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The student must write 140-190 words.

There are basically 4 types of essay/composition.
1. Advantages/Disadvantages   (Pros and cons).
2. Agree or disagree with the title (in a logical way!)
3. Giving opinions or suggestions about the title.
4. Writing about issues in modern society such as: health, pollution, internet,
technology, ecology, men and women, economic crisis.
How to write a good discursive essay (composition)
Before you start
Read the question carefully. DO NOT write an irrelevant answer. ANSWER

 Plan your essay. Spend about 5 minutes on this. It will make your life easier
 Give your essay a title
 Control your time. Spend about 40 minutes

Remember this!

 You MUST write your essay in 140-190 words. Write 190 words, NOT 140!!
 A composition is usually more formal than an article, so present your work as a
‘scientific’, coherent argument
 Use formal language. DO NOT use contractions, colloquial expressions or a ‘chatty’
 Write at least 3 paragraphs with a clear introduction, contrast of arguments and a
logical conclusion
 Make sure your argument is clear
 Use difficult grammar and more complex sentences
 Use conditional and passive sentences
 Don’t worry if you make small mistakes. You will get more points for using difficult
 Give an opinion ONLY when appropriate
 Give your opinion at the end, NOT at the beginning

When you have finished

 Make sure you have expressed yourself clearly

 Check your writing for grammar mistakes
 Check your writing for spelling mistakes

Structuring your composition

Most people write about 10-12 words per line.
Mathematics! You have to write a total of 190 words, so you should write about
15 lines in total.
Here’s an example of how to set out your essay
Introduction 3 lines
Contrasting arguments
Paragraph 1       4 lines
Paragraph 2       4 lines
3 lines

Here’s an example of some good expressions you could use in the 4 parts of
the essay
Introduction    To begin with/ Firstly,
First of all I would like to consider…
The first thing (I would like to consider) to   be considered is…
Nowadays, it seems that…/ In recent times…
Contrasting arguments  Paragraph 1
On one hand, it could be said that…
Despite the fact that …/ In spite of…
Although it could be said that…
It is often thought that…
Paragraph 2
On the other hand, it could be argued that…
Although it appears that…
Apart from that…
What is more, …
It would seem, however, that…
To sum up,/ In conclusion,
Because of / As a result of this / Owing to / As a   consequence of
Therefore, in my opinion,
On this basis, I can conclude that
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
Write your composition in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the
opposite page.
Essay   Sample Answer 1
My Essay Plan
Introduction:  In recent years it’s a fashion. Is it effective?
Paragraph 1: Advantages       Au pairs with a family. Working and going to
Paragraph 2: Disadvantages  Drawbacks. Bad family. Native speakers.
Conclusion:  Choose the right place and family. Avoid speaking your own
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
In recent years studying English in Britain or the U.S.A seems to be the latest
fashion for students who hope to improve their language skills. According
to tour operators, it is the quickest and most effective way of learning. Whether
this is true remains to be seen.
Living with an English speaking family as an au pair or doing a summer job
are currently the most popular choices. Older students generally prefer to
stay with a family while attending ‘intensive’ English courses at a language
school. In theory, this means speaking English 24 hours a day.
It could be argued, however, that looking after children can actually be
stressful and even a negative experience unless you stay with the right
family. Although going to classes will obviously improve your level, in many
schools you may meet people from your own country and end
up communicating in your mother tongue.
In conclusion, therefore, it could be said that studying abroad is only a good
option if you avoid mixing with people of your own nationality. Language
courses can be expensive and living with the wrong family could be a serious

 Think for a few minutes and make a simple plan. It will save time later.
 You only need a couple of ideas for each argument in paragraphs 1 + 2.
 Expressions I used for style are in bold print.
 Note the use of passive to express opinions indirectly (scientifically!).
Cars should be banned from city centres.
Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
MY ESSAY PLAN: I made it in only 5 minutes!
INTRO: Different lifestyle in previous years
PARAGRAPH 1 AGREE WITH THE TITLE: Pedestrian areas, greater
population, pollution and dangers.
pensioners and delivery men.
CONCLUSION: Banning is inevitable because of progress.
Cars should be banned from city centres.
In recent times our lifestyle has changed dramatically in many ways. In the
past people could drive freely around the city without any problem,
but nowadays traffic in city centres has become a serious headache. The
authorities now feel obliged to take urgent measures to solve this issue.
Most modern cities and large towns have turned their centre into pedestrian
zones due to the increase in population and a greater number of car users.
Parking is almost impossible and space is running out, not to mention the
health risk from pollution and the question of road safety.
Although banning cars from the city centre seems to be an inevitable
consequence of all this, we should not forget about those people who must
be able to access these areas without restrictions. Pensioners, disabled people
and local residents are an exceptional case, and lorry and van drivers should
be allowed to deliver to shops or offices.
In conclusion, the prohibition of cars from city centres is probably the only
practical solution owing to lack of space. These measures should
not, however, affect those who live or work there.

 Use introductory phrases to talk about the current situation.

 Include expressions such as: due to, owing to, as a result of this.
 Use modal verbs like: should, ought to or must in this type of essay.
 Check carefully for a few minutes when you have finished your essay.
 Always answer the question! Don’t forget what you’re writing about.
Advertising plays an important role in modern life.
Write your composition in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
MY ESSAY PLAN: It took only 5 minutes to make a simple plan
INTRO: The media, T.V. radio and films, magazines. Big audience.
PARAGRAPH 1 AGREE WITH THE TITLE: Convince people to buy with fear,
humour and creating ‘need’.
PARAGRAPH 2 DISAGREE WITH THE TITLE: Competing with the neighbour.
Consumerism. Out of touch if you don’t buy.
CONCLUSION: People believe it. Brainwashing. Obsession with image +
fashion. Has created stress and envy.
Advertising plays an important role in modern life.
In recent times, T.V. has been reaching a huge worldwide audience while
advertising has become increasingly important in our daily lives. It is also
present, however, in the cinema, magazines, newspapers and Internet. It now
dominates our lives.
Although this is a great opportunity for the media to make money, it can have a
negative influence on the general public. Nowadays it seems there are no
limits. Advertising campaigns sell products using fear, sex, humour, violence
and above all by creating competition between people and a ‘need’ for a
Buying a bigger car, a T.V. or more expensive perfume than your neighbour is
causing excessive consumerism. We are victims of fashion. If you do not buy
the latest smart phone or computer you are out of touch with the modern
times. A teenager wearing the wrong clothes or using an old mobile is seen as
a ‘freak’.
In conclusion, there is no doubt about the importance of advertising in modern
life. Nevertheless, it has created stress and envy. Many people do not realize
they are being brainwashed and spend money without thinking.

 You only need a couple of ideas for each argument in paragraphs 1 + 2.

