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TRANSCRIPT OF Keri May Burnor’s Testimony

Today’s date is ______.

NOTICE: There is copyrighted, trademarked and registered materials

referenced herein, including NONANO CERTIFICATIONS ™, NONANO®,
and reports written by Doctor Hildegarde Staninger RIET®™ © and
Integrative Health Systems ®, LLC, Targeted2Free™, KERI MAY BURNOR,
a private business trust and other copy-claims. All Rights Reserved.

Although I share reports openly in this forum, I in no way can endorse or

make recommendation to seek the services I received due to possible ongoing
security concerns for them.

Greetings Judge, Chief Justice, Your Grace and all ITNJ Commissioners:



This testimony is given in good faith and good will and serves as NOTICE TO THE WORLD,
and is true, correct and certain.

I Keri May: Burnor am of the age of majority, Private American National of the United States of
America, non-enemy, daughter of Most High, and friend of this Court;

My profession is Consultant and Program Architect, and I testify as follows for the sake of all


My story reflects the intention of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by the Dark
Side for being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is
to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing
humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different
programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind’s environment: the air we breathe, the
water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed

In my case, the use of military grade nanotechnology as a CBRN (Chemical, Biological,

Radiological, Nuclear) weapon was used with efforts to kill me 10 times. I have survived these
attacks by the grace of God through living in hiding since 2013 until Trump took office in 2016.

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My story is voluminous so I will reference several links to my website and radio shows, etc. I
hope that my story can be a beacon of hope for those who feel there is no chance against these
weaponized technologies. Love is the only way out! I will include reports that evidence before
and after tests revealing a total "turn around in results" with regards to being healed of the effects
of weaponized nanotechnology. Another report confirms I am no longer emitting any signals
after the ‘before’ report by a Private Investigator clearly indicated that signals were emitting from
my body (due to the nanomaterials having been activated). I am healed and continue to heal in the
aftermath of subsequent attacks that followed my first triumph over this technology. I do not
know of anyone who has been involved in a program like this who is free, and so I feel an
urgency to let others know there is a way out.


I, Keri May: Burnor, am a former Catholic nun (evidence presented to the ITNJ) and am a
victim/survivor of sexual abuse by a member of the monastic clergy at a renowned monastery, St
Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts. Having served in the Roman Catholic Church as a
sister at Saint Anne’s House, St. Benedict Center, Still River, Massachusetts from 1993-1998, I
then entered into candidacy for eremitic life canonically under the Bishop of Worcester,
Massachusetts and was given the spiritual accompaniment of priests of Saint Joseph’s Abbey until
2001. It was in August 2001 that I was sexually assaulted by Fr. Joseph Chu-Cong.

In 2003 the priest was acquitted (Docket No. 0269CR001118 March 13, 2003) due to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts’s attorney ‘throwing the case.’ See “Burnor Abbey Seek Peace
After Trial, Monk Found Not Guilty After N. Brookfield Woman files Suit” - April 16, 2003
Spencer New Leader NOTE: The Communications
Director, Fr. Edward John Mullaney for Saint Joseph’s Abbey is quoted in this news article as
saying: “I can say that we forgive her, just as she said in her letter that she forgives us.” Mullaney
was quoting from my letter to the editor “Burnor Saddened By Trial Results” April 2, 2003 of the
Spencer New Leader wherein I stated “I forgive you, Father Joseph, for what you did to me and
for not being strong enough to serve God first. Father Isaac, I forgive you for becoming an
obstacle to the truth. Father (Abbott) Damian, I forgive you for your lack of filial love and lack of
paternal responsibility (regarding the care of Father Joseph's soul), which I hoped for and
expected from you. I'll always love and pray for St. Joseph's Abbey.”

In January 2006 I participated in a rally and testified before the Judiciary Committee at the State
House in Boston Massachusetts. After this rally I was approached by attorney John Stobierski
who asked me to provide evidence for cases relating to victims he was representing against
EDWARD JOHN MULLANEY who was a monk-priest of Saint Joseph’s Abbey (where I was
sexually assaulted) and served as COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR! EDWARD JOHN
MULLANEY is reported to have used the confessional as a means to gather information on
vulnerable souls to determine if they were “damaged goods” for having been abused in their
childhood. He would utilize this vulnerability to later pose as a “healing presence” to them. He is
IN FACT ABUSED IN THEIR PASTS. He was reported to have subjected victims to what I

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would call SATANIC RITUALS requiring urine, menstrual blood and bodily fluids to slake his
sexual appetites. MEANWHILE THE ABBEY COVERED IT UP, paying victims off rather than
address the cause. At this time I was helping victims and served as a private advocate for
victims/survivors of clergy abuse. I joined Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests
(SNAP) and privately assisted in high-profile investigations alongside Mary T. Jean,
victim/advocate, who headed Mary T. Jean was also instrumental in
exposing corruption at the top, even to IMPLICATING THE VATICAN IN MASSACHUSETTS
(Ms. Jean was granted a restraining order by the federal court against the Worcester D.A. and all
state police after she experienced retaliation from them for her assistance to victims of clergy
sexual abuse.)

