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Nebreja, Alejandro John M.

BS Mechanical Engineering 1-1

Readings in Philippine History

1. Before reading the journal of Antonio Pigafetta, what are your first impression about
the ff. people:
a. Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan is seen as an outgoing individual. He is passionate about

expeditions, exploring the vast lands of Africa, even before his arrival at Spain.

Ferdinand Magellan is a Portuguese explorer in 1500s but he represents the country

of Spain. Living in the era of many explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco
Núñez de Balboa, he was eager and inspired to find the spice island called Moluccas. His
explorations of different European countries aimed to improve their economy using spices
and different resources, and to spread Christianity. Failing to get the approval of the king
of Portugal for his expeditions, he sparingly proposed an expedition to the king of Spain
and was given 5 ships and more than 200 people. Together with scholar Antonio Pigafetta
and priest Father Pedro de Valderrama, they explored the world in pursuit of the spice
island. After a long time of traveling, they reached Philippines and did their missions. They
exploited our resources and spread Christianism by holding the first mass in the
Philippines. He is quite charismatic and compelling for he immediately made the natives
of Cebu convert into Christians, however, he is also impatient. He waged war to the people
of Mactans who disagreed on conversion and this costed him his life.

b. Lapu-lapu

There are only few data about Lapu-lapu except that he led the battle of Mactan and
he was acclaimed as our first hero. He is the first Filipino that tried to fight against the
scheme of the Spaniards of befriending us then later exploit our resources. He is patriotic
and firm believer of our own culture-that should not be tainted by foreign culture. He led
the men of Mactan who refused to be converted to Christians.

c. Battle of Mactan

Battle of Mactan is where the troops of Magellan and the troops of Lapu-lapu
fought. Mactan people led by Lapu-lapu declining conversion causing the disparity
between the Spaniards and themselves. Magellan, according to narrations, led 60 men to
fight against the 1000 men troops of Lapu-lapu. The odds only show that this will not be a
battle but a suicide. Magellan did not falter, and was confident because his ships had armor,
cannons, swords and other advanced weapons compared to the barbaric weapons and tools
used by the opponent. According to some documentaries, the battle did not favor Magellan
and his troop due to low tide instigating the ships to be far away from the coast. They were
not able to use cannons and was forced to use boats to go to the shore. Exhausted from
rowing, they were welcomed with poisoned arrows. Armors cannot defend them from the
barrage of several attacks. Magellan died from the poisoned arrows and they were
overwhelmingly defeated by the troops of Lapu-lapu.

2. In this excerpt, what style of writing Pigafetta utilized?

Pigafetta used 2 historical style of writing, the narrative and descriptive. He narrates
their experiences and described their discoveries. He discussed their learning from the
native Filipinos in scrutiny.

In your own words how did the chronicler illustrate the following:

a. Gold

Pigafetta revealed that gold is very abundant to the natives. He described that they
used it as an accessory, and several have a tooth made of gold. He also showed that gold is
used as a social status. The leaders of the tribes can be distinguished easily because of their
extravagant accessories which are mostly made of gold. Moreover, their weapons have an
ornament made of gold. The leaders also have a small portion of their houses which are
made of gold such as their dishes. Pigafetta wrote that the gold symbolizes your importance
in a tribe.

b. Coconut
Pigafetta illustrates coconuts by describing its appearance and accordingly
compared it to plants that he knew. He wrote that its size is comparable to a head, its husk
is thicker than two fingers and its shell is harder than a walnut. He also showed the different
uses of the different parts and benefits one can gain from the said tree. The filaments from
the fruit’s husk can be used as a rope. Liquor can be obtained from the heart of the tree.
Likewise, coconut milk and oil can be extracted. He considered coconut as a main resource
used by the natives especially in the Zamal island.

c. Clothing/Dresses

In his journal, Pigafetta wrote that the clothing of the Philippine natives way back
then were made of cloth woven from trees. They usually wore cotton cloths embroidered
with silk and sometimes it is decorated with gold. It only covers from their waist down to
cover their genitals. This way of clothing is applied to every member of the tribe except
their chief and other important people. The queen and other important women in their
society usually wore head dresses made of plants.

