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Table of Contents
Your Challenge ......................5 Map of Mossburn ..............21 Explore the Woolshed .......34

Starting Your Adventure ......6 Exploring Mossburn...........22 Fan Wheel Alignment ........34
Fan Wheel Solution............35
Instructions............................6 The Waterfall Incident.......22
Shearing Equipment -
Stage #1 – Train ....................7 The Infirmary ......................23
Locked Stall ......................36
Trains Puzzle Solution..........7 Meet Bess Marvin .............23 Shearing Sheep ..................37
Stage 1: Plant Hunt ..............8 Meet the Teams...................24
Sheep Challenge –
Explore the Field ...................9 Meet Leena Patel................24 Complete? .........................37
Map of the Pacific
Meet Kiri Nind.....................24 Stage 2 Winner ...................38
Run Field ............................10
Map of Base Camp ............11 Meet Sonny Joon ...............25 Questioning Leena .............38
Explore Base Camp ...........11 Return to the Waterfall ......25 Questioning Patrick............38

Meet George Fayne ...........12 Testing the Bridge...............25 Distracting Patrick..............39

Meet Patrick Dowsett .......12 Boards Puzzle Solution......26 Beginning Stage 3 ..............39

Pacific Run on the Map ....13 Stage 1 Winner ...................27 Backpack Padlock .............40

Doubtful Sound ...................13 Security Cameras Puzzle...28 Arrow Code .........................40

Questioning Sonny’s
Map of Doubtful Sound .....14 Map of the Crew Area........29
Eavesdropping on Visiting George....................29
Stage 2's Missing
Team Kea ...........................15 George's Notes ..................30
Medallion ..........................42

Kayaking in the Fjord..........15 The Producer’s Tent ...........30 Completing Stage 2.............42

Exploring Doubtful Sound .16 Sonny's Things ...................31 Puzzle Palace Password ..43

Puzzle Palace .....................17 Stage 1 – Placing Word Search Challenge.....44

the Flowers........................31 Calling a Friend....................45
Map of Puzzle Palace.........18
Completing Stage 1 ............32
Sonny’s Footlocker
Spot the Difference Puzzle .19 Begin Stage 2 –
Sheep Shearing................33
Word Scramble...................20 Sonny's Footlocker ............46
Entering the Woolshed ......33
Unlocking Mossburn .........20 Continues...

Table of Contents
The Code Breaker ..............46 Symbols Sighting ...............60 Cavern Rafting ....................75
Stage 3 Challenge ..............47 Mining for Gold ...................60 The End of the River ..........76

Map of the Observatory ....47 Sluice Fans Puzzle .............61 Rebuilding the Compass ...77

Explore the Observatory ...48 Finishing Stage 4 – Star Alignment ....................78

Claw Recharge – Gold Challenge .................62 The Compass Reveals........79
Air Pressure Puzzle .........48
The Waterfall Clue .............63 Which Trophies Did
You Earn? ...........................80
Tiki Hunt ...............................49 Behind the Waterfall..........63

Kayak Challenge ................50 Grid Carving Puzzle ............64

Stage 3 Challenge – Beginning Stage 5 –

Sheep Labels ....................51 The Final Stage.................65

Stage 3 Winner ...................52 Power Grid...........................66

Codes Cracked ...................52

Map of the Cave .................67
Jin's Etude ...........................53 Explore the Cave ................68

Kiri's Success .....................54

Maori Symbols ...................68
Turtle Quest? .......................54
"Sonny Wuz Here" ..............69
Stage 3 Fish and
the Turtle Quest ................55 Snooping in the Mines ......70

Turtle Quest Puzzle.............55 Relic Letters ........................70

Turtle Riddle.........................56
Overheard Argument .........71
Finishing Stage 3 ................56
Confronting Sonny..............71
Beginning Stage 4...............57
The Last Medallion ...........71
The Mines ...........................57
Explore the Mines ..............57 Sudden Death Challenge ..72
Map of the Mines................58 Sonny’s Mission .................73

The Tunnels .........................59 Stone Wall Device .............74

Ankerite Vein.......................59 Trapped! ..............................75

Your Challenge
Ever since the Secret of the Scarlet Hand, the eccentric Sonny Joon
always seemed a step ahead of Nancy Drew. That changes when
Nancy and George travel to New Zealand and compete in the hit
reality TV contest, Pacific Run. Sonny runs the show, but it’s spiraling
out of control. Are the mishaps the result of cheating competitors or
something beyond this world? Win big to uncover the truth!

This Guide is Your Trusty Sidekick!

Refer to this guide whenever you need tips, direction, or guidance for solving
the mystery. Its purpose is to take you step-by-step through the game, reveal
puzzle solutions, and steer you away from wrong turns, without spoiling the
ending or culprit.

Many pages will give a brief summary of where you are in the game, followed
by a short list of mini-tasks for you to do at that point. This is to make it easier
to understand what you must accomplish.

Game-Play Tips and Tricks:

• Be sure to check your notes often. Click on the "Notes" tab on the lower right
side of the screen. Scroll down the entries to review important clues that you,
as Nancy Drew, have already come across. Review your tasklist to see what
still needs to be accomplished.

• Keep an eye and ear on your in-game cell phone—you will receive text
messages and calls throughout the game.

• Some items will be completely removed from your inventory once you use
them. For example, a key may disappear once you have used it.

• Be thorough. Keep a sharp eye out for extra bonus score cards hidden in the
game. These bonus score cards can be used at the team standing board in
Base Camp.

Starting Your Adventure
You begin at your desk. Read the letter from Bess and watch the TV
introduction of Pacific Run: New Zealand, narrated by the announcer.
Some competitors are introduced on screen, including Patrick of Team
Kea, Kiri from Team Tawaki with her partner Erin, followed by Leena of
Team Kea, and then George and Nancy of Team Tui.

Team Kea Team Tui

Team Tawaki

The video feed is cut off by Sonny Joon, the line producer. He gives
you and the other teams basic instructions about the Pacific Run

Remember what Sonny tells you:

• Keep an eye on your phone for announcer updates

• Bring back your medallion pieces to the stand
• Producer areas are off limits
• Read the rulebook found in your tent
• The first team to finish a stage gets the highest score
• The second team to finish gets the next highest score, and so on
• Keep an eye out for extra missions to earn perks

At the end of the video playback, an odd blue disc is seen along with
recorded audio of Sonny saying "My plan requires many specific
talents." Apparently Sonny didn’t mean for you to hear that, because
he then leaves without an explanation.

