Constitution and The States b) Centre and States c) Three organs of Government
d) Legislature and Executive
87) A Confederation differs from a federation in so far as:
a) It provides for only single citizenship
b) It creates a new state
c) It has a separate body of laws
d) It does not permit its members to withdraw at will
88) In a federation the units are:
a) Created by the Central Government
b) Agent of the Central Government
c) Possess an Independent entity of their own
d) None of these
89) The term Federation is drawn from the term „Foedus‟ taken from:
a) Latin b) English c) French d) Spanish
90) The units are „Sovereign‟ in the:
a) American Federal System
b) Indian Federal System
c) Both in American and Indian systems
d) None of these
91) Who defined a federal Government as a Political Contrivance intended to reconcilenational
unity and power with the maintenance of state rights.
a) K.C.Wheare b) Herman Finer c) A. V. Dicy d) John Austin
92) In which one of the following countries can the units of the federation initiate amendments?
a) Canada b) France c) India d) U.S.A.
93) Which of the following countries first adopted a federal constitution for the first time?
a) Australia b) U.S.A. c) Switzerland d) India
94) Which one of the following forms of Government can serve as a model for world state?
a) Unitary Govt. b) Federal Govt. c) Both Federal and unitary
d) None of the above
95) A federal Government envisages a:
a) Strong Centre b) Weak Centre c) Neither weak nor strong centre
d) None of these
96) Who of the following is regarded as the exponent of the classical concept of Rule of Law?
a) A.V.Dicy b) Jean Bodin c) Hobbes d) Jennings
97) The spoil system in the USA began during the period of:
a) Jefferson b) Jackson c) Washington d) Adams
98) The federal court in Switzerland is known as:
a) The Supreme Court b) The Federal Tribunal c) The federal council
d) The Centre Court
99) In Switzerland, the federal tribunal is helped by a Jury in:
a) All civil cases b) All criminal cases c) All administrative cases
d) All constitutional cases
100) The Federal council consist of:
a) 6 Members b) 7 Members c) 8 Members d) 9 Members
101) De-Jure sovereignty in England resides in:
a) The House of Lords b) The Queen c) The Queen in Parliament
d) The House of Commons
102) The members of the federal council are elected by:
a) The Council States b) The National Council c) The people of the country
d) Both the Houses of Swiss Legislature
103) On which Year was the Canadian Federation Established?
a) 1867 b) 1869 c) 1945 d) 1950
104) At present Canadian federation consist of:
a) 60 Provinces b) 50 Provinces c) 30 Provinces d) 10 Provinces
105) The Canadian federal system differs essentially from the American system as it provides:
a) Strong States b) Strong Centre c) Neither Weak nor a Strong Centre
d) None of These
106) Which are the Two houses of Swiss Parliament?
a) House of Lords & House of Commons
b) Council of States & National Council
c) Senate and House of Representatives
d) Loksabha and Rajyasabha
107) The total number of Cantons in Switzerland is:
a) 20 b) 22 c) 24 d) 26
108) The upper house of Swiss parliament is known as:
a) Council of States b) National Assembly c) House Of Representative
d) House of Lords
109) Which one of the following countries has a mixed and collegial executive?
a) U.S.A. b) China c) Switzerland d) India
110)Most favoured technique of pressure groups in U.S.A is :
a) Boycott And Picketing b) Lobbying c)Total Strike d) Peaceful Agitation
111) Which of the following countries has introduced direct democracy?
a) Switzerland b) India c) U.S.A. d) U.K.
112) When was the Swiss Constitution originally written?
a) 1848 b) 1850 c) 1860 d) 1838
113) How long is the Swiss President‟s term of office?
a) 2 year b) 3 year c) 4 year d) 1 year
114) Psephology deals with:
a)Political Parties b) Voting Behaviour And election studies c) Human Rights
d) Pressure groups
115) Which of the following country has a very rigid constitution?
a) U.S.A. b) India c) Australia d) U.K.
116) Constitution in Switzerland can be amended :
a) When elite want to do b) When peasants express to do so
c) With the help of referendum d) When propertied class wants to amend it
117) Written constitution can develop or grow with the help of:
a) International Tribunals b) International Treatises c) Commission and Committees
d) Judicial Interpretations
118) Constitutional Government can be a success in a:
a) Authoritarian State b) Dictatorship state c)Totalitarian State d) Democratic State
