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Module 2: Unit 2


PATHFIT 4 Towards Health and Fitness IV, shortly
Physical Activities
known as PATHFIT 4, is the last course among others that students
who aims to develop holistic health has to go through. This course
aims to provide physical activities for the purpose of optimizing
health and fitness which is pivotal given the fact that we are in this
difficult time.

PATHFIT 4 will highlight the concept of recreation and how

participation in recreational activities will benefit the learners. This
will also involve three (3) lessons; Larong Pinoy, Zumba and Yoga
which are all relevant to the main objective of the course- to ensure
Holistic Fitness.

From the tracing of the history and nature, realizing the

significance and values which is crucial to the affective domain, to
the engagement of the learners in the actual “game” and their
participation to their chosen recreational activities, these life-
lessons will lead them to the development of their own recreational
game/activity which is the endpoint of this course. It follows the
process of learners’ attainment of HOTS or the Higher Order
Thinking Skills as they will be required to supervise their own
learning, construct meaning and most essentially, create and
showcase their skills for effective and meaningful instruction.


At the end of this unit, you are able to:

a. Identify the concept of recreation and various recreational activities; and

b. Value the different benefits of recreational activities to an individual’s life.


Unit 2: Recreational Activities Concepts
Hello learners!
INTRODUCTION I welcome you to our new lesson: The Concept of Recreation.
Since we are now in the middle of the pandemic and we are not
allowed to play outside, you may find it enjoyable and entertaining
to read about recreational activities and learn about its benefits.
Did you know that participating in the recreational activities will not
only give you physical benefits but a lot more than you can
In this unit, you will be able to learn more about the wide and
interesting area of recreational activities. It might surprise you that
the usual things you do in everyday life is considered a recreational

Directions: Analyze the following questions about recreational activities and identify the
letter that corresponds to the right answer.
_____1. What helps to create a balance between academic pressures with physical and
mental well-being?
A. Recreation C. Leisure
B. Recreational Activities D. Entertainment
_____2. What is the difference between active activity and passive activity?
A. Passive activity involves using a lot of energy and makes you move around a
lot and makes you active while Active activity is more of a leisure or relaxation
activity as you are calmer and you don't have to move as much.
B. Active activity involves using a lot of synergy and makes you move around a lot
and makes you active while passive activity is more of a leisure or relaxation
activity as you are calmer and you don't have to move as much.
C. Active activity involves using a lot of energy and makes you move around a lot
and makes you active while passive activity is more of a leisure or relaxation
activity as you are calmer and you don't have to move as much.
D. Active activity involves using a lot of energy and makes you move around a lot
and makes you active while possibility activity is more of a leisure or relaxation
activity as you are calmer and you don't have to move as much.


_____3. Which of the following are the benefits of the recreational activity to an
A. It combats diabetes
B. It combats osteoporosis
C. It significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
D. All of the above.
_____4. How does recreational activity improve quality of life?
A. Recreational activities help create a balance between academic pressures with
physical and mental well-being.
B. You use your workouts as a time to reflect. These are precious moments you
spend with yourself and your inner world.
C. Encourage social interaction and improve concentration in learning.
D. It provides a channel for releasing tension and anxiety thus facilitating
emotional stability and resilience.
_____5. Which does not belong to the characteristics of recreational activity?
A. Recreation occurs during leisure time.
B. Recreation is as different as people are different; it is extremely wide and
C. Recreation is a sort of action as distinguished from the rest.
D. Recreation must be involuntary; it cannot be ordered, imposed, or forced.
_____6. Which of the following is the safety measure of the recreational activity?
A. Know your limits.
B. Know your family’s usual activity level and plan your outdoor recreational
activities accordingly.
C. Bring a first-aid kit, keep equipment in good shape and use protective gear.
D. All of the above.
_____7. What is the objective of participation in recreational activity?


