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Chronicling an Account of
Orc Reclamation
Your people once dominated everything south of the mountains; you had the greatest, most ad-
vanced underground stronghold ever known to orc-kind. Then the cataclysm happened.
Centuries have passed, and only a few tribes have survived and assembled under
the banner of one cause. Reclaim what was once yours!

A Dungeons & Dragons® adventure for orc characters, levels 6–8.

Adventure Primer
his adventure is designed for four to Overview
six ORC characters, levels 6 to 8, and is op-
timized for five characters with an average This adventure is essentially a dungeon crawl beneath
party level (APL) of 6. Characters outside the mountains west of Turmish. Ideally, characters will
this level range shouldn’t participate in this begin the adventure at 6th level and advance to 9th level
adventure without heavy modification to the by the end of adventure. It’s likely to take many days for
difficulty of the encounters. the orc heroes to fully explore and clear out the under-
This adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms ground complex. It’s conceivable that they could return to
near Turmish, in the western Orsraun Mountains just a secure camp outside to take their rest each evening if
north of the Flooded Forest. To run this adventure, you they so choose.
need the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Mas-
Boneyard (APL 6)
ter’s Guide, and Monster Manual.
Champions from the orcs’ history are interred in this part
Stat Blocks. The Monster Manual contains stat blocks
of the complex. However, with nobody tending their halls
for most of the monsters and nonplayer characters
over the years, undead creatures gravitated here and
(NPCs) found in this adventure. Whenever this adventure
await the characters.
presents a new monster or NPC, you’ll find its stat block
near the encounter in which it appears, or in appendix Eroding Ones (APL 6)
A. When a creature’s name appears in bold type, that’s a In the past, this area of the city was used for celebrations
visual cue pointing you to the creature’s stat block in the and ceremonies. It housed the ancestors’ history and the
Monster Manual. vows of treaties, held their weddings, and honored those
they viewed in high regard. A pair of flameskulls have
Background taken refuge here.
The stories say that at one time your people dominated
everything south of the mountains; that you had the
Chambers of the Overlox (APL 6)
greatest, most advanced underground stronghold ever This area contained the personal chambers of the Over-
known to orc-kind. Then the cataclysm happened. You lox (the orc sovereign) as well as the throne room, council
don’t recall what it was, but it scattered the unified tribes chamber, and various other rooms. Through a twist of
to the four winds, and as you fought to survive, all that fate, it is now controlled by a red slaad from Limbo that
you once knew, all that you once had, was lost. Centuries has set this area up as a breeding area.
have passed, and only a few of the tribes have survived Found Fortunate (APL 7)
and assembled under the banner of one cause!
Orcs known as the Found Fortunate were responsible for
implementing numerous infrastructure innovations in the
city, including converting these caverns into an aqueduct.
It has since been taken over by kuo-toa refugees.

Watchful Eye (APL 7)

Orcs known as the Watchful Eye were tasked with guard-
STRONG together …
ing the city. They cultivated their talents of perception
REUNITE and gr ow and mindfulness to better protect the communities of the
city. Adventurers may rediscover magical orb called the
Eye of Gruumsh within.
HOLD that was
Song Trackers (APL 7)
The Song Trackers are a group of orcs renowned for their
once your s… warriors’ ability to follow a creature, even if all they have
to go on is a whisper of sound. They also have a history of
… producing bards, famous for their voices. Unfortunately,
LEDGE that you lost
RECL AIM the KNOW their musical demesne has become haunted.

! Lake of the Ancestors (APL 7)

TU R N to Th e GL OR Y of days long past These caves were once holy to Yurtrus the White Hand
RE and his followers. It was here, at the edge of the city, that
his followers memorialized those heroes worthy of an
afterlife in Gruumsh’s horde. A heroic effort will be re-
quired to make a way through.

Rotting Root (APL 8)

Shortly before the fall, Dirt-Under-Nails, a dwarf druid,
claimed this area as his home. While on an excursion

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into the Underdark, he happened upon a strange, sapient Omens and Superstitions
fungus which made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. The
druid was infected by its spores, returned home, and has Orcs live in constant awe of their gods, and their behavior
been here ever since. is rooted in that mentality. They believe that they can see
the influence of the gods everywhere in the world around
Red Wardens (APL 8) them, and the priests of a tribe are entrusted with the
This cavernous area was once a subterranean garden responsibility of identifying these signs and omens—both
that served as a font of flora used for both medicinal and good and bad—and deciding how the tribe should re-
dietary needs. Also called the Red Falls, this area gets act to them.
that name from the stream that flows through it. The Orcs believe that any seemingly unimportant discovery
rocky sediment along the bottom of the stream, combined or event—a bear’s claw marks on a tree, a flock of crows,
with the light from above, gives the water a reddish hue. or a sudden gust of wind—might be a communication
from the gods. If the tribe has encountered a similar
Luthic’s Zealots (APL 8) omen before, the priests understand how to interpret it,
A small shrine to Luthic, the orc goddess of medicine, but if a sign from the gods has no clear explanation, the
still stands in this area, which originally housed the priests might have to meditate for hours or days to get a
hospice caring for those who once lived here. Unfortu- vision of its meaning.
nately, a host of undead as well as a diabolical fiend is Every group of orcs has particular superstitions and
housed here now. recognizes certain omens. These tenets vary from tribe
to tribe, and are often based in events that the tribe has
Fang Trust (APL 8) experienced. Each tribe detailed herein also has particu-
A community of orcs known as the Fang Trust looked af- lar omens and superstitions to which they adhere.
ter the city’s worgs here. The Great Claw resides within, As your players build their orc characters, have them
and it isn’t likely to be tamed. choose from one of the tribes detailed in this adventure
and then provide them with a listing or have them take
Quill Keepers (APL 8) notes on their particular tribes’ omens and superstitions.
The Quill Keepers were the city’s scholars who recorded Feel free to award inspiration any time these are appro-
histories and taught young citizens how to read and priately roleplayed as you play through this adventure.
write. Wizards and sorcerers performed experiments and
created orc magic here as well, and so members of that
tribe will be eager to reclaim this area. Hopefully they
remember something of what was once taught.

False Hope, Dark Promises (APL 9)

As you’re preparing to play this adventure, you’ll want to
ask each of the players about their characters hopes and
dreams for this expedition. This should occur before they
even begin wandering around the dungeon, and can hap-
pen as part of a ‘sending-off’ ritual held by the elders that
set them on this task. You will need this information to
effectively utilize the reality warping ability of the balhan-
noth that makes its lair in this area.

Symbol of Gruumsh

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Boneyard the plain stone door, a magic mouth manifests, and in
gravelly Orc states, “When faced with glory, fortune, or
Champions from the orcs’ history are interred in this part faith, choose all three and accept no substitutes.” The
of the complex. However, with nobody tending their halls door itself is unlocked, and the message doesn’t repeat.
over the years, undead creatures gravitated here and
await the characters. 2. The Three Burdens
Three orcish champions are entombed within this sec-
Boneyard Omens tion of the complex, and this hallway memorializes their
• When faced with glory, fortune, or faith, choose all achievements. Each alcove in this hallway sports trophies
three and accept no substitutes. from earlier remarkable victories.
• Elf wizard at night, scout’s delight. Elf wizard at dawn, Illumination. Each alcove’s treasures emit dim light in
danger comes. a 5-foot radius.
• The howling owlbear channels the primal drives of our Northern Alcove. The bust of the icy countenance of
ancestors. Heed its call and honor the hunt. Ganash, Tusk of the North scowls from the wall. A thin
layer of frost covers the trophies kept here, which include
Dungeon Features human-crafted arrows, a silvered elven warhammer, and
a variety of gnomish polyhedral objects covered in num-
The Boneyard has the following features: bers ranging from 1 to 20.
Illumination. There is no light in the Boneyard except Central Alcove. A bust of Yurtriel, the Primal Scream,
where noted. stands on a small pedestal. Creatures that draw close
Ceilings. The ceiling in each space is ten feet above the hear a muted howling coming from her mouth. She
floor, and covered in orc sigils for Ganash, Yurtriel, and wears a necklace made of carved igneous stones and
Klannk (see area 5). A few of Ilneval’s (see area 3) sigils opals. It is worth 225 gp.
are present, but have been scratched out. Southern Alcove. A bust of Klannk, Defiler of Wizards,
Doors. The doors are stone and quite heavy; over the stands atop a pile of tattered spellbooks. The books have
years they have become stuck in their frames and require been defaced and are unusable, and the bust looks im-
a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to force mensely pleased with itself. The bust’s septum is pierced
open. They aren’t locked. with a pearl ring; the pearl bears the orc sigils for “con-
Smells. The Boneyard has a scent like burning bones. sume” and “remove magic” upon it. If the pearl is con-
Occasionally, a creature may also detect the scent of rot- sumed, you gain the effect of the dispel magic spell (+7 to
ting flesh. ability checks). It tastes like salty bones.
Sounds. A number of undead creatures dwell here, and Trap. If the characters see these treasures and don’t
a careful group of characters may hear them shuffling take them, they are subjected to bestow curse (DC 17) for
and groaning in the rooms ahead. the duration of their stay in these dungeons. If they take
at least one, but not all, of the treasures, the DC is 15. If
Dungeon Locations the characters take all the treasures, they each instead
The following locations are keyed to map 1. gain one blessing of your choice, chosen from chapter 7
of the Dungeon Master’s Guide; this blessing expires ten
1. Magic Mouth

minutes after is granted and a character may only benefit

The passage continues north, back into the recesses of from a single blessing in this manner.
the complex. Once the characters draw within 5 feet of

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4. The Four Glories
Each pillar in this room commemorates a significant
victory in combat. One shows carvings of the orcs de-
feating a horde of ogres, one shows the orcs defeating
a beholder, one shows an orc druid freezing dwarves in
ice, and one shows an orc standing atop a pile of defeated
wizards. If the characters remain here for more than a
few moments, they hear curious scratching noises com-
ing from inside the pillars. One minute after the charac-
ters enter this room, even if they have left, several undead
creatures burst free, destroying the pillars (one beholder
zombie, one ogre zombie, and two dwarf zombies, one
of which is dressed in tattered wizard’s robes).
The four pillars denote victories, but if the characters
aren’t careful, they may be a promise of defeat.
Door. The door to the west is magically locked. It auto-
matically unlocks when all four zombies are destroyed.
North and South Hallways. These hallways are rough-
hewn, and aren’t part of the original construction. Close
inspection shows that they were dug by hand without
tools; a character proficient in Religion recalls that some
undead creatures, usually zombies, are known to do this.
Central Hallway. Once unlocked, the characters can
enter this space. At the end stands a statue of a mighty
orc leader, whose name is unfortunately lost to history.
Treasure. The statue at the end of the central hall-
way wears +1 leather armor and wields a silvered
battleaxe. If a character wears both of these pieces in
view of the statue, they gain inspiration; this effect only
happens once.

5. Tombs
Map 1 This room once held services in respect of powerful orc
warriors and leaders, whose bodies were sealed behind
the walls upon their death. Unlike standard orcish funer-
ary services, which often involve complete immolation
or a traditional burial, these highly respected members
3. The Five Furies
of society were interred here so that their spirits would
Upon entering this space, a low howl of rage sounds from
remain in the world for guidance and leadership. Now,
the western alcove. One round after the characters arrive,
however, two of the spirits have become wraiths and the
and for the two rounds following, a wight crawls from a
third is a banshee; maddened by many years of silence,
space below the broken altar to challenge any living crea-
they have developed a hunger for life that far surpasses
tures present on initiative count 20.
any desire for glory that they held in life—but should
The characters may be hard-pressed to fight here due
they be appeased, they may provide boons to those that
to the number of foes. They should be encouraged to use
come here.
the terrain to their advantage. If the characters are in
The tombs belong to well-known orc legends, so no
view of the statue and use interesting tactics, consider
ability checks are needed. The sigils of these orc legends
granting them advantage on their attacks or saving
are outside the three indicated areas, and once the char-
throws as Ilneval shows favor on their efforts.
acters have spent one minute here, they emerge, intent on
Broken Altar. Once consecrated to Ilneval, the altar
attacking unless the characters can appease them.
has been broken. The space beneath is hollowed out, and
Illumination. A collection of quartz crystals embedded
three wights have been lairing here for some time.
into the ceiling emit a natural glow. They bathe the room
Pillars. The pillars are covered in geometric patterns,
in dim light.
but have no hidden function. They aren’t connected to the
Appeasing the Spirits. These spirits are angry but can
ceiling, and can be pushed over with a successful DC 14
be appeased through reasonable creative solutions. Con-
Strength (Athletics) check. A creature hit by a falling pil-
sult their tomb descriptions below, call for a DC 12 ability
lar takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage.
check (encourage the players to choose an appropriate
Statue. The statue is of Ilneval, “the War Maker.” It
skill and describe its use in the matter), and consider the
wields a jagged longsword that appears bloody at all
following potential options or craft your own:
times. Ilneval is the orc deity of warfare and tactics.

