The Strategy of The 722.9

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The Strategy
of the 722.9 by Hank Blair

ercedes Benz has introduced
the 5th generation electroni-
cally controlled transmis-
sion, called the 722.9 (NAG2). This
unit has seven forward speeds, two
reverse speeds, and no mechanical one-
way clutches.
In 2000, Mercedes launched the
722.9 into their overseas C-class. It
didn’t reach United States production
vehicles until 2005. These units can be
found in a variety of models, from the
C-class to the S-class.
The fluid for these units is specific
to Mercedes — ATF 3353 — and it’ll
retro to all earlier Mercedes Benz trans-
missions. Check with your local sup-
plier for fluids that may be equivalent.
The transmission is constructed
with an aluminum bellhousing and a
magnesium case. The pump plate is
made out of aluminum with an elasto-
mer coating. The pump is bolted down
using aluminum bolts which should be
replaced during every rebuild.

Sport, Comfort, and Tap

Like most transmissions, the 722.9
is controlled using variable shift pro-
gramming. This means the customer
has the choice of sport or comfort
mode. The sport/comfort (S/C) switch
is located on the electronic shifter mod-
ule (ESM), which consists of the shifter
lever assembly and all of the compo-
nents. Each mode employs certain strat-
egies that allow the vehicle to perform
In sport mode the transmission
starts in 1st gear and shifts normally;
the reverse ratio is 3.42:1. Figure 1

4 GEARS May/June 2012

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The Strategy of the 722.9 (NAG2)

In comfort mode the transmission

starts in 2nd gear, but will take off in
1st if manually selected or acceleration
is ¾-to-full throttle. It also exhibits ear-
lier upshifts, later downshifts, and the
reverse ratio is 2.22:1.
All upshifts and downshifts are
influenced by current driving style and
loads, similar to the 722.6. The shift
program uses intelligent gear selection
when tapped out of D using the “—”
(Figure 1). When you tap the shifter
into a lower gear, the transmission con-
trol module will shift the transmission
down one gear from the current ratio.
An example of this is the S500:
Driving at 30 MPH in D, tap the “—”
button once and the transmission down-
shifts into 3rd gear from 4th. Driving Figure 2
at 50 MPH in D, tap the “—” and
the transmission downshifts into 5th
gear from 6th. The gear display on the
instrument cluster informs the driver of
highest gear now available.
In addition to shifting through the
gears sequentially, the 722.9 can skip
gears while downshifting, as long as
only one member in the transmission
is released and one member is applied
(Figure 2).

Clutch and Brake

Internally the 722.9 has three, mul-
tidisc clutch elements and four, multi-
disc brake elements for holding. There
are three planetary gearsets: two simple
sets and one Ravigneaux gearset. The
clutches are identified as K-1, K-2, and
K-3. The brake elements are identified
Figure 3
as B-1, B-2, B-3 and B/R.
% K-1 clutch is used in 3rd, 4th, and trol module (TCM) on the valve body solenoid valves in that valve body.
5th gears. (Figure 3). Identifying the TCM is Once this process is complete, the valve
% K-2 clutch is used in 4th, 5th, 6th probably the most important part of the body assembly can be installed in the
and 7th gears. rebuilding process. The TCM is unique transmission.
% K-3 clutch is used in all ranges to the transmission, which means when For now, only the factory has this
except 4th gear. the transmission is assembled at the capability. Word on the street says
% B-1 holds in 2nd, 6th, and reverse factory, the valve body is built and someone is already working on getting
sport mode. programmed specifically for that trans- this out to the aftermarket.
% B-2 holds in 1st through 4th gears. mission.
% B-3 holds in 1st and 7th gears, Replacing the TCM or valve body TCM Functions
and neutral and reverse comfort on the 722.9 means you must have Since the TCM is integrated with
mode. the TCM programmed for the specific the valve body, wiring to the transmis-
% B/R holds only in the reverse vehicle from the factory. Test values sion has been greatly reduced. The case
position S/C. are evaluated and corresponding algo- connector has only five pins.
rithms are written to the control mod- Here’s what each pin on the trans-
Electrohydraulic Control ule’s permanent memory. This process mission connector does:
Module (ECM) ensures that the control module is cali- Pin 1 — CAN C high
The 722.9 has its transmission con- brated to the mechanical and electrical Pin 2 — CAN C low
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The Strategy of the 722.9 (NAG2)
Pin 3 — K-Line, used
for diagnostics through the
data link connector (DLC)
Pin 4 — relay or fused
power, depending on the
vehicle type
Pin 5 — communi-
cation by the SDS (Star
Diagnostic Systems)
to the CGW (Central
Gateway Module) via the
CAN D, then to the ECM
(Electrohydraulic Control
Module) over CAN C
Information received
over CAN C:
% Engine RPM
% Engine coolant
% Throttle pedal
% Engine load — ESP
signals Figure 4
% Cruise control
signals (or Distronic)
% ESM (shifter position)
Information received directly:
% Speed sensors
% Selector range sensor
% Transmission fluid temperature
The input drum has two plastic
strips with magnets attached to it.
These magnets enable the turbine and
center speed sensors to create signals.
The park pawl gear is used for the
output speed sensor.

