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The Technical Game


Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product 1

You'll Ever Need

1. Inner Game Overview 11

2. How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please 32
Take Me Home'
3. Opening Manifesto 62
4. How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally 82
5. Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To 141
Moving Your Interactions Forward And
Eliciting Investment
6. Physical Expressions 159
7. Sexual Expressions 167
8. Endgame: Pulling 172
9. Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out 195
10. Advanced Level Content: Frame Battles And 208
Dealing With Hot, Bitchy Girls
Introduction: Why This
Is The Last Product
You'll Ever Need
Gentlemen, welcome to a new chapter in your lives

A chapter consisting of effortlessly meeting, attracting and

retaining high quality girls

If you’re reading this book, chances are you already know who I

But for those of you who landed here without knowing much
about me, let me give you a quick rundown, and tell you exactly
why I decided to write this book and what it can do for you

For the past 4-5 years, before retiring from coaching pickup, I
ran one of the most successful dating coaching companies in
the southern hemisphere – at the ripe age of 23 years

My entire day-to-day experience essentially revolved around

practicing, analyzing, reflecting on, and teaching social
dynamics and applied psychology as it relates to sexual

All day, every day. It was my mission, my purpose, my life

During this time, students on our programs were achieving

the sort of extraordinary, tangible results that no other pickup
company could brag about.

From barley having spoken to a girl to being able to pull the

cutest girl in the venue in a VERY short time-frame

Introduction: Why This Is The Last

Product You'll Ever Need | 1
From having to settle for girls they’re not really interested in to
landing legitimate stunners

From sleeping with 1 new girl every month or two to sleeping

with 12 new girls a month

From middle aged divorced every-man with extremely limited

social and sexual experience to a playboy with a rotation of 5-6
girls on-call within the time-span of a month or two

Consistency, threesomes, stunners

You name it, I’ve been able to get my clients to achieve it

And ultimately, that was the real secret to our success. Over-
delivering results for our clients and re-defining the industry
standards of what makes a successful program

We had a marketing budget of exactly $0. All of our traffic and

high-ticket clients were a result of word of mouth

So how exactly did a nobody 23 year old with no marketing

budget manage to compete with established 8-figure
companies in the same industry?

For the sole reason that I was able to offer something nobody
else in the industry ever really could

You see, most of the teachings in the ‘seduction community’ at

the moment consist of throwing around generic, vague, buzz-
words such as ‘state’, ‘self-amusement’, ‘being natural’, and
‘being free from outcome’, with a heavy focus on self-

Now I must admit, I like me some solid self-development

content as much as the next guy, but when it comes to
achieving legitimate results with women, most of this is a
marketing ploy

2 | Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need

In what other industry would you ever be happy with paying
a coach thousands and thousands of dollars only for them to
tell you at the end of the program that you shouldn’t look at
your results. That you have to be ‘free from outcome’. That you
should just keep on ‘trusting the process’.

If you paid a business coach to guide you in expanding your

business and your business remained exactly the same after
the coaching, would you not feel ripped off?

Or if you paid a personal trainer to work with you, only for you
to come out of the program following his every-step, looking,
feeling and performing the exact same, would you be satisfied
with them telling you that you ‘shouldn’t be outcome

Chances are, if you’re sane, you’d feel scammed, demand your

money back, and tell everybody you know to stay away

Instead, the pickup community has found a way to allow you

to rationalize your lack of results under the guise of ‘self-
development’ and ‘being free from outcome’. It’s quite genius
really. It allows them to charge exuberant amounts of money
for sub-par training that they are not held accountable for. And
it keeps the clients coming back for program after program,
and digital product after digital product.

But developing an abundant sex life is such a huge, primal

motivation for men, that they’ll do anything to keep the dream
alive. It’s not uncommon to meet guys who’ve spent in excess
of $30,000 on various programs (most of them from the same
company), who still struggle to get a solid number!

It’s simply outrageous

The state of the community is in such disarray that although it’s

the biggest it’s ever been, the failure and turnover rate is at an
all time high. I’ve seen this first hand not only as a coach, but as

Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need | 3

I was making my way up in the first place – in fact, it was one of
the driving factors that paralleled me towards coaching

Earlier on in my journey, when I was still at an intermediate

stage, and everybody else I hang out with was still either at that
level or worse, there was one guy in my group that put in the
most work out of everybody

I’m not going use his real name, but let’s call him Jesse

Jesse would show up two hours earlier than everyone else to

warm up on the streets before hitting the club and leave after
everybody was well asleep, hitting up gutter game until the
sun was rising and people were heading out for work

His work ethic was unparalleled

And he was always super optimistic. One of the nicest and

kindest guys you’ll ever meet

If I’d ever met anyone who deserved to get good at this stuff,
it’s this guy. He followed every single piece of advice to a tee.
He’d meditate before going out, drink his kombucha, follow an
extremely clean diet, dress well, not take rejection personally,
self-amuse etc….

Little did I know that night after night, rejection after rejection,
he was slowly dying on the inside

So Jesse did what any rational person would do

He sought guidance and ended up taking a bootcamp with the

biggest name in the industry

He got a bit of a ‘bootcamp high’ after 2 nights of coaching, no


But even after several more months of going out and

4 | Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need

implementing the generic advice given to him, his results and
skill level remained essentially the same

But he was no quitter. Surely the sensible thing to do then is

to take another bootcamp, right? With a different instructor
this time. From the same company – because you may just
resonate with his game style more

That’s exactly what he did. Unfortunately his results didn’t

improve after this bootcamp either

In fact, he got worse. The contradicting ideas of the different

coaches left him more confused than when he started

The American was yelling at him to ‘SHOW SOME FUCKING


While the Australian, who was more focused on filming infield

footage for his hotseat than the actual bootcamp itself and left
several hours early in order to demonstrate ‘how to pull’, was
telling him to ‘never show intent’

Apparently nobody bothered mentioning to him that context

is important…

Some more months went by. The results still weren’t there.

I could tell from the look on Jesse’s face that every night he was
starting to become more and more discouraged and thinking
of giving up

He felt scammed. Ripped off. By a community and movement

that promised him the world but delivered nothing

One night we were out together and I caught a glimpse of him

getting a particularly harsh rejection from a stunning girl.

‘No it was not nice to meet you. Get the fuck out of my face. I
hope you get run over.’

Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need | 5

Not exactly the type of feedback you want to be getting after
all the investment you’ve put into getting ‘good’ at this

I tried to help him laugh it off, but about 2 minutes later I

caught sight of him running out the club to quiet street corner
and ball his eyes out

Soon after that, feeling like he’s wasting years of his life –
mental, physical, and emotional energy – and making a fool
of himself night after night, he made a pledge to quit game

I tried to convince him otherwise, but my efforts made no


He had already made his mind up

If you haven’t realized this by now, this is quite a common

occurrence in the community

Why is it that in every area of life if you work super hard, are
consistent with your effort and get ‘professional guidance’, you
inevitably get good, except for pickup apparently?

There’s absolutely no reason this sort of thing should ever


Yet for the past decade, just about every figurehead in the
community has advocated for a ‘natural’ based approach, with
a deep rooted focus in non-quantifiable and extremely vague
concepts like ‘state’, ‘self-amusement’, and ‘freedom from

And just about every ‘expert’ began tailoring their teachings

around these concepts

They may have changed the semantics or framed the concepts

slightly differently, however, the core ideas remained
fundamentally the same

6 | Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need

This is akin to telling someone who wants to learn how to play
the guitar that they should just get into a nice flow and start
strumming – and eventually they’ll get good

Will it work for SOME people?


But is it a predictable pathway to consistent success?

Absolutely not

Most cases will result in situations similar to Jesse’s – wasting

thousands of hours, dollars and an insane amount of emotional
and mental energy – only to get little-to-no results and
eventually quitting

This is as preposterous as it possibly gets. It’s called social skills

for a reason. And like all other skills, you need to have a solid
grasp of the mechanics in order to achieve anything of

Just as how the guitarist learns to play chord by chord, and

begins combining them together to form a coherent song –
when you are interacting with a woman that you intend to
seduce, you need to understand the fundamental rules
governing a social interaction and how to move it forward step-
by-step in a systematic and replicable fashion.

Like strumming one chord after the other

And just as how each song has a different combination of

chords and harmonies, each woman will require a slightly
different approach – however, all the elementary techniques
and social dynamics remain the same

Without a process, you’re doomed to fail

Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need | 7

Instead of trying to to find your way out of the maze in the dark,
imagine learning game like this;

You are given a proven structure or template for how to run

an entire interaction from open-to-close. All cases and
contingencies covered.

Using this knowledge, you know exactly where you are in each
given moment in the interaction AND what to do in order to
move things forward to the next stage

Now, as you’re still learning, it’s likely you will mess up

somewhere along the way

But the beauty is, instead of going home frustrated and trying
to figure out where things went wrong and evaluating your
performance using esoteric and non-quantifiable metrics,
you’ll know exactly what you did wrong and what you can do in
order to course correct

Think of it like a video game

With each stage of the interaction being a different level in the


All you need to do be able to complete all the levels 1 through


You might keep getting stuck at level 4 for a while, but at least
you know what you need to do in order to beat it next time

So you go home, make your little tweak, go out again,

implement it…. and bam!

You’ve now moved on to the next level

That’s how you go from not being able to hold a girl’s attention
for 5 minutes to holding hour long sets where the girl is chasing
and ends up pulling you

8 | Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need

One logical, predictable, step at a time

And so that will be the central premise of this book

I will be revealing to you the exact structure and teachings I’ve

used to get my clients get the type of results usually reserved
for the top 0.1% of men in society. At rates essentially unheard

Introduction: Why This Is The Last Product You'll Ever Need | 9

1. Inner Game Overview

1.1 The Importance Of Inner Game

Before delving into excruciating depth regarding all things

technical game, I’d like to make a point regarding all things
non-technical. Although I firmly believe that learning a proven,
predictable process is the fastest and most effective way to
getting results, there other elements outside the scope of that
technical system that will also contribute to getting and
enhancing results.

No teachings would complete without an examination of inner

game. The highest level performers in any field, including
professional sports, CEOs, creatives etc… dedicate some time
to improving their own psychology. A quick google search will
reveal a tonne of very popular books, all with similar titles

‘The Inner Game of Tennis’

‘The Inner Game of Golf’

‘The Inner Game of Music’

‘The Inner Game of Success’

So yes, it’s important.

However, given that this is not an inner game or self-esteem

book, and that it will probably take me an additional 200 pages
to cover this topic in adequate depth, I am going to reserve
these subjects for the live-streams and webinars in the
mastermind group (which you’ll have free access to for a
month if you purchased this ebook)

Inner Game Overview | 11

For the time-being though, I will simply briefly touch on them

1.2 The Optimal ‘State’

When it comes to mindsets and belief systems, there is some

harmony and agreement between different schools of
thoughts (although their means of actually achieving them are
significantly different). However, ‘state’ is far more controversial.
By ‘state’ I’m referring to the idea of approaching a lot of people
and doing silly, socially uncalibrated things to pump yourself
up to an unnatural level of energy. Some people swear by it –
with the rationalization that it’s not a crutch, but rather a ‘tool
in their tool-belt’.

The mainstream seduction community tends to buy into the

belief that achieving good state is the core of good game. The
argument goes as follows: Make sure to be as social as possible
throughout your day-to-day life, and when you get into the
club, warm-up with a couple of awkward interactions until you
gradually gain momentum. Eventually you’ll hit a run of good
interactions, maybe a make-out, and that will cause you to
‘hit state’. At which point you can open everything, hook
everything, and that’s when the magic happens

This isn’t completely wrong. But it is majorly flawed

Any ‘tool’ that is inconsistent, requires an hour at minimum of

warming up to attain, and can fade at any given second is not
a particularly worthwhile one. If you find yourself at a party or
social circle setting – or happen to see your dream girl walking
by at the grocery store – how will ‘state’ help you then?

Constraining yourself to the goal of peak state prevents

progress because:

12 | Inner Game Overview

• Over the long term, you are conditioning the negative
thought pattern of ‘I can’t get girls unless I’m in state.’ In
the short term, you will use it as justification for not
approaching ‘I can’t approach her because I’m not in state
• Trying to force yourself into state requires a lot of
emotional energy and is inauthentic. You will alienate half
of the club trying to ‘warm up’ as they sense your in-
congruence and leeching energy
• It requires even more emotional energy to maintain. It’s
like trying to hold a medicine ball in the air. Eventually you
will tire and drop it. Following the ‘high’ is usually a ‘state
crush’, where you feel extremely depleted. Most guys can’t
recover from this

I personally haven’t been ‘in state’ (as it’s traditionally defined)

for about 5 years now. Whenever I do attempt to pump myself
up to these unnatural levels of energy, although I can be
slightly more engaging in the initial minute of the interaction, I
often become ungrounded and the girl loses attraction. I have
found this to be the case with pretty much any other regular
person I have encountered as well.

There definitely is an optimal ‘state’ for when you approach

girls, but it’s not this conventional idea of state. Rather, the
optimal state you want to be in is relaxation

Let’s examine this further – from an evolutionary standpoint;

Neurologically speaking, being ‘relaxed’ is the sensation that

stems from a high level of serotonin and a low level of cortisol
(the stress hormone). Often times, scientific investigations into
what make men desirable focus on testosterone. Testosterone
is linked with masculine facial traits such as large jaws and
is typically associated with better long-term health, and it’s
certainly true that testosterone-laden men are especially

Inner Game Overview | 13

attractive. However, it’s only recently that scientists have take a
closer look at the effect of cortisol.

In 2010, Human behavioral ecologist Fhionna Moore and her

colleagues, at the university of Abertay Dundee in Scotland,
have done just that. They performed a study showing female
participants images, created on computers, that altered the
men’s faces, illustrating how they would look were their
hormones level changed. In this way, they hoped to see what
effects combinations of different hormone levels might have
on attractiveness. They concluded that low levels of cortisol
correlate to higher levels of attractiveness in men, particularly
when the women are on most fertile on their menstrual cycle
– that is, when they tend of judge men almost exclusively on
traits that may best benefit any potential offspring in the long

The reasons for this are fairly straightforward – low levels of

cortisol, being hereditary, will provide the offspring with an
evolutionary edge. The ‘relaxed air’ of a man suggests that he
may have strong genes and can handle stressful situations.
Additionally, high levels of cortisol can suppress not just the
immune system, but also reproductive function.

“We speculate, then, that males with low cortisol possess

something desirable that women seek to secure for their
offspring,” Moore said. “This could be, for example, good health
or a healthy response to stress.”

From a practical perspective, if you are not relaxed when you

approach a girl, no amount of ‘technical game’ will save you. It’s
an honest signal that you cannot fake. Her evolutionary senses
are too attuned to let this slip by. Any line you use, any concept
you implement etc… will not come off unless you are relaxed
when doing it.

For that matter, this actually applies to any social situation. If

14 | Inner Game Overview

you are uneasy, on-edge or intense, you will be pushed further
down along the dominance hierarchy. People will not want to
associate with you

The bottom line is, you need to learn how to relax when you’re
out in nightclubs, and approaching girls in general. The issue of
course, is that this is a catch-22. The act of approaching itself is
an anxiety inducing activity for most people.

There are a multitude of ways to cultivate your ability to relax,

including under inherently stressful circumstances. Rewiring
your belief system and mindset help a lot. After all, once you
believe with full conviction, deep down in your core, that you
are entitled to a girl, you will inevitably feel very laid back
around her. And we’ll be covering this next, however, do not be
misguided – this is a very tedious and long-winded process.

As you’re working on this ‘inner game’, also simultaneously

focus on improving your ability to relax.

Meditation and desensitization will help a lot

Any mindfulness meditation will do. At least 20 minutes a day,

and consistency is key. Set a designated time each day, and
stick to it. If you do happen to miss a day, do it twice the next

All I mean by desensitization is simply approaching more.

Progressively placing yourself in these ‘stressful’ situations until
you become accustomed to the social pressure. Go through
with the mixed set, the giant group set, the stunner, or
whatever other situation makes you feel uncomfortable.

As with everything else in this chapter, I will cover meditation

and desensitization, as well as many other powerful short-term
tactics to help you relax in any given situation, in extensive
detail in the mastermind

Inner Game Overview | 15

1.3 Belief Systems And Mindsets

I am not going to sugarcoat this;

If you’ve got the right mental programming in place, those

being beliefs and mindsets, the increase in your ‘approach-to-
close’ ratio will be HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT. I’m talking an order
of magnitude of difference – several standard deviations above
the baseline norm. As someone with a faulty and unproductive
belief system, if you hypothetically have to approach +30 girls in
order to pull one, then as someone with the right set of beliefs
and mindsets, you’ll only have to approach 1-5 girls in order
to achieve the same result (given you have some outer game.
Without outer game, chances are you won’t be pulling at all).

Your beliefs refer to the underlying assumptions which govern

your perception of reality. The reason for their importance is
crystal clear. In many ways, your body is nothing more than a
mirror of your emotional and mental encodings. Your behaviors
tend to follow your beliefs – and so whatever belief you hold
eventually tends to manifest itself in reality.

If you believe, for example, that you are attractive, your

interpretation of a girl testing you may be ‘that’s cute, she’s
playing hard to get’, and if you believe you are unattractive,
it may be something like ‘she doesn’t like me.’ Which one of
those do you think is going to have a better chance of landing
that girl?

Your belief structure is a complex and multi-dimensional

system that began forming when you were a child, as soon
as you were able to conceptualize ideas – even on a trivial
level. Typically, those beliefs adopted at an early age, shaped by
both genetic disposition and environmental factors, are still the
navigation system governing you today, whether you are aware
of it or not. Every event and situation in your life following the

16 | Inner Game Overview

formation of your programming has been viewed through this
lens and has acted as reinforcement for it. In other words,
your current core beliefs are backed up by years upon years of

This is why you may feel like a champ immediately after

sleeping with a new girl (dopamine boost), but if you
subconsciously hold the belief that you are unattractive and
unworthy, you’ll go back to that baseline state of feeling
horrible about yourself within a day or two. And then think to
yourself – ‘well once I get to XYZ number, then I’ll be happy and
accept myself’.

If you are involved in this community, I’m sure you personally

know or are aware of guys who have slept with even hundreds
of women who are still incredibly unhappy and keep chasing
more in order to prove something. The irony, of course, is that
no matter how much external success they may achieve, their
relationship with themselves will not change.

Rewiring your belief system is both an inner and outer process.

You will need to form the foundation of your new beliefs
through inner work, and solidify them through external
reinforcement. If you perform only inner work, you’ll be thrown
off centre relatively easily. If you only look to get external
reinforcement, you’ll end up in the trap of always chasing more
and trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it, like most guys
involved in pick-up

1.4 The Trifecta Of Beliefs

If I had to encapsulate the one belief which separates the

player from the chumps, it would be the following;

Inner Game Overview | 17

“The degree to which you believe are entitled or worthy of that
attractive girl”

However, within that belief of entitlement, lie several other sub-

beliefs which are just as crucial. Those being;

1. I Am The Prize

Our gynocentric society has conditioned us at every step along

the way of our development to believe that women are the
prize. Everywhere we look, women are portrayed as better,
kinder, stronger, braver, more honest etc… all in an effort to
artificially inflate their sexual market value relative to men. And
fairly so, this is basically what drives consumerism and our
entire economy (to a degree). Entire empires and enterprises
have been built for the sole purpose of attracting girls. If you
felt ‘entitled’ and that you were already ‘enough’ as it is, most
companies around the world would simply go out of business
as their entire marketing is presupposed on the premise of
being the means through which you achieve that very

If you genuinely believed that you are the prize, that you have
what women need more than they have what you want, how
much money would you be spending on women? (directly and
indirectly). Would you ever bend over or supplicate? Would
you ever tolerate anything other than what you believe you
deserve? Would you be afraid to potentially offend a girl?

The kind of man whom women compete over is not the kind
of man who competes with other men over women. He is in a
different league all together

You’ve probably heard this statistic before, but it a universal

constant, across all countries and cultures

18 | Inner Game Overview

20% of the men are sleeping with 80% of the women. The rest
are left fighting for whatever is left

For a man who views himself as ‘the prize’ – it is completely

normal to have girls chasing him. It’s completely normal to do
and say whatever he damn well pleases. And it’s completely
normal for him to except a certain standard of behaviors from
the girls around him

2. I Am Abundant And Willing To Walk Away

As special as she may seem in that moment, as good as she

makes you feel, and as much as these experiences will go on to
shape you as a person…. The next girl will provide you with the
same emotional depth, an equal amount of awesome times,
and great memories to last a lifetime…. And the one after her.
And the one after her too.

Your number one purpose in your life is your mission and the
girls always come second. If, for whatever reason – she
encroaches on your boundaries, behaves below a certain
standard, lets herself go, or begins to take more than she gives
– you should, without any hesitation be willing to walk away.
Not only that – but walking away knowing full well that it’s
not going to be any trouble finding another girl of a similar
or higher quality. Conversely, if for whatever reason, she walks
away, the same thoughts should be flooding your mind.

When you live with an attitude of abundance, the importance

you place on any one female, or any one interaction, drops
significantly. Not only does this keep you happier, it allows your
actions to flow from a place of ‘playing to win’ and not just
‘playing not to lose’.

3. Women Love Sex

We are constantly indoctrinated with the idea that women

Inner Game Overview | 19

desire relationships. Everywhere we look, we are told that guys
want to get laid, and since women have all the vaginas, we have
to try to figure out what they want so we can give that to them
an exchange for sex

What utter bullshit

In the modern Western world, where promiscuity knows no

bounds, women WANT sex. More so than they even want
relationships. If you go out with the understanding that
women want to meet a guy to hook up, you will begin to
behave in a way which naturally and congruently leads to this

Once you fully embody these beliefs, your baseline good ‘vibe’
and micro-behaviors (i.e subcommunications) will imprint the
girl with a positive intuitive assessment of you. This is why some
men can have almost comically bad conversations and still get
the girl – they were excelling at the 80% of communication that
is non-verbal

Now of course, presenting you with an empty platitude like

‘just be the prize man!’ or ‘act entitled, bro!’, is probably going
to be as frustrating as it is vague.

The actual million dollar question is;

“How do you adopt these beliefs?”

How do you rewire the old, useless beliefs and replace with
these new, useful ones?

Not just consciously, but begin embodying them at your very


Bluntly speaking, it’s a long-winded process. However, it is very

achievable. The tested and proven means of doing so include:

20 | Inner Game Overview

• Visualizations
• Affirmations
• Self-Pavlovian Conditioning
• Re-framing negative self-talk

And of course, getting actual, real-life results to solidify those

new beliefs. I will be covering each of these in thorough detail
in the mastermind, so please refer to the videos there

1.5 How To Rewire Your Belief System

This is the important part, but also the most complicated and
nuanced. The only way to ingrain these new beliefs is by
actively seeking out new references for them. Think of it like

You’ve got a seesaw. That seesaw represents your subconscious

mind where your beliefs are held. On the one side, you have
decades of references stacking up which reinforce your
previously conditioned beliefs (I’m not good enough, my
opportunities are limited, girls only like tall, white guys etc…).
On the other, you have the references backing up your new
beliefs, which to begin with, are quite limited. In order for you to
truly internalize these new beliefs, you need to collect enough
references for them to outweigh and overtake the old ones.
These references don’t just refer to your day to day experiences
(i.e a girl rejecting you or a girl hooking up with you), but also
your ‘mental’ references.

Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between reality

and imagination. That’s why when you fall or trip while
dreaming, you experience a visceral reaction in your body.
Hence visualizations and affirmations, when performed
correctly, are the most potent and effective way to reinforce

Inner Game Overview | 21

the layers of conditioning for your new beliefs. There’s a reason
why just about any top level athlete and performance coach
(Tony Robbins included), swears by these methods. Yet, any
regular person who has attempted them seems to find it has
had little-to-no impact. There is a correct way to do them, and
an incorrect way. In order to perform them correctly, you must
understand the inner workings of the subconscious mind and
how to influence it.

Add to these re-framing your day-to-day experiences as well

as self-Pavlovian conditioning, and you’ve got a formula to
becoming the most confident guy in any room within a month

Re-framing, as the name suggest, simply means proactively

reinterpreting your experiences in such a way that builds on
your new beliefs. For example, if you make eye contact with a
girl and she quickly looks away, you must be actively thinking
to yourself something along the lines of ‘she’s super into me.
Probably intimidated by how attractive I am.’ You should be
doing actively doing this with every little event throughout
your day-to-day (and especially so when you are out and
approaching). No doubt, it requires a fair bit of mental energy
and self-awareness, but with time, it becomes almost

Whilst you are building up your new reality with all these
methods, it’s crucial not to undo that progress by letting the
old beliefs habitually take over and dominate. That’s were self-
Pavlovian conditioning comes in and will help shed the layers
from your old beliefs. A simple way of implementing this is
by walking around with a rubber band around your wrist, and
every time you catch yourself feeding into your old reality, or
indulging in negative self-talk, you stretch the rubber band
and let it sling onto your wrist. Yeah, it hurts. That’s the idea.
You punish the negative behavior which will condition you to

22 | Inner Game Overview

cut it out. I originally got this idea from Tony Robbins’ ‘30 day
positivity challenge’

All these methods, particularly affirmations and visualizations,

are quite complex and involve many nuances. Too many in fact
for me to be able to adequately explain here. This chapter was
simply intended to give you an overview of what is required as
it pertains to inner game. The actual, in-depth explanations will
be provided in the mastermind

1.6 Becoming A Natural

Let’s set something straight and clear up some semantics here;

By definition, anybody who’s ever studied pickup material is

not a natural. Even if you were already somewhat competent
when it came to interacting with girls, by virtue of actively
expanding that knowledge base and skill-set, you are now not
a ‘natural.’ But, since it’s a term that seemed to stick, we’ll just
roll with it here.

The ultimate aim of any guy reading this book should be to

reach a point where the ‘skill’ of interacting with women is fully
hardwired into their personality and they can just go about
their lives attracting girls without have to think twice about it

When Beethoven, hailed as one of the greatest composers of

all time, is in the process of composing a flawless melody,
although he intuitively pieces it together by moving from note
to note ‘naturally’, beneath that ‘natural’ instinct to hit a
specific key, lies layers of skill and practice

When Ronaldo masterfully manipulates time, space, distance,

speed, and ball control to glide through multiple of the best
defenders in the world, shifts his body positioning, and curls

Inner Game Overview | 23

the ball precisely into the top corner of the goal from 30 yards
out in a matter of seconds – people witnessing from the
outside like to exclaim that he is a natural talent

And it’s absolutely true that in that moment, every single

movement, every single breath, every little reaction comes
‘naturally’ to him. HOWEVER, all that has been reinforced into
his muscle memory though years and years of rigorous
practice and drills for each aspect required to execute such a

Similarly, you should ideally like to reach a point where every

time you interact with a girl, you can naturally come up with
the ‘right’ thing to say. You are acting naturally attractive. You
are naturally flirtatious. And you can naturally and smoothly
move the interaction along without any trouble.

In other words, you have what is referred to as ‘unconscious

competence’. The skill-set is established in your muscle
memory to the point where you can simply execute should you
choose to, without having to exert any conscious effort

The competence ladder is composed of 4 distinct stages

Stage 1: Unconscious incompetence. This is where you don’t

have any skill, and are oblivious to it. This would describe most

Stage 2: Conscious incompetence. This is probably you right

now. You’re not very good, but at least you’re aware of it

Stage 3: Conscious competence. This is the stage you’ll find

yourself in as you progress throughout your journey and use
this book as your guide. You’ll become progressively more
skilled and attuned, but it will require mental effort and a will
to execute and course correct

Stage 4: Unconscious competence. This is the holy grail. This is

24 | Inner Game Overview

where Beethoven, Ronaldo, and all other masters of their craft
reside. For all practical intents and purposes, once you reach
this stage, you’ll be a ‘natural’.

1.7 Doesn’t Being Natural Mean Just

Being Myself And Being Honest?

No, actually it requires a little more than being ‘just yourself’.

In fact, it requires being your best self. The reason that you’re
here in the first place is because just ‘being yourself’ lead you
to a point where you were dissatisfied with your results with

The very definition of insanity is attempting the same thing

over and over again, and expecting a different result. Do the
same thing you’ve always done, and you’ll get the same results
you’ve always gotten.

It is true that in the beginning, most of these mindsets and

techniques will feel extremely foreign to you. You might even
find yourself reading the material and think it’s inauthentic – ‘I
can’t do that. That’s not me’

And that’s the idea. You have to break the habit of ‘being
yourself’. As long as you are confined by your self-image, you
will be trapped by your own perceived limitations. There will
zero-to-little room for improvement.

Being a natural simply means you have attained unconscious

competence and have internalized the mindsets and behaviors
that are attractive to women. From that position, being ‘honest’
works like a charm. The reason is that ‘what feels natural’ will
actually change over time as you become more technically
skilled socially and aware of the underlying dynamics

Inner Game Overview | 25

governing the direction of an interaction. What your intuition
tells you is natural will change to become the highest
probability behavior of achieving a certain outcome. That’s how
it works. Then your ‘natural’ and ‘honest’ behavior also
becomes the most optimal one when it comes to attracting
women. Without having to think much about it or exerting any
mental energy

Most teachings claiming to make you a ‘natural’ focus on

attempting to change your belief systems (through what I
believe are short-term re-frames rather than permanent
rewiring), but working just on your inner game will not
suddenly make you like an actual natural. For one reason or
another, actual naturals have a subtle social intuition and
calibration that most guys lack. Beyond just their core beliefs of
worthiness and entitlement, they also possess a subconscious
understanding of what they need to do and say in order to
move things forward and how to react to certain situations.
That is to say, they have some level of ‘outer game’. Whether
they know it or not. After all, all ‘outer game’ techniques have
essentially been modeled from the behavior of naturals. So
even if you were to try and replicate their belief systems, and
just did ‘what felt right in the moment’, chances are that your
behaviors would not be optimal in attracting girls and moving
the interaction forward by any means.

Attaining unconscious competence will not just make you as

good as a ‘natural’, it’ll make you better. Have you ever been
out with an actual natural when he’s having a bad day or is in
shitty mood? Usually they are very unpleasant to be around.
And the girls want nothing to do with them. As someone with
unconscious competence of technical game, you can simply
fall back on it any given night to get results, regardless of how
you’re feeling

Coaches who teach natural game and claim that they pull by

26 | Inner Game Overview

being honest and congruent when they feel like shit, are
usually not self-aware enough to understand that their
underlying prior technical game knowledge is what allowed
for this to happen. Because they have these deep rooted
understandings, being ‘congruent’ means something else
entirely to them than it may to you. Their intuition will guide
them in a completely different direction than it will guide you.
And so adopting their teachings will not help you replicate
their results.

I would also like to dispel the stereotype that people following

technical game are ‘social robots’ with a bunch of memorized
lines and routines stacks while the guys teaching ‘natural’
game are out there being the super cool, free-flowing, like-able
‘alpha male’. This is akin to some street footballer telling you he
is a better dribbler than Ronaldo. It’s simply ludicrous.

The wittiest, funniest, most charismatic and socially dominant

guys are the ones who have a solid foundation in technical
game, not the other way around. The reason being is that
technical game isn’t about memorizing lines like a robot, it’s
about learning the underlying fundamental structure of
various social tools, so that you can adapt them using any given
context or content. Instantaneously. This what is referred to as a
‘principle based approach’ and what will be taught in this book.
When Ronaldo practices his dribbling with various drills, he can
then take that skill and transfer it to any situation he finds
himself in the game, even if it varies greatly from the particular
situation he drilled in practice. It’s versatile and transferable
through contexts. Same goes for the techniques explored in
this book

In other words, because I understand the framework of any

given technique, it’s specific purpose and what makes it
effective, I can come up with the most engaging and ‘optimal’
thing to say to take charge of any social situation. All done in

Inner Game Overview | 27

a matter of a split second, without ever having to think about
it. It’s automatic and just ‘comes to me’. And it’s something
completely new and interesting every time, not some
rehearsed line, because it’s shaped by the particular set of
circumstances and context I find myself in.

1.8 Isn’t All This Stuff Manipulative


Before proceeding to provide you with some of the most

potent psychological tools and strategies used to seduce
women, it is paramount to have a discussion about the ethics
revolving around them

As with most things, the mainstream view of, ‘if you’re using
any techniques to pick up girls you are an evil manipulator’,
lacks any sort of nuance and looks to oversimplify a complex
issue. Funnily enough, dating coaches for females seem to
avoid that same criticism for far more morally questionable

As a philosophical argument, this viewpoint doesn’t hold up

under the slightest level of scrutiny. Almost every single social
or business activity has a minor or major objective of
influencing others. You may tell yourself that you dress a
particular way because it ‘makes you happy’, but the real
purpose of managing your appearance is to influence others’
perception of you. So does that make you an ‘evil manipulator’
as well?

