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Adventure Primer 5
Grihoo is the third and final adventure in the Titan's
Background 5 Heir series. If you haven't already run (or read) the
first two parts of Titan's Heir, no worries. Here is a
Overview 5 quick recap of what has happened so far:
Adventure Flowchart 6
The Flight of the Predator
Call to Action: The Serpent Whisperers 7
In the first part of Titan's Heir, the characters escort
Live With Us 8 a gnome scientist named Orner Wreros aboard a
Part 1. Life Among the Serpent Whisperers 9 blimp named The Predator. During the course of the
adventure, the characters learn that Orner is a
Life on the Island 9 terrorist who hopes to use the ship's core to
destroy the city of Odonburg. Although the
Part 2. The Dying Light 13
characters defeated Orner and his henchmen (both
Screams in the Night 13 humanoid and constructed), The Predator crash-
landed in the jungles of a seemingly deserted island.
Proving Innocence 13
Part 3. The Arrival 14
The Skeleton Key
Stranded with no hopes of returning home, the
Trouble 14 characters and their fellow marroonees start to
The Peregrine 14 explore the island. Eventually, they come face-to-
face with the island's protectors, The Serpent
Battle! 14 Whisperers of Grihoo.
Part 4. Sabotage 16
"I Can't Stand It!"" 16
Tracks 16
Part 5. Vuda and Her Cats 17 This adventure was a collaboration made possible by some of
Fifth Edition's top talent. If you aren't already a patron of
The Cave 17 these creators, be sure to check these guys out and sign up.
Explosion and Cave-in 18 It'll take your Fifth Edition game to the next level.
Clues to the Attackers 18 
Part 6. Aegreyan Assault 19 Producers: Team Superhydra
Guest Creators: Jog Brogzin, Music d20, and Titan-Forge
Back to the Clearing 19
"Look!" 19 
Story and Concept: DMDave
The Assault 19 Adventure Design: DMDave
The Dragon 20 Monster Design: DMDave and IADnDMN
Magic Item Design: The Griffon's Saddlebag
Part 7. The Temple of Grihoo 21
Level 0 - Ground Level 21 
Map of Omeria: Maps by Owen
Level 1 - First Sub-Level 23 Grihoo Village and Island Exploration: Tom Cartos
Level 2 - Second Sub-Level 28 Xeopesia's Lair: Dyson Logos
Temple of Grihoo: Jog Brogzin
Level 3 - The Laboratory 32
Grihoo's Den Battle Map: Cze & Peku
Level 4 - The Cosmoship 35
Part 8. Grihoo the Traveler 38
Cover Illustration: Paper Forge
Navigating Grihoo's Labyrinth 38 Character Illustrations: Paper Forge
Grihoo's Den 38
Magic Items: The Griffon's Saddlebag
Hydra vs Aasimar: Dean Spencer Art
Grihoo's Den Map 39
Wrap-up: Cataclysm 40
3d Miniature Designs: Titan-Forge
Dramatis Personae 41 Soundtrack: Music d20
Monster References 41
Appendix: Player Handouts 42

This adventure takes place in the campaign setting of Omeria by DMDave. Learn more about Omeria on DMDave's
Patreon. This awesome rendering of Omeria's Ocean of Warna and surrounding nations was created by Maps by
Owen who also has a bad-ass Patreon for you to subscribe to.

his adventure is designed for three to seven Part 6. Aegreyan Assault. The characters discover the
2nd- to 4th-level characters and is optimized true identity of the attackers. Just as they are about to
for five characters with an average party confront their newfound enemy, the island and the village
level (APL) of 3. Characters outside this level come under attack by a force of warriors from the
range cannot participate in this adventure. The drakeblood nation of Aegreya. Defending the village
adventure takes place on the island of The against the Aegreyans is Story Objective F.
Skeleton Key, first featured in the adventure Part 7. The Temple of Grihoo. The characters must
The Flight of the Predator and then in the follow-up follow a dangerous villain into the depths of the forbidden
adventure bearing its name. However, it can easily be placed Temple of Grihoo. Reaching the bottom level of the temple
on any remote island in a campaign setting of your choice. is Story Objective G.
Part 8. Grihoo the Traveler. The characters confront the
 villain at the bottom of the temple. There, they learn the
temple's greatest secret and the reason for The Skeleton
The Skeleton Key, a mysterious island hidden at the center Key. This is Story Objective H.
of the Ocean of Warna, has just been rediscovered. The island Bonus Sections. Multiple bonus supplements are offered
is home to a tribe of warrior women named the Serpent as rewards for DMDave Patrons. Visit DMDave's Patreon
Whisperers. They guard an ancient temple called the for details.
Temple of Grihoo. While they have sworn to protect the
temple's secrets, none of the Whisperers actually know what 
lies within its lower levels. The following plot hooks provide some possible ways for the
The characters, having crash-landed on the island, find characters to get involved in this adventure. Most of the
themselves at the mercy of these warrior women. In order to adventure assumes that the characters have played through
learn more about the island's secrets and/or find a way to the first two installments of the Titan's Heir adventure series,
escape the island, they will need to gain their trust. The Flight of the Predator and The Skeleton Key. However,
there are options available for those who wish to use this
 adventure as the jumping-off point.
The adventure’s story is spread over nine parts: A Call to Titan's Heir Storyline. The adventurers were on board
Action and eight segments of varying lengths. The entire the Dinzer warblimp The Predator when it crashed. The
adventure takes approximately 12 hours to play and will details of this event were covered in Titan's Heir Part 1: The
likely require multiple sessions. There are also three bonus Flight of the Predator. Following the crash, they worked with
sections that can change and/or extend the structure of the the other survivors to live on the island.
story. Faction Agent (The Tip of the Spear). The Tip has
discovered the location of the island and believe it might
Call to Action: The Serpent Whisperers. The characters contain lost treasure. While traveling to the island, the
meet the Serpent Whisperers and discover the Temple of characters' ship was destroyed in a storm. The characters
Grihoo and its surrounding village. find themselves washed up on the beaches of The Skeleton
Part 1. Life Among the Serpent Whisperers. Key. Right away, they are confronted by the Serpent
Recognizing that escape from the island is not an option, Whisperers.
the characters must settle down with the Serpent Faction Agent (Secrets of the Righteous). The Dinzers
Whisperers and work to build their trust. Living with the have rediscovered a lost island in the center of the Ocean of
Serpent Whisperers is Story Objective A. Warna. They believe that it may be where the infamous
Part 2. The Dying Light. The characters' motives are Dinzer mage, Odon, disappeared close to 450 years ago.
called into question when the two pylons that protect the While traveling to the island, the characters' ship was
island cease to function. Convincing the Serpent destroyed in a storm. The characters find themselves washed
Whisperers of their innocence is Story Objective B. up the beach. Right away, they are confronted by the Serpent
Part 3. Arrival. A flying vehicle of some sort lands north of Whisperers.
the village. The characters must travel with the Serpent
Whisperers to the landing zone and confront the visitors. 
This is Story Objective C. The next page's chart provides a basic understanding of not
Part 4. Sabotage! Someone has damaged the Peregrine only the flow of the adventure but also the outline of the
flyer, the characters' only way off the island. The different paths that your players may take in reaching their
characters must follow clues leading to the saboteur's stated objective.
identity. This is Story Objective D.
Part 5. Vuda and Her Cats. The characters follow the
tracks to a cave in the woods where they find the Serpent
Whisperer Vuda. Confronting Vuda is Story Objective E.

Estimated Duration: 15 minutes temple's steps.
Suggested Music: "Grihoo Village" by Music d20 Light. At night, the village is lit with torches. In addition,
the pylons emit a dull green glow.
The characters happen upon (or are ushered to) the Temple Pylons. The two pylons seemingly have no way to enter
of Grihoo and its surrounding village. For hundreds of years, them. Should a character climb to the top and peer in the
the village has existed outside of the knowledge of even the window, they will find a glowing, green rock similar to the one
most learned Omerian sages. that powers The Predator. The pylons magically protect the
Read or paraphrase the following: island. Divination spells cannot find the island and
teleportation magic does not work on the island, nor will it
The tree line breaks exposing a small village consisting of allow others outside the island to magically travel there. It
squat, expertly-built stone buildings. At the northern end of
also places an illusion over the island, making it invisible to
those sailing past it. Those who've found the island in the
the village stands a huge stone temple measuring roughly 70
past did so only by happenstance.
feet by 70 feet and standing 50 feet tall. The exterior walls are
Serpent Whisperers. The village is home to over 30
carved to look like hundreds of snakes crawling over top of Serpent Whisperers of Grihoo. The warrior women keep
each other. Two female human warriors wearing elaborate goats, chickens, and other livestock in the area. There are
headdresses stand guard at the temple's entrance. Joining also needleblast boas that freely roam the village, offering
them are five muscular, 12-foot tall apes wearing bronze additional protection where needed.
armor who climb over the sides of the building. The Temple. The Temple of Grihoo is guarded by two
Serpent Whisperer Serpent Guards and four Heirs of Kong
At either side of the temple are two 200-foot tall obelisks (see the Monsters of Grihoo Supplement for details). The
made of steel. Roughly 10 feet from the top of each of these Serpent Guards are fanatical and will not turn from their
pylons there is a small window from which green light glows. posts, even in the presence of magic. The Temple is detailed
further in Part 7 of this adventure.
While the Serpent Whisperer's village is detailed further in There are a few important NPCs for you to familiarize
Grihoo Village Bonus Supplement, the village has the yourself with this adventure. The NPCs are detailed in both
following basic features. the Dramatis Personae section on page 42 as well as the
Grihoo Village bonus supplement. However, if the characters
Dimensions & Terrain. The village itself consists of 14 openly enter the village and the Serpent Whisperers are
buildings with flat rooves. The buildings are built of aware of their presence, they are greeted by the village's
sandstone bricks. The majority of the buildings flank a leader, Viothye (see Dramatis Personae for her stat block).
narrow canal leading from the edge of the forest to the What Does Viothye Want? Viothye is the village's elder

and has held the role for close to twenty years. Her top
priority is keeping the island and the temple a secret. She
fundamentally believes that if the island and the Temple are Key to the Temple
discovered and fall into the wrong hands, doom would befall Viothye has an unusual talisman hanging from her
Casar. neck. It looks like a four-inch rectangular bit of
When Viothye first meets the characters, she wishes to twisted-steel with irregular edges and holes cut
know their intentions. While sympathetic to their desire to into it. A thin, glowing red line runs from each
leave the island, she can't allow them to do that. Viothye short edge to the other.
knows that warnings and threats will do little to curb the The talisman is not only a piece of jewelry, but it
strong personalities of adventurers and instead gives them is actually the key that unlocks the many of the
temple's doors (see Part 7 for details).
the choice. She explains:
"There are choices that you can make to help us protect the
island from those who would use its power for evil. And we
could use those with your skills and talents to help us defend
Viothye cannot let the characters escape. Even if the
characters threaten her and her fellow warriors, she makes it
The Serpent Whisperers possess no boats. And thanks to the clear that even if she did want to help them to escape, there
pylons, there is no way to send messages off the island or was no way for them to do so.
travel via magic. Finally, the Serpent Whisperers would "Even the Old Gods could not escape this island," she
rather die than go against their strong beliefs. reminds the characters.
What Does Viothye Know? If the characters have made Once the characters understand that there is no easy
their presence on the island obvious, she is already aware of escape from The Skeleton Key, Viothye makes an offer to
their presence. She may even know their names and abilities build the characters (and any surviving NPCs from The
(GM's discretion). Predator) a hut in which they can live. Furthermore, she will
Viothye and her warriors have a few issues that they are provide food, clothing, weapons, and anything else they need
trying to deal with when the characters arrive. Some of those to help them in the beginning. Of course, she expects them to
issues they will ask the characters to help with. Others, she start earning their keep at some point.
keeps quiet. Refer to Part 2 and the Grihoo Village bonus
supplement for potential side quests and downtime activities
that the characters can participate in during their time with
the Grihoo.
Viothye is also one of the few living Serpent Whisperers to
know what lies below the top level of the Temple. She carries
one of the keys to the temple around her neck (see the

Estimated Duration: 1 hour 
Suggested Music: "Grihoo Village" by Music d20
When a "Life on the Island" task requires an ability check,
With no clear way to escape the island or send a message to one of the characters or one of their survivor allies can use
people away from the island, the characters will have to learn their own ability check modifier to determine success. Three
to adjust to their new life among the Serpent Whispers. This is the maximum number of NPCs that the players can use to
is Story Objective A. perform these checks. You can address these scenes as a
"montage" with quick descriptions of what transpired, or you
 can go a step further and create full scenes around the tasks.
It's up to you and your players how you handle these.
Although they are stranded on the island, the characters are
still free to explore the island and get into adventures (see the 
Island Exploration bonus supplement for details on 
adventures and areas of exploration on the island). In
addition, they can take downtime to keep themselves busy. In addition to the activities found in other books, the
Plus, they will need to earn the trust of the Serpent characters and their fellow survivors can undertake the new
Whisperers, which will affect the outcome of the rest of the activities presented in this section, either as regular activities
story. or as "life on the island" tasks. Note that many of these
Each week that the characters remain among the Serpent activities replace the ones found in the second part of this
Whisperers they can perform downtime and "life on the adventure series, The Skeleton Key.
island" tasks to improve their way of life. Plus, many of the The length of time required to perform a task is typically
activities will help them ingratiate themselves with the one or more workweeks (a single workweek is 5 days). All the
women warriors. normal rules for downtime must be followed by the character
These downtime activities follow the same downtime rules or NPC survivor including spending 8 hours each day
identified in the PHB and DMG. Just as in The Skeleton Key, engaged in that activity for the day to count toward the
the character can undertake these activities on their own or activity's completion. Downtime activities often involve
they can task the other survivors of The Predator to help strenuous physical or mental activity. Therefore, a character
them. That way, the characters can focus on exploration and or NPC cannot both perform downtime and adventure on the
adventuring while their allies improve their stance with same day without suffering the effects of exhaustion.
Viothye and the others.

