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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


NTQF Level V

Ministry of Education
February 2011

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the

policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by
using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and,
adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element.
TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and
anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF).They are national Ethiopia standards, which
define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific
occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a

standard format that comprises:
 Occupational title and NTQF level
 Unit code
 Unit title
 Unit descriptor
 Elements and Performance criteria
 Variables and Range statement
 Evidence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective
occupation with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level
including the Unit Codes and the Unit Titles
 contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
 occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for this standards and for the individual, a career

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard September 2010
Occupational Title: Construction Management
Occupational Code CON MGT

NTQF Level V

CON MGT5 01 0910 CON MGT5 02 0910 CON MGT5 03 0910

Administer Legal Supervise Planning of Manage Budgets and
Obligations of On-site Construction Financial Plan within
Construction Contract Works the Project

CON MGT5 04 0910 CON MGT5 05 0910 CON MGT5 06 0910

Supervise Selection of Monitor Costing System Manage People and
Construction Materials of Construction Project Equipment

CON MGT5 07 0910 CON MGT5 08 0910 CON MGT5 09 0910

Manage Tender Manage Construction Manage Project Quality
Development for Project
Construction Projects

CON MGT5 10 0910 CON MGT5 11 0910 CON MGT5 12 0910

Manage Construction Establish and Conduct Facilitate and Capitalize
Environmental Business Relationships on Change and
Management Process Innovation

CON MGT5 13 0910 CON MGT5 14 0910 CON MGT5 15 0910

Prepare Design Brief for Manage Project Practice Career
Construction Works Communication Professionalism

CON MGT5 16 1012

Develop and Refine
Systems for Continuous
Improvement in

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Administer Legal Obligations of Construction Contract
Unit Code CON MGT5 01 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the competence required to administer the
legal obligations of a construction contract. It is concerned with
licensing and/or builders' registration and other legislative
matters as appropriate and administering the systems through
which the obligations of complying with legislation are fulfilled.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Comply with the 1.1 Business registration of the organization is secured in

laws relating to accordance with owner/operator preferences and legal
establishing and requirements.
licensing a
1.2 Approval of the licensing and/or registration as a
construction contractor/supervisor is sought from the appropriate
contractor government agency.
1.3 Responsibilities of operating a construction business in
accordance with legislation complied with by the contractor.
1.4 Legal documents and records are kept and carefully
2. Engage 2.1 Relevant industrial awards are identified for the hiring of
personnel for staff or labor.
the project 2.2 Contracts of employment are determined on a case-to-case
basis and the principles and legalities of workplace
agreements are implemented.
2.3 Equal opportunity principles are applied in all aspects of
recruitment and selection.
2.4 Procedures for employment termination and redundancy
are explained and followed.
2.5 Dispute resolution processes are established, documented
and implemented where necessary.
3. Administer the 3.2 OHS and Welfare Act provisions are identified and complied
regulations with, on and off the site.
relating to OHS, 3.3 OHS Authority is contacted to determine the necessary
welfare, workers approvals or permits prior to work commencement.
noise 3.4 Provisions of the Workers Compensation Act are complied
abatement and with and the rights and responsibilities of workers are
working hours observed to ensure a safe workplace.
3.5 Government laws and regulations including those relating

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to noise abatement and working hours are adhered to.
4. Implement 4.1 Rehabilitation arrangements for employees returning from
rehabilitation injury or illness are facilitated and implemented.
arrangements 4.2 Workers returning to work after injury or illness are assisted
to regain full employment status as soon as practicable.
5. Comply with 5.1 Taxation payments are recorded, collected and made in
taxation and compliance with Ethiopian Taxation
insurance 5.2 Insurance policies are identified to provide appropriate
requirements of cover for personnel, property and the project works.
5.3 Mandatory superannuation provisions are made for
6. Administer all 6.1 Fair trading practice responsibilities are maintained
obligations and effectively and efficiently.
observe fair 6.2 Best interests of clients are promoted and undertaken
trading practice conscientiously in accordance with the agreed contract.
7. Comply with 7.1 Use of renewable materials is preferred over non-renewable
environmental materials.
legislation and 7.2 Low energy materials are used in preference to high energy
its intent materials, where practical.
7.3 Processes to ensure compliance with environmental
protection legislation are implemented.

Variables Range
Licensing include:  Home Building Contracts Act Ethiopia
 Home Building Act and Regulations
 Construction Codes of Ethiopia
Laws and Federal laws such as:
regulations  Occupational Health and Safety regulation of Ethiopia
include:  Workplace Injury Management and Compensation in Ethiopia
 Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation in Ethiopia
Rehabilitation  light duties
arrangements  normal duties under shorter working hours
include:  suitable alternative duties
 cooperation with rehabilitation agencies
Taxation and  Insurance Contracts Act of Ethiopia
insurance  Income tax Assessment Act of Ethiopia
requirements  Goods and Services Tax Act of Ethiopia
include:  Stamp duty
 Payroll tax
 Workers compensation
 Appropriate business and project insurances

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires that the candidate provide evidence of:
Competence  conforming to the legal and financial obligations of the
 establishing and maintaining good human relations within the
contractual arrangements with employees, sub-contractors
and other stakeholders
 managing organizational taxation and insurance obligations
 effectively advising appropriate authorities and gaining the
necessary approvals or responses
 promoting and working in the best interest of clients
Underpinning  awards and agreements applying to employees and
Knowledge and subcontractors
Attitudes  OHS and rehabilitation requirements
 legislative requirements including taxation and insurance
requirements, Fair Trading legislation and environmental
 licensing and builders' registration requirements
 local authority regulations
 relevant licensing arrangements applicable
Underpinning  attention to detail to manage compliance with a variety of legal
Skills obligations and
 administer various awards and agreements
 managerial skills to effectively manage personnel
 negotiation and communication skills to enable successful
resolution of business and
 human resource disputes
Resource The following resources should be made available:
Implications  suitable work area appropriate to the process / tasks
 documents relevant to the tasks of assessment
 equipment appropriate to producing construction drawings
 realistic activities covering the mandatory task requirements
 specifications and work instructions
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration

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Context of  Competence must be demonstrated over a period of time
Assessment reflecting the scope of the role and the practical requirements
of the workplace
 Assessment can be through simulated project-based activity
and must include evidence relating to each of the elements in
this unit
 In cases where practical assessment is used it will be
combined with targeted questioning to assess the
underpinning knowledge
Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Supervise Planning of On-site Construction Works
Unit Code CON MGT5 02 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills, attitudes and knowledge required in
supervising the planning process and the organization of on-site
construction work projects including medium-rise commercial and
wide span projects according to Ethiopian construction codes of

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Appraise the 1.1 Copies of construction approvals and conditions relating to

contractual the medium-rise construction project are obtained.
documentation 1.2 Contracts are reviewed to determine any unusual aspects
and delegate of construction, use of materials or penalty provisions, time
the planning of extension, design revision, price escalation, addition/
operational omission part of the work.
1.3 Possible design and practical problems are identified and
brought to the attention of the project consultants
1.4 Possible solutions/remedial measures obtained by the
consultant for the problems raised will be reported to the
1.5 Availability of subcontractors and their suitability to meet job
requirements specific to medium-rise projects is reviewed.
1.6 Availability of materials and conditions of purchase and
authorized purchases is reviewed based on rules and
regulation of the organization.
1.7 Access to the site is established within requirements and on-
site accommodation is situated in an appropriate location.
1.8 Contact is established and maintained with relevant statutory
authorities controlling construction work.
2. Initiate 2.1 Resources supply system for controlling and recording
strategies and materials entering and leaving the site is instituted and

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delegate the maintained.
implementation 2.2 Procedures for recording and paying for the hire of plant
of medium-rise equipment and authorizing payment are managed.
operations 2.3 Establishment of OHS and rehabilitation procedures
including hazard and risk management is undertaken.
2.4 Procedures for the removal of existing services and
hazardous materials are planned and implemented in
accordance with regulatory requirements.
2.5 Procedures required for the control of multiple projects are
2.6 Requirements of relevant building/construction code of
Ethiopia and other related codes that are practice and
accepted in Ethiopia deemed-to satisfy provisions are
determined and ensured to be implemented.
3. Supervise the 3.1 Construction schedules (financial, equipment, man power,
preparation of and time) is arranged as per operational executed
project 3.2 Construction operations are planned and executed in
schedules sequence according to the plan design of the project.
3.3 Entering of operations data into an appropriate scheduling
system for analysis is managed.
3.4 Project's 'critical path' is established and the revision of the
project schedule is managed with new projects
incorporated and documented as required.
3.5 Strategies for avoiding and overcoming project delays are
3.6 Management is advised of the cost benefits and implications
of providing overtime payments
4. Ensure the 4.1 Adjustments to the project timeframe to take account of
provision of all anticipated delays are facilitated.
the resources 4.2 Temporary services and site accommodation needs are
required for the identified and arranged as required.
4.3 Plant requirements, site location and installation dates are
4.4 On-site personnel and labor requirements are determined
and documented.
5. Review existing 5.1 Condition of existing structures to be retained and structures
onsite on adjacent site boundaries is reviewed and recorded.
structures 5.2 Influence of the new construction that could be exerted on
the structural stability of the existing structure will be
5.3 Possible solutions will be developed from the investigation