Stage #1 - Train
The announcer gives you
instructions to begin the Stage 1.
The first step is to solve the rails
puzzle to find your own Pacific
Run data chip. This chip will give
you access to new locations and

The miniature train track is broken up into a grid of squares. Your goal
is to arrange all of the rails in a continuous path from the starting
position to the tunnel entrance for the train to follow.. Hint: Begin with
the starting and ending rails and work out. The tracks will cross over
themselves at some point.

Trains Puzzle Solution

Amateur Sleuth Master Sleuth

The train reappears from the

far side of the tunnel, carrying a
data chip for you to take. Be on
the lookout for somewhere you
can insert this to gain access to
additional locations.

Stage 1: Plant Hunt
As you add the data chip to your inventory, your
phone beeps with a new text message from the
announcer. Check your text messages often
for more messages in the future. The next part
of stage one is to collect, turn in, and arrange
specific plants. There’s an item in your tent that
will help with this activity. Leave the train arena
and explore the field.

Plants to collect:
• Mt. Cook lily • Kakabeak
• Waterfall fern • Spider orchid
• Pikao
Explore the Field
Explore the field and find the following:
• The dining tent
• Auction House
• Puzzle Palace
• A locked arena
• Stage 1 flowers arena
• The path to Base Camp
• The map kiosk

Dining Tent
Stage 1: Flowers
Auction House

Map of the Pacific Run Field
Near Lake Wakatipu

Take the book on sheep farming that is found on the dining table.

Ignore the Puzzle Palace for now and follow the path to Base Camp.

Map of Base Camp
Team Tents, Crew Area, and the Medallion Stand

Explore Base Camp
Explore Base Camp and find the following:
• Patrick sitting on a rock
• George sitting on a log
• Your tent (Team Tui)
• Team Tawaki’s tent
• Team Kea’s tent
• Confessional Booth
• Medallion Stand
• Scoreboard
Enter your tent and read the show rules. Pick up and read the book Native
Flora of New Zealand, then take it. Back up and check in with George.
She encourages you to search for the plants to complete this stage.

Meet George Fayne

Your good friend George
Fayne is your teammate on
Pacific Run. She is sporty and
competitive and is excited to
share upcoming challenges as
a member of Team Tui.

Talk to Patrick. Ask him about his enthusiasm to be on Pacific Run, and
he will reply that he isn’t very excited. Since you now have the book on
plants, return to the field to venture to other locations and search for

Meet Patrick Dowsett

This former rugby star player
has the athletic ability to bring
his team to an easy victory, but
his head just isn’t in the game.
Has something else brought
him to compete in Pacific Run?

Pacific Run on the Map
In the field, next to the big arch, is a kiosk. Place your data chip in the
slot to activate the screen.

Some of the location markers are locked. Your phone beeps with a new
text message from the announcer. To unlock other locations, you need
more passwords. Look for one in Puzzle Palace. Two locations are
already available to you - the field you are currently at, and Doubtful
Sound. Select the destination marker to travel to Doubtful Sound.

Doubtful Sound
At Doubtful Sound, you first
see the fjord and the dock with
anchored kayaks, as well as a
Pacific Run Screen and another
kiosk. Turn around to follow the
trail up the hillside.

At the end of the trail is a tree

with a nest and potted flowers
nearby. Take some of the lilies
and hike back down the hill.

Map of Doubtful Sound
The Fjord

Eavesdropping on Team Kea
As you walk back to the dock, you stop on the trail when you hear
footsteps and Leena arguing with Patrick. It sounds like Leena is
accusing him of being scared. Remember to ask him about this later.
Continue down the path after they leave.
You notice a note on the ground,
dropped by Leena and Patrick.
Pick it up and read it. Their notes
indicate that they are studying
the rules of the competition. Add
this paper to your inventory and
continue towards the dock.

Kayaking in the Fjord

At the dock, you have three
different kayaks to choose from.
Each one has a different speed
when moving straight ahead and
when turning. At this point it does
not matter which one you select.
Choose one and paddle on out.

Exploring Doubtful Sound
From the dock, paddle to your right and then get closer to the little island
on your left. Here you find the Pikao plant for the flower challenge. Add
Pikao to your inventory and continue to explore the sound.

There is a large hatch on the left side of the sound. Paddle up to it.
Nancy comments that it is locked. Notice the password protected
entry keypad and make a note to yourself to look for this password
elsewhere. Paddle back to the dock. Look at the map kiosk and select
the marker near Lake Wakatipu to return to the Pacific Run field.

Puzzle Palace
From the field, walk to the left and enter Puzzle Palace.

Inside are interactive displays with information about the natural

disasters of New Zealand, a “Quake Shack” earthquake simulator,
digital versions of Raid and Monster, a large machine, plants on
display, and a central touchscreen display.

According to your book on plants, one of the display flowers is a

kakabeak. Take it, and then approach the central touchscreen display.

Map of Puzzle Palace
Earn extra points here!

Spot the Difference Puzzle
Look for all the differences across all four screens. As each difference
is spotted, the crossing line eliminates a letter on the board. Find all
the differences to collect the remaining letters.

Listed here are all the differences:

1. Rake 15. Airplane

2. Baby sheep 16. Bucket on the fence
3. Kiwi bird 17. Lower left sheep
4. Tractor 18. Baseball
5. Flowers by the tractor 19. Birds in the sky
6. Bush by the tractor 20. Cotton in the grass
7. Mountain top 21. Rain cloud
8. Kite color
9. Tree
10. Silo
11. Barn window
12. Boy running
13. Blimp in the sky
14. Sun

Word Scramble
The remaining letters are DOSHOLWE. Unscramble the letters by
clicking and dragging them around to get “WOOLSHED.” This is the
password to unlock Mossburn at the kiosk. Return to the map kiosk.

Unlocking Mossburn
At the map kiosk, select Mossburn
and type in the password you
received from Puzzle Palace.
“WOOLSHED” unlocks this location
and you now have access to travel
there. Travel to Mossburn.