 Try to use more descriptive adverbs and adjectives such as; huge, increasingly,
the latest.
 Include stylish language like: although, however, above all or nevertheless.
 Prepositions followed by gerund are good style and win marks in writing exams!
The roles of men and women are changing in modern society
Write your essay in 140-189 words in an appropriate style giving your opinion.
MY ESSAY PLAN: Took me 5 minutes to write
INTRO: Changes in the 60s/feminist movement
PARAGRAPH 1 AGREE WITH TITLE: Women study more/better jobs
PARAGRAPH 2 DISAGREE WITH TITLE: Earn less money/work and look
after kids/domestic violence
CONCLUSION: Progress made, but still discrimination/roles must still change
The roles of men and women are changing in modern society
Since the sexual revolution in the sixties and the progress of feminist
movements in recent times, the roles of men and women in society have
been constantly evolving.
Fifty years ago most women finished school early and left home to get married,
become a housewife and look after the children. Nowadays, however, a high
percentage of women have university degrees and careers in
a previously male-dominated world. Presently, it is not surprising to see
female Members of Parliament or women occupying executive positions in
On the other hand, despite these positive changes, many men still earn more
money than women for doing the same job. While male partners contribute
more with basic tasks such as housework and caring for children, many women
have to do both! Besides this, it seems that domestic violence is increasing
alarmingly, and may be a consequence of men losing power and control.
In conclusion, it could be said that in spite of great advances in sexual
equality, discrimination is still a serious social problem and men are finding it
difficult to adapt to their new role.

 Note the use of time expressions such as: in recent times, nowadays, presently,
 Remember to include ‘contrast’ expressions like: on the other hand.
 Win marks by using: despite, while, besides, in spite of.
 Make a plan and always write the maximum number of words; 180.
Internet has changed our lives.
Write your composition in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Sample Answer 
MY PLAN: Took 6 minutes to write
INTRO: 20 years ago very different-work, hobbies
PARAGRAPH 1: AGREE WITH TITLE Work, studies/friendships/relationships/
holidays/ free time
PARAGRAPH 2: DISAGREE WITH TITLE Exceptions: old people, we still meet
friends + go out
CONCLUSION: In general, yes, but some things haven’t changed
Internet has changed our lives
Most people take internet for granted nowadays, but 20 years ago it was just
beginning. We were all expecting a revolution at work and in our everyday life,
but has it really happened?
On one hand, it could be said that our working habits and study techniques
have changed dramatically. Easy access to information can save a lot of time,
energy and money. Social networks such as Facebook have changed personal
relationships, while arranging holidays or buying and selling products online
have become increasingly popular and efficient.
It could, however, be argued that for old people, life has not changed so
rapidly in many cases unless they move with the times. Many people still prefer
to go out and meet their friends rather than chatting online. Personal contact is
still important, especially in business, despite the rise of Internet.
In conclusion, it would be fair to say that, although Internet
has inevitably changed many aspects of our daily lives, it is not always a
positive change. Some people prefer personal contact instead of more
impersonal ways of communicating.

 I used 5 minutes to plan my essay, 25 minutes to write it and 5 minutes to check for
mistakes after finishing.
 Note the use of passive to express an opinion indirectly.
 Rather than means the same as instead of. Avoid repetition.
 Note the use of a rhetorical question in paragraph 1.
The student must write 140-190 words.
Informal Letter advice and suggestions

 Imagine that you are writing to a real friend of yours. It’s easier to write in a natural
way and will give you more ideas.
 Your friend’s name should be included in your introduction. Begin the letter
with Dear Maggie, etc.
 Begin your letter with some general chat: “Hi Maggie, How’s it going?”, etc…
 Refer to the letter you have received from your friend and thank him/her for writing
or apologise for the fact that you have answered the last letter a bit late.
 Use the proper register (style). This is extremely important. You will lose marks if
the style is not appropriate.
 The letter is supposed to be informal so you can use contractions, informal linking
words and expressions like: well, by the way, anyway, so, colloquial
expressions, etc.
 You can use a chatty style of writing and even ask questions in your letter:‘Do you
remember that guy we met at the airport?’  or  ‘Do you fancy visiting…?’
 Use questions to ask about your friend – arrange your next meeting and send
greetings to his/her friends and family, etc.
 Finish your letter in an informal way: Best wishes, Love, Regards

Typical expressions to use when writing to a friend
Thanks for your letter.
Sorry for not writing for so long / I’m sorry to hear you’ve been ill.
It was lovely to hear from you/ It was great to get your letter.
It was nice to hear from you / Thank you so much for writing.
Contents 1st paragraph
Thank you for sending me …
I’m writing to ask you a favour.
Your last letter was a real surprise. I didn’t think you would remember my
Thanks a lot for the information you sent me in your last letter.
I’ve just received your letter. I’m so happy to hear that…
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but…
I’m sorry I took so long to answer, but I was really busy with…
Signalling the end
I must go now./ I’d better finish.
I’ll have to finish now because…
Anyway, I’d better get ready for work now, so…
Closings (at the end)
Write soon / Write again soon!
Bye for now/ Best wishes / Take care.
Good luck!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Well, that’s all for now. Will talk to you soon.
Give my regards to your family.

You have received the following letter from your English friend, Maggie.
I’m really pleased you’re planning to come to England to stay for a couple of
weeks. Let me know your address and we can meet when you get here. Make
sure you bring some warm clothes as it’s been a bit cold lately.
Write and tell which place you fancy visiting. Maybe we could do a day trip to
London and also stay on the south coast for a couple of days. What do you
Write your letter in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.
Do not write any postal addresses.
Hi Maggie,
It was great to hear from you again. I haven’t seen you since…..
Going to London sounds like a great idea. I’m really looking forward to….
Anyway, keep in touch and I’ll see you soon.
As you can see, you only need to include a few nice expressions and answer
the questions that Maggie asked you. It’s quite a simple formula.
Have a look at my Informal Letter samples to give you a few ideas.
This is part of a letter from your English friend, Sandra.
It’s a really big step to give up your job to come and spend 6 months in Britain.
Are you planning to work here? What about learning English? Write back and
tell me more about your plans so I can help you find accommodation and meet
people here.
Write your letter in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Do not write any postal addresses.
Hi Sandra,
It’s great to hear from you again. I hope things are going well in your new
job and you get on well with your boss and workmates.
As you know, I am really fed up with my job, so I’ve decided to give it up. I
know it’s risky in an economic crisis, but I’m sure I can find work in Britain. If
you know about any jobs, please email me so I can get in touch with them.
I’ll be able to learn English by working or making British friends, so I won’t
have to go to a school to study. If I need qualifications in English, maybe I
could do an exam later.
I can’t afford to rent a flat on my own, so it would be brilliant if you could
find some young people who would like to share. I could stay at the youth
hostel for a few weeks while I’m looking for a place to live.
Anyway, it’s time for work, so I’d better get ready.
Keep in touch and thanks for all your help
In black you can see how I mentioned the points you MUST INCLUDE and you
will find some good language for writing informal letters.
You will find a lot of typical expressions you can include in your letters. The
examiner will be impressed if you use some nice grammatical structures, you
will get more points in the exam.
You are writing to a friend, so use very informal language.
Note informal language such as: How’s it going?  Thanks for   that’s all for
now    great, brilliant, anyway, etc… 
I also included a few phrasal verbs and a second conditional: it would be
brilliant if…
This is part of a letter from your Scottish friend, Margaret:
Have you started your trip around the world yet? It must be very exciting visiting
all those exotic places. The last time I saw you, you were getting ready to go.
Write soon and tell me how it’s going.
Write your letter in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Do not write any postal addresses.
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for your letter. It was a nice surprise to hear from you. I’m sorry I
haven’t written to you sooner but I had to sort out a few things before my trip.
As you already know, I’ve been planning this trip for ages. I’ll be leaving in
two weeks, so it might be better if we keep in touch by email from now on. I’ll
be crossing India by train first, so it should be really exciting.
After that, I’ll probably spend a month in China. I’m really looking forward to
visiting places of historical interest. I reckon it must be amazing. I hope the
local people can speak a bit of English.
If my money hasn’t run out yet, I might travel around Israel and Syria if the
political situation isn’t too dangerous. I’ve always been fascinated by these
countries and would love to finish my journey there. I should arrive home in
autumn if all goes well.
Anyway, write soon and tell me about your new job and the last holidays and
say hello to your family for me.
In black you can see how I mentioned the points you MUST INCLUDE and you
will find some good language for writing informal letters.
You will get more points in the exam if you use expressions correctly.
You are writing to a friend, so use very informal language.
Note informal language such as: Thanks for   say hello to your family for me,
for ages, anyway, etc… 
I also included a few phrasal verbs such as: sort out and run out and used the
future continuous: I’ll be leaving and present perfect continuous: I’ve been
You visited your friend Jane in London in July for a week.
Write a letter to her thanking her for looking after you. Tell her what you have
been doing recently and arrange to meet her in your country in a few months.