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5.4 Copies of reports are submitted to adjacent structure owners
prior to commencing construction work.
6. Supervise staff 6.1 An overview of the project site or sites is maintained and
and maintain staff resources are allocated according to organizational,
an effective regulatory and project needs.
work 6.2 Activities of contract planning personnel are monitored and
environment an effective work environment is maintained.
6.3 Effective human resource practices and policies which
maximize performance and productivity are employed.
Variable Range
Contracts may  Individual organizational contracts
include:  Ethiopian standard contracts
Resources may  temporary accommodation
include:  on-site facilities
 raw materials
 plant and equipment
 pre-cut or pre-cast components
 human resources (both organizational and subcontract)
 power, water, telephone and other resources
Occupational OHS requirements are to be in accordance with
Health and Safety legislation/regulations/codes of practice, organizational safety
(OHS) policies and procedures and project safety plan. This may include
 protective clothing and equipment
 use of tools and equipment
 workplace environment and safety
 handling of materials, use of firefighting equipment
 organizational first aid
 hazard control and hazardous materials and substances
 personal protective equipment
 safe operating procedures
Project schedule  labor supply and availability information
includes:  materials supply and availability information
 critical events and milestones
 subcontractor requirements and availability
 plant and equipment availability information
 services provision
Temporary  power poles
services may  offices and crib rooms
include:  toilets
 portable generators and lighting
 on-site communications

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able
Competence to provide evidence of:
 effective translation of contract requirements into construction
plans and processes
 appropriate delegation of planning tasks
 appropriate construction planning processes which effect the
desired outcomes
 development of strategies which effectively maximize resource
 establishment and maintenance of a workplace environment
which is representative of good management practice
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge and attitude on:
Knowledge and  construction industry contracts
Attitudes  construction industry subcontracting system
 construction practices in on- and off-site management
 relevant construction planning process and practices
 contract documentation, quantities establishment, rates and
costs related to payments and claims
 human resource principles and practices
 relevant licensing arrangements applicable
 relevant government construction codes, standards, laws and
 workplace safety requirements
Underpinning  Interpreting contractual and planning requirements
Skills  Developing strategies for utilizing human and physical
 Evaluation skills to review and evaluate documentation and
processes and recommend changes or improvements
 Management skills, including the ability to delegate tasks and
supervise staff to achieve planning outcomes
 Planning skills to enable the effective planning of projects,
processes and strategies which maximize the efficiency and
cost effectiveness of construction contracts and which
effectively organize and utilize available resources on
construction sites
 Written and verbal communication skills to enable effective
communications with individuals inside and external to the
Resource Resource implications for assessment include:
Implications  documentation that should normally be available in either a
construction office
 relevant codes, standards, regulations
 office equipment, including calculators, photocopiers and
telephone systems

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 computers with appropriate software to view drawings, run
costing programs and print copies
 a technical reference library with current publications on
measurement, design, Construction and manufacturers'
product literature
 suitable work area appropriate to the process
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration
Context of  where assessment is for the purpose of recognition, the
Assessment evidence provided will need to be authenticated and show that
it represents competence demonstrated over a period of time
 assessment can be through simulated project-based activity
and must include evidence relating to each of the elements in
this unit
 in cases where practical assessment is used it will be
combined with targeted questioning to assess the underpinning

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Budgets and Financial Plan Within the Project
Unit Code CON MGT5 03 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills, attitudes and knowledge required in
financial management of the project. This includes planning and
implementing financial management approaches, supporting
project team members whose role involves aspects of financial
operations, monitoring and controlling finances, and reviewing
and evaluating effectiveness of financial management processes
in line with the financial objectives of the organization.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan financial 1.1 Budget/financial plans for the project are accessed
management 1.2 Budget/financial plans are clarified with relevant personnel
approaches within the organization to ensure that documented outcomes
are achievable, accurate and comprehensible
1.3 Any changes required to be made to budget/financial plans
are negotiated with relevant personnel within the
1.4 Contingency plans are prepared in the event that initial
plans need to be varied
2. Implement 2.1 Relevant details of the agreed budget/financial plans are
financial disseminated to team members
management 2.2 Support is provided to ensure that team members can
approaches competently perform required roles associated with
management of finances
2.3 Resources and systems to manage financial management
processes within the work team are determined and
3. Monitor and 3.2 Processes for reporting of expenditure, income, assets,
control finances stock, consumables, equipment and wastage are
implemented across the work teams to monitor actual
expenditure and to control costs
3.3 Expenditure and costs are monitored on an agreed cyclical
basis to identify cost variations and expenditure overruns
3.4 Contingency plans are implemented, monitored and modified
as required to maintain financial objectives
4. Review and 4.1 Data and information on the effectiveness of financial
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evaluate management processes within the work team are collected
financial and collated for analysis
management 4.2 Data and information on the effectiveness of financial
processes management processes within the work team are analyzed
and any improvements to existing processes identified,
documented and recommended
4.3 Agreed improvements are implemented and monitored in
line with financial objectives of the work team and the

Variables Range
Budget/financial  long-term budgets/plans
plans may  short-term budgets/plans
include:  operational plans
 spreadsheet-based financial projections
 cash flow projections
 targets or key performance indicators for production,
productivity, wastage, sales, income and expenditure
Relevant  supervisors, fellow frontline managers
personnel may  financial managers, accountants or financial controllers
Contingency  rental, hire purchase or alternative means of procurement of
plans may required materials, equipment and stock
include:  contracting out or outsourcing human resource and other
functions or tasks
 restructuring of organization to reduce labour costs
 strategies for reducing costs, wastage, stock or consumables
 diversification of outcomes
 recycling and re-use
 finding cheaper or lower quality raw materials and
 seeking further funding
 increasing sales or production
 risk identification, assessment and management processes
 succession planning
Support may  documentation of procedures
include:  intranet-based information
 training including, mentoring, coaching and shadowing
 help desk or identified experts within the organization
 information briefings or sessions
 access to specialist advice
Required roles  maintaining petty cash system
may include:  purchasing and procurement
 invoicing clients, customers and consumers

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 debt collection
 wages and salaries payments and record keeping
 banking
 maintaining journals, ledgers and other record keeping
 arranging for use of corporate credit cards
 ensuring security, accuracy and currency of financial
Resources and  hardware and software
systems may  human, physical or financial resources
include:  specialist advice or support
 record keeping systems (electronic and paper-based)
Processes for  petty cash records
reporting  logs
may include:  ledgers and journals
 spreadsheet-based records
 invoices and receipts
 bank statements
 credit card statements
 financial reports
Data and  income and expenditure
information on  cash flow data
the effectiveness  quotations
of financial  files of paid purchase and service invoices
management  job costing
processes may  employee timesheets
 credit card receipts
records (paper-
 petty cash receipts
based and
electronic) related  wages/salaries books
to:  invoices
 bank account records
 insurance reports
 taxation records
 contracts

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Candidates must provide evidence that they are able to manage
Competence finances for the project effectively and efficiently and within
organizational and legislative requirements. This may include
evidence of managing the work of others whose roles are
associated with financial management and record keeping.

Products that could be used as evidence include:

 documentation produced in managing finances, such as:
 revised budgets
 cost estimates
 cost management plans and strategies
 cost breakdown structures
 expenditure forecasts
 records of cost management lessons learned and
 recommendations for improvements

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

 how any required changes to budgets/financial plans
 were negotiated
 how cost management plans and contingency plans were
 developed
 how budgets/financial plans were communicated to team
 members
 how team members were supported in undertaking roles
 associated with financial management
 how problems and issues with respect to finances were
 identified and addressed
 how financial management was reviewed and improvements
acted upon
Underpinning Knowledge of –
Knowledge and  relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
Attitudes business operation, especially in regard to occupational health
and safety and environmental issues, equal opportunity,
industrial relations and anti-discrimination
 organizational requirements related to financial management
 organization roles in respect to financial delegations,
accountabilities and responsibilities
 requirements for organizational record keeping and audit
 organizational objectives and plans
 financial management requirements and performance
 basic accounting principles
 consultative methods and processes

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 the principles and techniques involved in:
 budgeting
 cash flows
 ledgers and financial statements
 accrual accounting concepts
 advanced numerical calculations
 electronic spreadsheets
 attitudes (behavioral indicators):
 ethical
 communicative
 showing positive leadership
Underpinning  ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
Skills ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
 communication and training skills
 financial planning and management skills, including budgeting
 contingency management skills
 problem solving skills
 leadership and personnel management
 monitoring and review skills
 skills in the use of specialist software for financial record
 keeping and management (if and as relevant)
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  workplace or fully equipped assessment area with
necessary documentation and resources normally used in the
workplace as well as consumable materials
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration
Context of  competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting
 that examples of actions taken by the candidate to manage
finances are provided

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Supervise Selection of Construction Materials
Unit Code CON MGT5 04 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the required skills, attitudes and knowledge
required to supervise the systems through which materials are
selected, acquired and stored on site for construction work up to
and including medium-rise projects. It ensures the delivery to the
site of materials which meet contract specifications and service
requirements for commercial projects.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify and 1.1 Suitability of materials commonly used in the region is

describe the identified for a given construction system.
properties of 1.2 Properties of materials, their standards of quality and the
construction compatibility and non-compatibility of different materials are
materials identified.
1.3 Environmental impacts of different materials are identified.
1.4 Impact of allowable tolerances on the conversion of
naturally occurring materials is identified.
1.5 Tolerances for installing and assembling materials are
identified and checked in regard to the nature of the work
being performed and the requirements of the Australian
2. Ensure suitable 2.1 Selection of construction materials is conducted with
construction reference to structural requirements, suitability and ease of
materials for applicability (workability) for the construction system
application specified in the contract.
2.2 Materials are selected for their safety, required fire
resistance rating, serviceability, cost effectiveness and
aesthetic value (appearance).
2.3 Short and long-term degradation of materials is considered
in relation to the proposed life cycle of the construction.
2.4 Alternative materials are selected if specified materials are
unavailable or unsuitable.
3. Supervise the 3.1 Organizational procedures for the acceptance,
acceptance, transportation, safe handling and storage of materials
safe handling on site are identified and communicated.
and storage of 3.2 Limitations and effects of transportation on materials and
materials on site
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components are determined and action is taken in the case
of potentially damaging circumstances.
3.3 Materials are handled correctly and safely on site using
appropriate equipment and safe working practices.
3.4 Materials are stored in accordance with manufacturer
specifications and in compliance with the relevant Ethiopian
3.5 Systems are implemented for inspecting all materials
delivered on-site for naturally occurring and/or
manufactured defects before installation.
3.6 Personnel are aware of actions to be taken in the case of
defects caused by incorrect installation, application or
3.7 Timber is preserved and ferrous and non-ferrous metals
which are used in the construction process are protected
using established methods.
4. Supervise 4.1 Testing of materials, including soil, filling, compacting,
testing of surfacing, concreting and welding, is carried out to
materials on site specifications and results are analyzed on-site before and
for suitability during installation.
and fitness for 4.2 Types of tests are identified according to requirement of the
purpose work
4.3 Samples of materials taken during placement or installation
are accurately identified and sent for laboratory testing.
4.4 Materials are given visual checks for suitability before
construction in, with materials sent off-site for testing if
4.5 Processes to ensure defective materials are identified and
remedial action is recorded.
5. Establish 5.1 Records of tests and testing procedures are established
records of and maintained by the organization in accordance with its
materials testing quality management obligations.
and report on 5.2 Test results and reports are periodically evaluated to
testing process maintain integrity of organizational quality standards.
5.3 Non-conformant on-site materials tests are immediately
notified to the appropriate company officer for further action.

