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Family Handbook

Our Mission
Building a solid foundation for your child's learning and development.
Serving the children and families by providing a nurturing and
secure environment. Meeting the needs of every child as an individual
and supporting their developmental needs.

Foundation Station Development Center

123456 Richmond Rd.
Berea, KY. 40403
Phone: 859-123-4567
Fax: 859-765-4321
Email: [email protected]

Welcome to Foundation Station
Development Center

The Family Handbook has been written to describe our program,

philosophy, policies, and all the practical details that go into making each day as
happy and successful as possible. Please carefully read this handbook and keep it
for future reference. The staff at Foundation Station Development Center would be
glad to address any of your questions or concerns. Once again, welcome!

Our Philosophy
We are devoted to educating and caring for the children in our program
here at Foundation Station Child Development Center. We host a nurturing and
positive environment so all children can build a solid foundation of learning
experiences. Children can develop all skills needed to be successful in the future.
Our philosophy incorporates several early childhood theories, some from Piaget,
Vygotsky, Gerber, Montessori, Erikson and Bronfenbrenner. Children can benefit
from many positive practices, as well as continuous research. We strive to work
together with families where they feel engaged in their child's progress and
welcomed at our center. We offer a diverse program and believe in the following
developmental principles:
Parents are a child's first teacher; we encourage parents to share their ideas
and thoughts to their child's teacher. Relationships with our families are important
to the learning process of the children in our care. Teachers see the children in the
classroom as individual beings, no child is the same, and will not learn and
develop the same. We work with the children to develop positive images of
themselves and their learning abilities. Children rates of development will vary,
but the sequential progression of growth does not.
Providing a well-arranged environment indoors and outdoors to promote
individual learning experiences through play. Children can develop many skills
through the opportunities provided by the layout of the classroom, and materials.
The child's development involves interrelated physical, cognitive, emotional, and
social skills. Based on the children's interest, activities will be planned accordingly.


The Foundation Station Child Development Center (FSC) was founded in 2000,
to provide childcare services to families in the Berea/Richmond Area. We serve as
a high-quality childcare center for children ages 6 weeks to 6 years old. We also
offer an afterschool program for school age children through elementary school.
The staff works together to design and implement quality programs for
young children and families. We are a licensed childcare with accreditation
through the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC), KY
ALLSTARS program, and incorporates the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards

Enrollment and Tuition:

The Enrollment Packet includes: Contact Information, Emergency form, permissions,

method of payment, participation in the USDA sponsored Child and Adult Care
Food program, etc. Child must have a current immunization certificate to attend. If
families have chosen to not have child immunized, they must sign and have
notarized a Certificate of Religious Exemption.

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 6:30am-5:30pm

Payment is expected in advance of service and prior to the first of each month.
Tuition is expected for days your child may be absent due to illness, family
emergencies, doctor visits, hospitalizations, vacations, or any other reason. Please
note that tuition rates do not change in the event of a week including a holiday.
After extensive research, we have found our policy to be consistent with other
schools and child day care centers. Because our costs remain the same throughout
the year, we rely on the specified tuition to be paid each week in order to meet
our expenses. Consequently, as much as we might like to, we cannot make
allowance for any days missed in your regular attendance schedule.

Monthly Rates (12 Pay Periods)

6weeks-3years old =$600
3years old-6years old =$500

6years old-10 years old = $300 (after school hours only, August-May)
$500 (Summer months all day)
Bi-Weekly Rates (24 Pay Periods)
6weeks-3years old =$300
3years old-6years old = $250
6years old- 10years old = $150 (after school hours only, August-May)
$250 (Summer months all day)

Holiday Closings:

Unexpected Closings:

Foundation Station Development Center will be open on public school

designated "snow days"--we may open late if necessary. On a rare occasion our
center may be forced to close due to a situation beyond our control (e.g., ice storm,
electrical outage, no water service). Every attempt will be made to inform parents
of an emergency closing. In cases where FSDC is told we must close temporarily,
and it is beyond our control, tuition is still due. FSDC will make every effort to pro-
rate, discount, or credit accounts, as necessary.

Withdrawal Policy:

Families may discontinue services at any time during the year. A two-week notice
is required. Notice must be given in writing by completing the Intent to Withdraw
Form, located in our office. Account must be paid in full before withdrawing—
including your child's tuition for that two-week period. Any account past due at
time of disenrollment will be paid thru our electronic withdrawal option.

The director at Foundation Station Development Center reserves the right to cancel
the enrollment of a child at his/her discretion, or for the following possible
• Non-payment or excessive late payments of tuition and fees.
• Not observing the rules of the center as outlined in the parent agreement.
• Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children by parent or child.
• Expired or non-immunizations and/or physical.