Write your letter in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Do not write any postal addresses.
Hi Jane,
How’s it going? Sorry for not writing sooner but I’ve been really busy since I
got back!
Thanks for letting me stay with you in August. I had a great time, the
weather was perfect and I reckon my English has really improved! It was
fun meeting your friends and I’ll never forget the concert and our trip to the
Tower of London.
I’ve been getting ready to start university in September and I’ve also
been doing a lot of exercise and trying to get fit. I’m afraid I put on a bit of
weight in England after eating all those cakes! I go jogging and cycling three
or four times a week. Maybe we can go for a ride together next time I see
Anyway, that’s all for now. It was great to see you and don’t forget my
invitation to come and visit soon. My family would love to meet you. Spring
would be a good time as it’s warm, but not too hot.
Say hello to your friends and family for me.
Best wishes
Pete’s tips
Write 190 words. It’s better if you want to show the examiner what you know. If
you only write 120 words, you are missing an opportunity!
You are writing to a friend, so use Informal language.
Note the informal language such as:
How’s it going?  Thanks for   I reckon   that’s all for now    would love to   
In black you can see how I mentioned the points you MUST INCLUDE and you
will find some good language for writing informal letters.
USE it and get more points in the exam.
This is part of a letter from an English friend, Michael.
I finish school in June and have a free year before starting university. It’s great
isn’t it? First I’m planning to travel until my money runs out. After that, I’d like to
work for about three months, so I’m looking for a job. Can you give me a bit of
advice on travelling and working in your country and where to stay?
Write your letter in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Do not write any postal addresses.
Hi Mike,
It’s great to hear from you. You’re really lucky to have a year off before
getting a job. I hope you have a brilliant time travelling around.
I’m glad you’ve decided to visit Spain for a few months and I’ll try to give you
some practical ideas. When you arrive here, it would be a good idea to get
an Inter-Rail ticket if you want to move about. With this rail pass you can see
most of the country quite cheaply. Just go to a big railway station, fill in some
forms and buy it there.
If you need work in the summer, I could speak to my uncle who runs a bar on
the seafront in Barcelona. He’s always looking for temporary waiters and I’ll be
working there too for a few weeks too so it would be good fun.
Why don’t you stay at my flat while you’re working? All you have to do is
contribute some money for food and tidy up your room from time to time!
Write soon and tell me what you think about my plan.
Pete’s tips
In black you can see how I mentioned the points you MUST INCLUDE and
some good language for writing informal letters.
You are writing to a friend, so use very informal language.
Note informal language such as: It’s great to hear from you, I’m glad and
colloquial words like brilliant or great.
 I also included a few phrasal verbs like: move about, fill in, or tidy up.
 Asking questions is also common in a letter to a friend: What do you think? 
How about…?  Do you think…?
An English friend, Robert, has invited you and your mother to stay with his
family for a week in August.
Robert knows you very well, but has never met your mother. Write him a letter
accepting his invitation. Tell him something about your mother and your travel
Write your letter in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Do not write any postal addresses.
Hi Robert,
How’s it going? Thanks for inviting me and my mum to stay with your family
in August. We would love to come. We’ll come the second week of August if
that’s all right with you.
As you know, my mum has had a hard time the last few years since her hip
operation, but she’s getting stronger now and going regularly to the gym (with
other pensioners of course) to water aerobics classes. The doctor says she
needs to lose weight, but doctors always say that, don’t they?
She really enjoys travelling and visiting new places, so maybe we could do
a few little trips when we come to see you. It might be nice to try out a
couple of restaurants as well. She likes most kinds of food, so it won’t be
difficult to find a place she likes.
I’m busy with my new teaching job, but sometimes I get a bit fed up with the
kids. Some of them are a bit noisy and lazy, but they’re good fun.
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll be in touch soon.
Have a look how I included the information you MUST give in your letter. It’s
highlighted in black.
Nice letter-writing expressions are also in bold print. If you want to win points
for good style, USE these kinds of expressions.
You should always write a little introduction and ending.
Try to imagine a real situation. My mum needed a hip operation a few years
ago! It’s easy to write about something real.
Asking tag questions in informal letters is acceptable: … isn’t it?  …don’t you?
…aren’t they?
Using contractions is fine in informal letters.
I wrote a total of 182 words, not including names, but that’s ok. The examiner
will not be impressed if you write only 140. In fact, he/she will probably think that
you have nothing else to say!

You MUST write 140-190 words.

Write 190! This is your chance to show the examiner what you know.
In recent years, the Informal email is very common in the writing exam.
The Writing Exam is 20% of the total mark, so your email is worth 10% of the
total exam mark.
Remember to use very informal language in this answer. Usually you are
writing to a friend.
The examiners are very concerned about the style of writing (also known as
the register) and give marks for well-used informal language.
In my sample questions and answers you will find some nice informal
expressions and language.
Your English friend, Steve, is thinking of visiting you next month with his
girlfriend. Read his email and the notes you have made. Then, use   all  your
notes to write a letter to Steve.