I served in negotiations with District Attorney of Worcester, Massachusetts, Joseph Early Jr. on
cases like the Fr. John Szantyr case and investigated several others until 2008 (see Spotlight, the
Movie). I helped expose by name the players at the top and prove that the agenda was not only
sexual abuse but social engineering for the destruction of America, ultimately to mass genocide.
Please reference the October 17, 2007 interview, with Greg Szymanski, Greg also interviewed me with guest Jonathan Levy, barrister and
attorney, on July 17, 2009, during which we both exposed on Greg’s show, The Investigative
Journal, the Vatican’s design to destroy America via the blue print for wholesale slaughter and
genocide as described in the Alperin vs. Vatican Bank case. Levy represented the victims of the
plunder and genocide in Serbia where over 700,000 were killed using war as a sacrifice of souls
(see chart here: “The Untold Truth Behind Clergy Abuse and Cover-up” Strunk v. The NEW
YORK PROVINCE OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS et al. DCD (Page 31 of 33 pdf supplied
to the ITNJ) to the
eradication of the Orthodox Christians who do not submit to the Pope’s temporal or spiritual

The Extermination:

In May 1941, the Ustaše Organisation declared their three goals:

1) A third of the Serbian population in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) were to be
forcibly converted to Roman Catholicism.

2) A third of the Serbian population in Croatia were to be deported.

3) A third of the Serbian population in Croatia were to be killed.

I converted to Orthodoxy in 2008 as did Jonathan Levy. I exposed the Jesuit Agenda which is to
wipe out any resistance to the pope and his military order, i.e. the Jesuits themselves, and to wipe
out all nations worldwide capable of fighting the Vatican. I saw similar parallels and designs as

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revealed by Kay Griggs, the wife of a military illuminati insider Colonel George R. Griggs, who
disclosed how the Jesuits infiltrated all of the United States armed forces and government. So
later I exposed it on radio, on my website, and in 2015 via my NOTICE TO THE WORLD which
will be referenced below.
I was beside myself when I realized that the religious habit I donned subsequent to my conversion
to the Roman Catholic Church in 1993 and as part of my service within Jesuitism and the
Cistercian spirituality (Cistercians are the modern Knights Templar) was nothing different than an
In 2008 I left the Roman Catholic Church and formally denounced it by Declaration and in 2015
by way of a formal Release which was sent to the Vatican and other Officials. (Copy of Release
attached and supplied to the ITNJ). NOTICE: I DO NOT AVOCATE HATRED OR
PREJUDICE AGAINST ROMAN CATHOLICS! Many of them truly love the Lord and are not
aware of how Vatican Politics operate.
I became aware from a source within the Diocesan Chancery, with whom I had formed a
friendship, that I was under 24/7 surveillance after the October 2007 interview. Sister Paula
Kelleher (served as Vicaress of Religious Women for the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts) at
the time. Following my departure from the Roman Catholic Church in 2008, my subsequent
conversion to Orthodoxy, a radio interview exposing more about the Abbey in response to a
victim/survivor’s turmoil over Fr. John Mullaney being accepted back to Saint Joseph’s Abbey
(reference “Sister Keri and Moziah – Fighting Evil on a Spiritual Level (1of2)”
of 4 December 2008), I also exposed St. Joseph’s Abbey’s founder J. Peter Grace who is known
as the father of MK-ULTRA who is buried on the grounds at the Abbey. I sensed my life was at
risk and decided to move away and live a quiet life in Texas (January 2009) leaving all of this

For my story up until 2008, you may download my pdf book “Divine Challenge” here:


In 2009, I began to study private law and realized many successes. I was able to assist in the
release of two people in jail using these methods and was interviewed by FBI in 2012 after which
they sought to hire me as a CI due to my unique knowledge in private banking and other related
fields. It was during that interview that I was asked if I believed that we are all owned by the
Pope through the collateralization of our birth certificates. I avoided the question. (Evidence
furnished to the ITNJ.)
After experiencing vertigo and other sinus issues, I underwent surgery in 2011 only to find in
December 2012, upon examination by a private investigator proficient with TSCM (Technical
Surveillance Counter Measures), there were foreign materials emitting signals in my body. All is
documented and verified by multiple qualified sources. Upon visiting a toxicologist and
undergoing multiple tests, i.e. Raman Spectroscopy, FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared
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Spectroscopy) etc., the materials from my body that were sampled were indeed a (military grade)
weaponized form of nanotechnology. All reports are verified, samples with chain of custody at
labs, all evidence is interpreted by the only known expert on nanotechnology having access to a
CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) lab open to civilians at the time (as I far
as I understand and was apprised by Doctor Hildegarde Staninger RIET®™ ©).
Although that was the first, there have altogether been 10 attempts on my life to date using bio-
chemical, radiological and nuclear materials. Yes, weapons of mass destruction, nano-materials
and military grade sound weapons were deployed against me. (All information was furnished to
this Commission, however if there is anything else that is needed please do not hesitate to request
for completion of the Record anything that is needed.)

internet and sent or faxed the same report to the Commander in Chief (Obama at the time), every
congressman, senator, representative in addition to many world leaders, the JAG, DoD, Chief of
Naval Operations, the fake news media like CNN etc., and other alternative media including Alex
Jones, etc., and THANK GOD, I SENT IT TO DONALD J. TRUMP who later became
President!!!!!! see link here:
(Notary Certificates of Service attached) (Also provided to the ITNJ said NOTICE TO THE
WORLD with 10 and 412 pages attached).

Attached hereto also is the updated timeline produced to the ITNJ Commission re: “TIMELINE
OF 10 ATTEMPTS AND THREATS ON MY LIFE” with 8 pages. For the sake of clarity I will
review this executive summary after giving a more thorough review of the first and most well
documented nano-weapons attack.

Some may ask how I came to have access to people with clearances. I was on Greg Szymanski’s,
a journalist show back in 2007 and have connected with several other
whistle-blowers and radio personalities including Eric Jon Phelps (the author of Vatican
Assassins), Chris Strunk, and Leo Zagami. Zagami is a former high ranking official of the P2
Lodge with inside access; I had continued access to his security team.