Some of the downtime activities described in this Part affect
the party's relationship with the Serpent Whisperers of
Grihoo. See the "Earning Trust" section below for details on Secrets Learned
how earning the Serpent Whisperers' trust provides benefits The following secrets can be learned by the
(or even drawbacks) for the characters. characters through successful Intelligence
Gathering checks.
There are a few tasks that Viothye needs help with but lacks The Island. If the focus of the character's
the hands to perform. As the characters work to build trust Intelligence Gathering check is the island itself,
with Viothye and the other Serpent Whisperers, they can they can learn the following secrets:
request tasks from Viothye. Typically, Viothye expects a task Shortly before the characters arrived, a pair of
to be completed in one week or less. Each time the males from the Temple escaped into the forest.
characters succeed in performing a task for Viothye, they The males are important to the survival of the
gain a cumulative +5 to their Earning Trust rolls at the end of Serpent Whisperers and Viothye is determined
the month. that they be captured and returned.
The various tasks that the characters can perform are A thousand years ago, the island was home to a
outlined in the Grihoo Village bonus supplement. race of birdfolk named the Disciples of Ze. It is
unknown what happened to the birdfolk but
 their temple can still be found in the
The Serpent Whisperers hide many secrets on the island. mountains.
The characters can spend their downtime trying to uncover Powerful magic hides the island from the
outside world. The magic is powered by the two
some of those secrets. 200-foot pylons that flank the village.
Time Investment. Uncovering the secrets of the Serpent Great serpents emerge from holes in the
Whisperers requires at least one workweek of effort. ground all over the island. The serpents have no
Resolution. The character declares the focus of the tails; some of the women believe that they are
Intelligence Gathering using one of the following topics: the all part of one colossal being.
Island, Serpent Whisperers, or the Temple. Intelligence There is a vicious race of beings that haunt the
gathering requires three ability checks, reflecting the ongoing forest to the west. The Serpent Whisperers call
progress of uncovering the Serpent Whisperers' secrets. Any them "Monster Men."
of the characters or their allies involved in the intelligence-
gathering efforts can make a check. The abilities and skills The Serpent Whisperers. If the focus of the
applicable for each check are determined by the GM, character's Intelligence Gathering check is the
reflecting the selected scheme and the ongoing narrative. For Serpent Whisperers, they can learn the following
example, sneaking into the temple to see what's inside might secrets:
require a Charisma (Persuasion) check to distract the guards,
a Dexterity (Stealth) check to sneak into the temple itself, and The original Serpent Whisperers came from an
a Wisdom (Perception) check to understand what is inside. island across the ocean hundreds of years ago.
Because of the risks inherent in such activities, the DC for They were the slaves of a dangerous race of
the check is determined randomly. The GM rolls 2d10+5 for fiends known as danaavrakti.
the DC, generating a separate result for each check. The total The Serpent Whisperers propagate their kind by
breeding with men. All of the men come from
number of successes determines the outcome of the activity, within the temple. Many of the Serpent
as noted in the Intelligence Gathering table. Whisperers believe that the Temple—who
some revere as a god—is a gift to them.
Intelligence Gathering Some of the Serpent Whisperers are born with
Result Outcome a curse called firemind. Those who have
firemind are prone to angry outbursts. Vuda,
0 successes You learn nothing.
Ykyope's sister, is believed to have firemind.
1 success You learn one secret.
2 successes You learn two secrets. The Temple. If the focus of the character's
3 successes You learn three secrets. Intelligence Gathering check is the Temple, they
can learn the following secrets:
Each secret available for the characters to learn are on the The Serpent Whisperers believe that there is a
Secrets Learned sidebar. As the GM, you are the final arbiter great treasure deep within the temple.
concerning exactly what a character learns based on the Every few years, a man randomly emerges from
skills they used to uncover the information. the temple, disoriented. Although it's a new
Complications. Achieving 0 successes automatically man each time, the men always look exactly the
generates a complication, but the GM may decide that a same. The Serpent Whisperers enslave these
complication arises no matter what—especially if such a men.
complication improves the story. The GM can choose a Anyone who enters the door at the rear of the
complication or roll on the Intelligence Gathering temple vanishes. Only Viothye has a key to the
door, which she wears around her neck.
Complications table.

Intelligence Gathering Complications Earning Trust
d6 Complication d100 + Days Result
One of the characters is caught by the Serpent The Serpent Whisperers lose all faith in the
1 Whisperers and severely punished. See Grihoo characters. The characters cano longer stay
Village for a list of Serpent Whisperer punishments. in the village and must live out in the forests
until they can earn their trust. Unless the
The characters are caught by a corrupt member of characters do something that proves their
2 the Serpent Whisperers. She threatens to turn the 10 or less value to the Serpent Whisperers, the Serpent
characters in unless they meet her demands. Whisperers act hostile towards them in all
The characters left a clue that could reveal their future encounters. The characters can
3 intentions. One or more of the characters must try surrender a previously earned benefit or
to cover up the clue before they are caught. inspiration to ignore this result. See Grihoo
Village for details.
The characters learn a secret; unfortunately, the
4 The Serpent Whisperers do not trust the
information is false.
characters, but all them to remain in the
The characters learn that an answer to a secret they 11-25
village regardless. The characters gain no
seek is in a dangerous location. See the Island benefits.
Exploration bonus supplment for details on possible
locations for the secret. The Serpent Whisperers do not fully trust
26-50 the characters, but offer to help them a little.
The characters aren't the only ones who learn the The characters gain one temporary benefit.
6 secret. An ally, rival, or even a Serpent Whisperer
learned the secret as well. The Serpent Whisperers start to trust the
51-75 characters somewhat. The characters gain
two temporary benefits.
Although Viothye has offered the characters and their fellow The characters gain the trust of the Serpent
survivors a place to stay on the island, the Serpent 76-98
Whisperers for the month. They gain one
Whisperers do not immediately trust the characters. And permanent benefit and two temporary
although The Serpent Whisperers are helpful at the start of benefits.
the relationship with the characters, unless the characters The characters earn the full trust of the
make efforts to ingratiate themselves with the Serpent Serpent Whisperers. They permanently gain
Whisperers, the benefits provided by the Serpent Whisperers 99+
all of the benefits of the Serpent Whisperers.
will start to fade. Unless the characters do something that
Time Investment. Unless the GM decides otherwise, this breaks the Serpent Whisperers' trust, they
task must be run at the end of each month that the characters no longer have to roll to Earn Trust.
spend on the island among the Serpent Whisperers. Unlike
other activities, results are determined for Earning Trust even
if specific characters and survivors are not allocated to the Ally Favor. One of the Serpent Whisperers owes the
activity. However, allocating characters and NPCs to the tasks characters a favor which they can use before the end of
greatly improves their chances for a favorable outcome. This the next month. The GM decides the nature of this favor. If
allocation represents assisting the Serpent Whisperers with this is chosen as a permanent benefit, the ally only offers
tasks, building rapport, and other tasks to shed a positive one favor per month.
light on the group. Assistance. One of the Serpent Whisperers helps the
During any given month, the players decide how many days characters with one of their tasks. The characters make
their characters and the other survivors can dedicate to this one of the Life on the Island rolls with advantage. The
activity. As normal, characters and NPCs cannot perform advantage must be used before the end of the next month.
other activities while focused on Earning Trust, and days If the characters choose this as a permanent benefit, they
spent adventuring or engaged in other activities cannot be only receive the benefit once per month.
used for this activity. Building Trust. The characters add +10 to their next
Resolution. Percentile dice are rolled by a player Earning Trust role. The characters can take this benefit
nominated for this task by the group. The number of total multiple times and its effects are cumulative.
days spent by all characters and staff members on this Charmed. With this benefit, all Charisma checks made
activity are added to the roll. That total is then compared to when dealing with the Serpent Whisperers are made with
the Earning Trust table to determine what happens for the advantage.
month. Secret. One of the Serpent Whisperers shares a secret
Benefits. Earning the Serpent Whisperers' trust grants the with the characters choosing from the Secrets Learned
characters certain benefits which can help them survive sidebar on page [x]. If this is a permanent benefit, the
throughout the week. Benefits can either be permanent or Serpent Whisperer only shares one secret per month.
temporary. Temporary benefits last until the end of the month Supplies. The Serpent Whisperers give the characters
following the roll on the Earning Trust table. It's possible for and their NPC allies enough food and water to survive
characters to lose any benefits that they receive through until the end of the next month.
misdeeds or complications (GM's discretion).
The characters can earn the following benefits:
 
Although Viothye warned the characters that it was The characters can search the island in real time as
impossible to escape the island, they may still try to discover described in The Skeleton Key and the Island Exploration
a way to do so. bonus supplement, or you can use the following rules.
Time Investment. Gathering the appropriate information Time Investment. Exploring a portion of The Skeleton
and resources requires at least two workweeks of effort. Key requires at least one workweek of effort. Spending more
The characters and their fellow survivors must also have time increases the chance that the expedition finds
access to resources like building materials in order to something of use.
accomplish the task. Resolution. A character or survivor directing the
Resolution. Characters or survivors in charge of the expedition makes a Wisdom (Survival) check to determine
escape attempt must make two ability checks with a DC of the outcome. This check gains a +1 bonus for each workweek
14. First, a character or survivor must succeed at either an beyond the first that is spent exploring. A maximum bonus of
Intelligence check using proficiency in water vehicles to +10 can be applied to this check. The total of the check
select the right vision or identify the best way to escape the determines the outcome, as shown on the Explore the Island
island. This check gains a +1 bonus for every character or table.
NPC that has the sailor background (use your discretion for Explore the Island
the NPCs).
A character or survivor must then make a Charisma Check Total Discovery
(Deception or Persuasion) check to ensure that the Serpent 1-5 Major threat
Whisperers (at least those who aren't their allies) don't notice
their efforts. This check gains a +1 bonus if the character or 6-10 Minor threat
NPC has the charlatan or criminal background. 11-25 No discovery of note
All checks gain a +1 bonus for every two workweeks 26+ Secret location
beyond the initial time that is spent undertaking this activity.
A maximum bonus of +10 can be applied to each check. Major Threat. A result on the table indicating a major
The total number of successes determines the outcome of threat represents a discovery, event, or other entity that might
the activity, as noted on the Escape table. endanger the characters and potentially the entire island. See
Escape Table Island Exploration for examples.
Result Outcome Minor Threat. A minor threat to the charactres involves
uncovering a danger that can disrupt the characters' ability to
0 successes The characters make no progress. earn the trust of the Serpent Whisperers along with their
The characters make progress on their livelihoods. See Island Exploration for examples.
escape plan. The next time the characters Secret location. The island is full of strange and important
1 success
take the Escape task, they make their locations for the characters to uncover. Examples of locations
checks with advantage. are included in the Island Exploration bonus supplement.
Complications. A result of 1-10 on the Explore the Island
The characters create a solid plan for
escape. Now, they must put it into action.
table is its own complication, but the GM can add unexpected
2 successes
See Island Exploration for details on side effects to a successful result choosing from or rolling on
potential Escape Plans. the Explore the Island Complications table.
Explore the Island Complications
Complications. A result of 0 successes typically indicates
that the failed escape results in a complication. At the GM's d6 Complication
discretion, even a successful outcome might have unexpected The same time that the characters discover
side effects. The GM can choose a complication or roll on the 1 something on the island, the Serpent Whisperers or
Escape Complications table. another rival also discover it.