Treasure. The space below the altar holds scraps of

the wights’ former lives. The only usable remnants are
two vials of holy water and a ruby brooch worth 125 gp.

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• Regale the orc spirits with tales of their own of the owlbears, they may follow them for a time in the
glory in life. hopes of finding another easy meal or two.
• Please the undead orcs with tales of the characters’ ex- Treasure. The dead elves weren’t well equipped, and
ploits in their honor or stead. the damage caused by the owlbears was significant. Even
• Demonstrate physical traits or qualities of the undead so, a few valuables remain. Any character with a passive
orcs, such as emitting primal screams or conjuring Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher spots a silver
frost magic and effects. necklace with an ebony brooch that is worth 45 gp, and
a spell scroll of awaken. If the characters spend ten min-
Tomb of Ganash, Tusk of the North. A druid of im-
utes searching the room and corpses and succeed on a
mense power, Ganash channeled the pure, frozen rage
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, they find a go-
of the northern blizzards. Rumored to be permanently
re-covered orb of time hidden beneath a pile of detritus.
coated in primal ice, he wielded the greatclub Frostshock,
carved from the heart of an ancient glacier. He has be-
come a wraith. Eroding Ones
Tomb of Yurtriel, the Primal Scream. Yurtriel led The Eroding Ones celebrate a culture of change, eroding
raid after raid with her clan of skilled warriors. Time and their old selves, and revealing the new. Senior members
time again, they clashed with and annihilated elves and teach the young, “Don’t dwell on the wrongs of your past,
humans alike, pushing back those that would encroach it confuses you and the gods-to-come. Instead, turn your
upon sacred orc lands. She and her troops would emit back on what you want to leave behind and stride toward
terrifying primal screams for the entire duration of battle, who you wish to become.”
sowing panic and discord among their foes. She has be- Their awareness, openness, and fluidity may be the rea-
come a banshee. son numerous well-known diviners have been born into
Tomb of Klannk, Defiler of Wizards. In life, Klannk this community—Ishi the Listener, Laylia Ghost-Walker,
reputedly had an extreme desire to find and eliminate and Romdar, the Boy Who Speaks to Lightning.
any wizards among the enemies’ ranks. Some say that
he could “smell the magic,” and demonstrated no small Eroding Ones Omens
amount of glee when engaged in melee with an arcanist.
With an abundance of spellcaster influence came many
He has become a wraith.
spell-related sayings and beliefs.
Treasure. If the undead are appeased, they offer spe-
cial rewards to the characters: • Save the last egg in the basket for the soothsayer, “Eat-
Ganash, Tusk of the North. Ganash offers Frostshock, ing the soothsayer’s egg curses you with a bellyache of
his +1 greatclub to the characters. Crafted from ice, it's lost possibilities.” Whether the indigestion happens is
been enchanted to never melt, regardless of temperature. irrelevant at this point, it is understood to be rude to eat
Yurtriel, the Primal Scream. Yurtriel screams in the the last egg.
faces of the characters, but this effect emboldens them • It is believed that if you “prepare a spell but do not cast,
and grants the benefits of a bless spell for 1 minute. lose a memory from your past.” Most Eroding Ones are
Klannk, Defiler of Wizards. Klannk traces the Orc resigned to the possibility of their memories eroding
sign for “power” on the floor. Each character that views in time. Those genuinely concerned let the spell fly and
it has advantage on their next attack roll. This effect only face the consequences rather than risk losing the mem-
works once per character. ory of a favorite moment or long-lost love.
• Even those not gifted as seers may receive prophe-
6. Bridge cies from time to time. When injured prey dares to
The water below the bridge churns wildly, and the stone- flee toward the hunter, it’s an omen that the hunter is
work in this area is very slick. There is a five-foot drop being hunted by a hidden enemy. Seniors warn, “Let
from the bridge to the water. Creatures that step on the the prey pass; killing them foretells your fate.” Even
bridge slip and fall in a random direction unless they suc- those who don’t put stock in the omen may let the prey
ceed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Should a pass out of respect for their bravery or concern for the
character fall into the river, they can regain their footing game’s health.
in the shallow, but fast-moving, water with a successful
The Eroding Ones pass down this way of thinking
DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check; Small or smaller crea-
from generation to generation, but their attitude toward
tures have disadvantage on this check. A few owlbear
change leaves these sayings vulnerable to revision and
feathers are plainly visible on the southern landing, just
elimination. The Eroding Ones are taught not to fear
outside the door to area 7.
being proven wrong, nor do they run from the task of
7. Owlbear Lair improvement.
Yesterday, three elven adventurers used this room as
their lair. Unfortunately for them, a young pair of hungry
Northeastern Corridors
owlbears also wanted to be here. When the characters In the past, this area of the city was used for celebrations
first enter the room, the owlbears are fast asleep, having and ceremonies. It housed the ancestors’ history and the
gorged on the hapless elves; should they awaken, they are vows of treaties, held their weddings, and honored those
neutral to friendly in their initial reactions due to their re- they viewed in high regard.
cent feeding. If the characters are cautious and respectful

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Dungeon Features What Do They Want? She wants to learn about and
understand the world around her in the hidden hope
The northeastern corridors have the following features: it will help her understand herself, the magical abili-
Dimensions and Terrain. The 330-by-30-foot Histo- ties she keeps secret, and the messages she receives
ries Hall is carved from stone and decorated with rep- from the gods.
resentations of its peoples’ history. The wave-textured What Do They Know? She isn’t supposed to be wan-
convex ceiling rises to 50 feet at its highest point and dering inside the ancestors’ settlement. She told her
lends the hall beautiful acoustics. Sound carries along parents she would go around the encamped families,
the length of the Histories Hall, and characters from the collecting soothsayer eggs and deliver them to Shiff the
Song Trackers community have advantage on Charisma Irritable. She’ll do as she promised, but not before she
(Performance) checks while here. The northeastern-most does some exploring along the way.
door leads to a natural, downward-sloping tunnel with On a successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) or (Reli-
10-foot-high ceilings. The northwestern-most door opens gion) check, characters interpret the hall’s carvings. On a
to a carved-out corridor. failure, Audra describes what she’s learned. Ages ago, the
Light. Darkness. Having been out of use for some time, cave entrance was found by a small group of displaced
this area has no magical or mundane lighting. orcs. In time, there were wars and treaties with other orc
Sounds and Smells. The air is crisp and musty. Foot- groups, and the community grew. Infighting within the
falls echo though the hollow and hallowed hall. The united community saw leaders rise and fall. One leader
sound of dripping water comes from area 12. among many makes repeated appearances at the front
Histories Hall Carvings. These carvings tell the story line of conflicts, portrayed as the hero of some clashes
of the orc ancestors’ community, its oldest stories be- and as the instigator of others. It appears his obsession
ginning on the southern wall, running east to west and with fighting elves led to frivolous losses. The likeness
wrapping around to the northern wall, west to east (for and circumstances make Curgain Bloodsplatter (“Lake of
descriptions see “What Do They Know?,” area 8a, and the Ancestors,” area 41) the most likely name of this over-
area 8b below). lox. The last scene shows orc healers (Hinsha from “The
Healing Quarters”), the military, and worgs, preparing
Dungeon Locations for some battle or calamity. It seems none of the ances-
The following locations are keyed to map 2. tors returned to immortalize the outcome in stone. (More
descriptions in areas 8a and 8b.)
8. Histories Hall She follows the characters as they travel through the
This long passage is littered with broken tables and ancestral home. Audra conceals her spellcasting while
chairs. It is partially illuminated by the light spell Audra, assisting the characters. She shares divine insights with-
a teenage Eroding One, has cast on a broken table leg to out revealing their source, making excuses as to how she
help her study the carvings along the walls. knows the information. With a successful DC 12 Wisdom
A curious eight-year-old teenage orc, Audra, is often im- (Insight or Perception) check, characters realize she is
patient with the pace of her education; she wonders why a diviner, a soothsayer. They know someday she will be
adults can’t seem to get to the point. She stands within gifted an epithet, like “the Listener,” “Ghost-Walker,” or
the Histories Hall, studying the carvings that tell of her “the Boy Who Speaks to Lightning.” In their time with
people’s past, most of which she’s never been taught. her, the characters can suggest such an epithet.

Map 2

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8a. Infighting Mural 11. Treaty Archive
Along the southern wall, a section of carved mural im- This natural cave has a dirt floor with a noticeable divot
mortalizes a warning, cautioning actions not to repeat. A where the dead adventurers dug up the weapon ages ago.
battle is fought between community members, utilizing With a successful DC 15 Intelligence (History or Reli-
backstabbing, lies, and manipulation. Families are driven gion) check, characters know weapons are buried as part
out or killed. Areas of the city are destroyed. This is a his- of a treaty, and digging them up is a bad omen for the
tory the ancestors wanted to move away from. aligned groups. They may rebury the greatsword without
being attacked.
8b. Triggered Door If a character digs up any of the remaining buried
Within a carving depicting a crowd of proud orcs stood treaty weapons (battleaxe, club, greataxe, glaive, javelin,
shoulder to shoulder, is a door. It is locked, with no door- longbow, maul, pike, shortsword), a guardian cloaker
knob or keyhole, and appears to slide into the wall. To and flameskull rise up from each disturbed burial and
open it, characters turn their backs on the carved mural attack the characters.
at area 8a and walk toward door area 8b, the door slides
open. “Turn your back on what you want to leave behind 12. Wedding Cove
and stride toward who you wish to become.” Hot spring water bubbles up from the bottom of this
cove, which slopes to a depth of 10 feet. Cold water drips
9. Broken Storage Vault from the ceiling, causing a steam cloud to hang over the
The door to this vault has been smashed in. surface of the stone and pool. The water isn’t stagnant; a
Treasure. Looking around, the room holds broken slow current carries it out to the adjoining tunnel. This
spear shafts, decayed cabinets, dried-up potion vials, and cave is covered in brilliant, multicolored paints, now
mason’s tools. flaked and faded. Any orc knows this is a site for wedding
ceremonies; partners are united within the waters.
10. Dead Adventurers’ Cavern Characters willingly entering the pool together receive
This cavern is empty except for an ancient, tarnished the benefits from the wedding mode of a ceremony spell
greatsword and the bodies of eight adventurers in vari- (from XGE). For the next 7 days, these characters gain a
ous stages of decomposition—three mummified and five +2 bonus to their AC while they are within 30 feet of each
skeletal. One adventurer still wears their cloak (really other. No benefits occur if a character coerces, manipu-
a cloaker). If the characters succeed on a DC 20 Intelli- lates, or threatens others to enter the pool,
gence (Nature) check, they notice the cloak is in pristine Treasure. If a character investigates the bottom of this
condition and that there are six skulls, but only five skel- cove, they find a ring of mind shielding.
etons. They realize one cloaker and one flameskull lie
among the bodies. If the characters touch the greatsword,
the cloaker and flameskull awaken and attack shouting, Chambers of the Overlox
“You dare interfere with the Fang Trust-Eroding Ones This area contained the personal chambers of the Over-
treaty?! Inter it in its rightful place!” If characters promise lox (the orc sovereign) as well as the throne room, council
to rebury the weapon, the cloaker and flameskull cease chamber, and various other rooms.
hostilities and lead them to area 11. In the years since the city fell, various creatures have
occupied this area. For many years, it was dominated
by the sorcerer Ignatia, who subdued the local duergar
and conducted experiments here. A few days ago, she
summoned Brolgalgeld, a red slaad from Limbo, but her
magic circle was imperfectly drawn, and the vile creature
escaped and killed her. The slaad now controls the duer-
gar and has set this location up as a breeding area.

Overlox Omens
There are two old orcish superstitions the characters
may encounter:
• A piece of coal suspended above a doorway protects
against intruders.
• A frog worn around the neck brings luck.

Dungeon Features
Construction. The walls are made of well-fitted stone
blocks that are cracked and worn with age. Well-made,
though grimy, cobblestones cover the floor.
Dimensions. The tunnel ceilings arch slightly and
peak 10 feet above the floor. The ceilings in the rooms

are domed and peak 13 feet above the floor, unless speci-
fied otherwise.

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Map 3

Dungeon Locations 14. Vestibule

The following locations are keyed to map 3.
This octagonal chamber is piled high with debris, includ-
13. Waiting Room ing broken stonework, splintered furniture, ironmongery,
and a few bones as well. There are doors in four of the
A jagged fissure divides the floor in two. Crumbling stone walls, and a large freestanding gong near the southeast-
benches line the walls, with the northern wall also covered ern corner.
by an enormous mosaic.

