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Top 2000 Vocabulary Words

The list of words below are the most frequently used 2265 words in Spoken English. The words were selected by
The frequency number is how often the word appears out of 250,000 words. For example if you divide 250,000 b
The Type column refers to what type of word it is. In many cases, a word can be multiple types. The first one liste
There can be typos or errors.  If you find anything that is incorrect, please email [email protected].  W

a 4506 (indefinite article,noun,preposition)

ability 61 (noun)
able 74 (adjective)
about 451 (preposition,adverb,adjective)
above 40 (adverb,preposition,adjective,noun)
abroad 2 (adverb,noun)
absolutely 5 (adverb,interjection)
abuse 10 (verb,noun)
accept 11 (verb)
acceptable 5 (adjective)
access 41 (noun,verb,adjective)
accident 3 (noun)
according 40 (adjective,verb)
account 22 (noun,verb)
accurate 12 (adjective)
accuse 1 (verb)
achieve 20 (verb)
acquire 4 (verb)
across 36 (preposition,adverb,adjective)
act 28 (noun,verb)
action 37 (noun,adjective)
active 23 (adjective,noun)
activity 48 (noun)
actor 7 (noun)
actual 26 (adjective)
actually 46 (adverb)
ad 11 (noun)
adapt 4 (verb)
add 60 (verb)
addition 21 (noun)
additional 41 (adjective)
address 20 (noun,verb)
adjust 4 (verb)
administration10 (noun)
administrative4 (adjective)
admire 1 (verb)
admit 1 (verb)
adopt 1 (verb)
adult 5 (adjective,noun)
advance 9 (verb,noun,adjective)
advanced 12 (past,verb,adjective,noun)
advantage 24 (noun,verb)
advertising 22 (noun)
advice 14 (noun)
affair 1 (noun)
affect 22 (verb,noun)
afford 14 (verb)
afraid 7 (adjective)
after 110 (preposition,adjective,adverb)
afternoon 7 (noun,adjective)
again 44 (adverb)
against 46 (preposition)
age 37 (noun,verb)
agency 11 (noun)
agent 6 (noun,adjective,verb)
aggressive 5 (adjective)
ago 22 (adjective,adverb)
agree 14 (verb)
agreement 8 (noun)
ahead 16 (adverb)
air 98 (noun,verb)
airline 5 (noun,adjective)
airport 3 (noun)
alarm 2 (noun,verb)
alcohol 9 (noun)
alive 3 (adjective)
all 438 (adjective,pronoun,noun,adverb)
allow 35 (verb)
almost 41 (adverb)
alone 18 (adjective,adverb)
along 45 (preposition,adverb)
already 36 (adverb)
also 419 (adverb)
alternative 39 (adjective,noun)
although 78 (conjunction)
altogether 4 (adverb)
always 69 (adverb)
amazing 7 (adjective,verb)
ambition 1 (noun)
among 37 (preposition)
amount 51 (noun,verb)
an 754 (indefinite article)
analysis 34 (noun)
analyst 1 (noun)
and 5196 (conjunction)
anger 1 (noun,verb)
angle 8 (noun,verb)
angry 3 (adjective)
animal 13 (noun,adjective)
announce 1 (verb)
annual 7 (adjective,noun)
another 123 (adjective,pronoun)
answer 45 (noun,verb)
anticipate 7 (verb)
anxiety 6 (noun)
anxious 2 (adjective)
any 190 (adjective,adverb)
anybody 1 (pronoun,noun)
anyone 22 (pronoun)
anything 19 (pronoun,noun,adverb)
anyway 4 (adverb)
anywhere 9 (adverb,noun)
apart 5 (adjective,adverb)
apartment 21 (noun)
apologize 1 (verb)
appeal 10 (noun,verb)
appear 15 (verb)
appearance 15 (noun)
apple 1 (noun)
application 13 (noun)
apply 13 (verb)
appointment 3 (noun)
appreciate 10 (verb)
approach 22 (verb)
appropriate 26 (verb,adjective)
approve 1 (verb)
are 1843 (verb)
area 50 (noun)
argue 4 (verb)
argument 9 (noun)
arise 4 (verb)
arm 4 (noun,verb)
army 32 (noun)
around 101 (adverb,preposition)
arrival 3 (noun)
arrive 2 (verb)
art 183 (noun)
article 28 (noun)
as 1363 (adverb,conjunction,pronoun,preposition)
aside 4 (noun,adverb)
ask 42 (verb,noun)
asleep 1 (adjective)
aspect 10 (noun)
assignment 1 (noun)
assist 3 (noun,verb)
assistance 2 (noun)
assistant 1 (noun)
associate 4 (noun,verb,adjective)
association 15 (noun)
assume 7 (verb)
assumption 3 (noun)
assure 5 (verb)
at 624 (preposition)
atmosphere 6 (noun)
attach 2 (verb)
attack 8 (verb,noun)
attempt 18 (noun,verb)
attend 1 (verb)
attention 20 (noun)
attitude 10 (noun)
attract 5 (verb)
audience 27 (noun)
author 13 (noun,verb)
automatic 4 (adjective)
automatically 4 (adverb)
available 94 (adjective)
average 20 (noun,verb,adjective)
avoid 22 (verb)
award 1 (noun,verb)
aware 13 (adjective)
awareness 6 (noun)
away 59 (adverb,adjective)
baby 11 (noun,verb,adjective)
back 86 (noun,adverb,verb,adjective)
background 11 (noun,adjective)
bad 37 (noun,adverb,adjective)
bag 5 (noun,verb)
bake 3 (noun,verb)
balance 21 (noun,verb)
ball 22 (noun,verb)
band 6 (noun,verb)
bank 26 (noun,verb)
bar 3 (noun,verb,preposition)
base 14 (noun,verb,adjective)
baseball 3 (noun)
basic 61 (adjective)
basically 9 (adverb)
basis 33 (noun)
basket 4 (noun)
bat 7 (noun,verb)
bath 6 (noun)
bathroom 1 (noun)
battle 5 (noun,verb)
be 1145 (verb,auxiliary verb)
beach 7 (noun,verb)
bear 1 (verb,noun)
beat 10 (verb,noun,adjective)
beautiful 24 (adjective,noun,interjection)
because 248 (conjunction)
become 97 (verb)
bed 5 (noun,verb)
bedroom 1 (noun)
been 200 (past,verb)
beer 1 (noun)
before 141 (preposition,adverb,conjunction)
begin 29 (verb)
beginning 30 (noun,adjective,verb)
behave 2 (verb)
behind 22 (preposition,adverb,adjective,noun)
being 124 (verb,noun)
believe 20 (verb)
bell 3 (noun,verb)
belong 1 (verb)
below 36 (adverb)
belt 9 (noun,verb)
bench 9 (noun,verb)
bend 2 (noun,verb)
benefit 24 (noun,verb)
best 108 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
bet 4 (noun,verb)
better 86 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
between 137 (preposition,adverb)
beyond 20 (preposition,noun)
bicycle 2 (noun,verb)
bid 1 (noun,verb)
big 59 (adjective,noun)
bike 3 (noun,verb)
bill 5 (noun,verb)
bird 68 (noun)
birth 28 (noun,verb)
birthday 1 (noun)
bit 21 (noun,verb)
bite 2 (noun,verb)
bitter 1 (noun,adjective)
black 21 (noun,verb,adjective,adverb)
blame 3 (noun,verb)
blank 7 (noun,verb,adjective)
blind 2 (noun,verb,adjective,adverb)
block 6 (noun,verb)
blood 14 (noun)
blow 4 (noun,verb)
blue 8 (noun,verb,adjective)
board 42 (noun,verb)
boat 37 (noun,verb)
body 69 (noun,verb)
bone 6 (noun,verb,adverb)
bonus 4 (noun)
book 77 (noun,verb)
boot 1 (noun,verb)
border 4 (noun,verb)
boring 5 (adjective)
born 17 (verb,adjective,past particple)
borrow 8 (verb)
boss 48 (noun,verb,adjective)
both 91 (adjective,adverb)
bother 5 (noun,verb)
bottle 2 (noun,verb)
bottom 21 (noun,verb,adjective)
bowl 12 (noun,verb)
box 24 (noun,verb)
boy 3 (noun,interjection)
boyfriend 33 (noun)
brain 15 (noun,verb)
branch 4 (noun,verb)
brave 2 (adjective,noun,verb)
bread 6 (noun)
break 23 (verb,noun)
breakfast 8 (noun,verb)
breast 4 (noun,verb)
breath 2 (noun)
brick 3 (noun,verb)
bridge 12 (noun,verb)
brief 5 (adjective,noun,verb)
briefly 2 (adverb)
bright 17 (adjective,adverb,noun)
brilliant 1 (adjective,noun)
bring 31 (verb)
broad 17 (adjective,noun)
brother 4 (noun,interjection)
brown 13 (adjective,noun,verb)
brush 16 (noun,verb)
buddy 4 (noun,verb)
budget 13 (noun,adjective,verb)
bug 1 (noun,verb)
build 21 (verb)
building 36 (noun,verb)
bunch 4 (noun,verb)
burn 10 (verb,noun)
bus 25 (noun,verb)
business 127 (noun,adjective)