Escape Complications One of the characters' NPC allies goes missing

2 during the exploration activity. Their fate is a
d4 Complication mystery that the characters must resolve.
One of the characters is caught by the Serpent The location that the characters discover is cursed.
1 Whisperers and severly punished. See Grihoo Village 3
See Island Exploration for potential curses.
for a list of Serpent Whisperer punishments.
The next time the characters return to the location it
The characters are caught by a corrupt member of the 4 is missing; either they cannot find it again or it has
2 Serpent Whisperers. She threatens to turn the simply vanished through mysterious circumstances.
characters in unless they meet her demands.
The characters' discovery has drawn the attention of
The characters left a clue that could reveal their a dangerous creature on the island. Choose or roll
3 intentions. One or more of the characters must try to 5
randomly on the major or minor threats tables in the
cover up the clue before they are caught. Island Exploration bonus supplement.
The characters experience a major setback. The next Following the discovery, the characters start to
4 time they perform the Escape task, the time 6
experience all sorts of bad omens.
investment is four weeks instead of two.

Estimated Duration: 15 minutes characters and the other survivors of The Predator showed
Suggested Music: "Substratum" by Music d20 up—now the light from the pylons are out.
The characters must argue their case before the warrior
As the characters adjust to their new life on the island, women. Have the players make their arguments. Then, have
something happens that causes a stir among the Serpent them make a group DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
Whisperers. Depending on the trust the characters have built Additionally, all survivor NPCs make a single check, a d20
among the Serpent Whisperers, they may need to defend roll plus the highest Charisma modifier among the
themselves and their actions from the warrior women or characters. Each character gains a bonus to his or her check
suffer severe consequences. This is Story Objective B. based on the group's current level of trust (see Earning Trust
in Part 1). Don't forget to add in any benefits from successful
 Earning Trust checks.
Determine how many of the group's checks succeeds—the
So long as the characters are still among the Serpent characters' and the NPC's—then consult the Proving
Whisperers, after 2d6 weeks of living with the warrior Innocence table.
women, they are woken to the sound of screaming in the
middle of the night. A total success occurs if all checks are successful
Should the characters investigate, they discover that the A success occurs if half or more checks are successful
commotion comes from all of the Serpent Whisperers A failure occurs if less than half the checks are successful
standing outside staring up at the pylons. A total failure occurs if all checks fail.
Proving Innocence Table
On any other night, the pylons give off a dull green glow. But
Result Outcome
tonight, there's nothing. Just darkness.
The characters are exiled from the village.
Total Failure
From behind you, someone shouts in broken Common: See Grihoo Village for details on Exile.
"You! You did this! You kill the light! Now you make big One of the characters must suffer
trouble for us!" punishment at the hands of the Serpent
Failure Whisperers. Once they do, they are free of
further consequences. See Grihoo Village
Whoever accused the characters of killing the light is up to for Serpent Whisperer Punishments.
you. It can be someone random or an NPC detailed in the The characters prove their innocence but
Grihoo Village supplement. Success suffer a -10 penalty to their next Earning
Trust check.
 Total Success
The characters prove their innocence and
Right away, the Serpent Whisperers take the dying light as a suffer no consquences.
dreadful omen. After all, things were fine before the
Estimated Duration: 1 hour named Theofilos Barbakis who is among the passengers.
Suggested Music: "Substratum" by Music d20 Joining Barbakis are a dragonborn Pressonian warrior
named Qiu Xiang, a pair of devilkin sorcerer siblings named
The island is visited by a group from the mainland led by a Rain in the Moonlight and Vision of the Water, and a
wealthy Pressonian noble named Theo Barbakis. As long as wanderer halfling named Yarry.
the characters are free and still living among the Serpent
Whisperers, they are asked to greet the Pressonians and 
learn as much as they can about the visitors. This is Story The clearing has the following features.
Objective C. Dimensions & Terrain. The clearing sits on a cliff
overlooking the island's coastline 100-feet below. The grass
 here is tall, and depending on the season, there may be plenty
A few weeks (2d6) after the pylons stop glowing, the Serpent of wildflowers, too. The tree-line in which the characters and
Whisperers spot a flying vehicle of some sort a few miles the Serpent Whisperers hide is approximately 150 feet from
north of the village. So long as the characters have not been Three Hands Down. The cliff's name is the Cliff of Eyes.
imprisoned by the Serpent Whisperers following the events Light. The Serpent Whisperers are humans, therefore,
of Part 2 and they have earned at least some modicum of they prefer to approach during the day.
trust (they do not suffer a penalty to their Charisma checks Supply Crates. The passengers of Three Hands Down
when dealing with the Serpent Whisperers), Viothye tasks have started to unload large crates into the clearing in order
the characters to join a squad of six amazon warriors lead to set up camp. If combat breaks out, the passengers can use
by Ykyope (LN female human amazon warrior with 55 hit the crates as cover.
points) who wields a brutal macuahuitl. See the Magic Items Windy. The wind coming off the water of the Ocean of
of Grihoo supplement for details. Warna blasts the clearing. Although it's not strong enough to
affect ranged combat or flyers, it does make hearing difficult.
All creatures in the clearing have a -5 to Wisdom (Perception)
 checks that rely on hearing.
A large, steel vehicle shaped like a bird has landed in a
clearing roughly four miles north of the village. When the 
characters, Ykyope, and the other Serpent Whisperers arrive,
already, the ship's crew and passengers are unloading The Serpent Whisperers are easily rattled and the presence
equipment. of Barbakis and his crew are enough to put them on edge. A
The flying vehicle is a Dinzer peregrine-class flyer named passive Wisdom (Insight) check of 15 or better reveals
Three Hands Down. It is owned by a Pressonian noble

that Ykyope would rather attack first and ask questions later.
Unless one of the characters uses their action to try and calm Peregrine Crew vs The Serpent Whisperers
Ykyope and the other Serpent Whisperers down with a Peregrine Serpent
contested Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by Outcome Crew Whisperers
Ykyope's Wisdom (Insight) check, Ykyope shouts a war cry The NPC attacks and misses its
and charges. intended target.
1-8 1-12
Barbakis stays out of the fight; he runs onto the ship and
hides. Meanwhile, the other four take cover and prepare to The NPC wounds its intended
defend themselves against the Serpent Whisperers. It should target. Roll a d20 and refer to the
9-18 13-20
be obvious to the characters that Barbakis' crew are much Random NPC table below to
better armed and equipped than the Serpent Whisperers. determine who was wounded.
The statistics for Barbakis and his crew are included in the The NPC incapacitates its intended
Dramatis Personae section of this adventure. target. Roll a d20 and refer to the
20 —
Random NPC table below to
 determine who was incapacitated.
You can run this battle the typical way, or you can abstract the
actions of the NPCs to make combat run smoother with more Random NPC (d20)
focus on the characters' actions. If you do, instead of Peregrine Serpent
determining the actions for each of the NPCs involved, refer NPC Crew Whisperers
to the Peregrine Crew vs The Serpent Whisperers table to
determine their actions. Qiu Xiang — 1-5
Each of the crew of the Peregrine have their own initiative Rain in the
— 6-10
count and actions, as does Ykyope. The other Serpent Moonlight
Whisperers, on the other hand, act as one. Vision on the Water — 11-15
On an NPC's initiative count (losing initiative ties), instead
of choosing actions and rolling dice for the NPC, roll a d20 to Yarry — 16-20
determine what happens during that NPC's turn. If an NPC is Ykopye 1-2 —
incapacitated, skip their turn. If an NPC suffers a wound, it
makes its d20 roll with disadvantage. And if an NPC is in 1 amazon warrior 3-18 —
direct conflict with a character, decide and roll their actions 2 amazon warriors 19-20 —
as normal.
Trembling with fear, Barbakis stays out of the fight and
hides on the ship until the combat is over. of Warna and no one has been able to find their final resting
place. Barbakis believes that the pair found the island and
 disappeared. But the island's magic kept them from being
At some point, the characters should intervene. If the discovered. Until now.
characters don't intervene, one of Barbakis' crew (likely Qiu Barbakis promises the characters that if they can help him
Xiang) tries to stop the fight, especially after one or more of find the location of Gozwik's sword as well as the final resting
the Serpent Whisperers are injured. place of the Dinzer Odon, he will not only give them a ride
Once things have calmed down a little, Barbakis reemerges back to the mainland in the Peregrine but pay them 500 gp
and tries to introduce himself. each for their efforts.
The four members of Barbakis' crew are only interested in
 the payment they will receive from Barbakis once they help
Barbakis find what he is looking for.
Barbakis and his crew understand why the Serpent What Do They Know? Barbakis comes off as aloof,
Whisperers attack and don't blame them. They quickly cowardly, and physically weak—he's incredibly out of shape.
explain what they are doing on the island. However, his thirst for knowledge and the glory that would
What Do They Want? Barbakis explains that a few come with finding the final resting place of the Dinzer Odon
months ago (right around the time the pylons stopped is enough to make him ignore his troubles.
glowing) a major event happened on the mainland that Barbakis' crew knows very little about Barbakis. All four
caused strange effects all over the world. Barbakis, a were part of an adventuring party from The Summer Land
historian and museum curator, had been looking for a who were hired by Barbakis to travel to the island. Overall,
Pressonian relic for years but was unable to find it. The relic they trust Barbakis enough to journey with him to The
was a 400-year old sword owned by a Pressonian knight Skeleton Key but know nothing beyond what Barbakis shares
named Gozwik. (The sword included in The Skeleton Key.) with the characters.
While Gozwik was beloved, the true reason that Barbakis Even if they are invited back to the Serpent Whisperers'
was searching for Gozwik's sword was not to find the knight, village, Barbakis and his crew prefer to set up camp and
but the person who the knight was supposed to be traveling remain near Three Hands Down.
with: the Dinzer Odon, founder of Odonburg. Gozwik and
Odon vanished four centuries ago somewhere in the Ocean

Estimated Duration: 30 minutes
Suggested Music: "Substratum" by Music d20 they've stolen the emerald odonburgite core that powers the
ship. Even if we could repair this mess, without the core, we
Someone has ransacked Barbakis' ship and disabled its can't possibly get anywhere!"
engine! Distraught, Barbakis asks the characters to discover
who destroyed their ship while they work to repair it. He Barbakis paces back and forth biting his nails. He looks on
offers a healthy gold reward if the characters can discover the edge of tears.
who did it. A set of tracks leads from the ship to a cave near
the mountains. Following the tracks and finding the cave is "This is sabotage. I can't stand it—I must know who planned
Story Objective D. it!"

 If asked if he has any other methods of getting off the island,
After a few weeks (1d4) working alongside Barbakis and his Barbakis remembers that there is a sending stone in the
crew, Barbakis sends word to the characters that he needs cockpit. Unfortunately, it appears that the stone has been
their help. stolen, too.
If the characters agree and travel back to the clearing, they Barbakis implores that the characters discover who did it.
find Barbakis distraught. He leads them inside the flyer and If the characters are reluctant, he offers to double the reward,
into the engine room. The only one of Barbakis' crew with reminding them that without the Odonburgite core, they will
him is the halfling, Yarry. The other three are scouring the all be stuck there.
island for clues leading to Gozwin and Odon's final resting Yarry offers to accompany the characters.
Read: 
Right away, the character with the highest passive (Wisdom)
Claws marks! They're everywhere, too, almost as if some sort
Perception check notices that there are tracks leading away
of wild cat attacked the engine room. Not only are the walls from the ship. The tracks appear to be one set of humanoid
and components scratched, but various cables running prints joined by two sets of large cat (tiger) prints.
towards a pedestal at the center of the room have been torn The characters can follow the tracks with a successful DC
away. The ends of the cable ooze a strange, light green liquid 15 Wisdom (Survival) check.  If the characters are unable to
onto the floor. successfully follow the tracks, Yarry can act as tracker
"The entire engine has been sabotaged! Not only that, but The tracks take the characters nearly 20 miles into the
wilderness to the mouth of a cave.

