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Comprehension Test 阅读理解

Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记

Jonathan Swift (著)

1 Match a description from A with the name of a place or person in the story from A 在 B 部
分中选择合适的序号与 A 部分搭配。
1 A country where everything was very large.
2 A country where everything was very small.
3 A human being who lives for ever.
4 A flying island.
5 The girl who looked after Gulliver during one of his adventures.
a Laputa
b Lilliput
c Struldbrug
d Glumdalclitch
e Brobdingnag
1 1 e
2 b
3 c
4 a
5 d

15 marks

2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F)。

a Gulliver was married.
b Gulliver found it difficult to learn the languages of other countries.
c In Brobdingnag, Gulliver’s master tried to make money by showing him to people at the
d The people of Laputa were very interested in mathematics.
e After spending a year with horses in the country of the Houys, Gulliver was very happy to
leave so that he could be with human beings again.
2 a T

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b F
c T
d T
e F

15 marks

3 Fill in the gaps using: notes, history, war, crawled, judges, conversations, neighbours,
intelligent, political, worst. 用适当的词填空 。
Gulliver had many ............... with the King of Brobdingnag, who was a very ............... person.
Gulliver explained the ............... system of Britain, and told him about the House of Lords and
House of Commons. He explained that there were ............... who decided punishments for
criminals. He talked about the army, and told the King about the ............... of Britain over the
last few hundred years. The King made ..............., because he thought Gulliver might tell him
something he could usefully copy in his own country. But when Gulliver had finished, the King
was not pleased with what he had heard. ‘Why are you so often at ...............?’ he asked. ‘Either
you enjoy fighting, or you have very difficult ...............! From what you’ve told me, I think that
your countrymen are the ............... little nation of insects that ever ............... upon the ground.’
3 conversations, intelligent, political, judges, history, notes, war, neighbours, worst, crawled

30 marks

4 Which words are missing? For each sentence, tick a, b or c. 选择适当的词填空 。

1 Gulliver was a ... .
a doctor b teacher c soldier
2 The argument between the Big-Endians and the Small-Endians was about ... .
a ships b shoes c eggs
3 The King of Lilliput decided to punish Gulliver by ... .
a taking all his money b cutting off his hair c making him blind
4 Before Gulliver left Brobdingnag, he offered to tell the King how to ... .
a build a ship b make gunpowder c find gold
5 Gulliver was carried away from Brobdingnag by ... .
a a bird b the wind c a monkey
6 Gulliver found the Yahoos ... .

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a__interesting b___friendly c__horrible
4 1 a
2 c
3 c
4 b
5 a
6 c

5 Some animals.

30 marks

5 When he left Lilliput, what did Gulliver take with him to show his friends in England? 根
10 marks

Total marks

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Multiple-choice Test 选择题

Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记

Jonathan Swift

Setting 故事背景

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

1 Gulliver starts the first journey he describes in _____.
a [ ] 1599 b [ ] 1699 c [ ] 1799 d [ ] 1899
2 Gulliver comes from _____.
a [ ] France b [ ] Ireland c [ ] England d [ ] America
3 The people of Lilliput are very _____.
a [ ] small b [ ] big c [ ] fat d [ ] thin
4 The country of Lilliput is _____ the country of Blefuscu.
a [ ] under b [ ] a long way from c [ ] friendly with d [ ] at war with
5 When Gulliver first arrives in Brobdingnag, he hides in a _____.
a [ ] house b [ ] field c [ ] cooking pot d [ ] wooden box
6 The country of Brobdingnag is joined on to north-west _____.
a [ ] America b [ ] Japan c [ ] India d [ ] Peru
7 In Brobdingnag, a monkey takes Gulliver _____.
a [ ] over the fence b [ ] down the garden c [ ] up a tree d [ ] on to the roof
8 Some sailors find Gulliver in _____ in the sea.
a [ ] a small boat b [ ] an old bottle c [ ] a wooden box d [ ] a large bath
9 Laputa is an island _____.
a [ ] in the sky b [ ] under the ground c [ ] in the sea d [ ] inside a mountain
10 _____, Gulliver finds some strange creatures with human faces.
a [ ] On Laputa b [ ] In Houyhnhms c [ ] On Luggnagg d [ ] On Glubbdubdrib

20 marks

Character 人物

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

11 When Gulliver is younger, he leaves college and becomes a _____.
a [ ] doctor b [ ] teacher c [ ] musician d [ ] shop keeper

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12 _____ is one of the most important officials who helps Gulliver at first.
a [ ] Yahoo b [ ] Struldbrug c [ ] Flimnap d [ ] Reldresal
13 The people of Lilliput call Gulliver the _____.
a [ ] Man-Mountain b [ ] Man-Hill c [ ] Man-Giant d [ ] Man-House
14 Glumdalclitch is a _____ who looks after Gulliver in Brobdingnag.
a [ ] kind woman b [ ] kind girl c [ ] cruel man d [ ] cruel boy
15 At the palace in Brobdingnag, the Queen’s _____ is very cruel to Gulliver.
a [ ] sister b [ ] brother c [ ] magician d [ ] dwarf
16 The King of Brobdingnag is very _____ when Gulliver offers him the secret of gunpowder.
a [ ] happy b [ ] surprised c [ ] angry d [ ] quiet
17 The servants of the President of Glubbdubdrib are all _____.
a [ ] ghosts b [ ] giants c [ ] dwarves d [ ] soldiers
18 A Strudlbrug is a human being who will never _____.
a [ ] fight a war b [ ] learn to read c [ ] have children d [ ] die
19 The Houys are _____ who are very sensible and gentle.
a [ ] sailors b [ ] pirates c [ ] horses d [ ] dogs
20 The _____ are ugly animals with human faces.
a [ ] Laputans b [ ] Yahoos c [ ] Struldbrugs d [ ] Lilliputians

20 marks

Dialogue 对话

Who said or wrote this? 谁说的或写的这些话?

