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Module 2.
Brief History of the Church
Lesson 2.3
The Church Moves Out to the Whole world
Lesson 2.3.1
Missionary Congregations and their Religious

Decree on the Missionary Activity
of the Church
AD GENTES [5]: Decree on the Missionary
Activity of the Church

The mission of the Church is fulfilled

by that activity which makes her fully
present to all men and nations.
AD GENTES [5]: Decree on the Missionary
Activity of the Church

She undertakes this activity in

obedience to Christ’s command and in
response to the grace and love of the
Holy Spirit.
AD GENTES [5]: Decree on the Missionary
Activity of the Church

Thus, by example of her life and

preaching, by the sacraments and
other means of grace, she can lead
them to the faith, the freedom and
peace of Christ.
AD GENTES [5]: Decree on the Missionary
Activity of the Church

Thus, there lies open before them a

free and trustworthy road to full
participation in the mystery of Christ.
This MISSION is a continuing one. In
the course of history CHRIST himself
was sent to preach the Gospel to the
Prompted by the Holy Spirit, the
Church must walk in the same road
which Christ walked: a road of
poverty, obedience, service and self-
The Church makes Christ present in
the world for to her was entrusted the
task of continuing the mission of that
the Father has given him.
After his resurrection, he sent his
apostles throughout the whole world
just as he has been sent by the Father.
He commanded them to make
disciples of many nations.
Jesus founded the Church as a sign of
salvation to all. His command was to
preach the gospel to the world based
on the divine universal plan of
salvation. This command is fulfilled
by the Church by the example of her
life and preaching., by her sacraments,
and other means of salvation by
which Christ’s saving love is made a
reality to all men and nations.
The Church as a sign of Christ in the
world is called to live as Christ did- a
life of poverty, obedience and service.
The middle of the 15th
Century was the beginning
of the great geographical
discoveries which opened
the Church to a new
worldwide mission and a
complete realization of its
role as an institution of
redemption and continued
incarnation of Christ in the
The greater part of the early
mission in Latin America
was carried out by the
mendicant orders (who
begged alms to support
themselves), particularly
joined by the JESUITS
The Current pontiff-
POPE FRANCIS is a Jesuit.
The JESUITS were pioneers
in establishing schools and
mission churches. The
missionaries were men of
remarkable religious piety
and great zeal who planted
the seeds of faith in the
hearts of the new converts.
The man who was to open
the great missionary work
in China was a JESUIT
Missionary named
learned language, religions,
philosophy, and customs.
He was one among the
people, adopting their ways
and preaching the faith in
the spirit and language of
their culture.
The greatest missionary in
XAVIER (1506-1552). He
was known as Apostle to
the East. He preached the
Gospel in India, Malacca,
Japan and Malaysia. His
dream of bringing
Christianity to China was
aborted by his untimely
death .
The great missionary
expansion of the 16th and
17th Century was followed
by the age of spiritual
decline when the wok of
the great pioneers was
almost completely
The spiritual revival of the
Catholic Church during the
19th century rekindled the
missionary spirit and zeal
and ushered in a whole new
period of mission.
Pope Gregory XVI (1831-
1846) was considered to be
the spirit of this new
missionary epoch of great
importance. Here, was the
remarkable revival of
religious orders of men and
women, a great many of
them dedicted to
missionary work.
They included the
rejuvenated orders such as
the Jesuits, Franciscans,
Dominicans. Numerous
Protestant missionary
societies emerged also. The
missionary work of the
Church opened a new
epoch in the history when
Christianity went out to the
world: China, Japan, Korea
India and Africa.
TASK: Output 17
The principal work for which
Jesus commissioned his
disciples was to make
disciple sof many nations.
Much have been said about
the meaning of discipleship
even in the past lessons.

What does discipleship mean

to you now? Personally how do
you live out discipleship in your
day to day moral life?
TASK: Output 18
Cite 5 Missionary
Give their charism/ministry
and briefly introduce each of

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