119) Which one of the following is not a feature of Swiss Constitution?
a) Bicameral legislature b) Dual citizenship c) Rigid Constitution
d) Unwritten constitution
120) The first systematic classification of Government given by:
a) Aristotle b) Machiavelli c) Plato d) Rawly
121) Who expressed the view that the British constitution does not exist?
a) Hamilton b) De Tocqueville c) C.F. Strong d) Finer
122) In which of the following countries the units have not been given any power to initiate
amendment in the constitution?
a) Australia b) Switzerland c) U.S.A. d) India
123) An amendment in the constitution is subject to referendum in:
a) India b) U.S.A. c) U.K. d) Switzerland
124) Which one of the following countries possess an evolved constitution?
a) Britain b) India c) U.S.A. d) Nepal
125) The exponents of Elitist theory believe in:
a) Political equality b) Equality between ruler and ruled c) The Superiority of the rules
d) All of the Above
126) Who among the following tried to combine the Elitist theory with Marxism?
a) Robert Michels b) JamesBurham c) Pareto d) Hobbes
127) The exponents of Elitist theory hold that the power is always concentrated in the hands of:
a) Military b) Bureaucracy c) Priestly Class d) A small group of Elites
128) Who among the following advocated the concept of circulation of Elites?
a) Robert Michels b) James Burham c) Pareto d) Hobbes
129) Who gave the concept of “Iron law of Oligarchy”?
a) Vilfred Pareto b) Robert Michels c) Karl Deutsch d) Coleman
130) The constitution of the Fifth Republic was promulgated on:
a) October 10,1957 b) October 7, 1958 c) November 10, 1958 d) October 27, 1946
131) The constitution of Fifth Republic Consist of :
a) 92 Articles b) 123 Articles c) 280 Articles d) 72 Articles
132) France has:
a) Single party system b) Two party system c) Three party system d) Multi-party
133) The French Parliament is a:
a) Unicameral House b) Bicameral House c) Tricameral House d) None of these
134) The term of French National assembly is:
a) 5 years b) 6 years c) 7 years d) 4 years
135) The first President of France under the constitution of Fifth republic:
a) Michel Debre b) Napolean c) General De Gaulle d) De George
136) The French legal and judicial system bears the imprint of_________
a) Greek Law b) Roman Law c) British Law d) Arabian Law
137) Communist Party rule was started in China in the year _____
a) 1940 b) 1957 c) 1949 d) 1927
138) The famous French Revaluation was in the year________
a) 1764 b) 1739 c) 1789 d) 1869
139) Who was the undisputed leader of Cultural Revolution?
a) Lenin b) Karl Marx c) Mao-Tse-Tung d) Sun Yat Sen
140) Who authored the book “ Politics of Modernisation”?
a) Max Weher b) James s Coleman c) David Apter d) S.P.Huntington
141) Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as an indicator of modernization?
a) Openness of society b) Degree of urbanisation c) Form of Government
d) Technology
142) Who among the following held that the concept of political modernization should be
closely linked with the concept of nation state?
a) Huntington b) David Apter c) Coleman d) Lucian Pye
143) The Marxian theory of development was greatly influenced by
a) The English Classical School
b) The German Historical School
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
144) According to Karl Deutch and coleman, the political development should be measured on the
basis of:
a) Urbanisation b) Industrialisation c) Modernisation d) All of the above
145) According to Edward Shills the political development should be measured on the basis of:
a) Political institutions of a country
b) The international status of a country
c) The economic development of a country
d) Social Development of a country
146) Who among the following linked political development with administrative development?
a) Max Weber b) James Coleman c) David Apter d) Lucian Pye
147) The political culture of a country is moulded by its:
a) Historical Factor b) Geographical Factor c) Socio-economic Factor d) All of these
148) Who among the following was the chief exponent of the concept of political culture in the
field of political science?
a) Robert Dahl b) Almond and Powell c) Lucian Pye d) Apter
149) The political culture of a society is symbolised by its:
a) National Flag b) National Anthem c) Constitutional d) Both (a) and (b)
150) Almond and Verba have listed three ideal types of Political cultures which one of the
following has not been listed by them?
a) Parochical Political culture
b) Industrial Political culture
c) Subject Political culture
d) Participant Political culture

