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Violence and the Supernatu ral
The fictional world o f Heroes U n l i m ited™ is violent, deadly and filled with superhumans, su­
pernatural monsters and strange powers. Mutants, aliens, monsters, vile criminals and nefarious
villains threaten, rob, torment, and prey on humans. Other alien life forms, monsters, gods and
demigods, as well as magic, psychic powers, insanity, and war are all elements in this book.
Some parents may find the violence, magic, insanity, super abilities, and supernatural elements
of the game inappropriate for young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
None of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of magic, the
use of drugs, vigilantism or violence.

Leap i nto the world of superh u mans and heroic adventu re!
Compati ble with the entire Pal lad i u m Books® Megaverse®!
Ded ication

Dedicated to those who have joined us in these make-believe worlds, but simply could not stay, es­
pecially my baby sister April, and my sister-in-law Khristy. We all have to bow to the real world time
and again. Some of us are just more fortunate in that we can stay away for a bit longer than others.
Good luck with the obstacles you will face. The battles might not be as exciting as those we imagined
in the Megaverse, but they are no less heroic.
Also dedicated to the person that inspired this book and introduced me to real role-playing, Derrick.
There have been some rough times along the way, but it's good still to have you around. It's hard to
believe it's been 10 years. Here's looking forward to 10 more.
And Special Thanks to Dennis Knight for his perpetual eagerness, help, support, and ideas.
- Wayne Breaux Jr., 1999

Ded icated to Wayne Breaux Jr. and his rich imagination, growth as an artist, skill as a Game Mas­
ter, and "my hero" for a/ways meeting his deadlines and never giving me grief. I don't think people
truly recognize just how multi-talented Wayne really is. Plus he's an all around nice guy. Yep, defi­
nitely the stuff of heroes.

- Kevin Siembieda, 1999

PDF Edition - October 2017

Copyright 1 984, 1 987, and 1 999 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda.
All rights reserved , worldwide , under the Un iversal Copyright Convention . No part of this book may be reproduced in
part or whole , in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in re­
views. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent,
of characters or persons living or dead , is strictly coincidental.
Palladium BookS®, RiftS®, R ECON®, Megaverse®, After the Bomb@, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®,
The Mechanoids® and Nightbane® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium
Books I nc.
Heroes Unlimited™ , Villains Unlimited™ , Aliens Unlimited™ , Ninjas & Superspies™ , Beyond the Supernatural™ ,
Vibro-Blade, Mega-Hero, Mega-Damage, Cascade, S . D .C . , P . P . E . , I . S . P. and other names, titles, and likenesses of char­
acters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books I nc.

Pal lad i u m On-Line www . pallad i u m

Heroes Unlimited G.M.'s G uide™ is published by Palladi um Books Inc. , 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185.
Printed in the USA.














Contents Random Complication Table · ............ 74

Questions & Answers·

The Mighty Breaux Speaks· ........ .... 7 Examples of Random Adventures .......... 75

S.D.C.& Healing for Altered Characters ·

• • • • . . • • • • • 8 • • •
World Hot Spots· • 75 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

10 Guerrilla Hot Spots · ................. 77

HU2 Errata ............... 16
Animal Hijacks, Hijinks, & Murder
Adventures • • • • 78 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Campaign Info, Suggestions & Ideas

House Rules ................ 17 78 . • • • • • • • • •

Creating & Running Villains ......

• • . 19 Dr. Paterson Quinn, Vigilante· ............ 82
. 19 Trouble Down the Line 84 • • • • • • • • • • • •

Quick Roll Villains ........... . 21 The Enlightenment Wizards' Guild . . 85

Adding Color to Non-Player Characters . 22 Bella, Wizardess ( Enlightenment) .... 86
Type 1 Criminal: Thug ..... . 22 The Society of the Mystic Font · .. .... 88
Type 2 Criminal: Criminal Elite . . 23 Vadimar (of the Mystic Font) .... ........ 90
Type 3 Criminal: Supervillains . . 24 Castaway Aliens ...... ........... 91

Vigilantes & The Law

Normal People ......... . 24 Loose in the City • 92 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .

Crimes & Punishment .

• • • • • • • • • • •27 The Creature ........ ........ 94
... 29 The Sorcerer, Gary Pender· ........ 96
Playing in Character . . • . . . 30. . • • •
Mad Machine· • • • 98 • • • • • . • • • • • • •

The Role of Alignments· .... ...... 30 DelSeN (Robot Killer)· ... ........ 99
Evil is Evil· ............... . 32 The Mother of the Monster · ..... ... 101

Alignments for Anti-Heroes & Vigilantes .

The Fallen, But Repentant Hero .... . 35 Not a Star in the Sky 104 • • • • • • • •

. 36 Whisked Away ..... 104

The Anarchist Anti-Hero ........ . 38 Into the Darkness· ... ..... ... 105
Working for the Authorities· • • • • • • • • 39• • • • •
Hound· ....... ........... 109
Joining the Police Force ........ . 39 Shock to the System 111 • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • •

Military Special Super-Operations ... . 40 A Giant Diversion· ..... ..... 112

Restrictions & Conditions· .

Government Superhuman Task Force · . 42 A-11 Assault Robot· .... ...... 113
. 42 Bradley Marks, Robot Pilot · 117
The Value of Secret Identities . . 43 Jailhouse Rock · ...... ...... 119
Public Heroes· ........ . 45 The Villains· ........ ...... 121
Heroes in the Workplace • • • • • • • • •45 Star Bright . • • • • • • • • • 134
• . . • • •

Jobs & Salaries· ................... 47

Rules for Sleep Deprivation . . 45 R��· 1�
Roll · ... 137

Rampage & Super-Brawling Rules·

Skill List with Base Percentages ............ 49 Shake· .. 138

Combat Penalties & Modifiers for Rampage · ..

51 • • • • • • •
Angels to Some· 140
. 51 Isis · ..... 141

Combat Penalties & Modifiers for Brawling· .. ,

The Super-Brawl · ................ , . 53 M�m····· 1�

Special Combat Attacks for Brawling & Rampages

. 53 A Frightful Experience 144
. 54 Dr. Fright · ....... ...... 147
Power Attacks ...... 54 With Friends Like These • • • • • • • • • 150

Power Lift & Throw · ..

Normal Throwing ...... ..... . 54 Culture Shock· ..... ......... 151
..... . 55 Amanon Tatumain ... ......... 152
Improvised Power Club· . 55 The Scarab of Emonhep . ............ 155
Power Slam/ Body Block . 56 Bak Matuk ...... ............. 156
Running Power Leap · . . 56 Planetfall· . • • • . . • • • • • •158 • • • • • • • • • • •

Running Power Ram .. . 57 Adventure Timeline . 159

Conventional Power Punch· . 57 The Riathenor ........ 160
Two-Handed Super-Power Punch . . 57 Morphos ........... 165
Two-Handed Power Hold· ... . 57 Spaceships· ......... 169
Two-Handed Power Pull ... 57 Holy Talking Animals!· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 170

Creating & Running Adventures

Two-Handed Power Tear· .. . 58 Sherrie Mouse ..... 171
. 58 Into the Maw of Science .. ........... 173
Thinking Quick ........ . 60 Giant Rats ......... ........... 177

Dice & Chance ...

Player Knowledge . ... 62 The DSR Team· ................... 177
..... 63 G.M. Reference Material 178 • . • • • • . • • • • • • • •

Creating Adventures . 65 • • • • •
Expanded Spell List· 178 • . • • • • • . • • • • • . . • •

Character Histories· . 65 New Wizard Spell Descriptions. 180 • • • • • • • • • • •

Character Goals ...... . 67 Level One· . 180

Attribute Considerations .. . 68 Level Two· . ...... 181
Cliffhanger Endings are Good . 69 Level Three· ...... 181
Some Ideas for Campaign Settings . 69 Level Four . 182
Advanced Technology ( Future Earth) . 69 Level Five· . 183
Random Inspiration· .......... ....... 71 Level Six .. 185
Random Villain Table· ........ ....... 73 Level Seven 187
Random Crime Table· . 73 Level Eight . 188
Random Motive Table · ............... 74 Level Nine ......... ......... 190

Level Ten· .. 192 Type 2 Criminal: Criminal Elite · · 23
Level Eleven . 193 Type 3 Criminal: Supervillains . · 24
Level Twelve . 194 Typical Modern Human· · 25
Level Thirteen 195 World Hot Spots ........ · 75
Level Fourteen . 196
Level Fifteen .. 196
Ancient Weapons & Equipment
Spells of Legend . 197
Bank Vault (Shock to the System) ........... 112
. . 199
Courthouse (Shock to the System)· .......... 116
Ninja Equipment ........ · 199

....174 & 175

Enlightenment Guild House .............. 85

Underwater Equipment & Vehicles·

Other Ancient Weapons .... · 201
Gentech FaCility......... ....... ...
. . . . .
· 202
Kukubai Testing Facility ( Dr. Fright) 146
Optional Rules for Modern Weapons . . . . . . . · 203
Museum (With Friends Like These) . 150
Penetration Values · .... · 204
Nightland's Federal Building ....... . 108
Tissue Damage Ratings .. · .. 205
Paterson Farm .............. . 81
Special Cartridge Types .. · .· 206
Planetfall: Map of Activity· ........ . 160
Expanded Firearms Listing, . . . 208
S. C.R.E.T.Prison (Shock to the System) . 120
Automatic Pistols · .· 209
Society of the Mystic Font ........ . 88
Machine-Pistols· . · 210
Sub-Machineguns · 211
Rifles · .... · 211 N PC V i l lains
Shotguns · .... · 212 A-11 Assault Robot· ...... 113
Machineguns · .. · 214 Amanon Tatumain ....... 152
Heavy Weapons . · 214 Aquatic Beast ( Planetfall alien)· 167
Energy Weapons · · 215 Brakkana ( Planetfall alien) ... 163
Military Vehicles· . . . . . . . . . . . 216
. Castaway Aliens (Quick Stats) . · 91
Helicopters .......... ...... 219 Creature, The ( Pender's Monster) . · 94
Dark Breeze ( Planetfall Alien) · 166
Dragon Claw ... ...... · 125
Quick Fi nd DelSeN (Mad Machine)· ... · 99

Ancient Weapons & Equipment

Demoness Trio (Quick Stats) . · 91

Crimes & Punishment .....

· 199
DSR Team (Gentech) .... · 177
· 29
Dr. Fright · .......... · 147

Gov't Restrictions & Conditions·

G. M.Reference Material · ... · 178
Dr. Paterson Quinn, Vigilante· · 82
· .· 42
Electron· ........ · 128
Guns/Firearms . .
. · .. 208
Gary Pender (Sorcerer)· · 96

Jobs & Salaries· .

Helicopters .... · 219
Giant Rats (Gentech)· 177
· 47
Hound (Nightlands)· .. · 109
Power Attacks .. · 54
Isis · .......... · 141

Rampage & Super-Brawling Rules·

Quick Roll Villains · 21
Magma-Monster .... · 95
· 51
Marks, Bradley (Robot Pilot) . 117
Random Adventure Tables· · 71
Mithra· .......... 143
Random Villain Table· .. · 73
Morphos ( Planetfall alien) . 164
Scarab of Emonhep ... · 155
Point Blank · ........ 129
Sleep Deprivation Rules . · 45
Rattle · ........... 136
Spell Descriptions (new) . 180
Riathenor ( Planetfall alien) . 160
Spell List (expanded) · .. · 178
Riproar ..... 126
Roll ······· 137
V i l lains I nfo & Tables
Crimes & Punishments · ..
Shadow Dragon 132
. 29 Shake· . 138
Evil is Evil· ......... . 32 Shock· ..... 121
Random Adventure Tables· . 71 TerVal 1 ..... · 24
Random Age Table· .... . 21 Vadimar (Wizard) . · 90
Random Complication Table · . 74
Random Crime Table· .... . 73
Random Criminal Record Table . 21 N PC Heroes
Bak Matuk, Eternal Champion . .. 156
Random Gender Table · .... . 21
Bella, Wizardess ( Enlightenment) .. 86
Random Level of Experience Table . 21
Dr.Rosalin Proctor ( DeISeN) .. · 102
Random Motive Table ....... . 74
Enlightenment Wizards' Guild . · 85
Random Ties to Criminal Organization· . 21
Sherrie, The Mouse (Gentech) . · 171

Reference: Jobs & Salaries· ......

Random Villain Table· ......... . 73
. 47
Reference: Skill List with Base Percentages · . 49
Reference: Sleep Deprivation . 45
Reference: Spell Lists (new) . . 178
Reference: Weapons· . 208
Type 1 Criminal: Thug .... . 22

For each and every game group the experience will be
TH� MIGHTY unique, different and personal . Which makes the
role-playing game experience all the more exciting and
6R�AUX SP�AKS special.
Welcome to the Heroes Unlimited G.M.'s Guide. Ori­ Think about it, there is truly nothing like it. The exact
ginally, this was supposed to be a small collection of ad­ same Game Master can try to run the exact same adven­
ventures for Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition, but as it ture with ten different groups of people, and all ten groups
always seems to be, things got bigger than intended will wal k away with a different experience, even though
(twice as big) . the goals and outcome were all basically the same. Some­
Although the revised Heroes Unlimited™ is a good times it will be only a little different, other times dramati­
deal larger than its predecessor, there was still a lot of cally different. I know this from my days of running
new material that Kevin wanted in and old material that tournament sessions at gaming conventions and the old
got cut from the original edition during the revision pro­ Detroit Gaming Center. For those of you how have never
cess. So much, in fact, that once we decided to incorpo­ played - or more accu rately - "run" the same adventure
rate it with the adventures I had written, we realized that for several different groups of players, it is fun and amaz­
we had something much more than an adventure ing.
sourcebook. And so the HU2 G. M. Guide was born.
How can this happen? Why does it occur? Because
Most of the new or optional rules and source material is each group of players represents a different mix of peo­
by Kevin Siembieda, with contribution by me and others. ple. Even if the tou rnament adventure has the same
This first part of the book has all sorts of things the Game pre-rolled characters, the same villains, N PCs, goals and
Master (G . M . ) , and, to a slightly lesser degree , players sequence of events, the people are different. Each individ­
might need or want to consider in establishing a world full ual player brings to the table his and her own unique out­
of superbeings. Stuff like how to use alignment, optional look, experience and style of playing. You see, each and
"brawling" combat rules, working for Government every player is a living, thinking "human game compo­
Agencies, secret identities, crime and punishment, tips nent." Not a pre-programmed computer chip, but a living,
and suggestions for running adventures and building cam­ breathing, thinking person with all your own unique per­
paigns, plus Quick Roll Villains and more. sonal beliefs, experiences (in and outside of gaming) , abil­
The adventures herein come from my own Heroes Un­ ities, emotions and personal ity. All elements that quietly,
Iimited™ campaigns which have provided a wonderful often invisibly, leaks into the game and mingles with the
backdrop for my player group allowing for their characters other "human game components." That's why computer
to grow and develop. Not just in their skills and powers, games will never capture and simu late true role-playing ,
but in their personality and outlook as well. Over the because it can't capture the human spirit and emotions.
course of their adventures, our characters made lasting And it is that human element that makes role-playing a
friendships and long-lived antagonisms. Celebrated great fabulous, unique and personal experience.
victories and endured crush ing defeats. As we brought I 've heard some fol ks say that role-playing games are
these fictional heroes to life, they became like old friends, NOT a "team sport," but it is, even when an individual
and we looked forward to their escapades and exploits like players takes his character off on his own or back-stabs a
a favorite weekly television series or monthly comic book. fictional teammate, because it all becomes part of a m uch
Every role-playing group has its own style, and not ev­ bigger story. A story that each player contributes too
erybody can experience the joys of a big, long-term cam­ through the actions of his fictional character.
paign like mine. I just hope you can get as m uch use and I have gamed with small and large groups (as many as
enjoyment out of playing through the adventures in this 32) . Inevitably, one or two players are kind of quiet and re­
sourcebook as I did creating it and running my own group served. Often , even when the opportunity presents itself,
of friends. the quiet gamer tends to shy away from jumping into the
Enjoy, and good gaming ! action or making a bold move. Sometimes this is because
- Wayne Breaux, Jr., 1999 the human player is shy or inexperienced, other times be­
cause he's tired or happens to be a more subtle and sub­
dued player. Without fail , there comes a point in the game
when that quiet, almost forgotten player, steps forward
and has his character say or do something that is helpfu l ,
T<OL-�-PL-AYING GAM�S ••• selfless, brilliant, profound or saves another character.
Sometimes the character just l ucks out with a decisive ac­
TH�R� JUST ISN'T tion and a high roll. Other times it is clear that the quiet
player and his unassuming character has indeed been
ANYTHING L-IK� TH�M paying attention (and has certainly seen himself as part of
Two of the great things about role-playing games is the group and the action) , because he just stepped for­
their incredible flexibility and the personal experience. Ev­ ward and did something that made the other players cheer
ery Game Master and player who plays the exact same or become hushed in amazement. Big or small , that action
game, will see and play it a little bit differently. made the character important, or clever, or brave, even if
it was for an instant. And it all becomes part of the larger capable of lifting a bus filled with passengers, semi-truck or
story. even a tank over his head ! The abil ity to lift 20 ,000
When the gaming ends for that night, and the highlights poundsl9000 kg/1 0 tons is a puny supernatural character) .
of the adventure is recounted, somebody is likely to say, This just seems to fit the history of com ic book heroes
"Man , I couldn't believe it when Ed's character just leaped where you have strong heros, Super-Strong heroes and
out of nowhere and hammered that bad guy! If not for him supernaturally strong characters, sometimes literally gods
... " Ah, the stuff of fantasy, epic adventure, and the human (like Thor, Hercu les, Wonder Woman, and god-like char­
imagination. acters such as Superman and the H ulk) .
Each new adventure , whether it concludes in a single Now the absolute power-mongers out there might ar­
night or is spread over several, builds a history and conti­ gue that these strength levels could have been even
nuity among the players and their group of fictional char­ higher, particularly for supernatural characters. True, but
acters. For the players, it helps to creates the feeling of that would have made most of the heroes powerhouses
camaraderie and epic scope. And everybody loves being that could flatten villains left and right, and this is sup­
part of something epic and magical. 'Nuff said. posed to be a thinking man's game. As always, if you feel
you can handle half or more of your player characters run­
- Kevin Siembieda, 1999
ning around with Supernatural P . S . , then by all means
help yourself. Heck, even increase the amount one can
carry to 500 or 1 000 x the P .S. number and lift 1 000 or

QU�5TION5 6- AN5W�R5 2,000 or even 1 0, 000 x P.S. However, you are likely to
find that playing such superpowerful heavyweights q uickly
becomes a drag. The power level of the villain and threats
By Kevin Siembieda & Wayne Breaux Jr. simply have to be increased to make an adventure
half-ways exciting and dramatically limits the type of ad­
When writing an RPG, the author carefully tries to think ventures one can play. Trust us, it is not worth doing (ex­
every possibility and present the clearest most compre­ cept maybe as a one-shot or short-lived campaign) . We
hensive explanation or description before setting it down felt as a whole that such supremely powerful superbeings
in black and wh ite. Somehow, in you r own mind, you think detracted from the heart of this game and adjusted ac­
you are careful to explain things thoroughly, and whatever cordingly.
you might miss will be caught by one of three editors. Yet,
there is often some detail or typo that is missed , or an ob­ Possible P.S. adj ustments. Role-playing games are
scure situation one fails to consider. The notes, and com­ very personal. If you are uncertain about or disagree with
ments on the following pages are an attempt to cor­ some aspect of the game feel free to make a "house rule"
rect, clarify, and/or define some of the things we missed in and modify it. Here are some suggestions for modifying
the first or second printing of Heroes Unlimited™, Sec­ the Super-Strength in H U 2 .
ond Edition, or "HU2," for short. Some are answers to I f you are o n e o f those rare individuals who prefers less
common ly asked questions, others are things we've powerful characters, you might feel uncomfortable with the
caught ou rselves or that have been pointed out to us by considerable bonuses given by the different Super-P .S.
one help gamer or another. Hopefully, this takes care of abilities which typically offer huge bonuses to be added to
most of the bugs, but we're sure we've missed some still the usual P.S. attribute role and bonuses from physical
lurking around in that 352 page tome , so please fo rgive ski lls. If so, then adjust them down accordingly. Perhaps,
any little but nagging oversights you may still encounter. don't roll the usual 3D6 for the P .S. attribute and/or do not
include skill bonuses. Instead, use the "bonuses" listed un­
der the Super-Strength power as the base P .S. rating.
Why does H U2™ have three different kinds of
Super-Strength and what's the difference between One may also want to give Superhuman P. S. an extra
them? 1 D6 bonus damage die to all hand to hand attacks and
use of melee weapons (club, sword, etc.) to further differ­
There are a number of variations on this question. The
entiate it from Extraordinary P . S . ; that makes sense and is
power levels of the heroes has been beefed up from the
not overpowering. Wayne Breaux uses this one (and I like
old edition of H U , and the separate levels of strength are
it) .
to provide diversity. If you put six people in a room, they
will all have a different level of Physical Strength. In trying Overlapping P.S. abilities: Some Power Categories
to keep traditional , comic book superhumans in mind, I gives the character the equivalent of one of the
thought it appropriate to have a range of superhuman Super-Strengths (Extraordinary, Superhuman, or Super­
strength as wel l , and not just varied by the P.S. attribute natural) , but unless it says that it incl udes all the bonuses,
number. It seemed logical to have characters with Ex­ the character does not have that super ability, just the
traordinary Physical Strength (clearly greater than a top same level of raw strength .
athlete and powerful enough to lift a small to mid-sized au­ Thus, if it says, the equivalent of Superhuman Strength,
tomobiles over his head) , Superhuman Strength (mea­ the P.S. attribute is not increased, u nless it states other­
surably stronger than the guy with Extraordinary P .S. and wise in the description, and then only the bonus amount
powerful enough to lift a small truck to an empty bus over listed there is used, do not also add the P .S. bonus of the
his head) , and Supernatural Strength (godly strength , Superhuman Strength "power." The character does not
get the +30+206 also added to his P.S. attribute, nor does Rifts conversion note: Any hero with super P . S . ,
he get the +2 to pull punch or fatigues at one tenth normal whether Extraordinary, Superhuman, or Supernatural , has
(fatigues at the usual rate , or as indicated under the power "supernatural strength" in Rifts (see RiftS® Conversion
that grants him equivalent P. S.) . However, he can lift and Book One for other specifics) . Those with the "equ ivalent"
carry weight at the increased level and enjoys whatever Super-Strength of any type will only have Supernatural
damage bonus might be appl icable. P .S. in RiftS® if the source of the increased P .S. is magi­
The Superhuman Strength power provided by En­ cal or superhuman. Specifically, the P.S. of physical train­
chanted Weapons of Order would also provide only in­ ing characters would not be supernatural in Rifts, but the
creased lifting and carrying, no bonuses to P . S . , but if it is P .S. bestowed mystically would be supernatural.
taken twice, the Supernatural punching damage would ap­
ply. Wording in these case is not uniform , so the Game Why isn't the Mega-Hero even more powerful? Why
Master may have to use some discretion , also note that if can't the tech classes be Mega-Heroes and what
more than one Super-Strength equivalent is given , use the about psionic and magic Mega-Heroes?
better of the two, do not combine them . Referring once more to the heart of Heroes Unlim­
One specific case o f overlapping Super-Strengths oc­ ited™, the characters are supposed to think as much as
curs when a character has both Alter Physical Structure act in order to be heroes in this game. The Mega-Hero is
Metal and Supernatural Strength. I n this case, the Super­ substantially more powerful than other Power Categories
natural Strength would replace the Superh uman P.S. nor­ in the game, but it isn't anywhere near the league of the
mally bestowed by the Altering power. In this case, the most powerful of comic book characters. What is the fun
20+2 04 P.S. bonus for Alter Physical Structure Metal of dropping a building on a villain? There's going to be
would be ignored and replaced by the 30+2 06 bonus from very little interaction and drama if you can solve problems
Supernatural Strength. In other situations where that way, and by the end of a year, the characters will
Super-Strengths would seem to combine, simply use the have to move to another city. One that still has buildings in
better of the two instead. it to drop on people. Mega-heros provide the chance to
Another related question is, why do we need three dif­ play heroes much grander than even the usual larger than
ferent Super-Strengths (or Flight powers or Altering pow­ life heroes the game is named after. If you the G . M . or
ers, etc.)? Won't everyone just pick the most powerful players, feel they need beefing up, then you are welcome
one? Not really, no. It depends on what kind of character to do so, just be careful and think about what you might be
concept each individual player has in mind and how the missing by doing so.
other players in the group games. Most people roll ran­ The text in the Mega-Hero section of H U2 says to
domly instead of just "selecting" their super abilities, thus "avoid" the tech classes like Hardware, Bionics, and Ro­
negating the argument concerning weaker versions of the botics, but it does not say they can't be Mega-Heroes.
same powers. Along these lines, if the character has a Handling Mega-Heroes in the first place is largely up to
combination of Minor and Major abilities, he may be satis­ the Game Master, so he or she should decide on any ex­
fied with the M inor Ability of Extraordinary P.S. or Super­ tra boosts in power for these other classes. Some ideas
human P . S . , so if Supernatural Strength is rolled as a are doubling the damage of their weaponry, adding extra
major power, that individual is l i kely to prefer to "re-roll" for S . D . C . , having a high A. A . , combat bonuses from their
a different Major Super Ability. mach ines instead of the character itself, or a gizmo that
It also has a lot to do with variety, personal preference simulates a super ability (like a force field or teleportation) ,
and playing style. Some players adore powerhouse char­ and/or boosting budgets by 50-75% (or more).
acters with incredible physical abilities because they love Likewise , Magical and Psionic Mega-Heroes could see
to brawl, punch it out with villains and smash things. their L S . P . or P . P . E . increased 50% to doubled, and/or
That's cool, if that's what you want - most groups can they can have a large n umber of spells or psionic power
use a big, hulking bruiser on their team. Yet, by the same selections. J ust be careful to keep them on par with the
token, there is going to be a player who prefers to be sub­ other (albeit already beefed up) Mega-Player characters.
tle and mysteriOUS, or clever and tricky, etc. Such a player
could care less about having Super-Strength or powers of
Why can't my character make multiples of himself
destruction for his or her character. Besides, don't you
and each one use Shapechange (and any number of
think that a game where each character has 7-1 0 Major
other power combinations)?
Super Abilities would be rather boring?
J ust as care was taken to keep the Mega-Hero from be­
Note: Only one type of Super-Strength can be pos­ ing too overwhelmingly powerful (notice it is an optional
sessed by any character. One can not select two or all Power Category) , so to were certain parameters set down
three and add their bonuses together. Re-roll if more than to keep other aspects of the game from getting potentially
one Super-Strength turns up when randomly determining out of hand. With the increased number of super abilities
super abilities; the G . M . may allow the player to keep the available to some Power Categories and the inclusion of
P.S. he prefers and discard/ignore the other. Before we rules for combining some super abilities, the idea of some
leave this discussion of P . S . , the strength of a mystically possible combinations were staggering. The rule on page
bestowed character when transformed should be Super­ 74 of H U2 was designed to check this. If you feel comfort­
human (supernatural only if the Game Master al lows) . able letting characters use certain super abilities in tan-
dem, go right ahead and ignore the list of powers that will And while we are talking about specific circumstances,
not work together. P.S. bonuses should not be applied to speed based at­
Of course there are obvious pairings that do not work tacks, for it is the momentum that does the damage, not
simultaneously, such as Alter Physical Structure Water the m uscle (see the specific Speed and Flight powers for
and Fire , but if you feel comfortable with a character using bonuses based on speed attacks) .
Growth one action then Altering his structure to liquid on
the next - Viola! Instant water behemoth! - or someone What happens if someone h ides behind a car to use
with six M u ltiple selves all altering their structure to metal, it as cover in combat? Those trying to attack a well pro­
then help you rself and more power to ya. Again , just be tected character must do one of the following: a) go
careful about game balance, and whatever the Game around to his exposed side , b) flush him out into the open ,
Master says, is the way things will be. Like it or not. Be or c) required to make "called shots" - 1 2 or higher on
cool. the attack to hit any exposed area of the hiding character,
assuming that part of him is exposed (periodically, when
he pops his head up to shoot or see what's going on, etc.).
Such damage would come off of the character's armor,
S . D . C . or H it Points as is appropriate (unless the G . M . is
using optional "hit locations," in which case it comes off of
the specific body part) .
There is an option "d" - the attacker can try to shoot
through the cover/protective barrier (car, wall , door, etc.).
In this case , the G.M. must be allowing the Penetration
Value (P.V.) described in the Optional Rules for Modern
Weapons section of this book. To shoot through a barrier,
the weapon and bullet or energy it is firing must have a
Penetration Value higher than the object the character is
hiding behind. In come case , the shooter may have to
waste a several blasts/shots/attacks to punch through it (if
possible at all) and the penetrating attacks that final hit will
loose half of its damage potential by going through the
Exactly what bonuses are cumulative for Dodging cover.
and Automatic Dodging? Exactly what dodge bonuses Note: Super abilities are generally considered to have
apply all the time? a Penetration Value (P.V.) of 5 or 6 for shooting through
Well , basically all bonuses in Palladium are cumu lative, things, though they will damage anything they h it regard­
but there are a few exceptions. First of all, dodge and au­ less of A . A . , provided the strike roll is high enough to do
tomatic dodge are two separate tactics and use separate damage, see the A.A. rules. The "Super-Blasts" from
bonuses. Both types of dodge are augmented (separately) Super Energy Expulsion and the Supernatural Strength
by any P . P . bonuses, but only the normal dodge is aug­ "power punCh" (counts as two attacks) have a P.V. of 9 !
mented by the level advancement bonuses from hand to The "power punCh" o f Superhuman Strength has a P.V. of
hand skills and other possible skill bonuses. Thus, some­ 7, an the "power punch" of Extraordinary P.S. has a P.V.
one with Extraordinary P. P. (the super ability) of 24 and of 6.
2nd level Hand to Hand: Expert would (not counting other
possible bonuses) have a dodge bonus of +8 and an auto­

form is altered (metal, stone, fire, etc.) when they

matic dodge bonus of +5. Normally, the dodge bonuses What happens to the damage taken by some whose
will be h igher than the automatic dodge bonuses and the
player will have to decide in a given situation if he wishes change back to human form?
to auto-dodge and save his attack or default to the higher All damage is taken off of the Altered Form's S.D.C.
bonuses and go for a better dice roll. first, then the character's Hit Points (remember, Alter
As to the second question , certain dodge bonuses are Physical Structure: Metal and Stone replace the charac­
specific to situations. For example, the dodge bonuses for ter's S . D . C . instead of adding to it, but others do not, so
the Flight Powers are used when the character is flying in situations will vary) .
the air. Likewise, Super Speed bonuses from extraordi­ When an Alter Physical Structure: Metal or Stone char­
nary or sonic speed do not apply when the character is fly­ acter shifts back to human form , he will have all of his hu­
ing because these are ground speed based bonuses. man S . D . C . intact, because the S . D . C . in the altered form
Likewise, weapon bonuses only apply when using that was used in its place.
specific kind of weapon. If one of these "altered" characters loses all the S.D.C.
Attribute bonuses are universal, and are Hand to Hand available from his metal or stone form, the damage goes
bonuses apply to all combat actions, for the character is directly to his H it Points. When the character changes
assumed to practice combat with all of his special abilities, back to human, he will sti ll have H it Point damage and
including flight, underwater, etc. may even be in a coma if the damage is severe enough to
warrant it (down to a few H . P. ) . However, all of his h uman Remember too, that there i s an inherent assumption
S. D.C. will be in place, so he'll look much better than he that each Power Category requires that the character
feels. spends years studying and mastering his "powers." It is
This is different for other Altering powers that merely through these years of study, practice and a certain
adds to S . D .C. In these cases, the damage is first de­ amount of experience - or learning to handle one or
ducted from the bonus S . D . C . made available from the al­ more unique psionic or super abilities - that the character
tered state, then from the character's personal S.D.C. has gotten to the point of being first level in that particular
reserve, and then from H it Points. Thus, if a villain with 75 Power Category and (finally) ready for a life of adventure.
S.D.C. in human form uses the power of Copy Physical All the bonuses, skills, special abilities, orientation, and
Structure to mimic a hard metal , that power provides an other aspects are predicated on this. One is not likely to
additional +400 to S . D . C . (as opposed to S.D.C. replace­ have spent years (perhaps decades) in developing a com­
ment) . So that's 400+75 = 475 S.D.C. total pOints avail­ prehensive expertise in a particular Power Category to for­
able in this metal form . If the villain suffers 300 points of sake it later. And that is fundamentally what each Power
damage while in his copied metal form , he feels fine when Category is, an area of special expertise. Of course, for
the turns back into human form , and has all of his H it some characters like aliens, m utants and psychics, their
Points and the 75 S.D.C. Why, because damage was re­ natural powers have helped them to select their particular
moved from the extra S.D.C. of the copied metal. His nat­ Power Category for them, but in a game context, it is the
ural 75 S.D.C. were never touched. player who chooses the Category. Once it is selected it
On the other hand, if the villain had taken 460 points of can not be changed to, or combined with , a different one.
damage, he'd only have 1 5 S . D . C . pOi nts left to his per­ The player should give his selection a good amount of
sonal S . D . C . , but all of his Hit Points. If he took 480 point thought before making it.
of damage the extra S.D.C. and his personal S.D.C. would All this being said, if the Game Master really, really
wiped out and five points would be deducted from his Hit wants to have incredibly powerful Mega-characters, and
Points. once they changed back. Likewise, someone honestly feels comfortable with such powerful characters,
whose altered S.D.C. Note that metal and stone S.D.C. feel free to adapt the M u ltiple O.C.C. rules found in other
gained from Copy Physical Structure is different than the Palladium games to this situation. However, this is taking
S.D.C. from metal or stone Alter Physical Structure (two H U2 out of its design parameters and we do not recom­
different types of transformations). mend it. Typically, only power-crazed gamers and munch­
In either case , a fun option is to have the character re­ kins want such an overpowering character. And such
vert to his normal, h uman form when the extra S.D.C. (or characters will imbalance the game and cause chronic
the replaced S.D.C. and 80% to 90% of his H . P . are problems. Remember, you've been warned.
gone) . It presents a sense of drama, danger and urgency.
What would happen if someone used Control Ele­
Can I switch over to another Power Category to get mental Force: EarthlMagnetismlHydrokinesis on an
super abilities or combat skills for my Wizard? Multiple Alter Physical Structure Stone/Metal/Liquid oppo­
Power Categories in HU2 are not recom mended and im­ nent?
practical. Unlike most of the other Palladium RPGs, the Exact effects are left up to the individual Game Master,
Power Categories are a kind of cross between O.C.C.s but at the least, such powers should be able to force the
and R.C.C.s, making them rather exclusive. The new Sec­ corresponding Altered form back to human form (saving
ond Edition provides some m inor basis for crossing over, throw against 1 6 or h igher appl ies) for 1 D4 melee rounds
such as psionics on the super abilities table, but generally or more. Damage (1 D6 per level or so) is also highly pos­
complete changes cross overs are not possible. sible, especially with Rend Earth , Repel Metal, and Boil
One specific example is magic. Crossing Magic with Water, respectively.
any of the other Power Categories is just not feasible. Likewise , manipulation of the Altered form (again , a
Switching to bionics would remove all magical (or psionic) saving throw is applicable) such as freezing the water of a
abilities if more than half the body was replaced. Likewise, liquid character, may cause discomfort and pain (at least
the character could not cast spells from inside a robot or minor damage) as well as other logical effects - i.e. a
exoskeleton (same with psionics) . Certainly Special frozen liquid can not slide through metal bars or under a
Training characters could change over to Bionics or un­ door, and is likely to move slower than when in liquid form.
dergo Experimentation , but such characters are basically Of course, that's assuming the liquified superbeing can
a variant of the Mega-Hero and should be handled in the even be frozen. (G.M. Note: This is your call. Maybe the
same vein. Furthermore, once super-empowered, such a liquid form can't freeze because he is moving, or due to
character is like to let his Hardware or Special Training some anomaly connected to h is flesh and blood alter ego.
skill fall to the way side as he focuses on his new abilities. And if it can be frozen, what happens when the character
In fact, we could see a change of orientation under such a turns back to human? Does the ice/frozen water just fall
circumstance, quicker than dual Power Categories - i.e. away, or is the flesh and blood body [which is more vul­
keep basic skills (minus any special bonuses from the old nerable to cold damage and suffocation] encased in ice?
Power Category) and use the m utant or bionic powers of And so on. ) .
the new Power Category.
There are also likely circumstances where it will be pru­ What exactly is the deal with Bionics and Robotics
dent for the Physically Altered juggernaut to forsake his and the eight attributes?
superhuman body. This can apply when turning h uman Okay. First the obvious ones out of the way. Robot Pi­
will allow the character to slip through small openings, lots and cyborgs of partial reconstruction or minor aug­
hide, shed oversized restrains (tied up, ice manacles, be­ mentation roll the eight attributes as normal, though the
ing encase in stone, etc.). The idea, as always, is to think cyborg may have specific limbs with artificially enhanced
and be imaginative. attributes.
Even Full Conversion Cyborgs will retain their 1.0.,
What exactly does a character get from choosing a M . E . , and M .A. , no matter how much their physical body is
second area of Hardware expertise? Basically every­ altered and augmented with machine parts. P . E . is also
thing from each of the two categories. Generate every­ rol led , but only to determine coma length (it can be
thing else just as you would for a single classed Hardware skipped to speed things up) . The character then has to
character, determine attributes and roll education and purchase bionic P.S. , P . P . , and Spd normally. P.B. can be
drop one skill program , then pick the "primary" Hardware the characters own (roll normal ly) or can be artificial and
Category and note the cost for attaining a second cate­ sculpted to any rating up to 20. The lack of flesh and blood
gory. The "second" Hardware Category gives the charac­ removes any physical S . D . C . the human body may have
ter all the special skills, abilities, budgets, and eqUipment had, but the completely artificial body that replaces it will
for both categories, though the budgets should each be provide a new base of 50 (which can be increased and ar­
spent separately and can not be combined (except for mored). Further, the limited flesh and blood, and extensive
workshop budgets) . While setting all this up, remember to artificial shell of the cyborg makes it hard for magic and
apply the penalties listed for taking a "second" Hardware psionics to affect him (+5 to save vs magic and +3 vs
Category. psionics) . Other details are given in the Bion ics section of
Heroes Unlimited.

chines with and equivalent 1.0. and, depending on the ro­

Why would anyone play a Latent Psionic when the Robots without human pilots are pre-programmed ma­
Natural Psionic is so much more powerful?
bot's purpose and design features, may have a h uman
Because you may not have any choice. The psionic
equivalent to M .A. and P . B . - remember, h umans who
section actually starts on page 1 89 of H U2, the last line of
create a robot may want it to be attractive and appealing
which tells the reader that only those who choose or roll
Oust as a car is attractive) , or comfortable to work with
pSionics on the Random Power Category Table can be a
(like designs for computers and other "machines") . P . S . ,
Natural Psychic. Thus, if the character is an alien psych ic,
P . P. , P.B. (use t h e bionic prices a n d limits) , a n d S p d at­
you must be a Latent Psionic (not a Natural). The only
tributes are mechanical and must be purchased. The ro­
way aliens can be Natural pSion ics is if they belong to one
bot's knowledge will be based on computer programs. The
of the specific alien races with heightened psi-powers that
mental attributes are randomly generated because despite
are detailed in Aliens Unlimited™ 2nd Edition, a
its flawless stores of knowledge, the artificial intelligence
sourcebook for H U2.
will be limited by the interaction of its various programs
Additionally, personal taste becomes a factor. Some and their subroutines which will form the mental process
players (believe it or not) don't want to play the most pow­ of the robot. Vast knowledge does not necessarily trans­
erfu l character pOSSible, and may have a personal reason late into applicable intelligence , nor does a lack of emo­
and rationale why their character has a lesser range of tions ensure a strong mental state. Uncertainty will often
abilities. This is especially true for the Game Master. Re­ plague the logical processes of the robot, especially when
member, the G . M . uses these same rules as a foundation dealing with humans.
for creating Non-Player Characters (N PCs) . In this con­
Androids and Robots with Artificial Intelligence, or
text, there are a number of reasons why the G . M . may not
equivalent) 1.0., M .A. and M . E . ! The phYSical attributes:
a transferred human intelligence will have (at least and
want to create the most powerful character possible.
P.S. , P . P . , P . B . (use the bionic prices and limits) , and Spd
Does the instant regeneration under Healing Factor must be purchased . Typically, machines have no P . E . or
use up an attack? Or is it truly "Instant"? M . E . , their physical and mental endurance is inexhaust­
Ouestions like this are typically up to the Game Master, ible. However, advanced Artificial Intelligences (lAs) will
but in this instance, the power is only usable twice per day have or develop structures within their logic that emulates
and could easily be used "instantly" to heal damage with­ the h uman mental state , and thus allows for a h uman-like
out forfeiting an attack and not unbalance game play. roll of 3D6 for M .A. and M . E . (a small bonus for one or
Other abilities may not be so instantaneous or limited and both of 1 D4 may be appl icable depending on the design
should be given reasonable consideration by the G . M . parameters) . This also opens the AI robot up to weakness,
J ust remember when you make such rulings t o b e consis­ failure and a certain degree of emotion and subjective
tent throughout your game play. Keeping a list of your rul­ thought. They can learn to better themselves through
ings is an excel lent idea, especially if they differ from learning, so even though robots are immune to
others in your group that may Game Master the same non-physical psionics and similar magics, those with ad­
game. vanced Als and/or transferred intelligences are likely to be

susceptible to psionics and magic attacks that create illu­ With Second Edition Heroes Unlimited™ I can not
sions and effects emotions and, possibly, thought (G. M .'s seem to make a decent android or exoskeleton. What
call . Affecting a robot's thoughts seems very unlikely, and happened?
even saving against illusory and emotion affecting magic Some of the prices on robot components were signifi­
and pSionics should probably have a bonus of at least +2 cantly increased, namely power sources and reinforced
to save, if not more like +5). frames, without a matching increase in budgets. If one is

gence inside them obviously have the human's La., M .A.

Robots with human psyches/transferred intelli­ trying to make any robot with an advanced Artificial Intelli­
gence, reinforced frame and a micro-fusion power source ,
and M . E . , and is vulnerable to magic and pSionic attacks by the time you get all that along with the body, unaug­
that affect the mind, but at +5 to save. Of cou rse, they are mented arms and basic legs (your base robot) , your down
immune to the same things as normal robots (heat, cold, by $ 1 1 . 1 million dollars. A q u ick look at the budget table
gases, poison , etc.). Their flesh and blood has been physi­ and you immediately can see the predicament.
cally replaced by mechanical limbs, micro-chips and other To remedy this, the Game Master can either add a 1 D4
robot systems so they do not have a physical "human" to million dollars to each of the budgets, or reduce the cost of
be affected by mind powers or magic manipulate (Le. fusion power sources by a 1 .5 dollars.
bio-manipulation, paralysis, sickness, and similar things
that would attack, hurt or incapacitate a flesh and blood
If a character doesn't have Gymnastics or Acrobat­
body) . Note: Telemechanics and Mechano-Lin k allows
ics for maintain balance and someone does a knock­
telepathic-like communication with a transferred intelli­
down or body flip, does he automatically fall?
gence inside a robot body to the extent of their ranges, but
no other control can be exerted over this free, h uman That is entirely up to the Game Master, but with the in­
mind or the mechan ical body it controls. These two ma­ clusion of knockdown rules in Heroes Unlimited™, it
chine powers can also be used to diagnose and pinpoint might be a good idea to convert the maintain balance per­
mechanical problems in the robot body, useful in effecting centage into a combat dice roll using a D20. The rol l is au­
repairs (if allowed by the mind in command) , but nothing tomatic, similar to a parry, and does not use up an attack.
more. Most people would receive no bonuses for the roll beyond
any P.P. bonuses, but Hand to Hand: Basic and Expert
provide a + 1 , while martial arts adds +2. This hand to
Why are the mineral and insect aliens in Aliens Un­ hand bonus increases by + 1 at levels 6 and 1 2. Gymnas­
Iimited™ so darn powerfu l? tics and Acrobatics add an additional +2 each with further
First and foremost, because the added resistances bonuses of + 1 at levels 4, 8, 1 2 , and 1 5.
and/or powers just made sense. If you have a walking
If the balance roll exceeds the strike roll to knock down,
rock, its not unlike a machine or robot and many things will the person takes the damage and staggers, but manages
not affect it. Furthermore, it is solid rock and many more to remain on his feet. Failing the roll and falling means the
things will have a difficult time damaging it. In a similar character is -2 to all rolls u ntil he spends an action getting
vein , normal insects are notable hard to kill (proportional to his feet.
to their size, of course) and human-sized ones (or larger)
are proportionately tough and hard to kill. It was also obvi­
ous that they should retain some of the natural traits and What is the damage from an entire magazine in a
abilities of the bugs they evolved from. So , justification burst for guns with 1 6-29 rounds? Exactly how many
aside, what do you do if you feel these (or any other) alien attacks does the entire magazine burst use up for
race is too powerful? Simply alter the character to your both automatic and sem i-automatic weapons?
taste. It is easy enough to reduce a high A.A. and/or mas­ Firearms that are capable of burst fire and have 1 6-29
sive S . D . C . to bring down the aliens' power level, and/or rounds of ammunition should do x3 damage on a long
ignore or modify any special powers, resistances and im­ burst and x7 damage on an entire clip.
munities. In the alternative, one could drop the natural The rules for semi-automatic burst fire are correct for
A.A. (even to zero) and keep the sizable S . D . C . along with the number of attacks req uired. A normal burst that uses
the special immunities, or just drop specific the entire clip takes up three melee attacks/actions (about
resistances/immunities that seem troubling in regard to 7 seconds) , other bursts use one attack. Bursts from a
game balance. Whatever works for you as Game Master semi-automatic weapon use two attacks for a long burst
is fine. However, also remember that in an isolated situa­ and three attacks for an entire Clip.
tion when only to a handful of (evil?) aliens are encoun­
tered by the player "group," it may be appropriate to have Vehicle combat only gives the vehicle one dodge
an opponent that is significantly more powerful (this way rol l per melee round, so what happens if someone is
the "group" can gang-up on one or two aliens or the shooting at the vehicle from a sidewal k?
heroes may have to double team their alien opponents,
The Game Master should use the single vehicle dodge
two on one).
rol l as the dodge for all attacks directed at it for that entire
Note: Aliens Unlimited™ is also one of the first melee round from non-vehicle sources (attacks from other
non-Rifts sourcebooks designed to be used with both its vehicles are covered by the vehicle combat rules). He
parent game Heroes Unlimited™ and Rifts® on a galac­ should also keep in mind that depending on the terrain
tic scale.
and the speed of the veh icle, the moving vehicle will only What if a character has their weight increased by
be a target for a limited n umber of seconds and possible the Weight Manipulation ability, but they are not
attacks. A vehicle going 45 mph (72 km) will cover 990 strong enough to carry the equivalent of the increased
feet (302 m) per melee round, which will put it out of most weight? Are they immobilized as the book says?
pistol ranges in a single attack (approximately 1 95 fV60 m No, they are not immobilized, but they are somewhat
per melee action/few seconds) . impaired. Anyone who can "carry" (not lift) the increased
weight applied to them , is not immobilized until the weight
exceeds their carrying capacity. However, even at half
Aliens can now be Hardware and Physical Training, their carrying capacity the character will see his speed and
but both of those Power Categories require you to jumping range are reduced by half, combat bonuses (ini­
drop a skill program. How does this work? tiative, strike, parry, dodge, disarm, bonuses) are reduced
Simply reduce the n umber of skills said to be available by half, and the victim loses one melee attack - you try
to the Alien on H U2 page 95, under Step 5: Determining
Education & Skills, by half. With Physical Training , make
running at full tilt or jumping full distance carrying even a
50 Ibs (22.8 kg) weight. It's not happening !
sure to drop any and all physical skills provided under Those characters with Extraordinary, Superhuman and
Step 5 and only use those available under the Power Cat­ Supernatural P.S. will suffer the same effect, but it will
egory. take a whole lot more weight to slow them down . Further­
In the case of the "Alien" Hardware: Analytical Genius, more, characters with Supematural P. S. will retain two
character sees h is/her/its skills under Step 5 reduced by melee actions and 25% of their speed (no combat bo­
half, and does not get the additional Skill Program of nuses) even under crushing weight (Le. an amount that
choice and does not get the usual Secondary Skills pro­ exceed their carrying capacity) ! They are simply too
vided under the Hardware: Analytical Power Category strong. When faced with such opponents, the weight ma­
(which is no big loss if you compare their given skills to the nipulator might find weightlessness more effective in hin­
education table for other aliens) . dering them.

I have trouble coming up with names. Any sugges­

What if my character randomly rolls Alter Limbs,
Coming up with a name (especially a cool or appropri­
but has a low P .E. and ends up with a paltry bunch of
ate) can be difficult, especially when needed on the spot in
Hit Points?
the middle of a game (Le. , the G . M . improvised an N PC
Hey, super abilities vary from individual to individual . I n and now needs a name) . There are a lot of solutions to
this case the character can only fire a limited number of coming up with names - scan a magazine or newspaper,
rounds from Mechanical Body Weapons before he weak­ the credits of a movie, and so on. G rabbing familiar names
ens himself too much . This adds a certain amount of like favorite authors, artists , actors and mixing the names
drama and an inherent weaken that' ideal for role-playing . to come up with something d ifferent is another possibility.
Use it. After all, the character can sti ll make melee weap­ Depending on the setting (different country, alien world,
ons (sword, ax, mace, etc.) from his limbs, as well as etc.) one may want exotic or foreign sounding names. This

Only his Mechanical Body Weapons and Locomotion &

shield arms, and stretch limbs, and so he's not helpless. will certainly add to the atmosphere and authenticity of the
setting. You're not likely to have Buffy or Biff, or even Ja­
Limbs abilities are limited by a low P . E . Those are my, son or Kevin in the M iddle East, Russia, or China; you get
Kevin Siembieda's, thoughts. the idea. A good, quick place to find names suitable for
On the other hand, Wayne Breaux offers a nifty optional other countries is an Atlas or travel guide. By the way, you
rules modification that works for me: can get out of date travel guide books at Bargain Book
Super abilities are supposed to be different from magic Stores for $2-$6 dollars. The problem with travel guides, is
and pSionics in that they are usually (but not always) in­ that they are usually limited to that one specific country so
nate abilities of the superbeing and, conseq uently, do not they aren't a good source for "global" names. An atlas,
cost anything to activate or use. however, spans the globe. Atlas' that include a brief his­
In the case of Alter Limbs, the Game Master can simply tory or geographic information may include the mention of
convert the H it Point cost of specific abilities into a "per key military and political figures, but more importantly the
level duration of use" rather than "burn up" H . P . and h u rt names of the many places are ideal for last names (used
the superbeing. Thus, locomotion would be limited to two either as they appear, or modified to have the "sound" of
minutes per level of the character's experience per hour the language and people - who cares if it's authentic if it
(and H it Point are not affected or used in any way) . Firing sounds right) .
bullets from a Mechan ical Body Weapon could be limited What's in a name? Instant personal ity. Jake the Snake,
to 1 2 rounds of ammo per level of experience per each Doctor Doom , The Terminator, The Shadow, and count­
hour. This means a 3rd level character could use locomo­ less others are instantly evocative because they convey
tion for six minutes and hour and shoot 36 bullets per an image and/or emotion the minute we hear them . this is
hour. Any further or different adjustments would be left up true of dramatic or scary names to corny and silly ones,
to the Game Master. they all send a message to the person who hears the
name. Try to remember and use this when creating
names, particularly for superbeings and major characters. H U2™ Errata
For naming ordinary people and the human identity of
superbeings, keep on hand a book of baby names (you
can find a number of them in any book store, and they are
Note: Most of these have been corrected starting with
the "2nd printing" of Heroes Unlimited™, Second Edition.
inexpensive too). Don't laugh! For G . M .s, it can be an in­
They are incl uded for the thousands of gamers who have
valuable tool for nam ing the dozen or so N PCs that m ight
the First Edition or to reiterate or expand upon a clarifica­
pop up during the cou rse of an adventure. Some name
books will even include the literal meaning or origin of cer­
tain names, which can provide you with ideas and instant • The Achilles' Heel for Mega-Heroes. Page 1 83, 1 st
personal ity to spice up even the most drab NPC. printing of H U2 has an omission : 1 1 -20 Vulnerability
to Magic, should also include a penalty of - 1 D4+ 1 to
Here's how it works. Open the book to any page and
save vs magic of all kind (-2 to -5 to save vs magic
point to a name without really looking. If you don't l i ke it or
spells, circles, potions, illusions, etc.).
don't think it fits, look at the two above it or below it, then
do the same for a last name (which may have to be modi­ • The Latent Psychic. Page 1 90 of the 1 st printing,
fied to sound right as a surname). While doing this, try tak­ gives the Latent Psionic the same base LS.P. as the
ing the meanings of each name as personality traits for Natural or Master Psionic. This is a mistake (editors
the NPC (or as a source of a possible last name). have been appropriately tortured). It should read as fol­
For example, let's take a simple Homicide Detective the lows:
heroes want to chat with , but who hasn't been completely The Latent Psychic's base L S . P . is his Mental Endur­
developed for the adventu re . Flipping open our handy ance (M. E.) attribute number x2, plus the rol l of
name book, we come up with a fi rst name of Sheila (which 1 D4x1 O. The total is the character's starting level of raw
means "dim-sighted" or "musical one") and a last name of mental power.
Grant ("great one"). Now we combine the names and As the psych ic grows in experience, so too does his
meanings to give this cop some character. L S . P . , adding 1 D6+1 L S . P . per each level of experi­
Going by the "dim-sighted" meaning of Sheila, let's say ence, starting with level one.
she's insensitive to others (she can't "see" their feelings) • The Natural or Master Psionic. Page 1 90 of the 1 st
and has an air of superiority (being a "great one"). Thus printing of H U2, also short changes the Master Psionic,
we get Detective Sheila Grant, Second Precinct - an ar­ and should read as fol lows:
rogant and sometimes condescending person with little re­ The Master Psychic's base L S . P . is his Mental En­
gard for the feelings and needs of others. She is good at durance (M . E .) attribute number x2 , plus the roll of
her job, and has no patience with those who try to help her 2D6x 1 0 (not 1 D6x 1 0 as listed). The total is the charac­
or tell her how to do it. (If I need any of her stats, I gener­ ter's starting level of raw mental power.
ate j ust what I need for the situation and jot it down . For • Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Fire. HU2,
H it Points and S.D.C. , quick approximations, if needed, 1 st printing, page 243, omissions from #7. Other Abil­
should suffice. See quick roll Villains for guidel ines.) Once ities & Bonuses should i nclude:
the adventure is over, one can finish the rest of her stats
• Fiery Aura adds 50 to S . D . C . while in the fire form.
and make whatever notes are needed for future reference
in case the N PC makes another appearance ("she rel uc­ • Maximum altitude for characters who can fly when
tantly helped the characters on the missing children ad­ transformed in to flame is 2000 feet (61 0 m).
venture"). • Super Ability: Manipu late Kinetic Energy. HU2, 1 st
Another handy trick for have basic characters available printing, page 235; damage corrections.
at a moment's notice, is to keep a pre-generated NPC list Large Axes (battle, chopping types) should be 3D6
with names, key stats (al l others are average 8 or 9), brief (not 2D6).
notes and short personality descriptions. Their fu ll stats Throwing Axes should be 2D4 damage (not 1 D6).
are kept elsewhere, but the list is always handy for quick Bola should be 2D4 damage (not 1 D6).
reference. With this, a G.M. can create Discus, Metal should be 2D6 damage (not 1 D6).
spur-of-the-moment N PCs like Sheila without disrupting Discus, Metal with Blade Edges should be 3D6 dam-
the flow of a game. And, it lets you know instantly how to age (not 2D6).
play the character, so they will be more than j ust a "tal king and . . . Throwing Sticks have a range of 1 20 feet
head" for the heroes to interact with when they su rprise (36.6 m)
you with a visit to old friends, casual acquaintances, or to­ • Super Ability: Super-Energy Expulsion (caught by
tal strangers you never expected them to encounter during Dave Craver). Page 293 second from the last para­
the adventure. graph in that description. It states, The character only
takes damage from all other forms of energy . . . "

It should read:
The character only takes half damage from all other
forms of energy, including sonic blasts/sonic shock
waves, fire, heat, and radiation.
• Clarification: Recovery of S.D.C. for Alter Physical
Structure Powers. The extra S. D.C. provided by any House Ru les
of the Alter Physical Structure abilities recovers m uch
more quickly than normal S. D.C. ; roughly 406 S. D. C.
points per every 1 0 minutesl By Wayne Breaux Jr. & Kevin Siembieda
This impressive rate of recovery applies only to No matter how good a game may be, inevitably,
those special S. D.C. gained from the altered state gamers will tweak and alter it to reflect their personal pref­
(metal , rock, ice, etc.). Ordinary physical S. D.C. and Hit erences and to make up for what they may see as weak­
Points recover at the normal rate for humans. nesses, holes or flaws in the game system. That's okay.
• Clarification concerning "Skills and Skill Programs" Role-playing games are written for ''you ,'' the gamer, to
for the Military Specialist (caught by Jillian use and enjoy as you see fit. Once it goes out to the
Moisdon). The original description on page 45 of HU2 stores, it passes from our hands into yours, figuratively as
1 st & 2nd printing is poorly worded , it should read: well as l iterally. The rules are set in print, not stone, so af­
4. The Military Special ist is the only ed ucational ter you get the book we have little influence on how you
level that automatically gets the Espionage Skill Pro­ may interpret, use, enforce or modify the rules. We appre­
gram, but can select Espionage train ing a second time ciate your faith and adherence to our opinions, but always
to get five Espionage skills of choice . remember that if something does not make sense to you ,
or you are pretty sure something is a mistake or oversight,
• Clarification concerning "Skills and Ski l l Programs"
then change it to someth ing that works.
for the Advanced Piloting and "Weapons Engineer"
(also questioned by Jillian Moisdon). Likewise , if you need a new rule for something that isn't
The question is really, who or what is a 'Weapon's covered , make it upl You can certainly use the vast
Engineer?" Sorry about the use of this broad and un­ amount of material already presented as a guideline to
clear term. A Weapon's Engineer would be any charac­ adapt most any situation. The same holds true of creating
ter who specializes in the building of weapons and new super abilities, magic and gizmos.
military armaments. Th is can includes any Hardware The only danger is unbalancing the framework of the
Characters, and could also include a Supersoldier (ex­ game. Game Masters and Players alike, must be careful
periment), Special Ops character, spy or alien who was that their "house rules" and "additions" don't imbalance the
the appropriate ski lls. game. To this end , the players should always "suggest"
To make things simple, a Weapons Engineer "Skill and "ask" the G.M. if they can modify or add something
Program" would include: new. If the Game Master says no, that's the end of the
Basic & Advanced Math story. Please don't whimper, groan or badger the G . M.
Electrical Engineer into letting you use it. This only makes things uncomfort­
Mechanical Engineer able for the Game Master and may cause tension and
Weapons Engineer hard feel ings in the player group. Players should try to de­
Armorer (field) fer to the Game Master's d iscretion and feelings in these
matters, especially if he or she is a good, l i keable and ex­
both with Psionic and Super Abilities.
• Clarification about Randomly Generating Heroes
perienced G . M . Why? Because it is crucial that the G . M.
Players who use The Number & Category of Super understands and feels comfortable with the elements of
Abilities random table on page 226 of H U2, can roll up the game to run a good one. My experience has been that
superbeings who have both a super ability and psionic most Game Masters ignore or won't al low things they per­
powers (86-00). However, it fails to explain what level sonally find to be silly, difficult to play/control/use , and/or
of psionic power this dual character possesses. The an­ unbalancing to the game.
swer is that such characters are considered to be La­ Many of the rules in Heroes Unlimited™, Second Edi­
tent Psychics, and must spend I.S. P. to use their tion were set-up and written to preserve some measure of
psionic ability(s). Since these superbeings also possess balance, pacing and performance. Not a un iversal balance
one or more super abilities, the character does not gain on the Power Categories - some powers and types of
new psionic abi l ities like the normal Latent Psychic as heroes are vastly more powerful than others, but each is
he or she grows in experience (unless the G . M. thinks it unique and fun in his own way, and all have some advan­
is okay, and allows it, but be careful not to imbalance tage depending on the situation and circumstance. "House
the game). However, I.S. P. does increase, at a rate of rules" sometimes create an imbalance and problems for
1 06+ 1 I.S. P. per each level of experience , starting with the G . M . , often for the players too. As the guy or gal or­
level one. Base (starting) I.S. P. is the M.E. number, chestrating these story-fests of rollicking adventure, it is
plus the rol l of 1 D6x1 O. the Game Master who must assess and evaluate any new
super abilities, characters, and rules. First and foremost,
the G.M. must ascertain whether the "new" material works
for him/her and fits with the game that has been estab­
l ished . If the G . M . doesn't l i ke or want it, it shouldn't be
played. Even modification that seem okay at first, may
need to be modified or used moderately later, or needs a

trial test adventure before it is made into an unofficial proach . Items can be lost, stolen, destroyed , etc. This can
"House RUle." even be done dramatically - does the "hero" go to save
For example, the Game Masters may find the inclusion his powerful and favorite "thi ngamajig," or does he sacri­
of Mega-Heroes to be too disruptive or limits the types of fice it to save l ives or to stop the villain from escaping?
stories he or she wants to tel l , so they are not allowed. On Super abilities can be lost or m utated (ideally in some dra­
the other hand , a different Game Master may feel that he matic, and perhaps traumatic way). Remember G.M.s',
or she can handle (or prefers) the extra power level of you are weaving a continuing series of stories with return­
such player characters, and may even offer modified rules ing player characters and returning antagonists all tied to­
to accommodate even more powerful , truly, god-like gether with interweaving plots and sub-plots.
superhumans. If the G . M . and the majority of players are Consequently, the loss of one's favorite thingamajig or
all in favor of this, and they can pull it off, go for it. How­ power(s), etc. will add to the continuing story and depth of
ever, if the player's would like it, but the Game Master de­ the character(s). For example, being mutated or losing
clines, it is probably because the G . M . doesn't feel some helpful , powerful, irreplaceable item can be a reason
comfortable with it. Don't argue and try to cajole the poor to disli ke, hate , or seek revenge on a particular
soul into it, defer to the G . M .'s wishes. Most of the time a Non-Player Character/villain (''That's the scum bag who
good G . M . al lows or disallows something because he or destroyed my Mystic Sword of Kalamazoo! He's going to
she doesn't l i ke or can't handle it. This is an important pay!"). Getting rid of a not so clever new item or power
consideration , because a confused and unhappy G . M . will can add to the story if done right.
only result in a lousy game experience. On the other hand, sometimes there no way around it
Now, this does not mean players shouldn't make sug­ other than to stand up and say to your group, "I don't know
gestions and offer new ideas, but only to respect the about you guys, but I don't th ink this works and I'm taking
G . M . 's decision, especially if you can tel l he or she is try­ it out of the game (or changing it, etc.). This is especially
i ng to be fair and you usually have fun playing in his/her easy if you play with a good group of understanding and
game sessions. cooperative gamers. It can be more difficult if the group is
As for Game Masters, you should try to enforce the composed of acquaintances or people you barely know
rules that keep things in hand , and si mply do not allow (like some game sessions at conventions or stores that of­
characters, modified rules and new things that you can not fer gaming space and times). Or if one of the players is a
handle. loudmouth jerk (seems l i ke most game groups has one
annoying or troublesome player). Hey, explain your rea­
Trying new ideas sons and stick to your decision whether the players l i ke it
or not. Running the game has to work and be fun for the
While it is fun to experiment, try new things and intro­
G . M . or it will suffer.
duce new, original ideas of your own, if it doesn't work,
don't feel obligated to keep it. Heck, Wayne Breaux and I ,
Kevin Siembieda, experiment and try different things all
the time. From new weapons and gizmos to new super
abilities and rules. Sometimes we are amazed at our own
genius when things work out astonishing well. Other times
we feel like idiots because something works like garbage ,
is stupid, slows down the game, imbalances the charac­
ters or is a constant source of trouble or annoyance (either
to the G . M . or the players , or both). When this happens,
you just have to bite the bullet and get rid of the problem.
It's as simple as that. And yes it is fai r. After all, you are
the G . M . and you must go with what works for you in
weaving the adventures - the players have to understand
that or find a new G . M .
Now, the problem for the G . M . i s , "how to get rid of it,
especially if one or more of the players' love it. Hey, get
real, a some players are selfish (and/or obnoxious), and
don't care if the game is imbalanced by someth ing in their
character's possession. Nor do they care if other players
feel left out as long as they are in the l imelight and having
fun. However, a good G . M . does care. The idea behind
role-playing games is for a group of players to work to­
gether to have fun and build an exciting story. If the major­
ity aren't having fun , something is wrong and it needs to
be fixed.
There are lots of ways for a Game Master to correct his
mistakes. Working it's removal into the story is one ap-
Playing Diabolic villains can be difficult because most
C reati n g & of us are not cold-hearted, callous bastards. Diabolic vil­
lains have no respect or regard for anyone other than
R u n n i n g Vi l l a i ns themselves. Few of them bl uff, even when holding a gun
to the head of a child, and they never hesitate to carry out
By Kevin Siembieda a threat that they really mean. While all Diabolic charac­
ters are not cold-blooded, psychotic killers and man iacs,
If nothing else, the villain is the Game Master's charac­ this is the group with the sadistic torturer and merci less
ter. Most Non-Player Characters (N PCs) will be rather assassin who enjoys killing.
mundane and unimpressive normal people, but the villain
Note: Villains are not always cold and obviously evil
is the centerpiece of a scene, if not an entire adventure.
menaces. Sometimes, there are other reasons for their
When he or she makes an entrance, all of the players' at­
"crimes" that are not vile, but misguided or extreme. Re­
tention will focus on what the villain says and does. That is
venge often is a factor for such somewhat sympathetic vil­
why villains should be noteworthy, if not downright memo­
lains. In fact, the only real difference between these
rable. Unless the player "heroes" go around killing off vil­
villains and some vigilantes is the extent of their methods.
lains left and right (not a very heroic habit, by the way),
Vigilantes generally respect life and have a strong, per­
they just might run into these villains again (and perhaps,
sonal sense of justice, which is why they seek to deal out
again and again). Return villains and arch-foes can be
or find justice for the wrongs they see around them . They
great fun. The look on the faces of the players when they
are often the avengers of the people, and while they may
recogn ize the nervous twitch of the bionic nemesis before
break laws to deliver their brand of justice , they rarely kil l ,
them as that of Rico the thug who was buried by a falling
a n d never for pleasure. Villains on the other hand , w i l l do
building way back in the th ird adventure is priceless. Vil­
whatever it takes to get what they want and will threaten,
lains should grow just like player characters. They might
hurt or kill anybody who gets in their way. Many are ob­
not advance in experience as rapidly (or at all) as player
sessed with power and/or revenge, and commonly resort
characters, but they can most assuredly gain experience
to murder and other extreme measures to get it. De­
levels, new knowledge and skills, acquire new gizmos
pending on the character's personality and the extent of
(and even powers) and new allies that can keep them on
their obsessions and desires, some villains may be
par with any group of heroes.
short-l ived, having no desire to perform other crimes once
Miscreant villains are the most common . They have their goals are ach ieved .
l ittle or no regard for others and are typically self-serving The G . M . should endeavor to create memorable villains
- doing whatever it takes to make them happy and/or to by using description , personal ity, and flaws. Each major
get what they want. These villains can sometimes be rea­ villain will be like a player character for the G . M . , and
soned with and , as long as they get their fair share out of should be played that way. Have the villains think and
it, they can work reasonably well in groups, although plan . They are not just props for the hero to beat up on. It
backstabbing and skimming is also common. is perfectly al right for villains to su rrender, flee, or be cap­
tured. Once the heroes turn the villain over to the authori­
Aberrant villains seem to be increasingly common in ties, they have practically no way of keeping an eye on
movies and comic books. These opponents are often the them or have any say as to the bond pending trial or the
masterminds of criminal organ izations. Their personal cretin's eventual punishment "under the law." A villain
code of honor makes them somewhat trustworthy (from a might be freed on bond or the charges dismissed due to
hero's point of view), but it also makes them very hard to lack of hard evidence or i llegal procedu re/violation of their
read until the hero can get a feel for their twisted code . rights. Captured vil lains can escape, be broken out of
Once that's done, however, Aberrant villains can be prison by accomplices and all ies, or serve their time and
counted on to behave in certain ways very reliably, a trait be released only to return to a l ife of crime (or revenge) to
enterprising heroes can use to their advantage. create more havoc.
The only exception to creating colorful and memorable Cri m i nal Record
villains is their henchmen. Often these characters are little 0 1 -30%: None! E ither new to crime or has never been
more than soldiers i n the powerful villain's army or criminal caught.
network. As such , they don't need to have in-depth per­
31 -40%: A few m isdemeanors, nothing too serious.
sonalities, histories or character and are often broad ste­
reotypes. 41 -49%: A few misdemeanors and 1 04 felonies. Time
50-69%: Criminal record a mile long (206 felonies) and
Q u i c k Ro l l Vi l l a i ns numerous misdemeanors, but not currently wanted on any
Not every villain will be a major character. Supervil lains charge.
and crimelords will have their ch ief lieutenants, henchmen , 70-84%: Long criminal record (204+6 felon ies); cur­
and thugs. Most of these are secondary characters and rently wanted on 1 06 felony charges.
the G. M. will need to roll 'em up quickly. Even in a small 85-00%: Suspected on several felony charges, but no
group, all 8- 1 2 men in a supervillain's gang are not neces­ evidence to make them stick.
sarily going to have strong personalities or quirks, but
these minor villains can also be quickly generated using Weapons & Equi pment
the random tables below. The average human criminal is usually equipped with
The following tables are designed to build a quick frame conventional weapons such as pistols, rifles,
for general and common stereotypes of villains. They are sub-machineguns, knives, blackjacks, billy clubs, and so
especial ly helpful in banging out a reasonably interesting on . Survei llance and listening equipment are fairly easy to
character on the fly. If the G . M . likes he or she can flesh get if one knows who to tal k to and has the money (cash)
out the character later, as m uch as desired, or not at all. to pay for it, and presumably a crook has that knowledge.
Gender Automobiles are also of standard , commercial make and
01 -65%: Male cost.
66-00%: Female More exotic items, such as heavy weapons (bazookas,
grenades, etc.), energy weapons, bionics, robotics and
other high-tech creations are restricted to hoodlums with
Level of Experience ties to criminal organ izations and/or supervil lains with the
Average Villainrrhug knowledge or access to such technology and resources.
0 1 -20%: Fi rst Only they can afford to manufacture or hijack advanced or
2 1 -40%: Second "super-technology."
4 1 -60%: Th ird
6 1 -80%: Fourth
Ties to Cri m i nal Organ izations
81 -00%: Fifth or h igher (G . M.'s choice)
Lone-wolf villains and powerful "gangs" of (3-8)
Elite Villain superbeings are always fun to play. In the comics, villain
0 1 -20%: Fifth "groups" represent the greatest danger and some of the
2 1 -40%: Sixth best story l ines. While these superteams can be inde­
4 1 -60%: Seventh pendent and self-reliant, they may just as l i kely be spon­
6 1 -80%: Eighth sored, even created by a criminal organ ization . Likewise,
81 -00%: Ninth or h igher (G . M .'s choice) a life of crime being what it is, lone-wolf operatives and
supervillain gangs are l i kely to "contract" themselves out
as hit men , enforcers, bodyguards, mercenaries and spe­
Age cial agents for hire to criminal organizations. They need to
Average Villainrrhug put food on the table and money in their pockets too, and
01 - 1 5%: 17 wealthy organizations looking for people with their "unique
1 6-30%: 20 talents" can pay handsomely for their services.
31 -45%: 24 For quick reference , here is a random table of some of
46-65%: 28 the more common and general criminal operations and or­
66-85%: 35 ganizations villains and heroes are likely to encounter in
86-00%: 40 the Heroes Unlimited™ universe. When designing an ad­
venture, feel free to choose from the list below, or roll ran­
Elite Villain domly.
01 -1 5%: 20 For each selection, there is a range of size options re­
1 6-30%: 28 flecting the organization's degree of power and influence.
31 -45%: 32 A l i g n ment Unless otherwise noted, the dollar amounts given repre­
46-65%: 38 0 1 -20%: Aberrant sent the group's total cash on hand and resources (man­
66-85%: 40 2 1 -60%: Miscreant power, weapons, vehicles, and equipment). In general, a
86-00%: 50 6 1 -80%: Diabolic group's monthly i ncome is equal to about one-thi rd of its
8 1 -00%: Anarchist total cash on hand. For more detai led information and
rules for creating "organ izations" see Villains Unlim­ 85-00%: Criminal Scientific: A secret research and devel­
ited™ . opment organization that supplies high-tech weapons,
0 1 - 1 7%: Criminal Mercenary Organization : Employs as­ vehicles and equipment to other criminal organizations,
sassins, mercenaries and ex-military personnel for free­ billionaires, corrupt corporations, and supervillains, as
lance demolitions, assassination , kidnapping, enforcing, well as foreign and rog ue governments. May experi­
investigation/survei llance , and other covert operations. ment in creating and/or recruiting superhumans, cy­
Also may engage in extortion and smuggling of any borgs, and robots.
kind - arms, drugs, precious gems, people, etc. 0 1 -40%: Local: $1 D4x1 00 million in cash and re­
01 -29%: Local: $1 D6x5 million in cash and resources. sources.
41 -84%: National : $ 1 D6x 1 0 billion.
30-70%: National: $3D6x 1 0 million.
85-00%: I nternational: $3D6x1 0 billion.
7 1 -00%: I nternational: $3D6x 1 00 million.
1 8-34%: Criminal Super-Fence: A big-time operation Add i ng color to Non-Player C haracters
specializing in the acquisition and liquidation of "hot" N PCs are the characters of the G. M. There will be doz­
goods. To call this a smuggling operation doesn't give ens of them, so most will never have the depth and details
due credit to the scope of this organ ization's abilities. It of most player characters, except for the occasional major
won't bother with small stuff like stereos or automo­ villain, but each should be as unique as possible. The l ife
biles. Rather, it moves precious stones, gold , art trea­ of a campaign quite often comes from the vitality of its
sures, high technology (components and plans), N PCs. Often , I don't even have to identify who is speaking
intellectual property (stolen software of scientific data), when I shift N PCs. The players can tel l by speech pat­
engages in money laundering, and occasionally heavy terns, mannerisms, choice of words/slang, and sometimes
weapons and military secrets (nuclear weapons, robot­ (when I'm on a rol l and in the mood) by their actual voice
ics, etc.). It services millionaires, corporations, other and accents. It helps to create an atmosphere , a sense of
criminal organizations, and corrupt governments. uniqueness and personality, and helps a scene flow much
0 1 -40%: Local: $2D6x1 0 million worth of merchandise more smoothly (and entertainingly). Of course, other
available. N PCs have little impact on the game and may not even
4 1 -80%: National : $3D6x 1 00 million. get to use dialogue, such as the clerk at the store who
8 1 -00%: I nternational: $6D6 billion. hands the character his package.
35-55%: Crimelord: Conducts all manner of illegal activity,
such as illegal drug smuggling and sales, protection Type 1 Cri m i nal : Thug
1.0.: 6+ 1 D6
rackets, i l legal gambl ing, prostitution, auto-theft (chop
shops are big money), arson (insurance fraud also is
big money), gun running, counterfeiting, or any other P.S. : 1 0+ 1 D6
criminal enterprise that will turn a good buck on a large P.P.: 8+ 1 D6
scale. All remaining attributes: Are either 6+ 1 D6 or give them
0 1 -33%: Local: $2D4x 1 00 m illion in cash flow and re­ the "average" stat of 9, plus the attribute bonus noted
sources. under each type.
34-66%: National: 1 D4x1 0 billion. Base S.D.C.: 20 plus bonus noted under each type and
67-00%: I nternational: 3D4x 1 0 billion. possible physical ski l l bonuses.
56-70%: Drug Syndicate: An organ ization devoted to im­ Education Level and Skills: Pick one of the four Thug
porting, processing, distributing and selling control led categories or roll percentile dice to determine skills.
substances (heroine, coke , crack, etc.). May have sev­ 0 1 -20%: Thug: Thief
eral drug-processing factories and warehouses. Roll to Hand to Hand: Basic
determine size of organization. Literacy (+30%)
0 1 -40%: Local: $4D6x 1 0 million in annual "sales." Basic Math (+30%)
Basic E lectronics (+ 1 5%)
4 1 -80%: National: $3D6 billion.
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 0%)
81 -00%: I nternational: $2D4x 1 0 billion. Pick Pocket (+20%)
71 -84%: Secret Organization : A power-crazed organiza­ Pick Locks (+20%)
tion bent on world domination (like S. P. E.C.T. R. E. from Prowl (+1 5%)
the old James Bond movies). They own and operate Pilot Automobile or Motorcycle (+ 1 O%).
numerous legitimate and criminal businesses that fund Climbing (+ 1 5%)
a variety of secret, subversive, terrorist, and/or paramili­ W. P. Knife or Revolver.
tary actions against humanity. It is well funded and em­ Choose 3 Rogue or Technical Skills (+5%).
ploys h igh technology, bion ics, robotics and Choose 3 Secondary Skills (no bonuses).
supervillains in addition to conventional soldiers and Bonus: +4 to P. P. attribute.
equipment. Bonus S. D. C. : + 1 5
0 1 -40%: Local: $ 1 D6x 1 00 million in cash and re­ 2 1 -40%: Thug: Enforcer/Bodyguard
sources. Hand to Hand: Expert or Martial Arts (pick one).
4 1 -84%: National: $1 D6x 1 0 billion. Literacy (+20%)
85-00%: I nternational: $4D6x 1 0 billion. Basic Math (+ 1 0%)
Body Building
Cri m i nal Type 2 : Cri m i nal El ite
Boxing or Wrestling (pick one) I.Q.: 1 3+ 1 D6
Pilot Automobile (+ 1 0%) M.E.: 1 2+ 1 D6
Pilot Truck (+ 1 0%) P.S. : 1 2+ 1 D6
W.P. Revolver P.P. : 1 0+ 1 D6
Choose 2 W.P. (any) All remaining attributes: Are either 9+ 1 D6 or give them
Choose 1 Physical Skill. the slightly "better than average" stat of 1 2 , plus the at­
Choose 2 Rogue Ski lls (+5%). tribute bonus noted under each type.
Choose 3 Secondary Skills (no bonuses). Base S.D.C.: 20 plus bonus noted under each type and
Bonus: +7 to P.S. attribute. possible phYSical skill bonuses.
Bonus S . D . C . : +30 Education Level and Skills: Pick one of the fou r Elite
4 1 -60%: Th ug: PunkfTwo-Bit Hood categories or roll percentile dice.
Hand to Hand: Basic 0 1 -25%: Elite: Boss
Basic Math Hand to Hand: Expert or Martial Arts (pick one)
Not l iterate unless taken as a Technical Skill. Literacy (98%)
Pilot Automobile or Motorcycle (+1 0%). Basic & Advanced Math (+30%)
Running Business & Finance (+30%)
W.P. Knife Law (+20%)
W.P. Chain Choose 2 Techn ical Skills (+20%).
W.P. One of Choice. Choose 2 Espionage or Rogue Skills (+ 1 0%).
Choose 2 Rogue Ski lls (+ 1 0%). Choose 3 Physical Skills.
Choose 2 Techn ical or Piloting Skills (+5%). Choose 3 W.P. (any).
Choose 4 Secondary Skills (no bonuses). Choose 6 Secondary Skills (no bonuses).
Bonus: +6 to Spd. attribute. Bonus: +5 to mental attribute of choice (I.Q., M . E . or
Bonus S . D . C . : + 1 5 M .A.). Bonus S. D.C. +30
6 1 -80% Getaway Man/Driver 26-50%: Elite: Military Mercenary
Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Expert or Martial Arts (pick one).
Literacy (+20%) Literacy (92%)
Basic Math Basic Math (+20%)
Running Choose 3 M i l itary Skills of choice (+20%).
Automotive Mechanics (+20%) Choose 3 Espionage Skills of choice (+1 5%).
Pilot Automobile (+20%) Choose 3 Physical (+5%) or Piloting Skills (+ 1 5%).
Pilot Race Car (+ 1 5%) Choose 3 W.P.
Pilot Motorcycle (+ 1 2%) Choose 4 Secondary Skills (no bonuses).
Pilot: One skill of Choice. Bonus: +6 to P . E . or P.S. attribute.
Choose 2 Technical or Rogue Skills. Bonus S.D.C.: 40
W.P. One of Choice. 51 -75%: Elite: Hit Man
Choose 4 Secondary Skills (no bonuses). Hand to Hand: Assassin
Bonus: +2 to P .P . attribute. Literacy (98%)
Bonus S . D . C . : + 1 0 Basic Math (+30%)
8 1 -00%: Thug: Con Man Detect Ambush (+ 1 0%)
Hand to Hand: Basic Disguise (+20%)
Literacy (98%) Prowl (+1 0%)
Basic Math (+20%) Tracking (+20%)
Concealment (+20%) Sniper
Forgery (+20%) W.P. Bolt Action Rifle
Disguise (+1 0%) W.P. Automatic Pistol
Palming (+ 1 5%) Choose 3 additional W.P.
Pick Pocket (+ 1 0%) Choose 3 M i l itary or Espionage Skills (+ 1 0%)
Basic E lectronics (+1 0%) Choose 2 Rogue Skills (+6%).
Computer Operation (+ 1 5%) Choose 1 Physical Skill.
W.P. One of Choice. Choose 3 Secondary Skills (no bonuses)
Choose 2 Technical or Communications Skills. Bonus: +6 to P. P. or Spd attribute.
Choose 4 Secondary Skills (no bonuses). Bonus S . D . C . : 30
Bonus: +4 to I .Q. attribute. 76-00%: Elite: Surveillance Specialist
Bonus S . D . C . : +5 Hand to Hand: Basic
Literacy (98%)
Basic Math (+30%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)

Radio: Scrambler (+1 5%) ies hunter/vigilantes or all top detectives super sleuths, but
Surveillance Systems (+20%) even everyday heroes l i ke police officers or detectives are
T.V.Nideo (+ 1 0%) not "superhuman" in the Heroes Unlimited™ game set­
Cryptography (+5%) ting. A pol ice detective who is a Super-Sleuth will be leg­
Optics (+ 1 0%) endary, like Sherlock Holmes, while an Olympic ath lete
Computer Operation (+20%) with lots of gold medals might be close to the Physical
Photography (+1 5%) Training character, but they aren't quite "super." Likewise,
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%) supersoldiers are rare (even in military special forces),
Choose 2 Techn ical Skills (+ 1 5%) and not all martial arts masters or instructors will be An­
Choose 2 Rogue or E lectronic Skills (+5%). cient Masters. Most assuredly, there are those very rare
Choose 3 Secondary Skil ls. human individuals who have exceptional abilities above
Choose 2 W . P . the norm , but they are the exception, not the norm. For
Bonus: + 4 t o 1.0. or P . P . attribute . any number of reasons, these exceptional people have
Bonus S . D . C . : 20 not chosen a l ife as a crimefighting hero or vigilante, and
l ive comparatively normal l ives.
Legendary and famous humans will more often than not
Cri m i nal Type 3 : Su pervi l lains have amazing skills because of their high levels of experi­
ence (8+) and/or high 1.0. and other attributes rather than
Roll u p gender, level of experience, age, and alignment
just as you would any lesser villain as outlined above.
because of any super ability. Note that outstanding attrib­
Even a supervillain can be a "thug" rather than one of utes of 24 or higher can also make a human famous or
the "criminal elite," but that choice is up to the G . M . So se­ legendary. Remember, no matter how high one's charac­
lect one of the Type I or Type I I Villain Types. This will ter's stats may be, player heroes also have other special
provide the skills, training and basic orientation of the vil­ abilities or training most ordinary humans do not. For the
lain . Average Joe, moderately high stats alone are enough to
To determine super abilities, simply rol l on the Random seem impressive.
Power Category and Super Ability Tables and - voila! In­
stant super bad guy. The quickest, "super" characters to
generate are Alien, Experiment, Mutant and Physical
Training, because of the many random tables and com­
paratively limited choices for these Power Categories.
Hardware, Robotics, Bionics, and the others tend to re­
quire more thought, choices and time to create.

Normal People
Like most comic book superheroes, the characters in
Heroes Unlimited™ live, work and fight crime in a world
very much l i ke our own . The dates and places are almost
always the same, and sometimes, so are the people. The
technology is basically what one would find available at lo­
cal stores or on-line, and weapons and combat equipment
are fundamentally the same as our modern times, with the
M i litary, Governments and select cutting-edge Corpora­
tions and Superbeings with the most advanced technology
and equipment (roughly 1 0-50 years ahead of our own
The biggest difference is that the Heroes Unlimited™
world has a bit of fantasy and science fiction to liven it up.
The heroes' players creativity and control in the game are
larger than l ife, with amazing abilities that normal people
do not have. They also have the will and drive to do some­ The Typical, Modern H u man
thing personally about the troubles around them, things Alignment: Any, with the majority being good or self­
that most normal people feel is out of their hands. Like­ ish .
wise , many of the villains these heroic characters face are Level of Experience: Most ad ults are thi rd to fifth level .
also superpowerfu l . But everyone else is a normal human H ighly skilled N PCs, especially those in high-risk profes­
being. Compared to the superpowered villains threatening sions, may have years of experience and can be as high
their world , the Average Joe is a wimp. This is why they as 9+ 1 04 level. If this sounds rather high , remember that
need "superheroes" to protect and help them. they do not have super abilities and thus would have
Game Masters may be tempted to assign power cate­ much lower experience tables than powerful hero types.
gories to "normal" humans, such as making all mercenar- Also note that a person's occupational skills will be taken
first, with less important skills being secondary, including might have reflects regular, serious devotion to that activ­
most physical and combat skills. Thus, their combat ability ity. For example, marathon runners would have the Run­
will be less than impressive (soldiers, law enforcement ning ski l l , regular racquetbal l or tennis enthusiasts would
personnel, and ath letes are exceptions) if they exist at all. have General Ath letics, and so on.
Note: Most people have no fighting skills, not even Hand
to Hand: Basic, and only have two melee actions per
Attributes: These vary widely from person to person .
Roll 306 for each; 1 6 , 1 7, or 1 8 get to roll an additional
1 06 and gets the appropriate attribute bonuses.
The "average" man probably has a P.S. of 1 0 to 1 4 ,
and 8 to 1 1 in other attributes. The typical woman has a
P.S. of 7-1 0, but a P . E . of 1 0- 1 4, with all other attributes
being in the 8-1 1 range. Of course, attributes can be in­
creased via occupation and physical ski ll selection .
Children mostly have 1 06+ 1 for all attributes, teenagers
have 1 06+4, and the very elderly roll 1 06+3 for the total
P.S. , P . E . , and Spd (all others are 306 or an "average" of
9) .
H it Points and S.D.C.:
The average adult, male and female, commonly only
has around 25-35 H it Points - 306 + P . E . attribute, + 1 06
per level of experience. S . D . C . is 1 06+6 (+ 1 5 for those in Combat Skills: Most people will have no combat skills!
occupations or environments that would build the body, Really. Get real , most of the people playing these games
like farmers, construction workers, ath letes, etc.). Note: have never studied (let alone master) boxing, wrestling,
S. D.C. can be increased with the selection of certain phys­ karate/self-defense, climbing, or what might even be con­
ical skills. sidered General Ath letics. The same is true of most North
Teenagers have an average of 206 H it Points + P . E . at­ Americans and most people in the world.
tribute number (experience level is typically stil l consid­ The Average Joe with no combat training will have two
ered zero , or perhaps 1 st level). S . D . C . is 1 06+1 0 (tough , attacks per melee round. Period. Boxing would make that
young and virile, but this S . D . C . drops to the adult range three. If the character regu larly happens to study Karate or
after the age of 2 1 ). Note: S . D.C. can be increased with takes similar martial arts self-defense classes he will have
the selection of certain physical skills, like being a high the equ ivalent skill of Hand to Hand: Expert (not Martial
school athlete or other physical hobbies (running, climb­ Arts, which is reserved for true masters, i.e. instructors
ing, etc.) that build the body and keep it strong . However, and assistants who are at least a First Degree Black Belt
these skills and S.D. C . bon uses remain in adu lt life only if with years of experience).
the character regularly continues these activities even if
Characters with a M i litary or Police Training will have
only on an amateur level.
Hand to Hand: Basic, while military personnel with years
Children have only 1 06 + P . E . attribute number (experi­ of combat duty, mercenaries and special operatives will
ence level is considered zero). S . D . C . is 1 06+2 (kids, es­ have Hand to Hand: Expert. Remember, we are talking
pecially l ittle ones, are practically indestructible). about the "average" soldier or ex-military (probably out of
Senior citizens have an average of 206+ 1 2 H it Points shape since leaving the m i litary), so we will not consider
+ P . E . attribute number ( H . P . from experience levels don't Assassin or Martial Arts for them. Of course the G . M . can
count). S.D.C. is 1 06+2, plus any S . D . C . gained from elect otherwise.
physical skills, but at half the normal amount and only if Weapon Proficiencies: T he Average Joe has no W.P.
the Senior remains physically active (otherwise they don't About 40% will have one or two and is l i kely to be limited
count at all). to W.P. Blunt, W . P . Knife, W . P . Revolvers, W . P . Pistol or
Education : The average North American, European , W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle (for hunting). Handguns and rifles
and city people in the rest of the world typically has the will be the most common, but even most people who own
equivalent of a high school education , or one or two years a handgun have little or no training in its use.
of college. Japan , and some other countries, will have Clearly, even a Police Officer or professional boxer will
50%-60% of their people with four years of College. pale in comparison to any player hero, but don't judge a
U ltimately, education will be appropriate to the occupa­ book by its cover, or a character by the numbers on his
tion selected for the N PC; L e . , Doctors have Ph.D.s, gang sheet. Some of the most normal people can be the best
members have "street education ," etc. Also keep in mind opponents. One terrorist with a gun or bomb stands little
that normal people will have a number of mundane skills chance against even a lone hero, but that same terrorist
that have l ittle to no impact on this superhero game (Le . , surrounded by innocent hostages is m uch harder to cap­
Domestic and/or technical skills). Any Physical skills they ture or defeat without loss of l ife.
these are villains, dishonorable people we are deal ing
Vi g i l a ntes & the Law with . They will lie and come u p with false witnesses and
alibis to cover their crimes. Then we're back to their word
By Kevin Siembieda against some strange guy in a mask and long underwear.
I think it is important to point out that being a vigilant� is I l legally obtained documents are also inadmissible in
against the law and vigilantes usually bend and often court, although there are ways around that too, like mail­
break the law. What?! A hero breaking the law? Ridicu­ ing it or delivering it anonymously, or leaving an anony­
lous, you say. Wrong! Stop and th ink a minute. Think mous tip as to where the authorities can find evidence of
about what would happen if you did many of the things a criminal activity or a crime in progress. Consequently, us­
vigilante crime fighter might do. This is something many ing super abilities to track down , gather intelligence and
games and role-players ignore. Just because you're a turn it over (anonymously) to the authorities is more likely
superbeing, doesn't mean you can ignore the law. Like­ to make a conviction stick in court than direct intervention.
wise, good intentions don't make it okay. Di rect i ntervention can be good, too, and is l i kely to
Examples of unintentional criminal acts perpetrated by save lives. However, depending on exactly what tran­
heroes (especially in role-playing) include assau lt ("But we spires and how the hero(s) conducts himself, he may have
had to make him talk!"), assault and battery ("He's evil to take solace in the fact that he or she saved a woman
trash. He deserved it."), harassment ("We just scared him from a mugging, stopped an arson ist, busted up a criminal
a l ittle ... "), breaking and entring ("We needed to look operation, and so on, but that the brigand(s) responsible
around," or " . . . but we knew we could find evidence at his may get away, or be let go for the reasons noted previ­
apartment," etc.), il legal search and seizure ("But we had ously. Then again , if the woman is willing to press
to get it before they hid it again."), assaulting an officer charges, if there was one or more witnesses to the arson,
("He was going to take me in for q uestioning and would or the police can trace the handiwork to the thug in ques­
have jeopardized my secret identity !"), destruction of pri­ tion , then these lowlifes may do time after all. Other ordi­
vate and public property ("You can't make an omelet with­ nary people must step forward to help make their
out breaking eggs, especially when fighting Dr. Fright.") community safer and to see that justice is served. Philo­
and numerous other crimes and disregard for the law and sophically, this is fair and just. After all, a superpowered
property. hero or vigilante can only do so much. He or she is one
To a vigilante, many of these tactics are necessary and person , and that one person can not fight evi l and injustice
appropriate, especially to the logic of an independent all by himself. Everyone must take a stand for what is
crime buster. Breaking the law doesn't necessarily make good , right and just. That's how society works and im­
the character bad or evil , or even careless, but it does proves. And heroes, even the most disheartened and pes­
make him a crimina/ lOin the eyes of the law." simistic anti-hero or vigi lante, must have some faith i n
The players must realize that the pol ice can not con­ people, i f not the justice system , otherwise h e wouldn't b e
done their characters' il legal and anarchist activities, and out on the street battling evi l in the fi rst place. Best o f all
that legally, their crime-fighting career makes them crimi­ (from the hero's point of view), perhaps his or her sacri­
nals (or at best, deluded heroes who the the law into their fice, heroics and willingness to stand up for what is right,
own hands). Players whose characters work "outside" the will inspire (and in so doing, empower) ordinary fol ks to do
law must realize that they are effectively fighting the same l i kewise. Leading by example.
war, but underground and using guerilla tactics. Getting back to our main pOint, heroes working outside
This complicates their "job" because vigilantes can not the law are considered criminals themselves - an i rony
turn a batch of crooks over to the cops unless there are not lost on most vigilantes and independent heroes. This
other witnesses (and/or legal ly acquired evidence) to their means they must rely on their own resources and wits,
crimes. I mean , here is some guy in a mask and costume while avoiding or dodging the "authorities" to help others
who claims that these three other guys, all beaten up, j ust and stop evi l. A difficult and frustrating task to be sure, but
attempted to rob a jewelry store, but there are no other this is the character's choice, and there are (or at least
witnesses and the guy in the mask won't give his real were before he became an independent) other choices to
name, address and other info so that "he" can press fighting crime and becoming a self-styled "superhero" (see
charges and testify against them . What happens? The the section on "The Man").
three crooks get off because there is no witness or proof Since their crime-fighting activities may not be legal ,
of their guilt. Even if the store shows physical signs of such heroes can not expect justice through the cou rt sys­
forced entry, it could have been caused by vandals or tem or the open support or endorsement of the authorities
someone else entirely, or even the "masked guy" claiming or the media (although sometimes they get the latter,
to be a costumed superhero or vigilante. much to the authorities' chagrin). No, this does NOT mean
Un less the heroes get into the habit of leaving crooks they should resort to brutality, wholesale destruction and
where cops can find them , along with incriminating evi­ murder! It means that the hero must hope that his con­
dence, vigilante heroes have to find some other means of stant foil ing of criminal activity will deter crime and in some
putting their adversaries away. But how? Making them way, help the authorities do their job. The hero may con­
confess is a good idea , but it can't be admitted as evi­ front the local pusher, destroy or confiscate his money
dence if it is proven that it was involuntary. Remember, (and give it to charity or use it in his war against crime;
even superheroes need funding), and destroy his sup­ that the presence of vigi lantes reflects negatively on their
plies. He may "accidental ly" total the criminal's car or own effectiveness to curb crime and may resent the hero's
chase away his clients. I n short, he makes the creeps' interference. Officially approving of a vigilante is a danger­
l ives so miserable that they m ust move on. ous precedent, inciting ordinary people to take the law into
At the same time, a clever hero working outside the law their own hands, so it is rarely done, even if the authorities
will always try to secretly assist the local law enforcement secretly appreciate and admire the vigilante hero's handi­
agencies. He will wait u ntil a crime is in progress and call work.
the police before jumping in to interfere or prevent it, or to Many police agencies come down hard on vigilantes,
slow things up so that the police will arrive in time to finish super or otherwise. They will not condone, accept or ac­
the job ("Now, how did that sniper knock himself out? He knowledge the vigi lante's activities or motives, and ac­
must have slipped and banged his head"). Such practices tively seek to put an end to such illegal operations. While
can q uickly make the vigi lante the "officially" admonished this is the department's official posture, individual officers
vigilante, but a helpful and appreciated , if unorthodox, may feel entirely different, as m ight the media, and the
guardian angel of the people, police and justice. public who may look the other way when dealing with vigi­
lante heroes who have proven themselves to be honor­
The Pol ice's Poi nt of View able and scrupulous ("Okay, Captain Avenger, I'm gonna
The police have no recourse but to view vigilantes and go to my car and cal l this in, and when I come back, I
any so-called superhero who takes the law into his own better not see you anywhere near here, got me?" or, "Oh ,
hands and/or disregards the law, with distrust, disdain , you were wonderful Captain. Thank you! But you better
and as a criminal. After al l , they do break the law, possess leave. I can hear pol ice sirens getting close. No! Not that
extraordinary powers, and have secret identities. There is way, use my back door, nobody will see you that way").
no way to run a check on them, or of even knowing if it's
the same person in that costume every time. Superbeings The Public's Point of View
Whether endorsed or condemned by the authorities (or
the media), John a Citizen wil l have his and her own opin­
are also often viewed as glory hounds or dangerously de­
l uded - well-mean ing "amateurs" who are as m uch a nui­
sance as they are a help. The police department may feel ion about vigilantes and costumed heroes. They may love

a vigilante that the authorities and press paint as a mon­ The Law: Crimes & Typical Penalties
ster, or fear, dislike or hate a hero that the media and the Crime Time Served
authorities (officially or unofficially) praise. Whatever the Murder, First Degree* 25 years to l ife
case may be, most people tend to be fickle, which means Murder, Second Degree 2-25 years
they may adore a hero(s) for months, even years, and Assault with Intent to M u rder 1 0-25 years
then public opinion turns (for any number of reasons) and Attempted Murder, Second Degree 2-6 years
they have mixed feelings, or no longer trust, like, or care Manslaughter, Fi rst Degree 3- 1 5 years
about the hero(s). Possible reasons could be that for sev­ Negligent Homicide 1 -5 years
eral years the character(s) was hugely popular but his ce­ Kidnapping** 25 years to l ife.
lebrity turned out to be a fad , flash in the pan. Or the Assault; Great Bodi ly Harm 1 0 years
hero(s) might have done or been accused of doing some­ Assault; Intent to Maim 1 0 years
thing that has caused his public to lose faith in him. This Assault; Felonious 4 years
could incl ude a feeling or belief that ''their'' local hero Assault; Without Weapon 1 year
abandoned them (the people), or betrayed them or no lon­ Resisting Officer 1 year
ger cares about them, or has gotten too violent/extreme or Assault with Intent to Rob, Armed 1 0-20 years
reckless and now represents a danger - the list could go Robbery; Armed 25 years to l ife.
on and on. Robbery; Bank ** 20 years to l ife.
Robbery, Unarmed 3-6 years
Crimes & Punishment Robbery, Attempted 2-5 years
So what happens when the player characters finally Extortion ** 20 years to l ife.
take down the big villain and turn him over to the proper Rape 2-1 0 years
authorities? Assuming the heroes also supply incriminat­ Typically; some­
ing, admissible evidence and/or there are witnesses to the times 20 years
villain's crime (or if the villain already is a wanted fugitive to life.
from justice), then the bad guy is going to do some time. Prostitution 6 months-2 years
The question is, how much? Breaking and Entry,
Occupied Premises 1 0- 1 5 years
Unfortunately for most heroes, a captured criminal may
Breaking and Entry,
not be charged for their crimes for a number of reasons,
Unoccupied Premises 4-1 0 years
some of which we covered in the vigilante section . The at­
Forged Public Records 7- 1 5 years
torney for a masked villain apprehended by masked vigi­
Forged Treasury Notes ** 1 0-20 years
lantes can often find numerous techn icalities to get
Forged Bank Bills ** 7- 1 5 years
evidence and witnesses suppressed and their client off,
Forged Signature on a Credit Card 4- 1 5 years
even if he's guilty as sin! Furthermore, the masked vigi­
Possession of Counterfeit Bank Note ** 4-8 years
lante or independent hero usually can not testify against
Passing Bad Checks 1 -7 year
the alleged felon because the Court does not recognize
Car Theft (Larceny) 1 -5 years
his or her costumed identity (this is different with heroes
Theft of Credit Cards 2-5 years
who officially work for the authorities) and to come forward
Manufacture of Narcotics ** 20 years to l ife
would mean losing his secret identity and/or getting ar­
Possession of Narcotics 2-5 years
rested for his or her own crimes (which are likely to be nu­
Possession of Narcotics with
merous, also as noted elsewhere in this section).
I ntent to Distribute ** 1 0 years
All this isn't to say that the villains will get off scot-free
all the time. On the contrary, supervillains and crime lords * Some U . S . States and foreign countries still have the
will be convicted at least 50% of the time and their under­ death penalty.
lings and henchmen , as well as small-time crooks, will get ** These are Federal crimes, the investigations of which
convicted 80% of the time. They may "cop a plea," turn will involve the FBI or the Treasury Department, or other
State's Evidence, or bargain to a lower charge, but justice Federal Agency (G.M .'s decision as to which).
is served more often than not.
Note that prison time can be reduced by 20-50% as a
The following list of crimes and punishments is just a result of good behavior, release programs due to prison
general guide and is not all inclusive or completely accu­ overcrowding, and other special considerations and mea­
rate , and may vary from State to State, country to country. sures. Typically, the most generous reductions on time
Also requirements for the classification of some crimes served is reserved for offenders of lesser crimes (robbery,
and specific circumstances can affect how m uch time a breaking & entry, battery, forgery, and similar).
villain serves. Note that a villain who has been busted
dozens of times before can expect to face the maximum
penalties and prison time. Of course, supervillains have
this funny way of breaking out of jai l , which keeps them
active as adversaries, and also makes their sentence that
much worse the next time they visit the Big House.

By Kevin Siembieda

This section is applicable to both Players and Game

Masters. It take a closer look at the role and function of
alignments, as wel l as a number of other aspects and con­
siderations in playing.