Map of Mossburn
The Woolshed, Trail and Waterfall

Exploring Mossburn

At Mossburn, you immediately see the woolshed, which is locked.

Walk past the shed and follow the path to the waterfall.

Growing alongside the boardwalk near the stump is the spider orchid
you need. Add this to your inventory and continue your hike. From here
you can move forward or turn right. To the right is a side path that
leads to a dead tree. Continue along the path towards the waterfall.

The Waterfall Incident

Approach the rope bridge. George

walks past you and starts to jog
across the bridge but pauses half-
way. Suddenly the rope snaps
and the bridge collapses, causing
George to fall!

The Pacific Run announcer

narrates an update about George’s
health. She broke a few bones in
the fall, and is recovering in the
infirmary after receiving medical
care, but is unable to continue on
in the competition

The Infirmary
Talking to George, you promise to win for her, and you promise to find
out who sabotaged the rope bridge. George will be watching on her
television, and she gives you a key to the producer area to sneak back
and catch up with her. She suspects that something odd is going on.

Take the key. You

then learn that Bess
is going to step in for
George. On the TV
entry interview, Bess
seems less than
enthusiastic about
joining Team Tui.

Meet Bess Marvin

Although she originally came
to New Zealand to support her
friends, Bess is now officially
on Team Tui as a contestant.
She's not thrilled about the
potential dangers of the
game, but will help you out

Meet the Teams
Back at base camp, you notice Patrick, Leena, and Bess. Talk to Bess.
She is nervous and worried about joining the competition. After you
promise that you’ve got her back, walk over to meet Leena.

Meet Leena Patel

Leena Patel, the other member
of Team Kea, is a bossy
overachiever. She is smart
and skilled in solving puzzles,
and is a stickler for the rules.
If tough challenges arise,
would you turn to her for extra

Since you haven’t yet collected all of the plants for the challenge,
travel back to the field and head towards kiosk map.
Before you reach the exit, Kiri calls out to you.

Meet Kiri Nind

Team Tawaki’s Kiri Nind is a
fierce competitor on this reality
TV show. Off camera she seems
nice and may be willing to forge
an alliance with you. Can you
trust her friendly side, or should
you be wary of her fierce façade?

Kiri says she is sorry to hear about George. Her partner, Erin, tried
to save George but was hurt as well. Now Kiri is continuing the
competition by herself. Kiri then offers to form an alliance. As a
promise to her agent, she needs to stay on screen as long as she can.
As a show of good faith, she offers you this tip: Sonny Joon, the line
producer, is not really supposed to be the one running the show.
Ask Kiri more about herself, and you will learn about her past work.
After you finish chatting with Kiri, you can greet Sonny Joon.

Meet Sonny Joon
After years of following his trail, you finally
get to meet Sonny Joon! As part of Pacific
Run’s production team, he can influence the
show results. Could his quirky personality be
hiding mischievous goals?

Return to the Waterfall

Travel back to the waterfall by way of Mossburn to gather the fern.
Before you cross the bridge, you notice a note attached to the pole.
Read the Pacific Run instructions to “test” the strength of the new

Testing the Bridge

The Pacific Run crew has created an additional challenge for the
teams. Cross the bridge, stepping on every remaining plank without
falling through before you cross over to the other side. You can move
left, right, forward or background over adjoining boards. You may jump
over a single board or an empty space if you need to.

Boards Puzzle Solution
Amateur Sleuth

Master Sleuth

Now that you’ve completed the

bridge test, cross over to collect
the waterfall fern. You receive a
text message stating that Stage 1
has been completed. 

Stage 1 Winner
The Pacific Run announcer congratulates Team Kea on winning Stage
1. Sonny Joon has bent the rules for your team, sparing you from
elimination. Team Matata, however, has been eliminated.

Back in the field, you receive another text

message on your phone. Stage 2 is ready!
Your instructions are to grab a bag, shear
a sheep, and drop the wool in the bin in
the woolshed to earn the next medallion.
However, you will still need to complete
Stage 1 and finish collecting the plants.

Before you leave base camp, try to look

into Sonny Joon. He bent the rules to save
your team from the Stage 1 elimination. But why? Sneak back to the
crew area to talk to George.

Snooping the Crew Area

You need to shut off the security

cameras to sneak into the
restricted area. Use the key
George gave you on the security

Security Cameras Puzzle
Block the security cameras in the three zones by placing your available
red blocks on the grid. You only have a limited number of blocks per zone
to use, so choose your placements carefully.

Amateur Sleuth Master Sleuth

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Map of the Crew Area
Infirmary and Producer's Tent

Visiting George
Walk towards the white infirmary
tent and enter. Talk to George about
Sonny and she will direct you to
search his tent. Sonny may have an
interest in the other competitors
as well. Ask George to do some
research on the teams, and she
replies that she has already started.
Check her tablet whenever she is
asleep to return for updates.

George's Notes
George soon falls asleep. Read the
current entries on her tablet. Keep
in mind these helpful notes:

• Find out what Sonny meant

about needing “specific talents.”
• Leena works with data
encryption in her highly classified job.
• Someone may have sabotaged the rope for clues.
• Sonny’s real name is Seung Joon and he runs the S.P.I.E.D.
organization started by his grandfather.
• Patrick abruptly retired from professional rugby...blaming “a river.”

The Producer’s Tent

Exit the infirmary tent and take a right. Enter the producer’s tent. Look
to the right of the bed and pick up the papers between the bag and the

The comic pages of Sonny Joon and Laika

show a story of how they cross a bridge.
The bridge was cut intentionally and they
fall. This story is very similar to what
happened to George! Note that it is signed
by a J.S. Seung. Keep these comics.

Sonny's Things
Look at the footlocker. You notice it is locked and requires a 4-digit
combination. Keep an eye out for that. Turn around and open the

Pick up the S.P.I.E.D. pamphlet with the note from Jamila attached to
it. Jamila mentions Sonny’s “plan” and gives her phone number. When
you get the chance, you should try to contact her. Perhaps she can
shed some light on this “plan”. The rest of this pamphlet doesn’t make
much sense.

