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REGION IX – Zamboanga Peninsula

The following are the most common and famous delicacies in Zamboanga Peninsula:
• Cocido – it is a dish made of slow-cooked meat, sausages, and vegetables, which is served with berenjena
(eggplant) sauce on the side.
• Tiulah Itum – this is a spicy beef and goat stew darkened with roasted coconut.
• Beef and Chicken Satti – it is a dish made of beef and chicken skewers, which is covered in sweet and spicy
sauce and paired with rice cooked in palm leaves.
• Paella – this is a dish made of turmeric rice, topped with prawns, clams, peas, and green beans.
• Curacha – it is a delicacy made of spanner crab or red frog crab, which are crustaceans native to the waters
of Zamboanga and Sulu. It can be cooked with sauce or steamed.
• Knicker Bocker – it is a local dessert made from frozen fresh fruits, gelatin, sweetened milk, and topped
with ice cream.

Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Zamboanga del Gloria’s Fantasyland Hudyaka Festival
Norte This is the first and only amusement park in Hudyaka, which means revelry in
Mindanao. It is composed of 35 major rides Bisaya, is an annual festival that is
Capital: such as choco-cup ride, midi-flume ride, attended by contingents from the
Dipolog City carousel, swinger, Apollo, mini train, giant whole Zamboanga del Norte province. It
roller coaster, and other interactive rides. It showcases the extreme cultural talents
allows visitors to experience a different kind of of the locals through agri-tourism
fantasy with its theatrical productions, kiddie booths, costumes of their fair ladies,
rides, 3D and 5D motion rides, and a picture- and street dancing. They celebrate it
perfect scenery. Its operator is also the owner week-long from May 30 to June 9.
of the famous Dakak Beach Resort.
Kinabayo Festival
Dakak Beach Resort It is a festival celebrated every 25th of
It is a luxury resort that offers a serene scenery July in Dapitan. Locals conduct a
and pristine location that boasts of an array of mysterious and colorful pageant.
facilities and services to make guests Through this, they re-enact the Spanish-
experience convenience and adventure. It has Moorish wars. They mainly re-enact the
a long stretch of white sand beach, 15 hectares Battle of Covadonga where the Spanish
of wooded land, and natural spring water forces took their last stand against
feeding the resort’s pools. Guests can also Saracan under General Pelagio. They
engage in water sports, horseback riding, were able to overturn this through the
billiards, basketball, bowling, golf, and tennis. miraculous spirit of St. James. The
festival also offers street carnivals and
3003 Steps to Linabo Peak agricultural trade fairs.
This is Dipolog’s highest elevation point, which
is 486 meters above sea level. There are 14 Pagsalabuk Festival
Stations of the Cross that lead the way up to It is an annual festival in Dipolog City,
the peak where a community chapel for prayer celebrated every April 22 to May 19.
and contemplation can be found. It is a very Pagsalabuk is a Subano term that
conducive setting for both quiet and soaring means get togetherness. This festival
spirits and a favorite retreat during Lenten aims to showcase the myriad interplay
season. This attraction is popular, especially of culture among Muslims, the Lumads,
during Holy Week, where hundreds of faithful and the varied culture of the settlers
devotees would participate in Katkat from all over the Philippines. It also
Sakripisyo. features street dances, trade fairs,
motocross, and beauty pageants, which
aim to celebrate the interplay of the
different cultures thriving in the city.