Estimated Duration: 1 hour Tigers. Vuda's two tigers flank her on either side, guarding
Suggested Music: "Substratum" by Music d20 her. They snarl at the characters as they enter.
The characters discover Vuda inside the cave with the 
emerald odonburgite core. The moment that she notices the When the characters arrive the tigers stand and growl.
characters, she attacks. The characters must convince her Eventually, the noise is enough to wake Vuda. Vuda (CN
they are innocent or defeat her in combat. This is Story amazon warrior) seems incredibly disoriented and
Objective E. exhausted (she has one level of exhaustion due to lack of
 Confused, she draws her weapon and attacks.
When the characters find the cave, read or paraphrase the What Does Vuda Know? If the characters manage to stop
following: Vuda without killing her, Vuda shares with them that the last
thing she remembers was being attacked by some sort of
creature in the dark that scratched her on her back. Her
Before you lies the mouth of a cavern. The tracks you were
tigers tried to fight it, but their claws did nothing against
following vanish into the darkness beyond. whatever it was. Before she could escape, the thing grabbed
her, handed her the satchel, and told her to "hide this far from
here." No matter how hard she tried to fight it, she was
If Yarry is still traveling with the characters he steps forward compelled to follow the instructions. She traveled for eight
with his bow drawn. "It's likely a trap," he warns. hours straight until she discovered the cave. Exhausted from
Eventually, the sound of a tiger roaring comes from within, the march she collapsed right where the characters found
signs that someone might be in there. her. She also remembers that no matter how hard she tried
to sleep, she was plagued by nightmares.
The cave has the following features: "It was some sort of creature. Like a tiger—but different. Red
Dimensions & Terrain. The mouth of the cave itself is 10- mist escaped from its mouth, and its fur moved around it like
feet wide and 7-feet high. The ground leading into the cave snakes. No matter where I ran in my dream, I could not escape
starts to descend at a 50-degree angle starting at the mouth. the beast.""
Forest creepers spill into the cave, creating easy handholds
for the characters and Yarry to descend. Inside, the cavern is
no larger than 20 feet by 20 feet. Vuda lies on the ground   What Happened to Vuda? A character who succeeds on a
next to a glowing-green bag. DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) immediately recognizes that
Emerald Odonburgite. The emerald odonburgite core of Vuda was placed under the effects of an enchantment spell,
Three Hands Down is stowed in Vuda's leather satchel. likely suggestion. Furthermore, a character who succeeds on
a DC 17 Intelligence (History or Religion) check may realize had spent the day traveling. If the characters don't take a long
that the creature she described was a danaavrakt (rakshasa), rest after escaping the cave, at the end of each hour that they
a fiend whose very touch can bestow a curse that robs its spend traveling or performing strenuous activities (including
victim of sleep. A remove curse spell or similar magic cures combat) they must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC
Vuda of her ailment. is 10 + 1 for each hour past the time it took for them to
escape. On a failed saving throw, a character suffers one level
 of exhaustion.
If the characters discovered another creative method of
Just as the characters are about to leave, an explosion occurs escaping the cavern, you can ignore this rule.
at the mouth of the cave. Each character within 10 feet of the
cave mouth must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A 
character takes 14 (4d6) fire damage from the blast on a
failed saving throw or half as much damage on a successful Outside of the cave, the characters find a two pairs of
one. footprints in addition to their own. In addition, they discover a
To make matters worse, the front of the cave collapses, strong-smelling yellow powder sprinkled on the ground along
trapping the characters, Vuda, and Yarry within. with animal pellets. A character who succeeds on a DC 13
The characters will have to use magical means to escape Intelligence (Arcana) save recognizes that the powder is
the cave or they will have to spend 8 hours digging their way sulfur and the pellets are bat guano; it's the components for a
out. The time spent moving the boulders is exhausting; treat fireball spell.
the effort as if the characters Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Survival) check can draw the conclusion that the footprints
                belong to Rain in the Moonlight and Vision of the
                          If Yarry is with the group, the characters may
                          immediately start throwing blame his way.
                                      However, Yarry is innocent; like the
                                        characters, he hasn't known the
                                          devilkin brother and sister for very
                                           long. They were all hired separately.

Estimated Duration: 1 hour   As long as the characters don't draw too much attention to
Suggested Music: "Substratum" by Music d20 themselves, the dragon and griffon-riders pass overhead
without attacking them. Their target is the village and the
After the characters escape the cave-in, they discover that an Temple of Grihoo.
Aegreyan battalion is attacking the island. The characters The village is four miles from the clearing. At a fast pace,
must team with the Serpent Whisperers to repel their forces. the characters can reach the village in an hour. Unfortunately,
Meanwhile, Barbakis steals Viothye's key and enters the it will take the dragon and griffon riders only 20 minutes to
Temple. The characters defending the village against the get there. The characters will know when the dragon and
Aegreyans is Story Objective F. griffon riders reach the village as they will hear the sounds of
the Serpent Whisperers' war drums and battle cries in the
 distance.
If the characters return to the clearing, they discover that the 
flyer has been abandoned. Barbakis, the devilkin, and Qiu
Xiang are gone. Fresh tracks reveal that they headed back By the time the characters arrive, the Aegreyans will have
towards the village. already laid waste to most of the village.
Anything of value in the flyer has been stripped.
Furthermore, it appears that there have been no efforts made 
to repair the engine. It's almost as if they planned to abandon Following the Aegreyan's assault, the village has the following
it in the first place. features:
Bodies. Bodies from both sides litter the battlefield. Sadly,
 the majority of the bodies are dead Serpent Whisperers,
The character with the highest passive Wisdom (Perception) killed by the Aegreyans and their dragon.
check is the first to notice something a mile off the coast. Burning Huts. All of the Serpent Whisperers' homes lie in
There appears to be a large bird flying toward the island. ruin, burned to a crisp by the red dragon's breath. Notably,
After watching for a moment, it quickly becomes apparent the bodies of the Serpent Guard and the Heirs of Kong lie at
that it's not a bird—it's a dragon. A young red dragon to be the base of the temple's steps, dead.
precise. The Temple. After the characters assess the scene, read
Once the characters can make out the size and shape of the following:
the dragon, they recognize that the dragon isn't alone. Joining
the dragon are 15 griffon-mounted Aegreyan elites (half-red At the top of the temple's steps just in front of the entrance,
dragon veterans). They carry the winged-serpent banners of you see Barbakis—he holds Viothye by her neck. Desperately,
Aegreya, the Isle of Dragons.

she attacks him with her staff; the weapon doesn't seem to Combat Complications
affect him. Barbakis tears the amulet from her neck then d100 Complication
tosses her aside. Viothye rolls to the bottom of the steps,
A large, flaming obstacle such as a cart, burning
landing in the mud below—she's not moving.
timber, or collapsing wall falls in the character's
Barbakis stares back at you. For a brief moment, his eyes
01-6 way. Make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to
avoid the obstacle. On a failed check, the
appear yellow—almost like a cat's eyes. He sneers as he spins character takes 7 (2d6) fire damage.
on his heel and enters the temple.
An amazon warrior battling a half-red dragon
veteran steps onto the battlefield; they both
aren't watching where they're going. The
Before the characters can react, the devilkin siblings Rain in participant must make a DC 15 Dexterity
the Moonlight and Vision of the Water step in the 7-12
(Athletics) check to avoid them. On a failed
characters' path, blocking the way to the temple. Having check, the character can't take reactions until the
already failed once in stopping the characters, the pair are start of their next turn and their movement speed
determined not to fail a second time. See the Dramatis is reduced by 10 feet.
Personae section on page 41 for their stats. The young red dragon flies overhead, breathing its
 fire onto the battlefield with the participant at the
center of the blast. The participant and each
The devilkin siblings Rain and Vision are focused on fighting 13-14
creature within 10 feet of the character must
the characters. Their statistics are included in the Dramatis succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw,
Personae section of this adventure. As the characters fight, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed saving
the Aegreyans and their dragon continue to battle the throw or half as much damage on a successful
surviving Serpent Whisperers. one.
Instead of rolling for the NPCs who are not in direct Two half-red dragon veterans join the siblings in
conflict with the characters, instead, treat the battle raging 15-19 the combat. They have only have 30 hit points
around the characters as a series of hazards and each.
complications that they must overcome in addition to the 1d4 amazon warriors join the characters in the
siblings. 20-26 combat against the siblings. They only have 10
At the end of each of the combat's participant's turns, roll a hit points remaining each.
d100. Consult the Combat Complications table to determine
whether a complication occurs. If it does, it affects the next 27-30 An Heir of Kong appears and attacks the siblings.
battle participant in the combat, not the participant who One of the pylons loses its structural integrity
rolled the die.  The participant who rolled the die or the and collapses directly in the path of the
participant affected by the complication can spend participant. Draw a 200-foot line that is 20-feet
inspiration to negate the complication. wide from the base of the pylon passing through
Although Rain and Vision are loyal to Barbakis, they also the participant. Each creature in the area must
value their own lives. If either of the devilkin's hit points are succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a
reduced by half, the pair break from combat and flee. 31-32
successful saving throw, the target moves to the
However, if one or the other is killed in combat, the surviving outside of where the pylon falls. If the target can't
sibling goes into a reckless rage that lasts the remainder of or won't move, it suffers the same effects as if it
had failed its saving throw. On a failed saving
the combat; while raging, the surviving sibling has advantage throw, a creature takes 75 (20d6) bludgeoning
on attack rolls. damage and is restrained by rubble (escape DC
20). While restrained, the creature is prone. This
 can only happen once. Reroll any repeat results.

Just as the characters defeat the siblings, they are confronted 33-40
A random arrow hits the participant. The
by the Aegreyan's dragon. The dragon lands at the steps of participant takes 3 (1d8) piercing damage.
the temple, blocking the entrance. The young red dragon 41-00 No complication
has already taken considerable damage and is down to 99 hit
points. It's also used its fire breath recently, so it will need to 
recharge before the dragon can use it again.
Although the characters will have to defeat the dragon to Once the characters defeat the dragon, more Aegreyans show
get into the temple, they are not alone. up. Any surviving Serpent Whisperers encourage the
characters to head into the temple while they hold off the
 Aegreyans.
Joining the characters' sides are a handful of surviving 
Serpent Whisperers—five amazon warriors. These amazon
warriors can be Ykyope, Vuda, or any other important When the characters reach Viothye, she's fading fast. Before
Serpent Whisperers (GM's discretion). If the characters are she dies, she whispers to one character: "Find the flail. It's
low on hit points and resources, the Serpent Whisperers can the only thing that can control Grihoo."
run interference while the characters get inside the temple.

Estimated Duration: 8 hours enter the structure, however, and portable holes and bags of
Suggested Music: "The Danaavrakt" by Music d20 holding operate normally.
The temple is protected against scrying (crystal
Hot on the heels of Barbakis—whatever he actually is—the balls, clairvoyance spells, and the like) and is magically
characters enter the Temple of Grihoo. Reaching the bottom protected against a spell that might be used to damage it
of the temple to confront Grihoo is Story Objective G. (such as disintegrate).
The ranges of all divination-type spells cast (or similar
 effects) within the temple are restricted to the room or
Unless otherwise stated, the Temple of Grihoo has the corridor in which the spell is cast. Peering into other planes
following features. from within the temple is not possible, except within certain
Dimensions & Terrain. The temple is carved out of an areas as noted. The temple cannot be spied on from any
unfamiliar smoke-colored stone resembling polished marble. source external to it except where noted otherwise.
The floor tiles are colored differently from room to room, laid Sounds. There is a slight hum heard throughout the
out in twisted mosaics and jagged patterns. Most of the temple that grows louder the deeper the characters descend.
rooms in the temple have 15-foot high ceilings. Well (W). The entire complex is connected by a large, 15-
Doors. The doors are fashioned from unique, green wood foot diameter well that starts at Level 0 and ends in the
unlike any found anywhere else in the world. The doors have ceiling above Level 4. The well's shaft is not open to Levels 1
AC 15, 5 hp, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. through 3.
When locked, the door can be broken open with a successful
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check or the lock can be picked 
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using proficiency in The surface level of the temple shares the same motif as the
thieves' tools. Serpent Whisperers' village. Although it's difficult to tell, the
Elevators. There are two elevators in the complex. The temple looks hundreds of years old.
first elevator, E1, connects Level 0 to Level 2 and 3. The
second elevator, E2, connects Level 3 to Level 4. 
Light. The first floor has torches placed into sconces
throughout. The remainder of the temple has its own light There is no door blocking the entrance to the temple. Dried
sources. palm fronds blown in from the confrontation outside litter the
Magical Defenses. Transportive spells such front dais and entry.
as teleport, gate, and dimension door (and items and features
which duplicate their effects) do not function if used to move 
individual objects into or out of the temple. These spells The bulk of the first floor is dominated by this main hall.
function normally if employed within the confines of the
temple. Astral and ethereal characters may

