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Operation Management (MGMT 455)
Model exam

Date: ______________

Total Weight:- 40%

Time allowed: 1:30 Hours

Name:________________________ID NO:_____________ Dept:_____________Section:__________


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GAGE University College Undergraduate Program Operation Management Exam

Part I: Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is incorrect

_________1. Operation Management is deals with managing reproductive recourses.

_________2. Market please is similar to production place.
_________3. Operation is an external function that is buffered from the external environment.
_________4. Maximum Efficiency achieved by marking continues production.
_________5. Strategic decision includes performance product and serves plan.
_________6. Operating decision deals with operating the factory system once it is in place.
_________7. Develop appropriate product specification do not influence the quality of good service
_________8. Speed of delivery one of the roles of operations management
_________9. Quality based strategies do not focuser customer satisfaction.
_________10. The type of quality’s of processing equipments determines the production the product
chosen for the firms market.
_________11. Service operations are labor intensive.
_________12. Decisions pertaining to the final product design determine the firms image and
Part II: Choose the best answer from the alternatives given and write your answer on the space
_________13. Which one of the following are not the areas in which organizations have achieved time
A. Planning Time C. Processing time E. None of the above
B. Delivery time D. Product design time
_________14. __________ Refers to the direction and control of the process that trend form inputs in
to finished goods & services.
A. Organizational Management C. Decision Making
B. Operations management D. Organizational Behavior
_________ 15. Which one of the following is incorrect concept?
A. Service operation is labor intensive
B. Service operations have certain intense b/c variables
C. Manufacturing operations are capital of technology intensive
D. Manufacturing operations are labor intensive than service operations
E. All are correct
_________ 16. To produce a good or service at the lowest possible cost, which one of following is not
that necessary as technique.
A. Follow the most economical work methods C. Motivate employed
B. Establish work standards D. Assess customer buying behavior
_________17. Decision on the final product designs will influence or determine
A. Profitability of company D. Opportunity or problems it may face in the future
B. Image of the company E. All of the above
C. Companies market positioning
_________18. Which one of the following is not a part of strategic decision followed by operational
A. Product and service plan D. Deals with actual production system
B. Competitive priorities (TDM) E. Companies market positioning
C. Location, capacity and layout decision
_________19. Which one of the following is not a part of design decision followed by operation
A. Job design C. Actual production system
B. Process design technology D. Product and service plan
_________ 20. Factors that affect product design are the following except________.
A. Manages view point D. Financial Managers view point
B. Marketing view point E. All of the above
C. Top management view point
_________21. ___________ research is the major source of product idea for most firms
A. Applied research C. Business research
B. Basic research D. Product design research
_________ 22. _________ is not the major reason for keeping campaign is stock of inventories
A. Stabilizing employment D. Level of capacity plan
B. Decoupling production processes E. All
C. Production stoppage protection F. None of the above
Part III: Write the appropriate answer by choosing the letter from column “B” to column “A”
“ A “ “ B“
_________23. Purpose of Inventors A. EOQ for Production Lot
_________24. Factors affecting product design B. Protect against stock out
_________25. Inventory management model C. Quality Control View Point
_________26. Part of strategic decision D. Define the problem
_________27. Framework for decision process E. location & Capacity Decision
_________28. Design decision include F. mini max Regret
_________29. Decision making model uncertainty G. Job Design
_________30. Service operation H. Labor intestine
_________31. Manufacturing operation I. Capital Intensive
_________32. Roles of operation management J. Developing Global Production Networks

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