When are undergoing a job interview, and you deliberately

present your credentials in a particular way to highlight their
value, does that make you an ‘evil manipulator?’

28 | Inner Game Overview

What Apple first rolled out its Iphone, revolutionized the entire
mobile phone industry and made your life that much more
convenient, was it ‘manipulative’ of them to market it as the
next big thing? Despite that fact that it enhanced many
people’s lives?

When you offer your lazy dog a treat to incentivize him to come
outside for a walk with you, in order to keep him healthy, does
that make you a horrible person?

In a world where you are constantly being influenced and

constantly (whether consciously or subconsciously)
attempting to influence others, what value does the word
‘manipulation’ even hold? When is it ethical? And when is it

Personal development author, Jonathan Fields, makes the

point that the difference between manipulation (as it’s
commonly viewed) and persuasion (which is ethical), lies
largely in underlying intent and desire to create genuine

“Manipulation implies persuasion with the intent to fool,

control or contrive the person on the other side of the
conversation into doing something, believing something, or
buying into something that leaves them either harmed or
without benefit”

He proceeds to provide a fairly convincing example, which I

will summarize below, before examining how this applies
specifically in the context of seducing women

Suppose I was selling somebody a car and had all my tools

and strategies of persuasion ready to go. The customer walked
into my dealership with his pregnant wife and 5 children. It’s
quite apparent from the get-go that they were looking for and
genuinely needed a family-sized, affordable vehicle.

Inner Game Overview | 29

Yet in spite of this, I leveraged all of my persuasive abilities to
convince the parent that he shouldn’t be wasting his money
on a minivan, but rather a second hand Audi R8, which also
happens to be on sale, and has a potential buyer coming to
inspect it in an hour. I continued to re-frame the situation by
pointing out that this is his only chance to reclaim his youth,
and in doing so, teach his children how important it is to stay
true to their youthful ideals. Knowing full well that I would
make quadruple the commission on that car and it was
completely unsuitable for them.

That’s manipulation

Now, let’s suppose that the situation was flipped. And that
same parent came into my dealership with his kids and wife
and said, ‘Look man, I just need that R8 out front. I’ve got the
cash. I know that I should buy a six seater, and it’s completely
irrational, but I’m just really leaning towards that R8’

And then, what if I then used my persuasive abilities to slowly

and methodically lay out a conversation that led this parent
to understand the genuine benefit of purchasing the more
affordable and suitable family car?

That’s persuasion, not manipulation

Because I used the same set of skills to convince somebody

to do something that I genuinely believed was in their best
interest, instead of convincing them to do something that I was
pretty sure was not in their best interest – and very likely was
being less than truthful with at least part of what I was talking

At the end of the day, utilizing persuasion strategies, tools and

an understanding of female psychology to present the best
version of yourself in a way that’s likely to get her to ‘buy into

30 | Inner Game Overview

you’ as a potential partner and manifests in a consensual sexual
experience, is about persuasion.

As long as you have no harmful underlying intent and able

to create a ‘win-win’ situation, provide her with an awesome
experience, or offer value to her life in some other way.

But that’s just it;

You must come from a mindset of – ‘I want to leave her better

than I found her.’ No matter the outcome of a particular
interaction, you should always be aiming to improve a girl’s
situation, rather than detracting from it.

I absolutely condemn the use of any of these strategies for any

manipulative means which seek to do harm and fulfill your
interests at the expense of the girls’.

With all of that being said, let’s jump straight into it

Inner Game Overview | 31

2. How To Run An
Interaction From 'Hi' To
'Please Take Me Home'
Any product available in the industry will surely provide some
useful and practical content. Some more so than others. My
main contention, however, with every product I’ve ever come
across is that they simply present a lot of disjointed concepts
and ideas without ever emphasizing the relative importance
of each and condensing them into a coherent, streamlined,
framework. They simply offer a variety of ideas and concept
and expect you to piece together the puzzle. This conceives
more problems than it solves. You never really know exactly
what you should be focusing on to improve, what it is exactly
that’s hindering your interactions and results, and what is
required exactly in order to fix it.

In this chapter, I am going to touch on a couple of different

models presented within the community – one generally
followed by the ‘mainstream’ community and the other,
advocated by the more ‘underground’ community (i.e the less
well known companies) – and why they are both flowed.

I will outline with specific accuracy and detail which elements

are important and demand the most attention, ignore the
‘fluff’, and offer you an all encompassing method that
consistently works. For anybody.

32 | How To Run An Interaction

From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'
2.1 Why The Old Methods Are Flawed

The reason that people teaching seduction and pickup were

never really able to formulate such a model is simple;

They start off at the wrong place

Let me challenge your preconceptions here for a second

How you do think you actually go from open-to-pull in cold


How do you progress an interaction from open-to-sex?

What is it that is actually required for a girl to come home with


What’s the difference between a girl coming home with you

and a girl not coming home with you?

How do you move an interaction forward?

Seriously, think about these questions for a minute

Most guys can’t give a proper answer

Others give a very generic answer like ‘create attraction and

build comfort…?’

Or ‘I didn’t have enough attraction’

Or ‘You need to baby step it’

Or ‘Lead….maybe?’

A lot of vague, abstract terms that are impossible to measure

Well, how much attraction?

And what even is attraction specifically?

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 33

These might give you a general idea of what you should be
doing, but none of these answers help you provide a replicable
guideline for moving an interaction along

Even the old school structure of ‘Open -> Hook -> Vibe -> Seed
-> Pull,’ Is pretty useless. I’m sure you’ve had interactions where
you’ve vibed with the girl for hours and she seems into you but
still wouldn’t come home with you and even flakes on the date

What gives?

What gives is that the process you have been using is broken.

Whenever successful people formulate a plan to achieve a

particular goal, they always begin with the end in mind. Instead
of tackling the question this way, by taking a bottom-down
approach of ‘what do I need to do to move it forward?’ – we
are going to take what is referred to in business as a ‘top-down’
approach. Meaning that we will begin at the end point and look
to reverse-engineer the result. Start at the end and work our
way backwards

2.2 Reverse Engineering The Process

And that’s exactly what we need to do here in order to grasp

pickup on a deep level. From a holistic perspective, a seduction
is simply a one large compliance ladder. In this context,
compliance refers to a girl’s willingness to agree to a certain
request of yours.

Requesting compliance can be as small as saying hello to a girl.

Her willingness to engage you in conversation requires a low
form of compliance – she could just as well ignore you. Meaning
that she is giving you essentially no compliance

34 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

At the top end of the compliance ladder is her agreeing to
coming home with you for a wild night of animalistic sex. And
anywhere along the middle would be requests like being led
around in the club by you, giving you her phone number, going
out on a date, etc…

Any time you ask for something, you are asking for compliance.
Everything comes down to compliance.

• A girl you were hitting it off with decided to join her

friends on the dance floor and ditch you? Not enough
• A girl refuses to give you her phone number? Not enough
• A girl that seemed super attracted and into you doesn’t
end up going home with you? Yep, you guessed it, she
didn’t have enough compliance

So we now understand the concept of compliance – great. This

will form the foundation for everything to come.

2.3 Why Following The Current

Models Will Lead You To Mediocrity

Before we proceed, I’d like to point out where some prominent

‘underground instructors’ tend to get it wrong. They
understand what compliance is – however – they act as if it’s a
fixed variable. The reality is far from it. Compliance is dynamic
and can be built. In fact, that’s all game is.

But the way they run and teach game goes something like this
– jump into the set and test for a girl’s level of compliance very
early (either by seeding the pull or trying to move her around),
and if she’s non-compliant, they move on. If she goes along

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 35

with it, and there is a high level of compliance from the start,
they keep pushing things forward.

They don’t grasp the idea that compliance is a dynamic

concept – it can fluctuate. That super hot girl that gave you
nothing to begin with is usually quite pull-able, if you know
how to build compliance.

This early screening for compliance method is a sure-fire way

for attracting low quality girls at best and a year long dry spell
at worse – depending on your SMV (sexual market value). The
only people I’ve ever seen this work for are those who are
significantly above average looking or have status in the
environment. Usually they also tend to have sort of distinctive
differentiating factor – for example they may be 6’4, have a
greek-god body or top-tier facial aesthetics. This isn’t game.
They are simply getting a certain small subset of girls who are
already into them and have a high initial level of compliance

Sorry to break it to you, but unless you’re in the top 5% when

it comes to looks, and if you’re reading this then you probably
aren’t, then this method is NOT going to work for you. It will
not be that easy. Most girls you approach will have an initial low
level of compliance for you. They simply won’t be willing to give
you much from the start

This is just a fact of life. Even if you max out your physical
appearance potential. Any girl who is +7 is just swamped with
options. I’m not saying this to kill your hopes and ambitions,
but simply pointing out difficult truths. Once we accept the
boundaries and parameters we are dealing with, it’s far easier
to actually formulate a solution.

Lets face it, and I’m just being real with you here, most girls
that you approach already have options of guys who are better
looking, more successful, or higher-value than you in some

36 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

capacity. Why would they just drop everything that they’re
doing and run off with you?

But alas, there is still hope for you yet. After all, I’m some
average looking, beer-bellied, brown guy who by 23 has slept
with more stunning women than I care to count.

How did I do it?

By understanding that compliance is not a fixed variable, but

rather something that you can, in fact, build. That’s all ‘game’
really is at the end of the day. Approaching a girl whose initial
level of compliance for you is low, and increasing it over a
relatively short period of time to the point where she’s willing
to give you her number/go on a date with you/come home
with you. It’s not ‘attraction’. It’s not ‘self-amusement’. It’s not
‘momentum’. It’s not ‘freedom from outcome’. It’s not
‘unplugging from validation’. All those concepts, as well as
many more, definitely come into play, but being ‘self-amused’
or ‘having intent’ are not ends in themselves. Rather, they are
a means with the ultimate ends of building compliance.
Everything do you and say within any given interaction
SHOULD revolve around the ultimate goal of building

2.4 The Compliance-Investment


Let me reveal to you the all-encompassing formula blessed

upon me by the pickup gods themselves. If you can
understand this, everything that was previously confusing to
you will begin to make sense. I am not joking. Once it sinks in,
you’ll have that ‘AH!’ type of epiphany where everything that
was confusing in the past now is crystal clear.

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 37

So here goes:

Compliance is proportional to Investment + Buying


C ∝ I + BT

Let’s unpack that. All it really means is that a girl’s level of

compliance at any given moment is dictated by her levels of
investment in you combined with her level of buying

The more invested she is into you, and the higher her buying
temperature is, the more compliant she will be. Conversely, the
lower high levels of investment and buying temperature, the
less compliant she will be

You’re probably confused as to exactly what those two words

mean, so let’s take it one step at a time

2.5 The relationship between

compliance and buying temperature

Let’s start with the simple stuff. You’ve probably heard the
phrase – ‘change her mood, not her mind.’ For those of you
who are a little bit more seasoned in this pickup business, you
already understand the meaning of this phrase. But for those
of you who don’t, it basically refers to the idea that girls are, at
least in part, governed by emotions (to be fair, this is more of a
‘human’ thing than a ‘women’ thing)

Or in other terms, it’s not what she thinks about you…. It’s how

38 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

she feels about you. I’ll start off with an example everybody can
probably relate to

Have you ever gone grocery shopping while hungry?

Of course you have.

And have you noticed how instead of sticking to the items on

your grocery list, for some reason, you throw in there some
extra peanut butter, pancake syrup and chocolate?


Because your emotions were governing your behavior. Your

feelings of hunger overruled your brain

Another example would be the following;

You’re relaxing with your girlfriend on the couch and you want
to get her to come to the gym with you. But she’s feeling quite
lazy and just wants to watch some Netflix for the rest of the
night. You have two options:

The first would be to try to ‘logically’ convince her to come with


‘Come on, the gym is super healthy! Don’t you want to be fit?’

‘Scientific studies in the Journal of the study of exercise

suggest exercising at least three times a week to keep
hormonal levels balanced!’

Or whatever other means you choose to sell her on the benefits

of the gym. Odds are, all this logical talk about getting up and
going to the gym is simply going to make her more turned off
to the idea.

Instead, a much better, and counter-intuitive approach, would

be to do something like this:

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 39

[Playfully poker her stomach] ‘Come on, you want that
Instagram level booty right?!?! It’s not gonna carve itself’ – Said
with a playful smile

This is an exchange of playful energy and usually she’ll laugh

or crack a smile, at which point you’d proceed with something
like – ‘You’re about 3 sets of squats away from a tea detox
sponsorship deal, let’s go!’ – again, said PLAYFULLY

You are further amplifying that playfulness and snapping her

out of that sluggish state. She will FEEL completely different
to the way that she felt 30 seconds ago and now suddenly the
idea of going to the gym is going to FEEL a lot more appealing.
At which point she’ll be a lot more likely to be ‘compliant’ to
coming with you

Feelings and emotions are a huge factor in dictating

behavior and decision making

It may not seem quite as obvious in the way I framed that

example, but notice how she basically changed her entire
evening’s plans on a whim there. In about 30 seconds. It should
immediately be apparent to you that although powerful,
emotions are extremely fickle and malleable. They can change

The pickup equivalent of this would be getting a girl

emotionally AROUSED, at which point she’ll feel a lot more
compelled to do things like kiss you and come home with you
in a very short time frame

Basically, the more emotional arousal she is experiencing, or

the higher her ‘Buying Temperature’ – the more likely she is to
‘buy what you’re selling’ (comply to your request)

Okay, so let’s start putting the pieces together here.

Remember that time you opened a girl and she seemed

40 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

SUPER happy and excited to be chatting with you – that’s
because her ‘buying temperate’ or level of ‘emotional arousal’
was high when you opened her.

Remember that time you opened a girl and you make out
instantly? Sorry to break it to you, but it wasn’t because you
were ‘on point’ or were able to accidentally pull off some
magical body language trick that triggered primal levels of
attraction to the point she couldn’t keep her hand off you.
Rather, she already had a high level of compliance because her
buying temperature happened to be at a high point when you

Remember that time you opened a girl and pulled her within
minutes? The reason you were able to get away with that sort
of stuff is because her buying temperature was already
extremely high at the time you approached. That’s all

“Okay…. but what is it that caused those girls to have a high

level of ‘Buying Temperature’ in the first place”

Well, you can also think of buying temperature as emotional

excitement and stimulation. And the reason those girls were
feeling emotionally excited at the time you approached them
was probably due to some combination of events that occurred
in the night prior to that moment

Let’s hypothetically map out a girl’s night out ;

• She arrives at the club.

• She grabs some drinks with her friends.
• She rejects some loser trying to hit on her.
• She gets on the dance floor and starts flirting and
grinding with the hot guy.
• Then she has a fight with her best friend who happened
to have a crush on that guy.
• Then she ditches the guy and she makes up with her

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 41

• Then she gets a spontaneous message from her ex-
boyfriend Chris.

So throughout that process she is being put through a myriad

of emotions, feeling – happy, excited, annoyed, turned on,
upset, relieved, nostalgic, etc…

Then she happens to meet you. At that point, her emotions are
organically spiked through the roof. That’s why you were able
to get away with so much, so quickly

Basically, you were simply at the right place, at the right time.

So in the aforementioned example, which emotion exactly

caused her emotional arousal to shoot up?

Was it the happiness? Annoyance? Being sexually turned on?

Anger? Relief? Nostalgia?

Well, the answer is all of the above. It’s not the experience of
a single emotional frequency that generated arousal, rather it
was the RANGE and CONTRAST of DIFFERENT emotions that
spiked her buying temperature.

Now, instead of doing 10,000 approaches and hoping to run

into a girl who is already ready to get down and dirty, what
if YOU could be the one to provide the girl that emotional
roller-coaster? Well, that would mean increasing her level of
compliance is within your control

The next logical question would be – ‘how do I provide her with

that emotional roller-coaster and generate arousal?’

Don’t worry, we’ll get to that. But first, I’d like to point out a
couple of things. Everything I pointed out above in terms of
buying temperature isn’t groundbreaking. And although not
many people have articulated the correlation directly between

42 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

buying temperature and compliance, they have at least
acknowledged that ‘spiking her emotions is good’.

A bit primitive, but at least it’s not off center. For the past
10 years or so, the industry leader (not too difficult to guess
who I’m referring to here), through which most people get
introduced to game, hammers this point home to death

‘Fun = SEX!’

‘Just have fun bro, the girl will get drawn in’

‘Just BE the party man, then wherever you go she’ll wanna

come along’

‘You have to self-amuse. Having fun is what really gets you


I’m not going to sit here and tell you that having fun and
being able to influence a girl’s emotions is NOT a useful tool
when it comes to getting laid. It obviously is. We just laid out a
specific positive relationship between compliance and buying

However, it is simply a presenting an incomplete picture.

As opposed to the ‘underground coaching methods’, the

current accepted idea in the mainstream community of how to
run an interaction is to just approach and ‘spike, spike, spike’ to
no end until the girl is just so aroused and emotionally turned
on, she has to come home with you.

There are issues with this approach. The most obvious and
predictable is the fact that, as was mentioned earlier, emotions
are extremely fickle. They can change in a heartbeat due to
factors outside of your control. Suppose you spent the last 45
minutes with a girl just spiking and vibing non-stop, and are
now going for the pull – then in that moment she receives a

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 43

text message from her best friend or spots her male friend just
as you’re about to leave the club.

What do you think will happen?

Maybe you’ve even experienced this

Her logical brain will kick into overdrive, she’ll come to her
senses regarding the fact that she’s about to go home with a
guy she barely knows, and her level of emotional arousal will
drop back down to the floor. All that time and work put in for
nothing. All that compliance gone in an instant

For years, guys have been using reprehensible and unethical

means (which I absolutely condemn) such as trying to turn
girl’s phone on airplane mode so that she doesn’t get any
messages from her friends or using things like ‘pull talk’ as
you’re leaving with her in order to occupy her ‘logical mind’
and distract her from the fact she’s about to go home with a
stranger. This is pure nonsense.

That was just one example. This type of thing can basically
happen at any given point along the interaction – so much
so that it makes purely relying on emotions and buying
temperature to generate compliance an incredibly
inconsistent approach.

Which would explain why the majority of this community is

stuck in ‘intermediate purgatory’. They are only following one
school of thought, which, for all it’s merits regarding inner
confidence and building yourself up as a man, severely lacks in
it’s practical methodology.

Another example to highlight the point would be a situation

where you actually managed to get the girl all the way back
to your place only for the sensation of the new environment to
trigger a bit of nervousness and snap her out of her aroused

44 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

state. At which point, you guessed it, compliance drops and
she’ll no longer want to sleep with you. LMR city here we come.

Or how about the classic – 30 minute set with an intense and

passionate make-out, only for her not to text you back the next
day. What gives?

At this point you guys should be able to identify the issue and
the reason for this. You were playing off of her emotions. And
her emotions blow around like a ship on a stormy sea. So even if
you kissed her, she might very well wake up the next morning,
with her emotions in a completely different place, not fancying
you much.

The current, innovative solution to that particular age old issue

from the red-haired pickup Santa Claus is supposedly toning
down the emotional intensity of the interaction when asking
for the number/seeding the date so that she agrees to it when
she’s in more of a logical mindset.

These guys are essentially attempting to use various ‘tricks’ to

compensate for an inadequate strategy. They go for a band-aid
solution, instead of to tackling the issue at its core

And the core issue is that there is a clear disconnect between

her forebrain (logical mind) and her hindbrain (emotional
mind). Let me explain what I mean.

The logical forebrain serves as the repository for all her social
programming, cultural knowledge, memories and self-
conception. Her emotional hindbrain is the wellspring of her
emotions and animal drives – including lust. As we just
discussed, this is typically what guys tap into the create those
tingles and motivate her to sleeping with you.

Broadly speaking, in the above examples, these guys are trying

to put her hindbrain into hyper-drive while simultaneously
smashing over any objections that may come from the

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forebrain. And although her emotions may be telling her yes,
her mind is telling her no. Trying to run an interaction based
purely on emotions is like running a tightrope. One wrong
move, and you’re done.

Wouldn’t it be much nicer if instead of worrying about every

single action we take, dealing with endless amounts of bullshit,
walking a tight-rope and ‘objection handling’, we could just
run an interaction in a smoother way, where the girl actually
WANTS to come home with you.

Not just emotionally feel like she’s turned on by you – but also
logically acknowledge the fact that she wants to sleep with
you. That way even if her emotions sway or something comes
up, it makes no difference and you still have compliance.

The forebrain is not fickle and easily swayed like the hindbrain.
Once a significant decision is made, it’s often difficult to
change. Often to the point where once she’s decided she’s
going to sleep with you, she’s the one initiating the pull, telling
her friends to leave you two alone, and suggesting that you
leave together

Sounds ideal, right?

Well here’s how it’s done – by ALIGNING the hindbrain and

forebrain. Although it’s true that humans tend to generally be
emotional creatures and act on impulse, it has also been
proven that when it comes to more making significant
decisions, logic plays a huge role

That’s why when companies try to market you a cheap product

(anything under $20), they’ll usually use their advertising to
emphasize and activate a pain point to drive an impulsive

On the contrary, when making a more significant purchase,

such as a computer, the advertising seems to be more focused

46 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

on logical features/benefits of the product. Because it’s a much
more significant purchase, you’re likely to do your research,
look through many different products etc… you’re not going to
be swayed by emotion as much

And although this isn’t a perfect analogy, for many girls,

sleeping with a new partner tends to be a pretty significant
decision (in fact, the more sexually open she is, the more she’ll
be tend to be governed by the hindbrain- and the more
sexually conservative, the more she’ll be guided by the
forebrain – but more on that later). And so if you can align the
forebrain and the hindbrain (for either type of girl), that’s when
the magic happens.

That’s when you get sets so solid that nothing can steer it off
course – and have girls pull you.

Which brings me to the next point; how do you get her

forebrain ‘on your side’. How do you get her to logically decide
to sleep with you over any other guy, when her entire sense
of identity and social conditioning tells her otherwise and that
wanting to sleep with a guy on the same night is ‘wrong’.

I’ve already given you the answer in the equation.


2.6 Investment Is The Key That Binds

Everything Together

As I often do, I’ll begin by opening with an analogy. Suppose

that one day you receive a phone call from your friend who is
out of town

‘Hey man, I need to ask you for a huge favor. I know you’re

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super busy and have that business presentation coming up,
but I’m out of town at the moment and have a super important
package that needs to be picked up. Are you cool to drive 20
mins to go pick it up?’

What would you do in this situation?

That was a rhetorical question. If you have any sense of decency

you’d be a good friend and go pick it up for him

Now let’s say you received the exact same phone call from an
acquaintance which you barely knew. What are the odds that
you’d go out of your way for them?

It’s pretty unlikely

Why is it that you ‘complied’ when your good friend asked

you for something but not when your acquaintance asked for
the same thing? (assuming your emotions where at the same
place both times)

The answer is – because you are invested in your relationship

with you close friend. And not so much so with the

Like with buying temperature, there is direct, positive

relationship between compliance and investment. The more
investment there is, the more ‘compliance’ you can ask for
in return. And as we highlighted earlier, the reason this is so
important is because investment is not fickle like emotions. It’s
a lot more solid. Once you a high level of investment, it can’t
just disappear in a blink of an eye.

But what does ‘investment’ mean exactly?

In the context of the friendship it refers to all the experiences

you shared together, all the important conversations you had,

48 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

all the time you spent together etc…. All those things that
formed the closeness and the bond

Because you put so much time and emotional energy into

building and maintaining that friendship, you are ‘invested’

In a similar way, if you want to be able to ask for something

that requires a high level of compliance from the girl, the most
optimal way to go about that is by getting her very invested
into you.

Now you might be thinking – ‘Well, this isn’t exactly an

appropriate analogy, it’s not like I can make a girl I’ve known for
40 minutes feel like she’s known me for a lifetime’

That’s where you’d be wrong. Sure, when you first approach a

girl, her initial reaction towards you is usually ‘who the hell is
this guy?’. But it’s your job to be able to turn that into ‘Wow, it
feels like I’ve known this guy for ages. I’m already sharing with
him things I’ve never shared with anybody else. It feels like he
gets me in a way that nobody else does’. Once her forebrain
is dwelling on these type of thoughts she’ll usually be very

The process by which you take her from that initial to later
thought is called ‘emotional leading’, and it should be the
bedrock and guiding light of all your interactions. You are
leading her from ‘who is this guy’ to ‘Wow I feel like I’ve known
him for years’ through eliciting a lot of investment

Investment is a bit of a tricky idea to grasp at first, simply

because it’s such a broad concept. There are many different
forms of investment – including but not limited to, time
investment, emotional investment, financial investment,
physical investment… as well as a couple more. However, in this
book, we are going to focus purely on emotional investment, as
it’s the most important one.

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I’d also like to point out that investment and comfort/
connection are not the same thing. A girl can feel comfortable
around you due to how much you shared with her, but that
doesn’t mean she is invested necessarily as she herself hasn’t
contributed. The standard idea of comfort is taking whatever
hobbies/values/ideas the girl presents and demonstrating to
her through stories and various other means that you have
an interest in those as well. This is a faulty concept. You are
doing it the wrong way around. In this scenario, you are the one
investing and getting attached – and this does nothing for her
levels of emotional investment. Connection, however, will be a
byproduct of her investment. The more she invests, the more
‘connected’ she feels to you. And that’s all the matters

As previously defined, emotional investment refers to the

emotional energy she is pouring into the interaction. That can
come in the form of her sharing stories, qualifying, filling gaps
in the conversation and putting an effort into continuing it,
confiding in you, etc… – basically anything that requires
emotional energy on her end.

I’m not going to go in depth as to why investment creates

compliance as this is not a psychology book, it is a pickup
guide. The important thing is to understand that it does – and
that whenever human beings put work and energy into
something, they usually want a return on that investment. But
essentially, it’s the result of commitment bias – the more work
she puts in for you, the more she invests in keeping that
interaction alive and moving forward, the more her forebrain
begins to rationalize reasons as to why she’s putting all this
effort in – ‘Wow, I’m doing so much for this guy, I must really
like him!’

I want to make another clear distinction here, however. Just

because she is ‘talking’ doesn’t necessarily mean she is
‘investing’. She could be offhandedly talking about where she

50 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

bought her new dress (or some other random topic you don’t
care much for), just as a means of talking for the sake of talking.
This is NOT investment. I’m sure you’ve had interactions with
girls in the past where she rambles on for 30 minutes non-stop
but at the end of it tells you she has a boyfriend, or refuses to
give you her number. The reason for that is because that was
not genuine investment.

Genuine investment is whenever she is talking, sharing, etc…

with the intention (conscious or subconscious) of
IMPRESSING you. For example, if you ask her what she does for
a living, she could reply with either:

1. I work as a nurse. It’s pretty cool


2. I’ve always wanted to help people. Growing up, I just had

this desire to be everyone’s saving grace. I’d help my mum
when she was feeling down, I’d let my sister confide all her
issues with me, etc… So I thought working as a nurse
would be a perfect profession for me. And it has been! I
love everyday of it

See the difference? In the first example, she doesn’t really care
about your opinion or what you think. So she’s comfortable just
saying anything, and doesn’t bother putting much effort in.
Whereas in the second example, she’s treading more carefully.
She’s not just telling you what she does, she’s also justifying
it with her pure motives – basically she’s giving you a long-
winded, emotionally rich answer. That’s the difference between
investing and ‘just talking’

Notice as well how her perception towards you influences her

answer. In the first example, the reason she’s not investing is
because she doesn’t view you as a person worthwhile investing

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in. Whereas, in the second example, she is investing because
she does perceive you as a person worthwhile investing in!

This is the reason you can’t simply just walk up to a girl and
open with – ‘Hey, tell me about your deepest fears and
insecurities’ – and expect her to come rushing out with an
out-pour of emotional investment. If you could run a set like
that, it would be ideal. Because you’d be getting huge amounts
of investment, and therefore compliance, right off the bat.
However, if you try this, the most likely reaction you’ll get is
‘what? Who the hell are you?’

She doesn’t know who you are and has no reason to invest
in you. And as such, you must structure an interaction more
methodically and gradually if you wish to build high levels of

At this point, you will still probably have more questions than
answers – and that’s understandable. We still have a lot of
ground to cover in order to give you a complete picture.

Take a little bit of time to digest some of this stuff if you need to
before moving on

But to very briefly summarize the last couple of points:

• Compliance is proportional to investment + BT. Notice how

I intentionally use proportional and not ‘equal to’. There is
a significant difference. All this formula really means is
that compliance is positively correlated with investment
and arousal. The more investment and arousal you have,
the more compliance you have. And vice-versa. The
implication is that every girl requires a different level of
investment and BT for any given level of compliance. For
example, girl A may require very little investment and BT
in order to come home with you – but those same levels of
investment and BT with girl B may only get you as far as a

52 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

make-out, and she requires more in order to actually
come home with you
• Buying Temperature refers to emotional arousal. Arousal is
triggered through contrast. It is also extremely dynamic
and fickle. It can change at any moment and is not
reliable in and of itself
• Investment refers to the emotional energy the girl is
expending in a given interaction. It is not the same as her
just talking. It has to be talking for the sake of impressing
or appeasing YOU. It is much more solid than buying
temperature. Once you have high levels of investment,
compliance comes very easily, often times even to the
point of the girl pulling you

2.7 Interaction Structure Overview

To recap:

1. Compliance is the key to getting a girl to come home with

2. You can build her level of compliance by increasing her
investment and emotional arousal

In total, we have 3 interrelated variables (Compliance,

investment, BT) – and there are two skill-sets that you need
to master in order to build high levels of compliance – those
being spiking emotions/buying temperature and eliciting

We will cover these in depth in chapters 4 and 5, but for now

all you need to know is that spiking emotions is achieved by
using what’s known as a range of expressions, and on a very
simplistic level, you can elicit investment by asking questions

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(also known as investment hoops) that offer her an opportunity
to contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way

In this section, I will provide an overview of how these merge

together to create a framework for your interactions

In general, a standard interaction follows 3 phases, with each

one categorized by the level of compliance you have from the

Phase 1: The Start

When you first approach most girls, their levels of compliance

towards you will be fairly low. After all, you are a completely
random person that she has zero investment in, and most likely
her ‘buying temperate’ is not particularly high either.

(A note regarding context: You won’t have to start at phase

1 with every single girl you approach. Some girls will have
enough compliance to start at level 2 and others even at
phase 3. The higher your SMV, the more often this will happen.
And the way this fits within the confines of the formula we laid
out is that before you even approach, the girl may already be
invested in the idea of being with a high value/good looking
guy. And that investment in the idea is carried on to the high
value/good looking guy in front of her. I’m sure you’ve had
times where you approached a girl and you just happened to
be her ‘type’, so she gave you a much easier time in moving
things along. Well, the reason her levels of compliance were
relativity high was because she was invested in the idea of
being with the ‘type’ of guy you are. Obviously, the higher your
SMV, the easier game becomes. However, don’t misconstrue
this to mean that once you have high SMV, girls will flock to
you. High SMV men also have to start at phase 1 with most

54 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

girls from cold-approach. The solution is improving your SMV
while also working diligently on your game )

Since her compliance levels are very low, you can’t simply ask
for investment straight off the bat. Which is what most guys do.
They hammer her with endless interview questions and receive
one word answer responses until the interaction dies out.

So how do you get her to start investing?

The answer is – by leveraging buying temperature

During this initial phase, you job is to ‘give/add value’ to the

conversation through providing her a range of emotions,
thereby spiking her buying temperature. As her buying
temperature increase, so too does her level of compliance . You
can now leverage this slightly increased level of compliance by
asking for a little of investment in return (by throwing a low-
level investment hoop).

As she jumps through the hoop and provides that investment,

her compliance levels further increase.

And because her compliance levels are now raised, you can
proceed to offer up a slightly larger hoop next time

I know that may sound complicated the first time you read it,
so go over it again before moving on if you need to.

Each time she says ‘yes’ to a request (or jump through a hoop),
the ‘compliance momentum’ begins to affect her decisions, in
the sense that she is more likely to comply with the next hoop.
The more she complies to requests, the more likely she is to
comply with future – often, more demanding – requests. You
build things up progressively

Make sense?