 Email from:  Steve

Sent:                16th April
Subject:         Visit
I’ll be coming to visit you in May with Linda, my girlfriend, and it’s the first time
I’ve ever been to your town, so it would be great if we could meet
again. (brilliant!)
 I was hoping you could suggest a few nice places to visit (give details) and
you’ll be able to show us around if you’ve got time.
We haven’t decided where to stay yet, so maybe you could find somewhere
cheap, but comfortable for 2 nights. (no problem)
One more thing. Can you tell me how to get from the railway station to your
house? I haven’t got a GPS and we might get lost! (will meet you there)
See you next month,
Sample Answer
Dear Steve,
How’s it going in Liverpool? I’m really glad you’re coming to visit me and I’m
looking forward to meeting Linda.
You said you were thinking of staying for a couple of days, so I’ve made a
little plan of places to visit when you get here. If you’re going to stay for two
nights it might be better to book a room at the youth hostel.
Do you fancy going for lunch at Mario’s pizzeria? The pizzas
are absolutely delicious, the desserts are brilliant and the waiters are friendly.
We could spend the first morning visiting the market and maybe
some second-hand bookshops as well. There are loads in the town!
Anyway Steve, It’ll be great to see you again. I’m sure you’ll enjoy
yourselves. Keep in touch and don’t worry- I’ll pick you up at the
station when you arrive.
See you soon,
See how I included all the points from the ‘notes I made’. They are highlighted
in bold.
You MUST include all these points or you will probably FAIL!.
Typical informal letter phrases and expressions are also highlighted in bold.
I wrote 167 words. DON’T write 140 words because you are missing the chance
to show the examiner how much you kno
You are staying in England. You receive an email from your English friend,
Tony, asking how everything is going. You wrote some notes on his email.
Use  all  your notes to write to your friend telling him what you have been doing
recently and if you are enjoying your stay.
You must answer this question.  Write your answer in  140 – 190 words in an appropriate
style on the opposite page.
Email from: Tony
Sent:               20th September
Subject:         How’s city life?
What’s Manchester like?  (Good shops)  I bet the weather’s not too good! (Raining a lot!)
Have you still got that part-time job in the pub? It must be a good way of speaking to new
people and making friends.
What about the family you’re staying with? (had a few problems) Do you go out much in
the evening? I hope the English classes are going well.  (level improving)
Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and
punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Hi Tony,
Manchester is a really interesting city. It’s got loads of shops, the people are
friendly and the night life is brilliant. It’s a pity it’s always raining!
As you know, I’m working in an English pub. It’s all right, but I have to work
Saturday nights so I can’t go out with my friends very often. Anyway, I’m
practising my English a lot but I’m not too keen on my boss.
I was living with an English family but I didn’t get on very well with them, so
now I’m sharing a flat with some students. It’s fun, but I’m not learning much
English at home because some of them speak Spanish!
Good news! I’m going to English classes every morning in a school next to
my flat and should be ready to do the First Certificate Exam by June.
Well, it’s time for work now. I’ll be in touch soon.
Best wishes,
Have a look at the typical letter-writing expressions in black.
You MUST include all the points covered in the question (also highlighted
in black).
Always ‘structure’ your email with a clear introduction and ending.
An English friend, James, who you were travelling with on holiday, has just sent
you a letter with some photographs.
Read his letter and the notes you have made on it. Then write a letter to James
using  all  your notes.
Email from:     James          
Sent:                  20th January
Subject:            Holiday photos
I hope you like the photos. (great memories! fantastic trip) Did you get home all
right?  (problems at airport)
I’m back at work now, but it’s a bit difficult to start again. I wish we were still on
holiday. Why don’t we plan another trip for Easter if you’ve got time and money?
(better in July) Any suggestions where we could go? (Greek Islands?)
Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Hi James,
It’s great to hear from you again. I hope everything is going well in
Oxford. As you probably know, I had a bit of trouble at Frankfurt
airport because of the pilots’ strike, but I got home in the end.
Thanks for sending me the photos. Whenever I look at them, I remember the
great time we had in Berlin with our German friends. We should try to keep in
touch with them.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to get away at Easter as I have to do my driving
test. What about a trip to the Greek Islands in July? I’m not starting my new
job till August, so I’ve got a whole month to travel.
Well that’s all for now James. Drop me a line when you have time and let me
know what you think about my plan.
I’ll speak to you soon,
See how I included all the points from the ‘notes I made’. They are highlighted
in black.
You MUST include all these points or you will FAIL!
Typical informal letter phrases and expressions are also highlighted in black.
I wrote 170 words. DON’T write 140 words. Write as many words as possible.
You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend,
Natalie. Look at the notes you made.
email from:        Natalie     
Sent:                     21st July
Subject:               Next month                            
Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month.
(no problem)  I’m not sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. (easy
from town centre)  Could you write back giving me some simple directions? 
(give details)   What’s the cheapest means of transport? What will the weather
be like when I get there?  (quite cold and wet)   I’ll need to know which clothes
to pack.
Write your email.   You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Hi Natalie,
How’s it going? I hope you’re well and looking forward to your trip to
England. It’ll be great to see you again. I’ll be on holiday when you come, so
I’ve got plenty of time and we’ll be able to visit a few places together.
The cheapest and easiest way to get to my house from the airport is on the
bus. The V3 will drop you off in Milton town centre. I’ll be waiting for you at the
bus stop when you get there, so you won’t get lost!
It’s still quite chilly here, so bring some warm clothes and maybe even a pair of
gloves. It might rain as well, but can borrow my umbrella!
Well that’s all for now Natalie. When you have a moment, drop me a line and
confirm your flight and arrival times. I’m sure you’ll have a brilliant time.
See you soon,
Have a look at the typical letter-writing expressions highlighted in black.
You MUST include all the points covered in the question (highlighted in black).
Try to use some nice adjectives and typical phrases for style.
Colloquial language is acceptable in this kind of email.
You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend,
Sophie. Look at the notes you made.
email from:            Sophie                 
Sent:                          2nd June
Subject:                    School project      
We’re doing a project this month at school about eating habits and customs
around the world.  (no problem-I’ll send it today)
Could you give me a hand by telling me what people typically eat (not only fish
n’ chips!)  (it depends where you live ) and at what time of day?
Do people eat a lot of fast food? (Not every day!) Thanks for your help.
Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Hi Sophie,
It’s great to hear from you. I hope everything is going well at school. I’m
really busy studying right now, but it’s my day off today and I’ve got plenty of
free time, so here are some ideas for your project.
I know most foreigners think we eat fish and chips every day, but in general we
have quite a varied diet. Although some people eat fast food (or ‘junk food’, as
my mother calls it!) once or twice a month, we eat also fruit and vegetables
according to the season.
People on the coast tend to eat more fresh fish and seafood, while in big cities
there is a wide choice of food from many different countries and cultures. In
fact, there is such a variety these days, there is no excuse to eat badly any
Lunch here is usually about 1 o’clock and dinner at 6 o’clock, followed by a
visit to the pub at 8! As you can see, people have a very early evening meal in
the UK.
Well, I hope I’ve helped you with your project and I’ll speak to you again soon.
Bye for now,
Look at the typical letter-writing expressions highlighted in bold.
You MUST include all the points covered in the question (also highlighted
in black). This is extremely important.
I wrote 195 words, but I don’t think the examiner will mind because I answered
the question properly and used some nice expressions.

The student must write 140-190 words.