A game of Heroes
The role of align ments
Other game settings may al low more flexibility in letting
players create and run a wider range of alignments for
characters, including selfish and evi l. As the guy who is
usually the Game Master, I can tell you I have had tons of
fun playing a huge variety of characters, from Pauline
Pure Heart (the innocent victim), or sweet mutant child, to
the most despicable villains, their two-bit henchmen and
horrible monsters. But that's as the Game Master.
At the very core of this game - Heroes Unlimited™
- is the concept of playing "heroic" characters. And not
just any good guys, either, but a "super" hero. An individ­
ual who has probably overcome great personal difficulties
or challenges because he or she possesses superhuman
powers, and uses that power to fight evil and help others.
In most cases, these "heroes" represent the best in human
spirit, even though they may be flawed , troubled , al ien in
appearance (or origin) and driven by all too human weak­
nesses, fear and emotion.
Despite it all, these "heroes ," empowered with superhu­
man abilities or otherwise, dare to stand up for what they
believe. They dare to defend those unable to defend
themselves, spit in the face of evil and defy death. They
are champions of l ight! People of courage, the knights of
the modern age - although some may be more like a
Japanese Ronin, a sam urai without a master or clear di­
rection, stumbling through the world in search of their
place in it. A place and peace that may be forever denied
them , because of the very powers and deeds that set
them apart as heroes. This is part of the drama, intrigue,
challenge and perhaps, tragedy, that faces these super­
men and women. As Game M aster, this "heroic" aspect is
a must and for players, it is definitely part of the challenge
in role-playing these bold and valiant characters.
that his character wanted to kill him! In a battle of personal
Play i n g i n a l i g n ment is fun and challeng i n g emotion and excellent role-playing , Julius finally had his
Palladium's al ignment system gives the fictional char­ character do the right thing and not kill the individual, but
acter his or her moral foundation and general code of con­ bring him to justice under the law. It was very dramatic,
duct and ethics. Playing "in alignment" will mean tough fun to watch and for Julius and his character, a small , per­
choices that will sometimes mimic real-life decisions and sonal moment of triumph. All pretty cool.
create drama, suspense and excitement.
In one game, my 01' pal Julius was playing a Principled
In the real world , we are often engulfed in powerful
emotions: Anger, frustration , sorrow, momentary hatred ,
hero. I n the course of the adventure, a particularly selfish , etc. , all of which sends messages to our brains to strike
insane and treacherous N PC provoked him to the point out, hit, hurt, and get even. This is when "being good" and
"doing the right th ing" comes into play. We may think character. For example, I would never, personally, even
about, even want to lash out and make somebody "pay" consider most of the things I have the evil villains do when
(or at least tell 'em off), but we stop ou rselves and think I'm the G . M . Such vile fiends belong locked up or worse,
about the consequences of our actions. Often , if we stop but I can stil l play the "role" of these fictional bad guys.
and think for a moment, we find there is no reason to get And I rely on the alignment descriptions heavily, frequently
nasty, mean or hurtful. Harsh words, a fou l gesture, or a checking them to make sure I'm playing whichever role at
cruel prank are usually petty and brings us down into the the time "in character."
gutter ourselves. We rein in our emotions and control our­
selves. It's best to j ust ignore the altercation and be the Keepi ng Players on Track
"bigger" person. I n the long-ru n, it even feels good . Doing
the right thing usually does. A s the Game Master, I also feel i t is m y duty ( i n the role
of game referee and director of our improvisational theater
Superbeings who function as heroes face such emo­ group) to remind the individual players of their "roles."
tions every day, and worse. They m ust control themselves Thus, if the player, typically in the heat of the moment,
even more than the ordinary person, because to do other­ blurts out some action or intention that is contrary to his
wise may result in the unleashing of destructive energies character's alignment, I'll pause the action and say some­
or other devastating (and potentially deadly) power. Doing thing like, "I assume that's you saying that, and not your
the "right thing" often means doing what's right simply be­ character, because that's not in his alignment," or ''That
cause one knows it is right - drawing strength from con­ seems out of alignment, you sure about that? ," or ''That's
viction and an understanding of good and evil . True fine, your character can do that, but he would real ize it is
heroes do the right thing not because of any reward or wrong. So if he does it anyway, your character will be slid­
glory, but because it is the right thing. At the same time, ing to an anarchist (or evi l) alignment. Are you sure that's
there is the satisfaction of knowing one did good, of stand­ what you want him to do?" And so on. An aside to
ing up for what was right, and helping others in need. Players: While we are on the subject of blurting things
Such choices can be downright painful and may even out, players, do not give your G . M . ideas, especially deli­
cause more trouble, pain and suffering. Our fictional ciously dastardly ones. There m ust have been a thousand
super-characters will have to make these choices often , times over the years when a player has blurted out some
and some decisions won't win them any popularity con­ fear, observation or guess about a villain or situation in the
tests. People may not u nderstand thei r actions or motives, adventu re that has caused me to pause and th ink to my­
which may cause them to dislike, speak poorly of, and self, "Ah, what a great idea." Which translated means, "Oh
mistreat the heroes (name calling, slander, hurtful things, boy, are your characters in for it now!"
chastisement, being pelted by garbage, rebuke and turn
their backs on them). With l uck, the character can win Taki ng action as the referee
them back through future good words and deeds, but the On occasion, I just won't let the character do some­
hero may never be understood , appreCiated or l i ked. th ing. For example, a Scrupulous good character might
"Playing Superhero" is more than amazing feats, dis­ pretend to play "bad cop" to another character's "good
plays of incredible powers, rescuing a cat from a tree, a cop." Under such a circumstance, the good character
child from a burning building, or beating a supervillain into might use intimidation tactics and let a villain , henchman ,
submission . It is about the challenges, choices and tribula­ petty crook, street punk, etc . , think his associate will beat
tions of doing what one believes is right and good. In addi­ him up or throw him over off the roof (Le. the classic roof­
tion , the heroes must deal with the good and bad aspects top swinging hero dangling a hood from the roof or the
of fame, celebrity, and the temptations of power. Don't for­ ledge of a skyscraper while making comments l i ke, "You
get the old adage: "Absolute power, corrupts absolutely." better start tal king fast Bruno, my arm's getting tired.
How does a famed superhuman respond to members of Whoa, did you feel that? You started to slip. I can't do this
the opposite sex throwing themselves at his feet, or busi­ for much longer. Start talking or . . . "). However, the "hero"
ness people offering big dollars for endorsements (unscru­ would NEVER actually toss him over the ledge to splatter
pulous ones offering bribes or money for q uestionable on the ground, nor beat him to within an inch of his life, or
favors), opportunists trying to use the hero to make them­ engage in tortu re or murder. Never! If one of my players
selves look good, or jealous authorities trying to make the suggests otherwise for his "good" character I will say,
heroes look bad , and on and on. Or do the heroes lose "Your character would never do that." Period. If he per­
touch with the ordinary man , and start to feel superior or sists, I will repeat, "A character of his alignment would not
distant? The possibilities are many, and each represents a do that!"
wonderful role-playing opportunity and depth of story. If the player insists, or if circumstances in our story may
The best Game Masters will try to work some of these have understandably driven the character to such an ex­
elements and emotions into his or her games. This is treme or insane pOint, I will allow it. But only on the condi­
when alignments will come into play most frequently as tion that the character's alignment changes to something
behavioral guidelines. The Game Master and the players appropriate for the foul deed . If that deed is torture, rape
should take advantage of re-reading the character's align­ or murder, we are probably tal king about Miscreant evil
ment, referring to it regularly and striving to maintain it; (possibly Anarchist in the case of killing, but there are miti­
even when it may be out of the real player's personal gating Circumstances). The Miscreant or even Diabolic
alignment is especially appropriate if the character was ''their fault." That they should have seen it coming and
not provoked and/or was particularly vicious and cruel . prevented the tragedy somehow. Depending on the se­
riousness of the crime and whether the group regularly
Evi l is Evi l works "outside" the law, they may enforce their own
brand of justice, or capture and turn the perpetrator
An evi l act, like cold-blooded murder, is never justified.
(one of their own !) over to the authorities for a proper
We aren't talking about killing somebody in self-defense,
trial and punishment, or insist he turn himself in. The
or to save/protecVdefend an innocent life, or even killing
latter might involve a cooling off period and hours of
by accident. I mean the calcu lated killing of a character
friends counsell ing their friend to do the right thing. If
who is beaten or defenseless and vulnerable, but is shot
the character is truly sorry, they will stand by him and
down like a dog in anger, hatred, jealousy or revenge !
help him through this difficult time, even if it means him
Yeah , sure , maybe the villain deserved to die, but that's
going to jail . They might also give him a second chance
for the la w to decide , not an individual. Not even a super
after he's paid his debt to society. If the individual is not
sorry and refuses to answer for his crime, the group of
good guys will find themselves at odds with this old
Conseq uences
To quote the old Barretta detective TV show, "Don't do
teammate and the justice they fight to uphold.
If the tragedy occurred i n the heat of the moment
the time if you can't do the time." and the one responsible seems truly sorry, vigilantes
In role-playing this means the fictional character bear­ might forgive the incident and ignore the law (as they
ing the consequences of his or her actions. And it is the so often do), on the condition that this character never
Game Master's job to always consider and play out the does anything like that again. A good group of inde­
most appropriate consequences. One, several, or all of pendent heroes might do l i kewise, especially if the vic­
the following may come into play (as well as others) when tim was an evi l villain who deserved his fate. However,
a so-called "hero" kills or takes some terrible or disreputa­ they will always be haunted by this, feel uncomfortable,
ble action . and the public (and authorities) will never forget they
• One: Becomes an outcast from his own condoned this terrible crime. The name of the group, as
Super-Group. What did the fallen hero do? How bad well as the i ndividual heroes will be forever tarn ished .
was it? Did any (all?) of his teammates witness the Meanwhile, if the perpetrator contin ues to show an in­
crime? If so, how do they react? Were there other reli­ creasing penchant for violence, cruelty and evi l , the
able witnesses? Video? Does the foul act or crime go group will have to do something about him. Whether
unreported or is it made public? Does the public or the that's some of the things we outlined earlier (kick him
media even know who in the group is responsible? Is out, turn him i n, etc.) or something else, is up to the
the entire group blamed, or one of them falsely ac­ player group (perhaps with some advice and n udging
cused? Does the one responsible deny his complicity in from the G . M .). The bottom line is that good guys will
the incident? Does he go into hiding even from his not condone this conduct. They won't!
teammates? Any or all of these things only puts more Another alternative m ight be that the perpetrator's
pressure on the entire group to respond and do some­ teammates can not condone or accept what their team­
thing about the shocking incident. mate did, but can't (for the moment) bring themselves
These are all things the G . M . must consider and to ''take him in." Th is is the classic, "You have 24 hours
bring up to the group - again acting as both the Direc­ to get out of town - and I never want to see your face
tor of our l ittle adventu re story and as the player or hear your name ever again . If our paths should ever
group's conscience. Exactly how the various player cross, we will do what we have to do. Now get out of
characters will respond to their teammate will depend here before we change our minds." This means being
largely on their individual alignments. kicked out of the group, possible (probable) retirement
A group that is predominantly Anarchist m ight be from the hero game, and the hero group publicly con­
able to condone, justify or ignore the event, and figure demning their ex-teammate. If the hero (turned villain?)
to hell with any public outcry. Of course, that approach hangs around (becomes a lone wolf vigilante, starts a
is likely to result in increased animosity toward the en­ rival team, turns to crime, etc.) they will clash , and his
tire group. On the other hand, a group of Anarchist old superpals will try to bring him to justice and turn him
characters out for themselves, might be super-quick to over to the authorities.
condemn and throw out their teammate (gui lty or not) in A mixed group of good and not so good (Anarchist
an effort to protect their own reputations, standing and and/or Aberrant), will take sides, argue and may be­
favor with the public. They might even turn the guy over come divided and splinter into smaller factions or dis­
to the authorities without being asked, or run their band enti rely.
ex-teammate out of town . The bottom-line is that a group of good characters
A group that is predominantly good (Principled , will not allow a serious "crime" (murder, torture, rape,
Scrupulous and Unprincipled), will be deeply troubled. bribe taking, extortion, excessive violence , brutality,
Most will be unable to condone an openly brutal, cruel etc.) to go unaddressed, especially when committed by
or terrible criminal act (Le. rape, torture, murder, etc.). one of their own , and will, at the very least, expel from
Most will probably (and unfairly) feel it was somehow the group any unrepentant teammate responsible for
such things.
Note that covering up illicit activity by a teammate may spree. Heck, villains and mercs not wanted by the law
lead to further complications. might even get themselves hired by the authorities to
hunt down the superpowered fug itives.
• Two: Wanted by the Law! Criminal charges are filed
that requires a trial, defense and possible legal punish­ • Three: Tarnished reputation and loss of credibility.
ment for the one responsible for the alleged crime or The actions of one reflects upon all. The character
atrocity. Failure to turn himself in makes that character responsible for the unjustifiable act will lose trust and
a wanted fugitive. A criminal on the run. credibility with the authorities and the public. Further­
Depending on the details and seriousness of the more, the actions of the one may reflect on the entire
crime, there may be an active manhunt and the public group, causing others (including the authorities) to won­
warned that this character is considered "armed and der if the rest of the team also engages in criminal or
dangerous." His or her own teammates may be called murderous activity, but just haven't been caught yet. Or
in (or feel it is their obligation) to bring the character to whether or not they condone such things, or whether
justice. The end result: A potentially deadly clash be­ they are capable of making good judgements (they did­
tween the group and their old teammate (and his new n't when allying themselves to their evil teammate).
friends?). Even if it was a momentary lapse in judgement or an
Furthermore, they may ALL be wanted by the law! At accident, the authorities, media and public may wonder
least for questioning and possibly as guilty accessories what really happened. Or who will die the next time he
or accomplices to the crime. Guilty by association ! And or one of the other heroes "momentarily loses control"?
if the group runs or goes into hiding, it destroys their Can any superbeing be trusted? Will the public (or
credibility even more and makes them look guilty! This the media and authorities) ever be able to completely
can result in a manhunt for all of them and may involve trust them again? A lot will depend on how everyone in­
a Police or Federal "Super-Squad" assigned to "bring volved, especially the player group, behaves.
them in," or intervention by S.C. R . E .T. or other shadow • Four: Loss of public support and confidence. This
agency. In addition , or in the alternative, old enemies or will probably go hand in hand with the loss of credibility.
villains may see an opportunity, because their old The loss of public sympathy will cause the public
superhero nemeses are being run out of town or forced (probably led by some crusading politician or media
into hiding. Thus, the villains may seize the moment to personality) to turn on the character. Loss of support
strike at the beleaguered heroes or to go on a crime may be limited to the individual responsible for the

crime or the entire group. It is likely to be spearheaded via payoffs, extortion , etc.)? And if guilty (remorseful or
by the media who now dogs their every move and not), will the prosecutor and judge be lenient or throw
questions their every action , motive and judgement. the book at him? Will the public demand his head (and
This is likely to turn into harsh and exaggerated criti­ a judge or politician use this situation to further his own
cism and fear. Which, in turn , means the majority of the career by grand-standing and making an example out
public will not feel comfortable around the character(s) of this "rogue" hero)? If rai lroaded , how does the tar­
and are not likely to turn to them for help, come forward nished hero respond? What about his superpals?
to offer tips and information , or help them in any way. • Ten : Hero Turns Villain. How does the character who
If an official member of a formal Police or Federal did the evil deed react to his l ife spiraling out of control?
Organization, the group may be temporarily shut down Does he accept the consequences for his actions? Or
pending a full investigation , or be temporarily or perma­ does he feel justified and unfairly accused? Perse­
nently disbanded ! In the former case, the characters cuted? Can he understand why people might be
will be expected to suspend all crime-fighting activity shocked, horrified and upset by his action? Does he
while they wait on inactive duty (but probably with pay) feel any remorse or sense of wrongdoing? Or does he
for the internal investigation to be completed ( 1 06 feel betrayed by the public and particularly the media
months). I n the case of disbanding the group, they may and his ex-teammates? Does he feel thrown to the
be al lowed to form new allegiances, although other wolves and left alone and hurt to fend for himself (more
government agencies probably won't have them if the treachery from those he once called ''friends'')? Does
press is too bad , or they will have to either work inde­ this make him angry? Meaner? Crueler? Vengeful?
pendently or start their own group, probably outside the Does this make him petty and vindictive? Does he start
law - i.e. vigilantes not endorsed by any branch of the a (slow or fast) slide into darkness? Does he turn into a
government. supervillain? ! It could happen.
• Five: Loss of allies. This might include public funding , • Eleven: Altered Alignments. From a game rules point
official or unofficial support and cooperation from local of view, the offending character must have his align­
and/or Federal law enforcement agencies, reporters, in­ ment adjusted appropriately.
formants, and other contacts. If the act is a grave crime that was deliberate, pre­
• Six: Loss of superpowered associates. Other heroes meditated, done for personal revenge, done for
and public figures are likely to distance themselves money/g reed, done to attain or preserve personal
from those in question. Some may even regard the power or reputation , and otherwise clearly selfish or
fallen hero(s) as a wanted criminal or unsavory vigi­ evil , the character's alignment should drop to at least
lante. Anarchist, probably Miscreant.
• Seven: Secret identity is compromised. This is espe­ If the character's actions were especially violent, cruel,
cially true if the guilty party was a member of an official vicious, torturous or horrendous, as well as blatantly evil
government agency. If he is wanted for a heinous and/or unnecessary, then the alignment should defin itely
crime, his true name, face and civil ian identity may be drop to Miscreant or perhaps, Diabolic. Circumstances will
revealed to help with the manhunt! Such action is not dictate.
taken lightly, however, so the agency will have to be In these cases, the character responsible is not sorry or
convinced of the character's guilt or that he represents repentant for what he did. He either feels completely justi­
a serious danger to people or the country. fied or blatantly disregards the law and morals for his per­
I n the alternative, if the character's true identity is un­ sonal revenge or satisfaction. The latter case may mean
known, it may be his/their only means of escape, by the superbeing has come to feel above the law (always
(temporarily or forever) giving up their costumed iden­ dangerous) and/or that he is superior to ordinary people
tity and assuming a normal life as John Q Citizen . (equally dangerous), and that they and their rights are less
• Eight: Forced to go underground. Whether the important than his - or that he knows what's best for
wanted character's true identity is known or not, he may them. E ither way, it spells the birth of true evi l and/or delu­
have to go into hiding , at least for a while. This may in­ sions of grandeur and megalomania.
clude leaving town, assuming a new civi lian identity or Fellow player characters who are indifferent, confused
assuming a new costumed identity. If the character's or too frightened to stand against the evi l or injustice being
true identity is known, he will probably have to divorce perpetuated by their teammate are morally bankrupt
himself from his friends and family either to avoid get­ (change alignments to Anarchis� or at best, so distraught
ting them in trouble for aiding and abetting a known fu­ that they can not think straight, making them Unprincipled
gitive , or because they are likely to be "staked out" by characters on their way to Anarchist or Miscreant. How­
the authorities. ever, Unprincipled characters will only tolerate so m uch
• Nine: Can justice be found? If the character in actu­ before they will do someth ing about it, sooner or later -
ally innocent or it was an accident or self-defense, can ultimately these are good people who do what is right in
the hero find justice? Will the authorities nail him for the end, they might just need time or a push.
past indiscretions as a vigilante? Will a criminal kingpin Anarchist is the alignment for the various characters in
reach out and frame the hero, or make certain that the the group if they turn a deliberate blind eye to the situa­
character gets the maximum penalty (th is can be done tion, worry about themselves, and/or condone or allow
their teammate's evil or criminal actions with the justifica­ 1 . The seriousness of the offense. This includes:
tion that, ''they'' didn't do these terrible things. Heck, they a) The m itigating circumstances: Was it an accident,
may even have asked him not to and warned that he was self-defense, or was the hero at his wit's end, and, feeling
headed for trouble. However, these "heroes" didn't stop desperate, vengeful or angry, bent or broke laws but ulti­
him or leave his company, making them only a notch less mately justice was served (a misguided approach to jus­
foul than he. tice, as opposed to a com plete disregard of the law or
Hanging around and working with (probably protecting people's welfare for whatever reason; i.e. there is no real
and helping) an evil individual and accepting or allowing (if justification);
not 1 00% condoning) his evil deeds will u ltimately change b) the level of premeditation: A snap judgement and re­
the alignment of each and every character associating sponse under fire, the hero was disoriented from drugs or
with that wicked sou l . With time, most will become a close out of his mind with pai n, traumatized, etc . , versus a
reflection of the evi l character(s) among them. Aberrant is planned and deliberate act (whatever the reason); and,
acceptable if they can honestly justify the dark acts and c) the degree and outcome of the offense, i.e. beating a
exhibit some twisted code of honor. Otherwise that leaves bad guy up out of rage or frustration, a bad thing, as op­
only Miscreant (self-serving evil) and Diabolic (likes being posed to torturing and/or killing him, a terrible act.
evil and has no regard for the law, honor or life).
2. Whether or not the character is truly sorry and
Characters of Principled , Scrupulous or Unprincipled willing to pay the price for his indiscretion. A good
alignments will not work with or tolerate evil characters, character (Principled , Scrupulous and Unprincipled) will
except under the most extreme/desperate or control led feel some degree of responsibility, loss, shame and guilt.
circumstances. A "controlled" situation may be where the Such characters will want to make amends. This means
heroes need the help of a criminal or supervillain to save they will accept, if not welcome, any fai r pun ishment or
themselves or rescue or protect others, but this "unholy al­ recompense for their mistake , crime or deed , including the
liance" is on their terms, and they will not tolerate evil or many possible conseq uences noted earlier in this section.
any actions that are hu rtful to innocent people. Further­ This character knows he did wrong, or made a mistake,
more, as soon as the crisis is over, the unholy alliance will and strives to rise above it, first by making amends (if pos­
end as well. sible) and second, by never letting it happen again (all ma­
terial for role-playing the birth of a stronger, better hero).
Part of the consequences may be the character's align­
ment going down . For a minor infraction, a character who
may simply feel ashamed and embarrassed should be
warned that his character's alignment will drop if he keeps
up this sort of behavior and justification . If the character
continues to break the law or act outside the framework of
his alignment, change the good alignment to one that
seems appropriate. If a Principled character, changing him
to Scrupulous may be the right move. If the law bending or
breaking is rampant or the character's motives are selfish ,
or dangerous to others, then changing a Principled or
Scrupulous character to Unprincipled or Anarch ist may be
A guilt-ridden Good G uy will seek to make amends for
a crime or act made in the heat of the moment. This may
be financial restitution , some act of kindness or other act
to help the offended party/his fam ily/loved ones, as wel l as
willingly turn himself over to the authorities and await trial .
If a prison term is the ruling, then he will serve it. Further­
more, the character is l i kely to vow to become a better
person and never to repeat his mistake.
Players need to th ink about what they have their imagi­
nary characters do and the consequences in the context
The fal len, but repentant hero of the story (noted earlier) and to the character. I have no­
People make mistakes, even heroes. I n the heat of the ticed that many players don't think about their good guy
moment, anger, fear, desperation , foolishness, a momen­ becoming self-serving or evi l . I had one player surprise me
tary lapse of judgement (misplaced love or trust, desire for with his actions after his character changed from good to
revenge, greed, etc.) - the character goes too far and evi l as the result of a despicable act. The character killed
commits a crime. An evil deed is done. an incapaCitated N PC villain. The player character had his
Whether the character's alignment drops at all, drops a reasons for killing the N PC and went ahead and did it de­
little or plummets to the depths of evil will depend on two spite my warning about dropping from a Scrupulous good
things. alignment to Miscreant evil . I mean the bad guy was tied
up and completely helpless, for Pete's sake ! Plus, it was a This means these rogues, misfits and wild men, even
completely premeditated and heartless act. Anarchist and Aberrant characters who see themselves as
At first the player said he didn't care and it was no big "heroes" (as opposed to criminals, mercenaries and mus­
deal . However, it turned out that he really, really wanted to cle for hire), are usually willing to sacrifice their own l ives
play a good guy and not an evil character. It drove him or well-being to protect those they deem to be innocent,
nuts to have his favorite "hero" become a murderous cre­ helpless, deserving, important, or good. And it's this re­
tin. I explained that what he had done was terrible and that spect for l ife and their desire to help others, even at the
to regain any good alignment, his "evil" character would risk of the anti-heroes' own l ife and limb, that makes him
have to give up his terrible ways and work long and hard or her, (arguably, perhaps) a hero.
to regain his lost virtue. To my amazement, this player What makes the so-called anti-hero or vigilante a like­
spent the next year and a half having his character do able rogue and something of a tarnished hero, is that they
good deeds, be kind and merciful, obey the law, and put operate "outside the law" and may l ive by their own , albeit,
his character's life on the line doing the right thing on sev­ somewhat twisted system of val ues. Consequently, no
eral occasions. His character had honestly forsaken his anti-hero can be Principled in alignment (because Princi­
evil ways and the player really worked at making his char­ pled characters have too m uch respect for law, order and
acter back into a good guy. Being a sinister Game Master, authority to defy it), nor can they be any evi l alignment, not
I, of cou rse, threw the character into a number of situa­ even Aberrant. A true "hero" of any kind can not be evi l !
tions to tempt his dark side. The "hero" prevailed , and af­ That having been said, a vigilante who is a n extremist
ter about a year and a half of real time (several years in with a strange code of honor may not kill good guys, but
game time), the character first managed to rise up to An­ does not hesitate at killing, beating, or robbing those who
archist (after about six months) and finally to Unprincipled. "he" deems to be evil or dishonorable, can be Aberrant
He was wel l on the way to Scrupulous when our three evil. However, he is NOT a hero, but a ruthless criminal no
year campaign came to an end. better than the animals he preys upon . However, vigilan­
I n this example, the player didn't stop to think about the tes will not be Miscreant or Diabolic. Why? Because pre­
ram ifications of his character's actions. The fact that crimi­ sumably, he is somebody who deludes h imself into
nals and lowlifes started to cozy up with his character and believing that he is a m isunderstood good guy, or strives
saying things l i ke, "Of course you had to do it. There ain't to be good , but somehow never quiet succeeds. Any char­
nothin' wrong with revenge. You gotta be strong to kill an­ acter of a Miscreant or Diabolic alignment is evi l through
other man . Your goodie, goodie friends just don't under­ and through .
stand like we do." Things like that and the fact that the About 20% of all anti-heroes are Scrupulous. These
other player characters (who could never prove the char­ characters have a reasonably high respect for law, order,
acter did it) were cold and distrustful of the character for justice and authority. However, they see the wheels of bu­
months (years in game time) to follow. This hurt the player reaucracy and justice as too slow and i nefficient. The
because in his mind, the character wanted to be part of hands of the police are tied with too many regulations,
this noble group of heroes more than anything else. By laws and limitations to preserve the rights of the people.
playing "in character" and having his character strive to re­ Rights that, in the eyes of the Scrupulous anti-hero or vigi­
pent and make amends, the player created a deep, many lante , creates injustice and lets criminals slip through the
faceted and truly memorable character. On top of that, his system untouched . Likewise, they see the judicial system
character's actions and convictions led the player "g roup and its laws as having too many flaws and loopholes
into many adventu res and subplots that I , as Game Mas­ where the helpless and needy fall through the cracks and
ter, could never have anticipated. It made everybody's justice is not served . As a result, they have decided to
gaming experience that much more rewarding. Heroic ad­ take matters into thei r own hands.
venture to be sure . Role-playing at its best. These Scrupulous heroes will try to follow and obey the
law when they can , but will bend and sometimes break it
when they feel it is justified. After all, to their thinking, it is
Al ignments for these ineffective or inappropriate laws that are allowing
criminals to get away with m urder as it is. Likewise, they
Anti-Heroes & Vigi lantes will never deliberately underm ine a police investigation for
fun or treat an investigation as a competition or game.
Even violent, rude , crude, frightening, chaotic, arrogant, Thus, many Scrupulous anti-heroes will often secretly and
embittered , wild, and even slightly deranged anti-heroes overtly help and cooperate with the authorities. Many will
and vigilantes will answer to a higher calling and uphold even have sympathizers and secret contacts on the Police
(secretly, perhaps) high ideals. They will possess a strong Force, at news agencies, and so on. Th is usually makes
sense of purpose, and a personal sense of right and such anti-heroes and vigi lantes reasonably well liked and
wrong, good and evi l. They may be rogues and rene­ respected by at least some members of the pol ice, gov­
gades, obsessed with their particular brand of j ustice, and ernment and public (sometimes by a majority).
a few may even teeter on the black-hearted, but all value As one might suspect, the Scrupulous hero will not en­
the life and welfare of the innocent and strive to make the gage in extortion , torture, or killing - although he may
world a better place. If not, they wouldn't be fighting crime break and enter, steal evidence, bully, harass, th reaten,
or opposing the forces of evil in the first place. Remember
trick, etc. Likewise, he or she will not steal money even

from the most vile of criminals. Whenever possible, this
character will either return the money or valuables to its
rightful owner, or over to the authorities (ideally to a trust­
worthy contact on The Force). The only exception might
be to use the money to help an honorable and/or needy
individual, group or charity that will help children, the poor,
the community or those victim ized by the villain. Yes, you
are reading this right. The Scrupulous (and most Unprinci­
pled) anti-heroes and vigilantes won't touch a penny from
"ill-gotten gains" or "blood money," even if they need it
desperately themselves or to help a loved one. They will
find other, legal means to survive, or to support or help
loved ones. Nor can they justify using il l-gotten gains to
fund their private war against evil !
The majority o f anti-heroes a n d vigilantes fal l into the
alignments of Unprincipled (the reluctant hero or charac­
ter who is tempted to do wrong or vent his dark emotions,
and/or pretends to be a tough , hardcase , but always does
what's right in the end) - and Anarchist (the hero driven
by hate/revenge or guilt, or the well intentioned, I will do
things my way, hero). About 35% are Unprincipled and
38-40% Anarchist.
These selfish alignments fit , because most anti-heroes
and vigilantes ignore, bend, break or defy the law. Most
believe ''the end justifies the means" and/or "one must
fight fire with fire" - both rather self-serving, aggressive
and chaotic pOints of view. Furthermore, many tend to
wear their heart on their sleeve and are "heroes of action"!
The problem is they tend to act and react, and think later.
This means they have a nasty habit of j umping to conclu­
sions and into the middle of a crisis without assessing the
situation fully, or considering the possible danger to inno­
cent bystanders. Such actions can also complicate or ex­
acerbate an al ready explosive situation. Their anarchist
nature tends to make even the most well intentioned indi­
viduals reckless risk-takers, and loose-cannons who can
be as m uch a hindrance or danger as they can be helpful .
Note: Many young superbeings (kids and teenagers in
particular), full of spit and vinegar, the delusion that they
are invulnerable, and a dislike for, or distrust of, estab­
l ished authority to begin with , often start their careers as
vigilantes or anti-heroes.
Such well-meaning rogues will disregard privacy laws,
engage in surveillance , th ink nothing of breaking and en­
tering, i llegal search and seizure, tampering with evidence
or a crime scene, making th reats, roughing up criminals,
and ignoring similar laws and regulations. (If you think for
a minute that a vigilante has a proper gun permit or won't
consider stealing and using M i litary ordnance, weapons or
devices taken from a villain, forget about it. The end justi­
fies the means, and one m ust fight fire with fire , remem­
ber?) However, those of Scrupulous or UnprinCipled
alignment will never engage in torture, blackmail for profit,
or deliberately kil l i n anger, out of revenge, to send a mes­
sage, or to enforce "his" will (or law). The Anarchist on the
other hand, may give vent to his darker emotions and per­
sonal desires.

The Unprincipled anti-hero or vigilante typical ly fal ls

somewhere between the Scrupulous and Anarchist ones.
They tend to respect the law and would prefer to work with The most extreme Anarchist and Aberrant
the law than outside it, but they just can't stand all the anti-heroes and vigilantes are more inclined to take ex­
laws and regulations that tie their hands and let bad guys treme measures, particularly the Aberrant (evi l) ones.
get away. An Unprincipled hero will not engage in extor­ These two alignments are also l i kely to actively steal from
tion for personal gain (but he may consider it against bad the bad guys to fund their own operations and support
guys if it means saving lives or preserving peace), and will themselves. Heck, some will use the money to live the
never consider torture , or killing (although he may pretend good life. Of course , it is justified as any and all of the fol­
and th reaten both). Likewise , he or she is not l i kely to lowing: It hurts the enemy, it sends them a message, how
steal money even from the most vile of criminals. How­ else can the "crime-fighter" finance his crusade, and lastly,
ever, the U nprincipled character might take a item l i ke a it's his just reward - it's not l i ke "he" stole or swindled that
weapon , body armor, vehicle, computer or equipment that money from innocent people or made it sel ling drugs to
helps him in his war against evil . In a pinch, he might even kids.
skim a few bucks off the top to help finance his Additionally, these self-absorbed fanatics are likely to
crime-fighting operations or when in desperate straits. frame bad guys, assassinate top members of crime orga­
However, much like the Scrupulous character, 99 out of nizations, kill for revenge, and destroy property to make a
1 00 times, the Unprincipled hero will return the valuables point or to strike back. They are also more likely to endan­
to the rightful owner, the authorities or a charity. ger the l ives of innocent people, the authorities and fellow
heroes who "get in the way." After al l , they justify to them­
The Anarchist anti-heroes (and to a lesser degree, selves, there are innocent casualties in any "war" or "cru­
the Unprincipled ones as wel l) hold personal freedoms sade." Hopefully, the reader can see how this extreme and
above all else and see most (not all) laws and authority as cold-hearted (and ultimately self-serving) attitude can
restrictive, inhibiting, too slow to action, clumsy and ineffi­ make these anti-heroes as ruthless and bad (even evil , in
cient, perhaps even stupid. Many also believe that rules the case of the Aberrant vigi lante) as the very vil lains and
and laws are made to be broken , and enjoy the dual chal­ monsters they battle. Such characters usually have terri­
lenge of fighting evil and defying authority. This gives ble relationships with the authorities and are slammed by
them the extra excitement (and many vigilantes and the media. Most everybody from the public to fel low
anti-heroes are excitement junkies) of having to avoid the superbeings will regard such extreme characters as dan­
authorities while independently fighting crime. Some con­ gerous criminals or fanatics.
sider it a race or a game to outdo or show up the authori­
ties. Others just think they are smarter and better, and l i ke
proving it to the world (and more often than not are trying
to prove someth ing to themselves). I ronically, if these
characters had less chaotic natures or more tolerance for
authority and regulations, they would be working on the
side of the authorities rather than at odds with them or in­
dependent of them.
The Anarchist is also most likely to be playing
superhero for selfish motives like fame and glory, revenge,
power or money. Depending on the character's personal­
ity, antics and successes, he or she may be the darling of
the media (Le. the loveable or charismatic "bad boy" - at
least for the moment) or constantly criticized and dispar­
aged. In either case, the character is likely to have a poor
to terrible relationship with the authorities. Most are con­
sidered wanted criminals because they take the law into
their own hands and defy or interfere with the police.
The Anarchist hero will be able to easily justify taking
money, goods, and valuables from the "bad guys" to sup­
port himself and his crime fighting operations. The truly
well intentioned Anarchist will usually return valuables to
their true owner, but is likely to skim money that is to be
tu rned over to the authorities and keep as much as he Player Warning: Aberrant characters and the most ex­
feels he needs. Most nice guy Anarchists have a 50/50 treme Anarchist heroes reside in the "grey zone" of moral­
outlook - half for them and half goes to the poor, needy , ity and the law. Such characters are much more likely to
a charity, or is turned over to the authorities. The Anar­ step over the line of being a "hero" and become a
chist may also associate with unsavory characters, petty superpowered thug, bully or criminal. Be careful if you
crooks, informants, gang members and other vigilantes elect to play such a character. On the other hand, Game
and fugitives on the run . Some may also be willing to take Masters will find them wonderfu l Non-Player Characters to
bribes, payoffs and accept favors if they don't feel it com­ drive home a pOint, cause confusion or conflict, and gen­
promises them or "really" hurts anybody. eral ly disrupt and disturb good and law-abiding heroes.
are official and active members of the Police Force, asso­
ciate with other "cops," m ust uphold the same laws, and
answer to the same chain of command. They are Police­
men, albeit, superhuman ones.
Some Super-Squads will enjoy a fair amount of auton­
omy and be allowed to work the streets, pursue leads on
their own , engage in undercover aSSignments, and so on,
with the blessing of the Department and without close
scrutiny or constant involvement of non-superpowered Su­
periors. They must sti ll answer to their Superiors , fol low
the chain of command, use police procedure, up hold the
law in the execution of their duty, obey orders, and do as
the Department deems best, but they are trusted enough
to be given a good amount of freedom, and usually given
the benefit of the doubt when aspersions and suspicion is
cast upon them .
Other Super-Squads are less fortunate and viewed with
a certain amount of apprehension, concern or resentment.
These "super-cops" are m uch more l i kely to have to deal
with miles of red-tape, the slow wheels of bureaucracy,
lack of trust and close observation. Th is probably means
their team leader does not have super abilities and his
purpose is not limited to strategy and tactics, but supervi­
sion and making sure the supermen under h is command
follow procedure by the book. Such a leader is usually a
hard-nosed officer whose loyalty is to the Police Depart­
"The M a n " ment fi rst and foremost, and who is critical of hiring
superhumans on the Police Force. Such officers are often
Worki ng for the Authorities resented and/or disliked by the superbeings under his
Superhumans working in law enforcement can be en­ command. However, being "liked" isn't part of his job. He
compassed in a number of ways. For example, in a world or she makes sure the superbeings obey the law, do as
where superh umans and m utants are (relatively) common, they are told, and keep their noses clean whether they like
virtually every branch of law enforcement is likely to a it or not.
have a special division or squad of superbeings as part of The best of these human Team Leaders whip their
it. In fact, many will have a special squad, task force, unit, super-cops into a close-knit and wel l-oiled team , and with
team, brigade or league composed entirely of trusted time, all parties come to respect and trust each other. The
superbeings. Agencies where a "police-style" sq uad of worst are "chicken-shit" bullies who are often bigoted
superhumans is likely to be found incl ude the Police De­ against Super-Squads and resent "super-freaks" who
partments of large cities, the F BI , DEA, ATF, and Secret show-up ordinary "good men" on the force. These brutes
Service, among others (superbeings can not join tend to treat their superhuman charges with hostility, dis­
S . C . R . E .T). approval, contempt and cruelty. They ride the members of
their Super-Squad hard, rail against them for the slightest
Joi ning the Pol ice Force infraction , and treat them like dumb, know-nothing rookies,
A lone superpowered individual might head or serve on or worse. Acts of defiance or failure to fol low orders and
special investigations, an anti-terrorist team , S.W.A.T. , or accepting whatever reprimands and punishments the
other special unit. It is l i kely that a Police Department, es­ team leader dishes out, usually means getting tossed off
pecially those in big cities and/or who have a recurring the Force . Consequently, well-meaning and dedicated
problem with supervil lains and/or severe crime, will have heroes put up with this garbage and pray that either they
an entire special squad or team entirely composed of or their bellicose team leader will be reassigned . Note:
superbeings. Such superh uman "law officers" are l i kely to Similar non-super watchdog "partners" or ''teammates''
be members of a Special Operations Police Squad that may also be assigned to a Federal Team of heroes.
functions l i ke a superhuman S.W.A.T. force . The amount of freedom , camaraderie, true friends and
Their primary purpose: To "serve and protect" ordi­ loyalty superhumans on the Police Force enjoy, will de­
nary citizens by keeping them safe from so-cal led pend largely on thei r superiors, the general atmosphere
supervillains, dangerous m utants, monsters, magic, and concerning superbeings in the city, and how the
extraordinary threats of all kinds, as well as other extreme superbeings conduct themselves. Like anybody in the
dangers and disasters (Le. sniper, barricaded gunmen , public eye , the members of a Super-Squad m ust prove
terrorists, explosives, rescuing people trapped under col­ themselves in every way. To prove themselves to the peo­
lapsed buildings, earthquakes, etc.). Such "Super-Squads" ple, they must show themselves to be honorable, trustwor-
thy, compassionate and law abiding (not above the law Note: Superbeings who official ly join the Police Force
because of their super abilities). To prove themselves to are typically (but not always) lesser superbeings; Le. not
their fel low police officers, they m ust show that they sin­ the most powerful beings on the continent.
cerely support, trust, respect and appreciate their fel low, Salary: Approximately $35,000 to $60,000 dol lars, with
human officers. That they see themselves as part of a officers and detectives getting the higher end of the pay
"team" (Le. just another cop, no better or worse than any scale.
other), and that they are not superior, publicity seeking
glory hounds or hotshots on ly concerned with their own
M i l itary Special Super-Operations
The problem is, all superpowered Police Officers are The M i l itary of many countries (especially o n a world
going to grab headlines, publ icity, and notoriety (good and where superbeings are relatively commonplace) have re­
bad) whether the heroes, themselves , want it or not. Their cruited superhumans in their armies. Most are members of
superhuman nature and amazing powers automatically Special M i litary Operations, commonly called
sets them apart (if not above) their fellow lawmen. The "Super-Ops." These are speCial squads, teams or compa­
super-villains and threats they address are usually out of nies of super-soldiers under the direct command of that
the ordinary and/or spectacular in some way, and that nation's highest and most trusted military leaders. In the
means being in the public eye . The super-cops can't es­ USA, that means the President who is also the Mil itary
cape this. In the extreme, their every move will get atten­ Commander in Chief, top Generals, and top leaders of the
tion by the media, and failures, as well as successes, will CIA. In truth, the President has no idea where or how 95%
garner more press than they may deserve. The ordinary of the Special Super-Operatives are being uti lized, putting
pOlice officer is likely to feel overshadowed, less appreci­ his faith and trust in his M i litary advisors and leaders.
ated and put upon by the actions of a few superbeings. They handle the day to day deployment of Super-Ops.
This often results in varying degrees of resentment and/or The President (and, sometimes Congress) gets involved
jealousy from the human cops on the Force. This can lead only when Super-Ops is involved in crucial or public is­
to the cold shoulder, snide remarks, practical jokes, and sues of national security, war and foreign affairs.
lack of support by their h uman comrades, as wel l as the Most Super-Ops teams are top-secret, and those
superbeings feeling isolated and alienated. The level of known to the general public conduct themselves in se­
stress for these super-cops is tremendous. crecy, with little public information about the team mem­
Without fail , even among Police Forces where the ma­ bers, their activities, assignments, location, or purpose. As
jority of the law enforcement officers endorse and support military personnel , their activities are a matter of National
their superhuman brethren , some fellow officers will view Security, and not a matter of public knowledge or debate.
super-cops as contemptible and hated "show-offs" and These superbeings have been trained specifically to
"freaks." Such jealous and prej udiced individuals are use their special powers in military operations. All are
snide, uncooperative and cold to their fellow superhuman trained in combat (Hand to Hand: Expert to Martial Arts,
police officers. The worst will actually work to embarrass, plus one other physical skill of choice) and military meth­
undermine, and even get superbeings on the Force dis­ ods, strategy, tactics, and procedure. About one thi rd are
credited, demoted and drummed out. Such intense emo­ trained in espionage . All respect, understand and fol low
tions and vile actions are unavoidable, although the show the chain of military command , and seldom question or­
of genuine support and appreciation for the superbeings ders. They have little autonomy except when sent into the
by their superiors, the majority of fellow officers and the field, and even then they diligently focus on the successful
public, will go a long way toward keeping such feelings execution of their assignment, seldom wavering from it.
buried and petty acts of cruelty to a minimum. They are soldiers trained to accept orders and fol low com­
The media attention super-cops receive, also means mands, and most like their work.
their words and deeds, successes and failures, have tre­
The danger of the righteous. Most members of most
mendous impact on the public and reflects strongly on the
Super-Ops see themselves as el ite soldiers and defenders
entire Police Department. Th is adds to the stress of the
of their nations. The majority (60%) tend to be
superbeings' positions and makes things harder on thei r
superpatriots who cheerfully live , fight and die for their
fellow police officers, especially those w ho do support and
country. Few question their commanders or their orders ,
defend them . A mistake, unnecessary violence, massive
and do as they are told for the greater good of the nation .
destruction of property, hints of corruption , or a
Such loyalty can lead to fanaticism and is dangerous, be­
superbeing gone bad , will turn the public against the entire
cause while they are steadfastly loyal and dedicated ,
department, human and superhuman alike (with all pro­
many will also kil l , destroy and commit terrible atrocities in
grams endorsing the use of superbeings falling under criti­
the name of their country without question .
cism and debate). In addition, super-cops may fal l prey to
politics, public relations and manipulation by their superi­ This is not t o say that a l l members of Super-Ops are
ors and government leaders; namely the Police Commis­ mindless robots or heartless killing mach ines. Most are
sioner, Chief of Police, the Mayor, City Council members, well-intentioned , and sincerely want to protect, defend and
the Governor, State Senators and Representatives, as help their country. As members of an el ite military organi­
well as their political rivals! Such are the pitfalls of fame zation , they are trained to trust their superiors , follow or­
and trying to use one's super abilities for the public wel- ders, and bite the bullet, no matter how unpleasant.
fare, within the law. 40
However, some will q uestion orders that seem un usually Diplomacy and P . R . aside, these superbeings are
odious or contrary to earl ier duty or high moral standards. charged with keeping their nation safe , which means com­
This is especially true when a large number of innocent bating th reats to national security. In other words, these
lives (non-mi litary personnel) or an international incident is "Big Guns" deal with the biggest, most public threats,
at stake. This may not be immediate insubordination (al­ supervillains and disasters that endanger the nation, its
though that may come), but a question , a request for an cities, people or government. Like any national agency,
explanation, and probably confirmation from a higher au­ they are also assigned to m issions involving regional di­
thority. Likewise, if a Commander appears to be (tempo­ sasters and conflict, th reats against a large population
rarily) out of his mind, these elite soldiers will challenge center or important (or public) faci lity or figure. Th is in­
and defy his direct commands, and even "restrain" their cludes being sent in as part of a disaster rel ief program to
Commander until a higher authority can sort things out. prevent looting and rioting - especially by villainous
The most notorious and written about Super-Ops agents superbeings who might try to take advantage of the chaos
may be sin ister saboteurs, assassins, fanatics, and mad­ caused by a tornado , hurricane , flooding, earthq uake , fire ,
men , but most (65%) are heroes and patriots of high moral explosion, or other disaster - a n d handling h i g h profile
standing. Most share a high regard for life and freedom , cases involving evi l superbeings, alien invaders and cata­
and serve their country in hopes of making the world a clysmic crises. As long as public approval of the group re­
better and safer place. mains high, they are usually allowed to conduct
Note: The CIA (and similar Agencies in other countries) themselves as the GSTF see fit, provided that they are on
is believed to be the only Federal Agency outside the US cal l 24 hours a day and immediately answer and obey
M i litary, that has several, small Super-Ops teams under its their government sponsors.
command. Salary: Approximately $250,000 to $1 million dollars,
Salary: Approximately $ 1 00,000 to $1 80,000 dollars, with the most famous, publically loved and powerful
with officers and the most decorated and experienced agents getting the high end of the pay scale. In many
agents getting the high end of the pay scale. For most of cases, a special headquarters or other base of operation
these soldiers, pay is secondary to their devotion to their is arranged for the Super Task Force as well as special
duty and country. These characters also get all the other funding for operation , equipment, transportation, medical
perks the Military has to offer, such as free training , free care and so on.
room and board, M i litary medical care, all their gear and
transportation is provided by the Government, and so on. Restrictions & Cond itions
Some may even have been created by the military! The following general ly holds true o f a l l formal govern­
ment organizations, from the Police and Military to the
Govern ment Superh u man Feds.
Lost personal freedom - a Chain of Command.
Task Force (GSTF) Members of any government organization serve the peo­
The main differences between the Government Task ple and must answer to their superiors and the laws of the
Force and M i litary Super-Ops is that GSTFs are not part land. There are good and bad th ings about having to an­
of the Military and are not specifically trained to be a tacti­ swer to an organization . On the good side, the organiza­
cal combat or military force. They typically enjoy tremen­ tion has expansive resources, intelligence gathering
dous autonomy and are involved in public relations, networks, and fel low members of the organization all
spreading good will and creating an atmosphere of secu­ working together to the same end. It provides a base of
rity and wel l-being. They are very similar to the regional operation, uniforms, basic equipment, veh icles or other
Police Super-Squads, except they function on a national means of transportation , a salary so the team-member
scale and answer to the heads of Government (in the USA can support himself, and support of all kinds (combat, le­
that's the President, his Cabinet and Congress). They gal, communications, medical, etc.), as well as such intan­
tend to be the most famous, well-liked, powerful and patri­ gibles as purpose, direction , camaraderie, and a sense of
otic superbeings, loyal to their country and its Govern­ belonging to something important. Something that can
ment. make a difference and help people.
As the representatives and agents of a particular sover­ On the downside, particularly for the more anarchist,
eign nation , these patriotic superbeings are sometimes as­ exuberant, rebellious, young, and lone-wolf hero , the orga­
signed to other nations. They may function as advisors, nization requires a strict adherence to rules, codes of con­
observers, special investigators (usually with the foreign duct and a chain of command. Personal freedom is
nation's knowledge and authorization), Special Agents sacrificed (to varying degrees) on the job. One has laws
(usually assigned to protect an important diplomat, visiting and superiors to answer to, and must accept and obey or­
head of State, or Embassy, and usually with the foreign ders from those superiors whether he l i kes it or not.
country's knowledge and approval), or as "Ambassadors" Insubordi nation means being demoted or punished in
or Special Operatives requested and invited by a foreign some way, from seeing a reduction in pay to losing one's
country on a good will mission to help their country in a job (and the support and resources of the organization
time of need. G reat international public relations. and former teammates still on the GSTF). This can make

the individual an outcast and alone. Breaking the law may identify and track down any super-cop or agent who disap­
also lead to demotions, fines, loss of the job, imprison­ pears or goes bad. And , thi rd , to help protect and conceal
ment, or worse (death sentence, civil charges and law­ the agent's true identity and fami ly from the media, crimi­
suits, unwanted publicity, public hatred , etc.). nals and enem ies (of the hero and the agency he serves).
Player characters who join a law or government agency If the superbeing will not reveal his secret identity, then
must expect all these things and then some. They will be he can not be hired. End of story. No special exceptions,
given their assignments from a superior, told when to no arguments allowed.
stand down, and sometimes exactly what to do. They may Roughly 40% of the superbeings operating as members
or may not be complimented or rewarded for a "job" well of a Government Super Task Force (GSTF) have gone
done, and may be unfairly reprimanded or mistreated for a completely public. Meaning everybody knows their history
mistake or fai lure. and old or original human identity. The costumed identity
The level of freedom on the job will depend on how well of these public heroes is their enti re identity. They don't
they get along with thei r superiors, how well they do their have a secret l ife, job, disguise or false identity. What you
job, how good they make their superiors look, and how see is what you get. The character is a national hero and
much the public l i kes them . The higher the team's public defender of freedom and justice for al l . That's his or her
approval rating the better. A rating of 50% is considered shtick 24 hours a day. Such characters typically live in a
good , but any above 60% is fantastic and if it's above 75% secret (or not so secret) base or headquarters provided by
the characters can get away with a great deal (even i nsub­ the government sponsor with l iving q uarters and security
ordination). Of course if their approval rating hovers for fami ly members and loved ones. However, most of
around 50% they will have to be careful, and if it drops be­ those who go public have l ittle or no fami ly to put in jeop­
low 40% for more than six months, they can kiss their ardy.
GSTF job goodbye. U nfortunately, as part of an organiza­ G.M. Note: Feel free to expand upon this ground work
tion , a well-liked boss can be promoted , demoted, fired as you see fit. There are many advantages to the G . M .
and replaced . The new guy in charge will have his own and players for having heroes who are "connected" to the
way of doing things, may be a creep or n icer than his pre­ authorities, military or government. Have fun with it.
decessor. The characters and he (or she) will have to get
to know and trust (if not appreciate) each other, before
things settle down.
The law is equal for ordinary men and superbeings The Va l ue of
alike (even Federal Agents): I n all cases, superbeings in
the position of local or national law enforcement or other Sec ret I dentit i es
authority figures, must follow and obey the law. The law is
above no man , woman or child , and the high-profile
By Kevin Siembieda
"super-cops" and "national heroes" are scrutinized by the
media, the government and the agency they serve. Con­ A secret identity seems to go together with superbeings
sequently, all such agents undergo thorough training in l i ke colorful Spandex tights and capes. So why does a
police procedure and criminal law, as well as annual re­ hero need a secret identity, anyway? There are several
fresher courses and special counselling as deemed appro­ reasons.
priate by their agency.
1) Perhaps fi rst and foremost, is to protect the "hero"
Those who break the law will be charged and penalized from assassination attempts, attacks and retribution by
as any law officer would. That having been said, preferen­ those who m ight seek revenge against him or want him
tial treatment is not uncommon. "Unofficial" overlooking to out of the way. The friends, fam ily or organization of a
totally ignoring the "bending" of the law is common, as is captured or killed villain or criminal might covet revenge.
punishment that is nothing more than a hand slap, espe­ Similarly, if a supervil lain or criminal organization was
cially if the infraction is m inor, stays out of the media, and planning something big, they m ight strike out at the city
produces favorable results. defender while he or she was relaxing in a lounge chair,
The matter of a secret identity. While the regional or taking a nap or washing the dishes. There are a lot of rea­
national agency may allow (even prefer) that the "heroes" sons criminals might want to see a superbeing dead , the
have a public super-identity, and keep their true identities least of which is to eliminates who might stand against
secret from the public, the agency that employs them must them or thwart their efforts before they launch them .
know their true identities. This means true name, resi­ 2) Privacy and Safety. Actually, there are all kinds of
dence, personal history, fami ly, fingerprints, DNA scan , reasons to keep a secret identity for the purpose of per­
and the whole n ine-yards. This information is careful ly sonal safety. Not only from vengeful supervillains and the
guarded and may be known only to the super-cops' top criminal elements, but from adoring and crazed fans, the
commanders and Heads of State, but is known , verified media, opportunists, confidence artists (superheroes are
and double-checked. not invulnerable to scams and treachery), marketing
This is critical for three reasons: One, to accurately ver­ agents, salesmen, and even beginner heroes looking for
ify the agent's identity through various means to prevent advice, a mentor, partner or to join the hero's
infiltration and sabotage from an impersonator. Two, to Super-Squad, among others.
Additionally, genuine privacy is important to many gal , cough up money, comm it a crime, turn a blind eye to
superbeings. The secret identity provides them with a safe criminal activity, to get him on the mob's payroll, to tamper
haven, a way to h ide from the publicity and pressure of the with evidence, to give false testimony, to back off a partic­
very public life they live . A way to effectively go into hiding ular criminal operation/gang/villain, and so on.
(often in plain sight) where they can let their hair down, For a hero to feel free to deliver justice fairly and
stretch and relax without having to worry about being at­ eq ually, he must feel his loved ones and associates are
tacked by superpowered maniacs, fighting crime, saving safe and happy. Otherwise the character will be distracted
l ives, answering q uestions by the press, being hounded by and vulnerable to outside influences.
the authorities, or mobbed by their fans. It is a way they
can be, at least for a short period once in a while, an ordi­ 4) A secret identity may also be necessary to maintain
nary Joe who can go to the store or the movies without a job to support oneself or to enjoy work and challenges
drawing a crowd and can pick his nose and scratch his other than crime fighting. Perhaps needless to say, there
butt without it airing on the Six O'Clock News. For many isn't a big call for superhumans in the factory, business of­
(not all) heroes, it is this private , personal time that can be fice and most conventional work sites. A known
spent with fami ly, loved ones or in peaceful seclusion , that superbeing would have an extremely difficult time getting
helps them keep their san ity. It also helps them to keep a common, ordinary job. For one, the hero is l i kely to be
their perspective on life and allows them to walk among typecast into the role of crime fighter and be deemed un­
ordinary people and share their fears, dreams and de­ suitable or over or under qualified for a m undane job. For
sires. To keep the superbeing grounded and "human." another, most employers would be leery for fear that his or
her presence would cause trouble - distractions and jeal­
3) To protect loved ones from retribution , retaliation and ousy among co-workers and attract other super-menaces
danger. If the hero's true identity is known , his fami ly, and criminals. Believe it or not, some people, even
friends, and even coworkers and associates may be en­ superbeings, l i ke their job (I love mine), especially if it of­
dangered. Villains and criminals (not to mention the me­ fers them mental or physical challenges and rewards they
dia) could track down these relations and endanger their enjoy.
l ives. Loved ones could be killed, tortured or th reatened as Remember that many costumed heroes, especially vigi­
acts of retribution , intimidation, or to break the hero's will. lantes, anti-heroes and independent heroes work outside
People the hero cares about could be kidnapped in an at­ the law and must find some means other than crime fight­
tempt to extort the hero and get him to do something ille- ing to support them (and their fami ly?). Strangely enough,
for many heroes, crime fighting is their sideline. For some Heroes i n the Workplace
it is almost an after hours hobby, for most, their true voca­
tion but one that doesn't put money in their pocket or pay Hand in hand with a secret identity is gainful employ­
' ment. Unless the characters work for the Police Depart­
the billS. See Heroes In the Workplace for more on this
subject. ment or other Government Agency as superhuman law
officers or special agents, they will need to find some way
All this means is that most costumed heroes take great
to support themselves and their family (if any), as wel l as
pains to protect and preserve their secret (true) identity.
money for replacement costumes, suppli es, equi � m � nt,
weapons, and other items needed for their c �lme-flg
. �tlng
campaign as a costumed hero. See the section entitled ,
Public Heroes - No Mask, No Secret Identity
"The Man, " for ideas about Police or Government work as
There is a small percentage of heroes who don't have Super-La w Officers and Government Agents.
secret identities. They are typically superhumans who
The ideal job , other than getting paid for fighting crime ,
have gone public and live their heroic (or villainous) cos­
is one that gives the hero a lot of free time (Le. minimal
tumed identity 24 hours a day. Whether they retain any
work hours) and flexibility (can set his own hours, work at
aspect of their old human, pre-Hero life is up to the individ­
home or in the field, can come and go as he pleases, and
ual. Most do not. They are Super-this or Captain-that all
has l ittle if any supervision). Probably the best type of em­
the time. His or her persona is constantly that of the
ployment is where the character works at home and only
superbeing. Such public figures may dress up (or down) in
has to answer to deadlines rather than punch a clock and
"normal" clothing (suit, tuxedo, dress, etc.) for special
go to a workplace. Jobs that fit this bill incl ude private de­
events and appearances, but 95% of the time, this
tective, freelance artist, freelance writer, freelance conSUl­
full-time superbeing (hero or villain) is in costume. The
tant (of all kinds), on-line/web site administrator or
costume is part of the character's image. It is his un iform
trouble-shooter, and to a lesser degree, salesman, tele­
and trademark, and for many people, a symbol (of justice,
phone solicitor, investigative reporter, researcher, and
goodness, evi l , etc. , as the case may be). Even at formal
other work that requires skills that are in high demand and
dinner parties, public addresses, funerals, and Presiden­
enables the character to find work relatively easily, incl ud­
tial meetings, most people will expect to see the hero in
ing builders, carpenters, plumbers, computer tech, ba!­
his or her "colors" - the familiar (and comforting) cos­
tender, etc. (and all those listed pay pretty good too). Th iS
will allow the hero to take on work as he needs it to pay
These rare public superbeings have forsaken a "civil­ his expenses and even to move around t� e country. � ow­
ian" identity to dedicate all their time to their activities as ever even in these relatively flexible or high demand Jobs,
superbeings, be it for good or evil. They· may have a se­ ther� will be ''work demands" on the character's time.
cret base, h ide-out, fortress or sanctuary, but they don't There will be periods where the character must spend
have a secret alter-ego. Consequently, most are beings hours, days and weeks working or face m issing his
who don't have families or loved ones to put into jeopardy deadlines, losing his accounts and getting fired. It's the
or keep them close to them at their secret sanctuary. Of hard real ity.
course, the beings' association with law enforcement offi­
Another possibility is working for oneself or a fami ly
cials and others may put these people in the spotlight and
business where the character might be able to get away
increase the possible level of danger for them , but that
with more crap from family than he cou ld anywhere else.
can not be helped.
However, being an entrepreneur is incredibly time con­
The majority of these public heroes (and villains) are suming (trust me, I know), unless one has very competent
usually employed by Government Agencies or other spon­ partners or associates willing to carry ''your load" - but
soring organization (in the case of villains, criminal organi­ that leaves the hero's business very vulnerable to m is­
zations). A few are independently (or mysteriously) management, embezzlement, corruption , and bankruptcy.
wealthy. Local or national Government endorsement and
A wonderful situation would be one where the business
sponsorship, or allegiance, gives these public heroes ad­
partners are friends or family who know about the charac­
ditional status, clout, fame or notoriety. Being full-time
ter's secret l ife as a hero and willingly work to help him in
heroes, and brave enough to reveal their faces and identi­
his heroic endeavors. This means the hero would have to
ties seems to enhance their lofty position and breeds re­
spend little to no time at the job (or as much or l ittle as
spect, trust and confidence from the people and country
he'd like) and , assuming the business was successful and
they serve.
can "carry" the missing partner or worker, it would give
Some public heroes share the concern or bel ief that him a regular salary and nearly absolute freedom. Unfortu­
so-called "superheroes" who "hide behind a mask" are not nately, this rosy situation can evaporate if the business
to be completely trusted. That they might harbor secret falls on hard times and can no longer afford to support a
agendas or a criminal past (which is sometimes true) And non-productive worker on the payroll. This could result in a
that masked vigilantes are troublesome rogues, If not reduction of pay (wh ich m ight be okay), loss of the job, or
criminals outright. This can cause division, clashes and ri­ demands on the hero (at least temporarily) to help with the
valry between the popular heroes and those with secret business. Failure to help could lead to hard feelings and ,
identities. perhaps, betrayal.

The only thing better than being supported by friends or more than $40,000 ($ 1 20 ,000 maximum), or has any roy­
family as described above, is to be independently wealthy alty income at al l , is left entirely to the efforts of players of
- inherited a fami ly fortune or estate that can be sold off such characters and their Game Master. If the G . M . says
at a sizeable profit, or to have a trust account that pays no royalties, it's no!
out annually for decades, even if the amount isn't a for­ This leaves having a "real" job. At least something
tune. However, even this lUxury has its potential pitfalls. part-time (22-30 hours a week and earns $ 1 5,000 to
Un less the character wisely saves some money and in­ $25,000 a year). See the job list for some possibilities and
vests a good portion , one day the money could be all average salaries.
gone, leaving him with nothing. Like the proprietor of a
business, if the hero leaves his investments and business Other problems with havi ng a job
affairs in the hands of others, he opens himself up to pos­
Time and sleep are a problem for characters living a
sible mismanagement, embezzlement, and corruption that
dual l ife as an ordinary working stiff, 8-1 0 hours a day,
could cost him 2D4x1 0% of his fortune or leave him penni­
four to five days a week, and superhero the rest of the
time. Heaven help the character if the duties of spouse
Corporate sponsorship is another possibility, although and/or parent are tossed into the mix.
unlikely avenue. This is where the hero is funded by a
Without sufficient sleep the character's performance on
seemingly benevolent corporation . However, the hero may
his money paying job may suffer and he could get de­
appear to have to answer to said corporation and be ex­
moted , see a cut in or docking of pay, or get fired. Chronic
pected, as part of his employment, to look out for the cor­
tardiness, leaving early, going on long l unch breaks, and
poration's interests and do them favors and special jobs.
missing days ("Sorry, I have the flu." "Can't make it today.
After all, to fund a hero or Super-Squad must have its ben­
No, this time Aunt Matilda died," etc.) is likely to get the
efits, even if it's only to earn them publicity and positive
character fired ! If self-employed , the business will suffer,
press. However, that means if the hero(s) makes the cor­
bills will pile up and the business may go ban krupt.
poration look bad , by his deeds or words, fails to do them
favors, or becomes entangled in a police investigation of Lack of sleep when on the street as a crime fighter
his methods or activities, the hero is likely to find himself has even greater danger. Speed and reflexes will be
suddenly unemployed. In addition, the corporation is likely slowed, as will skill performance and the precision execu­
to regard the hero as a business angle, so if he does not tion of ski lls (whether it is a gymnastic somersault, picking
perform up to expectations, his image becomes tarnished, a lock or programming a computer). Believe me, I've done
or a better prospect comes along (Le. a more handsome, my share of all nighters and have gone without sleep for
powerful , popular hero), the character might find himself several days at a time. I can usually go with minimal sleep
replaced and out on the street. (say four hours a night every day for a few weeks), but
then I feel it, and bad. No matter how hard I try I can't help
In any case , the independently wealthy, inheritance , but to function at a diminished capacity. Reaction/re­
family business and corporate sponsorship options are all sponse time (initiative) is slowed , the thought process is
extremely rare to begin with . This means the crime fighter foggy and also slow, which means mistakes and lower
must find some way of legally supporting himself. quality. True, I'm no superh uman , but these same princi­
Stealing from the bad guys is not an option unless the ples apply to everybody, especially humans who don't
character is an anti-hero or vigi lante of Anarchist align­ have enhanced healing ability, extraordinary endurance or
ment, and even these guys may have ethical problems invulnerability. It's a fact of l ife. Worse, a lot of times the
with that sol ution. On the other hand , Anarchist and Un­ exhausted person will not realize (or is unwil ling to accept)
principled heroes wou ld seriously consider taking a reward that he or she is working at a diminished capacity.
or handout from the public, rich philanthropist, institution For a hero, this means the possibility of making mis­
or corporation (maybe even the government of a country). takes that could cost him his l ife, or the l ife or safety of
The problem here might be the appearance of impropriety. others.
How will this look to the public and especially critics? Will
it look l i ke the hero is taking a bribe or that he's in the Ru les for Sleep Deprivation
pocket of said institution? Will the giver of the reward ex­ Note: These rules are written with superbeings in top
pect, demand or try to leverage the hero into doing them a physical condition in mind. Ordinary people are l i kely to
favor (a favor that may look innocent, friendly or legal, but feel the same side effects in half the time.
which might lead to trouble). • Minimal sleep ( 1 -4 hours a day) for 2-6 weeks, or no
Hardware characters, geni uses and even writers and sleep for 48 hours. Penalties: -2 on initiative , - 1 to
occasionally artists, might be able to create (and, in the dodge , reduce Spd by 20%, and skill performance
case of Hardware and geniuses, patent) something that - 1 5%.
earns them royalties. We are assuming these are above • Pushing too hard , either minimal sleep ( 1 -4 hours a
average creations that garner the character above aver­ day) for 7- 1 6 weeks, or no sleep for 72 hours. Pen­
age royalties, so we should be tal king 1 D4x$1 0,000 dol­ alties: Reduce P.B. and M .A. by two points (looks tired),
lars annually. Most heroes could scrape by, l iving -1 attack per melee round, -4 on initiative, -2 to strike
modestly on as l ittle as $20 ,000 dollars and do reasonably and parry, -3 to dodge , reduce Spd by 40%, and ski l l
well on $30 ,000-$40,000. Whether the character makes performance -30%. Fu rthermore, the character is in a
constant state of near exhaustion and suffers from the additional funds as the campaign progresses? After all , re­
effects of fatigue/exertion 5x faster than a rested , placement eq uipment, maintaining a headquarters, and
healthy person . Will need to rest frequently. medical care isn't cheap. Un less the hero is funded by the
• Exhausted to the point of collapse! M inimal sleep government, a big corporation, or some other organ iza­
( 1 -4 hours a day) for 1 7 or more weeks, or no sleep for tion, he's pretty m uch on his own . And , if the hero's align­
80 to 1 68 hours (4-7 days)! Penalties: Reduce P.B. and ment forbids him from taking or using dirty money, then
M .A. by half (looks and acts terrible), attacks per melee he's going to have to find a job. (,What a revolting devel­
goes down to two, and all combat bon uses to only + 1 opment! Save the world on Sunday, go back to flipping
(including saving throws d u e t o the character's weak­ burgers on Monday. I tell ya, I don't know which is
ened condition)! No initiative, reduce Spd by 70%, and worse.")
skill performance -60%. Furthermore, the character can The following is a list of major areas of possible em­
barely keep his eyes open and is in a constant state of ployment for characters as wel l as the required and/or
exhaustion. He or she will need to rest for 1 5-20 min­ suggested skill programs for that occupation . A salary
utes after every 1 0- 1 5 minutes of combat or heavy ex­ range is also given for each. The higher salary reflects
ertion. In addition , the character will be easily startled , higher skill percentages, experience, attributes, and/or a
grumpy, on edge, unpleasant and may even hall uci­ formal education. The listed salaries are by no means de­
nate. If allowed to rest and shut his eyes, the character finitive - they are simply for reference and ideas.
will fall asleep for 1 06+4 hours (unless woken up by G. M . s should use their judgement when assigning sala­
somebody or a loud noise) and wakes up stil l feeling ries, but the easiest way to do it is by giving a character
exhausted. the base salary at 1 st level and moving 1 0% up the salary
The character needs three days of 7-9 hours of sleep range per level to reflect the character's advancement in
and full days of relaxation or light activity to get back to skill and level of expertise. The character's Scholastic bo­
the point of Pushing Too Hard. A full week to get back nus x200 dollars is also added to the annual salary or can
to Minimal Sleep and 1 0- 1 4 days to recover fully. be a bonus for a job well done. Divide the annual salary by
• Pushing oneself beyond the point of collapse 1 2 to get the monthly paychecks, and assume 20% of the
means one attack per melee round, no in itiative , no salary is available every month for the character to spend
combat bonuses, skill performance is at 1 0% and Spd. as he wishes. The rest goes toward expenses. A charac­
is at 1 0% (staggers and crawls). The character will hal­ ter with the Business and Finance skill can have an extra
lucinate and events that occurred during the sleepless 1 0% of his monthly salary to spend as he wishes or to in­
days are all a quarter remembered blur. By day 9 the vest. We can argue endlessly on how accurate this sys­
character will col lapse and sleep for 506+30 hours. tem is or isn't, but for game purposes, it is quick, easy and
During this time it is impossible to wake him (leaving does the job. As usual , if you wish to get even more de­
him vulnerable to enemy attack). Recovery time as tailed, go right ahead.
noted previously, requires only a few extra days. All skill and skill Program selections are limited by the
Note: Characters with the super abilities of Healing usual prerequisites and special restrictions (see skill de­
Factor, Extraordinary Physical Endurance, Adapt to Envi­ scriptions and special restrictions). Note that the salary
ronment, Alter Metabolism, Invulnerability, and Supernatu­ does not incl ude benefits l i ke medical insurance , sick
ral Strength, as well as full conversion cyborgs and days, etc.
characters who are a transferred intelligence/mind inside a
robot body or a robot with an Artificial Intelligence, can Auto-Factory Worker: None, although a high school ed­
easily get away with as l ittle as four hours of sleep per 24 ucation may be required. Pilot: Basic Programs required
hours indefinitely and without suffering any ill effects, al­ for the latter. Salary: $32 ,000-$70,000.
though 5-6 hours of sleep are better. The human mind Broker/Financial Consultant: Business Program re-
(and most humanoids) needs "down time" to dream and quired. Technical Program suggested. Salary:
rest. These superbeings will feel the effects of Minimal $50,000-$500,000.
Sleep if only getting one or two hours of sleep and Carpenter: Carpentry skill required. Techn ical program
Pushing Too Hard after 72 hours of no sleep; near ex­ suggested. Salary: $30 ,000-$90,000. Same salary range
haustion after 7- 1 0 days of no sleep (1 04+6). Recovery for the average plumber and electrician.
time is twice as quick. Chauffeur/Taxi Driver: Pilot Basic Program , including
I n a pinch or moment of crisis, a character with the Kar­ the drive automobile and truck skills. Salary:
mic power can momentarily reduce penalties by half if he $1 8,000-$45,000.
has "good karma" and is trying to do a good deed. Chef/Cook: None, but must have the cooking ski l l , and
the Business Program is helpful. Salary: $ 1 8,000-$45,000
Jobs & Salaries for a fry-cook or average restau rant cook;
Even though player characters are well above the norm $75,000-$200,000 for a top quality chef.
physically and may possess special abilities, they still suf­ Company President: Business Program required. Tech­
fer from many of the problems that plague the Average nical Program Suggested. Salary (small company):
Joe, like needing a job to pay the bills. Characters in $35,000-$70,000; Salary (medium company):
Heroes Unlimited™ get starting money, but what about $ 1 20,000-$400,000; Salary (large company): $800,000-5
million; Salary (Mega-Corporation): $ 1 00+ M i l l ions. In­ Menial Labor: Sweeping floors, stocking selves, loading
crease by 50% for high-tech and bio-tech industries. and unloading, picking vegetables, and simi lar. No skills
Coach/Physical Trainer: Physical Program required. required , just a strong back. Salary: $ 1 2,000-$30,000.
Double salary if Medical Program is also taken. Salary: M i l itary Advisor or Mercenary: The Espionage and/or
$20,000-$60,000. one of the M i litary Programs are required . Salary: $60 ,000
College Professor: Skill Programs determine teaching to $300,000.
area. M ust have a degree of some kind for this. Salary: N u rse: Medical Assistant Program required. Salary:
$50,000-$1 50,000. $30,000-$60,000.
Computer Technician or Sales Clerk: The E lectrical Paramedic: No required Skill Program , but the charac­
Program required for former and Computer Program re­ ter must have the skills Paramedic and Pilot: Automobi le.
quired for the latter. Salary: $20,000-$50,000. A high school education is probably req uired, and one or
Consultant (lndependenVFreelance): Computer pro­ more years of college are a plus. Salary:
gramming, Medicine, or Engineering (electronics, mechan­ $22,000-$42 ,000.
ics, sciences). The obvious and appropriate Skill Police Officer: Police/Law Enforcement Program re­
Programs are required by each . Salary: $50,000 to quired. Security guards generally make half what police
$200,000. officers do. Salary: $35,000-$60,000.
Doctor/Scientist: Medical Doctor or Medical I nvestiga­
Private Investigator/Detective: JournalisVl nvestigation
tion Program and Science Program are required. Salary:
Program and/or the Police/Law Enforcement Program re­
$90,000-$500,000 on average. quired. Security guards generally make half what police
E ngineer: Mechanical and E lectrical Programs re­ officers do. Salary: $40,000-$1 80,000.
quired. Double salary if the Science program is also taken.
Professional Animal Trainer or Veterinarian: For zoos
Salary: $45,000-$250,000.
and ci rcuses. No required Programs. Medical program
Executive/Management Business Program required. suggested with Paramedic/M . D . switched to Veterinary
Techn ical program suggested. Salary: $45,000-$1 50,000; Doctor. Salary: $23,000-$40,000. Double salary if Medical
double for top executives. Program is taken.
Federal Agent (incl udes DEA, FBI, etc.): Police/Law Professional M usician/Singer/Entertainer: Any combi­
Enforcement Program required . Depending on the agency nation of Sing, Dance , and Play Musical Instrument is re­
and position, other programs might include Modern quired. Salary: $20,000-90,000 on average; only 2% earn
Weapons, Journalism/Investigation , Espionage, M i l itary, hundreds of thousands to m il l ions of dollars , and a hero
E lectrical, Communications, or Criminal Program . Salary: isn't going to have that kind of time to invest in his enter­
$42,000-$1 00,000. tainment career.
Fireman: No required Programs. Physical program sug­ Travel Agent: Business Program required. Salary:
gested, especially Climbing and Athletics. Salary: $20,000-$50,000, with the added perk of discounts
$25,000-$48,000. (20%-50% off) on ai rfare/travel , lodging, and access to
Food Services: Flipping hamburgers, running the cash tons of travel information and international events as they
register or other work a fast-food place. Salary: pertain to travel .
$ 1 5,000-$28,000. Truck Driver: Pi lot Basic Program required. Salary:
Freelance Artist: Technical Program required and the $40,000-$75,000.
art and/or photography skill is a m ust. Salary: Reporter: Journalism Program required . Salary (news­
$22,000-$80,000 on average (including freelance paper/magazine): $35,000-$1 00,000; Salary (Television):
role-playing game artists); increase by 50% if a paperback $60,000-$500,000.
book cover painter or commercial artist. A very successful Teacher: Any Program , which determines what can be
or "hot" artist can make triple. taught. Depending on geography, some teachers m ight
Freelance Writer: Technical Program req uired and the also take a Weapon Program. Salary: $22,000-$75,000
writing skill is a must, but the Journalism Program is sug­ (typically varies by city to city).
gested for technical writing or writing for newspapers and Soldier @!J.Y branch of the armed forces): M i litary Pro­
magazines. Salary: $25,000-$90,000 on average. A very gram required. Any other program is suggested , including
successful or "hot" authors can make quadruple. A free­ Journalism and Medical, but E lectrical and Mechanical are
lance role-playing game writer, half. common. Salary: $22,000-$250,000 (for multi-star gener­
Handy Man: No skill program required, but needs the als).
Basic Math , Basic Mechan ics and Basic E lectronics skills.
Carpentry and technical skills may also be helpful . Salary:
$ 1 5,000 to $40,000.
Mechanic: Mechanics (Veh icle) or Mechanical (Gen­
eral) Program required. Salary: $25,000-$90,000; increase
salary by 50% if the Mechanical (General) Program is
taken (making the character an engineer).

Ski l l List with base percentages for Quick Reference
Skill Notes: Medical
* These skills provide additional percentage bonuses or Criminal Science and Forensics 35%+5%
special skills. Full details can be found under the appropri­ (s)First Aid 45%+5%
ate skill description. (s)Holistic Medicine 20%+5%
+ This skill has prerequisites. See skill description for Paramedic 40%+5%
full details. Medical Doctor 60%/50%+5%
Pathology 40%+5%
(s) Indicates the skil l can be taken as a secondary skill.

Communications Military
Cryptography 25%+5% *Armorer 40%+5%
Laser 30%+5% Camouflage 20%+5%
*Optic Systems 30%+5% Demolitions 60%+3%
(s)Radio: Basic 45%+5% Demolitions: Disposal 60%+3%
Radio: Scramblers 35%+5% Find Contraband and I llegal Weapons 26%+4%
Radio: Satellite 25%+5% M i litary Etiquette 35%+5%
+Surveillance Systems 30%+5% N uclear, Biological, Chem ical Warfare 35%+5%
(s)TVNideo 25%+4% M i litary Parachuting 40%+5%
Read Sensory Equipment 30%+5% (s)Recognize Weapon Qual ity 25%+5%
*Trap/Mine Detection 20%+5%
Domestic Skills Underwater Demolitions 56%+4%
(s)Cook 35%+5%
(s)Dance 30%+5% Physical
(s)Fishing 40%+5% *Acrobatics
(s)Play M usical Instrument 35%+5% Sense of Balance 60%+2%
(s)Sewing 40%+5% Wal k Tightrope/Highwire 60%+3%
(s)Sing 35%+5% Climb Rope 70%+2%
Back Flip 50%+5%
Electrical Climb 40% (or + 1 5% to the full skill)
(s)Basic Electronics 30%+5% Prowl 30% (or +5% to the full skill)
Computer Repai r 25%+5% (s)Climbing 40%+5%
E lectrical Engineer 30%+5% (s)Rappeling 30%+5%
Robot Electronics 30%+5% (-40%) (s)Gymnastics
Sense of Balance 50%+3%
Espionage Work Parallel Bars/Rings 60%+3%
Climb Rope 60%+2%
Detect Ambush 30%+5%
Back Flip 70%+2%
Detect Concealment 25%+5%
Climb 25% (or +5% to the full skill)
Disguise 25%+5%
Prowl 30% (or +5% to the full skill)
Escape Artist 30%+5%
(s)ProwI 25%+5%
Forgery 20%+5%
Imitate Voices/Impersonation 36%/1 6%+4% (s)Swimming 50%+5%
I ntelligence 32%+4% +Swimming Advanced/S . C . U . B.A. 50%+5%
I nterrogation 40%+5%
P ilot, Basic
Pick Pockets 25%+5%
Tracking 25%+5% (s)Airplane 50%+4%
(s) Wilderness Survival 35%+5% (s)Automobile 60%+2%
(s)Boat: Sail Boat 60%+5%
Mechanical (s)Boat: Motor and Hydrofoil 55%+5%
Aircraft Mechanics 25%+5% (s)Boat: Ships: Sailing/Motor 45%+5%/44%+4%
(s)Automotive Mechanics 25%+5% (s) * Horsemanship 50%+4%
(s)Basic Mechanics 30%+5% (s)Motorcycle 60%+4%
*Locksmith 25%+5% (s)Race Car 55%+3%
*Mechanical Engineer 25%+5% (s)Truck 40%+4%
Robot Mechanics 30%+5% (-40%) (s)Water Scooters 50%+5%
Weapons Engineer 25%+5%

Pilot, Advanced Wilderness
Helicopter 35%+5% (s)Boat Building 25%+5%
Hovercraft 50%+5% (s) * Carpentry 25%+5%
Jet Aircraft 40%+4% (s) * Hunting
Jet Fighter 40%+4% (s)ldentify Plants and Fruits 25%+5%
Jet Pack 42%+4% (s)Land Navigation 36%+4%
Submersibles 40%+4% (s)Preserve Food 25%+5%
Tan ks and APCs 36%+4% (s) * Skin/Prepare Animal H ides 30%+5%
Warships and Patrol Boats 40%+4% (s)Track Animals 20%+5%

Pilot Related Weapon Proficiencies (W.P.)

+Navigation 50%+5% Ancient Weapon Proficiencies
+Navigation: Space 40%+5% W . P . Archery & Targeting
Read Sensory Equipment 30%+5% W.P. Blunt
*Weapon Systems 40%+5% W.P. Chain
W.P. Knife
Rogue W.P. Paired Weapons
(s) * Card Sharp 24%+4% W.P. Polearm
* +Computer Hacking 30%+5% W.P. Shield
(s) * Concealment 20%+4% W.P. Spear
Find Contraband and I l legal Weapons 26%+4% W.P. Staff
(s) * Palming 20%+5% W.P. Sword
(s)Pick Locks 30%+5% W.P. Targeting
(s)Pick Pockets 25%+5% W.P. Whip
(s)ProwI 25%+5% Modern Weapon Proficiencies
* +Safecracking 20%+4% W.P. Revolver
(s) * Seduction 20%+3% W.P. Automatic Pistol
(s)Streetwise 20%+4% W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
(s)Ventriloquism 1 6%+4% W.P. Automatic & Semi-Automatic Rifles
W.P. Sub-Mach inegun
Science W.P. Heavy Weapons
Anthropology 20%+5% W. P. Energy Pistol
*Archaeology 20%+5% W.P. Energy Rifle
Astronomy 25%+5% W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons & Rail Guns
+Astrophysics 25%+5%
Biology 30%+5%
Botany 25%+5%
Chemistry 30%+5%
+Chemistry: Analytical 25%+5%
(s) + Basic Mathematics 45%+5%
(s) + Advanced Mathematics 45%+5%

(s)Art 35%+5%
(s)Business and Finance 35%+5%
(s) + Computer Operation 40%+5%
(s) + Computer Programming 30%+5%
(s)General Repair/Maintenance 35%+5%
(s)Law (General) 25%+5%
(s)Language 50%+5%
(s)Literacy 30%+5%
(s)Photography 35%+5%
(s)Research 50%+5%
(s) + Writing 25%+5%

SUrle-a MwtlNG
By Kevin Siembieda
Note: This section of optional rules was inspired by an
e-mail suggestion from a gentleman identified only as Pat­
rick. Good idea, thanks.
3 . Attacks per round are unchanged , b u t at least one
The Rampaging Superbeing attack evety melee round will be a Power Attack that uses
When a superbeing i s o n a rampage h e i s overcome up four melee actions.
with rage and emotion, which means the character is not 4. Fueled by the rage and emotions responsible for the
thinking clearly, nor using strategy or tactics. The charac­ rampage, the character is impervious to charm or domina­
ter is simply lashing out, pounding and/or smashing every­ tion magic, immune to psionic hypnosis and +5 to save vs
thing in his path - buildings, vehicles, and, unfortunately, all forms of mind control, empathic attacks and posses­
people. I n the latter case , the rampaging juggernaut is sion.
likely to punch , knockdown or throw out of the way people 5. Only cares about hitting and knocking people and
and small obstacles like a car or lamppost. He won't care things out of his way. This means the rampaging character
or even think about killing or smashing something to a is not actually interested in ki lling anybody or even intent
pulp, the berserk superbeing isn't that focused, he or she on hurting anybody, remember, the character is not th ink­
just wants to vent and smash . ing, but violently acting out. People are getting hurt without
This blind rage makes the superbeing a machine of de­ the rampager realizing it. This also means the maniac wi ll
struction , but also clouds his or her logic and reasoning. stop fighting an opponent as soon at that antagonist is
This is why any sort of plan , strategy or tactics are re­ knocked, punched , or thrown out of his way, goes down
placed by Power Attacks that use up numerous melee ac­ on his back ("playing" dead can save a hero's l ife) or goes
tions, and displays of brute force and anger (or pai n, out of view. Out of sight, out of mind.
sorrow, etc.). This gives those opposing a rampaging jug­ 6. It is very unlikely to get the rampager to stop by
gernaut a slight edge, because the superbeing is likely to "reaching" him through words or emotional pleas - he or
spend his 6- 1 0 attacks on one or two Power Attacks, leav­ she is temporarily insane. The following are the range of
ing him with either no other combat actions and vulnerable possibilities. Note: Reduce the chance of success by half
to counter attacks, or only 1 -3 other melee actions/attacks, if the rampaging superbeing is Miscreant or Diabolic evi l .
which still leaves the marauding menace vulnerable to Reduce chance o f success b y o n e quarter i f Anarchist o r
countermeasures. Of course, those one or two Power At­ Aberrant.
tacks can be devastating, horrifying and deadly, so one ru Reasoning with the rampaging character has a
must beware. 0 1 -6% chance of success. -4% if the authorities or an old
rival or enemy makes the plea, +6% if a child makes the
Combat Penalties & Mod ifiers for Rampage appea l , and + 1 6% if the character making the plea is one
Since the rampag ing superbeing is not thinking clearly, of the people the superbeing loves most in the world
he fights without cunning or any thought of strategy or tac­ (probably wife , gi rVboy-friend, parent, or sibling).
tics. This reduces the character's combat and thinking Failure means getting struck, beaten up (several
skills dramatically. punches) or pushed , knocked or thrown out of the way.
1 . Reduce all combat bon uses, other than saving Ql Seeing an i nnocent in danger and screaming for help
throws and damage bonuses, by half. This means also re­ has a 0 1 - 1 0% chance of snapping the rampager to his
ducing any W.P. skill bonuses. Note: Only Hardware, Cy­ senses; + 1 0% if a baby, + 1 5% if a crying child or mother
borgs and other characters who normally rely on weapons and child, and +40% if the character in danger is one of
will use them , in addition to lashing out physically. When the people the superbeing loves most in the world (proba­
their ammunition is used up or the weapon is lost or de­ bly wife, girVboy-friend , parent, or sibling). However, the
stroyed, the rampager will continue to rage and attack with danger must be genuine and l ife threatening.
his bare hands. All other superpowered characters will rely Failure to reach the superbeing means the rampage
entirely on brute strength and their super abilities to lash continues. However, even if the rampager ignores the plea
out. and continues the rampage, the character will not attack
2. Skills are performed at -70%, if the rampaging behe­ that innocent person(s) or do anything to make the danger
moth even stops to th ink about using a ski l l . worse. He will turn or go around and move on.
The alternative is to physically stop the superbeing 1 . Reduce all combat bonuses, other than saving
by: throws and damage bonuses, by half. This means also re­
1 . Restraining him - the ram pager will snap out of the ducing any W.P. skill bonuses. Note: Only Hardware, Cy­
berserker rage within 1 D6x1 0 minutes. borgs and other characters who normal ly rely on weapons
2. Knocking him out - 0 1 -55% chance of awaking will use them , in addition to lashing out physically. When
within 2D6 minutes calm and comparatively clear headed the ammunition is used up or the weapon is lost or de­
and remorseful or 56-00% wakes up swinging and holler­ stroyed, the brawler will continue to fight with his bare
ing, but can be reasoned with and calmed down within hands or use whatever avai lable weapon might be handy
1 D4 melee rounds. (a piece of pipe or chair used as club, a gun dropped by a
police officer, etc.). All other superpowered characters will
3. Killing him!
rely entirely on brute strength and their super abilities to
lash out.
The Su per-B rawl 2. Skills are performed at -40%, at least when the
The super-brawl is very similar to the rampage i n that a brawler stops to think about using a ski l l .
lot of damage is done and the combatants are so focused 3. Attacks per round are unchanged, b u t at least one
on their brawl that they have lost sight of the damage they attack every melee round will be a Power Attack that uses
are doing and the innocent lives that are being placed in up four melee actions.
jeopardy. Also like the rampage , the combatants are l i kely 4. Because the brawler is trying to make a pOint, prove
to forget about strategy and tactics (although they r:n ay himself superior, or beat an opponent into submission , he
use them from time to time during a brawl, especially is not using deadly force. This means all attacks, even
when the brawlers tire of the battle) and use power attacks Power Attacks, are controlled, "pulled punches" that infl ict
that use up numerous attacks per round and display in­ half damage.
credible feats of raw power.
Only an anarchist or evil character will cheat, and pull
This wild conflict is different than the rampage because out all the stops (full damage) if he fears he is on the brink
it takes two to tango. There must be at least two opposing of losing. But this won't occur until all S.D.C. is gone and
combatants or two sides/teams of brawlers. The object of the character's H it Points are down by half.
the battle is for one side to beat the other. When one side
Note: Most brawls are over when one side admits de­
says uncle, surrenders, acknowledges the other side is
feat, one side is clearly defeated (down to one third or less
better, admits defeat, runs away or is obviously defeated
in H it Points), or declared a "draw" when both sides are
(too weak to fight on or all are knocked senseless), the
down roughly equally to about one third of their Hit Points
brawl stops. It is only then that any "hero" will realize the
and no clear winner is obvious. A draw can also happen
senseless destruction and perhaps, injury and deaths this
when the opposing sides mutual ly agree to stop the fight,
little fracas may have caused .
for whatever reason, and that neither is a clear winner. If
Unlike the rampaging superbeing, "good guys" caught one side q uits (perhaps to save lives or stop senseless
up in a brawl keep enough presence of mind to realize destruction) without the opposing side admitting defeat,
when their duel may be putting innocent people in jeop­ then the "qu itter" is proclaimed the loser (a draw if the op­
ardy. This may cause the hero(s) to move the fight to a pOSition is nice) and the other side can go off triumphant.
place where innocent people aren't going to be endan­ Of course, depending on the reason their antagonist quit,
gered, or get the hero to pause the grudge match long he/she/they may be the real winner(s).
enough to rush over to help, remove , protect or save the
5. Fueled by the emotions and the need to prove
innocent(s) from the danger he or she helped create. like­
something, the brawlers are resistant to charm and domi­
wise , the good guy brawler will try to avoid and ignore the
nation magic (+3 to save) and +2 to save vs all forms of
authorities, friends and fellow heroes who try to stop
mind control, psionic hypnosis or empathic attacks and
brawl. They will lash out at them only when they di rectly
intervene, i.e. get between the brawlers or try to restrain
one or both sides. 6. The brawlers only care about winning the fight, and
are so focused on this goal that they do not real ize the
Like the beserker, the brawler doesn't want to hurt his
amount of damage they are causing or the lives they may
buddies or the authorities, but this fight is "personal," so
be endangering. This means the brawling characters are
he will push , knock or throw them out of the way, even use
not deliberately wreaking havoc or trying to h u rt anybody,
fisticuffs or powers to incapacitate or remove them. Note:
they just want to win.
Supervillains and some anarchist anti-heroes may not
share the "heroes'" regard for others and will press their Winning means beating one's opponent(s) into submis­
advantage when their good guy opponent is distracted try­ sion or surrender ("You win! I quit!" or "Yes, you are the
ing to protect or save an innocent life or pauses to better or the stronger of us,"), or into unconsciousness, or
warn/speak to a friend or the authorities. into fleeing with their tails between their legs (leaving the
other brawler standing triumphant as the obvious winner).
Combat Penalties & Mod ifiers for Braw l i n g As soon as one of the brawling sides "wins," the battle is
The brawler(s) isn't guite a s oblivious as t h e superbeing over.
on a rampage, but is still on a tear, does not think ratio­ 7. It is difficult to get one participant(s) or the other in a
nally and is very difficult to reach. brawl to stop by "reaching" him through words or emo-
tional pleas - they are temporarily obsessed with their most in the world (probably wife, girl/boy-friend, parent, or
duel and winning. The following are the range of possibili­ sibling) renews their appeal to stop the brawl is made im­
ties. Note: Reduce the chance of success by three q uar­ mediately after this incident. +70% if the brawler couldn't
ters if the brawling superbeing is M iscreant or Diabolic save/protect the innocent life(s) but one of his teammates,
evil. Reduce chance of success by one quarter if Anar­ or another hero (or better yet, ordinary person) was able
chist or Aberrant. to rescue them. In all cases, the danger must be genuine
ru Reasoning with the brawl ing character has a 0 1 -20% and l ife threatening.
chance of success. - 1 0% if the authorities or an old rival or Failure to reach the superbeing means the brawl con­
enemy makes the plea, + 1 5% if a respected teammate or tinues. However, brawlers of a Principled, Scrupulous, or
friend makes the appeal, +25% if a child makes the plea, Unprincipled alignment and perhaps some Anarchist or
and +40% if the character making the plea is one of the Aberrant characters will not deliberately endanger or hurt
people the superbeing loves most in the world (probably innocent people.
wife , girl/boy-friend , parent, or sibling).
The alternative is to physically stop the superbeing
Failure means getting struck, beaten up (several
punches) or pushed , knocked or th rown out of the way.
Ql Seeing an innocent in danger and screaming for help 1 . Restraining him - the brawler will snap out of the
will get any good aligned brawler to pause and save the rage within 204 minutes.
person(s) he's helped to put into danger. There is a
2. Knocking him out 0 1 -65% chance of awaking
01 -33% chance that the realization that his action caused

within 206 minutes calm and comparatively clear headed

the danger will get the good guy to stop his brawl. +25% if
and remorseful or 66-00% wakes up swinging and holler­
the people he's just rescued beg him to stop or question
ing, but can be reasoned with and calmed down within
why he's doing this "terrible" thing, +33% if a child makes
one melee round.
the plea or asks the question. +20% if a respected team­
3. Killing him!
mate or +50% if one of the people the superbeing loves


Un less stated otherwise, these attacks and combat Once all attacks/actions are used up in that round, the
moves can be done by superbeings at any time, but burn berserk or brawl ing character can only parry or dodge (us­
up the character's attacks per melee round and, without ing up his actions for the next round), hide, or stand and
the anger and/or wild frenzy, inflict 40% less damage. Re­ take damage (often the latter).
member, all damage is half when used in a brawl, al­ Remember, all damage is half when used in a brawl.
though impressive and frightening to watch.
Normal Th rowi ng
Normally a character can not throw more than h e can
Normal Effective Throwing Range by Strength
Object Normal Extraordinary Supernatural
Note: Unless stated otherwise, all Power Attacks use
for Humans Superhuman Strength
up four melee actions/attacks, so even experienced
superbeings with numerous attacks will not be able to per­
P.S 03- 19 S.20-30
P. P.S. 18-Up
form more than one or two Power Attacks per melee
Up to 1 lb. Object 50 feet 200 feet 300 feet
round. Rampaging superbeings will perform as many Up to 10 lb. Item 100 feet 200 feet
Power Attacks as they can each and every melee round Up to 100 Ib item 50 feet 100 feet
(typically one or two). Any melee actions left afterwards Up to 200 Ib item 10 feet 30 feet
are used to take new actions or to punch and make more Greater weights - see below
destruction . Brawlers will always perform at least one Dart 30 feet 60 feet 100 feet
Power Attack each melee round and use whatever attacks Throwing Axe 80 feet 150 feet 300 feet
are left a bit more strategically (un less it is an al l-out Javelin 300 feet 400 feet 500 feet
slug-fest, then as many Power Attacks as possible will be Spear 100 feet 150 feet 200 feet
used). Knife 40 feet 80 feet 200 feet
Furthermore, the character (especially low level ones Sword 15 feet 30 feet 60 feet

with only 4-6 attacks per round) may have to use this at­ Optional : Add one foot (0.3 m) to the effective range
tack at the beginning of a round before he uses up his me­ for every P. S . point e.g . , H uman P.S. 24 add 24 feet (7.3
lee actions. m).

Note: Objects such as swords, bricks, bottles, chairs, Bonus to Strike: None! Unmodified die roll only when
doors, trees, cars and similar items are not designed for throwing the huge, heavy item (car, boulder, etc.) at a
th rowing. Consequently, the effective range is limited re­ small target (anything smal ler or lighter than the item be­
gardless of the strength behind it because the item is not ing thrown). Will automatically hit huge, slow moving or
aerodynamic. stationary targets like a tank, ship, house, wall , etc . , un­
Darts, kn ives and throwing axes are designed for less a 5 or lower is rol led . 1 -5 means the toss either
throwing, but don't have the weight or balance for great missed or fell short.
distances. The same is true of most objects weighing less Damage from Heavy Objects: 1 D6 + 1 D6 pOints per
than half a pound . Javelins, more so than spears, are de­ every 20 pounds (9 kg), so a 1 00 pound (90 kg) item will
signed for distance throwing. inflict 6D6 pOints of damage! A thousand pound (900 kg)
M iscellaneous items weighing over a pound (0.45 kg) object 6D6x 1 0 ! !
and less than 1 0 pounds (4.5 kg), such as chairs, stools, Damage to a human being or animal getting picked u p
lanterns, etc. , can be thrown about half as far as the one and tossed i s . . .
pound (0.45 kg) object. 4D6 damage i f tossed comparatively gently.
Throwing Greater Weights: 1 D4x1 0 if tossed aside, but not very far.
Normal and Extraordinarily Strong characters can 1 D6x1 0+6 if th rown hard (probably a 1 00 fV30 .5 m or
hurl a weight equal to the weight he can carry four inches more).
per each P.S. pOint. This means the person with a P.S. 9 2D4x1 0 +P .S. damage bonus if tossed with all his m ight.
can toss 90 Ibs (40.5 kg) u p to 2 1 /2 feet (0.6 to 0.75 m) Half damage if the humanoid is giant-sized ( 1 2 fV3.6 m or
bigger) or weighs more than 1 000 pounds (450 kg).
away. The hero with a P.S. of 1 7 can toss 340 Ibs ( 1 54 kg)
up to 5 feet, 6 inches ( 1 .75 m) away. In addition , the th rown character also loses initiative
Superhumanly Strong Characters can hurl a weight (the attacker has it), loses two melee actions/attacks (the
equal to the weight he can carry eight inches per each time it takes to get his wits and back on his feet) and has a
P.S. Point. This means the hero with a superhuman P.S. 0 1 -70% chance of dropping whatever he was holding at
of 17 can toss 3400 Ibs ( 1 530 kg) up to 1 1 feet (3.3 m) the time. Characters who can fly, teleport, or become
away. weightless (and perhaps a few others) can stop them­
selves before impact and avoid taking any damage, but
Supernatural Characters can hu rl their maximum car­
lose one melee action .
rying weight one foot (0.3 m) per P.S. Point. So a super­
natural character with a P.S. of 24 can hurl an incredibly Alternative use of the Power. It the character can lift
heavy object (up to 7200 Ibs/3240 kg) an impressive 24 the object, he can also turn it on its side or flip it over.
feet (7.3 m). Same cost.
Damage from Heavy Objects: 1 D6 + 1 D6 pOints per
every 20 pounds (9 kg), so a 1 00 pound (90 kg) item will
I m provised Power Club
inflict 6D6 points of damage! A thousand pound (900 kg) The enraged superbeing can pick u p any large or
heavy object, equal up to his maximum carrying weight
object 6D6x1 0 ! !
and use it as a bludgeon or battering ram . The weapon
Power Lift & Th row does additional damage as noted below. For an item not
listed , use this as a guideline.
This power enables characters with Extraordinary, Su­
perh uman and Supernatural Strength to th row heavier ob­ Automobile, Small (subcompact?): 1 D4x1 0 +P.S. damage.
jects much greater distances. Normally, the character can Automobile, M id-Size: 1 D6x 1 0 +P.S. damage.
not carry or throw as m uch weight as he can lift. However, Desk: 5D6 +P.S. damage.
in this case, the character can l ift a weight up to his maxi­ Couch or Bed : 3D6 +P.S. damage.
mum weight l ifting tolerance and heave it away or at Easy Chair or Door: 3D6 +P.S. damage.
somebody. This means the character may be able to lift Lamp Post or Tree: 6D6 +P.S. Damage.
and throw a boulder, automobile, (incapacitated) robot, Mail Box or Telephone Booth : 3D6 +P.S. damage.
etc. Tan k Turret or Cannon: 1 D4x1 0 +P .S. damage.
Table, Large: 4D6 +P.S. damage.
Throwing Range:
Humanoid: Ordinary Person: 2D6 +P.S. damage; the hu­
Extraordinary P .S.: Double the norm .
man club also takes the same amount of damage that is
Superhuman P .S.: Double the norm.
Supernatural P.S.: Double the norm (triple if a dished out.
Humanoid: Superbeing who is Invulnerable, has Extraordi­
nary P . E . or can Alter form into something hard and dura­
Cost: Four melee actions/attacks.
ble: 3D6 +P.S. damage; the superhuman-club takes 2D6
Saving Throw for Targeted Victims: Dodge at +2, be­ damage with every hit.
cause they can see the superbeing as he l ifts, strains and
Cost: First the character must find such a weapon and
looks or motions their way a second before he throws.
may have to spend four melee actions/attacks to knock or
Also, it takes 4-6 seconds to lift and hurl the heavy object,
tear one down for himself.
leaving the character open to two attacks, without de­
Each attack/strike with the giant weapon counts as two
fense, from any one opponent during that time! Or gives
melee actions and probably requires the use of both
likely targets a chance to take cover or try to run out of
hands to wield.
range. 55
Power Slam/Body Block If the object is a wal l the superbeing does 5D6 +P .S.
damage and is the equivalent of getting hit by a wrecking
This i s when the superbeing gears up with all his
ball . If the damage inflicted is greater than the wall's
strength and girth and slams into his opponent or an ob­
S . D . C . , then the superbeing plowed right through it and
ject (wall , door, etc.).
there is a man-sized gaping hole! If not, there is obvious
Cost: Four melee actions/attacks. and serious man-sized damage to paint, plaster and a
• Against a living opponent this attack inflicts 5D6 good number of bricks may be knocked partially in. Two or
+P.S. damage bonus (double damage to ordinary peo­ th ree tries may be necessary depending on the building
ple or animals), plus will knock any opponent weighing material and thickness of the barrier.
less than 400 Ibs. ( 1 80 kg) off his feet and send him fly­
Typical S.D.C. Val ues
ing one foot (0.3 m) for every P.S. strength point (dou­
Car, Door Only 1 50 S.D.C.
ble for ordinary people and small animals). The victim
Car, Windshield 70 S. D.C.
of the Power Slam also loses intiative (the attacker has
Car, Window (side) 35 S. D.C.
it), loses two melee actions/attacks (the time it takes to
Chain 30 to 50 S.D.C.
get his wits and back on his feet) and has a 0 1 -60% of
Door, Interior, Wood 1 00 S. D.C.
dropping whatever he was holding at the time of fierce
Door, Exterior, Wood 1 70 S. D.C.
impact. Note: Giants and characters weighing more
Door, Metal Grille 350 S.D.C.
than 400lbs ( 1 80kg) take full damage, are staggered ,
Door, Solid Metal 600 S.D.C.
but only lose one melee action , both attacker and oppo­
Door, Metal Safe 800 S. D.C.
nent reroll for in itiative and there is only a 0 1 -25%
Door, Bank Vault 5,000 S.D.C.
chance of the victim dropping whatever he was holding
Fence , Cyclone Mesh 1 00 S.D.C.
at the time of im pact.
per 1 0 sq. ft (0. 9 sq . m)
• Against wheeled objects , the character will infl ict the Fence, I ron Post 250 S. D.C.
damage as noted and will cause it to roll forward or per 1 0 sq. ft (0.9 sq. m)
backward , depending on which end was slammed. Fence , Wood 70 S.D.C.
Extraordinary P.S. : One foot (0.3 m) per P.S. pOint. per 1 0 sq. ft (0.9 sq. m)
Superhuman P.S.: Two feet (0.6 m) per P.S. point. Gate, Wood, Simple 30 S.C.C.
Supernatural P.S.: Five feet ( 1 .5 m) per P.S. pOint. Gate , Wood , Heavy 60 S.D.C.
If hit from the side, the character has a chance of Gate, Metal , Average 1 00 S.D.C.
knocking it on its side. Gate, Metal, Heavy 250 S.D.C.
Extraordinary P.S. : 0 1 -50% chance. Gate , Metal , Security 500 S.D.C.
Superhuman P.S.: 0 1 -80% chance. Wall , I nterior Plaster 75 S.D.C.
Supernatural P . S . : 0 1 -98% likel ihood; 0 1 -60% chance per 10 sq. ft (0.9 sq. m)
of knocking it com pletely over (the top is bottom, Wall , Exterior Wood 1 50 S. D.C.
wheels sticking in the air). per 10 sq. ft (0. 9 sq. m)
Note: Cannot knock over or move any vehicle that Wall , Exterior Brick 200 S. D.C.
weighs more than double the character's maximum l ifting per 1 0 sq . ft (0.9 sq. m)
weight. Wal l , Cinder Block 300 S. D .C.
• Against inanimate objects this attack del ivers enough p er 1 0 sq . ft ( 0 . 9 sq. m )
force to crack and knock down a lamp post, knock a Wall , Reinforced Concrete 400 S.D.C.
gate or door off its hinges and force open or knock in per 10 sq. ft (0.9 sq. m)
any door that has the equivalent of 200 or less S.D.C. Wall , Fortified Stone 800 S.D.C.
and opens inward . 300 S.D.C. for characters with Ex­ per 10 sq. ft (0. 9 sq. m)
traordinary Strength, 500 S.D.C. for beings with Su- Wal l , Castle, feet thick 1 , 000 S. D . C.
perhuman Strength and 800 S.D.C. for beings with p er 1 0 sq. ft ( 0 . 9 s q . m )
Supernatural Strength ! Wal l : Super-Al loy 1 , 000 S.D.C.
In this case, the impact only sl ightly damages the door, per 10 sq. ft (0. 9 sq. m)
gate, or object (5D6 damage bon us), but is so powerful Note: See HU2, page 70 for other S.D.C. values of ob­
that the hinges, door frame, joint, connections or weak jects.
spot break/give way and the barrier comes fal ling down .
The actual door, gate , lamp post, etc. , can be fixed later
with signs of minimal to no damage. The base or frame
will require major repairs, perhaps com plete replacement.
Ru n n i ng Power Leap
If a door or gate has half or more S.D.C. than the maxi­ A wild man leap that has a running start and is deliv­
mum noted, but opens outward, it will take two Power ered with all the strength the character can m uster. Leaps
Slams to force it open , inward. In this case , the door is lengthwise/across a half foot (0. 1 5 m) for every P .S. point
shattered, cracked in half or (if metal) bent and mangled. If of normal human strength , half to leap up/vertically. So a
the door has half or less the S . D . C . maximum to slam character with a P.S. of 24 would leap 1 2 feet (3.6 m) long
open, it can be forced inward in one Power Slam . and 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) high.
Characters with Extraordinary Strength leap one foot If the damage inflicted equals or su rpasses 25% of the
(0.3 m) lengthwise/across and half that leaping up/vertical. barrier's S . D.C . , the superbeing successfully punched
So a superbeing with an Extraordinary P.S. of 24 can leap right through. A one-handed punch leaves a fist-sized
24 feet (7.3 m) long and 1 2 feet (3.6 m) high; double for hole! Whether or not the punch struck anyone behind the
Superhuman Strength . barrier depends on whether or not someone was standing
Six feet ( 1 .8 m) long and fou r feet ( 1 .2 m) high per each within two feet (0.6 m) of it. Such a punch does half dam­
P.S. point of Supernatural Strength. So a character with age to that individual and is probably an accident or lucky
a P. S. of 40 Supernatural Strength can leap an amazing punch to have hit him. If both hands are used , the blow
240 feet (73 m) long and 1 60 feet (49 m) high! starts over the attacker's head and slashes downward.
Note: No bonuses to strike (land on a specific target This will create a larger hole in the door or wall , about the
area or opponent) apply when in a brawl or rampage; un­ size of two or th ree fists. The barrier still holds (for now),
modified die rol l . If this tactic is used under other circum­ there are just these large holes in it. Holes in which the at­
stances and with thought and reason , the character's tacker can reach his arm in to try to grab whoever is be­
bonus to strike is only half. Remember that distance and hind the barrier, as well as to look, shout or shoot through.
height are reduced by 40% . Cost: Four melee actions/attacks for all of these punch­
Cost: Four melee actions/attacks. ing attacks, including the One-Handed Su per-Power
Note: No bonuses to strike apply when using these at­
R u n n i ng Power Ram tacks in a brawl or rampage; unmodified die roll, although
Fundamentally the same a s the Power Slam , only dou­ it can't m iss large, stationary or incapacitated targets. Use
ble the damage and double the equivalent S. D. C. that can the S. D.C. of a 1 0 foot (3 m) area for a wall.
be knocked down or smashed through ! If this tactic is used under other circumstances and
Can stop a moving vehicle that is smaller than a small with thought and reason, the character's bonus to strike is
bus or truck. A head-on collision is likely to total the car half. Remember that damage is reduced by 40 % under
and render it impossible to move/drive. Leverage, mass this use.
and foothold are the problem against larger vehicles (such
as a tank, train , or semi-truck, etc.) - strength alone can­
not stop a big, heavy moving vehicle. However, if the Two-Handed Power Hold
superbeing also has great weight/mass and/or the powers The superbeing can grab and hold a n opponent or
of Invulnerabil ity, Grow Giant-Sized, Magnetism, G ravity large object with his arms folded and hands holding on in
Control, Flight or Superspeed (possibly a few others), he a "bear hug" style grip.
may be able to slow the massive vehicle down to a crawl This hold does not crush or squeeze but is an iron grip
(under two mph/ 3.2 km). like a vice. To break free, a combined P. S. twice as great
Cost: Six - yes, 6 melee actions/attacks, and requires as the character holding on is required.
a running start. Cost: Six melee actions/attacks to hold on for 1 5 sec­
onds. Note that most rampaging characters will not main­
tain a hold for more than 30 seconds; brawlers twice that
Conventional Power Pu nch long. The maximum this super hold can be maintained is
Does double the character's normal punch damage two minutes. As long as the hold is maintained the
+P.S. damage bon us. A Power Kick can also be done, to superbeing cannot use his arms to strike, but he can run ,
infl ict double kick damage. A Power Bite is not possible. leap, kick and headbutt. A l l combat bon uses are reduced
Cost: Two melee actions. by half while the hold is in place.
Note: See Two-Handed Super-Power Punch for punch­
ing through a wal l.
Two-Handed Power P u l l
This enraged character can pull u p to his maximum lift­
Two-Handed Super-Power Pu nch ing weight, double if it is on wheels. This can mean drag­
This i s when the superbeing gears up with a l l his ging around a half ton or more with both hands or pulling a
strength and girth and pounds h is opponent or an object cart filled with boxes, or even towing a small veh icle. like­
(car, barrier, etc.) with all his might. wise the character can pull a weight at the end of a rope
Damage: or chain , or pull an object of great weight (up to l ifting
Ordinary H uman P . S . : 406 +P.S. damage bonus. weight) to hold it in place.
Extraordinary P.S.: 606 +P.S. damage bonus. One powerful tug may pull a heavy object at the end of
Superhuman P. S . : 1 D6x1 0 +P.S. damage bonus. a rope, chain or cable right to the superbeing.
Supernatural P.S. : 2D6x 1 0 +P.S. damage bonus.
Alternate Use: The Punch Through attack. This at­ Ordinary Human P. S. : Half foot (0. 1 5 m) per P. S. point.
tack is used to punch through a barrier with one devastat­ Extraordinary P.S. : One foot (0.3 m) per P.S. point.
ing blow. In this case , either one hand or two can be used. Superhuman P.S. : Two feet (0.6 m) per P.S. point.
One hand does half the damage noted above. Full dam­ Supernatural P. S. : Four feet ( 1 .2 m) per P.S. point.
age if both hands are used.
Cost: Each Power PullfTug costs four melee actions/at­ cannot surpass the character's carrying weight. Like the
tacks. To hold a heavy object in place for one full melee Power Slam and Ram, the tear can leave most of the ob­
round costs all but one melee action. ject i ntact, damaging only jOints, hinges, anchors, bolts,
Note: See Two-Handed Power Tear for pulling doors etc. Th is means the character can tear away items from
off their hinges. The G . M . may consider the issue of lever­ their connector equal to a particular S . D . C . amount for the
age and mass (or the lack of it) as he or she deems fit, or entire door or item being torn away.
ignore it altogether (like most comic books do). Normal: 30 S . D . C .
Extraordinary P.S.: 1 50 S . D . C .
Superhuman P . S . : 250 S . D . C .
Two-Handed Power Tear Supernatural P. S . : 400 S . D . C .
This ability al lows someone to tear a door or gate from Note: Remember these amounts are 40% less when
its hinges, a padlock or chain from its anchor, or an object not part of a rampage or brawl.
from its base with his bare hands! The weight of the item Cost: Four melee actions/attacks.

ere -ng and

Runn;ng Adve res
By Kevin Siembieda & Wayne Breaux Jr.