Get this high-resolution isometric map of the the Temple of Grihoo when you become a Jog Brogzin patron which
includes VTT-friendly top-down versions.
 down, a quick, 6-second ride places the characters in area
This area has the following features: 2.17 on Level 2.
Elevator E1. Behind the throne is a smooth panel of the Pillars. Eight massive pillars organized around the well
wall. Carved into the wall beside this panel there is an prop up the ceiling.
embossed depiction of a multi-headed serpent. Waving Stairs (East). The eastern staircase descends 25 feet
Vioythe's key (or any other key like it) in front of the serpent down to area 1.01.
temporarily "melts" the wall panel away, revealing a 10 x 10 Stairs (West). The western staircase descends 25 feet
room behind it—an elevator (E1). There are only two buttons down to area 1.02.
on the control panel: up and down. If the characters press Throne. At the northernmost end of the room stands
a large throne made from the same smoke-colored stone.   The creatures are evenly spaced apart and facing forward.
Carved onto the throne is the statue of a multi-headed Whichever character was depicted in the mural in area 0.03
serpent, a hydra. gets a chill down their spine when they see the multi-headed
Well (W). A huge, 15-foot diameter well is at the center of serpent. Whenever they aren't facing the mural, they think
the room. The lip of the well is only a few inches off the they can see the heads turning to look toward them out of the
ground. A quick glance down reveals that it goes up to 100- corner of their eye. When they turn their head, the serpent
feet into the ground. Creatures that can see in the dark can returns to normal. No one else notices this phenomenon.
see that it ends in a pool of water at the very bottom. At all
times, the well gives off a subtle necrotic exhaust. Whenever 
a creature starts its turn in the well it must make a DC 15 The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old
Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 27 (6d8) necrotic mural depicting a strange-looking diagram. A player's
damage on a failed saving throw or half as much damage on a handout copy of the diagram is included in the Appendix. The
successful one. diagram actually shows where the stone idol in the Cubby
 Room (area 1.10) is located.
The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old 
mural depicting a band of heroes. What's unusual, each of the The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old
heroes roughly looks like one of the characters. Give rough mural that reveals a map of the complex. A player's handout
descriptions of each of the drawings with one or two copy of the map is included in the Appendix.
characteristics that match the characters. Finally, one of the
characters (GM's discretion) is holding a multi-headed flail— 
an item that the character is unlikely to possess when this
area is first discovered. The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old
mural depicting a dozen tiger-headed humanoids. The
 thumbs on their hands are reversed. They are surrounding
The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old what-looks-like a glowing child with blank eyes. The child
mural depicting the Heir of Grihoo holding the hydra flail looks exactly like the one in area 0.5.
(see 0.03). The hero stands before a multi-headed snake—a 
hydra. On a mural on the connecting wall, the hero and the
hydra are standing in front of some sort of portal. The walls of this chamber painted with a centuries-old mural
depicting what-looks-like elves. There are twelve different
 elves. One of the elves, a female, is holding a weapon that
The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old looks like a glaive. Another is holding a large, jagged-looking
mural depicting one hundred children. All of the children greatsword. Elven characters who enter this room feel a chill
look exactly the same except for one of the children who has go down their spine.
blank eyes. Noticing the difference requires a successful DC 
15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Furthermore, the children are arranged in such a way that A massive, shallow pool dominates this room. The pool has a
they take on the rough shape of the continent of Omeria. The slight, blue glow to it.
child with blank eyes is placed on the eastern edge of
Omeria. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence 
(History) check recognizes that the blank-eyed child is placed The pool heals creature that enter its waters The first time a
approximately near the city of Naqqad. creature enters the pool and at the start of the creature's turn,
it heals 10 hit points. After the pool has restored a total of
 100 hit points to one or more creatures, it cannot restore any
more hit points until 24 hours have passed. The pool has no
The walls of this chamber are painted with a centuries-old effect on undead and constructs.
mural depicting twelve unusual creatures. The twelve
creatures are as follows:
A turtle
A horned beast Right away, the characters will notice that there is something
A multi-headed serpent different about this level. Although the temple still looks
An owl hundreds of years old, there are marks and designs on the
A frog with four eyes wall unlike anything the character have ever seen.
A worm 
An elk
A two-headed mantis When the characters first set foot on this level, the power grid
A spider is down. There are no lights throughout the complex and
A skeleton wearing a crown many of the features and traps will not work unless the
An eagle power grid is on. The only way to turn the power grid on is by
A squid pushing the boulder into place in area 1.09.

 takes 7 (2d6) lightning damage. A character can make a DC
13 Intelligence (Arcana) check to determine how the bars
The stairs here lead back up to the eastern staircase in area work. Then the same character can disable the bars with a
0.02. successful DC 15 Dexterity check using proficiency in
thieves' tools.
When the characters first come into this level of the temple, 
the power grid is off. The way into area 1.09 is open. When the floor panel in area 1.09 is pressed, it opens up the
However, once the power grid comes back on, beams of light secret door in the southern wall. When the door is closed, a
block passage to area 1.09. A creature that touches the beams successfuly DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) recognizes it for

what it is. A character can use his or her action to pry open
the door with a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check.
The eastern passage connects areas 1.01, 1.03, 1.05, and 1.11.
The area has the following features.
Pillars. Three large, 5-foot thick marble pillars hold the
ceiling aloft.
Pots. There are two ceramic pots in the room. Both pots
are filled with dust, the decayed remains of potpourri.
Power Grid. A small channel has been carved into the
floor. When the power grid is on, it glows blue. A creature
that touches the blue light when the power grid is on takes 7
(2d6) lightning damage.
Well Shaft (W). The well shaft (see area 1.02) runs
through the center of the temple. It cannot be entered via this
When the power grid is on, this area reveals an altar covered 
in various weapons. This passage connects areas 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.06, and 1.10.
 
Noticing the presence of the altar before the power grid is The area has the following features.
turned on requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A Pillars. Three large, 5-foot thick marble pillars hold the
character can use his or her action to pry the altar from the ceiling aloft.
floor with a successful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check. The
front of the altar reads "Choose Wisely" in Draconic. Pots. There are four ceramic pots in the room. All of the
The altar has six weapons on top of it, each weapon held in pots are filled with dust, the decayed remains of potpourri. In
place by leather loops pinned to the altar's surface. The the northeasternmost pot, on top of the dust, there is a key
leather loops open without too much trouble. Elves get a similar to the one Viothye carries around her neck. It
strange feeling when in the presence of the weapons, as if operates the elevators the same as Viothye's.
there is something otherworldly about each of them. Power Grid. A small channel has been carved into the
The weapons are: floor. When the power grid is on, it glows blue. A creature
that touches the blue light when the power grid is on takes 7
A longsword. (2d6) lightning damage.
A two-headed flail.
A greataxe. 
A longbow. This passageway connects area 1.05 to 1.07.
An ornate dagger.
A mace. 
The two-headed flail is a hydra flail (see The Magic Items There are eight cubbies in the western wall. They function
of Grihoo supplement for details). An identify spell reveals the the exact same as the cubbies detailed in area 1.10 (see page
properties of the flail, but the other five items give no 26).
indication of their properties beyond being magical; this
should be a hint that they are cursed. 
A non-elven (full-blooded or half-elf) humanoid that touches This 20-foot-by-30-foot area hosts a large, unusually shaped
one of the cursed weapons immediately ages 1d6 x 10 years. sarcophagus in the center of the room.
The aging effect can be reversed with a remove curse spell,
but only within 24 hours of it occurring. The healing pool in 
area 0.11 will also restore an aged humanoid even if its The sarcophagus is magically sealed. The only way to open it
healing powers have been used up for the day. is by destroying its "lid". The lid has AC 18, 50 hit points
(damage threshold 5), and immunity to poison and psychic
 damage.
The stairs lead back up to the western side of area 0.02. Part When the power grid is turned on, the lid melts away
of the power grid is visible in the floor (see areas 1.02 or 1.05 revealing a stone golem within—Kathoraad. Kathoraad
for details). regains 20 hit points at the start of its turn so long as it has 1
hit point remaining. If damage reduces Kathoraad to 0 hit
points, it crumbles into rubble and it drops to 1 hit point

instead. Kathoraad is then incapacitated and its movement is on. The boulder stops rolling once it reaches the southern
0 until the end of its next turn. Only a wish spell cast on end of the westernmost corridor.
Kathoraad when it is reduced to rubble will stop it from If the boulder attempts to enter the same space as a
reforming. Clever characters might separate Kathoraad's creature, the creature must make a DC 15 Strength saving
remains, slowing down its reformation process (GM's throw. On a successful saving throw, the creature keeps the
discretion). boulder from rolling any further. However, the creature takes
Once revived, Kathoraad will patrol this level and destroy 7 (2d6) lightning damage from the boulder's symbols. The
any creature it finds that does not possess one of the temple creature takes an additional 7 (2d6) lightning damage if it
keys (see page 8). A creature with an temple key can use his ends its turn and it is still holding the boulder back. If a
or her action to issue basic commands to Kathoraad such as creature fails its saving throw, the boulder runs the creature
"stop", "attack", or "guard this corridor" with Kathoraad will over; the creature takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage plus
do its best to follow. However, Kathoraad will not leave this (2d6) lightning damage and is knocked prone in its space.
level. If the switch in area 1.12 is turn off, Kathoraad is Outrunning the Boulder. The best way to deal with the
disabled. boulder is to follow this protocol:
 1. Press the panel to release the boulder.
2. Run through the passage that leads to area 1.01 before the
This room stored the temple builders' coinage. beam of light turn on.
3. Failing that, the character can rush to the far end of this
 area and escape through the secret door connecting the
In various sacks and small, wooden chests, the characters area's two corridors.
discover ancient currency  unlike any they have likely ever
seen. The currency is the equivalent of 322,700 cp. 
 This area looks like an archive.
This smooth chamber is what is used to turn on the temple's 
power grid. This area has the following features:
Dimensions & Terrain. The archive consists of multiple
 corridors with small cubbies pocking the walls. The entire
This area has the following features: area radiates strong conjuration magic.
Dimensions & Terrain. The walls of this area are unlike Hidden Panel. There is a hidden panel in the floor at the
the rest in the temple. Instead of laid stone bricks, the walls junction. Noticing the panel requires a successful DC 15
appear to be lined with some sort of soft, bluish metal. The Wisdom (Perception) check. See "Cubbies" below for details
floor has a gentle slope starting at the boulder and ending at on the panel's functions.
the south end of the westernmost corridor. Power Grid. A small channel has been carved into the
Floor Panel. A four-foot wide metal panel rises out of the floor. When the power grid is on, it glows blue. A creature
floor in the center of the easternmost hall. When 100 pounds that touches the blue light when the power grid is on takes 7
of weight or more is placed on top of the panel, the two secret (2d6) lightning damage.
doors open and the boulder in the eastern corridor starts to
roll along the path. Although the boulder will continue to roll, 
the secret doors only remain open as long as the panel Decorating the walls are dozens of 6-inch-by-6-inch cubbies.
remains pressed. Including the cubbies in area 1.04, there are 86 cubbies in all.
Power Grid. A small channel has been carved into the It is impossible to see into the cubbies—their contents are
floor. When the power grid is on, it glows blue. A creature masked by magical darkness. Dispel magic temporarily
that touches the blue light when the power grid is on takes 7 removes the darkness in a single cubby for 1 minute.
(2d6) lightning damage. However, it also disables the interdimensional pockets within
Secret Doors. When the floor panel is pressed, it opens the cubby—once dispelled, there is only a 2-foot deep slot in
two secret doors. The first door is in the eastern side of the the wall. Similarly, if 100 pounds is placed on the panel at the
corridor, right next to the boulder. The second secret door junction (see the map on page 24) for at least 1 minute,
connects the area's two corridors. Both doors are obvious, nearly all of the cubbies are disabled as long as the weight
requiring only a successful DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) remains. The only cubby that stays in place is the cubby that
check to notice. A character can use his or her action to pry holds a small statue of a serpent.
open a door with a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) Each time a creature places their hand into any of the
check. cubbies other than the one that holds the serpent statue, roll
a d20 and refer to the Cubby Random Effects table on the
 next page to determine what happens to the creature.
When the panel is pressed, the 5-foot diameter, 10 ton Serpent Idol. One of the cubbies contains a small statue of
boulder at the east end of the area begins to roll through a serpent that radiates faint transmutation magic. The cubby
passage. The boulder rolls at a rate of 10 feet per round. As it that holds the serpent idol is marked on the map on page 24.
rolls, arcane symbols glow all over its surface. As soon as the See area 1.12 for details on its functionality.
boulder touches the power grid channel, the power grid turns

