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Crochet pattern by Larisa Kostyleva

Selling or publishing the pattern in any form (partially or completely) is prohibited.

Finished products created with this pattern may be used for commercial sale at local shops or
fairs, provided that you comply with the following:
- No mass production is allowed.
- No selling on the Internet is allowed.
- Any item for sale must include the name of the designer Larisa Kostyleva (larisa1122).
- Any item for sale must include a link to my shop (ссылка).
You can post pictures of your finished projects on the Internet provided the description includes
the name of the designer Larisa Kostyleva (larisa1122).

Materials and tools:

- any yarn in main (blue or red), contrasting (light blue or light red), skin, white, green,
yellow, dark grey, red and black colors (I used 100% acrylic yarn, 100g/300m);
- matching crochet hook (I used 1.75 mm);
- a pair of black half beads for the eyes;
- a piece of plastic or thick cardboard for the insoles;
- transparent glue;
- stuffing;
- three half beads for the buttons;
- three red beads for the berries;
- a piece of ribbon or a cord for the sack;
- a piece of wire for candy cane;
- tapestry needle.

ch - chain
sl st – slip stitch
sc – single crochet

1 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

bp sc – back post single crochet

fp sc – front post single crochet

inc - increase: 2 sc in one stitch

dec - decrease: 2 sc together
hdc – half double crochet
dc – double crochet
dc inc – double crochet increase: 2 dc in one st
bp dc – back post double crochet

exsc – extended single crochet (See Appendix for guidance)

exsc dec – extended single crochet decrease (See Appendix for guidance)
( )xN – repeat instructions in brackets N times

Work in a continuous spiral unless otherwise stated. Use a stitch marker to mark the
beginning of the rounds!
If you plan to make the finishing using white fancy yarn, pay attention to the text
marked with bold green.

NOTE: I crocheted Santa in a blue outfit. You can make him in red if you like.
2 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015
Bottom of the jacket
with main color yarn
Work in rows (turn your work after each row).
Ch 65 loosely and work starting from 2nd st from the hook:
Row 1 – 6 sc, (1 inc, 4 sc)x11, 3 sc (mark the 30th st from the beginning of the chain)
Row 2 – ch 1, 1 dec, 73 sc (74)
Row 3 – ch 1, 1 dec, (5 sc, 1 inc)x11, 6 sc (84)
Row 4 – ch 1, 1 dec, 82 sc
Row 5 – ch 1, 1 dec, 4 sc, (1 inc, 6 sc)x11 (93)
Row 6 – ch 1, 1 dec, 89 sc, 1 dec **
Row 7 – ch 1, 1 dec, 87 sc, 1 dec
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.
Join white color yarn to the 1st st of Row 1 and work one row of crab stitch (reverse sc).
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.

If you want to make finishing with white fancy yarn, work

the piece up to ** and turn. Make sure the tail of yarn left
at the beginning of your work is on the left. Join white
fancy yarn to the 1st st of Row 1 and work one row of sc
(it is the wrong side of your work). Fasten off and weave in
loose ends.

with main color yarn
Work in rows (turn your work after each row).
Ch 22 loosely and work starting from 2nd st from the hook:
Row 1 – 21 sc (mark the 10th st from the beginning of the chain)
Row 2 – ch 1, (1 inc, 2 sc)x7
Row 3 – ch 1, (1 inc, 3 sc)x7**
Change to white color yarn and work one row of crab st
(reverse sc).
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.
If you want to make finishing with white fancy
yarn, work the piece up to **. Join white fancy
yarn and work one row of sc. Fasten off and weave
in loose ends.

3 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Boot (make 2)
with dark grey color yarn
Ch 9 and work starting from 2nd st from the hook around the foundation chain:
Rnd 1 – 7 sc, 3 sc in last st, turn and work down the other side of the foundation chain: 6 sc, 1 inc
Rnd 2 – 1 inc, 6 sc, 3 inc, 6 sc, 2 inc (24)
Rnd 3 – 1 sc, 1 inc, 3 sc, 4 exsc, 4 exsc inc, 4 exsc, 3 sc, (1 inc, 1 sc)x2 (31)
Rnd 4 – 2 sc, 1 inc, 4 sc, 4 exsc, (1 exsc, 1 exsc inc)x4, 3 exsc, 3 sc, (1 inc, 2 sc)x2 (38)
Cut out an insole out of a piece of plastic or thick cardboard.

