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Joshua B.

11 - Temperance

Physical Education 11
Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Active Lifestyle for Wellness

Direction: Answer the question by placing a check ( √ ), if you do regularly an activity and placing
cross ( × ), if you do not do or sometimes an activity. Share your answer with your seatmate.

√ 1. Has your performance decreased dramatically in the last week or two?

√ 2. Do you notice signs of unusual anxiety or anger?
X 3. Do you feel depressed?
X 4. Do you feel unusual fatigue?
X 5. Are you less energetic than usual?
X 6. Do you have trouble sleeping?
X 7. Do your arms and/or legs feel heavy?
X 8. Do you experience loss of appetite?
√ 9. Do you lack interest in training?
√ 10. Are wearing proper attire in doing an activity?

Direction: Match Column A with the correct answer on Column B, Write only the letter of answer.

F 1. Excessive low body temperature. A. Condition

E 2. Resulting into dizziness or fainting. B. Dehydration
G 3. Detrimental causes in Physical Activity. C. Exercise
D 4. It also called a prickly heat. D. Heat Rash
B 5. Abundant loses of water. E. Heat Syncope
H 6. Body movement that uses energy. F. Hyperthermia
I 7. A negative thing that means to lessen the impact of an activity. G. Overexertion
J 8. A condition being protected from or unlikely to cause danger. H. Physical Activity
A 9. Affecting the way in which people live or work. I. Precaution
C 10. It is a subset of physical activity To improve physical fitness. J. Safety
Direction: Find at least 10 words related to personal safety precautions to avoid certain conditions
related to physical activity. Encircle the words in the word puzzle and write the encircle words on the space
provided below. Directions are vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.






This lesson may help the students to remember the topic being discussed by the teacher, all we have
to do is to answer the correct word to the underline to complete the sentence below.

Everyone engages in moderate to vigorous physical activity, you need to observe some personal
safety protocol to avoid certain conditions related to physical activity participation. These conditions include

Each of these conditions should be taken seriously for each pose’s health risks to you as an exercise.
These conditions are usually associated with exercising in different type of environment, like a HOT or
COLD environment. However, dehydration and overexertion may be experienced even when exercising in
ENVIRONMENT that do not have extreme TEMPERATURE.

Direction: I will show a picture, identify what features are common in sports clothing that make
them suited in Philippines weather. Explain your answer based on your understanding knowing, that clothes
are appropriate to wear during physical activity.

Football, for humid climate, Volleyball, better for hot climate.

not that popular in the Popular here in Philippines, it
Philippines. The clothes might really suited when you are in the
not be suitable for our climate. area of beaches.
Archery, both weathers will work.
Popular in the Philippines, people
that have great focus in their
minds can achieve victory in this

Taekwondo, for humid climate, Baseball, best for humid climate, not
popular also in the Philippines, that popular in the Philippines, it
best for the people whose still takes a lot of courage so you can play,
in their young ages so that they hotness can make you have excessive
can improve more. sweat.
Direction: Watch this video and make your own perception about what you really see in this sport.
Explain your answer on the paper provided.

1. Surf the net and open the site…Donaire fight in CEBU-SUNSTAR
and Cebu?

2. On that site, analyze the case of Nonito Donaire Jr.’s April 16, 2003 title defense fight against
Zolk Bedak in Cebu. Around at that time, Philippines were experiencing one hottest temperature.

3. Explain what the two boxers needed to do to be able to give out their best in such hot temperature.

This is what appears on the internet.

➢ Boxing, is a very famous combat sports in the history, it takes a lot of work and improvements
so a one player can have the Champion’s Belt. It involves two personas throwing punches at
each other in a matter of time inside the ring. It really is a sport that takes a lot of your time.
Any weathers will work, but how for a hot climate? Boxers can usually bare any climate while
they are fighting inside the ring, they have an excessive workouts and trainings in a daily basis,
where in some trainings they can improve the work in a hotness temperature. When in a fight
or after a round they usually take a lot of water before fighting again so that they can regain a
little bit of stamina, but hotness can be a very good thing to an athlete. Athletes are
professionals and know what they should do, just in Cebu where the match is a success.
Direction: Identify what is being asked.

1. It refers to very detrimental causes of excessive training.


2. This is usually experience/happen most of the time in doing physical activity or exercise in hot
weather is called?

3. In what condition that our body alarming rise in body temperature which may effect of exercise
in humid environment.

4. Refers to the excessive loses of water from the body through perspiration, sweating, urination
and evaporation?

5. A sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat during exercise.


6. What do you call to the excessive low body temperature characterized by uncontrolled shivering?

7. It refers to the metabolic adjustment as well as the improving of tissue insulation.


8. How many amounts of fluid/water intake during physical activity/exercise?

4 - 8 OUNCES

9. Our body loses about 2.5ml of water affect into our lungs and skin, urine feces, and perspiration
is called?

10. A condition known as overload syndrome is called?


Direction: True or False, answer the question based on your understanding of personal safety
precautions during physical activity, write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.

F 1. Do not wear comfortable clothes in doing exercise.

T 2. Be sensible, especially at night or in seclude areas.

F 3. Dehydration refers to the detrimental of excessive training.

F 4. Sweating and Thirst are symptoms/condition appeared into hypothermia.

T 5. Heat cramps, Heat exhaustion and Heat stroke are encountered in hyperthermia.
T 6. Do not exercise when you an empty stomach.

F 7. Musculoskeletal is the condition known as overload.

T 8. Shivering and pale skin are signs and symptoms of hypothermia.

T 9. To offset fluids loses, it suggested to drink 150-250ml of fluid take for every 15minute.

F 10. Overtraining is detrimental causes of used muscle in doing physical activity.

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