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Variables Range
Materials may  timber and timber structures
include, but are  brick or concrete structures, including:
not limited to:  cavity brick
 core filled concrete blocks
 single skin clay block
 tilt-up concrete panels
 floor systems, including:
 brick bases
 bearers and joists
 platform floor construction
 fitted (cut-in) floors
 engineered floor Joists
 sheet flooring
 tongue and groove flooring
 compressed sheet wet area flooring
 concrete slab floors, including slabs on ground and
 suspended slabs
 cladding, including:
 weatherboards
 brick veneer
 fiber cement or compressed wood paneling
 stuccoed stud walls
 colourbond/zincalume sheeting
Selection of  identifying materials from specifications and drawings
construction  identifying specifications and standards described in the
materials includes: contract documents
 selecting and ordering materials which meet those
 arranging for expert advice as necessary to confirm or refute
materials options
Acceptance, safe  ensuring the correct materials are being delivered to the
handling and correct site
storage of  undertaking quality checks within the competence of the
materials on site individual
includes:  confirming products or materials are as ordered and signing
off delivery documentation
 allocation of space for on-site storage of materials
 ensuring safe unloading and handling of construction
 providing for adequate on-site security of materials
Testing of  obtaining appropriate records and reports for review and
materials includes: analysis
 distributing copies in accordance with organizational policy
 proving advice and information to regulatory authorities as
authorized by the organization

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 following up reports that indicate departures from quality or
manufacturing requirements
 taking appropriate remedial action within the scope of the
individual's authority
Occupational OHS requirements are to be in accordance with
Health and Safety legislation/regulations/codes of practice, organizational safety
(OHS) policies and procedures and project safety plan. This may
 protective clothing and equipment
 use of tools and equipment
 workplace environment and safety
 handling of materials, use of firefighting equipment
 organizational first aid
 hazard control and hazardous materials and substances
 personal protective equipment
 safe operating procedures

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  identified construction materials specified in the project or
contract documentation
 used effective verbal and written communication with
manufacturers and suppliers of materials
 ensured effective and efficient testing of the materials to
maintain quality standards onsite
 ensured effective sampling and record keeping processes
 ensured safe handling and storage of materials
 ensured compliance with organizational and legislative
Underpinning A knowledge of –
Knowledge and  alternative materials
Attitudes  construction materials and technologies
 construction/contracting equipment and its use
 the construction supply processes
 environmental effects on various construction materials and
testing procedures
 relevant licensing arrangements applicable
 relevant government construction codes, standards and
 testing procedures
 workplace safety requirements
 material handling and storage
Underpinning  materials testing skills to enable materials to be tested
Skills according to the relevant Ethiopian standards or the ability to
arrange for testing to be carried out independently
 reporting skills to report on difficulties with either supply or
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standards of materials
 supervisory skills to ensure the correct selection and
installation of materials on site and
 secure storage of materials onsite
 systems development skills to ensure systems are developed
which ensure correct
 materials, meeting appropriate standards are delivered and
used on site
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  workplace or fully equipped assessment area with
necessary tools and equipment as well as consumable
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
Context of  competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting
 assessment can be through simulated project-based
activity and must include evidence relating to each of the
elements in this unit

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Monitor Costing System of Construction Project
Unit Code CON MGT5 05 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the required skills, attitudes and knowledge to
monitor construction costing systems. This includes maintenance
of cost control, the production of expenditure schedules and other
arrangements which ensure contracts or projects to remain on

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Supervise the 1.1 Staff members are supervised in their identification of

identification construction costs and accurate estimates made from project
and schedules.
classification 1.2 Definitive cost estimates are accurately translated into the
of project correct cost centers appropriate to contract requirements.
1.3 Cost centers are correctly identified and incorporated into a
planned project cost network.
1.4 Risk assessment is undertaken and estimated cost is
compared with estimated risk.
1.5 All planning ensures there is compliance with relevant codes
of practice, standards and legislative requirements.
2. Manage the 2.1 Draft schedules of project expenditure are prepared with
preparation of critical points identified.
schedule of 2.2 Expenditure schedules are prepared using organizational
project processes and hardcopies produced.
2.3 Critical financial phases of the project are identified and cash
flows are matched to expenditure.
3. Prepare 3.1 Interim payment claims and rise and fall calculations are
curves prepared for the contractor and subcontractors.
showing 3.2 Projected 'S' curve is prepared to show cash flow and
projected resource control.
cash flow and
payments 3.3 Cash flows using 'time risk' and 'cost risk' are prepared and
3.4 Cash flows using 'early start' and 'late finish' for pessimistic
or optimistic outcomes are compared.
3.5 Pessimistic overdraft requirements are calculated.

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4. Maintain 4.1 Cash flow and creditor payments are monitored daily.
continuous 4.2 Budget cost on the network is compared to actual costs in the
checks on tender calculations.
and evaluate 4.3 Rise and fall clause calculations are undertaken and
outcomes variations are advised to the financial controller.
4.4 Reasons for any cost variations are analyzed and identified.
4.5 Remedial action is taken and recorded as necessary to retain
contract financial compliance.
5. Prepare final 5.1 Actual costs are compared with estimates at the completion
cost report of the job and a report is compiled detailing future actions.
5.2 Organizational rates are adjusted as required, based on the
final cost report and current movements in prices and rates.

Variables Range
Identification and  all human resource costs, including direct employees' and
classification of subcontractors' rates
project  overhead costs, including administration support, power,
costs include lighting, accommodation and rent
 plant and equipment purchase/lease and operating costs
 materials such as sand, aggregate, bitumen, concrete, bricks,
roofing and reinforcing
 temporary accommodation and shelter, including sheds, site
offices and toilets
 site services such as temporary power, lighting and water
 specialist services such as surveying, architectural, testing and
 relevant codes, standards and legislation
Schedules of  labor costs against estimated costs
project  materials purchases
expenditure  consumables such as fuel and lubricants, electric power
include:  and water
 supplies such as timber and construction materials
 costs of precast and on-site production of concrete components
Projected cash  progress payments in for work completed
flow and  progress payments out for work undertaken
payments  progress payments for supplies and materials
include:  penalties
 wages and salaries
 insurances, including workers' compensation premiums
Final cost report  detailed summaries of actual costs against estimates
includes:  details of cost over-runs and savings on labor and contracting
 cost/benefit analyses of overtime payments
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 details of savings or under-expenditure on materials or supplies
 equipment performance information and efficiencies

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of Competence  monitored and supervised staff who develop and consolidate
costing data for class 2-9 Type A construction projects
 extent and effectiveness of the comparison of actual versus
estimated costs and the production of schedules of expenditure
 ensured efficient and punctual production of financial data in the
form required by the organization
 ensured planning and continuous revision of the schedules of
payments and cash flows to match contract performance and
Underpinning Knowledge of :
Knowledge and  estimating and costing systems used in the construction
Attitudes industry
 expenditure evaluation methods
 financial principles and cash flows
 project financial processes and timelines
 relevant licensing arrangements applicable
 relevant standards, codes of practice and legislation
 variations in rates occurring through 'rise and fall' clauses and
their effects
Underpinning  account keeping skills to identify cost centers and monitor cash
Skills flows
 analysis and interpretation skills to undertake financial risk
 management skills, including the ability to supervise staff
 numerical skills, including the ability to perform complex
financial calculations
 preparation of schedules of expenditure and expenditure
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  workplace or fully equipped assessment area with necessary
tools and equipment as well as consumable materials
 a suitable work area appropriate to the monitoring process
 documentation that would support construction costing systems
for a construction office
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
 Assessment can be through simulated project-based activity
and must include evidence relating to each of the elements
Context of  Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting
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 This unit of competence could be assessed by the effective
monitoring of a construction costing system.

Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage People and Equipment Performance
Unit Code CON MGT5 06 0910
Unit Descriptor This competency unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to
develop key result areas and key performance indicators and
standards, coupled with regular and timely coaching and
feedback, provide the basis for performance management of an
employees and equipment.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Allocate work 1.1 Relevant groups and individuals are consulted on work to
be allocated and resources to be deployed
1.2 Ensure work is allocated in accordance with operational
1.3 Ensure allocation of work is cost effective and appropriate
in terms of the use of internal/external labor
1.4 Performance standards, code of conduct and work
outputs and processes are confirmed prior to
1.5 Performance indicators are developed for key result areas
and agreed prior to commencement of work
1.6 Ensure supply chain of resources to work teams
established and operating effectively.
1.7 Risk analyses are undertaken in accordance with the
organizational risk management plan and legal
2. Assess 2.1 Performance management and review processes are
performance designed to be consistent with organizational objectives and
2.2 Participants in the performance management and review
process are trained
2.3 Performance management processes are implemented in
accordance with planning and timelines
2.4 Coordination of people, resources and equipment are
assessed for provision of optimum results
2.5 Relevant performance reports are analyzed in details and
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appropriate action undertaken to respond to performance
2.6 Performance is monitored and evaluated on a continuous
3. Provide 3.2 Informal feedback is given in a regular, timely manner
feedback 3.3 Poor performance is identified promptly and brought to the
attention of the appropriate person
3.4 On-the-job coaching is provided when necessary, both to
improve performance and confirm excellence in
3.5 Documentation of performance is in accordance with
performance management system
3.6 Formal structured feedback sessions occur as necessary
and in accordance with organizational policy
4. Manage 4.1 Performance improvement and development plans are
follow-up developed in accordance with organizational policies and
with assistance from human resource specialists where
4.2 Excellence in performance is reinforced through
recognition and continuous feedback
4.3 Individuals not meeting expectations are provided with the
necessary coaching and re-training and monitored closely
Support services are provided to meet individual needs and
4.4 Individuals who continue to perform below expectations are
counseled and, where necessary, placed within the
disciplinary process
4.5 Terminations occur where serious misconduct or on-going
under-performance occurs
4.6 Terminations are in accordance with organizational and
legal requirements
4.7 Appropriate action to bring equipment performance to
desired level is ensured to be undertaken
4.8 Performance feedback systems are evaluated regularly and
revised as necessary
4.9 Selection, induction and training systems are evaluated
regularly and improved

Variable Range
Key result areas Those areas of project performance which are critical to the
means: overall success of the business (or section of a projects)
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Key performance Those measures developed to gauge performance outcomes
indicators means: against targets
Performance The level of performance sought of an individual or group which
standards means: may be expressed either quantitatively or qualitatively
Code of Conduct An agreed (or decreed) set or rules relating to employee
means: behavior/conduct with other employees or customers
Supply chain Network of people transforms into work services and then
means: finished products, and delivers them through a distribution
system. It spans work distribution; views them not as discrete
elements but interlinked.
Risk analysis a determination of the likelihood of a negative event preventing
means: the organization meeting its objectives and the likely
consequences of such an event on organizational performance
Performance  a process or set of processes for establishing a shared
management understanding of what an individual or group is to achieve,
means: and managing and developing individuals in a way which
increases the probability it will be achieved in both the short
and longer term in accordance with relevant industrial
Performance  individual or team performance
reports  equipment performance
 condition monitoring results
 underperformance
 misuse / overuse
Excellence in  regularly and consistently exceeding the performance targets
performance established whilst meeting the organization’s performance
means: standards
Relevant groups  employees, employee representatives, employer
and individuals representatives, line managers and human resource
include: personnel

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of  Direct evidence of the performance management processes
Competence being undertaken is essential in the assessment of this unit,
including the linking of performance indictors to the allocation
of work and assessment of performance against performance
 There must be evidence of a systematic value chain analysis
of all of the support activities of the business and the
outcomes of that analysis being translated into action
 Evidence of risk management and evaluation of performance
leading to effective remediation also needs to be present
 Workplace coaching (informal feedback) coupled with formal
performance feedback, resulting in performance improvement
Underpinning  Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
Knowledge and business operation, especially in regard to Occupational
Attitudes Health and Safety and environmental issues, equal
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opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
 Relevant awards and certified agreements
 Performance measurement systems utilized within the
 Key result areas of the organization
 Human resource specialist assistance available
 Organizational plans and objectives (strategic, tactical and
 Human resource planning
 All legislation relevant to the organization which impacts on
people performance (including anti-discrimination laws)
 Organizational support services for employees (external and
 Electronic commerce systems
 Critical path/PERT methodology
 High reliability organizational concepts
 Energy management
 Capital investment evaluative methodology including NPV and
 Unfair dismissal rules and due process
 Staff development strategies
Underpinning  Analytical and evaluative skills to assess supply chain
Skills performance
 Performance measurement skills to develop and manage key
performance indicators
 Planning and coordination skills to ensure the people
resources and equipment work in a functional manner to
achieve optimum results
 Communication/consultation skills to ensure all relevant
groups and individuals are advised of what is occurring and
are provided with an opportunity for input
 Performance management skills to ensure objectives,
outcomes and outputs are delivered on time, within budget,
and incident free
 Systems analysis and design skills to ensure that system
measure performance in a timely way
 Coaching and training skills to remediate any under-
performance present in the work group or individuals
 Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools and equipment as well as consumable
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning

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Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting

Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Tender Development for Construction Projects
Unit Code CON MGT5 07 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to manage tender
developments for major projects. It covers the facilitation,
implementation and management of the tender development
system in a construction organization involved in residential
and/or commercial projects. It supports the production of tenders
which are based on sound economic, business and human and
physical resource data in accordance with the necessary
organizational guidelines.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Evaluate 1.1 Invitation to tender is reviewed and analyzed.
contract risk
1.2 Contract documents pertinent to the project are obtained and
examined in detail.
1.3 Conditions of contract are examined and confirmed in
accordance with legislative and organizational requirements.
1.4 Organization’s current work load is verified to determine the
capacity to meet contract timelines.
1.5 Risk analysis is conducted and the degree of risk in the
project is investigated and established.
1.6 Management team is consulted in relation to likely
construction approach and resources.
1.7 Client is advised of the intention or otherwise to submit a
tender response.
2. Manage 2.1 Staffs are allocated to the tender preparation process.
tender process
2.2 Contact made by staff with subcontractors and suppliers to
obtain quotations for services or physical resources is
2.3 Development of the pre-tender construction or project
schedule is managed and supervised.
3. Manage 3.2 Determining current equipment and materials charge-out
development rates is monitored.
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of human and 3.3 Establishment of labor rates for elements of work is
physical costs monitored and managed.
3.4 Project elements are analyzed to ensure they conform to
organizational contracting processes.
3.5 Rates to be applied to elements of the work are arbitrated
on, to ensure these are compared to relevant existing
records of costs.
3.6 Staffs are supervised to ensure appropriate rates are applied
to the bill of quantities.
3.7 Extensions of costs are reviewed and monitored to ensure
their accurate translation into the estimate summary.
3.8 Staffs are monitored as they calculate and extend values for
preliminaries and overheads.
3.9 Staffs are monitored to ensure they are calculating and
including all supplementary costs.
4. Prepare 4.1 Conditions of contract are reviewed and assessed to ensure
complete there are no variations to the tender.
documentation 4.2 Subcontractor quotes are reviewed and assessed to ensure
and operating there are no variations to the tender.
margins 4.3 Availability of plant and equipment is checked and
4.4 Delivery schedules are confirmed and materials suppliers
are followed up.
5. Evaluate 5.1 Staff preparation of the schedules which detail the sequence
tender of work is supervised and managed.
prior to 5.2 Progress of the tender development is monitored for
submission timeliness and accuracy.
5.3 Documentation is reviewed to ensure the tender is finalized
in standard industry format for the client.
5.4 Final tender documentation is appraised for completeness
and allocation of critical rates and allowances prior to its

Variable Range
Conditions of  parties' obligations under contracts
contract include:  general conditions of contract
 contract clauses and intentions
 liabilities
 dispute resolution
 legislative and regulatory requirements
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Risk analysis  critical incident analysis and reporting
includes:  risk management practices
 scheduling and planning for contingencies
 analysis and revision of data
 proposing solutions and recovery scenarios
Development of  establishing methods for calculation of standards times
human and  management of material costs and information concerning
physical resource availability
costs includes:  evaluation of work practices and industrial relations
 development of subcontracting and organizational contracting
 developing and introducing costing methods and systems
Human resource  establishing personnel review and evaluation processes
processes  selection and training of personnel to deal with the tender
include: function
 performance appraisal
 management of work practices and staff discipline
 maintaining accuracy and legitimacy of the tender process
 legislative and regulatory requirements
Tender  head and sub contracts
development  pre-contract documentation
includes:  form of tender
 tendering codes of practice and standards
 drawings and specifications

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must
Competence be able to provide evidence of:
 the development of tenders which comprehensively address
the requirements of the project
 management practices which result in a high level of strategic
input and accuracy
 effective management of data acquisition from inside and
outside the organization
 conceptual and strategic problem solving and organization of
 the extent of effective verbal and written communication
processes with owners, senior management, and employees
 compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements,
standards and codes of practice
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  appropriate sector of the construction industry and the nature
Attitude of the contracts upon which its activities are based
 factors to be considered in assessing the risk inherent in
different types of construction projects
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 financial and business administration principles
commensurate with the needs of the organization
 human resource practices and the industry's industrial
relations climate and practices
 relevant government construction codes, standards and
 socio-economic and political factors which determine the
climate in that sector of the construction industry
Underpinning  conceptualizing and envisaging unique solutions to complex
Skills problems and situations
 delegating tasks within specific functional guidelines
 directing the activities of personnel involved in the tender
development process
 facilitating the implementation of new and more appropriate
information systems
 interpreting strategic and often ambiguous information and
reaching logical and practical decisions
 monitoring and overseeing the performance of systems and
individuals involved in the process
 technological skills to facilitate use of the organization’s
software and office equipment
Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications  access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
environment and materials relevant to the activity/ task
 a suitable work area appropriate to the tendering process
Methods of Competence may be accessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with oral questioning
 Assessment can be through simulated project-based activity
and must include evidence relating to each of the elements in
this unit
Context for Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Construction Projects
Unit Code CON MGT5 08 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the management of a straightforward project or a
section of a larger project. It focuses on the application of project
management skills and the requirement to meet timelines, quality
standards, budgetary limits and other requirements set for the