Proper communication between our parents and the teachers and staff of
Foundation Station Development Center is extremely important. Teachers will be
sending home information on a regular basis. Infant and toddler parents will
receive daily reports. You are welcome to call to arrange a meeting with your
child's teacher--even just to become better acquainted! Concerns about any aspect
of our program, or your child's care, may be expressed to the center director. Each
child is provided with a mailbox and/or cubby. Families with two households will
be provided two mailboxes. Please check these daily for notes, newsletters and
daily reports. Remember to communicate in writing any changes in your child's
schedule. We must be informed, in writing, regarding any changes in the person
picking up your child. You may add or delete names of authorized adults allowed
to pick-up your child on the Child Information Record.

Our main office must be informed of any of the following

• address and/or phone numbers, or e-mail address
• parent/guardian employment,
• health/immunizations up-dates, or;
• other pertinent information related to your child.
• In addition, if you are a family that uses English as a second language, we will
try to communicate to you in your chosen language if requested.


Each family has the right to confidentiality. Foundation Station Development
Center keeps certain information on file regarding children and families that may
be considered personal in nature. We maintain this information in confidence and
do not discuss or release it to persons outside of FSDC unless written permission
has been obtained from the parent(s).

Custody Orders:
Until custody has been established by a court action, one parent may not
limit the other from picking up a child in our care. The center must be notified
immediately of any changes in custody orders. Certified custody orders must be
given to the center director.

Drop-off and Pick-up Policies:

Parents are expected to accompany their child into the center. The teachers
are glad to assist you and your child at your drop-off time. Teachers, however,
will not assume direct responsibility for your child until you are ready to walk out
of the building. It is important for the teacher to keep a watchful eye on all the
children in his or her care. You are welcome to stay for a short while and assist
your child through this transition. Simply notify the classroom teacher when you
are ready to leave, and the teacher will assist. Only the individuals listed on the
Child Information Record, or on a written permission note from the parent, will be
allowed to leave with a child. The staff is expected to request a picture I.D. from
any unfamiliar person (including grandparents). If there is any concern, the staff of
Foundation Station Development Center reserves the right to deny a person's
request to pick-up a child. Your child’s classroom teacher may be available at
pick-up time for short questions. For longer discussions or concerns please
schedule an appointment. Parents are expected to assume full responsibility of
their child once they enter the classroom. Your child has waited all day to see you
and is excited when you walk in the door. At pick up please put away your cell
phone and give your full attention to your child. Children enrolled on a part-time
basis are expected to be picked-up at the agreed upon daily time. The parent or
guardian of a child not picked-up until after the agreed time, or past closing (6:00
p.m.), will be charged $1 per minute. Families who pick up late more than 3x, in a
one-year period, will pay $5 per minute after 6pm. All late fees are expected by
6:00 p.m. the following day. This fee applies per family. Payment should be given
directly to the staff member. Excessive abuse of late pickup times can result in
disenrollment. We discourage leaving your idling vehicle in the parking lot during
drop off and pick up times. In cases of extreme cold or heat please make your
transitions brief so the vehicle is not left unattended for a long period of time.
NEVER leave a child in an idling vehicle unattended.

Fire, Tornado and Disaster Procedure:
In the event of a fire, tornado or disaster warning, the children located at
the center will be taken to the designated areas. Each classroom is trained and
equipped with all exit and safety protocols. Each room also follows Madison
County requirements to be equipped with shelter in place kits. Students will
remain sheltered until the all-clear signal is sounded. Foundation Station
Development Center posts evacuation and Critical Management Plans at each

Student Possessions:
Each child will need a blanket to use at naptime. A zippered pillowcase is
also requested for storing the blanket. Your child's name must be clearly written
on the pillowcase and blanket. The pillowcase and blanket are taken home each
Friday to be washed and returned the following Monday. A small pillow or small
stuffed toy is permissible. Sometimes children need to bring special toys or
newfound treasures to use as a "bridge" between home and school. On these
occasions we will work with you and your child to make it a positive sharing
experience. We encourage you to keep personal belongings and toys at home
unless the teacher has scheduled a "show-n'- tell" day. Foundation Station
Development Center will not be responsible for any lost items.

Bottles, Blankets and Pacifiers:

You may send extra bottles (infant room), a small security blanket and/or a
pacifier for your child. Staff will make every effort to keep track of these items but
will not be held responsible if lost. When you are ready to wean your child, please
communicate with your child's teacher so a consistent strategy between home and
our center may be established.