Rnd 5 – 38 bp sc
Rnd 6 – 1 sc, 1 inc, 8 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc, 6 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc, 8 sc, 1 inc, 5 sc (44)
Rnds 7-9 – 44 sc
Rnd 10 – 7 sc, place an additional marker #1, 9 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc, place an
additional marker #2, ch 6

Now work from the 1st st on the left of the marker #1 (8th st from the beginning of the previous
Rnd 11 – 3 sc, 1 dec, (4 sc, 1 dec)x3, 3 sc, 6 sc along the chain (28)
Rnd 12 – (1 dec, 8 sc)x2, (1 dec, 2 sc)x2 (24)
Rnd 13 – (1 sc, 1 dec)x8 (18)
Rnd 14 – 9 dec (9)

4 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Fasten off. Close up the opening and weave in loose ends.

Insert the insole into the boot.

Go back to the marker #2

Join yarn to the left of the marker and work:

Rnd 11 – 9 sc

Mark the beginning of the round.

Rnd 12 – (1 dec, 4 sc)x3, 1 dec, 2 sc (18)
Rnds 13-15 – 18 sc
Rnd 16 – into the front loop only: (3 sc, 1 inc)x4, 2 sc
Rnds 17-18 – 22 sc
Rnd 19 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x11
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.

Join main color yarn to the 1st st of Rnd 15 and work:

Rnd 16 – into the back loop only: 18 sc

5 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Rnds 17-20 – 18 sc
Rnd 21 – (5 sc, 1 inc)x3 (21)
Rnds 22-24 – 21 sc
Rnd 25 – (6 sc, 1 inc)x3 (24)
Rnd 26 – 24 sc
Stuff the boot. Remove all markers.
For the left leg: fasten off and weave in loose ends.
For the right leg: do not fasten off and continue working.

Join the legs:

Place the legs the way shown in the picture below and place
new additional markers:

Work up to the marker #1, ch 3

Rnd 27 – 1 sc clockwise after the marker #2, along the left leg: 1 inc, 20 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc, 3 sc along
the chain, along the right leg: 1 sc, 1 inc, 20 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc, 3 sc along the other side of the chain

Place your stitch marker behind the last worked stitch

to mark new beginning of the rounds.

Rnd 28 – (6 sc, 1 inc)x3, 12 sc, (1 inc, 6 sc)x3, 4 sc (64)

Rnds 29-35 – 64 sc
Rnd 36 – 6 sc, 1 dec, 13 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 13 sc, 1 dec, 8
Now join the bottom of the jacket.
Put the bottom of the jacket onto the body. Make sure the
marker of the bottom part matches the stitch marker of the
body. 30 sts of the bottom part should be on the left of you.

6 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Rnd 37 - 26 sc hooking through the sts of both pieces joining them,

Now overlap the other end of the bottom part and work:
4 sc hooking through the sts of the three parts joining them, 30 sc hooking through the sts of two
parts joining them

Rnds 38-39 – 60 sc
Rnd 40 – 60 fp sc
Rnd 41 – 1 sc, 1 inc, (3 sc, 1 inc)x2, (2 sc, 1 inc, 3 sc, 1 inc)x2, (2 sc, 1 inc)x2, (3 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc, 1
inc)x2, (3 sc, 1 inc)x3, 4 sc (76)