Open the envelope addressed to Sonny and

read the letter. Some interesting points
mentioned by Jin Soo Seung include:
• Sonny was told to go to New Zealand,
gather the “chosen” and find the “artifact”
• Jin's notes are important
• There is a bigger secret behind the origins
of S.P.I.E.D.
• Artifacts must be assembled

Close the cupboard and exit the tent. You hear footsteps and see
Sonny walking along the path with a box. He looks in your direction,
and then walks away without caring that you are in a restricted area.

Stage 1 – Placing the Flowers
Return to the field and locate the Stage 1 flowers arena. Place the
plants you have collected in their corresponding vases. Review the
plant book for clues.

Put the plants in the vases from left to right:

Kakabeak, waterfall fern, spider orchid, pikao, lily

Completing Stage 1

You receive your first piece of the medallion! Walk back to Base Camp
and locate the medallion stand. Place your medallion under Team Tui’s
logo. You can check the team standings on the scoreboard.

Begin Stage 2 – Sheep Shearing

If you need a reminder, take a look

at your phone messages from
Pacific Run about the second
stage. You need to find a bag
before returning to Mossburn.
Walk back to the field and take a
look at the Auction House.

Remember: You need to keep 50 points in reserve at all times. If you do

not have enough points to purchase the bag, you can play mini-games in
Puzzle Palace to earn more.

Purchase the bag and travel back to Mossburn.

Entering the Woolshed

The door to the woolshed is now

unlocked. Enter the building and
take a look around.

You immediately receive a text

message from Pacific Run letting
you know about the phone
challenge. If you complete it
in Puzzle Palace, you will be
rewarded with the ability to call
an outside friend. Keep this in
mind when you return to the field.

Explore the Woolshed
Take note of these features in the woolshed:

• Power switch
• Trunk with photo album
• Sheep at the shearing station
• Fan
• Blades
• Wool drop-off bin
• Wood burning stove
• Names and dates painted in several places
• The locked door to the shearing equipment
• Sheep display
• Sheep pens

At the sheep display, take the key hiding in the left sheep's wool. Find and
take the flint on the post by the sheep pens.
Fan Wheel Alignment
Locate the red fan above the
sheep shearing station and take
a closer look. All the blades
need to lay flat for the fan to
work. Turn the blades so they
are all horizontal.

Fan Wheel Solution

Flip each blade in the order shown:

Amateur Sleuth

Master Sleuth

Shearing Equipment - Locked Stall
Before you can use the shearing machine, you need to find the missing
blades. Walk over to the storage door labeled "Shearing Equipment"
and examine the locked panel. Refer to your book on sheep. Inside is
the handwritten note for this locked panel. It says "20 in each row and
column unlocks blades."
Move the hinged flaps in the following sequences:

Amateur Sleuth Master Sleuth

a. Top row: flip the 4 a. Top row: Flip the 12 and 7

b. Top row: flip the 9 b. Second row: Flip the 12
c. Third row: flip the 7 c. Top row: flip the 7 back
d. Third fow: flip the 14 (it’s in the third spot)
d. Second row: flip the 5
e. Third row: flip the 15
f. Second row: flip the 5 back
(it’s in the last spot)
g. Fourth row: flip the 2
h. Fourth row: flip the 8 on
the left side (it’s in the
second spot)
i. Third row: flip the 2 back
(it’s in the third spot)
Shearing Sheep
The shearing equipment door unlocks. Open it, take the blades, and
turn around. Walk over to the power box on the wall near the door.

Use the power key to turn the power on. Return to the shearing station
and place the shearing blades on the razor to the left of the sheep.
Shear the sheep and place the wool in the bag.

Sheep Challenge – Complete?

Take your bag of wool over to the bin and drop it in. A compartment
opens, but there is no medallion piece! Pick up the scrap of fabric with
what looks like a team logo on it. A text message informs you that Stage
2 has been completed.

Stage 2 Winner
The announcer declares Team
Kea as the Stage 2 winner. Teams
Karearea and Kokako have been
eliminated. Back in the field, take
a look at the medallion stand and
compare the fabric scrap to the
team logos. Turn around and talk to

Questioning Leena
Leena first mentions that she saw
you in the out of bounds area.
She will “let it slide” if you do her
a favor. Leena wants you to ask
Sonny about a certain item and see
how he reacts. She then hands you
some additional comic pages. Ask
her if she took your medallion and
she will reply with a quote from the
Questioning Patrick
After Leena leaves, go and talk
to Patrick. You can ask about his
relationship with Leena, but be sure
to mention that you overheard them
fighting earlier. Patrick tells you that
he hates water because he sinks,
and Leena wanted him to kayak.

Continue chatting with Patrick. You learn that he doesn’t like competition
and he was with Leena near the bridge when George was injured. You
still have Team Kea’s notes that were dropped at Doubtful Sound, and you
need to investigate their tent. You can’t do that if Patrick is still sitting on
his rock. Turn around to find Bess.
Distracting Patrick
Bess appears to be very
interested in watching
Sonny Joon. Ask her to pry
information out of him. Then
ask her to distract Patrick. She
immediately leaves to talk to

Turn to enter and snoop Team

Kea’s Tent.

• Take the clipboard

• Take the code notes
• Look at the locked backpack

Beginning Stage 3
As soon as you pick up the clipboard, you get a
Pacific Run text message announcing that Stage 3 is

You must “follow the butterflies to find the five pieces

of the Hei Tiki hidden underwater” and “return the
completed figurine to the “Tiki Turn In” stand.

Backpack Padlock
Amateur Sleuth Master Sleuth Unlock the backpack padlock
using the information from Team
3 7 Kea’s notes. The picture of the
backpack is your clue. Look at the
0 4 circled dots. Open the backpack
and take the Deduct Card and the
8 1 arrow code.

Arrow Code
The decoder for the arrow-marked
paper is on the clipboard. Note the
direction of the arrow and its color
to find the letter. For example, a
blue arrow pointing to the right
would be "E" as in "East".

Remember to look "under nest in

tree" in Doubtful Sound.

Before you return to Doubtful

Sound, stop by the field and talk
to Sonny.