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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Zamboanga del Pulacan Falls Megayon Festival
Sur It is located 12 kilometers from Pagadian City It is a week-long celebration held in
and covers an area of 400 square meters. It is September that honors the tri-people
Capital: the source of water for the Labangan irrigation settlers in Zamboanga del Sur: the
Pagadian City system. It is also a beautiful camping and picnic Subanens, Bangsa Moro Muslims, and
site, which currently has a permanent Boy and Christians. It is a colorful thanksgiving
Girl Scout site with facilities and has been the festival for the rich harvest of crops in
location for regional and provincial jamborees. Tigbao. It is participated by people from
the Subanean ethnic group. It also
Dao-Dao Islands portrays unity and solidarity as it
This is a well-known local attraction located showcases, through street and ethnic
just seven (7) to 10 minutes ride by motorboat dances, the living tradition and diverse
from Pagadian City’s seaport. It has artificial culture of the province. In the Subanen
coral reefs and is ideal for swimming, boating, dialect, megayon means “unity” and
and fishing. It is composed of two (2) islands. “solidarity”.
The bigger one is called Dao-Dao Dako (which
means big), while the smaller one is called, ZamboSur Summer Youth Fest
Dao-Dao Gamay (which means small). Both It is one (1) of the major festivals in
places are great for swimming, fishing, and Zamboanga del Sur. Locals celebrate it
boating or just enjoying the view of Pagadian. from April 4 to 21. It has two (2) main
features. The first are the summer art
Lakewood lectures and workshops, which are
It is a lake bounded by forested hills and open to the youths and include dance,
mountains on the horizon. It was named after music, theatre, visual arts, and new
General Leonard Wood, the governor of the media. The other features include
Moro Province in 1904, who ordered Captain sports clinics for various athletic
Cornelius Smith to explore the inner territories disciplines, which are also targeted for
of Mindanao starting from Iligan to Misamis. the youth.
They then stumbled upon a lake, which the
natives called “Danao”. Capt. Smith renamed it
“Lake Leonard Wood”, which eventually
became “Lakewood.”
Zamboanga Moalboal Cave Sibug-Sibug Festival
Sibugay It is a cave in Titay known for the human face This is an annual two-week festivity
that has been hewn in stone that can be found celebrated during Zamboanga Sibugay’s
Capital: inside it. This picturesque historical glory, foundation day on February 26. It
Ipil along with so many others, is what makes showcases colorful ethnic street
Zamboanga Sibugay an off-the-beaten-path dancing with rituals illustrating good
grandeur. harvest, weeding, and healing. During
this festival, locals endorse their main
Snake Sanctuary product, the oyster or talaba. In Ipil,
It is a site in Olutanga Island where visitors can “Talaba Longest Grill” has been the
witness snakes being trained and controlled by main attraction wherein Zamboanga
a tribal leader. It has around 8,000 sea snakes Sibugay achieved a world record for the
of different shapes and sizes, which are taken World’s Longest Talaba Grill with five (5)
care of by Noy Tiro. to 12 inches-long oysters as the main
feature. It landed the province the title,
Sibuguey Bay “Talaba Capital of the Philippines.”
It is found in the southwestern part of
Mindanao and is one (1) of the main or major Pasalamat Festival
bays in Zamboanga Sibugay. It is a seaside This is a festival in Tungawan held every
indentation between two (2) capes, which is January 15 to 29. It offers street dancing

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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

ideal for snorkeling, diving, fishing, and competitions featuring the traditional
boating. This underwater must-see attraction way of holding thanksgiving celebration
is blessed with several coral formations that among the Subanens and Kalibugans in
function naturally as fish sanctuaries. the locality.


The following are the most common and famous delicacies in Northern Mindanao:
• Pastil – it is a local delicacy made of steamed rice topped with adobo beef/chicken flakes and wrapped in
a banana leaf.
• Beef Rendang – this is a dish made from slowly cooked beef in coconut milk and other spices.

Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Bukidnon Two Trees Mountain Kaamulan Festival
This destination’s summit offers a scenic view The term Kaamulan is a derivative of the
Capital: of the farm lands of Sitio Tigbawan of the Can- word amul, which translates to “the act
Malaybalay ayan Village on its eastern side. Other sites that of getting together”. Hence, in this
City are visible from the area is the 4th highest peak festival, local officials bring together all
in the Philippines, Mount Kitanglad. It is the seven (7) ethnic groups of Bukidnon
to ensure the continuity of traditions as
recommended to climb Two Trees Mountain
well as presenting a period of
early in the morning to be able to marvel at the
majestic scene of fogs as it slowly moves away
and reveal the evergreen rice field.

Lapanday Pineapple Farm

This tourist destination is a pineapple farm
near Malaybalay’s city center. They grow and
pack pineapples under the brands of Estrella
and Aloha, including the super sweet line of
Honey Pines.
Camiguin Guiob Church Ruins Lanzones Festival
This is the remains of an old Spanish church in This is a festival celebrated because of
Capital: Catarman. It was established in 1697 but the locals’ belief that according to a
Mambajao destroyed by a devastating volcanic eruption in legend, an unknown beautiful maiden
1871. The ruins of adobe walls, belfry, and took the lanzones’ bitter flavor and
convent within it are mute witnesses to the replaced it with a delicious and sweet
wrath of nature. It allows visitors a glimpse into taste. Townsfolk dance in the streets in
the culture of the Spanish era in Camiguin. order to honor and celebrate this. It is
also celebrated by the people in
Cross Marker and Sunken Cemetery Camiguin as a contribution in making
It is a huge cross marker installed by the Mindanao a cultural tourism destination
provincial government to mark the community and to give thanks for a bountiful
cemetery that sunk during the 1871 volcanic harvest for all their agricultural
holocaust in Bonbon, Catarman. Years ago, products.
gravestones were visible during low tide.
Presently, it is an interesting diving site.