151) Whichamong the following country is associated with “the spoil system”?

a) Britain b) France c) India d) U.S.A

152) Which one of the following country possesses a single party system?

a) China b) India c) France d) U.S.A

153) Which one of the following was a strong supporter of proportional representation?

a) Bentham b) Laski c) J.J Mill d) Mare

154) Universal adult franchise implies a right to vote to all

a) Resident of the state.

b) Adult residents of the state.

c) Adult citizens of the state.

d) Adult male of the state.

155) Who said “voice of the people may be voice of God”. ?

a) Montesquieu b) Rousseau c) Thomas Jefferson d) Henry Maine

156) MNC stands for

a) Multinational corporation b) Multinational centre c) Multinational cities

d) Multinational council

157) Process of integration of different countries is called

a) Liberalisation b) Privatisation c) Globalisation d) Non of the above

158) SEZ stands for

a) Special Entertainment Zone b) Special Economic Package

c) Special Evaluative Zone d)Special Economic Zone.

159) WTO stands for

a) World Team Organisation b) World Tourist Organisation c) World Tennis

Organisation d) World Trade Organisation

160) A company that owns or controls production in more than one nation is called:

a) Multinational corporation b) Joint- stock company

c) Global company d) None of the these

161) Removing barrier or restriction set by the government is called

a) Liberalisation b) Investment c) Favourable trade d) Free trade

162) In which year did the government decide to remove barriers on foreign trade and investment in

a) 1993 b) 1992 c) 1989 d) 1991

163) The head quarter of IMF and World Bank are located at

a) Geneva b) Newyork c) Vienna d) Washington DC

164) When did India adopt a written constitution?

a) November 26, 1949 b) March 26, 1950 c) January 26, 1950 d) April 16, 1948

165) The constitution of India borrowed the scheme of Indian Federation from the constitution of

a) USA b) UK c) France d) Canada

166) Which of the following exercised the most profound influence in framing the constitution?

a) British constitution b) US Constitution c) Irish constitution d) Government of Indian

Act 1935

167) Article 1 of the constitution declares India as

a) Federal state b) Quasi Federal state

c) Unitary state d) Union of States

168) Who called Indian federalism as the „cooperative federalism‟

a) G Austin b) K.C Wheare c) D.D Basi d) Ivor Jennings

169) How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian constitution?

a) 9 b) 10 c) 11 d) 12
170) The concept of Judicial review in our constitution is taken from the constitution of:

a) England b) U.S.A c) Canada d) France

171) The members of Lok Sabha hold office for a term of

a) 4 year b) 5 year c) 6 year d) 8 year

172) The minimum age to qualify for election in the Lok Sabha is

a) 25 years b) 30 years c) 21 years d) 31 years

173) President of India can dissolve the Lok Sabha on

a) Advice of the Prime Minister b) Advice of the chief justice of India

c) Recommendation of Lok Sabha d) Recommendation of Rajya Sabha

174) The office of the President can fall vacant due to

a) Resignation b) Death c) Removal d) All of the above

175) The powers to prorogue Lok Sabha rests with:

a) The speaker b) The president c) The Prime Minister d) Vice president

176) The members of state legislative assemblies are elected for a period of

a) 7 year b) 5 year c) 2 year d) 4 year

177) The members of State Public Service Commission are appointed by the

a) Chief minister b) Chief justice c) Governor d) Vice president

178) How many articles are there in constitution of India?