Questioning Sonny’s Comics
He asks if you have been reading
his papers. Sonny doesn’t want
you to read them because they
are "fascinating."
Ask him about the comics from
Leena. He admits to giving it to
Leena, then hands you another
comic page. Apparently he really
likes comics because they teach
“so much about ourselves”
emphasizing “ourselves” when he
speaks. Take this as a hint to read
the comics more closely.

You immediately ask Sonny about

Jin, his grandfather. He knows you
read Jin’s letter, because he wanted
you to read it. He won’t say why, but
he does say he needs your help and
will send you something later.

If you haven't asked him about

these yet, talk to Sonny about being
kicked off the show, your missing
medallion, if he believes in aliens,
his relationship with his grandfather,
and if he is purposefully leaving
comics for you to find.

Most of Sonny’s responses are vague or random or he is distracted in
giving you a straight answer. Here is the most of what you are able to
learn from him:
• Sonny “possibly” wants something from you
• He knows what happened to your medallion but won’t help
• Jin was Sonny’s hero, even if the family was embarrassed by him
• Sonny finds you “interesting”

Stage 2's Missing Medallion

Leave the field and travel to Doubtful
Sound. When you arrive at the dock,
turn around to hike up the trail. Half-
way up you hear the sounds of a rock
slide. Back up quickly to avoid the
large boulder that rolls down the hill
at you. Was this a simple accident?
Or was it deliberate? Continue up the

Take a closer look at the tree with

the bird’s nest and you find your
missing medallion. Since you are at
Doubtful Sound, you may remember
that you still do not have access to
the hatch to begin Stage 3. Return to
Base Camp.

Completing Stage 2
At Base Camp, insert your Stage
2 medallion piece into the stand.
Remember, you can check your
team points and standings by
looking at the scoreboard.

Puzzle Palace Password
As mentioned in a text message
from Pacific Run, phone access
and a password are given to you
if you solve the latest Puzzle
Palace challenge. Walk back to
the field and enter Puzzle Palace.

Step forward. You hear the sound

of a moving object and look up.
The hanging mobile is swinging
oddly. Step backwards to avoid it
dropping on your head.

That was a near miss! Look

around for clues. Step inside
the earthquake simulator. You
immediately overhear Kiri talking
to someone. Step out and look
around. There is a book on the
floor about New Zealand birds.
Pick it up and take a look at it.
Inside the book, you do not find
information about birds, but rather
Kiri’s notes on the other teams.

Her notes on Sonny reveal that

he is not supposed to be running
the show and had threatened to
kick Kiri off…yet hasn't eliminated
her yet. Add these notes to your

Turn around to face the main

screen and solve the word search
puzzle to gain phone access.

Word Search Challenge
On the large screen, search for all the words on the list. Click and drag
to draw a line over the found words.

As each word is located and crossed off, a letter unlocks to the left,
revealing the password to the hatch in Doubtful Sound.
Before you leave Puzzle Palace, you need to look further into Sonny Joon.
Remember the note on Sonny’s S.P.I.E.D. book from Jamila? Use your
phone-a-friend opportunity to talk with her. Look to the left of the main
screen. A multi-colored phone is now available to you.
Pick up the phone and press the Puzzle Palace logo. The operator asks
you who you would like to call. Give Jamila’s name and number and the
operator transfers the call.

Calling a Friend
Jamila remembers you from Egypt and asks where you are calling from.
As you answer, she immediately realizes that Sonny has “found you.”
Ask her about Sonny’s foot locker combination. She says the password is
hidden in the S.P.I.E.D. booklet they put together and gives you the clues
to figure it out. Ask her if she works for S.P.I.E.D.
Ask Jamila everything you can about Sonny. Here’s what you learn:

• Jin founded S.P.I.E.D.

• Sonny is trying to honor his grandfather’s wishes
• Jamila is not sure exactly what he’s after
• Sonny is searching for an Annunaki artifact
• Sonny could be behind George’s injury
• Jamila works for S.P.I.E.D. as a teacher, which is a cover for the
real research she’s conducting

Sonny’s Foot Locker Combination

Leave Puzzle Palace, walk to Base Camp, and sneak
back into the crew area. In Sonny’s tent, open up the
S.P.I.E.D. book and locate the numbers that Jamila
gave clues to find.

Amateur Sleuth
• The number in chapter two =6
• The lower number of the constellation pamphlet =5
• The number from the UFO =8
• The chapter number referenced in chapter five =3

Master Sleuth
• The number from the UFO = 8 =8
• The sum of the constelation pamphlet = 9+5 = 14
• The number of stars that look like a hat = 8 =8
Divide this amount by the chapter about Testers = 7 8148 ÷ 7 = 1164

Sonny's Footlocker
Turn around and approach the trunk. On the padlock, enter the
combination to open it.
Amateur Sleuth = 6-5-8-3. Master Sleuth = 1-1-6-4
Take the set of comic pages, read the notes in the folder about Sonny’s
team, and take the code – which requires a professional code-cracker
to solve. Leave the tent and go talk to Leena.

The Code Breaker

Tell her you found a difficult code and ask her to break it for you. At first,
she doesn’t agree to help, but changes her mind when you offer to find
her a bonus points card. Remember to ask Bess to find one for you later.
Hand Leena the code and ask her about Jin. She met him once, but she
can’t shed any more light on their connection.

Walk over to talk to Bess.

Ask her to find a bonus
points card for Leena. It will
take a while for Bess to find
one, so leave Base Camp
and come back later.

Stage 3 Challenge
You haven’t been working on the third stage, so it’s definitely time to
change that. Travel to Doubtful Sound and kayak to the hatch.

The password you received from the Puzzle Palace challenge for the
hatch is “DOUBTFULSOUND” without any spaces. Enter this into the
keypad and enter the hatch.

Map of the Observatory

The Underwater Observatory

Explore the Observatory
Explore the underwater observatory and notice the following:
• Elevator
• Observation windows
• Fish display
• Tiki Turn In
• Claw recharge station
• Dive rules
• Submarines
• Turtle display

Claw Recharge – Air Pressure Puzzle

Before you enter a submarine,
move over to the Retractable Claw
Hydraulic Recharge. Adjust the air
pressure to refill the tank that fuels
the retractable claw. Press each
square as many times as you need
cubes stacked for that space.