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Define project 1.1 Project scope and other relevant documentation is
1.2 Project stakeholders are defined
1.3 Clarification is sought from delegating authority of any
issues related to project and project parameters
1.4 Limits of own responsibility and reporting requirements are
1.5 Relationship of project to other projects and to the
organization’s objectives is clarified
1.6 Available resources to undertake project are determined and
2. Develop 2.1 Project plan including timelines, task breakdown, roles and
project plan responsibilities is developed
2.2 Appropriate project management tools are identified and
2.3 Risk management plan, which includes OHS, is formulated
for project
2.4 Project budget is developed and approved
2.5 Teams are consulted and their views taken account of in
planning the project
2.6 Project plan is finalized and any necessary approvals gained
to commence project according to documented plan
3. Administer and 3.1 Action is taken to ensure that project teams are clear about
monitor their responsibilities and the requirements of the project
3.2 Support is provided to project teams, especially with regard
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to special needs, to ensure that the quality of the expected
outcomes of the project and documented timelines are met
3.3 Required record keeping systems are established and
maintained throughout the project
3.4 Plans for managing project finances, human, physical and
technical resources and quality are implemented and
3.5 Project reports are completed and forwarded as required to
3.6 Risk management is undertaken as required to ensure
project outcomes are met
3.7 Project deliverables are achieved
4. Finalize 4.1 Financial record keeping associated with project is
project completed and checked for accuracy
4.2 Staff involved in project are assigned to new roles or
reassigned to previous roles
4.3 Project documentation is completed and any necessary sign
offs obtained for concluding project
5. Review 5.1 Project outcomes and processes are reviewed against the
project project scope and plan
5.2 Teams are involved in the review of the project
5.3 Lessons learnt from project are documented and reported
within the organization in accordance with policy and
standard procedures

Variable Range
Project scope and  project brief
other relevant  contract or other agreement
documentation  project plan or summary
refers to:  other documents outlining the expected outcomes of the
project, inclusions and exclusions from project, timeframes for
project, quality standards for project, project resources
Stakeholders  project sponsor
might include:  management, employees and relevant key personnel (internal
and external) with special responsibilities
 clients or customers (internal and external)
 funding bodies
Delegating  project sponsor
authority might  manager or management representative
include:  funding body
 customer or client

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Project  scope of project
parameters  legislative and quality standards
include:  timelines
 finances for project
 integration of project within organization
 risks associated with project, including OHS
 reporting requirements
 procurement requirements associated with project
 physical, human and technical resources available or required
for project
Project plan  details of how the project will be executed including
includes: management of project in relation to the project parameters
identified above
Project  project management software
management  technical resources required for the project e.g. OHS
tools might  management system tools
include:  Gantt and bar charts
 PERT charts
 Critical Path Method
 cost schedule control system
 logistics support analysis
 life cycle cost analysis
 spreadsheets
Support for team  supervision, mentoring and coaching
members might  feedback
include:  encouragement
 additional physical, human and technical resources
 (within allocated budget) if and as required
 regular meetings of project team
 learning and development
Required record  financial data including costs, expenditure, income generated,
keeping systems purchases
might include  quality data including any test results
systems for:  recording of time spent on project and progress in completing
project and outcomes of project
 correspondence
 samples, prototypes, models
Risk management  seeking further resources to meet deadline
might include:  negotiating an extension of deadline or redefining completion
or quantities or quality of outcomes
 reducing costs
 researching and applying more efficient methods of
completing project tasks
 sharing of ideas to gain improvements to work undertaken
within the project
 outsourcing some aspects of the project
 changing roles and responsibilities within project team
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Necessary sign-  project sponsor or funding body
offs might be  management
required by:  clients customers

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this standard must
Competence be able to provide evidence that they have successfully
managed projects - either a straightforward project or a section
of a larger project. This evidence will cover the application of
project management skills and the meeting of timelines, quality
standards, budgetary limits and other requirements set for the

Products that could be used as evidence include:

 project plans
 emails, letters, financial statements, other documentation
relating to project management and execution
 project reports
 samples, prototypes, other physical products produced in
 reports of lessons learnt from review process

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

 how project scope and other relevant documentation was
 how project stakeholders were defined
 how risk management plan was developed and implemented
 how resources were determined and accessed
 how project plan was formulated
 how project team members were led in managing project
 how project was monitored and managed
 how project was finalized and closure effected
 how project was reviewed
Underpinning  organizational policies and procedures that may impact on
Knowledge and the project and management of the project, for example:
Attitude  OHS
 procurement
 human resources
 quality standards
 risk assessment
 organizational structure and lines of authority and
communication within the organization
 how the project relates to organization’s overall mission,
goals, objectives and operations
 logistic analysis and planning
 available learning and development options external and
internal to organization

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 attributes (behavior indicators)
 attention to detail / thoroughness
 communicative
 accuracy
Underpinning  ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural
Skills  and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
 communication and negotiation skills
 written and verbal communication skills
 ability to relate to team members and delegating
 authority, clients and customers as appropriate
 personal time management skills
 budget review and monitoring skills
 leadership and management skills
 use of project management tools
Resource  Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
 Access to workplace project documentation
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
 assessment may be through simulated project based activity
or actual development and implementation of contracting
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Project Quality
Unit Code CON MGT5 09 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to manage quality
within projects. It covers determining quality requirements,
implementing quality assurance processes, and using review
and evaluation to make quality improvements in current and
future projects.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine 1.1 Quality objectives, standards and levels are determined,
quality with input from stakeholders and guidance of a higher
requirements project authority, to establish the basis for quality outcomes
and a quality management plan
1.2 Established quality management methods, techniques
and tools are selected and used to determine preferred mix
of quality, capability, cost and time
1.3 Quality criteria are identified, agreed with a higher project
authority and communicated to stakeholders to ensure
clarity of understanding and achievement of quality and
overall project objectives
1.4 Agreed quality requirements are included in the project plan
and implemented as basis for performance measurement
2. Implement 2.1 Results of project activities and product performance are
quality measured and documented throughout the project life cycle
assurance to determine compliance with agreed quality standards
2.2 Causes of unsatisfactory results are identified, in
consultation with the client, and appropriate actions are
recommended to a higher project authority to enable
continuous improvement in quality outcomes
2.3 Inspections of quality processes and quality control results
are conducted to determine compliance of quality standards
to overall quality objectives
2.4 A quality management system is maintained to enable
effective recording and communication of quality issues and
outcomes to a higher project authority and stakeholders
3. Implement 3.1 Processes are reviewed and agreed changes implemented

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project quality continually throughout the project life cycle to ensure
improvements continuous improvement to quality
3.2 Project outcomes are reviewed against performance criteria
to determine the effectiveness of quality management
processes and procedures
3.3 Lessons learned and recommended improvements are
identified, documented and passed on to a higher project
authority for application in future projects

Variable Range
Quality objectives  requirements from the client and other stakeholders
may include:  requirements from a higher project authority
 negotiated trade-offs between cost, schedule and
 those quality aspects which may impact on customer
quality  established processes
management  authorizations and responsibilities for quality control
plan may include:  quality assurance
 continuous improvement
Quality  brainstorming
management  benchmarking
methods,  charting processes
techniques and  ranking candidates
tools may include  defining control
 undertaking benefit/cost analysis
 processes that limit and/or indicate variation
 control charts
 flowcharts
 histograms
 pareto charts
 scattergram
 run charts
Quality control  monitoring conformance with specifications
may  recommending ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory
include:  performance of products or processes
 monitoring of regular inspections by internal or external
Improvements  formal practices, such as total quality management or
may continuous improvement
include:  improvement by less formal processes which enhance both
the product quality and processes of the project, for example
client surveys to determine client satisfaction with project

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team performance

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competence in this unit must be able
Competence to provide evidence that they have taken responsibility for quality
management of projects. This will include evidence of managing
the work of others within the project team with respect to quality.
Products that could be used as evidence include:
documentation produced in managing projects such as:
 lists of quality objectives, standards, levels and measurement
 records of inspections, recommended rectification actions
and quality outcomes
 management of quality management system and quality
management plans
 application of quality control, quality assurance and
continuous improvement processes
 records of quality reviews
 lists of lessons learned and recommended improvements
Processes that could be used as evidence include:
 how quality requirements and outcomes were determined for
 how quality tools were selected for use in projects
 how team members were managed throughout projects with
respect to quality within the project
 how quality was managed throughout projects
 how problems and issues with respect to quality and arising
during projects were identified and addressed
 how projects were reviewed with respect to quality
 how improvements to quality management of projects have
been acted upon
Underpinning Broad knowledge and understanding of:
Knowledge and  the principles of project quality management and their
Attitudes application
 acceptance of responsibilities for project quality management
 use of quality management systems and standards
 the place of quality management in the context of the project
life cycle
 appropriate project quality management methodologies; and
their capabilities, limitations, applicability and contribution to
project outcomes
 attributes:

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 analytical
 attention to detail
 able to maintain an overview
 communicative
 positive leadership
Underpinning  ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
Skills ethnic backgrounds, and physical and mental abilities
 project management
 quality management
 planning and organizing
 communication and negotiation
 problem-solving
 leadership and personnel management
 monitoring and review skills
Resources The following resources must be provided:
Implication  access to workplace documentation
 real or simulated workplace
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview
 Observation/Demonstration
Context of Competence may be assessed in the real workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Construction Environment Management Process
Unit Code CON MGT5 10 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to manage
construction environmental management practices and
processes as part of the organization’s overall management