a) 399 b) 295 c) 403 d) 395

179) The constitution is the supreme law of the land it is protected by

a) The president b) The Prime Minister c) The Supreme Court

d) Parliament
180) The part of the Constitution that reflect the mind and idols ofthe framers is:

a) DPSP b) Preamble c) Citizenship d) PR

181) The lok Sabha is also known as

a) Parliament b) Upper house c) House of the people d) Council of States

182) The chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the

a) President of India b) Vice President of India

c) CJ of India d) Prime Minister of India

183) Every Indian citizen has the right to vote at the age of

a) 21 b) 20 c) 24 d) 18
184) Article 12 to 35 of the Indian constitution deals with:

a) Fundamental duties b) Judiciary c) Fundamental rights d) Executive

185) A money bill can be introduced only in

a) Rajya Sabha b) Legislative Council

c) Legislative Assembly d) Lok Sabha

186) Who is the supreme commander of Indian Armed Force?

a) Prime Minister b) President c) Chief justice d) Defence Minister

187)To whom can a case of dispute in the election of the President of India be referred to

a) Cabinet b) Parliament c) Election Commission d) Supreme Court

188) Which of the following has been wrongly listed as a national party?

a) BSP b) BJP c) SP d) Congress

189) When was the Indian National Congress formed?

a) 1785 b) 1885 c) 1990 d) 1640

190) Lotus is a political symbol of which party

a) INC b) BSP c) JDS d) BJP

191) System with one party is known as

a) Bi party system b) Tri party system

c) Multi party system d) Uni party system Congress

192) A group of people who come close to each other to attain there common aim of power is
known as

a) Interest group b) Functional group c) Political party d) Political leadership

193) India witnessed single party dominance till

a) 1982 b) 1967 c) 1977 d) 1962

194) The pressure group are

a) Political organisation b) Economic organisation

c) Organisation of universal characters d) Moral organisations

195) Which of the following article deals with the tenure of president?

a) Article 53 b) Article 56 c) Article 55 d) Article 52

196) Which of the following is not a feature of pressure group?

a) It tries to influence from outside b) Its membership is large c) It actively joins

political parties

d) Its members can join any number of group

197) The Pressure group tried to promote the interests of their members by exerting pressure on:

a) The Legislature b) Executive c) Judiciary d) All of these

198) The political parties impart to the citizens

a) Political education b) Legal education c) General education d) General education

and Legal education

199) Who described political parties as power behind the throne?