busy 7 (adjective,verb)
but 626 (conjunction,preposition,adverb,noun)
button 15 (noun,verb)
buy 42 (verb,noun)
buyer 2 (noun)
by 706 (preposition,adverb)
cabinet 4 (noun)
cable 2 (noun,verb)
cake 5 (noun,verb)
calculate 3 (verb)
calendar 6 (noun,verb)
call 47 (verb,noun)
calm 2 (adjective,noun,verb)
camera 32 (noun)
camp 1 (noun,verb,adjective)
campaign 12 (noun,verb)
can 895 (auxiliary verb,noun)
cancel 12 (verb,noun)
cancer 8 (noun)
candidate 6 (noun)
candle 2 (noun,verb)
candy 1 (noun,verb)
cap 6 (noun,verb)
capable 12 (adjective)
capital 17 (noun,adjective)
car 28 (noun,adjective)
card 58 (noun,verb)
care 55 (noun,verb)
career 20 (noun,verb,adjective)
careful 6 (adjective)
carefully 11 (adverb)
carpet 1 (noun,verb)
carry 11 (noun,verb)
case 38 (noun,verb)
cash 35 (noun,verb)
cat 1 (noun,verb)
catch 7 (noun,verb)
category 18 (noun)
cause 38 (noun,verb)
celebrate 2 (verb)
celebration 1 (noun)
cell 16 (noun)
certain 71 (adjective,pronoun)
certainly 22 (adverb)
chain 7 (noun,verb)
chair 3 (noun,verb)
challenge 17 (noun,verb,adjective)
champion 1 (noun,verb)
championship1 (noun)
chance 31 (noun,adjective,verb)
change 67 (verb,noun)
channel 1 (noun,verb)
chapter 3 (noun)
character 12 (noun,adjective,verb)
charge 24 (verb,noun)
charity 5 (noun)
chart 10 (noun,verb)
cheap 13 (adjective,adverb)
check 49 (verb,noun,interjection)
cheek 1 (noun)
chemical 12 (adjective,noun)
chemistry 23 (noun)
chest 2 (noun)
chicken 29 (noun,adjective)
child 30 (noun)
childhood 4 (noun)
chip 4 (noun,verb)
chocolate 2 (noun)
choice 21 (noun,adjective)
choose 49 (verb)
church 4 (noun)
cigarette 18 (noun)
city 13 (noun)
civil 4 (adjective)
claim 8 (verb,noun)
class 35 (noun,verb,adjective)
classic 19 (adjective,noun)
classroom 7 (noun)
clean 14 (adjective,adverb,verb)
clear 35 (adjective,adverb,verb)
clearly 11 (adverb)
clerk 2 (noun,verb)
click 15 (noun,verb)
client 1 (noun)
climate 6 (noun)
clock 1 (noun,verb)
close 29 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun)
closed 9 (past,verb)
closely 9 (adverb)
closet 3 (noun,verb,adjective)
clothes 4 (noun)
cloud 2 (noun,verb)
club 12 (noun,verb)
clue 3 (noun,verb)
coach 4 (noun,verb,adverb)
coast 38 (noun,verb)
coat 6 (noun,verb)
code 5 (noun,verb)
coffee 4 (noun)
cold 34 (adjective,noun,adverb)
collar 3 (noun,verb)
collect 6 (verb,adverb,noun)
collection 12 (noun)
college 11 (noun)
combination 26 (noun)
combine 6 (verb,noun)
come 88 (verb)
comfort 1 (noun,verb)
comfortable 17 (adjective,noun)
command 6 (verb,noun)
comment 3 (noun,verb)
commercial 34 (adjective,noun)
commission 9 (noun,verb)
commit 1 (verb)
committee 3 (noun)
common 69 (adjective,noun)
communicate 11 (verb)
24 (noun)
community 44 (noun)
company 60 (noun,verb)
compare 10 (verb)
comparison 6 (noun)
compete 3 (verb)
competition 19 (noun)
competitive 14 (adjective)
complain 11 (verb)
complaint 9 (noun)
complete 24 (adjective,verb)
completely 14 (adverb)
complex 26 (adjective,noun,verb)
complicated 13 (past,verb)
comprehensive 2 (adjective)
computer 109 (noun)
concentrate 2 (verb,noun)
concept 15 (noun)
concern 18 (verb,noun)
concerned 22 (past,verb)
concerning 3 (preposition)
concert 2 (noun,verb)
conclusion 2 (noun)
condition 19 (noun,verb)
conference 3 (noun,verb)
confidence 8 (noun,idiom)
confident 1 (adjective)
confirm 4 (verb)
conflict 11 (verb,noun)
confusion 6 (noun)
connect 9 (verb,adjective)
connection 11 (noun)
conscious 1 (adjective)
consequence 1 (noun)
consider 57 (verb)
consideration 7 (noun,idiom)
consist 9 (verb,noun)
consistent 8 (adjective)
constant 8 (adjective,noun)
constantly 17 (adverb)
construction 6 (noun)
consult 3 (verb)
contact 19 (noun,verb)
contain 18 (verb)
content 26 (adjective,verb,noun)
contest 6 (noun,verb)
context 18 (noun)
continue 24 (verb)
contract 9 (noun)
contribute 9 (verb,idiom)
contribution 2 (noun)
control 62 (noun)
conversation 3 (noun)
convert 3 (verb,noun)
convince 2 (verb)
cook 40 (verb,noun)
cookie 2 (noun)
cool 12 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
copy 9 (noun,verb,idiom)
corner 6 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom)
correct 15 (adjective,verb)
cost 28 (verb,noun)
could 105 (auxiliary verb)
count 7 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom)
counter 2 (noun,verb,adverb,adjective)
country 37 (noun)
county 13 (noun)
couple 16 (noun,verb)
courage 2 (noun)
course 61 (noun,verb)
court 6 (noun,verb,idiom)
cousin 5 (noun)
cover 22 (verb,noun)
cow 1 (noun,verb)
crack 1 (noun,verb,adjective)
craft 26 (noun,verb)
crash 3 (verb,noun,adjective,adverb)
crazy 5 (adjective,noun,idiom)
cream 7 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom)
create 63 (verb)
creative 29 (adjective,noun)
credit 19 (noun,verb)
crew 7 (noun,verb)
critical 14 (adjective)
criticism 11 (noun)
criticize 1 (verb)
cross 4 (noun,verb,adjective)
cry 12 (verb,noun,idiom)
cultural 8 (adjective)
culture 20 (noun,verb)
cup 6 (noun,verb)
curious 2 (adjective)
currency 8 (noun)
current 52 (adjective,noun)
currently 19 (adverb)
curve 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
customer 15 (noun)
cut 50 (verb,noun)
cute 18 (adjective)
cycle 23 (noun,verb)
dad 2 (noun)
daily 16 (adverb)
damage 14 (noun,verb)
dance 37 (verb,noun)
dangerous 12 (adjective)
dare 1 (verb,noun)
dark 9 (adjective,noun,idiom)
data 74 (noun)
database 3 (noun)
date 18 (noun,verb)
daughter 8 (noun,adjective)
day 98 (noun,adjective)
dead 7 (adjective,noun,adverb,idiom)
deal 33 (verb,noun)
dealer 16 (noun)
dear 1 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjection)
death 15 (noun)
debate 16 (noun,verb)
debt 11 (noun)
decent 1 (adjective)
decide 25 (verb)
decision 20 (noun)
deep 13 (adjective,noun,adverb)
deeply 4 (adverb)
definitely 4 (adverb)
definition 44 (noun)
degree 8 (noun,idiom)
delay 1 (verb,noun)
deliberately 4 (adverb)
deliver 3 (verb)
delivery 7 (noun)
demand 39 (noun,verb)
department 28 (noun)
departure 1 (noun)
depend 11 (verb)
dependent 3 (adjective,noun)
deposit 10 (verb,noun)
depression 12 (noun)
depth 13 (noun)
describe 17 (verb)
description 11 (noun)
deserve 1 (verb)
design 29 (noun,verb)
designer 5 (noun,adjective)
desire 15 (noun,verb)
desk 2 (noun)
desperate 3 (adjective)
despite 17 (preposition)
destroy 1 (verb)
detail 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
detailed 7 (past,verb)
determine 40 (verb)
develop 49 (verb)
development 42 (noun)
device 7 (noun)
devil 3 (noun,verb)
diamond 1 (noun)
die 11 (verb,idiom)
diet 3 (noun,verb)
differ 9 (verb)
difference 28 (noun)
different 215 (adjective)
difficult 58 (adjective)
difficulty 7 (noun)
dig 6 (verb,noun)
dimension 5 (noun,verb)
dinner 4 (noun)
direct 20 (adjective,adverb,verb)
direction 33 (noun)
directly 34 (adverb)
director 10 (noun)
dirt 1 (noun)
dirty 2 (adjective,verb)
disagree 2 (verb)
disappointed 1 (past,verb)
disaster 5 (noun)
discipline 22 (noun,verb)
discount 13 (noun,verb,adjective)
discover 16 (verb)
discuss 19 (verb)
discussion 15 (noun)