There are basically 3 types of letters:

 Letter of complaint (formal)

 Job application letter (formal)
 Asking for information

Example of a formal job application letter
Dear Mr. Johnson,
I saw your advertisement in …….and I am writing to enquire about the vacancy
for a ……….
I am currently ………       I have been ……. for the last two years and ………
I am available to work at weekends and feel I would be suitable for this position.
I enclose a recent photo with my C.V. and am available for interview.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely,
That’s 90 words of ‘skeleton’ already and you haven’t answered the question
This means you have plenty of time to plan, write and check your letter. In fact,
the meat is probably only 50%!!
PART 2 – (asking for information)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I saw your advertisement in the Times newspaper last week for Chinese
courses in your school in London and I would be grateful if you could send me
some more information.
First of all,
Another thing I would like to know is if …
Your faithfully,
You recently went on a coach trip with ‘Easy Coach’ bus company.   In their
advertisement they promised an enjoyable day trip to a shopping centre. In fact,
it was a total disaster.
Write a letter of complaint and ask for your money back.
We offer a fast, reliable and service from your town, directly to the heart of the
biggest indoor shopping centre in Europe. Travel in comfort and spend the day
visiting all the most important brand name stores. Our drivers will get you to
your destination safely and on time. Relax and enjoy the trip!
Write your letter of complaint in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about the ‘Easy Coach’ day trip to Stilton Keynes
shopping complex on December 16th.
According to your brochure, the coach was supposed to leave at 8.30 in the
morning but unfortunately it arrived late and we did not set off until 9.00 so
the driver went too fast and the passengers were quite worried. What is
more, the journey took nearly three hours instead of two.
To make matters worse, when we finally arrived at the shopping centre, most
of the main shops were closed! On top of that, the coach broke down on the
return journey and we had to wait for an hour before another coach came to
pick us up.
I am extremely disappointed about wasting my day and feel your company
is to blame. I am, therefore, writing to request an immediate refund of the 12
pounds I spent on the ticket I am afraid that your leaflet is rather misleading.  .
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Lawson
You MUST include all the relevant points in your answer. (Highlighted in bold).
I invented 4 different complaints and asked for a refund.
Please note the typical letter-writing expressions highlighted in bold.
Remember to use formal language and complain. You are very annoyed!!
 You have seen the following job advertisement in your local youth centre.
Send a letter to Mr. Johnson, the activity leader, saying why you are suitable for
the job.
(Weekends only)
Would you like to work with young children aged 6-12? Do you have lots of
energy? Are you an excellent swimmer?
If so, then we want to hear from you. Our children’s club needs someone
responsible to look after a group of 10 children to teach them swimming and
other activities.
Write your letter of application in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Dear Mr. Johnson,
I saw your advertisement in the youth club last week and I am writing
to enquire about the vacancy for an activity co-ordinator at weekends.
I am currently studying a university degree in Physical Education and hope to
become a P.E. teacher when I finish. Swimming and lifesaving are subjects in
my degree course, so I am an experienced swimmer.
I have been coaching a local kids football team for the last 2 years and am a
very keen tennis and golf player. I also play chess to a good level and
have taken part in a number of tournaments and taught young children to
play in the local club.
I am free to work at weekends, have plenty of time and energy and feel I
would be suitable for this position. I enclose a recent photo with my C.V.
and am available for interview any evening. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if you require any further information.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Lawson
Make sure you answer the question by including all the points from the job
advertisement. You MUST say why you are suitable for the post.
Have a look at typical job application language, highlighted in bold.
The different points I mentioned are
in bold.                                                                     
You have found an advertisement in local newspaper offering seasonal work for
students in one of the hotels in the area and you would like to apply for a
summer job in Brighton.
Write a letter to the manager of the hotel in which you present your
qualifications, skills and interests.
at a busy hotel in Brighton
No previous experience necessary, but languages required.We are looking for young
students who are free for summer work and who enjoy contact with the general

Please send us a letter saying why you are suitable for the job.
Write your letter of application in 140-190 words.
SAMPLE ANSWER           
Dear Sir/Madam,
I saw your recent advertisement in the local newspaper and am writing
to enquire whether you have any vacancies for temporary work this summer.
At present, I am a second year student at university, taking a degree course
in tourism, and I would very much appreciate the opportunity to work in a
hotel during my vacation, as I think it would be good experience for me
in dealing with the general public.
Although I have no experience in a hotel, I am very keen to learn and would
be willing to accept any work you may be able to offer me. I can speak
French, German and Spanish as well as English. I feel my language
skills could be useful for this position.
I enclose a recent photograph and my C.V. If you require any further details,
I will be happy to send them to you. I can be contacted until the middle of June
at the above address and telephone number and am available for an
interview at any time.
I look forward to receiving your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Lawson
Always answer the question: remember to mention your qualifications, skills
and interests. The different points I considered relevant for the job are in bold.
Typical job application language and expressions are highlighted in bold.
You MUST say why you are suitable for this position.
Try to imagine you are the hotel manager and  you receive this application.
You have seen the following job advertisement on the notice board of your local
language school.
Write your letter of application to the owner of the language school.
CLUB ORGANISER NEEDED!    (Monday and Wednesday evenings only)
Do you have some knowledge of English? Do you like working with groups of
people? Are you interested in films?
Our language school is looking for a person to help organise a Film Club for
English students. The club meets twice a week to watch a film in English,
followed by a discussion of the film.
If you think you could be the right person to run our Film Club, we would like to
hear from you
Write your letter of application in an appropriate style in 140-190 words.
 Dear Sir or Madam,
I saw your advertisement in the language school last week and I am writing
to enquire about the vacancy for a club organizer on Monday and Wednesday
First of all, I would like to point out that, as I am studying at university, I am
available for other activities in the evenings. I am in the final year of my Fine
Arts degree, and I am also a member of the debating society in my faculty, so
I have some experience of working in a team and helping to coordinate
As for films, in my spare time I love watching films and am especially keen
on European cinema. Fortunately my interest in movies has also helped me
to improve my English level and in fact I will be taking my First Certificate
Exam in June.
I hope you will consider my application and feel I would be suitable for
this position. I am available for interview any evening, so please do not
hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Peter Lawson
Always answer the question by including all the points from the
advertisement. The different points I considered relevant for the job are in bold.
You MUST say why you are suitable for the post.
Typical job application language and expressions are highlighted in bold.
It’s interesting to see how much of this job application letter can be prepared
before your exam by remembering ‘set’ expressions.
You saw this advertisement in the local newspaper and it looked nice.
Unfortunately, the place did not meet your expectations and you were unhappy
with the service.
Ambience Restaurant  is the best place to meet up with your friends and spend
a pleasant evening in good company. Privacy, comfort and relaxing background
music, plus a great choice of vegetarian dishes. Come and enjoy! Satisfaction
guaranteed! Efficient service is our priority.  
Write a letter to Mrs. Jameson, the manager of the restaurant, and ask for your
money back.
Write your letter of complaint in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
Dear Mrs. Jameson,
I am writing to inform you that I was extremely disappointed with my recent
visit to your restaurant. I read your advertisement in the newspaper and
decided to spend an evening there with my friend. Unfortunately, I have a
number of serious complaints concerning this visit.
According to your advertisement, the place is perfect for holding private
conversations in a relaxing atmosphere. However, it turned out that the
music was so loud that we could hardly hear each other. When we asked the
waiter to turn the music down, he shrugged his shoulders rudely and said that
other guests were quite happy. Is that what you mean by ‘efficient service’?
To make matters worse, the place was crowded and we waited an eternity to
be served. Although the food was reasonably good, I consider it to be
I would like you to take these points into consideration and I expect
a refund from your restaurant.
I trust you will give this matter immediate attention and look forward to
receiving your reply as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Lawson
You MUST include all the relevant points in your answer. (Highlighted in bold).
Above all, remember to complain and ask for your money back.
Please note the typical letter-writing expressions highlighted in bold.
As you can see, the style is very formal. Mrs. Jameson must understand you
are annoyed, so choose firm expressions to express your dissatisfaction.

