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 1 Definition of Worldscale
 2 Rates
o 2.1 What is Worldscale used for
o 2.2 Market Levels
 3 How do I find Worldscale rates
o 3.1 Book
o 3.2 Website
o 3.3 How are new rates calculated
 4 Other rates
o 4.1 Offshore Positions
o 4.2 Differentials
o 4.3 Supplementary Messages
o 4.4 ECAs - Emission Control Areas and OGVR Zone
o 4.5 Routes and Distances
o 4.6 Numeric Route Indicator Descriptions
o 4.7 Alpha Routes for Email Replies
o 4.8 Additions
 5 Basis of Calculation
o 5.1 Preamble
o 5.2 Bunker Prices and Allowances
o 5.3 Fixed Hire
o 5.4 Port Costs
o 5.5 Charterers' Account
o 5.6 Annual Revision
o 5.7 Circulars
 6 Web-site Access
o 6.1 Your User name and Passcode
o 6.2 Web-Licence / HID-Device-Help
o 6.3 Registering an HID Device
o 6.4 Replacing an Old HID Device with a New One
o 6.5 Transferring an HID Device to another user
o 6.6 Resynchronisation and other HID Device Problems
 7 Web-site Features
 8 Frequently Asked Questions
 9 Trial Subscriptions
o 9.1 What is included in a subscription and what information is provided
o 9.2 Those considering a Subscription
o 9.3 Students and Lecturers

1 Definition of Worldscale

 Nominal freight scale applying to the carriage of oil and oil products in bulk by sea.
 An international freight index for tankers that provides a method of calculating the
freight applicable to transporting oil by reference to a Standard Vessel on a round trip
voyage from one or several load ports to one or several discharge ports.
 Includes expenses associated with ports, transit fees, port and voyage time and vessel
bunker costs assessed in relation to the Worldscale Standard Vessel basis of
calculation in order to produce a comparative nominal freight scale reported in dollars
per tonne. Its principle is to provide the same net return per day irrespective of voyage
performed for the Worldscale Standard Vessel at WS100.
2 Rates

2.1 What is Worldscale used for


 Worldscale is used to calculate freight rates for oil tankers and product carriers. It is a
tanker chartering tool, its principle is to provide the ship-owner with the same net return per day
irrespective of voyage performed for the Worldscale Standard Vessel at WS100.
 Worldscale is recognised as the definitive work of reference in the chartering of
tankers. Subscribers include tanker owners, oil companies, shipbrokers and traders. It is used to
calculate freight payments and express market levels and trends.
 Rates are based upon a 75,000 tonne total capacity vessel performing a round voyage
and expressed in dollars per tonne of cargo.
 Rates are prepared based upon load and discharge ports rather than ranges.
 Rates for any combinations of ports or transhipment areas can be calculated with up to
five load ports and ten discharge ports available on the web-site. More complex voyages
available from the Associations.
 The cheapest route is calculated, taking into consideration distance, canal and pilotage
fees. The shortest route may not necessarily produce the cheapest rate.
 Rates are revised annually using updated Bunker Prices, Port Costs and Exchange
2.2 Market Levels

 Market levels of freight are expressed in terms of a percentage or Worldscale

equivalent of the nominal freight rate. Thus Worldscale 100 would mean the rate for the voyage
in question as calculated and issued by the Associations, while Worldscale 175 would mean 175
per cent of that rate and Worldscale 75 would mean 75 per cent of that rate.
 Worldscale simplifies charter party contracts as they are expressed in terms of a
percentage of Worldscale. This relieves the need for a table of freights to be attached to a
contract, reducing voyage cost calculation and negotiation.
 Use of Worldscale equivalents improves market comparison of freights. Market levels
for differing vessel sizes and market routes can be assessed and compared.
 Where vessels are fixed lumpsum (or dollars per tonne) on different routes it is
difficult to gain any information on market levels. Lumpsum figures will reflect differing
voyage distances and time rather than factors such as vessel size and supply and demand.
Vessels fixed at a Worldscale equivalent provide clearer market information / indicators.
3 How do I find Worldscale rates