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare 1.1 Current shifts in environmental legislation or regulation are

environmental analyzed in relation to their potential impact on the
management organization.
plan for the 1.2 Best practice and benchmarking methods are used to
organization determine current environmental management performance.
1.3 Project environmental obligations and management
requirements are analyzed.
1.4 Practical problems encountered on site are gathered and
1.5 An environmental management plan is prepared on the
basis of the available information.
1.6 Senior management advice is sought, as required,
concerning the implementation of the plan.
2. Organize 2.1 Staff and contractors are informed of their obligations in
implementation implementing the environmental planning process and
of monitored for compliance.
environmental 2.2 Environmental data gathering systems are evaluated,
plan changes are made as necessary and the system is managed
for maximum efficiency and accuracy.
2.3 New projects are evaluated to determine their impact on
existing environmental planning obligations.
2.4 Local authorities and/or regulatory bodies are contacted
concerning those areas of the plan where there is on-going
monitoring or external overseeing.
2.5 Information concerning updates to the environmental
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management plan is communicated to staff and
2.6 An environmental management plan evaluation strategy is
developed and managed to ensure that the organization
remains on track in the event of changing circumstances.
3. Monitor 3.1 Organizational feedback systems are implemented and
implementation managed to assist the conformance and management of the
3.2 Regular feedback is obtained concerning the operations of
the environmental management plan to assist the
organization to meet its legal obligations.
3.3 Where necessary, legally required auditing practices to
ensure probity and accountability to legislative requirements
are managed and maintained.
3.4 Contractor contact is maintained and their conformance with
environmental management requirements is monitored.
3.5 Emergency and remediation response strategies are
implemented as necessary to assist conformance with the
environmental management plan.
4. Review and 4.1 The environmental management plan is reviewed to identify
enhance areas which need improvements and action is taken.
environmental 4.2 Measures are introduced to assist staff to suggest more
management efficient procedures and innovations to improve the
plan performance of the environmental management plan.
4.3 Plans are redrafted to include improvements or address
deficiencies which are found during the monitoring.
4.4 Revised plans are submitted for endorsement by senior
management and procedures are changed accordingly.

Variables Range
Best practice and  formally or informally prepared performance indicators against
benchmarking environmental management objectives
methods  specific environmental targets, including emissions, noise,
include: dust, waste disposal, storm and ground water disposal, waste
segregation and hazardous materials
 performance measurements against industry, local authority,
regulatory or world standards
 statistical record-keeping, using 'at start', ongoing and 'at
conclusion' measurements
 strategic comparisons of 'resources in' and ' residuals out'
 costs associated with environmental conformance
 comparisons of current, previously established and external

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environmental management plans
Environmental  formally or informally gathered information concerning
management plan environmental issues and requirements
includes:  timeframes and key environmental benchmarks to be achieved
 environmental prohibitions or restrictions to be applied within
specific projects
 key people to be consulted or included in decision making
 specific forms of activity to be pursued or which are subject to
monitoring or evaluation
Environmental  formal and informal reports from employees and staff
data gathering  scheduled environmental management meetings and briefings
systems include:  conformance reporting on achievement of milestones or
performance targets
 statistical and analytical data in support of environmental
management objectives
Feedback system  specifically documented processes using formal reporting
includes: arrangements
 spot checks on aspects of the environmental management
 formal and informal information gathering from employees and
 feedback from regulatory authorities

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able
Competence to provide evidence of:
 successful development of effective environmental
management action plans and strategies
 the extent of effective environmental management advice
provided to the organization
 the effect and efficiency of the environmental management
recording and reporting systems and preparation of
documentation to organizational standards
 assessment of variations in environmental management
 an effective process to manage improvements to organizational
environmental management practices and to reduce the risk of
 conformance with relevant legislative and regulatory
 research of relevant current trends in environmental
management and controls
Underpinning  benchmarking and the establishment of environmental goals
Knowledge and  current trends in environmental management and controls
Attitudes  environmental management practices and methodologies
 legal and regulatory obligations implicit in environmental
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 penalties for various breaches of environmental obligations and
conformance requirements
 relevant licensing arrangements applicable
 statistical analysis methodologies
Underpinning  Bursting and crushing reinforced concrete
Skills  Applying OHS procedures during operation
 Performing clean-up activities
 Maintaining bursting/crushing equipment
Resources The following resources must be provided:
Implication  access to workplace documentation
 real or simulated workplace
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview
 Observation/Demonstration
Context of Competence may be assessed in the real workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Establish and Conduct Business Relationships
Unit Code CON MGT5 11 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to
manage business relationship with customers within the
constructions industry context.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Welcoming customer environment is maintained

contact with 1.2 Customer is greeted warmly according to enterprise policies
customer and procedures
1.3 Effective service environment is created through verbal and
non-verbal presentation according to enterprise policies and
1.4 Customer data is maintained to ensure database relevance
and currency
1.5 Information on customers and service history is gathered for
1.6 Opportunities to maintain regular contact with customers
are identified and taken up
2. Clarify needs 2.1 Customer needs are determined through questioning and
of customer active listening
2.2 Customer needs are accurately assessed against the
products/services of the enterprise
2.3 Customer details are documented clearly and accurately in
required format
2.4 Conduct negotiations in a business-like and professional
2.5 Maximize benefits for all parties in the negotiation through
use of established techniques and in the context of
establishing long term relationships
2.6 Communicate the results of negotiations to appropriate
colleagues and stakeholders within appropriate timeframes
3. Provide 3.1 Features and benefits of products/services provided by the

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information and enterprise are described/recommended to meet customer
advice needs
3.2 Information to satisfy customer needs is provided
3.3 Alternative sources of information/advice are discussed with
the customer
4. Foster and 4.1 Pro-actively seek, review and act upon information needed
maintain to maintain sound business relationships.
business 4.2 Honor agreements within the scope of individual
relationships responsibility.
4.3 Make adjustments to agreements in consultation with the
customer and share information with appropriate
4.4 Nurture relationships through regular contact and use of
effective interpersonal and communication styles.

Variables Range
Opportunities to  informal social occasions
maintain  industry functions
regular contact  association membership
with customers  co-operative promotions
may include:  program of regular telephone contact
Negotiation  identification of goals, limits
techniques  clarification of needs of all parties
 identifying points of agreement and points of difference
 preparatory research of facts
 active listening and questioning
 non-verbal communication techniques
 appropriate language
 bargaining
 developing options
 confirming agreements
 appropriate cultural behavior

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of It is essential that competence is fully observed and there is
Competence ability to transfer competence to changing circumstances and to
respond to unusual situations in the critical aspects of:
 consistently applying enterprise policies and procedures and
industry codes of practice in regard to customer service
 providing a quality service environment by treating customers
in a courteous and professional manner through all stages of
the procedure
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 using effective questioning/active listening and observation
skills to identify customer needs
 communicating effectively with others involved in or affected
by the work
 maintaining relevant and current customer databases in
accordance with enterprise policies and procedures
 ability to build and maintain relationships to achieve
successful business outcomes
Required  Operational knowledge of enterprise policies and procedures
knowledge in regard to:
 customer service
 dealing with difficult customers
 maintenance of customer databases
 allocated duties/responsibilities
 General knowledge of the range of enterprise
merchandise and services, location of telephone
extensions and departments/sections
 Basic operational knowledge of legislation and statutory
requirements, including consumer law, trade practices and fair
trading legislation
 Basic operational knowledge of industry/workplace codes of
practice in relation to customer service
 negotiation and communication techniques appropriate to
negotiations that may be of significant commercial value
Underpinning  Use workplace technology related to use of customer
Skills database
 Collect, organize and understand information related to
collating and analyzing customer information to identify needs
 Communicate ideas and information
 Plan and organize activities concerning information for
database entries
 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to plan database
cells and size
 Establish diagnostic processes which identify and recommend
improvements to customer service
Resources The following should be made available:
Implication  a workplace or simulated workplace
 documentation, such as enterprise policy and procedure
manuals relating to customer service
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview / Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Elements of competence contain both knowledge and practical
Assessment components. Knowledge components may be assessed off the
job. Practical components should be assessed on the job or in a
simulated work environment.

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Facilitate and Capitalize on Change and Innovation
Unit Code CON MGT5 12 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to plan and manage
the introduction and facilitation of change; particular emphasis
is on the development of creative and flexible approaches,
and on managing emerging opportunities and challenges.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Participate in 1.1 Manager contributes effectively to the organization’s

planning the planning processes to introduce and facilitate change
introduction and 1.2 Plans to introduce change are made in consultation with
facilitation of appropriate stakeholders
1.3 Organization’s objectives and plans to introduce change
are communicated effectively to individuals and teams
2. Develop creative 2.1 Variety of approaches to managing workplace issues and
and flexible problems are identified and analyzed
approaches and 2.2 Risks are identified and assessed, and action initiated to
solutions manage these to achieve a recognized benefit or
advantage to the organization
2.3 Workplace is managed in a way which promotes the
development of innovative approaches and outcomes
2.4 Creative and responsive approaches to resource
management improve productivity and services, and/or
reduce costs
3. Manage emerging 3.1 Individuals and teams are supported to respond effectively
challenges and and efficiently to changes in the organization’s goals, plans
opportunities and priorities
3.2 Coaching and mentoring assist individuals and teams to
develop competencies to handle change efficiently and
3.3 Opportunities are identified and taken as appropriate, to
make adjustments and to respond to the changing needs
of customers and the organization
3.4 Information needs of individuals and teams are

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anticipated and facilitated as part of change
implementation and management
3.5 Recommendations for improving the methods and
techniques to manage change are identified, evaluated
and negotiated with appropriate individuals and groups