disease 23 (noun)
dish 11 (noun,verb,idiom)
disk 23 (noun)
display 13 (verb,noun)
distance 14 (noun,verb)
distinct 5 (adjective)
distribute 5 (verb)
distribution 19 (noun)
district 6 (noun,verb)
divide 6 (verb,noun)
do 389 (auxiliary verb)
doctor 8 (noun,verb)
document 4 (noun,verb)
does 104 (verb)
dog 28 (noun,verb)
door 6 (noun,idiom)
dot 8 (noun,verb,idiom)
double 9 (adjective,noun,verb,adverb)
doubt 7 (verb,noun,idiom)
down 94 (adverb,preposition,adjective,verb)
downtown 2 (adjective,adverb,noun)
draft 4 (noun,verb,adjective)
drag 8 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom)
drama 7 (noun)
dramatic 11 (adjective)
draw 9 (verb,noun,idiom)
drawer 2 (noun)
drawing 4 (noun)
dream 8 (noun,verb,adjective)
dress 5 (noun,adjective,verb)
drink 8 (verb,noun)
drive 28 (verb,noun)
driver 17 (noun)
drop 9 (noun,verb)
drunk 1 (adjective,noun)
dry 35 (adjective,verb,noun)
due 26 (adjective,noun,adverb)
dump 12 (verb,noun,idiom)
during 103 (preposition)
dust 4 (noun,verb)
duty 8 (noun,idiom)
each 173 (adjective,adverb)
ear 1 (noun)
early 77 (adverb)
earn 8 (verb)
earth 30 (noun,verb)
ease 5 (noun,verb)
easily 26 (adverb)
east 6 (noun,adjective,adverb)
eastern 5 (adjective)
easy 35 (adjective,adverb,interjection)
eat 11 (verb,noun,idiom)
economics 61 (noun)
economy 71 (noun,adjective)
edge 12 (noun,verb,idiom)
editor 5 (noun)
education 21 (noun)
educational 13 (adjective)
effect 18 (noun,verb)
effective 26 (adjective,noun)
effectively 9 (adverb)
efficiency 5 (noun)
efficient 11 (adjective)
effort 14 (noun)
egg 19 (noun,verb)
either 57 (conjunction,adjective)
election 7 (noun)
electrical 23 (adjective)
electronic 14 (adjective)
elevator 6 (noun)
else 30 (adverb)
elsewhere 6 (adverb)
embarrassed 1 (adjective)
emergency 5 (noun,adjective)
emotion 6 (noun)
emotional 35 (adjective)
emphasis 9 (noun)
emphasize 8 (verb)
employ 4 (verb,noun)
employee 6 (noun)
employer 6 (noun)
employment 8 (noun)
empty 1 (adjective,verb,noun)
enable 8 (verb)
encourage 9 (verb)
encouraging 4 (verb)
end 76 (noun,verb)
energy 23 (noun)
engage 7 (verb)
engine 7 (noun)
engineer 1 (noun,verb)
engineering 8 (noun)
enhance 7 (verb)
enjoy 27 (verb)
enough 82 (adjective,adverb,interjection)
ensure 16 (verb)
enter 11 (verb)
entertainment19 (noun)
enthusiasm 3 (noun)
entire 27 (adjective)
entrance 1 (noun,verb)
entry 8 (noun)
environment 31 (noun)
environmental13 (adjective)
equal 9 (adjective,noun,verb)
equally 10 (adverb)
equipment 35 (noun)
equivalent 6 (adjective,noun)
error 3 (noun)
escape 5 (verb,noun,adjective)
especially 41 (adverb)
essay 8 (noun,verb)
essentially 11 (adverb)
establish 2 (verb)
establishment2 (noun)
estate 13 (noun)
estimate 2 (verb,noun)
even 223 (adjective,verb,adverb)
evening 5 (noun,adjective)
event 20 (noun)
eventually 26 (adverb)
ever 39 (adverb)
every 95 (adjective)
everybody 9 (pronoun)
everyone 31 (pronoun)
everything 43 (pronoun)
everywhere 6 (adverb)
evidence 12 (noun,verb,idiom)
exact 11 (adjective,verb)
exactly 26 (adverb)
exam 37 (noun)
examination 2 (noun)
examine 7 (verb)
example 147 (noun,verb)
excellent 20 (adjective,interjection)
except 6 (preposition,conjunction,idiom)
exchange 25 (noun,verb)
excitement 5 (noun)
exciting 3 (adjective)
excuse 37 (verb,noun)
exercise 39 (noun,verb)
exist 28 (verb)
existing 8 (adjective)
exit 16 (noun,verb)
expand 9 (verb)
expect 16 (verb)
expensive 23 (adjective)
experience 80 (noun,verb)
experienced 16 (past,verb)
expert 4 (noun,adjective)
explain 15 (verb)
explanation 3 (noun)
explore 15 (verb)
expose 5 (verb,idiom)
express 15 (verb,adjective,adverb,noun)
expression 14 (noun)
extend 3 (verb)
extension 5 (noun,adjective)
extent 5 (noun)
external 4 (adjective,noun)
extra 20 (adjective,adverb,noun)
extreme 12 (adjective,noun)
extremely 18 (adverb)
eye 25 (noun,verb)
face 23 (noun,verb)
fact 56 (noun)
factor 11 (noun,verb)
fail 16 (verb,noun)
failure 26 (noun)
fair 11 (adjective,adverb,noun,idiom)
fairly 15 (adverb)
fall 32 (verb,noun)
false 7 (adjective,adverb,idiom)
familiar 18 (adjective,noun)
family 159 (noun)
famous 8 (adjective)
fan 12 (noun,verb,idiom)
far 46 (adverb,adjective)
farm 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
farmer 3 (noun)
fast 25 (adjective,adverb,verb)
fat 54 (noun,adjective,verb)
father 8 (noun,verb)
fault 1 (noun,verb)
fear 3 (noun,verb)
feature 29 (noun,verb)
federal 28 (adjective)
fee 8 (noun,verb)
feed 7 (verb,noun,idiom)
feedback 5 (noun)
feel 74 (verb,noun)
feeling 14 (noun,adjective)
female 1 (adjective,noun)
few 117 (adjective,noun,pronoun)
field 95 (noun,verb,adjective)
fight 5 (noun,verb)
figure 31 (noun,verb)
file 13 (noun,verb)
fill 11 (verb,noun,idiom)
film 209 (noun,verb)
final 19 (adjective,noun)
finally 18 (adverb)
finance 8 (noun,verb)
financial 29 (adjective)
find 166 (verb)
finding 16 (noun)
fine 11 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun)
finger 6 (noun,verb,idiom)
finish 14 (verb,noun)
fire 25 (noun,verb)
firm 9 (adjective,verb,adverb,noun)
first 176 (adverb,adjective)
fish 92 (noun,verb)
fishing 27 (noun)
fit 27 (adjective,verb,noun)
fix 9 (verb,noun,idiom)
fixed 15 (past,verb)
flat 17 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
flight 17 (noun)
floor 4 (noun,verb)
flow 13 (verb,noun)
flower 2 (noun,verb)
fly 18 (verb,noun)
focus 44 (noun,verb)
fold 3 (verb,noun)
follow 18 (verb)
following 39 (preposition,noun,adjective)
food 73 (noun)
foot 15 (noun,verb)
football 7 (noun)
for 1752 (preposition,conjunction)
force 54 (noun,verb)
foreign 10 (adjective)
forever 7 (adverb,noun,idiom)
forget 13 (verb)
form 99 (noun,verb)
formal 11 (adjective,noun,adverb)
former 4 (adjective)
forth 3 (adverb)
fortune 1 (noun)
forward 11 (adverb,adjective,noun,verb)
foundation 13 (noun)
frame 24 (noun,verb)
free 115 (adjective,adverb,verb)
freedom 32 (noun)
frequent 9 (adjective,verb)
frequently 12 (adverb)
fresh 14 (adjective,adverb)
friend 17 (noun,verb)
friendly 3 (adjective)
friendship 1 (noun)
from 622 (preposition)
front 16 (noun,adjective,verb,interjection)
fruit 11 (noun,verb)
fuel 3 (noun,verb)
full 34 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
fully 12 (adverb)
fun 46 (noun,adjective,verb)
function 16 (noun,verb)
funeral 1 (noun)
funny 3 (adjective,noun)
future 40 (noun,adjective)
gain 17 (verb,noun)
game 117 (noun,adjective,verb)
gap 5 (noun,verb)
garage 6 (noun,verb)
garbage 2 (noun)
garden 41 (noun,verb)
gas 15 (noun,verb)
gate 3 (noun)
gather 5 (verb,noun,idiom)
gear 10 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom)
gene 1 (noun)
general 85 (adjective,noun)
generally 52 (adverb)
generate 12 (verb)
gently 8 (adverb)
get 233 (verb)
gift 21 (noun,verb)
girl 3 (noun)
girlfriend 1 (noun)
give 93 (verb,noun)
glad 27 (adjective,noun)
glass 11 (noun,adjective,verb)
global 13 (adjective)
glove 3 (noun,verb)
go 131 (verb,noun,adjective,interjection)
goal 28 (noun)
god 4 (noun,interjection)
gold 7 (noun,adjective)
golf 4 (noun,verb)