This room served as a communal junk heap for many

There are three duergar (40 hit points) on the east side of years. An otyugh (168 hit points) crawls about beneath
the fissure, all in in their enlarged state. They each have 4 the mess, which varies between 3 to 7 feet in height.
javelins, which they use while the adventurers are on the The creature begins stalking the characters once they
opposite side of the fissure. enter—the characters see and hear the junk shuffling
Fissure. The fissure is about 5 feet wide on average around. It attacks after 1d4 + 2 rounds. Using an action to
and 30 feet deep. If the characters find themselves with bang gong loudly causes the otyugh to dive beneath a tall
their backs to the fissure during melee, the duergar at- pile of junk and lie still for 1 minute.
tempt to shove them into it. Treasure. Anyone who spends 5 minutes searching the
Mosaic. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Religion) junk pile and makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Per-
check reveals that the mosaic depicts the orc god ception) check finds a random item worth less than 10 gp
Gruumsh in furious combat with the elf god Corellon. from the Equipment table in the Player’s Handbook. Each
Anyone who makes a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Percep- subsequent search takes double the time of the previous
tion) check notices that Gruumsh's eye can be removed search (the second search takes 10 minutes, the third
from the mosaic. takes 20 minutes, etc.)
Treasure. Pushing Gruumsh’s eye causes it to pop out,
revealing a small cavity with a purse holding 50 gp and a
stone bottle containing a potion of heroism.

9 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

15. Chapel 18. Study

An imposing statue of a one-eyed orc stands against the Dull and chipped frescos decorate two of the walls. Stone
west end of this chamber, while slender stone pillars line shelves hold several ancient tomes while a large wooden
the northern and southern walls. desk lies in a broken heap to one side.

There is a brown bear chained to the base of the statue. A human bandit named Aleth Yewick is chained to the
Initially, it rears up and growls at the party but, assuming back wall. He has 4 levels of exhaustion and 1 hit point
they don’t leave, it suddenly begins trying to communi- remaining. He entered the dungeon a few days ago
cate to them via increasingly sophisticated sign language. seeking treasure but was captured by the duergar and
It tells the story of an arrogant young prince who angered chained here. His chains can be unlocked with a success-
a witch one day and was transformed into a beast until he ful DC 12 Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools.
can find true love . . . Awful Truth. Aleth recalls a monster “like a great red
Azarlea. The bear suddenly transforms into a succu- toad” approaching him and then he fainted. He awoke
bus who roars with laughter. Her name is Azarlea and later with huge, painful blisters on his arm and back.
she was summoned to this plane by the sorcerer Ignatia, Aleth doesn’t know, but Brolgalgeld the red slaad has
who freed her after she had performed certain services. implanted its eggs in him. See the Monster Manual for
Azarlea has been exploring the world outside but returns more details.
to this area regularly, regarding it as a home base. She Fresco. The fresco contains two panels. The first de-
tells them to “beware of the horrid toad in the throne picts a royal (orcish) birth, while the second depicts the
room,” before disappearing into the Ethereal Plane. She victory of an orcish army over a horde of gnolls.
then follows the party in ethereal form, occasionally reap- Treasure. Anyone who examines the shelves and
pearing to offer an ironic assessment of their efforts. makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
finds several valuable items:
16. Barracks
• A potion of superior healing.
The stone arch to the north of this room is sculpted
• A spell scroll of polymorph.
with skulls and bones. The words, “Hail the Overlox!”
• A kaleidoscope of memory. This magic device consists
are inscribed in Orc above the arch. Anyone who walks
of a short brass tube with an eye piece at one end and a
through the arch without reciting these words sees a
button on top. Anyone who looks into it after the button
great flash and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
has been pressed sees a visual summary of the orc
saving throw or be blinded for 1 hour.
city’s history. The entire presentation takes 20 hours,
Cots. The room contains fourteen ancient stone cots
but pressing the button again skips forward an hour.
and is full of dust and rubble.
The final scene shows how the orcish sages led the
Illusion. Part of the eastern wall of the room is illusory,
people to abandon the worship of Gruumsh, who sent a
hiding the alcove that contains the east door. Anyone
terrible plague to wipe out the city as punishment.
who touches the wall feels their hand pass right through
it. A piece of coal is suspended from the roof in front of
the illusion. 19. Vestry
17. Pantry and Well
Several decaying stone wardrobes line whitewashed walls
which are filthy with dirt and ash. Primitive straw mat-
Small alcoves and stone shelves line the walls, holding tresses lie scattered around the room and there are several
the broken remnants of old barrels, crates, and boxes. A barrels in one corner.
low wall of ancient bricks circles a well in the center of
the room.
There are ten duergar (40 hit points) in this room, all
cowed into serving Brolgalgeld.
A black pudding lurks at the bottom of the well, about 20 Barrels. The barrels contain water and salted meat of
feet down. If anyone looks down the well, shines a light dubious origin.
down it, or throws something in it, the creature surges up Treasure. The duergar have stashed a good amount of
and attacks. loot in their mattresses, which amounts to 380 gp.
Treasure. A character who searches the shelves and
make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
locates a human statuette made of silver with jade eyes. It
is worth 250 gp.

10 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

20. Guardroom
Both east and west doors are locked and lack door han-
dles and keyholes. Both doors have small copper skulls
embedded on their outer faces.
Opening the Door. Touching the door from the outside
causes the skull to say, “Eye will let you in!” Placing a
finger in each eye socket of the skull causes the door to
open. Otherwise, the door can be forced open with a suc-
cessful DC 18 Strength check, with the character taking
2 bludgeoning damage on a failure. From the inside, the
doors can be simply pushed open. Red Slaad
When the characters enter, read the following:

Broken and crumbling stone bunks line two walls while

old stone benches lie toppled over in the corner. The
air smells clean and fresh here, in contrast to the other

This old guardroom was enchanted to help the guards

recuperate rapidly after combat. Anyone who finishes a
short rest here recovers an additional 1d6 hit points.
Treasure. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check locates a robe of eyes buried in the rubble of
an old bunk. 22. Council Chamber
21. Sovereign Bedchamber
A long, wide stone table runs down the middle of this
The western door has a silver plaque with “Beware!”
engraved on it. The door is protected by an invisible room, surrounded by a score of stone chairs, all deterio-
ward, and anyone who touches it without saying “Hail the rating. The north wall is covered by a bas-relief engraving
Overlox!” must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, of a battle scene between orcs and gnolls.
taking 21 (6d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as
much on a successful one.
When the characters enter, read the following: The ceiling is 15 feet high. This entire room is subjected
to a reverse gravity effect, as per the spell. Crouching in a
pile of rubble near the eastern wall are two grells (90 hit
This is a spacious chamber with tiled walls, several dusty points) that floated in a few days ago.
tapestries, and a worn carpet on the floor. A large, dilapi- Gravity Switch. Anyone who searches the table and
dated stone bed frame sits against a wall, while the carpet succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check locates
has been torn up in one corner of the room. a button on the underside near the eastern end. Pressing
the button toggles the gravity effect on and off.
Secret Door. Anyone who searches the walls and suc-
There is a bloody pile next to the bed—this is all that re- ceeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
mains of the sorcerer Ignatia. As the characters watch, a discolored piece of stone in the bas-relief sculpture.
the ruined body begins jerking around on the carpet. Pushing that opens the secret door in the northern wall
After a few moments, the body explodes and thirty slaad (which can be simply pushed open from inside the secret
tadpoles emerge. corridor).
Ripped Carpet. The carpet has been ripped up in the
corner in order to engrave a magic circle on the floor. 23. Throne Room
Secret Door. Anyone who searches for secret doors
and makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) This grand hall has polished flagstones, decorative relief
check finds the secret passage behind a tapestry on the
carving spreading across the walls, and a double row of
southern wall. The first 30 feet of this passage has a per-
manent darkness spell cast on it. dark marble pillars. At the end of the room, a dark throne
Treasure. A purse on Ignatia’s body contains 250 gp sits on a dais of polished stone, held 10 feet above the
and four glittering sapphires worth 100 gp each. floor by four strong pillars of iron.

The ceiling is 20 feet high. Standing on the edge of the


dais is Brolgalgeld, the red slaad. It is armed with a fully

charged wand of lightning bolts and attacks the charac-
ters immediately with it.

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Duergar Guards. If the duergar in area 19 hear any Dungeon Features
commotion, they turn invisible and enter, prepared to
join the fray. These caverns serve as a central location to collect safe
Dais Button. Anyone who examines the eastern wall water and feed it to other regions of the city. The aque-
and makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) duct has the following features:
check sees an iron button. Pressing this button causes • The water in the aqueduct is 20 feet deep and pos-
the dais to rise and fall. There is a similar button on the sesses a moderate natural current. Creatures without a
throne’s armrest. swim speed must succeed on a DC 12 Strength (Athlet-
Treasure. Brolgalgeld has the aforementioned wand ics) check to tread water in place.
of lightning bolts and is wearing a dead frog attached to • The ceilings are 20 feet above the water level.
a leather thong. Brolgalgeld also has a small glass con- • There are no light sources.
tainer holding a piece of raw limbo, which pulses and
rapidly changes color. As an action, a character can take Dungeon Locations
this matter and shape it into another item, exactly like a
creation spell cast at 5th level. The raw limbo can only be The following locations are keyed to map 4.
used once in this way.
24. Water Treatment Cavern

This vast cavern is a marriage of natural rock formations

and exquisite feats of masonry. A series of floor-to-ceiling
pillars rise from the dark water and stretch back into the
cavern far beyond your sight. Sounds of flowing water
echo through this room.

This room was created by the Found Fortunate inno-

vators as a water treatment plant. Its magical columns
served to clean the water flowing in from underground
sources and to protect against unwelcome creatures that
might try to enter the city through its waterways.
This cavern is full of 20-foot-deep running water that
flows in via several off-map sources (you are free to de-
cide the nature of these sources). There is also a stream
of water that flows downward and empties into the Lake
of the Ancestors. All these waterway entry points have
been rigged with net traps by the kuo-toa refugees.
Net Work. The kuo-toa have strung net traps over the
waterway entrances to this cavern, including the tunnels
that lead to the Lake of the Ancestors and the Wedding
Cove (area 12). Creatures looking for traps while travel-
ing the waterways spot the nets with a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check. If the nets are detected, an
Duergar action can be used to remove the hooks anchoring them.
The first creature that swims into a net must succeed
on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained. A
creature restrained by the net can use an action to make
a DC 14 Strength check. On a success, it frees itself and
is no longer restrained. A creature that isn’t restrained by
the nets can use an action to free another creature with-
Found Fortunate out making a check.
A community of orcs known as the Found Fortunate were Kuo-Toa Refugees. A band of kuo-toa refugees have
responsible for implementing numerous infrastructure taken up residence in this chamber. The party’s sudden
innovations in the city, including converting these cav- appearance startles the kuo-toa, who thought this city
erns into an aqueduct. was abandoned. They react cautiously to the party and
avoid combat if at all possible.
Found Fortunate Omens
Here are a collection of beliefs and omens held by the
Found Fortunate orcs:

• A fortune found is a fortune earned.

• Taming stone is such great folly, make stonework for
you and be jolly.

12 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

glyphs on the pillars have worn away, causing the cav-
ern’s magic to fail.
To successfully restore the pillars’ magic, the charac-
ters must examine the orcish symbols carved into each
pillar and identify which pillars have damaged symbols
with a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana or History)
check. They then must recarve the symbol either by mag-
ical means or by succeeding on a DC 14 Dexterity (ma-
son’s tools) check. All checks to recarve the symbols are
made with disadvantage unless the party can negate the
constant effects of the water current or if they possess a
swim speed (see “Aqueduct Features.”)
If the party restores all three damaged pillars, each pil-
lar in the cavern begins to emit a dim blue glow.
Treasure. If the party members successfully restore
the pillars’ magic, Glipglooploop gives the party an ebony
fly figurine of wondrous power, which she found sub-
merged in this cavern.

25. Observation Deck

Several huts made of junk and dried muck crowd this

ledge. Strands of shiny baubles and animal teeth decorate
the walls.

The kuo-toa have converted this ledge into their set-

tlement. There is nothing of value amongst their
Secret Door. The wall of this room holds a secret door
to the Path of Vision (area 26). Any character searching
for hidden doors locates it with a successful DC 12 Intel-
ligence (Investigation) check. When viewing it, there is no
obvious way to open the passage, but if a character exam-
ines the door via touch, they find the invisible doorknob.
The doorknob is visible with detect magic, see invisibility,
truesight, or a similar effect.

Map 4 Watchful Eye

A community of orcs known as the Watchful Eye were
Once the party enters the cavern, five kuo-toa and tasked with guarding the city. They cultivated their tal-
their leader, a kuo-toa archpriest named Glipglooploop, ents of perception and mindfulness to better protect the
emerge from the water to make contact. If the party isn’t communities of the city.
immediately hostile, Glipglooploop attempts to speak
with them in Undercommon. If the party don’t seem
Watchful Eye Omens
to understand, Glipglooploop casts tongues on herself Here are a collection of beliefs and omens held by the
then asks the party if they mean her people any harm. orcs of the Watchful Eye:
If the party responds amiably, Glipglooploop welcomes • A wise orc doesn’t rely on their eyes to see.
them and asks if the party would be willing to help se- • Rainbows guide toward great knowledge.
cure the area.
If the party grows hostile, five more kuo-toa warriors
float to the surface to join the fight, and the group’s two Dungeon Features
pet reef sharks attack any characters in the water. These hidden chambers were built to house the Eye of
Wet Work. If the party members are friendly, Glip- Gruumsh; an arcane device made to keep watch over the
glooploop asks the characters for help to safeguard this different regions of the city. The watchtower has the fol-
cavern. When the city was in its prime, the pillars in this lowing features:
room were enchanted to purify and protect the waters
• The ceilings are 15 feet high.
flowing into this cavern. Over time, three of the warding
• There are no light sources.