Rnds 42-44 – 76 sc
Rnd 45 – 2 sc, 1 dec, (3 sc, 1 dec)x2, 45 sc, (1 dec, 3 sc)x3, 2 sc (70)
Rnd 46 – 70 sc
Rnd 47 – 16 sc, (1 dec, 10 sc)x3, 1 dec, 16 sc (66)
Rnd 48 – 66 sc
Rnd 49 – (1 dec, 6 sc)x3, (1 dec, 4 sc)x3, (1 dec, 6 sc)x3 (57)
Rnd 50 – 57 sc
Rnd 51 – 28 sc, 1 dec, 27 sc (56)
Rnd 52 – 56 sc
7 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015
Stuff the piece. Continue stuffing as you go.
Rnd 53 – (1 dec, 6 sc)x7 (49)
Rnds 54-56 – 49 sc
Rnd 57 – 6 sc, (1 dec, 4 sc)x6, 1 dec, 5 sc (42)
Rnds 58-59 – 42 sc
Rnd 60 – 5 sc, (1 dec, 3 sc)x6, 1 dec, 5 sc (35)
Rnd 61 – 35 sc
Rnd 62 – 5 sc, (1 dec, 2 sc)x6, 1 dec, 4 sc (28)
Rnd 63 – 28 sc
Rnd 64 – (1 dec, 2 sc)x7 (21)
Now join the collar.
Put the collar onto the body. Make sure the marker of the
collar matches the stitch marker of the body. 10 sts of the
collar should be on the left of you.
Rnd 65 – 10 sc hooking through the sts of both pieces, join
the other end of the collar and work 11 sc hooking through
both pieces (see picture).

Rnd 66 – 8 sc, 2 hdc, 1 dc, 2 hdc, 8 sc (21)

Change to beige color yarn.
Work the head:
Rnd 67 – 6 sc, (1 inc, 4 sc)х3 (24)
Rnd 68 – (3 sc, 1 inc)х6 (30)
Rnd 69 - (4 sc, 1 inc)х6 (36)
Rnd 70 - (5 sc, 1 inc)х6 (42)
Rnd 71 - (6 sc, 1 inc)х6 (48)
Rnd 72 - (7 sc, 1 inc)х6 (54)
Rnd 73 - (8 sc, 1 inc)х6 (60)
Rnd 74 - (9 sc, 1 inc)х6 (66)
Rnds 75-79 – 66 sc
Rnd 80 - (1 dec, 9 sc)х6 (60)
Rnds 81-83 – 60 sc
Mark any st of Rnd 83 with an additional marker to use it later
for sewing the nose.
Rnd 84 - (1 dec, 8 sc)х6 (54)
Rnds 85-86 – 54 sc
Rnd 87 - (1 dec, 7 sc)х6 (48)
Rnds 88-89 – 48 sc
Rnd 90 - (1 dec, 6 sc)х6 (42)
Rnd 91 - (1 dec, 5 sc)х6 (36)
Rnd 92 - (1 dec, 4 sc)х6 (30)
Rnd 93 - (1 dec, 3 sc)х6 (24)
Rnd 94 - (1 dec, 2 sc)х6 (18)
Rnd 95 - (1 dec, 1 sc)х6 (12)
Rnd 96 – 6 dec (6)
Stuff the head holding the piece the way shown in the picture. It will help to shape it properly.

Fasten off and close up the opening. Weave in loose


8 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

with black color yarn
Ch 65 leaving a tail for sewing. Work in rows (turning your
work after each row) from 2nd st from the hook:
Row 1 – 64 sc
Row 2 – ch 1, 64 sc
Fasten off.
Put the belt onto joining row edges at the back. Sew the row
edges together and weave in loose ends.

Finishing the jacket

with main color yarn
Ch 23.
Change to white color yarn**
Turn and work a row of crab stitch (reverse sc).
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.
If you want to make finishing with white fancy yarn, work up to **, change to white
fancy yarn and work one row of sc (it is the wrong side of your work).

Pin the piece onto the body and sew it on.

with yellow color yarn
Ch 14 and join with a sl st to form a circle.
Row 1 – 1 sc, 3 sc in one st, 2 sc, 3 sc in one st, 3 sc, 3 sc in one st,
2 sc, 3 sc in one st, 2 sc
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing.
Sew the buckle onto the center of the belt.

