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Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston

Set The Top Center Position By Temporary Marks On Type

1 Engines and 9RM Engines
Various Fuel Injection Pumps may be equipped to the engine. Delphi or Stanadyne fuel injection
pumps may be equipped to the engine.

Note: For a complete description of Type 1 and Type 2 engines, refer to Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting Module, "Engine Design" for more information.

Illustration 1 g00309726

Setting top center compression position

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(1) Temporary pointer

(2) Dial indicator

1. Fasten a temporary pointer (1) to the cover of the timing case. Put the tip of the pointer
close to the outer edge of the crankshaft pulley or the damper.

2. Remove the rocker cover.

3. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction when you face the front of the engine. Rotate
the crankshaft until the pushrod for the inlet valve of the rear cylinder begins to lift the
rocker lever.

4. Remove the spring clip and the spacer from the front of the rocker shaft. Release the
fasteners of the two front pedestals of the rocker shaft. Remove the front rocker lever.
Tighten the fasteners of the pedestals on the rocker shaft.

5. Remove the valve springs from the front valve.

Note: Place a suitable collar near the top of the valve in order to hold the valve if the
crankshaft is rotated too far. Use care in rotating the crankshaft. The number 1 inlet valve
will be held in position on top of the piston. If the crankshaft is not properly positioned, the
valve may fall from the cylinder head.

6. Allow the valve to be held by the top of the piston.

7. Fasten a dial indicator (2) to the cylinder head. The contact of the dial indicator must be in
contact with the top of the valve stem. The dial indicator must indicate a reading which is
greater than zero. Slowly rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until the clockwise
movement of the dial indicator pointer stops.

8. Make a suitable temporary mark on the crankshaft pulley or the damper in order to align the
mark with the temporary pointer. Continue to rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction
until the dial indicator pointer barely begins to move in a counterclockwise direction. Make
another temporary mark on the pulley or the damper in order to align the mark with the
temporary pointer. Mark the center point between the two marks on the pulley or the
damper. Remove the other two marks.

9. Rotate the crankshaft by approximately 45 degrees in a counterclockwise direction when

you face the engine from the front. Then rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until
the mark on the pulley or the damper is aligned with the pointer. Number 1 piston is now at
the top center on the compression stroke.

Set The Top Center Position By Reverse Pin Timing

On Type 2 Engines and 7BJ Engines

Note: For a complete description of Type 1 and Type 2 engines, refer to the Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting Module, "Engine Design" for more information.

Table 1
Tools Needed
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Part Number Part Name Quantity

150-3993 Timing Pin (1)

150-3993 Timing Pin is for (Delphi) and (Stanadyne) fuel injection pumps.

The timing position that was set at the factory is used to set the engine at the top center on the
number 1 cylinder of the compression stroke before the fuel injection pump is removed.

Illustration 2 g00309804

Fuel injection pump with timing pin (typical example)

(1) Timing pin

(3) Hub nut

(4) Hole in the pump body

(6) Hub slot

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Illustration 3 g00309806

Timing gear and hub of the Stanadyne and Delphi fuel injection pump

(1) Timing pin

(2) Torx screws

(3) Hub nut

(4) Hole in the pump body

(5) Slot for the timing gear

(6) Hub slot

Note: Do not remove the hub nut (3) from the shaft of the fuel injection pump. The hub of the fuel
injection pump is installed on the shaft of the pump in the factory in order to ensure that the fuel
injection pump is in the correct position for timing. If the hub is removed, the hub will need to be
accurately installed to the shaft of the pump by the use of special equipment. Contact your
Caterpillar Dealer for repairs to the fuel injection pump.

Note: Do not loosen the torx screws (2). If the torx screws are loosened and the timing plate is
moved, the timing position that is set at the factory will be lost. If the torx screws are loosened, the
engine must be set to top center of the number 1 engine cylinder on the compression stroke before
the torx screws are tightened.

1. Remove the water pump. It may be necessary to remove the cover for the gear of the fuel
injection pump on some earlier Type 2 engines.
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2. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until the inlet valve on the number 1 cylinder
closes. Slowly rotate the crankshaft until the slot for the timing gear (5) and the hub slot (6)
are aligned with the hole in the pump body (4) .

Note: The position of the slot for the timing gear, the hub slot, and the hole in the pump
body is on the bottom of the fuel injection pump. The slot is for inserting the timing pin.
The position of the slot is for the Stanadyne and the Delphi fuel injection pump.

3. Insert the timing pin (1) through the timing gear and the hub slot. Push the timing pin into
the hole of the pump body as far as possible. When the pin is inserted all the way, the
engine is at the top center of the number 1 cylinder on the compression stroke. No resistance
should be felt when the timing pin is inserted into the hole of the pump body (4). The pin
should be inserted all the way into the hole of the pump body.

Engine Timing


Illustration 4 g00309904

Engine timing gears

(1) Timing gear for the fuel injection pump

(2) Timing gear for the camshaft

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(3) Timing gear for the crankshaft

Note: Damage to the timing case can occur if the following event occurs: the crankshaft (3) is
rotated when the fuel injection pump is removed from the engine. If the crankshaft needs to be
rotated, the fuel injection pump must be installed and the fasteners for the gear tightened.