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Dungeon Locations 30. Chamber of Seeing
The following locations are keyed to map 4.
A large crystal orb placed on a mirrored pedestal domi-
26. Path of Vision nates the center of this room. An empty sconce hangs on
A stylized mural of the city adorns this long, curving hall-
way. Characters who examine it recognize depictions of one of the walls.
rooms they have already explored in the dungeon.
This chamber holds the Eye of Gruumsh, which can be
27. Ready Room
used to view different regions of the city when correctly
This room is where the Watchers kept supplies necessary
activated. A light source must be placed in the sconce of
to activate the Eye of Gruumsh. A neat collection of cup-
this room to activate the Eye, in addition to the conditions
boards lines the walls of this room, and there is a central
met in Watcher’s Walk.
table that has seven crystals set on its surface. A fine
Once the puzzle is solved, and the rainbow light hits
layer of dust covers everything.
the Eye, it shimmers, and images begin to play across
The crystals appear colorless if viewed via darkvision.
its surface.
However, if a light source is present (i.e. a lit torch, the
Eye of Gruumsh. Once activated, the Eye of Gruumsh
light spell, etc.), each crystal glows with a different color
allows an observer to see other regions of the city. The
of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo,
visions can warn the party about foes lurking in the dun-
and violet. Each crystal resembles a chunk of quartz, ap-
geon, or alert them to hidden treasure locations. What
proximately the size of an orc’s fist.
images the party sees are ultimately up to the DM, but
Unidentifiable decayed objects fill the cabinets lining
here are a couple of examples:
this room.
• The sphere clouds over, and you see a charred black
28. Storage Closet chamber. You somehow know that the ghost of a beast
This storage closet is where the Watchers kept light haunts this place (referring to the Funeral Room in the
sources necessary to activate the Eye. It is filled with the Worg Grounds—area 64).
rotted remains of torches, dried-up containers of oil, and • The sphere clouds over and you see a room filled
rusted-through lanterns. with skulls. You somehow know an offer of blood will
Treasure. Only one usable item remains in this closet: awaken a helpful guide (referring to the Overlook of
the lantern of revealing hung on a storage peg. Skulls at the Lake of the Ancestors—area 40).

29. Watcher's Walk

This complicated tunnel arrangement mimics the shape Song Trackers
of an eye. It houses a puzzle that must be solved to acti- The Song Trackers are a group of orcs renowned for
vate the Eye of Gruumsh in the Chamber of Seeing. their warriors’ ability to follow a creature, even if all they
There are several details about the room that the party have to go on is a whisper of sound. They also have a
notice immediately to clue them into the puzzle’s solution: history of producing bards, famous for their voices. Much
• Seven empty vessels hang from the ceiling at regular of their training would take place outside the city, such
intervals in this curving hallway. These vessels resem- excellence required constant work.
ble wire birdcages, and an object can be placed inside.
• The three doors in this room are mirrored on one side. Song Trackers' Omens
The mirror is revealed when the doors stand open. • If you find something that is lost, returning it to its
• There is a large window that lets a viewer peer into the owner brings you good fortune.
Chamber of Seeing (area 30). • Finding an antler branch on your path denotes trouble
If a character searches the room, a successful DC 15 (as it’s something lost that cannot be returned).
Intelligence (Investigation) check allows them to spot a • Seeing three birds flying in the same direction means it
network of small holes bored through the walls. is a good day to start a journey.
To activate the Eye, the party must place the seven • Always travel crossways to where you saw light-
crystals from the Ready Room in the hanging vessels in ning strike.
correct rainbow order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, • Be wary of an early thaw.
indigo, and violet. They must then place a light source in • If you cannot sing, then whistle, or learn to
the sconce in the Chamber of Seeing (a torch, a lantern, drum a beat.
or casting light on the sconce all work). If the mirrored
doors are open, streams of rainbow light bounce around
the room to shine on the Eye of Gruumsh, which ac-
tivates it.

14 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Musical Commands
Sound carries and the orcs took advantage of that, cre-
ating a code to communicate over distances using the
sounds of mainly harmless creatures native to their envi-
ronments. The various chirps and whistles of songbirds
were used, relying on unique patterns to differentiate from
actual birds when necessary. The songs and their meaning
have changed slightly over time, in part due to the fall of
the city, their territory and terrain has changed.
Song Trackers know the current codes and have advan-
tage on Intelligence (History) or Charisma (Performance)
checks to control the mechanical teaching aids. Attempts
to determine which sound to use by other orcs require a
successful DC 25 Intelligence (History) check.

Dungeon Features
Some features are consistent throughout the area unless
otherwise noted:
Illumination. The area is in darkness.
Ceilings. The ceilings are 15 feet high.
Doors. The doors are stone and all have two locks (prac-
tice for the bards) of varying difficulty which aren’t locked
except the door from area 31 to area 33 which has one
lock engaged.
Portcullises and Cells. The bars are rusted, and have
AC 17 and 15 hit points. The bars are far enough apart
to allow Tiny creatures through them. Unless noted
otherwise there doesn’t seem to be a way to raise or
lower the bars.

Dungeon Locations
Map 5
The following locations are keyed to map 5.

31. Armory Piles of Armor. In the middle of the room are two piles
Looking into the room, the characters see: of armor. At end of the first round of combat, or when a
character gets within 5 feet, the piles of armor rise re-
The hallway opens into a room. Weapons covered in rust vealing themselves to be two sets of animated armor. A
Song Tracker knows the “At ease” command is the cry
and webs line the walls, armor lies in dust-covered heaps,
of a hawk, and they must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma
and a shield with the barely discernable design of a hawk (Performance) check to deactivate them.
over paw tracks lies on the floor near the doorway. Door. The door to area 33 has the upper lock engaged.
A character must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity (thieves’
tools) check to unlock the door. The door has AC 17, 27
Adjust the boxed text if they are entering from a different hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
direction and move the shield to a location they can im- Treasure. The shield isn’t magical, but on the inside is
mediately see. Song Trackers recognize the symbols on etched the family name of one of the orc characters in the
the shield as being from their group. group (DM’s choice), and it belonged to their many-gener-
Walls. The walls of this room are lined with weapon ations-removed ancestor.
racks and spiderwebs. Except for the two greataxes
(flying swords) racked by the doors, whose gleaming 32. Instrument Fabrication
metal is rust-free, the weapons are tarnished, brittle, and A short hallway opens into a larger area, the walls of
shrouded in webs. The greataxes attack when the charac- which are lined with work areas covered in dust.
ters enter the room. A Song Tracker, or a character who Work Areas (Musical Instruments). On the work sur-
makes a successful DC 25 Intelligence (History) check, faces reside; a lute without tuning pegs and strings, a hol-
knows the “Stand down” command is the repetitive chirp lowed-out bone that has two holes drilled in it (the begin-
of a chickadee, and can deactivate the weapons with a nings of a flute), and a headless drum. Looking through
successful DC 10 Charisma (Performance) check. the drawers and cabinets of these stations reveals tools
Webs. The webs were spun by the two swarms of still in excellent condition. Two sets of each of the follow-
spiders that reside here. If anyone removes a weapon ing are found: woodcarver’s tools, jeweler’s tools, and
from the racks, or the greataxes attack, this disturbs the tinker’s tools. A successful Intelligence (Investigation)

swarms and causes them to attack the nearest creature. DC 20 in this area reveals a hidden panel behind which is
a beautiful cli lyre.

15 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Work Areas (Leather Goods). Beneath the dust and and has some clamps, leatherworker’s tools and tinker’s
grime of the desks are partially finished bracers, a set of tools, and four small emeralds spread across it. On one
bird jesses, and a pouch. In the drawers of these worksta- table are remnants of animal pelts. On the other, bits of
tions are two sets of leatherworker’s tools. metal are strewn about.
Alcove. In the alcove are shelves with pieces of wood Floor. Under the two tables near the corners of the
and dried-out leather. room are small piles of rubble. Moving closer causes the
Doors. The door next to the alcove leads to area 34 and two mechanical badgers (bronze scouts—see appendix
has no keyhole but moves smoothly when pushed. The A) hiding there to use their Lightning Flare before re-
other door isn’t locked and opens into area 35. treating down their tunnels.
Treasure. The characters might gain a cli lyre and two Stools. Laying on their side are two stools, one made to
of each of the following: jeweler’s tools, woodcarver’s support an orc, the other designed to allow a Small crea-
tools, tinker’s tools and leatherworker’s tools. ture to reach the work area.
Creatures. The bronze scouts understand Orc but
33. Changing Hallway cannot speak. Even though it mimics the look of a badger,
This area was used to practice close-quarter fighting on its eyes still telescope up. It has no desire to fight. Their
uneven terrain, with the occasional trap thrown in to goal is to warn the gnome mummy of intruders.
spice it up. The spice is now provided by a poltergeist. Treasure. The four emeralds are worth 25 gp each.
Doors. The door from the hallway isn’t locked. The There is also a set of leatherworker’s tools and a set of
other door is locked as described in area 31. tinker’s tools.
Alcoves. Immediately opposite the door from area 31
is an alcove, the back wall of which has a series of levers 35. Hallway
and some wheels. The alcove to the right of that doorway The worn floor of this hallway is occasionally interrupted
appears empty. by small piles of stone. These are more of the exits from
Floor. The floor is made up of uneven cobblestones. A the tunnels burrowed by the bronze scout badgers. Dim
creature that runs in this hallway must succeed on a DC light spills out from area 36.
10 Dexterity check or fall prone.
Control Panel. Wheels and gears lay in pieces on the 36. Carefully Taught
floor. On the wall, among many broken controls, are two The walls of this room are covered in tapestries that are
intact levers. They control the following traps: interrupted by alcoves which hold cages.
Grease Trap. When the lever for this trap is activated, Light. Three globes spaced out across the ceiling emit
grease oozes up through tiny holes in the floor of two dim light in a ten-foot radius.
adjoining sections creating a thin layer of grease. A crea- Tapestries. These were clearly designed as teaching
ture walking in these areas must succeed on a DC 15 aids. They show tracks and illustrations of different an-
Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. If the creature was imals except for the two smaller rugs which show trail
running, they also take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage on a markings and runes, one for elves and one for dwarves.
failed save. The holes can be detected with a successful The one for elves is a rug of smothering. Creatures with
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 20 or higher no-
Pit Trap. When the poltergeist flips the lever for this, tice that the hangers for this rug appear slightly different.
a section of the floor becomes a trap. When a creature Closer inspection causes it to attack.
weighing at least ten pounds steps on it, they must make Alcoves. Cells, with no apparent way in or out, take up
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling into half of each alcove. In the cell areas, limbs of trees are
the pit. On a failure, they fall 10 feet and take 3 (1d6) positioned to hold bird nests with additional perches in
bludgeoning damage and 2 (1d4) piercing damage from the walls. A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check
the bones at the bottom of the pit. A successful DC 15 identifies the nests as belonging to various songbirds,
Wisdom (Perception) check notices that the next 5-foot which all would be small enough to fly through the bars.
section of floor is slightly depressed. The bronze scout badgers have exits into this room in the
Creatures. The poltergeist is what remains of the un- three alcoves.
lucky adventurer whose bones are at the bottom of the pit Portcullis. A lever on the wall next to it activates this.
trap. It is tied to this area. It uses its Telekinetic Thrust to Creatures. Frug, a gnome mummy, has no interest in
manipulate the levers and avoids direct confrontation. fighting. They asked to be mummified in order to take
care of the clockwork creatures found while exploring
34. Clockwork Haven here. Frug hides next to the portcullis leading to area
This room was the workshop of an art that has since 39 (the portcullis is open), with two iron cobras (see
been lost to the Song Trackers—the making of clockwork appendix A) as guards. The bronze scouts (see appendix
devices. They used these devices both for training and in A) use their Lightning Flare to warn the gnome mummy
the field. that the characters are coming closer. They engage in a
Light. When the door opens a glyph of warding casts a delaying tactic while the iron cobras move up and Frug
light spell which bathes the area in bright light. flees to the stairway in area 39.
Smell. Anyone who has a passive DC 20 Wisdom (Per- The iron cobras have vocal resonators, but only vocal-
ception) score smells a faint odor of decay. ize flute sounds. As they approach, they start emitting a
Desk. Centered on the left-hand wall is a desk with song and ready Bite attacks. If they don’t hear the correct
small tables on either side of it. The desk is dust-free whistled or sung response within 1 round, they attack.