Glue the half beads onto the jacket for the buttons.

9 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

with white color yarn
piece #1 (P1)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnd 4 – (2 sc, 1 inc)x6
Rnds 5-6 – 24 sc
Fasten off.

piece #2 (P2)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off and join with P1 as follows:
Take piece P1 and count 3 sts clockwise from the end of your work on the wrong side of the
piece. Work 3 sc hooking though the sts of both pieces starting with 3rd st of P1 (see picture
Fasten off and tie yarn tails of both
pieces together.

piece #3 (P3)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off and join P3 to the main part as follows:
Count 12 sts clockwise along the piece P1 from the place of joining the pieces P2 and P1 and
work 3 sc hooking through the sts of both pieces. Fasten off.

10 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

piece #4 (P4)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off but cut off leaving a tail 10 cm long to join the piece onto the main part later.
Leave this piece aside.

piece #5 (P5)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off but cut off leaving a tail 10 cm long to join the piece onto the main part later.
Leave this piece aside.

piece #6 (P6)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnd 4 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off but cut off leaving a tail 10 cm long to join the piece onto the main part later.
Leave this piece aside.

piece #7 (P7)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnd 4 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off but cut off leaving a tail 10 cm long to join the piece onto the main part later.
Leave this piece aside.

Count 5 sts clockwise along P1 from the place of joining P3 and P1, join yarn and work starting
from 6th st:

Rnd 1 – ch 1, 3 sc, 1 dec (using 1 st of P1 and 1 st of P2), 13 sc along P2, 1 dec (using 1 st of P2
and 1 st of P1), 7 sc along P1, 1 dec (using 1 st of P1 and 1 st of P3), 13 sc along P3, 1 dec (using
1 st of P3 and 1 st of P1), 3 sc
Do not cut off! Leave this part aside.
Join P4 to the main part as follows:

11 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Count 8 sts clockwise along P2 from the place of joining P1 and P2 (from the decreasing).
Using the tail of yarn you have left after finishing P4 work 3 sc hooking through the sts of both
pieces. Fasten off.

Join P5 to the main part as follows:

Count 8 sts clockwise along P3 from the place of joining P1 and P3 (from the decreasing).
Using the tail of yarn you have left after finishing P5 work 3 sc hooking through the sts of both
pieces. Fasten off.

Go back to the main part and continue working:

Rnd 2 – 9 sc, 1 dec (using 1 st of P3 and 1 st of P5), 13 sc along P5, 1 dec (using 1 st of P5 and 1
st of P3), 17 sc, 1 dec (using 1 st of P2 and 1 st of P4), 13 sc along P4, 1 dec (using 1 st of P4 and
1 st of P2), 8 sc
Do not cut off. Leave this part aside.
Join P6 to the main part as follows:
Count 8 sts clockwise along P4 from the place of joining P2 and P4 (from the decreasing).
Using the tail of yarn you have left after finishing P6 work 3 sc hooking through the sts of both
pieces. Fasten off.

12 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Join P7 to the main part as follows:
Count 8 sts clockwise along P5 from the place of joining P3 and P5 (from the decreasing).
Using the tail of yarn you have left after finishing P7 work 3 sc hooking through the sts of both
pieces. Fasten off.

Go back to the main part and continue working:

Rnd 3 – 14 sc, 1 dec (using 1 st of P5 and 1 st of P7), 13 sc along P7, 1 dec (using 1 st of P7 and 1
st of P5), 27 sc, 1 dec (using 1 st of P4 and 1 st of P6), 13 sc along P6, 1 dec (using 1 st of P6 and
1 st of P4), 13 sc
Rnd 4 – 4 sc, 1 dec, 8 sc, 1 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec, 8 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 8 sc, 1 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec, 8
sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 sl st
Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.

Mark the center of the head with a sewing pin. Find the
right position for the beard using the center of the head
as a guidance. I placed the center of the beard at the
level of Rnd 9 of the head, and the sides of the beard – at
the level of Rnd 15 (see picture).

