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Republic of the Philippines


(University of the City of Manila)
Intramuros, Manila

(Dalubhasaan ng Narsing)


GUEVARRA, Angelica Paula P.

1. Assess your self-concept by listing at least five (5) of your current roles in the following area:
a. Family
 Youngest sibling
 Daughter
 Pet sitter
 Cleaner
 Teacher (to my parents who doesn’t know much about technology)
b. Friends
 Big sister
 Advisor
 Disciplinarian (not tolerating misconducts of friends)
 Cheer Leader (provides support and encouragement)
 Companion (I go wherever my friends go)
c. School
 Student
 Peacemaker
 Cleaner
 Friend
 Senior (role model for lower years)
d. Community
 Tax payer
 Responsible citizen
 Role model to younger citizens
 Christian Lady
 Good Neighbor
e. Self
 Learner
 Daughter
 Dreamer
 Protector
 Teacher

2. Assess your body image by describing your body in 5-6 words:

Chubby, unhealthy, poor posture, stressed

3. Describe your self-esteem by completing the following statements using the rating scales OFTEN or
a. I usually feel accepted: RARELY
b. I usually receive praise: RARELY
c. I usually receive respect: OFTEN
d. I usually receive love: OFTEN
e. I usually receive criticism OFTEN
f. I take criticism well RARELY
g. I take criticism badly OFTEN
h. I view myself positively RARELY
i. I view myself negatively OFTEN
j. I feel like I belong RARELY
k. I feel like I don’t belong OFTEN

4. Describe how your self-perception does or does not match your ideal self
My self-perception does not match my ideal self. My ideal self is of a course a perfect human
being – beautiful inside and out. Almost without flaws. However, my perception of myself is the
opposite of my ideal self. But I would like to improve myself not to be my ideal self but to be the
better version of myself.
5. Describe your inner feelings and thoughts by answering the following questions using the rating scale
a. How frequently do you have positive (optimistic) thoughts? RARELY
b. How frequently do you have negative (pessimistic) thoughts? OFTEN

6. List four (4) feelings that best describe you:

a. Overwhelmed – I’m overwhelmed by the responsibilities I need to do at home and at school.
b. Worried – I’m worried that I might not do well those responsibilities and for my future.
c. Irritated – I’m easily irritated by the things that is in front of me. Example how hot is it, or the
slow internet connectivity, or the noisy neighbors and dogs
d. Frustrated – I’m frustrated by the things I can’t do and the things I want but can’t have.
7. List the following:
a. Coping behaviors, you use most often in times of stress, anxieties, problems:
a) Crying just letting all-out the bottled-up emotions
b) Sleeping
c) Eating
d) Listening to music
e) Staring into nothingness or daydreaming
f) Taking a walk outside
b. Physical signs and symptoms you notice most often when stressed:
a) Acne breakouts
b) Pain in the shoulder
c) Overeating
d) Sometimes heavy breathing
8. List five (5) things you like most about yourself – POSITIVE FEEDBACK:
a. Eager to learn
b. Good listener
c. Punctual
d. Thrifty
e. Concern and caring to the people who are close to me

9. List five (5) things you do not like about yourself and are willing to throw in a TRASH BIN:
a. Pessimist
b. I give up easily
c. Overthinker
d. Gets irritated easily
e. Whiny
10. Identify 3 specific changes you would like to make in yourself and list ways to accomplish each of them:

Changes Actions
Overthinking  Write all my worries on aa piece of paper
that way it won’t cloud my mind
 Then prioritize what things should be
given attention and throw the ones that are
not important
 Then address the important worries one
by one
Giving up easily  Find motivation to do the task
 Eliminate distractions
 Try to focus on the task
 Try doing it one step at a time
 Asking help to others if it’s hard
Pessimist  Practice deep breathing
 Try to look on the positive side
 Divert attention whenever a pessimistic
thought would come out

11. Describe five (5) values in your life that are most important to you:
1. Trust – I have trust issues and I want to have an intact trust with the people around me so I would feel
more secure in a way.
2. Honesty – I believe honesty can clear up misunderstandings. So, I try to be honest as possible.
3. Respect – even people have different point of views about something if there is respect, there would be
no conflict
4. Discipline – doing the right thing with or without anybody looking should be normal with us humans
since we have brain, we are capable of thinking. However not all people have this trait and it sad that
we can prevent some bad situations if we could have just discipline.
5. Empathy – if we only put ourselves in the shoes of others then we could know what can we help.


a. I AM Angelica Paula P. Guevarra, a 3rd year Nursing student.
b. I CAN be intimidating for others but if once they know me, we they’ll probably change their mind
c. I BELIEVE everyone has their own purpose.
d. I ENJOY bonding with my pets.
e. I AM LEARNING TO improve myself and take my negative characteristics into an advantageous
f. I AM AFRAID to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.
g. I LOVE MY family, friends, and pets.
h. I WISH FOR a peaceful world and equal quality of living for everyone.
i. I HATE myself for not doing the things that I regret not doing.
j. I DREAM OF a content and peaceful life
k. I FEAR that my dreams may not come true.
l. WHAT IF I do the things I regret? Will my life be better?
m. I KNOW I COULD be anything I want to be if I’m just be brave and persevere for it.
n. I SHOULD NOT let my weaknesses overcome and hinder me to the things that I should do to
improve myself.
o. IF I HAVE A CHOICE, I WILL enroll myself in language learning classes and other classes that
may help me improve myself
p. I AM WILLING TO WAIT UNTIL I have stable financial income to get the material things that I

13. Give five (5) rewards you would give yourself once goal of self-improvement is accomplished:

1. A really good meal from a restaurant

2. Hours of long interrupted sleep
3. Read non-academic books
4. Stroll in the park or somewhere peaceful with my pets
5. Buy shoes specifically boots or clothes

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