Leo Zagami, former Illuminati, called me at the suggestion of Greg Szymanski in 2008 to assist
him with formulating new constitutions and ceremonial writings with the purpose of ultimately
freeing those souls who wanted to be free of demonic attachment as a result of taking the
advanced oaths in Freemasonry. My proposed involvement stemmed from my ecclesiastical
background and familiarity with Latin. Zagami in turn has offered me much insight into the inner
workings of the Jesuits, the Vatican and the other Orders. See his expose of the Vatican here:
Demonic Possession of the Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview with Alex Jones (Evidence relating to the Vatican being
involved in my matter was submitted to the ITNJ.)

Let us turn our attention now to the following excerpts from a report written by Benjamin
Colodzin, Ph.D. in Psychology with date 6/20/2016. I later felt it would be important to get this
test done. I did not disclose the report until absolutely necessary and so it was published to my
website at the tab called “Nanotechnology Used In Efforts to Silence Whistleblower:

Page 5 of 19 in 2016 after I was threatened to either be put in
an asylum or be framed for a crime if I chose not to join a certain program that was offered to me
by a deep state operative. (Documents relating to this are provided to the ITNJ).

This report “Psychological Evaluation of Keri Burnor 6/20/2016 by Benjamin Colodzin

Ph.D.” in full is provided also to the ITNJ). On pgs 19-23 “SCADA-RELATED MEDICAL
RECORDS,” it says the following:


3/13/12: Frequency Testing Report, Melinda Kidder, Private Investigator, Columbia

Investigations, Columbia, MO. Abnormal ELF/EMF frequencies detected at neck and
abdomen; unexplained 0.5 mm scar detected at jawline under UV exam; presence of ambient
radio frequencies detected (pgs. 3-4).
1/16/13: Toxicological Evaluation Report, {revised from original 12/22/12 report} H.
Staninger, Ph.D., Registered Industrial Environmental Toxicologist-1, Integrative Health
Systems, Los Angeles, CA. Findings: "Ms. Burnor was exposed to advanced nano materials"
(pg. 8). "Her current symptoms are all related to the neurological exposures to the heavy
metals detected but also to the interaction of EMF and self-generating frequency signals as
identified in the Columbia Investigations Report dated 12/13/12" (pg. 10).
1/19/13: Clinical Test Data, Lab Corp., Los Angeles, CA.
1/23/13: Toxicological Dysfunction Analysis Report, H. Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los
Angeles, CA. Findings: Exposure to phenol confirmed. Discussion: "Phenol is a metabolite of
benzene. Benzene is known to cause leukemia in humans and is not a normal component of
blood or urine. The level should be 'none detected' and any exposure that is expressed in urine
is indicative of a parent compound being metabolized and stuck in the kidney. In some cases
of bio-sensory technology phenol may be the metabolite of thin film technology with a wave
guide of specific compounds for detection purposes. Further investigation will have to occur in
this matter as additional test results data is reviewed" (pg. 2)
4/8/13: Industrial Toxicological Comparative Report on Emission of Frequency Signals
From the Human Body and Previous Chemical Analysis of Mesogenic Bio-Sensors, H.
Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los Angeles CA. Summary: Frequencies emitted by Ms.
Burnor identified as per their allocations by Federal Communications Commission.
Correlated with frequencies allocated to U.S. military operations. Discussion: "The
frequencies found to be emitting from Ms. Keri Burnor on December 13, 2012 were from
one specific location, but with a smaller traveling frequency that was in a smaller range
within the signalsthe chemical composition of the specimens taken from Ms. Burnor's scalp and
other areas may be designed for two different Regional broadcasts.one for direction or
action/function upon the body, and one for monitoring the location or specific areas of her
body. Both ranges are monitored by geo-satellite" (pg. 4).
5/13: Analysis of Specimens Report, {specimens from Ms. Burnor}, Applied Consumer
Services, Hialeah Gardens, FLA. Chemical analysis of specimens.
5/30/13: Advanced Material Analysis Report For Origin of Specimen (Chemical Analysis of

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Mesogenic Bio-Sensory Advanced Materials), H. Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los
Angeles, Ca. Results: "Photomicrographs of the various specimens submitted for analysis
are attached to this report" (pg. 1). {report continues}: Conclusional Summary: "The
majority of High-Impact Technologies that utilize brain-computer interfaces as a neuronet,
neurotree network, 'Brain Chip" or Bio-Sensor would be for the following purposes:
Control and monitoring of the brain and bodily functions.
Control and monitoring of the behavior of the individual.
Sending and receiving verbal commands.
Stimulation of the bio-electrical transmissions within the neuron trees of the nerves.
May be utilized as a listening device for remote sensing and monitoring.
May be used as a transmitter for listening in on conversations
If there is a digital computer component to the device, it may be used to capture visual
transmissions as a walking/talking monitoring system (a high tech extrinsic spying
system, especially for military/industrial espionage.
Many other aspects such as aiding individuals with hearing, vision, and other neurological
sensory impairments that would be related to the multiple use applications of mesogenic or
liquid crystal (neumatics) technology.

The presence of the metals that can form iron titanium oxides were present in the EDS
results [Ms. Burnor's Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy specimen analysis results} along with
magnesium and aluminum as associated with tremolite jade. These specific materials
may be utilized in their natural state or made synthetically as for synthetic materials as
found in bio-sensors. Tremolite will have a blue color (which was observed in S/N 4 of Ms.
Burnor's specimens). Tremolite is use in the sensory materials that utilize Terahertz
transmissions as reported by the IRSA Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China, and
the Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, China (pg. 10){treport continues}:
"The advanced materials analysis of the specimens submitted to IHS LLC by Ms. Keri
Burnor have multiple origins, but are used as a single bio-sensor monitoring device" (pg.
12). {report continues}: "The origins of the specimens are of a dual nature as indicated

(Here show specimens)

Private development specifically monitoring genetic material or for the identity of specific
genetic blood lines; and the frequencies associated with the specific monitoring systems
utilized by the countries in the Middle East are under specific U.S. military operations.
These same operations have a global monitoring system for intelligence monitoring and
sharing of data through Juniper Technologies" (pg. 13).


