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Mobile game play is a part of life for students. Particularly youngsters are spending with PUBG
game; it is not only for time pass but also influences their behavior and attitude. A lot of the
researchers have reported in their article about the problem of mobile game addiction around the
world. Most of the college student’s long-term effect of game addiction which includes lot of
health related problems. For this stud, the Questionnaire survey was conducted among 200
college student in different places of urban Chennai. The study was conducted on October First
week of 2019. And also this study addresses the following questions: What is the influence of
PUBG game addicting on college students? What kind of problems faces students by Game

KEYWORDS: PUBG Game Addiction, Android Game Addiction, Urban Chennai,

PUBG game has become most popular habitual of the entertainment. It is the chief medium of
all. Game addiction is a serious disorder characterized by excessive game play and disturbances
in normal life functioning. PUBG game addiction refers to violence and the several mental health
conditions, diminishing eye sight, fat gain, neck ache, less concentrating etc. Apart from these
physical problems, the game addiction can lead mental illness, hyperactive etc. Through this
study the researcher wants to address how college students are affected by frequent PUBG game
play and what are the preferred other video games. How many hours’ students are spending time
on game play? For years the critics of media, who include parents, researchers and teachers, have
said, nonstop game play is bad especially for college students. Over the past 5 years, thousands
of studies have examined how game addiction affects the students and young people. The three
potential harmful effects of exposure by PUBG game addiction, (1) the learning of aggressive
attitudes and behaviors. (2) Diminishing of eye sight (3) not as much of concentration in studies.
The purpose of this study is to identify the real problem, what are the Negative points of the
Game addiction. In this Study 200 students are participated and their age was 18 years to 20
years old. Before start this study, the researcher met and discussed regarding PUBG game
addiction with their family members, where most of the college students. also were playing PUBG
and other android games on mobiles and tabs. Totally four set of questions was formed and questioned to
the students according to the discussion. By this study 122 boys’ and 78 girls are cooperated to complete
successfully this survey.


 PUBG is extremely violent video game.
 It leads to gaming addiction.

 Student becomes less socially active.

 It promotes bad physical health.

 It affects Students mental health.

 It disrupts sleep pattern.

This literature review described how college students are affected in current world, according to
Sara Prot MA ketelyn A, McDonald. Video games bad and good or others-2012, through their
study, most of the youth had psychological pressure because of game addiction. In the research
of Ahn and Randall (2008) on computer game addiction, they define game addiction on the basis
of the definition used by the Center for Addiction and Mental Health based in the US. The center
defines addiction as “a psychological or a physical dependence on something”. Individual with
game addiction can thus be said to have a psychological dependence on Massive Multiplayer
Online Games or to exhibit excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games.
According to Lujiaozi Wang and Siyu Zhu -2011 they interviewed with students, most of them
having problems with health and studies because of game addiction. Here, the researcher has
found similar result like health issues, Physical and mental illness is increased by mobile game
addiction. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY:  To identify the number of college students who are
frequently playing PUBG games.  To find out the number hours playing PUBG games. (Day
and week end)  To identify the problems faced by Students through game addiction.  To find
out preferable game genre play among college students. METHODOLOGY: The survey
technique was followed for this study and the data was collected from 200 students from various
places of Chennai that are namely Tambram, Ambattur, Valasaravakkam, and Thiruvanmiyur.
The survey was conducted on 1st week of October 2019. Four set of questions are asked to the
College Students, According to pre investigation report. The data belonging to PUBG game user
were analyzed by questions. Through this survey the researcher has got surprising result. This
result would be changeable for according to the places and periods.


Although common variables were available for analysis, for this study; Reported results are
confined to the findings that were most relevant to answering the research questions. In this
study totally 200 students participated, 122 Boys and 78 Girls were cooperated. Here (Table 1)
Shows smaller numbers of girl students are regularly playing the PUBG games, at the same time
most of them spending time with their friends and family.
(Table 1)

Number of College students those who are frequently playing PUBG Game. Boys 122
Respondents Total : 200 Respondents Girls 78 Respondents )

Most of the Students are spent notable hours to play PUBG Games .Overall Students have spent
6 hours per day. (Table 2) In week end they have been spending 14 hours (Saturday and Sunday)
totally every students have spent 44 hours for playing PUBG games on mobile and tabs.

(Table 2)

Number of hours students are Playing PUBG Game in Average Working Days Morning Evening
Total Hours 2 Hours 4 Hours 6 Hours Holidays (Weekend) 7 Hours 7 Hours 14 Hours

Before collect the data, the researcher has analyzed and discussed with family member of the
Students. Finally five health issues have been found by researcher, Because of PUBG game
addiction. According to their statement the researcher was categorized health issues.

Here (Table 4) shows,

Maximum 43% percentage of boys are affected by aggressive attitude due to play violent PUBG game
on android mobiles. At same time 15% of boys are affected by diminishing eye sight problem due to
frequently play game on mobile and tabs. Some parents are encouraging to play general video games in
mobile and tabs, that is totally erroneous and game addiction will lead bigger problem in student’s life.
63% of (boys) Students are affected by PUBG game addiction. And 36% of girl Students also affected by
playing games, Due to these both are having poor performance in Studies .Table 3) Game Genres Boys
Girls Total Brainy Games 23 30 63 Violent Game (PUBG) 77 28 95

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