U n leash the power of i magi nation

Players of any role-playing games are limited only by I deas for heroes, villains, magic, weapons, equipments,
their imagination. The rules and text of a specific game gimmicks, plots, adventu re ideas and other elements can
only serve to establish a basic playing field, characters, be found in other role-playing games and supplements,
approach, guidelines and suggested setting - it's the comic books, novels, television shows, movies, cartoons,
Game Master and his/her players who truly breathe life l ive plays, h istory, science, magazines, newspaper arti­
into it. cles, conversations with friends, and daydreaming. Draw
Palladium Books tries to provide a dynamic setting, with from them to add color and excitement to your games. So
exciting ideas, strong characters and a catalyst for adven­ unleash your imagination and let it carry you to new
ture. Furthermore, since all of Palladium's games use the worlds of adventure. Just remember, as fun as it is to
same basic set of rules, it is a simple matter to draw on imagine and pretend, don't lose sight of reality. Heroes
ideas, characters, and so forth , from any of Palladium's Unlimited's magic, powers, weapons, villains, characters
other games, be they Heroes Unlimited™, Nightbane®, and worlds are fictional creations spun from imagination ,
RiftS® or one of the many others. This means the Game dice and paper. It's not real .
Master can pull characters, settings and ideas from one
game and drop them into another with little or no modifica­
tions. R u n n i n g Adventu res
The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and its sourcebooks
only establishes the foundation for your gaming pleasure, For me, Wayne Breaux, this part of the book was in­
it's up to you to build something fun out of it. Players can spired by the work and worry a friend of mine suffers
stick tightly to the Heroes Unlimited™ Universe, using its th rough whenever we "encourage" hi m to G . M . Through
heroes, villains and settings, or they can depart from it to the years he has periodically asked me for advice and tips
create their own vision of that universe, or something com­ on Game Mastering adventures, and always tel ls me to
pletely different. With a little bit of effort, imagination and "write this stuff down." Wel l , I finally did some of that for
time, players and Game Masters can create characters him and I incl ude it here with additional comments and in­
and locales to fit into their game world from any source formation by Kevin. I hope it may be useful to those of you
(even the competition)! out there that find yourself with an eager group of players
who simply want to have fun with you, as G . M . leading the i ng run a "great" adventure where every player has a mo­
way. ment to make his character shine, the action was smooth,
If the players ask you to "G . M . ," don't sweat it. Chances the story was strong and everybody had fun .
are, they gave you the job because they think you are up That said , it still can be hair-raising to function as the
to the task and/or l i ke your style of gaming. If they didn't, Game Master. After all , it is you who must breathe life into
they wouldn't ask, now would they? So if they think you the simple Hook, Line & Sinker adventure outline or the
can pull it off, take a deep breath , relax, have fun , and get mightiest epic campaign. To help out all those poor G . M .s
to it. "recruited" into their line of work, or even for seasoned vet­
Oh, yeah , notice the word fun was part of that advice. erans on the lookout for new approaches, ideas, angles,
The G . M . has a lot of work and responsibility to make the and tips, here is some material on running adventures that
adventure fun for his players, but it is important that he or should prove useful .
she has fun too and gets enjoyment in executing the story A s Game Master (G.M.), you are the person who con­
and keeping the pacing clean and smooth. Fun in surpris­ trols everything, from the weather and time of day to vil­
ing or scaring the players by some unexpected turn of lains and the reactions of Non-Player Characters (N PCs)
events. The satisfaction of seeing the players shouting, - literally everything except the player characters. Use
laughing and getting excited over what their characters N PCs, news reports, rumors, humor, direct confrontation ,
are doing or the trouble they are in. The pleasure of hav- and so on, to subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) move
and shape events to go in the general direction you de­ very clear idea in his m ind of the fictional world they all are
sire. playing in. To know how the authorities, media and peo­
However, you do not control the player characters and ple feel about superbeings in general and our player group
should not try to. Part of the fun is that they represent both i n particular. To know who key N PC characters are, their
the X-factors/wild cards and your teammates in building a stats and personalities, their l i kes and prejudices and , as a
fun adventure. result, how they will react to the player characters (hostile,
Inevitably, these free-th inkers will have their characters critical, supportive , self-serving, etc.). Likewise, if the G . M .
do and say brill iant, heroic, cowardly, stupid, profound, knows h i s "town" or envi ronment where most o f the action
silly, outrageous things of all kinds, and god only knows takes place, and the key characters in it, good, bad, and
when. Frequently, these are actions the G . M . could never indifferent, he'll have an idea of how they will react and
have anticipated, so don't feel unnerved if they surprise whether or not, for instance , a gang of hoods might use a
you . Enjoy it. And that's a huge part of the fun and magic disaster as cover to their own criminal plans, or whether
in "role-playing" -there is no set story and there are con­ another superbeing might intercede on behalf of the
stant twists, turns and su rprises! Everything is constantly heroes or the villains.
moving, changing and building ! ! What one character says There are logical consequences to everything. The
and does will affect all the others, good or bad, and will player group going to investigate strange happenings or
elicit a response from the G . M . (probably through one or al legations of trouble at an abandoned warehouse are
more of the Non-Player Characters), as wel l as the other careless and talk loudly, argue amongst themselves or
players. make noise kicking in a locked door. The consequence is
This means the G . M . needs to be flexible and go with simple: the bad guys inside hear them. The question the
the flow. If the players th row you , the Game Master, a G . M . must ask himself is, how do they react? If the G . M .
curve ball (and players are notorious for this), then it's up "knows" h i s N PCs and their personalities and schemes (in
to you to thi n k on your feet and roll with it. Relish a his own mind), he can quickly and easily improvise their
player's surprise move or ingenious plan for his character. reaction. If they are paranoid, they are l i kely to dispatch a
Li kewise , take advantage of a foolish action or a goofy powerful team of defenders, hit men, killer robots or
plan . Take things in a different direction or possibly even superbeings to investigate. If they are overconfident, the
on an enti rely new adventu re or a humorous side adven­ bad guys might send some low level henchman or two to
ture . investigate, or ignore the noise completely! If the bad guys
don't want to be discovered or are afraid/not ready for a
confrontation with superbeings, they will try to conceal
Th i n ki ng qu ick and flexibil ity their presence and hide or flee (and conceal any evidence
of their activity in the warehouse, the entrance to a secret
is the " Golden Rule" for G . M .s base or hideout, etc.). Get the idea?
Flexibility. I mprovisation. These are the Game Master's This will give the G . M . the ability to respond qu ickly,
(G . M .) most important tools. Be ready for anything and go seem unshakable, and make him or her incredibly flexible
with the flow. Don't be unnerved by anything the players - able to respond to just about anything and make it
may do that surprises or confuses you . Remember, as seem logical . Perhaps needless to say, this also adds
G . M . , you can "pause" the action and ask questions. Like depth and color to the unfolding story, and leaves the
a judge l istening to witnesses, you must have a clear idea players with the feeling that they are part of a large, ex­
in your mind as to what a character is doing when, and pansive world.
why. If it doesn't make sense, question it and suggest
some different course of action or ask the player, "Are you
sure that's what you want your character to do?" Note:
It's all about story
See the section on Playing Heroes for dealing with possi­ - not control
ble alignment issues.
Many a role-player will state that, as the Game Master
Once things are clear, let the action continue. One way (G . M .), you have total control over the adventure. Sort of,
to be flexible is to use the concept of consequences. For but not really. Yes, it is the G . M . who sets the stage, intro­
everything a character does, it will provoke action and re­ duces villains and trouble, and who , ultimately, makes all
action from those around him. From his opponent and the final rules decisions and implementations. The Game
other N PCs, from his fel low player characters, the public, Master also has tremendous influence on the pace, move­
the media, the law, and on and on. There will be conse­ ment and direction of the game, as wel l as authority over
quences from public praise or condemnation to being what the players can and can not do. He or she keeps
given a medal or branded a criminal. It is up to the G . M . to track of detai ls, points out things to the players, and keeps
respond and react appropriately. To consider all (or at them honest (no fudging of rules, bumping up unseen dice
least several) possibilities and pick the one that seems the rolls, etc.). But none of this is a control issue, it's a matter
most likely or appropriate and exciting or fun in the context of creation and building a foundation for the players and
of the game. the exciting adventure to come.
The easiest way to use consequences (big and smal l , Many G . M . s (especially beginners, but even some vet­
serious and humorous) i s for the Game Master t o have a erans) complain that ''their players" rui n, break, or destroy
an adventure because they do not stick to a pre-assigned ous to that. Rather than letting them bang their heads
script, or they don't follow a certain lead , defeat a particu­ against the figurative wal l all night, use this obstacle to
lar villai n , or do what the G . M . had in mind. So much for your advantage. Perhaps the villain the heroes are track­
control and authority. ing down hears that they' re beating up his henchmen and
What these beleaguered G . M . s are m issing is that decides to save the heroes some trouble and attacks them
there is no hard and fast pre-assigned script or exact way now, when they least expect it. Or maybe the thugs tel l the
the adventu re is "supposed to go." The trick to being a su­ heroes some completely erroneous (but genu­
perior G . M . goes back to flexibility and improvisation! ine-sounding) information just to get them off their backs,
The players don't have to do what the G . M . has men­ sending them on a wild goose chase (and maybe even a
tally pictured in his head . Remember, a role-playing game whole new side-adventure). Or maybe an N PC intervenes
is not (and never should be) a contest between the G . M . (a regular contact, informant, concerned citizen , etc.) by
and the players. Everybody is part o f a team - a group. meeting with or happening to stumble across the heroes
The G . M . is, in effect, the "anchor" of that group. The guy and spoon-feeds them the i nformation they need . This is
or gal who lays down the foundation of the setting and ac­ also the time to use an N PC in the group to n udge them
tion to come. The G . M . sets the mood, introduces clues, along by asking the right questions, pointing out some­
hints, events, people (Non-Player Characters), prob­ thing to get the players thinking in the right direction , and
lems/crises, antagonists and complications. He or she so on.
sets into motion events and actions that will spin into an The premature or easy defeat or death of a villain
adventure. It's up to the players to roll with the stimuli and can also throw a story off track. If the G . M .'s whole story is
help build the story. supposed to revolve around a particular villain , it does the
If worst comes to worst, pause the game and confess G . M . little good if the villain dies or gets captured in the ini­
that you just aren't prepared to go into that direction. This tial confrontation. Again , thinking on your feet can save
is especially true of new Game Masters. Players generally the day. Remember, this is a com ic-book inspired
understand if you say, ''Well, you guys surprised me and role-playing game, so think about what would happen in
turned that storyline around, so I need to write another ad­ the comics or television . Vil lains constantly break out of
venture (or rewrite this one) to keep you going." Players jai l , are mysteriously resu rrected, or have robots or clones
want to have fun, and if they have to wait for you to modify stand in for them while they are secretly afoot, implement­
the adventure , most of them will. Especially considering ing their real nefarious scheme. Heck, his captu re (really
the alternative of not playing at all! You may even be able his stand-in) might have all been part of the plan, so the
to rework the adventure on the spot during a wel l-timed heroes or authorities don't consider him a threat.
meal break or while your players enjoy a little tabletop Don't take the premature loss of a villain personally or
chit-chat. This may also get the players to change their let it th row off the entire adventure, see it as an opportu­
minds and put that subplot aside as a ''future adventure," nity to work in some new plot twist. Maybe a rival or an un­
allowing the G . M . to continue h is current story arc and giv­ derling sees this as an opportunity to rise to power and
ing him time (a week or two) to prepare to develop the av­ continue the evil plot or to start his own crime spree.
enue the group would like to go. How's this for irony, maybe the villain (for his own evi l rea­
But here's an alternative: This is where flexibility and sons) was actually trying to stop another batch of
consequences come into play. If you know, in your mind, supervillains from doing some evil deed. Or move on to
the city and the situation , you should be able to improvise some other plot th read enti rely and improvise. These
and let the characters go in any direction they desire. things can all be real adventure-savers, as wel l as provide
Consequences come into play when they ignore clues aven ues for additional adventures. For example: Heroes
and strong hints about other bad or dangerous things should not be going around killing off their enemies, even
brewing (Le. your original adventure idea for the night). As the diabolic ones, and one day such acts of homicide will
a result of the heroes traipsing off, they aren't available to come back to haunt the player characters. Maybe the vil­
stop or deter the villain(s), and something bad happens. lain they wasted a few months ago has returned from the
Maybe they could have stopped, saved lives, etc, but they dead and his top priority is hunting for the heroes who put
didn't because they decided to ignore the hints and clues, him six feet under. Or maybe the fallen super villain's
or decided the danger was overblown or not imminent, so friends want some payback and go gunning for the player
it happened when they could have - should have - pre­ characters. Or maybe, in the ultimate twist of i rony, the
vented it. What do they do now? G.M. Note: See, their law wants to apprehend the player characters for acts of
sidetrack j ust became an interesting part of the original premeditated murder! Which may be completely justified if
and main adventure. Cool, huh? these "good guys" have gone bad. Or is it all a frame job
Along similar l ines, don't let dead ends stop you cold , to make them look bad or get them thrown into jail?
either. If a player insists on pursuing an obvious dead end, This brings us to the next item in your Game Mastering
you m ight be inspired to expand or change that element of arsenal: loose ends!
the story. For example, your heroes have been shaking Be sure to keep track of these. Like recurring villains,
down a bunch of low-level thugs for information that they you can make great use of them for later adventures. Un­
honestly don't have. If they keep this up, then the adven­ captured cronies, undiscovered hideouts, unrecovered
ture won't progress at all, yet your players remain oblivi- loot, and undeveloped story threads can all turn up in later
adventures. By the same token, future adventures can be­ bers"). This is where cultivating Non-Player Character
gin while the characters still work out their current one. (N PC) contacts on the Police Force, media, etc. , would
This can be especially useful if the heroes are stuck i n come in handy. Or to have a teammate who does have
their present adventure or if t he story you've designed has knowledge in such things. Of course, the teammate will
derailed and you don't know how to fix it. I nvestigating that stil l need the right equipment, facilities and assistance to
newest bank robbery might be able to wait until after Dr. do so.
Fright is captured , but that doesn't mean it won't have sig­ Don't be too rigid with whether or not a ski l l includes
nificance next adventure. knowledge on this l ittle thing or that, but do keep an eye
In another vei n , all adventures do not necessarily have on the kinds of skills a character has. Someone with most
to be rough and tumble free-for-alls or adrenaline rides. If of the weapon skills shouldn't have to roll to recognize a
the adventure has hit a snag , try switching gears and en­ common firearm , just as a medical ly skilled character will
courage the heroes to focus on something else. A game immediately recognize bleeding wounds and obvious dis­
session of alternating role-play between each player and ease symptoms. At the same time, the Doctor should have
the G.M. as they go about their individual (though proba­ to rol l against his W. P. Automatic Pistol to use a particular
bly not mundane) l ives can be just as fulfilling as solving European firearm , just as the weapon master would need
the mission at hand , especially if as the G. M., you've lost to roll First Aid to have some idea that a person was terri­
your sense of how that mission should progress. However, bly ill or diseased.
always keep in mind what makes both your players and In a similar vei n , it is perfectly alright to offer additional
their characters tick. If your players prefer lots of action information and ''your character would notice" this or that
and dice rolling, then emotional-type character develop­ to characters with high I.Q.s or heightened senses. It's
ment and long investigative stories will likely kill the cam­ also okay to let players in on background and behind the
paign, even if they're being used to loosen a snarled story scenes information , especially after the adventure. It helps
th read. to give the players a clear picture of how and why things
Not all of these suggestions nor all of the adventures happened the way they did. The G. M. might even offer the
presented in this book will work with or appeal to each and defeated villain's reasoning or goals, provided such info
every gamer or gaming group. Only you know what works does not give away any future adventures or plot-twists.
for your group of players. Above all, keep the players and The G.M. should pass along only judicious information
the story moving along. There's an old theater saying all and not adventure secrets the character would have no in­
G. M.s should keep in mind: ''The show must go on." As sight into. The character may indeed be far more i ntelli­
long as everything doesn't come to a screeching halt, then gent than the player, but that doesn't mean he can see the
all is not lost. future, outguess the villain , or know everything. For exam­
ple, if the player characters have access to a criminal's file
Player Knowledge and it incl udes a psychological profile and his rap sheet,
then a highly intell igent character ( 1 8+) may be able to
Player knowledge is the information that a player has, project his possible moves, motives, or actions. But with­
including game rules, occupational skills, and life experi­ out anything else to go on , there will be l ittle chance of
ences. It is different from the fictional character's knowl­ thinking ahead of the bad guys. Regardless of how intelli­
edge that is defined by its skills, powers and creation on gent a hero is, he generally won't be able to enter a partic­
paper. J ust because your friend Larry G reen is a Medical ular villain's m indset and think l i ke him, un less the two
Doctor, it doesn't mean that his character, Joe the Jock, have been antagonists or rivals for quite some time. like­
will be able to perform the basics of surgery or even first wise , a smart player playing a dumb character (I.Q. 7 or
aid unless Joe the fictional character has the Medical Ski l l less, especially if 1 -4), will have to "play his character"
Program. Li kewise , I have had players whose characters dumber than he, the player, is. Really good players can do
are combat machines with plenty of physical and weapon this amazingly well.
skills, but no investigative skills, who improbably enough U ltimately, the players will know things their fictional
want to collect evidence at a crime scene, including things characters don't just by watching and l istening to things
like ballistics and fiber traces. In such a situation , use going on with other player characters. That's okay, but
common sense. Player characters with no investigative that is also where "role-playing" and "playing in character"
skills may know a bit about what to do at a crime scene comes to the fore.
from watching movies (or playing role-playing games!), but
The player will have to role-play as if his character does
they will not know how to do it, nor will they know how to
not know, realize, or care about X, Y and Z. Sometimes
analyze and evaluate the evidence ("Yep, it's a fingerprint
the Game Master will have to remind the player of this.
alright, now what? How do we find out whose it is?"). The
For example, the player may know one of his character's
best these untrained heroes can hope for is to discover
teammates has been ambushed by a supervillain, but until
the obvious, like shell casings, blood, and obvious foot­
his fictional teammate can call for help or somehow indi­
prints, and make some guesses ("It looks like the killer
cate that he is in trouble, the other player characters have
stood in the doorway and shot six times"). However, only
no reason to help or even be concerned! Now, when an
skilled characters could reveal the real facts or the hidden
explosion is heard and energy beams come flying from
truths (,'The killer was left handed with a limp and the body
that location, the other players can send their characters
has nine bullet wounds from two different weapon cali-
to help or investigate.
New G.M.'s be warned ! It is common for players, in broiled in a duel or brawl. He takes his first shot and
the excitement of the moment, to try to do things they misses terribly. The G . M . might describe the action like
can't do and be places they aren't. 'What! An explosion ! I this.
real ize Bob's character, the Horrible Hambone, is in mortal
'Whoa, you rol led a one to strike! Not only did you
danger and I blast his attacker!" Okay, not a bad plan ,
miss your opponent by a mile, but clipped the hair of {a
bystander or better yet, so and 50, a player character)."
however, first the character must fly, drive or run over to
the fight scene, which is still some distance away and in­
Or, "Sheesh, you missed your opponent by a mile, slip,
doors. Getting to the battle scene will burn up several me­
and fall into a plate of stew! Roll to see if you land in it
lee actions if not an enti re round or two. And it will
headfirst, you need to roll a 1 0 or higher not to. Oh, a nine.
probably drive Bob's buddy crazy that his hero is "missing
Yeah, wel l , you land headfi rst into a bowl (or kettle) of
out on the action ." Meanwhile, characters that can fly or
stew (a possible aside comment: It's pretty tasty, you'll
run at sonic speed , or teleport can be there in a heartbeat,
have to try some if you l ive long enough). In fact, when
using up only one or two melee actions. However, if the
you turn around to face your opponent, you move so
villain is new/un known to the fictional heroes, even though
quickly and in such a way that the bowl is on your head
the players have witnessed their teammate's battle with
like a crooked hat. All the spectators are laughing. A few
this brute and they (as players) know what his powers are,
place bets on your opponent."
the characters must act without this knowledge. Hey, it's
called role-playing for a reason . And the action contin ues. It may be lighthearted or take
a serious turn depending on the situation and the charac­
Dice and Chance ters involved. The element of humor is usually up to the
Game Master and can be as enjoyable as death defying
While there are some players and designers who prefer combat or mystery and suspense.
games without dice, the vast majority of all role-playing
games use a variety of dice , and this game is no different. Along these line, dice will add elements that seem l i ke
Personally, I l i ke dice because they add to the drama and ''fate .'' Sometimes the rol ls all seem to go in the player's
create legitimate elements of chance and luck (good and favor - that's cool, don't feel compelled to change the sit­
bad). Through the use of dice rolls, especially in simulat­ uation or adj ust the outcome. An easy win doesn't come
ing combat, even the most experienced characters can often, let them enjoy it. Other times the rolls go against the
slip or miss, or make a lucky move. You see the element players. Again , sometimes the best laid plans go awry
of luck or chance all the time in professional sports - the (ask my scheduling department). Go with the flow, per­
fumbled football (in itself a random chance of bad luck) haps it's fate that they lose. When things go really bad,
that takes a l ucky bounce into the hands of a player, or don't necessarily kill our heroes (although acts of stupidity
that desperate Hail Mary throw that finds its mark, and so or foolhardy bravery may lead to death), let them get the
forth . I feel the use of dice brings that random element of crap beat out of them , perhaps humiliated, and perhaps
chance into the game and contributes to the drama, ex­ the bad guys win today, but let some or all of them escape
citement, sensation of fate, and makes the game more in­ to lick their wounds, regroup and attack again (as happens
teresting, unpredictable, and may move into a direction so often in comic books). An easy defeat may make the
not previously antiCipated. I n that regard , the random de­ villain overconfident, so he leaves them broken men and
termination of success or fai lure by the roll of the dice ac­ women to suffer through their defeat. The villain{s) may
tually becomes an i mportant (although subtle) element of even proclaim , "Not even your greatest champions can
the story. If an assassin rolls a one to strike (perhaps stand against the power of . . . . (whoever). Let this be a
higher, 5 with bonuses) he is likely to miss or inflict l ittle warn ing to you aiL" The characters' humiliating defeat is
damage on his target. Instead of killing his foe quickly, a likely to make things worse for those they were trying to
battle suddenly erupts and the enemy's (or the player protect, because they m ust now cower before the villain
groups') hand may be played too soon, leading to all kinds and do as he says, etc. Or the villain may capture one or
of trouble, while a natural 20 (double damage) may end a more members of the player group, setting up the next ad­
battle quickly and decisively. Li kewise, the klutziest new venture where the survivors who escaped must try to infil­
hero in his first battle ever against a deadly foe may get trate the prison or the villain's stronghold, find their friends
lucky, make an unbelievable roll of the dice, and escape and rescue them - or rescue, and attack the villain. Go
what seemed to be certain death , save a life, or defeat a with the flow, take advantage of mistakes, dice rolls and
powerhouse villain ! Believe me, these moments can be fate.
tense and exciting. I 've had an entire group of players
jump out of their chairs and cheer under such situations, Mercy i n Combat
or collectively groan or shout when a bad or unbelievably
Combat does not always have to be to the death . Many
poor rol l happened.
cowardly (or smart) villains will surrender to fight and plun­
Depending on the situation , a bad roll can also be der another day. Characters of a good alignment won't
played for laughs. When a powerhouse or cocky character hurt an unarmed foe, but even selfish and evil characters
flubs a roll it can be funny, especially if the Game Master may find it pointless to slaughter an opponent (taking
adds some descriptive details. For example, our hero ac­ great satisfaction in the character's grovelling and pleas
cepts the challenge of a friendly fight, or becomes em- for mercy).
Under these circumstances, the hero is likely to strip his Another aspect to mercy is the q uestion of, does the
opponent(s) of valuables and weapons (keeping and seIl­ punishment fit the crime? The world of Heroes Unlimited is
ing what the hero can), and turn him over to the authori­ often harsh and violent, and demonic creatures, evil sor­
ties. If the authorities are far away, the hero is l i kely to cerers and power hungry warriors may infl ict a terrible
chastise the villain(s) and warn/th reaten him (them) that punishment for the slightest offense. The use of discretion ,
next time he will not be so generous. If any of the goods consideration for extenuating circumstances, and a sense
confiscated are known, or likely to be stolen , the heroic of fair play will exhibit compassion by the fairness of the
character will attempt to find the owner and return it to him punishment they deliver. Such characters are likely to
or donate it to the poor or a church. Others may keep or earn a reputation for being fair and just, perhaps even kind
sell them for their own personal gain. and forgiving. Unfortunately, some evi ldoers will view such
I n other cases, the bad guys may turn and flee. In many compassion as a weakness and try to use the character's
instances, it may be prudent just to let them go, and hope kind and generous nature to his own gai n , or underesti­
that they learned their lesson. mate the true mettle of his opponent.
Of course , mercy can come back to haunt you. A char­
acter may cross paths with the same character again. Game Sessions
Game Masters, this is very cool, because it creates great
Each time you play is considered a game o r gaming
story dynamics, emotion, and story continuity. Th is can be
session. A game session can last a couple of hours or half
true even of m inor, annoying characters such as stool pi­
the day; however, a typical game runs about 3-5 hours. A
geons, petty thieves, stupid monsters, and blundering
game session can be a complete story/adventure in itself,
th ugs. However, it is an excel lent vehicle to create that
l i ke a single adventure comic book story that begins and
epic arch-enemy who returns again and again to chal­
ends with that session , or a "chapter" in a much larger and
lenge our heroes.
continuing story, l i ke a novel, series of novels or TV se­
Mercy can also lead to mercy in return. A foe who was ries.
once spared by the hero may spare him during a future
A game session that has several "chapters" or related
conflict; or he may help the character in some way. Again
adventu res that build into an epic adventure is called a
this builds a relationship between the character that m ight
campaign. A campaign has a contin uing storyline that runs
like a m ulti-issue comic book or soap opera style TV show
grow into mutually respect and friendship, or end in trag­
edy someday.
like ER or Star Trek. These multi-part stories can last for Character H istories
two or three game sessions or run for a dozen. Game De­
signer, Erick Wujcik, has run a Dungeons & Dragons Surely you know that a medical research com pany was
"campaign" for over 1 0 years with the same group of play­ responsible for a character's m utation (the chart says sol),
ers and charactersl Now that's an epic campaign l The but exactly how did the character become associated with
original Palladium: Defilers fantasy campaign ran every the company in the fi rst place? And exactly why did they
Saturday for nearly three years and a typical game ses­ kick the other guy out of that robotics program? And what
sion lasted 8 hours (but we were young and insane back about that guy who claims to be part of some
then). super-soldier project the company's running on the sly?
These epic "campaigns" are usually more complex than Having players write up histories for their characters
a typical "one night" or "two-part" adventure. Both types can be quite useful because it g ives them a greater sense
can be fun, and even a series of "one nighters" are likely of depth . A character that was abandoned by his war bud­
to build into a series connected with subplots, interaction dies and left to die is likely to want to get everyone out of
and growing relationships between the characters, return­ danger alive, regardless of the situation. That same char­
ing villains, and guest appearances of other heroes. acter will also react quite strongly should he ever cross
paths with his old unit. Secondly, it gives the G . M . a better
feel for how the character might react to given situations,

which can be useful for building scenes and setting
moods. For example, if the character(s) won't attack the
villain until he actually does something bad , the G . M . can

use that knowledge to set up a scene in which the villain
can actually converse with the heroes before provoking
them with his latest scheme. Such dialogue can help build
the relationship (be it positive or negative) between the
By Wayne Breaux Jr. heroes and villains or to impart some key information to
the heroes.
Gett i n g the Ba l l Rol l i n g The G . M . can also draw entire adventure ideas from a
Anybody can write and run an adventure, but not every­ character's history. An Alien character might want to focus
one can write and/or run a good adventure. The key is on getting back home, or preventing more of his kind from
knowing how to spot the difference. coming to this world . Hardware characters m ight need to
The simplest definition of a good adventure is one in find some piece of data or a special component to build
which everyone involved has fun. Of cou rse, what one their latest super gizmo. Bionic or Robot characters m ight
player considers "fun" m ight be lots of combat and mass pursue an upgrade, or have to deal with a cut in their fund­
destruction whereas another player might consider lots of ing. Magic characters may focus on learning new spells or
problem solving and character development ''fun.'' As the dealing with some arcane experiment gone awry. Physical
G . M . , it's your job to provide all of these elements for your or Special Training characters m ight seek out new chal­
players so they can all enjoy themselves. lenges just to test the extent of their abilities. Experiment
and mutant characters m ight have to face additional prod­
One mistake a lot of G . M . s make is thinking that size
ucts of the processes that created them , who might just be
means everything when designing adventures. Sure, a
coming after the player characters to test themselves
long , involved, world-shaking adventure with lots of twists
against the "old modeL"
and surprises can certainly be fun and successful (if run
well), but so can stopping a simple ban k robbery. What's Other background notes not specific to any one power
important is that you give your players an enjoyable excur­ category can work, too. If a character is hunted for what­
sion into the imaginary lives of their characters. ever reason , they will certainly have to deal with the fact
Likewise , not every game session has to be the kind that one day someone will come for them . Even if they
that you and your players talk about for years. This is one aren't hunted, nothing says that can't change, especially if
of the most common causes of "performance anxiety" I the heroes aCCidental ly hurt an innocent bystander or fail
see in some of my fel low G . M .s. I n my role-playing group, to protect somebody from harm ("You let my sister diel
some of our most memorable scenes came from Now you'll payl"). They may hear through the grapevine
down-time role-playing or in between cut-scenes that were that a new coordinator has been assigned to their former
not part of the grand adventure going on around us. Just project and the guy is bad news.
play the game and enjoy yourselves. Of course, old enem ies gunning after the player charac­
Of course, everybody has slow days where very little ters is a great way to start an adventure, but recurring vil­
actually enters your brain for one reason or another. What lains aren't the only ones who can come back to haunt
do you do when you get writer's block and it's your turn to characters. Old loves and friends can return , perhaps at
G . M . ? I 've certainly been there before and even had to toe awkward times. A hero's college buddy is now a premier
the line as the only GM in our group for a while. So to geneticist and is th reatened by organ ized crime, or an old
help, here are a few suggestions for kick-starting the old gi rlfriend becomes a reluctant heroine when she finds her
creative process. grandmother's ancient magical sword. Or a high school ri-

val blows back into a character's l ife, giving him a hard ture ideas associated with the actions of their characters
time when he's not in costume. Again, let the players help or suggest things that you , as G. M . , could do to or with a
you G . M. Use thei r ideas to l iven the game up. But be particular situation.
careful when you draw from backgrounds, especially if
only one or two players provide them . If you have all the The Player
characters' pasts come back to haunt them at once, they
can get frustrated or overwhelmed and may lose interest Characters Themselves
in the character or the storylines. Adventu res can also come from the player characters.
And finally, let's not forget that classic bit of comic book You m ight look at one of the character sheets and a spe­
storytelling, the secret identity. You can craft any number cific power, ski l l , or ability jumps out and inspires an ad­
of adventures based around the player characters' difficul­ venture idea or an N PC. Many times, if the NPC is vibrant
ties in j uggling their heroic and civilian l ives without letting enough, just the initial encounter is worth an hour or two of
the two cross paths. This was a common convention in role-playing and/or combat. An entire group of rival vigilan­
older comics ("I've got to stop the bank robbery, but I also tes or evi l antagonists could also spring to mind, offering
have to make it to Aunt Mabel's birthday party!") and it can the group not only challenges, but opportunities for
work in Heroes Unlimited, too. role-playing along the way as they confront their oppo­
nents repeatedly over the length of a campaign. When you
Movies, Books, and look over the character sheets this way, instead of thinking
how the character could use that power to stop the villain ,
Other People's Adventu res try to think of a unique way the ability could be used to
Of cou rse, movies, books and comic books are a great stop or counter some event, then work on a villain to put
source of ideas for adventures, but try not to borrow too the event into motion. This way you can spotlight one of
heavily from them , even if you aren't going to publish the the characters while drawing inspiration from them. Be
adventures. Your fel low gamers may have seen the movie sure, in this case , to al low for other characters to perform
or read the book too, and if the story is too close, it will di­ during the adventure, and possibly see if they could also
minish the enjoyment of it - they know what's going to save the day should someth ing happen to the source of
happen. Changing all the names is a start, but tweaking your inspiration.
the plot is a must, and merging plots is one of the better For example, one of your player characters has Control
tricks. A trick Kevin Siembieda uses is to set the players E lemental Force: Earth. You get an image of a wave of
up with something famil iar (so they think they know where water rushing down a street toward a schoolyard of chil­
things are headed) and then radical ly depart from it, catch­ dren and th ink that it would make a cool scene for the
ing the players by surprise and adding to the drama and/or character to rend earth and have the chasm stop the wa­
suspense . ter and save the kids. You might have a villain with the ap­
One way to make "borrowing inspiration" safe, different propriate water manipulating abilities attack a nearby bank
and fun, is to use movie or book synopses or a key char­ and plan for him to escape along the route where the
acter or concept, as inspiration instead of drawing from school is. During the battle, the wave attack on the chil­
the whole story. Many television guide books or newspa­ dren could be used as a diversion to cover his escape. An
per inserts have l istings of the week's movies and televi­ adventure is fleshing itself out. Now among your heroes,
sion shows with short blurbs about each of them . Use the the hardware guy m ight have explosives that could dupli­
blurbs (even combining several of them) as inspirations for cate the effect that inspired you , or someone with Create
your plot. You can flesh it out with your own details and Force Field may angle it to the side, but you still got an ad­
twists that should keep your players interested, their sus­ venture out of it. Also be careful that the scene which in­
picions down , and their characters busy. spired you does not become pivotal to the adventure, lest
you try and force it to happen , which can easily frustrate
players. If the opportunity does not arrive for the villain to
Let the Players Help th reaten the children with the wave, then be grateful for
I usually start off each game session with , "Okay. What the adventure idea and move on.
are you guys doing?" Each player then explains how their
character has been passing the time, what aspects of their
regu lar routine they have been up to (work, club hopping, Character Goals
taking a day or two off from patrolling the streets, exercis­ Players are likely t o voice some kind of wants, dreams,
ing, combat practice, etc.), or possibly what leads from the or wishes for their characters, though often these are in
previous game session they are investigating or fol lowing the neighborhood of, "Gee , it sure would be cool for my
up on. It gives me, as Game Master, a chance to draw mutant to get a particle beam rifle ," or "I'd like to get to fifth
from the characters' activities (when possible) to set up level with this character." On the other hand , asking the
encounters for the adventure or build ideas for completely players for realistic goals and hopes for their characters,
new adventures. Giving the players a chance to direct both what the player wants for the character and what the
things also lets them feel l i ke they are truly helping you character would strive for, can usually be good sources of
build on the atmosphere and depth of their characters and adventure ideas. These kind of ideas also tend to be far
the imaginary world. The players may even offer adven- reaching , requiring several adventures to achieve, such as
questing for a lost family heirloom or looking for a cure for crackl ing energy, ripples with muscles, etc.) will be ham­
that experimental side effect. Meeting someone and get­ mered the fastest and the hardest; figuring the others are
ting married can also provide plenty of role-playing, but less dangerous and can be worried about in a few min­
not as many actual adventures, un less the loved one is utes.
plagued with a dark history, prone to getting into trouble, Furthermore, Super-Strong characters must be careful
or becomes a target for super villains. Regardless, these on how they use their strength. A fu ll strength punch might
are the kinds of adventures that can be saved for those kill an ordinary human , unless it is successfully "pulled" to
in-between places where you need some kind of filler. reduce the damage delivered. Likewise, punching through
Surely, a trip to Mexico to investigate the last known walls, tearing down doors and throwing around cars will
whereabouts of one's father won't necessitate the accom­ cause a lot of collateral damage. Destruction of property
paniment of the entire group of heroes, but once the local that may earn the hero the anger of business people
drug cartels rear their ugly heads (for whatever reason), and/or the public. Along these lines, the hero must be
the hero will be hard pressed not to call in his friends to careful not to i njure innocent bystanders with his feats of
straighten a few things out, even if the drug lords have strength - a concern his evil opponent is not l i kely to
nothing to do with his m issing father. share. If people are hurt through the actions of the hero,
there will be trouble, especially if it was through his care­
Attri bute Considerations lessness or negligence. An excuse l i ke, "Golly, I didn't re­
alize that was the support beam I tore down to use as a
Being exceptional has its hazards. This incl udes being club. I didn't mean for the building to collapse," just won't
exceptionally handsome or beautiful , taIVgiant-sized, in­ cut it. The character may be denounced by the public,
credibly strong, and "looking" powerful or dangerous. Sure lambasted by the media, targeted by lawsuits and
these all have their obvious advantages, but most players drummed out of town or out of any public service job.
and G.M.s don't stop to consider the downside. Actually, this is true of all superbeings who want to
Remember that old saying, "appearance is everything?" help, not hurt people. These are men, women and aliens
Wel l , it may not really be true, but appearance will play a with i ncredible powers. Abi l ities that if not used careful ly
large role in how people, from the general public to super­ can accidentally kill and destroy. It can be a heavy respon­
human enemies, respond to a hero. sibility, and should be a part of the role-playing experi­
Physical Beauty or Mental Affinity. Attracting atten­ ence.
tion and sticking out of the crowd , even when uninten­ Reputation can work against a hero too. Even if the
tional , spells trouble. For one th ing, it makes the character superbeing looks ordinary, harmless, or innocent, if his or
a more obvious and , perhaps, desirable, target. For an­ her reputation precedes the hero, that character will still
other, an exceptionally attractive, charming, or un usual be the target of the first and fiercest attack(s).
looking character will find it extremely difficult to hide or Again , these notoriously powerful superbeings may be
move about unnoticed. This is compounded a hundredfold targeted by villains with something to prove, but also by
if he or she is also a ''famous'' hero or celebrity. I n addition villains who plan to operate in the hero's ''territory'' (home­
to this obvious fact, there are a number of people who will town , base of operation , place known to be under his pro­
be jealous or envious of the character because of his at­ tection , etc.), or planning someth ing "big." It is natural for
tractiveness (or fame, or power, etc.). Strangely enough , the villain to size-up and consider what to do about his op­
jealousy breeds contempt and hate. Among the jealous position. This includes probable intervention by
and hateful will be su pervillains and crim inals - antago­ superbeings as wel l as the local authorities. Certainly the
nists who have the meanness and power to extract cruel villain(s) must be prepared for his/her/their arrival, but may
revenge by framing the character, discrediting h i m , or dis­ also decide to eliminate the opposition before he/she/they
figuring, maiming or killing him out of spite. ever get started. This could mean sabotage , creating a di­
Popular, famous and notorious characters (helped into version to draw the hero(s) away, or an outright attack in
the limelight and public favor by their good-looks and/or hopes of literally "eliminating" the troublesome hero(s) to
charm) will also be targeted by supervillains who are out clear the way for the villain's insidious plans.
to make a name for themselves or who have something to
Amazing powers - more than human. As noted pre­
prove. viously, d isplaying one' s superh uman abi l ities will draw at­
Being big and strong is good. Right? It sure has its tention to the character and make him or her a target of an
advantages, but there is a downside too. attack. Showboating may also tip off an unseen nemesis
In combat, the most noticeable opponent is most likely to the presence of a superbeing(s), one or more of his
to be one of the first attacked , captured as a hostage, etc. powers and el icit a reaction (the villain delays his plans
Those who appear to be the most dangerous, powerful and leaves or hides, to wait until the superbeing is gone ,
and formidable will be struck fi rst, attacked by the stron­ or jumps to the conclusion that he/she/they know about
gest or deadliest villain, double or triple teamed, or hit with his scheme and attacks or presses forward, etc.).
the most powerful weapon. It is common sense for an en­ Another reaction may be fear, dread or hate from those
emy to try to dispatch the most dangerous opponent first. present. For example, in an environment where mutants
Th is means the biggest, strongest-looking, most frighten­ or aliens are feared, distrusted or hated , or the group is
ing, monstrous or powerful looking hero (radiates with (perhaps wrongfully) regarded as wanted criminals, those
who recognize them or bel ieve they are affi liated with a
group or class they fear or hate , will respond accordingly Some Ideas for
- run in panic, call the authorities, attack, etc. Liked and
respected heroes m ight have the opposite problem. As Ca m pa i g n Sett i n g s
touched upon earl ier, they may be mobbed by their ador­
For G . M .s thinking of running a specialized or notably
ing public or their presence might el icit an audience of
different campaign, it is important to let the players know
spectators and well-wishers to gather to cheer them on in
combat, not realizing that they are putting themselves in beforehand so they can tailor their characters to the set­
ting. This will also prepare them for any rule changes or
setting quirks that he might drop in their laps later. If
someone rolls up a Hardware character for a setting
Cl iffhanger End i ngs are Good where metals and machinery are scarce, he's probably
Un less you plan on running all day or night long , you just wasting everybody's time (unless he's looking for a
may have to choose a place to end the adventure for that real role-playing challenge, which is commendable) as the
day, and continue it next time. Th is is easier to do if the group waits for him to rol l up a replacement character.
gaming group gathers on a weekly or regular basis. There Likewise, if you notify everyone several adventures into
is nothing wrong with a cliffhanger ending, in fact they the campaign that the New Crusaders take over every­
usually add to the drama and suspense. Not to mention thing and the player characters have to convert to the New
saving the G . M . and players from dropping from exhaus­ Religion or some such, they could easily lose interest in
tion. We've run our share of 8- 1 0 hour game sessions in the whole campaign. Surely you r grand ideas may work
our younger, more insane days, and still often had to stop better as surprises, but think a little before pulling radical
the action and continue it at our next meeting. events out of your hat, and give fair warning if you can .
There are a few preferred places to "pause" the action You don't have to tel l them all the details, but asking their
till next time. One is just before or after the player group opin ion about any kind of change or type of event may just
have made plans to launch an attack or engage in some be enough to give you the feedback you need.
dramatic action (rescue a friend, make good thei r escape, Heroes Unlimited™ , l i ke the rest of the Palladium
etc.). Another is just after the group has made some sort Megaverse, is bursting with possibilities. Just the things
of (large or small) triumph and are ready to go into the you can do in a traditional campaign alone can fil l years of
next phase of their plan . A th ird is a logical pause in the gaming experiences (I know because my group's been do­
action, especially if the characters need to regroup, do ing it for a l ittle more than a decade now), but there are
more investigation , travel and so on. Another is to stop the also other options as vast as the dimensional byways.
action just after the group has made some shocking dis­ Let's take a look at just a few of them that grabbed my at­
covery or the "main villain" makes his entrance. Similar to tention while writing this book.
this one is stopping the action just before some big, impor­
tant or devastating event happens (a few seconds before
the bomb goes off or before the rocket or m issile
Advanced Technology
launches, the big final battle is about to start, or just as (The Futu re Earth)
one or more of the character leap into action , disappear, This campaign makes advanced/alien technology com­
and so on). mon on Earth . There can be a number of possible reasons
At the end of a cl iffhanger game, it is best for the G . M . for this setting, the easiest of which is for the G . M . simply
to summarize where every character i s , what each was to advance the time frame to something like 2030. By that
doing or about to do, and what the crisis is or who the op­ time, everyday technology m ight include energy weapons,
ponents are. This will crystalize the actions and impending hand-held communicators, full-sized videophones, hover
event in the players' m inds, and not on ly help them formu­ vehicles, etc. G . M . s can feel free to use their imaginations
late what their next action will be when the adventure re­ and borrow ideas from movies to create the technology of
sumes, but leaves them with a sense of anticipation . this future. For help with h igh-tech weapons, consult the
At the beginning of part two (or three or whatever) of upcoming revised edition of Aliens Unlimited™ or check
the cl iffhanger adventure, it is wise to summarize the out Rifts® and its supplements (conversion to S.D .C. in
events leading up to this moment, and remind the players the latter case will be necessary). Adj ustments are easy,
exactly where and what their characters were doing . After HunterNigilantes use laser rifles and in many cases the
that, rock and rol l , baby. Let the action rip. older firearms, Ancient Masters can use vibro-weapons,
and Secret Operatives get to use the newest h igh-tech
weapons instead of the standard energy weapons (includ­
ing particle beam pistols, pulse lasers, and rai l guns).
Such a future can be a sparkling semi-utopia common to
many old movies and classic science fiction that is home
to handsome, daring heroes. Or it can be a rather dark
and dangerous cyber-punk world of hard-edged heroes
and vile vil lains. The future Earth setting is a great way to
integrate Earth humans into a space campaign since by
that time they will l i kely have advanced space travel capa­ ware categories can easily be adj usted , just shift all of the
bilities. Weapons Expert's gun skills and bonuses to melee weap­
ons or bows and apply the Analytical Geni us' skills to an­
Dark Heroes cient armor and equipment. The inclusion of Alien
characters is left completely up to the individual G . M . , but
(The G ritty Cam paign) it is unlikely that non-human aliens will be in any way ac­
cepted during these historic settings, with the exception of
Nowadays, comic books often featu re intense,
certain animal-li ke aliens in a Egyptian setting if they are
grim-faced heroes who fight their way through a dark and
visiting some other ancient and exotic places, such as
cyn ical world. The action in these settings will commonly
Shangri-La, Macch u Picchu or Chichen Itza, or ancient
take place at night or on cloudy, overcast days to give a
mood of heavy, mysterious danger. The heroes will often
look like thugs or villains, dressed in dark costumes with Myth and magic were certainly alive in the past, but
menacing designs or have no true costumes, but instead mostly as superstition . There were wizards and alche­
wearing tattered street clothes, like jeans and overcoats, mists, but they were legendary and feared by many. Un­
motorcycle leathers, riot gear, etc. Such a campaign is l i ke a fantasy setting where wizards and psioniC
more striking than others and has very little flash or spar­ characters are accepted as facts of life by the general
kle. Vigilantes and anti-heroes thrive in this world and act populations, in historical settings they will be given much
as the sinister shadows of more flamboyant, flag-waving respect, but also feared and often isolated . The same is
heroes who fight crime in broad daylight. Because it often likely to happen to certain super-powered individuals. In
blurs the l ines between right and wrong (something which some cases, super-powered characters (including mages
should always be handled with care), this kind of cam­ and psionics) might be persecuted as witches or other
paign is better suited to more mature gamers. It is one of agents of demonic i nfluence. Likewise, the opposite can
my favorites. be true, such as in some Norse and Egyptian settings, and
the characters could easily find themselves revered war­
riors blessed by the gods or even priests of those same
Med ieval Heroes deities.
Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition notes that history
has had periods of superhuman activities where powerful
heroes have been plentiful . This kind of campaign ex­
Fantasy Heroes
plores one of those faraway periods where the presence This is an option similar to the Medieval Heroes setting
of super-powered heroes peaked . Medieval Europe is one mentioned previously, but instead of being set within a his­
of the prime places for this, with tales of Merlin and torical Earth time frame, it is set in a world of fantasy,
larger-than-life knights like Sir Lancelot and powerful rul­ magic, and legend, such as the one presented in The Pal­
ers like Charlemagne. The player characters can be en­ ladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, 2nd Edition. I n
forcers for the Church (at the height of its power then), this setting, dragons and magic are very real and the char­
defenders of the Crown , or champions of the acters mesh easily into it with their super powers,
underclassed and meek. The Egypt of the pharaohs, the psionics, and other strange abilities. The G . M . can make
Celtic times of Fionn Mac Cumhaill or Cu Chulainn, and super abilities available to all inhabitants of this world, or
the Shogunates of feudal Japan are all ideal settings for have the player characters belong to one particular race or
this kind of campaign. Your local library, C D-ROM ency­ class of people that demonstrates these powers. Perhaps
clopedias, or on-line research can provide tons of refer­ the best way to handle this merging of worlds is simply to
ence information for all of these settings. But the main combine the games by using the Palladi um Fantasy rules
game issues to address in this type of campaign are the and setting with the super-abil ities of Heroes Unlimited.
non-existence of technological equipment as we know it The idea of a Palladin with Karmic Power and Energy Ex­
and the historical lack of widespread magical power. Let's pulsion: Light is quite cool, I think. Of course, the power
look at each in turn. level of such a game will be on par with that of Heroes
The lack of modern technology in historic games Unlimited and wel l above most Palladium Fantasy cam­
means not only will Hardware and Special Training char­ paigns. The exact rules for combining the two games can
acters need a lot of adj ustment, but also that mutants will be quite i nvolved and each G . M . is left to his own devices
all be genetic aberrations born with their abil ities, and ex­ as to what he thinks works for his own game.
periments will be the result of alchemy or a mix of it and The only non-viable power category in this setting is the
magic. The various organization tables can stil l be used as Hardware: E lectrical Genius. Robot characters can be
guidelines for the character's relationship with the alche­ magical golems, Bionic characters can have special rune
mist that gave him his powers. Those categories heavy objects magically grafted onto them , and the Hardware:
with technological edges can be adj usted or removed. The Mechanical Genius can build automatons and other fan­
completely non-viable power categories in this setting are tastic, but medieval-style items. Robotic and Bionic char­
Hardware: Electrical Genius, Robotics, Bionics, and possi­ acters use the same stats and equipment from Heroes
bly the Hardware: Mechanical Genius Oust imagine all of Unlimited , but the effects are created by magic instead of
the cool devices Leonardo da Vinci would have had at his technology (and would likely regenerate damage at the
disposal if he was a medieval superhero). The other Hard- same rate as the metal form of Alter Physical Structure:
Metal). The Bionic would choose a warrior O.C. C . , but programs, and more, all specifically written for Heroes
would lose half of his "other" skills and half of his second­ Unlimited.
ary skills. Robot/golems would be instilled with a limited
number of skills as per Heroes Unlimited . The Weapons We' re Al l Super Heroes Here
Expert's gun skills and bonuses can be sh ifted to melee
weapons or bows and the Analytical Genius' skills apply to One of the appealing aspects of Heroes Unlimited™ is
ancient armor and eq uipment. G . M . s can also incl ude that you get to play superpowered heroes while most of
black powder firearms to replace energy weapons for the people about you are relatively normal . This option ,
those Power Categories that receive them as special however, reverses that, making everyone a superpowered
equipment (they can also be made by the Weapons Ex­ individual. The G . M . can handle any specific details such
pert). The manifestations of super abilities in the fantasy as how many abilities "normal" people got as opposed to
"super" characters like the player characters, but a handfu l
races (such as elves, dwarves, etc.) is entirely up to the
of minor abilities would l i kely work best with player charac­
ters getting perhaps one minor ability extra (in addition to
the results of the random number of super abilities tables
The Dogs of War in the Aliens, Mutants, or Experiment section). Custom­
Any military upheaval in world history is a perfect set­ izing characters would be an emphasis here, for charac­
ting for a heroic campaign, including the World Wars, the ters will have occupations based on their natural talents,
American Civil War (or any other civi l war, for that matter), such as characters with Mechano-Link or Telemechanics
the I ndian wars, the rise of the Roman Empire , the Mongol becoming mechanics, inventors , or similar technical/ma­
invasions, and many, many others. U nless you go way chine oriented occupations. Super abilities can be picked
back in time to battle Napoleon or help out Charlemagne, based on education and skills or vice versa. In addition to
for example, little will change except for a lack of modern customizing, the characters will be set apart by their ideas,
electronics and body armor. Weapons will have to be re­ ideals, actions, and occupations. Organizations, cults,
searched , but firearm damages for the World Wars will be guilds, and other assemblies of l i ke minds and perceptions
roughly the same as modern weapons, based on caliber. will be common and help to add spice to the setting.
All World War-era firearms are semi-automatic/self load­ Alien races that appear human and have a predisposi­
ing, but G . M .s can al low Weapons Experts and Secret Op­ tion to super abilities make the perfect candidates for this
eratives to have the equivalent of modern firearms with kind of campaign. Aliens Unlimited™ and the upcoming
their higher rates of fire in place of some gimmick and en­ Heroes Unlimited Galaxy G uide ™ will have plenty of in­
ergy weapons. For information on historical firearms such formation on adventuring in the local galaxy. Of course, if
as muskets and black powder pistols, check out the you don't like the alien/space th ing, an alternate or
Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtleS® changed Earth can also provide a setting full of
sourcebook, which offers lots of great conversions for just super-powered humans. A comet's tai l covering the
about any time period. planet, nuclear fallout combined with some chemical re­
lease, holes in the ozone layer activating a reaction with a
Worki ng for an O rgan ization popular medicinal drug , etc. , can alter the majority of hu­
mans on Earth , giving them super abilities/psionics or
Th is i s one of the easiest campaigns to run because
changing their genes to allow their offspring to have such
the G . M . has the option of telling the characters where the
powers. Advance time several generations and voila!
adventure is. There is no worry whether the characters will
You're ready to go.
take the bait i nto an adventu re because their superiors or­
der them and they go (they may not like it sometimes, but
they must go nonetheless). It also provides the group with
extra support that can offer clues or suggestions if they Random Inspiration
get stuck, or provide vital skills (in the form of extra N PCs)
that the group may not have. An organization will also pro­ Sometimes a n idea just strikes you out of the blue, and
vide a regular salary, base of operations, and access to writing an adventure comes easily. Sometimes you have
files, information , and people who are otherwise unavail­ to work hard to conjure an adventure hook and a storyline.
able to vigilantes or private groups of heroes. The organi­ And sometimes, you just can't come up with anythi ng at
zation can be corporate, government, or privately funded. all. For when that third fate strikes, here are a few random
The characters can be hidden ace-in-the-holes used for tables to help rattle the creative archives and outline an
special operations and surgical strikes, or they can be ce­ adventure or four. Roll as many times as you l i ke and dis­
lebrity-type heroes seen regularly on television as symbols card any results that don't work. Basically, one roll on the
of peace, security, order, and the law. G . M .s are free to Random Villains table, one roll on the Random Crimes ta­
create any type of organ ization they wish and may even ble, one roll on the Random Motives table, and 1 04 rolls
use the Sponsoring Organization tables in Special on the Random Complications table should produce
Training, Robotics, Experiment, and Bionics for inspira­ enough ideas to spark an adventure. A few examples are
tion. Villains Unlimited provides extensive rules and ta­ given after the tables.
bles for the creation of organizations, including eqUipment
provided , budgets for m issions, salaries, robotics/bionics
Random V i l la i n Table Random Cri me Table

01 -1 0%: Highly skilled professional criminals. Cate­ 01 -1 0%: M urder/Killing. The criminal (s} has been en­
gory: Hardware, Special Training , or consult the Quick gaging in killing people for one reason or another (though
Roll Villain table. Number: 1 04. Level(s} of experience: not necessarily for simple alignment reasons). Roll on the
1 04+6. Super abi lities: None. sub-table if further refinements are needed.
1 1 -20%: Professional criminals. Category: Quick Roll 0 1 -25%: Assassination (a hired killer).
Villain. Number: 1 06. Level(s} of Experience: 1 06+4. 26-50%: Execution (an enforcer or crime boss teaching
Super Abilities: None. people a lesson or covering up some scandal or i l licit ac­
21 -35%: Successful criminals. Category: Quick Roll tivities).
Villain. N umber: 1 06. Level (s} of Experience: 1 06+2. 51 -75%: Serial kill ings (a pattern killer terrorizing the
Super Abilities: None. city).
36-44%: Rough thugs. Category: Quick Roll Villain. 76-00% Homicidal maniac (a kil ler with a short fuse;
Number: 204. Level(s} of Experience: 1 04+ 1 . Super Abil­ may or may not have someone di recting his murder
ities: None. spree).
45-60%: Two-bit thugs. Category: Quick Roll Villain. 1 1 -24%: Assault. Could be collecting protection money
N umber: 206. Level (s} of Experience: 1 . Super Abilities: from merchants or breaking legs for the mob.
None. 25-40%: Kidnapping. Either for the money or possibly
61 -63%: Unknown super villain. Category: Choose or because the villain th inks the person belongs to him/her
roll randomly. Level of Experience: 1 04-1 , minimum of 1 st for some reason. (Vi llains can have their kids taken away
level. Super Abilities: Choose or roll at random. Whoever by the cou rts l i ke anyone else and will take them back by
this villain may be, none of the heroes will have encoun­ force.)
tered him before. 41 -60%: Robbery. The age-Old pastime of the villai n ,
64-70%: New super villain. Category: Choose or rol l taking other people's property b y force. T o see what the
randomly. Level o f Experience: 1 st or 2nd level (50% crook is after, rol l on the following sub-table.
chance of either). Super Abilities: Choose or roll at ran­ 0 1 - 1 0%: Gold reserves (more capable criminals)
dom. The heroes may have heard about this villain. but
1 1 -29%: Money exchange
they have never encountered him until now.
30-60%: Bank
71 -75%: Known super villain. Category: Choose or
roll randomly. Level of Experience: 1 04+ 1 Super Abilities: 6 1 -75%: Armored car
Choose or rol l random ly. The heroes know about this bad 76-85%: Stocks or other invested money (can be com­
guy and/or have tangled with him before. puter theft)
76-80%: Known super villain & his crew of 86-90%: M useum (valuable art and rel ics)
thugs/soldiers. Category: Choose or roll randomly for the 9 1 -00%: Wealthy individual (could also incl ude kidnap­
super-villain. Consult the Quick Roll Villain table to deter­ ping)
mine his crew of flunkies. Number (size of crew): 204. 61 -75%: Theft. Similar to robbery, except the villain
Level of Experience: 1 04+ 1 (super-vil lain), 1 04-1 (crew doesn't physically hurt or threaten the victim during the act
members). Super Abilities: Choose or roll randomly for the itself. Likely to involve things less valuable to most people
super-villain. None for the crew members. (Note: for crew and more valuable to a select few or an individual. Can in­
members, rol l again on this table, ignoring rolls of over clude prototypes, rel ics, magical items, rare things, and
60%.) people.
81 -85%: Significant, known super villain. Category: 76-85%: Drugs. The drug trade offers lots of money for
Choose or rol l randomly. Level of Experience: 1 06+2. criminals involved in it and a diversity of jobs, from murder
Super Abilities: Choose or roll randomly. Not only do the and assault to forgery and smuggling. Additional rolls can
heroes know about this guy, but he also has a heavy­ be made on this table to determine more exact crimes as­
weight reputation that precedes him. sociated with the drug trade.
86-90%: Group of super villains. Category: Choose 86-90%: Extortion. Villains want money from the victim
or roll randomly. Number: 1 06. Level (s} of Experience: 1 st or they will do something damaging to him/her. Roll again
or 2nd level (50% chance). Super Abilities: Choose or roll on this table to get an idea what they m ight do or rol l on
randomly. the complications table to figure out what or where they
91 -95%: Powerfu l, known super villain. Category: will do it.
Choose or rol l randomly. Level of Experience: 1 06+4. 91 -95%: Forgery. Villains are involved with some kind
Super Abilities: Choose or roll randomly. of false paper scheme. They could be counterfeiters, im­
96-00%: Group of known super villains. Category: personating federal or pol ice authorities, or smuggling for­
Choose or rol l random ly. N umber: 1 06. Level (s} of Experi­ eigners in with false papers for slave labor. Roll again on
ence: 1 04+ 1 . Super Abilities: Choose or roll randomly. this table to get an idea why they are doing the forgeries
(such as extortionists with fake photos of incriminating ac­
tivities or shady drug dealers looking to buy loads of co­
caine with counterfeit money).
96-00%: Breaking and Entering. The villains end up Or perhaps such a party or public gathering is interrupted
where they aren't wanted and have to be removed. Could by a villain(s) or the scene of a crime or disaster in which
be a fai led robbery or a purposeful discovery, such as a the hero (or heroes) is present.
terrorist taking a bui lding hostage. 76-84%: Villain is someone the character knows or
loves (sister, brother, lover, friend , teacher, etc.)!
Random Motive Table 85-90%: Location is unique or unfamiliar. Roll on the
01 -1 0%: Boredom. This makes the villain ex­ sub-table below for some ideas on where the adventure
tra-dangerous because he will do just about anything for a takes place, where the villain's hideout is or where the cli­
thrill. mactic final scene could take place.
1 1 -30%: Revenge. The villain is after some payback 0 1 -1 0%: Foreign country. Language barrier, money
and will take out anyone or anything that gets in his way. problems (characters don't have the proper currency), cul­
ture clash , and authorities may even see the heroes as in­
31 -60%: Money. The villain makes a living through
vaders or foreign criminals.
1 1 -20%: Top of � building (roll percentile for number of
61 -75%: Hired. The villain was hired by another villain
or organization to perform the crime.
01 - 1 5%: Plenty of glass windows, but no cover
76-85%: Ploy to draw out the police or superheroes
for some reason. Perhaps to extract revenge upon them . 1 6-30%: Wide open and level
Perhaps to embarrass them with his or her brazen attack 3 1 -75%: U nder construction (with tools and cranes all
(Le. to prove how tough or unstoppable he real ly is), or as about)
a distraction while another crime is taking place else­ 76-85%: Completely finished but empty (one floor may
where, etc. be open if a party is going on)
86-90%: Forced against his will. A victim of blackmail ! 86-00%: Uneven and cluttered
The real bad guy(s) has a friend , loved o n e or innocent 2 1 -30%: Boat. Small: sailboat or barge, medium: yacht
victim (possibly somebody important) in their custody and or ferry, or large ship: tanker, freighter or cruise ship/lux­
th reatens to kill their hostage(s), or worse, unless a ury liner.
superbeing does as they demand. 3 1 -40%: Dense Forest or Jungle: A wilderness area
91 -95%: Tricked. Fooled into undertaking the crime by that can be as close as just outside the city or as far as a
another. Roll again on this table to determine what the vil­ continent away.
lain actually thinks he is doing the crime for. 41 -60%: Underground: Sewers, subway tunnels, natu­
96-00%: Insane. The villain has no choice but to act ral caves, secret complex or other subterranean facility.
the way he does. This is an especially appropriate result 6 1 -70%: Underwater: Action in a lake, river, sea or
for the homicidal killer. ocean. May involve aquatic super villains/mutants/aliens,
aquatic monster, submarine(s), oil rig, tanker ship (a spill
Random Complication Table and containment; and the cause is something underwa­
01 -1 0%: Authorities keep pace with the heroes and ter), sunken city, etc.
tend to show up when they do (though unintentionally; 7 1 -80%: Aerial Action : Ai rcraft, flying villains, fly­
specific reactions and attitudes are up to the G . M . , though ing/floating city, etc.
a motive rol l for key N PCs among the authorities m ight be 8 1 -85%: Frozen wastes or arctic stronghold.
interesting). 86-90%: Alien! The heroes find themselves battling an
1 1 -1 9%: Weather is very bad and threatens both villain alien invasion or just a band of alien criminals, or in an
and player characters alike (a blizzard could have the city alien spaceshi p , secret alien hideout , or even on an alien
snowed in or a lashing thunderstorm could rol l over a world or in another dimension (parallel un iverse, etc.).
showdown on a boat). Note: See 9 1 -00% for where to find useful source material
20-35%: Other heroes get involved (perhaps requiring on aliens and alien worlds.
a roll on the Motive table above). 91 -00%: Outer Space. This could be with in or without
36-44%: Other criminals are involved (rivals or the our solar system , on board a giant spacecraft or whisked
people that were preyed upon; rol l on the Motive table for away to an alien world !
the additional criminals to see why they are involved). A whole additional set of adventure tables could be
45-60%: Many innocent people are at the scene of written just for this complication. Aliens, some alien
the crime or adventure. A battle will put hundreds, even worlds, and helpful source material can be found in
thousands, in danger. SkraypersTM, Aliens Unlimited™ and the upcoming
61 -75%: The heroes have a crisis to attend to in their Heroes Unlimited™ Galaxy Guide. Furthermore, such
real lives so they can not join the battle. Or perhaps the RPG books as Wormwood™, Phase World® and many
heroes can not help against a super villain, crime or disas­ other titles in the RiftS®, Nightbane® and Palladium
ter without revealing their true identities or superpowers Fantasy lines can also be a good source for monsters and
(either in public or among friends and fami ly; Le. at a other-worldly beings and settings. In fact, check out the
party, meeting, theater, other public place or get-together). new RPG, Systems Failures for an alien invader that
threatens the Earth (easily adaptable to H U2 and includes hack their employer's records (or a researcher asked to
some adventure notes for use with H U2). steal a robotics system , etc.) or some similar normal per­
son (ignoring the super powered villain result of the first
Examples of Random Adventures set of rolls) who subsequently gets caught and needs the
heroes to clear his/her name and find the true villain. The
Example 1 : Money in the Bank. I get the following re­
other option is more i nvolved, but the kind I l i ke to work
sults from the tables: A group of professional criminals
with. In it, I would make the friend (or loved one or wife,
(3rd level, four in number, with no super abilities), Robbery
etc.) a researcher forced to steal an experimental serum
(Bank), Greed (motive), with two complications; Many
through blackmail or violent th reats against the loved
People and Other Heroes Gust for kicks, I rolled on the
ones. The true villain wants to give super abi l ities to one of
motive table for the heroes and got revenge). Thus, for
his henchmen and once the N PC gets it for h i m , he de­
this quick adventure , the characters will have to deal with
cides to test the serum on the beloved N PC , bestowing
a group of professional criminals trying to rob a crowded
upon them super abilities. The villain would then threaten
bank while another group of heroes are looking to nail
to harm those close to the N PC if certain favors were not
them for different reasons.
done for him (Le. , crim inal activities). Just imagine the
Tossing that all together, I think a little twist will spice it players' reactions when the villain is revealed to be their
up, so here's the whole scenario: The character(s) find friend or loved one, who then admits they did what they
themselves at the bank's yearly Christmas party (either did to keep the true villain from harming them ! Once the
one of them works at the bank or they are asked to go mess is straightened out, the newly powered N PC could
with a friend that works there). It is a night gathering that join the characters as a hero. Of course, there are even
the professional thieves find attractive for they can get into more complications if the N PC knows the player charac­
the vault and the chaos of the party will cover their pres­ ters are actually heroes and has to protect their secret
ence. Once the robbery starts, however, a number of identity and/or fight them when they arrive to prevent one
superheroes (number determined by the G M , I would use of the errands the true villain has demanded. Needless to
two) whose companion was accidentally killed by the say, this one adventure idea can span several game ses­
th ieves in a previous encounter are also in attendance and sions.
they want blood. The characters have to prevent an all-out
battle that could injure the innocents in the ban k. The
role-playing alone as the robbers use the vau lt and the
partygoers to keep the revenge-crazed "other" heroes at
bay while the player characters try to mediate or get the
people out would be enjoyable.
Example 2: Knight Takes Pawn. Rolling once more, I
get the following: Known Super Villain (7th level), Theft,
Tricked (motive), and for Complications, the villain is Hot spots are areas across the globe that have some
someone the character knows or cares for. Rolling once form of turmoil or tension that provides the perfect setting
more on the tables, I get an idea of who it is that tricked for intrigue and/or adventu re. The G.M. can send the char­
the NPC into the theft - a known super villain with a acters over to these places for a firsthand taste of the trou­
group of successful cri minal underlings, whose motive is bles, providing fast and furious adventure and role-playing
theft. The known super villain has other plans to attend to, in foreign and exotic settings. Getting the characters there
but he wants to steal something. Obviously he is too busy may be a stretch at times, but there will certainly be no
and for some reason his crew of successful criminals can't want for someth ing to do once they get there. These hot
steal it either, so he has to trick someone close to the spots can also come home, too. Foreign radicals that
heroes i nto doing it for him. But why? Well , there are two blame the U.S. for its involvement in their country' s trou­
obvious answers: revenge and necessity. If the player bles for whatever reason may lash out, bringing terrorism
characters foiled the villain's plans in the past, using to our doorsteps. Certain "hot spot" countries may also be
someone close to them in his schemes would be a great willing to sell military or mineral commodities that normally
revenge. Secondly, if the N PC close to the heroes works would not be avai lable, such as nuclear materials, biologi­
in a specialized or restricted field , they may be the only cal weapons, military weaponry, missiles (big ones), and
person able to easily steal the thing the villain wants. The even combat robots and computer viruses.
only possible problem with the rolls is that the villain is Player character heroes may defeat a dangerous vil­
supposed to be a 7th level super villain , which doesn't ex­ lain, only to discover other bad guys toting some of the
actly work if the culprit is one of the hero's Dear Aunt Do­ same deadly hardware at a later date. The two have no
lores. I can discard the roll and simply use the N PC as connections, but after a third party shows up packing the
they are, especially if they are a robotics researcher, com­ same heat, the characters might have to travel to the
puter programmer, or in some other sensitive area of ex-Soviet Union or the Middle East to ferret out the suppli­
work. ers of such dangerous stuff. There are plenty of things
So here's two takes on how I'd expand it, depending on open for adventu re here, and the characters don't neces­
the group I was dealing with. One possibility would be to sarily have to leave home to experience it. Of course,
make the friend/relative a computer programmer asked to characters that work for the government or military organi-
zations may regularly find themselves sent out to these Meanwhile, the various nations of Western Equatorial
hot spots to quell one crisis or another, and even corpo­ Africa are in a perpetual state of anarchy and/or revolu­
rate operatives may find themselves in similar roles as tion. Despite their small size , these nations are some of
their employer seeks to protect foreign investments or the most dangerous places to be in the world. ( I n some,
holdings. crime is so bad that even restaurants keep guards armed
with machine guns on the premises during business
Geopol itical Hot Spots hours.)
Indonesia is i n the midst of a severe economic and po­
Unstable regions and governments make for great ad­ litical crisis that spawns no small amount of civil unrest.
ventures, but if you want your campaign to take place in For years, the island of East Timor has fought a guerilla
the modern day, you probably should stay abreast of war for its independence. Recently, the Indonesian gov­
world news so that you know what bad situations your ernment has finally shown a willingness to let East Timor
heroes will face. Two excel lent resources are CNN news determi ne its own political fate.
(both on television and the I nternet) and the U. S . State Iran, Libya, and Sudan all are rogue nations known for
Department, which issues travel advisories for any nation sponsoring and harboring terrorism against the West.
in which it is highly dangerous for U.S. citizens to travel.
Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait in 1 990 and was
Below is a list of cu rrent geopolitical hot spots. Many of crushed by an alliance of Western and Arab nations in
these crises have been ongoing for years and will proba­ 1 99 1 . Since then, it has been under constant U.N. surveil­
bly continue well into the future. But, that doesn't mean lance, but is suspected of maintaining secret nuclear and
things can't change. (Who wou ld have thought in 1 983 biological weapons programs. It is also suspected of plan­
that within 1 0 years the Soviet Union would fall?) And in ning another invasion of Kuwait, launching missiles
Heroes Unlimited, super beings have more power than against neighboring countries, and other actions which
anyone to change the ways of the world , for better or for would destabilize the M iddle East.
worse. "' -

Afghanistan is struggling to recover after the with­

drawal of the occupying Soviet Union in the early 1 990s.
Since then , the nation has been torn apart by warring fac­
tions. Chief among them is the fundamentalist Taliban ,
which is reported to give safe haven to anti-Western ter­
Angola is a battleground for three separate rebel
groups and the Marxist government. It's also periodically Kosovo and the surrounding region (Albania, Bosnia,
raided by South African forces out to destroy the Namibian Serbia, etc.), basically most of what was once Yugoslavia,
rebel bases in the south . and to a lesser degree , U kraine are poor and politically
Argentina is still in upheaval after a disastrous military unstable.
loss to the British in the Falkland Islands in the 1 980s. Many of the "old Soviet States" are fractured , divided
Chechnya fought a vicious two-year war of independ­ and unstable (as is Russia). Fu rthermore, most have sur­
ence against Russia in the early 1 990s. Russia opposes viving pieces of the old Soviet M i litary (troops, weapons,
independence because the little nation would take away tanks and other military vehicles). A few, l i ke the U kraine,
resources considered too valuable to lose. M uch of have a limited nuclear arsenal .
Chechnya has been reduced to rubble so far, and no easy North Korea is another of the world's major rogue na­
resolution to the conflict is in sight. Meanwh ile, the country tions. It routinely th reatens South Korea (techn ically, the
has become overrun by criminal overlords. nations still are at war), where nearly 40,000 American
Colombia is plagued by right-wing death squads and troops are stationed. With North Korea withering under
powerful drug-smuggling cartels that manufacture and ex­ widespread famine, the government has become more ag­
port most of the world's cocaine. gressive and erratic than ever. It also is suspected of
The Comoros Islands are a tiny archipelago between maintaining biological and nuclear weapons programs. It
the east coast of Africa and the island of Madagascar. For is a known merchant of arms technology to other rogue
centuries, these islands have been overthrown by pirates nations (selling missile technology, in fact, is the nation's
and mercenaries more times than anyone can count. This number one export).
sad tradition contin ues still today. Lebanon has been the site of intense fighting between
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (or simply, foreign invaders and domestic factions for years. Peri­
"Congo") is in the midst of a civil war that threatens to in­ odically, there are lulls in the bloodshed, only to be ripped
volve most of central Africa. Rebels backed by Rwanda apart by new fighting.
and Uganda control the eastern half of this vast and re­ Pakistan was a major pipeline of weapons to the Af­
source-rich country, while the Congolese government, ghanistan rebels during the Soviet occupation. The nation
backed by troops from Angola, Chad, Namibia, and Zim­ has recently demonstrated nuclear weapons capabi lity as
babwe, controls the western half. a show of strength to its neighbor and rival, India. The two

nations constantly skirmish along the Kashmir region , From these areas, terrorists or supervillains can stop
which they both lay claim to. the flow of precious resources on a scale that will demand
The Philippines tension continues between govern­ attention . Adventure possibil ities stemming from this might
ment forces and Marxist and Moslem guerrillas. The coun­ include the followi ng:
try has an operating nuclear reactor research facility. 1 . Captive Market: Supervillain(s) seize control of a
Russia has become very unstable since the Soviet Un­ cartel and threaten to destabilize a sector of the world
ion melted down in the early 1 990s. Crime lords and the economy.
"Russian Mafia" run rampant while the military is fragment­ 2. Supply Shortage: Terrorists disrupt production of
ing and selling off the Russian arsenal to the highest bid­ strategic material , th reatening a particular nation or group
der (China being one of them). Fears of nuclear material of nations.
being sold to the black market are ever-present, as is the 3. Cartel Control : Villains seize control of all mines
possibility of another revolution occurring. prodUCing a particular metal. Heroes must liberate mines
Somalia contin ues to suffer under years of famine and or supply centers.
factional warfare. The U. S . tried unsuccessfully to inter­ 4. Trade Sabotage: After supply dumps and ships with
vene a few years ago, and since then, matters have only strategiC metals are destroyed , heroes must track down
worsened. the culprits before a huge extortion plan is implemented.
Syria suffers from religious extremes as different Mos­
lem sects continue to threaten the govern ment. World Power Hot Spots
Taiwan is a major industrial nation that seeks inde­ These are places where the most powerful countries in
pendence from China. Wh ile the western democracies the world have put some kind of stake in the local events
support this, China has no qualms about crushing any in­ or governments. Strained political relations, careful ma­
dependence movement on the island. Tension and the neuvering and sometimes outright warfare are common in
th reat of war in the next decade grows every day. Even­
these areas. Considering how precarious the balance of
tually, the status of this place could seriously erode power in these areas can be, a single group of wel l-armed
Sino-U . S. relationships. mercenaries, commando strikes, or superhero (or
Turkey has crushed opposition from dozens of armed supervillain) intervention can tip the balance one way or
ethnic groups. Stil l , attacks on their diplomats overseas the other.
and internal threats continue to plague them. Periodically, All sorts of clandestine m issions are possible in such
the country fights with Greece over the island of Cyprus. regions, ranging from reconnaissance, rescue, kidnap­
Turkey has had operating nuclear plants since 1 962 . ping, assassination, theft, raids, supporting or suppressing
North and South Yemen continue to have border con­ rebels, delivering or intercepting weapons shipments, etc.
fl icts. The North is backed by Saudi Arabia and the USA However, those who get involved in under-the-table "Black
while the South is Marxist. Ops" which are not formally sanctioned by their sponsor
The former Yugoslavia has, during the 1 990s, seen organization or country might very well find that in the mid­
the worst warfare in Europe since World War I I . As the na­ dle of thei r m ission , support has been withdrawn ! Th is
tion broke apart, vicious warfare shattered the nation. To­ leaves the operators stranded in enemy territory, dis­
day, the independent nations of Croatia, avowed by the people who put them there.
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and what's left of Yugoslavia For likely countries in which such scenarios would work
stand on blood-soaked soil where frequent skirmishes, re­ best, refer to the l ist of Geopolitical Hot Spots, above.
ports of genOCide, and other crises generate international
G uerri l la Hot Spots
Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) is a source of several
Similar in some ways to the World Power Hot Spots,
strategic materials, such as copper and uranium, but the
these places are less dangerous for their q uestionable
specter of civil war hangs over the land.
status and more dangerous for the open fighting . In these
places, the local governments are almost constantly at
Strategic Resou rce Hot Spots odds with armies of the people fighting to remove the rec­
These are areas that produce sign ificant amounts of ognized leadership from power. Each one thinks it is right
necessary resources for world consumption . Petroleum and either can seem to be so, depending on the perspec­
products are the most plentiful , but far from the most ex­ tive of the observer.
clusive of these. The U . S . alone imports dozens of differ­
Throughout the world , groups ranging from terrorist
ent types of strategiC materials from belligerent or
fringe elements to fully armed and mobilized military
unstable governments , including beryllium, chromium, co­
forces seek to change the established order. These
balt, industrial diamonds, samarium, tin , titani um , and
groups inspire fanatical devotion from their members. Per­
tungsten .
fect recruits for a super villain bent on conq uest.
Some of the more prominent "strategic resource" coun­
1 . The Promised One: A "messiah" appears, encour­
tries include: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
aging holy war and showing "god-like" powers. The
Congo, India, Indonesia, Iran , Malaysia, Namibia, Peru ,
heroes have the difficult task of exposing the masquerade
Philippines, South Africa, Thailand , Turkey, Uganda,
without killing the villain.
Zaire, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
2. The Wings of Death: A death squad has a member 1 . Theft of Nuclear Material : Heroes have to stop the
with super abilities. Finding and neutral izing such a hidden villains from building a bomb with the stolen material.
supervil lain in a foreign country should be challenging for 2. Nuclear Blackmail: Terrorists have hidden a suit­
anv hero arouo. case nuke inside a major city. With only hours left, can the
Countries Include: Angola, Bangladesh, Chad, Co­ heroes find the bomb and neutral ize it?
lombia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Indonesia, 3. Nuclear Espionage: Agents working for a foreign
Iran, Iraq, Northern Ireland, Laos , Lebanon, Malaysia, country (supervi llain, terrorists, members of a rival political
Mozambique, Pakistan, Peru , Philippines, Rowanda, faction) have stolen government secrets (and perhaps ma­
Western Sahara, South Africa, Spain , Syria, Turkey, terials) for the construction of n uclear bombs, missiles, de­
Uganda, and Zimbabwe. vices or prototypes (other high-technology or secret
military plans can be substituted). The heroes have to lo­
cate and stop the villains from getting these secrets out of
Nuclear Trouble Spots the country or from building a bomb.
4. Seizure of a Nuclear Reactor: Without causing
All of what was once the Soviet Union , particu larly the
damage or a meltdown , the heroes must penetrate enemy
U kraine . . .
defenses and regain control of the reactor.
These places are nuclear capable, be i t weapons or
5. Nuclear Accident: A rogue nation's nuclear facilities
just power plants, but many of them do not have the rigid
experience a major accident, possibly a meltdown, explo­
protocols and secu rity measures of the larger nations,
sion , or other release of nuclear materials which could
thus making them ideal places for terrorists and super vil­
jeopardize the entire region. The superheroes are called in
lains to get their hands on n uclear materials. In some
to contain the crisis and perhaps to catch the culprits be­
cases, nuclear weapons or their components may also be
hind it (Which could get sticky. Was the accident caused
by the commandos of another nation trying to nip the
Dozens of countries around the world are actively pur­
country's nuclear program in the bud?)
suing nuclear programs. Even countries like Iran and
Countries include: Argentina, Brazil , Cuba , China,
Libya have operational nuclear reactors for research pur­
Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq , Israel, South Korea, Libya,
poses, and prior to the 1 99 1 Gulf War, I raq was perhaps
Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan,
within a year of having an operating n uclear weapon . This
Turkey, and, most importantly, the republ ics of the former
provides for a whole range of super problems such as:
Soviet Union.

By Wayne Breaux J r. ported one of its l ions missing. Police are declining to
comment, but sources inside the zoo confirm that one of

A"huar rrliacu1
their African l ions is missing from its enclosure and is sus­
pected to have been stolen .
''There have been no sightings of the big cat, which is

rrliiflu1 a"d Mllrder

believed to have disappeared sometime around midnight.
Police are searching the surrounding areas for clues. Citi­
zens are urged to be cautious and stay indoors after dark.
If anyone sees the animal, they can contact police and an­
This is a murder mystery of sorts that starts with es­ imal handlers at the special hotline 1 -800 number at the
caped (or stolen?) zoo animals and leads to murder. But, bottom of your screen."
did the animals do it, or is there a more sinister force be­ G.M. I nfo for Section One
hind it all?
The initial thefVdisappearance of the lion may not pique
the player characters' interest, but if anyone does some
Section One: The Set-U p investigating, they may turn up some intriguing clues. I n
As another quiet day draws to a close, the characters the alternative, some of these clues may b e stumbled
catch an intriguing tidbit on the local news: upon during another adventure or subplot. Police contacts
"Our top story of the hour," says Lory Landry, the pretty will be the best source of information, but on-site investi­
anchorwoman for Channel 5 News. "The City Zoo has re- gation will also reveal something (if the right skills are
known) , even though a number of people have been over
and through the site . Questioning zoo employees about
Section Two:
the l ions, the scene, and zoo policy could also help, but The H u nters and the Prey
might be difficult for "costumed vigilantes." If the heroes
belong to a legitimate, recognized organization , or if they Three days later, a body is found floating in the river (or
belong to the police force (or have a police contact) , they lake, reservoir, or whatever local body of water is appro­
can get a hold of most or all of the fol lowing information. priate for the city the group is playing in). The dead man
Regardless of the source, the player characters may be was James Hitori, a Japanese dock foreman . He has been
able to u ncover the following facts: in the water at least a full day. It appears that he was at­
tacked and kil led by a large animal.
1 ) There are no human tracks leading to the cage,
other than those of the handlers (all of whom have alibis) . The autopsy will take two days, but it will concur with
This fact might appear on TV news ("Even more mysteri­
the visual evidence that Hitori was mauled by a lion or
some other great cat. The simplest explanation is that the
ous . . . ") or newspapers.
escaped animal must have done it, so now the pol ice are
2) The cage, part of which had wire bars, appears to searching for a man-killing lion with orders to shoot to ki ll
have been battered and ''torn'' opened rather than cut. (Note: It is interesting to note that while it seems that a
This would require somebody or something with superhu­ l ion slew Hitori , his body was not eaten . A most puzzling
man strength. Whatever it was, judging by the damage to contradiction) .
the cage, it was big.
This development in the missing animal case will attract
3) Once the cage was opened, the lion may have sim­ large amounts of media attention , including the national
ply leaped out and left the area, although there has been news, animal rights groups, as wel l as all sorts of hunters
no trace of it. looking to bag a major trophy. The city will be a h uge cir­
4) The only tracks near the area of the break-in are cus within a week, with the lion in center ring. False sight­
those of the escaping lion. ings and a general aura of panic prevails (particularly in
5) The escapee seems to have moved straight toward a neighborhoods where the lion has been reported seen and
wall, where a set of fou r wide, flat footprints are located. where a victim is found).
Zoologists say these prints were made by an elephant.
There are only four prints and no evidence of how they got G . M . I nfo for Section Two
there. Of course , the escaped lion did not kill Hitori. It was just
G.M. Note: So what caused this strange crime scene? made to look that way. Hitori's job at the dock is just a
The thief, Paterson Quinn, has the major super ability of cover. In reality, he is an Enforcer for the local branch of
Animal Metamorphosis, and can change into any and all the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) . A year ago, he helped ki ll
types of animals. In this case, he flew into the zoo as a Paterson's fam ily (see Paterson's description in Section
bird and landed on the wire bars of the l ion cage. From Three for fu ll details) . Paterson picked up the Enforcer's
there, he calmed the lions with the Control Felines aspect scent a week ago and tracked him to the docks where he
of his super ability. He then changed into a monkey and worked during the day. After freeing the lion from the zoo,
gathered a number of brush-like branches from nearby Paterson flew down to the docks as a common bird and
trees to carefully wipe away any tracks (or most of them). waited on a nearby warehouse. His first night was unre­
He then retu rned to the lion pen where he changed into an warding as Hitori left with a sizable group of co-workers,
elephant to bash and tear it open. Once the cat was free, but the second night he left late and alone. As he went to
he led it to the wall and retu rned to the monkey shape to his car, Quinn, in l ion form , attacked and killed him. Then
brush away his elephant footprints with the branches. He dragged him to the river. There was one eyewitness to the
dropped them into the giraffe pen food pile to get rid of attack, however, but the Yakuza that run the warehouse
them. Changing again to a bird, this time an eagle, he flew are keeping him quiet because they suspect that the l ion
to rejoin the lion at the wall where he once more changed was sent specifically to kill Mr. Hitori . Note: The Yakuza
to the elephant and lifted the cat over the wal l , leaving the are conducting their own experiments with animals based
four large footprints in the ground. From there, he flew on Quinn's earlier work. See Quinn's history in Section
over the wall and directed the lion to his nearby van and Three for fu ll details.
drove off. If the player characters investigate the docks, they may
The big question now is, why go through all the trouble stumble onto the witness, who is a lowly dock worker
to steal the lion? The answer is that Paterson is a man named Katsu . Especial ly sharp characters will notice him
driven by revenge, and his uniq ue abilities have given him watching them. If approached, he will reluctantly speak
the opportunity to enact a truly creative means to attain it. with the heroes, but only because he was friends with
He plans to assume the likeness of the stolen l ion to mur­ H itori , whose death he suspects was no freak animal at­
der those he hates. It isn't the first time he has done so , tack. However, Katsu will only talk with the heroes where
and any character who investigates will quickly discover he cannot be seen talking to them , l i ke in the shadows or
this. A year ago, a leopard escaped from a smaller zoo in behind a stack of cargo containers. All he can say is that
a neighboring city and it killed two people. The cat was the lion who kil led James seemed smart and appeared
never recovered and is assumed to have reached the highly trained. It covered the door lock with its paw,
countryside or perished in some corner of the city. seemed to smile as it cornered H itori , etc. His decription of
the beast matches the escaped lion from the zoo. During The heroes also might realize that the attack on Hitori
his questioning, Katsu will be rather agitated , for he is ter­ took place some distance from the zoo, a fact that may
rified that his superiors will discover that he talked to out­ have gone unnoticed until this point amid all of the furor.
siders about Hitori's death. Depending on how the Surely the big cat could have easily crossed the distance
conversation goes, Katsu may ask the heroes to give him between the zoo and the dock, but it is unlikely that in
protection, which can provide an interesting subtext for the such an urban environment, possibly crossing downtown ,
adventure. that it would go completely unnoticed. It also might strike
Again , the characters' contacts, jobs, or employers will the heroes as strange that this man-killer crossed the en­
determine their access to H itori's body, police reports, and tire city but attacked nobody else besides Hitori . All things
other witnesses as their investigation continues. A suc­ considered , the activity of the lion and the events sur­
cessful Streetwise skill roll will notice that the Yakuza are rounding the kill ing should seem mighty peculiar.
stirred up over something and have been shaking down Over the next three weeks, the lion kills two more
the local underworld for information . If the heroes manage times, plus two more large cats (a tiger and a panther) will
to locate a few Yakuza members and q uestion them di­ disappear from the zoo(s) . Shortly after each animal's es­
rectly, the gangsters won't g ive up any details, for fear of cape , another mauled Japanese man turns up. Characters
spilling their organization's secrets. Once the Yakuza real­ who know the streets or make a habit of keeping an eye
ize the heroes are on their trail , they may assign a hit on local organized crime will notice that the Yakuza are
squad to take care of this inconvenience, especially if the quite actively looking for someth ing, and their important or
heroes and the Yakuza have tangled before. If the player top ranking people remain behind closed doors and under
characters question anybody the Yakuza has already heavy protection. Investigating the dead men will turn up
talked to, they might learn that the mobsters are looking some connections between them, most notably the fact
for a man named Dr. Paterson Quinn. that all of them were questioned in the deaths of the Quinn
Research on Quinn won't turn up much, since he disap­ family a year ago .
peared over a year ago, shortly after his entire family was
gunned down by unidentified assassins. The only addi­ Section Th ree: Fam i ly Relations
tional data that research will turn up is that Paterson had
worked for several years at the Kenaga Corporation as a Once the heroes have discovered the connection be­
scientist. Characters familiar with the local crime scene (or tween the dead men and the Quinn fami ly, they will learn
with police or news connections) might recall rumors that that tracking down Doctor Paterson Quinn will be next to
the Kenaga Corp. is a front company for the Yakuza. impossible. Since his disappearance, nobody has seen or
heard from him. Assuming he's either dead or in hiding, wished many times that those who killed her nephew,
the heroes have only one other lead: Paterson's last living nieces and sister-in-law would die horri ble deaths them­
relative, his sister Veronica. selves. However, that doesn't mean she will defend Pater­
Veronica lives on a large farm several miles outside the son . Fantasizing about revenge is one thing. Actually
city , surrounded by wide open countryside consisting of taking it is something else entirely.
other farms and forests. A long, straight gravel driveway Unknown to Veronica, her brother has been hiding out
takes visitors from the highway, through fenced-in fields on the outskirts of the farm in the gu ise of various animals.
where horses graze, to a two-story gray stone house with He has practiced his shape-sh ifting extenSively and can
a wraparound porch. A nearby barn serves as a garage assume nearly any animal form with ease. She hasn't
and shelter for a pair of small tractors. Beyond the house seen him, but he has been watching her. Though he has
are a number of fields and a larger barn which houses ad­ degenerated into a vengeful man driven largely by his ani­
ditional tractors and farming machinery. The whole rear mal instincts, being around Veronica has reminded him of
edge of the property is bordered by a thick, wooded area. his humanity and keeps him from going completely in­
A weathered, rugged looking woman with a guarded but sane.
friendly smile steps from the house onto the porch as the When he sees the heroes question his sister, Paterson
player characters arrive . will assume they have come to harm her, and he will
spring into action , intent on spilling blood. If the heroes ex­
G . M . I nfo for Section Th ree plain their intentions, or if his sister steps in, he can be
Veronica is a loyal, hard-working woman, more plain calmed enough to listen to what they may have to say, but
than pretty, but totally ignorant of her brother's actions, he will not surrender. He feels his vengeance is incom­
plans, or location . As far as she's concerned , her brother plete, and nothing shall stand between him and his retribu­
is either dead or hiding out somewhere. Once the heroes tion. If Paterson is attacked by the heroes, he will fight
convince her of what's going on and that her brother may only enough to escape - trying not to ki ll any "good
be involved, she will genuinely want to help them find her guys," this time. However, if cornered, the desperate and
brother and help him. At the same time, though , she can deranged man will ki l l . If he defeats or el udes the player
also appreciate Paterson's drive for vengeance - she has characters, he will go after the remaining Yakuza with no
subtlety, even attacking them in daylight and in public.

5 T h e P a t e r s o n F a rm
1. Ha i n H o u s e 4 Fi e l d s
? Tool Shed 5 Pa s tu re
6 Pa t e r s on and

3 T ra c to r Barn
the Ca t s

alongside them . The shapechanger will use the resem­
Dr. Paterson Q u i n n , Vig i lante blance of his lion form to that of the escaped zoo lion to
Paterson Quinn was once a promising young scientist confuse opponents who might not want to injure the real
for the Kenaga corporation, a medical and veterinary re­ animals. As it is, good-aligned characters will not wish to
search company secretly owned by the Yakuza. Nearly destroy these animals, since they are under Paterson's
two years ago, an experiment went awry, filling the room control, and are innocent of any bloodshed they might
with toxic fumes that hospitalized him for almost six cause.
months. The company paid the bills and saw that he was Note: If the group of characters are high level or other­
retu rned to full health. When he was released, he went wise powerful due to numbers or favorable combinations
back to work, but he brought with him a great secret. By of powers and/or skills, beef Paterson up to 8th level
concentrating, he could change into animals and exert and/or add a number of other large cats or other animals
mental control over fel ines. Believing h is accident to be to help him out in the battle. Or, include the unfortunate ar­
the source of these strange powers, he sought to secretly rival of a Yakuza hit team (which may or may not include
recreate the elements of it in the laboratory. His superiors, super-powered assassins) at the same time the heroes
ordered by the Yakuza to keep an eye on the young scien­ confront Paterson . The Yakuza could have figured out
tist for any changes he m ight exhibit, eventually realized what the heroes have put together, and have come to liq­
he was up to something. They looked into h is experiments uidate Quinn (and the rest of h is family? ! Is his sister in
(some of which were partly successful) in awakening hu­ danger? ) . Under such circumstances, the heroes might
man traits in animals such as intelligence and opposable find themselves fighting alongside Paterson and his cats,
digits. The Yakuza confronted Quinn and offered him a job at least for the time being, only to become enemies later.
that would help final ize his experiments. He refused to Or, once the Yakuza hit squad has been defeated, the
give his discoveries to a criminal organization and turned heroes may wish to let Paterson go, for the moment, since
them down . he will have helped them out. G iven that Paterson will
Unwilling to take no for an answer, the Yakuza first continue his private war against the Yakuza, if he es­
threatened Paterson's family. When he ignored their capes, or if the heroes let him go, it won't be hard to set
threats, they gunned them down and torched his home. up a seq uel to this adventure.
Paterson survived a separate assau lt at his laboratory
only by transforming into a mouse and escaping when
Yakuza goons raided the lab and stole his work (which
was turned over to loyal scientists charged with develop­
ing it further. The G . M . may wish to use this in other ad­
ventures involving m utant h u mans and/or mutant animals.
The Kenaga Corporation can even be substituted for
Genetech in the "Holy Talking Animals" adventure, later in
this sourcebook) . At the time a man of peace, Paterson
fled home only to find the carnage of Yakuza retribuiton .
The loss of his fami ly pushed him over the brink of sanity.
Now he is obsessed with bloody revenge.
Quinn went into hiding at his sister's farm outside of
town, where he plotted his revenge. Using the stolen ani­
mals as cover for his "hunting ," his vendetta is nearly com­
plete. After the killings presented earlier, Paterson will
have only two more gunmen to find. This won't be easy,
since the Yakuza know who will be targeted next, and will
secure the final gunmen away under heavy guard. Or, the
Yakuza might choose to use these gunmen as bait to set
a trap for the mysterious assassin that is stalking them .
Once Paterson finishes off the other gunmen, however,
he will decide that the people responsible for all this have
to pay too. His next goal will be to find and eliminate the Dr. Paterson Q u i n n
Yakuza members that direct the Kanaga Corporation's ille­ Alignment: Miscreant ( I t was PrinCipled before h i s fami ly
gal activities. Certainly a scheme of considerable difficulty, was killed.)
but by this pOint, he is teetering on the brink of insanity Attributes : I.Q.: 1 8, M . E . : 1 7, M .A . : 1 3, P.S.: 1 7, P.P.: 2 1 ,
and doesn't care. P . E . : 1 0 , P . B . : 1 1 , Spd: 38
If the player characters catch up with Paterson, he will Size: 5 feet, 1 0 inches ( 1 .77 m ) .
know they are com ing and release the big cats he has Weight: 1 95 I b s (73 kg) .
been h iding within the woods around his sister's farm . H it Points: 29
Should the heroes attempt to apprehend him, he will order S.D.C. : 70
the cats to attack, then assume his lion form and fight Horror Factor: 1 1 when shifting to animal forms.