Sew the beard onto the head carefully. I insert the needle under the post of the beard st first then
under the post of the head st. Pull up the yarn after each two stitches. Stuff the beard as you go.

13 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

with main color yarn
Ch 24 and join with a sl st to form a circle.
Rnd 1 – 24 sc
Rnd 2 – (3 sc, 1 inc)x6 (30)
Rnds 3-4 – 30 sc
Rnd 5 - (4 sc, 1 inc)x6 (36)
Rnd 6 – 36 sc
Rnd 7 - (5 sc, 1 inc)x6 (42)
Rnd 8 – 42 sc
Rnd 9 - (6 sc, 1 inc)x6 (48)
Rnd 10 – 48 sc
Rnd 11 - (7 sc, 1 inc)x6 (54)
Rnd 12 – 54 sc
Rnd 13 - (8 sc, 1 inc)x6 (60)
Rnd 14 – 60 sc
Rnd 15 - (9 sc, 1 inc)x6 (66)
Rnds 16-23 – 66 sc
Rnd 24 - (10 sc, 1 inc)x6 (72)
Rnds 25-27 – 72 sc**
Rnd 28 - (11 sc, 1 inc)x6 (78) (the beginning of the turn-
Rnds 29-33 – 78 sc, 1 sl st
Change to white color yarn.
Turn the piece to work the next round “inside out” (from the wrong side of the piece) and work a
round of crab st (reverse sc).
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.
If you want to make finishing with white fancy yarn, work up to **, change to white
fancy yarn and work 3 rounds of sc.
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.

with white color yarn
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-6 – 18 sc
Rnd 7 – (1 sc, 1 dec)x6 (12)
Rnd 8 – 6 dec (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing.
Sew the opening of the hat’s top part using pictures as a reference. Sew the pompom onto the top
of the hat.

14 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

with white color yarn
piece #1 (P1)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (2 sc, 1 inc)x4 (16)
Rnds 4-5 – 16 sc
Fasten off.

piece #2 (P2)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off and join with P1 as follows:
Take piece P1 and count 3 sts clockwise from the end of your work on the wrong side of the piece.
Work 3 sc hooking though the sts of both pieces starting with 3rd st of P1 (see picture below).
Fasten off and tie yarn tails of both pieces together.

piece #3 (P3)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off and join P3 to the main part as follows:
Count 9 sts clockwise along the piece P2 from the place of joining the pieces P1 and P2 and work
3 sc hooking through the sts of both pieces. Fasten off.

piece #4 (P4)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-5 – 18 sc
Do not fasten off and join P4 to the main part as follows:
Count 9 sts clockwise along the piece P3 from the place of joining the pieces P2 and P3 and work
3 sc hooking through the sts of both pieces. Fasten off.

piece #5 (P5)
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (2 sc, 1 inc)x4 (16)
Rnds 4-5 – 16 sc
15 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015
Do not fasten off and join P5 to the main part as follows:
Count 9 sts clockwise along the piece P4 from the place of joining the pieces P3 and P4 and work
3 sc hooking through the sts of both pieces. Fasten off.

Count 7 sts clockwise along P1 from the place of joining P2 and P1, join yarn and work:

Rnd 1 – ch 1, 5 sc along P1, 6 sc along P2, 6 sc along P3, 6 sc along P4, 13 sc along P5, 6 sc along
P4, 6 sc along P3, 6 sc along P2, 7 sc along P1
Rnd 2 – 5 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc
Fold the piece in half and work a joining row hooking through both layers:
Row 3 – 8 sc (stuff P1, then stuff P2, P3, P4, P5 as you go), 21 sc (this is the right side of
your work), turn

Row 4 – ch 1, 1 inc, 27 sc, 1 inc, turn

Row 5 – ch 1, 31 sc
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing.

Put the hat onto the head and turn up the bottom part. Turn up more at the back. Pin the hair onto
the head. Make sure the turn-up hides the upper edge of the hair piece. Remove the hat and sew
the hair onto the head.

