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WEEK1: The study of Culture to Psychology

What is culture and psychology?

- Way of life of people
- Can be caused to described activities and/or
- Description of activities and behavior
- Heritage and tradition of a group
- Collective activities of people
Origin of Culture
1.Ecology – relation of organisms to one and to
their physical surrounding.
Example is climate. This one receives much
attention on how ecology affects culture. On a
macro level of analysis, U.S. and South Korea, have
harsh winters and miserably hot summer. The south
and south east Asia, have almost hot weather all
year long. These ecological different ways of life of
people, hence, creates different culture.
2.Resources – The status of environment and
people’s assets.
Places with scare natural resources like land and
water may encourage teamwork, unity and
community spirit among members of the
community. From these needs and relationship
will foster attributes and characteristics and
therefore create pattern of their living.
3.People – we create culture for survival. The
basic source of culture.
In our physical environment, we always
encounter problems and we bound to solve for it
and therefore, become a way of living.
Content of Culture
As a culture embodies meaning and information
system, it is necessary to know different aspects on
our way of living.
1.Objective Elements – tangibles aspects of
culture (food, clothes, etc.)
2.Subjective Elements -Internal aspects of
person’s culture (attitudes, beliefs, etc.)
Challenges in Cross-cultural Research
1.Survey Design – It was important that item
equivalence was maintained in both cultures in
order to identify any ‘true’ cultural differences
2.Translation – Administering a culturally viable
research instrument can only be achieved when
it is used in the participant’s native language.
3.Data Collection – While particular dates and
times might be useful and convenient for the
researcher in one country, it might not be the
same in other country.
4.Cultural Obligation and Peer Pressure –
respondents may be subjected to different
perspective depending on their status in the
5.Ethical Consideration and awareness- all
researcher involving human participation calls
for maintaining ethical standards and following
ethical guidelines. This even more important in
cross cultural research as identifying and
understanding the cultural specific variance in a
sample is of utmost importance to address
research confounds.
Influence of cultural to Psychology
- Adaption of skills, interest, values, norms,
- Enculturation

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