good 201 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjection)
government 143 (noun)
grab 3 (verb,noun)
grade 5 (noun,verb)
grand 2 (adjective,noun)
grandfather 2 (noun,verb)
grandmother 13 (noun)
grass 1 (noun,verb)
great 126 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjection)
greatly 10 (adverb)
green 28 (adjective,noun,verb)
grocery 2 (noun)
gross 3 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun)
ground 13 (noun,verb,adjective)
group 55 (noun,verb)
grow 37 (verb)
growth 27 (noun)
guarantee 6 (noun,verb)
guard 42 (verb,noun)
guess 8 (verb,noun,idiom)
guest 6 (noun)
guidance 7 (noun)
guide 68 (noun,verb)
guilty 1 (adjective)
guitar 5 (noun)
guy 1 (noun,verb)
habit 4 (noun,verb)
had 113 (auxiliary verb)
hair 4 (noun)
half 26 (noun,predeterminer,adverb)
hall 3 (noun)
hand 81 (noun,verb)
handle 15 (verb,noun)
hang 6 (verb,noun,idiom)
happen 11 (verb)
happy 19 (adjective)
hard 61 (adjective,adverb)
hardly 4 (adverb)
harm 2 (noun,verb)
has 384 (verb)
hat 1 (noun)
hate 5 (verb,noun)
have 891 (verb,auxiliary verb)
he 144 (pronoun)
head 29 (noun,adjective,verb)
health 122 (noun)
healthy 30 (adjective)
hear 14 (verb)
hearing 4 (noun)
heart 13 (noun)
heat 84 (noun,verb)
heavy 16 (adjective,noun,adverb)
height 6 (noun)
hell 1 (noun,interjection)
hello 16 (interjection,noun)
help 141 (verb,noun,interjection)
helpful 18 (adjective)
her 107 (pronoun)
here 72 (adverb,interjection)
herself 3 (pronoun)
hesitate 1 (verb)
hi 113 (interjection)
hide 3 (verb,noun)
high 74 (adjective,noun,adverb)
highlight 1 (noun,verb)
highly 16 (adverb)
highway 9 (noun)
him 17 (pronoun)
himself 6 (pronoun)
hire 9 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom)
his 125 (pronoun,adjective)
historian 3 (noun)
historical 52 (adjective)
history 187 (noun)
hit 13 (verb,noun)
hold 42 (verb,noun)
hole 6 (noun,verb,idiom)
holiday 5 (noun,adjective,verb)
home 72 (noun,adjective,adverb,verb)
homework 5 (noun)
honest 2 (adjective,adverb)
honestly 1 (adverb)
honey 2 (noun)
hook 6 (noun,verb,idiom)
hope 19 (noun,verb)
hopefully 8 (adverb)
horror 5 (noun,adjective)
horse 5 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom)
hospital 3 (noun)
host 5 (noun,verb)
hot 50 (adjective)
hotel 7 (noun)
hour 8 (noun,adjective,idiom)
house 46 (noun,adjective,verb)
housing 15 (noun)
how 412 (adverb,conjunction)
however 128 (adverb)
huge 15 (adjective)
human 92 (adjective,noun)
hungry 10 (adjective)
hunt 6 (verb,noun)
hurry 1 (verb,noun)
hurt 4 (verb,noun)
husband 5 (noun,verb)
I 621 (pronoun)
ice 19 (noun,verb)
idea 55 (noun)
ideal 10 (noun,adjective)
identify 25 (verb)
if 546 (conjunction,noun)
ignore 2 (verb)
ill 3 (adjective,adverb,noun)
illegal 4 (adjective,noun)
illustrate 1 (verb)
image 39 (noun,verb)
imagination 12 (noun)
imagine 10 (verb)
immediate 14 (adjective)
immediately 16 (adverb)
impact 21 (noun,verb)
implement 6 (noun,verb)
imply 2 (verb)
importance 14 (noun)
important 160 (adjective)
impossible 16 (adjective)
impress 7 (verb,noun)
impression 2 (noun)
impressive 2 (adjective)
improve 31 (verb)
improvement 2 (noun)
in 2822 (preposition,adverb)
incident 1 (noun,adjective)
include 80 (verb)
including 58 (preposition)
income 27 (noun)
incorporate 4 (verb)
increase 45 (verb,noun)
independence2 (noun)
independent 25 (adjective,noun)
indicate 11 (verb)
indication 1 (noun)
individual 44 (adjective,noun)
industry 47 (noun)
inevitable 1 (adjective,noun)
inflation 15 (noun)
influence 15 (noun,verb)
inform 1 (verb)
informal 2 (adjective)
information 168 (noun)
initial 6 (adjective,noun,verb)
initially 9 (adverb)
initiative 4 (noun)
injury 3 (noun)
inner 2 (adjective)
insect 2 (noun)
inside 26 (noun,adjective,preposition)
insist 2 (verb)
inspection 2 (noun)
inspector 2 (noun)
install 7 (verb)
instance 30 (noun)
instead 50 (adverb)
instruction 3 (noun)
insurance 15 (noun)
intelligent 20 (adjective)
intend 6 (verb)
intention 1 (noun)
interaction 8 (noun)
interest 67 (noun,verb)
interested 23 (past,verb)
interesting 20 (adjective)
internal 9 (adjective,noun)
international 41 (adjective,noun)
internet 59 (noun)
interview 7 (noun,verb)
into 301 (preposition)
introduce 6 (verb)
introduction 18 (noun)
invest 16 (verb)
investigate 3 (verb)
investment 52 (noun)
invite 1 (verb,noun)
involve 15 (verb)
involved 34 (past,verb)
iron 4 (noun,verb)
is 2699 (verb)
island 1 (noun,verb)
issue 24 (noun,verb)
it 1386 (pronoun,noun)
item 23 (noun,adverb)
its 215 (pronoun)
itself 34 (pronoun)
jacket 3 (noun,verb)
job 80 (noun,verb)
join 9 (verb,noun)
joint 11 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom)
joke 1 (noun,verb)
judge 4 (noun,verb)
judgment 4 (noun)
juice 8 (noun,verb,idiom)
jump 11 (verb,noun,adjective,adverb)
junior 20 (adjective,noun)
jury 1 (noun,verb,adjective)
just 208 (adjective,adverb)
justify 4 (verb)
keep 96 (verb,noun)
key 54 (noun,adjective,verb)
kick 11 (verb,noun,idiom)
kid 7 (noun,verb,adjective)
kill 9 (verb,noun,idiom)
kind 43 (noun,adjective)
king 2 (noun)
kiss 1 (verb,noun)
kitchen 10 (noun,adjective)
knee 2 (noun,verb)
knife 4 (noun,verb)
know 181 (verb)
knowledge 62 (noun)
known 60 (adjective)
lab 4 (noun)
lack 16 (noun,verb)
ladder 2 (noun)
lady 1 (noun)
lake 16 (noun)
land 10 (noun,verb,idiom)
landscape 4 (noun,verb)
language 42 (noun)
large 95 (adjective)
last 47 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
late 28 (adjective,adverb,noun)
later 42 (adverb,interjection)
latter 6 (adjective)
laugh 4 (verb,noun)
law 70 (noun)
lawyer 2 (noun,verb)
lay 4 (verb,noun,adjective)
layer 6 (noun,verb)
lead 16 (verb,noun)
leader 5 (noun)
leadership 6 (noun)
leading 15 (adjective,noun)
league 4 (noun,verb)
learn 102 (verb)
least 50 (adjective,adverb)
leather 2 (noun,adjective,verb)
leave 25 (verb,noun)
lecture 6 (noun,verb)
left 52 (adjective,adverb)
leg 1 (noun,verb)
legal 13 (adjective)
length 17 (noun)
less 75 (adjective,adverb,preposition)
lesson 13 (noun,verb)
let 46 (verb,noun)
letter 12 (noun,verb,idiom)
level 51 (noun,adjective,verb)
library 57 (noun)
lie 6 (noun,verb,idiom)
life 107 (noun,adjective)
lift 19 (verb,noun)
light 54 (noun,verb,adjective)
like 324 (preposition,verb,conjunction,adverb)
likely 57 (adverb)
limit 8 (noun,verb)
limited 24 (past,verb)
line 56 (noun,verb)
link 18 (noun,verb)
lip 1 (noun,verb)
list 58 (noun,verb)
listen 16 (verb,noun)
literally 9 (adverb)
literature 67 (noun)
little 71 (adjective,adverb)
live 35 (verb,adjective,adverb)
living 16 (noun,adjective)
load 2 (noun,verb)
loan 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
local 90 (adjective,noun)
location 22 (noun)
lock 12 (noun,verb,idiom)
log 10 (noun,verb)
logical 5 (adjective)
lonely 1 (adjective)
long 82 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb)
look 144 (verb,noun,interjection)
loose 2 (adjective,verb)
lose 15 (verb)
loss 9 (noun)
lost 10 (adjective,verb,idiom)
lot 82 (pronoun,adverb,noun,verb)
loud 4 (adjective,adverb)
love 60 (noun)
low 34 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb)