3.1 Book

All subscribers are supplied with a Worldscale book each year. Additional books may also be

Book sections are as follows:

 Explanatory Notes (Preamble Part A)

o Definitions, General Explanation, Basis of Calculations, Route
Policy/Distances, Assessment of Port Costs, Revision Policy, Trans-shipment areas
 Terms and Conditions (Preamble Part B)
o Effective Date, Laytime Allowance, Port and Terminal Combinations,
Charterers’ Account Items
 Table of Demurrage Rates (Preamble Part C)
 List of Ports
o Alphabetically by port and country, Trans-shipment areas
 Fixed Differentials
o Canal Transit Dues, High cost items based on vessel/cargo size – Worldscale
percentage does not apply
 Variable Differentials
o Allows different costs for berths in the same port
 Arabian Gulf, Black Sea and Lake Maracaibo Rates
o 'Additions' for major loading areas allows combinations to give many more
rates in book format
 Schedule of Flat Rates (W100 rates)
o The basic part of the calculated rates
 Voyages are listed in alphabetical order by discharge port. Users need to find the
discharge ports shown in bold capital letters and then (under that discharge port) find the load
port listed beneath and read off the USD/MT and Miles for the rate. Other important
information here is the book notes e.g (see page D-3) which can be found against the discharge
and load ports.
 Book notes will identify additions that will need to be applied and differentials that
will need to be considered along with the rate provided in the rates pages.
 Additions relate to voyages loading within the Arabian Gulf, Black Sea and Lake
Maracaibo. These rate additions are published in the blue pages of the book.
 Differentials are published in the pink section of the book and numbered D-1 to D-9.
Book notes will identify the page on which the differential to be considered is listed.
 The book also lists Charterers’ Account items in part B. These are listed by country
and may be relevant to particular voyages.
 Rates that are not available in the book are available through the web-site or from the
Associations upon request by subscribers.
 N.B. These notes are only intended as a general guide to the book.
3.2 Website

 Worldscale rates enquiries can be made for voyages of up to five load ports and ten
discharge ports.
 There are approximately 300,000 rates available on the site for each year or period.
 An enquiry displayed for any year can be quickly refreshed with the freight rates
values and notes from another year without having to re-enter voyage ports.
 Website users have access to a greater number of rates and information. Preamble,
differentials and rate information for historical years are available.
 Voyages rates and information are displayed when users list the load and discharge
ports required on the voyage enquiry screen.
 Voyage Details and Voyage Summary screens display the Worldscale rate for a
voyage. Where more than one route is calculated for a voyage then the lowest rate is determined
and shown first and alternatives listed beneath.
 Requested rates are displayed with any relevant rate additions, differentials,
charterers' account items and supplementary messages provided with the rate and mileage
 Users have the facility to review rates they have looked at previously though the
'History' function and also retain a list of 'Favourites' rates, both of which can be sorted by first
load port or first discharge port in addition to date enquired
3.3 How are new rates calculated

 Where rates are requested by subscribers either by contacting the Associations

directly or through the website a team of rate calculators in our offices in London and New
York work through the voyage details to prepare the rate.
 Any new rate request will require mileage calculations, any voyage costs and port cost
information. Rate calculations may involve several different route options to determine the
 Rates can be calculated for offshore positions relating to STS operations. Some
recognised areas are considered as TSA or transhipment areas (a list of these areas can be found
within the Preamble Part D). Many rates including these TSAs are available on the web-site.
Where a TSA includes an allowance for port costs, this will be shown within Preamble Part D,
List 3.
 There may be a short delay in providing rates if data has to be sourced for that
particular calculation.
4 Other rates

4.1 Offshore Positions


 Rates can be calculated for offshore positions relating to STS operations. Some
recognised areas are considered as TSA or transhipment areas (a list of these areas can be found
within the Preamble Part D). Many rates including these TSAs are available on the web-site.
 Rates can be provided for other offshore positions not considered as formal TSAs.
These are provided by enquiry to the Associations.
4.2 Differentials