a) Mac Iver b) Lord Bryce c)Burk d) Herman Finer

200) The functions of associational pressure group is to

a) Articulate the demand b) Aggregate demand c) Regulate the demand

d) Communicate the demand

1. c) Federal
2. a) How part of an analysis
3. d) All of these
4. d) All of these
5. a) Separation of powers
6. a) A long speech in Parliament to delay a vote
7. b) 1776
8. c) 50 states
9. a)7 articles
10. a) Separation of Powers
11. a) Individual right
12. b) States with small populations
13. a) James Madison
14. c) Duverger and Sartori
15. a) David Easton
16. c) The general systems theory approach
17. b) David Easton
18. d) All of the these
19. b) Behavioural
20. d) Philosophical Approach
21. b) Historical Approach
22. s a) Aristotle
23. c) Economy
24. d) Capitalism
25. b) Elite
26. a) Herman Finer
27. b) Mid Sixties
28. a) Frequently
29. c) Civil society
30. a) 9 states
31. a) The Bill of Rights
32. c) July 4, 1776
33. c) March 4, 1789
34. b) Free mass media
35. c) Machiavelli
36. b) Unicameral Legislature
37. a) George Washington
38. b) Tuesday
39. d) 4 years
40. c) 35
41. b) Legislature
42. a) 2 years
43. d) 6 years
44. b) 30 years
45. d) Committees
46. a) 2
47. c) 435
48. b) Article 3
49. b) Original and Appellate jurisdiction
50. c) President
51. c) Judicial review
52. a) Marbury Vs. Madison
53. d) Britain
54. c) 5 Years
55. a) King John
56. c) Prime Minister
57. b) 5
58. a) Prime Minister
59. a) 21
60. b) Bi-party
61. b) Legislature
62. b) Convention-ridden
63. c) Speaker
64. a) 10 Downing Street
65. c) House of Commons
66. c) Prime Minister
67. d) Monarch
68. a) Henry V
69. b) Cabinet
70. c) The Judiciary
71. d) British Parliament
72. d) U.K.
73. b) Second Chamber of British Parliament
74. a) The House of Lords
75. b) House of Commons
76. b) 1834
77. a) Bi-Cameral
78. c) The Lord
79. a) 1
80. a) Prof. Jellineck
81. d) U.K.
82. a) Rigid
83. d) 1900
84. a) Robert Peel
85. c) Shirleys Williams
86. b) Centre and States
87. a) It provides for only single citizenship
88. c) Possess an Independent entity of their own
89. a) Latin
90. d) None of these
91. c) A. V. Dicy
92. d) U.S.A.
93. b) U.S.A.
94. b) Federal Govt
95. b) Weak Centre
96. a) A.V.Dicy
97. b) Jackson
98. b) The Federal Tribunal
99. b) All criminal cases
100. b) 7 Members
101. c) The Queen in Parliament
102. d) Both the Houses of Swiss Legislature
103. a) 1867
104. d) 10 Provinces
105. b) Strong Centre
106. b) Council of States & National Council
107. d) 26
108. a) Council of States
109. c) Switzerland
110. b) Lobbying
111. a) Switzerland
112. a) 1848
113. d) 1 year
114. b) Voting Behaviour And election studies
115. a) U.S.A
116. c) With the help of referendum
117. d) Judicial Interpretations
118. d) Democratic State
119. d) Unwritten constitution
120. a) Aristotle
121. b) De Tocqueville
122. d) India
123. d) Switzerland
124. a) Britain
125. c) The Superiority of the rules
126. b) JamesBurham
127. d) A small group of Elites
128. c) Pareto
129. b) Robert Michels
130. d) October 27, 1946
131. a) 92 Articles
132. d) Multi-party system
133. b) Bicameral House
134. a) 5 years
135. c) General De Gaulle
136. b) Roman Law
137. c) 1949
138. c) 1789
139. c) Mao-Tse-Tung
140. c) David Apter
141. c) Form of Government
142. d) Lucian Pye
143. c) Both (a) and (b)
144. c) Modernisation
145. a) Political institutions of a country
146. a) Max Weber
147. d) All of these
148. c) Lucian Pye
149. d) Both (a) and (b)
150. b) Industrial Political culture
151. d) U.S.A
152. a) China
153. c) J.J Mill
154. c) Adult citizens of the state
155. d) Henry Maine
156. a) Multinational corporation
157. c) Globalisation
158. d)Special Economic Zone.
159. d) World Trade Organisation
160. a) Multinational corporation
161. a) Liberalisation
162. d) 1991
163. d) Washington DC
164. a) November 26, 1949
165. d) Canada
166. d) Government of Indian Act 1935
167. d) Union of States
168. a) G Austin
169. c) 11
170. b) U.S.A
171. c) 6 year
172. a) 25 years
173. a) Advice of the Prime Minister
174. d) All of the above
175. b) The president
176. b) 5 year
177. c) Governor
178. d) 395
179. c) The Supreme Court
180. b) Preamble
181. c) House of the people
182. b) Vice President of India
183. d) 18
184. c) Fundamental rights
185. d) Lok Sabha
186. b) President
187. d) Supreme Court
188. c) SP
189. b) 1885
190. d) BJP
191. d) Uni party system Congress
192. c) Political party
193. b) 1967
194. c) Organisations of universal characters
195. b) Article 56
196. c) It actively joins political parties
197. d) All of these
198. a) Political education
199. d) Herman Finer
200. a) Articulate the demand

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