It’s a cyclical process of give-and-take. You offer her value in

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the form of a range of emotions, and in return ask for some
small level of investment back. Over and over again. Each time
asking for slightly more investment

Compliance Momentum: Yes Begets Yes

This concept of ‘compliance momentum’ has actually been

verified in studies. From the study “Better think before
agreeing twice: Mere agreement: A similarity-based persuasion
mechanism,” published in the International Journal of
Research in Marketing in 2010:

“The present paper shows that the frequency of people’s

compliance with a request can be substantially increased
if the requester first gets them to agree with a series of
statements (in our case, jump through hoops) unrelated to
the request but selected to induce agreement (in our case,
investment). We label this effect the ‘mere-agreement effect’
and present a two-step similarity-based mechanism to explain
it. Across five studies, we show that induced mere agreement
subtly causes respondents to view the presenter of the
statements as similar to themselves (She backwards
rationalizes her investment as her ‘liking you’), which in turn
increases the frequency compliance with a request from that
same person.”

I haven’t actually been able to find any studies to confirm this,

but I can surely tell you that the inverse is true as well. The
concept of ‘negative compliance’ – whereby once the girl has
defied or rejected a request (i.e doesn’t jump through a hoop),
it begins to push her further away from you and decrease the
chances of complying with you in the future.

This is why it’s important to start small when it comes to your

hoops (what’s your name… where are you from…. What are you
up to tonight etc…) and not get ahead of yourself. If you push for

56 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

too much, too early, you’ll begin to create negative compliance
momentum, which is difficult to reverse.

The 80/20 Rule

No, not that 80/20 rule.

This 80/20 rule is simply a mental model I use to guide this first
phase of the interaction. 80% of the time, I am in ‘offering value’
mode. Messing around, throwing spikes left, right and center.
Bantering. Not taking myself too seriously. Not taking the girl
particularly seriously. Spiking emotions.

And the other 20% of the time, I sprinkle in small, low-level

investment hoops that are very easy for the girl to jump

I found this to be the optimal balance in the beginning. It’s

always better to be over-delivering in terms of value that you
provide than over-asking in terms of asking for to too much
compliance, too soon.

Phase 2: Mid-Game

Phase two is the point where she has now mentally

categorized you as someone who is worthwhile to potentially
further explore this interaction with and her compliance levels
are now in the ‘mid-range’. She went from ‘this is a total
stranger’ to ‘this guy is actually pretty cool’. You’ve been doing
most of the work till now, and have only asked for a little bit in

During this phase, you need to tone down the spiking, and
amp up both frequency and level of investment hoops.

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Instead of having an 80/20 ratio with level 1 hoops, you
transition to a 50/50 ratio with level 2 hoops.

A typical example of a level 2 hoop would be something like

‘What’s the craziest/most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?’
(A full, comprehensive list of level 1, 2 and 3 investment hoops
will be provided in chapter 5. This is just an overview)

The key question is – when do you know to move on to this


In short, at the point when she very willingly jumps through

the level one hoops and gives you proper answers. Not short,
succinct answers. But at least a sentence or two.

Another great indicator is if she voluntarily reveals more

information than is necessary to answer the question

For example

You: How long have you been here for

Her: 2 weeks

*Not a great answer. You need to stay in phase 1 and spike

more/generate more arousal

You: How long have you been here for

Her: For 2 weeks… but I’m gonna be staying here for a little
while longer. For another 2 months at least.

*Decent response, she’s volunteering more information here

You: How long have you been here?

58 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

Her: I’ve been here for two weeks now. It’s awesome, and I’m
gonna be staying for another 2 months at least. I definitely
don’t want to leave, but I am getting a bit homesick though

*Ideal type of response. She’s volunteering multiple pieces of

information there that weren’t even necessary to answer the
question. When she provides answers like this to low-level
hoops, you know you can definitely proceed to phase 2.

Another classic sign is at the point where she begins to ask you

The most obvious way to confirm that you are in stage two is to
ask for some level of physical compliance for the girl by moving
her around. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a full isolation
completely away from her friends, but even just getting her to
stand up from her chair or move a meter or two is enough to
confirm that you’re usually at phase two

Typically it takes about 5-15 minutes to go from phase one

to phase two (given that girl has a baseline level of very low
compliance). However, if you are not implementing this
process properly – you are not spiking, but are throwing hoops
which she is not jumping through and building negative
compliance momentum – you could be in set for +30 minutes
and still be stuck in stage one with very little compliance. It’s
not about how much time you spend together, but how that
time is spent.

Phase 2 itself can last anywhere between 15-30 minutes. Your

goal is to elicit as much investment as possible while also
keeping her engaged/aroused. It’s essentially a constant

Spike -> level 2 Hoop -> Explore the topic a bit/vibe -> repeat

Most guys tend to make one of two mistakes here. Either they

How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home' | 59

1. Mess up by being too predictable at this stage, only asking
questions, which leads to the girl eventually getting bored
and leaving. It’s essential that you balance the hoops with
spikes to keep the girl engaged throughout this phase.
2. Over-spike, since the girl is reacting so positively, they
interrupt or forget to elicit investment. Sometimes, you
get so ‘in the zone’ and everything you say just keeps on
landing, that it’s difficult to stop yourself from spitting out
the next witty line. It’s crucial to have some self-control
and remember that ‘spiking’ isn’t the end goal. It doesn’t
mean that much all by itself. You must throw her those
hoops, give her a chance to qualify, and convert that
arousal into investment

Phase 3:

In the same way that you transition from phase 1 to phase

2 when she voluntarily invests a fair bit in your level 1 hoops,
you can transition to phase 3 when she offers up really solid
investment, and is happy to explore in depth, your level 2 hoops

During this phase is when you get her to open up with regards
to very personal topics – including family, romantic
relationships (past and present), ambitions etc..

At this point, you have to keep the emotional arousal/spiking

to a bare minimum. The ratio should be closer to 5/95 or 10/90.
You can throw in the occasional spike, but don’t interrupt her
investment. One or two spikes throughout this entire phase 3
is more than enough

If you’ve run the interaction in this way, progressively eliciting

investment and building compliance, you’ll usually notice the
girl saying something along the lines of ‘oh my god. I feel like

60 | How To Run An Interaction From 'Hi' To 'Please Take Me Home'

you know so much about me and I barely know anything about
you’. That’s how you know you’ve run your interactions
perfectly and she is very heavily invested

At this point, compliance is virtually a given, and most of your

pulls should simply consist of ‘let’s get out of here and hang out
somewhere else where I can get to know you better’. I will cover
pulling in far more depth later on, but this is how it should be
going down most times. If it’s not, the problem is with the way
you ran your interactions, not your ‘pulling’.

The beauty of this process is that the further you get into an
interaction, the easier it becomes to run it and the less work
you have to put in as the girl begins investing more and more.
Remember, this was just an overview. We will now begin
dissecting each section and subsection of this process in more
detail, and various other nuances, including what to do if a girl
simply isn’t investing and jumping through your hoops

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3. Opening Manifesto

3.1 Subcommunications

Opening is simultaneously both the most important, and least

important part, of any interaction. The reason being is that the
actual opener itself makes no difference if you are able to run
the process properly – as described earlier. However, it’s also the
spark that ignites the fire. No open, no interaction. You must
open in order to actually stand some sort of chance of making
something happen

In this chapter, I am going to be providing you with a

comprehensive overview of 6 different categories of openers,
all proven to be extremely effective. None are ‘better’ than the
other, however. Each category of opener has it’s strengths and
drawbacks, and their appropriateness varies depending on the

Before we proceed to the openers themselves, I’d like to make

a note regarding ‘subcommunications’. There are generally two
different ways you can go about applying your body language
and sub-communications when opening. The first, which I
would recommend for now, is to have your
subcommunications conveying a ‘man-to-woman’ frame
regardless of what category of opener you use. The alternative
approach would be tailoring your subcommunications to be
in congruence with whatever category of opener you employ.
For example, when going ‘direct’ having ‘man-to-woman’
subcommunications, and when using an observational or
opinion opener, toning that down and using more ‘neutral’
subcommunications. The second method is more advanced
and given that it’s almost impossible to accurately depict the

62 | Opening Manifesto
body language subtleties required to pull it off in writing, I will
leave that to the live streams in the mastermind.

However, I’ll give a breakdown of the ‘man-to-women’

subcommunications. In technical terms, subcommunication
refer to the message conveyed about you by your behaviors
and non-verbal communication. Any time you cold approach
any person there are certain sets of underlying frames that
dictate the direction of the interaction.

On one extreme you can have your subcommunications

imposing a frame of ‘I am not a sexual threat – but rather
your emotional tampon and shoulder to cry on. We’re gonna
have take out nights and foot massages while you tell me all
about your boyfriend. And I’m gonna end up with blue balls for
months on end’. That would be approaching with a tame voice,
shy body language, and shifting eyes.

On the other extreme would be a ‘man-to-woman’ frame,

conveying – ‘I am a sexual man. I’m here talking to you because
I intend to move this forward in a sexual capacity’. In order
to subcommunicate that ‘man-to-woman’ frame, the following
behaviors must be intact.

1. Eye Contact

There is a difference between sexual eye contact and social eye

contact. There should be a difference between the way you
look at your guy friends and the way you look at a girl you’re
attractive to. If you don’t have solid eye contact, no girl will
take you seriously. Don’t try to look into both of her eyes at
the same time. Pick one eye and have both your eyes looking
into her pupil. Don’t be intense with your eye contact, but be
piercing. Relax your eyelids and let them droop. Don’t expand
them out to make it look like you have ‘wild eyes’. That’s creepy
and unnatural. Relax all your facial muscles and eye lids, and

Opening Manifesto | 63
pierce one of the girl’s pupils deeply. (More on this, as well as
other subcommunications in the mastermind)

2. Proximity/Cutting Spaces

This is the #1 most common mistake I see from beginners –

they are standing too far apart from the girl. When that’s the
case, it’s impossible for her to ‘feel’ your presence and create
sexual tension. If you are not in her personal space, there will be
no sexual undertone.

The difference this makes is massive. The most common

feedback I’d often get from clients after simply cutting the
spaces between him and the girl would be something like this

‘That proximity thing is dynamite. You’re basically basking in

each other’s vibe.’

If you’re standing at an arm’s length, she doesn’t know whether

you’re interested in sleeping with her or trying to sell her

You could be talking about the most sexual topics in the world,
but it wouldn’t actually generate any sexual tension if you are
standing two meters apart. Conversely, you can talk about the
most bland subjects and create a sexual undertone just by
closing the proximity.

Get close!

3. Squaring Up

This is a fairly simple one, but guys still manage to mess this up.
Squaring up does not mean coming in at a 45 degree angle,
not a 90 degree angle, but fully squaring up at 180 degrees.

4. Vocal Tonality – Breaking Rapport Tonality + High Volume

64 | Opening Manifesto
Like the others, vocal tonality is far easier to demonstrate
through video than it is to articulate through writing. Although
there are an infinite number of tonalities you could employ,
broadly speaking, there are only three different tonal
inflections you can use. Those being seeking rapport, neutral,
and breaking rapport.

You always want to remain in the breaking rapport range,

meaning that your vocal tonality should be inflecting down
at the end of your sentences. Think Gordon Ramsey or Simon
Cowell. Their tonalities exude authority. Yours should do the

As far as volume goes, speak UP. Do not speak at the girl, speak
THROUGH the girl. Imagine she is standing 2 meters further
away from you than she actually is.

5. Physicality – Refer to chapter 8

3.2 Locking In & The Rule Of Matching


There are two other rules that you should always be adhering
to when opening

1. The rule of matching heights – often times, you’ll find

yourself wanting to approach girls who are in a slightly
complicated logistical setup – whether they be sitting
down, crouching, leaning against the bar, etc… In all these
cases, and any other, you should be matching their height.
You could do this by – pulling up a chair, crouching, our
locking in against the bar yourself. If you approach a girl
who is sitting down by remaining standing up yourself,
although it’ll be less awkward in the first 20 seconds, it’s

Opening Manifesto | 65
difficult to conduct a meaningful, long interaction that
way. It will eventually get awkward and difficult. Pulling up
a new chair next to her immediately will place more
pressure on you for the first few seconds but now you
actually have a chance to conduct a proper interaction.
Chose the first 3 seconds of awkwardness in order to avoid
the next 30 minutes of awkwardness. Commit and don’t
half-ass the approach. Make it count
2. Locking-In: In the most technical of terms, ‘locking-in’ is
the idea of positioning oneself as the center of attention in
an interaction, and physically having the girl lean towards
you, giving off the impression you are in a position of
power within the interaction

What your interactions should look like when ‘locked-in’

As soon as you enter any interaction, you should be looking for

some sort of object to ‘lock-in’ or lean on in order to create that

66 | Opening Manifesto
dynamic. That could be the bar, a wall, a door, a table, a pole, a
couch – anything in your immediate vicinity. 90% of the time,
there will be some place for you to lock in. If there isn’t, you
should be looking to physically move the interaction to a place
where you can as quickly as possible.

The benefits of locking-in are numerous:

1. Creates a dynamic where she is physicality investing – you

are in the comfortable position, and just by virtue of her
standing in a less comfortable spot, she is investing more
than you. This isn’t as powerful, nor a substitute for
emotional investment, but it’s still very useful. In addition,
every time she speaks, she has to lean into you to make
sure she is heard – more physical investment
2. It increases your social value in the room/club – From an
external perspective, it looks as if the girl is the one
attempting to seduce you. The immediate impression that
anybody who sees this gets is that you must be an
attractive, high-value person
3. Significantly reduces the chances of cock-blocking or
amogging – Given that from an external point of view it
seems that the girl is putting in an effort to be there with
you, both her friends and other guys will be far less
inclined to get involved

3.3 Risk Vs. Reward

The following six categories of openers range from high risk,

high reward to low risk, low reward.

1. Direct
2. Compliment
3. Introduction

Opening Manifesto | 67
4. Observational
5. Opinion
6. Functional

Obviously, the more outwardly direct you are – ‘I just had to

come say hi, you are absolutely gorgeous’ – the higher risk you
are taking. By adopting this approach you are basically forcing
the girl into a corner where she has to make a decision on
you right away without knowing much about you. As such, it
has the highest risk of getting you blown off from the start.
However, obviously, if you get a positive response and the girl
sticks around, it’s much easier to now move things forward. The
higher your SMV, the more likely this is to work.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have functional openers.

The idea with these is that you have a specific purpose (outside
of hitting on her) for approaching. An example of a functional
opener would be something like – ‘Excuse me, do you know
where the nearest Starbucks is?’ Any normal human being is
not going to ignore you or brush you off when you engage
them in such a way. So it’s got a very high open rate. However,
the issue is that it’s far more difficult to now transition and
build something out of that.

You must understand that an opener is NOT a magic pill. The

only purpose an opener serves is to get you in a conversation.
Once you’re in that conversation, all the other skills regarding
spiking emotions, eliciting investment, physicality, emotional
leading etc… are going to dictate the success of that

However, an opener WILL dictate the opening thread and vibe

of a conversation. Meaning that if you start off on a more
serious note using something like a functional opener, or a
bland observational opener like – ‘you don’t look like you’re
from around here’, it’s going to be more difficult to transition

68 | Opening Manifesto
into a more playful, flirtatious vibe that will generate emotional
arousal. Unless you are very conversationally skilled, you’re
more likely to get stuck in a bland, predictable, logical

‘Oh so where are you from?’

‘What do you do?’


Conversely, other openers are strategically designed to create

a playful frame from the start and naturally segue you into a
more emotionally charged conversation. Which is ideal, as you
are spiking emotions immediately

I’m going to go through each one in a little bit more depth

now – but in practical terms I tend to stick to the compliments,
introductions, and observational openers – however, as I’ll get
into, even within each category of openers the level of riskiness
and effectiveness can vary. For instance, you can tweak an
observational opener so that it’s more higher risk, higher
reward than a direct or compliment opener.

3.4 Direct Openers

A ‘Direct Open’ essentially refers to any opener where you

make your intention towards the girl very clear

‘You’re absolutely gorgeous, I had to stop and meet you’

‘You’re exactly my type, I’d be kicking myself all day if I didn’t

come and say hello’

“Hi, I like you. I’d like to get to know you”

Opening Manifesto | 69
“I’m going to be really honest here, I think you’re super cute”

Things of that nature

This is the highest risk, highest reward category opener. When

it works, it works really well. The reason being is that you are
essentially screening for compliance from the get-go. The only
girls that will stick around after that opener are typically the
girls who have a high level of compliance for you from the
start. So you know exactly where you stand with this girl, and
can begin making her jump through hoops and eliciting
investment from the start – without having to do much in the
spiking department

However, the people getting results from consistently using

these types of opens are those who are running very high
volume (doing a LOT of approaches). Even if the potential for
attraction and compliance exists with a particular girl , and she
likes you somewhat from the start, it places A LOT of pressure
on her to make a decision. So understand that you’ll be
alienating plenty of girls who you could have seduced, because
you are asking for too much, too soon.

It’s of absolute importance that your ‘man-to-woman’

subcommunications are on point when opening directly. If you
eye contact is off, or your tonality wavers, you stand very little
chance of making this work.

3.5 Compliment Openers

These are fairly self-explanatory – approach by giving her a

compliment. The mistake most guys make is complimenting
something extremely generic that she hasn’t had to work for.
Case in point, her looks and beauty. That’s not going to have
much impact, given that you’re basically repeating the same

70 | Opening Manifesto
fluff she’s heard all her life. Be as specific as you can, and
compliment something she’s had to work for or attain. It’ll be
far more impactful

‘Wow, I like the fact that you matched your shoes with your
belt. Good shit, keep it up.’

This is about 10 times more powerful than – ‘You’re so beautiful’.

For starters, it fulfills both of the above criteria. The content of
the compliment is more specific and is related to something
she had to work for, rather than something she was given.
In addition, you are assuming a lot of authority regarding the
topic at hand, even if you have no idea about accessories.

Some other examples are:

‘Hey excuse me, your hair is amazing’

‘I love your tattoos’

‘You have an awesome energy about you’

‘I Bet You Make Babies Smile’ -> A unique way to compliment

her positive vibe

‘ You have the cutest facial mannerisms’

‘Hey this is going to be a bit forward, but you have the sexiest

‘That’s an incredible [accessory/garment]

• Eye lashes
• Makeup/foundation
• Heels/shoes

The key to making these work is to come from a ‘giving’

mindset. Most guys go about it with the mentality of ‘if I give
her a compliment, she has to respond nicely to me!’ The girls

Opening Manifesto | 71
can usually sniff this out immediately and will be repulsed by
that energy

Your only intention when using compliment openers is to

make the girl’s night/day a little bit better than it was before
you approached. Don’t have any expectations

Bonus: Push-Pull Openers

While we’re on the topic of compliment openers, I’d like to

add that I almost never use these in their simplest form as
described above. Instead, I much prefer to integrate a ‘push’
in there, just because I don’t like communicating so much
interest out-right. Keep in mind though, that these are far more
risky and polarizing than simple compliments. Examples of my
more commonly used ‘push-pull’ openers are:

‘I fucking love your outfit….BUT……… it would look so much

better with some high heels on’

(or if she’s wearing high heels, ‘with some PROPER high heels

‘I LOVE your thigh high boots/choker….. My stripper ex-

girlfriend had some just like it’

‘Your hair looks amazing!…. You’re not a natural [Blonde/

Brunette] are you?

‘I love your scarf [insert any unusual accessory]….my grandma

has one just like it!’

‘Ok there are two options here…. Either you’re the coolest girl in
here or the craziest’

72 | Opening Manifesto
‘You have the best smile I’ve seen tonight……..(Begin counting
in fingers) No wait, actually the third best’

‘Hey, you have beautiful eyes… They’re almost as pretty as mine’

‘You’re the cutest girl I’ve seen tonight….. In the last 2 minutes’

If you can pull these off, they tend to be insanely effective, as

they provoke the girl to start investing and qualifying straight-
away. However, you must have a good sense of timing and
delivery, as it’s very easy to offend a girl otherwise. I’ll cover the
delivery in the mastermind

3.6 Introduction Openers

This has to be the simplest of all openers. Just go up to the girl,

put your hand out for a handshake and introduce yourself

“Hi I’m [insert name]. How’s your night going?”

In 2014-15 I slept with more girls than any other year of my life.
To the point where I lost count multiple times despite trying
very hard to keep it. Believe it or not, this was essentially the
only opener I used. Because I’m so proficient at pumping
emotions and value into the interaction after the open, which
is what matters

“Hey, I just wanted to come and introduce myself. I’m [name]

“Hey is it cool if I meet you real quick?”

‘Hey I’m [name], how’s your night going?’

Any sort of variation of those

A twist you can use to spice this one up is by introducing some

self-deprecating humor in there

Opening Manifesto | 73
“Hey how’s it going. My name is [name]. I usually spend Friday
nights at my mum’s basement but she told me to go out and
make friends tonight”

“Hey I’m [name]. I’m really shy and this is my first time doing
this so you’re gonna have to go easy on me”

*Both of these openers should be delivered confidently, so that

there is a clear mismatch between your words and
subcommunications. She needs to know it’s a joke

3.7 Observational

Observational openers are my most used category of openers

currently, however they are trickier to pull off than the others.

The idea is that you are going to notice something about the
girl and use that to spark the conversation. This obviously
presents an immediate problem – you have to be creative. You
have to come up with something new on the spot, making it
harder to execute. I can’t provide you with a default list

However, that’s what makes it effective. Firstly, it

communicates to the girl that it’s completely spontaneous and
not canned. Secondly, it actually forces you to become
engaged in what you are doing

Additionally, the more unusual the observation, the better.

Opening with a bland observation such as ‘you look like you’re
from Sweden’ isn’t horrible, but isn’t ideal either. Rather, in
order to initiate that ‘banter/playful’ energy from the start, you
want to tailor the observation by making it more playful or
exaggerating it.

The benefits are twofold;

74 | Opening Manifesto
1. It creates very high engagement as it’s relevant to her.
People’s favorite topic of conversation is themselves, and
when you make such an observation, it will peak her
curiosity immediately
2. It places you in the ‘prize/buyer’ frame. Similar to the
specific compliment opener, you are assuming a lot of
authority, however, this time also withholding interest.

Although obviously context is important, here are some


[She is wearing an unusual item of clothing]

“Only a Scorpio would be crazy enough to wear [whatever]. You

look like you’re about to go into battle [or wherever]

“Your fashion is probably both the most bizarre and coolest

thing i’ve seen tonight…. You must be some sort of creative,

[She’s partying hard]

“You look fun as hell…. I bet you’re a tequila type of girl”

[She pushes by everybody to get to the bar]

“I like the way you handled that crowd…. I’m just hoping out
can’t out-bench me”

[Girl is looking around for her friends]

“Oh it’s all good, you don’t have to keep looking…. I’m right here”

[Girl is on her phone]

“Now’s not a great time to be swiping on tinder…. You’ve a hot

guy right in front of you

[She is holding multiple drinks]

Opening Manifesto | 75
“And just when I thought I couldn’t find a girl who could out-
drink me”

Just take notice of what she is doing/saying/wearing and make

a comment chiming in on and with a playful twist.


If you want to take these one step further, you can incorporate
a playful accusation following the observation. Naturals do this
all the time. The reason it works so well is that it adds a ‘push’
element into the opener, but in a less high risk fashion than the
direct ‘push-pull’.

[Waiting to cross the street]

“Holy shit, it’s cold out here” *blanket statement to nobody in


[A couple of people will proceed to look at you. Then turn to the

girl you want to open]

“Hey, did you make it this cold?”

[Girl is dancing in the club]

“Yo what the fuck?! Didn’t you hear. There’s no dancing in here’

“God damn…You dance like you’re single”

[Girl makes eye contact with you]

“I totally caught you checking me out like a fat kid checks out

“Didn’t your mum teach you that it’s rude to stare. I mean, I
know I’m god-like, but please, have some self-respect”

76 | Opening Manifesto
[Girl is carrying lots of shopping bags]

“I see you went on a massive shopping spree…. Which one of

daddy’s credit cards did you use?”

You can also tailor this one – for example if she’s buying a
couple of drinks at the bar and paying with her credit bar

“Cool I see you’re using daddy’s credit card to shout everybody

drinks tonight..’

[Girl is not local]

“You’re totally not from here right….. Oh god, we have another

illegal. I’m gonna have to call immigration. SECURITY!”

Trust your observational skills and commit. Commitment is

what makes it work. The sillier it is, the better

3.8 Opinion Openers

Opinion Openers:

These need no introduction and stretch back all the way to the
original Mystery Method days. And although I personally prefer
the observational/accusational/push-pull openers, if applied
properly, these can be just as effective.They get an incredibly
bad reputation from the ‘Natural’ pick-up guys as well as the
mainstream, but in reality they get the job done.

The rationale behind an opinion opener is that by starting a

conversation with the girl under the guise of asking for her
perspective, you can mask your intention and ‘have a reason’ to

In the same way that observational openers can fall flat if

Opening Manifesto | 77
misapplied, opinion openers can also be ineffective if not
executed the correct way. The idea is to tempt her with the
right subject matter that girls universally find captivating —
love, lust, relationships, fashion, betrayal.

Controversial topics of that nature. There’s a reason that

‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ is one of the most viewed
TV shows of all time – it follows the soap opera script to a
tee, merging these mentioned themes (plus anymore) into a
captivating story-line.

Your opinion openers should follow a similar structure. Here are

examples I have personally field tested which work quite well

• Hey, I need your opinion on something real quick. My best

friends girl broke up with him, when he asked for the
reason, she told him that she loves him but she wasn’t in
love with him anymore. He asked me if I understand what
she means but we can’t figure out how you can love
someone without being in love. What do you think is the
• Hey… really quick question – Do I look like a drug dealer? I
get approached at least 5 times a night by people wanting
to buy ecstasy
• Does Size Matter: Hey… quick question. And I need you
guys to have honest about this – does size matter?
• The jealous Girlfriend: Hey… I was just having an
discussion with my friend and we really need a female
opinion on this. So he just moved in with his girlfriend a
couple of weeks ago and today she found out he still
keeps pictures of him and his ex on his laptop. And she got
super mad about it – started this whole fight. Do you think
it’s weird for him to keep old pictures of him and his ex?

You must understand all these provided examples are not

magic lines. They simply act out the purpose of getting you into

78 | Opening Manifesto
a conversation with a girl. That’s it. You still need to be able to
follow up.

If you want to take these one step further, you can even
incorporate some pre-selection into them. That would go
something like this

• Hey….. is it cool if I ask you guys a quick question. This shit

has been weighing on my mind for a bit. So I recently
decided to end it with my ex – but I did it through text. Is
that wrong?

The utility of this is that it opens up so many pathways for

further demonstrations of value (dhv), prizing frames, teasing
and just about anything else you can think of to create that
emotional arousal. Typically, after they input their opinions
you’ll get the question of ‘why did you dump her?’. You infinite
options from here

• ‘She walked in on me fucking her best friend’ -> Huge

negative emotional spike (we’ll talk more about that in the
next chapter), you’ll usually get a strong reaction of shock
and maybe some tests thrown your way. And now you’ve
got a huge wave of emotional intensity straight from the
get go. Only attempt something like this if you’ve got the
ability to handle the social pressure that comes after
• ‘Honestly, I just felt like it wasn’t working for either of us. So
she’s a professional dancer, and during the relationship
she was becoming so needy and attached that she ended
up missing practice just to spend more time with me. I
didn’t like that. The reason I was into her in the first place
was because she had so much shit going on in her life.’ I
can’t even count the number of attractive qualities you’re
communicating with a statement like that. You are
communicating – pre-selection and dating high quality
girls, that you are the type of guy girls get needy for, that

Opening Manifesto | 79
you have super high standards for what you’re willing to
let into your life, etc…

You get the idea. Pulling out that little routine is about 10x more
powerful and effective in regards to moving the interaction
forward than any ‘natural’ introductory opener. It’s more
reliable and predictable.

3.9 Functional Openers

These are the safest and lowest risk category of openers. And in
my personal opinion, too boring to incorporate into my game.
There is no engagement or adrenaline rush from opening with
a functional opener. However, these will basically guarantee
you close to a 100% open rate. If you approach a girl, a group of
girls, a mixed group or even a couple as they’re making out in a
respectful, ‘functional’ way, they will engage you back. So given
the ‘rejection’ rate of this opener is close to 0%, it’s a nice little
party trick to have to impress your friends when approaching if
you want to make sure the set opens well

Some examples of functional openers would be

• ‘Excuse me, do you know where the nearest starbucks is?’

• Excuse me, do you guys know what’s the best place to
check out on a saturday night here?’
• ‘Do you know where the closest ATM is?’
• ‘Hey so I just moved here – do you guys know any good
Thai places around here’

The issue with these becomes obvious pretty quickly. Once

they give you a response, there is literally no reason for you to
still be there. So you need to be exceptional at transitioning
from these. From here, most guys tend to move it forward

80 | Opening Manifesto
with either an observational comment – ‘Oh, you actually have
a really easy going vibe. Let me guess – you’re in some sort
of creative field’ – or they go full direct and reveal their true
intentions – ‘Actually, I just thought you were super cute, I
wanted to say Hi’

Now given that it’s essentially required to use a direct or

observational statement to get yourself into the conversation
following the functional opener anyway, it makes the whole
purpose of the ‘functional’ opener pretty much redundant. You
may as well have opened with those. The only useful purpose
it could potentially serve is that you can use the girl’s reaction
to gauge her initial levels of compliance for you and transition
based on that. For example, if she seems super excited and
happy to have been approached by you, you can bet that you
can get away with being super direct now. On the other hand,
if she’s nervous/hesitant/dis-engaged, you can transition in a
more appropriate manner

Opening Manifesto | 81
4. How To Arouse A Girl
When it comes to going out and picking up girls, I dare say that
being able to cognitively, emotionally and sexually stimulate a
girl is probably the most important tool in your arsenal.

The reason is pretty obvious. How many times have you

encountered a situation where you approached a girl and
within a matter of minutes, she simply got bored of the
conversation and left? If you’re anything like the average guy,
I’m going to guess a lot. Pickup, like marketing, is a game
of attention and engagement. If you’re having bland and
predictable conversations, and the girl is getting bored, you’re
not going to be able to keep her around long enough to build
any investment

As touched upon previously, the ability to generate arousal is

what allows you to elicit that first bit of investment and keep
the girl engaged enough throughout to keep building more.

Broadly speaking, but particularly within the confines of a

nightclub in particular, the ability to generate emotional
arousal IS A FORM OF VALUE. Before she begins investing in
you, she must perceive you as somebody who is worthwhile
investing in. And emotional arousal is the means by which you
achieve that.

Before I provide you with the techniques and tools requires

to generate arousal, let’s dive into the concept itself a little bit

82 | How To Arouse A Girl

4.1 How To Spike Emotions

You’re probably sick of my analogies by now (don’t worry,

plenty more to come), but seeing as from my years of
experience coaching, they seem to be the most effective way
to communicate an idea, I’m going to keep using them

Think of when you last watched favorite sport – I’ll take football
(soccer) as an example here. Suppose you’re incredibly hyped
for a game, but as it begins, you can see it going to be a
fairly one-sided affair. By half time, your team is absolutely
obliterating the opponent – outscoring them 6-0. And there’s
still 45 minutes of this left. What happens to your attention and
engagement to the game at this point?

…It continually drops as the outcome becomes predictable. By

half-time, you and your boys jump out to grab some lunch

Now let’s contrast that by thinking about a time you were

watching a very close game.

A grand final. Where both teams are equally matched. The

game is intense. End to end. Your team misses an opportunity,
the opponent counter-attacks and scores. You jump up in
agony and frustration. You’re out of breath keeping up with
the action. Your frustration continues to boil over as your team
can’t seem to string two passes together. Then, out of nowhere,
they score a free kick from a seemingly impossible angle. Joy.
Delight. Relief.

What happens to your engagement and attention during this

game? It is constantly stimulated. You journey through a roller-
coaster of emotions

When was the last time YOU were able to provide the girl with

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 83

this same emotional roller-coaster? Because your ability to do
so is essential to your success in pickup . It’s non-negotiable.

Rule: emotional contrast = arousal

Let’s drill this down further and delve into how to actually
provide her with that emotional contrast. The technique
required to achieve this is know as an ‘Emotional Spike’ – in
layman’s terms, this is just any expression that is simply outside
the range of ‘regular’, socially conditioned norms of

Whenever two new people first meet each other,

hypothetically they have an infinite number of things they
could potentially say to each other and an infinite number of
conversational threads they could explore, and yet despite this,
they tend to stick to a very narrow range of conversation. This
goes something along the lines of

‘Hey, it’s nice to meet you’

‘Oh cool, my friend is an architect as well. What type of

buildings do you design?’