 Differentials - (Pink Pages) are used to cover costs that do not fit in the Worldscale
flat rate or their application may be dependant on particular factors.
 Where costs are dependant on factors such as cargo type or loading or discharging
amounts, then differentials may be applied.
 Differentials fall into two categories, fixed and variable.
 Fixed Differentials
o The percentage variation or Worldscale equivalent of the fixture should not be
applied to fixed differentials.
o Canal Dues differentials for Panama and Suez – which we state can be paid
separately by the charterer direct to the authorities or included in the freight payment.
o Many fixed differentials are applied per tonne of cargo and should be applied
to subscriber's cargo size not that of the standard vessel.
o For example for Rotterdam the differential differs with vessel and cargo size
and crude or products loaded/discharged. This reflects the port cost tariff.
 Variable Differentials
o Variable differentials are often used where terminal costs differ within the
same port. The addition or deduction in USD is made to the flat rate. Since the terminal
costs are included in the rate for the stated terminal the differential is used to take into
account different costs at different terminals. The percentage variation or Worldscale
equivalent of the fixture is applied to the differential. These are commonly used for ports
also providing an SBM, where costs differ from other berths/terminals.
4.3 Supplementary Messages

Some costs are difficult to verify, in these cases rates may be quoted referring users to
'Supplementary Messages'. The supplementary messages state any considerations that may
need to be added to a rate. For example:

 Supplementary Message No.1 is added to rates where no port cost allowances have
been used for one or more ports.
 Supplementary Message No.2 is added to rates where no allowances for port costs or
Kertch Straits transit costs are made for one or more of the ports.
 Supplementary Message No.3 is added to rates where no allowance for towage costs
are made for one or more of the ports.
Supplementary messages are provided where relevant with web-site rates. They can also be
found in the book at the end of the differential (pink) pages.

In these cases it is expected that the costs will be negotiated between contracting parties.

4.4 ECAs - Emission Control Areas and OGVR Zone


 North Sea and Baltic ECAs came into effect on the 11th August 2007
o Incorporated into Worldscale 2008 by fixed differential based upon miles
steamed within the ECA.
o From 2016 additional costs in complying with emission regulations are
provided within the Worldscale rates.  These allowances have been calculated using a
breakdown of voyage distances within and outside ECA Areas.  The differential is no
longer required.

This diagram has been provided by AtoBviaC plc, see Help section 4.5 Routes +
Distances for more information
 North American ECA came into effect 1st August 2012 & Caribbean ECA came
into effect 1st January 2014.
o Incorporated into Worldscale on their respective effective dates by fixed
differential based upon miles steamed within the ECAs.

This diagram has been provided by AtoBviaC plc, see Help section 4.5 Routes +
Distances for more information

 California Ocean-Going Vessel Regulatory (OGVR) zone came into effect 1st July
o Zone extends 24 nautical miles from the coast of California.
o Phase 2 fuel limit reduced effective date 1st January 2014.
o Incorporated into Worldscale 2014 by fixed differential based upon miles
steamed within the ECAs.
o Fuel regulations in the California OGVR and requirements of the North
American ECA should be complied with.
o From 2016 additional costs in complying with emission regulations are
provided within the Worldscale rates.  These allowances have been calculated using a
breakdown of voyage distances within and outside ECA Areas.  The differential is no
longer required.
 OGVR Zone

o This diagram has been provided by AtoBviaC plc, see Help section 4.5 Routes
+ Distances for more information

o Additional allowances are included in Worldscale rates for low sulphur 'in-
port' bunkers in these areas as set out in Section 5 of the Preamble – Notes on
Calculations. See individual year for scope of allowances.
o From 2015, the OGVR Zone Allowances are now incorporated within the
North American ECA.