6/1/13: Frequency Testing Report, Melinda Kidder, Private Investigator, Columbia

Investigations, Columbia, MO. {for testing performed 4/2/13}. Results: Ambient RFID signals
detected in Ms. Burnor's presence and not detected in her absence: "ACECO radio frequency
signals were not emanating from Burnor, but to her". ELF/EMF readings were in normal

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range with single exception at superior lateral tuberosity of the humerus. (pgs. 2- 3).
7/23/13: Re-Testing Specific Biological Monitoring Tests/Exposure to Advanced Nano
Materials, H. Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los Angeles, Ca. "Re-testing through Advanced
Biological Monitoring tests were performed on Ms. Keri Burnor 4/18/13. Testing involved
specific tests that were positive in the original testing 1/8/13 (pg. 1). {report continues} : "The
tests show a total turnaround in response to the outlined recommended treatments/therapies
for exposure to advanced nano materials and biosensor devices. All values are well within
acceptable ranges and patient/client has not experienced symptoms as previously describe in
earlier reports (pg. 2).



7/11/14: Advanced Resonance Analysis, H. Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los Angeles
CA. Smart dust detected at level '4' (pg. 1). { Dr. Staninger describes smart dust as "millimeter
scale self-contained microelectromechanical devices that include sensors, computational ability,
bi directional wireless communications technology and a power supply. As tiny as dust particles,
smart dust motes can be spread throughout buildings or into the atmosphere to collect and
monitor data. Smart dust devices have applications in everything from military to meteorological
to medical fields"}.
4/7/15: Advanced Resonance Analysis, H. Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los Angeles CA.
Patch test results from bodily lymphatic fluid: Lead '4'; Allyltrichlorosilane '4'; sample from
carpet of suspected contaminated vehicle: Arsenic '6'. (pg. 1). {report continues}: "The testing
confirmed the presence of advanced nano materials. It also illustrated the various layers of the
delivery systems involved" (pg. 13).
6/6/15: Advanced Resonance Analysis Report, H. Staninger Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los
Angeles CA. Specimen collected from suspected contaminated vehicle carpet had a green
fluorescence and tested positive for the presence of nano wires at level '2' (pg. 1).
6/6/15: Advanced Resonance Analysis Report, H. Staniner, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los
Angeles, CA. (Patch Test Specimen collected from Ms. Burnor's body; Hair sample also
tested). Results: Fungus Residue '4' from patch, '2' hair; nano wires '4' from patch, '2'
hair; KD protein (IgG value 39,000 Daltons) '4' from patch, absent from hair; Unknown
Venom '4' from patch, absent from hair; Mold '3' from patch, '2' from hair; Paspaime '3'
from patch, absent from hair; Versicolonin '3' from patch, absent from hair; Insect Sting
Toxins '3' from patch, absent from hair; Barium '2' from patch, asent from hair; and
Viriditoxin '2' from patch, '3' from hair (pg. 1). {report continues} : "The presence of the
compounds found in these specimens are known to be used in the manufacture of
advanced nano materials and lattice/scaffolding of nano composite technologies. The
presence of the polymers and carbonyls with a restricted use mycotoxin and no history of
mold exposure illustrates strong exposure to internal advanced materials" (pg. 14).

6/19/15: Report on Exposure to Designer Innovative Nano Technology. Assessment Area:

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vehicle and living facility. H. Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1, IHS, Los Angeles CA.
Introduction: "On or about February 26, 2015 our Client {Ms. Keri Burnor} had a break in to
their vehicle, which was reported to private investigators for safety concerns and a collection
of the samples were submitted to them. The areas of the samples collected were viewed under
UV light to determine if there was present any 'dye' from quantum nano dots or other stress
factors, which may be utilized in the architecture of an innovative nano technology delivery
system for designer-type toxins with a specific intent towards our Client.

After reviewing the analytical data from the various testing, it was determined that the
living area (home carpet) did not contain any innovative nano technology and/or toxins.
The Red Container No. 1, which contained carpet material from the suspect vehicle, was
positive for nano wires. Nano wires may be designed to contain fungus residue,
mycotoxins (specific tags), antibodies (KD proteins), metals and other toxic substances.
The client did have a patch test analysis and hair analysis, with further analysis for dt
Tomato Panel, FOX M1 protein, and Advanced Nano Materials. The analysis revealed
specific materials that would induce colon cancer {HT-29}; breast cancer {MCF-7}; and
leukemia with pair of FRET partners, and fluorescent pair and neurosphere + zirconium
arsenate with insect venom, paspaime, versicolonin A, and viriditoxin each used as a
specific tag to induce and/or monitor cancer mechanisms/development. The analysis
results indicate that the materials utilized were of a specific innovative nano technology
delivery system with a specific intent, such as to give our client cancer at an accelerated
rate of time" (pgs. 1-2).


Ms. Burnor was interviewed 6/2/16 for mental status and was punctual for her appointment.
She was cooperative and appeared honest and open to all questions asked.
She appeared to be of above average intelligence which was congruent with her educational
and professional history.

Ms. Burnor was oriented to date, time, place, and others. She answered all questions of
the Brief Mental Status Examination correctly in a coherent and timely manner. Pressure
of speech was absent as she reported her symptoms and elements of her life history

Ms. Burnor reported no current psychiatric medications, no recreational drug use, no history
of head traumas; no history of felony convictions; no military service; no recent surgeries;
and no history of involuntary stays in mental facilities. She did report a series of traumatic
incidents beginning in 2001 and ongoing to the present time, and a diagnosis of Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2006. She was also interviewed using the Post
Traumatic Stress Checklist self-report measure, and scored high on this instrument.