‘So what was your name?’

Or if you’re completely uninitiated in pickup, it may go

something like this:

‘Hey, I love your dress.’

‘Wow, that’s so impressive!’

‘No way! Can I buy you a drink?’

This structure of conversation, or anything like it, is emotionally

void. It’s what we refer to as ‘flat-line’ – when speaking about
these things with you, on an emotional level, she is
experiencing nothing. The reason being (you guessed it), is

84 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

because it’s PREDICTABLE. She could literally be having this
same conversation with an old lady on the bus. It is extremely
generic. All these ‘expressions’ fall within the range of ‘regular’

Anything outside of that range of conversation is considered an

‘emotional spike’ – meaning it will elicit some sort of emotion
within her. That emotion could be positive, negative, or
anything in between. Which brings me to…

4.2 The Multi-Dimensional Emotional


Emotions are not binary. They exist along a three-dimensional

spectrum . Think of it like this.

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 85

Multi-Dimensional Emotional Spectrum

There playful negative expressions, serious negative

expressions, playful positive expressions and serious positive
expressions. These expressions could either be in regards to
either you or her.

All that is required in order to put her through a range of

86 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

emotions and keep her aroused is being balanced in your use
of these expressions. Keeping it varied between playful
negative, playful positive, serious negative, serious positive –
regarding both you and her. Yes, it really is that simple.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Within the Playful Positive Expressions, there are

1. Jokes/Self-amusement
2. Role-plays
3. Sexual misinterpretations
4. Gimmicks/Games

Within the Serious Positive Expressions, there are

1. Deep Personality Compliments

2. Cold reads
3. Demonstration Of Intellectual Value

Within the Playful Negative expressions, there are

1. Negs/Teases
2. Disqualifiers
3. Prizing-Frames

Within the Serious negative expressions, there are

1. Challenges
2. Takeaways
3. Expressing boundaries

*Note that these negative expressions are not supposed to

trigger any ‘traditional’ negative emotions like sadness, anger,
pain, anxiety. That’s emotional abuse, and NOT what we’re
going for. Rather, all these negative expressions will be playing
off of one very specific emotion – validation. Or rather, the

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 87

lack of it – devalidation. When we drill them down to their
core, all these ‘negative’ expressions communicate is a lack of
approval from you in one shape or form*

In order to keep the conversation arousing, it must have

contrast. In order to have contrast, it must be varied. In order
for it to be varied it should contain some balance between all
these types expressions.

When I explained that the early stages of your interactions

should have consist of 80% emotional spikes – this is exactly
what I mean. You should throwing in a lot of these techniques.
Most guys think that after using a single, weak tease and
asking 80 questions that now they’re entitled to compliance
from the girl. That’s not how it works. Most times you’re going
to have to offer her a lot more than that

Hence it’s crucial that you have some level of awareness of

what’s coming out of your mouth. If you feel like things are
getting too serious, become more playful. If you feel like things
are getting too playful, be a little bit more serious. If you feel like
things are too positive, be more negative. And vice-versa. Keep
switching it up relatively consistently. Once you get good at
balancing out your range of expressions, girls will begin getting
extremely aroused by you and will want to stick around.

4.3 Not All Spikes Are Created Equal

Obviously some spikes, by their very nature, tend to evoke more

emotions than others. Some teases will land harder than
others. Some role-plays will be more enjoyable than others.
Typically, the impact of an emotional spike will be dependent
on several factors;

88 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

1. Contextual Relevance – The more contextually relevant a
spike is to the situation/conversation at hand, the more
intense the elicited emotion will be. A generic spike will
not be as impactful as a contextually relevant one. By
default, any spike in regards to her will elicit more emotion
than an emotionally charged expression regarding you.
2. Emotional Relevance – The girl’s psychological makeup
plays a big role in this. Every girl has a different value
hierarchy. If you happen to spike in regards to something
that she values, as opposed to something that is lower in
that value hierarchy, it will be more impactful. The more
emotionally relevant it is to her, the more impactful it will
3. Content – The content of the spike itself. I.e what you are
actually saying/implying. The content of some prizing
frames can be more obnoxious than others. The content
of some compliments can be more flattering than others.

For example, let’s take two teases here

1. Your voice is so adorable….. it reminds me of a annoying


2. [Talking about success/job/ambition]

You: Don’t worry, if I get famous, I won’t drop you like a potato

Her: Gee, thanks. That’s so sweet.

You: I’d wait a couple months.

Her: Jerk! *playful punch*

Let’s examine how these two match up to the criteria provided


How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 89

Firstly, notice how the first tease basically came out of nowhere
and can be used at any time. It’s generic. In order for a tease
to be powerful, it must be back up by context. The second
tease however, you can’t just apply in any situation (well you
could, it just won’t make sense and that’s kind of the point).
It’s particular to the given situation (contextually relevant) and
therefore likely to be more impactful.

Secondly, in terms of where each of these topics reside in a

girl’s value hierarchy (emotional relevance), the ability to attract
and keep a high value guy is probably higher up than your
opinion of her voice. Hence, it’s likely to trigger more emotion

Lastly, in terms of the content, implying that you would dump

her is more intense than a light tease about her voice

Not all of your spikes will land. Some will get a huge reaction
from the girl. Others will be mildly impactful. Some will just go
over her head. Whether a particular spike lands or not, doesn’t
really matter. The important thing is to make them part of your
consistent flow of conversation and keep things varied

4.4 Playful Negative Expressions

If you’re not used to flirting with girls and being a little bit
cheeky, and chances are that you’re not, most of these will
initially feel extremely foreign to you. You’ll probably read over
those examples and think to yourself things like ‘This’ll never
work! I would never say something like that. It’s so in-
congruent’. You have two options:

1. Keep doing what you’re doing and keep getting the same
2. Try something different to improve them

90 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

I’m not going to say any more than that at this stage

Tonality Disclaimer: It’s of absolute importance that you use

a playful, carefree tonality when delivering these expressions.
Otherwise you’re at a high risk of offending the girl


Before we continue, I’d like to point out that in this context,

I’m going to be using ‘Negs’ and ‘Teases’ interchangeably.
Although technically ‘negging’ is supposed to be more of a
‘backhanded’ compliment, what I mean by these terms is
simply playfully making fun of the girl

The key word there being ‘PLAYFULLY’. Not in a mean, sadistic

way. Think of it as playfully provoking your little sister or niece.
It’s just an exchange of playful energy

In more technical terms – teasing is the art of delivering ugly

truths in a charismatic style that inoculates the teaser against
an accusation or perception of spite, bitterness or insecurity

Let me explain;

Compare the previous example with the following:

You: If I got famous I’d trade probably trade up to an Instagram

model in about a week

HER: Whaaat?! [angry, hurt]

The substance of both examples is essentially the same, yet

the latter provokes anger and withdrawal while the former
provokes tingles. The key difference between the two lies in
the WAY the information is conveyed to her. In the second
example, you come across as spiteful. In the first, you come

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 91

across as playful – a slight smirk, combined with a veneer of
playful fun will allow her to register your demeanor as being
one of an alpha male.

In my experience, any guy that can tease properly, is usually

pulling very consistently, such is the effectiveness of it. So I’d
recommend to spend the most time on this technique if you’re
new. By ‘spending time’, I don’t just mean reading this section
over and over again – I mean reading it, taking notes, going out,
attempting it, taking notes on how it went, and then coming
back to this to reflect. And then rinsing and repeating until it’s
second nature.

Intrinsically, almost everyone knows WHAT teasing it – even

before I provided an exact definition. I’m sure you’ve ‘taken the
piss’ out of your mate or group of mates, plenty of times in the
past. It’s just some friendly banter.

However, to ensure you truly grasp this concept, let me expand

further. You must first be aware of a basic Buddhist axiom –
the concept of ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’. It refers to the truth that all
things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. There
is darkness in every light, and there is light in every darkness

Dark – Light

Happy – Sad

Male – Female

The world we exist in is dual in nature. For every positive, there

is a negative. You wouldn’t know what happiness was if you
never experienced sadness to contrast it to. Nothing is purely
positive. Everything comes at a cost.

Suppose for example a girl told you that she just quit her well-
paid, corporate job in order to follow her dreams of starting a

92 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

cooking Youtube channel (Just a random scenario I came up
right now)

On the surface level, that’s actually quite a positive thing. And

upon first hearing this, your mind will probably start thinking
something along the lines of ‘Okay, that’s actually pretty cool
that she’s going after what she wants.’ However, if you wanted
to tease her, you’d have to find the NEGATIVES associated with
it and playfully poke fun at it.

Can you think of any negatives right now?

How about the fact that by quitting her well-paying job, she
sacrificed security to enter a high-risk venture that is
statistically unlikely to work (80% of business fail within the
first year). Well, now you have the content. But how can you
communicate in a playful manner?

‘You do know that 80% of business fail in their year right?….. I’m
looking forward to seeing you serving me chips at McDonald’s
a year from now’

Or how about the fact that in order to actually be successful in

such an endeavor, she needs to be an exceptional cook. So here
you’ll be playfully challenging her ability

‘You do know that you need to be able to cook something other

than pasta in order to pull this off right?’

Conversely, if she just shut down her Youtube channel and

chose to pursue a corporate career, you can tease her about the
fact that she gave up on her passion to follow the money

‘Unbelievable…. You know you’re gonna be dead on the inside

in like 2 months by giving up on your passion, right?’

And that’s the beauty of teasing – since everything has a

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 93

negative association and connotation, you can literally apply to

99% of guys would never dare say anything like this, due to the
simple fact that they are afraid of offending the girl or being
rejected. But that’s the reason it’s so effective. You are subtly
implying to the girl that you have options and aren’t afraid to
risk her disapproval

In order to pull this off, you have to risk being offensive (same
goes for all the negative expressions). We’re beyond the point
of having to justify why spiking emotions is essential, so
regardless of how uncomfortable you feel right now even
imaging yourself saying these types of things, just go with it

That’s all teasing is – taking whatever opinions, beliefs, values,

character traits, behaviors, choices, clothing etc… or anything
else related to the girl and playfully poking fun at the NEGATIVE
associations of it.

So let’s run through a few more examples to really hammer

this in. Obviously, none of these examples are going to be the
best teases, because they lack genuine context. They are just
examples to help you internalize the idea


This is an easy one. Suppose that the girl is wearing some sort
of unusual item of clothing or a funky pair of shoes

Light: ‘I love your [insert item]…. My grandmother wears the

exact same one!’

Moderate: ‘Awesome [insert item]…. Do they come in girls’


Heavy: ‘Wow… to be honest I’m actually surprised you got let in

wearing that’

94 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally


This one is a little more risky, and unless your delivery and
subcommunications are flawless, I wouldn’t recommend doing
this one, as you will most likely offend the girl and blow the set


[Re: Tattoos]: Nice tattoos….. Super original


Her: I took so long to get ready!

You: Really I couldn’t tell…

You: Do you go to the gym?

Her: Yeah usually but I haven’t been working out for a few
months now..

You: Yeah… it shows


[If she’s wearing heavy makeup]: ‘Are you still somewhat

attractive without all the makeup on?

[If she doesn’t have any makeup on] -> ‘I like how you rolled to
the club straight out of bed..’

[Talking about food] -> ‘I think you need to cut the McDonald’s
and go back to squatting’ (warning: only attempt on skinny

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 95

Conversely, if she’s hyper sensitive about her diet and what she

[Imitating a stuck up girl’s voice] -> Oh my god! None of these

places have my low carb, low fat, low protein salad! What am I
gonna do?


This is probably the easiezg subject matter to tease a girl on.

Just tap into the stereotypes of each location. Even if she’s from
the same place as you. For example,

Her: I’m from Boston

You: Ah nice that where Harvard is

Her: Yep!

You: It’s funny I kind of just assumed everyone from there was
super smart… but then I met you

[French] -> I never would have guessed… coz you’ve actually got
a smile on your face (implying French people/girls are stuck-

[German] -> “Alright I guess I’ll have to remove any trace of

humor from my personality for this conversation”

[Russian] -> ‘Yeah I can see the Russian in you….. The resting
bitch face is a dead-giveaway’

[Italian] -> I could’ve guessed….. *touch your nose* -> Implying

Italians, and her, have big, unattractive noses


96 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

[She’s acting bratty/entitled] -> *Exaggerate and imitate her*
‘Oh my god daddy! I wanted a BMW not a Mercedes!! Why do
you hate me!

“I don’t know who your boyfriend is…. But he definitely doesn’t

spank you enough”

[She’s acting a little shy/closed off] “You don’t really get out
much, do you? Most Friday nights spent at the library or…..?”

[She seems reserved]

Her: I’m actually pretty badass…

You: Yep I can totally tell. I bet your idea of doing something
horrible is turning in your homework in late

Mimic or mock her:

• If she gets jokingly made, huff at her and make an upset

• Playfully exaggerated her accent
• Repeat her words back to her with you hands on your hips

Treat her like a child (works particularly well if she’s younger

than you):

• “I think somebody needs a timeout”

• “Go sit over there and I’ll get you some crayons to draw
• “Don’t make me spank you”
• “Isn’t past your bedtime?”
• “If you don’t stop acting up, I’m gonna call security to
come take away your fake ID”

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 97

• “I think you’re too young to be drinking that young lady”


Her: I like X, I don’t like Y!

You: Awesome… another basic white girl


[She studies marketing] -> ‘Oh… so your life mission is to

manipulate people into buying shit they don’t need’

[Artist] -> ‘Hmm… your parents must be real disappointed’

[She studies Law] -> ‘Law students…why work so hard just to

become one of the most hated members of society’

Her: I’m a personal trainer

You: *Look at her up and down curiously* “Don’t you have to be

fit to be a personal trainer”

[Any answer] -> *exaggerated yawn* Booorrrringggg Or ‘Well… I

guess everyone has to start somewhere’


[She’s shopping] -> ‘Is that all going on Daddy’s credit card?’

[She drops her drink/purse/trips over] -> ‘See, this is why we

can’t have nice things Jennifer’

98 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally


[If she’s older than you] “Are you already living with 20 cats or
are you gonna wait a year till you turn 30 to get them?”

“Obviously….” *point to area around your eye where wrinkles

would be*

[If she’s young] “Isn’t it past your bed-time? Do you need me to

call daddy to pick you up?”


After teasing, these are probably the second most important

negative expression in your toolbox. A disqualifier is a fairly
straight-forward concept, but an immensely powerful one.

The very nature of approaching means you’re going out on a

limb and making it clear that you’re interested; you may come
across as the one who’s chasing, or you may come across as
someone who has to go out of his way to approach because he
doesn’t have any options. At least in her eyes initially.

Whenever you approach a girl, generally the autopilot

assumption running through her mind is the following – ‘He
approached me so me must be into me. I could have him if a
wanted’. Her perception is that you are presenting yourself to
her as a sexual option. Disqualifiers act as a disruption to that
mental pattern by leveraging the simple psychological trigger
of ‘I want what I can’t have’

You could either frame yourself unavailable to her or disqualify

her as a potential sexual partner, it doesn’t really matter. In
reality, it’s the ‘sex’ that you’re disqualifying – it’s the most
potent way of stripping her of your validation. Keep in mind

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 99

that just like with the teases, you want to keep these playful
and lighthearted. If you were to walk up to a girl and tell her
‘Sorry, I’m not into blondes…. We can be friends through!’ in a
serious tone of voice, all that’s going to happen is that she’ll
agree. Playfulness is key

The structure of a disqualifier is even simpler than that of a

tease. It abides by the following template;

You pick a specific quality about the girl (hair, fashion,

something she did, personality trait, what she does for a living,
etc…) and you tell her that it’s not going to work out between
you two because of that specific quality. You can get really lazy
about it and not even justify the reason you’re disqualifying, as
you’ll see in some of the examples below, however, I’ve always
found it better to add a justification

For example:

• You’re way too nice for me. I’ll just end up corrupting you. I
need a girl who’s more of a challenge
• You’re really nice and everything, but just to let you know…
I have a rule against dating blondes. So don’t get any
funny ideas
• [She shows some indication of interest] -> wow, slow down
there. I have a girlfriend
• Oh you’re into [insert whatever], I can already tell you and I
won’t get along
• Aww you’re so cute…. But we could never be a couple.
We’re too much the same… we would fight and throw
things and have incredible make up sex all over the place
and fight more, than sex/fight, sex/fight… too much drama
and intense feelings for me
• [You disagree about something] -> I don’t think this is
gonna work. You need a nice guy you can walk all over
• Hmmm, you’re actually pretty cool. Too bad I’m not into

100 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

blondes – but you’ll be perfect for my friend-zone though!
• Oh my god, you’re [insert background]!? Yeah my ex was
[background], you kind of remind me of her. She was
lovely…. Shit in bed though. Can’t have another
relationship like that
• Just letting you know, we’re not having sex tonight. I can’t
deal with any more stalkers at the moment
• Just so you know, we’re not having sex tonight…. I’m on my
• Before we go any further with this conversation, I just
want you to know that there’ll be no phone numbers
exchanged at the end of it – don’t get me wrong, I think
you’re cool. But you’re perfect for my friend-zone and I
don’t want you to fuck that up
• [She lightly touches you] -> Wow, come on… we can’t be
doing this. I’m emotionally unavailable at the moment.
• I promised myself that I would say hi to the most beautiful
girl in the club tonight… so can you introduce me to her?
• I think you’re cute but you’re way too nice for me. You
need a nice guy [point to an unattractive guy]. Do you
want me to introduce you?
• Don’t even think about it…. I’m way younger than you, you
sexual predator
• Don’t get any dirty thoughts, it’s inappropriate
• I can’t date right now, I’m dealing with too many stalkers
• Oh you’re German….! Damn [look disappointed] My ex was
German. And she was crazy. I can’t do German girls again
• Wow you’re gorgeous, it’s just too bad your ass isn’t round
enough for me
• You’re so cute. You’re like my little sister, so fucking

Notice how these all sounds pretty similar. That’s because they
are. Once you boil them down to their essence, it’s now no

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 101

longer this complicated technique but rather a fairly
straightforward template that you can apply in pretty much
any situation. Just like with the teases, if you are new to this,
by all means – go on a disqualifying rampage. Seriously. Just
go out and disqualify every single girl you talk about anything
you can possibly think of. Then again, once you become
competent, save them for either when you legitimately dislike
something about the girl, or if you feel like the conversation has
been unbalanced and you need to elicit some arousal

Prizing Frames:

You’ve probably heard this concept about a million times. “You

need to be the prize”. “You have to be the buyer not the seller”.
That in-itself seems like a contradiction. ‘If I’m the one
approaching the girl – how can I be the buyer/prize?’ On the
surface it makes little sense. On a deeper level, however, it
makes perfect sense. Being the ‘prize’ is not necessarily
something you do, but rather it’s a mentality.

And that mentality goes something like this – ‘Hmmm ok, she
is attractive, but I’m not sold yet. She meets one of my criteria,
but let me go find out if there’s anything more to her. If there
isn’t, I’m happy to walk away at any second’. In that sense,
you’re going up there with the intention of finding out if she’s
good enough for you, not the other way around. You shouldn’t
be sold on the girl instantly, just on the basis of her looks.

However, this isn’t an inner game book, and internalizing that

mindset and attitude is a rigorous and painfully slow process
(could take years for some guys). The common consensus in
the community is that you can’t teach a guy to show he is the
‘prize.’ Rather, it’s just in the vibe that you give off. This sort of

102 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

lazy, vague and impractical approach is the reason why you’ve
watched 20 different product and still aren’t consistent.

A ‘Prizing Frame’ is simply an expression which allows you to

very directly and straightforwardly communicate that you are
the ‘prize’ and flip the script. Broadly speaking, the idea is to
re-frame something she says to imply that she is trying to pick
you up and sleep with you. Think of it as putting your own dick
on a pedestal. The polar opposite of what every guy does by
putting the girl on a pedestal. However, these are more difficult
to give solid examples of, the reason being is that they are ‘re-
frames’, meaning you need the girl to do/say something first
before you can re-frame it. It hinges almost entirely on context.
For example,

[She compliments you] -> ‘Are you trying to pick me up?’

[Her friends come into the interaction] -> ‘Oh thank god you
guys are here, your friend has been trying to hit on me for that
last 10 minutes’

[If a girl makes eye contact with you] -> ‘You know it’s super
rude to stare and not say hi’

[She touches you] -> ‘Wow, wow… slow down there. I’m not that
easy…. At least take me out to dinner first

Also interchangeable with:

-> Try not to get too wet right now

-> Damn I’m not an object… I’ve got more to me than just this
amazing body

[Making out, then you pull away] -> “Are you just using me for
my looks?”

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 103

You: “Do I look better with X or Y?”

Her: *hesitant* Equal

You: Yeah you’re right. You can’t improve on perfection. 10 out

of 10 both times

You: Do you like beards? (or another distinctive quality you


Her: I haven’t decided

You: That’s a trick question, every girl does

[Telling you about a beautiful place she’s visited] -> ‘Oh yeah the
view there is definitely really nice. I mean, not quite as good as
the one you’re getting by looking at me at right now though’

[She’s telling you about guys hitting on her/how many followers

she has on Instagram/anything that sounds like a brag] -> ‘Yeah
tell me about, it’s like everywhere I go, all these girls just want
the same thing. I’m not an object!’

[She playfully gets upset at one of your teases and tells you to
‘walk away’] -> ‘Hey listen, if you want to check out my ass you
can just ask’

[She lightly touches you] -> ‘You don’t need to make any
excuses if you wanna touch me… you can just ask’

[‘You’re an asshole] -> ‘Oh, how long have you been attracted to
assholes for’

[You have so much chest hair!] -> ‘Oh what do you like about
men with chest hair’

104 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

[Finishing off a story about yourself] -> Try to keep your pants
on alright/Try not to get TOO wet right now

‘I hope you’re not just using me for my looks’

[She offers you a drink] -> Are you trying to get me drunk and
take advantage of me? Jeez you girls are all the same

‘Is that your best pickup line?’

‘Listen I have to go home now because I’m a busy man with shit
to do…. But please… try not to obsess about me’

[She finished telling a story] -> Did you just came up with to
impress me?’

[She gives you a vague response to an investment hoop] ->

You’re gonna have to do better than that if you wanna keep me

‘Is there a reason you came out tonight – other than to hit
on extremely charismatic and devilishly handsome young
Australian men?’

[Her: Where are you from] -> Your dreams/Heaven

‘Phew, so nice to talk to a girl who isn’t trying to flirt with me’

“I see what you’re doing, your feminine wiles won’t work on


“No I will not hook up with you right here!”

“Can you please stop checking out my ass?”

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a piece of meat!”

“Stop trying to seduce me, I know what you’re up to.”

“Hey, stop thinking those dirty thoughts — we just met.”

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 105

Chances are, even if you’ve been teasing and disqualifying girls
up till now, you have not been implementing prizing frames.
Neglect them at your own peril. They are the one concept that
have consistently skyrocketed student results

4.4 Serious Negative Expressions


Out of all the negative expressions we’ve discussed so far,

takeaways are the highest risk. In short, a takeaway is the act
of feigning disinterest in a women in order to provoke her to
chase you and ‘win you back’. The concept relies on leveraging
‘contrast bias’, and requires the girl to already be somewhat
interested in you for it to work. By removing your presence after
she’s been enjoying it, she begins to feel a sense of detachment
and chases in order to get that ‘range of emotions’ back.

Think of it like this – suppose you want to play fetch with your
dog (no, I’m not comparing women to dogs, this is simply an
analogy to help you grasp the psychology). You walk into the
room, your dog is in the corner being lazy – you grab the chew
toy and throw it – ‘Fetch, Chester! Fetch!’. What’s the most
likely outcome in this scenario? Chester is probably not going
to give too much of a fuck about the chew toy and continue
doing his own thing. However, what if instead of just throwing
it, you were give it to Chester, let him bite on it for a little
bit, experience the joy, then take it away from him when he’s
enjoying it the most, and throw it away? You can bet, he’ll go
chasing it like his life depended on it

As such, executed correctly, it is a very valuable psychological

106 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

tool. This fake disinterest can be as simple as a back turn or
an unannounced abrupt exit from a conversation. Takeaways
are the Swiss Army knives of seduction, as they can be used at
almost any point during the pickup, with equal effectiveness.
For instance, a takeaway can set the right tempo early on by
making a girl chase you for conversation instead of the other
way around, or a takeaway can be employed during foreplay to
get a girl to escalate on you for sex.

The risk, however, comes from the fact that the girl can call
your ‘takeaway’ bluff at any minute. If you go quiet during a
conversation and do a little body sway away from her direction,
there is every chance that she’ll just walk off. If you walk out
of the bed mid-escalation to check your email, there is every
chance that it will kill the entire mood for her.

Here are several examples of takeaways

Level 1:

• Pretending to walk away over something silly

You: Do you like Drake [or inset XYZ]?

Her: Blah Blah (doesn’t matter)

You: *look disappointed, turn and take a step or two away

before turning back*

I almost always use this within the first couple of minutes of

any interaction – it’s incredibly useful in helping establish a
frame where she is acutely aware you are willing to walk away
at any second

• Active disinterest

*Looking away as she’s investing/telling a story*

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 107

*body swaying*

*Playfully rolling your eyes*

*Taking a deep sigh*

*Turning around mid-sentence and starting to talk to a friend*

*Closed body language (closed arms)*

*Back turn*

*Leave a conversation vacuum and allow her to fill it*

Level 2:

The next obvious step, instead of pretending that you’re losing

interest and about to leave, is actually leaving the interaction.

• Leaving set – Walk away at the pinnacle of the interaction,

when she begins investing quite a bit (sometime in the
beginning of phase 2). Keep in mind that the idea is not to
actually end the interaction, but rather make her feel a
small sense of loss. So you should be keeping an eye on
her and re-approaching about 10 minutes later
• Merging sets – This is more advanced, but if you can pull it
off, it’s one of the most powerful techniques you could
employ, that only very few people take advantage of. All
this really means is that you introduce the current girl you
are with to other girls in the environment you’ve spoken to
previously – ‘Hey let’s go say hi to my friend Jenny’.
Inevitably as you’re now in a 3 way interaction, your
attention will be dived between the two girls, which acts
as a take-away. Of course, it also has demonstrates pre-
selection and spurs a bit of jealousy if executed correctly.
I’d highly recommend you try to incorporate these in your

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game. Beyond just introducing her to previous girls, you
can take this one step further and approach new girls
while you are with her. This is how I usually do it

[Approach new girl with current girl next to you] – ‘Hey, Sandra
[insert name of original girl] here wants to take me out on a
date…. can you recommend any good places for her to take out
me to?’

Aside from just those benefits, merging your interactions is a

great way to ‘offer value’ to the girl (introducing her to new
people expands her social network and helps keep the
interaction more varied) as well firmly helping you reinforce an
‘abundance’ mindset.


As thoroughly outlined, women want men that they have to

work for. And they need men who are in that ‘just right’ range
of attainability that puts them almost out of reach.. But not

A big part of being attractive to women is being just attainable

enough. Meaning, you want to be an achievable goal to women
(and not completely out of their league), while still being
enough of a challenge that it doesn’t feel like she could just get
you at any moment.

It’s true of all humans (not just women) – the harder we work
for something, the more highly we value it. That why eliciting
investment is so important – and you have no more powerful
tool in your disposal at doing so than challenging. Although
technically several of the previous techniques, including
teasing and disqualifying do constitute some form of

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 109

challenge, what I am referring to here is a much more potent
form of challenging. Thinking teasing, minus the playfulness.

While teasing involves playfully calling out negative

connotations/associations/truths, challenging (as the name
implies) has more to do with outright challenging a girl
regarding these.

Recall back to a time when someone you looked up to – it could

be a coach, teacher, mentor, etc… challenged you. When they
told you that you could be better. That they think you could do
more. That you’re not living up to you full potential.

Now that this memory is fresh in your brain – how exactly did
they achieve this?

And how did that make you feel? Good? Excited? Alive?
Motivated to step things up?

This is what a challenge is used for – communicating and

imposing your standards on the interaction and bringing forth
the best version of the person you are interacting with.

For example, if the girl is studying marketing – but you get a

sense that it’s more so because she is unsure of what she wants
to do, rather than because it’s something she wants to do –
calling her out on that is a challenge. With the undertone of –
‘you could be doing better’

And the implication being that you’re usually surrounded by

girls of that higher standard – that know what they want. All of
the sudden you are the hard to get guy for the girl. All of the
sudden the script is flipped. All of the sudden, she’s now vying
for your approval

And instead of her being complacent, she’s forced to step up

her game

110 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

She’s now qualifying and explaining why actually being a
marketer is a noble profession.

And that’s she’s planning to use her expertise to help bring

forth positive change in the world through the normalization of
alternative energy. Or whatever else the justification is

She’s no longer in her little club persona, but rather bringing to

the surface the best version of herself

She’s now got a certain level of respect, not to mention

investment, for you, that didn’t exist prior.

The content and structure of these are essentially the exact

same of those teases. However, it is the tonality they are
delivered in which make them a challenge as opposed to a
tease. Instead of using a playful and sarcastic tonality, you
should be using ‘challenging’ tonality. As this is incredibly
tough to depict through writing, it will be another topic that
will be discussed heavily in the mastermind group.

But just to give you an idea, consider this scenario

Her: I’m French

You: Oh god… you’re not like other French girls are you?

You could deliver that with a playful undertone, at which point

the girl will probably laugh or playful hit you. However, should
you deliver with a more challenging tonality and disapproving
look, her response is much more likely to be that qualification
immediately – ‘No actually French girls aren’t like that etc…

Expression Of Boundaries:

Boundaries is a subject matter whose importance ranges far

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 111

beyond the initial seduction of a woman. In fact, it forms the
foundational underpinning of a healthy relationship. However,
in this book we will be exploring a far more narrow aspect
of boundaries, and it’s practical uses within the confines of a

There is a perpetual debate in the community regarding

whether you should be ‘non-reactive’ or put your foot down
and let the girl know that she has crossed a line. The truth is
that context matters here a lot.

For example, if a girl pulls her phone out mid-conversation

and you begin ‘expressing boundaries’ by berating her about
how disrespectful she is, especially when she barely know you,
chances are that the interaction will end there and then.

A far more effective method of dealing with this would be

pulling your phone out in response, and in a loud and overly
dramatic tone say – ‘Yeah, I was talking to this girl but she’s
pretty ADHD…’

This is a humorous way of asserting your boundaries, and

should be your main go to in the club. The reason being is
that, whatever boundaries you value tightly in your regular life,
will often not be appropriate when it comes to cold-approach
pickup. In the world of cold approach, nobody owes you a
damn thing. For the most part, people are entitled to be as
rude, belligerent, nasty and disrespectful as they damn well
please. After all, you are the one who approached them. Hence,
I would recommend using more aggressive ‘expression of
boundaries’ very sparingly. Save them for those times that the
girl is acting is such a way that legitimately warrants doing this,
not if she runs off because she spots her best friend that she
hasn’t been in months

As you may have noticed, most of these expressions or

techniques we have discussed have some level of overlap. A

112 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

tease can be a challenge if delivered with a different tonality
and a take-away can in many ways act as a disqualifier. Well,
expression of boundaries are no different. In a more subtle and
implicit way, most negative expressions are also an expression
of your boundaries. However, they are crafted and delivered
precisely in order to ensure that they don’t communicate
emotional reactiveness on your end

There are several ways to effectively express your boundaries

1. Humor

For this, you have to be calm, positive, and relaxed. Quick wit is
the best and the most viable way to put people in their place.
For Example:

Her: Can I try that [reaches toward your plate]

You: Were you raised in a cave or what? Get your own food!

Her: [laughs] Sorry I’m horrible. I’ll grab my own.

2. Controlled

This is a firmer approach, out-rightly and resolutely expressing

what you are willing to put up with. Eye contact and an
unwavering tone is paramount to have the other person take
you seriously. Simply tell them what it is that you are not okay
with it, and leave it at that. The idea is to be serious – no jokes,
smirks or filler words. Be direct and let it hang. Don’t follow
up with anything. Hold the tension and let the other person
respond. For example:

Girl: [Girl’s friend intervenes] Walk away! She has a boyfriend!

You: Hey. I don’t know if you’re new in town or whatever, but

this shit doesn’t fly around here. If you have something to say
to somebody, be civil about it. We were having a good time

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 113

getting to know each other and I don’t know why you’re
assuming that I’m here to fuck her

Girl: Sorrrrrry! [steps aside] I didn’t know

3. The Look

If a girl oversteps a boundary and you’re not in the mode to be

humorous or perform a ‘controlled’ check, the next best thing
is a simple look. Take the disgruntled emotions you have from
her crossing you, put it on your face, and look her dead in the
eyes. She’ll catch your drift and most likely will know not to do
it again

4. Aggression

This is your final go-to (well, actually second-to-last strategy).