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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Hibok-Hibok Volcano Observatory
This is an observatory that houses a
seismograph that monitors the activity of the
island's volcano, Mount Hibok-Hibok. It is also
the site where one can get a breathtaking view
of the island, as well as hints of the neighboring
islands in the horizon.
Lanao del Tinago Falls Sagingan Festival
Norte The falls is named as Tinago (meaning hidden) It is a festival held in thanksgiving for the
because it is literally hidden in a deep ravine. locals’ harvests, particularly bananas. It
Capital: Due to this, going to the falls can be an is held every October 17 in front of the
Tubod adventure of its own. Visitors will need to take Municipal Hall of Tubod. A street
400 steps to reach the falls. dancing prelude is done before each
contingent presents a showdown at the
Cathedral Falls
Municipal Hall.
It is a tourist site known for its unique rock
formations that resemble cathedral posts. The
best thing about visiting this awesome creation
is that it is easily accessible.

Maria Cristina Falls

This famous falls can be found in Iligan City. It
powers the Agus VI Hydroelectric Plant that
provides the power supply for Mindanao
among other plants. This 98-meter high
waterfall is actually a twin falls, but it is a rare
sight to see both of it cascading since only one
(1) is allowed to have water as per National
Power Corporation’s (NAPOCOR) mandate.
Misamis Layawan River Inug-ong Festival
Occidental This river is a constant awardee of the Gawad It is the Subanon’s (people of
Pangulo Sa Kapaligiran as Cleanest Inland Body Zamboanga Peninsula) version of the
Capital: of Water and was awarded as the cleanest river Sinulog Festival in Cebu. This is a week-
Oroquieta City in the Philippines in 2002. The name was long celebration held every 2nd week of
derived from a story wherein locals found so October. It showcases a street dancing,
many stray animals along the river, thus they featuring tribal dances, which is
named the place as “layawan”, which means “a presented as a tribute to Oroquieta
place of stray animals”. City’s patron saint, Our Lady of the Holy
Mount Malindang
This is a national park that spans the provinces
of Misamis Occidental, Zamboanga del Norte,
and Zamboanga del Sur. It is also where
endangered species, such as the Philippine
Eagle, is housed. The mountain’s peak is 2,402
meters high and 7,233 feet above sea level. On
August 4, 2012, the ASEAN Center for
Biodiversity (ACB) designated the Mt.
Malindang Range Natural Park (MMRNP) as an
ASEAN Heritage Park (AHP).

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Province Tourist Destinations Festivals

Misamis Vega Ancestral House Higalaay Festival
Oriental This tourist destination is considered the This is Cagayan de Oro's annual week-
oldest ancestral house found in the long celebration. It is filled with a series
Capital: Municipality of Balingasag. According to the of colorful, culturally-rich, and fun-filled
Cagayan de locals, it was built around 200 years ago and core events that culminate in August 28,
Oro City made primarily of one (1) of the Philippines’ the feast day of the city's patron saint,
strongest molave tree. The design of the house St. Augustine.
is common of the 18th and 19th century houses
but one (1) thing that makes this unique and
notable are the sculpted wooden men on the
four (4) outside corners of the house, which
look like they are carrying the second floor.

San Augustine Cathedral

This catholic church in Cagayan de Oro was
built in 1624 by Fray Agustin San Pedro who
was called El Padre Capitan by the local
residents. In 1778, both the church and
convent were burned down. From its ruins,
Fray Pedro de Santa Barbara, together with
generous Cagayanons, built the new church
which was inaugurated in 1780. But, it also did
not last long as it was gutted in 1831. In 1841,
the church was rebuilt using concrete

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
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Visit my Philippines. (2014). Zamboanga del Norte. Retrieved on January 3, 2017 from:
Visit my Philippines. (2014). Zamboanga del Norte. Retrieved on January 3, 2017 from:
Visit my Philippines. (2014). Zamboanga del Sur. Retrieved on January 3, 2017 from:
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Trip the Islands. (2014). Exploring the Wonders of Zamboanga Sibugay. Retrieved on January 3, 2017 from:
Visit my Philippines. (2014). Zamboanga Sibugay. Retrieved on January 3, 2017 from:

Region X – Northern Mindanao

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