She also reported known exposures to toxic heavy metals via nanotech exposures; exposures
to microwave radiation and other directed energy phenomena; and reported her November
2011 nasal surgery as the suspected source of original implantation of advanced foreign
materials. She said her highest experienced pain level during these experiences was a '10' on a

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0-10 rating scale.

Ms. Burnor reported difficulties with sleeping and perception; and difficulties with memory
and concentration. She reported no family history of diagnosed mental illness; she did report
that during childhood she experienced chronic family disturbances due to parental alcoholism
and neglect. She described in a coherent manner her belief that some type(s) of advanced
technologies had been imbedded in and/or otherwise directed at her without consent and
were causing her physical and cognitive symptoms. Although this type of belief is commonly
classified as "delusional" and a red flag pointing toward cognitive aberration, in Ms. Burnor's
case at the time of the interviews she also presented confirming physical evidence that in fact
markers of advanced nano-technology are present in her body, for which she had given no
consent, and that frequency signals detectable at her body surface appear to be in
communication with an advanced SCADA system (SEE H-SCADA RECORDS REVIEW).

Due to the presence of this measurable and verifiable physical evidence, Ms. Burnor's claims of
being a "targeted individual" who is experiencing some external manipulations were treated as
potentially authentic and not delusional. She does hold persecutory ideation about her health
condition; however, due to the confirmed presence of advanced technology markers in her
body and the confirmation that her body is receiving signals from an identifiable SCADA
system, this ideation appears to be at least partially and potentially totally accurate, negating
its classification as 'paranoid.'

On the Clinician-Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Severity Scale, impressions were as


Hallucinations not present; delusions not present; disorganized speech not present; abnormal
psychomotor behavior not present; negative symptoms not present; impaired cognition
equivocal; depression not present; mania not present.

Equivocal rating (symptom severity insufficient to be considered psychosis) for impaired

cognition refers to cumulative effects of present reported illness.

Memory appeared good upon interviews and exam but was reported as impaired to some
degree. Thought content was negative for suicidal ideation, intent, and plan; and negative for
homicidal ideation, intent, and plan. Fund of knowledge was excellent. Impulse control is
excellent. Insight and judgment appear intact. Ms. Burnor described the coping strategies
she is using to deal with her unusual experiences in a straightforward and lucid manner.

The Psychological Evaluation further reads on page 17:

During 2014 after living 'under the radar' Ms Burnor flew to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico,
where she feels she was again detected by surveillance (photos were obtained of Distrito
Federal observing her movements). She was deliberately introduced to rabbit fever, also
known as tularemia while there and the report indicates the timing was during my last day
in Cabo. Doctor Hilegarde Staninger pointed out these materials can be introduced by
spraying to pillows and bedding etc., Later in the year she reported noticing Korean

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nationals following and monitoring her outside her home. She did not report any direct
physical assaults, but mentioned frequent surveillance by Koreans summer 2014 with one
incident where a Korean man came physically close in a threatening manner; she took
pictures of this man and said she tracked his identity through her insider contacts. She was
informed that this person came up as a hired assassin from North Korea and that
Department of Homeland Security was involved in this operation (evidence obtained). She
stated that she was told to pack up and leave when the unnamed insider confirmed that the
Koreans 'appear to be assassins' and that leaving asap was 'imperative'.

Continuing events involving harassments and exposure to nanomaterials in 2015 are

described in History of the Present Illness.

July 2015 a Legal Notice of Criminal Activity by Government Officials and Demand for
Action was notarized by witness Dr. Hildegarde Staninger. After four years of tracking
Ms. Burnor's history of repeated poisonings and nonconsensual exposure to advanced nano
materials, Dr. Staninger wrote an affidavit confirming her belief based upon her professional
expertise that Ms. Keri Burnor does appear to be the recipient of weaponized innovative
technology in a manner which appears to indicate serious criminal activity: "To the Affiant's
knowledge there have been repeated attempts to murder Keri Burnor, to maim, cause
permanent loss of brain function and monitor her biological presence, genetics, and
physiological functions via remote sources."

Ms. Burnor filed her own affidavit to the same effect in July 2015 including more than 700
pages of documents. She said she sent copies of this to the President, senior political
officials, senior military officials, and many major media outlets.
Mr. Burnor stated "I feel the CIA is targeting me—more accurately, St. Joseph's Abbey is
targeting me through the CIA, the Vatican, and the Jesuits." Asked why she feels she
became targeted, she responded: "I feel that it is possibly through my social activism. I
started with exposing sexual abuse, and then this became exposure of genocide hidden
behind a cover aimed at Americans who were nationalists or libertarian. I exposed the Nazi
paperclip origins of the founder of St. Joseph's Abbey." She described her photographic
evidence of a commemorative altar at St. Josephs Abbey memorializing founder J. Peter
Grace, and related historical details of the ties between W.R Grace Company and support of
Project Paperclip, which imported Nazi scientists and war criminals to the United States
post World War II. She said the Abbey's photo of this commemorative altar was temporarily
removed for about a month then reduced in size so that his name is obscured on the altar
from their website after she exposed this relationship.


The TIMELINE re: 10 ATTEMPTS reads as follows: (read 2-10)***

I made several attempts to bring peaceful resolution to this situation involving the Holy See, Saint
Joseph’s Abbey, Fordham University, and 14 other entities to no avail. Here is a snippet of a
communication that was written proximate to that time 14 December 2016…

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“When I saw the connection between my past with the Abbey and the case relating to it, I
recognized the efforts to kill me were related to them and their “handlers.”

The Abbey does not refute this.