16 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

with skin color yarn
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x3 (9)
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing.
Sew 2-3 sts of the lip strictly at the center above the

Moustache (make 2)
with white color yarn
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnd 4 – 17 sc, 1 inc (19)
Rnd 5 – 18 sc, 1 inc (20)
Rnd 6 – 8 sc, 2 dec, 8 sc (18)
Rnd 7 – 1 inc, 6 sc, 2 dec, 6 sc, 1 inc (18)
Rnd 8 – 3 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 3
sc (14)
Rnd 9 – (2 sc, 1 dec)x3, 2 sc (11)
Rnd 10 – 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 inc, 3 sc, 1 dec (10)
Rnd 11 – 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec (8)
Rnd 12 – 4 dec
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff the
piece. Close up the opening.

with skin color yarn
Rnd 1 – 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnds 3-6 – 12 sc
Rnd 7 – 6 dec
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing. Stuff the piece. Close up the

Find the right position for the moustache using pictures as a

reference and sew them onto the head.
Sew the nose above the moustache. The upper edge of the nose should line up with the marker o
Rnd 83.

17 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Bottom part of the sleeve (make 2)
with main color yarn
Ch 12 loosely and join with a sl st to form a circle, ch 1
Rnd 1 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6, 1 sl st**
Change to white color yarn.
Turn to the other side and work a round of crab stitch (reverse sc). Fasten off and weave in loose

If you want to make finishing with white fancy yarn, work up to **, change to white
fancy yarn and work 1 round of sc (it is the back side of the piece).
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.

Hand and arm (make 2)

with contrasting color yarn
Rnd 1 - 6 sc in magic ring
Rnd 2 – 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3 – (1 sc, 1 inc)x6 (18)
Rnds 4-7 – 18 sc
Rnd 8 – (1 sc, 1 dec)x6 (12)
Rnd 9 – 12 sc
Change to main color yarn.
Rnd 10 – 12 sc
Rnd 11 – insert the arm into the bottom part of the sleeve and work 12
sc hooking through the sts of both pieces (see picture).
Stuff the hand slightly, then stuff the arm firmly as you go.
Rnd 12 –12 inc (24)
Rnd 13 – 7 sc, (1 inc, 2 sc)x3, 1 inc, 7 sc (28)
Rnds 14-16 – 28 sc
Rnd 17 – (4 sc, 1 dec)x4, 4 sc (24)
Rnd 18 – 24 sc
Rnd 19 – (1 dec, 6 sc)x3 (21)

18 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Rnd 20 – 21 sc
Rnd 21 – (1 dec, 5 sc)x3 (18)
Rnds 22-24 – 18 sc
Rnd 25 – (1 dec, 4 sc)x3 (15)
Rnds 26-27 – 15 sc
Rnd 28 - (1 dec, 3 sc)x3 (12)
Rnds 29-32 – 12 sc
Rnd 33 – 6 dec
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing. Close up the opening.
Put the arms the way shown in the picture. Find the right position for the thumbs.
Join contrasting color yarn and work: ch 1, 4-dc cluster in one st, ch 1

Fasten off. Thread your needle with the tail of yarn and insert it into the base of the stitch.

Pull up the yarn to form a thumb.

Shape the arms.

Find the right position for the arms and sew them onto the body.

Holly tree leaf (make 3)

with green color yarn
Ch 9 and work around the foundation chain starting from 2nd st from the hook:
Rnd 1 – 3 sc, 3 hdc, 1 dc inc, 4 dc in last st, turn and work down the other side of the foundation
chain: 1 dc inc, 3 hdc, 2 sc, 1 inc
Rnd 2 – ch 3, 1 sc into 3rd st from the hook, 3 sl st, ch 2, 1 sc into 2nd st from the hook, 3 sl st, ch 3,
1 sc into 3rd st from the hook, 2 sc, ch 3, 1 sc into 3rd st from the hook, (1 inc, 1 sc)x2, 1 inc, ch 3, 1
sc into 3rd st from the hook, 2 sc, ch 3, 1 sc into 3rd st from the hook, 3 sl st, ch 2, 1 sc into 2nd st
from the hook, 4 sl st
Нить закрепить, конец спрятать. Оставьте конец нити на одной из деталей для сшивания.
Fasten off and weave in loose ends for two leaves. Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing for the 3rd
leaf. Use it to sew the leaves to form a bunch (see picture).