In Part 2, one of the possible questions is a FORMAL EMAIL.

Have a look at my sample questions and answers. You will see there are also
notes and suggestions to help you in the right direction.

Some American people are coming to your area and you have been asked to
help organise the group’s visit. Read the email you have received from Mrs
Lucas, the group leader, and the notes you have made. Then write an email to
Mrs Lucas using  all  your notes.
Email from: Melanie Lucas
Sent:                            15 May
Subject:              American visitors
Dear Peter,
The group will arrive on 3 August and will leave August 8. Do you think these
dates are suitable?  (Perfect. Coincides with  local festival)  There will be 10
teenagers and 6 adults in the group. Somebody recommended the Swan hotel.
Could you give me some more information about it?   (Give info to Mrs Lucas)
The adults would like to go shopping. Could you suggest some interesting
shops to visit?  (Suggest some shops).  The teenagers are keen on sports. Are
there any good sports facilities in the area?   (Give some sports info)
Everybody is looking forward to visiting your town. Thank you for all your help.
Melanie Lucas
Write your  email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Dear Mrs Lucas,
I am delighted you are coming to visit in August and I can confirm that this is
the ideal time to come as the town is holding its yearly festival and I am sure
you will enjoy it.
As for the hotel, I would definitely recommend the Swan. It is comfortable,
the staff are friendly and the price is very reasonable. I will send you some
more information in my next email if required.
There is a busy shopping mall in the town centre with a wide variety of
shops. There is something for everyone, ranging from video games and
fashionable clothes stores to second-hand book shops.
Finally, for the sports fans. Although there is a leisure centre, I was thinking
that it might be fun for your group to take part in the sports events in the
festival. Please tell me what you think.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Peter Lawson
Always read the question carefully and make sure you include ALL the points.
If you begin the email with Dear Mr/Mrs + name, you must finish with sincerely.
If you begin the email with Dear sir/madam, you must finish with faithfully.
Try to use YOUR words in the email and DON’T COPY from the question if you
can avoid it. (sometimes you don’t have much choice!)
In brackets (parenthesis) you can see where I answered all the points from the
question. There are usually 4 different points you MUST INCLUDE or you will
lose marks.
In bold type, you will find some useful expressions for this kind of formal email.
You are helping to organise a visit to an English Language Academy in
Liverpool. You have received a letter from Bryan Barlow, the director of the
Academy. Read the letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to
Mr Barlow using  all  your notes.
Email from:          Bryan Barlow
Sent: 12                            March
Subject:                          Group visit to academy
We are very glad you are coming to our academy in July. I am sure you will
have an enjoyable time and you will learn a lot of English. ( Everybody is excited
about visit)
Please tell me whether you prefer to stay together in a hostel or individually with
local families when you arrive.  (Better with family)
Could you give some more information about the people in your group so I can
help organise some free time activities?  (Give Bryan more info)
I hope to hear from you again soon. Please feel free to ask me any further
questions regarding your stay.  (Any day trips organized?)
Yours sincerely,
Bryan Barlow
Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Dear Mr. Barlow,
It is nice to hear from you again. Everybody is looking forward to our
visit in July and hoping to improve their level of English.
Although most of my group would prefer to be together in a hostel, I have
decided it would be better to stay with local families as they will learn more
English and avoid speaking in their own language.
The average age of the students is 16, so they would like to visit some local
shops, go to discos in the evening and maybe do a few sports activities.
An internet connection would also be useful so they can keep in touch with
their family and friends.
Finally, they are doing a project about castles so it might be nice to go on a
couple of day trips to get to know the local history.
I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for your help.
Peter Lawson (activities co-ordinator)
Always read the question carefully and make sure you include ALL the points.
Look at the comments YOU MADE on Mr. Barlow’s email in brackets in italics.
In black you can see where I answered all the points from the question. There
are usually 4 different points you MUST INCLUDE or you will lose marks. You
will also find some useful expressions for this kind of formal email.
If you begin the email with Dear Mr./Mrs. + name, you must finish with sincerely.
Try to use YOUR words in the email and DON’T COPY from the question if you
Notice how I used a semi-formal style (register). I used language such as: It’s
nice to hear from you, get to know and keep in touch with.
It was quite a boring email, but easy to write and structure and doesn’t need a
You are going to participate in a young writers competition run by an English
magazine. You have some questions about the deadline and how the text
should be presented. Write an email to the organizers of the competition and
ask for more information about how to enter the competition.
Write your  email.
You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and
punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Dear sir/madam,
I saw your article about a young writers competition in your magazine and I
would like to know some more details before sending my entry.
Firstly, I need to know the closing date for all the participants so I can send
my work in time. I have chosen to write about my experience while travelling
abroad. Could you tell me if this is a suitable subject and, if so, how many
words should I include in my essay?
Apart from the length of my work, I will also require guidelines about the age
group of the readers so I know whether it should be written using familiar
or formal language.
As for the format, is it better to send it as a PDF document and is there a
standard font I ought to use?
I hope to receive your reply regarding my questions and any further
information as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Lawson
In black you can see where I answered all the points from the question. You will
find some useful expressions for this kind of formal email.
There are 3 different points you MUST INCLUDE or you will lose marks! In this
email. I also added 1 or 2 extra points which I thought were relevant.
I used only formal language, began my email with Dear sir/madam and
finished with Yours faithfully.
Please note the use of modal verbs such as: could, should, ought to, need to.
It was difficult for me to write only 190 words and I had to be very clear and
You work for an English language school called Milton Academy. You have
invited a famous novelist to give a talk to your students about how she writes
her stories. Look at the extract from her email, then write a letter to Mrs.
Cartlane, giving all the information she requests.
Email from: Barbara Cartlane
Sent:                            20 October
Subject:                  Visit to Milton Academy
Could you tell me which hotel you have booked for me ( Parkhead Hotel)  and
how to get there from the station?  (will meet her there)
The talk is in the evening, so I have time to see the town. Can you recommend
any interesting places to visit before I go to the School?   (Give ideas to Mrs
I would also like to know a few more details about the dinner you   are planning
when we finish the lecture. (Give details)
I look forward to seeing you on 5 November.
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Cartlane
Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate
spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.
Dear Mrs Cartlane,
We are glad you are attending the workshop on the 5th November and all our
students are really excited.
When you arrive at the station, I will pick you up and take you to your hotel.
You will be staying at Parkhead Hotel, the most comfortable hotel in town
with friendly, helpful staff and modern facilities.
As you will have time in the morning, you might enjoy taking a
stroll around the old town and visiting the monuments and the medieval
museum. You could have lunch at The King’s Head pub. They
serve delicious local food and beers at reasonable prices.
Your presentation should finish around 8pm, so we have booked a table for
dinner at the George Restaurant for 8.30. The Director of the academy and I
will accompany you. I am sure you will enjoy it.
We look forward to meeting you on 5th November.
Peter Lawson (Head of studies)
You will see that I have used a formal style (register) in this email as I
considered it appropriate for this situation. You want to appear polite and
In black you can see where I answered all the points from the question. There
are usually 4 different points you MUST INCLUDE or you will lose marks.
In black, you will find some useful expressions for this kind of formal email.
Notice how I used a few adjectives to give the email more style.
A lot of candidates for the First Certificate exam complain that the questions are
often stupid! I agree, but you have NO CHOICE. You MUST answer the
question, so try to imagine it is a REAL email even if you think it is ridiculous!
You are doing a house exchange with a couple from Berlin in the summer
holidays. While you are staying in Berlin for 2 weeks, the German couple is
living in your house. Read the email you have received from Sigrid and
Gunther, your German house exchange partners, with the notes you have
made. Then write an email to them using  all  your notes.
Email from:    Sigrid Scholl  and Gunther Breitner
Sent:                                11 August
Subject:                    Questions about the house
We are really enjoying our stay in your house-it is very comfortable. ( We are
pleased you like it)    The view from the living-room is wonderful.
Could you recommend some interesting places to visit in the area?   (Suggest
places to visit)    Is it possible to rent a car at a reasonable price in the town? If
so, can you give us some more information about it?   (Give them car rental
We would like to go shopping in the city one day and have dinner at a nice
restaurant. Maybe you could recommend some good shops and restaurants.  
(Suggest some shops and places to eat)
We hope you are fine in Berlin. Please email us if you have any questions or
Yours sincerely,
Sigrid and Gunther
Write your email.