lower 41 (adjective,adverb)
luck 8 (noun,verb,idiom)
lucky 3 (adjective)
lunch 3 (noun,verb)
machine 21 (noun,verb)
mad 1 (adjective)
magazine 17 (noun)
mail 4 (noun,verb)
main 42 (adjective,noun)
mainly 9 (adverb)
maintain 30 (verb)
maintenance 3 (noun)
major 53 (adjective,noun,verb)
make 262 (verb,noun)
male 2 (adjective,noun)
mall 6 (noun)
man 31 (noun,verb,interjection)
manage 10 (verb)
management 41 (noun)
manager 6 (noun)
manner 6 (noun,idiom)
manufacturer 3 (noun)
manufacturing1 (verb)
many 397 (adjective,noun,pronoun)
map 167 (noun)
march 6 (verb,noun,idiom)
mark 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
market 69 (noun,verb)
marketing 29 (noun)
marriage 27 (noun)
married 6 (past,verb,adjective,noun)
marry 1 (verb,interjection)
massive 4 (adjective)
master 11 (noun,adjective,verb)
match 7 (noun,verb)
mate 1 (noun,verb)
material 29 (noun,adjective)
math 21 (noun)
matter 44 (noun,verb)
maximum 12 (noun,adjective)
may 336 (auxiliary verb)
maybe 17 (adverb,noun)
me 88 (pronoun)
meal 3 (noun)
mean 33 (verb,adjective,noun)
meaning 26 (noun)
measurement4 (noun)
meat 99 (noun)
media 47 (noun)
medical 29 (adjective)
medicine 26 (noun)
medium 22 (noun,adjective)
meet 15 (verb,noun)
meeting 6 (noun,idiom)
member 16 (noun)
membership 9 (noun)
memory 11 (noun)
mental 47 (adjective)
mention 6 (verb,noun,idiom)
menu 2 (noun)
merely 9 (adverb)
mess 4 (noun,verb)
message 16 (noun)
metal 23 (noun,verb)
method 76 (noun)
middle 26 (adjective,noun)
midnight 1 (noun)
might 116 (auxiliary verb,noun)
milk 8 (noun,verb,idiom)
mind 58 (noun,verb)
mine 2 (pronoun,noun,verb)
minimum 9 (noun,adjective)
minor 8 (adjective,noun,verb)
minute 13 (noun,adjective,verb)
mirror 2 (noun,verb)
miss 3 (verb,noun)
mission 7 (noun,adjective)
mistake 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
mix 19 (verb,noun)
mixed 8 (past,verb)
mixture 8 (noun)
mobile 4 (adjective,noun)
mode 4 (noun)
model 31 (noun,verb)
mom 5 (noun)
moment 21 (noun)
money 174 (noun,adjective)
monitor 3 (noun,verb)
month 30 (noun)
mood 15 (noun)
more 597 (adjective,adverb)
moreover 2 (adverb)
morning 20 (noun,adverb)
mortgage 3 (noun,verb)
most 378 (adjective,noun,adverb)
mostly 12 (adverb)
mother 10 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom)
motor 1 (noun,adjective,verb)
mountain 5 (noun,adjective,idiom)
mouse 36 (noun,verb)
mouth 8 (noun,verb,idiom)
move 47 (verb,noun)
movie 37 (noun)
much 165 (adjective,adverb)
mud 4 (noun)
muscle 11 (noun,verb,adjective)
music 80 (noun)
must 108 (auxiliary verb,verb,adjective,noun)
my 177 (pronoun)
myself 12 (pronoun)
nail 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
name 53 (noun,verb,adjective)
narrow 6 (adjective,verb,noun)
nasty 4 (adjective,noun)
nation 23 (noun)
national 52 (adjective,noun)
native 4 (noun,adjective)
natural 50 (adjective,noun,adverb)
naturally 12 (adverb)
nature 57 (noun)
near 13 (adverb,preposition,adjective,verb)
nearby 6 (adjective,adverb)
nearly 12 (adverb)
neat 1 (adjective,noun)
necessarily 10 (adverb)
necessary 31 (adjective,noun)
neck 2 (noun,verb)
need 193 (verb)
negative 23 (adjective,noun,interjection,verb)
negotiate 3 (verb)
negotiation 1 (noun)
neither 6 (conjunction,adjective,pronoun)
nerve 1 (noun,verb)
nervous 1 (adjective)
net 10 (noun,verb)
network 19 (noun,verb)
never 76 (adverb)
new 210 (adjective,adverb)
news 28 (noun)
newspaper 17 (noun)
next 64 (adjective,adverb,noun)
nice 17 (adjective)
night 24 (noun)
no 213 (adverb,adjective,noun)
nobody 7 (pronoun,noun)
noise 5 (noun,verb)
none 5 (pronoun,adverb,adjective)
nor 8 (conjunction)
normal 14 (adjective,noun)
normally 22 (adverb)
north 19 (noun,adjective,adverb)
nose 6 (noun,verb,idiom)
not 658 (adverb)
note 27 (noun,verb)
nothing 35 (noun,pronoun,adjective,adverb)
notice 15 (noun,verb)
novel 12 (noun,adjective)
now 104 (adverb,conjunction,adjective)
nowhere 1 (adverb,pronoun,adjective)
number 97 (noun,verb)
numerous 9 (adjective)
nurse 3 (noun,verb)
object 28 (noun,verb)
objective 13 (adjective,noun)
obligation 1 (noun)
obtain 12 (verb)
obvious 7 (adjective)
obviously 6 (adverb)
occasion 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
occasionally 12 (adverb)
occur 23 (verb)
odd 1 (adjective)
of 5220 (preposition,auxiliary verb)
off 74 (adverb,preposition,adjective,noun)
offer 42 (verb,noun)
office 19 (noun)
officer 13 (noun,verb)
official 18 (adjective,noun)
often 187 (adverb)
oil 42 (noun,verb)
ok 1 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
old 34 (adjective)
on 1087 (preposition,adverb,adjective)
once 95 (adverb,conjunction)
one 441 (adjective,noun,pronoun)
only 208 (adverb,adjective,conjunction)
open 41 (adjective,verb,noun)
opening 4 (noun,adjective)
operate 8 (verb)
operation 6 (noun)
opinion 14 (noun)
opportunity 18 (noun)
opposite 11 (adjective,noun,preposition,adverb)
option 12 (noun,verb)
or 1487 (conjunction)
orange 4 (noun)
order 51 (noun,verb)
ordinary 4 (adjective,noun)
organization 37 (noun)
organize 4 (verb)
organized 12 (past,verb)
original 25 (adjective,noun)
originally 8 (adverb)
other 369 (adjective,noun,pronoun,adverb)
otherwise 14 (adverb,adjective)
ought 4 (verb)
our 213 (pronoun)
ourselves 7 (pronoun)
out 294 (adverb,preposition,adjective,interjection)
outcome 5 (noun)
outside 26 (noun,adjective,preposition)
oven 45 (noun)
over 170 (preposition,adjective,noun)
overall 19 (adjective,adverb,noun)
overcome 5 (verb)
owe 5 (verb)
own 130 (adjective,verb)
owner 7 (noun)
pace 3 (noun,verb,preposition)
pack 12 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom)
package 5 (noun,verb)
page 46 (noun,verb)
pain 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
paint 23 (noun,verb)
painting 21 (noun)
pair 14 (noun,verb)
panic 3 (noun,verb)
paper 32 (noun)
parent 4 (noun,verb)
park 12 (noun,verb)
parking 6 (noun,adjective)
part 96 (noun,verb,adverb)
participate 7 (verb)
particular 58 (adjective,noun)
partner 6 (noun,verb)
party 10 (noun,adjective,verb)
pass 11 (verb,noun,idiom)
passage 1 (noun,verb)
passenger 1 (noun)
passion 12 (noun)
past 60 (adjective,noun,preposition,adverb)
path 9 (noun,idiom)
patience 11 (noun)
patient 5 (noun,adjective)
pattern 4 (noun,verb)
pause 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
pay 47 (verb,noun)
payment 14 (noun)
peace 8 (noun,interjection,verb,idiom)
peak 3 (noun,verb,adjective)
pen 1 (noun,verb)
penalty 2 (noun)
pension 2 (noun,verb)
people 372 (noun)
percentage 12 (noun)
perception 3 (noun)
perfect 18 (adjective,verb,noun)
perfectly 6 (adverb)
perform 27 (verb)
performance 18 (noun)
period 35 (noun,adjective)
permission 5 (noun)
permit 3 (verb,noun)
person 80 (noun)
personal 53 (adjective,noun)
personality 10 (noun)
personally 10 (adverb)
perspective 13 (noun)
persuade 1 (verb)
phase 13 (noun,verb)
philosophy 26 (noun)
phone 16 (noun)
photo 13 (noun)
phrase 5 (noun,verb)
physical 50 (adjective,noun)
physically 6 (adverb)
physics 35 (noun)
piano 2 (noun)