(see below).
Cubby Random Effects Braziers. There are two braziers spaced 15-feet apart.
d20 Effect When the power grid is off, the braziers remain unlit. When
The creature's arm is grappled by something the power grids are lit, the braziers glow harmless blue
(escape DC 13). While grappled, the creature is flame. When the serpent idols from area 1.10 and 1.14 are
restrained and takes 2 (1d4) acid damage at the placed into the braziers (one each), the switches on the wall
start of each of its turns. appear. In addition, the blast door opens.
Pillars. There are six, 1-foot-diameter pillars holding the
Something bites the creature. The creature takes 2
(1d4) piercing damage.
ceiling aloft.
Secret Switches. There are two hidden switches in the
The creature reaches into fire. The creature takes 3 northern wall. The switches only appear if both serpent idols
(1d6) fire damage. are placed into the blue-flame braziers in the center of the
The creature reaches into a cold enviroment. The room. The easternmost switch disables Kathoraad (see area
creature takes 3 (1d6) cold damage. 1.07) and the westernmost switch disables the blade trap (see
area 1.11).
The creature pulls its arm back to discovered that
it's covered in harmless, yellow slime. 
The creature pulls its arm back to discover that it's This old, dusty room has a decaying rug at the center of the
8-10 covered in insects. The insects are harmless, but floor. There is a ceramic pots in the southern alcove. The pot
it's pretty icky.
is filled with dust, the decayed remains of potpourri.
11-20 Nothing happens.
 This ancient chamber was used to store the temple high
When the power grid is off, the blades remain in place. Once priests' vestments.
the power is back on, these three dangerously sharp, 
enchanted blades can kill a creature with a single hit. A table at the southwestern end of the room holds the temple
 priest's vestments. The table holds the following items:
A creature that enters this area for the first time or ends their Cloth of gold vestments worth 25 gp.
turn in this hallway is attacked by the blades. The blades The headdress of the serpent king (see the Magic Items of
make three attacks with a +6 to hit. On a hit, a blade deals 12 Grihoo for details). A small serpent idol. The idol is used
(2d10 + 1) slashing damage. A creature hit by a blade must to reveal the switches in area 1.12.
also make a DC 10 Strength saving throw. On a failed saving
throw, the creature is knocked prone. 
A character who investigates the ceiling from where the
blades' shafts emerge will understand how the blades operate So long as the characters are able to open the blast door, they
with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. can enter this chamber. The reverse side of the blast door is
Once the character understands how they function, they can covered in blood stains and there is feces all over the floor.
make a successful DC 15 Intelligence check using proficiency The smell of urine is strong.
in thieves' tools to disable a single blade. Each magical blade The stairs lead down to area 2.01.
has AC 19, 25 hp, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
flashing damage made by non-magical attacks and immunity
to poison and psychic damage. A destroyed blade can no
longer attack.
A character holding one of the temple keys is immune to
the damage the blades do; the blades pass right through them
almost as if the character wasn't there.
This unusual room will lead the characters further into the
This area has the following features:
Blast Door. A large, 10-foot-wide door leads to area 1.15.
The door is made of the same soft metal that lines the walls
in area 1.09. Like the elevator's "doors", the blast door
connects directly with the floor, walls, and ceilings, so it can't
be opened by brute force or through picking locks, and it is
immune to all types of damage. The blast door can only be
opened by placing the two serpent idols in the braziers

The clones on Level 2 gnaw on the roots for sustenance. In
 turn, their physiologies are affected by the raw transmutation
energy in the roots making them highly unstable. A 5-foot
The moment the characters step off the stairs (or elevator) area of root has AC 15, 50 hit points, and immunity to psychic
they notice that the place reeks of human filth. damage. Unless the root takes fire or necrotic damage, it
 regains 1 hit point at the start of each hour so long as it has 1
hit point remaining. A creature that eats the root must make
Starting on the second sub-level and every level below it, a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
strange, throbbing roots grow from the ceilings, walls, and roll a d10 and refer to the Root Mutation table to determine
floors. The roots are a side effect of the ship below the what happens to the creature. All the mutations listed can be
temple's core leaking into the soil surrounding the temple. cured with a greater restoration spell or similar magic.

Root Mutation
d10 Mutation 
The creature starts to decay. The decaying creature
The area has the following features:
can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum Dimensions & Terrain. The stairs descend into a large
decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24 hours that chamber and split at the well tube that cuts through the
1-5 elapse. If the decaying effect reduces the target's center of the temple.
hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its Hydra Statue. A statue of a multi-headed serpent stands
body collapses into a pile of quivering, formless before those who enter the area from the staircase. The
flesh. statues are made of the curious soft metal found throughout
Eyeballs start to form all over the creature's body.
the complex. Bits of root, daggers, and other offerings have
1d4 eyeballs appear on the creature's flesh every been laid at its base.
24 hours that pass. At first, it is a boon. The Light. With the power grid on, blue-glowing arcane
creature gains proficiency with the Perception skill symbols on the wall illuminate the complex. Additionally, the
and adds double its proficiency bonus to all torches on the wall glow with harmless, blue flame which
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. casts dim light throughout.
After 10 days, however, the growth spirals out of Sounds. The hum of the power grid revererates through
control. Each time the creature grows more the complex. Grunts and sniffs made by the mishapen clones
eyeballs, it must make a DC 10 Constitution saving echo through the halls.
throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature's
body destabilizes and it collapses into a pile of 
disembodied eyeballs. While the characters are exploring this room, something
The creature grows an extra arm. It takes 24 hours rushes past the hallway at the south end of this area (area
for the arm to grow large enough to be effective, 2.02) going east to west. Characters with successful DC 15
and even then, it's weaker than the creature's other passive Wisdom (Perception) checks think that what they
arms. The arm has a reach of 5 feet and it can lift a saw was a goblin of some sort.
number of pounds equal to five times the
creature's Strength score. The creature can use it 
to do the following simple tasks: lift, drop, hold,
push, or pull an object or a creature, open or close This area has six statues built into alcoves in the northern
7 a door or a container; grapple someone; or make wall.
an unarmed strike. The arm can't wield weapons or
shields or do anything that requires manual 
precision, such as using tools or magic items or Each statue has four triple-jointed arms and eight triple-
performing the somatic compents of a spell. There jointed legs. Also, each statue has a different head. From west
is a 50% chance that the arm has a mind of its to east:
own. An arm with a mind of its own functions like
a sentient magic item. See Chapter 7 of the DMG The statue's neck is two feet long and ends in a star-shape.
for details. Each point of the star has what-looks-like an eyeball at the
The creature develops boney protrusions all over end.
its body. The protrusions grant the creature the The statue has a wide, flat head with no eyes, nostrils, or
benefits of natural armor. When not wearing armor, ears—it only has a wide, toothy mouth.
the creature's AC is 13 + its Dexterity modifier The statue splits into two heads, both which looks like the
8 (maximum of 2). The creature can use its natural heads of a praying mantis.
armor to determine its AC if the armor it wears The statue's neck spirals and ends with a single fuzzy-ball
would leave it with a lower AC. Unfortunately, The at the end.
protrusions cause intense pain. The creature makes The statue has no head. Instead, blue flame radiates from
all ability checks with disadvantage. it like the torches.
The creature's size doubles in all dimensions and The statue lacks a head—instead, there is a copse of
its weight is multiplied by eight. This growth fronds that dangle from where its head would be.
functions the same way as the enlarge feature of
the enlarge/reduce spell, except it is permanent. All six statues are made of the same strange, soft metal
Additionally, the creature's Intelligence score found throughout the rest of the complex.
decreases by 4.
The creature's size is halved in all dimensions and An unstable clone (see the Monsters of Grihoo supplement)
its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. This lingers in the shadows of this hallway. The moment the
reduction functions the same was as the reduce characters get close enough to get a better look at the
feature of the enlarge/reduce spell. creature, it turns, shrieks, and attacks. The creature's shrieks
likely alert the other clones in the area.
This level goes even further away from the "ancient temple"
look and more towards some sort of high-technology

other's arms at the center of this room. Like most of the
clones on the level, they attack if disturbed.
There are two types of clones throughout this level. 
First, there are unstable clones. These clones look
like short, dark-skinned goblins. Most are armed This cylindrical room has three doors leading to areas 2.06,
with crude daggers made of sharpened stone and 2.09, and 2.17.
torn canvas. Second are the overgrown clones. They
look like large, dark-skinned ogres. The pain caused 
by their constantly changing bodies affects their The door leading to area 2.17 is barred from the other side.
psyche, driving them to rage. Breaking the door open requires a successful DC 23
Both types of clones are detailed further in the Strength (Athletics) check. It's clear that the clones have tried
Monsters of Grihoo supplement. breaking the door open, but to no avail.
There are six unstable clones and one overgrown clone in
 this hallway. They attack the characters on sight.
An overgrown clone and five unstable clones use this area 
to rest. If the characters make any sounds while traveling This area has the following features:
through areas 2.02 or 2.06, the clones rush to find out the Dimensions & Terrain. Like many of the areas on this
cause of the disturbance and attack. The entire room stinks level, the floors are smeared with all manner of filth: blood,
of urine and feces. feces, sweat, and urine. In fact, it's so bad here, that a
creature that takes the Dash action on their turn must first
 make a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or slip
Other than clone dung smeared on the walls and floor, this and fall prone in its space.
chamber is empty. Barred Door. The door leading to area 2.17 is barred from
the other side. Breaking the door open requires a successful
 DC 23 Strength (Athletics) check. It's clear that the clones
have tried breaking the door open, but to no avail.
A dead overgrown clone, victim of a fight with unstable Pots. There are three ceramic pots in the room. What's
clones, lies face down on the floor, rotting. It has bite marks unusual is that none of them have been smashed by the
on its body, clear signs of cannibalism. clones. At the bottom of each of the pots is a strange, bluish
liquid. A creature that drinks the liquid recovers from any
 diseases or conditions affecting it; the conditions can
Other than a column at the center of the room and piles of
clone dung, there is nothing of interest here.
This cylindrical room has a stone column at its center.
This room has the following features:
Column. A five-foot-diameter stone column is
at the center of the room. The center of the
column has been worn away by the unstable
clones sharpening their daggers against its
Daggers. There are six crude stone daggers on
the floor.
Floor. The floor tiles have been pried up and shattered.
The pieces are then used to create crude daggers for the
unstable clones that inhabit this level.
Two unstable clones are here sharpening daggers. They
attack the characters on sight.
Similar to area 2.06, there is a single column in this room
holding the ceiling aloft. Two overgrown clones sleep in
be blinded, defeaned, paralyzed or poisoned. Sixty-six places 
the pots here to cure his "brothers" of any negative ailments
caused by their condition. The liquid will not remove This area controls various elements of the temple.
mutation effects created by consuming the roots.
 This area has the following features:
This area is a little cleaner than the rest of the level. Door. The door leading to area 2.16 is similar to the
elevator doors and the blast door in areas 1.12/1.15. The door
 connects directly with the floor, walls, and ceilings, so it can't
This area has the following features: be opened by brute force or through picking locks, and it is
Dimensions & Terrain. This area is 25-feet wide north-to- immune to all types of damage. Only a creature with one of
south and 20-feet wide east-to-west. The ceilings are the temple keys (see page 8) can open the door. The door
marginally shorter than those found throughout the rest of remains open as long as a creature stands near it. Otherwise,
the level. it closes after one round.
Pots. There are three ceramic pots in this room. Like the Switches. There are two switches on the north wall and
pots in area 2.11, they were placed here by Sixty-six. The two switches on the south wall. Switching all the switches
largest pot contains food rations. The other two pots have the into the up position returns the boulder in area 1.09 to its
same magical liquid described in area 2.11. starting position and turns off the grid. Inversely, switching
them all to the down position sends the boulder into its final
 position and turns on the grid.
Three, bald-headed, dark-skinned clones are huddled in the 
room. The three men (whose names are Sixty, Seventy-four,
and Eighty-five) are all commoners armed with daggers. The azure odonburgite core that powers the entire complex
They don't speak, but they are also non-violent. Unlike their is kept in this area. See the Magic of Omeria supplement for
rambunctious brethren, they have tried to maintain their details.
intelligence. However, isolation has still made them skeptical
of any intruders that enter the area. If a character is able to 
persuade them that they mean them no harm, they can only This area has the following features:
give enough directions to lead the characters to area 2.14.
Dimensions & Terrain. This room is a 10-foot wide
 square with 5-foot high ceilings.
Steel-Lined Walls. The walls are lined with soft steel.
The door that leads into this room is hanging off its hinges. A
statue of a hydra similar to the one in area 2.01 stands 
against the western wall. Bits of root, daggers, and other A stone box with a heavy stone lid rests against the western
offerings have been laid at its base as well. There is nothing wall. One or more creatures with combined Strength scores
else of interest here. of 15 or higher can remove the lid. Once they do, intense blue
light shines out of the box. When this occurs, each creature
 within 20 feet of the box must succeed on a DC 15
This area connects areas 2.11, 2.15, and 2.17. Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 10 (3d6) radiant
damage and is poisoned on a failed saving throw, or takes
 half as much damage and isn't poisoned on a successful one.
This area has the following features. Each creature that ends its turn within 20 feet of the core
Dimensions & Terrain. This area is a 25-foot-square with must repeat its saving throw with similar consequences.
10-foot high ceilings. Notably, the area is devoid of the same Placing the core into a heavy stone or lead-lined box will
filth found throughout the rest of the level. protect creatures from its radiation. However, if the core is
Barred Door. Unless the characters came in through the placed into an extradimensional space such as a bag of
door from area 2.12, the door leading to area 2.12 has been holding or portable hole, the extradimensional space
barred from inside this room. The bars are made of solid implodes, sending the contents of the extradimensional
wood held into place by crude hinges attached to the wall. space into the Astral Plane.
The bars are further reinforced by steel rods wedged between The core itself is a bright blue gem wired into place—azure
the bars and a hole cut into the tiles in the floor. All of this is odonburgite. If the gem is removed, the power grid ceases to
easy to remove from this side. function.
Crate. There is a large, wooden crate at the center of the The gem is worth 5,000 gp to anyone that can understand
room. The crate looks much newer than the rest of the its function.
temple, and looks like it probably came from outside.
Although the crate is empty, a successful DC 12 Intelligence 
(Investigation) check reveals that there was once fresh fruit, Any illusion of this being an "ordinary temple" should end the
bread, and preserved meats within—rations. Sixty-six moment the characters set foot in this area.
removed the rations and took them back to his lair on the
third level. 
This area has the following features:

    Dimensions & Terrain. The walls here are made of the   Doors. All of the doors on this level are made of the same
same strange steel found throughout the temple. When the soft metal as the floors, walls, and ceilings. However, they are
power is on, there are blue-glowing symbols built into the completely attached to the frames in which they stand. Only a
wall. creature holding one of the temple keys can open the doors
Barred Door. Unless the characters came in through the by waving the key in front of it. The doors can be destroyed—
door from area 2.10, the door leading to that area has been they have AC 21, 100 hit points (damage threshold 10), and
barred from inside this room. The bars are made of solid immunity to poison and psychic damage as well as damage
wood held into place by crude hinges attached to the walls. from bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing made with
The bars are further reinforced by steel rods wedged between nonmagical attacks.
the bars and a hole cut into the tiles in the floor. All of this is Lights. Unless the power grid is off, panels placed at
easy to remove from this side. regular intervals emit bright blue light for 20 feet and dim
Elevator E1. A pair of doors similar to those found in area blue light for an additional 20 feet.
0.02 block the entrance to the elevator. A creature holding Roots. Gargantuan, mutated roots push through the walls,
one of the temple keys (see page 8) can will the doors open by floors, and ceilings of this area. See page 28 for details.
waving they key in front of it. A detailed description of this Sounds & Smells. The entire level emits a low hum as
elevator can be found in area 0.02. long as the power grid is running. Otherwise, it is mostly
Sounds. The entire room emits a low hum. quiet. Everything smells a little like burning leather
throughout the level.
The most striking feature of this area is the massive control 
console against the southern wall. A creature who spends one Likely, the characters enter this level via Elevator E1 (see
hour observing the console and makes a successful DC 15 page 22). This is where they first meet Sixty-six (see below).
Intelligence (Arcana) check can understand its functions and
everything it can do. 
Here are all of the things that the console controls: This area has the following features:
Opens or closes all magically sealed doors throughout the Dimensions & Terrain. This area looks similar to the
complex (including the elevator doors and the blast door other areas on this level except its ceilings are 50-feet high.
in area 1.12). The blue light doesn't extend to the ceiling, giving the place
Lowers or raises the elevators. the illusion that its ceiling is endless. The well shaft cuts
Shuts off the necrotic exhaust coming through the well through the center of the room.
shaft. Control Console. At the southeastern end of the room is
Commands and remote controls Kathoraad. another control console. The control console functions the
Lowers or raises the weapon altar in area 1.03. same as the one described in area 2.17 (page 31).
Reveals or masks the cubbies in areas 1.04 and 1.10. Pillars. There are eight cylindrical pillars spread evenly
Disables or enables the blade trap in area 1.11. around the well shaft. Each pillar is only 15-feet high.
Refreshes the embalming fluids in the clone vats
throughout Level 3. 
The self-destruct sequence can be armed via the panel, but The clone named Sixty-six is found here hunched over the
only by a creature that knows the sufficient password control console. Sixty-six does not seem surprised by the
(such as Sixty-six.) characters' appearance.  Sixty-six uses the cloned sorcerer
stat block (see the Monsters of Grihoo), except he is armed
 with an antimatter rifle (as described in Chapter 9 of the
DMG) with only 1 shot remaining. He is protected by a shield
The "temple" is obviously no temple now, but instead, a guardian named Gar. Sixty-six's alignment is neutral.
disguise for the technological nightmare that is its lower Sixty-six looks like a 70-year-old human male with kinky,
levels. This entire facility was once an entire laboratory gray hair, a wild, unkempt beard, and dark skin. He is wearing
dedicated to recreation of humanoid clones. old, tattered blue and red robes. A character who succeeds on
a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check recognizes the robes as
 being of Dinzer design, but centuries old.
Unless stated otherwise, Level 3 has the following features. His arm is wounded—he was clawed by Barbakis, but
Dimensions & Terrain. The floors, walls, and ceiling are Sixty-six managed to hit Barbakis with a shot from his anti-
made from curiously soft steel. The ceilings are high here, 30- matter rifle, scaring off the fiend.
feet in most areas. What Does He Want? Sixty-six has lived in the belly of the
Cloning Vats. At regular intervals throughout this level are temple most of his long life. He has no interest in escaping,
tall, cylindrical sarcophagi made of thick, semi-opaque glass but he is interested in protecting its secrets from the rest of
sitting on steel bases. Each vat contains a dead clone who the world. Just as the characters were discovering the old
has been preserved by the chamber's fluids. The clones are in clone, Sixty-six was finishing the protocol to establish a self-
varying stages of maturity; some are embryonic, others look destruct sequence. On the view screen just above the control
like fully-grown adults. There are even a few with mutations: console (and every other screen throughout the temple)
multiple eyes, tentacles for feet, extra arms, etc. strange characters rotate and diminish—a character who
succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence check realizes that it's a
countdown of sorts.

What Does He Know? Although there isn't much time, Sixty-
six will share what he knows without provocation:
10 Minutes Until The End
"Nearly 1,500 years ago, this temple was founded by six The characters have 1d4 + 10 minutes to find
powerful beings called dulons. The dulons created the humans
Barbakis and defeat him. Don't let the characters
know exactly how much time there is. Barbakis is
and the elves. And they also created two more races before in area 4.05. If the characters don't already have an
those races. First, they created the titans, twelve legendary temple key, Sixty-six gives the characters' his and
creatures whose powers know no bounds. Most of the titans gives them directions to Elevator E2.
are gone or resting now, but one such titan—Grihoo the Set a timer to 10 minutes in real time. The
players must navigate their characters down the
Traveler—lives below this temple. From Grihoo's blood, the
elevator rush to area 4.05 and fight Barbakis.
dulons then created the second race, the danaavrakti. Because certain in-game actions take more or less
Immediately, the dulons realized they'd made a mistake time in real life, be sure to stop the timer and add
creating the danaavrakti; they were cruel fiends, focused only or subtract time to it when necessary. For example,
on their own goals. The danaavrakti wanted to erase the a single round of combat only takes 6 seconds of
game-time, but can run for 10 minutes or more in
creatures spawned by the titans and dulons from Casar and
real time.
recreate the Cosmos in their own image. Like the titans, the If the characters fail to reach and stop Barbakis
danaavrakti were limited to twelve and they could not in time, the portal generator in area 3.05
propagate their species." destabilizes and collapses. Within 6 seconds,
everything within a 6 mile radius sphere of the
The old man coughs into his hand. Blood. He's dying. temple is temple vanishes in a bright flash.

"Eventually, one of the dulons—the greatest of their kind, a

dulon named Maf—took his Cosmoship to this location and
built this temple over Grihoo. Maf believed that if he could   Sixty-six has mindblanked himself. Nothing the character
combine the best elements of the four progenitor races— can do will force him to turn off the self-destruct sequence.
titans, danaavrakti, humans, and elves—he could create a
creature capable of reversing the forces that tear at the fabric 
of reality. This long corridor connects areas 3.01, 3.03, 3.04, and 3.05.
"After a millennia of study and experimentation, he created 
two such creatures who were nearly perfect: myself and my
The clones in the clone vats in this area matured to the age of
brother. We both left to the mainland and started new lives.
young children before perishing.
But I've always felt the call of this location and the titan below
it. So after some time, I returned. 
"For the next few centuries, Maf and I worked to create All of the clone vats' liquids flow back to the machine at the
more and more of my brethren. Most lacked magical abilities, western wall which magically purifies the liquids and reuses
but they possessed the same long-livedness that I did. Many of
it throughout the complex. If the machine is turned off or
those failed experiments are now on the second level of this
destroyed, the clones will start to decay in a week.
temple. But there were some who were nearly complete 
The moment the characters enter this area, they are bathed
The old man pauses and stares at the floor; it's clear his in intense black light. At the center of the room is a massive,
mind is elsewhere. After a moment, he turns back to you and spherical hunk of kalapatr (see the Magic of Omeria
supplement for details). Nodes and wires are attached to it at
all sides. If a creature touches the kalapatr, they take 7 (2d6)
"Maf and I also built the pylons across the land to hide this necrotic damage and they must make a DC 13 Charisma
temple as well as other clues that would lead those back here.
saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature is
transported to a random plane of existence somewhere in the
Not too long ago, something destroyed the tower that control
Cosmos (GM's discretion) for 1 minute, as if banished by the
the pylons, revealing us to the world. And now there is a banishment spell.  The creature returns to the exact same
danaavrakt in this temple. The creature injured me and fled to spot that it left.
the basement. It believes that if it can claim a portion of
Grihoo's power, it can amplify its power and potentially finish 
what others of its kind started: the destruction of the world. The control console in this area functions the same as the
control consoles throughout the rest of the temple, except it
"If you can't stop the danaavrakt, I have no choice but to
also activates the portal generator. A character who spends 1
destroy this temple and the island. You have ten minutes." hour studying the console can make a DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check (see the sidebar on page 35 for details).

 development.
This room is overgrown with the mutated roots. The control 
console in the northeastern corner no longer functions. Similar to area 3.10, the clones in the vats here are in very
 early stages of development. They are also extremely
mutated, hardly recognizable as human embryos.
There are 13 clone vats in this long, curved hallway, each in
varying stages of maturity/mutation. 
 At the northern end of this area, the top half of a mutated root
has been sliced open and peeled back. Already, it's starting to
The clones in the vats in this area are in very early stages of regenerate with small polyps forming on its exposed flesh.

  When Maf died, his body crystalized. Sixty-six laid him to
rest in this area. If the glass shell is broken, Maf's body
 crumbles to dust.
The console in area 3.06 can transport the entirety
of the Temple of Grihoo into another plane of 
existence. A character who understands how to use
the portal controls (see area 3.06 for details) can Centuries ago, the dulon Maf landed his ship in the jungles
choose any of the planes of existence listed below. above Grihoo's lair. Grihoo, recognizing its creator, felt at
However, a character who does not understand how ease with Maf's return. Later, Maf and Sixty-six constructed
the controls work may accidentally shunt the temple the Dinzer pylons to mask the island from the mainland.
to a random plane of existence. Furthermore, if the
temple self-destructs, roll randomly to determine to 
which plane of existence the temple and the island
are transported.
Unless stated otherwise, the Cosmoship has the following
d20 Plane of Existence Dimensions & Terrain. There are hardly any hard angles
1 The Burn
to be found throughout the ship. The walls, ceilings, and
floors of the ship blend seamlessly into one another. The
2 The Construct ceilings ascend to 10-feet throughout. The entire vehicle is
3 The Chaos made of the same soft metal found on the levels above it.
Doors. All of the doors on this level are made of the same
4 The Cruel soft metal as the floors, walls, and ceilings. However, they are
5 The Crumble completely attached to the frames in which they stand. Only a
creature holding one of the elevator keys can open the doors
6 The Dark by waving the key in front of it. The doors can be destroyed—
7 The Depth they have AC 21, 100 hit points (damage threshold 10), and
immunity to poison and psychic damage as well as damage
8 The Dream from bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing made with
9 The Inevitable nonmagical attacks.
False Clone Vats. The roots that grow through this level
10 The Other
have flowered their own mockery of the clone vats from the
11 The Void level above. The vats look like flower bulbs with translucent
12-20 A random pocket dimension.
film instead of glass. The creatures inside the vats look
similar to the rest of the clones, but have a greenish tint to
their skin as if they were plant lifeforms. None of them are
still alive.
The polyps inhale and exhale like humanoid lungs. Lights. Strips of light and multiple panels radiate dim blue
 Roots. Gargantuan, mutated roots push through the walls,
The temple's second elevator—which connects Levels 3 and 4 floors, and ceilings of this area. See page 28 for details.
—is here. Just like the first elevator, the elevator is protected Rubble. Years ago, an arcane battle occurred on this level.
by a featureless door. Only an elevator key will "melt" the Part of the ship was damaged in the fray, resulting in rubble
door away, revealing the elevator behind it. strewn throughout the complex.
Time Considerations. If the characters are doing good Sounds & Smells. The smell of burned leather is much
with time, have them wait 20-30 seconds (in real-time) while stronger here, especially near the large, boiling pool at the
the elevator lowers down into the temple. Make sure to make center of the ship. The humming sound here is just as loud as
a very loud "hmmmmm" sound to further torture them while it was in the laboratory.
they watch the seconds on the clock drain away. 
 This massive, spherical room is one of the ship's four gate-
There are two full grown clones in the vats in this area. engines. It is powered by kalapatr.
 