16 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

A character who makes a successful DC 10 Intelligence Creatures. There is dust on all the creatures, but their
(History) check recognizes the melody as an old lullaby role was to provide a challenge, thus they attack any crea-
(bards have advantage on this check), and they know the ture that enters.
correct notes of the refrain to respond with. A character
who completes the lullaby and makes a successful DC
15 Charisma (Performance) check halts the iron co-
Lake of the Ancestors
These caves were once holy to Yurtrus the White Hand
bras’ attack.
and his followers. It was here, at the edge of the city, that
37. Performance Circle his followers memorialized those heroes worthy of an
The center of the room seems clear, with debris along the afterlife in Gruumsh’s horde.
base of the walls and odd hooks at varying heights along
the walls. Lake of the Ancestors Omens
Ceiling. The ceiling is domed and is 25 feet high • A skull from one of the honored dead can bolster a war-
at the apex. rior’s courage if smeared in blood.
Debris. Upon inspection it looks broken furniture, • A woman in blue wields the poisoned blade you don’t
some of which was stone. see coming. Beware the unexpected attack.
Wall Hooks. A character who makes a successful DC • When a flame offers no heat, it is a sure sign that the
20 Intelligence (Investigation) check determines that dead walk nearby.
these hooks were meant to hold musical instruments.
Stairs. These lead down. Anyone who walks down Manifestations of the Blue Lady
them is caught in a magical trap. When a creature
reaches the halfway point, they are teleported to the The Blue Lady’s presence can affect the Lake of the
stairs in area 39, facing as if they were walking up those Ancestors and the surrounding rooms in any number of
stairs. If they attempt to walk up and exit the stairs, they ways. Consider building suspense and utilizing any of
are teleported back to the top of the stairs they started on. the following by tying these manifestations to omens the
This loop continues until the trapped creature walks up characters are searching for:
the stairs backward. • Flickering lights ignite within the single eyes of
Creatures. Undead are immune to the stair trap and the skulls still mounted atop weapons, shining out
Frug, the gnome mummy, has a path from the bottom of across the lake.
these stairs to the bottom of the stairs in 39. • The lake water instantly fouls, running red with blood.
• The faint murmuring of orcish voices drifts on the
38. Alcoves of Quiet breeze, praising the deeds of fallen heroes.
These alcoves are under the effect of permanent silence
spells, but the spells don’t affect the hallway.
Dungeon Locations
39. Circle of Performance The following locations are keyed to map 6.
This room is very similar to area 36, except it has a cage
containing an oaken bolter (see appendix A) and two 40. Overlook of Skulls
stuffed bears (stone defenders—see appendix A) stand The Overlook of Skulls is a place of honor, where the
either side of the cage. skulls of ancestral heroes are displayed so that they may
Ceiling. The ceiling is domed and is 25 feet high be remembered.
at the apex. Marshy shores slope down to the Lake of Blood (area
Debris. Upon inspection it looks broken furniture, 42). Embedded in the thick muck are rusted weapons,
some of which was stone. capped with skulls that look out over the water. A rein-
Wall Hooks. A character who makes a successful DC forced door leads the Heroes’ Vault (area 41).
10 Intelligence (Investigation) determines that these Illumination. Both sides of the overlook are in to-
hooks were meant to hold weapons. tal darkness.
Stairs. These lead down. Anyone who walks down Door. Thick iron doors, covered in dirt and rust, lead
them is caught in a magical trap. When a creature to the Heroes’ Vault (area 41). Each door is locked and
reaches the halfway point, they are teleported to the protected by an arcane lock spell (included in the DCs be-
stairs in area 37, facing as if they were walking up those low). They can be opened with a successful DC 25 Dex-
stairs. If they attempt to walk up and exit the stairs, they terity check using thieves’ tools, or knocked down with a
are teleported back to the stairs they started on. This successful DC 30 Strength check.
loop continues until the trapped creature walks up the Muck. The shoreline is covered with a cloying, black
stairs backward. mud that grips the boot and slows anyone attempting to
Cage. This was designed to stop anyone sabotaging the move within five feet of the water’s edge. A successful DC
oaken bolter within, and it starts to rise after the oaken 12 Wisdom (Perception) check made while searching the
bolter attacks. It takes a full round to rise. muck finds that hundreds of orcish bones lie just below

17 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Map 6

the surface; the bodies of many honored dead. One of The Good Death
the skulls, that of Vrograg Brokentusk, occasionally still Orcs who die “a good death” are sent to Gruumsh by the
wakes if prompted. priests of Yurtrus. The priests seek out the bodies of such
Skulls. Dozens of orc skulls are perched atop badly fallen heroes, sever their heads, boil or smoke them to
rusted weapons, and many more are half-buried in the get rid of most of the flesh, and then use a ritual punch to
mud where the weapons have succumbed to age. Each break out the bridge of the nose leaving the skull with a
skull has the bridge of the nose broken out. A successful single eye. Orcs that appreciate the strength and ferocity
DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) recognizes this as a prac- of a foe might choose to honor that enemy by giving it
the same treatment. The bodies of orcs that die in a failed
tice to honor those who died a “good death” in battle.
battle are left behind; they were weak and don’t deserve
The Skull of Vrograg Brokentusk to join Gruumsh. Those that die of old age have typically
been taken into Yurtrus’s fold, and their bones are used to
Vrograg Brokentusk was a member of the Fang Trust build furnishings and structures in areas dedicated to the
who died heroically while fighting the hated elves. Some worship of Yurtrus.
semblance of him remains within his skull, and if a char-
acter makes an offering of their blood, he wakes with a
yawning groan, like an old man rising from a long nap. 41. The Heroes' Vault
Curmudgeon. Vrograg is a cranky sort who always This room is the final resting place of the city’s greatest
sees the worst. Every omen is a bad one, and the chances heroes. Unlike the Overlook, the Vault has stayed rela-
for a good death are few. He assumes the characters tively dry over the ages. Anyone foolish enough to steal
are doomed, just like the rest of the city, and he doesn’t from their ancestors will suffer the death fog trap.
have much time to spare for children playing in the ashes The walls of this chamber are covered in niches, filled
of lost greatness. Only young orcs of his own clan can with bones and trophies of the past.
sway him to share his knowledge, and even then, he Illumination. There is no light inside the vault.
does so with sadness, like he is just helping them delay Burial Niches. There are dozens of niches, each with a
their doom. few bones and some trophy or trinket. The trinkets aren’t
Stories of Yore. Vrograg knows most of the city’s his- of monetary value, but rather cultural. Most have surren-
tory until about 150 years before the calamity, though cu- dered to time and are little more than fragments or dust,
riously cannot recall its name. If the characters win him but pieces of bone, stone, or metal are ever present. Sev-
over, he doesn’t really answer their questions so much as eral niches have names inscribed below them, including:
tell rambling epic stories that each last tens of minutes. Ishi the Listener, Laylia Ghost-Walker, Alloh the Healer,
He especially tends to focus on tales of heroic warriors. Gatalah, Tracker of Songs, and Romdar, the Boy Who
Vrograg is a convenient vehicle for the DM to impart Speaks to Lightning.
some missed bit of history, or plant a plot hook leading to Magic-Dampening Field. The entirely room is blan-
another area of the city. keted by a field similar to the false aura effect of Nystul’s

magic aura. All spells and magic items appear nonmagi-

cal to effects that detect magic.

18 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Death Fog Trap same black mud as the shore, and is similarly peppered
with the bones of centuries of orcish dead. The water
Simple trap (level 5–10, dangerous threat)
is cloudy, making it lightly obscured within 10 feet, and
The bones of the dead are warded to eliminate any thieves. heavily obscured beyond that.
Treasure. The lake bottom is covered in the bones of
Trigger. The burial niches are disturbed by thieves or
the dead, some of which took their valuables with them.
A character who spends ten minutes searching the lake
Effect. The doors slam shut and lock as a poisonous cloud bottom and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
(treat as a DC 15 cloudkill spell) fills the room. check finds a watertight silver coffer worth 50 gp that
Countermeasures. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) contains a necklace of wolves’ teeth and pieces of quartz
check notes arcane runes on the back of the doors and in the worth 10 gp, and a potion of greater healing.
burial niches. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
realizes that they are tied to a conjuration ward. The runes can
43. Final Rest of the Blue Lady
be destroyed with dispel magic (DC 15 or cast at 5th level), which The last of Yurtrus’s faithful watches over the honored
disperses the cloud. dead from this cold campsite. Her name forgotten, the
Blue Lady (ghost), watches from the Ethereal plane. If
Treasure. In a niche belonging to Overlox Curgain the characters simply pay their respects to the dead, she
Bloodsplatter, a skull ritually broken to have one “eye” lets them be. If they try to rob the Heroes’ Vault or other-
sits atop a feathered spear capped with a wide black wise desecrate the dead, she manifests as a sad-faced fe-
metal blade that bears runes declaring it to be Geldak, male orc wearing blue garments, sat at the campfire. She
the Throatseeker. Geldak is a vicious spear that grows beckons the characters join her, but never speaks.
warm when within 120 feet of an elf. If the characters attack her, or continue their blas-
In addition to Geldak, 20 gp worth of jewelry can be phemy, she waves her hand and from the mud around her
scavenged from the graves. rise three flying swords and two earth elementals made
from the black mud and bones of the dead. Those who
42. Lake of Blood desecrate the dead will receive no mercy from her.
The Lake of Blood is the final resting place of the orcs of Upon closer inspection, the muddy campsite is littered
the city. Four water weirds guard the lake, summoned with discarded weapons and the bones of orcs. A rotted
long ago to prevent anyone from disturbing the remains bedroll lies next to a firepit filled with wood waiting
of the dead. They attack anyone swimming in the lake to be lit.
and will also respond to the Blue Lady’s call within two Illumination. If the Blue Lady chooses, the campfire
rounds, should she mentally summon them. may be lit, giving off light but no heat. Otherwise, this
Despite its name, the Lake of Blood is only filled with area is dark.
water running from an underground spring. The constant Secret Door. The secret door to the northwest can
motion of the water stirs up the muck, leaving the water be found with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
cloudy, even if there is light to see by. check. It isn't locked, and leads to area 60.
Illumination. The cavern is completely dark.

Lake. The lake bottom is uneven, dropping to depths

of 40 to 60 feet. The floor of the lake is covered in the

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Rotting Root
Shortly before the fall, Dirt-Under-Nails, a dwarf druid,
claimed this area as his home. While on an excursion
into the Underdark, he happened upon a strange, sapient
fungus which made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. The
druid was infected by its spores, returned home, and has
been here ever since. The only company he keeps is the
infested remains of the occasional interloper—rotters.

Rotting Root Clan Omens

The Rotting Root clan stamps out corruption and wick-
edness when it appears in nature. Aberrations and mon-
strosities that would corrupt their surroundings are chief
among their foes.
• Only a cleansing flame can burn away a pestilent heart.
• A tree planted in bloody soil rots from within.
• If a thousand eyes are upon you, then a thousand eyes
must be plucked if you are to pass unseen.

Dungeon Features
Unless specified elsewhere, the area has these features:
Dimensions and Terrain. The walls and floors are
level and of hewn stone brick with ceilings 10 feet above.
A thick growth of mycelium lies underfoot. Large clumps
of tall mushrooms grow throughout the entire area. The
walls are covered in intricate, unusual symbols, spiraling
circles, jagged angles, and seemingly nonsensical im-
ages—all of which have been painted with an unmention-
able brown substance.
Light. The room is completely dark, save for the occa-
sional patch of bioluminescent fungus that sheds dim MAP 7
light in a 5-foot radius.
Sounds and Smells. Wheezing breath, shuffling feet.
Rot, dust, and freshly turned earth. must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
Mycelium. Though dense enough to walk on in most become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way,
parts, occasional 5-foot patches of the undergrowth are the creature has vulnerability to necrotic and poison
loose and are difficult terrain. damage, and has disadvantage on saving throws against
Mushrooms. The mushrooms vary in size from a few poison. The satchel contains three tarnished silver coins
inches to 5 feet in height, and they can be found in dozens and an empty vial.
of vibrant shades of red, blue, green, and yellow. Any of
45. Storeroom
the area’s denizens (Dirt-Under-Nails or the rotters) can
Moldering remains of crates, barrels, and other contain-
meld into a clump of mushrooms and move to another
ers lay scattered about, their contents spoiled beyond rec-
within 100 feet as if using the Tree Stride ability. A clump
ognition. A rotter (see appendix A) is here, rotting.
of mushrooms occupies a 5-foot square (AC 11, 28 hit
Locked Door. The wooden door on the eastern wall
points, and immunity to poison damage).
is locked. The fungus colony doesn’t understand the
Dungeon Locations concept behind a key, but it has no need to unlock it any-
way. The door can be unlocked with a successful DC 17
The following locations are keyed to map 7. Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. However, the door is
so swollen with moisture that opening it still requires a
44. A Warning successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check.
The mycelium grows only in thin patches here, leaving
most of the stone floor visible. A copse of mushrooms 46. Hallway
stands in the southeastern corner. The only other feature This short hallway features the other entrance to the
is the orc skeleton wearing rags and a small satchel—all area. The mycelium here has grown up the door and
of which are covered in a light dusting of what looks walls—effectively blocking egress. A creature attempt-
like spores. ing to open the door must succeed on a DC 25 Strength
Characters who inspect the skeleton or the satchel it (Athletics) check to brush the growth aside. However,

carries risk disturbing the fungus covering its body. Upon doing so fills the entire hallway with spores (see area
opening the satchel, spores fill a 5-foot area immediately 44, above).
surrounding the skeleton. Any living creature in the area