Solenoid Identification
All of the solenoids are actuated
by the transmission control module
using variable current. Each solenoid
valve has a mesh filter beneath it to
prevent contamination. These valves
produce increasing pressure with
Figure 5
increasing current, or no pressure with
no current (normally closed) (Figure 4): solenoid; high current equals current you’ll have maximum line
% K-1 clutch solenoid: a normally- high pressure and no current no pressure and high current will
closed solenoid; high current pressure. have low pressure.
equals high pressure and no These next valves are normally % K-3 clutch solenoid: a normally-
current no pressure. open; they produce maximum pressure open solenoid; when there’s no
% B-2 B/R solenoid: a normally- with no current or no pressure with current you’ll have maximum line
closed solenoid; high current maximum current (Figure 5): pressure and high current will
equals high pressure and no % Working pressure solenoid: a have low pressure.
current no pressure. normally-open solenoid; when % B-1 solenoid: a normally open-
% B-3 solenoid: a normally-closed there’s no current you’ll have solenoid; when there’s no current
solenoid; high current equals maximum line pressure and high you’ll have maximum line
high pressure and no current no current will have low pressure. pressure and high current will
pressure. % K-2 clutch solenoid: a normally- have low pressure.
% Lockup: a normally-closed open solenoid; when there’s no The Working Pressure, K-2, K-3,
8 GEARS May/June 2012
The Strategy of the 722.9 (NAG2)

Figure 6

and B-1 solenoids are responsible for the emergency operation valves only % to update the control module
limp home mode (failsafe) when all allow Drive 2 gear in forward gears software to resolve a problem
solenoid valves are de-energized. and reverse.
Some late model 722.9 transmis- If the transmission control module
Emergency Function and sions use shift-by-wire controls, called is new or the transmission replaced,
Limp Mode Direct Select: There’s no mechanical part of the installation process requires
In the event of transmission failure, connection through a shifter cable or releasing transport protection and per-
the TCM goes into a failsafe mode. linkage. An intelligent servo module sonalizing (marrying) the module.
Failsafe for this transmission is 6th gear (ISM) will be attached to the case Once the transmission control module
in all forward ranges, plus reverse. above the left rear pan rail. is married to the vehicle, it won’t work
The 722.9 has many different fail- There’s an emergency park func- correctly in another vehicle (only limp-
safe modes: If a solenoid fails, the tion to release the transmission from home mode).
clutch that solenoid controls won’t park. This function uses a spare battery But European and American leg-
function. For example, if the B-3 sole- under the passenger floor panel to ener- islation requires that emission-relevant
noid fails, the transmission won’t go gize the module. control modules be codeable with a
into 1st, 7th, or reverse in S mode. Software Calibration Number (SCN) to
If a clutch fails while driving, the Control Module Software prevent manipulating the software. As
transmission remains in the previous Control module software can of 2004, transmission control modules
gear. be loaded using the SDS/DAS (Star must incorporate SCN coding. Which
If the TCM fails internally during a Diagnostic Systems/Digital Aid means that, as soon as someone creates
driving, all solenoids are switched off. System) (Figure 6) and the appropriate reprogramming software, we can get
The normally-open solenoids valves update CD ROM. This process doesn’t after it!
allow full working pressure to their erase the factory algorithms that were Even though this unit has some
respective members, defaulting to 6th written to the control module during unique attributes, it’s not all that bad.
gear. manufacture. The more you gain ground on it, the
If a solenoid, TCM, or clutch fails Flashing the control module must easier it will become. The trick is to
and the vehicle is brought to a stop and be performed: learn a little theory before jumping into
shifted into park, oil pressure from the % after replacing the transmission a rebuild.
K-2 solenoid is redirected to the B-2 % after replacing the electrohydraulic
and B/R circuit. Once this happens, valve body
10 GEARS May/June 2012
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