Tiki Hunt
Get into the sub and dive. Locate all of the tiki boxes underwater. Use
the altitude lever to raise or lower yourself to the proper level. Use the
claw to reach out and grab each box.

When you find each box, change the

altitude lever to the corresponding
setting below and use the claw to
retrieve the tiki parts:

1. Middle (tiki arm)

2. Low (tiki body)
3. Low (tiki head)
4. Middle (tiki legs)
5. High (tiki arm)
: Upon picking up the final
tiki piece, you receive a text
from Pacific Run regarding a
kayak race challenge.. Steer
your submarine back to the
observatory. In the observatory,
place the tiki in the “Tiki Turn
In” stand. The sign lights up
and your phone beeps with a
new message. The next part of
the stage 3 challenge is to label
the sheep display back in the

Kayak Challenge
Ride the elevator back up to the surface and kayak back to the dock.
Look at the screen to see the race times. Your goal is to get the best time.
Choose the kayak that will help you race the fastest. Take a look at the
clipboard you picked up from Team Kea’s tent and read their notes about
the different kayaks. Press the start button and choose the red kayak.
Paddle in the following direction with the cursors shown like this:

Left Corner Forward Left Forward Forward Right Right Corner U-Turn
(LC) (FL) (F) (FR) (RC) (U)

LC-F – tap blue buoy

U-F6x-LC-RC-LC-F – tap green buoy
U-RC-FR-FR-F – tap red buoy
U-F-RC-FR-F2x – tap yellow buoy
F-FR2x-F-FR-F2x – tap purple buoy
U-F2x-RC-F3x – press stop button

If you get the fastest time, your phone will beep with a new text message
from Pacific Run saying you earned 50 points. Pacific Run also gives you
the password to the Cromwell location: OTAGOMINES.

Stage 3 Challenge – Sheep Labels
Travel to Mossburn to complete the second half Stage 3. Enter the
woolshed and walk to the sheep display. Bess calls you, letting you
know that Sonny has given Team Tui a side quest to earn more points.
Unfortunately, the only direction Bess offers you is the word "turtle."
Remember to ask Sonny for more details later.
Look closer at the sheep display and
refer to your book on sheep. Match
each display with the correct sheep
breed and region they are from. The
graffiti of sheep names found all
over the shed will help.

Label the sheep as shown:

Take the fish for the fish bowl. As
you add it to your inventory, the
phone message from Pacific Run
announces that Stage 3 has been

Stage 3 Winner
The announcer states Team Tawaki has won the challenge, while teams
Hihi and Koekoea have been eliminated. Back at Base Camp, your phone
beeps again. The text message says Stage 4 is open, and you must grab
a pick to mine some gold.

Codes Cracked
Before you leave Base Camp, talk to Bess. She questions you about your
choice in phone friends. Ask her about finding a points card and she
will hand you one. Turn to talk to Leena. She knows how you found your
missing medallion and tells you to stay out of her things. Offer her your
points card and she will give you the decoded Piano Lesson.

Jin's Etude
Leena remembers that Jin
mentioned the etude and spoke of
Sonny to her, though she didn't take
it seriously at the time.

Open the etude from your inventory.

Jin's story 'The Piano Lesson'
contains a hidden message as
several words and phrases are
highlighted: "gold mine", "lit a
lantern", "mined", "jagged", "ankerite"
and "hidden below".

Kiri's Success
Since you have finished first place
in the fourth stage, instead of
jumping into the next challenge
right away, return to the field and
talk to Kiri.

Congratulate her on winning the

last stage. Ask her if there are any
breakthroughs in the competition.
You then offer her the password
to the mines and she returns the
favor by giving you a book on
Maori art.

Turtle Quest?
Walk to the field and go talk to Sonny. Bess didn’t provide much
information about your special side quest from Sonny, so ask him what
“turtle” means. He will tell you to look into the life of the mysterious
leatherback turtle, but that’s all he says. He then gives you more comic
book pages, then tells you to check your phone for a “very special”
update from the show.
Ask Sonny more questions about
hijacking the show, picking this
season’s cast, and where his name
originally came from. You learn
these important facts:

• The name “Sonny” came from Jin

• Jin was an explorer who founded
• S.P.I.E.D. is a top secret club –
and you are already a member

Stage 3: Fish and the Turtle Quest
Return to Doubtful Sound. At your arrival, your phone beeps. Read the
latest message about the new side quest. It doesn’t say what kind of
quest it is…or if it’s even safe, but it is worth 70 bonus points! Take a
kayak and paddle to the hatch.
Take the elevator down to the
observatory and walk up to the
fish display. Place the fish in the
bowl. The bowl rotates and reveals
a medallion piece. Add it to your
inventory. Turn around to look
closer at the leatherback turtle.

Turtle Quest Puzzle

The turtle has numerous spots on its back. Refer to the comic with the
turtle and connect the dots to spell out 'BLUBBA GUM.' The turtle's
mouth opens, revealing a piece of paper within. Take the sheet and
read the riddle.

Turtle Riddle
Take another look at the fish display and notice the Red Coral and Black
Coral (which is actually white). This is what the turtle riddle mentioned.
Go over to the recharging station and recharge the claw pressure. (See
“Claw Recharge – Air Pressure Puzzle” on page 51 for solutions.) Enter
the submarine and search for red and white coral found together. Set
your altitude to the middle setting and use the claw.

This is odd. This artifact piece does not look like it is part of the
competition. Remember to ask Sonny about this later and add it to your
inventory. Suddenly an alarm goes off! Head back to the observatory as
fast as you can before the sub's control system shuts down.

Finishing Stage 3
In the observatory, take the elevator
back up to the surface and kayak
back to the dock. Travel back to Base
Camp. Approach the medallion stand
and place your medallion.

Beginning Stage 4
The Stage 4 Pacific Run text told you to grab a pick. Return to the field.
To the left, the gold arena has opened up. Take a closer look.

Take the pick and the book. The book describes how to pan for gold. You
will need to first find a pan, and then locate the mines. Add the book to
your inventory and walk over to the Auction House. Purchase the pan
using your points. Head over to the map kiosk.

The Mines
Click on the locked marker
by Cromwell and enter your
password from winning the kayak
challenge: OTAGOMINES. Travel
to the mines.