pick 20 (verb,noun)
picture 42 (noun,verb)
pie 3 (noun)
piece 50 (noun,verb)
pin 4 (noun,verb)
pipe 8 (noun,verb)
pitch 11 (verb,noun)
pizza 1 (noun)
place 98 (noun,verb)
plan 35 (noun,verb)
plane 3 (noun,adjective,verb)
plant 16 (noun,verb)
plastic 16 (noun,adjective)
plate 2 (noun,verb)
platform 1 (noun)
play 75 (verb,noun)
player 41 (noun)
pleasant 2 (adjective)
please 8 (adverb,verb,idiom)
pleased 2 (past,verb)
pleasure 7 (noun,verb)
plenty 12 (noun,adjective,adverb)
plus 14 (preposition,adjective,noun,conjunction)
poem 3 (noun)
poet 1 (noun)
poetry 4 (noun)
point 74 (noun,verb)
police 4 (noun)
policy 34 (noun)
political 34 (adjective)
politics 21 (noun)
pollution 1 (noun)
pool 4 (noun,verb)
poor 20 (adjective)
pop 1 (verb,noun,adverb,adjective)
popular 81 (adjective)
population 19 (noun)
position 25 (noun,verb)
positive 31 (adjective,noun)
possess 4 (verb)
possession 9 (noun)
possibility 4 (noun)
possible 59 (adjective,noun)
possibly 11 (adverb)
post 18 (noun,verb,adverb)
pot 20 (noun,verb)
potato 2 (noun)
potential 42 (adjective,noun)
pound 4 (noun,verb)
pour 1 (verb)
power 62 (noun)
powerful 11 (adjective)
practical 10 (adjective)
practice 51 (noun,verb)
pray 1 (verb,adverb)
prefer 17 (verb)
preference 8 (noun)
pregnant 23 (adjective)
preparation 9 (noun)
prepare 22 (verb)
presence 3 (noun)
present 30 (adjective,noun,verb)
presentation 5 (noun)
president 19 (noun)
press 14 (verb,noun)
pressure 25 (noun,verb)
pretend 1 (verb,adjective)
pretty 20 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
prevent 17 (verb)
previous 8 (adjective,idiom)
previously 1 (adverb)
price 60 (noun,verb)
pride 1 (noun,verb)
priest 1 (noun,verb)
primarily 15 (adverb)
primary 33 (adjective,noun)
principle 10 (noun,idiom)
print 10 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom)
prior 5 (adjective,noun,idiom)
priority 7 (noun)
private 19 (adjective,noun)
prize 1 (noun,adjective,verb)
probably 38 (adverb)
problem 66 (noun)
procedure 4 (noun)
process 85 (noun,verb)
produce 31 (verb,noun)
product 56 (noun)
profession 2 (noun)
professional 42 (adjective,noun)
professor 2 (noun)
profile 6 (noun,verb)
profit 27 (noun,verb)
program 30 (noun,verb)
progress 9 (noun,verb,idiom)
project 9 (noun,verb)
promise 1 (noun,verb)
promotion 5 (noun)
prompt 2 (verb,noun,adjective)
proof 5 (noun,adjective,verb)
proper 27 (adjective,adverb,noun)
properly 17 (adverb)
property 20 (noun)
proposal 3 (noun)
propose 1 (verb)
proposed 2 (past,verb)
protect 24 (verb)
protection 7 (noun)
proud 6 (adjective,idiom)
prove 9 (verb)
provide 68 (verb)
provided 3 (past,verb)
psychological 10 (adjective)
psychology 10 (noun)
public 97 (adjective,noun)
pull 8 (verb,noun)
punch 1 (verb,noun)
purchase 34 (verb,noun)
pure 8 (adjective)
purple 2 (noun,adjective,verb)
purpose 29 (noun,verb)
pursue 2 (verb)
push 12 (verb,noun,idiom)
put 70 (verb,noun)
qualify 3 (verb)
quality 43 (noun)
quantity 2 (noun)
quarter 12 (noun,verb,adjective)
queen 4 (noun)
question 29 (noun,verb)
quick 22 (adjective,adverb,noun)
quickly 39 (adverb)
quiet 2 (adjective,noun,verb)
quit 1 (verb,noun)
quite 45 (adverb,interjection)
quote 3 (verb,noun)
race 5 (noun,verb)
radio 62 (noun,verb)
rain 15 (noun,verb)
raise 10 (verb,noun,idiom)
range 41 (noun,verb)
rare 15 (adjective)
rarely 10 (adverb)
rate 41 (noun,verb)
rather 42 (adverb)
ratio 4 (noun)
raw 8 (adjective,noun,idiom)
reach 25 (verb,noun)
react 9 (verb)
reaction 2 (noun)
read 97 (verb,noun)
readily 4 (adverb)
reading 77 (noun)
ready 22 (adjective,verb)
real 58 (adjective,adverb,noun)
realistic 3 (adjective)
reality 14 (noun)
realize 19 (verb)
really 79 (adverb)
reason 41 (noun,verb)
reasonable 5 (adjective)
receive 20 (verb)
recent 18 (adjective)
recently 13 (adverb)
reception 3 (noun)
recipe 13 (noun)
recognition 1 (noun)
recognize 9 (verb)
recommend 13 (verb)
10 (noun)
record 37 (noun,verb)
recording 6 (noun)
recover 3 (verb,noun)
red 11 (noun,adjective,idiom)
reduce 16 (verb)
refer 18 (verb)
reference 13 (noun,verb,adjective)
reflect 8 (verb)
reflection 5 (noun)
refrigerator 5 (noun)
refuse 2 (verb,noun)
region 8 (noun)
register 13 (noun,verb)
regret 2 (verb,noun)
regular 26 (adjective,noun)
regularly 10 (adverb)
relate 6 (verb)
related 27 (past,verb)
relation 4 (noun)
relationship 17 (noun)
relative 10 (noun,adjective)
relatively 16 (adverb)
relax 9 (verb)
release 15 (verb,noun)
relevant 13 (adjective)
relief 5 (noun,idiom)
relieve 4 (verb)
rely 13 (verb)
remain 14 (verb)
remaining 2 (verb)
remarkable 1 (adjective)
remember 46 (verb)
remind 1 (verb)
remote 11 (adjective,noun)
remove 27 (verb,noun)
rent 27 (noun,verb)
repair 5 (verb,noun)
repeat 7 (verb,noun)
replace 9 (verb)
replacement 3 (noun)
reply 1 (verb,noun)
report 22 (verb,noun)
represent 14 (verb)
representative1 (adjective,noun)
republic 8 (noun)
reputation 1 (noun)
request 4 (noun,verb)
require 24 (verb)
requirement 2 (noun)
research 51 (noun,verb)
reserve 26 (verb,noun)
resident 1 (noun,adjective)
resist 1 (verb,noun)
resolution 5 (noun)
resolve 3 (verb,noun)
resort 1 (noun,verb)
resource 12 (noun)
respect 6 (noun,verb)
respond 4 (verb,noun)
response 10 (noun)
responsibility 14 (noun)
responsible 19 (adjective)
rest 25 (verb,noun)
restaurant 4 (noun)
result 37 (noun,verb)
retain 4 (verb)
retire 3 (verb)
return 27 (verb,noun)
reveal 2 (verb,noun)
revenue 5 (noun)
review 23 (noun,verb)
revolution 3 (noun)
reward 3 (noun,verb)
rice 6 (noun,verb)
rich 17 (adjective,noun)
rid 3 (verb)
ride 14 (verb,noun)
right 113 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
ring 1 (noun,verb)
rip 1 (verb,noun)
rise 22 (verb,noun)
risk 55 (noun,verb)
river 3 (noun)
road 23 (noun)
rock 29 (noun,verb)
role 23 (noun)
roll 3 (verb,noun)
roof 1 (noun,verb)
room 23 (noun,verb)
rope 1 (noun,verb)
rough 5 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb)
roughly 8 (adverb)
round 7 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb)
routine 6 (noun,adjective)
row 3 (noun,verb)
royal 4 (adjective,noun)
rub 1 (verb,noun)
ruin 2 (noun,verb)
rule 32 (noun,verb)
run 27 (verb,noun)
rush 2 (verb,noun)
sad 5 (adjective,noun)
safe 23 (adjective,noun)
safety 44 (noun)
sail 1 (noun,verb)
salad 2 (noun)
salary 4 (noun,verb)
sale 10 (noun,idiom)
salt 29 (noun,adjective,verb)
same 120 (adjective,pronoun,adverb)
sample 6 (noun)
sand 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
sandwich 3 (noun,verb)
satisfaction 4 (noun)
save 17 (verb,noun,preposition)
savings 14 (noun,adjective,preposition)
say 66 (verb,interjection,noun)
scale 28 (noun,verb)
scared 45 (adjective)
scene 16 (noun)
schedule 6 (noun,verb)
scheme 1 (noun,verb)
school 53 (noun,verb)
science 58 (noun)
score 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
scratch 5 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom)
screen 23 (noun,verb)
screw 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
script 1 (noun,verb)
sea 9 (noun,adjective,idiom)
search 31 (verb,noun)