Because of the wide range of activities, it is recommended that children be
dressed in washable, comfortable clothing. Plastic aprons will be provided by the
center for art and water activities. Water activities, sand play, and occasional
bathroom accidents necessitate that an extra set of clothing be kept at the center
at all times. All extra clothing should be marked with the child's name and placed
in a labeled plastic bag. Clothing should include underwear, socks, pants, and shirt.
If wet or dirty clothes are sent home, please return a clean extra set of clothes the
next morning. Licensing requires that children be taken outdoors each day. The
children will play outdoors if the temperature is 32° or warmer. Children should be
dressed accordingly: light jacket, cap, rain boots (for damp days) in fall and
spring; heavy winter jacket, mittens, scarf, hat, and snow boots in winter. An extra
sweater or sweatshirt at school is recommended for sudden changes in

temperature. All clothing, including coats and boots, must be labeled clearly with
your child's name.

Diapers & Toilet Training:

Parents supply all diapers and wipes at Foundation Station Development Center.
Our teachers are experienced in training young children in how to use the
bathroom. It is essential that the parent and teacher communicate about the needs
of the child and work together to make this developmental milestone positive and
successful. We recommend that when in training, your child be dressed in "user-
friendly" clothing. Overalls, zippers, and snaps are difficult for small children to
manage-- especially in a hurry! While toilet training, parents are to provide lots of
thick training underwear, plastic pants, socks, and outer clothing. We do not allow
the use of “pull-ups” at FSDC. They seem to only delay the toilet training process
plus require extra time to change.

Immunizations and Physicals:

All children who attend childcare programs in Kentucky are required by law to be
fully vaccinated. Foundation Station Development Center requires all children
enrolled in the program to be immunized. Families must contact their local health
department to obtain a signed certified Nonmedical Waiver Form for delayed
vaccines. A Health Appraisal form is required prior to enrollment. This form
requests a record of your child's immunizations and date of last physical

Wellness Policy:
You are the best judge of your child's health and we trust you will not bring a sick
child to the center. However, if while in our care your child becomes ill, displays an
unknown rash, or acts out-of-character your child's teacher will consult the director
and you may be called to come take your child home. When called, you (or an
alternate emergency person) are expected to come within the hour. This is to
protect the health of your child and his/her classmates. Your cooperation is greatly
appreciated. The following criteria will be considered in determining if your child
must go home:
• Unknown rash will need to be seen by a physician and the child can return to
school by the written recommendation made by the doctor. A doctor note is
• Fever of 100.5° or higher. For a mild fever, muscle aches, toothache, or headache
Tylenol (supplied from home) may be administered. *See Medicine below. The child
must be fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol, or other fever reducing
• Diarrhea (more than two loose, watery stools), or vomiting. Consideration will
be taken if your child is allergic to certain food/drink products or on medication.
The child may return when bowel movements are normal, and no other symptoms
of illness are present. The child may return 24 hours after the last time he/she
vomited, and no other symptoms of illness are present.
• Persistent cough or runny nose for an extended period of time (cough
suppressants and/or allergy medications are not recommended unless prescribed
by a doctor). Child may return 24 hours cough free without the aid of cough
suppressant, or allergy medication.
• Crying and irritable for a long time, or not eating or drinking normally. Anytime
a child is not themselves, cannot be soothed by a teacher, requires one-on-one
care, complaining about discomfort, or not interacting with the class is reason to
take a Wellness Day and spend time in the comfort of their own parent(s) arms.

Highly contagious condition such as:

• Head lice: suggested treatments available upon request. Child must be nit free to
return to school.
• Chicken pox and Hand Food Mouth: Child must be fever free and sores scabbed
• Strep throat: Child must have 24 hours of antibiotics in his/her system.
• Mumps, pin worm, impetigo, conjunctivitis (pink eye), etc: Follow doctor’s
recommendations or method of treatment.
Information from our main office is available upon request. If your child is too ill
to play outside with his or her class, or participate in regular classroom activities,
then your child is too ill to attend the center.
*If questions arise to the appropriateness of a child's return to the center, the final
decision will be that of the Center Director or Assistant Director.
Non-prescriptive medication (Tylenol, nose drops, etc.) as well as prescription
medication will only be administered after a parent signs, and dates a form
entitled, Medication Permission. The parent must provide all medications.
Prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled with the
child's name. A parent or guardian must administer the first dosage under their
supervision; never the center staff. We will not administer cold medications to any
Staff cannot administer medication (prescription or over the counter) without the
proper dosage for that child listed on the container. If the container reads,

“Consult/see Doctor” then a note from the doctor with the child’s weight, and the
dosage recommended, must be provided.
Medication will be stored per the manufacturer’s recommendations. We have
locked cupboards, and containers for the refrigerator, for the storage of
A Non-Prescription Release form for other applications such as diaper wipes, sun
block, soap, etc. will be signed upon enrollment.