Explore the Mines

Explore the area and notice the scales on the table, the creek, the broken
sluice box, and the two entrances to the mines. Enter the mines from the
left entrance. Keeping to the left, you reach a dead-end. Turn around and
take the side tunnel.

Map of the Mines
The Mines at Cromwell

Mine Tunnels

The Tunnels
Remember what the etude said?
The highlighted words were
clues to the lantern found here.
Use the flint in your inventory
(found from the sheep’s pen
in the woolshed) and light the

The lantern lid opens to reveal a

key! Take this key and remember
to follow up with your waterfall
clues from the comic.

Ankerite Vein
The clues from the etude hinted at
more than just a key. Approach the
ankerite vein behind the lantern.
Use your pick on the rocks to the
lower right of the vein. Hidden
below is a worn leather journal.
The journal contains notes from
Jin to Sonny about a mission. Add
this journal to your inventory and
exit the mine.

Symbols Sighting
Enter the right mine and turn left at
the lights. It's a dead end, but peek
through the hole in the rock. On
the far side are some stone letters.
There's no clear way into the area.
Step back into the main tunnel.

Mining for Gold

At the end of this tunnel is a wall of

dirt and roots with a pile of wooden
buckets. Approach the wall and you
receive a text on your phone from
Bess. She wants you to ask Sonny if
he’s seeing anyone.

Use your pick on the dirt wall and

fill a bucket. Bess texts again,
interrupting your work. Take the
bucket of dirt and exit the mines.

Walk over to the sluice box and

empty your bucket of dirt into the
box below the water spout. Try
turning on the water. Nothing comes
out. Next to the sluice box, you need
to adjust the fans for the pipes.

Sluice Fans Puzzle
To get the proper amount of water pressure to flow through the pipes,
place all of the fans in the sluice box so each fan shows four blades.

Now that the fans are fixed, turn

the water on. The sluice filters
the larger rocks out and leaves
the sand. Take the bucket of
sand and turn around to face the

Sift the sand out of the pan by

dipping it into the water a few
times. Gold pieces remain in
the pan when you finish. Take
the gold flakes and back up to
approach the table of scales.

Place the gold flakes on your

team’s scale. The scale opens up
to reveal your medallion. Add it
to your inventory.

Finishing Stage 4 – Gold Challenge
Leave the mines and return to Base Camp and up to the medallion
stand. Set your medallion in its place. Your phone beeps with a new
text message from Pacific Run. Congrats! You finished Stage 4 first!
Teams Amokura and Kiwi have been eliminated.

The next text message alerts you to the final stage. Your mission is to
activate the symbols in the caves at Lake Te Anau. The text message
tells you the password to unlock the map marker: WAITOMO.

The Waterfall Clue
Instead of traveling to Lake Te Anau, follow
up on the waterfall clues you have from
Sonny’s comic. The comic shows a picture
of a cave hidden under a tree and covered
by the roots. You've seen something similar
before. Travel to Mossburn and follow the
path past the woolshed.

At the tree stump, turn right

and climb up the trail to find the
mouth of the cave. Push the tree
roots to one side and walk in.
Continue walking along the bank
and underneath the waterfall.

Behind the Waterfall

On the rock wall is a carving

with a keyhole. Use your old key
(the one found in the lantern in
the gold mine) to open the panel.
It reveals a grid with numbers
along two edges.

Grid Carving Puzzle

Sonny's grandfather left this space ship carving puzzle here to be

solved. Click and drag the squares across the grid to place ships. The
numbers along the edges correspond to how many ship segments should
be placed in each row and column.

The stars represent an unoccupied space and you can right-mouse click
to add them. It is not necessary to fill the board with stars.

Amateur Sleuth Solution Master Sleuth Solution

The stone drawer slides open to reveal a strange relic. Could this be
an artifact that Sonny is looking for? Add it to your inventory and turn
around to hike back to the woolshed.

Beginning Stage 5 – The Final Stage
Select the locked map marker
near Lake Te Anau. Enter the
password from your messages:
WAITOMO. Travel to the newly
unlocked location.

Step up to the cave entrance. It is really dark in there. You need to find
a way to get light inside. To the left of the entrance is a grey power box.
Open it and solve the grid puzzle.

Power Grid

Light up each section on the grid. Select a numbered disc to highlight it,
then select the location you want it to light up. The beams cannot cross
each other.

Amateur Sleuth

Master Sleuth

The power box turns the cave lights on. Step inside and explore the area.

Map of the Cave
The Cave at Lake Te Anau

Explore the Cave

• Read the paper on the floor of Sonny’s notes on each competitor

• Find the comic page about the climber in the mines
• Read the large screen instruction to light the fire pit
• See the fire pit
• Use your flint to light the fire
The lit fire pit activates the large
screen on the wall. Back up from
the fire and look closer at the

Maori Symbols
Reference your book on Maori art to determine the correct symbol to fill
on the screen.

Koru Triple Rau Kumara

Koropepe Hei Matau

Muri Paraoa
"Sonny Wuz Here"
A panel opens up below the screen.
Instead of a medallion, inside is a
spaceship doodle with the familiar
handwriting “Sonny Wuz Here.”

Remember to ask him about the

medallion later.

Leave the cave and travel to

Cromwell. You need to look further
into the comic about the rope
climber in the mines.

Snooping in the Mines
Back at the mines, enter the right
tunnel entrance and veer to the
left. Peer through the peephole
into the next room. You see Kiri
rotate a symbol which causes
rocks to fall. Kiri quickly moves
out of the way.

Back up and exit the tunnel.

Re-enter through the left mine
entrance and head all the way
down the tunnel. This was once
a dead-end, but the rocks have
fallen, leaving an opening large
enough to get through.

Pick up the paper from the ground

and read Sonny’s note to Kiri. It
looks as if this mission was not a
part of the Pacific Run challenge.
Take a closer look at the letters
on the wall.

Relic Letters
Rotate each letter to spell
"ominous omniscient". A rock
panel opens to reveal another
artifact. Add it to your inventory
and walk back out of the tunnel.

Overheard Argument
Before you exit the mine, you
overhear Kiri arguing with
Sonny. She’s upset with the
cave collapsing and questions
why no one else got this mission
besides her. She knows Sonny
isn’t supposed to be here and
threatens him. Kiri agrees to
keep quiet if Sonny will help her
progress in the show.

