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Bangabandhu Satellite-1
Bangabandhu 1 (BD-1), the first geostationary communications satellite of Bangladesh, was
developed by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC). The satellite
was launched into geostationary earth orbit (GEO) in May 2018. Based on the spacebus 4000B2
platform developed by Thales Alenia Space, the Bangabandhu satellite has a launch mass of
3500kg. It includes two deployable solar arrays with batteries and has a design lifespan of 15
years. Thales Alenia Space was selected as the prime contractor to provide turnkey systems,
including design, production and testing services for the BD-1 satellite in November 2015. The
contractual scope also includes the development of the ground segment. BD-1 satellite
communications module integration work was carried out at Thales Alenia Space’s plant located
in Toulouse, France. Thales Alenia Space Belgium, Thales Alenia Space Italy and Thales Alenia
Space Span were also involved in the development of the satellite and its ground components.
The development of the BD-1 satellite was completed at a cost of $248m. The Bangladeshi
Executive committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) approved $37.58m in funding
for the development of the country’s first satellite in September 2014. Hong Kong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation (HSBC) provided $17.46m for the construction of the BD-1 and its ground
equipment. The satellite was launched on-board Falcon 9 version 1.2 rocket. The launch
operations were conducted from the spaceX launch site at Cape Canaveral, Florida, US. It is
controlled by two ground stations, which are used for primary and back-up site operations and
control centers. Thales Alenia Space provided tools for the ground segment for the mission
planning and space operations monitoring. It also built two ground facility buildings, which
house the satellite control and network operations centers. Spectra Engineers was contracted to
execute the civil works of the ground facilities. The satellite is fitted with 26ku-Band and 14 C-
Band transponders. The major applications of the spacecraft include DTH, very small aperture
terminal (VSAT) communications, backhaul and trunking, network restoration, and disaster
preparedness and relief. The Bangabandhu (BD-1) satellite provides many facilities to our
country. It provides broadcasting telecommunication services to rural areas in Bangladesh. It also
supports profitable services, including direct-to-home (DTH) services. It offers Ku-Band and C-
Band services across Bangladesh and its territorial waters of the Bay of Bengal, India, Nepal,
Bhutan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The satellite enables the nation to save
approximately BDT 1.08billion ($14m) spent on satellite rents a year. BTRC also plans to launch
follow-on series of BD-2 and BD-3 satellite in phases. Finally, we can say that Bangabandhu
Satellite (BD-1) has taken Bangladesh one step further in the implementation of Digital

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