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47. Laboratory
This area was once a place of study and experimentation
Red Wardens
for Dirt-Under-Nails. It has seen better days. Two rotters This cavernous area was once a subterranean garden
(see appendix A) can usually be found here, though there that served as a font of flora used for both medicinal and
is a 25 percent chance that they’ve wandered into area dietary needs. It was also a gathering site for ceremonies
48, below. The niche in the northern wall houses a wide, to honor or celebrate important developments shared
shallow font that trickles with fresh water. A copse of between the tribes, such as advancements for the city or
mushrooms grows just east of the font. victories shared between tribal leaders. The area was
overseen by the Red Wardens.
48. Grim Nutriment The Red Falls gets its name from the stream that flows
A collected mass of skeletons—orcish from the look of through the area. The rocky sediment along the bottom
it—hang from the wide, square column in the eastern of the stream, combined with the light from above, gives
portion of the room, held in place by the thick growth the water a reddish hue.
of spongy tentacles woven through their bones. Closer
examination reveals the bones are covered in symbols Red Wardens Omens
similar to those painted onto the walls. This subtribe’s traditions closely follow those of Luthic,
A handful of slender pink mushrooms grow in and the Cave Mother. They promoted unity among the people
around the skeletons. Three copses of mushrooms are by enforcing the traditions and rituals centered around
scattered around the room. the circle of life and death. They were often warrior-sha-
Treasure. A total of three pink mushrooms can be har- mans and healers.
vested from the pillar, each of which functions as a potion Red Wardens have their own unique customs guided by
of greater healing that also provides enough nourishment specific omens and prophecies:
to sustain a creature for one day. However, the mush-
• The shared blood of orcs brings life to the hearth and
rooms are delicate, and each requires a successful DC 13
death to its enemies.
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to pick.
• To carry fear when gazing upon your own reflection is
49. Fetid Oracle to invite death into your soul.
This room is a veritable jungle of tall mushrooms of vari- • You must cast a shadow at least once each day to expel
ous colors and shapes. While it’s obscured by the growth, the corruption within you.
the glow of a campfire can be seen reflecting off the walls
and ceiling north of the entrance. Three copses of mush- Dungeon Features
rooms are spread throughout the room. The mushrooms
Each section in this area shares the following features:
in the northern portion of the room have been cleared
Terrain. The ground is covered in a mixture of dirt and
away. Two benches made of alchemically treated mush-
thick, mossy overgrowth.
rooms are placed around a central fire. Dirt-Under-Nails
Lighting. Three fissures in the ceiling, no more than
(see appendix A) sits on a bench, staring into the flames.
two feet wide, give way to periodic breaches of sunlight
Treasure. Dirt-Under-Nails carries 50 gp worth
and moonlight within the area. The rest of the ceiling is
of coins of various mints as well as a +2 rod of the
covered with a bioluminescent moss that emits a soft,
pact keeper.
reddish-orange glow. Even together, both of these provide
49a. Reliquary only a dim light source.
The door to this room is made of precisely hewn stone. Underground Stream. Water flows from the south
It’s locked and trapped with a 5th-level glyph of warding into a stream that divides the area, then down through
that is triggered by any nonplant creature attempting the portcullis gate in the northeast into the Lake of An-
to open the door. Detecting the nearly invisible glyph cestors. The water on the south side of the chamber is
requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) four feet deep and is six feet deep on the north side after
check. However, the check is made with disadvantage falling into the small pool (area 50). The bioluminescent
due to the mycelium growth on the wall. If triggered, the moss that grows on the ceiling also grows along the
glyph casts cloudkill (save DC 15). ground beneath the stream’s surface, giving the water a
distinct reddish hue.
Dirt-Under-Nails Dungeon Locations
While he may have once been a dwarf, Dirt-Under-Nails
is now anything but. The fungus’s hold is apparent; his The following locations are keyed to map 8.
mottled skin is various shades of brown, purple, and
white, and his beard is a network of pale, wispy roots. A 50. Chamber of the Mother
trio of bracket fungi grow along his neck and twist around This chamber was once the site of many tribal gatherings
to the back of his head. His eyes are cloudy and when he and processions of honor. It also served as grounds for
speaks, his voice is raspy. He refers to himself as “we” harvesting flora for food and medicine.
and “us,” likely referring to the spores that have taken root
in his body.
Dirt-Under-Nails is eternally patient, the only thing that
can truly rouse his anger is a threat to himself or those he
shares company with. He’s perfectly content to be left to
stare into his fire for eternity.

21 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Map 8

Using the Crank. A crank on the nearby wall on either

The rushing stream drops off of a steep ledge into a small side of the gate can be used to open it, which requires
pool on the north side of the chamber. A shaft of light a successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. This
shines down upon the waters from a crack in the ceil- method requires some finesse. The portcullis opens
ing above. only halfway (about 4 feet) and must be held open, but
too much force causes the rusty hoisting mechanism to
break. Each round, the character holding the portcullis
The waterfall drops ten feet into a small pool of glowing open must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a
red water. The pool is seven feet deep. failed save, the chains snap and the portcullis slams shut.
The Last Warden. The spirit of Ahthi Greenclaws, last Each character moving beneath the portcullis must suc-
of the Red Wardens, resides here, appearing only when ceed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 18 (4d8)
the ritual is performed at the Heroes’ Bridge (area 51). piercing damage.
Forcing it Open. A character can bend the bars with a
50a. Warden's Gate successful DC 19 Strength (Athletics) check, creating a
gap wide enough for a Medium or smaller creature to fit
through. If all else fails, an opening of the same size can
A rusty iron portcullis blocks passage to the northeast.
be made by damaging the rusted beams. A weak section
Alongside the passage beyond the gate, water flows from of the portcullis has AC 13, 45 hit points, and resistance
a stream that cuts through the area. The stream bears a to piercing damage.
distinct reddish color which steadily fades once it reaches
the portcullis.
50b. Statue and Grounds
This corner of the chamber has stairs leading up to the

south and a door leading to the north. Next to the stairs,

The gate itself is rusted and worn. There are several op- a stone statue of a cave bear stands on a large circu-
tions available for getting past it. lar platform.

22 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Statue of the Mother. The cave bear statue has abnor- Treasure. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wis-
mally long, sharp talons, identifying it as a representation dom (Survival) check identifies particular mosses and
of the goddess Luthic. A successful DC 15 Intelligence herbs with healing properties. If gathered and processed
(Investigation) check reveals the arms of the statue can with an herbalism kit for one hour, there is enough to pro-
be raised upward. Doing so causes the entire platform to duce two antitoxins and two potions of healing.
slide to the north, revealing a 10-foot drop beneath it into
a hidden passage to area 66. 51. Warden's Terrace
Poisonous Patch. The patch of fungus next to the
stream is poisonous when disturbed. It can be spotted
Towering fungi grow out from the moss-covered floor,
and identified with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival)
check. When a creature moves at least 5 feet into this reaching almost as high as the ceiling. A stone bridge pro-
patch, it releases a cloud of poisonous spores. The crea- vides passage across the stream.
ture and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned.
A rot troll (see appendix A) has made its lair here. It re-
A poisoned character can repeat this saving throw once
sides on the platform at the top of the western staircase
every hour, removing the effect upon a success.
and attacks the party on sight. The stairs on either side of
50c. Overgrown Flora the chamber both end in walls of collapsed debris. This
This corner of the chamber is where most of the medic- troll can make one additional claw attack with its Multiat-
inal herbs were grown and harvested. A cloaker has tack action.
made its home on the ceiling of this area alongside four Rushing Current. The current in this part of the cham-
giant bats. The cloaker attacks any characters that move ber is strong, rushing in from an opening to the south.
into this side of the chamber. The water here is seven feet deep. Characters who fall
Entangling Vines. The vegetation in this area has been into the water must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw
corrupted by foul magics, writhing along the ground and or be carried along with the current at a rate of 20 feet
wrapping about the legs of creatures passing through per round. Characters pushed into the rocks take 18
them. The ground here counts as difficult terrain. Char- (4d8) bludgeoning damage.
acters moving through this area must succeed on a DC Heroes’ Bridge. The bridge is decorated with the
13 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone at the end of their carved names of heroes and leaders who have been
move. Characters who run or take the Dash action have honored within this chamber. Characters who perform
disadvantage on the roll. the blood bond ritual (see area 54) here, each take 1

23 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

slashing damage. The ritual summons the spirit of Ahthi
Luthic's Zealots
The spirit rises from the small pool in area 50 and
cleanses the area. Once cleansed, the poisonous patch in Luthic's Zealots Omens
area 50b and the entangling vines in area 50c are both • When handling the honored dead, show respect by
eradicated. If instead the blood of any other creature blinding yourself, or your dishonor will taint their spirit.
is intentionally spilled into the pool, Ahthi Greenclaws • When offering another a drink, prove your honorable
transforms into an empowered water elemental. The intentions by taking the first sip.
elemental can make one additional slam attack with its • Drawing blood with malice in a place of healing will
Multiattack action. curse you and your line forever.
• If you turn away an injured orc, you doom yourself to
52. Workshops suffer their injuries.
Each of these rooms contain a variety of crafting mate- • The waters of home are the strongest cure for any
rials. Most of the tools are ruined. If the party spends ailing orc.
at least five minutes searching and make a successful
DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check, they find an
herbalism kit, a set of mason’s tools, and a set of alche- Dungeon Locations
mist’s supplies. The following locations are keyed to map 9.

53. Painted Hall 55. Shrine to Luthic

The walls of this room are covered in paintings and stone A small shrine to Luthic, the orc goddess of medicine,
carvings that depict and describe several significant still stands, though any cloth or other soft materials have
events that mark the development and growth of the city long ago rotted off its stone. Atop a high slab, a carved
and its tribal society. Characters who make a successful statue depicts a female orc wearing druidic talismans
DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check glean some historical and standing above several wounded orc soldiers, with
information (such as the city’s name and how its peoples her arms outstretched. An inscription, shallowed by dust
came to rise under the guidance of their deities). and age, reads “With renewed life, pursue thy quarry.”
The shrine is as old as its surroundings, but still has
54. Ritual Chamber some magic infusing it. If an orc prays at the shrine, they
This smaller room is dressed in faded painted banners have advantage on their next three Constitution saving
depicting the different rituals practiced by the tribe for throws. This benefit lasts until the next time they finish a
major events such as honoring war heroes, treaties, and long rest.
changes in tribal leadership.
Blood Bond Ritual. A successful DC 13 Wisdom 56. Healing Floor
(Perception) check identifies the Heroes’ Bridge in area This long, rectangular room is scattered with the debris
51, as well as the ritual performed between prominent of rotted furniture and piles of degraded cloth. A few
tribe members. It involves one or more orcs cutting their stone slabs remain intact among the detritus, each of a
palms and squeezing their blood simultaneously into the size and height to function as beds for orc residents. One
running waters. slab still holds the remains of an orc; now just bones and
Water Font. A four-foot-tall cylindrical container sits scraps of metal armor.
against the north wall, filled with dirty, viscous water. If
cleansed with purify food and drink, or if the blood bond
ritual is performed at the bridge in area 51, the water is Set into the north and south walls are deep alcoves, three
clear. Once per day, if a character stares into the font’s on either side. In the northeast alcove, you see movement,
clear waters and makes a successful DC 16 Intelligence though it floats just at the edge of your vision.
(Arcana) check, they gain the benefit of a scrying spell.

In the northeast alcove is Hinsha, an orc ghost. Hinsha

was the lead healer of this area when she was alive, and
continued to haunt the area after her untimely death.
When the players first approach, she is scared and seems
about to lash out at them. When she sees that they’re
orcs, she relaxes, and thanks Luthic that they’re here.
She has the following information to give:
• Years ago, members of the ruling clan abruptly abdi-
cated their position, throwing the city into chaos.
• A terrible civil war ensued throughout the city,
with members of the different family-tribes fighting
for power.
• Hinsha’s ward was a firm place of no fighting where
any orc could seek asylum and healing.