A. It makes an individual become emotionally fit by developing agility, flexibility,
B. It makes an individual become physically fit by developing agility, flexibility
and endurance.
C. It makes an individual become spiritually fit by developing agility, flexibility
and endurance.
D. It makes an individual become psychology fit by developing agility, flexibility
and endurance.
_____8. Which of the following is not an example of “indoor recreational activity”?
A. Arcades C. Basketball
B. Art D. Yoga
_____9. Which exemplifies the spiritual benefits of recreational activities?
A. When you engage yourself to regular exercise to attain fitness.
B. When you use your workout as a time to be reflective.
C. When you develop harmonious relationship with your friends.
D. When you regularly participate in Zumba groups.
_____10. Recreational activities, especially outdoor ones improve one’s health like
maintaining lower body fat percentages, lowering blood and cholesterol levels,
increasing muscular strength, flexibility and endurance. Which of the following refers to
this statement?
A. Strength and Wealth
B. Strong and Dynamic
C. Body Composition and Cardiovascular Endurance
D. Body Compass and Cardiovascular Endurance

Lesson Proper
Lesson 1: Concepts of Recreation

What is recreation? You may ask. Before you proceed to more discoveries and activities,
that’s the first thing you will have to define and be familiar with.
Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do
something for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology.
Recreational activities help manage stress. It provides a chance to nurture oneself and
provides a sense of balance and self-esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety and
depression. Recreational activities help create a balance between academic pressures
with physical and mental well-being. The difference between active activities involves
using a lot of energy and makes you move around a lot and makes you active. When
passive activity is more of a leisure or relaxation activity as you are calmer and you
don't have to move as much.
Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and
are considered to be "fun". Recreation consists of activities or experiences carried on
within leisure, usually chosen voluntarily by the participant – either because of
satisfaction, pleasure or creative enrichment derived, or because he perceives certain
personal or social values to be gained from them. It may, also be perceived as the
process of participation, or as the emotional state derived from involvement. Students
like you, especially in higher education, now spend most of your time with college
friends and outside of home for various purposes and work. Hence, in the current
scenario, the best place to include recreational activities in your life is your place of
education rather than at home. This not only provides a chance to include recreations in
your life, but also helps you to socialize and become less dependent on your parents.

Lesson 2: Recreational Activities

Indoor recreational activities include:

⮚ Arcades
⮚ Art/dance/exercise studio


⮚ Bowling alleys
⮚ Drama/voice/instrument instructional studio.
⮚ Health club/fitness center
⮚ Ice skating and roller skating
⮚ Indoor archery and shooting range
⮚ Yoga
⮚ Zumba

Indoor Recreational Activities


Outdoor recreational activities include:

⮚ Hiking and camping

⮚ Hunting and fishing
⮚ Canoeing, kayaking and rafting
⮚ Sailing and motor boating
⮚ Biking
⮚ Rock Climbing
⮚ Horseback riding
⮚ Skiing


Outdoor Recreational Activities


Characteristics of recreation:
● Recreation occurs during leisure.
● Recreation is as different as people are different; it is extremely wide and varied.
● Recreation is activity; it is some sort of action as distinguished from rest.
● Recreation must be voluntary; it cannot be ordered, imposed, or forced.

Lesson 3: Benefits of Recreational Activities

The Benefits of Recreation Improved Quality of Life

⮚ Recreation prolongs independent ⮚ Recreational activities help create

living for seniors - keeping seniors a balance between academic
vital and involved in community pressures with physical and mental
life. well-being.


⮚ Recreation helps people live ⮚ The effects of recreation are
longer. multifold.
⮚ Recreation and fitness significantly ⮚ It enriches self-expression, self-
reduce the risk of coronary heart fulfillment ability, interpersonal
disease and stroke. skills, techniques and methods of
⮚ Recreation and fitness using leisure, physical strength,
combat osteoporosis. creative expression, and aesthetic
⮚ Recreation and fitness combat sense. Such attributes have a
diabetes. favorable effect on human beings
who have limits in everyday life.
⮚ Therefore, recreation is allowed to
be used as a tool of therapy (Lee,
⮚ Physical activity-based recreation
helps participants recover from the
deteriorated physical strength,
caused by the lack of exercise, and
develops the latent ability to
achieve self-realization.