season 10 (noun,verb,idiom)
seat 8 (noun,verb)
second 49 (number,noun)
secret 14 (adjective,noun)
secretary 11 (noun)
section 37 (noun,verb)
sector 4 (noun)
secure 13 (adjective,verb)
security 38 (noun)
see 204 (verb)
seek 7 (verb,idiom)
seem 20 (verb)
select 12 (verb,adjective)
selection 10 (noun)
self 17 (noun,pronoun,adjective,verb)
sell 15 (verb,noun)
send 8 (verb)
senior 4 (adjective,noun)
sense 51 (noun,verb)
sensitive 9 (adjective,noun)
sentence 5 (noun,verb)
separate 19 (adjective,verb,noun)
series 34 (noun)
serious 16 (adjective)
seriously 13 (adverb)
serve 25 (verb,noun)
service 51 (noun,verb)
session 5 (noun)
set 69 (verb,noun,adjective)
setting 12 (noun)
settle 6 (verb)
several 55 (adjective)
severe 10 (adjective)
sex 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
sexual 2 (adjective)
shake 2 (verb,noun)
shall 1 (verb)
shame 4 (noun,verb)
shape 21 (noun,verb)
share 22 (noun,verb)
sharp 7 (adjective,verb,adverb,noun)
she 85 (pronoun,noun)
shelter 4 (noun,verb)
shift 2 (verb,noun)
shine 2 (verb,noun)
ship 2 (noun,verb)
shirt 1 (noun)
shock 3 (noun,verb)
shoe 4 (noun,verb)
shoot 13 (verb,noun,interjection)
shop 7 (noun,verb,interjection,idiom)
shopping 20 (noun)
short 48 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
shot 17 (noun,adjective)
should 191 (auxiliary verb)
shoulder 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
show 50 (verb,noun)
shower 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
shut 4 (verb)
sick 5 (adjective,noun,idiom)
side 34 (noun,verb)
sign 20 (noun,verb)
signal 10 (noun,adjective,verb)
signature 4 (noun)
significance 4 (noun)
significant 24 (adjective)
significantly 8 (adverb)
silly 1 (adjective,noun)
silver 4 (noun,adjective,verb)
similar 32 (adjective)
similarly 10 (adverb)
simple 63 (adjective,noun)
simply 54 (adverb)
since 107 (preposition,adverb,conjunction)
sing 7 (verb,noun)
singer 5 (noun)
single 45 (adjective,noun,verb)
sink 3 (verb,noun)
sir 1 (noun)
sister 2 (noun)
sit 9 (verb,idiom)
site 40 (noun,verb)
situation 14 (noun)
size 60 (noun,verb,adjective)
skill 14 (noun)
skin 12 (noun,verb)
skirt 2 (noun,verb)
sky 13 (noun,verb)
sleep 10 (verb,noun,idiom)
slice 2 (noun,verb)
slide 7 (verb,noun,idiom)
slight 1 (adjective,verb,noun)
slightly 11 (adverb)
slip 3 (verb,noun)
slow 15 (adjective,adverb,verb)
slowly 16 (adverb)
small 81 (adjective,adverb)
smart 1 (adjective,verb,noun)
smell 6 (verb,noun)
smile 1 (verb,noun)
smoke 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
smooth 10 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun)
snow 2 (noun,verb)
so 352 (adverb,conjunction,pronoun,adjective)
society 50 (noun)
sock 1 (noun,verb)
soft 8 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjection)
software 63 (noun)
soil 43 (noun,verb)
solid 8 (adjective,noun)
solution 11 (noun)
solve 18 (verb)
some 501 (adjective,pronoun,adverb)
somebody 4 (pronoun)
somehow 6 (adverb,idiom)
someone 55 (pronoun)
something 89 (pronoun)
sometimes 67 (adverb)
somewhat 11 (adverb)
somewhere 10 (adverb,noun)
son 3 (noun)
song 4 (noun)
soon 17 (adverb)
sorry 3 (adjective)
sort 12 (noun,verb)
sound 45 (noun,verb,adjective)
soup 23 (noun)
source 31 (noun,verb)
south 9 (noun,adjective,adverb,verb)
southern 4 (adjective)
space 33 (noun,verb)
spare 3 (adjective,noun,verb)
speak 16 (verb)
speaker 1 (noun)
special 39 (adjective,noun)
specialist 2 (noun,adjective)
specific 83 (adjective,noun)
specifically 17 (adverb)
specify 2 (verb)
speech 3 (noun)
speed 27 (noun,verb)
spell 1 (verb,noun)
spend 30 (verb,noun)
spirit 10 (noun,verb,idiom)
spiritual 6 (adjective,noun)
spite 3 (noun,verb)
split 4 (verb,noun)
sport 47 (noun,verb)
spot 16 (noun,verb)
spray 3 (noun,verb)
spread 14 (verb,noun)
spring 14 (verb,noun)
square 19 (noun,adjective,adverb)
stable 8 (noun,verb)
staff 14 (noun,verb)
stage 13 (noun,verb)
stand 17 (verb,noun)
standard 26 (noun,adjective)
star 18 (noun,verb)
start 96 (verb,noun)
state 63 (noun,verb)
statement 14 (noun)
station 1 (noun,verb)
status 9 (noun,adjective)
stay 23 (verb,noun)
steak 9 (noun)
steal 2 (verb,noun)
step 24 (noun,verb)
stick 13 (noun,verb)
still 112 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb)
stock 32 (noun,adjective,verb)
stomach 5 (noun,verb)
stop 19 (verb,noun)
storage 10 (noun)
store 35 (noun,verb)
storm 8 (noun,verb,idiom)
story 48 (noun)
straight 21 (adjective,adverb,noun)
strain 4 (verb,noun)
strange 5 (adjective,adverb)
stranger 1 (noun)
strategy 33 (noun)
street 10 (noun,adjective,idiom)
strength 11 (noun,idiom)
stress 25 (noun,verb)
stretch 1 (verb,noun)
strict 5 (adjective)
strike 5 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom)
string 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
strip 7 (verb,noun)
stroke 2 (noun,verb)
strong 27 (adjective)
strongly 2 (adverb)
structure 23 (noun,verb)
struggle 4 (verb,noun)
student 20 (noun)
studio 13 (noun)
study 118 (noun,verb)
stuff 9 (noun,verb)
stupid 1 (adjective,noun)
style 27 (noun,verb)
subject 34 (noun,adjective,adverb,verb)
submit 1 (verb)
substance 8 (noun,idiom)
substantial 1 (adjective)
succeed 5 (verb)
success 22 (noun)
successful 24 (adjective)
successfully 5 (adverb)
such 236 (adjective,adverb)
suck 2 (verb,noun)
sudden 2 (adjective)
suddenly 5 (adverb)
suffer 5 (verb)
sufficient 9 (adjective)
sugar 14 (noun,verb)
suggest 11 (verb)
suggestion 7 (noun)
suit 7 (noun,verb,idiom)
suitable 10 (adjective)
summer 16 (noun,verb)
sun 28 (noun,verb)
super 4 (adjective,adverb,noun)
supermarket 2 (noun)
supply 34 (verb)
support 28 (verb,noun)
suppose 1 (verb)
sure 90 (adjective,adverb)
surgery 1 (noun)
surprise 3 (noun,verb)
surprised 5 (past,verb)
surround 2 (verb,noun)
survey 6 (verb,noun)
survive 11 (verb)
suspect 3 (verb,noun,adjective)
suspicious 1 (adjective)
sweet 3 (adjective,noun)
swim 4 (verb,noun)
swimming 6 (noun,adjective)
swing 3 (verb,noun)
switch 2 (noun,verb)
sympathy 1 (noun)
system 111 (noun)
table 20 (noun,verb)
tackle 4 (noun,verb)
take 164 (verb)
tale 1 (noun)
talk 30 (verb,noun)
tall 1 (adjective)
tank 4 (noun,verb)
tap 9 (verb,noun)
target 14 (noun,verb)
task 20 (noun,verb)
taste 16 (noun,verb)
tax 35 (noun,verb)
tea 3 (noun)
teach 19 (verb,noun)
teacher 25 (noun)
teaching 17 (noun)
team 8 (noun,verb,adjective)
tear 1 (verb,noun)
technical 15 (adjective)
technology 33 (noun)
telephone 6 (noun,verb)
television 59 (noun)
tell 29 (verb,noun)
temperature 55 (noun)
temporary 1 (adjective,noun)
tend 28 (verb)
tennis 5 (noun)
tension 7 (noun)
term 46 (noun,verb)
terrible 2 (adjective)
terribly 4 (adverb)
test 46 (noun,verb)
text 14 (noun,verb)
than 301 (conjunction)
thank 78 (verb)
thanks 84 (noun)
that 1743 (pronoun,adjective,adverb,conjunction)
the 9243 (definite article,adverb)
their 439 (pronoun)
them 269 (pronoun)
theme 16 (noun,verb)
themselves 29 (pronoun)
then 179 (adverb,adjective)
theory 71 (noun)
there 470 (adverb,pronoun,noun,adjective)
therefore 34 (adverb)
these 344 (pronoun,adjective)