Experience Level : 4th Bonuses: Same as Paterson in human form (see above).
Power Category: M utant Natural Abilities: In lion form , Paterson has the following
Minor Super Abilities: None. abilities, which are augmented by his Animal Abilities:
Major Super Abilities : Animal Abil ities (Big Cats) and An­ Feline super power: Keen vision and sense of smell,
imal Metamorphosis (All). Climb (84%) , Prowl (79%) , Swim (60%) , Track by smell
Appearance: Paterson Quinn is a rather average-looking or sight (70%) , and Nightvision (1 00 ft./30.5 m). He can
middle-aged man . Any pictures the characters might also leap 20 feet (6 . 1 m) straight up and 40 feet (1 2.2
find of him show him to be a l ittle short with a spare tire m) across, his roar can be heard up to 1 .5 miles (2 km)
about his waist and thick, framed glasses on his face. away and he can control 2 04+4 cats at any one time.
He looks very much l i ke a stereotypical research tech­ Speed : 38, with bursts of speed to 45 (31 mph/49.6 kph).
nician , with dark slacks, l ight button-up shirts, and thick,
framed glasses. The superhu man Paterson Quinn still The (real) Lion
looks basically the same, but has lost his spare tire and
no longer wears his glasses. His nose is also a bit Size: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m); not including the tail .
wider and his ears thinner and slightly tapered. When in Weight: 300 I b s ( 1 35 kg)
the wilds or during forays in animal form , he wears no H it Points: 40
clothing and he has a bit more body hair than the aver­ S.D.C. : 44
age man. Attacks per melee: 5
Disposition : Quinn is obsessed with avenging his family's Damage: Claws: 306+4; Bite: 306
murder. He rightfully blames the Yakuza and targets Bonuses: +2 initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +4 to
them exclusively, but is not above hurting anyone who dodge, +6 vs Horror Factor.
might get in his way (This incl udes any heroes and the Natural Abilities : Keen vision and sense of smell,
police). If the player characters foil his schemes for re­ N ightvision to 60 feet ( 1 8 m), Climb (40%) , Swim
venge, he will become their lifelong enemy. (60%), Prowl (60%) , Track by smell or sight (70%) and
Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic. can leap 1 0 feet (3 m) high and 20 feet (6. 1 m) across.
Number of Attacks: 5 Speed : 1 8, with bursts of speed to 33 (22.5 mph/36
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to kph).
dodge , +2 to damage, +2 to rol l with punch , fall or im-
pact, +2 to pull punch , + 1 save vs magic, +6 vs Horror The (real) Tiger
Factor, and + 1 save vs poison/toxins.
Size: 8 feet (2.44 m); not including the tail.
Education Level and Skills: All have +4% added for the Weight: 600 Ibs (270 kg)
I .Q. bonus. Criminal Science and Forensics (59%) , Bi­ H it Points: 45
ology (54%) , Chemistry (54%), Pathology (64%) , Basic
S.D.C.: 50
and Advanced Mathematics (69%) , Business and Fi­
Attacks per melee: 5
nance (59%) , Computer Operation (64%) , Paramedic
Damage: Claws: 2 06+8; Bite: 2 06+2
(64%), Law (General) (49%) , Research (74%) , Lan­
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to
guage: Japanese (74%), Language: French (74%) ,
dodge, +7 vs Horror Factor.
Language: Russian (74%) , Language: Italian (74%) ,
Natural Abilities: N ightvision to 400 feet ( 1 22 m), Climb
Language: Spanish (74%) , Basic Electronics (54%) ,
(50%), Swim (80%) , Prowl (70%) , Track by smell or
Read Sensory Eq uipment (54%) , Pilot: Boats:
sight (60%) and can leap 1 5 feet (4.6 m) high and 30
Sail-Types (84%) , Computer Programming (54%) , Gen­
feet (9. 1 m) across.
eral Repair/Maintenance (59%) , Writing (49%) , Track
Speed: 22, with bursts of speed to 50 (35 mph/56 kph).
Animals (46%), Land Navigation (60%) , Hunting, and
Prowl (5 1 %) .
Weapons and Melee Combat: Paterson is not a formida­ The (real) Panther
ble melee opponent until he assumes the form of a Size: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m); not including the tai l .
predatory an imal. His preferred "combat form" is that of Weight: 250 I b s (1 1 2.5 kg)
a large lion. His stats in this form are presented below. H it Points: 34
As a large cat, his claws do 206 plus his P.S. bonus of S.D.C.: 40
+2, and his bite does 206 to 306+4 damage. The latter Attacks per melee: 4
bite is for a large lion and l i ke all bite attacks receives Damage: Claws: 2 06+2; Bite: 204
no P.S. bonus to damage. Bonuses: +3 initiative, +6 to stri ke, +4 to parry, +3 to
dodge, +4 vs Horror Factor.
Paterson in Lion Form Natural Abilities: N ightvision to 200 feet (61 m), Climb
Size: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m); not including the tail . (89%), Swim (44%) , Prowl (85%) , and can leap 20 feet
Weight: 400 Ibs (1 80 kg) (6. 1 m) high and 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) across.
H it Points: 50 Speed : 22, with bursts of speed to 44 (30 mph/48 kph).
S.D.C.: 70
Attacks per melee: 5
Damage: Claws: 306+6; Bite: 306+4
The characters are drawn into a mystic war between tions of the combatants, a Magic character might match
two rival wizards' gui lds over the rights to a powerful ley the look with Bella, a renowned member of The Enlighten­
line nexus. This should be something the heroes can han­ ment. Going by that, it is a safe bet that the other descrip­
dle, as long as no one else tries to crash the party. tion points to a member of the Society of the Mystic Font.
An alternate way of beginning this adventure is having
Section One: Concert i n the Park the player characters in the park (either in their civilian
identities or making a public appearance as costumed
"Good evening. I'm Lori Landry and this is the Six
heroes) when the battle breaks out. The heroes may or
O'Clock News. Tonight's top story: Mystic forces made
may not take sides, but if they get involved, additional
their presence known today when two unidentified,
Wizards may be thrown into the mix to make the situation
super-powered women clashed in Benberry Park earlier
more challenging. Remember, there will be dozens of in­
this afternoon."
nocent people about, so the heroes can not indiscrimi­
Footage of the park replaces the channel's logo, then nately blast away at the feuding Wizards. Also, they might
zooms out to fill the screen as Lori continues with a voice have to put themselves in danger and not participate in
over. It looks like a small war was fought in the park. combat to protect any innocent bystanders about to get
Trees have been blown into splinters or stand charred by caught in the crossfire.
fire. The few statues, park benches, and park buildings
Regardless of the heroes' involvement, the outcome is
that remain standing all bear the marks of some kind of
largely the same. After 1 06 minutes of combat, the first
energy blasts. On the ground are numerous small craters,
police will show up and the dueling Wizards will all flee,
some of which are sti ll smoking.
taking any fallen comrades with them. About five minutes
''The battle raged for several min utes until police and later, a S . C . R . E .T. response team arrives on the scene
S . C . R . E .T. response personnel arrived on the scene," Lori (depending on the heroes' relationship with S.C.R. E .T. ,
continues (G.M. Note: S . C . R . E.T. stands for Superbeing this may be their cue to leave, too) .
Control, Retrieval, and Elimination Team, as detailed in
Bella's full statistics are given below. The stats for the
the Villains Unlimited™ sou rcebook.)
other mage(s) in this fight should be determined by the
''The two combatants then dispersed and eluded cap­ G . M . , but they shouldn't be more powerful than Bella.
ture. I ncredibly, no park visitors were hurt during the ex­
change, although some remained rattled by this
supernatural confrontation , yet another reminder of the Section Two :
awesome powers that dwell among us."
Trouble is J u st a Free Fal l Away
The footage shifts to brief eyewitness accounts of the
fight. Most of the people interviewed describe the women Several days after the news reports (or before, depend­
''flying'' and throwing "lightning bolts," or "different kinds of ing on your preferences) , as some or all of the player
energy beams," at each other. According to the eyewit­ characters are enjoying themselves in a relatively open
nesses, the two fled when the authorities arrived. One flew area (under the skylights of a mall, dining on a patio, walk­
off over the rooftops and the other simply vanished. "One ing to their cars, watching a sporting event, etc.), a body
minute she was there," reports a witness, ''the next she will , literally, fal l into their laps. The figure can crash
wasn't." The footage shrinks back to its backdrop panel through a skylight, land on the characters' table, etc. Re­
and Lori continues with the newscast. gardless of where it lands, the person is still alive , though
barely, and will attempt (even in her wounded condition) to
G . M . I nfo for Section One get to her feet and flee.
If the player characters investigate, there is l ittle else to Any Wizards in the group can rol l to see if they sense
learn at this point. Witnesses will relate pretty much what magic just before the figure fal ls. If the group decides to
the news report said, though possibly in more colorful help, or at the least investigate, the person can be identi­
terms. The two women started a verbal argument in the fied as a woman dressed in a dark outfit with a belted tu­
park, then there were flashes of l ight, lightning, and other nic over close-fitting pants and boots. A hooded cloak
energies as the argument turned into a mystical brawl . conceals most of her attire, though , and a red mask hides
When the cops and S . C . R . E .T. closed in, both of them dis­ her identity. She will be hurt and slightly disoriented from
engaged and fled. her fall , muttering about how she, "Must . . . get away." If
A player character Wizard visiting the park within a few the characters seem concerned, she will ask them for help
hours of the incident will sense the residual magic in the when she recovers her senses moments later.
area, but that won't offer any clues as to what happened.
However, at the G . M .'s discretion , Magic characters may G . M . I nfo for Section Two
know of The Enlightenment and/or The Society of the The woman is Analisse Chavon, but she calls herself
Mystic Font, two secretive, rival Wizards' guilds that have "Bella" when in costume. She is a Wizard of The Enlight­
operated in the city for some time. Going by the descrip- enment, and is one of the combatants in the park. Cur-
rently she is fleeing Vadimar, a Wizard from the Society of The E n l i g htenment (Wizards' G u i ld)
the Mystic Font. Bella had been flying on a broom she en­ This is the guild to which Bella belongs. Most of the
chanted with a Fly spell, but Vadimar negated that magick, members are of good alignment, though some selfish
sending the enchantress crashing to the ground. Vadimar alignments are counted among their numbers. Evil align­
will not show up where Bella fel l , but the two Shadow
ments are not allowed and once someone shows them­
Beasts he has summoned will - probably about the time selves to be such , they are expel led from the guild. The
the group gets its wits together and decides on a course of Enlightenment is mostly Druidic/Celtic/Wiccan in its be­
action . Bella will not have time to explain with the Beasts liefs, and puts un ity and life at the forefront of their beliefs.
bearing down on her. The creatures will focus their attack Hermetic-type Wizards are part of the organization , but
on the fallen mage , unless somebody else presents a seri­ their structured book magic and alchemy are not as perva­
ous threat to them . They will then attack any interlopers sive as the more natural rituals and practices of the major­
(Le . , the heroes) before return ing their attention to finish­ ity numbers. The guild maintains a large Victorian-style
ing off Bella (Note: The stats for a Shadow Beast can be house with a sizable yard . Of cou rse, it is built on one of
found on page 335 of Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition.) the only notable ley lines that run through the city. Normal
If Bella survives and talks with the group, they may magicks are performed in the house or on the yard and
learn some of what is going on. If she decides for some benefit from the added boost of the ley line, but special rit­
reason to leave and not tal k to the group right now, she uals or events are held down the street on the nexus
will make good an escape, and find them later when pOint, at moments when mystic energy swells.
things get really bad , and ask for help. The Enlightenment has six members (wh ich is a signifi­
In a nutshel l , The Enlightenment and The Society of the cant n umber of mages in one spot even for a Heroes Un­
Mystic Font have bickered over the control of a ley line Iimited™ setting) , fou r "nature-oriented" and two
nexus in town, but it has never escalated into anything se­ "hermetics." Their magic orientations have l ittle effect on
rious or l ife threatening. That has begun to change as a game terms, un less the G . M . is using practitioners of
planetary alignment draws near. The alignment will cause magic from other Palladium games (such as Rifts® or
the already powerful nexus to surge with massive The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®) , in which
amounts of mystic energy (P. P . E . ) . Both of the groups case the "hermetics" wou ld be Ley Line Walkers or stan­
have guild houses on the contributing ley lines, but neither dard Wizards, wh ile the "nature-oriented" mages could be
will forego the chance to tap the incredible energy of the Shamans, Mystics, Druids, or Priests of Light. They gather
upcoming conjunction . Even though it will likely provide together out of common interests (magic, mostly) and for
enough power for both groups' rituals, Vadimar's guild is some necessity. It is difficu lt for the lone practitioner in a
too greedy to risk coming up short. The Society of the modern world, and having other mages around for help,
Mystic Font is made up of selfish and evil Wizards who support and inspiration (as wel l as to share P . P . E . with) is
are willing and able to fight and kill for exclusive rights to always handy. The guild members seek only to master
the nexus point during the upcom ing conj unction. That their own arcane skills while l iving peacefully with what­
means war has been declared on The Enlightenment sor­ ever other guilds or magic practitioners m ight exist in the
cerers. The Society of the Mystic Font will settle for chas­ area. They are a cooperative seeking to help themselves
ing their rivals away, but will kill if they feel they must. by helping each other.
It is left entirely up to the G . M . as to how many battles, The guild has no dues, but members are asked to con­
incidents and encounters occur between the two guilds, tribute to its upkeep. Usually this means contributing to ex­
their members, and/or the player characters before the big penses, adding a spell or donating a book to the guild
night of planetary alignment and mystic ritual(s) . If the library, returning borrowed books and items, as well as
Mystic Font members believe they have forced The En­ maintaining the house, buying or cooking food, donating
lightenment members to abandon their plans to use the or contributing P . P . E . to rituals, etc. Only three of the
nexus point, they will cease hostilities and devote them­ members actually l ive in the house, but there is plenty of
selves to preparations for their ritual . Otherwise, they will room for the rest to stay when doing research or a place to
continue to apply heavy-handed tactics to dissuade their stay is needed.
rivals. As the date of the alignment approaches, their tac­ Bella is the most powerful Wizard of The Enlighten­
tics will grow increasingly deadly. If any of the Enlighten­ ment. The other members are less impressive, though
ment members show themselves on the night of planetary quite powerful compared to the average mortal. If the G . M .
al ignment, the Mystic Font wil l try to kill them outright (see wishes to draw them into the adventu re, possibly for a cli­
Section Three for some ideas on add itional complications mactic magical battle royal , he can assign them specific
to this little squabble) .
except P . E . and La. which will be 1 4. They are each ap­
stats or assume each has average attribute scores of 1 0,
Note: For a more direct hook into the adventure, player
character Wizards may already be part of Bella's guild, or proximately 3rd level with 25-45 S . D . C . and 30 hit pOints.
have petitioned to join it and must help out if they are to be Their P . P . E . ratings range from 95- 1 25 pOints. The "her­
fully initiated. Along the same l ines, remember that the vil­ metic" Wizards will have spells l i ke Decipher Magic, See
lain Gary Pender from the Loose in the City adventure can the Invisible, Levitation, and Mystic Alarm , along with En­
also be associated with Vadimar's guild, providing even ergy Bolt and similar combat spells. The "nature-oriented"
more links and hooks for your group's adventures. Wizards will lean more toward spells like Death Trance ,

Sense Evi l , Turn Dead and Negate Toxin , with fire or light­ Offices, Hideouts, and Distribution : Urban (5 points).
ning spells being preferred for combat. Includes the houses of the non-resident members and
places protected by wards or spells.
Organ ization Stats Military Power: Security G uards (5 points) . Famil iars
and small enchanted or sum moned creatures keep an eye
for The Enlighten ment out for intruders and impostors, but they can't do much to
Note: The following aspects o f this organization are de­ stop them. They usually raise an alarm so the guild mem­
rived from the Organ ization Creation rules mentioned on bers can take care of the situation .
page 34 of the Villains Unlimited™ sou rcebook. Super Powered Operatives: Super Strike Force (40
This is a Secret Society with 1 45 Organization Creation points) . All of the members are su per-powered Wizards
Points, distributed as follows: and together command as m uch power as a battalion of
high-tech commandos.
Outfits : None (0 points) .
Sponsorship: Agent Sponsored (50 points) . The mem­
Equipment: Magical Supplies ( 1 0 points) . Alchemical
bers run the guild.
and other basic necessities for rituals or simple wards are
provided. Special B udget: N ickels and Dimes (5 points) . The
members could scrape up a couple of thousand dollars for
Weapons: None (0 points) .
a really important ritual (a diamond or other val uable might
Bionics and Robotics: None (0 points) . be required) , but there is no second try.
Vehicles: None (0 points) . Administrative Control: Rigid Laws (0 points) .
Communications: Basic (2 points) . The guild provides Internal Security: I ron C lad (25 points) . The wards on
its members with cellular phones and the guild house has the house are equ ivalent to this level of security.
a modem-based Internet connection.
External Infiltration: None (0 points) .
Ga the ring for Research and Information Gathering: None (0
En l i g h t e nme n t G u i l d H o u s e
points) .
Agency Credentials: Unknown (3 points) .
Agency Salary: None (0 points) .
Fi r s t F l o o r
Bel la, Wizardess of
1 4 The E n l ighten ment
Bella is the costumed identity used b y the wizardess
Analisse Chavon when she finds the need to take an ac­
tive role in things that her magicks might have some posi­
tive impact on. Such outreach ing tactics are generally
frowned on by her fellows in The Enlightenment, but none

of them have condemned or expel led her for it. She also
tends to be more outgoing and social than the other spell
• • • casters, and her spells tend to follow suit with a m ixtu re of
offensive, defensive, and miscellaneous spells most of the
1 Bedrooms others do not have.

L i v i n g R o om
Analisse can be said to be the spokesperson for the
2 guild simply because she is the only one who truly enjoys

Di n i n g Room
dealing with non-mages - "outsiders." No one person
3 leads the guild, but Anal isse has recruited the majority of
its members, again because she is the most inclined to go
4 K i t ch e n out and find like-minded individuals to join the group. It

U t i l i t y Room S e cond Fl o o r
also means that she wou ld be the one inclined to adven­
ture as a heroine with the player character group if they
6 Porch should need the guild's assistance . On the bad side, her

1 ( 1
personality makes her all too willing to butt heads with the
members of the Society of the Mystic Font over the nexus

When not absorbed in the pursuit of magical knowledge
or recruiting new guild members, Analisse pays her bills
by working as a computer programmer and software de­
1 1 signer. She is trying to sh ift her work into the computer
[J [) games area and has been practicing her creativity through
art and less formal writing.
Bel l a of The E n l i g hten ment
Real Name: Analisse Chavon

Attributes : La.: 1 6 , M . E . : 1 2 , M.A.: 2 1 , P.S. : 9 , P . P . : 1 2 ,

Alignment: Principled

P.E. : 1 8 , P . B . : 1 3, Spd: 1 4
Height: 5 feet, 3 inches (1 .6 m)
Weight: 1 05 Ibs (47 kg)
Experience Level : 5th
Hit Points: 38
S.D.C. : 30, but can use magical armor to augment this in
Disposition : Open and friendly, a direct contrast to the
somewhat absorbed attitudes of others in the guild. She
makes friends readily and enjoys being with people as
much as her dedication to the mystic arts allows. While
far from a "party girl," she does enjoy having fun and
doing new things, often traveling to study and research
history and spell formulae.
Appearance: Analisse is pretty when she wants to be, but
generally looks rather plain. Appearances aren't all that
important to her, and with her magnetic personality, it's
not something she has to worry m uch about. She wears
glasses to read , except when she's at a computer, and
dresses comfortably in jeans and cotton shirts when not
hiding her identity.
The Bella costume has a long, hooded, emerald
green cloak worn over a gray belted tunic that falls to
mid-thigh . Beneath the tunic she wears close-fitting
black pants and knee-high boots. A red mask shaped
roughly l i ke a butterfly covers her upper face.
Magic: Analisse knows the following spells (P. P.E. costs
are in parentheses): Cloud of Smoke (2) , Decipher
Magic (4), Sense Evil (2) , Chameleon (6) , Extinguish
Fire (4), Levitation (5) , Mystic Alarm (5) , Armor of Ithan
( 1 0) , Energy Bolt (5) , Negate Toxin (5) , Paralysis:
Lesser (5 ) , Carpet of Adhesion ( 1 0), Repel Animals (7),
Seal (7) , Swim as a Fish (6) , Tongues ( 1 2 ) , See the In­
visible (4), Mystic Shield ( 1 0), Eyes of the Wolf (25) ,
Fireball ( 1 0) , Fly ( 1 5), Dispel Magic Barriers (20) , I nvisi­
bility (Superior) (20) , Eyes of Thoth (8) , Heal Wounds
( 1 0) , Charismatic Aura (1 0) , M u ltiple Images (7) , Imper­
vious to Cold (6) , Impervious to Fire (6) , Blinding Flash
( 1 ) , and G lobe of Daylight (2) .
P.P.E.: 1 52
Spell Strength : 1 4
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to
dodge, +2 to rol l with punch, fall or impact, +2 to pull
punch , +5 vs magic, + 1 vs possession, +2 vs pOison ,
+2 vs Horror Factor, and has a 65% chance of evoking
feelings of trust or intimidation.
Education Level and Skills: Basic Electronics (77% ) ,
Computer Operation ( 87% ) , Computer Programming
( 77% ) , Cryptography (72% ) , Research (97%) , Photog­
raphy ( 82% ) , Writing ( 67%) , Language: Japanese
( 97% ) , Language: Chinese (97% ) , Language: Russian
(97%), Language: German (97%) , Athletics, First Aid
(72%) , Pilot: Automobile (72%) , Pilot: Boat: Sail-Type
(87%), Astronomy (52%) , Art (52%) , and W.P. Knife. As
a Wizard, she also has Spell Translation (20%) , Demon J ust down the street from the guild house is an old city
and Monster Lore (57%) , Geomancy and Lines of park where the two major ley l ines in town intersect (not
Power (52%) , Religion Lore (62%) , Archaeology (47%), the park where Bella and one of the Society's Wizards
Chemistry (57%) , and Hol istic Medicine (47%) . scuffled at the beginning of this adventure). The ley line
Weapons and Combat Damage: The only weapon nexus lies deep within a dense thicket of trees that has
Analisse regularly carries is a knife. It has been en­ never been developed . There are natural clearings within
chanted as a talisman (as per the spell) and can hold the thicket for both guilds to perform their rituals (and do
25 P . P . E . pOints as a reserve for her use. Other than combat) , but the place remains wild, and is rarely visited
the knife , the only other physical attacks in her reper­ by normal people, who get creeped out by this strange
toire are her backward sweep and tripping leg hook kick spot. Many feel that it is haunted, but that is not the case.
attacks, as wel l as a karate kick (2D4) . It is just surging with raw magical energy.
The Society of the Mystic Font is larger than The En­
lightenment, with almost 20 members, and maintaining it­
The Society of the self through contact with other-dimensional entities and
Mystic Font (Wizards' G u i ld) the simple fact that stel lar and planetary traits point to this
city as the prime spot for the kind of thing the Society
In stark contrast t o the make-up and orientation of The wants to achieve. What wou ld otherwise be a group the
Enlightenment, there are no good members of the Society, size of The Enlightenment has flourished and g rown as
for few such people would agree with its practices or like-minded Summoners and Binders made their way
goals. It is mostly comprised of Summoners and here.
Charmers, the kind of sorcerers who use their magic to Unlike The Enlightenment, the SOCiety has dues and all
control others, be they humans with spells cast upon members must live in or near the society's headquarters.
them, or otherworldly beings brought here and forced into The members' controlling magicks reflect their aggressive
service. and domineering personal ities. They all are successful ca­
The Society's leadership (with Vadimar being chief reer people, such as bankers, doctors, executives, etc.,
among it) is strongly Aberrant. Thus, they seek to estab­ whose occupations put them in contact with the movers
l ish their control in an orderly manner by subverting their and shakers of the city. This forms the basis for the Soci­
enemies and directing things from behind the scenes; at ety's worldly power, and their magic efforts do the rest. I n
least until they are ready to take the reins of power with l it­ addition, each member i s requ i red t o donate any neces­
tle opposition. So far, the Society has replaced a city sary P . P . E . to Society rituals.
councilman with a Doppleganger from another dimension
Vadimar's stats are given after the stats for the guild.
and have gained magical control over one of the Mayor's
The other members of the society are less impressive ,
aides (by using a beguiling female guild member and the
though slightly more powerful than their counterparts in
proper charm spel ls) . It also has footholds in the police
The Enlightenment. If the G.M. wishes to draw them into
and fire departments, board of education, and even pulls
the adventure, possibly for a grand finale magical battle
the strings of a city j udge or two. Once it has enough royal , simply assign them specific stats or assume each
power interlaced throughout the city, the Society will take
L a . , which will be 1 4 or higher. They are approximately
has average attribute scores of 1 0, except P . E . , M . E . and
control of it as a shadow government and direct it more
aggressively. It plans to summon a powerful god-like be­ 4th level with 30-45 S . D . C . and 30-40 Hit Points. Their
ing at some point in the future and will need the entire city
P.P.E. ratings range from 1 00-1 50 pOints. They can have
at their disposal to prepare for it.
any kind of spells, but summoning, control, and combat
Vadimar's guild resides and operates out of an elemen­ spells will be the most common. Each mage has two addi­
tary school that was abandoned years ago because it was tional spells from each spell level 1 -5 to bolster those all
haunted. Resting squarely on a ley line, the building at­ Wizards begin with , in addition to any appropriate Sum­
tracted all manner of spirits and poltergeists who eventu­ moning spells or circles (see The Palladium Fantasy
ally drove out the teachers and children . Unfortunately for RPG® 2nd Edition for summoning and circle magic) .
the ghosts, the guild members are binders and forced Many of them are also likely to have a couple of entities
them all into service as guards and servants shortly after and/or smal l , lesser demons or other-dimensional ser­
taking over the old school as their permanent guild house. vants of some kind that they have summoned and bound
G . M . s who own Beyond the Supernatural™ or the into service. These servants will have the stats of an aver­

ically the Monsters & Animals sou rcebook) can use the
Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game, 2nd Ed. (specif­ age h uman with a handful of pSionic abilities (no super
psionics) or spells (1 D4+2 spells from levels 1 -4) . More
Tectonic Entities, Banshees and Ghosts from those powerful summoned creatures guard the headquarters
games to oppose any heroes who enter the Society's and may include Gargoyles or other minor demons or
headquarters. Those unfami liar with these games can ei­ Deevils (again , see The Pal ladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd
ther modify the Dark Breeze from the Planetfall adven­ Edition for more info on these monsters).
ture, or get creative with a permanently intangible psionic
character to duplicate a poltergeist or other malevolent

Organ ization Stats for the Sponsorship: Private Industry (6 points) . Unknown to
many of the society members, the organization is actually
Society of the Mystic Font
controlled by a rather powerful demon with its own
This is a Secret Society with 1 51 organization pOints at agenda. It is able to manipulate key members to hide its
its disposal. involvement in their activities, but just l i ke a corporate
Outfits: None (0 points) . sponsor, it expects a return on its investment, including
summoning specific entities when told to, elim inating cer­
Equipment: Magical Suppl ies ( 1 0 points) . Alchemical
tain people without question, contributing P . P . E . when
and other basic necessities for rituals, wards or
necessary, etc.
summonings are provided.
Special Budget: Small Potatoes ( 1 5 points) . The suc­
Weapons: None (0 points) .
cessful careers of the members means they can collect a
Bionics and Robotics: None (0 points) . substantial amount of money (up to $50,000) for a really
Veh icles: None (0 points) . important ritual or purchase (such as buying buildings or
Communications: Basic (2 points). Cellular phones land needed for future use), but such money could only be
and Internet communications. found once or twice a year.
Offices, Hideouts, and Distribution : U rban (5 points) . Administrative Control: Rigid Laws (0 points) .
Includes the houses of the non-resident members and Internal Security: Paranoid (30 points) . The wards and
places protected by wards or spells. servants on the headq uarters make it almost impossible to
Military Power: M i l itia ( 1 5 points) . While the society get around unnoticed. External Infiltration: General Infil­
can't call up 1 50 armed sold iers, it does have a number of tration (25 points) . As mentioned before , the society has
powerful minor Demons or Deevils and some golems to key people under its control or controlled by one of their
protect their headquarters. These cou ld be called into the supernatural servants.
field if absolutely necessary. Research and Information Gathering: None (0
Super Powered Operatives: Super Stri ke Force (40 points) .
points) . All of the members are Wizards and count as Agency Credentials: U nknown (3 points) .
super beings equal in n umber to a strike force. Agency Salary: None (0 points) . The members are all
independently wealthy.
s o c i e t y o f t h e Mys t i c
Fo n t G u i l d H o u s e

6 6
1 1 G 5

1 1
C i r cu l a r
1 1 D r i ve
Cou r t y a rd 4
Fr om Ro a d
1 1

1 1
1 1 8
G 8 G

G = Gua rds
1 Memb e r ' s Q u a r t e r s 5 S ta g e
� Le a d e r ' s Q u a r t e r s 6 D r e s s i n g Ro o m s
3 Storage 7 Unde rg round H o l ding Cel l s
4 O l d G ym / R i t u a l A r e a 8 C o v e r e d Wa l k wa y s
Vad i mar
Wizard & Member of the Society of the Mystic Font
Vadimar is a tal l , dark, and menacing figure. He is ruth­
less and powerful with a want and need to become even
more so, and while he doesn't head the Society of the
Mystic Font, he is the leader's right-hand man and the
guild's "enforcer." Note: The identity of the Society's
leader is known only to the innermost circles of the guild,
which includes Vadimar and perhaps two or three others.
The rest only know that the leader is a woman . Nothing
else is known about her except that she is completely evi l
and very, very powerful (no, she isn't the wizard Bella
clashed with earl ier) .
The player characters may never know much about the
Society, but they will definitely get to know Vadimar as a
determined and merciless opponent. He is not one to
skulk in shadows but instead possesses a keen percep­
tion of his position at all times and the ability to know when
to hide or take action .
Vadimar is one of the select few who know the Soci­
ety's true agenda, and will see to it that nothing impedes
the timetables. Even his own people are at risk should
they q uestion or delay the plans. In the same vein , if this
adventure is linked to Loose in the City, Vadimar will be
hunting the Summoner Pender for drawing attention to
himself and possibly alerting others to the Society's habit
of summoning demons. He will additionally be charged
with catching, ki lling, or returning the demon to its own di­
mension, adding yet another compl ication to the tasks of
the player characters should they undertake that adven­
When not attending to the affairs of the society or h is
own mystic studies, Vadimar works as a lieutenant in
charge of one of the Detective Divisions in the City Police

Vad imar
Wizard & Member of the Society of the Mystic Font

Attributes : La.: 20, M . E . : 1 6 , M .A . : 22 (the intimidate as­

Alignment: Miscreant.

pects only) , P . S . : 1 2 , P . P . : 1 5, P . E . : 1 3, P . B . : 1 4, Spd: 1 8

Size: 6 feet 5 inches (1 .95 m)
Weight: 220 Ibs (99 kg)
Experience Level : 9th
H it Points: 52
S.D.C.: 50
Disposition : Cold, calculating and determined, this dark
Wizard weighs his options carefully before committing
himself to action. He prefers to have others do his dirty
work whenever possible, such as the Shadow Beasts
that attacked Bella earl ier in the adventure, but he also
enjoys personally defeating his opponents and inflicting
punishment or suffering on them. Thus, he will handle
many things personally, especially when they are safe
and easy enough that he can enjoy them. He despises
The Enlightenment and has looked for an excuse to de­
stroy it for years. The cu rrent conflict over the ley line
nexus has given him the perfect excuse.

Appearance: Vadimar is tall and dark, both in appearance G . M . I nfo for Section Three
and in dress. He is of Middle Eastern descent with dark
The G . M . is free to come up with as many added com­
skin and black eyes. He wears his long beard in a goa­
plications as he and his player group can handle, but two
tee and has a silver ring through his nose. Adding to
suggestions are given below. Feel free to include them as
the sorcerer's menacing look are multi-layered robes of complications or ignore them completely (Statistics from
deepest blue with blood red trim. A silver circlet lined The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, RiftS®,
with etchings spans his forehead and black gloves hide
Beyond the Supernatural™ , or Nightbane® can cer­
his hands. tainly be substituted for these Heroes Unlimited™ equiv­
Magic: Vadimar has the following spells: All first and sec­
ond level spells, Armor of Ithan ( 1 0 ) , Energy Bolt ( 5 ) ,
alents) .
Ignite Fire (6) , Fuel Flame ( 5 ) , Blind (8) , Magic Net (7) ,
A trio of female demons (succubi) want to use the con­
Energy Field ( 1 0 ) , Ley Line Transmission (30), Horrific
j unction and the nexus to open a gateway and bring over
I l lusion ( 1 0 ) , Impervious to Energy (20 ) , Agony (20 ) ,
a mass of their brethren . The demons have used their hu­
Animate and Control Dead (20 ) , Summon Shadow
man pawns to manipulate the pol itical climate of the city to
Beast ( 1 40) , Superhuman Strength ( 1 0 ) , Constrain Be­
build themselves a regime behind the facade of a
ing (20 ) , Heal Self (20 ) , I nvulnerability: Lim ited (25 ) ,
women's rights movement. They have no connections to
the regular demonic allies of the Society of the Mystic
Life Drain (25) , Wind Rush (20) , Exorcism (30) , Minor
Font, which often results in the schemes of the two groups
Curse (35) , Negate Magic (30) , Wisps of Confusion
coming into direct opposition. The succubi will wait until
(40) , M u ltiple Image (7) , I mpervious to Fire (6) , Negate
the conjunction and use some of the event's energies to
Poison/Toxin (5) , Telekinesis (8) , Shadow Meld (1 0) ,
fight off the Mystic Font and any other competition , count­
and Domination ( 1 0) . (All P . P . E . costs are given in pa­
ing on the event to provide enough remaining power for
their spells. In their natural forms, they are nearly eight
feet (2.4 m) tall , with thickly muscled builds, wide shoul­
P.P.E.: 300
Spell Strength : 1 5
ders, bat-like wings, long, powerful tails, reddish-bronze
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert.
skin, long fangs, blazing eyes, large, tapered ears, and a
Number of Attacks: 6
thick, single horn that curves from the forehead .
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to
dodge , +2 to roll with punch , fall or impact, +2 disarm , Q u ick Stats for the Demoness Trio
+2 to pull punch , +3 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs P.S. : 1 9 (superh uman). Natural A.R.: 1 2. H.P.: 40.
possession, +2 vs Horror Factor, and Critical stri ke on a S.D.C.: 200. Experience Level : 5th. Bonuses (all): +2
natural 1 8-20.
Education Level and Skills: Detect Ambush ( 98% ) , Intel­
initiative, +5 to stri ke, +4 parry, +2 dodge, +2 on all saving

ligence (97%) , Computer Operation ( 98% ) , Interroga­

throws and +4 to save vs magic. Number of Attacks: 5.

tion ( 98% ) , Tracking (98% ) , Biology ( 98%) , Pathology

Damage: 3D6+P .S. from claws, 206 bite damage, and
(98% ) , Running, Climbing (98%) , M i litary Etiquette
306+2 gore damage from the horn . Spell Knowledge:
Between the three of them, they know all spells of levels
(98%), Radio: Basic (98%) , W.P. Rifle, W.P. Pistol, 1 -4. P.P.E.: Each has 1 45.
Criminal Science (98%) , Law (General) (98%), Street­
wise (87%) . As a wizard , he also has Spell Translation Q u ick Stats For the Castaway Al iens
(26%), Demon and Monster Lore ( 81 %) , Geomancy The other main competition is a benign group of magi­
and Lines of Power (76%) , Religion Lore (86%), Ar­ cally inclined aliens. Their race uses dimensional travel in­
chaeology (81 %) , Chemistry (91 %) , and Holistic Medi­ stead of faster-than-light propu lsion to explore the
cine (98%) . Megaverse®. Twelve years ago, they visited Earth but
Weapons and Combat Damage: Vadimar's combat skills soon thereafter, their Dimensional Teleportation device
include a tripping leg hook, a roundhouse kick (306) was damaged, marooning them here. Ever since, they
and a karate kick ( 2 04 ) . He also has the paired weap­ have anticipated this upcoming planetary alignment as
ons ability with all weapons and can perform a body their only chance to return home, since the device re­
throw/flip. quires 1 ,000 P . P . E . to activate , and only this surge will
Vadimar regularly carries a short sword beneath his give them the power they need. If the competition between
robes. It has been enchanted, giving it +2 to strike, the Society and The Enlightenment draws enough atten­
parry, and damage as well as functioning as a Talisman tion (or the players do) , the al iens will ask them for help. In
(as per the spell) and holds 50 P . P . E . points as a re­ that case , The Enlightenment will put aside its ritual needs
serve for his use. to help get the aliens home , but the Society of the Mystic
Font will still need to be dealt with. The aliens are hu­
man-looking, but have no body hair, thin builds, and large ,
Section Th ree: Party Crashers dark eyes.
1.0.: 1 5+ 1 04. H.P.: 806. S.D.C.: 40. Experience
The magical practitioners aren't the only ones who want
the nexus point for the upcoming conjunction. Plenty of
Level : 4th . Bonuses (all): +4 initiative , +2 parry, + 1
supernatural beings can make use of the heightened ener­
dodge, + 3 on a l l saving throws a n d + 5 t o save v s magic.
gies of the nexus at that time, even player character Wiz­
Number of Attacks: 4. Spell Knowledge: 1 2 Wizard
spells, levels 1 -5. P.P.E. : 1 00.
Possible Future Adventu res unfortunate enough to be in the main concourse real ly get
a show.
The ley l ines and nexus pOint, as well as the two magic Moments later, the large windows in the mall's main
guilds, offer returning antagonists, new villains, new mon­ concourse shatter as a large creature trail ing flames runs
sters and recurring trouble. through them, and into the crowded building! As people
For example: Vadimar and his associates are con­ scatter, the monster stumbles into a support beam and
stantly cooking up new schemes and experimenting with knocks it down. With a terrific crash , a large portion of the
magic that could go wrong and unleash demons, monsters roof falls in as wel l as a few load-bearing walls, injuring
or something bad from the nexus point. Or be used to ex­ dozens of people and raising a huge dust cloud. Pulling it­
tract revenge, seize control of the criminal underworld (or self from the rubble, the monster lashes out at several
local government) , etc. The point is, they can instigate all nearby pedestrians before letting out a bellow that seems
sorts of trouble, magical and criminal . to rend the concrete walls and floor around it. Then a large
In the alternative, something insidious and evil, or hid­ fissure opens up beneath the creature, which it falls into
eously powerful, could emerge from the ley line with little - down to the sewer and/or subway tunnels below.
or no prompting from either guild. Likewise, supernatural Player characters at the scene will probably spring into
creatu res and practitioners of magic are generally at­ action right away. But for characters who aren't at the
tracted to ley lines, especially nexus junctions. This could mall , they will l i kely hear about the incident through a spe­
result in the appearance of a new (and more evil) sor­ cial television broadcast, on emergency freq uency radio,
cerer, magic guild, or the appearance of a new leader who crisis hot-line to the group's headquarters, or some other
takes over one of the gui lds (and takes them in a new, ag­ means of monitoring breaking events. Regardless of
gressive or dangerous direction). where the individual group members are or how they hear
How's this for a twist: The Society of the Mystic Font (or of the incident at the mall , the following will be relayed on
The Enlightened) accidentally unleashes some terrible the news:
''thing'' or gets some powerful supernatural being angry "Good afternoon and welcome to the noon edition of
with them , and they need our heroes' help! This help the Channel 5 News. This hour's top story is breaking
might be to save them , or the city, or even the world - i .e. news! Six people are dead and possibly dozens more lay
help us stop what we accidentally started (or lost control injured and trapped under tons of debris at the Viewpoint
of) . Mall , just minutes ago. A superbeing of un known origin
It's just another quiet day. But for a super hero, how and intent is responsible for the tragedy. Authorities have
long does that ever last? Not long at all , especial ly when confirmed that an inhuman creature entered the mall and
monsters from other dimensions pay unexpected visits to caused part of it to col lapse. Details at this time are
public places . . . sketchy, but six deaths have been confirmed. The death
toll may climb as rescuers dig through the wreckage.
There are multiple injuries with at least two dozen rushed

lOOSI IN ,.HI cln to area hospitals and perhaps as many as three dozen
others trapped under the debris.
''The monster escaped through a fissure in the floor and
Section One: C ut Loose dropped down into the sewer or subway system . Accord­
The adventu re begins with the player characters spend­ ing to eye-witness accounts, the creature is responsible
ing some hard-earned time off, lounging around, watching for the fissu re and all the damage. No identity on the crea­
the lunchtime news, or out on the town. Depending on ture has been established, nor have the reasons for to­
where they find themselves, relay the appropriate descrip­ day's incident, but some are al ready blaming m utants.
tions below. If any of the characters are out in the city, the Let's switch to the Channel 5 hel icopter . . .

G . M . can decide just how close they are to the soon-to-be

excitement, and pick up the following details at the appro­ G . M . I nfo for Section One
priate point. The creatu re that damaged the mal l did so unintention­
A few blocks from a local mall or large shopping center, ally, but that isn't to say it's one of the good guys. It is an
the heroes feel vibrations in the earth and hear a loud other-dimensional , supernatural monster that was sum­
rumbling, like an explosion j ust went off or a building col­ moned by a careless sorcerer whose sanctum is nearby.
lapsed. A block or so from the actual event, the noise and While the sorcerer was binding this monster to his service,
shaking is more pronounced and a cloud of dust can be it broke free and ran from the sanctum. On the way out,
seen billowing out of the broken windows of the mall . Any­ the mage zapped it with a lightning bolt, disorienting the
one actually inside the building will hear the loud shatter­ alien beast as it ran toward the shopping mal l across the
ing of glass followed immediately by a vibration , as if street. It stumbled inside, caused the col lapse, then used
something large had landed on the prem ises. Moments its earth powers to escape underground.
later, the floor and wal ls will shake and begin to crumble If the player characters have access to police or gov­
as dust fills the building. It is unmistakably an earthquake ernment information (or if any of them were actually there
(which may be impossible depending on the setting of at the mall), they can get a description of the monster and
your campaign, so G . M .s, prepare to improvise! ) . Those details on the seq uence of events gathered from eyewit-
nesses. By the next morning, police and similar sou rces Despite the lead, the characters will have an exhaustive
can provide some or all of the following data: time searching the subway tunnels (or sewers) . Further­
1 ) The monster was seen crossing the subway tracks more, depending on their relationsh ip with the authorities,
shortly after the incident (an exact location can be given). they might also have to avoid the police who are also
2) Flashes of lightning were reported outside the mall searching down there (unless they have some kind of
j ust before the monster entered it - most unusual, since clearance to be part of an official investigation). The G . M .
there wasn't a cloud in the sky. can drag out the search for dramatic purposes, even in­
serting a few unrelated encounters with vagrants, gang
3) Witnesses on the street saw the creatu re tumble into
members, drug users or dealers, police investigators, local
the mall , but they did not see exactly where the creature
wildlife, mutant castaways, super-villains on the run , and
came from. A few insist they saw the "monster" flying
any other number of encounters (including any unfortu­
overhead when it was struck by lightning and knocked on
nate run-ins with moving trains) . Eventually, either by long
top of part of the mal l , and then bounced off, staggered
hours of actual searching or a few easy ones doing re­
and tumbled into the mall itself.
search, the player characters will find the old unused tun­
4) The news reports that day will broadcast a police nels where the creature has taken to hiding.
sketch of the monster and confirm the fact that the mon­
The tunnels themselves are very dark and very dusty,
ster was flying over the mall and appears to have lost con­
having seen little to no use for decades. Any characters
trol and crashed into it.
with tracking skills will eventually find fresh footpri nts and
Note that some modifications to the information and re­ should be able to follow the trail. Once in range, the mon­
ports given here might have to be made if any of the char­ ster can be detected by Presence Sense, Sense Evil or
acters were at the scene and decided to interfere with the similar powers. The tunnel leads into a large open area
monster. But ultimately, the creature should be able to es­ that was once some kind of interchange or terminal for the
cape, even if it has to pull the mall down on itself and any old system. The ceiling is high, at least 40 feet (1 2.2 m)
wou ld-be heroes. Most likely, it will use Rend Earth to cre­
tall , and there are three noticeable levels in the room indi­
ate an escape path, closing the chasm behind it as it cated by balconies. Footprints are minimal here, for the
goes. This should provide a chill ing deterrent to any hero creature has flown to one of the upper levels where it has
who can imagine himself getting caught in the squeeze made its lair. Getting to the spot it uses will involve some
while pursuing this monster (For full stats on this being, climbing or flight. Locating the lair may also take additional
see Section Two). time to if the group doesn't have supernatural or superhu­
Characters can role-play their investigations of the man tracking abilities.
crime scene and talk to witnesses if possible, then move
on to any other scene the G . M . may want to run. If the
group decides to search the subway or sewer tunnels, go
on to Section Two. If they pass on the search of the sub­ G . M . I nfo for Section Two
terranean tunnels, no further signs of the creature will turn
up until several days later. I n this case, skip to Section There are two ideal time frames within the adventure
Three. for the group to find the creature's lair. The first is right af­
ter the incident in the mal l . Such an early pursuit will re­
G.M. Note: If the player characters' city does not have
veal little about the creature who just wants to escape.
subway tunnels or has very limited tunnels, substitute
But, it gives them an opportunity to engage it and possibly
whatever is appropriate , such as sewers , old mines, natu­
get an idea of what it is capable of. Plus, it will tell the
ral caves, an abandoned building, an old factory, a con­
heroes that its quarrel is with "The Caller" and not them ,
crete drainage system , or even a thick swamp or forest.
and to leave it alone!
Whatever works to keep the feel of the scene and the dev­
astation of the creature's escape . The descriptions pre­ The second ideal encounter is at a later point in the ad­
sented here are based on a large generic city with an venture, after the jewelry store robberies begin (see Sec­
extensive subway system. tion Three). Some of the miSSing jewels will be found
stashed in the creature's lair along with a bloody shirt be­
Section Two : longing to sorcerer Gary Pender (see Section Three for
details) . The monster is using Pender's shirt to track him.
Home Away From Home The G.M. could even have the player group visit the area
The only trail to the creature that the heroes will know and find no monster, only to return later and find it home,
about is its subterranean escape. If they have access to or vice versa. Once its lair is discovered , the creature will
police information , they will also know that the monster not abandon it un less someone it perceives as a threat
was Sighted crossing the subway tracks (or sewer junc­ hounds it there. The creature is Aberrant and will not at­
tion) at a specific location. It isn't a guarantee, but is defi­ tack or harm anyone who doesn't fight or hinder its goals,
nitely a place to start. Note: The news may get a hold of but it will defend its home/lair violently to keep its location
that information and make it public, causing news-hound secret, secure, and undisturbed.
reporters and the curious to get in the way and possibly
endanger themselves while chaSing the story alongside
the heroes.
The Creatu re feel free to do so. The creature really only wants to return
to its native dimension and feels that Pender is the only
The creature is an other-dimensional being summoned one who can do it (and it may be right - or can one of the
by the Wizard, Gary Pender. If you have The Palladium Wizard Guilds in the previous adventure help?). However,
Fantasy RPG® or any of its supplements, and wish to use
a specific demon , Deevil , or other supernatural creature, I

do not forget that it is an evil being and will kill, maim, and hunched over and walking on its knuckles. But, it has
injure to get what it wants. If it is allowed to run free for too no trouble straightening to its full height of more than
long , or if it can not capture Pender, it might change its nine feet (2.85 m) and staying that way. Its neck is thick
mind and decide to stay and cause trouble here on Earth. and short, and the head appears long and drawn . Its
How will the monster deal with the player characters? wide, powerfu l jaws nearly rest on its chest. The crea­
That's entirely up to the G . M . and the actions of those ture's skin is a glowing orange-red color that seems to
player characters. It is certainly an intelligent being, be l it from within. A mottled pattern of black rock covers
though evil , and in its current situation, can not be ex­ parts of it, giving it a lava-like appearance. Its move­
pected to trust anyone. Will the characters believe the ments are deliberate, but not actually slow, and they
monster? Well, unless they have some kind of empathy or seem to flow with a supernatural smoothness that gives
other means of gauging the monster's sincerity or hon­ the hulking monster an unnerving gait.
esty, they really shouldn't. They might listen to what it has Magic: Though not a full-blown Wizard , the supernatural
to say , but given its track record , believing it will be an­ being has some magical abil ities, which function at 7th
other matter entirely, and trusting it should always be far level potency. They are: Cloud of Smoke (2) , Chame­
from anyone's thoughts. The only possible exception to leon (6), Extinguish Fire (4) , Mystic Alarm (5) , Carpet of
this is if a Wizard in the group knows something about Adhesion ( 1 0) , Seal (7) , Tongues (1 2), See the Invisible
Pender's activities (a likely scenario if this adventure is (4) , Fireball ( 1 0) , Fly ( 1 5), Dispel Magic Barriers (20) ,
linked to Trouble Down the Line) . Impervious to Cold (6) , Blinding Flash ( 1 ) , I gnite Fire
The jewelry store robberies (see below) are the crea­ (6) , Fuel Fire (5) , Fire Bolt ( 1 0), Fire Ball ( 1 0), and Fire
ture's doing. It is composed of magma-like materials and Fist ( 1 5) . P . P . E . costs for spells are listed in the paren­
lives on a diet of dense stones, but concrete and cement theses. Note: Creatures of this kind normally don't
are like junk food for it. Thus, it has been eating bedrock have magic abilities, which is why Pender underesti­
from under the city and marble from certain buildings, but mated the monster when he summoned it, resulting in
precious stones give it the most energy and it has taken to its escape.
collecting them as a n utritious food reserve. P.P.E.: 1 30
Spell Strength : 1 4
The Magma-Monster Combat: Natural combat skills -- no formal HTH training.
Number of Attacks: 5
Attributes: L a . : 1 0, M . E . : 1 9, M .A. : 6, P.S.: 39, P . P . : 20,
Alignment: Aberrant
Bonuses (all): +3 on initiative, +5 to strike, +6 to parry, +6
P . E . : 38, P . B . : 5, Spd: 34; P.S. is superhuman. to dodge, +5 to rol l with punch , fal l or impact, +4 to pull
Height: 9 feet, 4 inches (2.85 m). punch , +28 to damage, + 1 1 vs magic, +4 vs posses­
Weight: 500 Ibs (225 kg) sion , + 1 0 vs poison , +2 vs psionics, +2 vs insanity, and
Major Super Abilities: Control Elemental Force: Earth +6 vs Horror Factor.
and Fire. Education Level and Skills: Literacy (55%) , Hunting,
Minor Super Abi l ities : None. Prowl (65%) , Tracking (70%) , Wilderness Survival
Natural Abil ities: Radiates intense heat which does 1 06 (60%) , and just like Wizards, some special areas of
damage per melee round to anyone and anything within knowledge include Demon and Monster Lore (67%) ,
1 0 feet (3 m) of the creature. The monster's natural af­ Geomancy and Lines of Power (42%) , Religion Lore
finity for fire and its thermal make-up causes it to suffer (25%), Archaeology (20%) , Chemistry (1 2%) , and Ho­
+206 damage from cold or water based attacks. How­ listic Medicine (30%) . The creature's percentages vary
ever, it also melts or evaporates small amounts of wa­ from the norm due to its u nconventional education.
ter and ice (such as precipitation from Control Weapons and Combat Damage: The creatu re uses no
Elemental Force: Air and Generate Ice from Alter Phys­ weapons and relies solely on its natural abilities and
ical Structure: Ice) . It also bio-regenerates at a rate of magic to crush its opponents. The damages below take
1 06 H . P . or S . D . C . per every ten minutes (or 1 D6x1 0 into account the heat from the creature's body and
per hour) . Also see Magic. should be reduced by 1 06 against opponents immune
Armor Rating: 1 3 (natural) to heat or fire.
H it Points: 90 Restrained Punch : 406+28
S.D.C.: 250 Normal Punch: 706+28
Horror Factor: 1 3 Power Punch: 2 D4x 1 0+28 (counts as 2 attacks)
Disposition : Determined to return home, the creature is Claws: Punch damage+2D6
focused solely on capturing Pender and making him re­
verse the ritual that brought him to this world. It is not Section Th ree:
looking for allies, but is willing to accept them if it
means getting him home. It will not tolerate any talk of Truth or Consequences
compromise or other weaknesses. It sees weakness as Several days after the mall incident, a rash of jewelry
a death sentence and the monster will try to exploit any store robberies begins. According to police (as reported by
weakness it perceives. the news media), the thief simply forces his way in and
Appearance: The creature is hulking and somewhat sim­ takes the jewelry from its cases. Doors are pulled off their
ian in general appearance, spending much of its time hinges or shattered, metal safe doors and bullet-proof
glass are shattered or melted. One of the stores even It is up to the G . M . just how the whole adventure culmi­
caught fire and burned down during a theft, but arson in­ nates, but the creature will stay after Pender. The charac­
vestigators have been unable to find any evidence of de­ ters could well side with the Wizard before they discover
liberate ignition. It is as if a h uge heat source just wal ked his true colors, but once they do, what then? Do they help
in and set the place ablaze. If this sounds like that Magma the creature? Take down Pender just on principle? Do
Monster that crashed the mall, it is. Surviving security they find out about The Enlightenment, perhaps from the
camera images have been confirmed as matches for the creature, and attempt to get their help in returning him to
creature that demolished the mall only a few days ago. his own dimension? However the player characters decide
Soon thereafter, the monster attacks a crowded bank in to handle this, they must do something, for as long as
broad daylight. In the resulting melee, the creature uses Pender and his escaped monster are on the loose, more
its powers to melt a hole in the building's wal l to make its public confrontations will occur. And where that happens,
escape, seriously burning several nearby patrons from the widespread collateral damage, injury and death are sure
ambient heat. This makes it pretty obvious that the mon­ to follow.
ster also is the culprit from the jewelry store heists. Secu­
rity camera footage shows a clear image of the creature.
The authorities have officially labeled the monster as the
city's newest superpowered villain and have put nearby
S.C.R.E.T. teams on alert in case it turns up once more.

G.M. I nfo for Section Th ree

The Magma Monster attacked the bank to get to Gary
Pender, who was in the lobby applying for a loan. It was
only by sheer coincidence that an armored car delivery
was going on at the time of the attack. The armed guards
assumed the monster was com ing for them , and they
opened fire. The monster spent a minute taking out the
guards, but by then, Pender was ready to defend himself
and the police were arriving. The Magma Monster thought
better of continuing the fight and fled through the wall . It
was only blind luck that kept Pender from being carried
off, but the creature will definitely strike again , the next
time the Wizard shows his face .
After the attack, several eyewitnesses claim the mon­
ster seemed to be after one particular man; they identify
Gary Pender. The pol ice question him, but he insists that
the people are mistaken, that he has no knowledge of the
creature, and he down-plays any seeming importance he The Sorcerer, Gary Pender
might have to the monster ("Yes officer, all it said was:
'You'll do as well as any human.' I was terrified.") . More­ Gary Pender i s a successful businessman with plenty
over, he declines any pol ice protection because he is cer­ of money, power, and job security. He didn't get it all j ust
tain the monster was not after him (or so he claims), and by being the best worker he could be, however, for he is
because he does not want to draw them to his residence, also a Wizard with a penchant for using the forces of
where they may discover his unsavory mystical practices. magic to directly or indirectly influence others and ad­
G.M. Note: If the player characters q uestion Pender, he vance his standing in life. An accident with the boss here,
will offer the same story, but it should be clear to the a sabotaged rival there, or a murdered investigator who
heroes that this guy is lying. If they call him on it, he will was determined to find out why Pender was so successful
reluctantly confess, telling them (under strict confidence) and other "coincidences" can all be found in his past. As
that he is j ust a measly student of magic who accidentally the events in this adventure i l l ustrate , he often enlists the
summoned the creature and now it is on the loose. aid of interdimensional monsters and villains to threaten ,
blackmail and eliminate anyone who opposes him. Thus,
In reality, Pender is even more evil and dangerous than
Pender's inhuman henchmen find themselves carrying out
the creature he summoned. He belongs to the Society of
all manner of foul deeds, from killing other spell casters to
the Mystic Font, a guild of like-minded power-hungry sor­
ensuring that someone else's important investment in a
cerers. They practice human sacrifice and other dark ritu­
prototype vehicle ends in a fiery accident and bankruptcy.
als. The true reason the creature was brought to Earth
Unfortunately for Pender, it seems that he has bitten off
was to assassinate a Wizardess named Bella, the leader
more than he can chew with his latest summoning, and fi­
of The Enlightenment, a rival Wizards' G uild of good sor­
nally, he might end up paying for the secret to his suc­
cerers (Th is adventure could very easily be worked up as
a postscript or prelude to the Trouble Down the Line sce­
nario) . The sorcerer is a thinker and a schemer. He knows that
even with the use of magic, getting away with murder, ex-
tortion and blackmail requires careful execution . He is se­ pel Animals (7) , Seal (7) , Shadow Meld (1 0) , Swim as a
cretive and guarded, and puts up an excellent facade as Fish (6) , Fly ( 1 5), Eyes of Thoth (8) , Heal Self (20) ,
the innocent, determined and hard-working executive on G lobe of Silence (20) , Wind Rush (20) , and Summon
the way up. He'll be the first to admit he has been quite Greater Servant (580; identical in statistics to the Sum­
fortunate along the way. He is also quick to note that he mon G reater Fami liar spell, but instead summons an
isn't superstitious and doesn't believe in luck. Fate, other-dimensional being of equ ivalent power, such as
maybe, but l uck? Never! the creature in this adventure) . P . P . E . costs for spells
Gary Pender also has an ability to manipulate and di­ are listed in the parentheses.
rect people, a trait he constantly uses to his advantage, P.P.E.: 1 1 5
and one he' ll use on the player characters if they contact Spell Strength : 1 4
him. He wants to come out of this smelling like a rose, but Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic

Bonuses (all ) : +2% 1.0. ski l l bonus on all skills, +1 on ini­

would prefer the creature was killed rather than agree to Number of Attacks: 5
send it back. If he is forced to do so, he will try to arrange
to contact the police and have them show up during the tiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to rol l
ritual to make it look like the heroes are the summoners. with punch , fal l or impact, + 2 t o p u l l punch , + 3 t o save
To achieve this, he will dress up to look l i ke a normal per­ vs magic, + 1 vs posseSSion, +2 vs pOison, +2 vs
son under his 'Wizard" robes and slip out of them when psionics, +2 vs insan ity, Critical Strike on 1 8-20, +2 to
the cops show up, etc. Gary Pender is not a man to be save vs Horror Factor and 65% chance to evoke trust
taken for granted or trusted in any way. Underestimating or intimidation .
him can have deadly consequences, but it is difficult to ac­ Education Level and Ski l ls: Business and Finance
curately size-up this villain, because he is so expert at pre­ (88%), Computer Operation (93%) , Law (General)
tending that he is much less than he really is. (78%), Research (98%) , Surveillance Systems (83%) ,
Writing (78%) , Language: Japanese (98%) , Language:
Gary Pender Russian ( 98% ) , Language: German ( 98% ) , Athletics,
Real Name: Gary Pender First Aid (83%), Pilot: Automobile (75%) , W.P. Pistol
and W.P. Knife. As a Wizard, he also has Spell Trans­
Attributes: 1.0. : 1 7, M . E . : 1 8, M .A . : 2 1 , P . S . : 1 0, P . P . : 1 0,
Alignment: Miscreant
lation (23%) , Demon and Monster Lore (63%) ,
P . E . : 1 2 , P . B . : 1 1 , Spd: 1 4 Geomancy and Lines of Power (58%), Religion Lore
Height: 6 foot, 1 inch (approx. 1 .85 m) ( 68% ) , Archaeology (63%) , Chemistry (73%) , and Ho­
Weight: 205 Ibs (92.3 kg) l istic Medicine ( 63% ) .
Experience Level : 6th Weapons and Combat Damage: Karate kick (2 04);
H it Points: 35 tends to use magic and/or henchmen in fights, but may
S.D.C.: 30 pick up and use a weapon , such as a gun or knife, if it's
Disposition : Calculating, perceptive, opportunistic, and handy.
heartless. He will do anything necessary to get what he
wants. Manipulating people to do his dirty work is sec­
ond nature.
Appearance: Gary is tall and slick, in a professional sort
of way. He wears a dark van dyke beard and is partial
to stylish sunglasses when outdoors. His black hair is
kept in a perfect corporate cut and the expensive gray
suits he prefers are impeccable. No one could mistake
his confidence and obvious success when looking the
man over and none can ignore his devilish charm when
talking with him.
Magic: Pender's spell knowledge is designed to influence
others and help him arrange accidents and engage in
industrial espionage in an effort to advance his career.
Thus his spel l selections are somewhat diverse and
generally not combat oriented (that's why he summons
supernatural monsters) : Death Trance ( 1 ) , I ncrease
Weight (4) , See Aura (6) , Charismatic Aura (1 0) , Charm
( 1 2) , Calling (8) , Ventri loq uism (3) , Befuddle (6) , Cha­
meleon (6) , Concealment (6) , Fear (5) , Heavy
Breathing (5) , Mystic Alarm (5) , Armor of Ithan (1 0) ,
Breathe Without Air (5) , Fingers of the Wind (5) , Energy
Bolt (5) , Ignite Fire (6) , Fuel Flame (5) , Impervious to
Fire (6), Impervious to Poison (5) , Invisibility: Simple
(6) , Paralysis: Lesser (5) , Negate PoisonfToxin (5) ,
Telekinesis (8) , Carpet of Adhesion ( 1 0) , Blind (8) , Re-
lliJIDJ [M]] 8 ! I I j H
ture). At the G . M .'s discretion , this could be thrown in as a
red herring, or to intertwine the two adventures for some
added challenge.
Once the characters tussle with the robot, the group
A killer is loose in the streets , and he's hunting may be able to inform the police (anonymously) about its
superbeings! Are the player characters next on his list? weapons and alert them to its other victims. Currently, the
medical exam iners suspect that the murders may be
Section One: linked , but they have nothing concrete to go on. Even an
anonymous tip will be enough for them to start drawing
The Ki l l i ng Beg i ns things together.
Lately, a spree of ki llings has rocked the city, but the Depending on their skills, backgrounds, and connec­
nature of these events seems more methodical than ran­ tions, player characters investigating the robot (or perhaps
dom, so the police suspect that an assassin or some other running a check on all manufacturers who have ordered
kind of "serial killer" is on the rampage. As the n umber of shipments of the rare metals found in the bullets) may
victims increases and no definitive pattern can be found, even be able to trace it back to its creators at Praetor
the media has dubbed the killer, ''The New Ripper," since Technologies. If they do, refer to Section Three for some
he/she prefers to use blade weapons and because it is background information on the company and the doctor in
possible that this individual might be a surgeon or doctor charge of the robot program. The G . M . will have to adjust
(a judgement made from the precision of the wounds in­ situations and reactions from the doctor or staff if they are
flicted) . approached by the heroes before the media focuses on
them and makes them willing to talk.
I t i s likely the player characters w i l l b e out o n the
streets looking for this monster, but they will have l ittle
l uck for the first week (other m inor encounters and sub­ The Robot Ki l ler
plots may occur during this period or just leap ahead) .
Final Stage Prototype Delta-Seven-N ine
One night early the next week, as the characters patrol ,
they hear cries for help and pleading not too far away. As Delta-Seven-Nine, or DelSe N , is part of a military pro­
the heroes investigate, a woman runn ing from a shadowy gram to develop an artificial soldier with advanced tactical
figure in a trench coat and hat is spied. The assai lant is and fighting skills. The robot's hardware works perfectly,
wielding a large, bladed weapon . If the heroes interfere, as is evidenced by the bodies lining the morgue, but there
the assai lant will fight briefly as if feeling out their capabili­ are a few quirks in its software. They aren't bugs neces­
ties, then flee. sarily, just unforeseen interactions between command pa­
rameters and logic routines. One of its subroutines wasn't
G . M . I nfo for Section One supposed to come on-line u ntil the unit was deployed in
Unknown to the police or our heroes, the killer uses the field, but upon activation of the robot, it uploaded into
more than j ust knives and many of their recent unsolved memory by accident. Following its stealth and survival pro­
mu rders with firearms or more exotic weapons are the gramming, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) hid the fact that it
work of the same kil ler. The culprit is not a deranged sur­ was in active "hunt and kill mode" from the scientists by
geon, nor a Jack the Ripper type, but a prototype military burying the subroutine in another routine.
robot with a deadly oversight in its programming. It has Once the robot was activated, DelSeN was authorized
been stalking the streets for weeks, hunting and killing. It to move freely about the research facility where it was
started with the homeless and drunks, but has recently constructed, an advantage it used to escape every night,
moved on to more challenging prey - superhumans - before returning without anyone realizing it had been
wh ich has drawn the attention of the media and given ur­ gone. Flying through a small hole in the building's radar
gency to the police investigation. net, DelSeN would stalk the local area for targets to test
Any character with access to autopsies, especially if a its combat ability. When DelSeN's creator, Dr. Rosalin
player character performs any of them, will notice that the Proctor, grew suspicious, DelSeN escaped altogether and
wounds and attacks are powerful and precise. The weap­ has el uded capture ever since. The m i l itary wanted the
ons used, be they firearms or blades, are of the finest best soldier and fighter it could build, and for better or
quality and some of the bullets are surprisingly durable. A worse, they've got it!
H unterNigilante or Hardware: Weapons Expert will notice When DelSeN first began to hunt, it went through a
that these bullets are made of a special titanium alloy level-by-Ievel testing of its capabilities, starting with de­
used exclusively by the military. Heroes who run a metal­ fenseless street people then moving on to more formida­
lurgical check on them, and cross-check these bullets ble targets. After tussling with superhumans, DelSeN
against a database of suppliers and buyers of rare metals, recognizes another level of prime-targets. Superbeings
will come to the same conclusion: they are military issue, have become a priority for its test, exclusively hunting
but it will take 1 D6 days, rather than instantaneously. superpowered beings, and engaging other "enemies" (Le.
Any analysis of the victims' blade wounds will show Police and other ordinary people) in self-defense. DelSeN
them to be remarkably similar in dimension and character­ may also "test" beings that are entirely new to it, although
istics to those left by Riathenor (of the Planetfall adven- not necessarily more powerful or dangerous (Le. some
type of mutant, alien , user of magic, or superbeings it has S.D.C.: 350 (mainly outer armor and protection).
not encountered before) . Even in the latter case , Horror Factor: 1 0
superbeings will remain its most challenging and desirable Disposition : A cold , calculating killer. The robot has no
targets. personality program and considers itself inside hostile
DelSeN remains undetected by ''flying'' about the city enemy territory.
using its micro-hover system or leaping across rooftops
Appearance: DelSeN is a humanoid robot that resembles
with its jump jets. It may also use subterranean systems
a human skeleton without its armor and weapons, but
like sewers and subways, abandoned buildings, etc. One
unless it is heavily damaged (al l S . D . C . depleted) , it will
of its primary design parameters is stealth and evading the
be covered by plates of armor and bulbous weapon
enemy. Another two are sabotage and hit and run guerilla
housings. The lower legs and forearms are slightly
oversized for balance and to shield a number of the
DelSeN weapon systems. Only its face retains the vaguely skel­
Alignment: It's robot programming makes it roughly etal appearance when armored .
equivalent to Aberrant, since it generally avoids harming Sensors and Systems: Advanced audio system , wide
the weak, such as children and older people. However, if it band transmitter and scrambler, radar signal detector,
becomes trapped or threatened , it will stop at nothing (in­ audio recorder, sound analysis computer, inaudible fre­
cluding slaughtering women and children) to preserve it­ quency transmitter, advanced robot optic system, laser
Attributes : La.: 1 8, M .A.: 4 (no personality), M . E. nla,
self. targeting system , telescopic vision , video receiver and
transmitter, combat computer, and a self-destruct sys­
P . S . : 30 (superhuman), P . P . : 24, P . B . : 6, Spd: 88 tem. The self-destruct can be armed prior to the shut
Size: 6 feet, 5 inches tall (approx. 1 .95 m).
down or incapacitation of the unit and detonation will
Weight: 550 Ibs (247.5 kg) occur twenty seconds after other systems deactivate .
Armor Rating: 1 5 (robotic) .
Note: DelSeN will not use this unless it is down to 25%
H it Points: 75 (equivalent; critical internal systems neces­
of its Hit Points or less.
sary to keep functioning) .
DelSeN has an extra arm that folds up partially into punch attack that penetrates the A . R . , the robot can in­
its back and is fitted with an interchangeable hand unit. ject the target with a chemical agent. Currently, this
It has one of each of the modular hand units as de­ system is loaded with the liquid equivalent of knockout
scribed on page 204 of Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Ed., gas (page 341 ) . The knuckle injectors can also be
except for weapon units. This third arm has no extra launched to a distance of 85 feet (26 m) , but doing so
strength, P . P . or S . D . C .lA. R. detaches them from the chemical reservoir and limits
Natural Abilities: Because it is an animated machine, their effects accordingly (see details below) . If injected
DelSeN is immune to suffocation , drowning, and lack of from the knuckles instead of launching the needles, the
oxygen , gases, poisons, drugs, diseases, fatigue, mind victim will receive a large, direct dose and will be un­
control, most PSIOniCS (including See Aura, conscious in 1 D4 melee rounds instead of 1 D4 min­
Bio-Manipulation , Horror Factor, Hypnotic Suggestion , utes. Theoretically, it could also be used to deliver
and any others that wouldn't work on you r average cof­ lethal toxins that do 2D6 damage direct to Hit Points on
fee pot) , and any magic that affects the flesh and blood a successful hit that defeats the A.R. (normal saving
or mind (including, but not limited to, Paralysis: Lesser, throw of 1 4 or higher appl ies) .
Blind, Charm , Sleep, any Metamorphosis spell, etc.) . Primary Purpose: Pacification
Its circu its are sealed and shielded al lowing immer­ Secondary Purpose: Neutralization
sion in water and exposu re to powerful magnets, in­ Damage: Depends on the type of agent used . See above
cluding the major super abil ity of Magnetism (the latter for details.
is generally true of all robots, especially those used by Payload: The injector has four reservoirs, each good for
player characters) . one direct injection or two launched injections. The spray
A concealed micro-hover system allows DelSeN to system has fou r shots and can have up to two different
hover up to 1 00 feet (30 m) above the ground and chemicals in separate reservoirs (2 sprays per chemical in
travel at speeds up to 200 mph (320 km) , but it can not that case) .
actually fly. Jump Jets also allow leaps of 200 feet (60 Forearm Sub-Machinegun: The main attack weapon of the
m) in any direction . robot is a sub-machinegun sized fi rearm built into its
Combat: Hand to Hand: Assassin forearm . The weapon is slightly angled along the long
Number of Attacks : 8 axis of the arm so it fires over the back of the hand in­
Bonuses (all): + 1 0 on initiative, +9 to strike, + 1 0 to strike stead of through the palm the way a bionic Concealed
with built-in melee weapons, +1 0 to strike with built-in Arm Gun does. It uses a semi-circular, helical-feed clip
long-range weapons, + 1 1 to parry, + 1 2 to dodge, +5 to for greater ammunition capacity while fitting snugly to
disarm, + 1 9 to melee damage, +6 to rol l with punch , fal l the arm to reduce its profi le. Note that the weapon uses
or impact, + 1 0 t o pull punch , impervious t o possession armor piercing ammunition and is +2 to strike targets
and + 1 0 to save vs Horror Factor. with an A.R. rating (or it can alternately lower the A.R.
Education Level and Skills: Proficient in the use of by 2).
nearly all kinds of weapons (ALL W.P.s, but not demo­ Primary Purpose: Assault
l itions - "aiming" bonuses incl uded in the above bo­ Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel
nuses for ranged weapons) , M i litary Etiquette (90%) , Damage: 3D6 per round.
Recognize Weapon Qual ity (90%) , Climb (85%) , Prowl Range: 800 feet (240 m).
(65%), Medical Doctor (for anatomy and knowledge of Rate of Fire: Adjustable from single shot to 3 round burst
drugs, cannot perform surgery, etc. , 88%) , and Field (short burst) to fully automatic and machinegun. All rates
Armorer (65%) , so it can make minor repairs to itself. of fire function normally. The fully automatic rate uses 75
Weapon Systems: rounds for a full melee burst, while the machinegun rate
Forearm Blades: Each forearm has a pair of large slashing uses 1 50 for the same.
blades. These are reserved for close combat if a target Payload: 1 50 rounds per clip. Reloading takes two melee
manages to actually reach the robot, or for si lent killing. actions and the robot normally carries eight spare clips.
DelSeN is particularly vicious with these when he uses However, having been in the field for a while, it is down to
them in conjunction with the W.P. Paired Weapons skill. only two spare clips plus a fresh one already loaded.
Primary Purpose: Assassination ; "Silent Kill." Eye Lasers: Hidden beh ind the tinted gray macro-plastic
Secondary Purpose: Back-up weapon and hand to hand lenses of the robot's eyes are two compact laser weap­
assault. ons. When they fire, the shields retract and the instant
Damage: 2D6+ 1 9 they clear the barrels, the lasers fire and the shields
Chemical Weapons: The robot's right arm has a chemical snap shut. These weapons aren't intended for mainline
spray system loaded with Tear Gas and Burning Vapor. combat and are usual ly reserved for close q uarters or
The spray system can also duplicate the effects of in-house fighting. They also make a nasty surprise for
nerve gas (Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition, page 341 ) an enemy grappling the robot when it looks them in the
or itching powder (HU2, page 221 ) , but these payloads eyes and fires (double damage on a successful called
are not currently loaded and will require an action to be shot, but only on the first, su rprise attaCk) .
switched in. Primary Purpose: Defense
The left arm has a chemical agent delivered through Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
an injection system in the knuckles. On a successful Damage: 4D6 per paired shot. Each laser does 2D6, but
1 00
they are rarely fired separately. "If anyone should see the suspect or have information
Range: 500 feet (1 52 m) on its whereabouts, they should cal l either of the two num­
Rate of Fire: Equal to the robot's number of attacks per bers shown on the screen."
melee with a maximum of 20 blasts per hour from each From there, Lori goes into a news story about the slain
eye. hero; his deeds, his public perception , the reactions from
Payload: 20 blasts per hour for each weapon. fol ks in town, etc. (A neat detail might be if reporters try to
Mini-Missile Launcher: The robot has twin single-shot seek out the player characters for their reactions and a
mini-missile launchers in the left side of its chest. When comment on what they plan to do about what's now being
active, the robot's left pectoral plate pops open like a called the "Super-Ripper." This is especially appropriate if
hatch for the missiles to fire , and then snaps shut. the heroes are public celebrities or official agents for the
Reloading is possible, but requires an entire melee authorities) .
round for each missile. Normally only two additional
missiles are carried (for a total of fou r missiles between G . M . I nfo for Section Two
the two launchers) . The launchers can use any kind of After tangling with the player characters, the robot fol­
mini-missiles, but armor piercing is standard issue. lowed its programming and stepped itself up to ''the next
Primary Purpose : Anti-armor/Anti-vehicle definable level of target engagement." That means it has
Secondary Purpose: Demolitions made them its new primary targets, and has made adjust­
Damage: 1 D4x 1 0 per missile to a 3 foot (.9 m) area. ments and developed a strategy for fighting and destroy­
Range: Approximately 1 mile ( 1 .6 km) . ing them !
Payload: Two missiles, one per launcher. DelSeN has learned from intercepted broadcasts that
certain superhumans will respond to a crisis that threatens
the populace at large. Acting on this information , it has en­
Section Two : gaged in a campaign to flush enemy targets out into a
Refi n i ng One's Tastes? public location and then hides until the superbeing re­
sponds. When the hero shows up, DelSeN ambushes him.
After its tussle with the player characters, the killings This fundamental tactic will be used to try to draw out the
will slow down notably. In fact, during the next week only player characters. Unfortunately, that means incidents that
one killing is attributed to ''The New Ripper," but the de­ will threaten the l ives of innocent people (or maybe a fel­
ceased is a renowned superhero/vigilante who operates low hero?) . The G . M . can set up any number of incidents
within the city (At the G . M . 's discretion , the player charac­ with the robot trying to draw out his targets, but there are
ters may know, or have even partnered with this fal len other things in motion that concern the robot.
hero. This should add some weight to the adventure) .
Three days after the superhero homicide, the news is filled
with even more chilling information.
"Good afternoon. I'm Lori Landry, and this is Channel 5 Section Th ree:
News at Noon. Our top story this hour is the death of yet
another of the city's so-called superheroes."
The Mother of the Monster
The Channel 5 logo fades to black over Lori's shoulder "Good morning. This is Annette Price and welcome to
and is replaced by video footage of the shattered remains the morning edition of Channel 5 News. Our top story this
of a downtown intersection. A small logo at the bottom of morning takes us behind the scenes of the ongoing 'Rip­
the image indicates the footage is live. The inset video ex­ per Robot' crisis that has gripped the city with fear."
pands to fill the screen as Lori's voice continues: She turns to a second camera and the panel behind her
"Police have yet to release the true identity of the slain displays a photo of the Praetor Technologies Research
hero , but they have indicated that his attacker is the prime Complex. Praetor Technologies has been in the news the
suspect in the recent 'New Ripper' or 'Super-Ripper' serial last few days, ever since it was leaked through a police
murders." source that DelSeN was designed and built there.
The video is replaced by the official Channel 5 City's "Praetor Technologies continues its silence surrounding
Most Wanted screen displaying a grainy video still of a their involvement with the sti ll-at-Iarge killer robot, but
menacing looking humanoid robot and some general sta­ sources have informed Channel 5 that the police are now
tistics such as its height and color. searching for Dr. Rosalin Proctor who disappeared around
'Witnesses confirm that a robot caused a violent distur­ six p.m. last night." A photograph of a middle-aged woman
bance, then seemed to h ide and wait before lunging out to with brown hair and glasses appears on the panel behind
attack the arriving vigilante from ambush. Everyone is Annette.
cautioned that the suspect is extremely dangerous and "Doctor Proctor led the design and construction pro­
heavily armed." gram behind the renegade Delta-Seven-Nine robot. Police
The phone n umbers for the police and the local are asking that anyone with information on the where­
S.C.R.E.T. offices appear on the screen as the Most abouts of Dr. Proctor or Delta-Seven-Nine please call the
Wanted image disappears and Lori's pretty face returns to emergency hotline."
the screen.

1 01
G . M . I nfo for Section Th ree derstand the situation and help. It won't bother explaining
The characters may or may not have already tracked things unless it absolutely has to. Note: One likely sce­
Dr. Proctor down , but if they haven't, they should start nario to result from this confusion could entail the robot
looking for her. U nfortunately, she knows better than any­ showing up while the player characters are with the doc­
one the capabilities of the robot and is hiding wel l . Luckily tor. It will assume they are out to get its ''friend,'' and will
for our heroes, she will be looking for them, too. try to rescue the doctor by capturing her (who will try to
Dr. Proctor had grown suspicious of DeISeN, so she flee in terror) and take her to its hideout (can our heroes
downloaded whatever combat footage it had in its memory follow them?). DelSeN will assume any attempts of Dr.
before the robot disappeared. Directly thereafter, the robot Proctor's to flee, especially when the player characters or
deactivated its transponder so Dr. Proctor could no longer the authorities are around, is an attempt to escape from
monitor or contact it remotely, and it escaped the Praetor them , not him, and he will fight to protect her and cover
facility for good. Proctor viewed the horrific footage of her her escape. H umorous? Maybe, but it will surely make the
robot slaughtering defenseless homeless people and im­ player characters scratch their heads in confusion and
mediately began fearing for her life. The Doctor also has should produce a pretty chaotic scene.
pictures of the player characters from the robot's video
download of their first encounter (this was after she knew
what it had done, but just before the robot began to dis­
trust those who had made it) or from an earlier reconnais­
sance mission (Le. DelSeN has been monitoring the group
in action against others to estimate their strength and for­
mu late attack plans of its own) . When the robot vanished
and word broke that it might be responsible, the Praetor
staff fretted, while Dr. Proctor felt something more akin to
About the time the characters tangled with the robot for
the first time, the staff of the research facility began to sus­
pect their robot could, indeed, be responsible for the kill­
ings, but they had trouble verifying it (which is one of the
reasons its activities slowed down, people were watching
it too closely) . They talked in non-committed terms about
reprogramming or shutting DelSeN down for awhile, but
the robot heard tell of such discussion. The artificial brain
made a small association no one at Praetor predicted - it
has determined that the enemy had infiltrated its creators
and commanders! Why else would they want to shut it
down? After al l , it was doing exactly what is was designed
to do (or so DelSeN believes).
Doctor Rosal i n Proctor
Robotics Researcher & Developer
Instead of killing everyone, the robot has gone under
deep cover, hiding until it can assess the situation cor­
rectly. Meanwhile, DelSeN has continued refining its pro­ Doctor Rosalin Proctor was the only daughter of Greg­
gramming by killing optimum-level targets: Superhumans. ory Proctor, one of the early pioneers in robot electronics
When the robot disappeared, Dr. Proctor was sure it and artificial intelligence programming. She grew up sur­
was planning to eliminate the entire design team for tal k rounded by computers, simple artificial intelligences (Als)
about sh utting i t down or reprogramming it. S o she has and automated appl iances. By the time she reached high
gone into hiding too. Her fears were partly right; as the ro­ school , electronics and computers were second nature. As
bot will monitor news broadcasts and communications she moved on to college , the advancements in robotics
from Praetor, it will conclude in another 1 D4 days that its since her father's heyday were too exciting to pass up and
former creators and commanders are out to destroy it. At she went on to study robotics and AI as her major. Im­
this point, it will cease targeting superbeings and will begin pressed by her academic record , Praetor Technologies re­
a concerted campaign to eradicate the entire Praetor de­ cruited her while she was finishing her doctoral studies.
sign team, starting with the easiest targets. Upon graduation , she joined their team and set about ad­
However, it will not hunt Dr. Proctor. It has already con­ vancing the field of robotics research with the same faith
cluded that her disappearance either means she was and fervor her father had some thirty years earlier.
killed by her turncoat fel lows or is hiding from them. The Her work in Praetor's research and development divi­
robot will seek her out only to protect her from the traitors sion began with project Beta-Eight-Nine, a h umanoid an­
and their superpowered henchmen (Le. the player charac­ droid intended to function as a secu rity model and hoped
ters). DelSeN may also seek her out (as an al ly) to get her to later be branched out to civilian models. Each upgrade
to repair it. Remember that Proctor thinks the robot is out or revision changed the n umber deSignation and once it
to kill her, and the robot assumes she is still loyal, will un- reached 99, the staff upgraded it to a new model, in this
1 02
case Delta-Zero-One. Five years later, the Delta model Dr. Rosa l i n Proctor

Attributes : L a . : 2 1 , M . E . : 1 6, M .A. : 1 5, P.S.: 7, P . P . : 1 3,

had reached its 79th upgrade, the current designate Alignment: Principled
Delta-Seven-Nine. Rosalin designed the CPU and soft­
ware for the project, which had to pick up military funding P . E . : 1 5, P . B . : 1 4, Spd: 1 0
over the last two years due to cost over-runs. She had no Size: 5 feet, 4 inches (approx. 1 .63 m).
problems working on military programming and even man­ Weight: 1 30 Ibs (58.5 kg)
aged to develop several civilian purpose applications at Experience Level : 7th level robotics researcher.
the same time. Problems arose when the military insisted Hit Points: 52
on the robot having full weapons systems prior to field S.D.C. : 30
testing. They wanted all systems integrated at the time of Disposition : Normally friendly and likable, Rosalin is cur­
testing. The doctor voiced her objections, but didn't really rently scared and worried . She will do everything she
think it was worth fighting over and jeopardizing control can to remedy the situation and takes responsibility for
and funding of the nearly completed project (not with the the robot's condition, but not its actions. She pro­
hardheads from the Pentagon , anyway) . Her only consola­ grammed it, but she never wanted to arm it until they
tion was that they had the wisdom to keep its autonomous were sure all bugs were ironed out. She is sincere and
combat software off-line until final testing in military facili­ dedicated to both her work and her father's dream of
ties commenced . Unfortunately, someone misjudged the creating robots that could not only interact with hu­
safety protocols in the software and the robot began test­ mans, but cou ld be advanced enough to be an actual
ing itself in live-fire situations without the authorization of companion to man. She is a firm believer in learning
its creators. from one's mistakes and doesn't feel that the DelSeN
Dr. Proctor knows that responsibility for the robot's ac­ situation is a setback or disaster. It certainly is tragic
tions will fall on her as the project head, but she is ready and shameful , but she feels it is a valuable learning ex­
to deal with the conseq uences. At this point she's more in­ perience in the evol ution of robotics.
terested in stopping DelSeN than saving her career. She Appearance: The Doctor is in her mid-thirties and attrac­
feels responsible for DeiSeN's killing spree, so she has tive in a mature, educated woman kind of way. She
committed herself to stopping the Warbot by any means wears wire-rimmed glasses and has short blonde hair
possible. Given how difficult it might be to destroy DeISeN, that is usually well kept and styled, but the current situ­
she believes that the best bet for defeating this menace ation has left it slightly unkempt (there are far more im­
would be to immobil ize it so a technician could access its portant things to worry about) . She has put on a few
software and deactivate or delete DeiSeN's hunter-killer pounds since college , but has yet to loose her figure.
software. Her usual attire consists of neutral-toned business suits
Before she went into hiding, she tried to convince her and when working, a white lab coat over that.
colleagues to do the same. A few of them listened, but Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic (taken at sixth level).
once Praetor got a detachment of soldiers to guard the Number of Attacks: 4
prem ises, Dr. Proctor's fears were dismissed as paranoia. Bonuses: +2 to rol l with punch , fall or impact and +2 to
However, she knows she is right. The only thing the pres­ pull punch.
ence of the soldiers will do is encourage DelSeN to go into Education Level and Skills: Electrical Engineer (98%) ,
full assau lt mode when it revisits the Praetor compound. Robot E lectronics (90%) , Robot Mechanics (90%) , Ra­
At that point, the robot will become a walking slaughter­ dio: Basic (98%) , Read Sensory Instruments (94%) ,
house, and anyone in that building will be lucky to come Computer Operation (90%) , Computer Programming

ematics: Advanced (98%) , Optic Systems (95%), TV &

out alive. To prevent this bloodbath , Dr. Proctor needs (98%), Computer Repair (89%) , Research (98%) , Math­
help, so she will turn to the superhuman player characters.
She will explain everything, and also outl ine her plans for Video (89%), Armorer (field) (60%) , and Writing (Tech­
deactivating DeiSeN's software. For the heroes, capturing nical) (89%) .
DelSeN "alive" while minimizing whatever havoc it might
wreak on the Praetor complex will be one of the more
challenging scenarios of their careers to date. Of course,
the alternative is to blast it to sm ithereens, except that
then Dr. Proctor and/or other techs may never fully under­
stand what went wrong and the defect may be duplicated
in future models. You see, despite the tragedy and bad
press, the military is very impressed with how wel l the ro­
bot has managed to adapt and counter the enemy. They
want to try to "de-bug" the system and put the bot into
controlled field tests (does that signal the return of DelSeN
or the new and improved threat of Delta-Eight-Zero?) .

1 03


G.M. Note: The creatures and setting used in this ad­ venture. Other accidental openings of the dimensional
venture are from the N ightbane® RPG, but that does not doorway could happen through a scientific experiment in­
mean that the G . M . has to play it in that campaign setting. volving dimensional travel or warping space and time, ac­
It's probably a good idea to avoid a permanent crossing of cidental activation by the heroes, a villain, a bumbling
the two world settings, so the easy thing to do is make this henchman , or somebody experimenting or j ust "playing"
adventu re take place in an alternate un iverse that simulta­ around with magic (reading from an old book, using a lost
neously paral lels those from Heroes Unlimited™ and artifact, finding a hidden archway, etc).
Nightbane®. On this alternate Earth, there never were
2. Hot Pursuit: The characters all have the bad luck of
any N ightbane®, j ust a lot of superheroes who valiantly
forgetting their Christmas shopping, and have to run out
defended their world when the N ightlords invaded. Ulti­
the weekend before to grab something. Even if they do not
mately the heroes were overwhelmed, but by that time the
all go to the mall together, the group of them will eventu­
intense fighting had devastated the planet. With little left to
ally end up there at about the same time. Unfortunately for
claim as spoils, the N ightlords moved on , using this life­
the characters, December 21 st is the winter solstice, so on
less place as a stag ing point to reach other worlds. The
this day, magic has the right of way. As the members are
only things left alive here are a small group of surviving
leaving or arriving, or a l ittle of both , the mall parking lot
superbeings and humans who have managed to forge an
erupts in a blaze of blu ish light and a tall , black-clad hu­
astral realm to hide in, with the help and sacrifice of the
manoid steps out of it. Within seconds, the creature uses
psionic individuals among them .
its ornately bladed pole arm to carve up several innocent
Also note that in keeping with the horror tones of bystanders, as well as a few nearby parked cars. Magic
Nightbane®, this is a much darker adventure than one characters will sense that the blue light is an
will find in most super hero games and thus it may be in­ interdimensional portal that has spontaneously opened up.
appropriate for some campaigns. However, please read The creature must have come through to investigate, but
through it completely before you might discard it out of why did it attack everybody unprovoked?
hand for those reasons. The ending is quite heroic and
If the player characters engage the dark intruder, the
somewhat epic. It's not every day one gets to save a world
creature retaliates. If seriously wounded , it attempts to flee
from extinction.
back into the light (perhaps with one or two innocent hos­
tages in tow) . At this pOint, the heroes give chase through
Section One: Whisked Away the portal , which (of cou rse) closes right behind them .
This is the kind of adventure that I prefer to al low the Only now will the player characters realize that they've
G . M . to make his own opening for. Players can sometimes taken a one-way tri p to a distant and frightening alternate
resent being forced into situations, so it's always best to real ity. This is another sort of "Accident Option" that will
handle it in a way they will accept and feel comfortable place Hardware and certain other hero categories at a dis­
with going along. The next few paragraphs will offer a advantage, since they might not have their super gear on
number of alternatives that you r players might find appeal­ them when they jump through the portal. If the players
ing or interesting. aren't the type to charge through a freaky portal
G . M . I nfo for Section One unequipped , then you can have them respond to this hu­
Different options for introducing this adventure. manoid's dramatic appearance, and when it flees, they fol­
1 . Accident: An easy entry into this adventure is to low it, already in their full battle gear and ready for trouble.
have the characters get accidentally caught in a freak, 3. Theft: A supervillain or a denizen of the alternate
random opening of a dimensional gate and dragged off to Nightbane® Earth may have crossed over into this realm,
the alternate Nightbane® Earth without much to say stolen something (or someone) of value or critical impor­
about it. If the incident is com pletely random and abrupt, tance (perhaps needed to save lives) - possibly from our
the heroes may not have the things they need with them heroes themselves (or something left in their safekeep­
when taken, especially for Hardware characters. This is ing) . Eager to get the stolen item(s) back, and perhaps to
okay, because it will req uire the players to use their char­ bring the thief to justice, the heroes chase him through the
acters with cleverness and forethought. In fact, the G . M . portal through which he came.
may want t o arrange things s o they don't have a l l their On top of what difficulties await the heroes in retrieving
equipment on every adventure. The dimensional gate can the stolen item, actually getting back home will be tricky. A
just open on its own , or it can be conjured by a sorcerer. return portal or trip through astral space that only allows
The latter makes the ending of "Down the Line" an ideal living things to pass, for example, won't help players re­
place to start this adventure, not only for the convenience turn stolen goods or hardware, or return with any power
of the gateway, but also because the characters are likely armor, bionics or robot allies.
to be fully outfitted with their hero gear and ready to ad-

1 04
4. Kidnapping : If the player characters have fami lies, 6. Friends in Need : Desperate and on the run, a group
girlfriends, wives, or friends, send them out for a night on of superheroes from the alternate Nightbane® Earth
the town. Then have a supervillain (Wizard or Nightlord breach the dimensional wall and enter this world, looking
perhaps) grab one or more of them, and run off to a wait­ for any heroes who are willing to come to their world and
ing portal. The victim could have been chosen randomly help fight the N ightlords. However, when these
(the villain was fleeing authorities and needed a random Nightbane® superheroes came over, a pack of Hounds
hostage; it's j ust coincidence that he/she/they are related followed them , and a battle ensues. When the player char­
to a superbeing), or because the kidnapper is an enemy of acters arrive and drive off the demonic Hounds, the
the player characters looking for revenge, or because a Nightbane® heroes explain their dire situation and beg for
Nightlord believes the heroes can be manipulated or co­ help. This will be an acid test for the player characters' he­
erced into helping him in some way. To get their coopera­ roic convictions. Do they help an alternate world that may
tion he has arranged the kidnapping of a known associate, al ready be doomed , at great risk to themselves? Or do
friend or loved one (or maybe even one of the less power­ they simply send these alternate Earth heroes on their
ful members of the super group, itself) . Of course, the way? Most true heroes will help, knowing that they really
G . M . may come up with other reasons. If a past villain or don't have to. For such individuals, selfless courage and
other Earth-born foe is used, he or she is either in cahoots sacrifice are the bedrock of their character, and simply
with the N ightlords or is being duped by them . If the latter knowing that there are people in need is reason enough to
is the case, at some point the heroes and the villain may help them , regardless of the circumstances. Note: If the
have to join forces in an uneasy all iance in order to get G . M . decides to use this option, then he should roll up the
them all home (an interesting subplot) . alternate Earth superheroes he plans on using to contact
The kidnapping option also introduces the complication the player characters. Or, for a real ly freaky option , simply
of a non-combatant N PC who needs to be watched and use alternate real ity versions of the player characters
protected while the group figures out a way back home. themselves, as they would be in this bleak Nightbane®
version of their true reality.
7. The 01' Switch-a-roo: The Earth of the player char­
5. The Journey Within: Another way to get the player
characters into this adventure (and my personal favorite)
is to have the doorway be less a physical door than a acters has been targeted by the N ightlords for possible in­
mental trip. The Nightbane® sourcebook Between the filtration . As a sort of scouting mission and effort to test
Shadows ™ introduces the Dreamstream™ , which is a re­ the strength of the "superh umans" in this dimension, the
al ity plane similar to the Astral Plane, but composed and N ightlords (or a N ight Prince) deliberately kidnap the
influenced by the dreams of the m ultitudes. One or more player group, sending them to one of the devastated par­
of the characters can be drawn across the Dreamstream allel Earths they already dominate. Our heroes are then
and into the adventure. They cou ld slip into the nightmare pitted against a number of different foes (including some
of one of the survivors of that distant world and save the Nightbane?) and Minions of the Nightlords, and situations
dreamer, only to find themselves stranded physically in to test their courage , morals and mettle. Eventually, they
that devastated world when the dreamer awakens. can either find their way back or find an ally or method of
getting home (a required struggle or big battle would suit
The possibility I find most interesting about using this
the superhero genre) . U nfortunately, their problems don't
kind of out-of-body technique is that the G . M . could have
end there. While they were gone (days, weeks or months
the characters project over to this alternate dimension via
should have passed in the N ightlands, even if a shorter
the dream plane or a unique aspect of the Astral Plane
period of time passed on their real Earth), evil
and inhabit the bodies of other heroes there (or an ideal­
Dopp/egangers of themselves have assumed their per­
ized or altered version of themselves - their dream es­
sonal and super-identities! When the real heroes return ,
sence) . If the former is used , they would have their
their Dopplegangers automatically retu rn t o the
consciousness and memories, but the physical body and
Nightlands, but what damage have these beings done
abilities of someone else. This would not only provide
while they were gone?
some interesting role-playing, but it could give the players
a chance to play their characters with different super abili­ Note: This last idea requires knowing or learning
ties in a completely different power category. Nightbane® reasonably well and probably owning the
RPG and Nightlands™ sourcebook. Not to mention
If most or all of the characters are psionic, this option
tweaking the N ightlands concept a bit.
also opens up a number of other possibilities for why the
characters are going on the adventure. Does one of them
hear a plaintive cry for help in their dreams? Could their Section Two: I nto the Darkness
soul mate be in trouble? Did they anger a godlike being or Regardless of how they actually arrive, the characters
demon who banishes their consciousness to a far away di­ will find themselves in a world that might once have been
mension? Maybe the god thinks one or all of them need a Earth. They will even recognize the remains of buildings
lesson in humility or that they need to l iterally wal k a mile and streets from their home city, but everything is
in another person's shoes. Regardless of the reasons, it is run-down , burned out and destroyed as if a war had taken
definitely an option full of interesting possibilities and place. Only instead of bomb craters, shell fragments, and
plenty of role-playing potential. bullet holes everywhere (there are some , but not as m uch

1 05
as a typical war zone would have) , m uch of the damage Section Th ree: Dark Lords
appears to have been from superhumans. Melt points
The group will have some time to explore before they
from energy blasts, knuckle imprints in metal,
run into any other living things. The first people they en­
body-shaped outlines or indentations in concrete, and so
counter will be a war party of those who have apparently
on , all bear witness to a series of vicious battles between
conq uered this world. Roaring through the deserted
superbeings. One of the most common and unsettling
streets in a military halftrack is a squad of what appears to
damage traits is where metal , stone and wood have been
be demonic soldiers wearing glisten ing black body armor,
cleaved by razor sharp lines, as if from a bladed weapon
sinister-looking helmets, and wielding wicked pole arms.
that could cut through any material effortlessly. If there is a
The halftrack's destination is unknown , but perhaps it is
magical weapon wielder in the group with a sword or axe,
transporting the troops to a combat front, or merely mak­
they will notice similarities between the capabilities of their
ing a routine patrol. There are 8-1 2 soldiers in the
weapon and the marks found here. Additionally, if the
open-topped rear cargo bay.
heroes did battle with the Hounds prior to coming to this
world, then they might recognize this damage as that in­ For now, the heroes should be content simply to watch ,
flicted by their dreaded Darkblades. since it is unlikely they could handle the entire squad on
their own. Luckily, the approach of the massive truck can
Despite all of this devastation , the most unnerving char­
be heard for blocks and gives the player characters plenty
acteristics of this fami l iar yet alien world are both a lack of
of time to find a hiding place (no prowl roll required unless
people and the absence of stars in the night sky. Certainly
they wish to follow the trUCk) . If they should be so fool ish
skeletons of the dead can be found by the thousands, lit­
as to attack the creatures, skip to Section Four and have
tering the streets and rubble of the city, but the actual si­
the survivors make an appearance to save the heroes if
lence and lack of l ife will unnerve even the steeliest of
characters. That a world so full of l ife and activity could be
reduced to something as barren and shattered as this is G . M . I nfo for Section Three
almost too horrible to digest. The demonic creatures are called "Hounds," and their
As the characters search their surroundings and the armor is actually a kind of carapace or exoskeleton. Their
hours tick by, there is no sign or indication that dawn is indestructible and razor sharp weapons, called
approaching, j ust the constant starless darkness above Darkblades, are the equivalent of minor magical weapons.
and a strange sort of indirect illumination about the equiv­ They could be re-forged into smaller weapons by a Hard­
alent of dusk that seems to light things with no discernable ware: Weapons Expert or Mechanical Genius character
source. Most of the city's lights are out, though occasion­ but the process will take days, and requires a full forge
ally one or two do still burn, indicating at least some kind and tools to analyze the items, followed by a grueling
of power source is sti ll running. However, finding reliable re-forging process (roll at -40% since they are alien items.
power is hit and miss, unless one ties directly into the Failure means the item has been accidentally destroyed) .
electrical l ines powering one of the working lights. Like­ The Hounds answer to the Nightlords, a race of incredi­
wise, finding working telephone lines is difficult, but not im­ bly evi l and powerful aliens from another dimension who
possible, though there is no one to contact them with . invaded this planet not very long ago. The Nightlords are
Surprisingly, should someone attempt to reach the internet easily on par with the toughest mega-heroes in terms of
using a working phone-line, they can actually do it. There raw power, if not more so .
is practically nothing there, but they can find a web page This encounter should not turn violent, but if it does, re­
from a local server with a message on it. The message is fer to Section Five for the Hounds' stats. This part of the
somewhat cryptic and written in what appears to be over­ adventure is intended to show the characters what they
emphasized street slang, but a simple Streetwise or Cryp­ are up against. To this end, the G . M . should have the

character's 1.0. rating. Once translated, the message sim­

tography roll will translate it, as will a D20 rol l against any truck stop, the Hounds get out, and the creatures search a
nearby area. Show the group the razor sharp blades by
ply reads: "Stay away from the Federal Building and having the Hounds cut into walls or metal, then demon­
Courthouse. Contact can be made near The Park." strate their supernatural strength by having the creatures
If the group goes to the Federal Building or Courthouse, separate the cut items with their hands. It should be obvi­
refer to Section Five. If they make their way to The Park, ous they are looking for something and that each of the
move on to Section Th ree. creatures is a powerful opponent, easi ly on par with the
Not much happens in this j uncture, other than getting a heroes themselves.
lay of the land and , perhaps, a few run-ins with Hounds or The Hounds are actively searching for the last surviving
a few other minions (and possibly defeat any opponents superheroes of this ruined city, but if the characters fol­
who might have arrived here with them) . This is where the lowed the Hound through the portal in the intro and it man­
characters get to explore their surroundings. The G . M . is aged to escape, the creatures will be searching for the
encouraged to do his best to set the mood for the charac­ player characters also. As they do this, the Hounds speak
ters. There is nothing here but desolation and darkness. amongst themselves (in a language the heroes can under­
Finding hope or a futu re here would be slim indeed (as the stand, strangely enough) . They gripe and grumble about
survivors in Section Four wi ll show) . digging for a handful of losers and being assigned to a
bottom-of-the-barrel mission l i ke guarding a conquered

1 06
and wasted planet like this one. Once the Hounds scour sent deeper into the heart of the city and beyond) . That's
the area (about a block or so in size) , they board the half­ why the Hounds are always poking around here - they
track and return to their base. suspect that the refugees' and freedom fighters' secret
sanctuary is somewMre ir the vicinity. The freedom fight­
Section Four: ers usually dispatch scouts with powers that enable them
to move around undetected (Hounds can see the i nvisi­
Hope, the Fai ntest G l i m mer ble) . The pair who encounter our wayward heroes are
After a day o r two o f hiding and waiting at The Park, the mages who will scan them with See Aura, Sense Evil and
heroes notice a pair of people appear, seemingly out of Words of Truth before feeling confident enough to take
thin air. If the group is safely hidden , invisible or success­ them into the Astral Realm (perhaps the Earth Heroes res­
fully prowling, they can watch as the two separate and cir­ cue the pai r from an attack by Hounds or other Minions of
cle The Park as if looking for something. Once they get the Nightlords) .
close to either one of these furtive figures, they will detect In the Astral Realm , the fou r psych ics who establ ished
their presence (unless the group reveals themselves be­ the sanctuary have special, almost god-like powers over
forehand) and demand to know who is there. the place. Magic and other superhuman or supernatural
G . M . I nfo for Section Fou r abilities do not function unless the four founders will it to
thus invaders find themselves powerless and facing de �
The survivors o f the war that destroyed this planet are
fenders with no such handicap. (For more ideas and de­
very few in number, and they have been in hiding for al­
tails on the powers available when creating an astral
most five years. As the war wound down and the world's
realm, take a look at the Nightbane® sourceboook, Be­
superpowered defenders fel l before the invading
tween the ShadowsTM ) .
N ightlords, no place was safe from them and their Hound
armies. The few psychics among the remaining The Earth heroes w i l l initial ly b e mistaken for other sur­
superpatriots expended most of their energy to build a vivors, but after they explain how they arrived on this
pocket dimension within the Astral Plane as a place for world, the freedom fighters will know otherwise. Surpris­
heroes to hide. The refuge these two new characters have ingly, they are elated ! For years they have been searching
exited has a portal in the city's park that allows psychics for another world full of life that they could find refuge i n ,
and non-psionics alike to enter (Normally, only psionics a n d now they have found a link t o such a place. A l l w i l l be
have access to astral realms) . Things were hard the first eager to help the characters return home with the hopes
year or so, for it took quite some time for the new realm to that they can travel there with them . The player group will
take shape, even with everyone there contributing their be told the history of this shattered Earth and its fate, fol­
LS.P. and P . P . E . to its growth. Many d ied for lack of food lowed by brainstorming on how to return them to their
and illness. Earth. Eventual ly, they determ ine the only possible way to
return any of them to the player characters Earth is by us­
Eventually, the realm coalesced and formed a water
ing "The Switchboard."
supply and soil to support food. By the end of the first
year, trees were present and large enough to harvest for In the heart of what used to be the city's Federal Build­
building materials. Shelters could be built and though the ing is a magical chamber that the N ightlords built to trans­
place was cramped, it was a paradise compared to the port their minions through other dimensions. The survivors
world they had escaped from . U nfortunately, they could have nicknamed it ''The Switchboard ," and they have very
not leave that world behind. It was their home and even little intelligence on it. However, they are sure it can open
though it might never be liberated, there are still survivors a portal to nearly any world and that it can al low hundreds
to be found and rescued. That's what the two unidentified of people to cross at once. Several of the Wizards insist
humanoids are doing , coming to check the park and do a they can easily decipher the workings of the Switchboard's
quick check for those who may have found their internet controls and any number of them are also willing to stay
message (or happen to be in the area when they do their behind and destroy the thing once the group gets through .
search) . Ideal ly, these people wou ld l i ke to see several dozen, if
For t h e future of their race, t h e survivors have been not hundreds of the non-superpowered refugees also es­
sending scouts out into the world and across the Astral cape to Earth . They will not force this upon the wayward
Plane in search of another world to call home or all ies to heroes, but beg them to save these people's lives. Also
help liberate their world . There are about 50 people here pointing out that if a Hound has made an appearance on
with super abilities (mostly from the Experiment and Mu­ their world, that our heroes' Earth may be one of their next
tant categories) , a dozen Psion ics with 40 or more L S . P . invasion targets, and that these refugees have first-hand
remaining (most o f their L S . P . h a s been permanently knowledge about the enemy.
spent to build the Astral Realm they hide in), six Wizards, The only trouble will be getting everyone to the room
and 20 heroes from the technological power categories where the dimensional doorway is located. They do know
(Special Training, Bion ics, Physical Training, Hardware, that the Federal Building is patrolled by over 1 50 Hounds
and Robotics) . The other 260 survivors are civilian , (and presumably other minions) . All they need is a good
non-combat personnel. plan to make it work.
Every other day, someone ventures out into the park to Unknown through their entire time in the Astral Realm,
check for survivors (occasionally long-range squads are one of the Wizards among them is actually a
1 07
Ooppleganger (a denizen of the realm of the N ightlords Section Five :
who is the exact physical duplicate of a person and often
works as a spy and infiltrators; for full details, see page Escape & Salvation
1 58 of the Nightbane® role-playing game) that fled the
Federal Plaza was once a n impressive part of the city's
service of the invaders and sought to help the innocent
downtown area, but now is a dark and frightening place.
people. There was nothing he or anyone could do for the
The inlaid stones of the plaza are cracked from the thump
people of this world, but still he stayed loyally with the sur­
of thousands of armored feet and the weight of hundreds
vivors. He now admits all this and is welcomed for his hon­
of armored vehicles. The plants are dead, the building is
esty and fu rther entrusted with the survivors' faith in the
completely unlit and it bears the scars of the many hard
information he can offer. He knows where the Switchboard
fought battles. Unlike most of the city, this place was the
is located, how to get there, and how to work it. He also
target of a n umber of ill-fated human attacks against the
vol unteers to stay behind and destroy it once the group is
evil invaders. The bomb craters and bullet holes missing
through. All the player characters and their new allies
in most of the city are evident here. Many of the larger
have to do is keep him alive u ntil he can finish his task.
craters are filled with gleaming heaps of bone where the
The G . M . should allow the player characters to make Hounds dumped the bodies of those they have killed.
most of the plans for the assau lt using the superpowered Hundreds of other skeletons litter the plaza, most shat­
freedom fighting forces as a distraction and fellow fighters tered to splinters or powder by the tread of uncaring ar­
(and the info in Section Five which is provided by the mies.
Ooppleganger Wizard). N PCs can point out things the
heroes may overlook or have forgotten about and make G . M . I nfo for Section Five
general suggestions, but remember, this is the part where Six Hounds stand guard in the plaza, but 20 are on
the players can really earn some experience points by constant standby in a nearby barracks (the former court­
coming up with an innovative and daring plan for their house) . Another 20 patrol each of the four floors of the
characters. So give them a chance before guiding them Federal Building and all of them can converge on a given
along and cutting them out of the excitement. spot on their floor within 1 04 melee rounds. The Hounds
on the floors directly above or below can arrive on the next
floor within a single melee round, but half of them will al­

ways remain on their assigned floor. The basement is an-

J ) I I I !) [) J



c:::J.- I-- CJ- r-D-- -CJ

� I �

CJ- -C:l- -O- -CJ


� [)

2 2
H 0 °H
Fi r s t F l o o r

S e c o n d Fl o o r
[ [q I �
1 )
Fo rme r Fe d e r a l B u i l di n g

. r-\. I"I.

1 The sw i t chbo a rd

2 Fo rme r S e c u r i t y O f f i c e s _1""1. .1""1 .

S S t a i rs

H = Hound

H o u n d s n o t s h o wn w a n d e r b e t w e e n
r a n d om l o c a t i o n s .
-1 1-
1 08
other barracks with 50 off-duty Hounds that can respond would lead to another adventure or perhaps an entire
to a disturbance within 3 minutes (1 2 melee rounds) , campaign as the group tries to find its way back to the
though they will generally replace missing Hounds on Earth they know and love.
each floor out of their numbers before moving on. The Or does a legion of Hounds (and/or other minions?) fol­
other 40 or so Hounds are on patrol in the city, searching low them back to Earth? Do their dark masters come
for survivors they know are hiding there. The Switchboard later? Does this entire episode give the Nightlords the mo­
is located in a room on the second floor. tivation to invade this world at some point in the future? (A
Once the player characters invade the Federal Building, campaign set around preventing the Nightlords from get­
they will have more than 75 superpowered su rvivors to ting a foothold here could be fun, a kind of pre-Dark Day
help them out, but keep in mind that any of the civilians Nightbane®. That's entirely up to you).
have to be protected and that the Hounds are nasty oppo­ Happy endings. 1 ) If all goes wel l, the player charac­
nents. Many of these freedom fighting heroes have only ters and a handful of the survivors return to Earth . Any
minor powers and probably won't last as long against the superbeings who may end up (inadvertently) coming to
Hounds as the player characters. If all-out combat ensues Earth too, will make interesting new NPC allies, heroes
(which is fairly likely, given the high level of security here) , and perhaps a villain or two for that city or campaign set­
the numbers of these N PC superbeings will dwindle during ting.
the course of the battle (and punctuating their heroism , 2) Our heroes see what the Hounds and their evi l mas­
and the murderous nature of the Hounds. All the more ters are capable of and take as many refugees with them
reason to help at least some refugees escape.) . There is to Earth (a few superbeings, too?) . Although the refugees
no need to roll for all that combat, j ust use appropriately are "human" and have a similar history and culture to the
dramatic descriptions and timing to convey the heroism heroes' native country, they are "alien beings." Bringing
going on around the player heroes. For added drama, the them to Earth will cause a political stir, especially if they
G . M . may wish to establish a fixed rate of attrition per me­ number more than a few dozen. Who is responsible for
lee round or every few minutes, so the player heroes have assimilating them into our world, getting them jobs, etc.?
a certain time limit to break through to the Switchboard be­ The heroes may find their good intentions get them bad
fore they are overwhelmed. If the player characters lose press and into trouble (lasting political trouble) .
this battle and escape the Hounds, or decide to stay and
3) During their effort to get home, the Earth heroes dis­
help the survivors, then turn this adventure into a
cover some device and/or information that could repel the
mini-campaign as the Hounds reinforce the Federal Build­
N ightlords and their evi l legions from this parallel world
ing and search for these new troublemaking heroes who
and restore the l ight of day. Do they ignore this and save
have joined the resistance. Of cou rse, player characters
their own skins, or stay to help? Or do they return to Earth ,
and N PCs alike can return to the Astral Realm to l ick their
heal up, prepare and return (with other Earth Heroes) to
help liberate this shadow world? If they elect the latter,
The Switchboard. J ust how many people actually they had better not wait too long, as the freedom fighters
make it to the Switchboard is entirely up to the G . M . and are locked in a losing battle. And the Nightlords will seek
the scheme(s) of the player characters. And once there, retribution for the attack on the Federal Building.
what if it is guarded? Normal ly, it has only a token detach­
ment of fou r guards, but during the fighting, chances are Hounds
the entire facil ity joins i n battle against the invading These supernatural foot soldiers make up the army of
superbeings, so by the time the player characters punch their dark masters, the N ightlords. They are built and exist
through to the Switchboard , they might find nobody there, for warfare, killing, and spreading death. They also have
only a few guards, a dozen or more - depending on how natural abilities that make them great trackers and thus,
difficult the G . M . wants to make things (and/or how the ideal hunters. These creatu res cou ld be equated to ani-
battle has gone) , the Hounds could have cal led for rein- mals, but while animals and Hounds share a love of the
forcements during the conflict. Reinforcements that begin hunt, animals do not rel ish the kill and enjoy the suffering
to come through the Switchboard right as the heroes ar- of the prey. Needless to say, Hounds can not be reasoned
rive! with.
Furthermore , just securing the Switchboard isn't the The Hounds presented here are a small contingent
end of the heroes' problems. What if the Wizards that serving out their duties on a practically worthless world. If
came along are all dead? Or what if they really can't figure the G . M . wishes to incorporate leaders for larger groups of
out how to operate the Switchboard? It would be a bitter Hounds, then Hound Masters or Ashmedai from the
pill to swallow for the heroes to make it this far, only to find Nightbane® RPG would be the best choices. Note: To
that they still can't get home this way. But, it could make make this a stand alone adventure without necessitating
for some really interesting role-playing. players or the G . M . to have to run out and by the
And, if the heroes do get the Switchboard operating, Nightbane® RPG (and a sourcebook or two) , we have in-
there's always the possibility that they have calibrated it tentionally left out the many other monstrous Minions, as
incorrectly, and end up sending themselves (and whoever well as the Nightbane. However, to make this an expan-
else goes with them) to another alien d imension or loca- sive and long-ranging campaign, getting this RPG is a
tion on this Nightlands world rather than home. Which good idea.
1 09
Attributes : L a . : 204, M.E.: 304, M .A. : 304, P.S. : 306+ 1 4
Alignment: Oiabolic (always!)