⮚ Recreational ⮚ You use your ⮚ Mental health is ⮚ Encourages social
activities, workouts as a time essential for interaction
especially outdoor to reflect. These overall physical ⮚ Increases
ones improve one’s are precious health. personal
health like moments you ⮚ Recreational confidence and
maintaining lower spend with yourself activities help self-awareness.
body fat and your inner manage stress. ⮚ Reduces feelings
percentages, world. ⮚ It provides a of depression and
lowering blood and ⮚ You test your will. chance to nurture anxiety.
cholesterol levels, ⮚ Your heart is oneself and
increasing engaged. provides a sense
muscular strength, ⮚ You expand your of balance and
flexibility, muscular comfort zone. self-esteem,
endurance, body ⮚ You change your which can directly
composition and karma. reduce anxiety
cardiovascular ⮚ You release and depression.
endurance. emotion and ⮚ It provides a
⮚ Over-all, it energy. channel for
increases one’s ⮚ You take a releasing tension
stamina and moment to and anxiety thus


energy level breathe. facilitating
resulting in more ⮚ Your mind quiets emotional
focus for academic down, and you are stability and
activities besides present. resilience.
also having an ⮚ Such activities
impact on one’s help you to
class attendance become more
and attention thus self-reliant,
leading to more emphatic and
learning. self-disciplined.
⮚ And as we all know
“health is wealth”.

Activity 1
Directions: Match the item in Column A with the best answer in Column B. Write
only the letter of your answer on the space provided in column A.


A. Leisure
______1.An activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary
B. Improves Quality of
______2. It helps manage stress. It provides a chance C. Physical Health
to nurture oneself and provides a sense of balance and D. Mental Health
self-esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety and E. Recreational
depression. activities 
F. Recreation
______3. It provides a chance to nurture oneself and


provides a sense of balance and self-esteem, which can
directly reduce anxiety and depression.

______4. Recreational activities, especially outdoor ones

improve one’s health like maintaining lower body fat
percentages, lowering blood and cholesterol levels,
increasing muscular strength, flexibility, muscular
endurance, body composition and cardiovascular

______5. Recreational activities help create a balance

between academic pressures with physical and mental
well-being. The effects of recreation are multifold.

Activity 2
Directions: Determine atleast three (3) benefits of recreational activities to your life by
using the Venn Diagram and explain below how you value these benefits.


Complete this statement.
I value these recreational benefits because of the following reasons;


Activity 3
Directions: Read and understand the paragraph carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.

Recreation F. Reduce Anxiety

B. Independent living G. Sense of Balance

C. Passive activity  H.  Manage Stress

D. Active activity  I. Biology and Psychology

E. Academic Pressure J. Activity for Leisure


Fill Me In
Recreation is an (1) ___________, leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do
something for recreation" is an essential element of
human(2)____________. Recreational activities help (3)___________. It
provides a chance to nurture oneself and provides a (4)____________ and self-
esteem, which can directly (5)_______________ and depression. Recreational
activities help create a balance between (6)_____________ with physical and
mental well-being. The difference between  (7)___________ involves using a lot of
energy and makes you move around a lot and makes you active.
When (8)______________ is more of a leisure or relaxation activity as you are
more calm and you don't have to move as much. Recreation prolongs
(9)______________ for seniors - keeping seniors vital and involved in community
life. Recreation helps people live longer. (10)_____________ and fitness
significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Processing Questions

After the thorough discussion and discovery for this Unit, please take your time to
process these questions;
1. What is the importance of recreational activities in your life?
2. How does recreational activities benefit your health especially during the COVID-19



curriculum/ accessed on January 25, 2021


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