24 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Map 9

• Eventually, the Boneshield clan grew impatient with As she performs the ceremony, three waves of spirits
Hinsha’s refusal to hand over injured enemies. assault the players. The next wave arrives as soon as the
• The Boneshields launched an assault on the ward, and previous wave is destroyed:
Hinsha’s staff were ill-equipped to handle the full fight- • Poltergeists (one for each player)
ing force. She and her staff were slaughtered, along • Ghosts (one for every two players) and two specters
with her patients. • Two wraiths
• Survivors of the war recognized that the city was
no longer safe, so, clan by clan, they left to establish The poltergeists generally avoid getting too near the play-
new homes. ers, instead using their Telekinetic Thrust to hurl various
bits of debris at the party. However, due to the 12-foot-
When the players inform Hinsha of their intent to reunite high ceilings, they can never get high enough to be out of
the clans and reestablish the keep, she is cautiously op- melee range.
timistic. “This was the beating heart of our people,” she As soon as the last enemy is defeated, read:
explains, “and you need to cleanse it.”
Hinsha says she can perform a ritual which will ward
off the ill will and betrayal that taints the place. However, With a sudden rise in volume, Hinsha utters the last of her
she’ll need three ritual components to do so: incantations, and the reagents in front of her flash a bright
• The still-beating heart of a foe thrice slain (found green. They melt, hovering in the air, and coalesce into a
in area 57). smooth sphere which shifts through several colors before
• The purest waters sourced from our home (found settling a bright red. Warm light pulses from it at the same
in area 60).
steady beat as the terrible heart.
• A poultice made from the bones of the honorable dead
(found in area 59). The pace quickens, and the light seems to coat every-
thing in the room. “Thank you,” Hinsha says solemnly
The Ritual. Once the players return to Hinsha with the
items for the ritual, she asks that they help her put the from behind the sphere. “Perhaps you are the change
final spirits to rest.

needed in this dark place. You must promise to never

again allow greed to consume us all.”

25 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

58. Intake
This room is dominated by a long stone slab which was
clearly a desk or table of some kind. On the northern
wall, a carved relief of the goddess Luthic looks down on
the room with a matronly gaze.
An inscription beneath the relief reads, “No injury too
great, no need too strong.”
The room has some scattered debris from broken fur-
niture, and the door to the northwest is closed, but not
locked. If the players investigate, they find a rotted box
beneath the desk containing a potion of greater healing
and a potion of healing.
Taking the potions angers the two ghosts invisibly
skulking around the room. They attack the intruders.

59. Staff Sleeping Quarters

This room contains the scattered remains of several bunk-

beds and other furniture. As you enter, movement stirs in
the piles of detritus, and the bones of a dozen orc skele-
tons rise to face you.

There are twelve skeletons in here with the following

Horned Devil
• They have the Aggressive and Undead Fortitude traits.
• They have a Strength score of 16.
• They carry greataxes with a +5 to hit which deal 9
When the players assent to this, Hinsha and the sphere (1d12+3) slashing damage.
fade to nothingness. The area feels better, as if an intan-
gible evil has finally been dispelled. These skeletons are the remains of the healing ward’s
staff, though now they are mindless undead. Once de-
57. Quarantine feated, the players are able to grind a few of the bones
The door to this chamber is festooned with warding into a usable poultice. However, because of the tribe’s
runes and clear, strongly worded warnings in Orc. They superstition, this must be done while blindfolded or the
read “An evil contained; death to those that enter” and poultice won’t be an effective reagent. Hinsha can explain
“Twice killed, the heart still beats.” Though the magic this to the players if needed.
has lessened over time, the runes still glow faintly.
It isn’t hard to open the door from outside, and as soon 60. Storage
as a player does, read: In this room, medical supplies spill out of rotting boxes.
In one corner, the contents of a shattered vial have eaten
a small crater into the stone floor.
As the slightest crack forms between the door and its
jamb, the door bursts open, and a rush of unbeliev-
As you enter, one of the intact vials from a crate wobbles,
ably strong wind pushes all of you back into the main
then flies through the air to shatter on the wall next to you.
healing room.
As you get back on your feet, you see a new figure in the
room, and he looks decidedly upset. He is roughly human- The four poltergeists in the room attempt to fling vials of
acid at the players. There are twelve vials in the box, and
oid, though easily nine feet tall. He once sported a pair of
the acid eats into the floor where it is thrown, even if it
impressive horns and wings, but all that remains are the hits a creature.
tattered remains where they were violently torn from him. If a vial hits a square or a creature in a square over
His chest, latticed with deep scars, thumps audibly with a the secret door, it is revealed to be a former well that has
slow, steady heartbeat. been cleverly hidden to look like part of the floor. A ladder
descends to area 43 in the caverns below.
Once the players defeat the poltergeists, they can take
This is a horned devil which immediately attacks. Once any remaining vials. Additionally, there is a potion of
defeated, its body rapidly disintegrates to ash, leaving be- greater healing and a potion of diminution, neither of
hind the beating heart. which are labeled.

26 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

There is also a large flask of clear water stoppered with Two galeb duhr hide among the boulders, making the
wax. This is a reagent for Hinsha’s ceremony. As befitting most of their False Appearance and tremorsense. Once
an honorable orc, a player must unstopper and taste the the party is entirely within the chamber, they spring an
water prior to giving it to her (an ancient custom to prove attack. The galeb duhr can’t be identified except by mag-
one isn’t offering a poisoned drink). ical means, so the players will likely be surprised during
the first round of combat.
61. Cavern
Upon entering the cavern, the stream’s flow widens to
the trickle of a shallow pool before narrowing again on
Fang Trust
the other side. Several boulders lie scattered around the A community of orcs known as the Fang Trust looked
chamber, though the floor looks remarkably smooth and after the city’s worgs. A character who belongs to the
bare between them. Fang Trust knows the group believes that offering a worg
a meal upon first meeting it was the quickest way to bond
with the creature.

Dungeon Features
Galeb Duhr The orcs trained and cared for worgs in this part of the
city. Worgs were guardians, mounts, trackers, and friends
to the orcs. All areas of the worg ground have the follow-
ing features:
• The ceilings are 15 feet high.
• There are no light sources.
• The walls and doors are made of stone. The doors have
no knobs or handles but are made to be easily pushed
open from either direction.

Dungeon Locations
The following locations are keyed to map 10.

62. Monument Chamber

This dusty stone chamber has Orc carved on the walls
from floor to ceiling; most of it faded beyond legibility.
The few readable words are the names of worgs that died
serving the city. Translated from Orc, these names are
Drool Puppy, Great Claw, Howler, Quiet Step, and Snoof.
A detect magic spell reveals that the readable names
radiate auras of illusion magic. If a creature touches one
of these names, the sound of the deceased worg’s unique
howl fills the chamber for a moment before fading away.

63. Trainers' Chambers

Four stone bunks are built into the walls of this dusty
chamber and the Fang Trust’s symbol, a circle of six
fangs, is carved into the floor.
Creatures. A crawling claw made from an orc’s hand
hides in one of the bunks. The claw attempts to remain
hidden, fleeing if attacked or obviously noticed, skittering
through the city to get away from potential aggressors. A
creature with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14
or higher notices the claw.
Crawling Claw Treasure. The crawling claw wears a ring of animal

64. Funeral Room

Ancient soot and black burn marks mar the floor of this
chamber, which sports a 3-foot-diameter hole in the

ceiling. This room was used to burn the corpses of de-

ceased worgs.

27 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Creatures. If a creature crosses the center of this
room, the ghost of a worg named Great Claw appears.
She has the statistics of a ghost with the following
• Great Claw is Large and has 55 (10d10) hit points.
• Great Claw speaks Common and Orc.
When she first appears, Great Claw snarls at the
characters, warning them to leave. A successful DC 14
Charisma (Persuasion) check convinces Great Claw the
characters mean no harm. A character who puts out an
offering of food for Great Claw gains advantage on this
check, for even though she can’t eat the food, she appreci-
ates the gesture. If the characters refuse to leave and fail
this check, she attacks, fighting until destroyed.
If the characters succeed on the check, Great Claw is
overjoyed to see orcs have returned to restore the city.
She shares the following information with the characters:
• Great Claw was the leader of the worgs when the
city fell.
• Great Claw and other two worgs, Howler and Snoof,
died in the city’s final days. Because they were sworn
to protect this place, their spirits haven’t been able to
journey on.
• Many years ago, a necromancer searching the city for
corpses twisted Howler and Snoof’s spirits into evil
wraiths. They killed the necromancer and now stalk
their old pens (area area 66).
• If the characters destroy Howler and Snoof, the worgs’
spirits will be laid to rest and Great Claw will reward
them. If the characters have already done this, Great
Claw can feel that her friends have moved on and re-
wards the characters.
Great Claw’s Reward. If the characters kill the wraiths
in area 66, Great Claw touches them one by one. Each
character gains a charm of heroism (see “Charms” in
chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).

65. Training Room

The remains of three rusted iron dummies litter the floor
of this chamber. A character who examines the dummies
finds punctures in the metal. A successful DC 13 Intelli-
gence (Nature) check reveals these punctures were made Map 10
by a worg’s bite.
The first time a character uses an action to offer the
66. Worg Pens wraiths food, the wraiths use their next action attempt-
ing to eat the food. After one attempt, they remember
they can’t eat anything now they’re undead and resume
A cold chill blows through this chamber that smells faintly
of sweaty, furry animal. In the center of the floor lies a Treasure. The skeleton wears a belt pouch containing
black-cloaked skeleton. Six cozy pens littered with ancient ruby dust worth 750 gp.
chicken bones are built into the north, south, and east
walls of the chamber.

When the characters enter this chamber, two worg

wraiths appear and attack, fighting until destroyed.
They have the statistics of wraiths with the following

• They are Large and have 76 (9d10 + 27) hit points each.
• They speak Common and Orc.

28 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Quill Keepers Secret Door. The outline of a secret door that connects
this area to area 71 can be detected with a successful DC
The Quill Keepers were the city’s scholars who recorded 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
histories and taught young citizens how to read and
write. A Quill Keeper knows that the group places tomes 71. Library
containing the most dangerous knowledge on top of Bookshelves containing ruined tomes line the walls of
bookshelves, keeping those books furthest from the evil this chamber. Torin Dwendale (chaotic evil male Tethyr-
forces of the Lower Planes. ian human mage) searches the library with his shield
guardian for useful spellbooks but has found nothing so
Dungeon Features far. When he sees the characters, he introduces himself
The orcs created a place where they could study, write, with a foppish flourish and tells them he is searching the
teach, and read. This area of the city was simply called ruins for spells to add to his collection.
the Conservatory. All areas of the Conservatory have the If any of the characters carry a spellbook, a Book of
following features: Shadows, or a spell scroll, he attacks, hoping to steal
• The ceilings are 10 feet high. the item. Torin fights until reduced to half his hit points,
• There are no light sources. he gets the item he wants, or his shield guardian is de-
• The walls and doors are made of stone. stroyed, then flees. Otherwise, he tries to get the charac-
ters to battle the golems in area 72, tempting them with
Dungeon Locations tales of treasure in the golem laboratory. He hopes the
characters kill the golems or vice versa, then he can kill
The following locations are keyed to map 10. the weakened victor and claim the treasure in the room.
67. Study Torin cast a ward on his shield guardian amulet that
makes it crumble to dust if it is removed from his body.
This room is littered with the rotting remains of broken
His spellbook contains all the spells he has prepared.
wood tables and cushioned chairs. Empty bookshelves
are built into the walls. A character who searches the 72. Golem Laboratory
top of the shelves and succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence
(Investigation) check finds a button that unlocks the door
to area 69. Two creatures made of stitched-together flesh crash about
this room covered in broken furniture and glass. All that
68. Closet
remains intact is a single bookshelf with one tome atop its
This chamber holds a dozen moth-eaten robes em-
broidered with the Quill Keepers’ symbol, a pair of highest level.
crossed quills.

69. Scroll Vault The two flesh golems in this chamber are out of control
The door to this room is locked, though no keyhole is after centuries of being cooped up. They attack any other
apparent. A button in area 67 unlocks the door, or a suc- creatures they notice, fighting until destroyed. After the
cessful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check forces the door flesh golems are destroyed, Torin and his shield guardian
open. The door has AC 17, 27 hit points, and immunity to (see area 71) seize the moment to attack the characters or
poison and psychic damage. steal the spellbook in this room.
A scroll case lies on the center of a rug woven with the Spellbook. The only book on the shelf is a spellbook
Quill Keepers’ symbol, a pair of crossed quills. This rug with the following spells: banishment, cone of cold, coun-
of smothering attacks if the characters broke down or terspell, detect magic, detect thoughts, fire shield, fly,
forced open the door, but otherwise it remains dormant. globe of invulnerability, identify, lightning bolt, mage ar-
Treasure. The scroll case contains a spell scroll of mor, magic missile, mind blank, mirror image, misty step,
modify memory. scrying, stoneskin, teleport, time stop, and wall of force.

70. Librarian's Office

Shield Golem
This dusty office is still intact. An enormous stone desk
dominates the west wall, a plush chair rotting behind it
Along the north wall, a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf holds
musty tomes.

Most of the books on the shelves are ruined due to age,

but a character who takes 10 minutes to search the top
shelf finds an intact journal authored by Scalora the
Learned. The journal contains all the information found

in the “Background” section of the introduction about the

history of the city.