Perform the following functions after the fuel injection pump has been removed and the crankshaft
has been rotated:

• Remove the timing case cover.

• Aligning the timing marks of all the timing gears will approximately set the top center of the
number 1 cylinder on the compression stroke.

• Insert the timing pin.

Set The Top Center Position By The Alternate Method

Table 2
Tools Needed
Part Number Part Name Quantity

150-3993 Timing Pin (1)

150-3993 Timing Pin is for (Delphi ) and (Stanadyne) fuel injection pumps.

1. Fasten a temporary pointer (1) to the front of the timing cover. Put the tip of the pointer
close to the edge of the damper on the crankshaft or close to the edge of the pulley. Refer to
Illustration 1 for the location of the temporary pointer.

2. Remove the rocker cover.

3. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise when you face the front of the engine. Rotate the crankshaft
until the pushrod for the inlet valve of the rear cylinder begins to tighten.

4. Rotate the crankshaft further by 1/8 of a turn in a clockwise direction. Insert a suitable lever
between the rocker lever and the valve spring cap of the number 1 inlet valve. Open the inlet
valve. Put a spacer that is approximately 5 mm (0.2 inch) thick between the valve stem and
the rocker lever.

5. Slowly rotate the crankshaft in a counterclockwise direction until the piston makes contact
with the open valve. Make a temporary mark on the damper or the pulley in order to align
accurately with the tip of the pointer.

6. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction by one or two degrees. Remove the spacer
that is between the valve stem and the rocker lever. Rotate the crankshaft by 1/4 of a turn in
a counterclockwise direction. Put a spacer that is approximately 5 mm (0.2 inch) thick
between the valve stem and the rocker lever.

7. Slowly rotate the crankshaft clockwise until the piston makes contact with the open valve.
Make another temporary mark on the damper or the pulley in order to align accurately with
the tip of the pointer.
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8. Make a temporary mark at the center point between the two marks on the damper or the
pulley. Remove the other two marks. Rotate the crankshaft by 1/8 of a turn in a
counterclockwise direction. Remove the spacer between the valve stem and the rocker lever.

9. Slowly rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until the mark on the damper or the
pulley, which was made in Step 8, aligns with the tip of the pointer. The number 1 piston is
now at the top center on the compression stroke.

Setting The Engine Timing

Mark On Type 1 Engines and 9RM Engines
Note: For a complete description of Type 1 and Type 2 engines, refer to the Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting Module, "Engine Design" for more information.

Table 3
Tools Needed
Part Number Part Name Quantity
9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group 1

1. Set the piston of number 1 cylinder to top center on the compression stroke.

2. Remove the fuel injection pump and the gasket.

Illustration 5 g00321405

Adapter from the 9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group

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3. Align the key that is in the adapter with the keyway that is in the gear of the fuel injection
pump. Install the adapter to the gear. Ensure that the adapter is against the rear face of the
timing case. Secure the adapter to the gear with the nut which is supplied with the adapter.

Illustration 6 g00321407

Engine timing tool from the 9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group

(1) Pointer

(2) Screw

(3) Shaft

(4) Screw

(5) Screw

4. Loosen the screw (5). Set the engine timing tool to the correct engine check angle. Refer to
the Specifications, "Fuel Injection Pump" for the correct engine check angle. Tighten the
screw (5). Loosen the screw (4). Install the splined shaft (3) into the engine timing tool.
Loosen the screw (2). Install the pointer (1) and tighten the screw (2) .

5. Install the splined shaft of the engine timing tool into the adapter. Slide the engine timing
tool along the splined shaft (3) until the engine timing tool rests against the adapter. Tighten
the screw (4) .

6. Loosen the screw (2). Slide the pointer forward until the flat face rests against the rear face
of the timing case. Tighten the screw (2). If the mark on the timing case is correct, the mark
will align with the top edge of the pointer (1). If the mark is not correct, remove the engine
timing tool and remove the mark on the timing case. Install the engine timing tool. Ensure
that the pointer rests against the timing case. Make a new mark on the timing case. Make the
new mark along the top of the straight edge of the pointer.

7. Remove the engine timing tool and the adapter.

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8. Install a new gasket on the fuel injection pump. Install the fuel injection pump on the

9. Remove the dial gauge from the valve overlap. The valve overlap is the period between the
opening of the inlet valve and closing of the exhaust valve. Set the valve lash for the inlet
valve of the number 1 cylinder. Refer to Specifications, "Cylinder Head Valves" for the
correct valve lash. Install the rocker cover.

Of The Fuel Injection Pump
Note: Repairs to the fuel injection pump must be performed through an authorized Caterpillar

Type 1 and 9RM Engines With Stanadyne Fuel Injection Pump

Note: For a complete description of Type 1 and Type 2 engines, refer to the Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting Module, "Engine Design" for more information.