Conflict Resolution:
If an issue should arise between a family and a staff member, or between two
families, we encourage the concerned party speak directly to the staff member, or
family, prior to coming to the directors. If the problem remains unresolved, or the
parent wants to make sure the administration is aware, our door is always open.
Administration will act as a moderator in situations that require more attention or
are reoccurring. We will make every effort to remain fair, with our main priority
being the safety and quality of care, of the children at Foundation Station
Development Center.

The Foundation Station Development Center

Discipline Policy
At Foundation Station Development Center, the term guidance is used for several
reasons. It is a positive term and implies working with the children to develop
internal control of their behavior. Our goal is to encourage the children to become
creative, independent, responsible, and socially mature human beings. This
involves learning to make responsible choices and accepting the consequences of
such choices.
Guidance takes several forms within our center:
• Environment--A place designed for children. Each room is age-appropriate in
furniture size, large and small manipulates, and supplies required for hands-on
• Logical Rules--Such as keeping our hands to ourselves and taking care of the
learning environment. These are discussed with the children as well as why such
rules are needed.
• Curriculum--Is developmentally appropriate, based on the children's interest
and level of readiness.

• Positive Behavior--We reinforce the behaviors we wish to see repeated.
• Redirection--Often interesting a child in another activity can eliminate potential
difficulty. We might ask a child to help us or send a child to a different area to
• Positive Reminder--Telling the children what we want them to do rather than
using "no" or "don't."
• Renewal Time--Occasionally, as a last resort, a child needs to be removed from
the situation for a brief break. This allows the child time to calm down and
consider an alternate behavior.
Difficult Behavior
We will make every effort to work with the parent or guardian to ensure a
cooperative approach for children having difficulties with behavior. We are here
to serve and protect all our children! A parent may be called at work or home at
any time the child exhibits uncontrollable behavior that cannot be modified by the
center's staff. The parent may be asked to take the child home immediately. The
following steps may be taken regarding children who display chronic disruptive
behavior, upsetting to the emotional or physical wellbeing of another child or an
Initial Consultation:
The director may request that the parent or guardian meet for a conference. The
problem will be defined on paper. Intervention strategies will be discussed. The
best solution toward solving the problem will be agreed upon by the center
director, teacher, and parent or guardian.

Second Consultation:
If the initial plan for helping the child fails, the parent will again be asked to meet
with the director and teaching staff involved. Another attempt will be made to
identify the problem, and establish a new, or revised, approach for solving the
problem. Parents may be asked to consult outside professionals or bring in
behavioral specialists to help identify the problems or provide new strategies, in
order for FSDC to continue care. Our goal is to work as a team to better serve
each child.

When the previous attempts have been followed and no progress has been made
toward solving the problem, the child may be disenrolled from the center at the
discretion of the center director.


Corporal punishment will not be allowed. This is defined as the use of negative
physical touching (spanking, slapping, pinching, etc.), exclusion from large motor
or outdoor activities, or exclusion from any learning activity. In certain instances, a
child may be physically restrained in order to keep the child, other children, or
staff safe from harm. No unusual punishment will be allowed such as humiliation,
ridicule, threat, or coercion.
Meals, Snacks and Food Allergies:
The center will provide milk for lunch and two snacks with water for each day.
Parents will provide formula or breast milk for children up to the age of 12 months.
FSDC will provide whole vitamin D milk for children between the ages of 12 and 24
months. 1% milk will be provided for children from 25 months to 12 years of age. If
there are dietary needs, or allergies, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify both
the center director and the classroom teacher. Parents will need to supply any
special foods required. An Allergy Action Plan and a Medical Action Plan are
available in the main office and must be filled out if a child has an allergy or
medical need.
Foundation Station Development Center offers breakfast, lunch and two snacks
per day for full time enrolled students. At FSDC we participate in the USDA Child
and Adults Care Food Program. Meals are purchased by the month according to a
set weekly schedule. Parents may send meals for students, but food must be
simple and self-serving (e.g., yogurt, breakfast bar, dry cereal, fruit, sandwich).

Healthy Choices
While the occasional donut, chocolate milk, and fruit snacks make for a good
treat they do not necessarily make a healthy meal. We ask that parents reserve
these items for special occasions. Bringing in these items on a daily basis for their
child does not encourage healthy eating patterns. We are happy to provide
parents with a list of healthy, fun, alternatives upon request.

I have received a copy of the Foundation Station
Development Center Family Handbook. If I have any
questions, I will contact the Director or Assistant Director.

_______________________________ ________________
Signature of Parent Date

Please Send this page in with Enrollment Forms


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