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The Scout Name:

Force Lo re Steel Sway

Choose two moves: Wo r d s U n s po k en
When you find a new people deep in the
S h ad ows U n b o u n d Wastelands you can roll Familiar Face and Find
When you harass your foes as they travel the Common Ground with Lore. When you do, you can
wastelands, hold 1 for each of the following: they overcome any language barrier.
traverse Hostile Grounds, they are not natives to
that area, they are not expecting you, you have Pat h s U n t ro d d en
perfect cover, you lead a team to attack. When you lead an expedition through Hostile
Spend hold to: Grounds, pick two from:
• Savage them. Gain 1-Treaty on a witness’ • You leave no tracks
Family/Faction as fearful tales spread. • You move unseen.
• Waylay them. Critically delay their actions or • You travel in forced march
force them to take a route of your choice. • You travel safely
• Harry them. Pick their numbers apart, priming When you evade your enemies in the wilds, roll
an overwhelming force for Fiercily Assault. Forge a Path with Steel.
• Sabotage them. Destroy their cargo, their
vehicles or their supplies. L a Lo ngu e C ar a bin e
• Elude them. Avoid revealing your position or Chose two of the following:
identity. Your melee weapons have the tag brutal.
You can chose each options more than once. A Your ranged weapons have the tag far.
force much larger than yours may require more Your outfits always have the tag thermo.
than one hold spent, at the GM’s discretion.
Your vehicles always have the tag durable.
Sig h ts U n s e en In h e ri tanc e
When you Unearth Forgotten Lore in the wilds, Get an Inheritance move from your Family:
you can always ask a followup question that the
GM must answer truthfully. If you discover an
unexpected treasure or enemy force, gain 1 Data.

Roles Harm
Trigger one at character creation. On the run When you mark off your
Leader: when you take some of your People Dead box, you return as
to settle a new land, describe its harshest Pinned a revenant dead set on
season and how you plan to survive it. one last task. Keep all
Feverish (-1 Sway) your penalties, but heal
Agent: when you go on a journey to a
Pathfinder. Trailblazer. Wayfarer… They have given you so many names! All because you rule where they fear two Harm boxes. You
unknown land, describe its riches. The GM will
to tread, off the beaten path. Lame (-1 Force) gain 3-Armor until your
tell you what the journey will cost you.
task is done - then you
Stats Looks Backstory Rebel: when you discover a new people, tell Dead find rest.
Choose one: Masculine, feminine, concealed, Read these out and ask for us about their customs and why you love
Force 0, Lore 0, Steel 1, Sway 0 transgressing volunteers: them. The GM will say how they’re doomed.
Force 0, Lore 1, Steel 1, Sway -1 Outsider: when you find a new home among
Gear and Notes
Weathered face, scarred face, I raised on the wild
You and those you travel with add the camo tag
Force 0, Lore 0, Steel 2, Sway -1 frontiers of the homeland. the wasteland’s inhabitants, say how the
grizzled face, rugged face to their outfits.
and I found Dead experience has made you wiser and tougher.
Keen eyes, clear eyes, canny eyes, The GM will say what’s called you away from
Man’s Gorge and survived its curse.
haunted eyes your new home.
’s actions doomed
Husky body, sinewy body, scavengers I counted as friends. When you change roles, add 1 to a stat or pick a new
gaunt body, lanky body move. If you mark all roles, retire to safety and trigger
as much of your Death move as you wish.

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