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Name: Kaya Spence School: BTW Magnet High School

Date: 12/1/2020 Facilitator: Mr. Walker

4.04 Mental Health and Illness

Total points: 56
Fill in the Blank
Answer the following questions based on the information you learned in the lesson.
1. We are who we are as a result of our personal identity and positive self-esteem .
2. According to Maslow, when a person’s needs are met and he or she is able to reach the
highest point in life, that peak is called self-actualization .
3. The final stage in the grieving process is acceptance .
4. When someone who is grieving says, “He will regret what he did,” this indicates they are
in the anger stage of grief.
5. Someone who is excessively afraid of close spaces has a type of anxiety disorder called a
phobia/claustrophobia .
6. A person who repeatedly washes their hands and is afraid bad things will happen if they
fail to perform certain rituals is showing signs of OCD .
7. Steve often hears voices and sees people others do not see. He has difficulty
concentrating, sleeping, and getting things done. Steve is showing signs of
Schizophrenia .
8. Sue eats enormous meals, then makes herself throw up. Her weight is normal. Sue is
showing signs of eating disorder .

Short Answer
Answer the following questions based on the information you learned in the lesson.
9. Identify and discuss three of the barriers to treatment for those facing mental illness.
10. Your significant other of six months told you today that it is over. You thought you were
going to get married.
a. What is likely to be your strongest emotion? sadness
b. What are three healthy ways you could manage your emotions in this situation? to someone 2.stay positive
11. You have been feeling unusually sad for about a month. It has been hard to get out of bed
in the morning and you want to sleep all the time. You do not want to be around people
and just want to be left alone. Your grades are normally good, but they have been
dropping lately. You have not been dressing up for school like you used to.
a. What do you think is the problem? Depression
b. What could you do to help yourself? Psychotherapy
12. Your friend Angie has lost a lot of weight lately. When she is with friends, she eats
nothing and drinks water. She is very thin and her hair is dull and has begun to fall out.
a. What mental illness best matches the symptoms Angie is showing? Eating
b. What social norms might contribute to this mental illness? bullying
c. Describe how this illness affects all aspects of a person’s health. Mental, physical,
and emotional
d. Why is it so important for Angie to get treatment? The earlier it is to get
treatment, the more likely it will be successful
e. What can you do to help Angie? Tell her parents, so they can get her some help

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