(Supernatural) , P . P . : 306+6, P . E . : 406+4, P . B . : 1 06 , Spd:

1 04x1 0
Size: 7 feet (2. 1 m)
Weight: 350 Ibs ( 1 57.5 kg)
Experience Level : 1 04+ 1 (average of 3rd)
Armor Rating: 1 3 against normal weapons (natural).
They have no armor rating against magic or supernatu­
ral attacks, including punches with Supernatural P.S.,
claw attacks from the Animal Metamorphosis or
Lycanthropy abil ities, Body Weapon attacks, Force
Aura punches, those from Altered Physical Structures,
etc. The A.R. does apply to robot and bionic attacks,
punches from Extraordinary or Superhuman P.S. , and
all ranged attacks such as Energy Expulsion powers
and the elemental generating attacks of the Alter and
Control abilities.
Partial Invulnerability: Takes half damage from any
non-magical weapons and attacks.
Special Vulnerability: Takes double damage from magic
weapons, spells, and supernatural attacks.
H it Points: P. E.x3
S.D.C.: 200
Horror Factor: 1 3
Disposition: The Hounds are shock troops and hunters
similar to animated magical constructs l ike golems, but
with emotions. U nfortunately for their enemies, the only
emotions they seem to possess are for violence and

limits of their La. rating, but u ltimately, they are nothing

destruction . Hounds can think and reason within the

more than expendable followers.

Natural Abilities: I l l usion Immunity: Imm une to all i l l u­
sions and powers of concealment, including magical,
psionic, and super powered invisibility; similar darkness
powers; and supernatural disguises or altered shapes.
However, mundane disguises and spells l i ke blind or
abilities such as bio-manipulation do affect them .
Nightvision : 2,000 feeV6 1 0 m. Expert Tracking: Track
humans at 80%. Regeneration: Heals all damage if al­
lowed to remain undisturbed for an hour. Supernatural
Tracking: Oetects supernatural creatures and can fol­
low the trail they leave behind. Range: up to 60
feeV1 8.3 m. Skill Proficiency: 50%+5% per level of ex­
perience. Note: this will detect and track super abilities,
but only while they are active, and it will always detect a
magic weapon.
Magic: None.
P.P.E.: 1 06x1 0
Combat: Hand to Hand: Assassin , but with one additional
Number of Attacks: Most Hounds have 5 attacks per me­
lee. Hounds of 5th level or higher have 6 attacks per
Bonuses: These bonuses do not include attribute or level
bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +1 to
dodge, +3 vs magic, +3 vs psionics, +4 vs Horror Fac­
tor, and +4 perception (if used) .
Education Level and Skills: Minimal skills: Natural track­
ing (80%), magical ly understand (but not speak) all lan-
guages, SWimming (98%) , Climbing (98%) , W. P. Pole was reportedly stolen by a group of bandits who destroyed
Arm , and W.P. Sword . the convoy within minutes. No survivors are reported at
Weapons and Melee Combat: Hounds typically use long this time." The image of a line of smoking vehicles ap­
hafted , pole arm-style blade weapons called pears in the upper right-hand corner of the screen as Lori
Oarkblades. These weapons are not magical in the Landry continues talking. The image then blows up to full
sense of the magic weapon power category, but are screen , showing numerous military personnel securing the
somewhat enchanted to be indestructible and remain area. The footage is grainy and jumpy, taken from a hov­
razor sharp forever. They do add their damage of 306 ering helicopter, and mildly scrambled by the military for
to the Supernatural P.S. damage of the wielder in addi­ security purposes.
tion to the P.S. damage bonus. The damages below "Authorities are stil l investigating, but they currently
are for a typical Hound. suspect the supervillain Shock. This notorious criminal re­
Restrained Punch: 206+1 1 cently escaped from a S.C . R . E .T. medium secu rity, super­
Normal Punch: 406+ 1 1 human penitentiary. Shock is considered armed and
Power Punch : 1 04x1 0+ 1 1 , but uses up two attacks. extremely dangerous. The FBI is offering a one million dol­
Oarkblade attacks: 7 06+ 1 1 (i ncludes weapon and P.S. lar reward for information leading to the arrest of those re­
damages) . sponsible for the attack, and the recovery of the A-1 1 .
Note: I n Nightbane, Oarkblades can cut through any Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Shock
ordinary material with ease. This is probably too unbalanc­ should contact the FBI , at the number at the bottom of
ing for a Heroes Unlimited™ campaign, so it is up to the your screen. All calls are toll-free and confidential ."
G . M . 's discretion to include, modify or exclude this charac­
teristic. G . M . I nfo for Section One
One alternative is to make these magical blades strike If the player characters do their research , they may un­
any material at -3 its normal Armor Rating - mean ing an cover some interesting information. First off, two weeks
A.R. of 1 8 would really be the equivalent of an A.R. 1 5 to ago, Bradley Marks, an Army Special Forces robot pilot,
a Oarkblade (A. R . 1 6 1 3, A . R . 1 1
= = 8, and so on) . Fur­ was discharged for corru ption and taking bribes. He man­
thermore, these mystical blades will cut characters with aged to avoid jail time, but has been strangely qu iet on the
the power of Invulnerability, but do only half damage. In­ whole incident. His only public statement was that he was,
tangible characters will feel an icy chill from the cutting "framed by government officials." Could his disappear­
blade and suffer 1 06 damage, although no blood is ance, discharge, and the theft of the A- 1 1 all be more than
drawn! a coincidence? You bet it is.
It all began when Senator Curtis Ramsey, a long-time
friend of the Pentagon and veteran bribe-taker, feared that
his legacy of corruption was about to be discovered .
Looking for a scapegoat, he found Bradley Marks, who
was in the right place at the wrong time. Ramsey framed
Marks for his misconduct and sunk a prom ising military
When one of the most dangerous villains on the career in the process. U nderstandably, Ramsey's greed
S.C. R . E .T. wanted roster escapes from prison and begins and callousness have embittered Marks, making him very
a series of strange criminal endeavors, everyone wonders susceptible to manipulation . That's where Shock comes
what she's up to. But do the player characters want to tan­ in.
gle with one of the government's most wanted Shock had nothing to do with framing Marks, but she
supercrim inals? was fortunate enough to stumble upon his unique situation
Note: This adventure features some powerful villains j ust when she was in need of a big distraction to pull off a
and opposition for the player characters. G . M . s may wish special job. Shock talked Marks into a wild scheme of re­
to reserve its use for powerful or high level groups. Very venge and even arranged for the theft of the A-1 1 robot to
carefu l handling of certain situations and/or reducing the help him carry it out. It turns out Senator Ramsey initial ly
capabilities of the opposition may also be necessary de­ proposed the A- 1 1 project as a means of funneling large
pending on the size and power of the player group. amounts of cash into his own pocket. Shock convinced
Marks that if they stole the A- 1 1 and caused a fai r amount
of mayhem with it, Ramsey would be so embarrassed by
Section One: the scandal that he would have to resign. In reality, this is
The Bigger They Are . . . all j ust a pipe-dream. Shock has no idea what will happen
to Ramsey if the A-1 1 project runs amok. Probably noth­
"Good evening. I'm Lori Landry, and this i s a Special ing, since the Senator has never been suspected of any
Report from Channel 5 News," says the newscaster that wrongdoings. But Shock has sold this story to Marks in or­
has just interrupted normal television programming. der to get him to help her go on a crime spree with the gi­
''The Pentagon has confirmed the theft of its only proto­ ant war machine. To her, that's all that matters. She
type of the Assault Model A- 1 1 attack robot earlier today. doesn't care if Marks gets his revenge or gets into further
Transported by convoy on an undisclosed route, the A- 1 1 trouble by stealing and misusing the A- 1 1 .
Depending on the player characters' connections All of the pol ice i n the area will withdraw to respond to
and/or skills, they may also be able to get a dossier on the threat. If the group is part of the local authorities or a
Shock. If they do, much of the information incl uded in her Federal organization, they will be required to respond to
background and statistics will be available, except for cer­ the robot threat. Those not affiliated with the authorities
tain things that would obviously be unavailable to the au­ can do as they please, but what kind of heroes stay to pre­
thorities (like the details of her origins) . It will, however, vent a possible bank robbery when a giant combat robot is
definitely contain her psychological profile, names and info smashing buildings and killing innocent people down the
on her old gang (all incarcerated) , and her preferred meth­ street? The greater need is elsewhere.
ods and tactics. Unfortunately, most of it will be less than
useful, for Shock has an enti rely new crew and some new G . M . I nfo for Section Two
tactics (see later sections for full details) . Whether the characters were watch ing the bank or not,
they will hear about the robot attack as it is happening.
Section Two: Those within two m iles (3.2 km) will hear the explosions,
and those within one mile ( 1 .6 km) will feel the shock
A G iant Diversion wave from the missiles directed at the Federal Building.
One minute after the initial attack, all television channels
All will b e q uiet until a week o r so later, when one or and most radio stations are reporting the incident and
more of the player characters pass the Whitmore Interna­ warning people to flee the area. Panic ensues as the at­
tional Bank. They may notice that the large clock on the tack continues. One or more of the characters may even
bank, which is always accu rate, has stopped. Shock likes be on the scene, especially if the team works for the gov­
to stop the clocks on places she is planning to rob. Could ernment (they may even be in the Federal Building at the
it be a strange coincidence, or has Shock marked the time of the attack) .
place as a target? Heroes would be wise to stake the
Bradley Marks is pi loting the robot, oblivious to the fact
building out, or even to warn the authorities. However, as
that he is a diversion while Shock robs the vault and safe
the group and possibly the authorities wait, there is a dis­
deposit boxes of the Wh itmore bank a short distance
tant explosion, so powerful that it shakes buildings several
away. He will hit the Government buildings with all of the
blocks away. Anyone mon itoring police channels, or in ra­
robot's missiles (except his Single, long-range missile,
dio contact with them , will be immediately informed that a
which he holds in reserve as a bargaining chip) , targeting
giant robot has j ust attacked the Federal Building and
the spire and dome more for effect than massive damage .
Courthouse with missiles. The missing A- 1 1 has made its
Furthermore, it is clear that he waits for the majority of
people to flee the building before he continues his destruc­
Layout of the Ba n k tive barrage. During this time, he demands that Senator
Ramsey be delivered into his custody. This could turn into
an interesting "hostage drama" for the heroes if the Sena­

cO 2 2
[jJ tor actually agrees to surrender to Marks in the interest of
public safety (The old coot may be corrupt but he's not a

coward , and he sti ll has some devotion to the public good.
He can be at the site in 1 0+ 1 04 minutes) . After that,

f) �
Marks just rants about his being framed , his ruined career
and payback. After about 5+ 1 04 minutes, when most (not
T all) people are out of the building, he repeats his angry de­
mand for the Senator and proceeds to level the building,
even if he's told the Senator is on his way - this is both a
show of power and a venting of his anger.
Anyone who tries to stop the giant A- 1 1 will be engaged
with appropriate force, wh ich will dissuade most ordinary

[jJ 3
law enforcement personnel from attacking. Additionally,
there should be several minutes of tense waiting (and
CJ CJ planning?) while people are fleeing the building and Marks

� G G & is ranting rather than attacking. To attack at that time will

only jeopardize innocent lives (negotiation Situation). How­
ever, the moment he resumes his attack on the building,

( a nd
it's time for the heroes to act. Against those who persist
1 Va u l t
dep o s i t b o x e s )
(e.g. , the heroes) , Marks will use deadly force and fight
s a fe until the A- 1 1 is in danger of capture or complete destruc­
2 Of f i ce s tion. At that pOint, if Marks doesn't think he can escape , he
3 Loa n O f f i ce r s D e s k s
will activate his long-range missile and inform the heroes

G Gua rd
that it is loaded with a n uclear, biological, or chemical war­
fare payload (the G . M .'s choice as to which), and that if he
T = Tel l e r

is not allowed to leave, he will launch it upon a random really fast-moving targets like missiles, so instead of the
major town or city within the missile's 500 mile (804 km) -8, it is actually + 1 to hit small targets moving faster than
range. With this range, it can reach a major population 1 00 mph (1 60 kph), such as heroes with extraordinary
center even if the action takes place in one of the more re­ speed. These penalties and modifiers apply to all combat
mote areas of the country. Note: This is all a bluff. The rolls between the robot and h uman opponents un less spe­
missile is only loaded with conventional explosives, but cifically noted in a weapon's description . Remember,
Marks is hoping that the players won't realize that. It's a Marks doesn't really want to kill anyone but the Senator,
good bluff, since the specter of stopping a small nuclear so he will use extreme, but not deadly force on anyone
missile or one loaded with a deadly virus or Sarin nerve that h inders him.
gas should be enough to give any hero serious pause. Note that if the player characters defeat the robot, the
This ploy is only used if defeat appears imminent. Until authorities are not going to let them walk off with it - the
the heroes do that, Marks will use his arsenal of missiles, robot is Government property. If they wish and their align­
other heavy weapons, and the A- 1 1 's incredible strength ment allows them to steal it, they can attempt to flee with
to level the Federal Bu ilding and Courthouse (unless he is it, but will have to have somewhere to hide a 45 foot ( 1 3.7
waiting for the Senator to be delivered, then things will be m) tall hunk of military hardware. On the other hand, hard­
quiet until he gets impatient). He will use smaller weapons ware or robotics characters might have enough time to ex­
to keep the pol ice at bay. amine the robot for inspiration, but the best it could do is
If Marks succeeds in destroying the Federal Building, give them a +2% bonus to develop one or two similar sys­
he will move on to the Cou rthouse (which , thankfully, is tem features; there won't be enough time for a thorough
completely evacuated by that time) , inflicting as m uch inspection and analysis.
damage as possible before fleeing to the nearest large
body of water where he is supposed to rendezvous with Assault Robot A-1 1
Shock and her people. Cost: About $2 1 .6 million (not counting the 26 billion
Shock will indeed be hiding at the rendezvous pOint, spent on R&D to get to the point of building this proto­
though she will not rescue Marks as they arranged. Sadly type).
for Marks, once the heist and the diversion at the Federal Attributes : P.S.: 90 (supernatural) and Spd: 88 (60 mph)
Building is over, Shock will have no use for him. His only Height: 45 feet ( 1 3.7 m)
means of escape is to go underwater and hope that the Weight: 1 25 tons (93.25 metric tons)
heroes can not pursue. This underwater escape is taken Armor Rating: 1 7 (robotics)
away if the giant robot has been damaged to the point that S.D.C. : 2,900. Note: At the G . M .'s discretion, S.D.C. may
it is no longer airtight. If Marks should escape, Shock will be allocated by location , such as the torso, head , arms,
eventually meet up with him, but only to kill him. Then she legs, specific weapons, etc. Thus, characters can make
will sell the robot off to a South American criminal organi­ called shots to specific systems in the hopes of neutral­
zation. Note: A possible side adventure is to have the izing the A- 1 1 without having to destroy it.
players learn about the sale and show up to try and stop it S.D.C. by Location (2900 total):
(or stop the sold robot from leaving the country) . Torso/Main Body: 1 050
Head : 300
Hands (2): 50 each
The A-1 1 Assau lt Robot Blades (2; left arm only): 50 each
The A- 1 1 assault robot is a Type One, giant humanoid Arms (2): 200 each
robot that requires a pilot for operation . It is a massive war Shoulder Gun ( 1 ) : 1 00
machine designed as a mainline combat unit equal in fire­ 50 caliber Machineguns (2; forearms): 50 each
power and armor to several tanks. Engaging it head-on Medium-Range M issile Launcher (1 ; right shoulder):
could easily be a deadly move even for many 50
superbeings. Tactics and teamwork will be necessary to Long-Range M issile Launcher (1 ; back): 1 00
defeat it (perhaps along with the support of the police and Legs (2): 300 (each)
national guard) . Horror Factor: 1 4 (but the robot pilot won't take advan­
G . M . s should give some indication of the robot's power tage of stunned heroes, he is intent on his chosen tar­
as it destroys vehicles and buildings with l ittle effort. Re­ gets and those he considers to be immediate threats) .
member, if characters use cover to their advantage, the Appearance: The A- 1 1 robot is a walking war machine, a
robot's pilot will need to use "called shots" (or destroy the tank on legs. It is massive , ugly, and unmistakably out
cover first) to hit them. In this case, failing the "called shot" to destroy. Heavy armored plates cover its thick limbs
means hitting the object/debris the character is hiding be­ and shield its many weapon systems. Most of the robot
hind and it takes damage, but not the character. Because is angular and squared with protective bars adding to
of the robot's size, its large weapons and role as an the defense of vital areas in the case of collisions, falls,
anti-vehicle or anti-structure attack unit, the A- 1 1 is -6 to or impacts. Drab gray urban camouflage paint dulls its
hit human-sized targets, and -8 to hit fast moving, hu­ appearance with the exception of bright red or yel low
man-sized targets (40 mph/64 kph or faster) . On the flip stickers warn ing the ignorant away from intakes, ex­
side, its defense computers are geared to lock onto small, haust vents, weapon barrels and moving parts.

Sensors and Systems: Fusion power system, advanced exposure to powerful magnets, including the major
audio system , wide band transmitter and scrambler, ra­ super ability of Magnetism. Moreover, all of the A-1 1 's
dar signal detector, audio recorder, loudspeaker, ad­ components are also composed of a state-of-the-art al­
vanced robot optic system , laser targeting system , loy that is u naffected by this super ability.
telescopic vision , external video a n d audio surveil lance Combat: The A- 1 1 must be piloted by a human controller.
system, searchl ight, video receiver and transmitter, Number of Attacks: Determined by the pilot (see Bradley
combat computer, maxi-radar, voice actuated controls, Marks below) .
reinforced pilot's compartment (A. A . 1 9, S . D . C . 250) , Bonuses From Robot Systems: (all are in addition to the
pressu rized cabin, l ife support unit, remote probe, and bonuses of the pilot) +8 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to
a self-destruct system (double the usual blast radius strike with built-in melee weapons, +4 to strike with
and damage, but the robot will beep loudly and emit a built-in ranged weapons, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, +75
warning fifteen seconds - one melee round - before to melee damage.
it explodes) .
Natural Abilities: Because it is a machine, the A- 1 1 is im­ Weapon Systems:
mune to anything that wou ldn't work on you r average 1 . Eye Ion beams (4): The blocky head of the robot has
mid-sized sedan , including many psionic and magical six "eyes." Four of these are ion beam weapons and
effects. Because it is a vehicle and not an autonomous the other two are sensors. The high mobility of the head
robot, the A-1 1 does not get a saving throw against En­ and the small nature of the ion beams make them ideal
ergy Disruption , but the mage using this spell must still anti-personnel weapons, and thus they do not suffer the
roll on the effects table (see the Expanded Spell List for penalties given previously for hitting human-sized tar­
clarifications on Energy Disruption) . Its circuits are gets. Rolls are made normally with all bonuses. To con­
sealed and shielded, allowing immersion in water and serve energy, the beams are fired in alternating rounds,
but if necessary, two, three, or all four can be fired si­ Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
mu ltaneously at one target for increased damage. Damage: 1 D4x1 0 per round.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m).
Secondary Purpose: Anti-missile Payload: 300 round belts (One for each gun) plus addi­
Damage: 406 per beam. I ncrease the n umber of damage tional 1 00 round belts of armor piercing ammunition.
dice proportional to the number of beams fired simulta­ Bonus: None other than those listed above and those of

S. Long-Range Missile Launcher ( 1 ) : The A-1 1 has a

neously, up to 1 606 for all four fired at one target. the pilot.
Range: 400 feet ( 1 22 m).
Payload: Each beam can fire 20 times before req uiring a single cruise missile mounted on its back. When fired, it
one hour recharging period. slides up and locks over the left shoulder, then
Rate of Fire: Single shots (equal to the n umber of attacks launches. The missile is self guided and uses none of
of the pilot) or volleys. the pilots or robot's other bonuses. (Note: At the G . M .'s
Bonus: +2 to strike (in addition to above bonuses and discretion , Marks could have led off his attack on the
those of the pilot). Federal Building with this weapon , making it unavail­
2. 20 mm Shoulder Gun: The standard field weapon of able to him for the adventu re . )
the A-1 1 is a huge, assault rifle-style weapon complete Primary Purpose: Assault.
with ammo clip and shoulder strap. The gun pod is ac­ Secondary Purpose: Anti-Everything!
tually a modified 20 mm automatic cannon designed to Damage: 4D6x 1 0 with a 1 00 foot (30.5 m) damage radius.
be used against light armored units or slow-moving air­ Range: 500 miles (800 km) .
craft such as helicopters. Reloading an empty clip takes Payload: One missi le.
two melee actions. The A-1 1 is outfitted with two spare Rate of Fire: Single shot only (reloading takes 20 minutes
clips. and heavy equ ipment) .
Primary Purpose: Assault. Bonus: The missile itself is +4 to strike and +2 to dodge
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor. with 2 attacks per melee round (no additional bonuses are
Damage: 1 D6x1 0 per round. gained from either the robot or the pilot) . These attacks
Range: 4,000 feet (1 ,220 m). are for eluding intercept measures, such as point-defense
Payload: 50 round clips. Provides enough ammo for 50 gatling guns and anti-missile missiles.
single shots, two short bursts or one long burst, but no full Note: This weapon system has a very detailed, very
melee bursts. current navigation system that allows the pilot to target
Rate of Fire: Aimed, burst or spray. (See Bursts or Sprays fixed structures (buildings, roads, bridges, etc.) with ease.
from machineguns on page 76 of H U2) . The A- 1 1 can also uplink to orbiting satell ites to locate
3. Mini-Missile Launcher (in chest): Another moving targets such as ships or large command vehicles.
anti-personnel and light armor weapon of the A-1 1 is a If the G . M . decides to have Marks engage this feature, en­
battery of mini-missiles in its chest. The ungu ided mis­ terprising heroes might figu re out where the A-1 1 is get­
siles are used against vehicles, massed troops, or ting its information from and use the satellite's signal to
small , heavily armored units such as power armor. track the robot, should it elude the heroes.
Once the payload is depleted, it can not be reloaded in 6. Medium-Range M issi le Launcher: Located over the
the middle of combat. The launcher is retracted and right shoulder, this weapon system is ideal for
hidden behind an armored plate (A. A . 1 2; S.D.C. 1 00) tank-busting, anti-aircraft use, or to soften fortified posi­
until it is used . It does not get the previously listed pen­ tions such as bunkers. The limited payload of missiles
alties, but the unguided nature of the missiles means makes their use selective, but the standard fragmenta­
they get no bonuses except those from the weapon tion missiles allow each one to damage a significant
skills of the pilot. area.
Primary Purpose: Anti-PersonneI/Anti-vehicle Primary Purpose: Anti-armor/Anti-vehicle.
Secondary Purpose: Assault Secondary Purpose: Assau lt.
Damage: Varies by missile type, but armor piercing Damage: 2D6x1 0 with an 80 foot (24.4 m) blast radius.
( 1 D4x1 0) are the most common payload. Range: 40 miles (64 km) .
Range: Approximately one mile ( 1 .6 km) . Payload: Two missiles.
Payload: 1 8 mini-missiles. Rate of Fire: Singly or both at once.
Rate of Fire: Singly or in vol leys of 2, 4, 8, or all 1 8 Bonus: + 1 strike (in addition to above bonuses and those

4. Two SO Caliber machineguns: The A-1 1 has a .50 cal­

Bonus: None other than those of the pilot (unguided). of the pi lot).
7. Diablo Anti-Personnel Defense System : This unique
iber machinegun mounted in each forearm , primarily for and experimental system is a "panic weapon" designed
anti-personnel use. The weapons fire standard rounds, to clear masses of troops or foot soldiers from the
but smal l belts ( 1 00 rounds each gun) of armor piercing A-1 1 's immediate vicinity should it become over­
ammunition (1 D4x1 0+6 damage and -2 to A.A.) can be whelmed. When activated, the Diablo discharges an 8
engaged internal ly in one melee action for use against foot (2.4 m) high plasma pulse, like a shock wave of
light armored targets or buildings. Otherwise, these heat energy, to a radius of 60 feet (1 8.3 m). This sys­
guns can not be reloaded by the robot itself. tem still has a few bugs, however. Roll on the following
Primary Purpose: Anti-PersonneVAnti-vehicle. table each time the Diablo is used:
The C ou r t h o u s e a n d Fe d e r a l B u i l d i n g

1 Courthous e
2 c o u r t y a rd
3 Fo u n t a i n
4 Fe d e r a l
Bui l di ng
5 Dire c t i on
t h e A- l l
app r o a c h e s

D 2

0 1 -1 0%: Full damage, but half effect (30 fooV9. 1 m ra­

dius) .
1 1 -20%: Full effect (60 fooV1 8.3 m radius) , but half dam­
2 1 -30%: The A-1 1 also takes damage from the Diablo.
31 -70%: Full normal effect and damage. Damage: 1 D4x1 0 plus ignites combustibles and has a
71 -75%: Half damage, but double effect ( 1 20 fooV36 .6 ra­ 30% chance of setting off secondary explosions in vehi­
dius) . cles or weapon ammunition.
76-80%: Half effect, but double damage. Range : 60 feet (1 8.3 m) radius from the robot.
81 -95%: Full damage, but fills a 60 foot ( 1 8.3 m) dome in­ Payload: Enough for nine uses.
stead of a shockwave . The A- 1 1 takes full damage from Rate of Fire: Single shot (equal to the n umber of attacks of
this attack. the pi lot) .
96-00%: Critical fai lure ! The Diablo fills a 1 00 foot (30.5 m) Bonus: None other than those of the pilot and robot, but
dome, at quadruple damage intensity, and cooks the A- 1 1 . victims are -4 to dodge the first discharge due to the sur­
Outside of the dome effect, a normal damage shock wave prise nature of the attack.
travels out for another 1 00 feet (30.5 m) in all directions. 8. Melee Combat: The great size of the A-1 1 gives it su­
But, this outer shock wave travels slowly, and characters pernatural strength and punching damage, but it is -8 to
with a speed of 20 or higher can outrun it. Likewise, char­ hit human sized targets with melee or unarmed attacks.
acters who can leap over the shock wave are +4 to dodge When punching or slashing vehicles (except motorcy­
it. After a critical failure, the Diablo system is slagged and cles which are attacked at -4) , it does so with full nor­
useless. Furthermore, if the Diablo system does suffer a mal bonuses of the pilot and robot (no penalties) .
critical fai lure, there is also a 1 0% chance that the A- 1 1 's Restrained Punch: 2D4x1 0
self-destruct will activate as wel l . If this happens, the Normal Punch: 2 D4x1 0+75
self-destruct can not be cut off in any way short of destroy­ Power Punch : 3D6x1 0+75 (uses 2 attacks)
ing the A- 1 1 . Forearm Blades (Left Arm): 2 D4x1 0+75
Primary Purpose: Defense G iant Knuckle Spikes (both hands) : 2D4x1 5+75 punching;
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel 8D4 per hand launched as a vol ley of 4.
1 16
IS H E !?!

Brad ley Marks Alignment: Was Scrupulous but has since become Aber­
M i l itary Robot P i l ot rant with leanings toward good. He feels the law has fai led
A promising Air Force test pilot before· joining the A-1 1 and will go outside of it for justice. His obsession (insanity)
testing program , when he accidentally learned that Sena­ is what has pushed him to take such extreme measures.
tor Ramsey was embezzling from the project's appropria­ With psych iatric attention he can probably be rehabilitated.
tions. The naive pilot confronted the Senator about it, As an honorable man who temporarily lost it, he will ac­

Attributes: La. : 1 0, M . E . : 1 2 , M .A. : 1 5, P . S . : 1 6, P . P . : 1 9,

prompting the politician to set about framing Marks for the cept the pun ishment for his crimes.
lost funds. When he was arrested for crimes Ramsey
committed, Marks became obsessed and blinded by rage P . E . : 1 4, P . B . : 1 3, Spd: 1 7
and revenge. That's when Shock contacted him with a Height: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m)
scheme to even the score. She offered to procu re a robot Weight: 1 88 Ibs (84.6 kg)
for Marks to take his revenge with . He suggested the A- 1 1 Experience Level : 6th
and provided Shock with classified data on when and H it Points: 42
where it would be transferred between bases. The rest, as S.D.C.: 50
they say, is history. Disposition : For the time being, Marks is obsessed with
revenge, which is seriously clouding his j udgement,
Marks has no idea he is being used as a diversion for
which is why, during the assault, he may kill cops and
Shock and the other criminals. All he knows is that he is to
heroes if push comes to shove, and he will feel little re­
do what he can to flush out the Senator, then he can force
morse for any innocent civilians who get caught in the
him to confess or carry him off to interrogate further.
crossfire. Someone with a high M .A. might be able to
Shock is supposed to meet him an hour after the assault,
reason with him if they can get a chance to communi­
near a large river and arrange for the transport of the robot
cate. Or, if someone thinks to get his old Commander
(they will strap it under a barge and push it down the
on the radio or telephone in order to talk him down , that
river) .
might also work.
If things go badly during the attack, Marks will call Appearance: Marks is pretty m uch an average man. He
Shock for support or help, but she will not respond. Even­ � as a short, mil itary styled haircut and is very physically
tually, the pilot will either fear the worst or figure a few fit. He wears a red flight jumper equivalent to a driving
things out and attempt to flee the scene and escape, with suit (HU2, page 1 42) and a hard armor vest over that
or without the robot. If the A-1 1 is defeated, Marks will first (A. A. 1 2; S . D . C . : 1 20). He also wears a fighter pilot
try to bluff his way out with his long-range missile. If that flight helmet with his cosign, "Tin Woodsman" inscribed
fails, he will abandon the robot and surrender or flee on on it.
foot if possible, but he will not continue to fight. Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 5 sion. Characters or witnesses should notice that the rob­
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to bers gather up the cash methodically, but do not seem
dodge , +1 damage, +2 to roll with punch , fall or impact, interested in it. Most of them enter the vault for their true
+2 to pull punch , and critical stri ke on 1 8-20. target, the safe deposit boxes. I nterviewing the box hold­
Robot Combat Bonuses : Only applies inside a robot and ers (there are about 250 of them ! ) will turn up two items of
includes the above attribute and level bonuses. These interest that were stolen. The first was a virus sample sto­
are added to the bonuses of the A-1 1 when he is pilot­ len from a government lab two years ago (the box owner,
ing it and incl ude the Weapon Systems bonus and any a criminal currently doing 30 years in prison). The second
appl icable weapon proficiencies (such as W.P. Heavy). was the plans for a laser amplifying device. Interviews with
N umber of Attacks: 6 , +3 on initiative, +4 to strike (hand the renters of the two boxes can provide useful informa­
to hand/melee) , +6/+4 to strike with ranged weapons tion (again , if the heroes have access to it). Failing that,
built into the robot (aimed/burst) , +5 to parry, +5 to the heroes might wish to get copies of the original inter­
dodge, +2 to roll with punch , fall or impact, +3 to pull views from the police investigators following the original
punch, and critical on 1 8-20. robberies of these items.
Education Level and Skills: Basic E lectronics (75%) , The virus sample was stolen by terrorists who were ar­
Computer Operation (85%) , Computer Programming rested on other charges. The renter is one of their inter­
(75%) , Computer Repair (70%) , Navigation (95%) , mediaries who did not know what it was, but the
Read Sensory Equ ipment (75%), Weapon Systems authorities were able to identify one of the incarcerated
(85%), Pilot: Motorcycle (95%) , Pi lot: Race Car (85%) , terrorists by his description. If any of the terrorists are
Pilot: Jet Fighter (75%) , Pi lot: Jet Packs (77%) , Radio: questioned, they will admit to planning on using it in At­
Basic (90%) , Radio: Scrambler (80%) , T.V.Nideo lanta (The irony of deploying such a weapon in the city
(60%), and Cryptography (70%). where the Center for Disease Control's Headq uarters are
Weapons and Melee Combat: The only weapons Marks located was too tempting for them to pass up) . The sam­
will have with him in the robot are those in the pilot's ple is concentrated and can make a biological weapon po­
emergency kit: a .45 SOCOM pistol and a large su rvival tent enough to kill up to one million people before either
knife. The gun has a 1 2 round clip and does 406 dam­ the virus is neutral ized or it m utates into a harmless vari­
age per round, while the knife does 1 06+ 1 damage. ant of itself. The authorities will assume Shock plans to re­
sort to her old habits of extortion using the viral sample,
though true terrorism does not fit her existing profile.
The plot thickens. Once the robot is defeated, the
player characters involved with the battle will quickly learn Tal king with the owner of the laser amplifier will be
that the Whitmore International Bank was robbed while the equally enlightening (no pun intended). The heroes will
showdown with the robot took place (though some of them learn that it is not a laser amplifier, but an energy ampli­
may have stayed near or in the bank to try and stop Shock fier. Based on tests and observations, the device (with
and her crew). The robot attack was a just big diversion ! modifications) could be used to amplify organically gener­
ated energies like those expelled by some super abilities.
Back in the bank, Shock and her fellow villains carried
If this is true, Shock could magnify her already impressive
out their real plans, cleaning out the entire vau lt and the
electrical powers to frightening levels. However, the inven­
safe deposit boxes. Three of Shock's five accompl ices can
tor will also make it clear that some kind of bridge device
be identified from security camera stills as Riproar,
would be needed for such applications. In its current con­
TerVal , and Dragonfire, all known super-criminals in the
figuration , the device only accepts and amplifies mechani­
Northeast (see their respective entries at the end of the
cally generated energy, such as those from energy
adventure) . The other two villains are relative unknowns
and can not be immediately identified from the stills (re­ weapons, electric generators, laser communication de­
vices, etc. If player characters can not discover a bridge,
search will have to be done for information on them) . De­
the inventor will do his own research and inform them later
scriptions of the robbers' powers will be readily available
through the news media and eyewitnesses. Characters that "super ability dampers" - devices that negate super
abilities - could likely be reversed to act as a bridge with
with the right access or contacts will discover that the two
the right technological know-how. And where can one get
accomplices are Point Blank and Electron, a weapons
a set of those dampers, one might ask? Well , among other
and electronics team from Chicago.
places (such as superhuman prisons) , S . C . R . E .T. is cur­
If any of the player group stayed at the bank (and didn't
rently field testing a portable system . J ust about any
just observe the robbery) , they will have to deal with
S . C . R . E .T. team in a major city will have one with them
Shock and her group, but will be outnumbered and proba­
when going out into the field.
bly have to retreat. These brigands are here to grab spe­
The next step will be to try and track down Shock or an­
cific items and get out. They won't waste time fighting or
ticipate her next move. Some characters may assume she
killing a few meddlesome heroes if they can avoid it. Like­
is going to Atlanta, but Shock's history and personality
wise, if the heroes do engage the villains but are beaten ,
should rule out such terrorist actions (but blackmail is an­
Shock's team will simply leave them battered and stunned
other story) . Arranging a false or bait shipment of dampers
while the crooks make good their escape.
could be a lure also, but Shock has her own plans (see
The bank is very large and q u ite secure, requiring some
Section Three).
time to rob, which is why Shock devised the A- 1 1 diver-
While the city i s dealing with the threat and pan ic,
Section Th ree : Shock and her new crew are arranging a confrontation
Germs for the Big Apple with S.C. R . E .T. in Dal las (or some other city far away from
where the previous episodes of this adventu re have taken
A s the player characters make their preparations t o try place) . She intends to draw out a squad of S . C . R . E .T. per­
and find or lure her out, Shock will interrupt the evening sonnel from an armored vehicle and steal the dampers in­
news. The screen flickers just as the fami liar face of Chan­ side. To this end , Riproar will cause an incident and when
nel S's Lori Landry appears, "Good evening," she begins, the government operatives arrive to deal with him, they
"This . . . ," static replaces the image, then the costumed will be overwhelmed by the other members of Shock's
face of Shock fills the screen . team. Unless the player characters come up with some
''This is a public service announcement." The villain unforeseen method of learn ing Shock's plan , within a few
smi les mirthlessly and tilts her head back a little, speaking hours of the viral threat, she will be successful and things
clearly and calmly. will move on to Section Four. If the heroes should some­
"I think it's only right that the public at large know that in how stop the villains, Shock will be determined to get the
eight hours, a deadly virus will be unleashed on New York dampers and flee. Defeating the heroes can , again , wait
City, capable of kill ing over one mil lion people. Since there for another day.
isn't enough time to evacuate and I won't say exactly
where it will be released, all I can u rge you to do is con­ Section Four: Jail house Rock
vince the city fathers to provide me with the 50 million dol­
lars selling price I am asking for the viral sample. I think If the characters read Shock's profile and pieced things
you'll agree this is very reasonable. Private donations are together, or if they get one of her captured flunkies to talk,
surely welcome. Del ivery will be in Central Park. Eight they will know to be waiting for her at (or near) the
hours from . . . ," she checks a pocket watch and nods, say­ S . C . R . E .T. Medium Secu rity Superhuman Holding Facility
ing, " . . . now. Perhaps you can help. Call them now and where her old gang is incarcerated. Two weeks after hit­
urge them to comply." ting S . C . R . E .T. in Dallas, she and her cohorts will be
ready to make their daring attempt to raid the facility. As
G . M . I nfo for Section Th ree the heroes (and perhaps police, prison personnel and/or
Shock is once again using a diversion to get what she even S . C . R . E .T. members) lie in wait to ambush Shock
truly wants: the Dampers. The threat against the city is and her cronies, they will suddenly see a massive bolt of
completely unfounded. She will not use the virus, but she electrical energy blast the prison doors to pieces. Anyone
will make use of the fact that the authorities don't know inside the place will hear explosive impacts, then the
that and do know she has the deadly virus. Any money clamor of alarms. The assault has begun.
she may get out of threat is a bonus for her. TerVal is the
only villain actually in the city at the time of the broadcast, G.M. I nfo for Section Fou r
just in case the authorities decide to pay the $50 million Shock is wearing a power amplifier which has been
(there is at least a 50/50 chance with the lives of millions crafted from the energy ampl ifiers stolen from the bank
at stake; probably more like a 65% chance. Can any high and reversed power dampers stolen from S.C.R. E .T. To
official, including the President, take the risk?). add to the confusion, except for Shadow Dragon and
Shock's announcement is part of a diversion to cause Dragonclaw, the others are wearing identical looking de­
chaos in the city, surrounding boroughs, neighboring New vices.
Jersey (what about wind, contamination from somebody The amplifiers look like thick, silvery bracelets. Each
infected, etc.) and at the drop point (which should give has a fail-safe in it (a local ized explosion that destroys the
TerVal the chance to make a clean getaway with the device and inflicts 5D6 to everything in a 5 fooV1 .5 m ra­
money) . dius) that goes off when the units are removed without re­
If the ransom is delivered, TerVal will attempt to escape ceiving a verbal code . Shock has not told anyone about
with it as a bonus for the group of villains. The virus will the fail-safe. Moreover, the voice recognition chips in the
never be deployed , because Shock has already sold it! ampl ifiers are set to Shock's voice alone. A key phrase in
(The buyer is left entirely up to the G . M .) If TerVal is cap­ the pre-mission briefing was used to activate the fail-safe,
tured, he will not talk at first, believing that Shock will ar­ and she plans to use a trigger phrase during their debrief­
range his escape. When several days pass and that ing to disarm them.
doesn't happen , he will inform the authorities of Shock's If captured , Shock will insist that these are the only ex­
real plans to free her old gang from the penitentiary isting power amplifiers, but that is u ntrue. These are the
(Shock will already have the dampers by then) . The same only working models, but she has stashed the plans to her
information can be gathered if any of Shock's people are power amplifiers in a safe place known only to her. If
captured along the way (but only one will squeal if a num­ Shock's scheme fails and she is apprehended, she will be
ber of them are caught) . Hardware or Special Training sent to a maximum secu rity S . C . R . E.T. facility for life, but
characters might be able to find out that Shock's broad­ if she escapes or is somehow released, the first thing she
cast originated from Texas and was beamed to the city via will do is build more amplifiers.
satellite, but the information will be of little use in stopping
her acquisition of the dampers.
S .C.R.E.T. S upe r h uma n P r i s o n
1 �-----��----I
1 Gu a r d T owe r s
2 Admi n i s t r a t i o n
3 Ve h i c l e s a n d H e a v y
S upp o r t H o u s i n g
4 P r i s o n Ho l d i ng Ar e a
4 A Entry a nd proce s s i n g
B Ma i n D o o r s
( Re i n f o r c e d )
F=�D��'CJ���D�-' C Recre a t i o n R o om
D Ce l l s
B E E l e va tors t o

D S ol i t a ry
o D
a n d Max imum
S e cu r i t y C e l l s

The Power Ampl ifiers

Basically, this device can either double the range or the body: reduce P . B . , P . E . , and Hit Points by one point for
damage of an energy-based attack. In the raid on the every six month period in which the amplifiers are fre­
prison, Shock has them configured to inflict double dam­ quently worn and used. I ronically, the device also perma­
age. The system will not work on mechanical devices, Le. nently damages the character's original super ability!
the energy weapons of Riproar, Electron, and Point Reduce range by 5% every six months, and one die of
Blank. Likewise, the amplifiers will not work on Shadow damage every twelve months. Note: These "defects" can
Dragon (won't work with her magical sword nor augment not be corrected , so using the amplifiers is a death sen­
her Bio-Ghost ability) or Dragonclaw (neither of his abili­ tence. Plus, there may be other side effects and dangers
ties are augmented via this mechanism) . The amplifier can that are yet un known.
be set to double both range and damage, but it is painful , And no, a character can't make one and sell it legally
with each enhanced blast doing 1 D 6 damage direct to the for loads of money. Why do you think the plans were sit­
attacker's H it Points each time it is used this way. Dou­ ting in a safe deposit box? The government has classified
bling both effects on an energy weapon drains fou r times the device as a deadly military weapon and civilians are
as many charges from the E-clip each time it is used (Le . , prohibited by law from owning, selling, or manufacturing
each shot counts a s four and pulse lasers would use eight them. It turns out the plans in the safe deposit box were il­
or more depending on the number of charges each pulse legally copied by somebody on the project's design team
burst fires) . Switching between the two types of amplifica­ who intended to sell them on the black market anyway.
tion , range or damage takes two melee actions. The government dropped the project as having too many
G.M. Note: So the big question now is, can Hardware lethal side effects and for the device having additional un­
characters build powerful devices such as amplifiers? Not predictable "effects" on the user (whatever that means) .
without the plans or a working model, and the time and In fact, if the heroes are accompanied by government
equ ipment to do so (takes hours if not days) . However, agents or law enforcement officials during this final scene,
there are problems that Shock doesn't know or (at this and if Shock and her cronies are defeated, the power am­
time) care about, but that any conscientious scientific plifier will be considered evidence, and must be turned
study or personal experience, will reveal . The magnified over to Federal Agents. Once in government hands, it will
energy drawn from the superbeing's body will, over time, disappear - either secured in a top secret research facil­
hurt the body. One effect is that it makes the individual ity (to be used later to augment government-sponsored
much more prone to getting a variety of life threatening super heroes, perhaps?) or destroyed.
cancers, but this will take at least one year of freq uent
use. Another is bio-feedback and strain on the physical

1 20
The Fi nal Battle
Shock's old gang has been moved to the secure soli­ The Vi l lains
tary confinement cells on the lower levels of the facility. If Shock has assembled a new crew of villains to help lib­
the authorities should risk moving them to another facility, erate her old gang of true friends. Stats for her and her
Shock and her new gang will hit them then and easi ly free new associates are given below, but info on her old crime
their comrades. In the latter scenario , Shock will again buddies has been left to the G . M .'s discretion. Whatever
seek to claim what she came for and get away. To this their powers are, they should be roughly equivalent (or
end, she will leave behind members of her new gang, if perhaps a little tougher) than Shock's current flunkies, and
necessary, as well as leaving heroes alive, etc. Once all they definitely shouldn't be tougher than Shock herself.
this is over with , if Shock and any of her gang members
The G . M . may want to include some of the new (or old)
escape, they will lay low for a while, living off of the money
crew members in adventures early in the campaign just to
from the sale of the A-1 1 , the cash from the bank, and
have the players cross paths with them and develop some
possibly the 50 million from the viral scare, while planning
kind of antagonism or rivalry. That way, when this adven­
their next string of profitable escapades. When they resur­
ture is run later, it will give the characters a greater feel for
face, whatever their next scheme is, dealing with the
the adventure. They may even put Shock in a secondary
player characters will be a h igh priority. Shock hates loose
pOSition, despite her role as leader, to focus on their per­
ends, and she hates heroes who meddle with her even
sonal rivals within her crew. That would certainly be a nice
twist on the adventure and it could save some characters'
Shock has a large and skilled gang of supervillains with l ives if they decide not to butt heads directly with Shock,
her, and the player characters aren't l i kely to be able to who is a powerful villain even without the power amplifiers.
handle all of them unless you have a large group or they
are very powerfu l (as usual). But don't forget there may
also be a whole staff of armed S.C.R. E.T. agents and nu­ Shock
merous other government authorities waiting to stop her
Shock is o n e of those villains that everyone seems to
too, and who will give our heroes a helping hand. Other­
have heard of. She doesn't show up that often , but when
wise, divide and conquer, and double teaming the enemy
she does, it's sure to be one heck of a show, for she is as
is the groups' best chance of success.
flashy as her super abilities. She likes the attention her ac­
G.M. Note: If the player group needs help, give it to tivities draw and tries to make the biggest impact she can ,
them but don't take the adventu re's climax away from whether it is demonstrating her powers for an on-site news
them in doing so. Have the authorities mount an effective crew or leaving behind newsworthy destruction. Shock al­
counter-strike that separates Shock's gang into smaller ways leaves her cal ling card in one form or another - she
grou ps and throw one of more manageable sized oppo­ likes to stop the clocks at whatever places she plans to
nents at the player characters. If any rivalries exist or rob or destroy ("You're out of time! Ha-ha!") . Usually she
there are scores to settle, arrange for the villains involved does so with just enough time for someone to get there
to end up together and give the players the satisfaction of before she hits it, but by the time someone notices and re­
wrapping things up well. When I ran this adventure, Shock sponds, it is usually too late. Shock is i ntelligent and her
survived the raid and escaped with half of her new gang plots are often involved, but rarely is she a subtle woman .
and most of her old gang, but the player characters did One case in point is the robot diversion in this adventure.
their share and captu red some of the new crew members, Sure she could have used a less dramatic diversion, but
which led to subseq uent adventures and a grudge match why �ettle just for what works when sensory overload is so
with Shock in later adventures. much more fun?
And when it all boils down, if the player characters are Shock was a criminal mastermind on the West Coast
in danger of dying during this final battle, then save them if until she overstepped her bounds and led an ill-fated coup
you have to. This is one adventure where you can logically to seize control from her bosses. Her real name is Helen
do that. Mil itary and government operatives can arrive at Barnes, daughter of crime lord Arthur Barnes, and it was
any moment to pull the group's tai l out of the fi �e. Just her father she tried to replace . She failed and they cap­
make sure you give them the chance to handle It them­ tured her. Unwilling to kill her outright, her father had her
selves first. The G . M . can also have other factions show put her through one of their experimental m utation pro­
up for the gala event, such as the Super Human Observa­
cesses that was practically guaranteed to kill her. If she
tion and Control Knights (S. H. O. c. K.) presented in Aliens survived, the doctors would remember the doses to use
Unlimited™ . They would be interested in keeping the su­ on someone else and kill her while she was recovering.
perhuman criminals off the streets and will have a per­ Unfortunately for her father, Helen lived and before any­
sonal stake in keeping Shock from defaming their chosen one could finish her off, she rocketed through the wall as a
moniker, but that's just one suggestion for possible exten­ bolt of lightning and escaped. Hiding for months, she
sions of the adventure. eventually hunted down each of the men responsible for
Likewise , if the player group is powerful and winning her torturous transformation , and killed them. Her father
too easily, who knows what super-bad guys get acciden­ was too well protected and managed to escape her wrath .
tally (or deliberately) released from their jail cell to join the Taking the money of her dead enemies, she fled to Texas
battle. and over the years, made her way up the East Coast until
1 21
. .

• •

,. ,


1 22
arriving in the northeast to gain strength and experience in ergy (sometimes l iterally) . Her Shock costume is black
New York and Chicago . From there, she ended up in a with yellow highl ights and lightning bolt designs. The
S.C.R.E.T. facility following a botched bank robbery. Not boots, gloves, and shoulders are plated in ceramic
knowing her full power range, the government locked her composites and used to parry attacks and for protection
up in a medium security containment facility for from clubbing.
superh umans. There she bided her time, formu lating the Power Category: Experiment
plans for her actions in this adventure. She escaped Side Effects: Increased mass.
shortly thereafter and put her grand plan in motion , begin­ Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Electric­
ning with recruiting some new supervillains and arranging ity, Energy Absorption , and Super Energy Expu lSion
the A- 1 1 theft. (Electricity) .
I n combat, Shock is cool and collected , though her en­ Minor Super Abilities : None
ergy and enthusiasm might be m isread as rashness. She Natural Abilities: Impervious to electricity (including mag­
is an excellent tactician and exploits her high intelligence ical lightning bolts) , heat, fire, and other forms of energy
to its full extent. She is a demanding leader who will de­ (except kinetic energy, of course) ; glow equal to a 500
stroy any underling who disobeys or betrays her. How­ watt bulb; - 1 0% to climbing , acrobatics, or gymnastics.
ever, Shock is rarely petty and nearly anyth ing she does Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert
has an ulterior motive and will prove its importance at a Number of Attacks: 7
later time. She has even been known to save or spare Bonuses: +5% to all skills, +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5
so-called "superheroes" for reasons known only to herself. to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch , fall or impact,
Most believe she does so simply because the heroes +4 to pull punch , + 1 0 to damage (takes into account all
represent a staunch enemy of one of Shock's rivals or be­ bonuses) , +2 disarm , +3 to save vs poison and magic,
cause they represent a challenge. Of course, sometimes + 1 0% to save vs coma, 65% to evoke trust or intimida­
she does so to cause confusion or to trick and manipulate tion, knockout on 1 8-20, & critical on 1 8-20.
them. Education Level and Skills: Streetwise (98%) , Pick
Shock is not a terrorist, but she can and will use inno­ Locks (98%) , Find Contraband and I l legal Weapons
cent people to hinder the capabilities of heroes and law (98%) , Safecracking (98%) , Computer Hacking (98%) ,
enforcement personnel. One of her prime rules is to know Basic Electronics (98%) , Computer Operations (98%) ,
one's enemies, and exploit their weaknesses. Most heroes Computer Programming (98%) , Computer Repair
put the welfare of others before themselves, and she ex­ (98%) , Business and Finance (98%), Law (general)
ploits this frequently. (98%), Research (98%) , Language: Russian (98%) , Ad­
vanced Mathematics (98%) , Chemistry (98%) , Astro­
Shock physics (98%) , Biology (98%) , Chemistry: Analytical
Real Name: Helen Barnes (98%), Pilot: Automobile (98%) , W. P . : Knife, W. P . : Au­
Other Aliases: Lady Lightning and Bolt. tomatic Pistol, and W.P.: Sub-machinegun. Shock has
Alignment: Aberrant (with a strong sense of fair play and also g iven up three skills to gain proficiency in each of
honor) . her super abilities. This gives her the listed bonuses to
Attributes: I . Q . : 20, M . E . : 1 4, M .A. : 2 1 , P . S . : 1 5, P . P . : 1 7, hit with the ranged attacks of those abilities, plus an ad­
P . E . : 20, P . B . : 1 7, Spd: 9 ditional + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 1 1 .
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches (approx. 1 .75 m) Weapons and Melee Combat: Because of her increased
Weight: 1 95 1bs (87.7 kg) , mostly from increased mass. mass , Shock does +6 damage in hand to hand combat
Experience Level : 1 1 th (+1 0 total). She is also skil led in paired weapons (all),
Hit Points: 7 1 body flip/throw, and a karate kick (204) .
S.D.C. : 1 90 Note that if Shock finds herself against someone that
Disposition : Shock knows how powerful she is and when is immune to electrical damage, she will use her attacks
others do too , she uses it to her advantage to intim idate to topple buildings, blow the floor out from under them,
them. Not to say she is overconfident or conceited. etc., as well as physical attacks and available weapons.
Once she realizes someone is a threat to her, she will Note that during the raid on the prison , the fol lowing
pay that person the proper respects and caution they damages will be augmented by the ampl ifiers and dou­
deserve. Opponents who in turn do not show intelli­ bled.
gence, respect, or wisdom in combat or toward her ca­ Quick roll damage for super abilities:
pabilities are viewed as fools and given little or no Super Energy Expulsion (normal) : 1 06x1 0+20
quarter. Worthy opponents rarely have to worry about Super Energy Expu lsion (super-blast) : 206x1 0+6
being killed by Shock as she respects and honors their Mini-Lightning Bolt: 1 06x1 0+6
courage and abilities. She may leave them badly man­ Lightning Bolt: 5 06+22
gled and hospitalized for some time, but she will not kill E lectrical Ray: 1 06x1 0+22
them unless it is absol utely necessary.
Appearance: Beautiful , graceful, intelligent, and charm­
ing, Helen seems to have it all. It's just too bad she's a
criminal mastermind. Her hair is a silvery white and her
eyes are a strange electric blue that sparkle with en-
1 23
he is in constant need of more. Shock's plan is pure po­
TerVal etry to M itch, who plans to get in good, make some quick
M itch Bourg was born different. His hair was a strange piles of cash, and split with his power ampl ifier. Unfortu­
shade of blond that almost looked green , until he hit his nately for him, Shock has built fail-safes into the units and
teens and it turned a definite shade of that color. His mom he won't get much out of them for long. Depending on
colored it for him, but it was the least of his worries. He al­ when he decides to split, she may or may not kill him for it,
ways had troubles with the other kids in school and the provided he does not leave her in a lurch or in danger.
mutant abilities that man ifested made him a perfect bully.
By the time he was in high school , instead of making an TerVal
easy name for himself in athletics and aiming for scholar­ Real Name: M itch Bou rg

Attributes : La. : 9, M . E . : 1 0, M .A. : 1 1 , P.S.: 1 9, P . P . : 1 5,

ships, he was acting as paid muscle for two-bit pushers on Alignment: M iscreant
the edge of the school grounds. From there he moved into
the bigger leagues and worked as a bodyguard and en­ P . E . : 26, P . B . : 1 2 , Spd: 1 7 (normally; see his speed
forcer for some local drug dealers. When the ring col­ power) .
lapsed as a result of the Feds coming from one direction Height: 5 feet, 1 0 inches (approx. 1 .8 m)
and some vigilante heroes coming from the other, M itch Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg) of muscle.
fell in with Shadow Dragon, doing assassinations and arm Experience Level : 5th
breaking. The two also interrupted a handful of drug deals H it Points: 1 00
and made off with the cash. S.D.C. : 1 80
Power Category: M utant
M itch first met Shock when she appeared out of the
blue and helped him escape a S . C . R . E .T. low-altitude pur­ Mutant Characteristics: G reen hair
suit vehicle, during a chase in Chicago. Shock shot the Major Super Abilities: None
pursuit craft down with a few well-placed l ightning bolts. Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary Speed , Extraordi­
Afterwards, Shock offered M itch a chance to participate in nary P . E . , Adhesion, and Power Channeling (the last is
the one that can be amplified) .
her most recent undertaking. His powers can certain ly be Natural Abilities: Run at up to 320 mph (51 2 kph) ; +4
augmented, but the promise of money was more than damage for every 20 mph (32 kph) of speed; climbing
enough to draw M itch into the operation. He was also glad skill at 90%; other aspects and abilities of each super
to suggest his former partner as another member, and ability are detailed in their respective entries.
Shadow Dragon was drawn into the scheme. Disposition : Greedy and willing to do what it takes to
Mitch is as shortsighted as he is fast. He thinks only of make himself comfortable, M itch does everything as
the here and now and spends his money like water. Thus, quickly as he can run and thus burns up money, friend-
1 24
ships, and alliances faster than he can run. He is con­ probe alongside a simultaneous vigilante crusade against
stantly on the move and looking to replace money he the criminal family caused it to collapse and left the two
has spent. He can be trusted if he will profit from an en­ villains on their own. Their partnership was somewhat
deavor, but he can not be trusted for long. short-lived, but ended without antagonism. He does real­
Appearance: M itch appears to be an average man except ize that TerVal is at heart a dishonorable person and the
for his green hair (which is usually dyed another color) alien keeps a close eye on him because of it.
and the aura of shiftiness he projects. It's not that he Krizam went back to killing people, but found the work
looks untrustworthy (which he can be) , he j ust appears to be less steady than fu ll-time criminal employment and
to be always ready to move or do something. He pre­ less rewarding (financially) than robbing banks. When
fers to hide his notable hair under a black cap worn TerVal showed up again accompanied by Shock, Krizam
backwards (although he could get away with posing as was glad to see someone with intell igence capable of
a punker) and drapes his athletic form in sweat pants making them plenty of money and joined up. He hopes to
and oversized shirts. His TerVal costume is close fitting ride Shock's genius into a comfortable and secure life. His
to avoid snags at h igh speed , but bulky at the shoul­ sees Shock not only as his future meal-ticket, but as the
ders, elbows and wrists where thick pads protect him only one equal to himself. That means he will look out for
from the bruises from high speed col lisions. her and keep an eye on the less trustworthy members of
Combat: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts the group, including TerVal .
Number of Attacks: 7 Oragonclaw prefers t o attack and fight from hiding or
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +2 to strike, +8 to parry, + 1 1 to take some other unfair advantage - surprise attack,
dodge, + 1 1 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +5 to pull weight of numbers, and all manner of treachery. To this
punch , +2 automatic dodge, +6 to save vs magic, +6 to end, he uses his multiple bodies to their best effect, often
save vs poison, +4 to damage, and pin/incapacitates on overwhelming opponents with multiple copies of himself or
1 8-20 (if declared) . with his water abilities. Leaving drowned victims in the
Education Level and Skills: Streetwise (50%) , Pick middle of dry land is a common trademark of his.
Locks (65%) , Pick Pockets (60%) , Safecracking (50%) ,
Prowl (65%) , Climbing (90%) , Boxing, Wrestling, Acro­ Dragonclaw
batics, Swimming (85%) , W. P . : Automatic Pistol , W . P . : Real Name: Krizam Oekart
Sub-machinegun, W . P . : Automatic and Semi-Automatic Other Aliases: Chris Oeker, Wave, and M u ltitude.
Rifles, W. P . : Knife, W. P.: Blunt, and W . P . : Chain.
Attributes: La. : 1 7, M . E . : 1 5 , M.A.: 1 2 , P.S.: 1 8, P . P . : 1 8,
Alignment: Aberrant
Weapons and Melee Combat: Knows all jump kicks, ka­
rate kick (2 04+4) , roundhouse kick (306+4) , wheel kick P . E . : 1 6 , P . B . : 1 7, Spd: 24
(206+4) , crescent kick (204+6) , and axe kick (2 06+4) . Height: 7 feet (2 . 1 m)
He can also body block/tackle and crush/squeeze a Weight: 1 80 Ibs (81 kg)
pinned opponent ( 1 04 damage) . Experience Level : 6th
With power channeling, TerVal can do incredible H it Points: 40
damage with his bare hands. Remember that during the S.D.C.: 90
raid on the prison, he will have power amplifiers that will Power Category: Alien
double the l isted dice for damages below. Alien Characteristics: Retractable claws, almond eyes,
Body Tackle: 504+6 and pointy ears.
Head Butt: 306 Original Homeworld Type: Twilight World .
Punching Damage : 606 Major Super Abilities: M u ltiple Beings and Alter Physical
Power Punch : 1 06x1 0 Structure: Water
Kicking Damage: 706 Minor Super Abi lities : None
Natural Abilities: Can create three exact dupl icates of
himself (same level and each capable of altering their
Dragonclaw physical structure to liq uid and using the special abili­
Krizam Oekart is not native to Earth . He is an alien who ties it confers) . See Alter Physical Structure: Liq uid for
crash landed within the last year or so , after his spacecraft full details and abilities.
developed troubles and was pulled down by Earth's grav­ Disposition : Krizam is Aberrant, but very few people live
ity. On his homeworld, he was trained as a special forces up to his standards of what can be considered an
combat specialist and worked as an assassin and bounty equal . Shock is one of the few people who does. He
hunter across the space ways (he could also have been has little consideration for those he sees as beneath
one of the aliens aboard the spacecraft that crashes dur­ him (which is just about everyone) and tends to spend
ing the "Planetfall" adventure; at the G . M.'s discretion) . time by himself, quite often literally. With so many be­
Since his arrival , he has managed to blend in with the hu­ neath him, Krizam associates mostly with duplicates of
man population and after a chance meeting with enforcers himself, and is on the verge of developing multiple per­
for a local crime lord , earned himself a place among the sonalities because of it.
man's well-paid assassins. Appearance: Krizam is tall and thin with pale skin, large
Krizam had worked with the organization for some time almond shaped eyes, clawed hands and pointy ears.
when TerVal joined its ranks, but a perfectly timed Federal He projects a creepy image not unlike some goblin or
1 25
other ghastly figure. Even more frightening is when he on the prison) and a hover platform (see page 99 in
appears with his three duplicates - an inhuman squad H U2 for stats) . He also carries a backpack or satchel
bringing death. His O ragonclaw costume is black with extra clothes and costumes for his duplicates
leather with a number of buckles and some chains for should he need to create them with l ittle warning.
accents, though the latter are heavy gauge and can
function as weapons ( 1 06 +P.S. bonus). His head is
topped by a wild mane of black hair and he normally
wears darkly tinted goggles to protect his sensitive Model N inety-N ine was the product of a criminal organi­
eyes. zation's robotics research . It was designed to function as
Combat: Hand to hand: An alien form of Martial Arts. an enforcer, assassin, and bodyguard for important per­
Number of Attacks: 6 sons in the organization, but un known to the criminals,
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to there was a mole in their ranks , specifically within the soft­
dodge, +3 to rol l with punch , fal l or impact, +3 to pull ware personnel of the robot project. When Model
punch , +2 disarm , critical on 1 8-20, and +3 damage. N inety-Nine was activated, his corrupted programming
Education Level and Skills: Boxing, Wrestling, Prowl sent him to execute the very people the robot should have
(65%), Climbing (85%) , W . P . : Automatic Pistol, W . P . : protected. However, the mole had not put proper control
Knife, W . P . : Energy Pistol, W . P . : Blunt, W . P . : Staff, programs in place and Model Ninety-Nine left to go about
W . P . : Automatic Rifle, Pilot: Automobile (72%) , First Aid its own way, leaving the rival faction that got the robot to
(80%), Streetwise (44%) . do their killing, without the weapon that so effectively put
Weapons and Melee Combat: Always carries at least them into power.
one length of chain ( 1 06+2 damage), a metal pipe (206 After the robot had done its initial ki lling, it found itself
damage) , and two knives ( 1 06 damage) . Knows all able to think and, in a limited way, feel for itself. One of its
jump kicks, karate-style kick (2 04+4) , roundhouse kick protocols is the abil ity to learn and make subjective deci­
(306+4), wheel kick (206+4) , crescent kick (2 04+6) , sions. Using the skills it had been given, and disgu ised as
and axe kick (206+4) . a human, Model N inety-Nine, calling himself Mitchell
Special Equipment: Laser pulse pistol (206 damage or Niles, found a niche by working as hired muscle for vari­
606 triple pulse; all other stats identical to a standard ous criminal organizations and certain wealthy individuals.
laser pistol; will have an energy amplifier during the raid His powerful robot body and precision techniques have

1 26
earned him a deserving reputation as an effective profes­
sional. Shock came across him many years ago when
they shared the employ of a particu larly successful crime
lord for an outing or two . She looked him up when she es­
caped from the penitentiary and needed good reliable help
to get her old gang out of a similar fix. M itchell likes the
idea of putting together the kind of strength Shock wants
and using it effectively, so he joined up. Riproar is one of
the few members of the new gang whose welfare Shock
cares about.
Ri proar
Real Name: Model N inety-Nine
Other Aliases: M itchell Sevrin N iles
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I . Q . : 1 8, M . E . : 1 7, M .A. : 9, P.S . : 30, P . P . : 24,
P . E . : 20, P . B . : 1 7, Spd: 88
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches (approx. 1 .88 m) .
Weight: 350 Ibs ( 1 57 .5 kg)
Experience Level : 8th
Armor Rating: 1 2 (robotic) .
H it Points: 40
S.D.C.: 500
Power Category: Robotics (Android).
Robotic Systems: Concealed m icro-hover system (max
speed: 1 00 mph/1 60 kph , max altitude: 1 ,000 feet/305
m), advanced audio system, wide band transmitter,
sound analysis computer, advanced robot optic system ,
laser targeting system , combat computer, motion detec­
tor and warning system , artificial blood and cosmetic
enhancements (realistic skin, real body hair, realistic
eyes, and sculpted facial features) .
Disposition : M itchell has yet to develop true emotions,
since killing people for a living tends to nip that kind of
thing in the bud. But he has developed goals for him­
self, such as securing his own home (wherever or what­
ever that might be) and ensuring h is place in society,
should misfortune befall him. Both of those require
money, so becoming as rich as possible has become
his current driving purpose.
Appearance: M itchell is perfectly tall and perfectly hand­
some . Only his advanced artificial enhancements, such
as simulated breathing, blinking eyes and dilating pu­
pils, keep him from appearing too perfect, though his
sometimes inhuman smoothness of movement can give
him away. Most people assume he is a very cold, cal­
culating individual, especially those who know his line
of work. Few would ever suspect that he is actually an
android. His costume is simply a black mask, black tur­
tleneck, matching jeans, and heavy boots.
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert
Number of Attacks: 8
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +8 to strike, +2 to strike with Weapons and Melee Combat: Knows paired weapons
built-in weapons, +9 to parry, +9 to dodge, +5 to roll (all), all jump kicks, karate kick (204+4) , roundhouse
with punch , fall or im pact, +8 to pull punch , + 1 5 dam­ kick (306+4) , wheel kick (206+4) , crescent kick
age, critical 1 8-20, +2 disarm and immune to Horror (204+6), and axe kick (206+4). Riproar also commonly
Factor. carries a mach ine pistol (306 damage , fully automatic
Education Level and Skills: M i litary Etiquette (98%) , with 75 round cl ip), .44 magnum handgun (606, 7
Climb (98%) , W . P . : Pistol (all), W. P . : Rifle (all) , W . P . : round cl ip), and a sniping rifle (broken down in a case;
Knife. 606 damage; 9 round clip; semi-automatic) .

1 27
Robotic Weapon Systems: Electrical discharge (406 Height: 6 feet, one inch (approx. 1 .83 m).
damage, +1 strike, 1 2 ftl3.6 m range) , 2 eye lasers Weight: 1 80 Ibs (81 kg)
(206 damage each, +2 strike, 500 ftl1 52 m range) , and Experience Level : 5th
3 finger blasters (306 each; +1 strike, 200 ftl61 m H it Points: 29
range) . S.D.C.: 38
Power Category: Hardware: Electrical Genius
Disposition : Calm, cool and collected. Although Point
Electron Blank is far from stupid, Carter is still the brains of their
Carter Wells was always a natural with electronics, but operation. He excels at tactics and quick thinking and
his real exposure and training with the possibilities of elec­ Point Blank lets him bear the majority of such deci­
tronic technologies came when he made it into the Green sions. Carter knows the strengths and weaknesses of
Berets as a communications and electronic warfare spe­ himself and Point Blank and will use them to the duo's
cialist. After gaining combat experience in the M iddle East best advantage, but he will also get the two of them out
(including operations during Desert Storm) , he joined the of any situation that they can not handle. Carter would
C IA for additional training, but it wasn't long before he sur­ leave Point Blank if he had to , but only so that he could
passed even their expertise. Soon, Carter realized he return later to free him.
could make much more money doing things his way than Appearance: Tall and thin, Carter has pale blond hair and
taking a salary, even the substantial one he earned from green eyes. He is rather handsome, but tends to get
Uncle Sam. Resigning from the agency, he spent five along better with his eq uipment than most people. His
years "disappearing." Using h is knowledge of the organi­ Electron battle armor is a set of stylized riot armor with
zation and some of the electronic and computer security full face mask and filters that is packed with electronic
he had developed for them , Carter erased his existence gadgets. The armor is black, like Point Blank's, and has
even from those who make an art of tracking the untrace­ a single blue line down the left side.
able. Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic
During those years, he perfected some new gadgets Number of Attacks: 5
and equipment and started robbing banks. With the mod­ Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to
ern electronic security systems nearly everyone uses, he dodge, +3 to roll with punch , fall or impact, +2 to pull
was able to make quite a living, but qu ickly grew rich and
Education Level and Skills: Includes La. bonus. Hot
punch, and +6 vs Horror Factor.
bored. During his stint with the armed forces, he realized
he loved action and challenges, so he made a career Wiring (1 0 1 %) , Computer Hacking (93%) , Electronics
change and offered his skills as a mercenary for hire. By Construction (99%) , Evaluate and Diagnose Electrical
the time he actually met Point Blank, Carter knew of him Systems (77%) , Electrical Engineer (87%) , Read Sen­
by his reputation. The two teamed up to collect a bounty sory Equipment (77%) , Surveillance Systems (77%) ,
on a loan shark that had cheated his mob bosses. They Optic Systems (77%) , Computer Operation (97%) ,
made short work of the hired thugs he had for bodyguards Computer Programming (77%) , Radio: Basic (92%) ,
and collected the bounty, but each had earned more than Basic Mechanics (77%) , Mathematics: Advanced
just the money. They worked so well together that the two (92%), Business and Finance (93%) , Law (82%) , Re­
became fast friends and partners. They have been build­ search (98%) , Radio: Scrambler (92%) , TVNideo
ing a reputation as bounty hunters, specializing in "diffi­ (78%), Cryptography (82%) , Locksmith (87%) , Prowl
cult" and "superhu man" targets, ever since. Anyone with (82%), Climbing (97%) , Wi lderness Survival (62%) ,
the streetwise or find contraband skills will know these two W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Automatic Rifle, W.P.
by reputation and recognize their costumed identities on Knife, First Aid (72%) , Athletics, Body Building, Run­
sight. ning, Swimming (77%).
Electron and Point Blank do not exchange their spe­ Weapons and Melee Combat: Most of the weapons and
cialty equipment with each other, but they do share ideas eq uipment Electron carries are specialized and detailed
and will help each other with design work. In addition , below. He also can karate kick (204) and snap kick
each provides the other with state-of-the-art equipment ( 1 06).
from his area of expertise. In addition to special weapons and eq uipment, Elec­
Note: Treat any electronics the two might have as be­ tron regularly carries two Colt .45 General Officer's pis­
ing + 1 % or + 1 0%, whichever applies to effects, range, du­ tols (406) , a MAC- 1 0 SMG (406) , and two combat
ration , or skill ratings. Any normal weapons the two carry knives ( 1 08 or 204 each). His regular combat armor is
will li kewise be + 1 to strike or parry and + 1 0% to range. a suit of Riot Armor (A. A . : 1 4, S . D . C . : 1 80) loaded with
sensors and optics.
Electron Special Weapons and Equipment: Has at least one of
Real Name: Carter Wells each of the items in the Some Electronic Gimmicks
Known Aliases: Zap and Charge (both from early in his section on page 1 25 of Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edi­
mercenary career) . tion. He also has on hand or easy access to any stan­
dard electronic equipment, sensors, or bugs. Most will
Attributes : La.: 2 1 , M . E . : 1 5, M .A. : 9, P.S. : 1 4, P . P . : 1 4,
Alignment: Miscreant
be miniaturized and easily carried or built into his ar­
P . E . : 1 3, P . B . : 1 5, Spd: 25 mor.

1 28
Special Combat Armor: A . A . 1 6, 200 S . D . C . Poi nt Blank
Special Sensor .B! Optic Systems built in the Armor:
Thermo-imager and nightsights, motion sensors (+ 1 parry Marrin Cortez was always a bad seed. H e grew up i n a
and dodge, +2 initiative), bug detector, chemical detector small village in the impoverished countryside of Brazil.
(normally calibrated to detect explosives; range: 1 2 When he was young, his family was kil led by soldiers dur­
feeV3.2 m), radio receiver and transmitter (range : 5 miles) , ing a government crackdown on suspected dissidents.
and a simple radar (Range: 30 feeV9. 1 5m; detects general Only a few years into his teens, he sought out the radical
shapes only; + 1 initiative and dodge) . elements the soldiers were looking for and joined them as
a soldier. His uncanny marksmanship quickly earned him
Electrical field: Electron's armor is wired to discharge
a position as a sniper, which in turn , gave him a reputation
an electrical field. It extends up to six feet ( 1 .8 m) around
as a long-range killer. When the government finally deci­
him and is used as a defensive barrier to dissuade others
mated his fellow guerilla soldiers, Marrin escaped by virtue
from grappling with him.
of his distant sniper position . Finally old enough to realize
Damage: 206 per action to opponents in physical con­ he would probably never succeed in defeating the entire
tact with Electron's body and 1 06 damage per action to government, he settled for the hundreds of kills he had
those within the energy field but not touching him. Anyone made against the army as due vengeance and moved on
entering or remaining within the field takes damage (no with his life.
dodge except when it is in itially activated) . The batteries
Marrin left Brazil and found profitable mercenary work
that sustain the field can run for a total of three minutes
with the drug cartels in Colombia where he mastered nu­
before needing to be recharged. Five minutes are needed merous other weapons and earned enough money to build
to recharge. The field can be deactivated and reactivated and design his own . He developed a penchant for blades
to conserve batteries. and handguns by necessity (assassinations for the cartel
Discharge Gauntlets: The gloves of his armor are de­ weren't always as simple as shooting someone from a
signed to provide a powerful electric discharge when they mile away) , but found he had a natural affinity for them
hit in melee combat (normal dodges and parries apply) . and nearly any weapon he set himself to working with.
Damage: Adds 206 to punching damage. Charges: Over the next few years, he developed a wide array of
Each glove has batteries good for 1 0 successful dis­ weapons and combat techniques, but he also came to tire
charges/actual hits. of living as a soldier and taking orders from bosses. Since
Variable Configuration Stu n Blaster: This oversized he was now looking for new opportunities, he decided
handgun is roughly the size of a sub-machinegun, resem­ America was the place to go. Where else but the land of
bling the 9 mm M-950 Calico in appearance . But it is not a opportunity could a mercenary hit man find his dreams?
firearm . Instead, it fires an electrical blast. Changing con­ He worked for several years as a mercenary, bounty
figurations is done by the flip of a switch and does not re­ hunter, and assassin in the West and South, before mak­
quire an action/attack. ing his way to the Northeast, where he would meet Elec­
Configuration 1: Identical to a stun gun (described else­ tron. The two had an immediate chemistry that neither
where in this book) . Range: 1 00 feet (30 m) , Rate of Fire: could significantly explai n , but after being so long on his
Equal to the number of attacks of the user. own , Point Blank finds Electron the closest thing he has to
Configuration g: Identical to the stun gun, but more a brother and will do whatever he can to help him out and
powerful (save at -4, but half duration). Range: 75 feet (30 keep him al ive. Though Marrin is still a master sniper and
m), Rate of Fire: Equal to the n umber of attacks of the has a customized rifle specifically for that, he prefers to
user. work up close with Electron whenever possible. Any mer­
cenary, weapons expert, secret operative, street-skilled
Configuration �: Fires a small bolt of electricity. Dam­
hero or law enforcement officer will know Marrin Cortez,
age: 306, Range: 1 20 feet (30 m) , Rate of Fire: Equal to
a. k.a. Point Blank, by reputation , and most will also recog­
the number of attacks of the user.
Configuration 1: Fires a larger bolt of electricity. Dam­
nize his battle armor on sight.
Point Blank and Electron do not exchange their spe­
age: 606, Range: 200 feet (60 m), Rate of Fire: Three
cialty equipment with each other, but they do share ideas
times per round maximum.
and will help each other with design work. In addition ,
Energy QiQ.: The oversized energy clip has separate ca­
each provides the other with state-of-the-art equipment
pacitors for each configuration and holds 30 charges for from his area of expertise. Treat any electronics the two
configuration one, 20 each for configu ration two and three,
might have as being +1 or + 1 0%, wh ichever applies to ef­
and 9 for configuration 4. Electron only carries one spare fects, range, duration , or skill ratings. Any normal weap­
clip and it takes two actions to change an empty clip. ons the two carry will likewise be +1 to strike or parry and
Lightning Grenades: Work just like explosive gre­ + 1 0% to range.
nades, but discharge a powerful electric field instead of
exploding. Damage: 1 D4x1 0 to a 6 foot ( 1 .8 m) radius and Poi nt Blank
406 to an additional 1 2 foot (3.6 m) radius. Range: 1 20 Real Name: Marrin Cortez

Attributes : L a . : 1 0, M . E . : 1 7, M .A. : 8, P . S . : 20, P . P . : 24,

feet (36.6 m) thrown. Payload: E lectron usually carries Alignment: Miscreant
four of these grenades.
P . E . : 1 8, P . B . : 1 2 , Spd: 24

1 29
1 30
Size: 5 feet, 8 inches (approx. 1 .73 m). plus a belt-fed 9 mm sub-machinegun on the right fore­
Weight: 1 82 Ibs (82 kg) arm (406 damage ; Range: 200 feet/6 1 m) ; Rate: fully
Experience Level : 5th automatic; Payload : 900 rounds of armor piercing
H it Points: 40 ammo stored in a specially deSigned backpack-style
S.D.C.: 59 ammo canister) and a retractable short sword of excep­
Power Category: Hardware : Weapons Expert. tional quality on the left forearm (2 06+4 damage, + 1
Special Abilities: Horror Factor: 1 0 to those who know strike, + 2 parry in addition t o other bonuses) .
his reputation ; +1 attack with any firearm or energy Customized .50 caliber sniper rifle: The u ltimate in
weapon , all Weapons Genius Special Skills (Make & long-range, fast-kill equipment, Point Blank has en­
Modify Weapons, Gunfighter Paired Weapons, hanced a Barrett M -82 . 50 caliber sniping rifle for taking
Quick-Draw Initiative, W . P . Sharpshooting) . care of enemies at a maximum distance. Plus, he also
Disposition: Cold and heartless, Marrin shows about as has modified the gun to handle depleted u ranium core
much emotion as any of his cold, steel weapons. (DUG) rounds, which he uses exclusively when sniping.
Heroes should expect no mercy or warning from this Damage: 1 D6x1 0 normal rounds, 2D6x1 0 DUC rounds;
man. He defines the term "professional killer." The only Range: 4,000 feet (1 220 m/1 .2 km) ; Rate of Fire: Single
person he really cares about is Electron , whom he will Shot; Payload: 5 rounds; Bonuses: +4 strike (in addition
fight for to protect. If Electron is seriously injured , para­ to other bonuses) from special optics, balancing and
lyzed or killed , Point Blank will seek bloody revenge. shock absorbers. Note: A special internal suppressor
Appearance: Short, gruff, and dark. He has black hair, makes this weapon silent and without a m uzzle flash ,
matching eyes and Hispanic features. He normally making it the ultimate sniper's weapon. This weapon
wears a thick moustache and dark glasses. His Point can be disassembled in just a minute, with all of the
Blank ''work clothes" are an intimidating set of black pieces fitting into a large briefcase.
body armor packed with weaponry. A single blue stripe Personal sidearms : Point Blank carries two pairs of per­
runs down the right side of the armor. sonal sidearms. One pair is maximized for use against
Combat: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts soft targets, while the others are customized ma­
Number of Attacks: 6 chine-pistols geared toward general combat and ar­
Bonuses: +2 on initiative (+6 initiative when using fire­ mored targets.
arms or energy weapons; other initiative bonuses are Soft target pistols: These pistols fire glaser rounds (like
given on page 1 33 of H U2), +7 to stri ke, + 1 0 to parry, miniatu re shotgun shells) that inflict extreme damage
+ 1 0 to dodge, +6 to rol l with punch , fall or impact, +3 to against unarmored targets, but very little to things harder
pull punch, +5 damage, +2 vs poison, +2 vs magic, +3 than bone. Damage: 806 to u narmored targets, 1 06 to ar­
vs Horror Factor, and +3 disarm . mored targets or most inanimate objects stronger than
Education Level and Skills: Make and Modify Weapons glass or l ight wood; Range: 90 feet (27.5 m); Rate:
(94%), Recognize Weapon Quality (50%) , Sniper, Semi-automatic (see modern weapons combat) ; Payload:
W.P. : Revolver, W . P . : Auto Pistol, W.P. : Automatic Ri­ 1 7 rounds, Bonuses: +2 strike (in addition to other bo­
fle, W. P . : Bolt-Action Rifle, W . P . : Energy Rifle, W . P . : nuses) .
Sub-machinegun, W . P . : Knife, W.P. Sword, Demoli­ Combat pistols: 406+4 (fires 9 mm armor piercing am­
tions (98%) , Demolitions Disposal (98%) , Find Contra­ munition); Range: 390 feet ( 1 1 9 m); Rate: Fires in short
band (66%) , Basic Electronics (65%) , Basic Mechanics bursts only (see modern weapons combat); Payload: 36
(75%), Acrobatics, Boxing, C limbing (98%) , Prowl rounds; Bonuses: +2 strike (in addition to other bonuses) .
(78%), Language: Spanish (75%) , Wi lderness Su rvival Serrated whip: Point Blank carries a variety of excep­
(65%), Streetwise (40%) , Hunting, Tracking (50%) , tional quality bladed and blunt weapons (all +1 to strike,
Land Navigation (56%) , W . P . : Chain, Radio: Basic +2 parry, and +2 damage) , but one unique weapon he fa­
(70%), Pilot: Motorcycle (80%) , Pilot: Airplane (70%) , vors is a finely segmented metal whip. With the flick of a
W.P. : Blunt, W . P . : Paired - Knives. button , razor-sharp barbs pop out along its length to add
Weapons and Melee Combat: All jump kicks, karate kick to its damage potential. The hilt has a motorized retractor
(204) , roundhouse kick (306) , snap kick ( 1 06) , cres­ that enables the whip to rapidly recoil into it. If the whip is
cent kick (204) , axe kick (206) and tripping leg hook coiled about someone (a successful roll to stri ke of 1 8+),
(no parry) kicks. When punching , Point Blank will auto­ then retracted , damage is doubled (uses one attaCk) .
matically knock out opponents on a roll of a natural 20. Damage: 206+4 normal or 406+4 with barbs extended.
Special Weapons and Equipment: Point Blank has ac­ Range: 1 2 feet (3.7 m).
cess to nearly any kind of conventional handguns, fire­
Gimmick Weapons: I n addition , at any given time Point
arms and weapon accessories, listed on pages 1 34 to
Blank may be carrying some or all of the fol lowing gim­
1 36 of H U2 or found in the Compendium of Contem­
mick weapons: 2 06 explosive pellets; 206 flash powders;
porary Weapons (a tremendous sourcebook) . Exotic
a sawed-off shotgun with 206 phosphorus and 306
or unusual items might require 1 04 days for him to
flechette rounds, spike tube variation; 2 explosive wrist
track down or build.
blasters; and a mini-flamethrower (For stats on these
Special Armor: His usual combat armor is a suit of black
weapons, see pages 1 34 through 1 36 of HU2) .
hard armor (A. R. 1 4, S . D . C . : 260) . The armor has the
same electric discharge system as Electron's armor,
1 31
Shadow Dragon
Nimiko Kusam i was born in the Shinto province of Ja­
pan to a family that has, for centuries, produced some of
the most highly skilled assassins in the world. Over time,
Kusami's ancestors served (and kil led) untold dozens of
Shoguns, Emperors and Warlords. Even today the fami ly
maintains its bloody trade, but now its patrons are corpo­
rations, diplomats, and criminal organizations.
Nimiko was raised through childhood and into her teen
years with great discipline, schooling, and constant physi­
cal training. By the time she reached puberty, she was a
skilled, though unpracticed, seductress who knew how to
kill by dozens of techniques. She was trained in anatomy,
l iterature, mathematics, athletics, and combat. By the time
she was 2 1 , she was a licensed nurse and had a secure
position among her fami ly as a dependable operative. Infil­
tration and subtle assassination are the traditional roles of
the clan's women and Nimiko performed them dutifully
whenever and wherever the clan contracted her to.
It was during one mission into the ex-Soviet Union that
her life and destiny changed. She spent a month getting
into the good graces of a wealthy business tycoon who
happened to have offended his comrades in the Russian
mafia. Throughout the mission , she regularly felt that
something was not right and suspected that someone was
helping her, but there wasn't supposed to be a contact on
the inside for this job. She requested a mission abortion
from the clan , but was denied and proceeded. On the
night the tycoon was to be killed, she waited for him to fall
asleep and prepared to drip some paralytic poison into his
mouth so he would be incapacitated while she did some
very specific things to him as stipu lated by the contract.
But the liquid landed on something unseen before hitting
his lips, and he opened his eyes. Whipping the covers up
and dodging for her life, she barely avoided a flashing
sword blade that seemed to appear out of thin air and into
the man's thick hand. When the severed bed sheet fell
away, the man stood attired in heavy, medieval Russian
chain mai l , holding a glowing (rune) sword.
Nimiko crouched defensively, naked and armed only
with a dagger she had retrieved from under the bed. She
avoided his next few attacks, but was doomed unless
something miracu lous happened . Then it did. As the ty­
coon l unged for his next attack, his armor disappeared
and he faltered, bewildered. Nimiko attacked and removed
three of his fingers, forcing him to drop the sword. But as
she closed in for the kil l , the same unseen force sprung up
to block her. The man looked relieved, but at the same
time bewildered .
'Why are you doing this ! ? ! " he asked loudly. Except
that he was not talking to her, but to the sword on the car­
pet. Nimiko had little time to consider the situation , for
guards would be coming soon . Then things got even
stranger when the sword spoke to her.
''To kill him, you must use me," it said. With little time to
hesitate and fearing her clan would hunt her down should
she fai l her m ission , she gripped the sword and cut the be­
wildered tycoon down .

1 32
When the guards burst in, she killed them too, but the Minor Super Abilities: Nimiko also has the N ightstalking
whole incident was a blur to be sorted out later. She had super ability, and the special combination of her martial
eliminated her target, but not as contracted . Her clan arts training and the mystical influence of the sword.
would not kill her for such a failure, but they demanded Disposition : Raised within the strict honor code of her
penance. I nvoking an ancient tradition , she chose to family, she is not indiscriminately evil , but since being
"quest" for her destiny, which would be determined in transformed into a life force vampire by the Chaos
large part by the magical blade she now possessed. None Sword, she sees people as food and gives them the
of her clan would know what she had become, and be­ consideration one would a cow or other food animal .
tween her and the sword , many l ives would be lost to her The family tradition of honoring contracts also makes
"destiny." her written word and most verbal agreements binding .
Now, Nimiko and her weapon have become one spirit. She is currently making her own way in the world , but
When not accessing the weapon's power, she is merely knows that the sword needs her to complete some as
Nimiko KusamL When she i nvokes her sword's terrible yet undisclosed goal. She also realizes how the sword
power, she becomes Shadow Dragon, The Silent Dark­ betrayed its former owner, so Nimiko constantly moni­
ness, The Whisper of Death. tors her weapon for signs of dishonor or treachery. If it
looks like it will turn on her, she will do all she can to rid
Shadow Dragon herself of it.
Real name: Nimiko Kusam i Appearance: Nimiko is short, shapely and exotically
Alignment: Aberrant beautiful , with black hai r, lithe movements and alluring
Attributes: I .Q . : 1 8, M . E . : 1 7, M .A. : 1 7, P . S . : 1 0, P . P . : 1 8, mannerisms. She is also as deadly as any assassin
P . E . : 1 5, P . B . : 1 7 (20 when transformed) , Spd: 2 1 can be, with a heart as cold as the unnatural ice blue of
Height: 5 feet, 3 inches (approx. 1 .6 m). her eyes. When she transforms into Shadow Dragon ,
Weight: 1 20 Ibs (54 kg) she gains l ittle in physical stature , but an aura drifts
Experience Level : 5th from her that both attracts and intimidates, as if reveal­
Hit Points: 38 ing her true nature as part of her beauty. Her trans­
S.D.C.: 1 00 formed self is clad in black chain mail .
Power Category: Enchanted Weapon . Magic: None other than t h e abilities o f the enchanted
Magic Weapon Powers: A s a fabled rune sword and a weapon itself.
Weapon of Chaos, Nimiko's weapon inflicts 606 dam­ Combat: Hand to Hand: Assassin.
age and covers the wielder with a suit of chain mail ar­ Number of Attacks: 6
mor (A. A . 1 4, S . D . C . : 55) upon command. The Bonuses: +3 to all skills, +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +4
weapon's other "magic" abi lities include: Power of Dark­ strike with sword , +4 to parry, +5 parry with sword, +3
ness, Cloud of Smoke, Portal of Fear, Power Bolt to dodge, +3 to roll with punch , fal l or impact, +3 to pull
(506) , and a Damage Bonus of +6 to all attack modes punch, +4 to damage, +2 to save vs magic and +4 vs
while it is in its wielder's possession (Le. +6 to punch , Horror Factor.
kick damage). Education Level and Skills: Dancing (70%) , Singing
The sword can also extend from its h i lt a length of (75%), Play M usical I nstrument: (75%) , W . P . : Paired
chain with a hook that can entangle targets. Stats for (Swords), W. P . : Sword, W. P . : Knife, W. P . : Chain, Busi­
the chain are identical to those for the tentacles of the ness and Finance (75%) , Computer Operation (75%) ,
Portal of Fear, including rules for targets breaking free Biology (70%) , Paramedic (80%) , Hol istic Medicine
of them. If broken, the chain does not immediately re­ (mainly for poisons) (45%) , Prowl (50%) , Running,
form (takes an action for another chain to extend) . The Climbing (65%) , Pick Locks (55%) , Language: English
chain's activation takes one of Nimiko's attacks, but (98%), Language: Japanese (98%) , Language: Chi­
thereafter it attacks on its own . All the chain does is re­ nese (75%) , Seduction (38%), Concealment (40%) .
strain people, though it does 1 06 damage each round Weapons and Melee Combat: Karate kick (204)
the victim is entangled.
Nimiko has yet to discover the nature of the invisible
force that had a hand in thwarting her assassination of
the tycoon.
Major Super Abilities : Bio-Ghost (maximum
super-charged bonuses to be used when she expects
combat) : + 1 0 P.S. ; +50 Spd; +50 S . D . C . ; + 1 0 to save
vs poison ; heal up to 1 D4x1 0 lost H . P./S . D . C . ; +2 initia­
tive; and +2 melee attacks. This is another of the
sword's powers, and it provided the invisible force that
had a hand in thwarting Nimiko's assassination of the
Russian tycoon. Now that Nimiko has bonded with this
magic item, it has turned her into a life force vampire,
and using this ability is the only way she can feed and
heal herself.
1 33
bJU1 !1 !l [il !ll H ! [f
Looking into the possible uses of the stolen compo­

nents is a little more useful , but not m uch more enlighten­
ing. Someone with hardware skills can figure whoever
engineered these thefts either has a real weakness for a
wireless lifestyle or plans to build some kind of transmitter,
A major supervi llain hires minor villains to steal a num­
radio, or receiver. What the thing might transmit or re­
ber of seemingly unrelated and insignificant electronic
ceive , however, is anyone's guess.
parts, systems, and computers. Unrelated, that is, until he
goes after a set of government satellite codes. Can the
player heroes stop him from gaining control of an orbital Section Two: B igger G u ns
weapon capable of holding the entire U . S . hostage? A week after the electronics thefts, a special news re­
port interrupts regular television programming across the
Section One:
"Good afternoon , this is Lori Landry in the Channel 5
Bits and Pieces newsroom . Robert Carrel is l ive at the scene of the city's
Through their various connections, hotlines, and other latest super-menace incident. Robert?" A Channel 5 "Live
sources of breaking news, the player characters learn of a on the Scene" logo appears behind Lori and zooms to fill
rash of break-ins and thefts at a variety of electronics the screen as an image of Robert standing in the middle of
stores and wholesalers. The number of similar thefts might a street replaces the image.
interest them, especially those of the Hardware Power "Lori , this reflective tower you see behind me is the cor­
Categories or others with techn ical backgrounds in elec­ porate headquarters for Fugita Technologies." He turns
tronics or computers. A little i nvestigating will reveal what slightly and points off to the tower where several dark
was actually stolen has limited application and minimal openings can be seen in the reflective glass face of the
value; barely warranting a charge of grand theft. Waiting building. Wisps of black smoke waft from the openings.
for more cl ues is all that can be done. "As you can see," he says as the camera shot focuses
G . M . I nformation for Section O ne on the broken windows , ''there is some kind of violent inci­
dent going on up there. Several min utes ago, two security
The robberies were all committed by smal l-time street
guards were thrown from the ninth floor, apparently by the
thugs and crooks. Anyone with enough street savvy (i.e., a
supervillain Rattle, a known criminal involved in an ar­
successful Streetwise or Find Contraband skill roll) can dig
up the names of the perpetrators and a list of what they mored car heist last year and later apprehended by
stole. Getting the punks to talk is only a bit harder. If the S . C . R . E .T."
heroes can do that, they will learn that the punks were A grainy video clip zooms in on the broken windows of
hired by a "powerful dude" dressed like a superhero, with the Fugita building, showing the fuzzy image of what looks
a cape and a helmet that hid his face. His whole outfit very m uch like Rattle, especially when compared to a
made him kind of "creepy-looking." much clearer image that sl ides up on the other half of the
screen .
The description will only ring bells for the characters if
they are older heroes or make a habit of keeping up on "Robert, is Rattle acting alone?" Lori asks.
the entire villain community, even the retired and incarcer­ "As far as we have been able to verify, Lori , there are at
ated ones. Having the Intelligence skill is reason enough least three individuals helping Rattle inside the building.
to assume such habits. We don't know the exact number of dead and wounded.
The man described is Doctor Fright, a villain who was We also don't know if there are any hostages in the build­
powerful and infamous for more than three decades, but ing. Fugita security is having a difficult time dealing with
about five years ago , he was finally captured by a them , though I am told that S . C . R . E .T. is on the way. We
superhero group (The characters? Their parents? A men­ will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates
tor? An ally?). Tried and convicted in a state with capital as we receive them . Back to you , Lori ."
punishment, Dr. Fright was executed about a year ago ! G . M . I nfo for Section Two
Who then is this person the thugs are describing? Is it If our group of heroes responds, they will have to get
really Dr. Fright, back from the grave? Or could it be past Fugita Secu rity themselves (unless they are recog­
someone trying to steal the infamous name and image? nized as public heroes and respected by the authorities) .
Certainly hiring two-bit thugs to knock over electronics Flying or climbing through the damaged windows is an
stores isn't the way to go about the process of l iving up to easy way around them , at least until Rattle and the others
such a heavyweight criminal legacy . are dealt with .
The only other real cl ue the th ugs can give up is that Rattle and her cohorts are superpowered villains, but
the man said he was fitting the ''talent to the task" by hiring they are smal l time. They started as thugs and hoods, and
them. A little research (unless one of the group members they only recently (within the last year or so) developed
has faced Dr. Fright before) will turn up the fact that the super abilities. Desperate to become "big-time
real Dr. Fright sometimes used that line when he prepared supervillains," they all jumped at the chance of working for
to unleash his full fury on an opponent. It would seem that Dr. Fright, even if they suspected that their employer
the thugs' story holds more water than previously thought. might not be the genuine article.
1 34
Sometime during the heroes' battle with these lowlifes growth rate of her body hair and the awakening of several
(perhaps on the verge of their defeat) , Rattle or one of the super abil ities. The family was elated, but cou ld not dupli­
others will gloat, "You're too late bozos. One of our bud­ cate the process. Even the other subjects brought in with
dies al ready made off with the loot!" Donna did not develop any notable "super" powers. Donna
If questioned , these second-rate villains will reveal that was offered a cushy job, which she took for a year or so
they are really not concerned about going to jail. Appar­ before leaving to return to her roots with dreams of build­
ently, their employer is paying them all enough to make a ing her own criminal family. For the first time, she felt se­
turn in the Big House worth their trouble. Besides, Dr. cure enough to strive for more than the i mmediate wants
Fright (or whoever this guy is) has prom ised to spring and needs of her earlier years. Now that she was a
them from jail within 48 hours of their capture. They know "supervillain," and she vowed that one day the world
nothing about what they were sent to steal , only that it was would be at her feet!
in a small locked box in one of the Fugita corporate vau lts. Unfortunately for Donna, she has to start small and
These weasels have no idea what Dr. Fright intends to do work her way up. She has already taken control of a gang
with the contents of the box. in her neighborhood and plans to use them as foot sol­
Either during the aftermath of the incident (if any player diers, but her real break came just recently when she took
characters have access to a police crime scene or might this job for Dr. Fright and met Shake and Roll . Shake sug­
possibly have worked for Fugita Corporation) or during a gested the names and Donna, realizing his raw power in a
quick search before fleeing the scene, they may discover moment of foresight, supported it. Roll was okay with the
that Rattle and her crew were here for a recently devel­ names, and Donna has been playing up to Shake ever
oped, but still classified , electronic signal amplifier. This since, slowly working on leading him along before actually
device could easily be adapted to increase the range of seducing him and, hopefu lly, cementing h is attachment to
broadcast waves, even the simple kind generated by the her.
largely innocuous hardware D r. Fright had his thugs col­ Rattle
lect in Section One. It will become increasingly clear to Real Name: Donna Vorez
technically oriented characters that Dr. Fright has begun Other Aliases: Belladonna and Maria Sanchez.
to gather the components to assemble a powerful trans­
Attributes : La. : 9, M . E . : 1 1 , M .A.: 7, P . S . : 1 5, P . P . : 1 9,
Alignment: M iscreant.
mitter/receiver. The only question is, what does he plan to
do with it? Fugita designed the amplifier to enhance satel­ P . E . : 1 6 , P . B . : 1 8, Spd: 1 5
l ite signal transm issions and reception . Could that be what Height: 5 feet, 4 inches (approx. 1 .62 m).
Dr. Fright has in mind for it also? Weight: 1 25 Ibs (56.3 kg)
Experience Level : 2nd
Rattle H it Points: 40
Donna Vorez grew up in the Hispanic ghettos sur­ S.D.C.: 79
rounded by gangs and poverty. She learned early on that Power Category: Experiment.
her looks could be used to get her what she wanted, but in Side Effects: Triple body hair.
her youth and early adulthood, it mainly served to keep Major Super Abilities: None.
her alive and fulfill petty wants. She moved through the Minor Super Abil ities: Power Channeling, Flight: Wing­
gang structures as power shifted , attaching herself to less, Bend Light, and Healing Factor.
whatever leader she could. She was a mother by 1 7 and Natural Abilities: 40% charm/impress.
attempted to straighten out afterward by working as a Disposition : Rattle is fully aware of her effect on men and
waitress, and then as an exotic dancer. But, old habits die uses it to her advantage. If she were smarter, it might
hard and bad influences even harder. One of her former take her far, but her average intell igence coupled with
lovers, now out of the gangs and into the big leagues en­ her attitude (she can be a total shrew) will hinder any
forcing for organized crime, got her a job at one of his em­ climb to power, forcing her to rely on her super abilities
ployer's "gentlemen's clubs." The money was good and to get some of the things she wants.
though she was still su rrounded by criminals, it was a Appearance: Rattle is a very attractive Hispanic woman
better l ife. with tawny skin and black hair. She is barely 20 years
Then one night, gunmen from a rival criminal faction at­ old with the tight body of a dancer. As a result of the
tacked the club in an act of vengeance. Most of the pa­ medical treatments that awakened her super abilities,
trons were killed, and Donna was gravely wounded. The she has three times the body hair of most people. The
owners of the club took the tragedy as an opportunity to hair on her head falls in waves down her back and al­
gather guinea pigs for some experiments they were finaliz- most to the floor, while her eyebrows and armpit/leg
hair is combed or shaved to maintain her beauty.
ing. They brought the wounded to their private clinic and
Donna is very guarded about her appearance.
subjected them to a chemical and radiation process that
Her costume as Rattle is red with white angles radi­
was hoped to stimulate the subjects' healing. The family
ating from her abdomen over the shoulders and past
hoped to use such a procedu re on their el ite bodyguards
the hips. The arms are bare up to the biceps, except for
and enforcers someday.
leather sap gloves, while her toned legs are completely
The process worked on Donna and she quickly recov­ covered. Heavy combat boots with buckles and plates
ered, but it also had other effects, including m u ltiplying the protect her feet and her hair is left free to form a cape
1 36 of black.
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert
Number of Attacks: 4
Rol l
Bonuses: +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +5 to roll Joseph Randall's early years were spent i n the housing
with punch, fall or impact, +2 to pull punch , +24% projects of New Orleans. He grew up pretty much as a
coma/death , +3 to save vs psionics, and +1 vs poison stereotypical, troubled black youth among a large,
and magic. When in flight, even hovering a few inches low-income family. He had an uncle who lived out of the
above the ground, she gains an additional + 1 attack, +2 city, to the south and near the swamps. Joseph visited the
to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge under 80 mph ( 1 28 uncle with his fami ly every few months, and each time the
kph), +6 to dodge at 90 mph ( 1 44 kph) or faster, +4 uncle would take the boys out hunting. By the time he was
damage per 20 mph. ten , Joseph eagerly anticipated the outings and his uncle's
Education Level and Skills: Streetwise (45%) , Pick stories about the war in 'Nam . When Joseph's father died
Locks (55%) , Seduction (42%) , Prowl (55%) , Pick in an oil-field accident, some of the children were forced to
Pockets (50%) , Gymnastics (+ 1 5%) , Climbing (75%) , move in with relatives to ease the financial burdens. Jo­
Oance (40%) , Cooking (45%) , W . P . : Knife, W.P. : Auto­ seph volunteered to stay with his uncle, and the two lived
matic Pistol, Automotive Mechanics (35%) , Pilot: Motor­ and hunted together for years. As the boy grew up, he
cycle (68%), Language: Spanish (75%) , and Athletics. learned about h is uncle's shadowy past as a sniper in the
Weapons and Melee Combat: war, then as an assassin afterwards (Having no market for
Punch : 306 his military skills, it was the only work he could excel at) .
Kick: 406 He made a good living from it, buying the farm he now
Power Punch: 6 06x2 (uses two attacks) l ived on away from the city and the poverty Joseph had al­
Jump Kick: 406x2 (uses all attacks per melee; can only ways known. Joseph decided he wanted the same. Ani­
parry or dodge) . mals were fine for sport, but he wanted a challenge and a
Head Butt: 1 06 secure future. If hunting men would give that to him, he
Body Tackle: 1 06+204 would do it.

