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To: [Click here and type name]

From:[Click here and type name]

Date: 6/24/21

Re: [Click here and type subject]

Memo-writing checklist

 The memo should be written in the proper format (e.g., To, From,
Date, Subject, etc.)
 The memo will be initialled or signed, often beside the typed
name of the writer or sender.
 The subject line should clearly state the purpose of the memo
 The first sentence in the body of the memo should clearly
explain the purpose that is written in the subject line
 The body should not begin with a salutation. It should not
also end with a complimentary close or a signature
block. ... Thus, the complimentary close and signature block
should be removed.
 The message of the memo should be clear.
 There should be no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.
 Be sure to avoid abbreviations unless they are commonly used in
your company and will be understood by the recipient
 Avoid using the passive voice.  Use active voice instead. 
Express who is doing what to whom.
 Set top and bottom margins of one inch
 The heading segment should be double space
 Leave two blank lines between the subject of the memo and the
first line of the memorandum. 
 All memos are typed single space with double spaces between

Summative Test: MEMO Writing (30%)

Direction: Choose ONE from any of the three scenarios. Then write a
memo using the right format. Be sure to provide additional details and
to paraphrase the given information for SafeAssign compliance.

Scenario 1:

You are a student coordinator. You want to tell the students about an
upcoming computer training Webinar via Zoom. You are attaching a
brochure about the seminar from the presenter, but you also need to
inform them of the following:

 what the training is for

 who the presenter is, including a brief statement about his/her
 when the training will be held, including the date and time
 what the meeting ID and password are

Scenario 2

You are the President of the Department of Arts and Letters Student
Council. Since the start of the modular classes, students have been
receiving increasingly large amount of assignments from all GED
professors. Because of the increase in assignments, they have not
been able to spend sufficient time for sleeping and have not been able
to produce their best work.
Write a memo to the Chair of the Department of Arts and Letters
requesting all professors to give fewer assignments to enhance the
overall performance of students and improve the quality of their work

Scenario 3

You are the SK chairman in your area and you observe that there are
many street kids who are roaming on the street every night despite the
pandemic and the strict rules on curfew imposed by the barangay.

Write a memo addressed to the barangay chairman and request that he

makes immediate action to oblige these children to stay at home and
duly observe the curfew time. Inform the parents of their responsibility
to watch over their children and should not allow them to go out of the
house especially at night.

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