 Chinese ECA Came into effect 1st January 2019 and have been included within the
flat rate calculations. This replaced the Fixed Rate Differential introduced by Circular 14/2018
in September 2018.
 Chinese Inland River ECAs Came into effect 1st January 2020 and additional costs
for these areas have been included within the flat rate calculations.
 Taiwanese in-port ECA Following the implementation of the new Taiwanese in-port
emission control regulations effective January 2019, an allowance has been made for the
additional costs of in-port Low Sulphur bunker consumption at Taiwanese ports.

 Korean ECAs Following the implementation of the new Korean ECA regulations an

allowance has been made within 2021 Worldscale Flat Rate calculations for the additional costs
of in-port Low Sulphur bunker consumption within the Korean ECAs.

4.5 Routes and Distances


 Route
o Route indicators are used in the schedule and the web-site when quoting rates.
For example:
 C means Cape of Good Hope, laden and ballast
 CS means Cape of Good Hope laden, Suez Canal in ballast
o The route used for the rate shown in the schedule is that which produces the
lowest rate for the voyage in question for the WS Standard Vessel at WS 100. In most
cases such a route is the most direct normal shipping route however canal costs etc, may
make alternative routes although longer nevertheless cheaper. Contracting parties should
agree on which route should apply.
o In addition to rates provided for Suez and Panama routes and their
alternatives, other alternative routes are available on the web-site.
o Calculation of several different routes may be required in order to determine
the cheapest rate for other voyages, for example in Danish waters and within the
Japanese Inland Sea.
o For some voyages the cheapest route may change from year to year due to, for
example, updated bunker prices or pilotage fees.
o Contracting parties should agree on which route should apply.
 Distances
o Distances used for rate calculation purposes only, on the basis of the round
voyage. The distances in nautical miles are provided by AtoBviaC Plc and take into
account IMO conventions, state regulations and recommendations for environmentally
sensitive routeing.
o For more information on AtoBviaC plc and the distance table and routing
information they provide visit their web-site at
 Subscribers nominated route
o Rates for voyages via any route nominated by a subscriber are available upon
application. However use of such a rate will be dependant upon specific agreement
between the contracting parties. This is often used for anti-piracy routings where
subscribers nominate a common anti-piracy route or provide their own co-ordinates.
4.6 Numeric Route Indicator Descriptions

This is the list of the connecting points, and their abbreviations, used to describe Worldscale
voyages on a round trip basis. In practice the laden leg will be separated from the ballast one
using a forward slash (/). Within each leg, a hyphen (-) will separate connecting points in
1. GBT - DOV / SND = Great
2. GBT / = Great
3. / GBT = Great





























4.7 Alpha Routes for Email Replies

Alpha Route Descriptions

Code Laden Ballast
C Cape of Good Hope Cape of Good Hope
CH Cape/Horn Horn/Cape
CM Cape/Magellan Magellan/Cape
CN Cape & Osaka Bay Cape & Osaka Bay
CP Cape of Good Hope Panama
CS Cape of Good Hope Suez Canal
CX C. Good Hope/Horn Panama and Suez
H Horn Horn
HC Horn/Cape Cape/Horn
HM Horn Magellan Strait
HN Horn & Osaka Bay Horn & Osaka Bay
HP Horn Panama Canal
HS Horn Suez Canal
M Magellan Strait Magellan Strait
MC Magellan/Cape Cape/Magellan
MH Magellan Strait Horn
MN Magellan & Osaka Bay Magellan & Osaka Bay
MP Magellan Strait Panama Canal
MS Magellan Strait Suez Canal
N Osaka Bay Osaka Bay
P Panama Canal Panama Canal
PC Panama Canal Cape of Good Hope
PH Panama Canal Horn
PM Panama Canal Magellan Strait
PN Panama & Osaka Bay Panama & Osaka Bay
PS Panama Canal Suez Canal
S Suez Canal Suez Canal
SC Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope
SH Suez Canal Horn
SM Suez Canal Magellan Strait
SN Suez & Osaka Bay Suez & Osaka Bay
SP Suez Canal Panama Canal
WN Cape & Osaka Bay Osaka Bay & Suez
XN Panama & Osaka Bay Osaka Bay & Suez
YN Cape & Osaka Bay Osaka Bay & Panama
ZN Suez & Osaka Bay Osaka Bay & Cape
4.8 Additions