The law in Massachusetts extended the statute of limitations to 15 years for sex abuse cases
involving clergy. So, up until 23 August of 2016 I would have by law been able to sue them. I
was seeking to bring resolution to the Abbey, et al, but there were further attempts on my life
after those overtures were made, and I realized their handlers, the Jesuits and the CIA, did not
want me to settle with them.

I chose to fire all attorneys or release them from any obligation when they came under threat
either physically, or through family members, or other means for helping me.

I realized some (emphasis NOT ALL) “monks” are indeed covers for a CIA front; the records
show the historical beginnings of their monastery pointing to the establishment of this Abbey in
the 1950’s for specific strategic purposes unrelated to the monastic life.” (See Document called
“CIA-Run Monastery Relentless in Efforts to Silence Whistleblower Nun” with date 19 May
2016). (Further Evidence Provided to ITNJ)

Further the Colodzin report reads: “PRIOR PHYSCHIATRIC HISTORY” Page 18-19


3/7/03: Howard. Mathisen, Licensed Psychologist, Prescott Health Care, Worcester, MA.
Report attesting to Ms. Burnor's mental health—"Ms. Burnor appears to be a mentally
healthy young woman who presents no symptoms that would suggest any psychotic
disorders, personality disorders or substance abuse."

3/9/06: Natalie Robinson, Licensed Social Worker/EMDR Consultant, Chelmsford, MA. "Ms.
Burnor's presenting issue was an incident that occurred 8/23/01 at an AbbeyShe told me that
one of the priests at the Abbey 'grabbed my boob.' She felt humiliated and betrayed and
subsequently felt she needed to leave the Abbey when officials there did not support her. The
incident triggered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder accompanied by a sense of intense
vulnerability and recurring distressing thoughts and images."

Page 24-25, DISCUSSION Page 25, CONCLUSIONS Page 26,

On the Clinician-Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Severity Scale, impressions were as


Hallucinations not present; delusions not present; disorganized speech not present;
abnormal psychomotor behavior not present; negative symptoms not present;
impaired cognition equivocal; depression not present; mania not present.

Equivocal rating (symptom severity insufficient to be considered psychosis) for impaired

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cognition refers to cumulative effects of present reported illness.

Memory appeared good upon interviews and exam but was reported as impaired to some
degree. Thought content was negative for suicidal ideation, intent, and plan; and negative for
homicidal ideation, intent, and plan. Fund of knowledge was excellent. Impulse control is
excellent. Insight and judgment appear intact. Ms. Burnor described the coping strategies
she is using to deal with her unusual experiences in a straightforward and lucid manner.


Ms. Burnor's claim that she is assaulted by signals that are externally generated has a basis in
fact (1); she does possess the profile of an individual linked to an external SCADA system
with sophisticated capabilities.

The number of such reports collected by ICAACT alone stands at 23,000 as of April 2015
(13); the estimates by other investigators in this field range to a much higher total incidence.

Ms. Burnor reports regarding her cognitive functioning suggests some type of direct neural
hookup between brain and external system. Although this degree of sophistication is beyond
what is described as possible in the public domain of scientific reporting (2), under- reported
(classified?) research projects have apparently achieved a much higher degree of refinement.
Evidence for this assertion can be found in the many patents for methods to remotely sense,
analyze, and intervene with human neurological and physiological activity (3). The earliest
known patent for remote neural monitoring dates back to 1974, followed by patents for
hundreds of remote intervention and/or monitoring devices, up to the most recently
announced 2015 patent announced by Brown University's Neuro-engineering and Nano
photonics Laboratory: " Wireless, Ultra Low Power, Broadband Neural Recording
Microsystem"(4). Specific markers found in Ms. Burnor's body correlate with specific
electrochemical and biotechnologies of these types.

A March 2001 United States Special Operations Command memorandum titled 'Special
Operations Technology Objectives' (SOTO) clearly indicates the military objective to
weaponize and refine such technologies (5). The U.S. Nanotechnology Initiative alone has
invested more than $21 billion dollars in research and development funding 2001-2015,
clearly indicating the high priority assigned to refining these new technologies and making
them available for deployment (6). A Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
grant to Arizona State University for research refining the process of selective alteration of
human memory through remote brain stimulation was revealed in 2014.


SCADA systems are known to be able to produce consciousness-altering remote effects as

well as many other physiological and neurological effects. Given the validated presence of
such advanced nano-technological devices and monitoring/activating frequencies detectable
from her physical form, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that Ms. Burnor's report of
her experience is in fact quite accurate and NOT delusional regarding remote external

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influences affecting her health. It does appear from review of verifiable evidence that she
has been subjected to directed energy influences, surveillance, and poisoning with highly
toxic materials since reported 2011 onset of symptoms.

Ms. Burnor's statements that St. Joseph's Abbey refused to recognize her initial charge of
sexual abuse by Father Joseph Chu-Cong and controlled a court verdict by negating this
charge through suppression of evidence also appears well documented. Her work following
this outcome on behalf of other survivors of clergy abuse contributed significantly to the
exposure of globally widespread abuse by clergy and a pattern of inaction by Church
authorities. This exposure of church policy was made publicly famous in the Academy
Award-winning movie Spotlight. Ms. Burnor's efforts to tell the truth when extremely
difficult to do so speaks highly of her moral character. She knew the difference within
herself between right and wrong, and acted rationally according to her conscience and her
spiritual values.

Her statements regarding widespread complicity of the Jesuit Order in massive global
conspiracy are a matter for legal experts to pass judgement on. Her arguments are well
documented and historically referenced and do not appear to be irrational or delusional.
They are the findings of a spiritual seeker and whistleblower who believes she has
constructed logical arguments for the conclusions she has arrived at through diligent and well
documented research. She feels it is part of her spiritual work to do her part in exposing the
criminal activities she is reporting as directed against her personally and humanity generally.

