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Look at the maps and read the example task 1 response below.

The maps show the changes in the village of Wells-on-the-Water in the UK between 1985 and 2010.

Sample Task 1 Maps Answer

The maps reveal developments in the British village of Wells-on-the-Water over a 25-year period.  Overall,

it is clear that Wells-on-the-Water developed from a small, agricultural village to a larger and more
commercial settlement.
The most notable development was that the forest north of Woods Drive was cleared and replaced with a
new commercial area.  A new access road, Queen’s Drive, was constructed which connected Woods Drive
to the area north east of the village. New shops were constructed along both Woods Drive and Queen’s
Drive. In the south of the village, Mansion Lane was extended and a bridge was built allowing access across
the river. New houses were constructed on both sides of Mansion Lane. All of this construction seriously
reduced the amount of farmland around the village. The old farm house and the post office at the western
end of Mansion Lane were demolished and replaced with a park. The post office was relocated to one of
the new buildings on Queen’s Drive.
The largest building in the village in both years was the mansion. However, by 2010 it had
been converted into a care home. Likewise, the old factory was converted into luxury flats.  Only Mansion
Gardens remained unchanged throughout the period.

(204 words)

1.The writer has paraphrased the topic of the maps. 

2.There is not enough information in the introduction 

3.The writer has chosen the most important changes in the village to focus on first. 

4.The writer should has stated precisely (written exactly) how many new houses and shops were
5.Both body paragraphs should be the same length. 


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