 Re : Arabian Gulf Rates, Black Sea Rates & Lake Maracaibo Rates.
 Additions for geographical simplification and reduction of the number of rates
requiring calculation.
 The additions are only to be used where vessels are loading in the areas of Arabian
Gulf, Black Sea and Lake Maracaibo. In order to reduce the number of rate combinations in the
Worldscale system, rates involving these areas are calculated with an addition.
 Additions are not used if any of the load ports are outside these areas.
 A transit point on the entry/exit to these areas is used. In the case of the Black Sea,
rate is calculated from port in Black Sea to Uskudar which is located close to Istanbul. The
remainder of the voyage is calculated from Uskudar onwards.
 For example to find a rate for loading Constanza and discharging Genoa in the
Worldscale book. Find GENOA in the rates section of the book then under that, look for
Uskudar for part of the rate. The addition for Constanza to Uskudar (being page 17 (Blue pages)
of the Worldscale book). These two rates and mileages should then be added together for the
complete rate.
 When using the web-site, the additions are indicated and added to provide a complete
voyage rate.
 The percentage variation or Worldscale equivalent of the fixture should be applied to
the rate addition.
5 Basis of Calculation

5.1 Preamble

 The preamble sets out the definitions, basis of calculation and notes on calculations
for Worldscale rates. The items in the preamble are reviewed and updated annually. Any
significant revision expected to the preamble for inclusion in the following year will be set out
in our November Notice.
 It is important for subscribers and users of Worldscale rates to read and understand
the Preamble.
5.2 Bunker Prices and Allowances

 Annual bunker prices and consumption rates for fuel allowances are set out in the
Preamble for each edition of Worldscale. For quick reference use the Bunker price tab.
 Where low sulphur fuels are required by local legislation covering part of the voyage
passage in ECA areas then additional allowances are incorporated into Worldscale rates by
fixed differentials applied by voyage mile steamed (2008 to 2015)
 From 2016, low sulphur fuels costs used in the ECA areas shown in section 4.4, are
now included within the rate. Low sulphur fuel prices are provided in the Preamble and the
Bunker price tab.
 Where low sulphur fuels are required for in-port then an allowance is included within
the flat rate for the voyage in question.
5.3 Fixed Hire

 The voyage time and port time are calculated and multiplied by the fixed daily hire.
This allowance is included in the rate calculation.
5.4 Port Costs

 Costs in relation to the Worldscale 75,000 tonne total capacity vessel are assessed and
will be treated within the Worldscale system dependant upon where and how they are charged
as either:
o Normal costs : an allowance is provided in the flat rate.
o Voyage Costs : normally relating to routing options, these will be included in
the flat rate calculations. (Panama and Suez canal tolls are differentials due to their
significance and complexity)
o Charterers' Account
o Fixed or Variable Differentials
o Not included at all
 Preamble Section 7 of Part A provides a general list of port cost items.
 Our port cost departments handle queries from subscribers in regard to which costs
are included in the flat rates, charterers' account or differentials at different ports and rates
including STS positions, and advise as to any changes that ports may bring into effect.
5.5 Charterers' Account

 Occasionally it may be necessary to make particular items that are levied upon or
against a vessel "For Charterers' Account" and no allowance is included in the flat rate. Owners
are entitled to obtain reimbursement from the Charterers for the cost involved.
 Charterer's Account items are listed by country under Section 5 of Part B of the
Preamble. When using the web-site subscribers will be advised of any charterers' account items.
 Charterers' account items include items such as tugs and harbour dues, which due to
the way the local tariffs are applied, cannot be included in the flat rate. Where these items occur
they are flagged up as ‘Important Notes’ if requesting a rate through the web-site. Where rates
are extracted from the book, charterers account items are listed by country.
5.6 Annual Revision

 See Preamble Section 9 for full Revision Policy.