On top of a dais at the western end of this room, there is Before the ship was damaged, this area opened into area
what-appears-to-be a cocoon made of hard, pink, ridged glass. 4.04. It is now cordoned off by a huge pile of rubble that
Although the shell is mostly opaque, if the characters succeed blocks passage to the west. It will take the characters twenty
on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check they can make out minutes to clear away enough rubble to create an opening
the form of a strange, aberrant creature. The creature has large enough to crawl through to area 4.04.
four triple-jointed arms and eight triple-jointed legs. Instead
of a head, the creature has a flat slap—almost like a hairbrush 
with no bristles—from which eight curved teeth-like This massive, spherical room is one of the ship's four gate-
protrusions stick out. engines. It is powered by kalapatr.
Kalapatr There is control console similar to the one found in area 2.17,
The four engines of this level have large, spherical
3.01, and 3.06 here. It still fucntions.
kalapatr stones at their centers. Nodes and wires
are attached to the spheres at all sides. If a creature 
touches the kalapatr, they take 7 (2d6) necrotic The four engines are connected to this huge chamber.
damage and they must make a DC 13 Charisma
saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature 
is transported to a random plane of existence
somewhere in the Cosmos (GM's discretion) for 1
This area has the following features:
minute, as if banished by the banishment spell. Dimensions & Terrain. The ceilings are marginally higher
The creature returns to the exact same spot that it here, reaching 15-feet in height.
left. Control Console. A large control consoles dominates the
southern end of the room. It functions exactly like the console
in area 3.06 (see page 32).

    Footprints. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) 
check depicts the presence of footprints. The footprints give
hints that a creature—humanoid—stumbled from area 4.05 to This massive, spherical room is one of the ship's four gate-
area 4.06. The creature then left area 4.06 and returned to the engines. It is powered by kalapatr (see the sidebar).
center of this area, just before the vat of mautka paanee. The
footprints stopped there, seemingly disappearing into the 
well-shaft in the ceiling. Interestingly, the easternmost vat has been broken open. A
Levitation Panel. Just below where Elevator E1 would successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
land, there is a soft, metallic bulge in the floor. This is the that whatever was in there escaped recently. Footprints lead
levitation panel that repels or attracts the elevator. (A similar away from the broken vat to the door.
one exists just below the floor of Elevator E2.)
Well Shaft (W). The well shaft that runs through the 
center of the temple terminates here in the ceiling just above This massive, spherical room is one of the ship's four gate-
the vat of mautka paanee. Because the vat extends five feet in engines. It is powered by kalapatr.
all directions from the opening, a creature that descends into
this layer from the shaft will need to succeed on a DC 15 
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid falling in the caustic This area has the following features:
fluid. Control Console. There is control console similar to the
 ones found in area 2.17, 3.01, and 3.06 here. It still functions.
At the center of this area is a 25-foot-wide, 5-foot deep pool of Footprints. The footprints from area 4.04 lead enter this
mautka paanee. The first time a creature steps into the pool, area, cross the room, stop at the wardrobe, then turn around
it must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed back to the door. It's clear that whoever it was that escaped
saving throw, the creature is instantly destroyed in a flash of from area 4.05 grabbed something out of the wardrobe then
light. On a successful saving throw, the creature takes 36 returned to area 4.04.
(8d8) radiant damage and is paralyzed. A creature that starts Hole. A hole has been blasted into the southeastern corner
its turn in the vat is instantly destroyed. Nonmagical objects of this area. The hole leads to Grihoo's Den (see Part 8).
made of any material other than the steel from which the ship Standing near the hole, the characters can hear Barbakis
was built are also instantly destroyed. shouting "I am your child, your servant! I am your true heir!"
in Infernal.
Wardrobe. Extremely out of place on a space ship, there is
a wooden wardrobe resting against the eastern wall of this
area. Inside the wardrobes are brightly colored with strange,
high-collars.  One of the outfits is missing.

Estimated Duration: 1 hour
Suggested Music: "Substratum" by Music d20 Navigating the Labyrinth
Result Outcome
When the characters leave through the hole in the wall in The characters get lost in the tunnels. Their
area 4.06, they find themselves in a labyrinth of crudely-dug 9 or less next check to navigate the labyrinth is made
tunnels. The tunnels go left, right, up, and down—almost with disadvantage.
randomly. The sounds of Barbakis shouting, commanding
Grihoo can be heard all throughout. Defeating Barbakis is 10-14 The characters continue through the labyrinth.
Story Objective H. The characters get closer to finding their way
out of the labyrinth. Their next check to
 15-19
navigate the labyrinthe is made with
 20+
The characters find a passage that leads
When the characters enter Grihoo's labyrinth, they must find direclty to Grihoo's Den.
their way to Grihoo. The easiest way to do this is to follow the
sound of Barbakis' voice. Have the players roll initiative, and Tunnel Direction
roll initiative for Barbakis (a rakshasa) and Grihoo as well d6 Direction
(Grihoo gets a +2 bonus to initiative checks). Each round, one 1 The characters must travel left.
character can use his or her action to make a Wisdom
(Perception) check. Refer to the Navigating the Labyrinth 2 The characters must travel right.
table below to determine the result of the check. The characters must travel up. Climbing up
Once you know the result of the check, roll on the Tunnel 3 requires a successful Strength (Athletics) check
Direction table to determine the type of tunnel that the with a DC of 2d6 + 5.
characters must travel through. Unless the result of the
Navigating the Labyrinth roll was 20 or higher, the characters The characters must travel down. Climbing down
must continue to make Wisdom checks and find their way 4
without sliding down the passage requires a
successful Strength (Athletics) check with a DC of
through the tunnels. 2d6 + 5.
Time Considerations. When the characters enter
initiative order, you can stop the timer. 5-7 The characters must continue forward.
1d4 Heads of Grihoo attack the characters from
 8
one or more tunnels. The characters cannot go the
way they were supposed to and must find another
Once the characters get free of the labyrinth, they enter way.
Grihoo's massive den.
Get this high-resolution, VTT-friendly map of the Ancient Hydra Lair on Cze and Peku's Patreon which includes
multiple variations for print and VTT play.
 advantage. If the character's Charisma check is higher than
Barbakis', Barbakis attempt to steal a portion of Grihoo's
Grihoo's Den has the following features: power fails. Additionally, Barbakis cannot command Grihoo's
Dimensions & Terrain. Grihoo's den is huge. The heads on the next initiative count 20.
chamber is a 100-foot wide circle with 100-foot high ceilings. Barbakis then turns his attention to the character and the
Light. There is no light in the den and the labyrinth. Both flail.
Grihoo and Barbakis have darkvision.
Pillars. Six colossal stone pillars rise up and attached to 
beams of hewn stone. Beyond the columns and the ceilings If the characters are too tired/weak or too rested/strong
above the walls are pocked with multiple tunnels big enough going into this final combat, there are two variants included
for Grihoo's many heads to escape. in the Variant Endings bonus supplement.
 
The most striking feature of Grihoo's Den is the titan itself. Even if the characters stop Barbakis, they learn a horrifying
Grihoo is a superhydra, the progenitor of all serpents and truth: Sixty-six lied. He never intended to stop the self-
reptiles on Casar. Grihoo has no body. Instead, the titan is destruct sequence. The portal generator in area 3.05
nothing more than a mess of tangled serpents that seemingly destabilizes and the entirety of the temple and the island is
have no beginning or end. Grihoo's heads can magically thrust into a random plane of existence.
extend themselves as far as Grihoo needs them to, up to If the characters saved Grihoo from Barbakis, the
hundreds of feet if necessary. See the Monsters of Grihoo superhydra collects all of its heads before its saviors. Its
supplement for details on the heads of Grihoo. many eyes stare at the characters briefly before they all start
to glow with black energy. Then, the flash of light from the
 explosion washes over them and Grihoo disappears.
Barbakis, in his true danaavrakt form, stands before Grihoo. When the light fades, the characters find themselves on a
His face looks like a tiger's, but the stripes of his fur writhe distant beach in the sun. In the distance, they see a city—
like a nest of snakes. Glowing red mist seeps out of his Naqqad. They're back in Omeria.
mouth when he speaks. Functionally, Barbakis is a rakshasa. However, Grihoo, Barbakis, the island, and the temple are
What Does He Want? Barbakis wants to steal Grihoo's gone. Ω
might and conjuration abilities. Already, he has absorbed
some of the titan's energies. Fortunately, the wound he
suffered at the hands of Sixty-six's anti-matter rifle has
slowed him down considerably (he only has 80 hit points
remaining). Unless he feels threatened, he will mostly ignore
the characters and instead focus on absorbing Grihoo's
might. At the start of each of Barbakis' turns, he can use his
action to make a DC 20 Charisma check. On a successful
check, he gains a portion of Grihoo's power. If Barbakis
succeeds on five checks, he completely steals Grihoo's
power. At that point, Barbakis cannot be defeated. Only
the destruction of the temple and the resulting
shunt of the temple into another plane of
existence will spare Casar from Barbakis'
Distracted by his goal to absorb Grihoo's
power, Barbakis instead uses lair actions to
defend himself. On initiative count 20 (losing
initiative ties), Barbakis takes a lair action to
cause one of the following effects.
Barbakis commands up to six of heads of
Grihoo to attack the characters.
Barbakis uses one of his innate at-will or 3/day
A character wielding the hydra-flail feels an odd surge each
time they witness Barbakis attempt to steal Grihoo's power.
When Barbakis makes a Charisma check to steal Grihoo's
power, the character can make a contested Charisma check.
An elf character wielding the flail makes this check with

The notable NPCs that appear in this adventure are listed below in alphabetical order for your convenience. Included on the table
are their stat block references and where you can find them. MM stands for the Fifth Edition core manual of monster stat blocks
and MoG stands for the Monsters of Grihoo supplement included with this adventure.
Character Pronunciation Description Stat Block (Reference)
THEE-oh BAR-ba-
Theo Barbakis A danaavrakt in disguise as a Pressonian noble rakshasa (MM)
Gar — Sixty-six's shield guardian shield guardian (MM)
Gozwik GOZ-wik A deceased Pressonian knight —
Grihoo GREE-hoo The superhyra upon which the temple was built See Part 8
Kathoraad KA-tho-rod One of the temple's guardians stone golem (MM)
Maf MOFF A dulon, one of the progenitors of all life on Casar —
Odon OH-don The founder of the magocratic nation of Odonburg —
LE dragonborn knight
Qiu Xiang CHEE-oh SHONG An Aegreyan/Pressonian paladin employed by Barbakis
Rain in the NE devilkin sorcerer
— A sorcerer employed by Barbakis
Moonlight (MoG)
Sixty-six — A centuries-old clone N cloned sorcerer (MoG)
NE devilkin sorcerer
Vision of the Water — A sorcerer employed by Barbakis
Yarry YAR-ee A rogue employed by Barbakis CG halfling spy (MM)
Ykyope EEK-yope-yay A Serpent Whisperer of Grihoo LN amazon warrior (MoG)
Viothye VIE-yo-thyay Chief of The Serpent Whisperers LN amazon warrior (MoG)
A Serpent Whisperer of Grihoo with two tiger
Vuda VOO-da CN amazon warrior (MoG)

 Monster Reference Index

To run this adventure, you need the Fifth Edition core Monster Reference
rulebooks (PHB, DMG, and MM). The Fifth Edition manual amazon warrior Monsters of Grihoo
of monsters, in particular, will be frequently referenced
throughout the adventure. When a creature's name appears cloned sorcerer Monsters of Grihoo
in bold type, that's a visual cue pointing to that particular half red-dragon veteran MM
rulebook or the Monsters of Grihoo supplement included in
this adventure. The adjoining table offers an index of all the Heir of Kong Monsters of Grihoo
monsters that appear in this adventure and which book or knight MM
supplement to find them. overgrown clone Monsters of Grihoo
rakshasa MM

Get the Miniatures serpent guard Monsters of Grihoo

Whether you're a traditional tabletop roleplayer or shield guardian MM
take the digital/VTT route, this adventure comes sorcerer Monsters of Grihoo
with options for both.
Paper Forge creates both print-and-play spy MM
miniatures as well as digital tokens (or "pogs" as
the cool kids call 'em) for you to use. stone golem MM
Titan-Forge creates 3d-print designs for you to tiger MM
create the amazons featured in this adventure.
unstable clone Monsters of Grihoo
young red dragon MM



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