I am NOT referring to physical violence but clear anger with
a strong sense of being wronged. It quickly demands respect
from the girl and snaps her back in line. Showing anger does
not necessarily make you ‘reactive’, it instead shows that you
are a man who can be highly expressive without feeling the
need to filter himself. That is being masculine. Again, this is
a last resort, and should be used very sparingly and only if
deserved. Do not go off constantly blowing up at girls. If the
anger is too frequent or unjustified, you’ll come across as a
grown man with a temper tantrum. For example

Her: [Acting in an extremely belligerent manner]

You: What the fuck?! Are you retarded. Cut that shit out

Her: [aggressively bites your lip for the millionth time while
kissing after you asked her to stop]

114 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

You: Look, I told you to stop biting my lip. It’s not sexy, it’s painful
and I don’t like it. So cut it the fuck out

5. Cut Her Off

If a girl behaves in a particularly despicable fashion or keeps

crossing the same line, despite repeatedly been told it’s not
okay, then just get rid of her. She’s simply not worth the time.
This is not an inner game book, but you’ll be doing your level
of self-esteem no favor if you were to compromise your values
and boundaries for some pussy. If you don’t walk away from
at least one girl per night, you’re not doing it right. Realize that
your esteem and well-being are far more important than some
random girl. There are billions of other girls on earth. Go talk to
them. No need to get hang up on someone acting out of line

4.5 Playful Positive Expressions


Let me start by making a disclaimer; just because I’m including

self-amusement here doesn’t give you permission to descend
into weirdo-clown territory. I see guys consistently base their
entire game around self-amusement. Approaching girls and
just spouting the most ridiculous and miscalibrated lines you
could ever image, thinking it’s an attractive quality.

It’s not

At least not in the way that they are doing it. My interpretation
of self-amusement is not that of a ‘technique’ but rather of a

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 115

mindset. In particular, the mindset that helps you have fun and
enjoy whatever you’re doing – the ability to entertain yourself.
All all the previously discussed techniques should be
performed through the lens of self-amusement.

Let me unpack that

It’s called ‘self’ amusement for a reason – it has nothing to

do with entertaining others. You simply do what you feel like
doing and see what happens.

Here’s the subtlety though; you need to be able to let go of

seeking a particular outcome (i.e girl laughing) or outcomes
and instead operate from mindset of blissful curiosity – any
outcome is fine, you’ll enjoy yourself either way

The first thing that springs to mind when you think of self-
amusement is probably being loud, obnoxious and the life of
the party, and this can sometime happen as a result (when we
really let go), but it’s not necessary

It all comes down to this;

Something pops into your head -> You get curious -> You do it/
say it -> You see what happens

Just keep in mind that this entire process should happen in

a split second; Turn your judgement cetres off – if you find
yourself evaluating what you’re saying and what may come of
it, it’s not longer self-amusement – you’re seeking an outcome

What this means is that all of the aforementioned techniques,

as well as the ones yet to be covered, are all some form of self-

Make no mistake, it’s a mindset, not a technique

I’m sure you’ve come across this scenario plenty of times –

different guys use the same line but guy A has the girl

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swooning all over him, and guy B has a drink thrown at his face.
That’s because the first guy is amusing himself and having fun,
and the second is seeking an outcome – ‘is this gonna get me

For this reason, I’m not going to include practical examples

in this section as it wouldn’t make sense – you need to
understand that it’s a frame of mind, not a particular action.
Everything and anything you say in a seduction should come
from a self-amused frame. Even the investment hoops
shouldn’t be performed with the outcome in mind of having
her open up in a specific way, but rather of just being curious
about what may come of it


For a fairly long time, role-plays have always been something

I’ve tried to avoid. My main contention with them is how I’ve
seen supposedly cool, like-able guys turn into dancing
monkeys engaged in uncalibrated behaviors. The reason is that
they were trying to pit a square peg in a round hole, so to speak.
Most role-plays tend to be extremely specific, and attempting
to use them in an initial interaction that was anything short
of perfect for that precise role-play would make for awkward
viewing. Some girls would tolerate it and let it fly because they
liked the guy, but most wouldn’t put up with it. Basically, they
were too limited in their application to even bother with

However, over the past several years, upon watching my own

infield, I’ve found myself implementing more ‘natural’ role-
plays, with common underlying themes and templates which
allow me to make them more versatile and appropriate for a
wide range of situations.

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 117

So, just like with the other techniques, instead of providing you
with a bunch of routines, we are going to unpack the structure,
template and core underlying principles which make role-plays
work. So that you can be calibrated and versatile, and use them
in a natural way that isn’t scripted, to add some positive playful
emotions to your conversations

Let’s talk brass tacks. I’m going to break it down into 3 sections

1. Themes
2. Structure
3. Examples


The two overarching themes, both of which contain several

sub-themes, are:

1. Us Vs. The World mentality

• “Everyone’s rooting against you, but I’m here”

• “Everyone’s so jealous of us – but we’ve got each other, so
it’s cool”
• “We’re the cool kids – let’s sneak off and leave these boring
people behind”
• “We’ve got such a good thing going, and no one else even
• “We’re going to get so naughty together, and it’ll be our
big secret”

1. Sexual chemistry

• You’re a total sex addict, and I can see it clear as day”

• “The sexual energy between us is just too strong”
• “You and I are on the same sexual wavelength, aren’t we

118 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

• I’m your [role] and you’re my [role]. I.e. I’ll be your teacher
and you’re my naughty student

These themes will allow you to work within the role-playing

structure and set the emotional tone


1. Set up the transition

2. segue into the role-play
3. Ramp up the innuendo
4. End the role-play
5. Transition out of it

For example,

Her: So I came to the US to improve my English…

You: Well, the good news is , you may have just found yourself a
teacher…. [Setting up the transition]

Her: Really? You can teach me?

You: Think you’ll be able to afford me though?

Her: Maybe

You: Well… I guess we’ll have to work out some other form of
payment [segue into role-play]

Her: Hmmm…. I don’t know about that [she deflects]

You: Ok fine… I’ll do it under one condition. You have to show up

the lesson in lingerie. Do you look better in black or red? [amp
up the sexuality]

Her: Well, I usually look better in black, but I think you’ll like
my red. It’s a little naughtier [she’s playing along firmly by this

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 119

You: I’ll have to prepare myself for that. I’m not sure how well I
could keep my focus

Her: You’ll figure something out

You: Well… good thing I met you while you’re still in need of
an English teacher. So what do you usually do when you’re not
hitting on charming men like me? [segue out]

Some standard transitions into the role-play

• I can teach/train/paint you

• Don’t worry it’ll be our little secret…
• Luckily you have me to…
• These guys have no idea that we…

Some standard transitions out of role-playing are:

• “I guess we’ll have to figure out the details later.”

• “Good thing we’ve got time before we reach that point.”
• “That’s an excellent idea. Now, you were saying that…”

Basically wrapping it up with either pushing the scenario off

into the future, or approving of her last contribution to it. Then
turning the focus of the conversation onto other matters.

The two most versatile themes are “everyone’s so jealous of us /

no one understands us” dynamic and the “don’t worry, I’ll take
care of you ”dynamic, just because of the kinds of women you’ll
go for or meet most often

1. Everyone here is so jealous of us / no one understands us:

Best used on more ‘comfort’ type girls, with a little less
experience and more romantic sensibilities, and are less
receptive to sexual expressions

120 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

You: There is a very good chance you have the best [eye] lashes
in this entire place…

Her: Oh thanks!

You: Yeah it’s a bit of a unfair really, you’ve got the two best
looking people [point at you and her] in this little corner,
hogging all this beauty to themselves

Her: [laughing]

You: I’m not trying to be a dick… but seriously? [point to a group

of girls]

Her: I know! And look at that girl! [laughs]

You: I’m honestly surprised these people were about to get in

Her: [laughs] right?

You: That girl is totally checking out my ass…. You’re gonna have
to pretend to be my girlfriend if she approaches…

Her: Well, if it’s to protect you, sure [puts her arm around you]

You: Great… I’m going to have to take you on your first

imaginary date too. But I need to know first… what’s the best
date you’ve ever been on? [Segue out]

You can replace looks with intellect, fashion, common interests


2. “I’ll take care of you (kind of)”

Her: I wish I could travel to Europe! It looks so fun

You: Why don’t you

Her: Well… because it’s gonna drain my entire bank account

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 121

You: Hmmm you know what? If you need some quick cash I’ve
got you covered. How skilled would you say you are at pole

Her: [Laughs] Not very skilled to be honest

You: Of course, you’ll need training in the case. If you wanna

earn a living in the cutthroat world of exotic dance, you’re going
to need some moves

Her: What kind of moves

You: I couldn’t possibly show you here. If I started busting some

of them out now all these girls would go nuts and you’d lose
your chance with me…

Her: [laughing]

You: Don’t worry, I’ll show you later when we’re in private and
you have me all to yourself…[pause] Alright now get those dirty
thoughts out of your head – what are you up to this weekend?

Sexual Misinterpretations:

Chapter 10 will cover sexual expressions in far more depth, but

I’d like to touch on the simplest form of a sexual expression –
misinterpretation. It’s the easiest way steer your conversations
down sexual alleys even when there was nothing openly sexual
about the conversation before you took the wheel.

Firstly I’d like to point out that whilst around women, it’s very
polite to talk about things other than sex. Polite, but not

In order to really become free-flowing with these, and be able

to spit them out on the fly, you must have a mind that is firmly

122 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

attuned to sex. You can’t deny it. Your selective focus should
be on the lookout for jokes, statements, and behaviors that you
can put a sexual spin on. All a sexual misinterpretation is, is
taking those observations and sharing it with her

You need to develop ways to tie the non-sexual to the sexual.

The first step is always being on the lookout for the following

• Anything having to do with inserting anything into

anything else. Anything even remotely reminiscent of
inserting is game for sexualization.
• Look for things reminiscent of ejaculation. For example, if
she squeezes her ketchup out onto the hot dog but it kind
of blasts out of the bottle I’ll say “You just blew a huge load
all over that thing, didn’t you?”
• “Look for things reminiscent of pregnancy /
impregnation”. If we eat a big meal I might rub her belly
and say “It’s like I already knocked you up.” Or if she
mentions her nieces or how her friends already have kids,
I’d say something like ‘I can put a kid in here tonight if you
want’ while pointing at her belly
• Look for things reminiscent of oral sex. For example,
drinking from a straw
• Look for the words ‘hard’, ‘long’, ‘moist’

Being attuned to these is the first step, and from there you
actually have to take those opportunities and re-frame sexually.
There are two types of sexual misinterpretations; softballs and
regular. Softballs refers to those instances when the girl sets
you up for the misinterpretations by stating something vaguely

For example

Her: I’m so tense, I can’t wait to get in to bed

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 123

You have two softball targets here – tense and going to bed

You: I know one way we can help relieve that tension


You: So set the picture for me….you get into bed…..undress….

Then what?

These are two examples targeting different softball targets.

Both work fine, however, it’s the delivery that’s the real key.
Slow your pace down and don’t flinch. Imagine Daniel Craig
delivering these lines and you’ve got the right idea

Some other examples of softball targets;

• Wet
• come
• Sweat / sweating it out
• Alone / lonely
• Hard/It’s really hard
• Going to bed
• Feeling hot
• Tense / needing to de-stress
• Soft skin
• Bath / shower

Her: I’m so jealous! Can I come with you?

You: How badly do you wanna CUM with me?

These are superficially non-sexual subjects that are very easy to

take sexual

Standard Sexual Misinterpretations:

These are the more standard misinterpretations, where you

124 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

take the most seemingly innocuous statements/subject and
interpret them sexually anyway. For obvious reasons, these are
far more difficult to conjure, as they don’t really have any rhyme
or rhythm to them, but I’ll offer several examples below to give
you an idea of what they are like

Her: I was standing behind this guy in line for ages!

You: Being behind a girl for stretches of an hour at a time –

sounds like you’re describing my love life

Her: I love guys with beards!

You: They’re both a curse and a blessing at the same time.

Looks amazing but it ends up smelling like pussy for hours
straight after I go down on a girl


I must admit, I very rarely use any canned gimmicks. However, I

have done so in the past and have field tested all the following
routines. All of them work. If you chose to implement them,
keep it to no more than one gimmick per interaction. They get
really old, really quick.

Disclaimer: I did not come up with any of these. They all are old-
school routines that you can find online.

1. Fuck/Marry/Kill

An extremely simple game that will inject some gust into any
interaction. The objective is to pick three people in the
environment and ask the girl which one of those she would kill,

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 125

marry and fuck. Depending on what you want to achieve, you
can take this in a couple of different directions. For example,
instead of pointing at guys, point out 3 girls. You could either
transition into teasing her about her repressed sexual desires
or reward her sexual openness. Or you could pick out 3 of the
dorkiest looking guys and tease her for being superficial. Using
this routine opens up infinite conversational directions

Bonus Tip: She’ll usually then want to put you in the same
position and pick out 3 girls. Usually an extremely attractive girl
and two regular girls. Your best option is to ‘kill’ the stunner
– you immediately stand out from every other guy. When she
asks you why, respond something like ‘Yeah, she’s hot… but
really, she doesn’t look fun to hang out with. She probably
walks around with a stick up her ass.’ This is a very effective
way to communicate that you have standards and boundaries,
which is very attractive, whilst simultaneously qualifying and
rewarding the girl you are talking to by implying that she’s not
like that

2. Strawberry Fields

This is another simple routine, and the idea is find out

(supposedly, it doesn’t matter if it’s acurate or not), how the girl
views sex

‘Imagine you are alone in a strawberry field, surrounded with

tasty strawberries in each direction.

There is a fence/gate around the field. How high is it? [This is

representative of how easy it is for the girl to attain sex]

How many strawberries do you take? [Representative of how

many sexual experiences she craves]

After you’ve finished enjoying the strawberries, how do you

feel about the farmer, who’s field you took them from?’

126 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

[Representative of how you feel about a person after sleeping
with them]

3. Roller-Coaster

“You enter an amusement park.

You go to roller coaster line – How long do you wait to get on?
(Representative of how much time you want foreplay)

You’re on the ride, going all around, what is feeling?

(Representative of your feelings during sex)

Your car plunges into splash-pool at end, what do you shout?

(Representative of what you say at orgasm)

Now you go to merry go round, but horse is broken, how you

feel? (Representative of her feelings when guy cant get it up)

Now describe the perfect roller coaster ride.. shape of track,

feeling.. (describes the ideal sexual experiences)

4.6 Serious Positive Expressions


According to Wikipedia, cold reading is – “[A] series of

techniques used by mentalists, psychics, fortune tellers,
mediums and illusionists to determine or express details about
another person, often in order to convince them that the
reader knows much more about a subject than they actually

Now obviously, our aim here is not to come across as some

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 127

mystic, but rather the vibe you want to convey with cold-reads
is one of understanding, charisma, confidence and intimacy.
Think about it from your perspective. If someone you just met
was able to tell you some specific/intimate detail about yourself
that you don’t usually share quickly, it would immediately elicit
a feeling of kinship. It’s a positive emotion. That’s what we’re
going for here with the cold-reads. Keep in mind that even if
you’re off the mark with these, it doesn’t really matter. It still
provides her with an emotional spike, as well as opening new
threads of conversation.

Here are a few basic rules that will help you learn how to make
your cold reads more believable and complex

1. False specification – Imply specificity by comparing her

personal traits to everybody else’s.

‘Though most people don’t think before they act, you almost
spend too much time thinking before acting’

2. Opposites

Like we discussed earlier, everything has an opposite. Simply

combine two polar qualities in the same cold-read and it
basically applies to everyone

“You seem like the type of girl that at times can be lazy or
lethargic, while at other times, when you are doing something
you’re interested in, you work like a maniac.”

It feels specific, yet can be applied to essentially everybody

3. Approval

People tend to agree with positive statements made about

them (even if they’re false), and disagree with negative
statement (even if they’re correct). Merge the two principles

128 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

“Some people think you lack confidence, when you’re really a
confident person. Generally, they confuse the fact that you like
to watch and learn before you speak.”

This is a list of the 11 most commonly used cold reads by

psychics. If you memorize these you really won’t need any
others. You can mix and match them based on the context.

1) You have a strong need for others to like and admire you

2) You have a tendency to be critical of yourself.

3) You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not
turned to your advantage.

4) Your past relationships have presented problems for you.

5) You can be disciplined and controlled on the outside, and

worrisome and insecure on the inside.

6) You sometimes doubt your own decisions.

7) You like change and variety and don’t like to be hemmed in

by restrictions and limitations.

8) You are independent minded and need proof before

accepting others opinions.

9) You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself

to others.

10) At times you are extroverted and sociable, while at others

you are introverted and reserved.

11) Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic.

Bonus – The Ugly Duckling Cold-Read: This is probably my

favorite cold-read of all time. I usually only reserve it for
legitimate 9s and 10s, as it doesn’t work quite as well for other
girls. About 50% of these dime didn’t always look the way they

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 129

do today. In fact, they were the complete opposite during
adolescence – nerdy, full of acne and pimples, frizzy hair, a little
chubby, etc…. – before blossoming into the beautiful young lady
they may be now. So I usually say something along the lines of

‘Let me guess…. you used to be super dorky in high-school.

Maybe a little chubby. Some pimples. Then you had an ugly
duckling type transformation and you’re getting all this
attention but don’t know what to do with it’

It’ll only work about 50% of the time, but when it does land,
it lands HARD! They usually start giggling like crazy and even
getting their friends involved ‘Oh my god! You’ll never guess
what he just said…’

Deep Personality Compliments

I only really have a couple of things to say when it comes to

compliments. Do not compliment unearned physical
attractiveness during the initial interaction. They are so
overplayed that as soon as you do so, the girl will immediately
categorize you with every other guy who’s given her a similar
compliment in the past. I.e ‘He’s just saying this because he
wants to sleep with me’. So we are going to be moving away
from physical compliments in this section, and onto
personality compliments.

However, even with personality compliments, there’s a very

real possibility that you can come across as manipulative and
just ‘trying to win points’ with the girl. If it’s insincere, a girl
will pick up on it immediately. And so it does take some real
listening, empathy and human understanding for
compliments to have any meaningful application. As such, they

130 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

are best delivered when they have been earned. After the girl
has invested heavily in some way

“Oh my god! You’re an extremely interesting person – you’ve

good a super curious mind, you’re always looking at things and
detail and asking WHY they happen. You really inspire me to
step it up”

It’s one thing to tell a girl that she’s interesting, it’s another to
make a point of it and let her know that you are she inspires
you in this regard.

“You’re an extremely deep listener. You really know how to

make someone feel important when you speak. You make me
want to open up just by the way that you listen”

“It’s so nice just to talk to you – it allows me to just relax and

take my mind off of all the bullshit with my job, finances,
responsibilities… “

“I bet people don’t take you as seriously as you are intelligent.

But I can tell that you really do have something unique to offer”
[This is fairly common, especially with the extremely attractive
girls. They are usually not taken too seriously and only
appreciated for their physical appearance]

“I really appreciate that I can just fuck around and really be

myself around you”

“You really have an immense presence to you. I feel really drawn


“You’re just such a giver. You always place people close to you
above yourself. It’s so rare for anybody to do that these days,
and it’s just really makes me feel drawn to you”

Just to emphasize, these are best used contextually during

phase 3 following deep investment from her

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 131

Demonstration Of Intellectual Value:

This is a concept that ranges far and above just ‘positively

spiking’ a girl’s emotions. In fact, I had originally used it as a
means to help redefine a girl’s reality to fit within mine and
strip away her layers of social conditioning. In other words,
frame control. For example, if a girl would was particularly
sexually conservative and wanted to come home with me but
was concerned about her friends’ opinions – I would weave
a narrative together that allow her to question the validity of
those concerns/beliefs, creating an overarching frame that
casual sex is not a big deal.

However, for the sake of this chapter, we are simply going to

explore how you can utilize it to ‘blow a girl’s mind’ and give her
a positive emotional spike

Everybody has certain strengths and weaknesses. And it’s

important to acknowledge yours. There are some things that
I’m not very good at – for example, dancing. I’m not particularly
well versed in pop-culture either. It’s only recently I’ve started
listening to any sort of music that wasn’t made in the 70s,
I absolutely hate raves and festivals, and I don’t watch TV.
Obviously leading the conversation down such avenues would
be unproductive

However, there are some things I am considerably above

average in – one of those being intelligence. And if I can shift
the game to my forte, I can win. It’s like the old saying goes
– who would win a fight between a shark and a tiger? It all
depends on if they fight in the sea or the jungle

If you have yet to read ‘King, Warrior, Magician, Lover:

Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine,’ I’d
highly recommend that you do. In the book, Moore argues
that masculinity is made up of four archetypal male energies

132 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

which serve different purposes. All men, regardless of race or
culture, are born with these archetypal energies. He suggests
that to become a complete man, you must work to develop all
four archetypes. The result of striving to become complete is
a feeling of manly confidence and purpose. However, it is the
Magician archetype that is exemplified in this type of game.

The mythical idea is that the Magician has access to forbidden

knowledge that allows the world to bend to his will. Think of the
allure of promises which first got you into game (or even the
ones prompting you to buy this book) – a secret system that
allows you to finally get all the girls you desire. It’s intoxicating.
Why are we so allured by promises such as a magic system that
allows us to ‘get 6 pack abs in 2 weeks’, or the secret formula
to become a millionaire in 12 months? We are drawn to the use
of an unfair advantage to exercise power over the world to get
what we want

And women are attracted to a man who bends the world to his
will, rather than one who bends to fit into the world. In terms
of archetypes, that could be the King who provides leadership
and organization, the Warrior who enforces through pure will,
strength and dominance, and even the Lover who inspires
through Joy. In this case, we are utilizing the Magician. The
idea is to illustrate to the girl that you are able to see the
world for what it is, with penetrating clarity, aware of the subtle
undercurrents around which most people are blind to and let
dictate their entire lives. You can see past the ‘matrix’. What she
may perceive as overwhelmingly complex, you see as bright as

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 133

You’ve probably seen this optical illusion before

Some people see a young lady with her head turned towards
the background while others see an elderly woman’s side
profile. Once you see the other perspective, you can’t unsee it.
This is what you’ll be doing to the girl on a grand scale. Offering
a perspective she’s never considered before. And once she’s
seen it. She can’t unsee it

134 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

Oftentimes, if performed as a legitimate form of frame control
(as opposed to just a spike), the girl will often crave for more
knowledge from you and eventually entrust you with her entire
intellectual direction (i.e always ask for your advice before
making a major decision, etc..)

Here’s how you do it:

1. Choose a topic that you are very knowledge and

passionate about

I like social dynamics, as it was my profession for quite a while. I

believe that in order to deeply understand social dynamics, you
must have a firm grasp on human nature and fundamental
principles of psychology – what people do, and why they do
what they do. It’s therefore a great topic for me to demonstrate

• My values
• My knowledge
• The organization of my thought
• My certainty in an uncertain world

But the topic could be anything – fitness, spirituality, business,

sports, etc…

2. Create a narrative in this topic that unveils something

about the world

The idea is not to just ramble on about general topics in social

dynamics (or whatever subject you choose), because that won’t
lead anywhere. Rather you want to craft a narrative and tell
a story. One I’ve used recently is that the reason most
relationships fail is because neither participant is actually
aware of what it takes to make it work and have been fooled by

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 135

society to believe that ‘if it’s true love, it’ll just work out.’ I then
branch into how this is actually a microcosm for life in general
– and how following society’s advice and an inability to critically
think for yourself is often going to lead to a detrimental life

The idea is to shine some light upon the falsifications

propagated by the mainstream that most people buy-into
without second thought. And that the reason most people live
underwhelming, unfulfilled lives is because most of these ideas
that they blindly buy into are actually in direct contradiction to
their primal human nature.

The storytelling element is crucial. I don’t just randomly jump

into this. I’ll usually point out some couple in the environment
and make some observation about the way they are behaving/
interacting, and use that to make a prediction about the state/
future of their relationship. This acts as a little bit of bait to draw
her in and hint at the fact that there is something I know that
she may not.

3. Integrate various threads of knowledge into the narrative

Incorporating this step in not necessary, but it will enhance the

effectiveness of the technique

If I talk about psychology and social conditioning by itself,

although it conveys a certain level of intelligence, it’s not really
that groundbreaking. She’s maybe read a couple of self-help
books and has some knowledge about the subject matter
herself. In that case you’re still essentially subscribing to the
ideas of others. But what happens if I start weaving ideas from
other fields – such as evolutionary biology, philosophy and
business? What if I’m also able to relate this directly to the girl’s
subjective life experiences. All these other forms of knowledge
are the fuel that add fire to your narrative in the previous step

The central narrative has two main points:

136 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

1. Understanding social dynamics will offer you a glimpse
into the underlying psychology and primal motivations of
human beings
2. By virtue of this understanding, you are able to see ‘past
the veil’ of society and lead a more proactive life geared
towards your own subjective goals and meaning (and
basically create a scenario where she drops her social
conditioning – i.e previous beliefs about how going home
with a guy makes her a ‘slut’, that she should care about
her friends’ opinions, etc…)

I can weave various ideas into this narrative, including

• Philosophy: Referring to Marcus Aurelius’ ‘Meditations’,

that people will always do awful (or at least unpleasant)
things and we are only responsible for our own virtue.
Don’t judge others or by disturbed by their judgement, it
only sets you up for disappiontment and distress. Instead,
we ought to focus on own self-improvement. Forget what
other people are doing and saying, focus on living
according to your own virtues. Live and let live.
• Politics: We live in possibly the most highly polarized
political climate ever. Each side is willing to do whatever it
takes to gain the upper hand, even if that means
spreading false information, fake news, removing context
etc… Every stimulus and ‘news’ source is tainted with
some sort of political bias and most of them aren’t actually
looking to inform you in an objective sense. Rather they
seek to impose questionable standards and cultural
beliefs that will sway you to their political orientation, even
if that means deviating from your ‘natural’ behaviors that
will enable to you live a fulfilling life
• Relate it to her experience: I’ll often ask if she’s broken up
with a guy and ask her if it was because she lost
attraction/fell out of love because he stopped growing/

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 137

expanding. This has happened to almost every girl. It’s
universal but appears personal and helps to build my
perceived authority around the subject
• Business: I’ll make a point of how the business which tend
to succeed in significant ways, even in highly competitive
and crowded industries, are always the ones to ‘go against
the grain’. They don’t buy into the established philosophy
and current way of doing things – hence developing the
ingenuity to bring something new to market

You get the idea. There is a ton of knowledge being

communicated but it’s also very tightly knit into the story and
grounded in examples so that she’s never lost. She just feels a
whole world open in front of her

4. Keeping Her Engaged

If you’re not comfortable weaving these things in on the fly, you

can simply craft a routine on it while at home and drop it onto
the girl when the opportunity arises. Obviously, like with all the
other techniques, the more competent you become, the more
fluid and second-nature it becomes. Although for the most
part I’ve reserved the delivery and tonality for these techniques
for the mastermind group, I’ll give a brief breakdown required
to get this particular one right.

• Laser eye contact: She needs to feel a sense of passion

radiating off of you when you talk about these things. You
need to show her that you care
• Be Animated: Use your gestures to emphasize important
points (you should get in the habit of doing this anyway)
• Constantly ground the discussion in her experience: With
each point you make, try asking her for her input (‘Has this
ever happened to you?’ etc..). With each example you can

138 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

draw on from her life, the more relevant and compelling it
becomes. You want her to be actively engaged, not a
passive recipient of a lecture
• Switch up your rhythm: At times, lean forward and add an
intensity to your delivery, at others, lean back, take the
pressure off and speak more casually. Your delivery should
be harmonious with the highs and lows of the points you
• Calibrate according to her reaction: Any sort of hair
twirling, eyes opening wide open, intense focus on you,
and even a look of respect and surprise stemming from
her thoughts of ‘Wow, I can’t believe he’s this smart. I
didn’t expect it’ are good signs. Just as when you are in the
high-level investment phase, the way she’ll be responding
to your hoops is by treading very carefully and thinking
about her words before saying them (because she’s
concerned about your what you might think), you should
notice a similar hesitancy from her as she’ll be torn
between remaining quiet and letting you finish, and
adding her own input. Signs of this dissonance may
include any sort of nervous fidgeting
• Bait her into dragging it on: Like I’ve mentioned on several
occasions, pickup is a game of engagement and attention.
It’s NOT easy to keep a girl essentially transfixed in this
manner for 10-15 minutes of proper narrative telling. An
easy way to keep the engagement levels high is by
incorporating micro level push-pull. Any time you
approach a high-point in the story, before getting into it,
try leaning back, dropping the intensity and saying
something like ‘Ah, you know what…. This is a little deep,
maybe we should talk about something else.’ If you’ve
done everything right up to here, she’ll usually prompt you
to continue

Conversely, if you happen to be dealing with a girl whose

How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally | 139

intelligence is not her strong point, or if you happen to make
a mess of this entire process, then be ready to cut it off and
transition immediately. Any sign of boredom – she’s not
focused on you and scanning the room, her eyes glaze over, she
tries to change topic… should be an indication to do this

5. Balance It Out With Modesty

When you find yourself in any given social situation and just
happen to say the right thing at the right time and have
everyone in the room in stitches – do you self-congratulate and
give yourself a pat on the back?


You move on as if it’s a just another day at the office

Similarly, if she compliments you, your uniqueness or

intelligence, don’t make a big deal out of it. Otherwise you’ll
come across as extremely try-hard. You should be approaching
it from the frame of openly expressing all this because it’s your
passion and you want to let her know what you’re really all

Once you’ve finished, move on and don’t return to this unless

she specifically asks you about it.

140 | How To Arouse A Girl Emotionally

5. Emotional Leading: A
Technical Approach To
Moving Your
Interactions Forward
And Eliciting

5.1 How To Elicit Investment

Up to this point, we’ve covered the overall strategy required to

take an interaction from open to close, as well two crucial skills
required to implement it – those being opening and spiking
emotions. In this chapter we’ll cover how to actually take that
attraction/arousal you generate and systematically convert it
into investment. Basically taking everything and tying it all

I’m sure that at some point you’ve googled/YouTubed this topic

more than anything else – ‘how do I get a girl to chase me’.
And just like all the other topics, you were probably provided
with an insufficient and impractical answer. If you type in ‘how
to make her invest’ on the YouTube search-bar, the top ranked
video (which at the point of writing has over 250,00 views) by
the industry leader gives an explanation of something along
the lines of ‘well, in the beginning of the interaction, I do most
of the work, but as the interaction progresses, I talk less and

Emotional Leading: A Technical

Approach To Moving Your
Interactions Forward And Eliciting
Investment | 141
less and the girl talks more and more, until by the end of it she’s
doing all the work!’

In my estimation, that’s not only a useless explanation, but

also demonstrates a glaring lack of understanding. The simple
answer to ‘how to get her to chase/invest’ is this – make the
girl jump through larger and larger investment hoops that
progressively allow her to respond with investment heavy
answers. You may not be familiar with the terminology so let’s
break it down further.

As the name suggests, an investment hoop is basically asking

the girl to jump through some sort of ‘hoop’ for you. In other
words, asking her to do something for you. Recall how when
I introduced the concept of investment earlier in the book, I
mentioned that there are different types of investment. When
guys think of ‘making her chase/invest’ – they think of things
like making her say please, making her beg to kiss you, and
other various outlandish things of that nature. That’s a very
simplistic view of investment. In technical terms, those are
what I like to call ‘Social Value hoops’ – where you basically ask
the girl to do something for you that will intrinsically lower her
social value. By their very nature they are extremely powerful,
as the girl will have to give up one of things she values the most
(her social value) for you. And sure, they work (assuming you
can pull it off), but you can’t run an entire interaction in this
way. If you keep doing this sort of thing, you’ll eventually be
asking for too much and the girl will get annoyed and leave.
This type of ‘investment’ will not be forming the basis of our
interactions and as such I won’t be covering them here (I will
be discussing them in the private mastermind)

Rather, we’re going to be discussing ‘Emotional Investment

Hoops’. These are much simpler and much more subtle than
the social value hoops. However, they are just as effective. An
emotional investment hoop (we’ll just be referring to it as an

142 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
investment hoop from here on out), is basically just a question/
qualifier. Each time you ask the girl a question, you are asking
for some level of investment from her. We can categorize them
into different levels, according to the level of compliance they
require and investment elicit from the girl. Just like the spikes,
these investment hoops are shaped by the context of the
conversation you are having. However, below is a list with

5.1 Investment hoops

Level 1 hoops:

• Where are you from

• What do you do
• Ethnicity
• Logistical questions
• How do you know the people that you’re here with
• What kind of traveling have you done

Level 2 hoops:

• Craziest thing you ever did

• How adventurous are you
• What job would you be absolutely terrible at
• What would your perfect Saturday be like
• What easy thing do you most often screw up
• How did you find out Santa isn’t real
• What’s the strangest habit you have
• How much do you judge a person by their appearance
• Where would you like to live when you’re settled down
• Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you
want as a dinner guest?

Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your Interactions

Forward And Eliciting Investment | 143
• Would you like to be famous? In what way?
• Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what
you are going to say? Why?
• If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one
quality or ability, what would it be?
• What do you value most in a guy
• How many relationships have you had
• What was your longest relationship? Why did you break
• Do you have any brothers or sisters? Are you close with

Level 3 hoops:

• What was your worst day ever

• What was your best day ever
• Which person in your life fucked you over the most
• Have you ever been cheated on
• What or who would you sacrifice your life for
• What single event has had the biggest impact on who you
• What keeps you up at night
• What movie has made you cry the most
• For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
• If you could change anything about the way you were
raised, what would it be?
• What’s the thing you are most proud of accomplishing in
your life
• What is your most treasured memory?
• What is your most terrible memory?
• How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your
childhood was happier than most other people’s?
• What’s your relationship with your dad like
• What’s the most embarrassing thing you ever did
• When did you last cry in front of another person? By

144 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
• Of all the people in your family, whose death would you
find most disturbing? Why?
• If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to
communicate with anyone, what would you most regret
not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?

Notice how as we move along the categories, the questions

become increasingly difficult to answer and require more
thought and sharing of personal details. As you progress
throughout the interaction, you throw her these progressively
higher level hoops. The higher level the hoop, the more it
provides the girl the opportunity to respond with an
emotionally rich answer. This is what’s meant by ‘she is doing
most of the work by the end of the interaction.’ Ideally, you are
simply guiding the interaction along by asking her deeper and
deeper questions which gives her the opportunity to provide
investment-heavy answers. Obviously, you shouldn’t just jump
from hoop to hoop, but rather after she provides you with an
answer, probe and explore the topic further

Your job, as explained earlier, is to get to the level three phase,

where she is opening up to you regarding things she usually
never tells anybody else. You should be able to get a sense of a
girl’s level of investment/compliance depending on the type of
answers she gives to these hoops. If you throw her a low level
hoop like ‘what do you do?’, and she responds with a one word
answer, that’s considered a low-investment response – and you
know that her compliance levels are low. You should be looking
to pump more emotions and value in the interaction (i.e
spiking) before throwing her a smaller hoop.

If, on the other hand, she responds with something like ‘Well,
I’m currently entering a new field in etc….’, and you get a sense
that she cares about what you think, that’s an investment-
heavy answer

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Forward And Eliciting Investment | 145
5.3 Leveraging Arousal To Elicit

You can still run a fairly solid interaction just by implementing

everything we’ve learned so far. Open -> Phase 1 (80% spiking/
20% hoops) -> Phase 2 (50% spiking/50% investment) -> Phase 3
(5-10% spiking/90-95% investment). You know how to spike and
now you know how to ask for investment. It really is that simple.
If you’re offering enough value and she’s enjoying your spikes,
she should be very willing to jump through your hoops

This is the way that it works;

Recall the formula C ∝ I + BT

When you spike her emotions using an emotional spike, you

are increasing the buying temperature. When the buying
temperature is high, you have a high level of compliance (as
per the formula). You leverage that compliance by making her
jump through investment hoops. This increases investment,
and as a byproduct, compliance as well

Now you have a higher a level of compliance. You simply rinse

and repeat the process, asking for slightly more investment
each time you do so

Fairly simple

5.4 Validation Stripping And


Whilst leveraging arousal to elicit investment works very well,

there is an even more optimized methodology linking these

146 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
variables together that will take you from being able to run
a solid interaction to absolutely lethal. And jumping through
these phases at a much more rapid pace

It goes like this:

Investment Process

It’s a fairly simple process, yet the absolute most powerful and
optimized way to trigger extremely high levels of investment
and buy-in from the girl I’ve ever come across in my 10,000
hours invested into this. If you can pull it off, you will be able
to fast-track that entire process and get her jumping through
legitimate level 3 hoop a few minutes into the interaction

Here’s an example

Her: I go to Yale university

*Subject Matter – Yale University*

You: Really? I thought it was supposed to be for high achievers…

how did you manage to sneak in (I can’t emphasize enough,
you need to be playful with your tonality here, otherwise this
will not work. And do not start trying to practice over text/
tinder either, it’s much more difficult to convey tone over text –
and that’s an entirely different subject matter)

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*Your tease implies that she doesn’t come across as
particularly intelligent. This has the effect, as we discussed
earlier, of stripping your validation from her. She’ll now be
experiencing an ‘emotional vacuum’. You’ve triggered the
desire for her to correct you and prove you wrong*

Her: (laughs) No seriously I’m actually smarter than I look

*The tease provoked a light qualification on her end*

You: Okay… what’s the most intellectually challenging task

you’ve ever accomplished?

*You now throw her a high level 2 (contextual) investment

hoop and given her an opportunity to redeem/prove herself*

Her: Well, during my first year in Yale etc…… (out-pour of


*She now invests and qualifies very aggressively in order

to fill that ‘emotional vacuum’ and get your approval/
validation back*

You: Okay, that’s actually pretty cool. I like the fact that you
enjoy challenging yourself in such an intellectual capacity. Most
girls tend to try and breeze on their looks alone.

*This is you rewarding her investment. This reward will

provide her with a dopamine spike similar to the one she
receives when she spends half a day doing her makeup,
snapping a well thought out picture, posting it on
Instagram, and finally getting those ‘likes’. It’s the exact
same thing. Every time you reward her investment with that
dopamine spike, you are conditioning her to keep investing
in you. Her brain makes the association of ‘Investing in this
guy = Good emotions’*

A couple of caveats here – your reward should be

148 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
proportional to her level of investment. If she gives you a
decent level of investment in her answer but you reward
her with the biggest compliment you’ve even given, that’s
overkill. Like with everything, keep it balanced.

Another frequent mistake many guys make who don’t

understand technical game, is punishing investment. This is
just about the worst thing you can do. The girl will offer that
extremely investment heavy answer, and instead of rewarding
her, they’ll continue to challenge or tease. They think that
because the girl responded well to the initial tease, that they
need to keep aimlessly button pushing in the same way.

‘Come on? Is that really all you’ve done?’

The reason this is so disastrous is because you are now

conditioning her to subconsciously associate investing in you
with negative emotions! So next time you try to elicit
investment, she is far less likely to comply.

Let’s now examine the second scenario, one in which she

doesn’t jump through your hoop

Her: Oh, I guess probably getting accepted to Yale was pretty


*You should already be able to recognize that this is not the

type of answer you want. There’s very little investment there. If
you reward her, or even simply let it slide and continue with the
conversation, you are communicating to her that she should
keep giving you shitty answers or that you’re simply easily
impressed and have no standards. In other words, you are
starting down a path of ‘negative compliance’.*

You: ‘Ah… ok, I understand. You slept with the administer.

Makes sense now’

*Here you are punishing her ‘bad’ behavior and lack of

Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your Interactions

Forward And Eliciting Investment | 149
investment. This will de-validate her further and communicate
that you are not easily impressed like every other guy and are
not willing to put up with her half-assed attitude. You want her
to bring her best self to the surface, get to know her properly
and receive a proper answer*

However, you must also realize that consistently hitting her

with these strong negative expressions also increases the
chances of her actually getting offended and leaving. Put
yourself in her shoes;

If somebody did that to do, you’d probably start getting a little

upset. So in order to negate that risk, and keep moving things
forward, you need to offer her a chance to ‘save face’. This is
done by giving her a smaller hoop to jump through.

You: Okay well what’s the subject you found the most difficult
when taking your final exams and trying to get into Yale?

*Notice how this is much easier to answer than the original

hoop, and requires less compliance. At this point, she is almost
certain to jump through that smaller hoop. You’re reversing
the negative compliance momentum and getting back to
track with building positive compliance*

5.5 Examples:

Let’s run through some more examples. Remember, like with

most other concepts, you can’t simply implement this in a
vacuum. Context is essential

1. Regular Examples

Example #2:

150 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
[Talking about her exchange program and studies]

You: So are you a good student?

*Low level 2 investment hoop*

Her: I’m alright… I don’t like your grading system here

*Not much investment. Most guys would usually proceed by

asking what she doesn’t like about the grading system. This is
detrimental. You must punish non-compliance. Talking for the
sake of talking will not get you anywhere. Investment is the

You: (disapproving look) Tsskkkk always shifting the blame….

you ‘re probably complaining because you’re the type of
person to cram an entire semester a day before the exam

*Punishing her defiance with a tease/challenge*

Her: Well, actually back home I’m a really good student. I have
a high grade point average. But here, I only really need to pass
because it doesn’t contribute to my grades back home. So I’m
a lot more relaxed about it

*She now invests without me even having to throw her another

hoop. She just jumps through the original one properly this
time. You can keep exploring this topic in a bit more depth

Example #3:

[About 20 minutes into the interaction. The girl is very hot,

and is with a huge group of people in the venue. She is being
relatively non-compliant, but giving me just enough to keep

Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your Interactions

Forward And Eliciting Investment | 151
You: So I’m super curious. Do you look better with your hair
done up or down? [She was wearing her hair down]

*This is a mid-level ‘social value hoop’. The implication here

being that I want her to put her hair up for me to see*

Her: I’m sure you can imagine what it looks like


You: I just did…. It wasn’t very pretty

*Punish non-compliance with a negative spike*

Her: [Puts her drink down, ties her hair up and waits for me to

If you think this sounds cool written, you should it play out in
real life. This is simple psychology, but it feels like legitimate
Jedi-mind control.

Example #4:

[5 minutes into the interaction with a sexy girl in Vegas on

spring break. Her background is Argentinian]

You: It’s too bad. I’m just not really into South American girls.
[Initially have my arms around her waist, then remove them as
I deliver the line]

*Extremely simple disqualifier to strip her of validation.

Admittedly, she was already fairly attracted at this point – but
you shouldn’t take that for granted, still be running the process

Her: But I’m not like other South American girls

152 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
*This provokes a slight qualification and sets you up for the
higher level investment hoop*

You: What makes you different from other South American


*This is a massive hoop. It requires a fair bit of thought to

actually give a genuine answer to*

Her: Well I’m blah blah blah….. [Proceeds to provide a huge

emotional out-pour of investment and go on a 5 minute
tangent about what makes her special]

You: Interesting.. You well you do seem do have more depth. Is

there something super dark in your past that shaped you that

*This is a pretty large level-3 hoop. But because she so heavily

invested in the previous one, it build up enough compliance be
able to move onto this stage fast*

Her: Well when I was 8, my dad walked out on us etc…. [More


2. Why Context Matters

[10-12 minutes into an interaction where the girl is giving me

very little. She’s investing slightly here and there, just enough
of an indication to stick in set. She’s also quite tall, about 6 foot)

You: So are both your parents shorter than you [Trying to

reignite a conversation after it fell flat]

Her: [Hesitates for a second] Ehh.. I don’t know. Never met my


This is where context comes into play. In most situations guys

Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your Interactions

Forward And Eliciting Investment | 153
would interpret this as actual investment and proceed that
way – trying to become her Mr. White Knight and her shoulder
to cry on any time one of these ‘touchy’ subjects up come.
And they proceed with something like ‘That’s horrible. What
happened?’. Another similar example would be if she made
a some comment about just breaking up with her boyfriend
– and you proceed with ‘Oh really? Sorry to hear. What

The reason doing this sort of thing is counter-productive

should be obvious if you’ve been paying attention

When she made the comment, it wasn’t actual investment.

It wasn’t coming from a place of trying to connect with you/
impress you. It was just an off-handed comment. That’s it. If you
treat it as investment and as if you’re now suddenly in phase
3, and follow up with a huge level 3 investment hoop, you’ll be
building further ‘negative compliance’

This is how it actually played out

You: Hmm… I see – do you have daddy issues

*Playful challenge*

Her: [Cracks a slight smile] I don’t know…

You: Alright, let find out for sure….. When you’re having sex, do
you usually scream ‘ohhh yeah daddy!’

Her: [Bursts into laughter and playfully hits me]

You: [Tone down the playfulness] So your parents weren’t

together when you were born?


Her: [Leans into me] Well they were together until I was 2, and

154 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
then they broke up. But from there I’ve never seen or been in
contact with my father again.

*She offers up both physical and emotional investment as well

as an opportunity to further explore the subject*

Notice how this never would’ve happened, and the interaction

would have actually moved forward if you just let that
comment go, or worse even try to follow up with a larger hoop.
This was a crucial junction in that interaction – in fact this
moment was what ignited a heap of positive compliance
momentum. From there, she began contributing in the
conversation a lot more. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind
that if she offered up this same information later on in the
interaction, say 40 minutes in during phase 3 or end of phase
2, then making a similar joke would be VERY detrimental to
the interaction. That is not the time for jokes. That’s deep
connection time. So there is no absolute ‘correct’ move. It all
depends on context

3. Pushing The Boundaries With 9s and 10s

As will be discussed in the last chapter, despite what you may

hear from other sources, a legitimate stunner is NOT the same
as a normal girl. For many, their entire psychological make-up
and perception is so different that they may as well be from an
entirely different planet. When it comes to these girls, you have
more leeway to push the boundaries of this model. Instead of
rewarding investment, you can often times respond to it by
further stripping her of validation and throwing another large
hoop – which will provoke her to chase even harder. Let’s run
through an example

[Less than 3 minutes into an interaction with a legitimate 10/

Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your Interactions

Forward And Eliciting Investment | 155
10 girl in Vegas – the head hostess at one of the biggest
nightclubs there]

You: So what do you do here?

Her: Well I…

You [Cut her off] …And please don’t tell me bottle service girl or

*This is a pretty big challenge. The implication of that

statement being that I’m unimpressed by those things (as well
as a hint of pre-selection suggesting I’m bored with these girls)
and that she needs to have something more going for her
before she can win me over*

Her: No… I own a company and I do VIP service for [club].

Basically I’m in hospitality and my degree is in Hospitality and
my minor is in…. and I have a master’s in Business etc….
[continues investing]

You: [Cut her off] I REALLY hope that’s not just a fancy way of
saying ‘I’m a table girl’

*Typically, this is the point where you would be rewarding the

investment. But since this is the type of girl who loves getting
challenged as it only happens to her with extremely high value
men, you can push the boundaries here. The fact that she
willingly began to invest so much straight off of the challenge,
without even needing prompting from an investment hoop,
should hint at that fact*

Her: No, well the way it works is that one of my best friends
is the director of operations for [club] and I went to college
out here etc…. [goes on for another few minutes with more
investment]…. and when I moved back out here all my friends
were already married with kids etc…

156 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
*The second challenge entices her into even heavier
investment. And remember, this is less than 3 minutes into the
set and a stunner is already investing like she’s in phase 3.
That’s a testament to how powerful this stuff really is*

For your benefit, I’ll also add the continuation of this

interaction, to illustrate how some of the other concepts come
into play organically

You: [As soon as she mentioned her friends are married with
kids] Are you jealous?

*Another challenge, this time referring to the fact that her

friends are married with kids.*

Her: Yes

You: [tap her stomach lightly] I can put a kid in here tonight if
you want..

*Sexual innuendo. Trying to introduce an explicitly sexual


Her: [playfully] Shut up…

*Playfully rejects the overtly sexual frame. As would be

expected with a girl this attractive and high value*

You: Alright…. we’ll use a condom then

*Re-frame her rejection of the sexual frame*

Her: [laughs] I like your personality

*Big IOI and implicit acceptance of sexual frame*

You: Good… so you’re not just using me for my looks

*Flipping the scrip with a prizing frame. She’s almost stunned

Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your Interactions

Forward And Eliciting Investment | 157
at this point and doesn’t really know to respond. This has
probably never happened to her*

You: Go on though… your friends are all married, kids etc…

Her: Yeah exactly, so I just needed some 9-5 thing to do. I

only work 3 days per week, I have my own company. I wanted
something to do and someplace to be. I like structure and
I need some more friends who aren’t married etc… [more

*Cycling here between high level investment, sexual framing,

prizing frames, and back to investment – all within the first
5 minutes of the interaction. This is some pretty high level
game on the type of girl that 99.9% of guys won’t even get the
chance to interact with, let alone sleep with – so don’t worry if
it seems overwhelming for now. This is the level you attain with
‘unconscious competence’*

You: Damn.. I like the fact that unlike most girls here you’ve
actually got some real things going on in your life

*At this point, I was really pushing it, and needed to offer up
some kind of reward. Otherwise it just would’ve been pushing
it too far*

158 | Emotional Leading: A Technical Approach To Moving Your

Interactions Forward And Eliciting Investment
6. Physical Expressions

6.1 Do Not ‘Escalate’

Beyond the ‘emotional’ layer of the interaction, also exists the

‘physical layer.’ These two layers exist co-currently. Meaning
that as you’re interacting on an emotional level (spikes and
hoops), you should also be interacting physically.

Physicality serves two primary purposes within this framework.

Firstly, it amplifies the ‘man-to-woman’ frame and secondly, it
further fuels the arousal/emotional intensity of the interaction

There’s a reason I titled this chapter ‘Physical Expressions’ and

not ‘Escalating’. They are not the same thing. Escalation implies
a step-by-step, sequential progression, whereby once you hit
a certain stage, backtracking to a previous stage would be

The classic example is the ‘escalation ladder’:

1. Lightly touch her shoulder

2. Touch her arm
3. Put your hand on her lower back
4. Kiss her neck
5. Make-out
6. Pull

Assuming she is compliant with each step, you move to the

next one. This is an extremely under-simplified model. I’ll use
an analogy to illustrate my point

Suppose you’re holding a rubber band with each hand holding

onto each end. Suppose too, that the tension on the rubber

Physical Expressions | 159

band reflects the sexual tension within the interaction between
you and the girl. When you follow this old model, you just
escalate, and escalate and escalate – and push, push, push.
On the rubber band, this is you pulling from one side over
and over and over again. And although your initial pulls on
the band (or escalation in the interaction) will place tension on
the band, if you keep pulling from just one side, it won’t be
long before the band snaps and the tension collapses due to
the imbalance. Similarly, if you just ‘escalate’ and keep pushing
things forward physically, it’s going to suck all the tension out
of the interaction and make things too predictable for the girl,
killing all the arousal.

Too much physicality is not a good thing

6.2 The Purpose Of Physicality

Conversely, what if instead, you were to pull on each side of

the rubber band equally. For each time you pulled on the left
side, you were to apply an equal and opposite force on the
right hand side. Well in that case you would be increasing the
overall tension on the band, but simultaneously maintaining
equilibrium so that there is no risk of the band tearing. And
as you continuously repeat that process, eventually both ends
will be stretched to their limits and maximum tension will be
applied yet the band will remain steady and in equilibrium.

Similarly, in your interactions, if for every time you were physical

(for example, putting your arm around the girl), you balanced
that out with a negative physical expression (for example,
lightly and playfully pushing her away), then you would be
constantly increasing the tension and arousal without risking
‘over-escalation’ and coming across as needy and desperate for
sex. Repeat this over an extended period, while at the same

160 | Physical Expressions

time ’emotionally leading’, and you’ve got a recipe for getting
the girl both incredibly invested and turned on/aroused
simultaneously – to the point where she needs a release of
that tension and a return on that investment so bad, that she’s
pulling you.

Instead of ‘escalating’, you want to be using positive and

negative ‘physical expressions’ intermittently throughout the
interaction to fuel the arousal and sexual tension. Escalation is
not the end goal, compliance is. And using physical expressions
to fuel the arousal will provide you with the opportunity to
convert that arousal into investment, and hence compliance.

There is no one ‘optimal’ way to be physical with a girl. There is

no secret sequence in which you be implement these physical
expressions to yield the best results. It’s not about which moves
you make, as long as you’re making some moves.

Disclaimer: If she is at any point uncomfortable with your

touch, BACK OFF

6.3 Positive Physical Expressions

Light Touches

• Light touch on shoulder

• Light touch on the upper back
• Light touch on arm
• Closing the proximity
• Hug

Moderate Touches

• Hand around waist

Physical Expressions | 161

• Hand around lower back
• Leading by hand holding
• Interlacing fingers
• Close dancing
• Putting your arm around her shoulder
• Spinning her around

Intense Physical Expressions

• Lifting her up
• Neck kiss
• Make-out
• Grinding
• Touching her hair
• Getting her to sit on your lap
• Use your imagination…

When being physical with a girl in any way, shape or form,

it’s important not to over-escalate. Physical expressions should
be dynamic. Back and forth. In and out. Don’t be the creepy
guy who has his arm uncomfortably around the girl for 20
minutes to ‘display your dominance’ and ‘feel like a man’. Even
if you’re at the later stages of the interactions and completely
isolated with her, don’t go stroking her hair for 15 minutes.
Seriously, I’ve seen guys do this sort of thing over and over
again, and it just kills the interaction by sucking all the tension
and unpredictability right out of it.

6.4 Negative Physical Expressions

All that I really mean by ‘negative’ physical expressions is

backing off after a ‘positive’ physical expression. But you can
also play around with exaggerating it with the following:

162 | Physical Expressions

• Back-turn
• Playfully pushing her away
• Backing off and increasing the distance between you
• Playfully giving her the finger

6.5 Should You Make-Out With A Girl

In The Club

In short, I would recommend not to. I usually prefer to keep all

the sexual tension boiled up until I am back at my/her place.
The key idea with the physical expressions is to get her to
a place where she is thinking something along the lines of
– ‘Wow, I know this guy is clearly very confident and can be
physical, he’s shown glimpses of it. But why isn’t he being?!?!
Why isn’t he like all the other guys and trying to kiss me? Does
he not like me? I’m so confused. But it’s also so exciting’

As soon as you kiss her, a lot of the excitement, arousal and

unpredictability you’ve built up dies down.

Obviously take this with a grain of salt. I’m not saying NEVER to
kiss a girl in the nightclub. For instance, if you meet a girl with
extremely high buying temperature, and you’re looking to pull
quickly, it would be fine

Some people just prefer to solidify the sexuality of the

interaction in the club with a make-out before pulling

If you feel like it’s something you want to do, I recommend one
of the following:

1. Follow it up with a ‘push’

Physical Expressions | 163

A generic example – [pull away from the make-out] ‘Alright
that’s all you get for now, I barely know you..’

If you kissed her under some sort of premise, you can use that
as a role-play

[In phase 2 with a girl in isolation and talking about sports]

Her: Yeah I played soccer when I was younger…

You: Which position did you play?

Her: On the wing

You: Oh really? I played defense. So if we were playing against

each other, I’d be marking you. And it’d get really tight [Move
closer to her and place arms around her waist]

You: And then I’d do this [Lean in to make-out]

*Make-out for a few seconds, no longer. Then pull out of the kiss
first and take a step back*

You: And then…. I’d probably foul and injure you so you couldn’t
play anymore [physical and verbal ‘push’. Re-creates the sense
of tension]

If things are going ‘too’ smooth, often times it becomes boring

for the girl

2. Neck Kiss

This is my general go to. I almost never make-out with a girl

inside the club, however, I almost always kiss her neck.
Obviously this requires a fair bit of compliance, but it’s a very
effective way to ‘solidify’ the sexuality without giving
everything a way. Kissing her neck is actually far more sexually
arousing for the girl than a make-out AND it doesn’t relieve the
tension like a make-out

164 | Physical Expressions

My standard transition to this goes along the lines of;

[After she’s invested, close the proximity to gauge her comfort/

compliance levels]

You: Do you wanna hear a secret?

Her: Sure

You: Alright [Get closer to her as if you’re going to whisper in

her ear. If she tenses up, back off. If she’s comfortable, proceed]

-> Brush her hair out of the way and lightly kiss her neck.

6.6 Logistical Leading

This is fairly standard ‘pickup’ knowledge so I’m not going to

spend much time on it, as all the information regarding this is
available online for free and has been repeated thousands of

It is essential that throughout the interaction, as you’re leading

emotionally and using physical expressions, that you also lead
her around logistically throughout the club. I don’t mean ‘baby-
stepping’ her out of the club. I just mean creating some
physical compliance momentum by bouncing around to
various places around the club. There’s no set rule for this, but
I typically bounce a girl around three different areas in the
nightclub – one for each phase. If you stay in one physical
location throughout the entire duration of the interaction, she
is unlikely to comply to leaving the club with you at the end
of the night. You need to get her in the habit of following you

In addition to creating physical compliance momentum, it also

has a couple of other advantages

Physical Expressions | 165

1. Fast-tracks the investment process – Being in various
different environments and experiencing different things
makes her feel as if she’s known you for longer than she
actually has
2. Re-ignites the interaction – Moving to a different
environment, with a different vibe, oftentimes has the
effect of re-igniting an interaction after it may have fallen a
little bit flat. If you feel like you’re running out of ideas and
things to say, try bouncing her to another location
(assuming you have the required compliance)

166 | Physical Expressions

7. Sexual Expressions

7.1 Investment Without Sexuality =


Let me set the record straight before we continue here;

Investment without sexuality = Friendzone

And although a sexual, ‘man-to-woman’ frame is conveyed

primarily through your subcommunications and physical
expressions – sexual expression enhance that frame greatly by
making it more explicit. If you find that girls are investing but
they don’t seem to be ‘compliant’, it’s usually because you are
lacking sexuality.

The idea is not to be her emotional tampon, who she

offhandedly uses to pile her emotional issues on. Rather, you
want to be the guy she feels incredibly invested in, who’s
opinion and presence she values, whilst simultaneously turned
on by his masculinity, sexuality and unpredictability.

You certainly can run extremely solid ‘textbook’ type of

interactions following the entire structure outlined earlier, not
saying a single ‘sexual’ thing and just relying on your
subcommunications and physicality to do the work, and I have
done so many times. However, once you begin incorporating
sexual expressions, you will find that the girls will become both
more aroused and invested

Sexual Expressions | 167

7.2 Calibration

The first caveat here, and observant readers would have already
picked this up by now, is having the awareness to understand
that any time you use a ‘sexual expression’ you are imposing a
sexually explicit frame onto the interaction. And in order for the
girl to accept that frame, some level of compliance is required.
As opposed to other expressions like disqualifiers where you
can use them at will throughout the interaction. For example, if
you were to say something like ‘If it weren’t for all these people
around us now…. I’d rip your clothes off and do incredibly
naughty things to you’, there are 3 potential outcomes, as just
there would be with physical expressions. This is referred to as
the ‘traffic light’ analogy

In this case, she could give you a:

1. Green-light: This is any response which indicates that she

is compliant to the explicit sexual frame set – ‘hmm… keep
going’ or ‘well… I guess we’ll have to have to wait until all
these people are gone’ or in the case of less sexually
experienced girls just nodding, smiling or touching you
2. Orange light: This is more of a neutral response, meaning
that the girl will neither directly accept or reject the frame.
The most common neutral response would be when she
just ignores or glosses over what you said. This is her
indirectly rejecting the frame, and it means you have a
solid level of compliance, however it’s not high enough to
accept such an overt sexual frame – which essentially
implies that sex will happen soon. The best way to deal
with these is by following it up with some sort of
disqualifier (i.e punishing the ‘non-compliance) – ‘Too bad
I’m not looking to meet anyone right now’.
3. Red Light: This is when the girl outright rejects the sexual
frame you set, usually by testing you. ‘Umm… that’s weird’

168 | Sexual Expressions

or ‘That’s so rude! You don’t know how to speak to girls!’
Anything along those lines. These are a little trickier to
deal with, as if you were to just move on without dealing
with them, you are now accepting the frame that she’s
imposing – i.e that it’s weird to be sexual and there is no
sexual undertone to the interaction. As you can imagine,
once you accept that frame, it’s almost impossible to go
anywhere from there. Again, you must deflect/side-step
this frame she’s trying to set either by misinterpreting/re-
framing or ‘push’ such as a disqualifier/takeaway.

Just as how ‘investment hoops’ range from level one to three,

with each level requiring more compliance to jump through,
‘sexual expressions’ also range from various levels, with each
one requiring more compliance to be accepted by the girl

7.3 Sexual Expressions

Level 1:

• Shit you seem like a lot of fun, it’s kind of cool

• Relevant physical compliments -> mascara on point, sexy
neck, way she speaks
• Your laugh is kinda cute
• I like the way you do XYZ
• I’ll take you on a romantic date….. To Mcdonalds.

Level 2:

• What are you doing on valentines day 2023

• You’re adorable, where are you taking me on our
• You’re gonna make some man very happy/depressed one

Sexual Expressions | 169


You: How long are you staying here?

Her: A month

You: So our romance has to be really short. Short, but intense.

The type where you’ll be having dreams about me for years to

Her: Yeah so I went to the beach on the weekend

You: Okay, really important question….. what color bikini did you

Level 3:

• I don’t know why I like you, you’re usually not my type

• Stop looking at my lips, I’m a shy boy
• Why are you doing this to me? I’m just a nice boy trying to
have a platonic conversation and you’re such a player,
trying to seduce me with your hypnotic eye contact and
voluptuous ass, my mom warned me about girls like you
• Misinterpretation as described in Chapter 4
• On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a shy, prude virgin and 10
being fifty shades of grey, where are you on the scale’
• Do you look better in red lingerie or black…..Lingerie
• *Talking about babies/children* -> “I can put a kid in here
tonight if you want” Tap her stomach
• ‘I can be your new English teacher….. Under one condition:
You have to wear really sexy lingerie to the lesson
• Best place in the city?…. My house
• ‘Do you have a tattoo’ -> Yeah [look down at your dick], I’ll
show you later. When we’re in private

Level 4:

170 | Sexual Expressions

• I’m on my period, we’re not having sex tonight
• If there weren’t all these people here I’d rip your clothes
straight off and do super naughty things to you
• Stop staring at me like that, I won’t be able to control
• Would you still like me if I told you I was a fuckboy
• We have such strong chemistry…. But dating me is a bad
idea. You’d fall in love with me and I’d end up fucking your
best friend and breaking your heart
• Dirty talking

*Notice how some of these have a ‘push’ element

incorporated. They are a lot easier to get away with when
that’s the case*

The biggest pitfall guys tend to make when it comes to sexual

expressions is over-application. Remember, they are simply a
tool that help solidify and accentuate what should already be
an existing sexual frame. Having a tonne of dirty talk and sexual
innuendos in your interactions is not what’s going to get you
laid. On the contrary, it will most likely have the opposite effect
– making things too predictable and killing the tension. 2-3 of
these spread throughout a 90 minute interaction is enough.
Once the girl has accepted a sexual frame, it’s set, and you
should be focusing primarily on investment

Sexual Expressions | 171

8. Endgame: Pulling

8.1 Why Pulling Should Be The

Simplest And Easiest Part Of Your

Pulling should be the easiest part of your interactions. Given

that you have elicited the required amount of investment, your
pulls should be very straightforward. To the point of literally
just inviting the girl over, and her wanting to come because
she is so invested. No games, and no tricks. Keep in mind that
executing this investment-based process is a prerequisite for
these ‘simple’ pulls. If you find that your interactions are falling
apart during the pulling phase, the answer is not ‘objection
handling’ or some other technique, but rather looking back
at your interaction and analyzing how you could have elicited
higher levels of investment

At this point of my ‘pick-up career’, I literally haven’t got the

slightest clue regarding the girl’s logistics up until about 10
minutes before I leave with her. It’s just not a variable that
affects whether or not I’ll be going home with the girl. The
reason being is that investment trumps everything and I am
so proficient at eliciting it. She could be there with her entire
family, her aggressive ex-boyfriend, live a 3 hour drive away
from the club, and flying out to another country at 6 am that
same morning. It makes no difference, if you have high levels of
investment. I have encountered all these variable, many more,
as well as any combination of them. None of it has ever been
a hindrance when I executed the process properly. This is
completely contradictory to well-established pickup norms,

172 | Endgame: Pulling

primarily because there are so few guys who are able to pull it

However, with that being said, it’s just not humanly possible
run a textbook perfect interaction every single night out. As
you improve, you’ll get closer and closer to it, but there will be
nights where you won’t be able to get a girl begging to come
home with you (shocking, I know). However, that doesn’t mean
you can’t get results every night you go out.