 Worldscale is completely recalculated once every twelve months providing revised
rates effective as from 1st January of each year that reflect changes in bunker prices, port costs
and currencies as assessed and available up to the 30th September each year.
5.7 Circulars

 The Worldscale rates are revised in full and published on the 1st January each year.
Where updates are required during the year relating to port costs increases or revised canal fees
the Associations issue a circular to amend the rates.
 Circular effective date – All circulars will specify the date they are effective and are
applied to voyages with a loading date on or after this date. Any application of circulars to
voyages loaded prior to that date would be subject to agreement between contracting parties.
 The Associations act to add circulars as soon as possible when information is received
in relation to significant changes in port tariffs etc. Any information is checked and confirmed
by several sources.
 It is not possible to issue circulars retrospectively even where port authorities have
sought to do so.
6 Web-site Access

6.1 Your User name and Passcode


 When logging on to the Worldscale web-site user area you will need a User Name and
o Your username – This is provided by us once you have registered your
activcard. See Registering an HID Device.
o Passcode – Generated by HID Device. 8 digit single use code read from
6.2 Web-Licence / HID-Device-Help

 HID Device Overview

 One Touch Device

The device (pictured) above generates one time passcodes that enables a user to login to the

It should be noted that on generation, the passcodes can only be used to access the
website once, after which a new code must be generated.

The device consists of a screen, and an 'ON' button. On the reverse side of the token is a 10 digit
serial number (S/N:) this is shown below the barcode.
6.3 Registering an HID Device

On receipt of the HID Device, you will NOT be able to access the website with it until it has
been registered with Worldscale. This includes replacement devices.

Please do not attempt to use the Device until you have received further instructions,
which you will receive once the Device has been registered.

To register the HID Device, please see below:

Please send the following information to [email protected] for London office

subscribers or to [email protected] for New York office subscribers.

Your Subscriber Number - Or full company name and address if not known. The sub
no. can be found on your invoice next to the heading "Account No."
       Contact Name - - The name of the person who will be responsible for the HID Device.
Email Address - The email address that you require your rate responses sent too. Only
ONE email address can be used per device. This can be a group email address
       Contact Telephone Number
       HID Device Serial Number - The s/n number on the back of the activcard.
Username - Assigned by Worldscale We prefer to give generic usernames where
       possible, but can give you a preferred username on request so long as the username
doesn’t already exist.
6.4 Replacing an Old HID Device with a New One

If you already have a registered device and you have had to change it for a new one then you
will need to activate it. To do this, send the following information
to [email protected] for London office subscribers or to adminny@worldscale- for New York office subscribers:

Your Subscriber Number - Or full company name and address if not known. The sub
no. can be found on your invoice next to the heading "Account No."
       Existing username
       New HID Device Serial Number - The 10 digit s/n number on the back of the activcard.
OTHER - Any other information that may have changed like email address or telephone
6.5 Transferring an HID Device to another user

If you already have a registered activcard and you need to transfer it to another user
then please send the following information to [email protected] for London
office subscribers or to [email protected] for New York office subscribers.

Your Subscriber Number - Or full company name and address if not known. The sub
no. can be found on your invoice next to the heading "Account No."
       Old User's Details - - Name and username
       New Contact Details:
New Contact Name - - The name of the person who will be responsible for the HID
New Email Address - The email address that you require your rate responses sent
       too. Only ONE email address can be used per device. This can be a group email
       New Contact Telephone Number
       HID Device Serial Number - The s/n number on the back of the activcard.
Username - Assigned by Worldscale We prefer to give generic usernames where
       possible, but can give you a preferred username on request so long as the username
doesn’t already exist.
Resynchronisation - If an HID Device has already belonged to another user, then
       transferring it to a new user often puts the device out of sync with the server. please
follow the resynchronisation procecure 6.6(i)
6.6 Resynchronisation and other HID Device Problems

When logging onto the Worldscale website you may receive an error message stating that
you will be locked out if you fail to log in successfully after a number of attempts, and if
access is still denied it may be a resynchronisation issue.
Two things arise from this. The first is that you will need to get your access unlocked if you
exceed the failure limit which is 8 attempts. The other is that you need to see the instructions
below to solve the initial problem.