Dear Sigrid and Gunther,
We are glad you are enjoying your visit. Your house is great, everything is fine
and your neighbours are very friendly.
If you are interested in history, you could do a little trip to the castle in
Woodbridge. It only takes 20 minutes to get there by car.
If you would like to rent a car, speak to Michael at the tourist information office
in High Street. He is very helpful and will also give you more information
about interesting places in the area.
Mario’s pizzeria is the best place for dinner, but you might find some good
offers at lunch time if you take a stroll around the town centre. There are
plenty of good shops in the middle of the town within walking distance. I
recommend the second-hand clothes shops if you are looking for a bargain.
If you have any more questions, please get in touch.
Peter and family
You will see that I have used a semi-formal style (register) in this email as I
considered it appropriate for this situation. You want to appear polite, but
Language such as: get in touch or great is acceptable in this case even though
it is a little bit informal.
You only have 190 words to include all the necessary information and use some
nice language, so be concise. I could easily write 200 words, but the examiner
would NOT be impressed because you MUST follow the instructions.
In black type you will find some useful expressions for this kind of formal email
and you can see where I answered all the points from the question. There are
usually 4 different points you MUST INCLUDE or you will lose marks. In this
email I mentioned these different points repeatedly.


PLAN your review.
Give your review a heading (an underlined title).
Make sure you have at least 3 paragraphs.
Ask rhetorical questions to get your readers’ attention. Eg. What would the
world be like without oil? What will life be like in 20 years time?
Speak directly to your readers. Eg. ‘Let’s just imagine some of the
Give examples where appropriate.
Use humour where appropriate.
Give a conclusion and summary in the last paragraph.
Finally, give your opinion where appropriate.
CHECK your review for mistakes.


Introducing your first point:

Firstly / First of all
In the first place
The first thing to consider is
One thing to consider is
To begin with
Introducing more points:
Another consideration
Another thing to consider is
Added to that
Apart from that
In addition to this

Introducing your final points:

In conclusion
To conclude
To sum up
EXPRESSING OPINIONS –   Useful phrases

I think
In my opinion
Personally I believe that
In my view
If you ask me
My personal opinion is
I agree/ disagree with…
In my opinion…
I believe that…
I am in favour of…
I am against the idea of…
It seems to me that…
I sympathize with…


The main argument in favour/ against is…

First of all I should like to consider…
The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is…
In order to make the problem clear, I would like to present some examples of …
Apart from that…
Despite the fact that …/ In spite of…
On the other hand…
What is more…
What matters most in this case is…
There is no doubt that…


because of
as a result of
on account of
owing to
due to
as a consequence


To sum up, it could be said that….

On this basis, I can conclude that…
Given this, it can be concluded that…
Having proved this, I would like to…
In conclusion, I would like to stress that..

Rhetorical questions to   use for more style

Have you ever ……..?

What do you think about ……..?
Are you one of those people who think that ……?
Are you one of those people who …….?
What would life be like if ……?
You have seen the following notice in a magazine called   TV World:
Reviews wanted for our magazine!
What is your favourite film of all time? Write a short review and it could be
published in our next issue. Give your opinion about the film and say whether
you would recommend watching it.
We will publish the best reviews next month.
Write your review for Film magazine in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
REVIEW  PLAN   (10 minutes)
TITLE          My favourite film of all time-The Life of

INTRODUCE FIRST POINT When, Group of comedians-Monty Python

who, what, where Produced/directed by them 35 years ago.
Filmed in the desert of Israel. Parallel life
of Jesus Christ.

INTRODUCE MORE POINTS  Controversial/hilarious. Brian doesn’t want

to be the chosen one. More than a
comedy-questions traditional ideas.

CONCLUSION, OPINION & Worth seeing/classic comedy/well

RECOMMENDATION made/very   entertaining/my favourite

If you’re a film fan, you probably have your own favourites, but I can promise
that my choice will make you laugh almost non-stop for ninety minutes.
The Life of Brian was produced and directed in the eighties by
the infamous group of British comedians known as Monty Python. It’s
a hilarious parody of the life of Jesus Christ and is filmed on location in Israel.
It’s an explosive cocktail of sarcasm and blasphemy which created great
controversy in its time and still enjoys great popularity.
This manic movie is much more profound than it may seem and is definitely a
provocative work with unforgettable musical moments questioning the traditional
version of the bible. It is centred around Brian, a typical young Jewish man
who is horrified to discover that people think he is the Messiah!
I strongly recommend this movie for comedy fans, especially the final
crucifixion scene. It may not be in most people’s Top Ten of all time, but it’s
extremely well-made and entertaining. So why not rent it from your local video
club and enjoy every minute of this comedy classic.
Typical expressions for writing reviews are in bold print.
Notice how I answered the question by giving my
opinions and recommending the film. You MUST include all these points in
your answer or you will probably FAIL!
Obviously I chose my favourite film because I know a lot about it. It might be an
idea to prepare notes before the exam about your favourite: film, book, soap
opera or TV programme.
Always put yourself in the position of the reader and try to transmit your
You work for the student newspaper. You have been asked to write a review
about the theatre group that is going to make a performance in your town.
Reviews wanted for the student newspaper!
Give your opinion about the show and say whether you would recommend
watching it. The best reviews will be published in the newspaper.
Write your review in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
 REVIEW/ARTICLE  PLAN (10 minutes)
The theatre event of the year

INTRODUCE   FIRST POINT Chinese theatre group. Shanghai. Next week in  

When, who, what, where town. Royal Theatre. 7.30 Wednesday evening.
Exciting, different, fresh.