Variables Range
Manager a person with frontline management roles and
responsibilities, regardless of the title of their position
Appropriate those individuals and organizations who have a stake in the
stakeholders may refer change and innovation being planned, including:
to:  organization directors and other relevant managers
 teams and individual employees who are both directly and
indirectly involved in the proposed change
 union/employee representatives or groups
 OHS committees
 other people with specialist responsibilities
 external stakeholders where appropriate - such as clients,
suppliers, industry associations, regulatory and licensing
Risks may refer to:  any event, process or action that may result in goals and
objectives of the organization not being met
 any adverse impact on individuals or the organization
 various risks identified in a risk management process
Information needs may  new and emerging workplace issues
include:  implications for current work roles and practices including
training and development
 changes relative to workplace legislation, such as OHS,
workplace data such as productivity, inputs/outputs and
future projections
 planning documents
 reports
 market trend data
 scenario plans
 customer/competitor data

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of  Planning the introduction and facilitation of change
Competence  Developing creative and flexible approaches and solutions
 Managing emerging challenges and opportunities
Underpinning  Relevant legislation from all levels of government that
Knowledge and affects business operation, especially in regard to

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Attitudes occupational health and safety and environmental issues,
equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-
 the principles and techniques involved in:
 change and innovation management
 development of strategies and procedures to implement
and facilitate change and innovation
 use of risk management strategies: identifying hazards,
 assessing risks and implementing risk control measures
 problem identification and resolution
 leadership and mentoring techniques
 management of quality customer service delivery
 consultation and communication techniques
 record keeping and management methods
 the sources of change and how they impact
 factors which lead/cause resistance to change
 approaches to managing workplace issues
Underpinning Skills  Communication skills
 Planning work
 Managing risk
Resources Implication The following resources must be provided:
 Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools, equipment and consumable materials
Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview
 Observation/Demonstration
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Prepare Design Brief for Construction Works
Unit Code CON MGT5 13 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to generate a brief for a
conventional design, seek feedback on drafts, negotiate with the
client and prepare a final design brief for client approval.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Confirm clients 1.1 Client requirements are clarified and confirmed through
requirement discussion with the client, and project teams, if appropriate.
1.2 Financial expectations of the client are reconfirmed.
1.3 Preliminary design notions are discussed with project teams
to ensure consistency with the client's vision.
2. Clarify 2.1 Input from stakeholders is assessed to confirm the
stakeholders responsibilities, requirements and limitations of the design
requirement brief.
2.2 Analysis of the site survey is commissioned, as appropriate,
and all relevant information is gathered and used to inform
the development of the brief.
3. Negotiate 3.1 The fee proposal is discussed with the client and amended
engagement as appropriate prior to formalization of the agreement.
with the client 3.2 Scope of services to be undertaken within the contract is
discussed and confirmed with the client, either directly or by
delegation to a team member.
3.3 Draft proposals are presented to the client, and client
feedback is used to modify and improve the proposal.
3.4 Design brief is finalized in compliance with stakeholder
requirements and all documentation is completed to client

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Variables Range
Stakeholders  architects and designers
include:  site supervisors
 services authorities
 federal or regional authorities and /or regulatory bodies
 principals of the construction company
 subcontractors
Fee proposals to  cost/benefit analysis
be developed with  financing options
consideration  client profile and relationship to the building and
given to:  construction company

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must
Competence be able to provide evidence of:
 an understanding of financial, legal and administrative
 factors affecting the contractual relationship
 the ability to communicate with clients effectively
 the ability to apply and interpret relevant statutory
 requirements
 the ability to analyze and commission a client design
 brief which complies with the requirements of all relevant
Underpinning  fee structures
Knowledge and  industry codes of practice
Attitudes  relevant statutory requirements
 scope of services provided by the enterprise
Underpinning  communication skills, including oral communication, active
Skills listening, questioning and negotiation skills
 customer service
 numeracy skills, including budgeting and forecasting;
 reading skills, including the interpretation of a range of
documents such as design briefs, sketches, drawings and plans
 risk analysis and management
Resources The following resources must be provided:
Implication  Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools, equipment and consumable materials
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview
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 Observation/Demonstration
Context of  Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting
 Assessment can be through simulated project-based activity
and must include evidence relating to each of the elements in
this unit.
Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Manage Project Communication
Unit Code CON MGT5 14 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the outcomes required to link people, ideas
and information at all stages in the project life cycle. Project
communications management ensures the timely and
appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage and
disposal of project information through formal structures and
processes. It aids in decision making and the control of informal
communication networks to facilitate the achievement of project

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan 1.1 Information requirements are identified, documented and

communication analyzed, with input from stakeholders and guidance of a
process higher project authority, as the basis for communications
1.2 Within delegated authority, an agreed communications
management plan is developed to ensure clarity of
understanding and achievement of project objectives
throughout the project life cycle
1.3 Designated project management information system,
structure and procedures are established and maintained to
ensure the quality, validity, timeliness and integrity of
information and communication
2. Manage 2.1 The generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysis and
information dissemination of information by project staff and
stakeholders is managed within established systems and
procedures to aid decision making processes throughout
the project life cycle
2.2 Designated information validation processes are
implemented, modified, monitored and controlled to
optimize quality and accuracy of data
2.3 Agreed communication networks between project staff,
client and other stakeholders are implemented and
maintained to ensure effective communications at

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appropriate levels throughout the project life cycle
3. Manage project 3.2 Communication and information management system
reporting problems are identified and reported to a higher project
authority, and agreed remedial actions are implemented to
ensure project objectives are met
3.3 Customer relationships are maintained within established
guidelines to ensure clarity of understanding of objectives
and to reduce conflict throughout the project life cycle
4. Assess 4.1 Finalization activities are conducted to ensure agreed
communications ownership of, and responsibility for, information collected
management 4.2 Project outcomes are reviewed to determine the
outcomes effectiveness of management information and
communications processes and procedures
4.3 Lessons learned and recommended improvements are
identified, documented and passed on to a higher project
authority for application in future projects

Variables Range
Delegated  be done independently within broad guidance or by taking the
authority means lead of a team
that activities  involve consultation with other project members, teams and
may: internal stakeholders
 involve the selection, use and supervision of appropriate
communications management methods and tools
 be conducted routinely or as changing circumstances dictate
 take into account internal organizational change and external
environmental change
Project  a means for communicating knowledge about the project and
Management provides a systematic approach to the storing, searching and
Information retrieval of information relevant to the project and may
System (PMIS) include:
 simple manual systems
 complex computer-based systems
 modified systems to cater for unique project requirements
Communication  formal networks
networks  informal networks
may include:  specific networks
 the organization’s communication networks
 client organization and end users

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able
Competence to provide evidence of having taken responsibility within projects
for managing communications. This will include evidence of
managing the work of others within the project team with respect
to communications.

Products that could be used as evidence include:

 documentation produced in managing projects such as:
 communications management plans
 PMIS structure and procedures
 progress reports
 records of collection, validation, storage, retrieval,
 analysis and/or dissemination of information
 records of meetings
 post-validation process modifications
 communications networks
 records of communications problems and solutions

Processes that could be used as evidence include:

 how information requirements were determined for projects
 how communication plans and associated processes were
developed for projects
 how team members were managed throughout projects with
respect to communications management within the project
 how information was managed during projects
 how project reporting processes were managed during
 how problems and issues with respect to communications
and arising during projects were identified and addressed
 how projects were reviewed with respect to communications
 how improvements to communications management of
projects have been acted upon
Underpinning broad knowledge and understanding of:
Knowledge and  the principles of communications management and their
Attitudes application
 acceptance of responsibilities for communications
 maintenance of project management information systems and
communications networks
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 drafting, vetting, approving, obtaining endorsement and
forwarding reports to a higher authority
 place of communications management in the context of the
project life cycle and other project management functions
 appropriate communication management technologies; their
capabilities, limitations, applicability and contribution to project
 attributes:
 organized
 able to maintain an overview
 communicative
 positive leadership
Underpinning  ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
Skills ethnic backgrounds, and physical and mental abilities
 project management
 planning and organizing
 communication and negotiation
 problem-solving
 leadership and personnel management
 monitoring and review skills
Resources The following resources must be provided:
Implication  Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools, equipment and consumable materials
 Access to workplace documentation
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Interview
 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
Context of  Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting
 Assessment can be through simulated project-based activity
and must include evidence relating to each of the elements in
this unit.

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Unit Title Practice Career Professionalism
Unit Code CON MGT5 15 0910
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting
career growth and advancement.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Integrate 1.1 Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards
personal improving the qualifications set for the profession
objectives with 1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the
organizational course of managing oneself based on performance
goals evaluation
1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated
in the performance of duties
2. Set and meet 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal,
work priorities team and organizational goals and objectives.
2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage
work priorities and commitments
2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of
equipment and facilities are followed as per established
3. Maintain 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and
professional availed of based on job requirements
growth and 3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as
development proof of career advancement
3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career
are obtained and renewed

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Variables Range
Evaluation  Performance Appraisal
 Psychological Profile
 Aptitude Tests
Resources  Human
 Financial
 Technology
 Hardware
 Software
Trainings and  Participation in training programs
career  Technical
opportunities  Supervisory
 Managerial
 Continuing Education
 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops
Recognitions  Recommendations
 Citations
 Certificate of Appreciations
 Commendations
 Awards
 Tangible and Intangible Rewards
Licenses and/or  National Certificates
certifications  Certificate of Competence
Support Level Licenses
 Professional Licenses

Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency  Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs)
 Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course
of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
 Completed trainings and career opportunities which are based
on the requirements of the industries
 Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications
according to the requirement of the qualification
Underpinning  Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.)
Knowledge  Company policies

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 Company operations, procedures and standards
 Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity
 Personal hygiene practices
Underpinning  Appropriate practice of personal hygiene
Skills  Intra and Interpersonal skills
 Communication skills
4. Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  Workplace or assessment location
 Case studies/scenarios
5. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment Interview / Exams and Tests
Observation / demonstration
6. Context for Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting

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Occupational Standard: Construction Management Level V
Develop and Refine Systems for Continuous Improvement
Unit Title
in Operations
Unit Code CON MGT5 16 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency covers the skills, knowledge and
processes required to ensure that continuous improvement
systems do not stultify and continue to improve along with other
operational systems in an organization. This unit is about
improving the process yield/unit of effort or cost, reducing
process variation and increasing process reliability, upgrading,
enhancing or refining process outputs, and includes developing
a culture of reviewing and sustaining change ensuring
improvements are maintained and built on.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Describe organization systems that impact on continuous

parameters of improvement
current internal 1.2 Identify current relevant metrics and their values
systems 1.3 Check that metrics are collected for all improvements
1.4 Determine yield of current improvement processes
1.5 Review results of improvements
2. Distinguish 2.1 Identify all improvements which have occurred over an
breakthrough agreed period of time
improvement 2.2 Distinguish between breakthrough improvements and
processes continuous improvements
2.3 Determine the timing of breakthrough improvement
2.4 Analyze factors controlling the timing and selection of
breakthrough improvements
2.5 Analyze continuous improvements to identify cases
where breakthrough improvements were required
2.6 Validate findings with process/system owners and obtain
required approvals
2.7 Improve timing/selection of breakthrough improvements

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2.8 Improve other factors limiting the gains from breakthrough
3. Develop 3.1 Check that levels of delegated authority and responsibility
continuous are appropriate for continuous improvement from the shop
improvement floor
practice 3.2 Ensure all personnel have appropriate capabilities for
continuous improvement processes
3.3 Ensure personnel and systems recognize potential
breakthrough improvement projects
3.4 Ensure sufficient resources are available for the operation
of continuous and breakthrough improvement processes
3.5 Check that relevant information flows from improvement
changes to all required areas and stakeholders
3.6 Check data collection and metrics analysis capture
changes which result from improvement actions
3.7 Check that improvement changes are standardized and
3.8 Check review processes for routine continuous
3.9 Remove or change factors limiting gains from
3.10 Modify systems to ensure appropriate possible changes
are referred to other improvement processes
3.11 Institutionalize breakthrough
4. Establish 4.1 Review value stream systems that impact on
parameters of improvement
current external 4.2 Review procedures for deciding improvement
improvement methodologies Identify current relevant metrics and their
system values, as appropriate
4.3 Determine yield of current improvement processes
4.4 Review results of improvements
5. Explore 5.1 Review mechanisms for consultation with value stream
opportunities for members
further 5.2 Develop mechanisms for further improving joint problem
development of solving
value stream
improvement 5.3 Develop mechanisms for increased sharing of
processes organizational knowledge
5.4 Obtain support and necessary authorizations from
process/system owners
5.5 Capture and standardize improvements

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5.6 Improve factors limiting gains from continuous
6. Review systems 6.1 Review all systems which impact or are impacted on
for compatibility improvements and the improvement system
with 6.2 Analyze relationships between improvement systems and
improvement other relevant systems
6.3 Analyze practices caused by and results from the
6.4 Negotiate changes to the systems to improve the
outcomes from improvement systems
6.5 Obtain necessary approvals to implement changes
6.6 Monitor the implementation of the changes

Variable Range
Competitive Competitive systems and practices may include, but are not
systems and limited to:
practices  lean operations
 agile operations
 preventative and predictive maintenance approaches
 monitoring and data gathering systems, such as Systems
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software, Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Materials Resource
Planning (MRP) and proprietary systems
 statistical process control systems, including six sigma and
three sigma
 JIT, kanban and other pull-related operations control
 supply, value, and demand chain monitoring and analysis
 5S
 continuous improvement (kaizen)
 breakthrough improvement (kaizen blitz)
 cause/effect diagrams
 overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
 takt time
 process mapping
 problem solving
 run charts
 standard procedures
 current reality tree
 Competitive systems and practices should be interpreted so
as to take into account:
 stage of implementation of competitive systems and

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 the size of the enterprise
 the work organization, culture, regulatory environment
and the industry sector
Code of practice Where reference is made to industry codes of practice, and/or
and standards Ethiopian/international standards, the latest version must be
Organization Organization systems may include:
systems  problem recognition and solving
 operational/process improvement
 improvement projects
 product/process design and development
 processes for making incremental improvements
Relevant metrics Relevant metrics include all those measures which might be
used to determine the performance of the improvement system
and may include:
 hurdle rates for new investments
 KPIs for existing processes
 quality statistics
 delivery timing and quantity statistics
 process/equipment reliability (‘uptime’)
 incident and non-conformance reports
 complaints, returns and rejects
Process Improvement process yield may be regarded as:
improvement yield  the benefit achieved for the effort invested
Breakthrough Breakthrough improvements include:
improvements  those which result from a kaizen blitz or other improvement
project or event and are a subset of all improvements
Timing of Timing of breakthrough improvements includes:
breakthrough  frequency (which should be maximized) and duration (which
improvements should be minimized) of events/projects
Continuous Continuous improvement is part of normal work and does not
improvement require a special event to occur (although may still require
authorizations) and contrasts with breakthrough
improvement/kaizen blitz which occurs by way of an event or
Resources for Resources for improvements include:
improvement  improvement budget
 guidelines for trialing of possible improvements
 mechanism for approvals for possible improvements
 business case guidelines for proposed improvements
 indicators of success of proposed improvement
 mechanisms for tracking and evaluation of changes
 forum for the open discussion of the results of the
 mechanisms for the examination of the improvement for
additional improvements
 organization systems to sustain beneficial changes

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Capturing value Capturing value stream improvements includes:
stream  revised contractual arrangements
improvements  revised specifications
 signed agreements
 other documented arrangements which formalize the raised
base line
Systems impacting Systems which impact/are impacted on improvements and the
improvements improvement system include:
 office
 purchasing
 rewards (individual or team at all levels)
 sales
 marketing
 maintenance
 process/product
 transport and logistics
Organizational Organizational knowledge should:
knowledge  be able to be quantified or otherwise modified to make its
outcomes measurable or observable
 be able to be expressed in an accessible and distributable
form appropriate to the organization operations and
Improvements Improvements may:
 be to process, plant, procedures or practice
 include changes to ensure positive benefits to stakeholders
are maintained
Manager Manager may include:
 any person who may have either a permanent or an ad hoc
role in facilitating the function of multiple teams in a
workplace, departments or entire organizations

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be
Competence able to provide evidence of the ability to:
 critically review current continuous improvement processes
 establish ongoing review of continuous improvement
 implement improvements in the practice of continuous
 better align internal and external systems
 gather data through interviews with stakeholders
 review existing data
 obtain additional data through a variety of techniques
 communicate and negotiate at all levels within the
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
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Knowledge and  competitive systems and practices tools, including:
Attitudes  value stream mapping
 5S
 Just in Time (JIT)
 mistake proofing
 process mapping
 establishing customer pull
 kaizen and kaizen blitz
 setting of KPIs/metrics
 identification and elimination of waste (muda)
 continuous improvement processes including
implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategies for a
whole organization and its value stream
 difference between breakthrough improvement and
continuous improvement
 organizational goals, processes and structure
 approval processes within organization
 cost/benefit analysis methods
 methods of determining the impact of a change
 advantages and disadvantages of communication media,
methods and formats for different messages and audiences
 customer perception of value
 define, measure, analyze, improve, and control and sustain
(DMAIC) process
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 undertaking self-directed problem solving and decision-
making on issues of a broad and/or highly specialized nature
and in highly varied and/or highly specialized contexts
 communicating at all levels in the organization and value
stream and to audiences of different levels of literacy and
 analyzing current state/situation of the organization and
value stream
 determining and implementing the most appropriate method
for capturing value stream improvements
 collecting and interpreting data and qualitative information
from a variety of sources
 analyzing individually and collectively the implementation of
competitive systems and practices tools in the organization
and determining strategies for improved implementation
 relating implementation and use of competitive systems and
practices and continuous improvement to customer benefit
 solving highly varied and highly specialized problems related
to competitive systems and practices implementation and
continuous improvement to root cause
 negotiating with stakeholders, where required, to obtain
information required for implementation and refinement of
continuous improvements, including management, unions,
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value stream members, employees and members of the
 reviewing relevant metrics, including all those measures
which might be used to determine the performance of the
improvement system, including:
 key performance indicators (KPIs) for existing processes
 quality statistics
 delivery timing and quantity statistics
 process/equipment reliability (‘uptime’)
 incident and non-conformance reports
 implementing continuous improvement to support systems
and areas, including maintenance, office, training and
human resources
Resources Access may be required to:
Implication  workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
 specifications and documentation relating to planned,
currently being implemented, or implemented changes to
work processes and procedures relevant to the assessee
 documentation and information in relation to production,
waste, overheads and hazard control/management
 reports from supervisors/managers
 case studies and scenarios to assess responses to
Methods of Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a
Assessment combination of the following to generate evidence:
 demonstration in the workplace
 suitable simulation
 oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of principles
and techniques associated with change management
In all cases it is expected that practical assessment will be
combined with targeted questioning to assess underpinning
Context of Assessment of performance must be undertaken in a workplace
Assessment using or implementing one or more competitive systems and

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Level V Construction Management

Level IV On-Site Building Construction Management

Building Sanitary Bar Bending Plastering and

Level III Electrical Installation
& Concreting

Building Sanitary Bar Bending Finishing Construction

Level II Electrical Installation Masonry
& Concreting Carpentry Works

Level I Installation Construction Structural Construction Finishing

Works Works Construction Works

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business,

industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise

to the development of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of Ministry of Works

and Urban Development (MWUD), Housing Development Process, Construction

Industry Development Process, Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA), Ministry of Water

Resources (MoWR), Federal Waterworks Construction Enterprise (WWCE),

Ministry of Education (MoE) and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who

made the development of this occupational standard possible.

This occupational standard was developed on September 2010 Addis Ababa,


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