In this chapter, I will be running you through my strategy and

tactics that ensures I never leave the club empty handed. There
are only 4 types of situations in which you need any sort of
‘pulling techniques’ outside of ‘let’s get out of here’, to make it
happen. In all those 4 situations, you simply don’t have a high
enough level of compliance/investment.

8.2 Contingencies

Those 4 situations being:

1. Sub-Optimal Game: Despite optimal conditions, you did

not run the set optimally. You simply did not follow the
investment building process. Pretty straightforward and
it’s the reason ‘pulling’ is such a heavily discussed topic in
the community – most guys, even the ‘advanced’ ones,
have sub-optimal game. However, given the fact that
some of them do manage to use various ‘pulling’
techniques to compensate for this and successfully pull at
a high rate, it could be incumbent upon me not to discuss
those techniques. Because let’s face it, when you first
begin implementing this type of game, it’s not going to
click overnight. It will take time. And you will inevitably be
running less than perfect interactions as you practice. It

Endgame: Pulling | 173

should still nonetheless be your goal to pull, even if you
don’t have exceptionally high-level of compliance. There
are ways to work around it
2. Time-Limit: You didn’t have enough time to build the
required level of compliance – either the girl has plans to
leave at a particular time or you met her towards the end
of the night, where there was a time constraint placed on
you naturally
3. The Dime-Piece Dilemma: Despite what you may have
been told, your best shot at pulling a stunner is not
‘gaming her as if she was just a regular girl’. The fact of the
matter is that there exist a certain subset of exceptionally
attractive girls have a drastically different reality than an
average girl. This is indisputable. Compared to an average
girl, these dimes live on a different planet, such is the
difference between their subjective realities. To that point,
most of these legitimate dimes literally have an endless
stream of access to high value guys – I’m talking
celebrities, athletes, etc. I’m not going to go too much into
depth here, because this isn’t a book about pulling dimes
specifically, however there is a chapter at the end
dedicated to frames battles which provides a fairly
detailed guide on how to deal with them. What you do
need to know is that, because they essentially exist in a
drastically different subjective reality, it is predictably far
more difficult to elicit investment from a dime than a
regular girl. Hence oftentimes, even if you spend a couple
of hours with her at the club, you may still not be able to
generate the required amount of investment, and you’ll
have to work around the relatively lower levels of
4. She is emotionally invested in somebody else: Basically
meaning that she has a boyfriend who she has a very
close bond to. Or a man in her life that she is in love with.
The sure-tell signs that you’re wasting your time are those

174 | Endgame: Pulling

girls who are incredibly flirtatious, enjoy your spikes, but
simply don’t invest when you throw them a hoop and ask
for a little bit of investment back. The reason they are so
open to flirting is that they really have nothing to lose and
nothing to gain. It’s just a fun little arousing game for
them. But they’ll never actually invest in you. My advice
regarding girls with boyfriends is to MOVE on. 95% of
them will be time-wasters, no matter how well she
responds to your ‘teases’

8.3 Her Level Of Compliance Will

Dictate Your Game-Plan

Disclaimer: If at any point you hear ‘No’ or the girl becomes

visibly uncomfortable or agitated, BACK OFF. The last thing
you want to do is ‘trick’ or manipulate the girl and create
a ‘win-lose’ scenario. The only times you should be
implementing these tactics are when you find yourself in
situations where the girl is clearly very interested in you and
wants to come home with you but is feeling constricted by
social pressures. I will provide a very comprehensive,
overarching guide to pulling, however, examples of certain
principles in action (such as objection handling and lowering
the compliance threshold) will be reserved for the
mastermind where there is more room to provide a delicate
explanation with attention to nuance – so that they are not
misinterpreted, and misapplied.

So now we understand that there will be times where absurdly

high levels of compliance are not guaranteed – what’s the
game-plan then? Well, you have a few options from hereon out
– the correct one will be dictated by her level of compliance

Endgame: Pulling | 175

when it comes to pull-time. We’ll be examining 2 different
category of cases

• She has a moderate-high level of compliance but not

enough to simply ‘leave’ with you: Screen early, seed,
objection handle
• She has a moderate level of compliance (not enough to
come home with you): Lower the compliance threshold
and play for a solid day2

You may encounter each of those scenarios for any of the

reasons stated above – maybe your investment building left
something to be desired, perhaps you simply didn’t have
enough time and the club is closing now anyway, or she
happens to be a 10 with a huge sense of entitlement and not
opening up as much as you’d like her to (or for any other

It’s always best to be prepared for such a situation to come up,

so there are a few habits you should be looking to ingrain into
your pickups that will set you up for access should it comes to
this – and will be essential in all 3 of the above cases

8.4 Screening For Logistics

There are 3 key pieces of information that you need to collect

regarding logistics that will inform your game-plan

1. Her Living Situation

This is the most important one. You need an understanding of

where she lives/is staying tonight in relation to the club. Is it
close? Is it far? Does she have house-mates/room-mates? It’s
not uncommon (depending on which area of the world you live

176 | Endgame: Pulling

in) for the girl to have actual roommates (as in, they literally
share a room). It’s not ideal to end up in a situation where you
end up back at her place, in the middle of nowhere, only to
realize she’s sharing a room with somebody

• ‘Which area are you from?’

• ‘Do you live by yourself or do you have house-mates?’

2. Who She Is Here With, And What Is Her Relationship To


When I said her living situation is the most important one, I

was lying. This is equally as important. Typically, if you have high
levels of investment, the friends are not a concern – you girl will
usually tell them that she likes you and they will not be looking
to interfere. However, when trying to pull ‘low/moderate-
investment’ girls or pulling only through buying temperature,
the friends can become problematic. You need to figure out
who she is there with, how many of them are there, and what
their relationship dynamic is like

Obviously, the bigger the group, the more complicated things

become. You need to be screening for the relationship
between her and the people she is there with. The closer she
is with those people, the more influenced she will be by their
input. For example, if she’s there with her sister or best friend,
she might be less likely to leave with you. If on the other hand,
she’s just there with some friends of friends, or acquaintances,
she would probably not be too inclined to listen to their input

3. Her plans for the night/next morning

Some girls go out with the intention of partying until sunrise,

others would like to be tucked in bed by 12:30am. Obviously
depending on the girl’s plans for the night, some will be easier
to pull than others. It’s not that hard getting a girl to stay

Endgame: Pulling | 177

out later than she intended, rather the main concern we are
dealing with is the possibility of her having some sort of
commitment or obligation early the next day that would
absolutely require her to leave early.

It’s key not to go blasting her with these logistical questions

one after the other like she’s on trial. They should be seamlessly
integrated into a VARIED interaction. If you want to be really
fancy, you can add some disqualifiers and teases in there

‘My mum warned me about West LA girls…’ Replace with

whatever part of the city/town you think she could be from.
Combining a cold read with a disqualifier – pretty devious.
She’ll either be super impressed you were able to figure out
where she’s from (this also has an inadvertent social proof
implication – the girl’s first thought is usually ‘wow, he’s
definitely dealt with girls like me before’) or she’ll simply correct
you about where she is actually from, without you having to ask

‘God, you’re so spoiled. I bet daddy is covering your rent for an

entire apartment’

Usually she’ll begin qualifying, saying how she pays for her own
things, and actually lives with a couple of other people – or
whatever her logistical case may be

8.5 Dealing With Moderate-High

Compliance Girls

So given that you have screened for logistics earlier on in the

interaction, let’s examine each of those 3 situations in more
detail and how to actually deal with them. Starting with when
the girl has a moderate-high level of compliance but not
enough to simply ‘leave’ with you

178 | Endgame: Pulling

The process is as follows -> Screen early throughout the set,
seed the pull, pull the trigger, handle the objections

This would be our best scenario after our ideal. It’s quite clearly
‘on’ (she’s comfortable being physical with you, is enjoying your
company, etc..), just not enough for you to go back to yours
without any complications. Nonetheless, she has been
compliant to various things throughout the interaction like
making out, bouncing around the club with you and
introducing you to her friends. Usually the issue here is that her
‘hindbrain’ is screaming out for her to leave with you, but it’s
being overpowered by her ‘forebrain’ – you know, that one that
tells her that going back home with a guy makes her a slut.
Here’s how you should be looking to deal with the situation

1. Seeding The Pull:

Seeing the pull refers to the concept of planting ideas of future

fun activities you could do together outside of the nightclub.
For example:

‘I’d love to show you my favorite place in Vegas, I bet you’d go

crazy over it’

‘Do you like wine? We be totally grab a drink together later’

‘What are you doing after this? I’m going to an after-party’

Fairly simple, fairly straight-forward and nothing

groundbreaking. I have also found that it works a lot better
when mixing it up with some rewards/qualifications

For example

‘Oh damn… okay you actually seem cool. You should definitely
join us for the after-party later’

Endgame: Pulling | 179

‘I love your taste in music! Everyone listens to the same basic
shit nowadays. You definitely have to show me some of those
songs later’

Remember, only reward in this way after she has invested/

jumped through your hoop in some way, not just out of the
blue. The idea with seeding is not to get her to necessarily
agree to the idea right there and then. Rather, you want to drop
the potential of the idea, and move on. You can intermittently
come back and expand on them throughout the interaction.
You’re not actually asking for compliance her, but setting up
her forebrain for ‘plausible deniability’ later on – so when you
do actually for for it, it’s much easier to justify (both you to her,
and her to her forebrain)

Here’s a list of 5 activities you can seed with:

• Drinks
• Food
• Smoking
• After-party
• Quiet Place: ‘I’d love to just chill and get to know you
better in a quiet place. It’s so loud and chaotic here’ (my

2. Pulling The Trigger

Since we don’t have quite enough compliance in this case to

simply say ‘let’s go back to mine and fuck each other’s brains
out’, when pulling the trigger in this case, your should aim to
be a little more vague and indirect. The reason being is that this
usually requires less compliance for her to follow through with.

Here are some tried and tested lines that will maximize the
chances of the girl complying:

180 | Endgame: Pulling

“How would you feel about going somewhere quiet to chill so
that we can get to know each other properly? And whenever
you feel like it, we can come straight back”

“I really enjoy hanging out with you – I have some awesome

goldfish back at mine. Do you wanna come meet them?” (it’s
supposed to be ridiculous)

“You know what. The drink prices are ridiculous here. I was
gonna go back and have some at mine. Do you wanna come
with? If it sucks, we’ll come straight back”

“How would you feel about coming back to hang out with me
for a little bit?”

You:”You seem cool. I wanna take you on a grandiose, fairy tale

adventure…. but you have to promise one thing”

Her: Okay, what?

You: You have to continue being as adventurous and

spontaneous as you are now

You: I feeling pretty hungry. I was gonna go grab a bite to eat,

and I’m inclined to invite you along – but only if you continue to
be as interesting as you are

3. Objection Handling

This part is far more important than any of the lines of used
to frame the seed or pull. Regardless of whatever excuse you
provide her with, she’s probably going to drop at least an
objection or two when you pull the trigger. This is more for her
own sake than for any other reason – she doesn’t want to feel

Endgame: Pulling | 181

‘easy’. And more importantly, she doesn’t want you thinking
that she’s ‘easy’.

Each time you experience some sort of objection when trying

to pull, you should write it down immediately when you get
home and come up with 3 different ways of dealing with it so
that you have several scripted answers next time it comes up

Before we jump into it, let’s first take a dive into the psychology
of influence.

Our objection handling techniques stem from Cialdini’s work –

particularly his book ‘Influence: The psychology of persuasion.’
If you haven’t read it, please do so. The book has almost single-
handedly provided a blueprint for marketers and salespeople
all over the world to achieve unbelievable levels of success.
The fact that multi-billion dollar companies employ the same
techniques, and to great effect too might I add, is a testament
to the degree of their effectiveness. I have, along with many
other people, have used these to be able to pull girls within a
ridiculously short time-frame.

8.6 The 3 Psychological Triggers To

Help You Close The Deal Every Night

1. Commitment And Consistency Bias

This one isn’t so much of an ‘objection handling’ mechanism,

as much as it is an objection ‘pre-empting’ mechanism,.

We as humans tend to go to great lengths in order to appear

consistent with our words and actions, once we have
committed to them (consistency is a socially attractive trait).

182 | Endgame: Pulling

Studies found that when people are asked if they would vote
actually led to an increased likelihood to follow-through. This is
why it is recommended to write down/verbally state our goals,
as we then stand a much greater chance of sticking to them.

To further highlight his point, Cialdini points to the following

example – Households were called and asked to predict what
they would do if they were asked to volunteer for three hours
to collect for charity. Three days later, they were recalled and
asked to collect for charity. This led to an increase in the
numbers of volunteers by 700%.

In the context of pickup and objection handling, you could

pre-empt the pull with something along the lines of ‘Are you
adventurous?’ I’d love to take you out to my favorite spot, but
only if you promise to be as adventurous as you are now’

By agreeing to the ‘adventurous’ frame you set on her, she’s

then much more likely to follow through with her actions and
comply to coming with you to wherever you suggest. I would
also point out that this practice isn’t best used just before
pulling the trigger (although that would be better than not
using it at all). Rather, in order to reap the full benefits of
commitment and consistency bias, you’d want to be
introducing this frame much earlier on in the interaction and
getting her to commit to be an ‘adventurous girl’

You could achieve this either by eliciting investment regarding

adventurous things she’s done (and explicitly rewarding her for
it) or through story-telling

Agreeing to small requests may appear inconsequential in the

beginning, however, after making a choice or taking a stand,
personal and interpersonal pressures force us to behave
consistently with it.

Endgame: Pulling | 183

2. Scarcity

We as humans are far more motivated to act if we think we

are going to lose something, than if we are to gain something.
‘Save $50 a month on…’ would not be as effective as ‘You are
losing $50 a month on…’. An item that is scarce is more
desirable than one that is freely available.

The high pressure environment, like an auction can lead an

item being sold for an elevated price as the buyers fear losing
out to another person.

Reflecting this concept in an pickup ‘objective-handling’

framework, there are 2 ways in which this can be applied

1. The first, and less risky approach, is simply by framing the

opportunity of the of whatever activity you’re suggesting
as scarce and a one-time deal. For example if you were to
pull to an after-party – ‘Look it’s not far from here, but if we
don’t leave right now, it’s gonna be too late’. This fuels
urgency too – there is an ‘expiry’ date to this offer
2. The second, and riskier approach, is an aggressive
‘takeaway’, where instead of framing the activity you were
suggesting as scarce, you are now framing yourself as
scarce. Essentially providing the girl with an ultimatum
whereas if you chooses to come along, you guys can
continue what you have going, but if she chooses not to,
you are going to leave without her and this is where it

3. The ‘Money Back Guarantee’

So this one isn’t taken from Cialdini’s book, however you only
need look around you the last time you purchased something.

184 | Endgame: Pulling

Think of last time you came across any sort of sales offer –
perhaps some online course. Usually despite all the selling,
convincing and persuading done, there is still some level of
hesitancy on the side of the consumer. Maybe they have some
reservation about whether the product will live up to its

The most effective way to push the potential customer off the
fence?…. Make them feel like they literally have nothing lose.
How? By offering them a no questions asked, money back

The mistake most guys make when trying to pull is ‘over-

selling’ the pull – ‘Oh my god! I have to show you this amazing
after party – Calvin Harris is gonna be DJing, it’s gonna be
incredible!’ This is a mistake. Emotionally, if you’re at this point,
she’s already sold. It’s her logical reservations that you have to
ease. You have to make her feel like she has absolutely nothing
to lose by coming with you – because you guys can always
come straight back whenever she wants to.

*Full Length transcripts demonstrating all these techniques in

action, as well as some of the most common objections and
how to deal with them will provided in the mastermind

8.7 Lowering The Compliance

Threshold And Playing For A Solid

In various pursuits of success, it’s oftentimes the least

glamorous and most tedious actions that are fundamental to
ultimately achieving long-term success. Think of that quite
walk to the gym at 6 am when everyone is still asleep. Not
glamorous… but fucking necessary if you’re going to hit your

Endgame: Pulling | 185

physique goals. In this section, I’m going to lay out some less
flashy ideas that are absolutely fundamental if you want to
reach a high level of cold approach skill. I’d advise you to treat
this section as seriously, if not more, than the others

Pulling moderate compliance level girls.

Not closing. Not sleeping with. Not having a one-night stand

with. Just pulling.

Let me explain

Unless you are already slaying, the most common scenario that
you will tend of encounter at this beginning/intermediate
stage of your journey, are girls that, for whatever reason (usually
because of your sub-optimal game), will only provide you with
a moderate level of compliance. Meaning that they like you,
they enjoy getting to know you, but they are absolutely not
going to ditch their friends to come home with you. The
investment simply isn’t there, no matter how good your
objection handling is. It’s of absolutely crucial importance for
your own growth, as well as for your results, that you don’t let
these interactions go to waste and actually make something
out of them

There’s this idea in the pickup community that you should

‘always go for sex on the first night’. After all, girls love sex so
why wouldn’t you? Like all the other accepted ‘teachings’, this
concept suffers from ‘black and white syndrome’. It’s an over
simplistic view of things. In pickup, just like in life, there are grey
areas and nuances. In the case of moderate compliance girls,
you should mainly be running an interaction with the intention
of getting a really solid phone number and ‘playing for the

I’ll get into this point by challenging you with a question;

186 | Endgame: Pulling

Out of 30 numbers you get in a nightclub, how many of them
actually end up meeting you for a date?

Be honest

I’m guessing 0-1. Or some other terrible ratio. Worry not, this is
the case with just about every other guy. Getting numbers at a
nightclub is, by most accounts, a useless endeavor (you can try
seeding the date all you want, it’s not going to help). Even if the
interaction seemed to go amazing or she even if she investing
her ass off for 20 minutes, phone numbers in a nightclub mean
absolutely nothing.

So just ‘grabbing a number’ and moving onto another set is not

the answer

Think outside the box a little here. Literally

As you already know, pulling is all about compliance. And

pulling a girl back to your place requires a significant amount
of it. What we have yet to mention, however, is that in between
the club and your place, there are plenty of pit stops which
require far less compliance. In order of highest-to-lowest
compliance required, those would be

• Her bedroom
• Her place
• Her front door
• A late night restaurant
• Her uber/taxi/bus
• Outside the front door of the club

When dealing with moderate compliance girls, you should be

lowering the compliance threshold and ‘baby-stepping’ the
interaction as far as you can. As a by-product, this will create a
scenario in which you either get a really solid number, or even

Endgame: Pulling | 187

create the potential for sex to happen that night (much less

A phone number that you get INSIDE the club will mean
nothing. However, the further you progress the interaction
beyond the nightclub, the more solid that number becomes
– and at an exponential rate too. For example, suppose you
had an fairly solid 20 minute interaction with a girl and were
about half-way through phase 2 investment – and for whatever
reason her and her group decided to leave the club

Even if you ran the interaction flawlessly up to that point, if you

were to just get her number then and move onto the next set
– I’d estimate the chances of the number being solid are about
20%. Unless you have insane texting skills, that’s pretty much a
lost lead

If however, you simply walked with her outside of the club and
said goodbye to her there, that number goes from 20% to 50%.
Still not great, but at least you’re in with a shot now

If you took it one step further, and walked her to her uber/taxi,
that would jump to 60%. A little better

If you took her for food, it would jump to 70%. Solid now

If you managed to driver/uber/walk her home, you’re at 85%.

Unless something catastrophic happens, she’s going to meet
you for a date. And it’s yours to lose from there

If you managed to baby-step/pull all the way back into her

house, I would bet my left testicle that the number would be
solid…. Under one condition

You don’t cross the point of no return

You see, it’s fairly tempting once you’re at her place to just try

188 | Endgame: Pulling

and escalate towards sex, and doing so can actually destroy
your chances with that girl. But I’ll return to this point soon.

First, let’s try to actually understand why pushing the

interaction outside of the club makes it so much more solid.
After all… isn’t compliance proportional to investment? So if
you were to build a decent amount of investment in the club
shouldn’t that be enough to get a solid number?

Not exactly. There are two reasons as to why a number

becomes increasingly solid as you take the interaction further
beyond the nightclub, those being

1. The club is an artificial environment and any investment

generated there is less powerful than investment
generated in the real world: A nightclub, in its rawest form,
is an incredibly chaotic and artificial environment. The
stimulus is crazy, emotions are through the roof, and many
times, even if you do have that ‘solid’ interaction, it tends
to get blurred out and over-ridden among all that noise.
You could have a solid interaction, get a number and leave
the girl – only for her to have an even more meaningful
interaction with the next guy. Although you ran a decent
interaction – odds are she doesn’t value it nearly as much
as you do. She’s in there getting approached by cool guys
all night – it’s not a big deal for her. Or you could have a
solid interaction, only for some bullshit drama to occur
between her and her friends that changes the entire
emotional frequency of the night to a negative one – and
now she associates that with you as well. Or about a
million different things outside of your control. As soon as
you take that first step outside of the club with her, all of
the intense emotions subside, everything that happened
inside is blurred out, and you are the one constant that
remains. All of her focus is exclusively on you now. And any
form of investment (even just hanging out for a little bit)

Endgame: Pulling | 189

elicited outside of the club, is now going to be 10x more
powerful than anything generated inside. Leaving the club
together grounds the interaction in reality and allows her
to accept you a real person in her life, as opposed to ‘the
club guy’. This is the exact reason why you can consistently
run 5 minute interactions during the daytime and get an
endless stream of dates, but any 5 minute interaction/
phone number at a nightclub will yield you nothing.
2. It is the most powerful form of qualification: As we know,
attractive girls get approached endlessly – and believe it or
not, a good portion of those guys approaching are
attractive. Some due to their physical features, some due
to the way they carry themselves, others because of the
emotions and charisma they bring to the able. Sometimes
a guy may possess all three. But as you should already
know by now, she doesn’t necessarily sleep with the most
attractive guy. She sleeps with the guy she is most
invested in and feels most connected to. If you can make
her feel special without coming across as needy, that’s
very powerful. Walking her out of the club, with no
pretense of sex, is the THE most powerful form of
qualification/reward. Actions speak far louder than words.
When you are taking the time out of your night, cutting it
short, eliminating the potential of meeting other girls, you
make her feel really, really special. I guarantee that she has
never experienced another guy doing that. You are
essentially communicating to her that ‘you are number
one and I choose to spend my time with you’

How To Actually Baby-Step To Hers And Lower The Compliance


This is, along with objection handling, is quite a sensitive

subject that requires delicate care. And I want to be selective
with the words I use and the explanation I provide, so that it will
not be misused to ‘manipulate’ or create any sort of ‘win-lose’

190 | Endgame: Pulling

scenario. As such, I will leave the details of the explanation to
the mastermind

8.8 Why This Is More Powerful Than

Any Technique I could Teach You

In order to really drive home this point, I’d like to share with
you a personal anecdote from my early stages in game. I was
out on a Wednesday night, experiencing what I would say is
a fairly average night. At about midnight, however, sometime

As I was begrudgingly trying to prolong an interaction with a

girl that I wasn’t really into, from the corner of my eye I spot a
stunning, elegant brunette. She was so hot that she made the
other attractive girls standing around her look unappealing.

I’m a simple man. I see genuine beauty and it sparks a fucking

fire within me. So this really woke me the hell up. So I step to
her, just as well as I possibly could have. She’s very receptive
and it’s very ‘on’ – close proximity, Bambi eyes, etc… Turns out
she is Spanish.

After about 10 minutes, her friend wants to bounce outside for

a cigarette and she invites me with them. Obviously, I follow
along. At this point in my mind, I’m thinking to myself ‘I got
this.’ All the ‘indicators of interests’ are there

Then, out of absolutely nowhere, some guy barges in on the

interaction. Extremely slick and smooth open. He opens me
and introduces himself, then turns to the girl and asks her in
Spanish ‘Do you speak Spanish?’ Of course, she gets excited to
meet another Spanish speaking person on a night out – there’s

Endgame: Pulling | 191

an immediate sense of familiarity there. This guy was a natural
if I’ve ever seen one.

Anyways, I’ve been in this situation a tonne of times before,

and I was pretty confident I could handle it. I stay relaxed and
non-reactive for the first minute or so. The plan is to spike the
girl’s emotions, get her reactive to me, and then get the guy
jumping through a couple of my hoops. I spike the girl and get
her attention back on me then throw a hoop at the guy. But
he can see exactly what I’m trying to do. He brushes it off and
turns his attention back to the girl

This ignites a 30 minute along, epic Amog battle. He’d get her
attention, then I’d redirect it towards me, he’d get her jumping
through some hoops, then I’d do the same – until, and I’m not
ashamed to say, he won out. He was simply too charismatic
and socially intuitive for what I could deal with at the time.
Eventually he ends up bouncing her somewhere else, and I’m
left there ruminating on what could have been

Well…. Not exactly. I’m not done and dusted just yet. It’s
probably going to be another month before I come across a
girl this hot again. I’m not going to give up quite that easily.
Throughout the night, I make sure to keep my eye out for the
front door of the club, so that I can see who is leaving and
when. About 30 minutes after this ‘amog battle’, I see that this
same girl is leaving the club with her friends.

I spot my opportunity and I take it. I walk out at the same time.
Not ‘pulling’ her. I just ‘happened’ to be leaving at the same
time. As I do so, I re-engage her. I quickly screen for what her
plan is and how she plans on getting home. She’s with 3 other
friends at this point. They plan to get a taxi home.

‘Oh you know what… I’m actually driving and that’s on my way.
I can drop you guys off if you want’

192 | Endgame: Pulling

‘Oh really? Yeah that would be awesome!’

We proceed to walk towards my car, and in the meantime I

alternate between befriending the entire group and eliciting
more investment from my girl. I drop the friends home, and
end up in a one-on-one situation with my girl. We eventually
arrive at her place, and although I’m doing pretty well, I have
already screened and know that she lives with housemates.
However, instead of immediately dropping her straight off, we
end up talking for about another 15 minutes. By this point, any
last remnants of the other guy were fading from her memory.
Judging by her comfort levels, I decide that this is as after as
I’m going to go. I get the number and make my way home

Two days later, we meet up for a drink, followed by some

monkey business and ‘a gentleman never remembers’.

Funny how that worked out. The natural out-gamed me in the

club, thinking he probably got a super solid number. But his
lack of follow up meant that while he may have won the battle,
he lost the war.

8.9 The Point Of No Return

After having read that story, you may be thinking – ‘well, you
were already outsider her place…. Why settle for the number?
Why no just try to get in her place and try and escalate towards
sex? Or even escalate in the car’

When you ‘pull’ by baby-stepping in this sort of way, you have

to understand that the context is completely different. Yes, you
were able to get her from location A to B, but you did it by
framing it with completely non-sexual pretenses (i.e drive/
walk/uber her home). It’s likely that even once you arrive at
hers (or wherever else), her levels of emotional arousal and

Endgame: Pulling | 193

investment are still not at a place where she feels compelled to
sleep with you (although sometime it is)

As you become increasingly proficient, you will be able to

fill in that required investment/arousal as you are baby-
stepping, but initially this will probably not be the case

So if you were to escalate, it’s likely you would get rebuffed

– and this puts you in the ‘point of no return’ territory. The
point of no return is when you pull that final trigger towards
escalating to sex. Once you do so, you now give away your
‘entire hand,’ so to speak. All the prizing frames, disqualifiers,
investment hoops, etc.. that you used throughout the
interaction to flip the scrip, get her chasing and build arousal
and investment – you are now cashing in. And if you escalated
to that point when she wasn’t ready, and get rebuffed, all that
hard work you put in goes to waste. When you proceed to
message her the next day, all she will be thinking is ‘oh, this guy
just wants to sleep with me.’ It is now as predictable as it gets
for her. And you will get flaked on

And even if by some sort of black sorcery, you did manage to

get her to meet you for a date, the whole frame is now the
typical ‘guy chasing girl’. The dynamic is set out such that she
has full control – and it’s going to be infinitely more difficult to
get her to move things towards sex now

194 | Endgame: Pulling

9. Strategy: How To
Run Your Nights Out

9.1 Strategy Vs. Tactics

Now that we’ve covered all of our bases when it comes to the
‘tactical’ side of things, let’s take a look at ‘strategy’. In the
traditional sense, strategy is seen as the overarching game plan
to achieving your long-term goals. It is the pathway or bridge to
your goals. While tactics are the more concrete, smaller steps
that allow you to actually cross that bridge

Tactics are the way you run your interaction (i.e Compliance-
Investment Dynamic), and strategy is the way you run your
nights out as whole.

I’ve walked you through a step-by-step process that you should

be using as a guide to move your interactions along, but on
a more macro level, there is also an optimal way to run your
nights in order to maximize your chances of pulling

9.2 Strategy Overview

In brief, your strategy should resemble something like this –

use the first hour of your night to approach 5-10 different
groups. Stick with each group for about 10 minutes and during
that time screen the girls for logistics/boyfriend/likelihood of
hooking up that night. Voluntarily leave the set after those 10
minutes (even if it’s going well) to approach the next one. At

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights

Out | 195
the end of that hour, you should have a pretty good idea of the
situation of most of the groups – i.e where they live, how they
plan on getting home, if they plan on staying out to party late
etc…. This will allow to make an informed decision of which girl
you want to go for. When you make that decision, re-approach
and commit to the set

9.3 The Three Screens – Logistics,

Availability, And Sexual Openness

During this first hour, the 3 things you should specifically be

screening for are;

1. Availability (i.e single or boyfriend)

The ‘fools gold’ conundrum: Believe it or not, girls who are

‘taken’ are usually far more inclined to give you positive
reactions and flirt with you as opposed to girls who are single,
as counter-intuitive as that may seem. But just because they’ll
flirt with you, doesn’t mean they’ll actually sleep with you. The
reason they are more open and inclined to do that sort of
thing is because they have nothing to gain and nothing to lose.
They’re just at the club to have fun, there is nothing at stake
for them. At the end of the night, they are just going to go
back home to their boyfriend – but in the meantime, they’re
happy to take all the range emotions you can provide them
with. Whereas in general, single girls are likely to be less open
and flirty, and a little bit more shy, anxious and testy.

Let’s dispel this myth once and forever – most girls with
boyfriends do NOT cheat. Most girls are dating a guy because
they find him attractive and he brings massive value to their
lives – and they are already massively invested into him. There

196 | Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out

are the occasional girls who are unhappy with their
relationships, as their boyfriends can no longer fulfill their
needs (be that emotional, sexual, growth needs etc..), but they
are in the minority

Therefore, it’s not uncommon to see guys wasting their entire

nights with girls who are unavailable, just because they are
responding positively to them. Then the end of the night
arrives and instead of pulling, they get hit with ‘Ahhh… I actually
have a boyfriend’. Usually this is because they fail to screen and
make the assumption that since she’s flirting/engaging back,
she must be single and ‘keen’.

As a side note, let’s bust another myth: When girls say they
have a boyfriend they are NOT shit-testing you. They
legitimately have a boyfriend.

There are several ways to explicitly screen for a boyfriend, but

it’s the more subtle giveaways that should be raising alarm
bells in your mind. The most obvious case, is when the girl is
happy to flirt/banter with you, but as soon as you ask for a little
bit of investment in return (usually level 2 hoops), she deflects.
For example, say you have been spiking emotions for a while,
she seems somewhat into you, and then you throw her a small
level two hoop such as ‘do you have any brothers or sisters?’ or
‘what do you study?’

If she responds in a very investment-low way with a one or

two word answer, after she was so engaged with the emotional
spikes, you should be getting suspicious. At that point is when
you should be more explicit screening. As you should have
been able to piece together by now, straight-out asking ‘do
you have a boyfriend’ is probably about the worst way to go
about it. You’re revealing your entire hand, implying A LOT
of unearned interest, and sucking all the tension and
unpredictability out of the interaction. Instead you want to be
either more indirect or playful about it. For example:

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out | 197

• ‘Do guys ever ask you out on dates?’

This one should be asked with a slightly challenging tonality

and slight smirk. It should come across as a bit of a challenge
to bait her to qualify. Usually her answer will reveal whether
or not she is single. You’ll likely get ‘ahh no actually I’ve got a
boyfriend’ or ‘yeah all the time’ or ‘no, guys are lame. I haven’t
been on a date in a while’. From there it’s actually quite easy to
transition into a tease and tee it up for some investment. For

You: Do guys ever ask you out on dates?