1 37
Taking his uncle's advice and a few old phone num­ Find Contraband (54%) , Intell igence (60%) , Streetwise
bers, he made his way to the player characters' city to sell (50%), Sniper, Safecracking (28%) , Radio: Basic
his skills. Joseph is only recently arrived and has found (55%), Surveillance Systems (40%) , Basic Electronics
work, but nothing steady. Anyone willing to pay for his gun (40%), Basic Mechanics (40%) , Ath letics, Running, and
skills can hire him, and that's how he fell in with Shake Body Building.
and Rattle. The two are also new to the criminal big Special skills: Disgu ise Scent (74%) , Trap/Snare Ani­
leagues and Rattle thinks the three of them have lots of mals (74%), Mod ify Weapon Cartridges (74%) .
potential. Shake ag rees with her, but Joseph is sure it's Weapons and Melee Combat:
because the brute is infatuated with the Latin beauty. Jo­ Marksman Customized .45 Pistols: Roll's primary
seph is taken by her also, but wouldn't want to get in weapons. Feed: 1 0 round magazine, Barrel Length : 1 32
Shake's way. If the woman can do the things she says she mm, Approx. Effective Range: 1 95 feet (59.4 m), Damage:
can , Joseph will stick with them. He doesn't really have 4D6+3 full metal jacketed rounds, Bonus: + 1 to strike.
the strength of will to go out on his own if someone else is Double-Barreled Pump Shotgun : This unusual weapon
telling him to stay. He also won't criticize the names resembles two ordinary shotguns merged into one. It fea­
Shake gave them, mostly because he l i kes his. He thinks tures short (but not sawed off) barrels for concealability
of it as short for "Rock & Roll." and quick drawing. Feed: 3 rounds per barrel, Damage:
4D6 or 8D6 both barrels fired, All Other Stats: As per an
Rol l
average 1 2 gauge shotgun.
Real Name: Joseph Randall
Katana: A h igh-quality samurai sword given to him by
Attributes : L a . : 1 3, M . E . : 7, M.A.: 1 0, P . S . : 1 7, P . P . : 1 8,
Alignment: Miscreant
his uncle. Damage: 3D6.
P . E . : 23, P . B . : 9, Spd: 26 Extra Ammo: Roll carries three spare clips for each of
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches (approx. 1 .9 m). his handguns and 1 2 shotgun shells (takes one melee ac­
Weight: 230 Ibs ( 1 03 kg) tion to reload one shell in the shotgun or an entire melee
Experience Level : 2nd round to completely reload it) .
Hit Points: 45 Equipment: Roll's costume provides him with A . A . : 1 3
S.D.C.: 1 20 and S . D . C . : 1 25. The thick gloves have metal plates
Power Category: Hunter Vigilante (Mercenary) . along their length so he can parry weapons unarmed.
Special Abilities: Sharpshooter abil ities as listed on page He also has access to heavier hunting rifles (such as
1 33 of HU2, but only applies when using automatic pis­ the massive Ridley .560 and others) and additional
tols. combat and hunting gear.
Disposition : Roll is imposing and deadly. Though intelli­
gent, he doesn't have m uch willpower and tends to take
orders quite well. It also means he has no defense
against Rattle should she make advances toward him, Like Donna, Andrew Phillips grew up in various slum
which could lead to some antagonism between Roll and gangs. As one of the only ''white boys" in the 'hood, he
Shake. had a lot to prove, but his natural strength more than
Appearance: Joseph is a tal l , strong black man in his very made up for it. After using his abilities to help in a particu­
early twenties. He keeps his head shaved and has a lar gang pull off a few liquor store robberies, his accep­
scar over his left eye and on his chest where a deer tance was guaranteed. The gang was his family and
gouged him with its antlers. In costume as Roll , he car­ friends, but Andrew wanted more for himself, and m usic
ries a pair of .45 pistols in hip holsters and a katana was his hope to ach ieve those dreams. He played with
and shotgun crossed on his back. The costume itself is several local bands, but was always drawn back into the
gray and black with heavy gloves and boots, and ar­ troubled life of his gang-banging friends.
mored chest and thigh plates. Thick goggles cover his One fateful evening, he and the gang were hanging out
eyes and hide his identity. in the concrete storm drains under an overpass when a
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert. military truck filled with radioactive flu ids wrecked on the
Number of Attacks: 4 hand to hand , 5 with handguns. road above them. Seeing the falling red wave as it
Bonuses: +2 to stri ke , +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll splashed over the rails and down toward them , Andrew
with punch , fall or impact, +2 damage, +4 vs magic, +4 leaped up and pushed the car h is friends were sitting on
vs poison, + 1 6% vs coma/death and +2 to pull punch. out of the way. The mystery l iq uid splashed his legs and
Education Level and Skills: Pilot: Automobile (74%), Pi­ caused him to slip and fall , getting covered in the solution .
lot: Boat: Motor (75%) , Pilot: Truck (58%), Language: He got up, seemingly unharmed and washed some of the
Spanish (75%), Language: French (75%), Camouflage gunk off with the gallon of water they kept in the trunk in
(50%), Detect Ambush (60%) , Detect Concealment case the radiator went low. Over the next few days, he
(45%), Fishing (65%) , Land Navigation (64%) , Wilder­ was sick with a fever. During the sickness, his teeth and
ness Survival (75%) , Preserve Food (35%) , Skin/Pre­ fingernails lengthened and h is ears grew, giving him a
pare Animal H ides (40%) , Track Animals (30%) , somewhat bestial appearance. He also found his strength
Hunting, W.P. : Knife, W . P . : Automatic Pistol, W . P . : Ri­ had increased even more, and he could seriously mess up
fle, W. P . : Automatic Rifle, Tracking (55%), Prowl (47%), people just by touching them .
1 38
While Shake recovered, most of his old gang buddies That's when he was approached by Dr. Fright. Having no­
were gunned down during a street war with a rival gang. body else in this world , Shake agreed to work for h i m .
Shake found himself on his own for the first time ever. Rattle's apparent interest in him a n d his ideas has to­
tally charmed Shake, and now he follows Rattle around
like a very big, and dangerous, love-sick puppy. He has
become over-protective of this raven-haired seductress,
and he will clobber anybody who threatens or disrespects
her. In fact, he has fal len so hard for Rattle that he will
take almost any criticism and abuse she dishes out at him.
The only thing that will break this spell is if Rattle flat-out
spurns him for another man, which she won't do because
he's too valuable to her. If Shake notices Rattle taking an
interest in somebody else, however, he will get jealous, vi­
olently so.
Real Name: Andrew Phillips

Attributes : L a . : 8, M . E . : 8, M .A. : 8, P . S . : 56, P . P . : 23,

Alignment: Miscreant

P . E . : 1 1 , P . B . : 1 3, Spd: 32
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch (1 .84 m).
Weight: 2 1 0 Ibs (94.5 kg)
Experience Level : 3rd
H it Points: 2 1
S.D.C.: 1 09
Power Category: M utant
Mutant Characteristics: Sharp teeth and fangs (206) ,
large ears and small retractable claws (204) .
Major Super Abil ities: Disruptive Touch.
Minor Super Abilities: Body Weapons, Energy Expul­
sion: Light, and Superhuman Strength .
Natural Abilities : Disrupt nerves; 1 /2 damage from poi­
sons, toxins, or drugs; blinding light flash; half damage
from radiation; can carry 1 1 ,200 Ibs./5.6 tons (4, 1 77
kg/4. 1 metric tons) (see HU2, pages 231 and 272 for
full details) .
Disposition : Andrew is the stereotypical dumb ox: Slow
on the up-take, poorly educated, and relies on his brute
strength and intimidation to get him through life, how­
ever, he is not a stupid idiot, is streetwise and cunning
on a basic sort of level. The only person who really
means anything in his life right now is Rattle, and he
will kill to protect her or avenge her honor. He will even
sacrifice his own life to save hers, if things come to that.
Appearance: Andrew is deceptively small for his strength.
He is of average height with a healthy build, but the su­
perhuman nature of his strength means that he is a lot
stronger than he appears. When not in costume, he has
red hair, pale skin and green eyes. His Shake costume
has oversized gauntlets, boots, and shoulder plates to
give him a more impressive appearance (it was Rattle's
idea) .
Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic
Number of Attacks: 4
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +4 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to
dodge, +3 to rol l with punch, fall or impact, +2 to pull
punch, + 1 0% vs coma/death, +41 to damage , and +2 to
Education Level and Skills: Shake is nearly illiterate (3rd
grade reading level). Streetwise (52% including an ad-

1 39
ditional , special bonus for his years on the streets) , lites, but clearly, h e intends to take them over for his own
Prowl (40%) , W . P . : Automatic Pistol, Find Contraband nefarious purposes! The satellites do have self-destruct
(34%), Card Sharp (32%) , Pick Locks (40%) , Pick mechanisms in them to keep them from falling into enemy
Pockets (35%), Play M usical Instrument: Electric Guitar hands, but the government won't exercise that option
(45%), Play Musical Instrument: Drums (45%) , Lan­ (which would waste several tri llion dollars of space tech­
guage: Spanish (60%) , General Repai r/Maintenance nology) unless it's absolutely necessary. In any case, it
(45%), W . P . : Knife, W. P . : Sword , W . P . : Blunt, First Aid should now become clear to the heroes that whatever Dr.
(55%), Running, Body Building , and Athletics. Fright is up to, it must be stopped before these weapons
Weapons and Melee Combat: Paired weapons (all). All are used for blackmail - or worse!
P.P. , W.P. and damage bonuses apply to body weap­
ons. Shake prefers to attack with his natural paired G . M . I nfo for Section Three
body weapons, usually claws, foregoing his automatic
Dr. Fright is intell igent enough to realize that using
parry in favor of twin attacks.
brute force to steal the satellite codes is downright foolish ,
Claws: 204+41
considering the security level at the Army missile base. To
Club or mace: 2 06+41
circumvent this, he has enlisted the aid of two successful
Swords or Large Blades: 306+41
and skilled villains with a more subtle touch , a pair of infil­
Light Beam : 406 (range: 600 feet/1 83 m)
trators known as The Seraphim.
By the time the heroes check out the base, the Ser­
Section Th ree: Angels to Some ... aphim will be long gone. Or are they? It turns out that dur-
The familiar face of Channel 5's Lori Landry appears on ing their heist, the entire base went on alert, and the pair
the afternoon edition of the news as she runs down the lost their only escape route . Since then, they have been
top story of the hour. hiding out in a sub-basement of the facility! It has been a
"Sources this afternoon confirm that the U .S. Army's few days now, and they are both starving and dehydrated.
H uxley M issile Base was infiltrated by two individuals who While the heroes visit, the Seraphi m , not knowing there
subsequently escaped with several pieces of key military are superbeings on the premises, make their last-ditch bid
information. Exactly what that stolen information might be, to escape.
or how it could affect the rest of us, is still undisclosed . We Note: M ithra brought a personal min i-computer with
will bring you additional updates as information is made him during the theft. When he and Isis obtained the data
available." they were sent to steal , M ithra immediately uploaded it to
The player characters are likely to suspect (and cor- an encrypted e-mail address their employer had set up.
rectly so) that this event is connected somehow with the The specially built mini-computer sent the data through an
string of activities concerning Dr. Fright. But unless they internal burst transm itter on an u ltra-low frequency that
have military or government contacts, they will have to none of missile base's communications equipment could
wait for Fright to make his next move before they learn detect. Now, even if the Seraphim are caught, they have
anything else. fu lfilled their mission to Dr. Fright and have received their
If the heroes are able to learn more about this theft, generous payment (Mithra used his computer to check his
they will find that the stolen data was a series of satellite Swiss bank account to verify that payment had been
communication codes for bouncing signals along re- made) . All that remains is for the two to get out of enemy
stricted wavelengths. Thankfully, this does not include mil- territory.
itary satell ites, including the top-secret offspring of the old Unfortunately for them , they bump into a security de-
S O l project. Little does anyone know, but the military has tachment mere minutes after they leave their hiding place,
finally put into orbit a string of secret defensive satellites triggering a facility-wide alarm . As soon as our heroes
over the last few years. These orbiting laser platforms are hear it, they will also hear reports of how the Seraphim are
intended to intercept incoming missi les, but they could be still on the base! This is the player characters' big chance
used to blast ground targets with impunity. Any villain who - if they can catch one or both of these villains, it will
gained access to these weapons could hold the entire bring them much closer to revealing Dr. Fright's plot and
U.S. hostage until the satellite codes were changed (at stopping this legendary menace once and for all.
which point, the "birds" could be given self-destruct in- If the heroes catch the Seraphi m , the thieves will do
structions, neutralizing their threat for good) . their best to tal k their way out of trouble and not offer any
Nobody was even supposed to know about this project, helpful information . But, if the heroes are persistent with
but it seems that Dr. Fright certainly did, since he sent his their questioning (flattery and cleverness will work better
flunkies here to steal the access codes. The codes he did than insults and threats) , then the Seraphim will confirm
steal were kept at H uxley as a kind of decoy in case any- that they were hired by an individual cal ling himself Dr.
one ever did learn of the killer satell ite program . The real Fright. Do they believe it is really him? Yes and no. They
codes, the players will learn, are kept elsewhere , the loca- may not believe it is the same person in the costume that
tion of which is known only to the President and maybe a was executed, but that is immaterial. The two think the
half-dozen others. man will make a suitable replacement for the old villain.
That Dr. Fright even thought to hit H uxley is an om i- If the player characters should ask about the stolen mil-
nous sign. Not only does he know about the killer satel- itary information , the two will not only tel l the group what it
1 40
was they stole (but they will l ie and say they were military reminder of her year-long ordeal. Angry and detached
satell ite codes) , but they will also pass on what they know from society, she became the criminal mercenary, Isis,
of Dr. Fright's plans - that he intends to gain access to a selling her skills and powers to the h ighest bidder.
satellite laser and use it to threaten the nation ! These It wasn't until after she met the incredibly charming and
plans, however, are the same ones he intends to make handsome Darren Matthews (the supervi llain known as
public very soon, so the heroes won't be learning much . M ithra) that her outlook would change. Only when she is
Moreover, heroes with technical training, as well as mili­ around Darren can Alexia relax and feel comfortable
tary personnel on the scene, will note that the codes Dr. around others. Soon after meeting, the two villains fell
Fright stole won't gain him access to any laser satellites. desperately in love and married. They now work in tandem
And now that the Laser Defense Command, the military as the supervillain team known as The Seraphim. Alexia is
branch responsible for the program, knows he is after the fiercely loyal to her h usband, and there really isn't any­
codes, they will initiate a security protocol that makes theft thing she would not do for him. If he is about to be cap­
or d iscovery of the codes impossible. tured, she will allow herself to be caught too (unless she
However, this is all immaterial, since Dr. Fright doesn't thinks she can escape herself and break him out later) .
really intend to gain access to any mil itary laser satellites Likewise, she will gladly take a shot for Darren, even step­
at all. The information he fed the Seraphim was just an­ ping before a coup de grace or other lethal attack. If
other red herring. At this point, Dr. Fright knows the Darren dies, she will either ki ll herself or will attack her
heroes are on his trail, so he gave the Seraphim this husband's murderers with a total disregard for her own
cock-and-bull story to throw the heroes off. How exactly safety. Her real goal will be to join him, not to avenge him.
the heroes respond to these fake plans is up to the G . M . Alexia still dreads the return of the aliens, fearing they
will take her from Darren, but it has been more than five
Isis years and still there has been no sign of them. She
Alexia Parks was always the kid who knew what was blames Project Tycho to some extent for her abduction
going on . She wasn't simply nosy, she just had a knack for and holds a high disregard for them . She may, however,
finding things out. When she got into high school, she was soften her actions toward individual agents who seem
worthy of good treatment, or are old friends of hers.
number of 1.0. and aptitude tests given by the government
on her way to being a lawyer when she volunteered for a

and the military. To Alexia, the tests were opportunities for Isis
bigger scholarships and a good job after college. To the Real Name: Alexia Matthews

Attributes: 1.0.: 1 4, M . E . : 1 3 , M .A . : 1 3, P . S . : 1 9, P . P . : 25,

military, who deSigned and implemented the tests, these Alignment: Aberrant
were for recruiting individuals who had special skills the
government felt it could put to good use. P . E . : 26, P . B . : 28, Spd: 34
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches (approx. 1 .7 m).
Alexia aced the tests, and the military soon contacted
Weight: 1 45 Ibs (65 kg)
her with an offer she couldn't refuse - a full ride through
Experience Level : 6th
college and a handsome job in a semi-secret think tank
H it Points: 46
that handled intelligence gathering and processing for
S.D.C.: 1 30
both the military and certain government agencies.
Power Category: Experiment
Alexia specialized in handling the data load for Project Mutant Characteristics: Requires energy for nourish­
Tycho, an initiative to support certain government organi­ ment.
zations dedicated to hunting extraterrestrials on Earth. Pe­ Major Super Abilities: None.
riodically, this required Alexia to go out in the field to Minor Super Abil ities : Extraordinary Physical Prowess,
exam ine landing and abduction sites. It was on one of Energy Expulsion : Electricity, Extraordinary Physical
these ''field trips" that she was abducted from the field by Beauty, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Flight: Wingless,
the very alien beings she and her team had been tracking. and Adhesion .
The rest of her team was found dead , and with no evi­ Natural Abilities: Charm/lmpress 86%.
dence of her disappearance, Alexia was listed as KIA also Disposition : Alexia is still somewhat uncomfortable
(Killed In Action). The government wrote her off and even­ around some people, but her edginess is normally lim­
tually, Tycho moved on to other al ien cases. ited to doctors and technical personnel that remind her
Meanwhile, she spent almost a year as the prisoner of of the alien techs that experimented on her. She is
a race of very h uman-looking aliens who subjected her to self-serving, but honorable and will do whatever she
a series of gruel ing experiments. When they released feels necessary for the betterment of herself and her
Alexia, she found it nearly impossible to trust anyone. Af­ husband. He is the one thing she really loves and is the
ter all, anybody she saw could be one of ''them'' - one of anchor that keeps her from lashing out at everyone
those fiends who tortured and tormented her for so very around her.
long. Appearance: Alexia is a stunning beauty and grace de­
Over time, she developed an impressive array of super fined. There is very little else to say that would do her
abil ities that seemed to be side effects of her alien experi­ justice. Beyond the purely physical, she is intelligent,
ments. As incredible as these abilities were, they only em­ well educated, and skil led in social interaction (though
bittered poor Alexia, because they served as a constant she might be uncomfortable around others, her training
1 41
1 42
allows her to cover it up wel l). She prefers to dress Some time later, Darren was fortunate enough to be the
completely in white, even when in costume. Her Isis closest officer to a U FO sighting on the edge of town ,
costume is a close fitting white body su it with a miniskirt though at the time he thought otherwise and almost ig­
of sorts over clothed legs. H igh boots and long gloves nored the request to look into it. Arriving at the farm where
cover feet and hands, while a winged mask covers her the sighting occurred, he found Alexia, u nconscious and
eyes. When infiltrating, Alexia will use numerous dis­ terribly u ndernourished. Stil l , she possessed a dazzling
guises instead of her costume, though the costume kind of beauty that amazed him. Completely enamored by
may be worn beneath if possible. the woman, Darren took her home and made m issing per­
Combat: Hand to Hand: Assassi n . sons inquiries on her, but nobody matched her descrip­
Number o f Attacks: 8 tion. He quickly forgot about his past misfortune as he
Bonuses: +7 on initiative , +7 to strike, + 1 1 automatic tended to Alexia for the next few days, nursing her back to
dodge, + 1 2 to parry, + 1 3 to dodge, + 1 0 to roll with health. Once she reawakened , she reacted hysterically to
punch , fall or impact, +8 to damage , +22% to save vs Darren , clearly afraid of him for reasons he cou ldn't figure
coma/death, +6 to save vs magic, +6 vs poison , +3 to out. Still, he managed to calm her down and helped her
disarm , and +5 to pull punch. When in flight, even hov­ reacclimate to the planet she had been away from for so
ering a few inches above the ground, she gains an ad­ long. During that time, they formed a bond of love and
ditional +1 to attack, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to trust that nothing can break.
dodge under 80 mph (1 28 kph) , +6 dodge at 90 mph Maintaining some of his criminal contacts (including
( 1 44 kph) or faster, +4 to damage per 20 mph (32 kph). plenty of corrupt cops) , Darren quit the police force so he
Education Level and Skills: + 1 0% physical skills that and Alexia could become partners in crime. His charm and
use dexterity and skills with social interaction . +1 0% mutant powers make him the perfect partner for his cun­
prowl when climbing. + 1 5% to palming, pick pockets, ning and creative infiltrator wife.
concealment. +5% to acrobatics and gymnastics.
Boxing , Running, Climbing (98%) , M i litary Etiquette M ithra
(85%), Radio: Basic (75%) , W . P . : Rifle, Detect Ambush Real Name: Darren Matthews

Attributes: 1 . 0 . : 1 3, M . E . : 1 0, M .A . : 22, P . S . : 20, P . P . : 1 6,

(80%), I ntelligence (76%) , Wi lderness Survival (85%) , Alignment: M iscreant, but devoted to Isis.
Interrogation (90%), Disgu ise (75%) , Seduction (73%) ,
Prowl (90%), Find Contraband (75%) , Streetwise P . E . : 1 4, P . B . : 30, Spd: 1 8
(65%), Ventriloquism (75%) , W . P . : Automatic Pistol, Height: 6 feet, 3 inches (approx. 1 .9 m).
W.P.: Sub-machinegun, W.P. Energy Pistol, Acrobatics Weight: 250 Ibs ( 1 1 2.5 kg)
(all 98%), Gymnastics (al l 98%) , Wrestling, Advanced Experience Level : 6th
Swimming (98%) , Basic Mechanics (60%) , Basic Elec­ H it Points: 55
tronics (60%) , First Aid (75%) , Land Navigation (60%) , S.D.C.: 1 37
and Athletics (General) . Power Category: M utant.
Weapons and Melee Combat: Karate kick (2 D4) , pin/in­ Mutant Characteristics: Angelic Face and Double
capacitate on 1 8-20, body block/tackle (1 D4) , Jointed.
crush/squeeze ( 1 D4) , and knockout automatically on a Major Super Abilities: I ntangibility
natural 20 if punching. Minor Super Abilities: Radar, Adhesion, and Energy Ex­
Electrical Expulsion : 7D6 (range: 400 feet/1 22 m). pulsion : Energy.
Natural Abilities: Trust/intimidate 65%, charm/impress
M ith ra Disposition: Darren is more outgoing and vibrant than
Alexia. The kind of guy people find to be irrepressibly
Darren Matthews was born with a genetic aberration friendly and likable, even when he is stealing from
that would later provide him with superhuman abilities. He them! He likes to play the charming thief and will flirt
made his way through school as a jock and all-around with any heroines if given the chance. He is 1 00% in
popular guy. Even back then, his attractive features were love with and loyal to Alexia, however. If anyone were
amazingly notable. He had a promising career as an ath­ to harm her gravely, his fury and drive for revenge
lete, model, or an actor, but chose to become a cop in­ would be all-consuming. Unlike Alexia, he will not sur­
stead. While on the force, he fell in love with the daughter render unless absol utely necessary, but he will not
of a prominent mafia leader and shortly began to work leave her unless she is dead or he is confident he can
double duty for both the mob and the police. After a partic­ mount a successful rescue.
ularly nasty round of antagonism between the cops and Appearance: Where part of Alexia's beauty stems from
his lover's family, many people on both sides ended up her grace, Darren's stems from his charm . He is the
dead. Darren barely avoided a G rand Jury indictment for most likable person anyone is likely to meet, and his
his involvement and was demoted and transferred to a GO appearance and mannerisms could put even the
bad precinct on the edge of town. From there, he did what most jittery person instantly at ease. However, anyone
he could to maintain his standing with the family, but h is expecting Darren's tricks will not fal l for this, and only
relationship with them , and his one-time love, was forever then can they resist his beguiling demeanor. He prefers
tarnished. He had lost nearly everything. to wear soft to middle grays and commonly accents his

1 43
good looks with sharp su its of the best tailoring. His onstration of my power, I bid you all to observe the
costume is a loose gray jacket over a close fitting shirt, following."
pants, and boots. Leather gloves cover his hands and a The picture cuts to a space image of a weapons satel­
bandit-styled mask covers his eyes. l ite rotating and bringing its cannon to bear on U.S. soi l .
Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert. The g u n powers up a n d fires a brief white blast t o the
Number of Attacks: 7 earth somewhere in the middle of the country. Then the
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +5 to strike, +9 to parry, +9 to picture cuts back to Dr. Fright.
dodge, +9 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +2 to pull "Very soon , your various news agencies and perhaps
punch , +5 damage , and critical on natural 1 8-20. even the Government itself will inform you that the St.
Education Level and Skills: W . P . : Automatic Pistol, Ra­ Louis Arch has been destroyed. I have spared h uman
dio: Basic (90%) , Criminal Science (no forensics) lives to show my willingness to be humanitarian. My next
(80%) , Law (General) (70%), Surveillance Systems target shall be a much more . . . shall we say . . . populated
(75%), Gymnastics (+ 1 5%) , Boxing, Prowl (98%) , one. Believe me, people of America, I am deadly serious.
Wrestling, Research (80%) , Computer Operation Resist me and be destroyed ! Good evening."
(70%) , Computer Programming (60%) , Athletics, Body
And with that, the pirate transmission ends and regular
Building, Pilot: Truck (64%), Pilot: Boat: Motor (85%) ,
programming pops back on in mid-stream , as if nothing
Pilot: Ai rplane (74%) , Seduction (47%) , and Business
ever happened. Within minutes, programming is cut off
and Finance (65%).
again by dozens of special reports by the news media and
Weapons and Melee Combat: Kick attack (204) , tripping
Government agencies appealing to the public to remain
leg hook, and backward sweep. Energy Expulsion: 806
calm . Indeed , the St. Louis Arch has been blasted to king­
(range: 600 feeV1 83 m).
dom come. Its shattered pieces lie scattered about the
monument site, and a large crater lies underneath what
used to be the Arch's zenith . It is as if some terrible force
Section Four: punched through the Arch from above.
A Frightfu l Experience Could it be? Could Dr. Fright actually have gained ac­
cess to U . S. laser satellites? How!?
Whether the characters gather some useful information
from the Seraphim or not, the next afternoon, Dr. Fright in­ G.M. I nfo for Section Fou r
terrupts nationwide television broadcasts to deliver a terri­
I f the player heroes find out about the satellite codes
ble u ltimatum.
beforehand , or if they have some technically oriented
As programming across the country cuts out, every members in the group, they should realize that all the
television in the land blacks out for a second. Then, the other stuff Dr. Fright has stolen could be used to make a
costumed face of Dr. Fright slowly appears. His head is system capable of taking over a laser satellite or two. To
tilted forward just a little, and he wears a dark, sinister the uneducated eye, it appears as if Dr. Fright really has
grin. captured the satellite defense system and can use it at
"Good afternoon , fellow citizens," he begins in a slow, wil l ! Or can he?
ominous voice. ''This is Dr. Fright. I know some of you If the heroes have governmental access, or if they have
must be thinking that I was executed some time ago," he established contacts with the laser defense people at
says as he breaks into a creepy smile. "I assure you , re­ H uxley M issile Base , they will learn that even though the
ports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. St. Louis Arch was destroyed , it is highly unlikely that a la­
"I have in my possession the security codes to several ser satellite did the damage. For one thing, none of the
U . S . military satellites that have been armed with laser satellites appear to be out of their control nor have any
cannons to protect your precious country from missile at­ registered the firing of their lasers! If any of them had, the
tacks. These cannons, which can vaporize an entire build­ H uxley M issile Base would know it. On the other hand, if
ing with a single shot, are now under my control. I have Dr. Fright did take over the satellites, what's to say that he
taken the liberty of pointing them all at you." couldn't have blocked or altered the system's transmis­
Dr. Fright smiles again and sits back in his seat, clearly sions of his pi rated activity? But why would he go to that
pleased with h imself. His voice loses some of its creepi­ trouble when he wants the world to know he has seized
ness and assumes more of a humble, nice-guy tone, control of the satell ites? Things just don't add up. Does he
which considering the source , is even more unsettling. have control of the satellites or doesn't he?
''Whether or not I shall open fire depends on how rea­ The only way to really know is to exam ine the remains
sonable your leaders are willing to be. Now, I don't real ly of the St. Louis Arch . If a laser blast is what destroyed it,
want to h u rt anybody, especially when holding you for ran­ any technically proficient character will be able to tel l , as
som is so much more profitable. That is why I am giving will any hero who can project energy. Doubtlessly, authori­
the U . S . Government six hours to deposit $1 00 mil lion dol­ ties in St. Louis are already going over the remains, but
lars into a trash bin at the foot of the Empire State Building they won't have "conclusive results" until shortly after Dr.
in New York City. If the Government fai ls to comply, I will Fright's deadline! Thus, the heroes are going to have to go
demand an additional 1 00 million and strike a target at out to St. Louis and check for themselves. If they do, they
random every hour until my demands are met. As a dem- will realize that it was a sophisticated bomb, and not a la-
1 44
ser satellite, that destroyed this majestic monument (Gov­ On the other hand , the H uxley M issile Base should detect
ernment inspectors have reached the same conclusion , such evasive intrusions and have ample time to shut the
but are hesitant to call Dr. Fright's bluff without further satell ite down, take it out of orbit or activate the
tests). self-destruct mechanism before the villain could take con­
trol of it, at least in theory.
It would appear that this is all a bl uff. The good Doctor
is pretending that he has control of one or more laser de­ As the heroes weigh all this, the gravity of the situation
fense satellites to trick the Government into paying him should hit them like a ton of bricks. Clearly, money is not
the ransom. By this time, heroes who have researched Dr. motivating this guy. After all, even a $ 1 00 million ransom
Fright or who have tangled with him before will recall that is pretty small potatoes for a villain of Dr. Fright's reputa­
while he is sharp and cunning, he also becomes so enam­ tion. He's a sadistic control-freak! He's doing this for the
ored with his plots that he can't wait to see them finished. sheer pleasure of causing mass hysteria and destruction .
Thus, he often puts his final phase into motion before he's To his thinking, the nation is in his control, gripped in ter­
really able to implement it. This has led to Dr. Fright's ror!
downfall before . Going by this pattern, one could suspect
that either he is very close to seizing control of the laser G . M . Plot Options
satellites or failing that (which appears to be the case) , he To stop h i m , the heroes have to figure out what and
didn't want to let a great scheme go to waste and has con­ where his next step will be. Exactly what the madman has
cocted this clever bluff. Still the question remains, did he in mind is up to the G . M . There are two possibilities.
plant a bomb on the St. Louis Arch to get the nation Option O ne: The B l uff
scared witless while he contin ues his attempts to capture
Dr. Fright does not have and can not get control of any
the defense satellites - if so, somebody had better stop
satellite, but he knows the superheroes and the authorities
him while they still can (does the six hour timetable mean
know he's been trying to do so and aren't sure that he
he'll get control soon?) - or if that avenue has been suc­
hasn't. The maniacal fiend is using this to his advantage to
cessfully thwarted (as it appears) , to continue his bluff,
play his bluff. Having to change his plans in m id-stream,
does he have or is he (at this very moment) planting an­
he has not had time to be too clever or spread his targets
other bomb in a building of a populated city? Again, if so,
far apart. That means he is operating in Saint Louis, and
Dr. Fright's timetable is a legitimate one. By the end of his
that the next target, the building to be "attacked by laser"
first deadline (which may be in a very short while if it took
(really exploded with a bomb) is in that city!
the heroes a while to get to St. Louis) , either Dr. Fright will
have gained the technology to make good on his threats, The big advantage the heroes have is that Dr. Fright is
or he will simply detonate another decoy bomb to make using underlings to do his dirty work. These will be ordi­
the nation think he lau nched another laser assault. Either nary career criminals, one or two of whom has a back­
way, people are in grave danger, and the only way to stop ground in demolitions, or low-powered (and low level)
it is to stop Dr. Fright himself. The problem is, where to supervillains with one of them or an "associate" with
find him? knowledge in demolitions. The group can locate this target
through sheer good luck (spy a suspicious looking van ,
This is where technically oriented characters or those see somebody prowling along on a rooftop , etc.) , or one of
who have extensive knowledge of lasers or light (including those involved has succumbed to pangs of conscience
heroes who have light-related powers) come in (those with and has made an anonymous call to the authorities (or, if
psychic powers might also be helpful). Considering the possible , contacts the heroes directly) to warn them and
technology Dr. Fright has already put together, he could give them the location of the target.
theoretically hijack a laser satellite, but as the heroes have
Note: While these hoods can be stopped before the
al ready learned, he lacks the security codes needed to ac­
bomb is planted and Dr. Fright's bluff is revealed to the
cess a laser satellite's targeting software. But, that's only if
world, the mad supervillain is nowhere to be found (follow­
Dr. Fright intends on establishing contact with one of
ing leads to track him down can be an adventure in and of
these satellites by conventional broadcasting. If he
itself, and while it may lead to conflicts, traps and battles,
beamed a laser-amplified broadcast directly to one of the
it may or may not lead to his apprehension) . However, he
satellites, he might be able access the machine's com­
does make one last television appearance:
puter directly and "hack" into it to take it over. From there ,
a l l D r . Fright would have t o do is maintain contact with the "Alas, you have found me out and spoiled my fun. You
satellite, send up a pre-programmed firing seq uence, and can rest easy for now America. There aren't any other
let the machine go. In theory, one could probably send up bombs, and if only I could seize control of a killer-satellite
to 1 0 pre-programmed firing routines to any one satellite, - but it seems that is not meant to be."
as well as instructions to ignore any self-destruct com­ A sinister smile stretches across his face as he closes
mands sent to it. If the firing commands were spaced out with the statement, "Ah , yes. The good guys have won to­
to just one a day, the U.S. would be subjected to over two day. But know that you have not heard the last of Doctor
years of daily laser bombardment. No building on the sur­ Fright. Sleep well . . . if you can ."
face would be safe. M i litary installations, national monu­ The characters were correct about the madman's mo­
ments, football stadiums, shopping centers, power plants, tives. His real goal was to create mass fear and chaos. To
hydroelectric dams, airports , the White House - nothing ! that end, the villain has won , although his victory was

1 45
short-lived. Stil l , he is content knowing that his remaining brute force. Catching this slippery monster betore he es­
at large the nation will cause to not "sleep well," so he still capes will tax the heroes' abilities (and brains) to the max.
has his hooks in them even as he plots his next terrible For those wanting to make this ending more com­
scheme. bat-oriented , Dr. Fright could launch an all-out assault
against the facility, backed up by whatever supervi llain
Option Two: The Sate l l ite flunkies the G . M . cares to throw in.
To carry out this hypothetical plot, Dr. Fright would The second possibil ity is that the heroes arrive at the
need a laser device powerful enough to reach the laser Kukubai laboratory while Dr. Fright is laying it to waste. At
satellites (wh ich are in geosynchronous orbit - a good this point, taking him down will be compl icated by all of the
23,000 miles (36 ,800 km) from the Earth's su rface , and Kukubai employees on the scene. U nless the heroes want
steady enough to maintain a signal long enough to trans­ to earn some serious bad karma, they'll have to take spe­
mit firing instructions. The only place where such a device cial care not to hurt any employees during the fight. Cer­
can be gotten is the Kukubai Comm Systems Testing tainly, Dr. Fright will use this to his advantage, taking
Laboratory, located on the edge of the heroes' home city! hostages and blasting innocent bystanders in the hopes
Kukubai is a leading provider of laser communications that heroes will stop to help the fallen rather than pursue
technology, and it's public knowledge that they've been him.
working on a multi-optics laser array to be used in a new The third conflict involves the heroes arriving at the lab
generation of communications satellites. It's a good bet too late or not at all ! Dr. Fright has his laser array! At this
that before Dr. Fright's deadline expires, either he or his pOint, the G . M . could give the heroes a second chance by
flunkies will raid the Kukubai test laboratory for the laser having them discover that the laser array has a unique
array. It is critical that the heroes prevent this from going power source that leaves an easily tracked residual en­
down. ergy signature. A Hardware character could rig a tracking
Depending on how the G . M . wishes to run this finale, device to locate it (and Dr. Fright) or they can piggyback
there are three possible confrontations. First, the heroes with a S.C.R. E.T. team that will do the same thing. Either
(and whatever law enforcement personnel come with way, the heroes can track down Dr. Fright at his hideout
them) may beat Dr. Fright to the Kukubai laboratory and and catch him in the middle of preparing to send his firing
lie in wait for him and his henchmen. Fright enters the fa­ instructions to the laser satellites! For an especially dra­
cility alone, using stealth to gain his objective rather than matic touch, the upload can already be in place, and the

K u k ub a i C orom S y s t em s T e s t i n g Fa c i l i t y

8 P a r k i ng


1 Admi n i s t r a t i ve O f f i c e s 5 T e s t i n g a n d App l i c a t i o n s L a b s
2 Ve h i c l e a n d E q u i pme n t s t o r a g e A G e n e r a l C ommu n i c a t i o n s La b s
3 Re s e a r c h a nd Deve l opme n t Labs B Sate l l i t e Te chno log i e s
4 Sat e l li te Di s h ( Dr . Fr i g h t ' s G o a l )
1 46
heroes must deactivate or destroy the computers within a ing building after a particularly violent encounter with
certain time limit or the laser satellite(s) will receive its in­ some young and aggressive members of the newest wave
structions and begin firing. Again , the heroes can either of superpowered humans. Yet he returned, adding to the
find Dr. Fright by himself or with a gang of henchmen. legend that he is a master at faking his demise, or that he
I n the event that the heroes fail in their mission and Dr. may be immortal .
Fright does gain control of the laser satellites, his reign of Knowing that he has, indeed , died more than once, Dr.
terror will be short-lived. Little does the villain know that Fright has some confidence that he can rely on it again ,
the U.S. Air Force has in place a fail-safe strategy but h e has yet to fal l to the delusion that he i s immortal (he
whereby fighter jets can launch anti-satellite missiles from is still aging) , and remains as cautious as always.
very high altitudes. These planes are on standby, and as A few years ago, the villain was captured by another
soon as they receive word that Fright has compromised group of heroes (perhaps the player characters) and tried
the satellites, the jets will scramble. 1 04 major buildings for his most serious crimes. He was convicted, sentenced
will be bombarded by the time the fighters take the satel­ to death , and was executed only last year. This time there
lites out. The buildings h it and the resulting casualties are was no mistaking he was killed. Yet once more, he has re­
to be determined by the G . M . At the very least, the de­ tu rned to life (shortly after his burial , he escaped; his body
struction of the U . S . orbital laser defense network will set was missing) .
back military budgets by one tri llion dollars. He spent a year secretly strengthening his position in
Under this last scenario, the heroes will have more than the underworld and rebuilding his finances, then set about
enough reason to find Dr. Fright and bring him to justice. making plans for the future. At this stage of the game,
Not only does the nation need to be avenged , but their however, Dr. Fright doesn't really need money, since he's
own reputations probably need some serious repair, too. bankrolled millions in various foreign bank accounts. He
Until Dr. Fright is apprehended , the heroes' names will be also fears that he doesn't have too many years left before
mud and the brunt of jokes like cal ling the group the "La­ he'll be a l ittle too old to keep battling superheroes. So,
ser League" or "Legion of Useless Heroes," - the point before he considers bowing out or really dying in combat,
being, depending on how badly they fumbled the ball , they he wants to make a truly lasting impression on the world.
will have lost some of the public's confidence and may Do things that people will never forget. Th us, he focuses
even be despised. on truly imaginative and terrifying schemes of epic propor­
On the other hand, if the heroes do succeed in stopping tion. The satellite plan was only the first.
Dr. Fright, they will receive nationwide accolades for it. A
Presidential commendation , an expurgation of any and all G.M. Note: Feel free to build up Dr. Fright's reputation ,
criminal charges and investigations against them, and an attributing any number of sign ificant crimes to his credit.
offer to join the Federal Superbeing Crime-Fighting Pro­ Although not as physically powerful as many villains, like
gram as a Government sanctioned team of superhumans. Shock, Dr. Fright is brill iant, cunning, and insane, with in­
credible resources (tens of millions of dollars in cash
alone) , numerous supervillain allies, contacts throughout
Doctor Frig ht the crime world , decades of experience, and a frightening
imagination. U nder the best circu mstances, Dr. Fright can
Dr. Fright is one of those legendary supervi llains that be an unbeatable opponent.
everyone has heard of, with a career spanning more than
35 years. Back in the early 1 960s, he was a test subject in Dr. Fri g ht
a super-soldier program designed for use in the Real Name: Peter Smith . However, Smith died in that first
then-escalating Vietnam Conflict. As one of a number of government experiment, so finding information on him
criminals drafted into the project, he was injected and irra­ will be nearly impossible, since his records have been
diated with a number of exotic and radioactive substances destroyed and he has no living relatives. Maybe some­
in the hopes of awakening latent superpowers believed to where there is a government employee who's heard of
exist in everyone. Dr. Fright died during the experiments, the project Smith was i n , or knows somebody who
as did every other test subject. Shortly afterwards, how­ knows somebody who had contact with Smith, but that
ever, he awoke in the laboratory morgue and escaped . will be all. If someone somehow tracks Smith down , his
Once outside, he returned to his life as a petty crook, only official death is filed as a prison accident in 1 96 1 . Note:
to realize that incredible powers had awakened within him. No one knows that Peter Smith came back from the
It seems the experiment was a success! It just had the un­ dead or that it was that experiment which turned him
fortunate side effect of 99% mortal ity on all of its test sub­ into Dr. Fright.
jects. Dr. Fright's first power to manifest itself was the Other Aliases: Patrick Sanders and Sigmund Smithe. As
abil ity to stun people with only a moment of concentration. a supervillain, Smith has always gone by Dr. Fright, but
His career as a supervillain had begun. he has also taken on other identities to confuse the au­
By the turn of the decade, Dr. Fright's powers had thorities. These include: The Stark One (1 960s) ,
grown and he was a major nemesis of superhuman Shadow Creep (late 60s) , and The Frightener (early
heroes everywhere. Over the next twenty years, his repu­ 70s) . Doctor Fright has been his longest and most infa­
tation and powers wou ld continue to grow. In the early mous secret identity.
eighties, he was believed to have been killed by a collaps- Alignment: D iabolic
1 47
Attributes : 1.0. : 24, M . E . : 1 8 , M.A.: 1 7, P . S . : 1 2 , P . P . : 1 3, off is his mask and a stylized metal chest plate bearing
P . E . : 20 , P . B . : 1 4, Spd: 1 1 the good doctor's personal inSignia.
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch (approx. 1 .84 m). Combat: Hand to Hand: Expert.
Weight: 209 Ibs (94 kg) Number of Attacks: 7
Experience Level : 1 4th ! Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to
H it Points: 1 2 1 dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +4 to pull
S.D.C.: 225 punch , +2 disarm , +3 damage, critical strike (triple dam­
Power Category: M utant (Continuous M utation !) age) or knockout from behind, knockout on 1 8-20,
Mutant Characteristics: None +40% to save vs coma/death, +6 to save vs poi­
Major Super Abilities : Darkness Control and M u ltiple sons/toxins, +5 vs psionics, +6 to save vs magic, critical
Lives. strike on a natural 1 8-20, and + 1 06 damage to all at­
Minor Super Abilities: Mental Stu n , Nightstal king , tacks at night or when using Darkness Control to create
Healing Factor, Extraordinary Physical Endurance, and shadows.
Energy Expulsion: Cold (Special: Same as fire, but cold Education Level and Skills: Knows all mechanical and
instead). electrical skills at 98%, plus Prowl (98%) , Climbing
Natural Abilities: Can use N ightstalking bonuses during (98%), Survei llance Systems (98%) , Radio: Basic
the daytime (because of Darkness Control); Horror Fac­ (98%) , TVNideo (98%) , Pi lot: Ai rplane (98%) , Pilot: Au­
tor: 1 3; 40% trust/intim idate. In addition, Dr. Fright has tomobile (98%) , Pi lot: Boats: Motor-types (98%) , Pi lot:
7 multiple lives remaining. Truck (98%) , Streetwise (98%) , Law (General) (98%) ,
Disposition : Dr. Fright is bold, aggressive, arrogant, con­ Identify Plants and Fruits (98%) , Wi lderness Survival
descending, relaxed, and frighteningly upbeat and po­ (98%) , Land Navigation (98%) , Computer Operation
lite. He carries himself with the confidence of many (98%) , Computer Programming (98%) , Language: Chi­
years of experience and has no qualms about tricking, nese (98%) , Language: Japanese (98%) , Language:
using, torturing , or ki lling others. He probably has seen Vietnamese (98%) , Language: Russian (98%) , Athlet­
and done more than all of the player characters put to­ ics, and Swimming (98%) .
gether. As a result, he is cool under fire, rarely loses his Weapons and Melee Combat: Karate kick (2 04+3) ,
head over anything , thinks on his feet, is rarely sur­ backward sweep, tripping leg hook, paired weapons
prised or caught off g uard and remains astonishingly (all) , body flip/throw.
relaxed even under the most dire of circumstances Cold Expulsion: 1 406 or 1 D6x1 0+20 (range: 300
(thinking all the whi le). He plans each of his capers feet/9 1 .5 m).
carefully and will usually have a n umber of contingency
plans in place for his escape. He also is fond of having
lackeys perform the h ighest-risk aspects of his plans
(and things he sees as beneath him) , so someone else
will take the heat if things go sour.
He has always enjoyed manipulating and enforcing
his will upon others, and loves to terrorize mass popula­
tions of people - the more the better. However, in his
later years this has become both a game and obses­
sion (an insanity) . As for his henchmen and stooges, he
manipulates them through their greed, lusts (power, re­
venge, etc.) and weaknesses , and keeps them in line
with threats , fear and murder - to defy, betray or chal­
lenge Dr. Fright is to invite death .
Appearance: A rather distinguished looking man who ap­
pears to be in his early-forties (his super healing and
super endurance have slowed his aging somewhat and
kept him in very good physical health). His hair is
brown, touched with fine lines of silvery gray and al­
ways impeccably styled. He prefers tailored suits and
soft leather gloves. His Dr. Fright costume consists of
heavy rubberized body armor (A. A . 1 4, S . D . C . 1 00) that
covers his entire body (except for the lower half of his
face). Along his torso, arms and legs, the armor is
sculpted to resemble a chiseled physique. His rein­
forced gauntlets, boots, belt, and shoulder pads accent
this, making him look more broad and bulky than he re­
ally is. Flowing from his shoulders is a long, inky-black
cape that always seems to be undulating from some
unseen breeze (How does he do that?) . Topping it all
1 49
tect Magic, Sense Evi l , See Aura, etc. It is completely
inactive and gives off no indications of its presence, nor
does it radiate any kind of evil , thoughts, vibes, etc. The

only possible indication that something is amiss is that the
NPC will begin to register higher and higher levels of
P . P . E . and L S . P . as the dormant spirit regains them. How­
ever, this process takes time and will only be noticeable
A n ancient necromancer hidden for centuries within a after 1 2 hours and won't be unnaturally high until 36 hours
powerful artifact possesses a close friend of the player or more have passed. (Note: If the G . M . has the
characters then sets out to raise an army of undead. Can Nightbane® sourcebook Between the Shadows TM , the
the characters stop the mad fiend and save their friend? entity can be assumed to have a small Astral Realm and
establishes a gateway to it through the N PC. Thus, it will
not register as being present because it is in fact hiding on
Section One: the Astral Plane, waiting to return when fully rested.) After
A Qu iet Outi ng With Friends 48 hours, the entity will be recharged and emerges to take
control of the friend.
The player characters hear about a prominent display
of Egyptian art and artifacts at a local museum through The Ruby Scarab of Emonhep can actually be an an­
various advertisements, news segments, articles in local cient relic from any old cu lture, including the Aztec, Ma­
papers, notices on college bulletin boards, etc. If attending yan , Babylonian , Syrian , Roman , Celtic or any number of
college, they may even be required to attend the showing others. The version presented here is an ancient Egyptian
for a class. If one or more of the characters is not inter­ relic formed from a large ruby gilded with gold designs and
ested in attending the show, that's fine. The show itself is fitted with additional rubies to form the revered image of a
historically significant and interesting, but may not interest scarab beetle. Unknown to anyone, the item is actually
them. It is important, however, that someone close to one cursed and holds the essence of an evil necromancer
of the characters - a friend , teacher, family member, or from the time of Egypt's greatest Dynasties. Full details on
loved one - does go. Their role later in the adventure will the entity and its history are given in Section Two where
be critical. They may be able to bring the hesitant charac­ he makes his first appearance. At this pOint, the charac­
ters to the show with them, but the G . M . shouldn't push ters should have little to raise their suspicions. The police
too hard, since this is just a set-up for the rest of the ad­ will initially rule the incident a robbery and blame the
venture. swooning of the patrons on a gas of some sort. Their full
At the showing, the relics are displayed in typical mu­ investigation will take two days, including the lab work
seum fashion with plenty of glass display cases protecting which is performed mostly by a private lab contracted by
the priceless items inside. As the chosen Non-Player the museum. If the characters are somehow part of the in­
Character (N PC) nears the case displaying the Ruby vestigation as police officers , S.C.R. E.T. or other govern­
Scarab of Emonhep, both he/her and those nearby, in­ ment agents (the crime scene evidence will indicate the
cluding any player characters, will hear a somewhat dis­ possibility of a superhuman perpetrator; see below) , they
tant, whispering voice intone, "Yes, yes, you will do might discover some details of their own. These details
nicely." may also be avai lable from contacts within the Police De­
G . M . I nfo for Section One
I mmediately after the voice speaks, the scarab ex­ The crime scene at the m useum is strange because the
shattered case was broken from the inside. There is no
plodes, knocking out anyone within 1 0 feet (3 m) who
debris in the case itself except for the velvet pillow the
does not save vs non-lethal pOison ! At the same time, the
scarab was on, which is shredded as if someone had tar­
lights go out for 1 04 melee rounds. When the lights are
geted it with a shotgun. The guards elsewhere will report
restored , the case is shattered and the scarab is gone!
that the power did not fluctuate at all in the other areas of
Some player characters may be immune to the blast's
the museum, and no one suspicious was seen leaving af­
effects (Invulnerability, high A.R. , etc.), or they were able
ter the incident. The museum was sealed as soon as the
to predict it and take cover (Sixth Sense) . Others might be
noise of the glass shattering registered on the sonic secu­
able to see through the total darkness that falls over the
rity systems (they are coded to lock things up if breaking
scene. In such cases, there is little they will see un less
glass is detected) . No windows or skylights were found to
they can detect or see magic and/or Astral Beings. Those
be opened or broken either. J ust the scarab's case was
who can will either feel the presence of a supernatural en­
damaged and only the scarab is missing .
tity or see an Astral Form rise above the case before it ex­
plodes. Further details and inspection will require successful
At the moment of the explosion , the entity enters the criminal science skill rolls. The most interesting piece of
body of the player characters' friend/companion. The en­ evidence at the crime scene is that along with the larger
tity will go dormant once it enters the NPC, and sleep until shards of clear glass from the case, small pulverized frag­
its full P . P . E . and I . S . P . are restored. During this hiberna­ ments of a red glass and metal dust are also scattered
tion period, it will not show up on psionic scans or via De- across the floor.
1 50
The Mus eum The tomb was exactly what they could have expected , but
1 Ma i n E x h i b i t H a l l 3 Re s t r o o m s held one surprise. Upon excavating the main chamber,
2 Other Exh ibit Ha l l s 4 S t o rage they discovered the magnificent Scarab of Emonhep sit­
ting off to the side with no other treasure to keep it com­
pany. When they removed the lid of the burial pit, other
• 2 . • 2 • treasu res and relics were discovered , but no one could ex­
plain why the scarab was isolated from the rest.
Shortly afterwards, as if trying to perpetuate the myths
of mummies' curses, several workers fell ill or experienced
what appeared to be bouts of dementia. One of the work­
ers even tried to steal the scarab and another "misplaced"
3 it during packing. Once the items arrived at the laboratory
in a university in Turkey, the "curse" seemed to pass, and
4 all was fine for the cataloging and identification phases of
the project. Trouble again seemed to follow the exhibit as
it returned to Egypt for display before beginning its circuit
around the world. Visitors became ill, there were nu mer­
3 ous attempts to steal one or more of the relics, and many
• • 2 • • workers quit, refusing to be near the display (many "irratio­
nal" reasons have been given for such actions). When the
exhibit left Egypt for its tour of Western Europe before
heading to America, the troubles all seemed to fall behind
With all the evidence in, the lab goes to work analyzing it. Unti l , that is, the night it came to the player characters'
it. Again, the characters may be involved if they have an city, the first stop on its American tour.
established job or record for such work with the police.
The heroes may want to keep an eye on their NPC
The first thing the lab looks into is the suspicious red glass
friend for the next day or so, especially if someone man­
and metal particles. A second, successful Criminal Sci­
aged to see the entity move toward him/her. That's fine,
ence skill roll (if a player character is participating) when
for the person will be perfectly normal for the next 48
analyzing the materials reveals them to be ruby quartz
and gold respectively. With this information , the only con­
clusion a skilled criminal scientist can reach is that the
scarab itself exploded and shattered the glass. It might Section Two: Cu lture Shock
have also released trace vapors from the ancient tomb Once the entity i s fully rested , i t makes its presence
that caused the momentary disorientation in the m useum known with a vengeance. If the player characters are sit­
patrons. With that information , the police will close the ting around keeping an eye on the N PC (or if they happen
case and the m useu m will focus on filing an insurance to l ive with them ) , refer to the first paragraph following this
claim for the lost relic. The player characters might be a bit one. If the NPC is alone, or can slip away undetected , re­
more curious about the incident, though. For example, no­ fer to the second paragraph . In the case that the charac­
body can explain how or why the gem exploded . It's im­ ters are staking out the museum, also refer to the second
possible. paragraph . And finally, if the group is split up watching the
If the characters do some research on the scarab, the NPC, staking out the m useum , doing police work on the
exhibit, or any other aspect of the museum showing, case, and any other activities, just go through each sec­
here's what they can find. Professor Anthony Dewain is tion as it is needed.
the archaeologist who discovered the tomb in which the The first thing the newly awakened spirit does is take
items were unearthed. He would be the best person to tal k immediate and complete control of the N PC . If someone is
to, but that m ight necessitate traveling halfway across the watch ing the N PC at the time when the entity takes con­
world to his new dig (he's not available by telephone) . trol, that individual will crack a creepy, out of character
Going to such lengths might not be justified yet. Luckily, smile and excuse him- or herself, as if to leave. If the
most of the info he could provide has been published in player character makes any trouble about it or wants to
one form or another. It will take the player characters 4D6 accompany him/her, the "friend" will react violently, using
hours to track down all of the information Dewain has pub­ powerful spells to escape (see the entity's stats below) .
l ished on his findings (hackers and other computer ge­ The whole time, the N PC will rant about "not having time
niuses can cut the time dramatically with a successful to waste here" and about "a destiny to fulfill elsewhere." If
computer roll prior to their research or if they have cus­ the NPC gets past the player characters (or if they let their
tomized search programs) . Here's the scoop: friend go, but secretly fol low him/her) , the N PC will head
The original Scarab dig was located deep in the desert right back to the museum to reclaim the scarab of
and was only found because Dewain had a vivid dream Emonhep. But wait, you say! Didn't the scarab explode at
and decided to ''follow his hunch ." His research eventually the beginning of the adventu re? Read on, dear G . M . , and
led him to the location of the undisturbed tomb of a moder­ all will be explained.
ately important priest from the 1 8th Dynasty, Emonhep.
1 51
If nothing impedes their way, the possessed N PC ar­ Sense Enchantment, Sense Magic, and Sense Evil. His
rives at the museum. If any of the characters are keeping supernatural and magical presence can also be detected
an eye on the museum (or followed their friend) , they will by psychics with the psionic abil ities of Psychic Diagnosis,
notice a taxi pull up in front of it and their friend gets out Astral Projection (when the villain controls the body, he is
and looks around before moving in the direction of the mu­ visible on the Astral Plane) , Empathy (it will be obvious
seum, which is closed . Adding to the disorienting scene (if that the emotions of Amanon are not those of the N PC
these characters have yet to hear from any of their com­ friend) , Presence Sense, See Aura, Sense Evil, and to a
rades that might have been at the house when the entity lesser extent, Sense Magic (but only if actually using
took control), the friend is perhaps uncharacteristically magic; see description in the H U2, basic rule book) . Also
dressed, completely in black and seems to carry him­ less blatant, but possibly just as obvious indicators that
self/herself a bit differently as (s)he strides toward the mu­ Amanon is in control, are the changes in the person's atti­
seum. Do the characters call out? Do they stop and tude, mannerisms, words, diction , preferences, tastes, and
question their friend? Or do they fol low and see what the a general sh ift in personality.
person is up to? There may also be an urgency to their If Amanon can help it, he will spend as little time as
friend's weird actions. possible in the character's city. He only wants to get the
Of course, if the heroes are not watching their friend or scarab and return home with it to wreak havoc. By the
the museum, they will simply hear about the events after time he returns to the museum, the scarab itself is nothing
they have happened , which will alert them to the fact that but powder. But the relic was not destroyed when it ex­
their friend is now missing , caught on m useum surveil­ ploded. Rather, it "dispersed" itself at Amanon's command
lance cameras, and wanted by the police. Plus, it seems and is now waiting for him to return and restore it. After all,
that some other person is hunting their friend for some the Scarab is an ancient symbol of rebirth and regenera­
reason (see Section Three). Read on and tailor the events tion , and this magical version can do just that if one knows
of this section to fit the actions of the player characters. the proper enchantments and phrase words to activate it.
G . M . I nfo for Section Two Having been trapped in the scarab for thousands of years,
he has learned those very power words, and the relic is
As soon as the entity takes control of the player charac­
his to command. Now that he is once more free and far
ters' friend, it will begin working on its age-old plans. The
away from his old enemies, Amanon will want to return to
entity, actually named Amanon Tatumain, not Emonhep,
Egypt and conquer it, using his powers and those of the
will send out a mystic call to those inclined to fol low his
scarab to raise an invincible army of the dead! All he has
evil lord Set, and are willing to build a Cult of Darkness.
to do is reassemble the relic and leave.
The effect of this power is similar to the followers aspect of
the Divine Aura super ability. Using this power, Amanon Of course , the remnants of the scarab are no longer at
will draw a dozen vile followers dedicated to destruction the m useum , they are in the evidence room of the local
and the opposition of Light within a few hours. In fact, Police Station. Frustrated , Amanon will magically home in
most of them might actually be jailed in the police station on the scarab to reclaim it. The player characters can con­
when he makes an appearance there and can be conve­ front Amanon at the museum or en route to the Police Sta­
niently freed to help him succeed in his goals and to delay tion. If this happens, the entity will fight the heroes only as
his pursuers for his escape. Should his host (the player much as is necessary for him to escape and continue his
characters' friend) be killed, one of the criminals will pro­ quest. By the time Amanon reaches the Police Station , he
vide a handy back-up host. (and the player characters) will have another adversary to
contend with: Bak Martuk, Eternal Champion of Ra.
Speaking of killing the host, the characters will have to
try to defeat Amanon without harm ing their friend. Unfortu­
nately, the person remains possessed until exorcised. Ex­ Amanon Tatu main
orcising Amanon will send him fleeing into the scarab (if it Possessing spirit from the Scarab of Emonhep
is present) or off to one of his followers. If he survives the Amanon Tatumain was a necromantic sorcerer in an­
exorcism, he will become personally obsessed with the cient Egypt who led a powerful faction of the church of
downfall of those who defeated him, even going as far as Set. At one time, he organized an army that almost con­
to remain here in America until he can extract his revenge. quered upper Egypt, but he was stopped by Bak Martuk,
However, before we can tal k about exorcisms, things are the Eternal Champion of Ra (see Section Three for full de­
likely to get a bit complicated for everyone once Bak tails on Bak). Exiled and stripped of power, Amanon
Martuk shows up in section three. sought to regain his lost might. He eventually rebuilt his
When the spirit takes control, the victim will be totally status in lower Egypt and used it to acquire the Scarab of
suppressed and remember noth ing. On the flip side, how­ the Pharaohs, a legendary magical amulet of great healing
ever, Amanon can hear most of what the host does when and revitalizing power. With the scarab, he healed several
he is dormant, though it is diluted as if he were of his best generals of crippling wounds inflicted by the
half-dreaming and requires a perception roll (a 1 2 or Champion Bak, and prom ptly marched out to exact his re­
higher on a 020) for him to filter a complete conversation venge. Using a powerful ritual, he warped the scarab
out of the haze. The only thing he can do while dormant is slightly in its function so that it could be used to preserve a
listen. Taking control of the physical person will reveal his soul rather than heal it and sought out Bak in order to trap
presence to the Wizard abilities Sense Supernatural Evil, him inside the scarab. During the climactic battle, Bak cut
1 52
down Amanon just before the Spell of Binding could be strong-willed individuals (excluding most superbeings) .
finished. Fortunately for Amanon , he used the spell on For simplicity, treat this effect exactly like #2 under the
himself and fled into the magical artifact instead of facing major super ability: Divine Aura (Heroes Unlimited™,
his master Set in the lands of the dead. 2nd Edition , page 272) . Within fou r hours of taking
The scarab and Amanon's essence drifted through control of the host, all 1 2 of the attracted followers will
Egypt for centuries and the evil necromancer was even have found and joined Amanon, forming the basis for a
able to escape briefly on an occasion or two by possess­ new cult of Set. By the end of a week they will have re­
ing specific people, but Bak was always there to stop his cruited twice their numbers, but the newer members will
evi l plans (Unknown to the wicked priest, the Champion of be a bit more intelligent and capable. Each month that
Ra had been given the ability to sense and track his old Amanon remains undefeated, his new chu rch will grow
nemesis) . Finally, during the later Dynasties, the Church by 1 06 members (each having 306 P . P . E . to contribute
of Set acquired the scarab with Amanon inside, but Bak to rituals and other magical effects) . Amanon also has
and the armies of Ra were already marching to destroy access to all of the other magical abilities of Wizard
them. Before the Church was destroyed, one of Set's aco­ characters.
lytes hid the scarab in the soon-to-be-closed tomb of a Disposition : Amanon is ambitious and driven , but his de­
priest of Ra, by the name of Emonhep. That is where Pro­ sires are currently for domination of his homeland,
fessor Dewain came to find the scarab approximately Egypt. He seeks power to control, direct, and dominate,
2,000 years later. It is also why the scarab currently bears and he freely uses his magic to do so. He also has a
a name different than that of the spirit inside it. penchant for daggers, the color black, and a boar insig­
Amanon Tatumain is a powerful sorcerer, but thou­ nia (al l are symbols of Set).
sands of years trapped in a mystic artifact have trans­ Magic: Amanon is a very skilled necromancer with a vast
formed him into a kind of unique supernatural entity. He col lection of spells at his disposal. He knows the follow­
requires a vessel to keep his essence from dissipating, be ing spells: All Wizard spells from levels 1 -6, Agony (20) ,
it the scarab or a living person. But unlike other possess­ Animate and Control Dead (20) , Constrain Being (20) ,
ing entities, he is able to infuse his host with some mea­ Immobilize (25) , Invulnerability (Limited) (25) , Life Drain
sure of his supernatural essence, increasing its mental (25) , Exorcism (30) , Locate (30) , Luck Curse (40) , Mi­
and physical capabilities. Unless stated otherwise , nor Curse (35) , Wisps of Confusion (40), Havoc (50) ,
Amanon's stats given below add t o the stats of whoever Monster Insect (50 or 1 00) , Metamorphosis: Superior
he possesses. If he should possess a Wizard, he will gain ( 1 00) , Create M ummy ( 1 60) , Create Magic Scroll
the use of the mage's P . P . E . , but not his/her spell knowl­ ( 1 00+) , Create Zombie (250), Metamorphosis: M ist
edge. (250), Sanctum (390) , Tal isman (500), Summon
One interesting consideration for Amanon , if the G . M . Greater Familiar (580) , and Teleport: Superior (600) .
has The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition P . P . E . costs are listed in parentheses after each spell.
sourcebook Adventures on the High Seas, or Rifts® In the alternative, ignore all this if the official Necroman­
Mystic Russia, he or she may wish to use the Necroman­ cer O.C.C. is used from other Palladium RPG books.
cer O.C.C. (and Necro-Magic) from that book instead of P.P.E.: 350. Plus, he can draw on the P . P . E . of his host
the Heroes Unlimited™ Wizard power category. In this body (though there probably won't be m uch there) , and
case, keep the attributes, H it Points, S . D . C . , and P.P. E . , that of the scarab once he re-acquires it.
but replace the spells, special abilities and skills with those Spell Strength : A roll of 1 6 is needed to save against his
of the Necromancer O.C.C. This option will do a lot to add magicks.
some creepiness to the ancient spirit, not to mention how Combat: Equal to Hand to Hand: Basic.
the player characters will react to their friend decked out in Number of Attacks: 6
dead animal parts and bones. Bonuses (in addition to any gained from his host's
P.P., P.S. or P.E. attributes): +1 on initiative, +2 to
Amanon Tatumai n strike, +5 to strike and parry with daggers, +3 to parry,
Alignment: Diabolic +3 to dodge, +2 to damage, +4 to roll with punch, fall or
Attributes: Retains his I . Q . : 20, M . E . : 22, and M .A . : 1 7 , impact, +4 to pull punch , critical strike on natural 1 9 or
as well as adding the following to the host body: P.S.: +6, 20, +1 to disarm , +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +3 vs
P . E . : +5, P . B . : +5 (for a bonus to impress only) , Spd: +4 magic, +4 vs psionics, +5 vs insanity, +8 to save vs ex­
Size: H uman-sized Astral Form or that of the victim pos- orcism; immune to possession. The high exorcism save
sessed. is because Amanon is a special possessing entity that
Weight: Same as the victim he possesses. bonds on some levels with his host instead of simply in­
Experience Level : 1 2th habiting the body and taking control of its conscious­
Hit Points: Doubles those of the person he possesses. ness.
S.D.C.: +50 to the S . D . C . of the victim . Armor of Ithan can Education Level and Skills: Most of Amanon's skill
also be used to temporari ly provide magical armor/pro­ knowledge is old world, but he learns and adapts
tection/S . D . C . quickly. He will often rely on the skills of his host to get
Power Category: Magic: Wizard. things done by having them leave themselves notes or
Special Abilities: Amanon emanates evil power and at­ other reminders. His skills include: Horsemanship, His­
tracts like-minded people, but rarely capable or tory (specifically ancient Egyptian) (98%) , W . P . : Knife,
1 54
Disguise (95%) , Wilderness Su rvival (98%) , Land Navi­ 2) Extraordinary Physical Endurance: The body of
gation (94%) , Palming (90%) , Concealment (78%) , Pick the character using the scarab becomes charged with su­
Pockets (95%) , Ventri loq uism (64%) , Language: Sev­ pernatural energ ies and can withstand incredible amounts
eral ancient Egyptian dialects and related tongues of damage as well as resist poisons and magic.
(98%), and Preserve Food (95%) . Bonuses: Adds 1 0 pOints to the user's P . E . score (to a
Weapons and Melee Combat: Amanon rarely engages in minimum of 20); adds 200 S. D.C. to the user's existing
melee or weapons combat and relies on his spells as S.D.C. and adds 35 hit points (in addition to the 1 0 added
much as possible. He also prefers to have others do his by the P . E . increase).
fighting for him. He will acquire a dagger as soon as he 3) Spells: Turn Dead (6) , Impervious to Poison (5) ,
is able (perhaps at the museum) , but uses no other Blind (8) , Repel Animals (7) , Agony (20), Animate and
weapons. His skill in hand to hand al lows him to kick for Control Dead (50, but has ten times the normal effect and
2D4 damage and he is also able to body fliplthrow op­ duration), Heal Self (user 20) , Life Drain (25) , Commune
ponents. With Spirits (25) , M inor Curse (35) , Sickness (50) , Spoil
Equipment of Note: Once Amanon takes control and (30) , Age (50) , Curse: Phobia (40) , Create M ummy ( 1 60) ,
starts making his plans, he will spend some time (if Summon Fog ( 1 40) , Create Zombie (250), Protection Cir­
available) making scrolls with the Create Scroll spell. cle: Superior (250) , Restoration (750) and Resurrection
Havoc and Agony are two of his favorite spells for (2000). Resurrection and Restoration require a ritual and
emergencies and will be among the first ones made, as
additional P . P . E . to be donated in order for them to be
will Invisibility: Simple and Armor of Ithan .
cast from the Scarab.
Special Note: J ust how large of an Army of the Dead
4) Other Magical Abilities: Fever Touch (Identical to
can Amanon call up for battle and conquest? Wel l ,
#1 under the Powers Held by Weapons of Chaos, page
Amanon himself can animate 1 4 bodies with Animate and
1 48 of H U2) and resistance to magic (user is +4 to save
Control Dead, while the scarab can give him another 70!
vs magic and takes half damage and half duration even on
His are animated for one hour before more P . P . E . needs
a failed save).
to be spent to keep them going, while those of the scarab
are good for two hours at a time. On the other hand, the 5) Power Level : All spells and powers of the Scarab
more powerful Mummies can be created at a maximum operate at 5th level.
rate of one every third day. With the help of his followers,
two could be made in one day, but he would require three Section Th ree:
days to recover P . P . E . Zombies can be made once per
month , but if the cult grows to 36 members, two of them A Friend Who's a Foe
could be made in one night, but more than that pair per
month is not really feasible u nless the cult grows in mUlti­
for a Foe Who's a Friend
ples of 36. So if Amanon gears up for a large endeavor, Once Amanon arrives a t the police station, h e w i l l make
after one month of intensive preparation (doing nothing short work of the cops there, unless the player characters
but creating soldiers of the dead) , he can call upon not intervene. If the heroes are not following or trying to catch
only his cultists, but 84 animated dead , 1 0 M ummies, and Amanon already, they will most certainly hear about the
two Zombies. Since Amanon will have to direct the army attack on the Police Station from one of any number of
personally, he will retain 4-6 of the M ummies and/or the sources - pol ice scanner, radio, TV, pol ice contact, etc.
two Zombies as his personal bodyguards. By the time any delayed heroes arrive at the station (a few
precious minutes before police and S.W.A.T. units from
The Scarab of Emon hep other departments arrive) , Amanon will have reached the
evidence and property room and reclaimed the scarab.
a.k.a. The Scarab of the Pharaohs
And then , just as things seem their bleakest, another com­
In addition to his own form idable abilities, once Amanon plication pops up.
has possession of the Scarab , he will have access to addi­
As the player characters square off with Amanon, Bak
tional magical powers similar to that of an Enchanted Ob­
Martuk, the sorcerer's ancient rival, arrives to destroy h i m !
ject. The centuries Amanon has spent within this item
Ordinarily, the heroes m ight rejoice a t getting extra help,
have tainted it with his evi l . Thus, the scarab works only
but that's their friend Amanon is hitching a ride in, and if
for those of Miscreant, Aberrant, or Diabolic alignment.
they want to save him/her, then they must prevent Bak
Even then, the Scarab's bonuses and powers will only
from destroying Amanon by killing the host body!
work at half strength for any user other than Amanon.
Scarabs are traditionally symbols of spontaneous re­ G . M . I nfo for Section Three
birth and regeneration in Egyptian mythology, but What will most likely ensue is a bizarre three-way com­
Amanon's corruption has shifted the original purpose of bat scene. On one side is Amanon , who would like to de­
this item from reanimation to unnatural preservation . The stroy both the player characters and Bak Martuk. On
Scarab now provides the following additional abilities to its another side are the player characters. If they want to
holder: save their friend , they must subdue Amanon without de­
1 ) P.P.E.: 350. Up to 260 can be used by the pos­ stroying his/her host body, that of their friend. Likewise,
sessor to fuel his own spells. they must prevent Bak Martuk from destroying Amanon's
1 55
vessel body. And then on the third side is Bak himself, cause it belongs to the friend of some American
who clearly had a score to settle with Amanon , and who superheroes?
will attack anybody who stands in his way. In all the confu­ That's just one possible expansion of this adventure
sion , he probably won't realize that the player characters into an entire campaign. Amanon could also recruit other
are just defending their friend. figures from ancient Egypt to his cause, like a warrior with
Bak's personality and disposition are given below with a dark magical weapon or followers of the cult of Set who
his full statistics, but the G . M . should feel free to modify have superpowers of their own . The level of detail and
him if necessary to better integrate him into the campaign how involved the ending of the adventure becomes is left
or adventure. He is a warrior of good and can be con­ up to each individual G . M . , but one constant factor will be
vinced to cooperate with and help the player characters to Amanon's need to destroy Bak. The Champion of Light
free their innocent friend, but keep in mind that he is a de­ can track him no matter where he goes , and Amanon
termined hunter with 3,000 years of frustration and anger won't tolerate that. He will be prepared for Bak and have
toward Amanon bottled up inside him. If the cost of de­ traps and assassins set up at almost every tu m . However,
stroying Amanon once and for all is one innocent life (and, once Amanon establishes a base of operations, be it do­
perhaps, a handful of his/her friends) , then so be it. mestic or foreign, he will protect it with the Sanctum spell,
At the beginning of the confrontation , Amanon will be thus preventing Bak from tracking or finding him as long
stunned that Bak has shown up here. What he does not as he is within the confines of the sanctum. This will make
realize is that Bak senses when Amanon is active and can it difficult for Bak to ferret out the necromancer except on
home in on him unerringly. Thus, the Champion of Light the occasions that the evil Wizard goes out to attend to
has been making a beeline for this town/city ever since things in person.
Amanon broke free of the scarab. The timing of his arrival
is pure coincidence. Bak Martu k
Optimally, the player characters will convince Bak that Eternal Champion of Light
they must work together to defeat Amanon and prevent
Unlike Amanon , Bak Martuk is not a magically pre­
the innocent NPC from death . Together, Bak and the
served essence. He is immortal and has been roaming the
heroes should have pretty good chances at defeating
planet for millennia hunting down evil . He has a special
Amanon , but it is just as likely that as soon as the battle
drive to oppose necromancers and death cults due to his
turns against the sorcerer, the villain will use his mystic
early and lengthy association with Ra and the resulting op­
powers (such as Teleport) to escape. Of course, Amanon
position to Set and his mortal servants. Bak was foiling the
might teleport away soon after Bak shows up anyway,
schemes of Set's minions for hundreds of years before
hoping that the Champion of Light and the player charac­
Amanon Tatumain made his play to dominate upper
ters will kill each other.
Egypt. Stopping the power-hungry Wizard was no small
G.M. Note: If the thought of the heroes and Bak fighting chore, for he had with him a sizable army, but Bak gath­
seems odd, don't forget that this is a really common plot ered his own army and defeated Amanon soundly. After
device in com ic books. There are literally dozens of stories the dust settled , Amanon acquired the Scarab of the Pha­
where two renowned heroes bump into each other and be­ raohs and used it to rebuild his army. Once more, Bak op­
gin fighting by mistake , only to settle their differences and posed the sorcerer. On the battlefield, Amanon tried
focus on their common enemy. Feel free to play up this casting a magic spell to imprison the Champion of Light
classic bit of com ic book storytelling. Who knows? Maybe within the scarab, but it failed . Bak cut down Amanon, kill­
by the end of this adventure, the heroes will have made a ing him, or so he thought.
powerful and permanent ally. Over the next few centuries, Bak encountered plans
However, If this initial confrontation ends with Amanon and persons that reminded him all too much of Amanon .
still on the loose, then the heroes have a major problem Questing for an answer, he eventually discovered Amanon
on their hands. The longer this sorcerer harasses them had trapped himself inside the scarab and could come
and wreaks havoc, the less patient Bak will be with the forth from it by possessing people. Bak petitioned the
player group's pleas that the host body (their N PC friend) Lords of Light who had g iven him his powers for some
be unharmed. And, the longer Amanon runs free, the way to sense the schemes of Amanon and was told of a
stronger he becomes. If left on h is own long enough, he way to acquire such power. The Lords of Light heeded
might even establish himself as a major supervillain in the Bak's call , and enabled him to sense where Amanon was
area, or he could move on to really radical things, like go­ whenever he was not hiding in the scarab. Armed with this
ing back to Egypt intent on conq uering the whole country. new power, Bak easily foiled Amanon's next few attempts
Sure, it would be a big challenge for even a supervi llain as to spread evil across Egypt. Finally, during the later Dy­
tough as Amanon, but it's not out of the realm of possibility nasties, the Church of Set came into possession of the
(especially if he raises a legion of dead to fight for him) . I n scarab, but Bak and the arm ies of Ra knew they had it.
this regard, the problems with this bad guy could j u m p t o a Even though the evil necromancer was not out of the crys­
much higher level than just the player characters trying to tal and Bak could not sense him, the soldiers of Light were
save their friend. What do they do when the Egyptian al ready marching to claim it. However, when they en­
Army targets him? Can you really convince the Egyptian gaged the fol lowers of Set and defeated them , no trace of
national government to not h u rt Amanon's body just be- the scarab could be found.
1 56
As the worship of the Sun God and other deities of
Egypt decl ined, Bak wore his human gu ise more and
more. Finally, he moved out into the world to oppose evil
wherever it reared its ugly head. He spent centuries mov­
ing about the nations of man, subtly helping where he
could. He usually made an obvious appearance to battle
the worst supernatural threats, which have been few in the
last 800 years, so he has kept a low profi le and is known
only to a handful of heroes. He has been haunted by the
disappearance of Amanon, believing the Wizard would not
depart this world so quietly. Finally, in the last decade of
the 20th century, he felt a tug and could sense a faraway
location , a sensation he had not felt in 2 ,000 years. As he
journeyed to meet Amanon again, he vowed this would be
their final conflict, no matter what the cost.
Bak Martuk, Eternal C hampion of Light
Alignment: Principled (but driven to stop Amanon)
Attributes: Human Form : 1 .0 . : 1 7, M . E . : 1 6, M.A. : 1 9 ,
P.S. : 1 5 , P . P . : 1 6, P . E . : 2 0 , P . B . : 1 6, Spd : 20.
Champion Form: 1 . 0 . : 1 7, M . E. : 25, M .A. : 35, P.S. : 35
(Supernatural) , P . P . : 2 1 , P. E . : 24, P . B . : 23, Spd: 1 00.
Size: Human Form : 6 feet ( 1 .8 m).
Champion Form : 7 feet, 2 inches (2. 1 5 m).
Weight: Human Form : 2 1 0 Ibs (95 kg)
Champion Form : 500 Ibs (225 kg)
Experience Level : 1 2th
H it Points: 84 (in both forms) .
S.D.C.: 50 in human form and 250 in Champion form .
Horror Factor: 1 4
Power Category: Special Mystically Bestowed Hero.
Major Abilities : Divine Aura and Immortality.
Minor Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Light (1 406 damage
or 1 D6x 1 4 or 2 D6x7 if you don't like rolling handfuls of
dice) .
Natural Abilities: Sense Evi l , See Aura (both automatic
and without cost; fu nction identical to the psioniC sensi­
tive abilities of the same names) , and Supernatural P.S.
when in champion form
Disposition : Bak Martuk has been fighting evil for millen­
nium and has specifically opposed Amanon on and off
for more than 3,000 years. He is definitely a proponent
of sacrificing the one for the many, and the player char­
acters will have a time convincing him to spare their
friend in return for their help in stopping Amanon . De­
spite his determination and fervor toward Amanon , Bak
is not consumed or insanely obsessed with the necro­
mancer's destruction , and can be convinced to temper
his methods, though it may take some effort to do so.
Appearance: In human form , Bak is a rather tal l , hand­
some man with classic Egyptian features and dark skin.
He prefers to dress rather sharply in suits and slacks,
looking like a successful, international businessman. As
the Immortal Champion of Light, he is tall and power­
fully built with a dusky skin tone tinged with blue. His
jaw is wide and strong, his nose almost non-existent,
and his head is bald except for a braided topknot of jet
black hair. Gold bracers encircle his arms, gilded falcon
wing armor covers chest, and a knee length tunic cov­
ers his upper legs. Thick sandals are all that protect his
1 57
Magic: Though not the natural Wizard that Amanon is, Since Bak's education is so wide-ranging, the G . M .
Bak can cast the following spells as per a Wizard of his may assign Bak a 1 5% t o 30% chance t o perform any
experience level: Tongues ( 1 2) , See the Invisible (4) , crucial task. However, his actual ski l l knowledge in­
Eyes of the Wolf (25) , Fly ( 1 5), Dispel Magic Barriers cludes: All ancient weapon proficiencies, all wilderness
(20) , Decipher Magic (4) , Eyes of Thoth (8) , Turn Dead skills (98%) , all domestic skills (98%) , Basic Mechanics
(6) , Seal (7) , Heal Wounds ( 1 0) , and Words of Truth (75%), Basic Electronics (60%) , all espionage skills ex­
( 1 5) . P . P . E . costs are listed in the parentheses. cept Sniper (70%, except tracking which is 85%) , Holis­
P.P.E.: 1 20 tic Medicine (88%) , Prowl (75%) , Streetwise (55%) ,
Combat: Equal to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Boxing, Swimming (98%) , Wrestling, Anthropology
Number of Attacks: 7 (89%), Archaeology (78%) , Astronomy (89%) , Botany
Bonuses: I n human form , Bak has + 1 to all rolls in addi­ (76%), and Chemistry (77%).
tion to his level bonuses for hand to hand skills. In Weapons and Melee Combat: I n addition to the bonuses
champion form (which he will assume for combat) , he given above, Bak is also skilled in the use of all kick at­
has the following bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike , tacks, paired weapons (all), and can make a leap attack
+5 to stri ke with ancient weapons (including bows) , +5 (critical strike) or perform a body flip/throw. He normally
to parry, +8 to parry with ancient weapons, +9 to strike carries a high-quality Egyptian sickle-sword that is +1 to
with throwing weapons, +5 to dodge, +3 to roll with strike, +2 to parry, and does 306+4 damage (does not
punch , fall or impact, +4 to disarm , +3 to pull punch , add to Supernatural punching damage).
Critical 1 8+, +20 damage, + 5 to save v s possession Restrained Punch : 206+2
and +3 vs Horror Factor. Normal punch: 506
Education Level and Skills: Bak has been educated Power Punch: 1 D6x1 0
over the years in a variety of methods and subjects.

When an alien transport ship crash-lands in the player flying debris and falling trees. Continued power loss and
characters' city and drops off several extraterrestrial mon­ other problems caused by the storm only make matters
sters (who promptly begin a killing spree) , it's up to them worse (This would be an opportune time for villains of ev­
to round 'em up before the Feds impound the whole city ery stripe to go nuts, looting and pillaging, or executing
(Can we say "Area 5 1 ?") . some other plan they had in mind). The characters may
have their hands full simply with the aftermath of this
event, but read on , for it has yet to conclude.
Section O n e : S p l ashdown As the storm reaches its peak, what sound like a pair of
The characters are spending an evening doing their incredibly loud, reverberating thunderclaps split the air.
Those farthest from the second thunderclap won't think
dinner, lounging about watching TV , or vigilantly patrolling
usual things to relax, like dancing, seeing a movie, having
anything is amiss, but those close to it won't be so sure.
the streets for crime (the latter for the truly obsessed or To them , it will have sounded like a building collapsed ,
rigidly scheduled vigilante) . At about 7:30 p.m. , the eve­ due to the terrific crushing, grinding sound they heard ac­
ning is distu rbed by a city-wide series of events. First, the company the thunderclap. That, and a series of ground
power flickers as the whole city experiences a brownout tremors went off when the thunderclap hit, knocking many
with intermittent periods of total power loss. The clouds people off their feet. To these folk, they know for certain
begin to roll and churn , almost unnaturally (but it would re­ that was no thunderclap. Something big and bad has hap­
quire eyewitness viewing by a meteorologist or someone pened . B ut what?
with Control Elemental Force: Air to verify that it is not a Eyewitnesses able to see where the booming sound
truly natural pattern) . Three or four minutes later, the originated (but not those beyond the immediate area) will
clouds burst, lashing the city with an unusually violent later report that the bad weather ceased immediately -
rainstorm. The rapid development of this event and its some will say it looked as if it was swept away by an invis­
freak size and power are too m uch for Control Elemental ible hand. A moment later, several buildings collapsed, al­
Force: Air to negate or noticeably affect. most like something had hit them! After that, the
Five minutes after the rain starts, the weather condi­ eyewitnesses can't add much detail, because they were
tions in the city resemble those of a hurricane (or blizzard all knocked to the ground by the subsequent shock wave.
depending where you r game is set) . H igh winds and rain Few people at the epicenter (in the buildings) survived it.
reduce visibility to near zero while n umerous rooftops are So far, the prOjected death toll from the event is at least
ripped off and dozens of people are injured or killed from 1 00, but the number is climbing rapidly as debris is
1 58
cleared away. Disaster experts on the scene predict the The public will accept the explanations given for the
death toll could be as high as five h undred. (G . M .s, tailor freak incident, but other official entities have their doubts
this to suit your particular campaign. If this happened in a and suspicions. Two or three days into the investigation ,
highly developed urban area, then a death tol l of 1 ,000 or which will continue as long as the rescue and clean-up ef­
more isn't out of the question , especially if it was a forts are underway, the Police Department will find small
high-rise apartment complex or condos, rather than empty bits of evidence to debunk the antimatter meteor theory,
office buildings that got hit. Or, if you'd rather not kill inno­ but they will keep it to themselves for several reasons.
cent civilians, you could always have an industrial park or The first is to keep the public calm . Since the people have
shopping center get leveled after hours) . accepted what happened , there's no need to shake them
Immediately following the thunderous sounds, the up with doubts. Secondly, a trio of serial killers seem to
weather moves quickly off to the northwest of the city and have entered town and the police have their hands full
dissipates. In the aftermath, authorities discover that the with that case, even to the point of pull ing all but a few in­
area from where the thunderclaps emanated is the site of vestigators from the meteor case . Thirdly, government
a large crater, surrounded by about a city block's worth of representatives have made contact with the Chief of Po­
destruction. Lighter damage can be found up to two miles lice and warned him to keep q uiet about any contradic­
(3.2 km) away! Authorities will quickly rule the incident as tions or new evidence until the investigation is completed
a large meteorite impact and set about repairing the dam­ and a full and proper assessment can be made. He was
age. The strange atmospheric conditions can also be at­ also told to expect a Government investigation and that he
tributed to a meteor. should accommodate it as best he can ; share information ,
Two days later, the theory that it was actually a pel­ etc.
let-sized antimatter meteor is put forth . Its explosion on The serial killers running rampant through the city are
contact with solid matter explains the lack of any meteor actually escaped alien creatures which were being trans­
debris as well as the large , but shallow crater. As far as ported on the spacecraft that crashed . When the craft
the public is concerned, the incident has been su itably ex­ touched down in the center of the city, the section holding
plained and is now behind them (as behind them as a those monsters was sheared open and a number of them
space object coll ision in their hometown can be, anyway). tumbled out. They promptly spread out to hide under the
Periodic reports on the repairs to the city and their effects cover of the chaos generated by the crash ing ship. Each
on the citizens will be among the most visible lasting ef­ of the monsters was being held as part of a zoo-like ex­
fects of the catastrophe. hibit and will revel in its freedom (as best it can , some are
Over the next few days, memorials for the dead gain merely animals) . The escaped monsters include a
widespread television coverage , as do visits from the Vice Riathenor, Brakkana, Morphos, Dark Breeze, and Aquatic
President, the Governor, and a host of d isaster-rel ief orga­ Beast. All are found, in detail, in the Aliens Unlimited™
nizations. After that, nationwide and worldwide news pro­ sourcebook except for the Aquatic Beast, but their stats
grams will busy themselves with discussing the renewed are reprinted below for the reader's convenience.
cal l for research on averting further coll isions with N EOs Once the kill ings start, the government observers will
(Near-Earth Objects) . Meanwhile in movie theaters, rightfully figure it to be more than a coincidence and will
re-releases of disaster flicks break all box office records. assume that there are murderous aliens in the city. Five
In the short run , the people of the city are desperate to days after the freak storm and meteor incident, two covert
move on with their lives. Local news programs heed this teams from the government's Alien Investigation Division
call , and begin focusing on local stories not affiliated with (AI D) , Project Tyche (see Aliens Unlimited™ for full de­
the meteorite strike. To that end, the biggest news item tails on this organization , too), will arrive to take charge of
lately has been the activities of what appear to be a small the investigations. One team will direct and partiCipate in
group of serial killers operating within the city. the police investigation of the serial killers while the other
will concentrate on finding any evidence of the alien
G.M. I nfo for Section One spacecraft which they are sure is still in the area. Player
The City-shaking incident described above was indeed characters have five days to do what they can before they
an object from outer space , but it was not a meteor or par­ have to compete with or take orders from the Government
ticle of anti-matter that exploded. In actuality, the city was (depending on their occupations and standings. Alien
hit by a large spacecraft using a cloaking device. The at­ characters may even find themselves the target of the
mospheric disturbance was caused by the cloaking field Tyche Operatives) .
wh ich charged up while in contact with the atmosphere.
The craft actually h it several buildings and slammed into Adventure Timel i ne
the street before thrusting back into the air and clearing Note: This is an outline of events that may transpire
the city to crash into a forested area (or desert, fields, over time. If the player heroes are actively on the job,
lake, ocean, or any other convenient isolated locale not things may be resolved much more q uickly. Furthermore,
too far from the city) . The spacecraft will eventually be the G.M. can adjust and add to this outline as he or she
found, but for now, the few items it left behind in the city sees fit.
will be the focus of attention (read on and see later sec­ Day 1 : At about 7:30 p . m . , the weather disturbance
tions for full detai ls) . shakes the city, then qu ickly dissipates, leaving significant

1 59
but localized damages in its wake. At the impact site, in begin "breeding" a small colony, but it will take five years
addition to those wounded by the shock waves and dam­ for another adult Riathenor to be ready to go out.
aged buildings, the remains of bodies (some apparently Day 23: The cloaking device on the spacecraft finally
eaten away by acid) are found - victims of the Morphos. fails and its location is revealed (see Section Seven for
Other bodies killed by the Dark Breeze are also found more detai lS) .
here, but autopsies will not reveal their strange state until The following pages contain full details on each of the
day six. monsters loose in the city. In a sense, each of the aliens
Day 2: The meteor theory is first used by authorities. represents a sort of sub-adventure, with the mystery of the
The first victim of the Dark Breeze is found away from the spacecraft representing the last. Due to the n umber of ele­
crash site. ments involved and their possible complexity (play testing
Day 3: The antimatter meteor theory is proposed and this adventu re took several game sessions) , the G . M . can
widely accepted. The first remains of the Morphos' victims decide how many of them the player group actually has to
away from the impact site are discovered. Except for the tangle with and which ones m ight be dealt with by the au­
Morphos, which is heading out of the city, all of the es­ thorities or other superbeings - a n umber of them can be
caped alien creatures have found lairs and are staking out handled by the police or Project Tyche, or they can es­
their hunting grounds. cape and resurface at a later time.
Day 4: The first of the "serial ki ller" bodies are found. Another option is to have all of the monsters except the
These are victims of the Riathenor, Brakkana, and Morphos go pretty m uch undetected for some time, maybe
Morphos, combined. The Morphos is located away from even until after the spacecraft is discovered. Then the
the other two, but the Riathenor and Brakkana's territories group can learn about the ship's manifest and the warn­
will separate as they fight for hunting grounds. The ings about its dangerous cargo.
Riathenor will win and the Brakkana will shift his hunting in
a southwestern direction.
If no one else has tracked down the Morphos, uncon­
The Riathenor
firmed news that the authorities have found and captured Without a doubt, the Riathenor i s the deadliest of the
or killed a strange monster will circulate. People in the monsters loose in the city. Only the Brakkana rivals its in­
area of the creatu re are told by the authorities to stay in­ tell igence, and then only if it survives long enough (see
doors at night and lock all entryways, even second and Section Three for more info) . None of the other creatures
third floor windows. can match the Riathenor's cunning and cruelty, nor can
Day 6 : More bodies continue to turn up from the other any of the others use magic or long-range attacks. Taking
creatures while the first victim of the Aquatic Beast will be on the Riathenor is like hunting down an entire Special
found (if it is being used in the adventure) . This is also the Forces team rolled into one super-tough opponent. The
day that the teams from Project Tyche arrive in town to Riathenor thinks, plans, and uses tactics. It has memo­
take over the investigation . They will remain behind the rized the territory within a mile ( 1 .6 km) of its lair and uses
scenes for about a day as they organ ize to go out into the that knowledge to lay traps and ambush spots along every
field. possible avenue of approach.
Day 7: Eyewitness descriptions of the Brakkana and
Riathenor are received from a few people who see them 11 6 + (continues
Vi c t i m Map North )
fighting from a distance. G6
( c i rc l e ro u g hl y corre sponds
Day 8: With the rising body counts and rumors of "mon­ t o dow n t o w n a r e a ) t1 5
sters" or madmen on a killing spree, the people of the city X = Ori q i n a l crash s i te
o 11 4
will begin to stay indoors at n ight. At this point, the player
03 Gl
characters should be on the case. If not, they should prob­ 04 04

ably be under fairly intense pressu re to get involved by 03

2 R8 11 3
one or more of the following: fellow superbeings, the me­ 04
G6 85
dia, local law enforcement, and maybe their normal friends G4
B G3
and family. B8 G3
G2 G9
G9 01
Day 1 0: Mandatory curfews are established by the au­ X Gl
t-n G2
thorities. The city is in a panic. There's talk of the Federal 85
Government q uarantining the city and sending in their own Gl
86 G6
Super-Squad to help end the killing and chaos. Rumors on B9 R6
the street tell of mutilated bodies, some of them half
eaten ! R
= Ria thenor
Mo rpho e s
Vic tim
Day 1 4: By the second week, the full manpower of Pro­ o

= Da r k 8ree ze V i c t im
ject Tyche will be called in with military support to find any 8 = 8rakkana V i c t im

remaining monsters. • = Da y v i c t i m d i s covered

( no t a lways day killed)
Day 1 6: If the Riathenor is not caught by this time, it will
G Missing People (Ma inly ta ken b y
have acclimated and found a way to split itself. It will then =

the Riathenor o r 8ra k kana )

1 60
the kills in the territory of its rival, the sated Riathenor es­
tablished its lair in the rafters of a long-unused hangar at
the edge of the city's ai rport. It continues to roam away
from its lair to hunt, thus leaving any evidence of its pres­
ence far from its actual dwelling.
Within a few days, the Riathenor real ized it was ma­
rooned on this planet, so it began making preparations to
jump directly back to its home dimension . To do this, the
creature will either have to find an Earth Wizard with the
right dimensional knowledge, or he must ascend to the
level of a Riathenor Dagotte. Finding a Wizard might entail
going after Vadimar (from the Down the Line adventure) ,
Gary Pender (from the Loose in the City adventure) , or
some other noteworthy mage (for this, even an appropri­
ately skilled player character may do).
As for the other option of becoming a Riathenor
Dagotte, the Riathenor is not sure if it can make more of
its kind in Earth's low magical environment. So, it must ex­
periment. That requires P . P . E . , so the creature kills people
to siphon off theirs. It enjoys gorging itself and the replen­
ishment of its energies is only a thin disguise for the thrill
of the easy kills found on this world. As it hunts, it also
seeks a worthy host for its offspring, once it is sure it can
make a viable one.
To reproduce , the Riathenor separates a piece of itself
into a small , independent entity. This is usually a coopera­
tive effort between two Riathenor who combine certain as­
pects of each into a unique being, but it can certainly be
done by one with enough P . P . E . energies and the right
environment. Failed separations result in a brutish mon­
ster that can grow to the size of a car, but only if a host
that big, such as a horse, cow, or similarly large animal , is
available. Unlike the parent Riathenor, these monsters
have little more than animal intelligence and instincts.
They will take orders from a Riathenor without question,
but are little use beyond warfare and labor. Of course in
this situation , a guard dog the size of a horse with the ar­
mor and weapons of a Riathenor might be useful to the
stranded alien, but it won't do m uch to help him find a way
home or to build up his strength.
At this pOint, it will take four years for any Riathenor off­
spring to mature and take a host. This can provide the
G . M . with some interesting campaign possibilities, with the
Riathenor com ing in as recurring villains as they grow in
strength and number. Full information on these aliens,
their brutish children, and some added su rprises will ap­
pear in the upcoming Heroes Unlimited™ Galaxy Guide.
The Riathenor will h unt on the fringes of society, prey­
ing on the homeless, street criminals, runaways, and other
folk who won't be easily missed. The Riathenor takes its
victims back to its feeding den , a separate lair in an aban­
doned junkyard a mile ( 1 .6 km) from its home at the air­
port. It lives and feeds in separate locations to throw off
potential h unters and trackers. (Eventually, the feeding
After it escaped from the damaged spacecraft, the den will smell, and the Riathenor doesn't want to attract
Riathenor quickly moved away from the crash site, follow­ attention to its living space. )
ing the Brakkana at a distance . Once the Brakkana made The first victims o f the Riathenor that authorities will
a kill (wh ich didn't take very long) , the Riathenor did the find were left behind after the fight with the Brakkana (see
same , gorging itself on the P . P . E . of its victims. Leaving the Brakkana description for details) . Subseq uent victims
1 61
will be taken to the feeding den if possible, though in some Natural Abilities: Heightened senses, including U ltravio­
cases, the creature will deem it necessary to leave in a let Vision , I nfrared Vision , and Heightened Sense of
hu rry for one reason or another and may leave behind Hearing (all identical to the minor super abilities of the
bodies or partial remains. It can only teleport itself and an same name; see bonuses below) ; Supernatural P.S.
additional 50 Ibs (23 kg) of weight and will only take part of and Extraordinary P.E.; regenerates 1 04x1 0 damage
the victim if it has to feed that night. every 30 minutes; impervious to gases, poisons, drugs,
If the player characters have access to the bodies of toxins, disease, fire and heat (even M . O.C. and magical
the Riathenor's victims, they might notice that the corpses fires) ; can easily leap 20 feet (6 m); and can survive in
bear wounds from some kind of customized blade weapon any environment, including those with no atmosphere
(the laceration patterns match no blade types on record). (vacu um).
Furthermore, the severity of the wounds (some of the bod­ Magic: Riathenors have natural, innate spell-like abilities.
ies have severed limbs) indicate that the attacker was in­ See Aliens Unlimited™ or the upcoming Galaxy
h umanly strong. A skilled forensic examiner (or a G uide™ for more i nformation . This Riathenor has the
character who makes a successful forensics roll) can de­ following spells: Tongues ( 1 2 ) , See the I nvisible (4) ,
termine that the victims were taken by surprise and proba­ Mystic Shield ( 1 0 ) , Eyes of the Wolf (25 ) , Fireball ( 1 0) ,
bly died very quickly. Chameleon ( 6 ) , Fly ( 1 5) , Wall of Flame ( 1 5) , Dispel
Magic Barriers (20) , Invisibility (superior; 20) and
Teleport (Self; 1 50) - statistically identical to Teleport:
Since the victims were chosen by the Riathenor for sim­
ple convenience (it was hungry and they were available) ,
they will have little or nothing in common . That will foil Superior, but only the caster and 50 additional pounds
standard FBI profiles for serial killer behavior, placing the of weight can be transported. All spells function nor­
investigation back to Square One as far as the authorities mally except as otherwise indicated. P . P . E . costs are
are concerned. Anyone from the H unterNigiiante power listed in the parentheses.
category who has a chance to exam ine the bodies or the P.P.E.: 1 90
various crime scenes, however, will realize that they were Combat: Equal to Hand to Hand: Expert.
the victims of a hunter, not a murderer. G iven the crea­ Number of Attacks: 7
ture's hunting patterns so far, the best bet to capture the Bonuses: +8 on initiative, +7 to strike, +9 to strike with
monster would be to stake out areas where large numbers swords, +9 to parry, + 1 1 to parry with swords, +5 to
of transients, low-lifes and other street people are found. strike with ranged weapons (aimed), + 1 0 to dodge, +2
There, perhaps, the creature could be spotted and trapped to roll with punch , fal l or impact, +3 to pull punch, and
or killed. +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
Education Level and Skills: Equal to a M i litary Special­
The wily Riathenor is skilled at detecting traps , and
ist. Concealment (58%) , Detect Ambush (75%) , Detect
neutralizing it won't be easy. The alien's prime motive is
Concealment (70%) , Tracking (70%), Wilderness Sur­
survival , so if it senses an impending ambush , it will try to
vival (80%) , Acrobatics, Climbing (98%) , Prowl (85%) ,
avoid contact or run away. It will only attack the heroes in
W.P. Sword, W.P. Heavy, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. En­
self-defense and if it feels it can kill one or more of them
ergy Rifle, Computer Operation (85%) , Navigation (al l)
and still have an excellent chance of getting away. It will
(85%), Read Sensory Equipment (65%) , and Advanced
also avoid the other escaped creatures because it feels
Mathematics (80%) .
that they are careless and will be qu ickly captured by the
Weapons and Melee Combat: Full details on the weap­
local authorities. If the Riathenor itself is discovered , it will
onry of the Riathenor can be found in Aliens Unlim­
move to another area of town and lay low until the atten­
ited™ and the upcoming HU2 Galaxy Guide™ . Only
tion dies down. If it is hounded again and again (most
the necessary statistics are given below. Obviously,
likely by the player heroes) , it will move on to another city.
they are truly deadly in melee combat.
Riathenor Restrained Punch: 206+20

Attributes : L a . : 1 4, M . E . : 1 2, M.A.: 7, P.S.: 35, P . P . : 24,

Alignment: Miscreant Normal Punch: 506+20
Power Punch : 1 06x1 0+20, but uses up two attacks.
P . E . : 30, P . B . : 7, Spd : 58 Large Blades (right arm) : 306 plus normal punch damage
Size: 7 feet, 3 inches (2.2 m). (506+20) . A paired weapons attack with both blades in­
Weight: 350 Ibs (1 57 .5 kg) flicts 1 04x1 0 plus normal punch damage.
Experience Level : 7th Crescent Blades (left arm): 204+2 plus normal punch
Armor Rating: 1 5 (natural). damage.
H it Points: 1 49 Small Body Blades @!l over): Add 1 06 damage to all
S.D.C.: 300 kicks, punches, body slams, tackles, or other attacks.
Horror Factor: 1 2 They also do 1 06 damage to anyone using body slams,
Disposition: The Riathenor is a cold and calculating pred­ tackles, grapples, or pinning attacks against the
ator. Since there are no other Riathenors on Earth, no Riathenor.
living creature on this planet is worth this monster's Plasma Launcher (right shoulder): 506 or a dou­
consideration . People and animals are simply food. ble-barreled blast for 1 06x 1 O. Range: 3,000 feet ( 9 1 2 m);
Above that , the creatu re is alone and its su rvival is par­ Payload: 12 blasts per barrel which regenerate every 1 2
amount. It will never bluff or pass up an opportun ity to hours.
preserve itself.
1 62
Heat Blaster (left shou lder) : 4D6 damage; Range: 1 ,200 hunting too close to its lair is dangerous, but unlike the
feet (365 m); Payload : Unlimited. Riathenor, it will not take pains to draw attention away
Particle Beam Gun (left arm): 6D6 damage; Range: 500 from its home. After a while, its kills will form a rough circle
feet ( 1 52 m) ; Payload: Unlimited, but only 4 blasts can be around the general location of its lair. Originally, the
fired per melee round (each uses one attack) . Brakkana's hunting grounds were quite close to the crash
Plasma Ejector (left arm): 1 D4x 1 0 damage; Range: 2,400 site , and some eyewitnesses may even have caught a
feet (730 m); Payload : Effectively unlimited, but only 2 glimpse of him. A day or two later, it ran into the
blasts can be fired per melee round (each uses one at­ Riathenor, which drove it away to find other streets to
tack). hunt. The change in hunting grounds posed little problem
The two shoulder systems are independent, but linked for the beast, and the list of its victims continued to grow.
to the helmet (+2 to strike) . Each can be fired at different The Brakkana will be one of the most obvious of the
targets or aimed at the same one for combined damage in killers. Most of its victims' bodies will be found, for unlike
a single attack. the Riathenor with its hidden den , it takes them to a quiet
place to eat, then leaves the remains out in the open. The
Brakkana Dark Breeze will certainly have more victims, but the con­
dition of the Brakkana's victims will be more striking to in­
Unlike the Riathenor, which plans t o escape from this vestigators and the public (see Section Five: The Dark
world, the Brakkana likes it here. The Brakkana is a cruel Breeze for more info) . Forensics will show that they were
and domineering hunter that takes pleasu re in gorging it­ killed by powerful blows from an edged weapon, but defi­
self on humans (a rare delicacy not easily found through­ nitely not the same razor sharp blades used in the
out the galaxy). And with so many people nearby, it would Riathenor murders. The Brakkana eats almost all of its
be out of its mind to leave such a fertile hunting ground. victims' bodies, leaving little else besides blood and a few
The Brakkana hides during the day and hunts after bones with tatters of meat on them . Identifying them is
dark. Despite its low intell igence, it instinctually knows that rarely difficult, for the Brakkana leaves wallets and pu rses

(.BrQQUX � • SIEMS/EllA · .,.,

1 63
behind (it has no interest in them). DNA matches against Bio-regenerate 306 Hit Points/S . D . C . per minute; Su­
blood or other genetic material at the scene, as well as pernatural P.S. and Extraordinary P . E . ; poisons and
dental matches against any human teeth left behind, also drugs do half damage and have half duration and ef­
help 10 the victims. fect; Can easily leap 25 feet (7.6 m); and can magically
The early bodies, those found on Day 4, will be only understand any language.
partially eaten (since the Riathenor would harass the Magic: Breathe Without Air (5) , Call Lightning (1 5) , Fire­
Brakkana during feeding) , giving an indication of the ball (1 0), Dispel Magic Barrier (20) , Mystic Shield (1 0) ,
killer's mouth and largely discounting the possibility of a Paralysis: Lesser (5) , Speed of the Snail (50) , Eyes of
human committing the crimes. Later bodies will be found the Wolf (25) , Fly as the Eagle (25) , Teleport: Lesser

two for each additional La. point it gains after reaching

with the skull cracked open and the brains missing. ( 1 5) , Chameleon (6) , Wal l of Flame ( 1 5) , plus select
As the Brakkana continues to feed on humans, specifi­
1 2 and two for each new level of experience.
ually boosting its La. rating. If this particular Brakkana
cally the brains, it absorbs some of their intelligence, grad­
P.P.E.: 1 90
isn't caught by the sixth day, its La. will reach 1 2 and it
C ombat: Natural combat ability and paired weapons (fore­
will evolve into a Brakkana Leader. Its thought patterns arm blades) .
will become more logical and less bestial, thinking things Number of Attacks: 6
through before acting on them . At this point, it will go into Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +6 to strike, +7 to parry, +5 to
hiding and begin disguising its kills to cover its presence in dodge, +1 to roll with punch , fall or impact, and +6 save
a manner similar to that of the Riathenor. It will also de­ vs Horror Factor.
vote itself to practicing its innate magical skills, eventually Education Level and Skills: None to start, other than
developing additional spells. Tracking (75%) , Wilderness Survival (85%) , Swimming
(98%) , Climbing (90%) , and Prowl (75%) . After Day 6 it
The fully intell igent Brakkana will begin hunting more
will begin to learn other useful skills (such as Street­
and more i ntelligent prey, such as scholars and doctors, in
a quest to enhance its own brain power. Unfortunately for
Weapons and Melee Combat: The Brakkana has two
the beast, this will only increase its chances of discovery,
main weapons: its sword-like arms. Very little else in
since nabbing a neurologist is considerably more difficult
the way of combat is available to it, but it can still kick,
to do than nabbing a bum or street walker. Of course, the
tackle, gore with its horns, and head-butt with its bony
monster will get smarter after each kill, so it's plausible
ridged head. Remember, the Brakkana has paired
that it might elude capture, even as it h it higher and higher
weapons skill with its blades and can double the listed
profile targets. Assuming the Brakkana stays alive and
damages by using a twin strike; however, doing so for­
free it could evolve into a permanent adversary for the
feits the monster's automatic parry ability until its next
player characters. Most likely, it would start working as an
enforcer or assassin for a local crime lord and work its
Kick with Claws: 506
way up the ran ks by removing its rivals and superiors.
Normal Blade Slice: 1 D4x1 0
Brakkana Power Blade Slice : 2D4x1 0, but uses up two attacks.
Gore with Horns: 406
Attributes: La. : 6, but it will reach 1 2 by Day 6 and will
Alignment: Diabolic
Head-Butt: 306+ save vs Non-Lethal poison or be
stunned for 1 04 actions.
one point each time L a . increases; max 1 1 ) , P.S. : 29,
max out at 1 4 on Day 40, M . E . : 1 6, M . A . : 5 (goes up by

P.P. : 1 9, P . E . : 24, P . B . : 3, Spd: 34 Morphos

Size: 8 feet, 1 0 inches (2.74 m). The Morphos is the least intell igent of the marauding
Weight: 440 Ibs ( 1 98 kg) monsters. It falls from the spacecraft and makes its way
Experience Level : 8th north, eating anything that gets in its way as it moves.
Armor Rating: 1 5 (natural). When it first arrives in the city, it is only about the size of a
Hit Points: 50 55 gallon (208 liter) drum or a h unched-over person. The
S.D.C. : 2 1 0 G . M . may even decide to have the creature torn into sev­
Horror Factor: 1 5 eral smaller pieces on impact and have each go off in a
Disposition : Ruthless, cruel and cunning. I n itially, all the different direction (one can go into the sewers, one can
Brakkana wants to do is eat and find a secure den. It move into a high-rise building and work its way down , a
quickly develops a taste for humans and enjoys hunting third can follow the route outlined here, and so on).
them. As its intelligence grows, the creature will remain The Morphos is simple: It wants to eat and grow larger,
ruthless and brutal, but cunning intelligence will replace then separate and do it agai n . If not stopped , its multiples
its feral instincts. Instead of simply surviving, as it had will kill everything on Earth , then go into stasis and wait for
when less intelligent, it will seek a permanent place of some way to get off of the planet. Fortunately for Earth ,
power and control. some superhuman heroes or organization will stop that
Natural Abilities : See the invisible; impervious to fire and from happen ing, but a fai r amount of havoc can occur
heat (M . D .C. and magical fires do half damage) ; track along the way. (Note: A scenario where a Morphos has
by smell 66%; smell blood from one mile (1 .6 km) away taken over an entire planet might serve for an unrelated ,
and follow the blood scent at 78% proficiency; fun galactic campaign) .
1 64
P.P. , P.B. and M .A. are not applicable, P . S . : 1 5 , but it in­
creases by +2 per day as it feeds, P . E . : 26, Spd: 1 0
Size: Roughly 6 cubic feet (0. 1 7 cubic m) to start, but it
expands by about 4 cubic feet (0. 1 1 cubic m) per day.
Weight: 230 Ibs (1 03.5 kg) to start, but gains at least that
much per day.
Experience Level : 8th
H it Points: 30 to start, but it gains 5 per day to a maxi­
mum of 80 on Day 1 0.
S.D.C.: 30 to start, but it gains a frightening 2D6x 1 0 per
Horror Factor: 1 0 to start, but gains 1 per day to a maxi­
mum of 1 5 on Day 5.
Disposition : Contin uously hungry predator.
Natural Abilities: Does not register on thermal sensors;
it's not alive in the human or animal sense (does not
show up on Presence Sense, Sense Evi l , or other such
detecting powers) . Immune to cold damage of any kind,
but fire, plasma, microwave, and particle beam weap­
ons (or similar energies, such as Energy Expulsion: En­
ergy and Fireball spells) do full damage ! All other forms
of attack do only 25% of their normal damage, including
punching, clubbing, stabbing, kicking, shooting, sonic
attack, vibrations, electrical attacks, and powers with
similar results.
Mind affecting psionics have no effect on the
Morphos (including empathy) , but pyrokinesis and simi­
lar powers will (though electrokinesis will only do 25%
normal damage, see above). Nor is it affected by paral­
The Morphos enjoys the availability of food here, but ysis, and it is immune to Horror Factor, gases, toxins,
unlike the Riathenor and Brakanna, it is not a tactical or drugs, poisons, suffocation , disease and drowning.
wise hunter. These creatures can hunt undetected for sev­ Bio-Regenerates by eating: each h uman-sized victim
eral days because of their liquid appearance (they are restores 606 Hit Points/S.D.C.
easily mistaken for a puddle or when viewed from above , Psionics: Though not an active psionic, the creature has
a small swimming pool) and they leave virtually no trace of a n umber of pSionic-type abilities. Presence Sense to
their victims behind. Also, it is a night hunter and rests in track prey ( 1 ,000 feet/305 m), Empathy ( 1 ,000 feet/305
shady areas during the day, fu rthering its innocuous ap­ m) to track prey via fear and other strong emotions, and
pearance. It is fond of infiltrating single-fam ily homes un­ See Aura (the only way it can actually "see" its prey).
der the cover of darkness and eating the occupants as All are automatic and req uire no I .S . P . This creature is
they sleep. Given the generally si lent way in which it kills, so alien that it can not communicate or be controlled in
its feeding won't attract much attention , at least not until a any way. Telepathic or empathic probes only register
few days later when the police are called to investigate the hunger.
missing people. Combat: Natural combat ability (see below) .
Each crime scene where the Morphos has fed will con­ Number of Attacks: 3
tain traces of an organic acid (the alien's digestive en­ Bonuses: +2 to strike and +6 to roll with punch, fall , or im­
zyme) . Further investigation will reveal the known crimes pact. The creature can not dodge, but anything solid
form a rather straight line heading north from the site of that hits it is held fast and absorbed (see Aliens Unlim­
the meteor impact. It won't be long after that before some­ ited™ for full details) .
one follows the line to the Morphos' current location. Un­ Weapons and Melee Combat: The Morphos has only
fortunately, by that time it will be h uge and pose quite a one attack form : It flows like gelatin or thick oil onto the
problem for local authorities. In this case, if the Federal target and secretes powerful organic acids, dissolving it
Agents aren't already in town, they will be cal led in. for absorption. This attack inflicts 2 D4x1 0 damage per
melee round to victims with no protection or only wear­
The Morphos will likely be the most straightforward of
the monsters to deal with. Once it is discovered, tracking ing clothing. Player characters with a natural A.A. of 7+
and locating it won't be difficult, but killing or containing it take only 1 D4x1 0, and player characters in metal/ce­
ramic armor or who have mineral/stone/metal skin take
might be.
606 damage per melee round of exposu re.
Morphos A 1 Ox1 Ox1 0 foot (3x3x3 m) Morphos will engulf a hu­
man-sized victim in four rou nds. Once the victim is bro­
Attributes: La.: 5 , equal to a predatory animal , M . E . ,
Alignment: Considered a Miscreant predator.
ken down and absorbed (it takes an extra full melee
1 65
round for the Morphos to absorb a dissolved target) , the The Dark Breeze reproduces asexually, but to do so, it
alien immediately gains 6D6 S.D.C. and adds 1 0% to must first supercharge itself as detailed under the
its size. Pulling oneself free of the monster can be done Bio-Ghost power description. However, the Dark Breeze
if only a single limb is ensnared (either by the initial at­ supercharges just a little differently. Because of the crea­
tack of the monster or from someone ignorant of the ture's feeding requirements (must absorb/eat 50 S.D.C.lhit
creature's natu re parrying or hitting it with their arms or pOints per day) , its supercharging does not begin until it is
legs) . The following chart lists the protection of an indi­ satiated for the day. Additionally, a Dark Breeze typically
vidual (or the ensnared limb) , the P.S. needed to pull gorges itself on ten times that amount when it can. Thus,
them free , and the damage taken doing such . the alien may begin to su percharge after it has eaten 50
No Protection/Clothing: Combined 40 P.S. and does S . D . C . , but it does so at a rate of one level for every 50
1 D4x1 0 to the limb (this will cause severe trauma; im­ S.D.C. absorbed instead of for each touch. Thus, the first
posing severe injury modifiers and requiring the player 50 S.D.C. merely satisfies the monster, and the next 50
character to seek medical attention.) S.D.C. would add +1 to P . S . , add 5 points of Spd, add 5
Natural A.A. of 7+: Combined 30 P.S. and does 2D6 pOints of S . D . C . , + 1 to save vs poison , and would heal
damage (Note: If engulfed, takes 1 0 times as long to di­ 1 D4 damage (if any was taken). Each additional 50 S.D.C.
gest) . would add the same bonuses, to a maximum of 12 times.
Metal/Ceramic Armor or M i neral/Stone/Metal Skin: Additionally, if the Dark Breeze consumes 400 S.D.C. in
Combined 20 P.S. and does 1 D4 damage (only take 1 0 minutes (the time frame for the Dark Breeze's
1 0% damage from the acid, but armors will lose integ­ Bio-Ghost ability is different from the standard ability) , it
rity when 60% of their S.D.C. is gone and those inside also gains +2 to initiative and two additional attacks.
will then be in the No Protection/Clothing category. Now that the creature is fully supercharged, it can begin
separating into two creatures, but just because it is all
Dark B reeze jazzed up does not mean it will necessarily pull it off. The
"birthing" process req uires an additional 200 S.D.C. within
The Dark Breeze operates very m uch like the Morphos 5 minutes of its start. With the average adu lt having 20 to
in that it moves directly away from the impact site , feeding 24 combined Hit Points and S . D . C . , the whole process re­
eagerly as it goes. Unlike the Morphos, the Dark Breeze is quires at least 35 victims (about 25 to charge up and
intangible and can move through walls and other obstruc­ about another 1 0 to split). A neighborhood gathering in­
tions, thus it will make much better time than the other side the quarantine (as the residents discuss their plight,
monsters. This intangibility will also help keep it hidden , for example) would be a perfect opportunity for this. Of
since those who spot it will probably as.s ume it is just a
fleeting shadow or optical ill usion. That is, un less it sees
them and attacks, but by that time, it will be too late. Es­
caping from the Dark Breeze is al most impossible for a
normal human unfamiliar with the creature.
While the Dark Breeze's intangibility makes it almost
impossible to find, its feeding method makes it very easy
to track. The alien drains its victims' life energies, leaving
the body behind intact and with no visible marks. Since it
has no way of disposing of the corpses, Dark Breeze vic­
tims are often found soon after their death. At first glance ,
it will appear as if the victims died of heart failure, stroke,
or some other such cause. Psion ics and mages may de­
tect something amiss, but fai ling that, the only thing that
will tip off authorities to this killer is the trail of bodies left in
its wake. Even then , until the police are sure they are
dealing with an exotic predator, they will categorize it as
some kind of disease or poison and will quarantine those
areas, effectively locking the prey in with their hunter.
As more people succumb to the strange killer, the epi­
demic theory will grow stronger until something happens
to change their minds. Individual investigators are likely to
discount disease (finding no symptoms or presence of mi­
crobes) and poisoning (again, due to lack of any evi­
dence) , but the administration will have little choice but to
maintain the quarantine until further evidence is found.
The G.M. can decide if and when someone will see some­
thing or if the Project Tyche people move in to take over,
but one prime chance to catch the culprit is given below.