Read the following and after deciding which problem applies to you, then please send an
email to the relevant address with the required information. the email addresses are below

Please send your subscriber number with all correspondence. If this is not available
then please include your full postal address.
(i) Resynchronise HID Device
The resynchronisation issue is usually as a result of not logging into
the website for a while, but can also occur if the button is pressed
without logging on.  It is recommended that users not keep the devices
in pockets where the button could be pressed by accident.
To resynchronise your device please follow these instructions:
You need to get a PASSCODE from the Device. To obtain your
Passcode, please press the button to turn on the device. Your 8 digit
Passcode will then be displayed, please send this with your username
and device serial number to [email protected] for London
office subscribers or to [email protected] for New York
office subscribers. Do not attempt to log on again until you are
contacted by the Worldscale team, who will ask you to log on with a
new number from the device.
(ii) Screen is not legible
If any of the digits cannot be read completely then the battery may be
running out. Please do not attempt to replace the batteries. For a free
replacement please return the device to: The Subscriptions
Department, Worldscale Association (London) Limited for London
office subscribers or to The Subscriptions Department, Worldscale
Association (NYC) Inc for New York Office subscribers. See home
page for full addresses and subscription department email addresses.
(iii) Lost or Misplaced Device
If you have lost a device, there will be a charge for a replacement. If
you want to proceed with a replacement, please contact
either [email protected] for London office subscribers
or [email protected] for New York office subscribers.
If none of these problems applies to you, please contact Web Support
at [email protected] for London office subscribers or adminny@worldscale- for New York office subscriber and let us know what the exact problem is and we
will endeavour to solve it.
7 Web-site Features

 Cheapest Rate and Alternative Routing

Voyage result summary screen displays the cheapest rate for a voyage and rates for alternative
routes where applicable. Full rate details including differentials, charterers’ account items and
circulars which can be viewed in the voyage details screen.

 Preferences

Preferences can be used to set default year for user enquires or alternatively assume that latest
year published is provided.
Other preferences include allowing lists of enquires to be entered or results to be returned
automatically for each enquiry.

 Period Dropdowns

i. Subscribers can select the enquiry period at the port selection screen.
ii. Once the ports are selected and the rate is retrieved, the user also has the
facility to change the period and enquire for the voyage again with the use of a period
drop down table.

You may experience a short delay while the enquiry is refreshed with the data from a different

 Enquiry History

In addition and similarly to the Favourites list, user history will be stored enabling them to look
back over any enquiry made within the last thirteen calendar months.

The list retains the enquiry information in relation to load and discharge ports but not enquiry
year or rate. This reduces the need to re-type all the ports from a recent enquiry but will return
the most recent data.

 Favourites

The user has the option to add voyages to a "Favourites" list whereby subscriber's most
commonly looked up voyages may be held. The user can choose any one of these and have it
displayed, the default being the current year's value and the lowest rate. The period drop down
will still be available so the user may display different year values for this voyage.

Users have the facility to add names or references to their favourites. The favourite list can be
sorted by this name or reference.

Users can sort their list of favourites by date, first load port, first discharge port and by favourite

The favourite list is maintained by the user.

 Unconventional Routes

Unconventional routes are defined in the Worldscale 2013 Preamble and onwards. See
Preamble Part A 6. Route Policy / Distances (3).
Where these routes are provided their use must be agreed between the contracting parties
8 Frequently Asked Questions

 Round voyage mileage / Back-loading

Worldscale are unable to provide rates involving backloading, reloading and similar operations
as the voyage would not conform to the standard set out in the Preamble:
i.e. WS does not allow for backloading, reloading, co-mingling or blending. The contractual
parties are free to adapt the rates as they see fit (See page Preamble 2, Section 3 (1&2).