She appears to be coping with stressors adequately. Her pragmatic approach to developing
evidence has in fact produced results which confirm a physical basis exists that support her
claims regarding her personal health. Ms. Burnor does not appear to be a danger to self or
others, and her thought processes and general demeanor indicate that she is dealing with her
unusual situation in a rational manner.


Extreme Chronic Exposure to Traumatic Events

There is no diagnostic category in the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders) that accurately describes neurological/physiological/psychological disruption
and/or impairment subsequent to continuous exposure to external influences of the nature
described herein. Ms. Burnor does appear to have been linked to an externally operated
SCADA system for reasons unknown. In this situation, her full and complete diagnosis lies
somewhere outside the boundaries of the categories defined by DSM-V and current
psychiatric convention. Future evaluators of her condition need to access Ms. Burnor's
complete medical records including H-SCADA analysis test results to avoid the mistake of
categorizing her experience as the result of delusional thinking.

Please see power point called “Jesus Defeats Nanotechnology” a synopsis in pictures of my
triumph over this deadly technology. (Provided to the ITNJ)

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I have experienced: immeasurable loss of privacy, loss of health, loss of civil and other rights,
loss of safety, interceptions of all communications: electronic, oral, written, and otherwise,
terroristic acts, abuse as a chemical and biological experiment, torture, cruel and inhumane
treatment, hate crimes, discrimination, retaliation, isolation, irreparable loss of time with family
and friends, conspiracy against my rights and against the People of the United States of America,
gang stalking, harassment, electronic harassment, theft and obstruction of my mail and
correspondences, tortious interference with contractual relations and tortious interference with
prospective advantage, identity theft, weapons of mass destruction, destruction of motor vehicle,
being the intended target of murder, living like a fugitive under cover in my own country for 5 ½
years, financial distress, and permanent effects on my health.


I was invited to approach Daniel P. Sheehan who is an attorney that works with survivors of
these nano-weapons who has successfully been able to reach settlements in cases like mine. In
one such case that was brought to my attention, the client settled for 100 Million USD with the
stipulation that they not disclose any aspect of the case whatsoever to anyone. I looked into
Daniel P. Sheehan and this is what I found:

“Dan … became a Candidate for the Jesuit Priesthood and served as General Counsel to the
United States Jesuit Headquarters in Washington, D.C. for ten years, where he also served as
the Co-Director of the American Jesuit Order's National Office of Social Ministry.”

When I exposed this, I was attacked again with lethal nano-weapons. Please see
Nanotechnology and the International Law of Weaponry: Towards International Regulation
of Nano-weapons Hitoshi Nasu and Thomas Faunce* Journal of Law, Information and
Science Vol 20 2009/2010 (provided to ITNJ) This time I was at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico,
and the attack came in the form of Tularemia, aka Rabbit Fever, when in fact I was not near any
remote thing wherein I could have contracted that disease.
So needless to say, I DID NOT PURSUE DANIEL P SHEEHAN, the Jesuit, for any remedy!

At this point I realized I was spot on with identifying the Jesuits and their ties to nanotechnology,
so I posted a YouTube video (which has since been removed and can no longer be found) with a
power point called “Nanotechnology, Ultimate Weapon of War of the Military Company of the
Society of Jesus, aka the Jesuits, in Reducing the Peoples and Governments of All Nations to the
Secular/Political “Temporal” Power of the Pope of Rome” Copyright 2014 Nano Truth
Ministries, All Rights Reserved © (Power point provided to the ITNJ)

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God has allowed me to continue to be here in this world and I believe there are many remedies
we as mankind can implement to bring this diabolical design and worldwide pillage to an end.

All of mankind has been selected and targeted for hybridization, as was done to each and every
one of us who have a birth certificate; we all became wedded to and presumed surety for this
ENTITY whether we know it or not. On March 6, 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt issued
Proclamation 2039 invoking Emergency War Powers. Three days later on March 9th 1933 the
EMERGENCY BANKING RELIEF ACT was passed taking an old World War I statute of 1917
called “Trading with the Enemy Act” and amending it to say “All “persons within” the United
States are now enemies of the de facto military government. Roosevelt becomes the “Augustus
Caesar” converting the constitutional 14th Amendment American Republic into a de facto
American Empire. At this time the American conqueror seizes all registered property on a state
level as the “booty of war”. This includes all real property, all corporations and artificial persons
deemed “U.S. citizens” given a “name of war”, which was created on a state level by means of a
publicly filed Certificate of Live Birth”. Every natural person, being an American “citizen of the
United States”, has also been seized as he is surety for his “U.S. citizen” to which he is
hybridized and attached.

I was impressed with just how crucial it is to become a private citizen when my friend who was
daughter of a CIA agent said that her Dad told her, “If you ever get pulled over by police, you
must tell them you are a private citizen.” I did not know the way to get this accomplished and
had no time to pursue it so I asked my class if anyone would be willing to look into this further
to get the truth of how this works and lo and behold! Brother Eric Jon Phelps, who was in
attendance, took on the challenge. He has not only discovered what happened to all of us, he has
found a way to reverse engineer the systems set IN PLACE BY A JESUIT TAKEOVER OF
OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEMS for the purpose of taking our freedoms by adhesion contracts,
deceit, and operation of law. Phelps has acquired his rightful status back as a non-enemy, non
U.S. Citizen, and he’s paved a way for us to return to being pre-March 9, 1933, private citizens,
the status we had at birth, on the land and as the Creator sees us! Here is his decree that was
signed by Judge Samuel Kline in Pennsylvania. (Decree provided to the ITNJ).