INTRODUCE   MORE World tour /talented /improvisation


CONCLUSION,   OPINION & Very    original /worth watching/recommend it/ buy

RECOMMENDATION your tickets in   advance-really popular

The theatre event of the year
Have you ever wondered about theatre in other countries? Would you like to
see something different, refreshing and exciting? The Shanghai Theatre
Company will be visiting our town next week to offer us their unique blend
of oriental dance, humour and music. The curtains open at 7.30 p.m. on
Wednesday 27th May, so get there in good time.
This group of young entertainers are currently on their second world tour and
will perform at most major towns and cities in our country. Are you ready
to enter this magical world of entertainment?
They’ll make you laugh, cry and maybe even change your ideas about
traditional theatre. Two hours of talent and improvisation designed to make you
think and participate in a world of fun and fantasy. An original and
unforgettable experience!
I strongly recommend this event for all the family, so make sure you get your
tickets in advance either online or directly from the Royal Theatre ticket office at
least 2 hours before the performance due to great demand.
Don’t miss it, you’ll enjoy every minute!
The style is quite ‘chatty’ and not too formal as the newspaper is for young
readers. Use familiar phrases such as: Have you ever wondered..?  or  Don’t
miss it.
You MUST give your opinions and say whether you recommend watching the
Try to use stylish descriptive adjectives like: refreshing,
exciting or unforgettable.
I gave the review a title to make it seem more dramatic!
You see this announcement in  Leisure and Entertainment  magazine.
Could you live without television for a week?
Write and tell us what difference this would make to your life. We will publish
the best review.
Write your review for Leisure and Entertainment magazine in 140-190 words in
an appropriate style.
Could you live without T.V. for a week?

INTRODUCE FIRST POINT Addicted? Too many hours in front of screen. Other
When, who, what, where alternatives-internet + social life.

INTRODUCE MORE I watch news, weather, sports and films. Keep up to

POINTS date. Have a lot of other hobbies/friends/family.

CONCLUSION/OPINION & Not the end of the world/more social life/other ways to
RECOMMENDATION keep   informed/open mind.

Could you live without T.V. for a week?
Why don’t you unplug your television and do something else for a week? Of
course you could always watch your favourite programmes on internet, but
how about taking up new hobbies and interests? Whoknows, it may change
your life!
You are probably saying to yourself-“How can I keep up to date with the
news and current affairs?” Reading the newspaper or listening to the radio is far
more stimulating, while TV is a passive activity which requires very little thought
or effort. If you’re a film fan, why not rent a movie from your local video shop
and invite your friends for dinner, cook something new and watch it together?
Do exercise, read a book, write your biography, join a club, walk the dog or
even visit your grandmother. It could be the perfect excuse to get fit, make your
friends and family happy and improve your social life.
I would definitely recommend living without TV for a while. It might open your
mind and could be the beginning of a healthier, more sociable lifestyle. Give it a
try for a week and see what happens.
You MUST include this information in your answer: what difference this
would make to your life.
You are writing for the reader of an entertainments magazine, so the ‘register’
needs to be quite informal.
Asking informal questions is normal when you write a review: Why don’t
you…?  How about…?  Why not…?
It is also fine to use expressions such as: Who knows, Give it a try  or  see
what happens.
You see this announcement in your school’s English language magazine.
In your experience what are the benefits and drawbacks of learning
another language? Is it something you would recommend to everyone?
If we publish your review you will win a prize of fifty pounds!
Write your review in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
The benefits and drawbacks of learning a language

INTRODUCE FIRST POINT In Britain a foreign language is compulsory. I studied

When, who, what, where French-difficult to practice it. Time and effort-frustrating
for some students

INTRODUCE MORE English necessary for: travel, work (interviews),

POINTS computers, internet. Influence of English everywhere

CONCLUSION/OPINION & Recommend it for most people if they really need

RECOMMENDATION another language, especially English

The benefits and drawbacks of learning a language
How often have you heard people say- “I wish I could speak another
language” or “I need to learn English”? In most British schools, learning a
foreign language is compulsory (I learned French), but the vast majority of
students never have the chance to practise or use it. Besides that, millions of
students around the world feel obliged to study English and often make a great
effort only to find frustration. Many people are, quite simply, bad at languages.
The benefits of speaking English are, however, obvious. It is vital for travel,
work, job interviews, using a computer and internet. The list is endless due
to the great worldwide influence of this language. In fact, you may discover that
it can be a serious handicap if you are unable to communicate with foreigners
because of your low level of English.
From personal experience, therefore, I would recommend learning a
language, especially for young people who need it for their future. In
some cases, though, this ‘obligation’ or ‘necessity’ requires a great personal
sacrifice and can lead to frustration and a waste of time and money.
As I’m writing for an English magazine, I decided to use a semi-formal
style (register).
You MUST mention the benefits and drawbacks and recommend (or not!)
learning a foreign language.
It is acceptable to use rhetorical questions in a review. Look at my opening
Always make a plan. It will help you to structure your review and to include all
your ideas. A couple of arguments for each point is enough.
You see this notice in an English-language newspaper called   TV Today:
Reviews wanted!
Are you a TV soap opera fan? Send us a review of your favourite soap opera or
TV series describing the story and characters and whether you would
recommend it to other viewers.
The best reviews will be published in next month’s issue.
Write your review in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.
REVIEW PLAN   (10 minutes)
My favourite TV series

INTRODUCE FIRST POINT Navy. Special agent Gibbs leads an elite investigation

When, who, what, where team. Mission-to find out who killed marines.

INTRODUCE MORE Main characters and ‘formula’ of story.


CONCLUSION/OPINION  & I recommend it because it’s well made, exciting and the
RECOMMENDATION actors are good.

My favourite TV series   N.C.I.S.  NAVY
It seems fashionable these days to criticize imported American T.V. series as
“a load of rubbish”, but who doesn’t watch them from time to time? I must
admit I hardly ever miss an episode of ‘Navy’ in which special agent Gibbs
leads a highly-trained team of investigators with one mission in mind- Who
killed the marine?
Gibbs is the main character in this popular series. He’s a tough guy with a
heart of gold, who never rests until he has found the criminal. His team of
detectives is made up of: Dinoso (the self-obsessed clown), Ziva (the beautiful
Israeli martial arts expert) and computer nerd McGee. They combine their skills
to find out who the murderer is. The rest of the team consists of: the eccentric
goth scientist, Abby, and the forensic genius, Doctor Mallard, (also known as
Even if you’re not keen on American series, I would definitely
recommend this one, with its amusing comic touches, fast-moving
action, well-written dialogues and great actors. The plot is sometimes rather
difficult to believe, but it’s 45 minutes of top-class entertainment.
I’m writing for an English magazine, so I decided to use a semi-formal
style (register).
You MUST describe the story and the characters and recommend it to the
Always make a plan and structure your review and include all your ideas.
If you choose to write about something that you enjoy, the reader will be
interested and find it enjoyable.
Look at the language highlighted in bold. You might find some good
expressions that YOU can use in your article.

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