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If you are asked to lecture on Education 4.

0 and how
schools can help prepare learners for IR 4.0 what will you dwell on? What will be the
meat of your lecture? Show it in an outline made of sentences.

Preparing learners for the 4th industrial revolution 

I. Introduction of the evolution of the industrial ages: Industry 1.0 to 4.0

A. Industry 1.0 The late 18th century introduced mechanical production facilities to

the world.
B. Industry 2.0 The beginning of 20th century marked the start of the second
industrial revolution – Industry 2.0. 
C. Industry 3.0 The next industrial revolution resulting in Industry 3.0 was brought
about and spurred by the advances in the electronics industry in the last few
decades of the 20th century. 
D. Industry 4.0 The boom in the Internet and telecommunication industry in the
1990’s revolutionized the way we connected and exchanged information.

II. Introduction and background about industrial revolution  4.0

A. Industrial revolution  4.0 and new trends in education

B. Issues in emerging technologies in Industrial Revolution 4.0
C. Charactherictics of Industrial Revolution 4.0
D. Skills and competencies needed in of Industrial Revolution 4.0

III. Role of education sector in response and preparation for IR 4.0

A. Redefine the purpose of education, as we move farther into the future,
education will need to support children to develop the skillset and mindset.
B. Education must become a lifelong endeavor, and sources for education need
to evolve to provide those opportunities
C.  Make schools makerspaces, allow students to practice their curiosity, problem-
solving skills, inquisitiveness and the iterations of failure.

IV. Educational strategies for IR4.0 changes in skills and work

A.   Develop human potential, needs to develop inherent abilities, equipped to
partner with machines in the future rather than compete with them.
B. Importance of deep conceptual understanding in problem solving.
C. Methods on how to teach in Higher-Order Thinking
a) Teach skills through real-world contexts.
b) Vary the context in which students use a newly taught skill.
c) Throughout your instruction, take every opportunity to emphasize the
building blocks of higher-order thinking.
d) Classify things into categories.
e) Make hypothesis.
f) Draw inferences.
g) Meta-cognitive Development.
h) Problem Solving:Draw a Picture.

8.    Against this backdrop of students, especially in senior school and tertiary education,
assuming greater responsibility for their own education and development, the World
Economic Forum has predicted that the new skills required by Education 4.0 will be
complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, teamwork and
collaboration, emotional intelligence, judgement and decision-making, service
orientation, negotiation and cognitive flexibility.

To its credit, the National Education Policy 2019 draft prepared by the nine-member
Kasturirangan Committee which is being given its final touches by the Union HRD
ministry, recognises that “the policy comes at a time when the Fourth Industrial
Revolution is already underway and disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence
have emerged”. The draft broadly endorses the recommendations of the government
think tank NITI Aayog, which in a discussion paper (National Strategy for Artificial
Intelligence #A1ForAll) highlights the challenges of leveraging artificial intelligence in
India. The policy draft also acknowledges other disruptive technologies likely to have a
sizeable impact on higher education. One hopes these recommendations aren’t lost in

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