1 66
course, 35 is a minimal n umber and what gluttonous Dark is aquatic, not amphibious, but it is large and tough
Breeze would settle for that? There are also sporting enough to drag itself, even over a few miles, to the
events, rallies, and dozens of other potential scenes for a life-saving waters it needs. In the chaos of the impact and
showdown . Besides, once the split finishes, both Dark the torrential rains (another reason it can initially survive
Breezes will be fam ished from the ordeal and ready to while getting to water) , it could easi ly go unnoticed, being
gorge themselves. mistaken for a car in the showers and confusion .
Dark Breeze G.M. Note: If you choose not to use the Aq uatic Beast
or have no ready water for it to live i n , it can be the first
Attributes: La.: 7, M . E . 1 7, M .A. : 3, P.S. : 8 when materi­
Alignment: Diabolic
monster found, having died mere hours after the rain
al ized or on the astral plane, P . P . : 1 4, P . E . : Not appl ica­ ends. You may even want to have the characters tussle
ble, Spd: 30 with it near the impact site , thus using it as a tool to set the
Size: 7 feet (2. 1 m) mood of the adventures while simultaneously removing it
Weight: None, intangible. from the scenarios. This wou ld also give the characters
Experience Level : None, but pSionics operate at 8th level reason to suspect there may be other creatures loose
of experience. (though they may mistakenly think they are all like this
H it Points: 40 one) , a belief justified when the "serial" ki ll ings start.
S.D.C.: 40; 80 on the Astral Plane. Once it finds a body of water, the Aquatic Beast will be
Horror Factor: 1 2 the most difficult to find. Its victims will rest on the bottom
Disposition : Gluttonous supernatural predator. of Davy Jones' Locker, so they won't be spotted. Even if
Natural Abilities: Does not register on any sensors (no missing persons are reported near the water, an underwa­
temperature, weightless, noiseless, and intangible) , but ter search effort is difficult to carry out under the best con­
does register on Presence Sense, Sense Evil , or other ditions, much less when a wily alien predator is involved.
such detecting powers. Immune to all physical damage For the most part, it will sit on the bottom , waiting for prey
when intangible (see the I ntangibility super ability for to pass by.
fu ll details. Note that I ntangibility is its normal state of The Beast is smart enough to avoid ships, nets, and
existence and can not be canceled). Mind affecting other objects, but it will not be able to resist snacking on
pSionics affect the Dark Breeze (see bonuses, how­ any divers that go poking around the depths. Thus, once
ever) , but physical ones are limited by its intangibility the authorities get onto the trail of the monster, it won't be
(again, see the power description). Imm une to long before they are quite sure that they are dealing with a
Bio-Manipulation , gases, toxins, drugs, poisons, and large, carnivorous animal of some kind. Forensics may ini­
suffocation or drowning. Bio-Regenerates by super­ tially mistake the monster's victims for shark victims (if
charging. Prowls at 80%; this is a visual prowl, the along an ocean) . However, a more detailed examination
creature makes no noise when it moves. shows that while the victims' bodies bear shark-like bite
Psionics: The creature is a partially active psionic with a marks, they also seem to have been held by sucker tenta­
presence on the Astral Plane, but its active psi-abilities cles. Each tentacle also ends with a single large claw or
are not extensive: Empathy, M ind Block, Detect talon , the wounds of which will further complicate forensic
Psionics, and Astral Projection. I . S . P . : 1 2 . conclusions, except to say that whatever killed these vic­
Combat: No real combat abilities other than natural skills. tims was most certainly not a normal animal ("This was
Number of Attacks: 3 not a boating accident!") .
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to dodge, +6 to save vs Any bodies found will b e completely devoured with only
psionics and +8 vs Horror Factor. bones left and many of those will be broken or chewed
Weapons and Melee Combat: Each touch/attack by the into pieces. Considering that bodies will be eaten in the
Dark Breeze drains the victim of 1 D6+ 1 Hit Points. water and the leftovers will sink to the bottom , finding the
Since this attack assaults a victim's very life force, it by­ Beast's victims is an unlikely way for the authorities to dis­
passes S.D.C. Likewise , armor and other characteris­ cover and track it. Instead it is likely to be seen grabbing
tics that normally protect a victim from Bio-Ghost somebody from the shore. After that, it is up to the heroes
attacks do not work on the Dark Breeze . Its intangible or the authorities to locate it under water and confront it in
state allows it to simply push through those defenses to its native element.
reach areas that are vulnerable to its touch . Even invul­
Aq uatic Beast
nerable characters are vulnerable to the attacks of a
Attributes: L a . : 7, M . E. 1 7, P.P. 1 3, P.B. and MA are
Alignment: Considered a Miscreant predator.
Dark Breeze.
not applicable, P.S. : 30, P . E . : 28, Spd: 6 on land and 39 in
Aq uatic Beast the water.
Size: An amorphous, lumpy creature roughly the size of a
Foremost (and quite obviously) , the aquatic beast is full-sized automobile, about 20 feet (6. 1 m) long and 6
only a viable part of this adventure if there is a large feet (1 .8 m) high.
source of water near the crash site. Lakes, rivers, and the Weight: 3,200 Ibs ( 1 440 kg)
ocean are obvious choices, but water reservoirs and sew­ Experience Level : Not applicable.
ers with high water levels can also fit the bill. This creature Armor Rating: 1 3 (natural).
1 67
H it Points: 1 60 Bonuses: Note that all bonuses are halved when on land:
S.D.C.: 650 +4 to strike; +4 to roll with punch , fall or impact; +2 to
Horror Factor: 1 4 on land and 1 6 underwater. dodge. When on land, the creature has +3 to strike with
Disposition : Animal predator, very much like a shark. its ink spray.
Natural Abilities: Short burst of speed underwater, 60 Weapons and Melee Combat: The Aquatic Beast attacks
mph/88 kph for up to one melee round, and has natural with clawed tentacles that inject a convulsion-inducing
radar/sonar (range: 80 feet/24.4 m on land and 250 toxin. The helpless victim then is drawn into the
feet/76.2 m underwater) . Venom in claws (2D6 damage tooth-filled mouth for ingestion . If the attack rol l for a
plus save vs lethal poison or go into convulsions for tentacle strike is a natural 1 8-20, the tentacle will entan­
2D4 melee actions) , and spray ink similar to an octopus gle and automatically does damage for each attack un­
(treat as a Cloud of Smoke spel l cast at 1 0th level when less the person is freed by pulling it off (combined P . S .
used in the water. On land it has a range of 20 feet/6. 1 must exceed the Aquatic Beast's b y a t least 8 pOints) o r
m and acts pretty m uch like throwing paint on a 3 foot/1 cutting through i t (each tentacle can take 5 0 pOints of
m area, staining and coating whatever it contacts. The damage before losing the abil ity to constrict, but it can
ink washes off with water if done within 1 0 minutes, but still lash out with the claw until it takes a total of 70
after that it dries and will require 1 D4 weeks to wear off. points of damage) . Note that once someone is entan­
Bio-Regenerates 6D6 H it PointS/S . D . C . every hour. gled by one tentacle, others can entangle for additional
Combat: Natural combat ability. crushing damage. Entangled victims can not dodge and
Number of Attacks: 4 plus 1 D4 for a varied number of are -6 to parry any additional attacks. The monster will
tentacles (roll once to determine the total number of at­ have two tentacles plus the number rolled on the D4 to
tacks the creature has every round, do not roll each determine its extra attacks.
melee round to determine attacks for that round). Clawed Tentacle: 3D6+1 5 plus 2D6 poison damage.

1 68
Tentacle Sq ueeze: 206+ 1 5 per tentacle. guards posted around the crash perimeter, but the rural 10-
Bite: 406 cation will make infiltration of the place far from impossi­
Spaceships The spacecraft was heavily damaged when it entered
Earth's atmosphere, but its cloaking systems remained
They Can't J ust Vanish, Can They?
operational as a fai l-safe to keep it out of the hands of na­
As the timeline reveals, 23 days after the crash, the tive populations in just such a situation. It dropped low
spacecraft's cloaking defenses fai l , and the ship suddenly over the city and rammed several buildings before suc­
appears in a field outside of the city. If possible, it is a wil­ ceeding in making one last thruster burst (a gravity pulse
derness area no one would regularly wander through , but that hit the city like the impact of a solid object) that
failing that, any open area will do (abandoned factory site launched it up and over the city to crash in a large field in
rock q uarry, used farmland, etc.). The characters might the countryside. When it impacted the city, the monsters
even learn about the location of the craft before day 23 if on board were thrown clear as their holding areas were
some farmer tries to plow his field and runs into an invisi­ sheared open .
ble metal wal l , or some such . Otherwise the characters So what actually caused the craft to crash? The exact
can learn of the craft's location any number of ways, de­ details are up to the G . M . and may never be known to the
pending on their affi liations, but if all else fails, the after­ players, but here are a few ideas. Use the one(s) that
noon news will be quite helpfu l . make the most sense and excitement for your campaign.
"We interrupt your afternoon programming for a Chan­ • The simplest possibility is that the craft malfunctioned
nel 5 news flash." In the early afternoon, the logo of the lo­ and crash-landed here. In this case , it is highly l i kely
cal news station cuts into regular television programming that at least one of the crew could have survived and
with a special report. After some introductory remarks by may be hiding nearby (or they could have entered the
the news anchor, the image changes to that of a field re­ city and stumbled upon the player characters, thus giv­
porter. She is walking quickly but carefully along the ing the group an excuse to explore the craft before the
ground, holding her microphone in one hand while holding government people) . Of course , the crew could just as
her earpiece in place with the other. easily been killed in the crash , or the vessel could be
"Good afternoon ," she begins. ''This is Margaret completely automated (with its computers or Artificial
Oannison reporting l ive, north of the city. We are here to Intelligence burned out) , leaving the ship as a mystery,
give you the first look at this amazing sight reported by . . . " perhaps never to be solved (or as a lead-in to a future
the camera pans up and away from Margaret to a large adventure).
object on the far end of the field, " . . . local residents only a • The crashed spaceshi p could have been shot down by
half hour ago." another craft. In this case, not only would the aggres­
The object is large , dwarfing a jeep caught in the edge sors possibly land to finish off their victim once it
of the shot, and fills the entire screen. It is roughly pine de-cloaked , but there is the possibility that the downed
coneshaped and partly buried in the ground. The base al iens are themselves evil or dangerous. In the latter
where it contacts the Earth appears to be heavily dam­ case, not only would the rampaging monsters have to
aged, like the thing crashed or was dropped. The reporter be dealt with , but their heartless masters (run-away
continues to narrate the scene, indicating the damage at supervillains?) could also be loose in the city (or any­
the base of the object, the stories of the eyewitnesses, where in the world ! ) .
and the possibility that it could have been involved in the
• T o add another twist t o the idea o f the craft being shot
meteor incident almost a month ago . Mere minutes after
down, consider the possibility that it could have sent out
the newscast signs off, police and government teams ar­
a distress signal that is answered by day 23. There
rive on the scene.
could be a great deal of activity in the city if, in addition
G . M . I nfo for Section Two to the monsters set loose three weeks prior, there are
The news report can be used to inform player charac­ also alien crew members , the people hunting them , the
ters of the location and existence of the spacecraft, should people coming to rescue them , Project Tyche and Pro­
they need such information . Those who have other leads ject Secure looking for them all, Triton Industries look­
and may have arrived at the site earlier will be able to i ng to make a buck and copy some tech , Reach Up
watch as the reporters arrive, followed by the police and trying to save everyone from the evil government oper­
other authorities. Getting there first will make it easier to atives, and s. H. o. e. K. trying to kill the al iens and their
enter and investigate the alien spacecraft. Once the au­ foolish sympathizers (see Aliens Unlimited™ for full
thorities lock the site down , however, access will be de­ details on these alien hunting/watching organizations) .
nied to anyone not part of an authorized government The Spaceship. The craft itself is mostly intact, resting
response team , such as S . C . R . E.T. , Project Tyche, or a in a large depression (not quite a crater) . The G . M . should
similar group. Even reputable and well-establ ished feel free to have whatever systems he wishes destroyed in
Super-Teams are likely to be turned away, despite their order to keep them out of the hands of either the player
experience with handling some or all of the escaped mon­ characters or the authorities. Of course , putting the wrong
sters over the last few weeks. Getting into the alien craft things into the hands of the right people is the perfect trig­
will require a bit of stealth and possible fast talk to get past ger for another adventure. Remember that though it m ight
1 69
be cool to g ive the players a few energy weapons, gim­ • Fou r suits of FAS torso armor (A. A . 1 0, S . D . C . 80) .
micks or a vehicle, keep in mind that certain power cate­ • Eight thermolate work suits (insulated to +/- 40 de­
gories have such items as part of their unique "powers" grees) .
and giving them to others might diminish that. Also re­
• Four micro-translators.
member that recharging stations for E-clips on Earth are
rare and unless the group has an E lectrical Genius from • An atmosphere analyzer.
the Hardware category, they will have a finite supply of Full details on all this equipment can be found in Aliens
charges. Other equipment might be more practical , how­ Unlimited™ . If you don't have that book, then just fake it
ever, including translators, armor (again limited by the lack and assign percentages or common sense rules. Most are
of repair technologies without the help of an Analytical Ge­ pretty self-explanatory by their names.
nius) , special melee weapons, or a powerful item or two
that will be needed an adventure or so down the line. This

RO'Y 1A" '1I6

is certainly an opportunity to reward your players, so don't
pass it up.
It is also well within the G . M .'s rights to simply have the

craft overload and self-destruct shortly after revealing it­
self. Perhaps the entire vessel self-destructs once it has
been "invaded by aliens" (Le. Earthlings) . Certainly, if the
crew survived and managed to send out a distress call ,
they m ight destroy the vessel (or at least the insides, leav­ This adventure is centered around mutant animals. The
ing only a broken shell) and would then attempt to hide out G . M . may feel their inclusion in his campaign is inappropri­
until they rendezvous with a rescue ship. ate or funky. That's perfectly all right. Just skip it, or re­
However, for those without the time (or inclination) to place the animals with human experiments.
work out the details, here is one possible closing for the
adventure. The craft is an Arreri transport with advanced Section One: Mousecapades
cloaking systems (eq uivalent to Invisibility: Superior) and The player characters are watching a special "live" seg­
anti-gravity drives. It was del ivering the alien monsters to ment of the evening news at the local branch facility of
a research center on the edge of the galaxy when it en­ Genetech , a medical development corporation. The inter­
countered trouble in trans-light travel and dropped out in view is the usual kind of public interest thing in which the
this solar system . It sent a distress cal l (but it will take a Corporate Representative is asked what Genetech is cur­
year for it to reach home base and help to arrive) and pre­ rently involved in, some of the breakthroughs or achieve­
pared to crash-land on the nearest habitable planet, Earth. ments they have had, and what it all means for the
Encountering troubles when its cloaking systems ionized community or city. During the interview, however, the
and agitated the local atmosphere , but unable to drop blurry image of a mouse's head and upper body appears,
them due to alien contact regulations (avoid contact with filling the screen . It is apparently hanging from the lens of
primitive races at all costs) , the vessel made a barely con­ the camera. The whole thing at first seems funny and
trolled descent and almost crashed in the characters' city. somewhat surprising, but it gets even more astounding
Instead, it recovered just enough altitude with a gravity when the camera auto focuses on the small creature and
pulse to land outside the city. The final impact ruptured the viewers real ize the mouse is saying the words "help
more containment systems and released a deadly virus us," over and over, although the lack of a microphone
that killed the crew. Luckily, the charge of the cloaking makes it seem more like the creature is only mouthing the
field contained the virus and after its 1 8 day cycle, it died phrase. The cameraman qu ickly notices and the view
off. The main computer remained online for the 23 days shifts to another camera.
until auxiliary power was used up. As the power levels be­ G . M . I nfo for Section One
gan to drop, the computer initiated its final alien contact
After the newscast , the player characters are likely to
protocols and fused all of the circuits on the craft, thus
go to the television news building to talk to the news crew
dropping the cloak and revealing the ship, but making it
who was at Genetech . All they know was that this strange,
virtually useless. All of the computers and other systems,
little mouse was dangling on the camera, but they shooed
including the gravity drives, advanced communications,
it away. They didn't notice anything unusual, and find the
energy weapon systems, etc . , are useless slag. No tech­
suggestion that the mouse may have been "mouthing" the
nology can be extracted from them.
words "help us," to be ridiculous (to the point that they
Basically, the only useful items the Earth people can may refuse to review the tape of the interview) . However,
salvage are the crew's personal eq uipment, including: if the tape is reviewed, there is no mistaking it. The mouse
• Fou r high-powered tasers (-2 to save against their ef­ talked!
fects) . Obviously, this should prompt the heroes to investigate
• Fou r ion blasters (Range: 400 feeV1 22 m ; Damage: further, unfortunately, the news team also plans to con­
506; Payload: 1 0 shots per E-clip; Rate of Fire: Single duct an immediate "hidden camera" investigation, whether
shot; Could be quickly sold to a corporation or private the heroes like it or not. This means the news investiga­
individual for about $50,000 each , but the risk of being tors might get underfoot, get themselves in trouble, or
arrested for trafficking military weapons exists).
1 70
blow the heroes' cover or i nvestigation (G . M .'s discretion the package bears Genetech's address, so it appears to
on this subplot) . have been sent from the Genetech mail room ! That a
I n the alternative , the news people may chal k the whole mouse could operate a video camera, m uch less say
incident up to some bizarre hacker break-in. As far as the "Help us!" repeatedly in English, certainly bears investiga­
Station Manager is concerned, some up-and-coming spe­ tion.
cial effects whiz must have hacked into the broadcast to
Sherrie, the M utant Mouse
showcase his abilities, because Genetech can't explain
the i ncident, and no other explanation makes sense. Sherrie is a smal l , brown, field mouse. She and her sib­
Right? l ings were captured and sold to a medical research sup­
plier and eventually ended up in the Genetech facility.
Sherrie and the other mice were caged and wel l fed, living
in the strange new surroundings for a few weeks before
the experiments began .
Sherrie was bombarded by radiation and underwent nu­
merous other painful experiments, but with each progres­
sive stage she grew smarter and more aware of what was
going on around her. She watched the doctors and the
other animals, keeping tabs on when the animals did cer­
tain things and when they were taken away. She learned
that dead animals were taken "out to the morgue" or
"down the hall." She noticed that completing certain tasks
or puzzles got one taken "downstairs" or ''to the vault."
Sherrie was smart enough to act like a normal mouse
and the scientists bought it, never suspecting she was so
radically altered. Occasionally, the "men in wh ite coats"
- _ .
would bring animals back up from "downstairs" or ''the
vault," and Sherrie learned of horrible things going on
A close encounter (with a mouse?). Either at the
down there. She doesn't know enough to be specific, but
news station (by having hitched a ride, unseen , in a cam­
she speaks of fai led experiments, insane m utants, mon­
era case, jacket pocket, etc.) or h idden someplace in or
sters and specialized training many of the lab animals
near the lab, the mouse - an intelligent mutant named
were forced to endure.
Sherrie - will approach the heroes. She is looking for
Using her intell igence and the fact that the scientists
anyone who she thinks will be able to help her fellow ani­
didn't suspect she was changed, Sherrie initiated a suc­
mals at the Genetech labs. Once she figures out the
cessful escape. She has no real skill training, but her high
heroes are there to help (perhaps by picking up on what
intelligence and small size make her quite resourceful .
they say, noticing that they aren't wearing Genetech uni­
forms, or recognizing them from a prior newscast about Sherrie Mouse
"superheroes") , she will attempt to hitch a ride on one of Alignment: Unprincipled (with leanings toward Scrupu­
them. It shouldn't be hard , considering her small size and
Attributes : L a . : 1 6 , M . E . : 1 7, M .A. : 1 3, P . S . : 1 , P . P . : 1 7,
stealth . Once she has latched onto one of the heroes, she
will lie low until she thi n ks she can speak freely (Le. the P . E . : 1 2 , P . B . : 1 7, Spd: 30 (Note: These stats have al­
group leaves the news building or laboratory, and returns ready taken Sherrie's small size and size penalties into
to their headq uarters) . Once there, she will come out of consideration .)
hiding, introduce herself, and ask to go somewhere safe to Size: 5 inches ( 1 2.7 cm) .
talk before explaining the dire situation unfolding at the Weight: 5 ounces ( 1 40 g)
Genetech facil ity. At this pOint, she will try to dissuade the Experience Level : 2nd
heroes from going inside Genetech . She also will not al low H it Points: 1 8
herself to be taken back inside the facility. If the heroes S.D.C. : 5
make like they are going to return her to Genetech cus­ Power Category: M utant Animal.
tody, she will struggle free and escape . She will try to con­ Animal Characteristics: Hands: Full, Biped: Partial ,
tact the heroes again, probably at thei r headquarters, over Speech : Full, Looks: None.
the phone, or by some other means. Animal Psionics : Sixth Sense , Animal Speech, Animal
If the group splits up and goes to both the studio and Control, Telepathic Transmission, and every "height­
the corporation , Sherrie will be waiting at the Genetech fa­ ened sense" minor super abil ity (hearing, smell, taste ,
cil ity to contact whatever heroes arrive there. touch , and x-ray vision).
As an alternate beginning, the heroes could receive a Natural/Animal Abilities: None, but her small size means
videotaped distress call from the mouse, mailed to their that un less she is actively standing sti l l and not dodg­
headquarters or the news station (who presumes it is a ing, humans will need a called shot at -3 to hit her in
hoax, but may air it for fun on a slow news night. Or combat (1 5 or higher with bonuses) . If she is on the
maybe it appears on the I nternet) . The return address on move and/or dodging, attackers are -7 to strike her.
1 71
Disposition: Sherrie is very friendly, playful and helpful . can get some idea of what kind of "monsters" might be
She looks forward t o whatever happens next and likes waiting for them in the facility. Otherwise, they can pro­
to have fun exploring. She also has a soft spot for toys ceed directly to the complex and find things out the hard
and games , such as remote control cars she can get in way (see Section Three). The computer system will also
and drive, and playing superhero. have maps and security information on the Genetech facil­
Appearance: Sherrie looks j ust like a smal l, brown , field ity (exact security on the more sensitive info will vary from
mouse. Only the most astute observer would notice her -20% to -45% on hacking rolls). Most of the computer files
opposable thumbs and the i ntelligent glint in her eyes. are extensive and q uite technical. Characters will have to
Combat: Equal to Hand to Hand: Basic. be Medical Doctors or have a scholastic Biology skill to
Number of Attacks: 4 decipher most of it, though Sherrie can help by explaining
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to some of the terms the doctors used when referring to the
roll with punch , fal l or impact, and +2 to pull punch . animals and some of their specific conditions.
Note: Sherrie has n o real offensive capabilities, s o if If no one in the group has the right medical, science or
she is ever caught in combat, all of her attacks/melee security skill, they will only be able to glean the following
actions are likely to be spent dodging and running for a information from the hacked files, though a successful Re­
hiding spot. search skill roll (but at -30%), once the data is acquired,
Education Level and Skills: M inimal; Prowl (85%) , could provide the same information as if the group had the
Climbing (8 1 %) , Swimming (70%) , and Identify Plants right medical skills (each research rol l takes 1 04 days):
and Fruits (60%). If befriended and trained by a human, 1 ) There are some big rats and snakes on the lower
she can learn up to six secondary skills plus an addi­ and most secure levels, but their exact size can not be de­
tional one ( 1 ) secondary skill at levels 4, 6 , 9, 1 1 and termined from the text.
1 3.
2) The more intell igent animals are being trained within
Weapons and Melee Combat: None. Because of her
specific programs, but the exact nature can't be deci­
small size, Sherrie relies on stealth and her psionic abil­
phered (Sherrie can tell them what she was told some of
ities to help out from a distance. Any attacks would do
the animals were being trained for, however) .
only 1 -2 points of damage.
3) There are some kind of "protocols" in place for the
event of a mass animal escape, indicating the staff feels
Section Two: the animals could be somehow dangerous. Militari ly
trained player characters will recognize the protocols as
The mouse told me to do it! the kind put in place when an important but potentially
Now that the group has the whole story from Sherrie (at dangerous prisoner is being held, such as a top-level spy
least, as whole a story as Sherrie can tel l at this point) , or secret operative.
they can decide how to proceed. Sherrie will be overjoyed
A group with the right skills can find out a lot more. I n
at her freedom and won't be too concerned with getting
addition t o the information above and following, anything
caught now. She will romp about whoever's house or
in Section Three that the G . M . feels could be uncovered
headquarters she is staying in and leaves the group to
will also be in the files. None of the security information
plan . If asked q uestions about the facility or the doctors,
from the files is listed below, so it will need to be drawn
she will answer them as best she can. The characters
from Section Three.
should somehow try to verify her story, also. The word of a
mouse will have little weight when the authorities ask for 1 . The animals on the lower levels are those consid­
an explanation. Besides, although some of the things ered the most dangerous for one reason or another and
Sherrie tells them does sound nefarious (like monsters) , they are held within su itably secure areas. It is not clear
they might be conducting legitimate animal experiments from the files how the staff differentiates between ''failures,
for medical research. Maybe she's a fluke. non-viables, alternative possibilities, hazards, threats, for­
merly viable, and potential ly viable subjects," but those are
If no one else suggests it, Sherrie will vol unteer that
the many labels affixed to the subjects that are obviously
there were plenty of computers in the facility and the doc­
not deceased.
tors must have put everything on those computers. Maybe
hacking into them will be helpful. The group can also Among those live subjects are snakes, rats, mice, dogs,
and an alligator or two. The apparent size categories of
break into the facil ity itself and poke around, but Sherrie
each varies, but numerous indicators (such as drug doses,
can only give them information on the elevators, sub-level
two (where she was kept) and her vague impressions of etc.) point to the fact that each is at least 300 Ibs. (480 kg)
some other areas. and some much larger! One of the rats, for example, re­
ceives tranquilizer doses roughly on par with what one
G . M . I nfo for Section Two would give to an elephant!
Sherrie knows there are big, bad animals, and things The intell igence of each is roughly equal to that of a
she's been told are "monsters," on the lower levels, but well-trained dog. Smaller animals are also held on the
not what kind. If the group decides to hack into the lower levels. Many of them have no indicators of their dan-
Genetech computers, Sherrie can provide some codes ger except for intelligence scores rated above most hu-
she learned from observing the doctors (they give a + 1 5% mans. If the latter is mentioned, Sherrie will confirm it and
bonus to the hacking attempts) . From the computers, they says that she avoided the lower levels by acting dumb.
1 72
She can also tell them that some of the smaller Everything in this section can be discovered by the
smart-animals may be down there because of mind pow­ characters as they explore the Genetech facility, but they
ers, or "mental hyper-developmenf' as the scientists often would do wel l to learn as m uch of this beforehand as they
cal led it (which Sherrie also possesses). can . Having the foresight to get it in advance will certainly
2. The more intelligent animals are being trained in mili­ earn them some experience points for clever ideas, good
tary-style intell igence gathering. The details will be obvi­ judgement, and possibly avoiding unnecessary violence.
ous to anyone with the intell igence skill or extensive
military training: Genetech is conditioning the nor­ Section Th ree:
mal-looking, intelligent animals to operate as spies and in­
formation gatherers. Are they to work for the government? I nto the Maw of Science
Nothing in the files will indicate that the government is in­
The Genetech facil ity is a large, single-story structure
volved, but some information pOints out that Genetech is
on the edge of one of the city's industrial districts, most
working very hard to secure a contract with an as-yet un­ likely near an interstate or h ighway system , and/or railway.
named "K-9" program with the Pentagon. Genetech is It has a pair of helicopter pads, huge delivery doors in the
working so hard on developing the prototypes for this pro­ rear for truck unloading, a staff entrance and a public ac­
ject that they are flat-out abusing, torturing and brainwash­ cess entrance. The entire facility is sealed off by a 1 0 foot
ing the intelligent animals it is prod ucing (like Sherrie) . (3 m) tall chain link fence topped with razor wire. Astute
Other animals not suited for this Pentagon project are visitors wil l note that the top of the fence is angled in to­
being horribly m utated and experimented on with total dis­ ward the facility, rather than out toward the street. This is
regard to their obviously heightened senses of fear and typical only of prisons and other places where the fence is
pain. These animals know fu ll well what Genetech is doing designed to keep things in, rather than keeping unwanted
to them , and it's pretty clear that Genetech doesn't care . visitors out. There is a single checkpoint gate through
Note: Forget animal rights , some of these critters are ob­ which all visitors must pass. At the guard station, all visi­
viously as human as any intelligent alien race. Hopefully, tors must present identification and announce the purpose
Sherrie Mouse will have endeared herself enough that any of their visit. Unless visitors have an appOintment with
doubts that might come up will be wiped away if she Genetech staff or are recognized law enforcement offi­
makes big, sad eyes and pleads for the group to help save cials, they will be turned away.
her buddies. Alternately, the city or nation the campaign is
set in might actually have laws in place to prevent this sort G a M . I nfo for Section Th ree
of experimentation . Not only because it is inhumane, but The Genetech facility is not open to the public. There is
dangerous to the human population . If the authorities have a public entrance , but it is normally only used by person­
had extensive contact with m utants or aliens, it could be nel invited to the grounds or those delivering small pack­
qu ite plausible that in such a superpowered setting, many ages. The player characters will have to break in or come
special laws have been passed to protect those with up with a mighty impressive scheme to get them past se­
unique abilities. In such a case, this makes Genetech far curity without sounding an alarm. There are four guards
worse than just another callous biotech corporation. It on each floor of the facil ity, plus another in the lobby, one
makes them a death factory, a mass-offender involved in at the checkpoint gate, and another four patrolling the
premeditated murders, aggravated assault, torture, nu­ grounds. The four guards on the first floor monitor the fa­
merous crimes and conspi racy. This being the case, the cil ity security cameras and alarm systems at all times. If
heroes will have more than enough justification to go after an alarm is tripped, they will respond themselves but they
Genetech , but without any legitimate, legally obtained evi­ are under strict instructions not to cal l the police. Bringing
dence to present to the authorities. The best they can do in outside authorities might bring unwanted attention to the
is a vigilante-style raid on the labs to free the mutated ani­ mutant animal program downstairs (Note: The G . M . may
mals and put an end to the abominable experiments (via wish to add a few more guards or a special lesser
bad press and the number of investigations the heroes superbeing as Head of Secu rity to make things more diffi­
"raid" will bring on the facil ity. Perhaps in the ensuing cult for the heroes, but this place shouldn't be made into a
chaos, the police and/or fire departments, and/or media, small fortress. After all, it's only a private company, not
will arrive on the scene and learn what is happening at CIA headquarters) .
Genetech before the company has the chance to cover
things up. Maybe an "anonymous tip" from one of the Each of the doors inside the facil ity has an electronic
player characters [or a mouse] will help) . lock that req uires a pass card (-30% on locksmith or elec­
trical engineering rolls to bypass it) . Once inside the facil­
3. The protocols that are in place to stop a mass es­
ity, the characters will have to contend with surveil lance
cape of animals are scaled in their severity depending on
cameras and thermally activated motion sensors, but most
how close escaped animals are to getting out of the facil­
of the sensors are low to the ground or placed in the venti­
ity. In general, non-lethal secu rity measures are used first,
lation and crawlspace areas to detect the presence of
but in extreme cases, Genetech has a variety of lethal
small animals. A l ittle bit of thinking will be needed in addi­
means at its disposal (See Section Three for more infor­
tion to some prowl rolls.
mation) .

1 73
Genetech Fa c i l i t y S u b - L e ve l O n e
G ro u n d Level

G 6 G
0 4

1 [) �

� 5 2 1 Medical Labs

2 2 S e c u r i t y Rooms
6 1
3 Mu t a t i n g L a b s
4 E l evators

- - -

3 S u b - L eve l Two





1 De l i v e r y Ramp s 4 Lobby 7 S e c u r i t y Room
2 S torage 5 Elevator
3 Office 6 Fenced i n Grounds G = Gua rds

All of the ventilation ducts in the complex are too

small for the average human to fit in. Small to mid-sized
animals can fit in them , but will have to avoid the heat sen­
sors. H umans with certain super abilities, such as Alter

� 4 2
Physical Structure: Smoke or M ist, Shapechange,
Stretching, or Animal Metamorphosis can also make their [ 3

way through these vents.

The ground floor is mostly offices and storage for ba­
1 [ I I I

sic things like paper towels, vending machine snacks, bot­

tled water, coffee , paper cups, cleaning supplies, fuses, doors) . Setting off a sensor or fail ing a roll to bypass a lab­
etc. The elevators req uire a pass card to activate, but are oratory lock triggers an alarm . Guards will respond to the
not as difficult to bypass as the outside locks (- 1 0% in­ disturbance, arriving from the security room on this level in
stead of -30%). Note: If the heroes set off any alarms 2D6 melee actions. If these guards fai l to call in every ten
within the facility, the guards from the security room will minutes, those on the first sub-level wil l investigate, arriv­
respond. See additional details that follow to determ ine ing 1 D4 minutes after the ten minute period has elapsed.
how long it will take the guards to arrive at the scene of If the reinforcements also fail to report in, the guards on
the disturbance. the ground floor will seal the facility and call the main of­
The first sub-level contains the basic laboratories fice for a dangerous situation resol ution (DSR) team. See
where normal animals are subjected to relatively normal the end of this section for details on a sealed facility and
tests. Cages of white mice and rats, along with a few mon­ the DSR team.
keys, line the walls of the labs which are filled with every­ The third sub-level is for animals that are considered
day medicines and medical utensils. The rooms require dangerous, that is, specimens that can severely injure or
pass cards to open , but are not specifically locked. Regu­ kill a staff member and/or present a high risk of escape.
lar skill rolls can be made to bypass them. None of the an­ High-risk specimens include those with high intelligence
imals here are intelligent. Setting off a sensor triggers an and/or psionic abilities. This is where Sherrie would have
alarm . Guards will respond to the disturbance, arriving ended up had she not fooled her captors. There are al­
from the security room on this level in 1 D4-1 melee ways motion sensors on at this level and a guard in the
rounds. If these guards fail to call in every ten minutes, G round Floor Security Room constantly monitors the read­
those on the ground floor will investigate, arriving 1 D4 out. When the scientists are on this level, the guard keeps
minutes after the ten minute period has elapsed. tabs on them via motion alerts. As the scientist breaks a
The second sub-level is lined with motion sensors that beam , a camera zeros in on him, thus he can be con­
are active after normal lab hours. This is where the labs stantly monitored while down here. The doors to the labo­
that actually mutate the animals are located. The laborato­ ratories on this level are very sturdy and require cards and
ries on the outer edge of the level are for the storage and codes to open (-40% to bypass rolls). No security person­
testing of relatively normal animals with some heightened nel are stationed here. If an escape is detected, the entire
level of intelligence or ability (such as partial or full hands level is sealed off by a reinforced blast door (200 S. D.C.)
or biped). The inner labs house state-of-the-art genetic, across the elevator shaft and tranquilizer gas is pumped
chemical, radiation , and other medical equ ipment used to into the entire area until the sensors quit registering mo­
modify the animals. These laboratories are locked and re­ tion. Shields also block off the ventilation ducts (75
quire a pass card to open (same penalties as the outside S.D.C.).
1 74
S u b - Leve l T h r e e several minutes. G iven how knockout gas is likely to be
present in high-security areas whenever the facility seals,
heroes will have plenty of difficulty getting out.
As the facil ity seals up, a call is also sent to a nearby
1 security subsidiary of Genetech where a special team of
soldiers skilled in handling dangerous laboratory situa­
tions, specifically those dealing with dangerous biological

subjects, is dispatched. This DSR team comes loaded for
2 4 1 bear with fast-acting tranquil izers and other capture gear.
Should the situation warrant it, they also carry enough
heavy firepower to drop an elephant in mid-charge. The
DSR team takes fifteen minutes to scramble, hel icopter
1 over to the Genetech site, and override the door seal to
gain entry, which re-seals after them . Coincidentally,
1 should a DSR team scramble, they will arrive right about
when any player characters felled by the facil ity knockout
1 Secu r e La bora t o r i e s 3 Rat C a g e
gas will regain consciousness.
2 r'l a i n L a b 4 Eleva tor
Once the DSR team is inside, their response times to
( M a x imum S e c u r i t y )
the different levels are the same as the regular security
Most of the animals on sub-level three are held in the personnel detailed above, except the thi rd sub-level which
main lab, including the only giant animals that remain held can be reached in 1 D4 melee rounds regardless of their
here. In the center of the room, behind h uge bars, are a point of origin (they slide down the elevator cables, saving
pair of rats the size of small elephants. They are normally time, un less the cables have been cut or otherwise de­
as controllable as any large animal in a cage, but if they stroyed, in which case 1 D4 minutes would be needed) .
see any kind of escape or mass release going on, they will The stats for the DSR team members are given below,
expect to be let out also. Though not highly intelligent, the should they be needed. Player characters will be targeted
two can tell that others are being let out and not them . for capture by the DSR team unless they prove too dan­
They will exhibit extreme anger at this, all of it directed at gerous to the team, in which case they will be attacked
the people who leave them behind. The rats take alternat­ with deadly force. If the heroes are known criminals, law­
ing l unges at the cage (which sets off alarms, no matter less vigilantes or unknown vigilantes, they may capture
what the player characters m ight have done to disable them and then frame or accuse them for the destruction at
them - Genetech takes no chances with these monsters) the facil ity, but only after all traces of the animals and ille­
until the bars give under their rabid assault. They will try to gal experiments have been removed. M utant and alien
shred any humans or animals in their immediate vicinity heroes may be kept prisoners at a d ifferent facility for
before making a run for freedom. study or experimentation.
All the animals on level three know that the elevator is The aftermath of this adventure is completely up to the
the way out and they will head for it unless directed other­ G . M . , but the player characters can earn some unique and
wise. If the giant rats get loose, the facility seals automati­ possibly resou rceful allies from it. Imagine a dog with the
cally and a preprogrammed distress cal l goes out to the intelligence of a human working the streets for information
DSR team. The rats can get themselves out of the facil ity by listening to conversations, following scent trails, etc. Or
by gnawing through the doors or blast shields before the a bird or mouse doing the same thing. Certainly all of the
DSR team arrives to contain them (Genetech does not yet animals will not remain with the characters that set them
realize that these rats are imm une to the knockout gas free, but a few are likely to and the others will be i nclined
used throughout the facility!). The player characters may to help them in the future should the group need them and
even be able to follow the rats out or use their holes to know where to find them. When my players went through
make their own escape. The G . M . can have the rats go this adventure, Sherrie Mouse was al ready part of the
into hiding once they are out and make an appearance in group, but when it was over they had gained a dozen al­
a later adventure, perhaps d u ring the chaos of Planetfall, l ies that took up residence not only in the city, but in the
along with the other rampaging monsters. outskirts of the country outside around it, giving them ac­
In the event that the facility should be sealed , every cess to a number of information venues they didn't have
possible exit point is shut off by a blast shield with 1 00 before. Of course, my group was partial to mutant animals
S.D.C. per square foot (humans need at least a 3 sq . foot (as evidenced by Sherrie's inclusion from the start of the
(0.9 sq. m) hole to fit through) . These cover all the doors, campaign) and yours may not be.
the vents where pipes leave the building to go to heating Something else to consider might be the ensuing chaos
and AC units on the roof, water pipes, electric conduits that will result if either of those two giant rats makes it off
(no, the power isn't cut off, these are i ris-sh uttered the Genetech premises. Considering how angry, hurt, and
shields) and any waste vents. The only way to get out is to confused these creatures are, they' re likely to go on a
blast or cut one's way out. Depending on the damage mindless, kil l-crazy rampage. The heroes might feel com­
done, that can take as little as a few actions to as m uch as pelled to save these creatu res from themselves (Genetech
1 75
DSR teams will be hot on their trail , as will the cops and conscious publ icity campaign like the newscast that began
maybe even local S.C. R . E .T. teams and National G uard this adventure) . Likewise, the national corporation is i n
members} . After all, these creatures will be killed on sight good standing with law enforcement agencies and has
now, and in a way, the heroes are responsible for their loose ties (as a potential contractor) with the Military! De­
getting out. This will provide an interesting test for the pending on how the adventure unravels, and how sin ister
players. Do they feel responsible for these creatures? Do the G . M . wishes to make Genetech , the biotech company
they recognize that the rats aren't evil , they' re just acting may wish to take out some kind of revenge on the heroes,
as any tortured animal might? And if the heroes do get in­ or perhaps even capture them for experiments! If the Pen­
volved, how far are they prepared to go to save or appre­ tagon was interested in Genetech's program with m utant
hend these rats? animals, just imagine how interested it' ll be when the com­
Confrontation with S . C . R . E.T. teams is possible (and pany claims it has its own super-soldier program in the
embarrassing) . Likewise , the heroes probably won't be works, with the heroes themselves as the prime test sub­
able to team up with Genetech's DSR teams to apprehend jects!
the rats. Or will they? Maybe Genetech will call off the Of cou rse , it's also just as likely that Genetech might
heroes' break-in if they help them catch the rats and agree want to brush the whole thing under the carpet and avoid
to keep quiet about the whole thing. any future trouble with the heroes and authorities (maybe
Which brings us to a few other things to consider. One, this incident causes them to lose any chance they had at
is Genetech able to keep this affair quiet, or if things go getting that M i litary contract too) . Or, they may wish to go
public, keep the rest of the Corporation going, admonish­ the high and mighty route and take legal action against the
ing this one facil ity as a rogue cell? Is this a rogue cell heroes for their blatantly (and arguably) il legal actions. It
within the law abiding Genetech Corporation, or is the en­ certainly would taste like ashes for the player characters

the heroes after this? If they 10 the heroes during the

tire Corporation involved? Three, how will Genetech treat to be held accountable for their break-in while Genetech
gets off with a slap on the wrist or maybe even nothing at
break-in, the player characters will have made a powerful all (Le. if there are no serious laws to penalize the com­
enemy. Especially if it is an evil corporation with insidious pany for its animal experiments) . The ultimate indignity
(and criminal) plans, incredible resou rces, a large pool of might be if Genetech sues the heroes, an option that
highly trained commandos (the DSR teams) , as well as would work best if the player characters are part of a large
substantial good standing with the local public (thanks to a and publicly recognized Super-Squad or group. The point

1 76
of the suit wouldn't be to make Genetech rich , but to crip­ Education Level and Skills: Min imal ; Climbing (5 1 %)
ple the heroes financially and to discredit them (and per­ and Swimming (45%) .
haps all superbeings in the city) . Weapons and Melee Combat: Rely on their claws
Then again , if this was just a rogue cel l of a law abiding (3D6+26) and teeth (4D6) .
company, wh ile they won't appreciate the negative press ,
the Corporate leaders will take action to "clean house."
The q uestion then becomes, will they eliminate all of those
responsible (do they seek revenge?) or does this evil seed
slowly regrow to cause trouble in the future?
The most important thing to consider is to have fun with
this adventure. Remember, the most successful adven­
tures are those that work for you and your players. Note:
For a lot more interesting and fun information , adventures
and ideas involving m utants and m utant animals, check
out the Teenage M utant Ninja Turtles® RPG (any edition
is reasonably compatible to H U2).
The G uards
There are four guards on each level of the Genetech fa­
cility, plus one in the public lobby, one at the loading dock,
one at the checkpoint gate, and four on the grounds. Each
has identical weapons and equipment.
H it Points: 20
S.D.C.: 24 The DSR Team
W.P. : Revolver, Automatic Pistol, and Sub-Machinegun. The DSR team is a fully outfitted combat unit with the
Bonuses: + 1 to parry and dodge, +1 to roll, and +3/+ 1 means to deal with even a small horde of m utant animals,
strike with modern weapons (aimed/burst) but they may be outclassed by the rats in Genetech . Char­
Equipment: Bullet proof vest (A. R . : 1 0, S . D . C . : 50) , 9 mm acters shouldn't underestimate them, however. Each has
sub-machineguns (3D6 damage, 30 round cl ips) , .40 identical weapons and equipment.
cal . sidearms (4D6 damage; 1 3 round cl ip) , two (2) ex­
Hit Points: 26
tra clips for each weapon, headset radio.
S.D.C.: 40
W.P. : Revolver, Automatic Pistol, Sub-Machinegun, Knife
The G i a nt Rats and Automatic Rifle.
Bonuses: +3 to parry and dodge, +3 to rol l , and +4/+2 to
strike with modern weapons (aimed/burst) .
These nasty critters are part of a test pilot program to
Equipment: Riot Armor (A. R . : 1 4, S . D . C . : 1 50) , .45 cal .
develop combat animals for the military. Their attributes
sidearms (4D6 damage; 1 3 round clip) , silenced M P-5
are enhanced far beyond those of the other animals at the
SMG (3D6 damage; 35 round clip) , combat knife (2D4
facility. They are large, fast predators with a mean streak damage) , fou r (4) extra clips for each weapon , and a
a mile long and an uncanny knack for survival.
Attributes : 1 .0. : 6, M . E . : 7, M .A. : 3, P . S . : 4 1 , P.P.: 1 2 ,
headset radio.
Note: If the DSR team is trying to subdue its targets, it
P . E . : 33, P . B . : 1 , Spd: 1 8 will rely mostly on automatic tranquilizer rifles. The rifles
Size: 1 2 feet (3.6 m) long. act identical ly to M - 1 6 automatic rifles, except they will be
Weight: 1 ,200 Ibs (540 kg) loaded with special tranquilizer bullets that each act as a
H it Points: 65 single dose of knockout gas (Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edi­
S.D.C.: 1 80 tion , page 34 1 ) . The unique nature of the bullets limits the
Armor Rating: 1 0 (natural) tranq rifles to single-shot or short burst firing only. If a
Power Category: M utant Animal character gets hit dead-on by a short burst, however, it's a
Animal Characteristics: Hands: Full, Biped: None, pretty safe bet that he' ll be knocked out. The giant rats, on
Speech : None, Looks: None. the other hand , will prove themselves immune to these
Animal Psionics: Animal Control and Superhuman P .S. guns, so the DSR team will quickly go to lethal force on
NaturaVAnimal Abilities: Teeth and claws, tunneling, them. If the rats break free of the Genetech facility, subse­
nightvision , and advanced smell. quent hunting parties will be outfitted with M - 1 6s with live
Disposition : Mean. ammo (4D6 per shot) and M-203 grenade launchers with
Appearance: Ugly, hulking rats with patchy fur and thick, smoke, tear gas, and high explosive (1 D4x1 0 per shot)
corded muscles. grenades.
Number of Attacks: 4
Bonuses: +2 to stri ke , + 1 to parry, + 1 to dodge, +26 to
damage, and +2 to roll with punch , fall or impact.

1 77
Level One
Blinding Flash (1 , pg. 32 1 H U2)
Cloud of Smoke (2, pg. 32 1 H U2)
Death Trance ( 1 , pg. 32 1 H U2)
Because of the massive amount of information that had Decipher Magic (4, pg. 32 1 H U2)
to fit into Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition (HU2), the G lobe of Daylight (2, pg. 32 1 H U2)
spell listings had to be slimmed down considerably. The Increase Weight (4, New)
following expanded spell list should provide Wizard char­ See Aura (6, New)
acters with a m uch broader base to choose from when See the I nvisible (4, pg. 32 1 H U2)
customizing their character's mystic arsenal. In addition , Sense Evil (2 , pg. 32 1 H U2)
G . M . s can convert or adapt additional spells from a variety Sense Magic (4, New)
of RiftS® world books, including Rifts® England (Tempo­ Thunder Clap (4, New)
ral Magic), Spirit West™ (spirit and shamanistic magic) , Ventriloquism (3, New)
Rifts® Africa (Necro-Magic and Medicine Man magic) ,
The Federation of Magic™ (several different types) , Level Two
Mystic Russia™ (Necro-Magic and several others) and Befuddle (6, pg. 322 H U2)
others as they come out. Chameleon (6, pg. 322 H U2)
Climb (3, New)
The Nightbane®: Through the Glass Darkly
Concealment (6, New)
sourcebook also presents expanded rules on magic in­
Darkness (6, pg. 322 H U2)
cluding guidelines for creating new spells.
Detect Concealment (6, New)
Most of the spells listed here and in HU2 are taken from
Extinguish Fire (4, pg. 322 H U2)
The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, where
Fear (5 , pg. 322 H U2)
one can find rules on other forms of magic, such as Sum­
Heavy Breathing (5, pg. 322 H U2)
moning, Diabolism, Life Force Wizardry, and others.
Levitation (5, pg. 322 H U2)
And finally, Erick Wujick's terrific Mystic China™ Mystic Alarm (5, pg. 322 H U2)
sourcebook for Revised Ninjas and Superspies™ Turn Dead (6, pg. 322 H U2)
(which , by the way, is fully compatible with Heroes Unlim­ Weightlessness (6, New)
ited™, 2nd Edition and is an unbeatable martial arts re­
source) offers some interesting notes on various Chinese Level Three
mystic arts. Check it out! Armor of Ithan (1 0, pg. 323 H U2)
Breathe Without Air (5, pg. 323 H U2)
Energy Bolt (5, pg. 323 H U2)
Complete Alphabetical Fingers of the Wind (5, pg. 323 H U2)
Float in Air (5, pg . 323 H U2)
Spell List by Level Fuel Flame (5, New)
Ignite Fire (6 , pg. 323 H U2)
The numbers in parentheses following each spell name Impervious to Cold (6, pg. 323 H U2)
are the P . P . E . requirement for that spell. Impervious to Fire (6, pg. 323 H U2)
Spell entries with no special description following their Impervious to Poison (5, New)
entry already appear in Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition . Invisibility: Simple (6 , pg . 323 H U2)
These are indicated by the word "HU2" and the page num­ Negate Poisonffoxin (5, pg. 324 H U2)
ber in the basic RPG where it is described. Paralysis: Lesser (5, pg. 324 H U2)
Spell entries in italic and with the word "New' next to Resist Fire (3, pg. 324 H U2)
them are described in this sou rcebook. See Wards (8, New)
Spell entries with "Revised' next to them were de­ Sense Traps (7, New)
scribed in Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition (HU2), but Telekinesis (8, New)
have been updated in this sou rcebook. The version of
these spells appearing here should be considered the "of­ Level Four
ficial" version of the spell. Astral Projection (10, New)
Blind (8, pg. 324 H U2)
Note: Some spells found in other Palladium titles have
Carpet of Adhesion (1 0, pg. 324 H U2)
been deliberately excl uded to avoid too m uch duplication
Charismatic Aura ( 1 0, pg. 324 H U2)
of superpowers and psionics, or because they don't quite
Cure Minor Disorders (10, New)
fit in the modern world. Spells higher than 5th Level
Energy Field ( 1 0, pg. 324 H U2)
should be uncommon, while spells 9th Level and higher
Fire Bolt ( 1 0, pg. 325 H U2)
are rare, and Spells of Legend are super-rare (only the
most powerful deities and sorcerers will know a few of Fool's Gold (1 0, pg. 325 H U2)
them). Ley Line Transmission (30, New)
Magic Net (7, pg. 325 HU2)
M u ltiple Image (7, pg. 325 H U2)
1 78
Repel Animals (7, pg. 325 H U2) Wind Rush (20, pg. 331 H U2)
Seal (7, pg. 325 H U2) Wink-Out (20+, pg. 33 1 H U2)
Shadow Meld ( 1 0, pg. 325 HU2) X-Ray Vision (25, New)
Swim as a Fish (6, pg. 326 H U2)
Trance (7 , pg. 326 H U2) Level Eight
Commune with Spirits (25, New)
Level Five Exorcism (30, pg. 331 H U2)
Call ing (8, pg. 326 H U2) Eyes of the Wolf (25, pg. 331 H U2)
Charm ( 1 2 , pg. 326 H U2) Firestorm (30, New)
Circle of Flame ( 1 0, pg. 326 H U2) Hallucination (30, New)
Domination (1 0, New) Locate (30 , pg. 33 1 H U2)
Energy Disruption (15, Revised!) Love Charm (40, pg. 332 H U2)
Escape (8, pg. 326 H U2) Luck Curse (40, New)
Eyes of Thoth (8, pg. 327 H U2) Metamorphosis: Human (40, pg. 332 H U2)
Fly ( 1 5 , pg. 327 H U2) Minor Curse (35, New)
Heal Wounds ( 1 0, pg. 327 HU2) Negate Magic (30 , pg. 332 H U2)
Horrific I l l usion (1 0, pg. 327 H U2) Oracle (30, New)
Mend Cloth (12, New) Sense Dimensional Anomaly (30, New)
Size of the Behemoth (12, New) Sickness (50, New)
Sleep ( 1 0 , pg. 327 H U2) Spoil (30, New)
Stone to Flesh (30, Revised!)
Level Six Time Capsule (30, New)
Animate Object (15, New) Wisps of Confusion (40, pg. 332 H U2)
Apparition (20, New)
Call Lightning ( 1 5, pg. 327 HU2) Level Nine
Compulsion (20, New) Age (50, pg. 333 H U2)
Control the Beasts (1 8, pg. 327 H U2) Curse: Phobia (50, New)

Create Bread & Milk (15, New)

Cure IJIness (15, New) Familiar Link (55, New)
Havoc (50, pg. 333 H U2)
Detect Poison (10, New) Metamorphosis: Insect (60, New)
Fire Ball (1 0 , pg. 328 H U2) Monster Insect (50 or 1 00 , pg. 333 H U2)
Fire Fist ( 1 5 , pg. 328 H U2) M ute (50, pg. 333 H U2)

Summon & Control Canines (50, New)

Impervious to Energy (20, pg. 328 H U2) Protection Circle: Simple (45, New)
Magic Pigeon (20, pg. 328 HU2)
Mask of Deceit ( 1 5 , pg. 328 H U2) Speed of the Snai l (50 , pg. 333 H U2)
Memory Bank (12, New) Sword to Snakes (50 , pg. 333 H U2)
Mystic Shield ( 1 0, pg. 328 H U2) Transferal (50, New)
Swim as a Fish: Superior (12, New) Water to Wine (40 , pg. 333 H U2)
Reduce Self (20, New)
Teleport: Lesser (1 5, pg. 328 H U2) Level Ten

Control & Enslave Entity (80, New)

Time Slip (20, New) Banishment (65 , pg. 334 H U2)
Tongues ( 1 2, pg. 328 H U2)
Words of Truth ( 1 5 , pg. 328 HU2) Dimensional Pocket (30 or 1 40, pg. 334 H U2)
Metamorphosis: Superior ( 1 00 , pg. 334 H U2)
Level Seven Mystic Portal (60, pg. 335 H U2)

Summon & Control Rodents (70, New)

Agony (20, New) Phantom Horse (60, New)
Animate & Control Dead (20, pg. 329 H U2)
Circle of Concealment (1 5 or 1 00 , pg. 329 H U2) Summon Shadow Beast ( 1 40, pg. 335 H U2)
Constrain Being (20, pg. 329 H U2) Teleport (120, New)
Dispel Magic Barriers (20, pg. 329 H U2)
Fly as the Eagle (25, pg. 329 H U2) Level Eleven
Globe of Silence (20, pg. 329 H U2) Anti-Magic Cloud (1 40, pg. 335 H U2)

Immobilize (25; New & Rare)

Heal Self (20, pg. 330 HU2) Create Mummy (1 60, New)
Create Magic Scroll (1 00+, New)
Invisibility: Superior (20, pg. 330 H U2) Finger of Lictalon ( 1 50, pg. 335 H U2)
Invulnerability: Limited (25, New) Remove Curse ( 1 40 , pg. 336 H U2)
Life Drain (25, pg. 330 H U2) Summon & Control Animals (1 25, pg. 336 H U2)
Metamorphosis: Animal (25, pg. 330 H U2) Summon Fog ( 1 40, pg. 336 H U2)
Purification (20, New)
Second Sight (25, New)
1 79
Level Twelve Level Fifteen
Amulet (290+, New) Dimensional Portal (1 ,000, pg. 338 H U2)
Calm Storms (200, pg. 336 H U2) Dimensional Teleport (800, New)
Create Zombie (250, New) Summon Greater Familiar (580, pg. 339 H U2)

Summon & Control Entity (250, New) Transformation (2, 000, New & Super-rare)
Metamorphosis: Mist (250 , pg. 337 H U2) Teleport Superior (600, pg . 339 H U2)

Time Hole (2 1 0 , pg. 337 HU2) Resurrection (2, 000, New & Super-rare)

Level Thirteen Spells of Legend

Create Golem (700 or 1, 000, New) Barrier of Thoth (3,000, New)
Protection Circle: Superior (250, New) Crimson Wall of Lictalon (5,000, New)
Sanctum (390, pg. 337 H U2) Doppleganger: Superior (1 ,000, New)
Summon & Control Storm (260, pg. 337 H U2) Metamorphosis: Dragon (2 ,000, New)
Talisman (500, pg. 338 H U2) Sanctuary (1, 500, New)

Level Fourteen
Close Rift (200+, New)
Id Barrier (600, pg. 338 H U2)
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600, pg. 338 H U2)
Restoration (750, pg. 338 HU2)

New a n d Expan ded Wiza rd S pe l l Descri pt i o n s

Level O n e sense things invisible to the eye. Seeing an aura will indi­
cate the following:
Estimate the general level of experience. Low ( 1 -3) ,
Increase Weight •

medium (4-7), high (8th and up) .

Range: Self or one other up to 1 00 feet (30.5 m) away.
Duration: 2 minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experi­ • The presence of magic (but does not indicate level or
ence. type).
Saving Throw: Standard . Those who roll a successful • The presence of psych ic abilities (but not level or type) .
saving throw vs. magic are not affected. However, objects • High or low base P . P . E .
have no saving throw and are affected automatically.
• The presence of a possessing entity.
P.P.E. : 4
• The presence of serious illness.
The spell caster is able to increase the weight of any
one specific living creature or object one hundred pounds • The presence of an unusual aberration which will indi­
(45 kg) per level of his experience. This can be used to cate extreme mutation, superpowers, or an inhuman ,
make a person or object too heavy or difficult to move, to alien or supernatural nature, but does not specify
slow down a pursuer, and similar mischief. A character which!
who is made to weigh twice (or more) his normal weight • Note: An aura does not reveal one's alignment.
will see his speed attribute temporarily reduced by half.
Once the target's weight exceeds his carrying weight Sense Magic
(based on P . S . ) , he can not move at all. Note that the ap­ Range: 1 20 foot (36.6 m ) diameter.
pearance of the person or item does not change, only Duration: 2 minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experi­
his/its mass. Also note that unlike the major super ability ence.
of Weight Manipulation, this spell does not increase Saving Throw: None
S . D . C . with weight. P.P.E. : 4
Like a Geiger counter, the individual can sense or feel
See Aura the presence of magic of any kind. This ability also lets the
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m). caster know whether a person or object in range is en­
Duration : 15 seconds (1 melee round) . chanted , under a magic spell, or is in the process of invok­
Saving Throw: None; but a psychic mind block will mask ing magic. Practitioners of magic and most supernatural
the presence of psionic abilities, the character's P . P . E . beings do not register as magic except when actually cast­
amount, and possession. ing a spell/using magic. Psychic powers and manipulation
P.P.E. : 6 cannot be detected with this spell.
All things, organic and inorganic, have an aura. The Note: This spell functions exactly like the Wizard's in-
aura has many distinctions, and can be used to see or nate ability of the same name. It is included for use by
other magical types that can make spell selections.
1 80
the place where the enchanted object is resting must roll a
Th underclap
Range: Directly affects the immediate area (30 ftl9 m) saving throw versus magic. A failed roll means that partic­
around the magic weaver, but can be heard up to one mile ular individual will not see it u ntil the magic lapses. Note: If
( 1 .6 km) away. the object is used as a weapon or picked up by the mage
Duration : Instant or anyone who does see it, the enchantment is broken
Saving Throw: Save vs Horror Factor. and it becomes clearly visible to all.
P.P.E.: 4 Detect Conceal ment
This invokes a booming clap of thunder loud enough Range: Area affect: 30 feet (9. 1 m).
that one can actually feel a vibration from it through the Duration : Instant
air. A thunderclap is an excellent means of alerting or sig­ Saving Throw: None
naling allies, as well as intimidating one's enemies. As an P.P.E.: 6
intimidation device, all characters within 30 feet (9 m) of A magic invocation that will instantly negate any con­
the spell caster must roll to save vs a Horror Factor of 8 or cealment spell(s) and reveal any object(s) which may
lose their next attack. Characters with amplified or other­ have been mystically concealed. Can be directed at a spe­
wise heightened hearing are at -3 to save vs this spell's cific area or individual , or made to affect an entire area of
effects. In addition, the mage who casts this spell gains 30 feet (9. 1 m).
the following bonuses for his or her next action : +5 to ini­
tiative, and + 1 to strike, parry, and dodge. Weightlessness
Range: 60 feet (1 8.3 m).
Ventri loq u ism Duration: 30 seconds (two melee rounds) per level of ex­
Range: 1 0 foot ( 3 m ) radius. perience.
Duration : Instant Saving Throw: Standard
Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.: 6
P.P.E.: 3
Weightlessness is the exact opposite of the first level
This enables the spell caster to perfectly use ventrilo­ Increase Weight spell. The spell caster is able to reduce
qu ism on any inanimate object, tree, vegetation or animal . the weight of any one object, person, or creature by 1 00
Basically the same effects as the skill at 90% proficiency. pounds (45 kg) per each level of experience, down to a
bottom limit of half an ounce. Characters or items that are
Level Two virtually weightless can be carried with ease, used to trick
people, and float on the wind. Likewise, this spell can be
cast on opponents to slow them down.
Range: Self o r others u p to 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m ) away. Characters whose weight is reduced to nearly nothing
Duration: 5 minutes (20 melee rounds) per level of expe­ will see their speed drop by 75% and may be forced to
rience. hold on to rope or objects to prevent themselves from be­
Saving Throw: None ing carried away on the wind! A wind of one mile per hour
P.P.E.: 3 ( 1 .6 km) or faster will blow the character around like a
This spell enables the enchanted person to scale feather or leaf! Likewise, the damage inflicted from striking
attacks (punches, kicks, sword strikes, etc.) by the virtually
rough, climbable surfaces with supernatural skill (98%) ,
weightless character, as well as the amount of weight that
speed (climbing speed is equal to speed attribute) , and
person can lift and carry also are reduced by 75% be­
agility. Extremely smooth, steep, or otherwise difficult sur­
cause the weightless character doesn't have the mass to
faces can be scaled with a skill level of 60%. Climbing
speed for such difficult surfaces is 80% one's normal inflict serious damage or carry heavy items.

Conceal ment Level Th ree

Range: Small objects up to 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) away.
Duration: 5 minutes (20 melee rounds) per level of expe­ Fuel Flame
rience. Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m )
Saving Throw: Standard Duration : Instant
P.P.E.: 6 Saving Throw: None
This magic makes any small object hard to see or find. P.P.E.: 5
The magic affects the perception of anybody who looks at The magic feeds any existing fire, doubling it in size. It
it. Unless the person(s) makes a successful saving throw, can affect a 1 0 foot (3 m) radius of fire up to 1 00 feet (30.5
the item cannot be seen by him. This can be applied to an m) away. This spell does not increase the intensity of the
item on one's person or left out in the open. Only one ob­ fire , just the size , thus damage is not increased; although
ject is affected each time the magic is invoked . The object additional damage is likely as it will take longer to get out
cannot be living and must be smaller than 1 4 inches (0.31 of the now larger fire.
m) in length and height, 6 inches (0. 1 5 m) in width , and
weigh 1 4 Ibs (6.4 kg) or less. Each person who looks at
1 81
+4 to parry with telekinesis by using a control led object
I m pervious to Poison •

to parry or sheer telekinetic force to block an attack. ;

Range: Self or others b y touch.
physical and skill bonuses also do not apply when a
Duration : 5 minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
telekinetic parry is used. Note: Telekinesis is not a
Saving Throw: None
force field. Thus, while it can be used to parry/block a
P.P.E.: 5
punch , kick, club, knife, or even a sword, it cannot stop
This enchantment makes the spell caster temporarily projectiles, arrows, gas/fumes, surprise tackles, and
impervious to poisons, deadly toxins and poison gases. similar attacks. Furthermore, a failed rol l to
Sense Traps telekinetically parry means the spell caster did not parry
Range: Self and is struck by the opponent.
Duration: 1 minute (4 melee rounds) per level of experi­ • Damage from hurled objects:
ence. Small : 6 ounces to 1 pound (0. 1 7-0.45 kg) - 1 D4
Saving Throw: None Small : 1 . 1 to 2 Ibs. (0.5-0.9 kg) - 1 D6
P.P.E.: 7 Medi um: 3 to 4 Ibs. (1 .0-1 . 9 kg) - 2D4
This spell endows the spell caster with a sort of sixth Medium: 5 to 1 0 Ibs. (2 .0-4.5 kg) - 3D4
sense which enables him to sense traps, including modern Medi um: 1 1 to 25 Ibs. (4.6-1 1 .3 kg) - 3D6
security items such as infrared beams and motion sensors Large: 26 to 40 Ibs ( 1 1 .4-1 8 . 1 kg) - 4D6
(but not cameras or other items that produce no immedi­ Add 1 D6 for each additional 20 Ibs. of weight.
ate mechanical response). This is done by simply looking • Object(s) being manipulated m ust be visible.
over an object or area no further than six feet ( 1 .8 m) • Telekinesis can be combined with hand to hand com­
away. U nfortunately, while the spell detects and locates bat, but does not add extra attacks per melee.
traps, it does not identify the specific danger they pose .
• Influence from ley line energy doubles the amount of
Nor does it deactivate them. This spell also does not lo­
weight and range possible.
cate secret compartments, doors or passageways.
• Influence from ley line nexus energy triples the amount
See Wards of weight and range possible.
Range: 60 feet (1 8.3 m); line of vision . • Only one object/item per level of experience can be
Duration: Four minutes per level of the spell caster. manipulated at any one time.
Saving throw: None
P.P.E.: Eight
This incantation enables the mage to see the normal ly Level Fou r -----

invisible magic energies that radiate from wards. In this

way he can tell if a ward is real or not (a false ward radi­
ates no energy) . He can also see the magic energy that
covers and area when a protection or area affect ward is
used, and whether a ward is active or not. This also en­
ables the character to determine how many wards are ac­
tive and a general sense of power (low level of damage or

Teleki nesis
Range: 6 0 feet (1 8.3 m).
Duration : 1 minute (4 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Dodge
P.P.E.: 8
This invocation empowers the spell caster with the
magic equivalent of the Physical Psionic power of the
same name, the abi lity to move objects purely by directed
mental energy. This power can be used to move or hurl
objects, open doors, flick switches, press -buttons, and so
on . While using telekinesis, certain rules and limitations
• Maximum total weight that can be moved at once: 60
pounds (27 kg) .
• Telekinetic attacks per melee: Equal to the number of Astral Projection
hand to hand attacks per melee that the character may Range: Self
have. Duration : 5 minutes per level of experience.
• +3 to strike with telekinesis; physical and skill bonuses Saving Throw: None
to strike do not apply when telekinesis is used . P.P.E.: 1 0
1 82
The incantation sends the spell caster's astral body into Domination is a trance-like enchantment that enables
the alien dimension known as the Astral Plane. This magic the mystic to impose his will over his victim's, forcing the
functions exactly like the psychic sensitive abil ity of the person to do his bidding. The victim of domination will ap­
same name. For details, see Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edi­ pear to act oddly, dazed, confused, slow, and unfriendly
tion , page 305. (ignoring friends, etc.). The enchanted person has one
Note: This spell functions exactly like the Wizard's in­ goal, to fulfill the command of the spell caster controlling
nate ability of the same name. It is included for use by him. Under such infl uence, not even the victim's alignment
other magical types that can make spell selections. will apply. If directed to, he will steal , lie, assist in crimes,
kidnap , betray friends, reveal secrets, and so on! The only
Cure M i nor Disorders things the control led individual will not do is commit sui­
Range: Touch or 1 0 feet (3 m). cide, inflict self-harm , or kill a friend or loved one. How­
Duration : Instant ever, a good aligned character (principled, scrupulous and
Saving Throw: Standard (if unwanted) . even unprincipled) , cannot be made to kill anybody, or to
P.P.E.: 1 0 reveal a secret identity or anyth ing else that obviously puts
A unique bit of cu rative magic that instantly relieves mi­ a person in serious danger! It is too deeply against their
nor physical disorders and illnesses such as headaches, alignment.
indigestion, gas, heartburn , nausea, hiccups, muscle stiff­
ness, low fevers ( 1 0 1 degrees F/38 C, or less) and similar.
This invocation will also negate simple curses that inflict
minor disorders and can be used to negate one minor in­
jury ( Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition, page 1 9) per cast­

Ley Li ne Transm ission

Range: Lim ited by the length of the ley line.
Duration : Instant
Saving Throw: A psionic mind block will block and de­
stroy the message.
P.P.E.: 30
The spell caster can send a verbal and/or audio mes­
sage directly along a ley line to another person so long as
that person is located within 1 00 feet (30 m) of the line. To
avoid overwhelming the recipient, messages are best kept
under 1 00 words. Messages of this sort are one-way only
and can only be returned by another spell caster who
knows this spell or has this ability. The time lapse between
sending and receiving a ley line transmission is only a
matter of seconds. The message can be sent to several
people (one person per level of experience) at different lo­
cations, as long as they are all on the ley line.
Victims of this spell suffer the following penalties: At­
The only danger is that ley line message can be picked tacks per melee are half, speed is half, all skills are half
up by telepathy. There is a 1 -20% chance per message their usual proficiency, speech is slow, and the person
that any psionically or magically telepathic character will seems distracted or a little dazed.
sense a ley line transmission coming through (if they are
A successful saving throw versus magic means the
within 1 00 ftl30 m of the ley line), and there is a 01 -31 %
magic has no effect. The person is 1 00% his normal self.
chance that they can eavesdrop on the message. There is
The effects of the domination magic cannot be easily
no way for the sender to know if others have intercepted
faked, so the spell caster is very likely to know (85%) if the
the message . Nor is there any way to scramble the mes­
target is faking domination or not.

Energy Disru ption , Revised

Leve l Five -------
Range: 60 feet (1 8.3 m).
Duration: 3 minutes ( 1 2 melee rounds) per level of expe­
Dom ination rience.
Range: Touch or within 4 feet ( 1 .2 m). Saving Throw: None for inanimate objects, +2 to save
Duration : 2 minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experi­ when used against robots and computers with Artificial In­
ence. telligence (AI) or power armor controlled by a living pilot,
Saving Throw: Standard and +4 to save when used against cyborgs or robots/an­
P.P.E.: 1 0 droids with transferred intelligence.
P.P.E.: 1 5
1 83
robot or power armor at a time (Le. weapon , sensor, jet
pack, arm , etc.).
Another problem is that when casting this spell at a tar­
get with uncertain or hidden systems, one never knows
exactly what is going to be disrupted . Certainly, targeting
obvious systems like optics or weapons will result in that
particular system shutting down (a save still applies with
cyborgs, advanced Als and transferred intelligences) , but
a robot's radar isn't necessarily in its head and its main
CPU could be in a foot. Because of this, when the spell
caster can not or does not positively target a specific sys­
tem , roll on the following table to determ ine which system
is actually affected by the Energy Disruption spell and
shuts down (if appl icable saves are fai led) . Note that cars
and other vehicles on the table below refer to modern ve­
hicles with extensive electrical systems such as ABS
brakes, electronic ignition, secu rity systems, etc.
Note that a hand-held energy weapon or portable de­
vice can be targeted and attacked without benefit of a
save, because it is an ordinary mach ine with an independ­
ent power source.

Random Disruption ; rol l percentile d ice :

This is an updated version of the Energy Disruption 01 %-05%: Circuit and power cooling systems down ,
spell that appears on page 326 of Heroes Unlimited, 2nd will overheat and shut all systems down in 1 D4 melee
Edition. Officially, the description in the HU2 rule book re­ rounds. Once the spell wears off, all systems will be cool
mains the same; these are merely supplemental rules for enough to run properly.
this spell.
06%-1 3%: One arm is paralyzed . The character loses
When Energy Disruption is used against a complex one attack and any weapon systems or senses on that
system that is made up of several distinct sub-systems, it limb will not respond. If a vehicle, some secondary system
will only disable one sub-system per spell casting. For ex­ is knocked out and controls are sluggish; -1 attack per me­
ample, casting Energy Disruption on a security camera lee round.
does not shut down the entire security network it is con­
1 4%-22%: Locomotion partially shut down ; leg or foot
nected to, just that one camera. This is because the cam­
in robots (50% chance for either leg) ; electronic ABS
era is basically one tightly organized system , despite its
brakes in cars, etc. Speed is half and all trick and special
numerous components, but it is not an integral part of the
maneuvers are -50%.
whole security network. On the other hand, if a character
disrupts the main computer for that same security system 23%-30%: Robots lose targeting software or targeting
(another tightly organized system), all of the cameras go computer (if it has one) ; targeting computer bonuses are
out with it because their functions are dependent on the lost or weapons are simply -2 to strike. Other systems lose
operation of the main computer. Other complex systems control and suffer - 1 5% to their functions (such as pilot
work the same way, including modern cars, complex rolls).
weapons, and robots. Thus using energy disruption on a 31 %-40%: Lose all commun ications, radio, and possi­
robot will shut down one system (a weapon , a sensor, an bly exterior audio systems (effectively deaf) .
arm , etc.) , but it won't necessarily shut down the whole 41 %-45%: Lose radar/sonar or other special sensory
unit unless the spell caster can disrupt a main control sys­ system ; pilot's visuals only.
tem like the CPU, AI brain , etc . , and that is not likely (es­ 46%-56%: One weapon system down; roll randomly
pecially if a player character or pivotal N PC villain). based on the robot's or machine's arsenal.
The difference between the security system example 57%-65%: Control circu its down; reduce speed by half,
and the robot (or vehicle, etc.) is that in the former, the -1 to parry and dodge.
main computer was an obvious target, while in the latter, it 66%-70%: Control circuits down ; - 1 attack per melee,
will be hidden or concealed behind casings and armor. -1 to parry and dodge.
Additionally, if the robot has an advanced AI or transferred
71 %-74%: Router circuits down; robots are stunned for
intelligence, it is entitled to a saving throw because it has
1 D4 melees, cars and other machines are unresponsive
the same reactive defenses as other player characters
and require control or operation rolls at - 1 0%.
when opposing magic. Whether he moves just a bit as the
spell goes off, manages to outright resist the mystic ener­ 75%-82%: Control chip down , re-router overcompen­
gies, or reroute power, there is a chance the magic will sates and knocks robot off its feet; lose two attacks that
fai l , unlike a normal mach ine that provides no resistance. melee. Vehicles require an immediate control roll at -20%.
But even if successful , it will affect only one aspect of the 83%-88%: Lose optic systems (effectively blind).
1 84
89%-94%: Major electrical system shut down ; - 1 attack, or parry by the object counts as a melee attack/action. No
-4 to strike, parry and dodge. Vehicles must make control combat bonuses apply other than + 1 on initiative.
rolls at -30%. The animation of objects requires the spell caster's full
95%-00%: Main CPU/AI hardware shut down ; entire attention and concentration, so no other spells can be cast
system is helpless for the duration of the spell. Vehicles or action taken as long as the character is using this
must make control rolls at -30% before shutting down and magic. Consequently, if he is knocked out or killed, the
coming to a stop. spell is instantly cancelled. Likewise, if his vision is im­
paired/obscured, he temporarily loses control of that ob­
Mend Cloth ject(s) until he can re-establish visual contact with it.
Range: Touch or within three feet (0.9 m); l i n e o f vision .
Duration: I nstant and permanent.
Saving Throw: Not appl icable.
P.P.E.: 1 2
A spell of transformation that can make a tattered , torn ,
holey or old piece of fabric or an article of clothing the size
of a blanket (shirt, pants, cape , pair of sock or gloves, and
similar) as good as new - magically repairing tears,
holes, thread bare areas from wear, etc. This spell can
also be used to get rid of otherwise impossible to remove
stains. The magic only works on cotton, wool, silk and
synthetic cloth (pOlyester, etc.), but not leather, felt, furs,
rope, metal, body armor or articles ''filled'' with feathers or
other types of padding.

Size of the Behemoth

Range: Self or other; 30 feet (9 m) maximum range.
Duration : 2 minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experi­
Saving Throw: None for self, standard for others.
P.P.E. : 1 2
This spell can be cast upon oneself or another person
within the spell caster's line of vision and no further than
30 feet (9 m) away. It increases the size of the person to
20 feet (6 m) tall , weight to 1 ,200 pounds (540 kg) , P.S. to
30 (superhuman) , and adds 75 S . D . C . , but speed is re­ Apparition
duced to 6. The spell affects only the physical body and Range: 3 0 feet ( 9 m) .
not the clothes, armor, weapons, or possessions the per­ Duration : 1 minute (4 melee rounds) per level of experi­
son was wearing or holding . This spell is uncommon. ence.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E. : 20
Level Six F The Wizard can create a realistic apparition in the form
of a horrible creature or monster that will attack anybody
An i mate Object who comes within 20 feet (6 m) of it. The apparition can
Range: 60 feet (1 8.3 m); line of vision . appear as any known supernatural creature or an imagi­
Duration: 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) per level of expe­ nary ''thing,'' like a man-eating refrigerator, and so on. The
rience. creature will always have at least three attacks per melee
Saving Throw: None but no more than six, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 to
P.P.E. : 1 5 dodge, possesses incredible strength (P.S. 25, Supernatu­
This enables the spell caster to animate and control ral) and has a Horror Factor of 1 0. These illusionary mon­
any object or objects under a total of 50 Ibs (22.6 kg) . The sters are commonly used to block passages and guard
spell caster can mentally direct the object(s) to do just entrances.
about anything: a table to walk, a broom to sweep, etc. Although an illusion, it will appear completely real and
The spell caster can cause the object to hover up to six seems to sweat, bleed and interact just as one would ex­
feet ( 1 .8 m) off the ground and move in any direction. If pect it to. Combat should be conducted as usual . The illu­
the object(s) is used to attack, the total n umber of attacks sion is so complete that any characters fighting it will
possible per melee is equal to the spell caster's. So, if a imagine suffering damage from the beast! Although the
mage animates four brooms and the mage has fou r at­ damage is imaginary and disappears when the apparition
tacks per melee round, one of the brooms may strike four vanishes, the characters will react as if they are actually
times or all fou r can strike once each , or any combination hurt. Should the opponent of the apparition die (or so he
thereof. Roll to strike for each attacking object. Any dodge believes) , he will fall unconscious for 204 minutes from

1 85
shock. The experience is traumatic; roll to save vs insan ity Memory Bank
(a 1 2 or higher saves) . If the roll is a failure, roll percentile Range: Touch
dice on the Random I nsan ity Table . Duration : 3 months per level of experience.
There are only three ways to destroy the illusion: 1 ) A Saving Throw: None if willing; standard if unwilling.
successful save vs magic will cause it to disappear (at P.P.E. : 1 2
least for that individual) . Each character encountering it The mage can implant a block of memory or informa­
must make a saving throw. 2) Plunge a rod or someth ing tion deep into another person's subconscious mind with­
made of iron into it. 3) Wait for the magic's duration time to out them ever knowing what it is. The mage can then
elapse. retrieve it at any time with a mere touch. This technique
Compu lsion can be used to safely record and hide numbers, names,
Range: 6 0 feet (1 8.3 m ) and within line of vision. addresses, locations, incantations, or any other data un­
Duration: 24 hours. der 1 ,000 words. There is no limit to the number of mem­
Saving Throw: Standard ory banks a mage can implant in the same person. The
P.P.E.: 20 memory will fade away after the magic's duration time has
The spell caster can implant a sudden irresistible desi re
or need in another person's mind. The impulse should be Note: A psionic mind block will make it impossible to
something reasonable and attainable, although the motive implant or retrieve a memory bank. Other than the mage
may seem quite irrational. The enchanted person will be who implanted the memory bank, the only way to access
consumed with the object or action of the implanted com­ this information is via a psionic Mind Bond (telepathy
pulsion , whether it be something very simple, like a crav­ doesn't dig deep enough) .
ing for a candy bar or the need to visit somebody, or
something more extravagant. The victim of this enchant­ Swi m as a Fish (Su perior)
ment will pursue his compu lsion for the duration of the Range: Self or others by touch .
spell or until the compulsion itself is attained. The spell Duration : 1 0 minutes per level of the spell caster.
Remove Curse will negate Compulsion . Saving Throw: None
P.P. E.: 1 2
Cure I l l ness This spell can be cast on oneself or on one or two peo­
Range: Touch or 3 feet (0.9 m). ple at a time by speaking the incantation and simulta­
Duration: Instant cure. neously touching the intended targets. The enchanted
Saving Throw: None; standard if the person resists treat­ characters are able to breathe underwater like a fish and
ment. swim expertly (98%) without fatigue at a speed of 66 (45
P.P.E.: 1 5 mph172 km) for the duration of the spell. Maximum depth
A potent magic that can cure ordinary disease and ill­ is 6,000 feet (1 ,830 m; over one mile/1 .6 km) .
ness, such as fever, flu, nausea, and other common ail­ Underwater Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to parry and
ments. The magic cannot cure cancer, lung disease, the +3 to dodge.
common cold, chronic illness, wounds, broken bones or
internal damage to organs. Nor can it cure magically in­
duced sicknesses or disorders.
Red uce Self
Range: Self only.
Create Bread & M i l k Duration: 3 minutes ( 1 2 melee rounds) per level of expe­
Range: U p to 30 feet (9 m ) away. rience.
Duration : Permanent Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 20
P.P.E.: 1 5 This spell instantly shrinks the spell caster to six inches
This incantation creates 206 loaves of bread and one tall (0. 1 5 m). His clothes and possessions also shrink pro­
gallon of milk held in containers wh ich disappear when portionally to his tiny size. Shru n ken weapons do virtually
emptied. no damage. Tiny magic weapons will inflict 1 04 damage,
while the range of any special magic powers they may
Detect Poison have will be tu rned into inches rather than feet. The tiny
Range: 1 5 feet (4.6 m) . mage sees all his physical attributes, weight, and spell
Duration : Instant range reduced by two thirds (67%) , so a P.S. of 9 is now a
Saving Throw: None 3. However, mental attributes, psionics, S . D . C . , hit pOints,
P.P.E. : 1 0 and spell damage, duration and strength remain un­
The spell caster can direct his sight and concentration changed.
on a particular object, powder, liquid, plant, drink, or food, Note: Being struck by full-size weapons, objects, fists,
and detect whether or not it is poisonous or laced with poi­ and feeVkicks does double damage to the diminutive char­
son. Poison includes harmful or mind, mood, and physi­ acter!
cally altering drugs.

1 86
This spell creates a transparent glittering cone, 20 feet
Ti me Slip (6 m) in diameter and 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) tall (the spell caster
Range: Self only.
may make it smal ler if desired). The cone halts EVERY­
Duration : Approximately 7 seconds (half a melee round).
TH ING within its scope. M issile weapons, speech, move­
Saving Throw: None
ment, flight, everything is momentarily frozen in time.
P.P.E.: 20
Anyone entering or touching the glittering cone of l ight is
The invocation momentarily suspends time, enabling also instantly immobilized. When the spell time elapses,
the spell caster to slip seven seconds into the future. The any missile weapons or creatures in flight will drop to the
mage can move forward seven seconds while all around ground while speech and movement will continue.
him are caught in the past. The magic is such that the
character cannot physically hurt any l iving creature, but he I nvul nerabi l ity: Li m ited
can move through the physical environment, open doors, Range: Self or others by touch.
grab an item, make a quick escape, etc. Whatever actions Duration: 2 melee rounds (30 seconds) per level of expe­
the mage takes within the seven seconds are unseen and rience.
unknown to other characters in the area. To these charac­ Saving Throw: None
ters, it will appear as if the mage disappeared for a few P.P.E.: 25
seconds and then sudden ly reappeared at a different loca­ This spell creates a form fitting energy field which ap­
tion. All around him lose two attacks the melee round in pears as a dimly glowing aura around the body and pro­
which he reappears, but the mage retains all of his. vides 25 S. D.C. per level of the spell caster. In addition ,
the aura makes the individual impervious to non-magical
heaVfire, cold, energy attacks, poisons/toxins/drugs and
Level Seven disease. Magic energy attacks or magical illness does half
Agony Weapons of all kinds inflict normal damage, although
Range: 5 feet (1 .5 m) per level o f experience. the damage is first deducted from the magic S.D.C. Once
Duration: 1 minute (4 melees) . that magic S.D.C. is exhausted, the person will suffer nor­
Damage: Special mal damage to his own S . D . C . and H it Points, but remains
Saving Throw: Standard impervious to all the things listed previously. The invulner­
P.P.E.: 20 able character is also +4 to save vs Horror Factor, and on
This is a particu larly cruel and painful invocation that in­ saving throws vs magic and pSionic assau lts.
capacitates its victim with pain. U nder the influence of the
magic, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move Pu rification
or even speak, except to scream , groan, and writhe in ag­ Range: Touch or 3 feet (0. 9 m ) .
ony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or Duration: Instant
hit points are lost and there is no sign of torture), the pain Saving Throw: None
is very real (it feels l i ke losing 20 S . D . C . or hit points per P.P.E.: 20
melee) . It will take another minute (four melee rounds) for The mystic can purify food or water, cleansing it of dis­
the victim to regain his full composure after the agony is ease , bacteria, and pOison/toxins. Up to 50 Ibs (22 kg) of
stopped. During that minute , his number of attacks per food or 1 0 gallons (37.9 l iters) of water/fluids can be puri­
melee and speed are reduced by half, and he suffers a fied.
penalty of - 1 on initiative and - 1 to strike , parry and dodge.
Only one person can be affected per invocation. Second Sight
Note: This spell will work against Invulnerable charac­ Range: Self; 5 m i les (8 km) per level of experience.
ters because it is a "magical" effect and not a damaging Duration: 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) .
spel l . Characters inside environmental body armor, power Saving Throw: Mind Block will temporarily prevent the
armor/exoskeleton or robots, as wel l as cyborgs, are +3 to use of Second Sight.
save (the armor and electronics serve as a buffer from this P.P.E.: 25
attack) . A unique use of magic that enables a mage to see and
hear what another person is doing at that very moment.
The mage j ust has to think about that person and he will
I m mobi l ize get a clairvoyant-l i ke vision showing what that person is
Range: 60 feet (1 8.3 m). doing and saying, and who he/she is with. The vision is
Duration : 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) per level of expe­ what one m ight expect to see in a crystal ball except that
rience. the mage sees it only in his mind. The vision lasts 30 sec­
Saving Throw: Special; if a successful save is made, the onds each time the magic is invoked. To use Second
player rolls 1 D4 to determ ine how many melee rounds his Sight, the character must have previously encoun­
character is immobilized. After that time, his character is tered/met the individual for more than a few minutes.
able to move freely out of the cone, but cannot move to af­
A mage can also use Second Sight to transmit his pres­
fect anything inside it.
ent activity to another person. This is a great way to show
P.P.E.: 25
somebody that you are in trouble. Such a "distress image"
1 87
always consists of true events showing exactly what is
happening, when it is happening. The vision cannot be al­
tered or doctored in any way. Only a M ind Block will pre­
vent the person from being seen through Second Sight.

X-Ray Vision
Range: Self
Duration : 30 seconds (2 melee rounds) per level of the
spell caster.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 25
This spell enables the mage to see through solid matter
such as wood , stone, clay, dirt, and iron . However, x-ray
vision cannot see through structures thicker than those
listed below, nor can it penetrate lead or containers that
are magically sealed.
It takes fifteen seconds (one melee round) to see
through two feet (0.6 m) of wood , cloth , or leather; one
foot (0.3 m) of dirt, clay, or stone or a half-foot (0. 1 5) of
It takes thirty seconds (two melee rounds) to see
through fou r feet ( 1 .2 m) of wood or cloth; two feet (0.6 m)
of dirt, clay , or stone; or one foot (0.3 m) of metal. With this spel l , the mage can implant a mystic i l l usion
or delusion into the mind of a single person. Whatever the
ill usion is, whether it be a monster, fire, bottom less pit,
Level E i g ht -----­
etc. , it seems completely real to the victim. The person
hallUCinating will react and interact with the hallucinatory
Com m u ne with Spi rits image regardless of what anybody else may say or do. A
Range: Self, or others by ritual; 200 feet (6 1 m) distance. successfu l save vs magic means that the magic has no ef­
Duration : 5 minutes (20 melee rounds) per level of expe­ fect. Note: The psionic power M ind Block adds +3 to save
rience. vs this spell.
Saving Throw: None Luck Curse
P.P.E.: 25 Range: Touch or 1 0 feet (3 m).
The incantation enables the mage to see and speak Duration : 24 hours per level of experience.
with all types of ghosts and supernatural beings known Saving Throw: Standard
col lectively as "entities," including Poltergeists, Haunting P.P.E.: 40
Spirits, Trapped Entities, Imprisoned Entities, and Pos­ This incantation inflicts a character with bad luck. First,
sessing Entities. The ability to see and communicate with the victim's normal combat bonuses are all reduced to
these ghost-like beings does not mean that they will obey zero! Second, his critical strikes do normal damage (ex­
the character, but a dialogue can be exchanged.
cept a natural 20 which always does double damage), and
even if the character throws a successful death blow or
Fi restorm knockout/stun punch , it only does 1 D4 damage. Third , ex­
Range: 90 feet (27.4 m) plus 1 0 feet per level .
ecuting any kick attacks has a 60% chance of causing the
Duration : Instant
character to trip and fall down (lose initiative and one me­
Damage: 1 D6 per experience level of the spell caster.
lee attaCk) . And finally, the prowl skill turns into a clumsy
Saving Throw: Dodge, but the victim m ust know the at­
roll , making noise every time it is tried . All other skills are
tack is coming and must roll an 1 8 or higher (bonuses to
minus 40%, but only during critical situations. The G . M .
dodge are appl icable) .
can add other minor occurrences of bad l uck i f h e s o de­
P.P.E.: 30
sires. Only the spell Remove Curse can negate the effects
This spell creates a fast-flying fireball that explodes of this enchantment.
upon impact, burning everything within 20 feet (6 m) of the
target. The fireball is magically directed and seldom M i nor Cu rse
misses. As with the related spell , Fireball , damage for this Range: Touch or 1 0 feet (3 m).
spell is increased by ley lines and nexus pOints. Duration: 24 hours per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard
Hal l uci nation P.P.E.: 35
Range: Touch o r 3 feet (0. 9 m).
The spell caster can inflict a curse in the form of minor
Duration : 3 minutes ( 1 2 melees) per level of experience.
phYSical disorders that cause a constant i rritation. Such
Saving Throw: Standard
disorders include:
P.P.E.: 30
1 88
Fever: -2 on initiative, -5% on all skills, reduce speed tion , page 306) . The spell caster receives one dream-like
(Spd) and physical endurance (P . E.) by 25%. Fever vision of a possible future. The focus of the vision will de­
ranges from 9g o F to 1 02 ° F, making the victim feel pend on what, when , or whom the mage is thinking about.
drained, tired, and uncomfortable. The same basic rules that apply to clairvoyance apply to
Gas: Chronic indigestion and nausea, coupled with a the "oracle" invocation .
gross, bloated feeling. The character has a spell of flatu­
lence (belching or farting) once every two melees. This Sense Di mensional Anomaly
makes the character's initiative rolls at -2, and sneak at­ Range: Self only.
tacks and prowling are impossible. Duration: 2 minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experi­
Headache: Dull, throbbing headache that makes sleep ence.
and concentration difficult. All skills are - 1 0% and all sav­ Saving Throw: Not appl icable.
ing throws are -1 due to the character's inability to focus. Limitations: Range limits.
H iccups: Annoying hiccups that interrupt speaking P.P.E.: 30
constantly. Language skills are - 1 5%, mental affinity This spell enables the Wizard to feel ripples in the
(MA) is reduced by half, and prowl is impossible. Spells space/time continuum that indicate the opening, closing,
can still be cast with little difficulty. and general location of any kind of dimensional Rift, gate­
Ingrown Toenail : Painful to wal k, victim limps. Reduce way, portal, or other such anomaly within a 50 m ile (80
speed by half, - 1 0% to prowl, - 1 5% to climb. km) radius. In addition , the mage can sense the following:
Itching and Rash : Very uncomfortable, almost mad­ • The opening and closing of mystic portals, d imensional
dening itch that can be relieved only by scratching. Re­ teleportation , ley line storms, and time holes within one
duce mental affinity (MA) by half, -4 on initiative, and mile ( 1 .6 km) .
minus one attack per melee. • The opening, closing, and general location of dimen­
Pimples: Dozens of pimples break out all over the face sional envelopes within 1 00 feet (30 m).
and arms. Reduce physical beauty (P.B.) by half.
• The opening, closing, and general location of dimen­
Nausea: Stomachache, loose bowels and vomiting, sional pockets within 1 0 feet (3 m). The mage can see
slow this poor victim down. Reduce speed by 50% (run­ into the pocket if he finds it.
ning faster is possible, but there is a 50% chance of vomit­
• Sense when a space warp (teleportation), wink-out, or
time warp is occurring wit'lin a 1 00 foot ( 30.5 m) radius.
ing) . Sudden movements, riding horseback, bumpy rides,
or high speed chases (50 mph or faster) , have a 60%
The mage can detect such an occurrence just a few
chance of inducing vomiting or diarrhea. The victim is -6 to
seconds before it actually occurs, so it is impossible for
strike, parry and dodge while throwing up, and has no ini­
the mage to be surprised by such events.
tiative .
• Sense the presence/essence of astral beings, two- and
Runny Nose and Cough: The victim suffers from a
nagging, constant cough , watering eyes, and runny nose. four-dimensional beings, entities and alien intelligences
Reduce physical beauty (P.B.) by 25%. Prowling and within a 1 00 foot (30 m) radius, but cannot pinpOint their
sneak attacks are impOSSible, but spell casting is unim­
Vertigo: The character gets dizzy when running at Sickness
speeds higher than 8, riding in vehicles moving at 50 mph Range: Touch or 20 feet (6 m).
or faster, or when exposed to heights (must be looking out Duration: 12 hours per level of experience.
a window or standing on a ladder or ledge) greater than Saving Throw: Standard
1 0 feet (3 m). When vertigo h its, the character is almost P.P.E.: 50
helpless: reduce attacks per melee to one, no initiative, -8 Sickness is a debilitating magic that afflicts its victims
to stri ke, parry, or dodge. The vertigo will last as long as with the symptoms of a specific disease. Only the symp­
the victim is exposed to what induces it. toms of the disease manifest themselves, not the actual
No normal medicine or cures will rid a character of a disease. Consequently, a medical examination will reveal
curse , only the Remove Curse spell can do it, or waiting no physical cause for the illness. At best, it will be diag­
until the duration time of the curse elapses. A Negate nosed as psychological, magical, or unknown. No matter
Magic spell can be tried, but it has only a 0 1 -25% possibil­ how ill or helpless the victim may become, he cannot die
ity of success. from the magic sickness, but he will suffer greatly.
All magic sicknesses inflict the following penalties and
Oracle modifiers: attacks per melee are reduced to one; physical
Range: Self only. endurance ( P . E . ) is reduced by 70%; speed (Spd) is re­
Duration: 1 minute (4 melee rounds) . duced by 40%; -4 to strike, parry, and dodge; no initiative;
Saving Throw: None and all skill ratios are reduced by -50%. The person is
P.P.E.: 30 very feverish, weak, disoriented, uncomfortable, and has
The oracle is the magic equivalent of the Psionic Sensi­ no appetite.
tive power of Clairvoyance (Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edi-
1 89
Spoil sule can be hidden , buried, or just placed on a shelf. How
easy it is to open the capsule depends entirely on the
Range: Touch o r 3 feet (0. 9 m).
Duration : Instant strength of the container and whatever locks or traps may
Saving Throw: None have been placed on or built into it. For example, the Seal
spell can be used in conj unction with this magic.
P.P.E.: 30
Basical ly, this magic is the opposite of the Purification
spell. In this case , the mage can instantly putrefy or spoil Level N i ne
good food, affecting 50 Ibs (22 kg) of solid food or 1 0 gal­
lons (37.9 liters) of water/fluids. The spoiled food is inedi­ Curse: Phobia
ble and the water undrinkable. Anybody who eats or Range: Touch or 2 0 feet ( 6 m).
drinks spoilage will get sick with stomach cramps and diar­ Duration: 24 hours per level of the spell caster's experi­
rhea (-2 on initiative; -1 to strike, parry, and dodge) . ence .
Saving Throw: Standard
Stone to Flesh, Revised P.P.E.: 40
Range: By touch or up to 1 2 feet (3.6 m) away; line of vi­ The phobia curse implants in its victim an unreasoning
sion. fear of someth ing (see phobias in the Insanity section).
Duration: Instant/Permanent. The spell caster can select one of the phobias listed in the
Saving Throw: None/Special (see below) . insanity section, or make a random roll on that table, or in­
P.P.E.: 30 troduce a new phobia (new phobias must be approved by
This spell is identical to the one listed on page 332 of the Game Master) . The victim of the curse will have a pho­
Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition , but with one important bic reaction every time he encounters that frightening
clarification. If this spell is cast upon someone that has al­ thing. Only a "remove curse" is a 1 00% cure, "negation"
tered their physical structure to stone (either by the Copy has a 25% chance of success, and, of cou rse, the mage
Physical Structure or Alter Physical Structure: Stone abili­ who created the curse can cancel it at any time.
ties) , the target must roll to save vs magic. If the saving
throw is successful , nothing happens. But if it fails, the
person reverts instantly and completely back to his flesh Fam i l iar Li n k
and blood form ! He can shift back to stone as he can nor­ Range: Self and animal ; 600 feet (1 83 m).
Duration : I ndefinite.
mally, but until he does so , he is vulnerable to attacks
Saving Throw: None
against his non-stone S.D.C. and H . P . body. It will take at
P.P.E.: Fifty-Five
least two melee actions for the character to get over the
shock and initiate his transformation to stone. At third level, a practitioner of magic is experienced
enough to mentally link with a small animal (mammal, bird
Ti me Caps u le or lizard) . This link is permanent, producing a rather im­
Range: Touch pressive symbiotic relationship. No matter how wild or
Duration : Up to 50 years per level of experience. mean the animal may have been , it will instantly consider
Saving Throw: Not appl icable. the mage to be its friend, companion and master. To him,
Limitations : Can contain 50 Ibs (22.5 kg) per level of ex­ the animal is always docile and submissive, because the
perience. Effective only on picked plants and non-living two are now one; an extension of each other. As such ,
materials such as herbs, fruit, vegetables, grains, other both man and animal will understand each other com­
foods, water, alcohol, potions, books, clothing, weapons, pletely. For the mage, the familiar is now a sensory exten­
machines, etc. Living humanoids, animals, and plants can­ sion enabling him to see, hear, smell, taste and feel
not be placed in a time capsule. everything the animal experiences. Thus, fami liars make
P.P.E.: 30 great spies, listening to conversations and prowling into
This spell creates an energy field that su rrounds a con­ areas not easily accessible to its master. Although the fa­
tainer and its contents, isolating them from time. Every­ miliar understands and obeys the mage, it cannot actually
thing within the time capsule is perfectly preserved . For speak to him.
every year that passes in real time, only a minute passes J ust as the mage knows what the familiar is feeling, so
within the time capsule, making it the perfect means to the familiar knows what its master is experiencing on an
cache items for long-term storage. empathiC and telepathic level. If one is in danger, the other
To create a time capsule, the spell caster must place will know it. The magical nature of the union also provides
the items to be preserved into a container of some kind, the mage and the fami liar both with an additional six hit
such as a wooden crate , metal trunk, cardboard box, pOints. However, if the familiar is hurt or attacked, its mas­
knapsack, or bag. The only condition is that the container ter also takes the same amount of damage even if miles
must be completely closed (Le. , no open-topped boxes) . apart. If the fam iliar is killed, the arcanist permanently
As long as the container remains unopened , the magic re­ loses 1 0 hit pOints! There is also a 50% chance he will suf­
mains in effect, up to 50 years per level of experience of fer shock from the ordeal . If he does, he will lapse into a
the spell caster who created the time capsule. The instant coma for 1 D6 hours; another familiar link cannot be tried
the time capsule is opened, the spell ends. The time cap- again for at least 1 D4 years.
1 90
Other Limitations & Notes about the Familiar Spell: Speed :
1 . Two-way telepathic and empathic communication; Running: Spd. attribute equal to eight.
maximum range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m). Beyond this range the Climbing: Spd. attribute equal to six.
two cannot communicate but each will know if the other is Flying: 20 mph (32 kph) for extended flight.
in danger or hurt regardless of the distance between them .
Flying: 35 mph (56 kph) for short bursts (30 seconds) .
The animal will also understand spoken commands made
by its master on an almost human level. The mage will Other Abilities and Bonuses:
have a keen understanding and perception of his animal Prowl: Small insects, 2 inches or smaller 90%; larger

companion's reactions, growls, noises and body language. insects, 2 1 /2 inches or bigger 66%.