d. Societies/Communities

The society of the native Filipinos were found in different islands. Different
communities in different islands are led by a raja. One good example is the island of Cebu
led by Raja Humabon. Filipinos lived a primitive life, Pigafetta denoted, despite presence
of agriculture and animal husbandry in their practices.
3. What were the cultural practices Pigafetta wrote down that are still existing today and
are now discontinued and extinct?
Magellan’s team experienced firsthand the hospitality of the Filipinos. It is a culture
of the Filipinos that we became known for. Like present practice, Magellan and his men
are welcomed with a feast and treasures. Filipinos like to make their guest feel comfortable
and would spend lavish for it to happen.
Farming and animal husbandry, before we are colonized, can be considered an
imminent practice. We still continue these practices because we have large lands good for
farming and resources good for raising animals. As a result, as of today eating rice is still
part of our culture.
Some cultural practices that are already extinct here in the Philippines are blood
compact (sandugu) and slave trading. Blood compact is done to consummate a contractor
treaty. What is bound by Sandugo is unaltered and ineradicable. However, contracts and
treaties are written in paper and notarized by a lawyer.
Slave trading and offering slaves as a tribute is a typical gift-giving practice of the
native Filipinos before. It is an extinct practice because having a slave and trading them is
illegal and a criminal offense. This is against the human rights.

4. In one paragraph, how Pigafetta portrayed Magellan as a:

a. Leader

According to Pigafetta, Magellan is a caring and exemplary leader. It is evident in

his writings that Magellan possesses the value of leadership. He tends for the sick and
wounded. On one instance, during their escaping from the attack, Magellan made sure that
many of his men had already escaped before he do. He is a hero for them. He is also a
charismatic and competent leader. He showed eloquence in conversing with the natives.
Pigafetta denoted that every achievement is spearheaded by their leader Ferdinand
b. Soldier

As a soldier, Pigafetta considered Ferdinand Magellan as a valiant soldier. Even

when knocked down, he stood firmly to fight. He continued to fight bravely so that his men
can escape. While wounded, he witnessed his men retreat. Pigafetta portrayed Magellan as
enduring for he continued to fight for an hour against numerous enemies. Unfortunately,
he fell after several attacks.

c. Personality

Pigafetta’s bias portrayal to Ferdinand Magellan is near perfect. He looked at him

as a charismatic and kind captain that always looked out for his team. He showed how very
helpful Ferdinand Magellan to the native Filipinos. He described Magellan as an intelligent
and brave soldier when it comes to fighting. As a personality, Pigafetta looked at Magellan
as a near perfect person.

5. Compare your no. 1 impressions to Pigafetta’s account especially the Battle of Mactan.
What are your 3 differences you see between yours and the chronicler? Do you
sympathize with Magellan’s fate and strengthen your admiration on Lapu-lapu? Explain
your answer.

Pigafetta’s description of Ferdinand Magellan is different on my first impression. I

first thought of Magellan as a cunning and opportunistic person that will do everything to
achieve his goals but Pigafetta portrayed him as a good and rational man. Pigafetta showed
that Ferdinand Magellan is very kind on his crew and the native Filipinos because he is
always and ready to help.

My first idea on why Magellan waged war against the people of Mactan is he is
impatient and want to convert everyone but according to Pigafetta it is not. He said it is
due to Magellan “being a good shepherd and refuse to abandon his flock”. It is like a form
of helping his allies against their enemy chief Lapu-lapu.
The Battle of Mactan is also different on Pigafetta’s account. Many thought it was
just a battle in a seashore but there are negotiations that happened. There are also strategic
moves that Magellan does like burning the houses in the village to scare them but it
backfired. It made the opponent more furious. It made the crew of Magellan retreat while
fight and this cost the life of Magellan.

Magellan’s fate is really tragic but it is inevitable. Insisting your ideals and beliefs
to other people will result in a dispute. Applying violence will always result to even greater
violence. My admiration to Lapu-lapu and the people of Mactan strengthened for they
stood their ground and remained patriotic. They had shown bravery and courage, even if
enemies used muskets and fire, in fighting for their beloved village and traditions. They
represented the true spirit of bravery and patriotism of Filipinos.

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