The problem we run into is ENFORCEABILITY of our rights. I believe since Donald J. Trump
(I understand he is only one man, but his coming into office has given me and many others
tremendous hope) has been in office that the rule of law is returning. It is clear that the deep state
and other imposters do not want this and won’t go down without one hell of a fight. I share this
without receiving ANY personal or financial benefit, and share this to encourage you, that
momentum and a great awakening of our world, is indeed taking place currently at immense

The Jesuit connection in my situation is best told by Doctor Hildegarde Staninger RIET ® ™ © in
her “Legal Notice of Criminal Activity by Government Officials and Demand for Action by the

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Witness and Victim” dated July 3, 2015 with 9 pages and accompanying documents 16 pages also
known as Exhibit JJ to Burnor’s LEGAL NOTICE TO THE WORLD. Here on pages 4 &5:
“Keri Burnor was perfectly clear of this technology and since recent tests of poryphyrins (other
tests pending as of this date of Affidavit) has returned to show a presence of specific
nanotechnology composed of hexagonalcarboxyls that are specifically used to make porphyrin
nanotubes used in hexagonal waveguides as reported in Phase I: Photomicrograph dated June 22,
2015 and Advanced resonance Analysis Report: Special Request Analysis dated June 6, 2015 were
reintroduced back into her system. That she never gave permission for this. That the use of it was
for torture, terrorism and hate crimes reasons against her… due to Keri Burnor’s unswerving faith
in Christ without adherence to the Catholic faith tenets (recent conversion 2008 to Orthodoxy, a
heretical act as defined by the Roman Catholic dogmas….and a means of retaliation by those who
she witnessed against in a criminal trial in 2003 against a priest of the Cistercian Order and the
Catholic Church)

The earmarks of Jesuit attack are also seen in that Fordham University pioneered the use of
nanotechnology and is one of the leading authorities on the subject. According to Keri Burnor’s
testimony (Transcripts of the Trial Case Number Docket No. 0269CR001118 March 13, 2003
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Chu-Cong) BOTH priests who testified against her were graduates,
affiliates or professors at Fordham University. Affiant heard Keri Burnor mentioning her concern
that this Saint Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer Massachusetts was involved and that this same Abbey
had a founder by the name of J. Peter Grace who is also known as one of the leaders involved in
Project Paperclip, an operation that furnished a way to assist German doctors of the Third Reich
evade the Nuremburg Trials while also assisting with protecting those involved in mind control
experiments. German scientists in 1934 developed nanotechnology as micro beads and other
related technologies as stated in NANOTECHNOLOGY: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big
Idea by Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner, Prentice hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey © 2003.

Affiant believes Keri Burnor to be of sound mind and that her concerns are legitimate. Affiant has
personally seen Department of Homeland Security monitor meetings outside of the building when
Keri Burnor was present with Affiant on Saturday, December 7, 2013. They were right outside the
church building in the adjacent parking lot, which has 24/7 video monitoring of the parking lot.”

I hereby give NOTICE again that I do not promote prejudicing or hating Roman Catholics. Many
Roman Catholics are loving, generous souls and have little knowledge of what goes on behind the
scenes within the church. Yet many are growing to understand these days that their hierarchy has
let them down. Roman Catholics are already part of the solution and many have faithfully helped
me in my sufferings at the hand of the Beast. (See book called Windswept House by Fr Malachi
Martin who reveals that Satanism governs the Vatican Political System).

I do agree with and promote the enforcement of the Logan Act for all foreign agents of a foreign
potentate, that they should register if they are to live in this country so the United States of
America’s interests can be honored and protected from the Vatican’s unholy policies. I hold that
there needs to be a resurgence of the spirit of Pope Clement XIV who expelled the Jesuits and
permanently suppressed the Jesuit order on July 21, 1773, until he was subsequently poisoned by

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the Jesuits and this was reversed. (See The Federal Observer’s publication “Burnor: Counter
Point to the Catholic Church October 3, 2008”).

Here the federal law states: US CODE/ TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 45 > - 953 - 953.
Private correspondence with foreign governments

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States,
directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any
foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or
conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes
or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign
government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from
such government or any of its agents or subjects.

I became aware that I was the carrier of knowledge to a remedy that the deep state and the traitors
to our nation wanted suppressed since nano-weapons were their prized mechanism to force others
to act in accordance with the unfolding of their agenda. It has been used to threaten and blackmail
the Congress and as such represents a threat to National Security. I believe Trump is using
Executive powers to make things right as it appears that only the executive branch is in operation
and that the other branches of our government are crippled. President Trump’s executive order of
December 21, 2017 Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious
Human Rights Abuse or Corruption includes this matter. The agenda of the Jesuits is clearly to
destroy all that is left of mankind and this earth.

I exposed “Nano Domestic Quell” which was a program deployed by the U.S. DoD under
previous administrations designed to fulfill the ultimate hybridization concept, not only on paper,
but now in mankind’s very own flesh and blood through the introduction of nanotechnology to
mankind’s biological systems disrupting mankind’s genetics via foods, water, vaccines, and Geo-
engineering for future activation. The report reads: (Here quote from NDQ document),
(document provided to the ITNJ).

I wish to commemorate and thank those who have given their lives in defense of the truth and
who continue to be in the line of duty for my safety so that I am be able to get this message out to
you today. The sacrifices made by these souls will never go unnoticed in the Court of Heaven and
within my own heart. They know who they are: they are people who hid me when I was on the
run and living under different aliases, friends who might not have understood the entirety of what
I was going through but who trusted me anyway, those seeking to help many in situations like
mine, those who have suffered tremendous financial harm or threats to loss of credentials as a
result of standing with me, those whose prayers are continually offered, those who have nurtured
me, friends all over the world and family and those in the TI and wider community who helped
me with radio interviews, with donations, a kind word and who reminded me who I am in Christ.

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