Her: Yeah, all the time

You: Mmmm… that’s surprising. Not sure how they go about

putting up with you for longer than 5 minutes

Her: *Laughing/playfully hitting you*

You: What’s the worst/best date you’ve been on this year

Her: Blah blah blah *Investment*

Some other ones would be:

• Are you madly in love with anyone at the moment

• *Pointing to some unattractive guy in the crowd* I think
he’d make a perfect boyfriend for you

2. Logistics: Already covered in depth in the previous

chapter, please refer to it
3. Sexual openness

198 | Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out

Obviously, the more sexually open a girl is, the easier it will
be to take her come. Remember, compliance is proportional,
not equal, to investment. Given a similar level of investment,
girl A, who is more conservative and less experienced, will give
you less compliance than girl B, who is more sexually open
and experienced. This doesn’t mean you can’t pull girl A, it
just means it will require you to either build more investment
(which is the most optimal way) or untangle her web of socially
conditioned beliefs through storytelling (which is more
advanced and outside the scope of this book)

Screening for sexual openness is relatively simple – throw a

low-level sexual expression and gauge her reaction. If she was
into the conversation but is responding negatively to the sexual
expression, she is most likely a ‘comfort leaning’ girl, meaning
she is less sexually open. Conversely, there will be girls who are
comfortable with you using mid-high level sexual expressions
straight off the bat, or a couple of minutes into the approach.
These girls are far more likely to give you compliance

Another simple method of screening for sexual openness is

throwing them ‘sexual’ hoops, and engaging them in sexual
topics. Things like

• How many boyfriends have you had

• What type of guys are you usually into
• [Point to a couple making out] They’re totally gonna have
sex tonight

After screening for these 3 things, and getting a sense of

whether or not you may have chemistry with this girl, you
should be voluntarily leaving the interaction. The reason being
is that you don’t want to be putting all your eggs in one basket
straight from the start. You need gather more information
before making a more informed decision. Do the same thing
with the other girls. Flat out eliminate the ones who are taken,

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out | 199

which will usually be at least half. If you approached 10, you
are now left with 5 options. Obviously the better her logistical
situation, and the more sexually inclined she tends to be, the
higher your chances are of making it happen. However, there
will always be a trade-off regarding quality and logistics/sexual
openness. Usually the girl you really WANT, will not have perfect
logistics nor is she going to be the easiest girl in the girl. So as
you’re starting out, it’s really up to you to make a decision of
which girl you’d like to go for given these variables.

9.4 Making A Decision And


Once you’ve made a decision, it’s crucial that you commit and
see it through. The reason 99% of the people in the community
leave empty handed most nights is because they spread
themselves too thin, approach too many girls, and ending up
not spending enough time with any single one of them to build
the required level of compliance

Many guys have misconceived notations that an interaction

should play out flawlessly – there should be no awkward
moments, no low points, no issues at all. And so as soon as they
encounter the slightest hint of of obstacle, instead of finding a
solution, they leave. Don’t revert to the trap of leaving set too
easily and going back to spam approaching until you find a girl
with ‘easy compliance’. This is both a losing strategy in the long
term (you won’t actually improve your game), and in the short-
term (9/10 times you won’t find a girl with ‘easy compliance’)

You shouldn’t be looking to get 20 phone numbers and pull 7

girls each night. Your only objective every single night out is
to commit to one girl and see it through to the very end and
leaving with her (whether that means pulling her or leaving the

200 | Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out

club as she is and lowering the compliance threshold to play for
a solid day2).

Evidently, this is a lot harder than it sounds. The primary issue

that tends to arise, it not the guy leaving set, but the other way
around. The girl who you ‘committed’ to may not necessarily
want to stick around with you for an hour or however long it
takes to run an interaction properly. She may want to go dance
with her friends, talk to other people, grab drinks at the bar

Eventually once you become proficient enough, your ability to

tune into exactly what a girl needs, exactly when she needs it,
will allow you to her engaged for long enough periods of time.
However, until then, we have to work around this

9.5 Sticking In Set

The most obvious solution is just to stick in set. She goes to the
dance-floor? Go with. She goes to grab a drink? Go with. She
wants to speak with her friends? Make it a group conversation.
Most guys get rattled and leave set at the slightest
inconvenience. Pickup is messy. Deal with it. In the beginning
this will be extremely uncomfortable to do, but you just have to
endure the social pressure until you build a tolerance towards

Disclaimer: If the girl actually asks you to leave, then leave.

A note on neediness: When guys try to ‘stick in set’ like this,

they usually find it extremely difficult. And oftentimes, it’s due
to the internal resistance they experience. They feel like they
are coming across as ‘needy.’ Let’s set the record straight.
Neediness is a mindset. Not a behavior. If you genuinely believe
you are the prize, and the best option for that girl, no behavior

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out | 201

you exhibit will come across as ‘needy’ – regardless of if it’s
traditionally perceived to be. There have been times where I
have literally physically followed girls from one side of the club
to the other and back (‘sticking in set’) and ended up pulling
them. Conversely, there are other guys, who don’t believe they
are entitled, using things like teases or takeaways (which are
literally designed to communicate non-neediness) and coming
across extremely needy.

9.6 Re-approaching

The other, and more subtle and important point that often gets
overlooked, is re-approaching. About 50% of my pulls come
from girls I have re-approached multiple times throughout the
night. It’s likely that at some point, for whatever reason, even if
you do persist by sticking in set, the girl will leave.

This is not the end of the interaction. If you think in this one-
dimensional capacity, you will get left behind, along with most
other guys in this community. Most times, unless she explicitly
states something like ‘go away, I don’t want to talk to you’, her
walking away to attend to something else, is not a rejection.

In cold approach, you are a nobody (i.e no status) meeting

another nobody. When you first meet that girl, no matter how
good your game is, you are literally on the bottom of her list
of priorities. Her friends, dancing, having fun, guys she’s known
longer than you, the bartenders, etc… are all higher on her list
of priorities. That’s completely fine and should be expected.

Ideally, running a textbook ‘perfect’ interaction would mean

you would stay in the interaction with the girl all the way
through from open to close. However, it’s very much possible
to get the same amount of required investment/compliance

202 | Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out

from multiple smaller interactions with the girl instead of one
90 minute block

If she does leave, your commitment remains the same. You

don’t want to be running around approaching a tonne of other
girls. That’s exactly what everybody else is doing. And that’s
exactly why they never progress.

Instead, you want to keep an eye on her and re-approach 10-15

minutes later. The way you re-approach doesn’t actually
matter, what matters is that now you’re getting more face time
and an opportunity to keep building compliance.

For most guys, re-approaching is a huge blow to the ego. They

come at this with an entitled attitude (not in a good way), and
take her walking away from them very personally. They don’t
understand that it’s in fact nothing personal, and she just has
other priorities. They also think re-approaching makes them
‘low value’ and comes across as chasing and needy

Think of it this way – If Steve Jobs (back when we was still alive)
was looking to a recruit new, young, ambitious engineer for
Apple and when first contacted that engineer turns down the
job offer, what do you think he does from there? Give up? Go
look for a sub-par replacement? No. He returns with another
offer. Until he gets his man. Each time he comes back to that
engineer, does it affect Apple’s market value? Absolutely not. It
remains steady

Similarly, your value as a man does not fluctuate depending

on how many times you re-approach a girl. It remains
consistent. So get that thought out of your mind and stop
taking things personally.

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out | 203

9.7 The Benefits Of Re-approaching

Let me know if that following scenario sounds familiar;

You’re driving along and the latest #1 hit that you’ve never
before starts playing on the radio. And your initial impression
of the song is not great. It’s tolerable, but you wouldn’t listen to
it in your free time. You don’t care too much for it. Throughout
the following weeks, the song keeps coming on again and
again, until one day, you find yourself humming, singing along
to it and actually enjoying it

In psychology, this is referred to as the ‘mere exposure effect’

– the phenomenon whereby people tend to develop a
preference for things simply because they are familiar. In other
words, familiarity breeds liking. The more you are exposed to a
certain brand, stimulus, etc… the more you tend to like it

A 1992 study by Richard Moreland, titled ‘Exposure effects in

the classroom: The development of affinity among students’,
highlights this effect brilliantly.

The researchers arranged for four different women (of very

similar appearance) to attend a college class a certain number
of times throughout the semester. One of these women didn’t
actually attend at all, one attended five times, one attended
ten times, and the last woman attended fifteen times. These
women didn’t interact with the students at all; they just sat in
on the lecture.

At the end of the semester, the students in the class saw

pictures of each of the women and rated them on several
scales like physical attractiveness. Despite never having
interacted with these women, the students showed a clear
mere exposure effect. That is, they evaluated the woman who

204 | Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out

they had seen 15 times much more positively than the woman
they hadn’t seen at all

This also provides a pretty reasonable explanation as to why

you have guys who are a quite beta sometimes dating very
attractive girls within their social circles. Being in the same
social circle, they are consistently forced to spend time
together, they keep getting ‘exposed’ to each other and over
time familiarity is formed and likability is developed (although
usually the guy can’t keep the girl around for very long).

This is also why you may ‘oneitis’ for that one particular girl
from your school, work etc… despite her being objectively less
attractive than many other girls you may come across at a
nightclub for instance. As you are exposed to her day in and day
out, you tend to develop a particular preference for her.

Counter-intuitive to standard pick-up doctrine, your chances

with a girl you have previously interacted with (i.e re-
approaching), are actually much higher than with approaching
a new girl.

I understand that re-approaching, particularly if you’re new,

may be stressful and a little anxiety provoking, but just to
reiterate its importance – the most attractive and highest
quality girls I’ve managed to attract into my life have not been
the ones where I opened, everything was smooth from the get-
go and I pull effortlessly. Rather, it’s been the higher value girls
who, because I’m a new, unfamiliar face, have simply had other
priorities in the nightclub so I had to keep re-approaching
multiple times. Each time I re-approached, there was more
familiarity and investment, and it made the set easier to

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out | 205

9.8 The Fastest Way To Get Good

After you have committed to one girl and have spent a

significant amount of time with her throughout the night, you
should be following through and taking it as far as you can –
whether that be pulling or lowering the compliance threshold
and playing for a solid day2 (as described in the previous

Realistically speaking, if you are new to this, during most of

your nights, you probably will not be able to elicit enough
investment to be able to pull the girl (although some nights
you will be). However, committing to the one set and seeing
it through will actually allow you to get actual results despite
not having high level game yet. If you push through to walk her
out of the club, walk her home etc… and get an extremely solid
number EVERY TIME you go out – it won’t be long before you’ll
have more dates and girls on rotation than you can deal with

Hypothetically, let’s assume that you are an absolute beginner

– and can’t get beyond low/mid phase 2 of an interaction. You
can get some investment/compliance, but not enough to pull.
Let’s also assume you go out twice per week. But during those
nights, instead of doing what every body else is doing, and
leaving to spam approach and look for a ‘perfect’ set, where
the everything just aligns, you chose one girl to commit to and
follow through with. And each night you make sure to walk her
out of the club and baby-step/lower the compliance threshold
as far as you can. In the space of a month, you are essentially
guaranteed 8 very solid numbers of girls aching to see you
again/dates – and even if you convert half those dates, that’s 4
new girls per month.

As an absolute fucking beginner.

You get good at what you consistently focus on. If you spam

206 | Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out

approach all the girls in the club, you’ll get good at spam
approaching. If you leave an interaction after 10-15 minutes,
you’ll get good at running a 10 minute set. If you commit to a
set and focus on seeing it through to the end, you’ll get good
at getting actual results

Strategy: How To Run Your Nights Out | 207

10. Advanced Level
Content: Frame Battles
And Dealing With Hot,
Bitchy Girls

10.1 What Is A Frame Battle

This is such a severely misunderstood and misapplied concept,

that I felt it needed it’s own chapter. Keeping consistent with
the theme of unpacking complex ideas in simple and
digestible terms, I’ll make this simple enough for even the
uninitiated to understand

Let’s begin by defining the term itself

Frame Battles: Within any given social space, two conflicting

realities cannot co-exist. The stronger reality always wins out.
The person(s) with the weaker reality always ends up adapting
onto the rhythm of the stronger reality. The weaker frame is
always compromised in order to let the stronger frame exist.

You can think of a frame as basically just a composite of all your

beliefs, values, morals, etc.. and the way those are manifested
through your intent, actions and behaviors. In other words, it’s
your subjective sense of reality. The strength of one’s reality is
going to be dictated by how grounded and certain you are in
your beliefs and values, which primarily comes down to how
many references and tangible experiences you have
reinforcing those beliefs and values.

208 | Advanced Level Content:

Frame Battles And Dealing With
Hot, Bitchy Girls
Applying this in a cold-approach context – a nightclub is a very
socially dynamic environment, and there are millions of subtle
frame battles going on simultaneously. One person is always
‘in control’ or ‘winning the frame’, whether they understand it
logically on a conscious level or intuitively on a subconscious

Taking a step back and examining things on a macro level, you

can think of an entire seduction, from open to close, as one
large, drawn out frame battle – but that will not be the focus of
this chapter. Rather, we are going to zoom in, look at the ‘micro’
side of things, and just examine one particular and specific
type of frame battle. If you can get the hang of this, your results
with the more attractive girls will begin exploding

10.2 The Hot Girl Blasé: Examining A

Stunner’s Psychology

Also known as the ‘bitchy girl frame’. What you’ll find many
times with these girls is that even if you approach them doing
everything perfectly correct, they’ll give you a lot of attitude
and act out in rude and obnoxious ways. Some examples would

‘Don’t talk to me’

‘I don’t care’

Acting very arrogant and like a spoiled brat. A very nonchalant,

‘doesn’t give a shit’, overly entitled attitude.

If you want to get results with stunning girls, many of which

have this attitude, you need to be able to see past the‘matrix.’
The first thing you need to understand is that this is all an
act. It’s a facade. A shtick. Odds are her natural personality is

Advanced Level Content: Frame Battles And Dealing With Hot, Bitchy
Girls | 209
not actually ‘bitchy’ and she’s not stuck her. Rather, there is a
reason she acts this way

Let me challenge your preconceptions once again;

What is a girl’s number one concern when she goes to the


Is it having fun?

Is it her friends?

Is it meeting a cool guy?

Most mainstream pickup gurus would have you believe so, and
they’re not wrong

But now let me ask you a different question altogether

What is a stunning girl’s number one concern when she goes

to the nightclub?

It’s not fun. It’s not her friends. And it’s not meeting any guy

Not even close

In a word, it’s ‘Status’

A stunner’s number one concern and priority when she steps

into the nightclub is preserving and enhancing her social value
– anything else ranks far below that

Only upon examining a girl’s frame a little bit closer, and

understanding her intention and psychology will you
understand why this is

Take that environment in the nightclub; There’s an extremely

attractive girl. To her left there is a surgeon who saves lives
for a living, and to her right there is there is a successful
entrepreneur who has contributed more to society and

210 | Advanced Level Content: Frame Battles And Dealing With Hot,
Bitchy Girls
humanity than this girl ever wish she could (this is all
hypothetical by the way. I’m in not way implying girls cannot
contribute significantly to society).

Then you have this 21 year old girl with some fake breasts and
a tight dress, and society dictates that within the nightclub,
this girl has more value than those two guys combined. Like
it or not, pussy is power. That’s just how society has laid the
standards out. The deck is somewhat rigged against you

Most of that value essentially stems from to how physically

attractive that girl is. The issue with that (beyond obvious
reasons) for the girl, is that physical appearance is a very
fleeting and short-term asset. A girl’s physical prime is usually
between 21-26, and beyond that point she usually hits a
physical decline. Particularly nowadays, you see these same
girls not taking care of themselves and binging on McDonald’s
after every night out – which accelerates that decline even
further. In a lot of ways, it’s quite tough for a woman after she
passes her peak years, as her societal value begins to dissipate.

And so, the more physically attractive a woman is, the higher
up she is on the societal and sexual hierarchy. These extremely
hot girls reside on the top of that hierarchy and because of that
have received numerous benefits throughout their lives which
have shaped their experiences, in a way that has not occurred
with the more average girls. And they know it.

Given that these benefits have come because of her place in

the societal value hierarchy, it becomes glaringly apparent that
one of her primary motivations in life, is to preserve and latch
onto that value for as long as possible. Often times at any cost

So what happens when you, as a relatively average guy (no

status, not extremely good looking, not 6’3 and jacked to the
bone), approach that girl in the nightclub and she is seen in
front of everybody flirting with you?

Advanced Level Content: Frame Battles And Dealing With Hot, Bitchy
Girls | 211
Her value immediately drops by association

Socially, is she not expected to be hooking up with ‘regular


And so as an instinctual response, she would typically not react

at all, in order to maintain her image to everybody around.
This is how she preserves her social value. This is her way of
demonstrating to her social group that she is still ‘top dog’ and
she’s still the hottest girl in that group.

And as we just discussed, unfortunately preserving this value

clearly outranks meeting a cool guy on her list of priorities.

The first step is to be able to see through that facade. If she’s

acting bitchy and rude, or turning an initial cold shoulder
towards you, realize that it’s not a personal attack against you.
It’s not that she doesn’t like you. And it’s not that you did
anything wrong. After all, she doesn’t even know you yet. If
she were all nice and giggly towards you, she would be on the
receiving end of societal judgement from her peers, friends,
society, the bouncers in the club, etc… as it may signal that she
is ‘easy to get’ which would see her image and value take a hit.

You can’t blame her for putting on a wall/bitch shield. It should

be completely expected.

With the more average girls, it’s not going to happen very often,
because they are generally happy to be meeting a cool guy.
They are not walking around with this mindset of trying to
‘preserve their value’ with every step they take. They know
where they exist on the sexual market value spectrum – and if
they meet a guy who is on their same level or above, it’s fine for
me to be seen flirting with him etc..

And so when approach the stunner, and you try to do all the
things we spoke about – expressing boundaries, prizing
frames, etc… (essentially expressing your ‘frames’/mindsets

212 | Advanced Level Content: Frame Battles And Dealing With Hot,
Bitchy Girls
through these behaviors), it is inevitably going to collide with
her frame and subjective sense of the world (‘I’m above this
guy, all these guys should be chasing me etc…’). Hence you
have what is referred to as a ‘frame battle’. The way this
manifests practically is that whenever you do try to act out
your ‘alpha male’ behaviors, she will usually look to shut them
down – because they are not in alignment with her subjective
sense of reality. She’ll usually do so by congruence testing you,
ignoring you, turning away from you and giving one word
answers. Not just once. But consistently throughout the
interaction, particularly in the beginning. So expect there to
be a lot of silences, uncomfortable situations, and her just not
giving you much

10.3 What NOT To Do

When most guys encounter this situation of a girl acting out

in this ‘hot girl blase’ fashion, they interpret it on a surface
level and view it as a flat out rejection. They leave the set
immediately as they don’t see any potential. The standard ‘if
there’s no compliance, move on’. When in fact, there is so much
potential there. You just need to learn how to unlock it

On the other hand, you’ve also got guys who take it to the
very other extreme of ‘knock the bitch off the pedestal! Teach
the bitch a lesson!’ or ‘you have to put her in her place!’ and
overcompensating by becoming reactive and confrontational.
In a lot of ways, this is much worse than the first scenario.
It creates a lose-lose scenario. Both of you come out of that
interaction feeling worse than when you came in (no pun
intended), and it leaves you with a negative energy for the rest
of the night.

I also still see a lot of so called ‘advanced’ guys trying to

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‘dominate’ the frame and call the girl out when they encounter
this scenario – ‘Aye girl, cut this fucking shit. I know these
chodes let you step all over them, but this isn’t gonna fucking
fly with me’. Or something along those lines.

This might sound good in theory, but is hardly effective in

practice. Try it if you don’t believe me. 9 out of 10 times this
is going to result in an instant blow out or confrontation with
the girl. The reason being is that you can’t change somebody’s
worldview/perception by directly challenging them like this.
All it does is provoke defensiveness. I see guys coming out of
interactions like this feeling like champs, because they ‘got one
over the girl’ – when in reality all they did was alienate a girl/
group of girls to preserve their fragile ‘pick-up’ egos.

10.4 Boxing Analogy: Rushing In Vs.

Waiting For An Opening

Let’s first examine the correct frame that you should be

coming from – instead of ‘this is a rejection, I suck’ or ‘fuck this
bitch’, you should be coming at it with the mindset of ‘I’m just
here having a good time, spreading positive vibes and I want
you to also get in on it and enjoy it with me. And we can’t do
that if you’ve got this little facade on’. This is what we call a
collaborative frame, as opposed to a competitive frame.

From there, you’ve each got your individual conflicting and

opposite frames, and as you approach her, those two frames
will inevitably clash. She will attempt to impose her reality on
the situation straight away. Typically she will be overly serious,
not give you any proper answers, leave silences, and test you

The way that you suck her into your frame and get her to drop
the shtick is not through ‘dominating the frame’. If you act out

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too aggressively here, or you straight out call her out on what
she’s doing explicitly, you will get into a confrontation 90% of
the times. 1 girl out of 10 may find this ‘ballsy’ approach a turn
on, but most times it comes across as reactive and triggered.
When you attack someone’s beliefs and sense of reality head
on, you are very unlikely to change them. In fact, you’ll usually
be reinforcing them. You need a more delicate approach

Instead of ‘dominating’, our goal is ‘endurance’, slowly letting

her wear herself out, and very gradually imposing our own
frame onto the interaction. We already know that this a ‘facade’
and not the real her. It’s very emotionally draining to be able to
maintain that ‘image’ for long periods of time, especially if the
other person is taking you seriously

You need to be able to endure the silences that come your

way, endure the awkward moments, endure the congruence
test – and maintaining your emotional consistency throughout
(i.e not becoming reactive) – and then very intermediately
expressing the behaviors/frames you are trying to get across.

Every time you encounter her acting out in one form or another
– whether that be her verbally testing you or physically turning
away from you – you must hold your ground and not flinch.
Don’t take it personally and let it roll over your shoulder like a
joke. Your ability to see past the fact that she has to put this
front on should allow you to not become emotionally reactive
and not take anything she does or say seriously

The more aggressive, dominant approach would be the boxing

equivalent of coming out swinging without any regard for
defense. You are going for the knockout punch, but also leaving
yourself badly exposed. Odds are, if you are facing a proficient
opponent, he will counter and leave you on your ass. In the
same way, the frame will become confrontational and you will
not be able to recover. The ‘endurance’ approach would be akin
to adhering to a more strategic game plan where you let your

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opponent wear themselves out, probe with some little jabs
here and there, and then when you spot an opening, going for
the knockout punch.

Also note that these type of frame battles aren’t just a ‘shit-test’
that you can pass and move on. Think of it as a consistent flow
of various test over a more extended period – about 10 minutes
before you’ll be able to properly break through. 10 full minutes
of a girl acting out in this drawn out, bitchy manner may sound
like a lot. And it is. Most guys can’t handle 30 seconds.

But each time she throws one of these tests at you, and you
deflect, her facade wears down further. There is always one
person reacting more in any given interaction. And by virtue of
you being completely nonreactive and remaining emotionally
consistent, she is the one who begins to react emotionally.

You’ll notice that with time, as this continues, ‘cracks’ in her

frame will begin to reveal themselves. She might crack a smile,
or engage you deeper on a particular topic, or turns to face
you further etc..Although she won’t go completely soft after
that, she’ll usually regain composure and you will have to keep

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Natural Personality Vs. ‘Persona’ When People Are

(At times throughout the frame battle, the girl will

momentarily drop her shtick and crack a smile/laugh, but will
usually regain composure and go back to her ‘hot girl blase’.
This is similar to this meme of Kanye – in the first image the
paparazzi has caught him in a completely vulnerable moment,
where he is laughing and being his ‘true’ self. Then as soon as
he realizes what’s going on, he regains composure and puts his
‘front’ back on)

As the interaction progress, and this keeps happening, you

retain your frame but hers will slowly buckle more and more.
To the point where she completely drops it entirely

It’s not as if she enjoys acting like a bitch (well, maybe some
girls do). She wants to let go and have fun like all the other
girls. You need to be able to create an environment where it’s
okay for that to happen – where the appeal of the fun, jokes,
excitement, good emotions and adventure is just too much

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for her to resist. To the point where she becomes sucked into
your frame and drops this facade completely – at which point
she’ll become incredibly bought in and you can basically start
eliciting some high level investment and move things forward
very quickly

I know that this may sound somewhat vague, as it’s all

theoretical, and not grounded in any context – so I’ll provide
a transcript below of a real life example (obviously reading it
is far less effectiveness than actually seeing it, as written word
doesn’t capture tonality and physical movements, but I’ll also
include the actual video in the mastermind)

10.5 Real Life Example

You: Hey, how’s your night going [Very casual open]

Her: Fine [nonchalantly, barely turns around to look at me]

You: Really random, but were you at [venue] on Tuesday? [I

thought I might’ve recognized her]

Her: Definitely not… you’re confused. Too many girls… sorry

[First verbal test]

You: It’s okay. You’re number 83. Hi number 83 [I come back at

her with a playful exaggeration. Not really taking her seriously,
and not apologizing]

Her: I’m not number 83 [Very cold delivery. This is what

differentiate a regular ‘congruence test’ from a ‘frame battle’.
Once she congruence tests you, the interaction usually moves
on. Not in this case]

You: I’m just fucking around. Where are you from?

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Her: Belgium

You: Where in Belgium?

Her: You wouldn’t know it… [Not very impressed. Unwilling to

jump through even the smallest of hoops. Tries to keep a very
serious, non-sexual undertone to the interaction]

You: I do know. Try me [delivered casually]

Her: [Name of city] *Looks at me unimpressed*

You: [Smile] Yeah… I’ve been there (I’m completely unfamiliar

with the city, but because I can see through her playacting, I
find the whole situation to be hilarious and just try to make
the whole thing as ridiculous as possible. The sillier I make it
out to be, the faster she’ll drop the shtick)

Her: [Doesn’t buy it] come on…

You: No, no. I have. Seriously [Massive, cocky smile on my fame]

Her: So what did you see there [Another test]

You: A tiny village with cows and chickens running around the
place [I just fuck around and say the first thing that comes to

Her: [Looks at me seriously] Come on, you don’t know it

At this point it’s clear that there is a clear contrast of frames.

This is not only embodied through the verbals, but also
through the demeanours and subcommunications. I am very
relaxed and laid back with my body language, my tonality is
expressive and playful for the most part, and I’m continually
provoking eye contact and slowly shifting my body to face her
directly. Whereas she is extremely tense and serious, testing
all the time, and attempting to shift her eye contact and body
language away from me

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You: I don’t think any tourist has ever been there…. [Up until
now, she has tried to take control of the interaction by
dominating it and trying to get me to react. Which I haven’t.
This is the first time I’m challenging her back. And it’s a very
small challenge. Start small)

Her: Yes! It’s most of the most visited cities in Belgium. It’s
called the European capital… [She qualifies a bit, still in a very
serious tonality. But at least she is reacting to me a little now]

You: Do they make really good waffles there? [This is a bit of

a dig at her overly-serious attitude. She tried to prove her city
was cool by saying it was one was popular among visitors.
I shift the undertone of the interaction back to playfulness
by referring to a Belgian stereotype and show that I’m not
impressed by her answer]

Her: *Is slow to answer*

You: *Playfully point to her stomach* Of course they do….

[Another tease. If you don’t have the tonality and
subcommunications down, it’s very easy to get this wrong. Use
with caution]

Her: Ah come.. No. Beer. Beer. They make good beer [She
qualifies a little again. Still being overly serious in her

You: How long have you been here for? [small hoop]

Her: I’ve been here since September and I’m leaving in 3 weeks

You: Are you gonna miss me? [I try to introduce a slightly sexual
frame, but it clashes with her ‘hot girl blase’]

Her: *looks unimpressed and shakes her head* Not at all…sorry

[Another test]

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You: Damn it, you’re breaking my heart. Every step of the way
girl [I exaggerate it again]

Her: I don’t care…

You: Eveerryyy steppp of the way

Her: I don’t care…. I don’t care [keeps repeating it, trying to

speak over me]

You: You’re just a ruthless motherfucker huh? You don’t give a

shit about anything. Do you have a heart? Or are you heartless?
[More exaggeration. It’s the simplest way to pass these tests]

Her: I don’t care

You: *point to her heart* So there’s nothing there

Her: No, you don’t have to touch [Framing it as you trying to

touch her… and her as the prize]

You: I’m not gonna touch you, don’t worry

Her: Oh come on. Obviously you want to

You: Nah I don’t wanna touch you. I don’t know you well
enough…. Maybe if I got to know you a little better, I would
consider it but definitely not now. [I re-frame it and don’t
accept her prizing frame]

Her: What?! What do you mean [Her tonality jumps a bit here.
She gets a little reactive. She is showing some chinks in her

You: Your accent is really cute [I divert and go back to trying to

introduce a slightly sexual undertone, but she is still have none
of it]

Her: Really? That’s all you got? [Another test]

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You: I mean, I can’t really understand what you’re saying…. But
that’s what makes it cute [Add a playful neg to balance out the
sexual expression and pass the test]

Her: *Begins to laugh and smile* Are you kidding me? You’re
talking to me but you don’t understand what I’m saying? [This
is the first time she is legitimately smiling and laughing. Her
frame is beginning to buckle slightly]

You: Yeah… It’s like I’m talking to myself. But it’s alright. I like
talking to myself [Another small neg]

Her: *playfully hits me and laugh* Fuck you

You: I’m just fucking around [add some empathy and de-
escalate] Have you met a lot of Australians?

Her: Not really

You: So let me warn you…. We have a very fucked up sense of

humor and we say a lot of stupid things

Her: In Belgium too so that’s okay

I’m just starting to win her over here, but her friend enters the
interaction and they begin talking to each other in a different
language. I decide to let them hash out whatever it is, and
thought I had done enough for her to re-engage me
afterwards. So I just stick around, not really saying anything
while they talk. I’m comfortable with just standing there
in silence

Her: I’m going to smoke *Begins to walk off to the smoking


You: *Tap her on the shoulder as she begins to walk away and
she turns back around* Smoking is really bad, you’ll get cancer

Her: I don’t care *Begins to walk away again*

222 | Advanced Level Content: Frame Battles And Dealing With Hot,
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She’s about a meter away from me at this point. So this is
the second time she’s began to walk away and I go after her.
Remember, neediness is not a behavior. It’s a mindset. And
throughout this entire situation, I was fully bought-into the
idea that being around me will make this girl’s life better. And
that was coming off in my demeanor. There was no sense of
neediness or hesitancy in what I was doing

You: *Tap her on the shoulder and wave her back*

Her: You love me too much… you wanna follow me [Notice how
she slightly buckled before by laughing and smiling but has
now regained some composure. She’s back trying to frame
herself as the prize]

You: I can already see it. Around your eyes [Ignore her attempt
at prizing and completely brush it off]

Her: What? *curious*

You: The wrinkles…. From all the smoking [Another tease]

Her: *Does a take-away and pretends to walk off* [wants to win

the frame by being the one to walk away, because she is not
gaining any ground on a verbal level]

You: What’s your name… I forgot [I don’t move, but just speak

Her: *Comes backs* You forgot my name?! [Acts offended.

Another test. Like with any other test, the worst thing you can
do is begin justifying yourself]

You: Did you tell me? (Casually delivery) What’s my name?

Her: *Begins laughing*

You: Yeah that’s fucking right you little hypocrite [call her out
on it]

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Her: Cracks up [Her overly entitled and bitchy frame buckles
again and she begins giggling uncontrollably]

Her: *Tells me her name*

You: *Keep mispronouncing it several times to tease her*

Her: *She keeps playfully correcting me and laughing every

time I mispronounce it* [At this point, her demeanor has
loosened up a lot, and she’s completely facing me. We’re only
a few inches apart]

You: *Eventually pronounce it right*

Her: *High fives me* [She’s having fun now, she’s dropped the
act, and is sucked into my frame]

You: Do you wanna hear a secret?

Her: *Nods*

You: But you can’t tell anybody okay… because I’m really shy

You: *Brush her hair out of the way and kiss her neck lightly*

Her: *She’s enjoying it but playfully pushes me off* ‘Come on,

don’t play with me like that. You’re not shy’ [The entire dynamic
of the interaction has changed at this point. There is a much
more playful and sexual undertone to it, and she’s dropped her
frame and has adapted onto mine]

You: But wait, you’re still at university back home right… what
do you study [hoop]

-> From here, I proceed to have onto a regular conversation and

run the interaction as I normally would after she dropped her
‘hot girl blase’ frame.

This entire little ‘frame-battle’ lasted for about 6-7 minutes

altogether, but this was just an example to give you an idea

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Bitchy Girls
of what it may be like. There will be times where it may be a
lot short or a lot longer, with various different types of tests –
including more non-verbal ones.

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