they 617 (pronoun)
thick 7 (adjective,adverb,noun,idiom)
thin 13 (adjective,adverb,verb)
thing 47 (noun)
think 116 (verb,adjective,noun)
this 864 (pronoun,adjective,adverb)
those 156 (pronoun)
though 81 (conjunction,adverb)
thought 34 (noun)
three 59 (number)
throat 1 (noun)
through 235 (preposition,adverb,adjective)
throughout 27 (preposition)
throw 5 (verb)
thus 28 (adverb)
ticket 9 (noun,verb,idiom)
tie 6 (verb,noun,idiom)
tight 4 (adjective,adverb)
till 3 (noun,verb)
time 369 (noun,adjective,verb)
tiny 1 (adjective)
tip 6 (noun,verb)
tired 2 (past,verb)
title 13 (noun,verb)
to 4951 (preposition,adverb)
today 54 (adverb,noun)
toe 1 (noun,verb)
together 63 (adverb)
tomorrow 1 (adverb,noun)
tone 7 (noun,verb)
tongue 2 (noun)
tonight 71 (adverb,noun)
too 114 (adverb)
tool 21 (noun,verb)
tooth 4 (noun)
top 53 (noun,adjective,verb)
topic 13 (noun)
total 11 (adjective,noun,verb)
totally 7 (adverb)
touch 13 (verb,noun)
tough 14 (adjective,noun)
tour 9 (noun,verb)
tourist 5 (noun,adverb)
towards 16 (preposition)
towel 5 (noun,verb)
tower 1 (noun,verb)
town 4 (noun)
track 16 (noun,verb)
trade 58 (noun,verb)
tradition 8 (noun)
traditional 29 (adjective)
traffic 11 (noun,verb)
train 4 (verb,noun)
trainer 1 (noun)
training 54 (noun,adjective)
transition 3 (noun,verb)
translate 1 (verb)
transportation6 (noun)
trash 2 (noun,verb)
travel 41 (verb,noun)
treat 11 (verb,noun)
tree 10 (noun,verb,idiom)
trick 8 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom)
trip 11 (noun,verb,idiom)
trouble 13 (noun,verb)
truck 1 (noun,verb)
true 38 (adjective,adverb,verb)
truly 5 (adverb)
trust 4 (noun,verb)
truth 30 (noun)
try 50 (verb,noun)
tune 2 (noun,verb)
turn 44 (verb,noun)
twice 7 (adverb)
twist 3 (verb,noun)
two 164 (noun)
type 74 (noun,verb)
typical 15 (adjective)
ugly 3 (adjective)
ultimately 14 (adverb)
unable 2 (adjective)
uncle 1 (noun)
under 70 (preposition,adverb,adjective)
understand 59 (verb)
understanding73 (noun)
unfair 4 (adjective)
unfortunately 4 (adverb)
unhappy 6 (adjective)
union 9 (noun)
unique 20 (adjective,noun)
unit 19 (noun)
united 55 (adjective)
university 29 (noun)
unless 24 (conjunction)
unlikely 3 (adjective)
until 54 (preposition)
unusual 9 (adjective)
up 296 (adverb,preposition,adjective,noun)
upon 15 (preposition)
upper 4 (adjective,noun)
upset 30 (verb,adjective)
upstairs 3 (adjective,noun)
us 127 (pronoun)
use 319 (verb,noun)
used 204 (adjective)
useful 49 (adjective)
user 27 (noun)
usual 3 (adjective,noun)
usually 101 (adverb)
vacation 5 (noun,verb)
valuable 16 (adjective,noun)
value 70 (noun,verb)
variation 7 (noun)
variety 41 (noun)
various 59 (adjective)
vary 13 (verb)
vast 11 (adjective,noun)
vegetable 11 (noun,adjective)
vehicle 4 (noun)
version 10 (noun)
very 191 (adverb)
video 41 (noun)
view 23 (noun,verb)
village 3 (noun)
virtually 5 (adverb)
virus 8 (noun)
visible 4 (adjective)
visit 23 (verb,noun)
visual 23 (adjective,noun)
voice 18 (noun,verb)
volume 4 (noun)
wait 14 (verb,noun)
wake 1 (verb,noun)
walk 21 (verb,noun)
wall 15 (noun,verb)
want 163 (verb)
war 27 (noun,verb)
warm 17 (adjective,verb)
warn 2 (verb)
warning 3 (noun)
was 352 (past,verb)
wash 4 (verb,noun)
waste 4 (verb,adjective,noun)
watch 25 (verb,noun)
water 201 (noun,verb,adjective)
wave 10 (noun,verb,idiom)
way 185 (noun)
we 352 (pronoun)
weak 2 (adjective)
weakness 2 (noun)
wealth 14 (noun)
wear 8 (verb,noun,idiom)
weather 32 (noun,verb)
web 49 (noun,verb)
wedding 2 (noun)
week 41 (noun)
weekend 3 (noun,verb)
weekly 1 (adjective,adverb,noun)
weigh 3 (verb)
weight 12 (noun,verb)
weird 8 (adjective,noun)
welcome 3 (noun,interjection,verb,adjective)
well 184 (adverb,verb,noun,interjection)
were 180 (past,verb)
west 5 (noun,adjective,adverb,idiom)
western 19 (adjective,noun)
what 461 (pronoun,adjective,adverb,interjection)
whatever 16 (pronoun,adverb,interjection)
wheel 5 (noun,verb,idiom)
when 442 (adverb,conjunction)
whenever 14 (conjunction,adverb)
where 166 (adverb,pronoun,noun)
whereas 7 (conjunction,noun)
whether 74 (conjunction)
which 449 (pronoun,adjective)
while 147 (noun,conjunction,preposition,verb)
white 21 (adjective,noun,verb)
who 281 (pronoun)
whoever 1 (pronoun)
whole 38 (adjective,noun,adverb)
whose 14 (pronoun)
why 118 (adverb,conjunction,noun,interjection)
wide 25 (adjective,adverb)
widely 14 (adverb)
wife 4 (noun)
wild 6 (adjective,adverb,noun,idiom)
will 577 (auxiliary verb,noun)
willing 18 (adjective)
win 9 (verb,noun)
wind 21 (noun,verb)
window 7 (noun,verb)
wine 5 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom)
wing 16 (noun,verb)
winner 3 (noun)
winter 6 (noun,adjective,verb)
wise 7 (adjective,verb,idiom)
wish 7 (verb,noun)
with 1062 (preposition)
within 46 (preposition,adverb)
without 89 (preposition,adverb,conjunction)
witness 1 (noun,verb)
woman 15 (noun)
wonder 8 (verb,noun,idiom)
wonderful 17 (adjective)
wood 20 (noun)
wooden 2 (adjective)
Word Frequência Tope
word 55 (noun,verb,interjection)
work 224 (noun,adjective,verb)
worker 3 (noun)
working 39 (adjective,noun)
world 169 (noun)
worried 2 (past,verb)
worry 16 (verb,noun)
worth 33 (adjective,noun)
would 176 (verb)
wrap 1 (verb,noun)
write 23 (verb)
writer 3 (noun)
writing 29 (noun)
wrong 23 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb)
yard 3 (noun,verb)
yeah 2 (adverb,interjection)
year 96 (noun)
yellow 4 (adjective,noun,verb)
yes 19 (interjection)
yesterday 1 (adverb,noun)
yet 32 (adverb,conjunction)
you 2041 (pronoun,noun)
young 17 (adjective,noun)
your 1067 (pronoun)
yours 4 (pronoun)
yourself 59 (pronoun)
youth 1 (noun)
zone 2 (noun,verb)
words were selected by analyzing more than 250,000 words from hundreds of conversations. The only words to make it into th
e if you divide 250,000 by 9243, then we can see that the word "the" appears once in every 27 words. However, this number sh
types. The first one listed is more frequently used than the second. For example, the word "can" is used as an auxiliary verb suc
[email protected].  We will do our best to correct everything.
The only words to make it into the list were those that were also found in the BNC top 3,000, The COCA 5,000, and the Longma
7 words. However, this number should only be used as a general guide. The numbers can change depending on the topic, demo
an" is used as an auxiliary verb such as, "I can ride a bike." Also, it is a noun such as can of food. In this particular case, "can" is u
The COCA 5,000, and the Longman 3,000.
nge depending on the topic, demographic, and many other variables. Although the number cannot be accurate, it can be used t
d. In this particular case, "can" is used commonly in both ways, but it is more frequently used as an auxiliary verb. In some case
nnot be accurate, it can be used to provide insight into the frequency of words in relation to other words.
as an auxiliary verb. In some cases, the third or fourth type might not be used regularly.

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