 Northern Sea Route

At this stage WS is not in a position to quote voyages using the Arctic / Northern Sea Route.
We recognize that voyages have been performed, however, mileages and passage time are
subject to adverse ice conditions, deviation and steaming at low speed consequently incurring
delays. Please note we understand this routing currently incurs extra variable transit costs i.e.
nuclear icebreakers and tugs, plus ice advisors and pilots remaining on board etc.
The Northern Sea Route incurs lower mileage but it will incur higher transit costs and may raise
potential high profile sensitive environmental and political issues.
Worldscale will of course monitor the situation, however until we can provide comparative rates
including consistent mileage and transit costs we cannot speculate on whether they will be
cheaper than alternative routes.

 Worldscale 100

The flat rate point 100 is effectively the breakeven point in accordance with the basis of
calculation for the Worldscale Standard vessel but not for any other size. Economies of scale
will tend to give figures higher than the flat rate for smaller vessels and lower than this for
larger vessels.

 Calculation of cheapest routes and Canals

Voyages with routes via the Suez and Panama canals and alternatives via the respective Cape
routes may indicate the lowest rate with routing via the Cape but the alternative routes using the
canals display a rate with a lower value. This is due to our inclusion of a figure in regard to the
canal differentials being taken into account in order to determine the cheapest rate.

The Preamble sets this out. Contracting parties should agree on which rate is to be used.

From Route Policy/Distance Preamble section 6.

'In most cases, such a route is that via the most direct normal shipping route, which usually
means via whatever route provides the shortest distance (see Paragraph 6). However, in those
cases where, for rate calculation purposes, extra time is allowed for transit of a canal and/or an
allowance made for expenses incurred for transit of a canal, waterway or strait, the rate shown
may not be via the route with the shortest distance but via a route which, although longer,
nevertheless produces the lowest rate. In deciding which route produces the lowest rate, the
fixed rate differentials for Panama Canal and/or Suez Canal transits as applicable to the standard
vessel are taken into account.'
 Why 75,000 dwt vessel

The Worldscale system is based around the Worldscale Standard Vessel and the basic premise
for this is periodically checked against fleet statistics with the result that it is still near the
‘average’ type of vessel, in terms of size, number and performance.

 Costs incurred by larger vessels

As stated in the preamble, no allowance is made for any costs that would not be incurred by a
vessel of the size of the standard vessel. It is the responsibility of the contracting parties to agree
between themselves a method of settlement in respect of any of these expenses that may be

 Calculation of freight

Worldscale flat rate (including any additions) x Worldscale Equivalent x Cargo Quantity
Plus where applicable
Variable Differentials x Worldscale Equivalent x Cargo Quantity
Fixed Differential –dependant on wording of differential.
Add any items related to by Supplementary messages

9 Trial Subscriptions

9.1 What is included in a subscription and what information is provided


 Worldscale subscribers receive a Worldscale book, a web licence and access to rates
from the Associations rates departments where new rates require calculation or can not be found
using the web-site or books.
 The information included covers Worldscale rates, round voyage mileages,
differentials etc. Rates are provided in terms of dollars per tonne of cargo and for specific load
and discharge ports rather than geographical areas.
 There are no specific details on port facilities or port costs.
9.2 Those considering a Subscription

 For new applications to Worldscale please follow the link 'REGISTER' on the Home
page and complete your details.
 For prospective users of Worldscale who may not be familiar with the content and
range of information available it may be possible to set up a trial subscription to the voyage
enquiry and other restricted areas of the website.
 A trial subscription will only provide access for a short period and to older, less
commercial information on the site but will allow users to run voyage enquiries and view
circulars and other information.
 Each application for a trial subscription should be made by email to the Associations.
9.3 Students and Lecturers

 Worldscale provides information where possible to university students and lecturers

without charge.
 A trial subscription may also be available in some circumstances

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