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Eurania Duarte

Fundamentals Pgs 63-71

1)What purpose do the lights below serve?

The lights above are accent lights to make a emphasis in those areas light up.
2) What are the different layers of light? What do they do? Can you have more
than one type of light in one room? Explain.
The three layers of lights are Ambient is general light ,Task lights it illuminates
certain areas for functional reasons and Accent which creates a emphasis on a
object. You can use multiple light layers to create interest.
3) In a complex lighting situation should a designer wing it or bring in a specialist?
Should you get client approval first? Why? Is it important to be onsite to evaluate
No you shouldn’t just wing it when it comes to a complex lighting design you
should bring a specialist bot insure it last and you don’t get sude. When it comes
to the light I think it’s good to have the clients approval because it is their home
or company but make sure to follow the light layers. It’s important to be their in
person to make sure to see how the light shifts at different times of the day.
4) What is Natural Light? Electric or Artificial Light? Do each of these categories
emanate different colors?
Natural light is daylight, candles and the sky. Electric or Artificial light is
incandescent,fluorescent,neon,high-intensity discharge and LED. They all come
out in different colors in different areas used and depending on the shades in the
room as well.
5) Is there color without light? Which do children learn first shapes or colors?
What does visible spectrum mean? Red, green and blue are primaries of light –
are they products of white light. What differentiates color? What are the three
primary colors? Explain with examples Hue, Value and Chroma.
If there is no light there is also no color, children learn colors before shapes.
Vistual spectrum is the spectrum of light humans are capable of seeing. White
light composes red,green and blue. Colors is a pigment a substance of dye. The
three primary colors are red,yellow and blue. Hue is the family of a color or the
way we distinguish one color, value is the degree of lightness or darkness of a
color and Chroma is the purity ,saturation, or intensity of a color.

6) What is a Principle? Name six (06) design principles.

Principle is the rules or guidelines that govern the use of these elements within
the composition. The six design principles are proportion
,balance,rhythm,contrast,emphasis and focus and harmony and unity.

7) Are the items below proportional? Why or why not.

The first picture is definitely proportional they all align because they aren’t all the
same size. The second picture not so much they are all the same size.
8) What makes something proportional? Is proportion important? Are there times
when you can distort proportion? Examples….
A proportional piece is a relative size outside of itself it is important because it’s
the relationship of parts to other parts within a composition. Yes there is times
when you can do so by playing with the size.

9) Are these balanced? Why or why not? If a room is balanced can it be awful
The first pictures shows a balanced room but a ugly design and use of it. The
second is defiantly not balanced and a hideous patter and use of color. The third
picture is balanced and you can see it trough the way it’s displayed on the layout
of the pictures and dressers. The fourth picture I would say is a good use of
patterns but not balanced.
10) Visual Weight, Axis, Symmetrical Balance, Asymmetrical Balance and Radial
Balance – define. Find and print examples for class.
Visual weight is a design balance to achieve equality. Axis is the arrangement
around a real or imagined centerline. Symmetrical balance formal static and
traditional type of balance. Asymmetrical balance achievement of equilibrium
trough equal visual. Radical balance an equilibrium that relies on a center point.

11) What is Rhythm and What are ways to accomplish Rhythm? Is Repetition
alone always Rhythm? Why?
Rhythm is a characteristic by a recurrence of successive elements in a periodic
pattern of repetition. You can creat it trough the use of linear components like
architecture columns or windows. Repetition alone does not convey rhythm the
movement of color does as well.
12) What makes contrast important? How do we achieve contrast in a space –
numerous ways. Is contrast Always a good thing to use so clients don’t get bored?
It’s the way we perceive the difference between things. Two features placed in
opposition may achieve contrast. As well as light and dark and so on. It is but you
must make sure the client knows if they want a settle contrast or drastic.
13) Does emphasis mean attention? What does focal point have to do with
emphasis? Can we have emphasis without contrast? How about contrast without
emphasis? Explain
Emphasis is when something holds a dominant status compared with other
components. Yes the final point has to do with emphasis. But their cannot be
emphasis without contrast. But a design can have contrast without a emphasis if
all the dissimilar elements are equated visually.
14) Harmony is the standard by which design is measured. What are different
types of Harmony & Unity? Find three different types of rooms ( quiet, soothing,
exciting, or something totally outside your comfort level) that you find to be in
Harmony, print them out and bring them to class. Be ready to defend and explain
why they are Harmonious.
Harmony difficult to attain,delicate balance between unity and oneness on the
one hand and contrast and variety on the other.

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