21 ‘I’m so glad they’ve taken away my chains.’
a [ ] Gulliver b [ ] Reldresal c [ ] the King of Lilliput d [ ] the Queen of Lilliput
22 ‘For six years we’ve had two political groups, the High-Heels and the Low-Heels.’
a [ ] Gulliver b [ ] Gulliver’s wife c [ ] Reldresal d [ ] the King of Blefuscu
23 ‘For your bravery, you will be one of my lords from now on.’
a [ ] Gulliver b [ ] the King of Lilliput c [ ] the Queen of Lilliput d [ ] Flimnap
24 ‘Our neighbour has advised Father to show you to people, for money!’
a [ ] Reldresal b [ ] the King of Brobdingnag
c [ ] the Queen of Brobdingnag d [ ] Glumdalclitch
25 ‘As I’m a stranger here I don’t mind being shown to people like a strange, wild animal.’
a [ ] Gulliver b [ ] Reldresal c [ ] the Queen of Brobdingnag d [ ] Glumdalclitch

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26 ‘How amusing it is that an insect like this should talk of such important matters!’
a [ ] the Queen’s dwarf b [ ] the King of Brobdingnag
c [ ] the Queen of Brobdingnag d [ ] Glumdalclitch
27 ‘I’d like to give you something to thank you for
your kindness to me since I arrived at the palace.’
a [ ] the Queen’s dwarf b [ ] Reldresal c [ ] Glumdalclitch d [ ] Gulliver
28 ‘Young man, nobody murdered me. I drank too much and died of a fever.’
a [ ] one of the ghost servants b [ ] the ghost
of Alexander the Great c [ ] the President of Glubbdubdrib d [ ] the King of Laputa
29 ‘We use language in this country in order to
understand each other, and to give and receive information.’
a [ ] the President of Glubbdubdrib b [ ] one
of the Yahoos c [ ] Gulliver d [ ] Gulliver’s Houy master
30 ‘How can I go back to England to live with those awful Yahoos!’
a [ ] a sailor on Gulliver’s ship b [ ] Gulliver’s wife
c [ ] Gulliver d [ ] Gulliver’s Houy master

20 marks

Vocabulary 词汇

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

31 very small
a [ ] wide b [ ] adequate c [ ] deep d [ ] tiny
32 to make the noise that a horse makes
a [ ] smile b [ ] shout c [ ] neigh d [ ] laugh
33 when you make a fire stop burning
a [ ] put off b [ ] put out c [ ] put up d [ ] put on
34 when there is fighting between two different countries
a [ ] war b [ ] argument c [ ] revolution d [ ] system
35 a person who can make wonderful, strange things happen
a [ ] master b [ ] professor c [ ] magician d [ ] manager
36 very big a [ ] huge b [ ] narrow c [ ] average d [ ] round
37 a living animal or person
a [ ] human b [ ] creature c [ ] object d [ ] thing

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38 to move slowly on your hands and knees
a [ ] race b [ ] fall c [ ] jump d [ ] crawl
39 a piece of iron that can pull other pieces of metal to it
a [ ] coin b [ ] key c [ ] magnet d [ ] ruler
40 great surprise at something
a [ ] astonishment b [ ] worry c [ ] fear d [ ] promise

20 marks

Plot 情节

Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。

41 When Gulliver wakes up in Lilliput he can’t _____.
a [ ] hear b [ ] see c [ ] speak d [ ] move
42 There are two different groups of people in Lilliput who argue about _____.
a [ ] which colour shoes to wear b [ ] which end to break their eggs
c [ ] which language to speak d [ ] which king and queen to choose
43 Gulliver stops the Blefuscan ships by _____ in the sea.
a [ ] pulling them b [ ] pushing them c [ ] throwing them d [ ] kicking them
44 Gulliver leaves Lilliput because the King is _____.
a [ ] kind to him b [ ] bored with him c [ ] angry with him d [ ] careless with him
45 When Gulliver’s shown many different people in Brobdingnag he becomes _____.
a [ ] angry and violent b [ ] rich and happy c [ ] sad and bad d [ ] thin and ill
46 The King of Brobdingnag thinks that political life in England is _____.
a [ ] perfect b [ ] terrible c [ ] clever d [ ] polite
47 The people of the island of Laputa are very interested in _____.
a [ ] sport b [ ] art c [ ] maths d [ ] history
48 When Gulliver is with the President of Glubbdubdrib, he talks to people _____.
a [ ] from the past b [ ] from the future c [ ] from England d [ ] from Japan
49 Gulliver likes living with the Houys because _____.
a [ ] there are no wars or crime b [ ] there are no ugly servants
c [ ] there is no food or drink d [ ] there is no language
50 When Gulliver gets home, he feels _____ because everyone looks like Yahoos.
a [ ] happy b [ ] excited c [ ] sad d [ ] good

20 marks Total marks

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Gulliver’s Travels

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Gulliver’s Travels

1 b
2 c
3 a
4 d
5 b
6 a
7 d
8 c
9 a
10 b


11 a
12 d
13 a
14 b
15 d
16 c
17 a
18 d
19 c
20 b


21 a
22 c
23 b
24 d
25 a
26 b
27 d
28 b
29 d

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30 c


31 d
32 c
33 b
34 a
35 c
36 a
37 b
38 d
39 c
40 a


41 d
42 b
43 a
44 c
45 d
46 b
47 c
48 a
49 a
50 c

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