Confronting Sonny
Leave the mine and return to the
field to confront Sonny about the
missing medallion. He gives you
your medallion and encourages
you to beat Kiri. Head back to the
medallion stand.

The Last Medallion

Kiri is right on your tail! You throw the medallion to Bess who then
quickly places it on the board at the same moment Kiri does.

The scores are matched and Sonny declares it a tie! You and Kiri go
into a “sudden death” tie-breaker challenge in Puzzle Palace.

Sudden Death Challenge
Listen to the directions from the announcer. To the right is the order
you must create, as well as how many of these you need. Open and
close the funnels to drop in the correct tokens into each case.

1 2 3 4 5

Amateur Solution
Round 1 Round 4
Case 1 = Close #3 Case 1 = Close #1, #2
Case 2 = Open #1, close #5
Round 2 Case 3 = Open #2, close #4
Case 1 = Close #1 Case 4 = Close #1, #3, open #4, #5
Case 2 = Open #1, close #5
Round 5
Round 3 Case 1 = Close #2, #5
Case 1 = Close #1, #5 Case 2 = Open #2, close #4
Case 2 = Close #2, open #5 Case 3 = Close #1, #2, open #4, #5
Case 3 = Open #1, #2, close #4, #5 Case 4 = Open #2, close #3,
Case 5 = Open #3, close #5

Master Solution
Round 1 Round 4
Case 1 = Close #3 Case 1 = Close #1, #5
Case 2 = Open #5, close #2,
Round 2 Case 3 = Open #1, #2, close #3, #5
Case 1 = Close #4 Case 4 = Close #1, open #3
Case 2 = Close #2, open #4
Round 5
Round 3 Case 1 = Close #1, #2, #3
Case 1 = Close #2, #5 Case 2 = Open #2, close #5
Case 2 = Open #2, close #4 Case 3 = Open #1, close #4
Case 3 = Close #2, open #4, #5 Case 4 = Close #1, open #5
Case 5 = Open #4

Congrats Team Tui on your victory!

At the end of announcer wrap up,
Sonny calls out for Team Tui to
report to the field. Go and talk to
Sonny. Sonny tells you to grab a
rope and join him in the caves.

Sonny’s Mission
There is rope on the nearby dining
table. Grab it and you are taken to
the caves at Cromwell.

Walk along the path to the left and

notice the sign Sonny left for you.
Attach the rope to the sign and
rappel down the ledge.

Stone Wall Device
Turning away from the wall,
you see a strange device on the
opposite side. Take a closer look.
You hear Sonny rappel down
behind you. He tells you this is
why he brought you along: to
solve this puzzle.

He isn’t sure how to solve it. Your

phone rings. George excitedly says
she figured out Sonny’s blueprints.
She tells you that the device has to
be colored green in the top corners,
and blue in the bottom corners.
George hangs up and leaves you to
solve the puzzle.

Starting with the corners as George suggested, fill every shape with a
color. Make sure that similar colors are not in adjacent shapes.

A lever appears behind the
hidden door. Pull it. The pool
of water next to you begins to
recede, revealing a submerged

Kiri calls out from the ledge
above, obviously upset with
your betrayal and cuts the rope,
leaving you and Sonny trapped.

Turn around and Sonny will

declare good news and bad news.
The lights go out, but a moment
later the cave ceiling starts to
glow. Sonny’s idea for an escape
is somewhere down in the water.
You aren’t falling for his tricks.
Sonny suddenly grabs you and
throws you into the water. You
soon find yourself racing down
the river in a raft!

Cavern Rafting
Sonny calls out instructions as you
steer the raft. If you don’t follow
what he says, you will certainly
crash into the rocks. Carefully
navigate your way to the end of the

Paddle right, left, right, right, left.

The End of the River
At the end, you leave the raft.
Sonny apparently doesn’t see
what he’s looking for and shouts
out “There’s nothing here, Jin!”
clearly upset.

Patrick’s voice is heard from

above. As he tries to lean in
closer to the ledge, he falls into
the cavern. He walks towards you
and notices something down in
the water.

Patrick realizes that this is "his

river." It is too deep, and he is
the only one who can reach the
bottom because he simply sinks.
As you both wait for Patrick to
surface, Sonny tells you a bit
more about Jin.

Sonny looks down into the water

and notices how Patrick is not
swimming, but walking. You
hear a loud noise and the water
completely drains, revealing
something below. Patrick shouts
out to you that he is fine - there
are stairs.

Rebuilding the Compass
Sonny gives you the last piece
of the relic. The comics called
this set of relics the “Annunaki
Compass.” Take a look at Jin’s
comic and his notebook to figure
out how to work the compass.

Place the relic pieces on

the compass in this order:
1. Star Chart
2. Relic Section
3. Relic Piece
4. Relic Fragment

Star Alignment
Refer to Jin's sketch to determine
the correct positions. Drag the
inner disc to align the stars, then
rotate the outer ring to match the
point to the zodiac symbol. Each
time you align it correctly, a point
retracts in the center of the relic.

The Compass Reveals...

The compass unlocks, lights up, and starts to spin. It stops and projects
stars onto the ceiling of the cave. Bess then calls out to you from ground
level. She momentarily enjoys her shining moment of “saving the day,”
and then sends down a rope.

Congratulations! You found Jin's

treasure and won Pacific Run!

Which Trophies
Did You Earn?
How many points did you earn? Are you a super fan of Pacific Run?
Check your progress often in the menu's trophy award screen. The
trophies below are awarded to you for accomplishing the following

Big Spender For buying one of each auction item

Card Agon For using four points cards

Compassionate For checking in with George

Dive Master For diving on six different occasions

Egged For finding an Easter egg

Explorer For taking the kayaks out 12 or more times

Gamer For playing Raid or Monster 10 or more times in

Puzzle Palace

High Scorer For reaching 700 or more points

Spoiler Free For never using a spoiler

Super Fan For listening to all of the team confessionals

Survivor For making it through the simulator failure

Trivia Tamer For correctly answering the trivia question

Charmed Finding all seven phone charms

(Bonus Edition only)


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