29 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

False Hope, Dark
As the characters enter this final area, they immediately
come under the scrutiny of the balhannoth (see appendix
A) that's made its lair here. Native to the Shadowfell, the
vicious, predatory balhannoth alters reality in its lair to
make the place appear inviting to travelers. Once the orcs
step inside, the balhannoth begins to weave its snare.

Dungeon Features
The balhannoth’s lair has the following features:
Illumination. There is no light here, except
where noted.
Ceilings. The ceilings are twenty feet high.
Doors. The doors are stone and quite heavy; over the
years they have become stuck in their frames and require
a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to force
open. They aren’t locked.

Dungeon Locations
This dungeon area is keyed to map 11.

73. Balhannoth Lair

All of the chambers throughout the area shown on map
11 are part of the balhannoth’s lair. Thanks to a limited
form of telepathy, the creature can sense the desires of
others and identify images of places where they expect
those desires to be met. The balhannoth then warps
reality around it, remaking the environment so that it
matches the appearance of the place the creature seeks.
A balhannoth thrives on fear and despair, taking plea-
sure in the horror its victims experience. It terrorizes its
prey by using its reality-warping powers to mask its pres-
ence until it can snatch the target. Then it teleports away
to feed on its victims.
Preparatory Note. As you’re preparing to play this
adventure, you’ll want to ask each of the players about
their characters hopes and dreams for this expedition.
This is also a good time to ask players about lines and
veils as well. It's important to avoid personal triggers in
an encounter like this. If they're uncomfortable speaking
of these things in front of the group, provide them with a
note card or other private means to communicate these
with you. This should occur before they even begin wan-
dering around the dungeon, and it can happen as part of
a ‘sending-off’ ritual held by the elders that set them on
this task.
Once the characters enter, it will be up to you to impro-
vise the description of the areas as the balhannoth hunts
them down and attempts to pick them off, one-by-one. If
that weren’t enough, there is a trio of gelatinous cubes
wandering these halls, taking advantage of the confusion
caused by the balhannoth to feed.

Conclusion Map 11

Once the orcs have cleared out the entire dungeon and will ask the characters to donate all but 20 percent of
destroyed the balhannoth, their combined tribes cele- any nonmagical treasure they might have discovered

brate them as heroes. The new Overlox will enlist them to help resupply, but they allow them to keep any magic
as a group to participate as part of a special council in items found.
rebuilding and protecting their home. The new Overlox

30 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Appendix A: Creatures

Legendary Actions
The balhannoth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action can be used
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
balhannoth regains spent legendary actions at the start
of its turn.
Bite Attack. The balhannoth makes one bite attack against
one creature it has grappled.
Teleport. The balhannoth magically teleports, along with any
equipment it is wearing or carrying and any creatures it has
grappled, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
Vanish. The balhannoth magically becomes invisible for
Balhannoth up to 10 minutes or until immediately after it makes an
attack roll.

Lair Actions
When fighting inside its lair, a balhannoth can use lair ac-
tions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), a balhan-
noth can take one lair action to cause one of the following
effects; the balhannoth can’t use the same lair action two
rounds in a row:
• The balhannoth warps reality around it in an area up to
500 feet square. After 10 minutes, the terrain in the area
reshapes to assume the appearance of a location sought
Balhannoth by one intelligent creature whose mind the balhannoth has
Large aberration, chaotic evil read (see Regional Effects below). The transformation af-
fects nonliving material only and can’t create anything with
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) moving parts or magical properties. Any object created
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48) in this area is, upon close inspection, revealed as a fake.
Speed 25 ft., climb 25 ft. Books are filled with empty pages, golden items are obvi-
ous counterfeits, and so on. The transformation lasts until
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the balhannoth dies or uses this lair action again.
17 (+3) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) • The balhannoth targets one creature within 500 feet of it.
The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw
Saving Throws Con +8 or the target, along with whatever it is wearing and carry-
Skills Perception +6 ing, teleports to an unoccupied space of the balhannoth’s
Condition Immunities blinded choice within 60 feet of it.
Senses blindsight 500 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive • The balhannoth targets one creature within 500 feet of
Perception 16 it. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
Languages understands Deep Speech, telepathy 1 mile throw or the balhannoth becomes invisible to that creature
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
for 1 minute. This effect ends if the balhannoth attacks
the target.
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the balhannoth fails a sav-
ing throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Regional Effects
A region containing a balhannoth’s lair becomes warped
Actions by the creature’s unnatural presence, which creates one or
Multiattack. The balhannoth makes a bite attack and up to more of the following effects:
two tentacle attacks, or it makes up to four tentacle attacks.
• Creatures within 1 mile of the balhannoth’s lair experience
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. a sensation of being close to whatever they desire most.
Hit: 25 (4d10 + 3) piercing damage. The sensation grows stronger the closer the creatures
come to the balhannoth’s lair.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one • The balhannoth can sense the strongest desires of any
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the humanoid within 1 mile of it and learns whether those
target is grappled (escape DC 15) and is moved up to 5 feet desires involve a place: a safe location to rest, a temple,

toward the balhannoth. Until this grapple ends, the target home, or somewhere else.
is restrained, and the balhannoth can’t use this tentacle
against other targets. The balhannoth has four tentacles. If the balhannoth dies, these effects end immediately.

31 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Bronze Scout
Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 18 (4d8)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 1 (-5)

Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7

Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
Bronze Scout
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages understand Orc, but can’t speak Innate Spellcasting. The warlock’s innate spellcasting ability
Challenge 1 (200 XP) is Charisma. It can innately cast the following spells (spell
save DC 15), requiring no material components:
Earth Armor. The bronze scout doesn’t provoke opportunity At will: alter self, false life, levitate (self only), mage armor (self
attacks when it burrows. only), silent image
1/day each: feeblemind, finger of death, plane shift
Magic Resistance. The bronze scout has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. Regeneration. Dirt-Under-Nails regains 10 hit points at the
start of his turn if he is in contact with the ground. If Dirt-
Actions Under-Nails takes fire damage, this trait doesn’t function
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- at the start of his next turn. Dirt-Under-Nails dies only if he
get. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) light- starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
ning damage. Shared Senses. Dirt-Under-Nails can see and hear what any
Lightning Flare (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Each plant within 120 ft can see and hear. In addition, Dirt-Under-
creature in contact with the ground within 15 feet of the Nails can communicate telepathically with any plant within
bronze scout must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, this range.
taking 14 (4d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as Special Equipment (+2 Rod of the Pact Keeper). While hold-
much damage on a successful one. ing this rod, Dirt-Under-Nails gains a +2 bonus to spell
attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of his warlock spells
(included in modifications, below). In addition, he can re-
gain 1 warlock spell slot as an action while holding the rod.
He can’t use this property again until he finishes a long rest.
Dirt-Under-Nails Spellcasting. Dirt-Under-Nails is a 17th level spellcaster. His
Medium plant, neutral evil
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) with spell attacks). He regains his expended spell slots when
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) he finishes a short or long rest. He knows the following war-
Speed 30 ft. lock spells:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, friends, mage
hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
1st–5th level (4 5th-level slots): armor of Agathys, banish-
ment, burning hands, cloudkill, flame strike, magic circle,
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +7 scorching ray, scrying, stinking cloud, suggestion.
Skills Arcana +4, Deception +7, Persuasion +7, Religion +4
Damage Vulnerabilities fire Tree Stride. Once on each of its turns, the rotter can use 10
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing feet of its movement to step magically into one copse of
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered mushrooms within 5 feet of it and emerge from a second
Damage Immunities poison copse of mushrooms within 60 feet of it, appearing in an
Condition Immunities poisoned unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second copse. Both
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 copses of mushrooms must be Large or bigger. The rotter
Languages telepathy 60 ft. doesn’t need to be able to see the second copse to use
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) this ability.

Dark One’s Own Luck (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).

When the warlock makes an ability check or saving throw, it Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

can add a d10 to the roll. It can do this after the roll is made target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6)
but before any of the roll’s effects occur. fire damage.

32 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.



Oaken Bolter
Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Iron Cobra Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.
Medium construct, unaligned


Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
Speed 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Skills Stealth +7 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and Languages understands Orc, but can’t speak
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Magic Resistance. The oaken bolter has advantage on saving
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 throws against spells and other magical effects.
Languages understands Orc, but can’t speak
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Actions
Multiattack. The oaken bolter makes two lancing bolt at-
Magic Resistance. The iron cobra has advantage on saving tacks or one lancing bolt attack and one harpoon attack.
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Lancing Bolt. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Actions reach 5 ft. or range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4)
piercing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it Harpoon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 50/200 ft.,
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage, and the target
one random poison effect: is grappled (escape DC 12). While grappled in this way, a
creature’s speed isn’t reduced, but it can move only in direc-
1. Poison Damage: The target takes 13 (3d8) poison damage.
tions that bring it closer to the oaken bolter. A creature takes
2. Confusion: On its next turn, the target must use its action 5 (1d10) slashing damage if it escapes from the grapple or if
to make one weapon attack against a random creature it can it tries and fails. As a bonus action, the oaken bolter can pull
see within 30 feet of it, using whatever weapon it has in hand a creature grappled by it 20 feet closer. The oaken bolter can
and moving beforehand if necessary to get in range. If it’s grapple only one creature at a time.
holding no weapon, it makes an unarmed strike. If no crea-
Explosive Bolt (Recharge 5–6). The oaken bolter launches
ture is visible within 30 feet, it takes the Dash action, moving
an explosive charge at a point within 120 feet. Each creature
toward the nearest creature.
within 20 feet of that point must make a DC 15 Dexterity

3. Paralysis: The target is paralyzed until the end of its saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
next turn. half as much damage on a successful one.

33 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 18 (natural armor, shield)

Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.


18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (−1)

Skills Athletics +7, Perception +4, Stealth +4
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages telepathy 60 ft.
Rot Troll Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Large giant, chaotic evil
Magic Club. In the rotter's hand, its club is magical and
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
deals 7 (3d4) extra damage (included in its attacks).
Hit Points 138 (12d10+72)
Speed 30 ft. Plant Camouflage. The rotter has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks it makes in terrain with ample obscuring
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 22 (+6) 5 (-3) 8 (-1) 4 (-3)
Regeneration. The rotter regains 10 hit points at the start of
Skills Perception +3 its turn if it is in contact with the ground. If the rotter takes
Damage Immunities necrotic fire damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of the rot-
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 ter’s next turn. The rotter dies only if it starts its turn with 0
Languages Giant hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Shared Senses. The rotter can see and hear what any plant
within 120 ft can see and hear. In addition, the rotter can
Rancid Degeneration. At the end of each of the troll’s turns, communicate telepathically with any plant within this range.
each creature within 5 feet of it takes 11 (2d10) necrotic
Tree Stride. Once on each of its turns, Dirt-Under-Nails
damage, unless the troll has taken acid or fire damage since
can use 10 feet of his movement to step magically into one
the end of its last turn.
copse of mushrooms within 5 feet of him and emerge from
Actions a second copse of mushrooms within 60 feet of it, appearing
in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second copse.
Multiattack. The troll makes three attacks: one with its bite Both copses of mushrooms must be Large or bigger. Dirt-
and two with its claws. Under-Nails doesn’t need to be able to see the second copse
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- to use this ability.
get. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 16 (3d10) ne-
crotic damage. Actions
Multiattack. The rotter makes two attacks with its club.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 5 (1d10) ne- Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
crotic damage. Hit: 14 (4d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

34 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Stone Defender
Medium construct, unaligned Stone Defender

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21)
Speed 30 ft.


19 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and

slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Orc, but can’t speak
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

False Appearance. While the stone defender remains mo-

tionless against an uneven earthen or stone surface, it is
indistinguishable from that surface.
Magic Resistance. The oaken bolter has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is
Large or smaller, it is knocked prone.

Intercept Attack. In response to another creature within 5
feet of it being hit by an attack roll, the stone defender gives
that creature a +5 bonus to its AC against that attack, poten-

tially causing a miss. To use this ability, the stone defender

must be able to see the creature and the attacker.

35 | return to the glory | TM & ©2020 Wizards.

Lead Designer: Chris Lindsay
Design: M.T. Black, Celeste Conowitch, Ma’at Crook, Amy Lynn Dzura, Claire
Hoffman, James Introcaso, Rich Lescouflair, Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Alan
Patrick, Travis Woodall
Editing: Ashley Michaela “Navigator” Lawson
Editorial Assistance: Tanya C. DePass
Producer: Lea Heleotis
Art Director and Graphic Design: Emi Tanji
Cartography: Dyson Logos
Cover Artist: Lars Grant-West
Interior Artists: Tom Babbey, Mark Behm, Justin Gerard, Ilich Henriquez, Ralph
Horsley, Aaron Hübrich, Brynn Metheny, Jim Pavelec, Claudio Pozas, Jasper
Sandner, Bryan Syme

Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This
material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unau-
thorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permis-

sion of Wizards of the Coast.

©2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA,
Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park,
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.

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