Table 4
Tools Needed

Part Number Part Name Quantity

9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group 1

9U-6189 Drive Adapter 1

5P-4150 Nozzle Testing Group 1

The fuel injection pump must be timed if any of the following conditions exist:

• The performance of the fuel injection pump is not correct.

• The locking bolt is loosened after the fuel injection pump has been removed from the

1. Remove the fuel injection pump.

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Illustration 7 g00321583

(1) 9U-6189 Drive Adapter

2. Install the 9U-6189 Drive Adapter (1) to the drive shaft of the fuel pump. Fasten the drive
adapter with the nut of the fuel pump gear.

Illustration 8 g00321584

(2) Number 1 outlet

3. Install the 5P-4150 Nozzle Testing Group to the number 1 outlet (2). Operate the hand
pump until a pressure of 5065 kPa (735 psi) is indicated on the gauge.
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Illustration 9 g00321585

Engine timing tool from the 9U-6188 Timing Fixture Group

(3) Sleeve

(4) Screw

(5) Pointer

(6) Screw

4. Turn the shaft of the fuel pump in a clockwise direction from the drive end of the pump
until the pin in the shaft aligns with number 1 outlet. Position the sleeve (3) for the engine
timing tool on the fuel injection pump. Install the engine timing tool on the adapter. The
adapter is on the fuel pump drive shaft.

5. Turn the shaft of the fuel pump until the fuel pressure prevents movement of the shaft. The
fuel must flow through the delivery valve in the fuel pump before the fuel pressure will
prevent movement of the shaft. In this position, the fuel pump is set at the start of fuel
injection from the number 1 outlet.

6. Loosen the screw (6) on the engine timing tool. Set the engine timing tool to the correct
angle. Refer to the Specifications, "Fuel Injection Pump" for the pump mark angle. Tighten
the screw (6).

7. Loosen the screw (4). Slide the pointer (5) forward until the pointer is over the center of the
pump flange. Check that the mark on the flange is in the center of the slot in the pointer.

8. If the mark on the flange is not correct, remove the engine timing tool. Remove the mark on
the flange.

Install the engine timing tool. Ensure that the fuel pump is at the start of fuel injection for
number 1 cylinder. Loosen the screw (4). Slide the pointer forward to the complete width of
the flange. Tighten the screw (4) .
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Use the slot that is in the pointer in order to make a new mark on the flange of the pump.

9. Remove the engine timing tool, the sleeve, and the adapter.

10. Disconnect the 5P-4150 Nozzle Testing Group from the number 1 outlet (2) .

11. Install the fuel injection pump. Eliminate the air from the fuel system.


Of The Fuel Injection Pump On Type 2 Engines and 7BJ Engines

Note: For a complete description of Type 1 and Type 2 engines, refer to the Systems Operation,
Testing and Adjusting Module, "Engine Design" for more information.

Table 5
Tools Needed

Part Number Part Name Quantity

150-3993 Timing Pin (1)
150-3993 Timing Pin is for (Delphi) and (Stanadyne) fuel injection pumps.

Illustration 10 g00309806
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Timing gear and hub of the Stanadyne and Delphi fuel injection pump

(1) Timing pin

(2) Torx screws

(3) Hub nut

(4) Hole in pump body

(5) Slot for timing gear

(6) Slot for hub

This procedure can only be used when the engine is set to the top center position on number one
cylinder on the compression stroke. Refer to "Setting The Top Center Position By The Alternate

Note: Do not remove the hub nut (3) from the shaft of the fuel injection pump. The hub of the fuel
injection pump is installed on the shaft of the pump in the factory in order to ensure that the fuel
injection pump is in the correct position for timing. If the hub is removed, the hub will need to be
accurately installed to the shaft of the pump by the use of special equipment. Contact your
Caterpillar Dealer for repairs to the fuel injection pump.

Note: Do not loosen the torx screws (2). If the torx screws are loosened and the timing plate is
moved, the timing position that is set at the factory will be lost. If the timing position is lost, the
engine must be set to the top center position on the number 1 cylinder on the compression stroke
before the torx screws are tightened.

1. Set the piston of number one cylinder on the compression stroke.

2. Remove the coolant pump.

3. Insert the timing pin (1) through the slot for the timing gear (5). Continue to insert the
timing pin through the slot for the hub (6). Push the pin all the way into the hole of the
pump body (4). If the pin can be inserted all the way, the pump timing is correct. Resistance
should not occur until the pin is inserted all the way into the hole of the pump body.

4. Remove the timing pin.

5. If the timing pin cannot be inserted all the way into the hole of the pump body, perform the
following function:

◦ Ensure that the engine is correctly set at the top center position of the number one
cylinder on the compression stroke.

6. The fuel injection pump must be set by an authorized technician when the following
conditions exist:

Note: Contact your Caterpillar Dealer for timing adjustment of the fuel injection pump.

◦ The engine is set correctly at the top center.

◦ The pin cannot be easily inserted.

◦ The pin cannot be inserted all the way into the hole of the pump body.
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Refer to Disassembly And Assembly, "Fuel Injection Pump" for removal and installation

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