19 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Sew the leaves onto the hat.
Glue the berries onto the leaves. I used red beads.

with red color yarn
12 dc in a magic ring and work in joined rounds:
Rnd 1 – ch 2, 12 dc inc, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round (24)
Rnd 2 – ch 2, (1 dc, 1 dc inc)x12, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round (36)
Rnd 3 – ch 2, (2 dc, 1 dc inc)x12, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round (48)
Rnd 4 - ch 2, (3 dc, 1 dc inc)x12, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round (60)
Rnd 5 - ch 2, (4 dc, 1 dc inc)x12, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round (72)
Rnd 6 – ch 2, 72 bp dc, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round
Rnds 7-8 – ch 2, 72 dc, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round
Change to white color yarn (you don’t have to cut off red color yarn)
Rnd 9 – ch 2, 3 dc in 1st st of the previous round, (skip 2, 1 sc, skip 2, 5 dc in one st)x11, skip 2, 1
sc, skip 2, 2 dc in 1st st of the previous round. Fasten off white color yarn and cut it off.
Change to green color yarn.
Rnd 10 – ch 2, 1 sc into the 1st dc of the previous round, (skip 2, 5 dc in one st, skip 2, 1 sc)x11,
skip 2, 5 dc in one st, skip 2, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round. Fasten off green color yarn
and cut it off.

20 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

Continue working with red color yarn.
Rnds 11-21 – ch 2, 72 dc, 1 sl st into the 1st st of the previous round
Fasten off and weave in loose ends.
Run a ribbon or a cord throughout the sts of Rnd 18. Draw up and
tie in a knot or a bow.

Candy cane
Work in rows with red color yarn (ch 1 at the beginning of each row
and turn your work after each row).
Ch 3, from 2nd st from the hook:
Row 1 – 2 sc
Row 2 – 2 inc (4) change to white color yarn
Row 3 – 1 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc (6)
Row 4 – 1 inc, 4 sc, 1 inc (8) change to green color yarn
Row 5 – 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 inc (8)
Row 6 – 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 dec (8)
*change to red color yarn
Row 7 – 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 inc (8)
Row 8 – 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 dec (8) change to white color yarn
Row 9 – 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 inc (8)
Row 10 – 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 dec (8) change to green color yarn
Row 11 – 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 inc (8)
Row 12 – 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 dec (8)**
Repeat from * to ** 3 more times.
change to red color yarn
Row 31 – 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec (6)
Row 32 – 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec (4) change to white color yarn
Row 33 – 2 dec (2)
Row 34 – 1 dec
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing.
Sew the row edges together.
Insert a piece of wire and sew the openings at the edges of the piece. Weave in loose ends. Bend
the candy to form a cane.

Your Santa is ready!

21 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

How to work Extended Single Crochet (exsc)
1. Insert your hook into the next st, yarn over and pull up a loop (you should end up with two loops
on the hook).

2. Yarn over and pull through one loop on your hook. You should end up with two loops on the

1. Yarn over and pull through both loops on your hook.

You have completed one extended single crochet.

22 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

How to work extended single crochet increase (exsc inc)
1. Insert your hook into the next st, yarn over and pull up a loop (2 loops on the hook).

2. Yarn over and pull through one loop on the hook (2 loops on the hook).

3. Yarn over and pull through both loops on the hook (1 loop on the hook).

4. Insert your hook into the same st, yarn over and pull up a loop (2 loops on the hook).

5. Yarn over and pull through one loop on the hook (2 loops on the hook).

6. Yarn over and pull through both loops on the hook (1 loop on the hook). You have completed an
extended single crochet decrease.

23 © Larisa Kostyleva, 2015

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