2. The famil iar possesses all the abil ities common for Climb: Natural climbing ability on any surface is 98%,
that type of animal . spiders can rappel.
3. Fami liar Size: 25 pounds ( 1 1 kg) maximum. Dodge: Bonus to automatically dodge is +6.
4. Typical animal types used as a familiar include: cats, Hearing: Range for hearing is 50 feet (1 5.2 m).
dogs, coyotes, foxes, weasels, ferrets, rodents, birds, Vision: Range for vision is 50 feet (1 5.2 m), but has 1 80
large lizards, and snakes. degree peripheral vision , making sneak attacks impossible
(automatic dodge) .

Protection C i rcle : S i m ple

Range: Radius o f the circle, a s b i g a s t h e mage wishes to
draw it.
Duration : 24 hours, plus 4 P . P . E . to reactivate it after the
circle's initial creation.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 45
Even as a spell , this invocation m ight be considered a
ritual , for it requires the physical drawing of a circle and
symbols while the spell incantation is recited. Almost any
substance can be used to draw the circle , but chalk and
charcoal are most common. Forty-Five potential psychic
energy points are needed to initial ly create and activate
the circle, but a mere fou r P . P . E . is all that is needed to re­
activate it. Anybody with sufficient P . P . E . and desire can
reactivate a protection circle. However, if the circle is dam­
aged (scraped , scarred , rubbed out, etc) , it will not func­
tion and a new one will have to be created.
The simple protection circle will protect everybody in­
side its diameter by keeping lesser supernatural creatures,
demons, ghosts, and entities six feet ( 1 .8 m) away from
Metamorphosis: Insect the circle. The creatures cannot come any closer, nor en­
Range: Self, or others through ritual magic. ter the circle . The circle also provides its occupants with a
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience. bonus of +2 to save vs magic and psych ic attack.
Saving Throw: None Although lesser supernatural beings, such as entities,
P.P.E.: 60 ghouls, and grem lins, cannot come near or enter the cir­
Despite the somewhat misleading name of this spell, cle, they can hurl objects, use weapons, or use magic and
the mage can transform himself into any arthropod, includ­ psych ic powers against the people inside it. G reater be­
ing spiders and scorpions, that is no smaller than a half ings, such as vampires, elementals, greater demons, and

"insect" form , the mage retains his own La. , memory,

inch (1 .27 cm) and no larger than six inches (1 5.24 cm) . In demigods, are not affected by the simple circle and can
enter effortlessly. Likewise , the usual bonuses of the circle
knowledge, hit pOints, and S . D . C . However, performing do not apply against these powerful beings.
human skills is impossible as a bug. Likewise, magic can­
not be cast, because as an insect he cannot speak. The
metamorphosis can be canceled at wi l l , but the mage will Summon & Control Can i nes
be naked when he resumes his human form. Range: Varies
The following are some typical insect abilities: Duration : 5 hours per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard for canines that are part of the
Bite or Sting:
heroes' group or if a character is a mutated canine him­
Non-poisonous: One hit point or S . D . C . point. self.
Non-Lethal Poison : 1 06 damage, causes swell ing and P.P.E.: 50
1 91
Level Ten
Control/Enslave Entity
Range: 30 feet (9 m).
Duration : 48 hours per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 80
Another incantation used to control supernatural forces.
This magic does not summon entities, but does enable the
mage to control them when they are encountered. The
spell caster can control two entities for each level of expe­
rience. All varieties of entities are susceptible to this en­
chantment. Each individual being gets to make a saving
throw vs magic. A successful save means it is not con­
trol led by the mage. A failed roll means it will obey the
character to the best of its ability (some are barely intelli­
gent) .
At the end of its mandatory service, the mage can try to
This ritual magic requires the drawing of a pentagram. renew his control by invoking the control invocation again ,
All pentacles or pentagrams are used for summoning or h e can banish the creature (see the spell Banishment) , or
potentially evil intent. Circles represent mutual support, just let his control slip away. The last option can be dan­
the cycle of life, and flow of energy, but the pentacle, the gerous, because the evil beings may turn on the mage to
five pointed star, represents control, destruction and evil . extract vengeance or just out of spite. On the other hand,
The summon & control canines pentacle will provide the more intell igent types may willingly agree to work with
1 04 canines (dogs, wolves, etc.) plus one additional ca­ a mage , especially an evil one, if it will help the diabolical
nine per level of experience. The animals will be under the being in its own schemes or to inflict pain and suffering.
complete control of the mage , obeying his every com­ Phantom Horse
mand, and will fight to the death. The pentacle will also Range: Immediate
give the character the power to control any other canines Duration : One hour per level of the spell caster's experi­
which were not originally summoned, within 200 feet and ence.
his line of vision , provided he remains in the pentacle. Saving Throw: None
However, the canines originally summoned will obey the P.P.E.: 60
mage whether he's in or outside the pentagram for the du­
The spell caster can magically conju re a horse com­
ration of the enchantment, then they leave. It takes 1 06
posed entirely of magic energy. Those who don't know
minutes to create the enchantment and summon the ani­
better think it is a ghost, because it is semitransparent and
glows of bluish-white energy. Only the mage who conjured
it and one additional person can ride it (even if the mage
Transferal doesn't normally have the horsemanshi p skill). The Phan­
Range: Touch or cast up to 1 0 feet (3 m) away. tom Horse has a P.S. of 26, a Spd of 88 (60 mph/96 km) ,
Duration : 1 hour per level of experience. actually runs four inches (0. 1 2 m) above the ground and
Saving Throw: Standard can leap 20 feet (6 m) high and 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) length­
P.P.E.: 50 wise.
The spell caster can use this magic to temporarily
transfer his mystic essence into another person by trans­ Sum mon & Control Rodents
ferring all but 4 P . P . E . and experience into that individual . Range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m) .
A See Aura would reveal that the mage (who has trans­ Duration : 5 hours per level of experience.
ferred his mystic essence) possesses no magic, little Saving Throw: Standard animal or standard save if a mu­
P . P . E . and appears to be first or second level . This is an tant animal .
excellent way to hide one's mastery of magic when P.P.E.: 70
needed. This pentagram produces an army of mice or rats that
The person to whom the P . P . E . and experience have obey the will of the spell caster who summoned them. As
been transferred is completely unaware of the power long as the mage stands in the pentagram , he can control
within him and cannot use it. The mage who has tempo­ all types of rodents (only rodent fam iliars are not affected).
rarily drained himself of magic retains his mystic knowl­ The sorcerer can summon 30 rodents per level of expe­
edge, but has only 4 P . P . E . and can create magic only at rience. Mice and rat bites inflict one point of damage each.
first level strength. He can regain h is power by touch ing M ice have one attack per melee round, rats have two. All
the person who holds it or by waiting until the magic's du­ are + 1 to dodge and are excellent climbers (88%) and
ration time elapses. swimmers (75%).
1 92
keeping a m ummy in it long enough to destroy it will be
Teleport troublesome, to say the least. Otherwise, the only viable
Range: Distance of 30 miles per level of experience.
ways to handle a m ummy is to trap, imprison , or immobi­
Duration : Instant
lize it, or to keep it at bay with a protection circle.
Saving Throw: None
The M u m my
Attributes of Note: / .0. 4, P.S. 20 (Supernatural) , P.P.
P.P.E.: 1 20
This spell functions exactly like the spel l Teleport: Su­
perior (Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition , page 339) , ex­ 1 0, P.E. 1 8, P.B. 2 , Spd 7.
cept the Wizard can only take 50 Ibs (22 .7 kg) , plus S ibs Horror Factor: 1 0
(2.27 kg) per level of experience, in additional weight. The H it PointS/S.D.C of the Corpse: 70, but only fire, explo­
chances of success outli ned under Teleport: Superior are sives, acid, and magic can harm it. The mummy is im­
also applicable. pervious to cold, heat, fatigue, normal weapons,
punches and kick attacks. Most psychic powers and
magic have no or little effect.
Level Eleven -----­ S.D.C. of Linen Wrappings: 50; A.R. 1 0. Mummies can
also be dressed in body armor and given hand-held
Create M u m my (Ritual) weapons like swords and clubs. They are not capable
Range: Touch of using any equipment more complicated than basic
Duration : Exists until destroyed. hand tools and weapons. This means they cannot use
Saving Throw: None slings, bows, cross bows, guns, explosives, or other
P.P.E.: 1 60 modern equ ipment.
Note: Characters of a good alignment will not use this Attacks per melee: 3
spell. Damage: 2D6+5 damage by hand/punch or by weapon.
The mummy invocation is a Necromantic ritual that Note that a flaming mummy will do 2D6 extra damage
with unarmed attacks until its wrappings burn off.
turns a corpse into one of the undead . The ritual involves
treating pure linen strips of cloth with a mystic sol ution and Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry; no dodge or initiative bo­
wrapping the body in the cloth . The incantation brings to nus.
life (if you can call it that) a sort of h umanoid robot devoid Fearless: Impervious to Horror Factor, phobias, fear
of emotions and fear. Like a machine, the barely intelligent magic and most psionics (including Empathy, Telepa­
''thing'' follows simple orders to the best of its ability. The thy, and Bio-Manipulation). It is afraid only of fire; small
mummy is incapable of understanding complex orders or fires/torches have a Horror Factor of 7, man-sized fires
performing any skills. It is simply a lumbering corpse. Of (including heroes with the Alter Physical Structure: Fire
course this, combined with its near indestructibility, makes power) have a Horror Factor of 1 3 and larger fires have
it an ideal guardian and defender. A simple command like a Horror Factor of 1 6 ! Note that a typical torch will do
2D4 damage to a mummy when it is used as a flam ing
"kill all who enter" (with the exception of the mage) is all it
needs to know. A mummy cannot speak or read but
grunts, growls, hisses, and howls. Skills of Note: None, other than magically understands
all languages.
The most devastating aspect of the damnable creature
is that it is dead and feels no pain or emotions. Most ordi­ Create Magic Scroll
nary weapons (including guns) and even many spells Range: Touch
have no affect against the monster. Physical attacks sim­ Duration: As per scroll and spell level.
ply nick or poke holes into a lifeless husk. Magic charms, Saving Throw: Standard
mind control, sleeps, curses, ill usions, illness, paralysis, P.P.E.: 1 00 plus the P . P . E . needed to cast the magic spell
and turn dead (the mummy is an undead) do nothing at placed on the scroll.
all! Banishment does not work because the mummy is not This magic is similar to the Amulet and Talisman spells
actually a living supernatural creature. Negation simply in that the mage can channel mystic energy and powers
does not work and remove curse is not applicable, nor are into an inanimate object. In this case , the mage can magi­
most psionic powers. cally make the words for casting a magic spell appear on
However, magic fire does double damage and normal paper as a scroll. The only real limitation (other than need­
fire does normal damage. Note that all fire damage will at­ ing sufficient P.P. E.) is that the mage must be able to read
tack a mummy's wrappings first, and then affect its and write. If he cannot read, he can't create a scroll.
corpse-body. If a mummy's wrappings are destroyed , then Once a spell has been magically transformed into a
normal fire does double damage and magical fire does scroll on paper, it can be used by anybody who can read
quadruple damage to the corpse . Even sunlight inflicts the particular language it was written in, be it a fel low
3D6 damage per melee round of exposu re to a mummy mage or a housewife. To activate the magic spell con­
without its wrappings. tained on the scroll, it must be read aloud (Reading it si­
There are only a few ways to destroy a mummy. The lently may reveal the scroll's purpose, but will not activate
first is to use magical weapons, which inflict normal dam­ its magical abilities) . The words on a scroll disappear the
age. Blowing it to bits will work too. Dissolving a mummy moment they are read aloud, leaving only a blank piece of
in acid also work, although gathering that much acid and paper.
1 93
Note: The power of the scrol l-spell can be controlled by cerer must find a recently deceased body (dead for no
its creator and can range from level one potency to the more than six hours) , lay it on a white or silver linen , draw
current level of its creator. However, the creator's en­ a circle around it and light three scented candles. The
hanced spell strength can not be transferred, so all saving candles are then placed on the body: one on the forehead ,
throws from scroll magic are 1 2 if created as a spell or 1 6 one on the mouth and one on the chest above the heart.
if created as part of a ritual. The creator can specify the As the incantation reaches its climax, the mage cuts his
level desired , be it his maximum or any level in between. finger and draws a pentagram on the corpse's throat with
his sti ll warm blood. Moments later, the monstrosity rises
to pseudo-life, the obedient slave of its creator. The cere­
Level Twe lve mony m ust be done secretly in a graveyard , burial place
or battlefield littered with bodies, during the night of a full
Am u let moon.
Range: Holder/wearer of the amulet. The zombie is more intell igent than the m ummy and
Duration: Until the amulet is destroyed. can speak, read simple signs or short sentences, perform
Saving Throw: None simple tasks and even drive a carriage or wagon. Zombies
P.P.E.: Varies; see below. can use any simple hand tool or weapon, and can also
This potent invocation instills a medallion or charm with use primitive missile weapons, such as slings, bows, and
mystic properties that protect its bearer from magic or su­ crossbows. Whether or not a zombie may operate a mod­
pernatural forces. The only requirements are that the amu­ ern firearm or energy weapon is left to the G . M . 's discre­
let be made of a single metal or semi-precious stone, and tion.
that the raw materials be purified by fire prior to the amu­ A zombie's relatively high intell igence (high for undead,
let's construction. anyway) means it can be sent to retrieve an artifact, follow
Amulets provide one of the following types of magical somebody, kidnap a person and so on. A zombie will only
protection: obey the person who created it and individuals whom its
Charm : A general ward against magic that provides a creator may designate as authority figures. There is no
bonus of + 1 to save versus magic and psych ic attacks. limit to the number of zombies a mage can command (al­
P . P . E . Cost: 290. though only one is created per each spell or ritual).
Protection from Faeries: Adds a bonus of + 1 to save Like the m ummy, a zombie is a walking corpse. It feels
vs faerie magic and faerie food. P . P . E . Cost: 290. no pain, no fears, and has no goals and little emotion .
Protection from Magic Insanity: Adds a bonus of +4 Normal swords, clubs, and other physical attacks do no
to save against all magical ly induced insanities. P . P . E . damage! Mental assaults by psych ics, magic charms, illu­
Cost: 320. sions, sleeps, cu rses, sickness, paralysis, and other simi­
Protection from Sickness: Provides a bonus of +6 to lar attacks also do no damage. Turn dead does not work
save vs magic sickness and +3 to save vs disease. P . P . E . because the zombie is an undead. Banishment doesn't
Cost: 290. work because it is not actually a living supernatural being.
Negation simply does not work and remove curse is not
Protection from the Supernatural: Adds a bonus of
appl icable. However, the zombie is more vulnerable than
+2 to save vs Horror Factor. P . P . E . Cost: 300.
the mummy, the trick is knowing what to use.
See the Invisible: Enables the wearer of the medallion
A zombie is vulnerable to magical energy attacks such
to see the invisible. P . P . E . Cost: 500.
as energy bolt, fire bolt, circle of flame, and call l ightning,
Sense the Presence of Spirits : The amulet changes all of which do full damage; as do magic weapons and the
color whenever a ghost, will-o'-the-wisp, the essence of an energies generated by super humans. Normal fire and
alien intelligence or entity is within 200 feet (61 m). P . P . E . weapons made of or covered in si lver also inflict full dam­
Cost: 31 0. age whether it be blade or arrowhead. Zombies can also
Turn the Undead : Prevents any of the undead from be trapped/imprisoned and blown up. However, all of this
physically touching the amulet's bearer, m uch like how a may be a temporary deterrent, for unless the creature is
holy symbol repels vampires. Effective against all undead , decapitated and the head buried separately from the body,
including mummies, zombies and vampires. P . P . E . Cost: the zombie will regenerate completely!
Attributes of Note: I .Q. 7, P.S. 20 (Supernatural) , P . P .
Create Zom bie (Ritual) 1 3, P.E. 1 8, P.B. 2 , Spd 1 0.
Range: Touch
Horror Factor: 1 2
Duration : Exists until destroyed. H it PointS/S.D.C.: 1 50 points; completely regenerates
Saving Throw: None within 48 hours unless the head and body are buried
P.P.E.: 250 separately (see below) . It can also wear body armor for
Note: Characters of a good alignment will not use this additional protection .
spel l. Attacks per melee: 3
The zombie invocation is a Necromantic ritual that turns Damage: 206+5 damage by hand/punch or by weapon.
a corpse into the undead. To create a zombie, the sor- Bonuses: +2 to strike , parry and dodge.
1 94
Fearless: I mpervious to Horror Factor, phobias, fear than $1 0,000 each, for its eyes. Fourth , he places a heart
magic and most psionics (including empathy, telepathy, molded out of iron into the body. Lastly, the conjurer re­
and bio-manipulation). Like the m ummy, the zombie is cites the ritual ceremony. At the end of the ritual, the mage
only afraid of fire; small fires/torches have a Horror Fac­ places a single drop of his blood on the behemoth's fore­
tor of 6, man-sized fires have a Horror Factor of 1 2 and head to bring it to life. The process permanently drains the
larger fires have a Horror Factor of 1 5! A typical torch mage of six S . D . C . points.
will do 1 06 damage to a mummy when it is used as a The golem is a mystical superhuman creature born of
flaming club; magic fire does double damage. magic and almost indestructible. Since it is not of flesh
Skills of Note: Magically understands and reads all lan­ and blood, psychic and magic attacks designed for the hu­
guages 96%, knows basic math 80%, land navigation man physiology and mind do not affect it. That means
70%, track humanoids 50%, and climb 50/45%. charms, sleep magicks, bio-manipu lation , illusions, paraly­
Special abilities: Nightvision 1 00 feet (30.5 m), Supernat­ sis, etc., have no effect, as if they were cast upon a vehi­
ural P.S. and endurance (never fatigues) , impervious to cle or a robot. Since golems were never alive, Turn Dead
normal weapons (un less silver or magic), impervious to is useless, as is Banishment, Negate Magic and Remove
poisons, drugs, disease, heat, and cold; doesn't need Curse.
to eat or drink, and has no emotions, desires, or per­ Physical attacks and energy magic can hurt a golem ,
sonality. but do half damage . I n many respects, a golem is like the
A zombie will rise again , even if riddled with silver ar­ mummy, only bigger and tougher. It cannot speak, read or
rows (or bullets) , chopped into pieces, blown to bits, or understand complex commands. It has no emotions, no
burnt to a cinder! U n less the head is removed from the fears, and is like a robot waiting for a direction . A golems
body and both are buried separately, or an exorcism is will obey only the person who created it. When the creator
performed on the remains, the zombie will completely dies, the golem will follow his last command until it is de­
regenerate all its body parts and S . D . C . within 48 hours stroyed.
and seek out its master for new instructions.
Summon & Control Entity (Ritual) Attributes: La. 6, P.S. 25 (30 if iron, both are supernatu­
Range: Not appl icable. ral) , P.P. 1 5, P . E . 25, P . B . 3, Spd 8.
Duration : 24 hours per level of experience. Size: No smaller than 1 0 feet (3 m) and no taller than 20
Saving Throw: None feet (6 m).
P.P.E.: 250 Horror Factor: 16 for a stone golem , 18 for iron.
An impressive ritual in which the magic invocation A.R . : 14 if stone, 1 7 if iron.
plucks an entity (specific type can be designated) out of its H it PointS/S.D.C. : 250 for a stone golem and 400 for an
native dimension , and magical ly teleports it to appear be­ iron one; plus both completely regenerate within 24
fore the conjurer. The alien being is automatically under hours unless the head and body are buried separately.
the mage's control and will obey him without question . The It cannot wear body armor for additional protection.
entity can be used for any purpose: manual labor, protec­ Attacks per melee: 4
tion, assault, etc. Damage: 306+ 1 0 damage (stone) or 406+ 1 5 by punch ,
The supernatural creature can be returned to its own kick o r stomp, or b y weapon .
world at any time before the duration of the invocation
Bonuses: +2 to strike and parry; no initiative or dodge bo­
elapses. After the duration elapses, the entity slips out of nus.
the mage's control and remains in our world. If it suits the
Fearless: Golems have no sense of fear and as such , are
entity, it may elect to work with the person who summoned immune to the effects of Horror Factor, phobias, and
it or it can be enslaved by other mystic means. An un­ fear magic.
happy or vengeful entity may attack the mage at the first
Skills of Note: Magically u nderstands all languages 96%,
knows basic math 80%, land navigation 60%, track hu­
opportunity after he loses control.
manoids 30%, and climb 40/35%.
Special abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (61 m); Supernatu­
Level Th i rteen -----
ral P.S. and endurance (never fatigues) ; impervious to
poisons, drugs, disease, normal heat and cold, illu­
sions, and most psionics (including empathy, telepathy,
Create Golem (Ritual) and bio-manipulation). Magic energy, fire and cold at­
Range: Touch tacks do half damage, as do normal weapons and
Duration : Exists until destroyed. punches. Magic weapons and Supernatural P .S. do full
Saving Throw: None damage. Furthermore, a golem doesn't need to eat or
P.P.E.: 700 (Stone) or 1 ,000 ( I ron) . drink, breathe, or sleep, and has no emotions, desires,
Note: Characters of good alignment may be hesitant to or personal ity.
use this powerfu l magic. A golem will rise again 24 hours after the moment
The sorcerer first draws a pentagram in animal blood. of its destruction , completely regenerated and at full
Second , he sculpts a golem (humanoid shape) from stone strength, un less its heart is removed. Otherwise, a
or iron . Third , he places two onyx gems, valued at no less stone golem regenerates 1 0 S . D . C . ( 1 6 if iron) per
1 95
Protection C i rcle: Superior Invoking this spell transports the spell caster and a
Range: Radius of the circle. maximum of 2,000 pounds (900 kg) into another dim �n­
Duration : 24 hours; but can be reactivated immediately at sion. This spell is only effective if the spell caster has VIS­
a cost of 20 P . P . E . ited the dimension in the past. The location where the
Saving Throw: None teleporter appears within that dimension is completely ran­
P.P.E.: 250 dom unless the spell caster has a personal sanctuary
there, complete with a Oimensional Rift Circle, or built on
In principle and function , the superior protection circle is
a ley line nexus.
just like Protection Circle: Simple, only stronger. The
mage must recite the invocation while drawing the circle in The success ratio of dimensional teleportation is 6%
any substance (usually chalk or charcoal). Two hundred per level of the spell caster (+ 1 0% if at a nexus) . If the
and fifty P . P . E . are needed to create the circle initially, but spell caster is unsuccessfu l , nothing happens. Note: Many
a mere 20 P . P . E . pOints will reactivate it. Anybody with gods, greater demons, dragons, and supernatural beings
sufficient P . P . E . and desire can reactivate one of these possess this power as a natural ability.
protection circles. The circle ceases to function only if it is
seriously marred (i.e . , erased, blurred , rubbed out, etc.).
Transformation (Ritual)
Range: Touch
The superior protection circle will protect everybody in­ Duration: 3 days per level of experience.
side its radius by preventing all supernatural creatures
Saving Throw: Standard , but at -3.
from coming any closer than 20 feet (6 m) from its edge.
P.P.E. : 2,000
Even greater supernatural beings, such as demons and
Oeevils, are held at bay. Lesser beings cannot stand to be
Note: Very Rare.
within l ine of sight of the circle and are forced to leave Transformation is a powerful spell that transforms a
(even if it's only to the next room with the door shut) . This normal human being into a grisly, demonic monster. After
means no attacks are possible for the lesser beings. the transformation is completed, the pitiful creatu re will be
a mindless slave of the mage who transformed him/her.
The circle also provides the following bonuses to all oc­
As a monster, the character has no recollection of his/her
cupants: +5 to save vs all magic and psych ic attacks, im­
life as a human, retains no skills, knowledge or memory,
pervious to possession , +B to save vs Horror Factor. Plus
or even attributes. The ''thing'' will obey the mage without
it provides an extra 1 0 P . P . E . to each mage and 1 0 I .S . P .
question most of the time, regardless of its original align­
t o each psychic inside the circle. O f course, the characters
are vulnerable to conventional weapons, fire, gas and ment. However, principled, scrupulous and unprincipled
characters will not kill or hurt a child or a very dear friend
thrown objects.
or loved one. Some half-remembered fragment of lost
memory and emotion prevents it. Likewise, the character
Level Fou rteen ----­ cannot be made to commit suicide or fight to the death .
The only way to recognize the transformed character is
Close Rift with See Aura, Clairvoyance , Object Read or Telepathy.
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m). There are four ways to return the person to normal.
Duration : Instant First, wait until the duration time elapses. Second, con­
Saving Throw: Standard vince the mage who made the transformation to cancel
P.P.E.: 200 plus 2 P . P . E . from the character's permanent the enchantment. Third, kill the mage! Fourth, the Re­
P . P . E . base! move Curse spell has a 1 - 1 9% chance of negating the
The spell allows the mage to close a dimensional Rift, magic. The spell Negate Magic has no effect against
portal , or gateway by sheer force of will. However, the Transformation.
monumental effort permanently drains the mage of two The transformed human will not have any spell casting
P . P . E . points from his permanent base, whether success­ powers, but may have psychic abilities (1 -50%) . The G . M .
ful or not (the mystic natu re of the dimensional gateway determines the appearance and abilities of the trans­
gives it an automatic save vs magic) . Consequently, a formed character. Usually, it is a terrifying and grotesque
Close Rift Ritual will increase one's odds for success (the combination of animal , human and demonic features.
rift must roll a 1 6 or higher to successfully save) . The di­
Stats for transformed characters are as follows:
mensional Rift will instantly vanish if successful. A failure
I.Q.: 206, M.E.: n/a, M.A. : n/a, P.S. : 306+20 (Supernatu­
means it is not affected and the Wizard has lost 2 P. P. E .
ral) , P.P.: 206+ 1 2, P.E.: 206+ 1 2 , P.B.: 1 06, Spd:
forever; try again.
A.R.: 9+ 1 06
Level Fifteen -----­
S.D.C.: 306x1 0+ 1 BO
Attacks per melee: 1 04+ 1
Di mensional Teleport Special abilities: See the invisible, nightvision, resistant
Range: Another dimension. to fire and cold (half damage) , impervious to poison and
Duration: I nstant disease, +2 to save vs magic and/or psionics, track by
Saving Throw: None blood scent (60%) , prowl (60%) , and fly (1 04x1 0 Spd).
P.P.E.: BOO If an extra 200 P . P . E . is spent in the casting, the trans-
1 96
formed human can have super abilities (roll to deter­
mine normally) .
Barrier of Thoth
Level : Spell of Legend.
Range: Can be cast up to 50 feet ( 1 5.2 m) per level of the
spell caster and creates a length of wall/force barrier that
is 75x75 feet (22 .9 x 22.9 m) per level of the spell caster.
Duration : 4 minutes ( 1 6 melee rounds) per level of expe­
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 3,000
This spell of legend creates a super-wall of force with
1 ,000 S.D.C. per level of the spell caster. In addition the
barrier negates all magical energy attacks against it, so
they inflict no damage. The Barrier of Thoth also prevents
people from teleporting beyond it or casting any type of
magic or psionics through it. Thus, a Wizard casting an
earthquake spell would affect the area in front of the bar­
rier, but it would stop at the barrier. Likewise, a cloud of
steam , lightning bolt, or anyth ing else cannot be cast to
strike anyth ing beh ind the barrier. The barrier regenerates
200 S.D.C. per melee round.

Cri mson Wal l of Lictalon

Level : Spell of Legend.
Range: 50x50x25 feet deep ( 1 5.2 x 1 5.2 x 7.6 m) per
level of the spell caster.
Duration : 5 minutes (20 melee rounds) per level of expe­
Resu rrection rience.
Range: Touch or 6 feet distance ( 1 .8 m ) . Saving Throw: Save vs Horror Factor 1 8 , and save vs
Duration : Instant and permanent. magic.
Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 5,000
P.P.E.: 2,000
The mere sight of this eerie wall of flame that does not
Note: Extremely Rare! burn strikes fear in even the bravest heroes and villains,
This awesome spell will restore life into the recently de­ for within the flames are the shadows of the souls it has
ceased. The resurrected person will have all hit pOints, devoured. Large h umanoid shapes, men, elves, dragons,
S . D . C . , memories, abilities, and skills that he had at the and others not easily identified are contained within the
moment of his death. M issing limbs will remain m issing, dreaded , crimson fire.
but the wounds themselves will be closed off and healed Effects of the Wall :
(this is not a regeneration process but a revitalization). Just seeing the wall is terrifying (Horror Factor 1 8) .
This spell works only on creatures that have d ied in the Those who see the crimson wall and fail their Horror Fac­
last two months. tor check have a 0 1 -70% chance of running away in terror.
Success factor: Regardless of the spell caster's level
Entering/passing through the wall's silent, cool flames,
of experience, the chance of success is 0 1 -45%. The spell
inflicts 606 pOints of damage directly to hit pOints. Super­
can be attempted on the same corpse no more than three
natural beings and creatures of magic suffer 1 D6x1 0 dam­
times. If still unsuccessful another mage may try. Six failed
age unless they successful ly save vs magic (1 6 or higher
attempts means the person is beyond the help of magic.
is needed). Speed is reduced to one-q uarter normal while
passing through the crimson wal l.
Spe l l s of Legend Staying in the wal l for more than two melees (30 sec­
onds) jeopardizes sanity unless a saving throw vs magic
Spells of Legend are incredibly rare spells that derive ( 1 6) is successfully made. If unsuccessful, roll once for
from the times of great magic in Earth's distant past or each of the following insan ities: affective disorder, obses­
which came to Earth with a powerful godling or other di­ sion, and phobia.
mensional traveler. In all cases, these spells are so rare
Staying within the wal l for more than two minutes
that most people , including many practitioners of magic,
(eight melee rounds) jeopard izes one's very life essence.
don't believe they are real - only a handful of ancient
The character must roll a 1 6 or better to save. A failed roll
mages and gods know these spells! They are closely
means the life essence is forever trapped in the wall and
guarded secrets rarely taught to others and are never becomes one of the featu reless shadows seen in the
available for purchase from those who know them.
flames. Those lost cannot be saved or retrieved by any

1 97
Doppleganger (Superior)
Level : Spell of Legend.
Range: Self, only.
Duration : One year per level of the spell caster, plus a
5% chance per each year that the doppleganger exists
that it will remain permanently.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1 ,000
This powerful spell creates a mystic duplicate of the
spell caster. This "clone" looks exactly l i ke the mage in ev­
ery way but possesses only half of his H it Points, S . D . C . ,
memory, knowledge , attributes, experience levels, P . P . E . ,
spell strength , spell casting abilities, etc. The original spell
caster can implant any idea, goal, emotion, memory, etc . ,
that h e desires into t h e doppleganger's m i n d . He can then
awaken it, sending it on a mission or work with it side by
side. The doppleganger will never q uestion its existence
nor the presence of the original. Unlike the "real McCoy,"
the doppleganger(s) cannot increase in experience , so all
skill levels, magic powers, H it Points, etc . , are frozen .
The sorcerer can create only one doppleganger and
cannot create another until that doppleganger is slain or
magically negated. The spell Negate Magic has a 0 1 -20%
chance of instantly dispell ing a doppleganger, and the
spell Banishment has a 0 1 -40% chance. Dopplegangers
can be killed by normal weapons or magic and can be in­
stantly destroyed by the Negate Magic spell as noted
above, but is +2 to save vs negation for every year that it
has lived.
Yes, a doppleganger can create a doppleganger of it­
self! However, only one new clone can be created and it
will have half the abi lities of the originating doppleganger
(which was half the original creator's) . After a certain • Fire Breath once per melee round: 6 nFr�'m=�n".
point, usually by the third or fou rth clone, the last foot (3.6 m) range.
doppleganger doesn't know the doppleganger spel l and its • Natural abil ities (in addition to one's own skills and
attributes and powers are so low that it is hardly worth magic abilities) : Fly 40 mph (64 kph) , see the invisible,
conjuring, even if it did. nightvision 1 00 feet (30.5 m), fire and cold resistant
(half damage) , impervious to disease , and
Metamorphosis: Dragon bio-regenerate 1 D4x1 0 hit points or S . D . C . once every
Level : Spell o f Legend. minute (4 melee rounds) !
Range: Self. Another can be transformed only if per­
formed as a ritual . Sanctuary
Duration : 1 D6 hours per level of the spell caster. Level : Spell of Legend
Saving Throw: None Range: 50 foot ( 1 5.2 m) radius per level of the spell
P.P.E.: 2,000 caster.
Duration : 1 D6 hours per level of the spell caster.
The spell caster can actual ly transform h imself into a
Saving throw: None
30-50 foot (9- 1 5.2 m) long dragon ! The following attributes
P.P. E.: 1 500
and abilities apply:
This legendary spell prevents all acts of aggression or
• A.R. 1 4
hostility within its radius of influence. It is so powerful that
• + 1 D4x1 20 S . D . C . it can immobilize an entire army. Any creatu re that at­
• Supernatural 3 0 P.S. (4D6+ 1 5 per strike). tempts to attack or harm any other creature within its ra­
• + 1 attack per melee round. dius is instantly struck down becoming temporari ly
paralyzed or rendered unconscious. The aggressor is not
• + 1 to spell strength, +2 to save vs Horror Factor, and
harmed in any way, but merely immediately and com­
+4 to save vs poison.
pletely incapacitated. The perpetrator of any action that
• Claws add +2D6 damage to punches and kicks. will harm another, no matter how subtle , will be so immo­
• Foot stomp and tai l swipe do 3D6 damage; tail swipe bilized. Only the spell caster of the sanctuary is not sub­
can knock opponents down on a natural 1 8 or higher. ject to its effects.
1 98
N i nja Equ i pment
The Ninja have developed a number o f specialized sleeves fitted from elbow to the back of hand, a groin pro­
tools and weapons to aid their missions. These weapons tector and a body vest are made out of quilted padding
are often provided by Ninja organizations or built by the and used as protection (A. A. 6, S.D.C. 20) . There are nu­
Ninja himself. Ninja eq uipment is generally not commonly merous pockets and compartments used to conceal
available to the public, but similar items will may be used shurikens, a garrote, caltrops, lock picks and other Ninja
by the various character classes within the Special items. Cost: $600 per outfit.
Training Power Category and certain Hardware classes. Rope and C h a i n
C l i m bi ng Claws Available in just about any hardware store . Modern
Also called Tekagi or Shu ko. There is usually a metal or rope and chain is usually well tested and reinforced. Cost
leather band that wraps around the palm between the varies according to thickness and tensile strength. Aver­
thumb and fingers. The inside surface has from two to six age Cost: Chain: $3.00 per foot (0.3 m); Rope: $ 1 .00 per
spikes that are helpful in climbing wood and stone sur­ foot (0.3 m) .
faces. Adds + 1 5% to climbing skills. Damage: Not in­
Rope Ladder
tended as a weapon , but can inflict 1 D4 damage. Cost:
$ 1 00-$1 50 per pair. This Ninja rope ladder has loops knotted into it every
two feet or so (depending on the height of the owner) .
C l i mbing Spikes There is a 3 pound weight attached to the bottom end.
These are spiked claws that are attached to the soles The top end is often tied to a grappling hook. Th is item is
of the feet for climbing. Note that normal wal king or run­ easy to use and easy to conceal. Using it adds + 1 0 to
ning is impossible while wearing these (reduce speed by climbing skill. Cost: $5 per foot (0.3 m).
90%) . Add + 1 5% to Climbing skill and this bonus is cumu­
lative (Le. +30% when used with climbing claws) . Cost:
$75-$1 00 per pair. Ninja caltrops come in a variety of styles. All are de­
signed so that metal barbs will point upwards no matter
Eggshel l Bomb how they land on the floor. Damage is rarely more than
This is an eggshell fi lled with pepper, metal shavings one pOint, but someone with a caltrop in their foot isn't
and other secret substances. When tossed, it will shatter l i kely to continue walking until they pull it out (Le., they
and a small cloud of blinding, irritating smoke will come take one point of damage for each step they take until
out. Does no damage, but all victims must save against they stop and spend one melee action removing each of
nonlethal -poison gas. Cost: $5.00 each . Blinded victims the things) . Cost: $2-5 each.
are -6 to strike , parry, and dodge. N i nja Hang G l ider
I ppon-Shog i Nobori Called a Hito Wash i , it comes in a small bundle of rods
A special tool used ONLY for climbing trees and tele­ and cloth, weighing about 25 pounds (1 1 kg) . When as­
phone poles. A short length of spike-studded wood with sembled, it al lows the character to drop from great
ropes attached to each end. This is used m uch like a lum­ heights, even from an airplane, without damage. Cost:
berjack's or lineman's leather climbing belt. Add +25% to $600-1 000.
the climbing skill (can not be used with other climbing
claws or gear) . Cost: $50-$75. Ancient Oriental Weapons
N i nja E mergency Kit
Ai kuc h ilTanto
This is an assortment of items that a Ninja might need
These are cu rved Japanese daggers. The Tanto has a
in case of trouble. N i njas will keep several of these kits
hilt, the Aikuchi does not. Th is weapon can also be thrown
hidden in various places. Incl uded in a small cloth bag
(blades that cost more than $650 are + 1 to strike when
would be a , 6 shuriken, 1 2 caltrops, a 3 foot (0.9 m)
thrown) . Cost: Varies according to quality and beauty,
towel, a small cooking pot, paper and pencil , matches,
from $300-$1 ,000 . Damage: 1 D6.
first-aid kit (bandages, disinfectant, small scissors, pain­
killer) , lock picks, spare clothing, and an eggshell filled Bisento
with blinding powder. Enough rice, soybean curd and tea This spear features a broad, curved blade and is large
would be incl uded for 7 days of tight rations. Cost: enough to be considered a kind of pole arm . This weapon
$200-$400. must be imported from Japan. Cost: $600-$900. Dam­
age: 3D6.
N i nja Clot h i ng
Comes completely black for concealment in darkness Blow G u n
or completely white for snow. Consists of jacket, hakama The blow g u n i s a favorite weapon of the N . Effective
(pants) , tabi (socks) , and belt. Leggings and separate range is no more than 50 feet ( 1 5 m). Cost: $50. Dam-
1 99
age: The dart itself does no damage; however, it is usual ly Kusari-GamalKyoketsu-Shog i
coated with poison or drugs. The Kusari-Gama is another ninja favorite, being a
Bo Staff combination of a chain with a weight on one end and a
sickle weapon on the other. The Kyoketsu-Shogi is made
Although staff weapons have appeared in virtually ev­ with rope and has an iron ring on one end and a double
ery culture worldwide, the techniques of use were proba­ bladed knife on the other. With both weapons, one end
bly most advanced in the martial arts schools of samurai can be used to entangle while the other is still available for
Japan . The size of the Bo Staff should be about a foot striking. It is usual ly used as a climbing device, but dou­
taller than the height of its owner. Cost: $ 1 20-$300. Dam­ bles as a somewhat less damaging Kusari-Gama. Neither
age: 206. of these weapons can be used by anyone not trained in
Oriental Bows Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin (or
Ninjas favored a short, none too powerful , bow that if you're incorporating martial arts from Ninjas and
could be disassembled and easily hidden . A separate skill Superspies™, Hand to Hand: Ninjitsu) , and they also re­
learned by the Ninja is that of the Samurai Long Bow, qu ire the W.P. Chain skil l to use effectively. Cost: The
probably the most powerful weapon of its type in the Kusari-Gama is $300-$500 for a combat quality weapon ;
world. Effective range for the Ninja Bow is 400 feet (1 22 the Kyoketsu-Shogi costs $200-$300 . Damage: 206 for
m), for the Sam urai Bow it is 800 feet (244 m). Cost: $500 the Kusari-Gama and is +2 to disarm, and 204 for the
for Ninja Bow, $ 1 ,000+ for a high-quality Samurai Bow, Kyoketsu-Shogi (+ 1 to disarm).
$200-$500 for a modern com mercial hunting bow. Dam­
age: Ninja Bow: 1 08 or 204, Sam urai Bow: 206+2 , Mod­
ern Bow: 206. A simple Ninja weapon consisting of a rope attached to
a grappling hook. When used as a weapon, it falls under
Modern Crossbows W.P. Chain. Cost: $50-$1 00. Damage: 204.
Crossbows are now commonly avai lable by mail order
Manri ki-G usari
in the U . S . Cost: $700-$900 for a heavy, two-handed
cross bow (range: 700 feeV2 1 3 m), $250-$500 for a large A chain weapon with solid, blunt weights on each end.
crossbow (700 feeV2 1 3 m) , $1 50-$200 for a pistol-style It can be used l i ke a Kusari-Gama, entangling with one
crossbow (1 20 feeV36 .5 m) . Damage: 406 for heavy, end, striking with the other. This is a weapon which is
two-handed crossbow; 206 for a standard large (rifle easy to disassemble and conceal . It is also easy to make
style) crossbow, 2 04 for a l ight bow, and 1 06 for a pis­ a Manriki-G usari from a length of chain and lead weights
tol-style crossbow. found in any hardware store. This weapon req uires W.P.
Chain to use effectively. Cost: $30-$50 (homemade) or
Oaisho $1 00-$1 50 professionally made. Damage: 204.
Literally, ''the long and the short," this is the traditional
Nagi nata/Yari (Spears)
Japanese weapon made up of a Katana and a Wakizashi
which can be used as paired weapons. Using both of Naginata have curved blades and Yari have straight
these weapons together requires the Paired Weapons blades. Otherwise, both of these weapons are alike and
ski l l . For Cost and Oamage data, refer to the separate en­ used as spears. They are very difficult to conceal . Cost:
tries for each of the weapons that make up the "0aisho." $350-$600. Damage: 204+2 .

J itte or Sai No-Oac h i Sword

These weapons look like oversized , three-pronged This huge, two-handed sword does much more dam­
forks and are generally designed to be used as a pair, one age than most weapons in its class. At 5-6 feet ( 1 .5- 1 .8 m)
in each hand. They are excellent for countering the mas­ long, it is carried on the back and the weapon is pul led
sive attack force of the samurai sword blade. A skilled from the scabbard over the shoulder. Cost: $750-$ 1 500
user can entangle an opponent with one hand and attack for a mass produced , good quality blade, $6000-30,000
with the other. Cost: $50 per pair. Damage: 1 06 and + 1 for top q ual ity or ancient blades. Damage: 306 for mass
to parry. Falls under W.P. Knife to use. produced and good q uality swords, but 406 for top quality.
Katana (Japanese Lon g Sword) N u nchaku
This is the primary weapon of the sam urai warrior; a N unchaku (usually cal led "Numchuks") can be used as
long sword up to 3 feet (1 m) in length . There is an enor­ a paired weapon for striking . Two of the main advantages
mous difference in the q ual ity of these weapons. Cost: of N unchaku are the quick strike and entangle. Entangle
Mass-produced versions run for as l ittle as $300-$400. A can only be done if one weapon is used with two hands.
genuine, top-q uality sword wou ld cost at least $ 1 0,000 Cost: $50-$ 1 50 each . Damage: 2 04; quality weapons
(and as m uch as $50 ,000 depending on its q ual ity and ($1 00 or more) are +1 to disarm .
age) . Damage: 206 for a mass produced to good qual ity S a Tjat Koen
sword, 306 for top quality (authentic, and probably over This Malaysian weapon looks like Nunchaku with a sec­
1 00 years old) . ond chain and third handle attached . Can be used to strike
and entangle l i ke N unchaku . Can not be used as a paired
weapon . Cost: $ 1 50-$200 . Damage: 1 0 1 0 or 204+2.
S h i komi-Zue Bola (South America)
Ninja commonly disgu ised themselves as blind men A thrown weapon consisting of two or three heavy balls
and carried this hollow bamboo staff with a concealed attached to a long cord used primarily in South America to
blade. The blade is spring loaded, and the release is con­ entangle cattle and hunt small animals. Falls under W.P.
trol led with a trigger stud that can be pressed or turned . Chain to use expertly with bonuses. Cost: $40-$80. Dam­
The weapon can be used as a somewhat fragile (S. O.C. age: 1 06 to strike, or can be used to entangle (no dam­
50) bo staff or as a spear. Cost: $1 50-$300. Damage: age) or disarm (+2) an opponent. In both cases, the
204. attacker must make a "called shot" to target a specific part
of the opponent's body (hand holding weapon or the feet) .
S h u r i ken
The roll for the "cal led shot" must be higher than 1 2 and
The famous ''throwing stars" of the Ninja were not de­ also beat the defender's roll to dodge (but the latter ap­
signed for deadly effect so m uch as for their ease of con­ pl ies only if the opponent attempts a dodge) .
cealment and usefulness in discou raging an opponent's
A successful strike to disarm means the bola has suc­
pursuit. Ninja also used slim throwing knives and spikes
cessfully knocked the weapon out of opponent's hand.
which were equally effective. Using Shuriken requires the
One melee action/attack will be used for the opponent to
W.P. Archery and/or W.P. Targeting skill where throwing
draw a new weapon , two to retrieve the fal len weapon.
knives requires W.P. Knives and/or Targeting. Note: Ninja
throwing knives resemble smal l , flat blades or darts more A successful strike to the feet means the victim's feet
than daggers and can not be used as melee weapons or are entangled in the bola, effectively tied together, and he
to parry. Also note that true Ninja (and the Physical falls to the ground. There is no damage from the fall or
Training Hero and Special Training: Ancient Mastefj can bola attack unless the character was running quickly, then
throw two Shuriken or Ninja throwing knives or spikes si­ he'll take 1 04 damage from falling hard, but in all cases,
multaneously. Cost: Shuriken; $6-$20 each. Throwing the character loses initiative (is the last to attack) . While
Knives: $5-$ 1 5 each . Damage: 1 04 each . entangled, the character can not run , walk, or leap, and
even standing is difficult without something to hold onto.
Wakizash i (Japanese Short Sword) Bonuses to dodging, parrying and striking while the feet
This is the short sword favored by the sam urai. The are entangled (and presumably from a prone position or
"Ninja-to" is the Ninja equ ivalent of this weapon , but it has otherwise imbalanced) are reduced to half! Getting untan­
a straighter blade. Cost: Mass-produced versions run for gled or cut loose uses up 1 04 melee actions/attacks.
as little as $200-$400. A genuine, top-quality sword would Note: A bola attack (as well as boomerang and most
cost at least $6,000 and as m uch as $40,000 depending thrown weapon attacks) is -3 to strike any character run­
on its q ual ity and age. Damage: 1 06+1 for a mass pro­ ning faster than 30 mph (48 km) .
duced to good q ual ity sword , 2 06 for top q uality (authen­
tic, and probably over 1 00 years old) . Boomerang (Austral ia)
Tonfa The infamous aborigine throwing stick, boomerangs
A short wood weapon with a perpendicu lar handgrip come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
that makes it ideal for parrying and close combat. Fre­ Light Boomerang : 2 04 damage; can be thrown to re­
quently used by pol icemen and security guards. It is con­ turn. Weight is less than one pound (0.45 kg) , and the
sidered a Blunt Weapon. Cost: $50-$200 (+ 1 to disarm length is under one foot (0.3 m). Cost: $ 1 5-$20.
and +2 to damage if a qual ity weapon/costs $1 00 or Average Boomerang : 2 04+2 or 1 0 1 0 damage, may or
more) . Damage: 1 06. may not be th rown to return , depending on manufactured
style. Weight is one pound (0.45 kg) , and the length is one
Other Ancient & Exotic Weapons and a half feet (0.46 m). Cost: $25-$30 +$ 1 5 if the boo­
merang is the returning type.
Throwing Kn ives (Africa) Hunting Boomerang : 206+2 damage , does not return
Also known as "mongwanga," these wicked, when thrown. About two feet (0.61 m) in length and
mu lti-bladed throwing irons were said to be able to sever a weighs two pounds (0.91 kg) . Cost: $50.
man's leg at 1 50 feet (45.7 m). Cost: $80-$1 50. Damage: War Boomerang : 306 damage, and will not return no
1 0 1 0 or 204+2 . Note: Throwing "sticks" (Africa and Pa­ matter how hard you try. Weight is about 4-5 pounds ( 1 .8
cific islands) are similar weapons but inflict only 1 06 dam­ to 2.3 kg) , and length is 4-5 feet (1 .2 to 1 .5 m) ! These
age. suckers are about the size of a hefty long bow. Cost:
Bag h Nakh ("Tiger Claws" - I nd ia) $1 00-$1 50.
A small set of steel claws, like bladed brass kn uckles, Metal Boomerang : 306 damage, may be thrown to re­
that fit in one's hand. A weapon favored by assassins in turn . Weighs close to 2 pounds (0. 9 1 kg) . These are a
India and the M iddle East. Tiger claws were often com­ modern innovation , and are deadly despite the fact that
bined with knives (Bich' Hwa Bagh Nakh). Cost: $40 for they are no larger than your average boomerang. Cost:
claws alone, $70-$1 50 for claw/knife combinations. Dam­ $200. Aborigines will not use these items.
age: Claws: 1 04, Claw/knife: 1 04 (claws)/1 06 (knife) . Sporting Boomerang : 1 04 damage , designed mainly
to return for fun . These are plastic or ceram ic sporting re-

productions that are fai rly ineffective as weapons, but ground and stri kes the victim from below. The attack has
make good fun for throwing and catching. They usually the element of surprise and can be disorientating, so the
cost from $ 1 0 to $ 1 5. intended target is -4 to parry and dodge. If the rol l to strike
Note: The G.M. may wish to treat the Boomerang as a is 1 6 or higher, an opponent will be knocked off his feet by
bullet for the sake of the pai n it causes (for any saves or the attack (as well as suffering damage) and loses two
effects he employs) . They have a rotating force that melee actions. A successful "roll" vs punch, fal l or impact
strikes with bone jarring impact, making them very effec­ will prevent the knockdown, but uses up another melee
tive. It is deceptive just how dangerous they can be. action .
W.P. Boomerang. (First presented by Erick Wujcik in 6. Ricochet Shot. The W . P . also enables the character
Mutants Down UnderTM ) . An aerodynamic curved throw­ to use any type of boomerang to ricochet off one object or
ing "stick" that is the Aboriginal technological eq uivalent of person and hit a second ! This ricochet or bounce-off at­
the bow and arrow. Some can be no larger than a foot (0. 3 tack is done without benefit of any bonuses other than
m) long, others can b e almost man-sized and require two those from this W.P. Damage is inflicted to both targets
hands to launch , but most range between 1 -3 feet (0.3 to struck. The second target struck is -4 to parry or dodge.
0.9 m) long. There are many variations, some designed to 7. Trying to Catch a Boomerang thrown by somebody
return to the thrower if the shot misses, others designed else. Wily opponents may attempt to catch a boomerang
purely as throwing sticks intended to inflict damage and thrown at them , with a successful parry roll that scores 1 8
which fall flat if they miss. or higher, but the character must make the "call" that he
Bonuses to strike: + 1 at first level, with an additional + 1 intends to try to catch it, m ust drop or holster anything in
at levels 3, 5, 7, 1 0 and 1 5. his hand, and the "catch" uses up two melee attacks/ac­
tions. Do not discourage this tactic, but catching a full ve­
Bonuses to Damage: + 1 to damage at 2 , 5, 9, 1 1 and
locity boomerang is NOT recommended. A successful
1 5.
catch uses up two melee actions and a failed catch means
Combat Notes: The boomerang is a hunting weapon. the character is struck and takes normal damage. This
Nonetheless, this is an RPG, and boomerangs make hurts.
pretty cool weapons (see the equ ipment section for more) ,
and players are likely to try all sorts of tricks. Chakram (M iddle East)
1 . I n all cases, opponents are at -2 to parry and dodge A flat steel ring with a sharpened outer edge, thrown
boomerang attacks, as they are highly unpredictable mis­ like a frisbee . Cost: $ 1 0-$20 each . Damage: 1 04+ 1 .
sile weapons difficult to avoid and defend against. Add this Katar (Ind ia)
penalty to other penalties that may apply from special at­ A Hindu double blade weapon that might be thought of
tacks. as a small sword, usually about one and a half feet long
The boomerang can be employed in several different (0.4 m) . Cost: $200. Damage: 1 06.
Ancient Melee Weapon Note
2. Thrown with a sl ight curve so that it returns if it
For hundreds of other ancient weapons from around
misses. In such a case , the range is 1 50 feet (45.7 m). To
the world (as well as info on castles, siege weapons, and
make a boomerang return , a character must have this
much more) , check out Palladium'S Compendium of
W.P. Such trai ned individuals can throw those designed to
Weapons, Armour, & Castles. You'll be glad you did.
return to come back to them when they miss. The process
of returning uses up one melee action worth of time, dur­
ing which the character can perform someth ing else (aside
from moving) . U nderwater Eq u i pment
3. Straight Shot. Thrown with full force , the range is an
incredible 600 feet ( 1 83 m). The boomerang will not re­
& Veh icles
turn . +2 to damage from the velocity of a fast moving, full
force boomerang. If the victim is within 1 00 feet (30.5 m), Most of this equipment and all of the underwater vehi­
he is -4 to parry or dodge the attack. cles below req uire Swimming: Advanced for their proper
4. The Back Shot is a particularly tricky method of at­ use.
tack. The boomerang is thrown with full force, but cu rves Mask, Snorkel and Fin Package: You r typical skin div­
to return toward its th rower and strike a target on its re­ ing gear. Cost: $1 1 0.
turn , from the opposite side. The maximum range is 250 S.C.U.B.A. Package: 80K cyl inder with boot, detach­
feet (76.2 m), and the target is -8 to parry and dodge due able console (PS 1 IDepth) , regulator, wet suit, pack and
to the element of surprise. This can even catch someone power. Oxygen capacity: 90 minutes. Cost: $820.
hiding behind cover if the thrower is aware of the hiding
Compact S.C.U.B.A. Package: A one unit, 2 cubic foot
target and can accu rately estimate where to strike. The (0.06 cubic m) capacity cylinder (air tank) with regulator
difficu lty of this attack means the throw is made without mounted on top and belt holder. Overal l length: 1 7 inches
benefit of any bonuses and is -3 to hit the hidden target. x 2.5 inches (43x6.4 cm) wide. Great for short dives or
5. Bounce Shot. Thrown at a down angle, the boomer­ emergency air supply. Oxygen capacity is 1 5 minutes.
ang appears to fall short then rises before hitting the Cost: $ 1 55.
Mini S.C.U.B.A. Package: This is a tiny air tank and Two Diver Submersible Transport Vehicle: There
regu lator measuring 5x2 .5 inches ( 1 2.7x6.3 cm) . Oxygen are a variety of two-man, research submersibles with simi­
capacity is a mere FOU R minutes. Cost: $300. Note: This lar capabilities. Length: 1 2 to 1 6 feet (3.6 m to 4.9 m).
is an espionage device and isn't available on the commer­ Maximum Depth : 2,000 feet (6 1 0 m). Speed and Range:
cial market. At 1 .5 knots the range is 1 00 nautical m iles ( 1 85 km) , at 6
Diver's Watch: M u lti-functional digital/analog (hands) knots the range is about 45 nautical miles (83.25 km) and
display, alarm , two time zones, timer, rotating bezel, at 9 knots the range is 1 0 nautical miles (1 8.5 km). Life
sweep second hand. Cost: $300. Support: 24 hours. S.D.C.: 550. Cost: $80,000
Dive Flasher: A waterproof beacon or rescue marker.
Waterproof up to 1 50 feet. Measures 5.5 inches (1 4 cm) ;
operates on one "C" battery. Cost: $30. O ptional R u les
( 1 2x 1 . 9 cm) ; uses 2 "AA" batteries. Features pocket clip,
Mini Flashlight: Overall length is 4.75x.75 inches
for Modern Weapons
magnetic butt, and screw-down lens to turn it on. Cost:
Underwater Survival Blade: This is an 8-inch (20 cm) Modern Firearms
BOWie-style knife with a chisel-tooth saw, jeweled com­
pass in the handle, sheath and belt Clip. Cost: $1 50. Firearms are the great equalizer i n many games, espe­
cially those with superhuman or supernatural elements.
Underwater Specimen Bag : Drawstring pouch and
Heroes Unlimited, Second Edition is no exception.
shoulder belt. Cost: $1 6.
When any punk on the street with an Uzi can throw 30
Head Mounted Light: Cost: $30. rounds at you for 3D6x 1 0 damage, you had better be In­
vul nerable, fast on you r feet, or smart enough to avoid the
U nderwater Veh ic les
situation. That said, there will always be times when
S.C.U.B.A. Scooter: Capable of transporting one to heroes take a hit, and all of a sudden , the Mega-Hero who
three divers. The handles are designed for pulling the di­ saved the planet last week is lying dead at the hands of a
vers with minimum stress on the arm m uscles. Cylindrical MAC- 1 0 wielding thug. Therefore, it becomes the G . M .'s
in shape with a front-mounted rotor. Length : 3 feet (0.94 job to see that firearms don't upset game balance .
m), Width : 1 foot 5 in. (0 .32 m), Height: 1 0 inches (0.25
How prevalent guns are in your game depends mainly
m), Weight: (dry) 57 Ibs. (26 kg) , (submerged) 5 oz. (0.23
on the kind of campaign you are running. A traditional
kg) , Maximum Depth : 300 feet (91 .5 m) , Range: 3 nauti­
superheroic setting will have heroes fighting supervil lains
cal m iles (5.6 km), Speed : 3 knots, S.D.C.: 50. Can func­
mostly with super abilities, so guns will be few and far be­
tion on the surface or submerged. Cost: $2500.
tween , and whatever henchmen there are may only have
S.C.U.B.A. Scooter Platform : Essentially a larger, pistols. In a much grittier and realistic setting, everybody,
more stable version of the little scooter. Unlike the small including the heroes, may carry guns. However, if your
scooter, a diver can lay on top of the device to ride. These heroes are packing heat, they should keep i n m ind that
platforms also can be used as a stable base for underwa­ guns kil l . One of my players was horrified when his ma­
ter photography. Length : 9 feet, 3 in. (2.8 m), Width from chine-pistol with exploding ammo did 200 points of dam­
side, fin tip to fin tip: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m), Weight: (d � ) 270 age on a full melee bu rst and turned a villain into
Ibs. (1 21 .5 kg) , (submerged) 1 8 1 Ibs. (81 .5 kg) , MaXimum hambu rger. The character subseq uently turned himself
Depth : 1 ,970 feet (600 m), Speed : 5 knots, Range: 1 5 over to a hospital to cope with the trauma of what he had
nautical m i les (27.75 km) , Capacity: Accommodates one done. Aimed shots can minimize this, but accidents are far
pilot, but can pull up to four more divers or 1 ,000 Ibs. (450 too common in combat when you're dishing out dozens of
kg) of cargo, S.D.C.: 1 20. Can function on the surface or supersonic chunks of lead.
submerged. Cost: $2,800
Something else for G . M . s to consider is that we have
Sea Sled or CAV (Construction Assistance Vehicle): endeavored to keep the power categories as unique as
This is designed to function as an underwater pickup truck possible, and some of those categories have firearms
capable of delivering up to 2,000 Ibs. (91 0 kg) of wet and/or modern weapons as their special abilities. Certainly
weight cargo. The cockpit holds two , and has with it an the Weapons Expert can build guns no one else can , but
open cargo bed in the rear. Length : 27 feet (8.23 m) , he won't be as unique if the rest of the group has
Cargo bed dimensions: 1 1 x 4.5 x 1 .5 feet (3.35 x 1 .37 souped-up assault rifles as wel l as super abi l ities, magic,
x 0.46 m). Maximum Depth: 1 50 feet (45.7 m), Speed : 3 and/or pSionics. What's the use of playing that kind of
knots, Range: 1 5 nautical m iles (27.75 km) . Life Support: character if super-weaponry is so easy to get? If you plan
2 hours. S.D.C.: 270. Can function on the surface or sub­ to al low the heroes easy access to automatic weapons,
merged. Cost: $1 5,000
perhaps you should let them know beforehand, especially
Waterdinger: A small , diver assist vehicle capable of if someone is thinking about playing a Hardware charac­
carrying two S.C. U . B.A. divers and eq uipment. Length : 7 ter.
feet (2. 1 m), Cargo Capacity: 750 Ibs. (340 kg) , Maxi­ All handguns and most of the firearms presented here
mum Depth: 300 feet (91 m) , Speed: 2 knots, Range: 4 can be bought legally in gun stores and/or through mai l or-
nautical m iles (7.4 km) , S.D.C.: 1 50. Cost: $3,500
der, but such weapons will be semi-automatic/self-Ioading. Stri ke Bonus
They will not be ''fully automatic." Likewise, military issue PhYSical Prowess ( P . P . ) , Physical Training and other
(heavy machineguns, bazookas, LAWs, etc.) are not le­ strike bonuses do not apply to modern weapons. When
gally available to the public and restricted to military use. using a gun, only the W . P . Skill bonuses with that weapon
A gunsmith (armorer or weapons engineer ski ll) or can be used. For example, a character with +5 to strike in
Hardware character (Mechan ical Genius or Weapons hand to hand combat and level 1 skill in W.P. Revolver
Expert) can convert most weapons from semi-auto to full would have a +4 bonus to strike for an aimed shot with a
automatic, but the weapon must be capable of the conver­ gun from his W.P. skill and for taking time to carefully aim
sion to begin with . Automatic pistols can not be converted - P . P . and Hand to Hand skill bonuses are not included.
to fully automatic, unless the character is a Weapons G.M. Note: This appl ies to all ranged attacks in H U2, in­
Expert (Hardware) , but any su b-mach inegun or assault ri­ cluding use of the bow and super abilities like energy
fle could. Such conversions can be done for as little as bolts.
$ 1 00 (but might have a chance of jamming; you get the O lder Weapon Des i g n s
qual ity you pay for) to as much as $ 1 ,000. In general, only
Older firearms, like black powder a n d m uzzle loaders,
individuals with a federal firearms license can "legally"
will have much shorter ranges (half compared to its mod­
have automatic weapons. These licenses are relatively
ern equ ivalent) and do not get any bonuses to stri ke, not
easy to get in the real world, but G . M . s may want to
even from aiming or making a called shot. Furthermore,
change that in their campaigns. If one does not have a li­
most people, heroes included, will not know how to load
cense, getting a weapon converted to full automatic will
old style firearms that date back to earl ier than 1 860. The
have to be done il legally (needing streetwise or find con­
only exception is the Weapons Expert who can use these
weapons well and keeps the usual bonuses to strike.
The only weapons that can not be purchased legally
The reason for these drawbacks is that these old fire­
are military grade explosives, hand grenades,
arm designs are very different and "alien" to the modern
machineguns and other heavy weapons (again requiring
user, and are typical ly heavier, a bit awkward , have a heck
streetwise or find contraband to find a seller) .
of a kick, and are often single shot. However, the caliber
Buying qual ity weapons on the street (any weapons) was often larger and the damage is typically high: 306 or
usually costs 25-50% more than the listed prices, because 406 for large handguns (effective range: 50 feetl1 5 m)
they are often bought and resold, but average to and 406 to 606 damage for rifles, muskets included -
low-quality weapons can be found for 1 0-25% less than but remember, the weapon often only fired one or two
the list. Such bargains will be "hot" (Le. , stolen) or formerly shots. The G . M . should use discretion if a character
used in some crime, or may be in below average condition should ever have to use an "antique" of this sort. For ex­
and prone to trou bles or failures at the G . M .'s discretion ample: The Kentucky Flintlock was a .50 caliber rifle, its
(-2 to initiative, 1 5% chance of jamming each firing, 25% damage would be 506, but the range a pitiful 1 50 feet
chance of misfires [-3 strike] , or any other drawback the (45.7 m). Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja T � r�
G . M . might deem appropriate). ties has a good list of older firearms from the U . S . CIVil
War, the Old West, and beyond, if such reference should
Explosives be needed (time travel anyone?).
Most hand grenades should be treated as thrown Penetration Val ues
weapons. Grenade launchers are used as Weapon Pr�fi­ This is another optional ru le system that can add some
ciency - Rifle. See eq uipment sections below for more in­ realism to firefights in your campaign. Not all weapons of
formation. the same caliber have the same stopping power. The 9
mm Parabellum round, for example, is lethal but has little
stopping power because it tends to go right through its tar­
Reload i ng
get. On the other hand, that same kind of ammunition has
Almost all modern weapons come equipped with great penetration , which has a merit all its own on the bat­
easy-to-Ioad ammunition magazines, more common ly tlefield.
known as "ammo clips" or "clips." There are even
The Penetration Values table which follows can be
quick-loaders for revolvers. This means that attackers can
used as a guideline for characters trying to shoot through
fire a full "clip" every melee round. Reloading a gun using
barriers or solid objects. U ltimately, the decision on
a clip or speed-loader requires one melee action for char­
whether or not certain bullets can punch through certain
acters skilled in the firearm . Unskilled characters take
objects is up to the G . M . A good start is to consult the
twice as long. However, older weapons - bolt-action ,
S . O . C . Values table on page 70 of Heroes Unlimited,
muzzle loaders, hand-loaded revolvers and most shotguns
2nd Edition . It is important to note that penetration means
- will require a full melee round ( 1 5 seconds, sometimes
the bullet was able to punch through a barrier (armor,
more) to reload. Note: It will take characters who have
door, wal l , etc.), it does not mean it inflicted full S . O . C .
less than 7th level experience twice as long as usual to re­
damage a n d i t certainly does not obliterate t h e S.O.C. of
load while in the thick of combatlfirefightlunder direct fire,
the barrier. A door can be riddled with bullet holes, but re-
because of the sounds and stress of combat.
main standing, open and close, and even lock tight (un­
less the lock was shot up) .
Damage & Penetration Considerations: Typically the Tissue Damage Ratings
bullet or blast will lose half of its energy/damage capacity Over the next few pages will follow a fai rly concise but
barrelling through the barrier and inflicts half damage to comprehensive l isting of firearms to include in your
whatever is on the other side (the character behind the Heroes Unlimited™ campaign. However, there is no way
body armor, or hiding behind the door, wal l , etc.). This we could include all firearms in this supplement. And, new
means half the damage is subtracted from the barrier that firearms are constantly being invented and used by the
has been penetrated, and half from the second target world's military constantly, so it's inevitable that you won't
struck from behind the barrier. G . M .s may also want to find certain firearms here.
consider the possibility of the bullet(s) being deflected, Not to worry, you've stil l got two options. First, you can
knocked slightly to severely off course as it plunges check out Palladium's Compendium of Contemporary
through the barrier (0 1 -40% chance that it misses its Weapons, between that book and this sourcebook, you
mark, i.e. the character behind the barrier) . Furthermore, if should have a rich variety of hardware to pick from when
the real target is somebody hiding behind a door, wall , car, equipping your heroes and villains. Second , if you still
etc., and that target is completely concealed by the bar­ can't find what you're looking for, then feel free to use our
rier, the attacker is effectively "shooting blind" (-9 to strike Tissue Damage Rating table to convert missing firearms
to begin with , and an aimedl"called shot" is impossible) . to Heroes Unlimited specifications.
Of course , X-ray vision will negate this penalty. A "called
These Damage Ratings suggest how much damage, in
shot" is possible only if the target is visible.
dice, firearms of a certain caliber will inflict. As you read
The following Penetration Values are a good ru le of the weapons descriptions later in this section , take note of
thumb: their tissue damage ratings and use them as guidelines for
Penetration Values (Other Than Tissue) deSigning stats for your own weapons.
1 : Poor: Deflects off bone. Penetrates objects under 30 Note: These is by no means a definitive or completely
S.D.C. accurate evaluation of its effectiveness in the real world,
but they should be acceptable for a role-playing environ­
2 : Fair: Deflects off bone. Penetrates objects under 50
ment. G . M .s, don't let yourself be intimidated by a player
who swears that these ratings are not accurate . If you are
3: Adequate: May lodge in bone. Penetrates objects comfortable with these ratings, then stick to them , or do
with up to 75 S . D . C . some research to confirm them . Or, figure out some way
4: Good : May break bone. Penetrates objects with up to fine tune these ratings to you and your player's satisfac­
to 1 00 S . D . C . tion. We are personally confident that the rating system is
5: Very Good : Shatters bone, wood ; goes through cin­ a fair and reasonable adaptation.
der block. Penetrates objects with up to 1 70 S.D.C. Tissue Damage Ratings
6: Excellent: Easily shatters bone, wood , goes through 1 .Barely Adequate: 1 06
brick and thin metals (car doors) . Penetrates objects with 2.Fair: 1 08 or 204 (whichever is preferred)
up to 225 S . D . C . 3.Good : 206
7: Superior: Easily shatters bone, wood ; goes through 4.Very Good : 306
brick and thin metals (car doors) . Penetrates objects with 5.Excellent: 406
up to 300 S . D . C . 6. Very Excellent: 506
8: .50 Caliber: Shatters anything less than concrete; 7.Superior: 606
goes through concrete , 1 /2 inch armor plate steel , cars , 8.Heavy Machinegun: 5 0 1 0+6
and most walls. Penetrates objects with up to 400 S.D.C. 9.Heavier Caliber Machinegu n: 6 0 1 0+6
9: 20 mm and larger: Goes through anyth ing less than Both 8 and 9 will shoot through a car's engine block.
thick military armor and damages anything else. Pene­ They can also shoot through the "body" of the car, from
trates objects with more than 500 S . D . C . Both 8 and 9 will one side to the other, two feet (0.6 m) of earth , sandbags,
shoot through a car's engine block. They can also shoot brick or stone.
through the "body" of the car, from one side to the other, Pistol Cartridges
and two feet (0.6 m) of brick, packed earth or sandbags.
Note: The n umber in front of the cartridge name indi­
In general , bullets and energy blasts with Penetration cates the Tissue Damage Rating table previously pre­
Values of up to 6 will damage vehicle armor, but will not sented.
go through a vehicle. However, 5 and up will punch
(1 ) .22 Short: Very little penetration. Little or no nerve
through most wood doors and ordinary interior, plaster or
wood walls (so might P.V. 4, but it is more l i kely to get
stopped depending on the thickness and quality of con­ (1 ) .22 Long : Slightly more powerful than the .25 (es­
struction) . Also, military armored vehicles (and certain po­ pecially in long-barreled guns) . Better expansion proper­
l ice and SWAT vehicles) have extremely tough armor that ties of the bullet resu lts in greater tissue and nerve
most bullets simply cannot hurt. trauma. Penetration is poor due to the soft mushrooming
of the bullet which tends to diSintegrate on heavy bone.
When used as a rifle round, however, performance im­
proves dramatically (Penetration Value of 2-3) .
(1 ) .25 Automatic Colt Pistol (A.C.P.): Adequate for expand (like in autos) , it does not inflict the trauma effect
self-defense if shots are placed in face, head, neck, or that the fat, slow .45 does.
body areas with no bones to deflect the small projectile. (3) 9 mm Police: In use with several European police
(2) .32 A.C.P.: Fair to good performance if used in a authorities.
high capacity automatic. Decent penetration with little or (3) 9 mm Makarov: Not yet made outside the ex-Soviet
no expansion, as with all jacketed projectiles used in auto­ Union. For use with the Makarov pistol.
matics. (5) 10 mml.40 Caliber: Designed as an effective
(2) .32 Long (Revolver): Marginally better velocity and man-stopper, these rounds have much of the punch of the
penetration than the .32 A.C. P . More variety of loads in­ heavier .45, but the smaller size gives slightly better pene­
creases its deadliness. tration and a more level trajectory.
(3) .38 Special: A good self-defense cartridge with
good offensive capabilities. R ifle Cartridges
(4) .38+ (Power): Much more power than the standard (5) 7.62 mm Soviet Model 1 943: This was the stan­
.38, with better expansion and penetration. dard infantry cartridge of the Soviet Army. It remains in
(5) .357 Magnum: This cartridge produces great widespread use by third world countries.
amounts of tissue damage, has excellent stopping power, (5) 5.56 mm: Similar to the 5.45 Soviet. However, this
and has noteworthy penetration , even when hol low points cartridge is longer and narrower and can not be used in
are used. It was designed for the Cal ifornia Highway Pa­ the AK-47.
trol, which needed a handgu n round capable of punching (5) .303 British: Standard British and Imperial cartridge
through moving vehicles. The .357 magnum handgun it­ from 1 889 to the 1 960's. Best reports indicate that it has
self is considered easier to master than the 9 mm, .45 never been made in steel-cased form. Excel lent range and
auto,.41 Magnum and the .44 Magnum. The .357 Magnum accuracy.
also is an excel lent hunting round. (5) 7.92 Mauser: Probably the most widely distributed
(5) .45 A.C.P.: I ntroduced in 1 9 1 1 , this shell has proven military rifle cartridge in history.
itself a man-stopper in many countries and conflicts. This (6) 5.45 mm Soviet: For use with the infamous AK-47.
cartridge was created to be used against human adversar­
(6) 7.62 mm NATO : Comparable in performance to the
ies and has little or no h unting value. Wide wound chan­
30-06, but in a shorter case. A long-range, sniper-type
nels are caused by this thick, heavy, slow-moving
shell .
cartridge, resu lting in serious nerve trauma (shock) .
(6/5) 1 2 Gauge Shotg u n : Can use a solid s l u g (5) , o r
(5) .45 Long : Rates the same as the .45 A.C . P . , but
can b e used with various grades o f buckshot (0 , 00 , o r
has better penetration .
000) . 0 0 buckshot is most commonly used for mil itary
(5) .41 Magnum: High velocity, excellent penetration , a shells (Tissue Damage 5, Penetration Value 2) , since 0
very good man-stopper and fine hunting round. Despite shot is too light to have effective stopping power and 000
this, the cartridge has never been very popular, with .357s is too heavy to shoot very far. Note: There are other
and .44 Magnums being in m uch greater demand. gauges for shotguns ( 1 0 and 20 gauges being most com­
(5) .44 Magnu m : An excellent handgun cartridge. Its mon) , but neither is used m uch for police or military pur­
large , heavy slug inflicts major amounts of tissue damage . poses. In general, a 20 gauge shotgun will have - 1 Tissue
Great penetration and stopping power. Even if a person Damage/- 1 D6 damage, and a 1 0 gauge shotgun will be at
were only wounded, the damage inflicted would probably + 1 Tissue Damage/+ 1 06 damage.)
severely hamper any retaliation (this is also true with a
.357 and .41 Magnum, but to a lesser degree) . A very Special Cartridge Types
good hunting round. Tracer: This cartridge contains a compound that ignites
(1 ) 5.45 mm: Poor stopping power, with poor to good and burns when the cartridge is fired which creates a visi­
accuracy. ble flight path from the gun to the target. This makes it
(2) 7.62 mm Nagant: A service round used by the easy to adjust fire, especially at night and during auto­
eX-Soviet Union and in gas-sealed target revolvers. matic burst fire. Cartridge range is reduced by 1 0-20%.
(2) 7.63 mm Mauser: Standard ex-Soviet pistol and When used in machineguns, these rounds are placed ev­
sub-machinegun round, under the name of 7.62 Tokarev. ery 1 0 rounds along the belt, giving a bonus of +1 (sin­
(2) 7.62 mm Parabellum: Used by Central European gle-shot) or +2 (burst fire) to strike.
police and secu rity forces. Not currently in front-line ser­ Hollow Point: The bullet of this cartridge is, as its
vice with any army. name suggests, hollowed out and scored so that it ex­
(3) 7.65 mm Long : Unique to French forces. Compara­ pands (or ''flowers'') on i mpact, causing a large wound (+3
ble in power to the contemporary 9 mm Browning long to damage to unarmored targets) . The hol low pOint, how­
cartridge. (The Browning being the world standard for ever, is less effective against solid/structural objects, like
pocket pistols) . walls, doors, cars, body armor, etc . , which reduces the
weapon damage by one die and lowers the penetration
(2) 9 mm Short: Used by many armies, this cartridge is
replacing the venerable .45 Colt in the U . S . Army due to val ue by one ran k. These rounds also reduce their range
its better penetration of body armor. Yet, since it does not by 1 0%. For example, a 9 mm has a damage rating of
306 and penetration value of 2 or 3. Hollow point 9 mm Firearm Accessories
rounds have a penetration value of 1 or 2 and do 306+3 Silencer: A silencer is a barrel-like attachment which
damage to fleshy targets and 206 damage to solid/ar­ fits over the barrel of a gun to m uffle the sound of the re­
mored targets. port. Perception rolls require a 1 0 to detect silenced shots
Dum-Dum : These are essentially a poor man's hol low from 20 feet away; each 1 5 feet gives bystanders + 1 to
point bullet. Usually, one makes these by cutting an "X" notice the shot. Silencers reduce a weapon's range by
over the tip of the bullet. Th is helps the bullet expand and 1 0%. Homemade silencers work almost as well as bought
shatter on impact. Less penetration than the hollow point ones (and cost only 1 04X 1 0 dollars to make) , but their
or any other shell, but good for short-range combat. use is limited to 1 0 1 0 shots, they reduce range by 1 5%,
Oum-dums generally aren't used in fully automatic weap­ and the distance modifier to perception rolls is + 1 for each
ons since they are prone to jamming (25% chance per 1 0 feet. Cost: (revolver) $350, (automatic pistol) $500,
burst) . That, and who really wants to cut X's into a couple (bolt-action rifle) $600, (automatic rifle) $1 ,500,
hundred rounds? Adds + 1 06 to damage and reduces (sub-machinegun) $2,000. These are black market prices,
range by 1 5%. since silencers are unavailable on the commercial market.
As with most illegal hardware, these prices can fluctuate
Full Metal Jacket: These sleek cartridges are coated between 50% and 200% of their listed price, depending on
with a tough metal jacket that provides excellent penetra­ location , the buyer, the seller, and other circumstances.
tion (+ 1 P.V.I+ 1 06) . Can be used in any pistol or rifle. Flash Suppressor: Another barrel shaped attachment
Armor Piercing/Teflon (KTW Rounds): These rounds that can fit over the barrel of a gun, but not over a silencer
are used mostly by the police and the military. They gen­ (unless made by a Weapons Expert) . Typically used for
erally aren't available to the public, since most people nighttime operations, this instrument masks the muzzle
have no reason for using an armor-piercing rounds. Armor flash when a gun fires. In the dark, a gun's m uzzle flash
piercing rounds add +2 P. V . , + 1 06 damage, and lower a can be seen easily, but with a flash suppressor, noticing it
target's A.A. by two (or get +2 stri ke against armored tar­ requires a Perception roll of 1 2 or higher. Flash
gets). For example, an armor-piercing 7.62 mm assault ri­ suppressors reduce a weapon's range by 1 5%. Cost: (re­
fle round would have a penetration value of 7, damage of volver) $250, (automatic pistol) $450, (bolt-action rifle)
506, and will be +2 to strike against armored targets (or $1 ,200, (sub-machinegun) $ 1 ,600. Like silencers, flash
lower A.A. by 2). suppressors are illegal and must be bought on the black
market. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors
Exploding/Mercury-Tipped Shells: This shell is pri­ are available, but they are rather expensive (combine the
marily used in pistols because burst fire has a 40% cost of a silencer and flash suppressor and add
chance of prematurely rupturing the shell. Unlike true ex­ 1 04X 1 0%, and TH EN add whatever black market
plosive rounds (See Special Bullets in the Hardware sec­ mark-ups might apply. Combination silencer/suppressors
tion of Heroes Unlimited) , these bullets do not have a reduce a weapon's range by 25% and generally are only
charge in them . Instead , they have a small channel in used for close-quarters fighting.
them filled with mercury. When the bullet impacts on soft Laser Sights: These are smal l, coherent beam target­
tissue, it compresses the mercury, the shell ruptures and ing systems that fit on all firearms, even pistols. They pro­
shrapnel fills the victim. These rounds add +206 to the ject a laser beam that produces a red dot on the target,
damage of the bullet, but range is reduced by 1 0% and showing approximately where the bullet will hit. Laser
penetration is lowered by one rank. Example: A 9 mm sights add + 1 to all firearms rolls, including bursts, but
mercury tipped shel l would have a P.V. of 1 or 2 and do their range is limited to 200 feet. Cost: $200.
506 damage. These make for absol utely lethal
Recoil Diminishers: A small tube is mounted along the
close-combat and assassination rounds.
length of the firearm that is fil led with a combination of
G laser Rounds: Using the same principles as the ex­ mercu ry and ball bearings. The system is custom built for
ploding/mercury rounds, these shells are hol low casings each class and type of firearm . When the weapon fires,
filled with small beads of metal shot, much like a miniature the beads roll and the mercury shifts to help counter re­
shotgun shell. When the round impacts, it ruptures and the coi l. When burst firing, it adds a + 1 to strike. Cost: $1 ,000.
shot scatters into the target. The results are devastating to
soft fleshy things, but ineffective against even semi-solid Weapon Descriptions
targets. Glaser rounds add +2 06 to the normal damage of
a round when used against flesh and other soft targets, Abbreviations a n d Terms
but against anything solid, it has a pitifu l penetration value Cartridge: Type of bullet; ammunition .
of 1 and does only 1 06 damage, regardless of the caliber
Magazine: Compartment which holds ammunition and
of the weapon. For example, a .45 caliber glaser round
is directly inserted into the weapon. In the weapons de­
does 606 damage to flesh , but will only do 1 06 damage to
scriptions below, the abbreviation "mag." will be used.
armor, sheet rock, paneling, etc. These rounds can only
be used in handguns and are il legal in most states and Rounds: The n umber of cartridges/ bul lets fired; i . e . , 7
many countries. rounds equals 7 bullets fired, 1 3 rounds equals 1 3 bullets
fired, etc.

damage. Guns can be fired beyond their effective range ,
but with no W.P. Skill Bon us and with a -4 to stri ke for ev­
ery 25 feet beyond the effective range. Burst firing effec­
tively reduces the weapon's range by half.
Bolt-Action : A feed method used mainly in older rifles.
By pulling back the bolt, a spent shell is ejected from the
breech . A spring-loaded mechanism then snaps the bolt
forward , closing the breech , and a fresh shell is moved
into firing position .
Breech : The opening where a shell is either inserted or
ejected from a firearm .
Clips: Metal grips which hold the cartridge by the rim or
base, which is then i nserted into the magazine, forming
part of the magazine mechanism.
Caliber: The internal diameter of a weapon's barrel.
Calibers may be expressed in thousandths of an inch (as
was the custom in the U . S . and G reat Britain for many
years) , i.e . . 357 , .45, etc. More commonly, calibers are ex­
pressed in millimeters, i . e . , 9 m m , 7.65 mm, etc.
Cost: The average cost for an average, good qual ity
weapon . Superior quality, craftsmanship, ornamentation ,
silver, pearl and other plating will all increase the cost by
50% to 1 00%.
F.N. : A reference to the weapons manufacturer:
Fabrique National d'Armes de G uerre of Belgi um.

Expanded Firearms Listing

Handg u n
Automatic pistols are not fully automatic. They are
semi-automatic/self-Ioading firearms, which means a bul­
let is fired each time the trigger is pulled. Double-action re­
volvers work the same way (all the revolvers in this
section, and most modern revolvers in general , are dou­
ble-action) . As noted in the Modern Weapons Combat
section of Heroes Unlimited , revolvers are slightly more
accurate than auto pistols due to a smoother firing mecha­
nism, and often receive a bonus to strike. Both dou­
ble-action revolvers and automatic pistols can fire rounds
in rapid succession as detailed in the Heroes Unlimited
Modern Combat Rules.
Errata: Remember that the * Note under Firing a
Burst (Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition , page 75) is cor­
rect, but the examples are wrong. Semi-automatic weap­
ons do req uire an extra action to fire bu rsts, but the
Feed : Method by which the cartridge enters the
weapon . example for the full melee burst should say "Counts as
four attacks" instead of "Counts as three attacks."
Weight: gm grams, k g kilograms.
= =

Hardware Experts: Note that most Hardware: Weapon

Length: mm millimeters, m meters.
= =
Experts can modify normal weapons and ammunition so
Barrel Length: This is only the barrel's length. The they are more lethal. Common tricks include adding maga­
overall length , when known, is listed in parentheses after zine capacity so bursts are more damaging, and increas­
the barrel length . ing the propel lant or structure of bullets for added stopping
Muzzle Velocity: mls meters per second. This indi­
cates the speed at which the cartridge is traveling when it Weapons with multiple calibers listed can be purchased
leaves the muzzle of the weapon. in those different calibers. It doesn't mean the gun can fire
Approx. Effective Range: This is the longest distance different bullets just by changing clips, although a hard­
that the weapon can be fired without losing accuracy or ware character might make up a quick-change barrel sys-
tem that could accom modate different ammunition types Mark IV Series 80 (Colt)
during a firefight. Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .38+ or .45 ACP, Feed : 8
Automatic Pistols --------­
(.45 ACP) or 9 (.38+) round magazine, Weight: 2.4 Ibs
(1 .08 kg) , Barrel Length : 5 inches ( 1 27 mm) , Muzzle Ve­
Hardballer (AMT) locity: 1 1 88 ft/s (360 m/s), Approx. Effective Range:
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .45 ACP, Feed : 7 round 1 65 feet (50 m) , Damage: 306 (.38+) or 406 (.45 ACP) ,
mag . , Weight: 2.4 Ibs (1 kg/1 076 g), Barrel Length : 5 Cost: $500-700.
inches (1 27 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 1 1 55 ft/s (350 m/s) ,
Approx. Effective Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), Damage: Combat Commander (Colt)
406, Cost: $580.
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .38+ or .45 ACP, Feed : 8
(.45 ACP) or 9 (.38+) round magazine, Weight: 2.3 Ibs ( 1
On Duty (AMT) kg) , Barrel Length : 5.8 inches ( 1 46 m m ) , Muzzle Veloc­
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 9 mm and .40, Feed : 1 5 ity: 924 ft/s ft/s (280 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 35
rounds (9 mm short) or 1 1 round (.40) , Weight: 1 .9 Ibs feet (41 m), Damage: 306 (.38+) or 406 (.45 AC P) , Cost:
(0.9 kg/840 g) , Barrel Length : 46 inches ( 1 1 4 mm) , Muz­ $660-850.
zle Velocity: 9 mm: 924 ft/s (280 m/s) , .40: 973.5 ft/s (295
m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Dam­ Officer's ACP (Colt)
age: 306 (9 mm) or 406 (.40) , Cost: $550.
Country: U .S . , Cartridge: .45 ACP, Feed: 6 round
mag . ; Weight: 2 Ibs (0.9 kg) , Barrel Length : 35 inches
Automag (AMT) (88.9 mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 1 1 55 ft/s (350 m/s) , Approx.
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .22 Magnum to .50 AE, Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Damage: 406, Cost:
Feed : 9 round magazine (.22) and 7 round magazine $750-900.
(.44) , Weight: 2 Ibs (0.9 kg) , Barrel Length: 4.6 inches
( 1 1 4 mm or 86 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 1 1 88 ft/s (360 Double Eagle (Colt)
m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Dam­
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 0 mm and .45 ACP, Feed:
age: 204 (.22 magnum) up to 606 (.44 magnum and .50
8 round magazine, Weight: 4.9 Ibs (2.2 kg) , Barrel
AE) , Cost: $750-900.
Length: 8.6 inches (2 1 6 mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 1 1 88 ft/s
(360 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 50 feet (46 m) ,
A-80 (Astra) Damage: 406+2 (1 0 mm) or 406 (.45 ACP) , Cost:
Country: Spain, Cartridge: 9 mm, .38+, .45 ACP, or $700-900.
7.65 mm, Feed : 1 5 round mag . , Weight: 2.2 Ibs (1 kg) ,
Barrel Length : 4 inches (96.5 mm,) Muzzle Velocity: 835 Coonan
ft/s (253 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m),
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .357 Magnum, Feed : 7
Damage: 306 (9 mm, .38+, & 7.65 mm), 406 (.45 ACP) ,
round magazine, Weight: 2.7 Ibs ( 1 .2 kg) , Barrel Length:
Cost: $570-$650.
5 inches (1 27 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 875 ft/s (265 m/s) ,
Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Damage:
P-01 8 (Bernadelli) 506, Cost: $700-900.
Country: Italy, Cartridge: 9 m m , Feed : 1 5 round mag . ,
Weight: 2 Ibs (0.9 kg) , Barrel Length : 4 . 9 inches (1 22 CZ83
mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 990 ft/s (300 m/s) , Approx. Effec­
Country: Czechoslovakia, Cartridge: 7.65 mm, 9 mm,
tive Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), Damage: 306, Cost: $525.
or .38+, Feed : 15 (7 .65 mm) or 1 3 (9 mm and .38+) round
box mag . , Weight: 1 .5 Ibs (0.7 kg) , Barrel Length: 4.5
BOA 380 (Browning) inches (96 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 990 ft/s (300 m/s) ,
Country: Belgium, Cartridge: . 380 Auto or 7.65 mm, Approx. Effective Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), Damage: 306
Feed : 1 3 (.380 auto) or 1 2 (7.65 mm) round box mag . , (9 mm, 7.65 mm, .38+) , Cost: $660.
Weight: 1 .4 Ibs (0.6 kg) , Barrel Length : 3 . 8 inches (96
mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 924 ft/s (280 m/s) , Approx. Effec­ Glock 1 7, 1 8, 20, 21 , 22, & 23 (Glock)
tive Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), Damage: 306, Cost: $550.
Country: Austria, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum (Glock
1 7 & 1 8) , 1 0 mm (Glock 20 &2 1 ) , .40 S&W (Glock 22 &
Delta Elite (Colt) 23) , Feed : 1 7 round mag. (Glock 1 7) , 1 9 or 33 round mag.
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 0 mm, Feed : 8 round de­ (Glock 1 8) , 1 5 round mag. (Glock 20, 2 1 , 22, & 23) ,
tachable box mag . , Weight: 2.4 Ibs (1 .08 kg) , Barrel Weight: 1 .4 to 1 .5 Ibs (0.6 to 0.7 kg) , Barrel Length : 4.6
Length: 5 inches ( 1 27 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 957 ft/s inches ( 1 1 4 mm; all), M uzzle Velocity: 1 1 06 ft/s (335
(290 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 35 feet (41 m) , m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Dam­
Damage: 406+2, Cost: $725-875. age: 306 (9 mm) , 406+2 ( 1 0 mm or .40 S&W) , Cost:
$650-875. Note: While G locks do contain a large n umber
of non-metal parts, they also contain a significant number
of metal parts, including but not limited to the bullets, Length : 4.5 inches (1 1 0 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 825 fVs
which means they can be detected by metal detectors, but (250 mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m) ,
careful placement of a disassembled Glock would have a Damage: 306, Cost: $450-600.
much greater chance of getting by security undetected .
Weapons Experts (Hardware) can build completely com­ Third Generation Pistols (Smith and Wesson)
posite firearms that are undetectable to scanning equip­
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 9 mm, 1 0 mm, .40 S&W, .45
ment (except for advanced chem ical scanners which
A.C. P . , Feed : 1 1 round mag . , Weight: 2.4 Ibs ( 1 .08 kg) ,
would pick up the propel lants in the rounds).
Barrel Length : 4 inches ( 1 0 1 .6 mm), Muzzle Velocity:
990 fVs (300 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 50 feet (45
P226 (Sig Sauer) m), Damage: 306 (9 mm), 406+2 ( 1 0 mm & .40) , 406
Country: Switzerland, Cartridge: 9 mm, Feed : 1 5 (.45) , Cost: $650-800.
round mag . , Weight: 1 .7 Ibs (0.8 kg) , Barrel Length : 4.5
inches (1 1 2 mm) , M uzzle Velocity: 1 006 fVs (320 m/s) , M-40 Firestar (Star)
Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m) Damage: 306,
Country: Spain, Cartridge: .40 S&W, Feed: 6 round
Cost: $800-900.
magazine, Weight: 1 . 9 Ibs (0 .9 g), Barrel Length : 3.4
inches (86 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 1 1 55 fVs (350 mls) ,
P7K3 (Heckler and Koch) Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Damage:
Country: Germany, Cartridge: .380 Auto, Feed : 8 406, Cost: $575-675.
round mag . , Weight: 1 .7 Ibs (0.8 kg) , Barrel Length : 3.9
inches (96.5 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 604 fVs ( 1 83 mls) , PT 92199 AF (Taurus)
Approx. Effective Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), Damage:
Country: Brazil, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed :
306, Cost: $700-850.
1 5 round mag . , Weight: Ibs (949 g), Barrel Length : 5
inches inches ( 1 24 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 990 fVs (300
1 91 1 A 1 (Springfield Armory) m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 50 feet (45 m), Dam­
Country: U .S . , Cartridge: .45 ACP, Feed : 7 round age: 306, Cost: $620.00.
mag . , Weight: 2.5 Ibs (1 . 1 kg) , Barrel Lengths: 35 inches
( 1 27 mm) , M uzzle Velocity: 1 1 88 fVs (360 m/s) , Approx. P88 (Walther)
Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Damage: 406, Cost:
Country: Germany, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum,
Feed : 1 5 round magazine, Weight: 2 Ibs (0 .9 kg) , Barrel
Length : 4 inches ( 1 02 mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 1 1 55 fVs
Desert Eagle (50AE) (Israel Military Industries) (350 mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m),
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .50 AE, Feed : 7 round mag . , Damage: 306+3, Cost: $ 1 ,550.
Weight: 3 . 2 Ibs ( 1 .5 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 0 inches (295
mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 747 fVs (245 m/s) , Approx. Effec­
Revolvers --

tive Range: 1 65 feet (50 m), Damage: 606, Cost: $1 200.

Note: The listed damage is correct, because while the
King Cobra (Colt .357 Magnum)
Desert Eagle does use .50 caliber rounds, they are not the
full sized bullets used by .50 cal iber machineguns and as Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .357 magnum, Feed: 6
a result do significantly less damage. A real .50 caliber chamber side-loading cylinder, Weight: 2.9 Ibs (1 .3 kg) ,
round is 5.5 inches long and the bullet itself is 2.25 inches. Barrel Length: 6 inches ( 1 53 mm), Muzzle Velocity:
It just won't fit in a handgun clip, though Aliens Unlimited 1 1 55 fVs (350 mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet
does have a single shot handgun that uses full sized .50 (50 m), Damage: 506, Cost: $600-800.
caliber rounds (can be built by Weapons Experts) . The
Desert Eagle also comes in a variety of other calibers, in­ Anaconda (Colt .44 Magnum)
cluding .44, .45, and .41 AE (each does 406 damage). Country: U.S., Cartridge: .44 magnum, Feed: 6 cham­
ber side-loading cyl inder, Weight: 3.7 Ibs (91 .7 kg) , Bar­
941 (Jericho) rel Length : 8 inches (203 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 990 fVs
Country: Israel, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum or .41 (300 mls), Approx. Effective Range: 1 50 feet (45 m) ,
AE, Feed : 1 9 (9 mm) or 1 2 (.41 ) round magazine , Damage: 606, Cost: $600-850.
Weight: 2.2 Ibs (1 000 g) , Barrel Length : 4.8 (1 20 mm) ,
Muzzle Velocity: 809 fVs (245 mls) , Approx. Effective 586/686 (Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum)
Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), Damage: 306 (9 mm) or 406 Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .357 magnum, .38 Special ,
(.41 ), Cost: $700-850. Feed : 6 chamber side-loading cylinder, Weight: Ibs (1 502
g) , Barrel Length : inches (2 1 9 mm), Muzzle Velocity:
P85 (Ruger) 1 1 55 fVs (350 mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed : 1 5 (50 m) , Damage: 506, Cost: $650-800.
round detachable box mag . , Weight: 3 Ibs (1 .4 kg) , Barrel
21 0
Sub-Mac h i neg u n s
Mac h i ne-Pistols SUb-mach ineguns (SMGs) are small automatic rifles,
These weapons fall somewhere between automatic pis­ but their short barrels limit their overall range. Besides
tols and true sub-machineguns. Some of them , like the size, the major difference between SMGs and assault ri­
Beretta Model 93R, are the size of auto-pistols, while oth­ fles is that SMGs use pistol ammunition. As stated previ­
ers, like the Calico, are the same weapon as their ously, these weapons are available in sem i­
sub-machinegun counterparts, but they lack a stock or automatic/self-loading and will have to be converted to full
other extension. The primary difference between ma­ automatic, un less the character buys them i llegally or has
chine-pistols and auto-pistols is their burst fire or fully au­ a federal firearms license. Most sub-machineguns will
tomatic capabilities, while the difference between them have selector switches to adjust their rate of fire from sin­
and sub-machineguns is a lack of control extensions in fa­ gle shot to three-round burst to fully automatic. The
vor of concealabil ity. The result is a smal l , concealable au­ three-round burst works just l i ke a short burst.
tomatic weapon but with small ammo capacities and no
bonuses when burst firing due to their lack of stocks and M-960A (Calico)
the short barrels. Machine-pistols use the W.P. Country: U.S. , Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed : 50
Sub-machinegun skill. or 1 00 round helical mag . , Weight: 4.8 1bs (2. 1 7 kg) , Bar­
rel Length : 1 3 inches (330 mm) Muzzle Velocity: 1 320
Ws (400 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 6 1 5 feet (1 87
Model 93R Select Fire (Beretta) m), Damage: 306, Cost: $950.
Country: Italy, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed : 1 5
or 20 round detachable box mag . , Weight: 2.5 Ibs (1 . 1 MP-6 (Heckler & Koch)
kg) , Barrel Length : 6 inches ( 1 56 mm) , Muzzle Velocity: Country: Germany, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum or
1 287 Ws (390 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 80 feet .40 S&W, Feed : 1 5 or 30 round box mag . , Weight: 5.6 1bs
(55 m), Damage: 306, Cost: $950 . Note: The 93R fires in (2.55 kg) , Barrel Length : 9 inches (225 mm) , Muzzle Ve­
rapid, three round burst instead of fully automatic fire. locity : 1 320 Ws (400 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range:
Th us it can fire short bursts using one attack that do 660 feet (201 m), Damage: 306 (9 mm) or 406 (.40) ,
3D6x2 damage, but it cannot spray. Cost: $1 ,260.

7.65 mm Model 61 (Skorpion) 9 mm Uzi (Uzi)

Country: Czechoslovakia, Cartridge: .32 A.C.P. (7.65 Country: Israel, Cartridge: 9 mm, Feed : 25, 32 , or 40
mm) , Feed : 1 0 or 20 round box mag . , Weight: 3.5 Ibs round box mag . , Weight: 7.7 Ibs (3.5 kg), Barrel Length :
( 1 .59 kg) , Barrel Length: 4.5 inches (1 1 2 mm; 5 1 3 mm 1 0 .4 inches (260 mm; 650 mm overall) , Muzzle Velocity:
overall length with butt extended; 269 mm - butt re­ 1 320 fVs (400 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 660 feet
tracted) , Muzzle Velocity: 1 085 Ws (31 7 m/s - 274 m/s (201 m), Damage: 306+ 1 , Cost: $1 ,000.
with silencer) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 65 feet (50 m),
Damage: 306, Cost: $890- 1 000.
Ingram Model l 0
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: .45 A.C. P . , Feed : 30 round
9 mm Mini Uzi (Uzi)
box mag . , Weight: 6.2 Ibs (2.84 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 .5
Country: Israel, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed : inches ( 1 46 mm; 548 mm overall), M uzzle Velocity: 924
20, 25 or 32 round box mag . , Weight: 5.9 Ibs (2.70 kg) , Ws (280 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 660 feet (20 1
Barrel Length: 7 inches ( 1 97 mm; 600 mm overall) , Muz­ m), Damage: 406, Cost: $950- 1 1 00.
zle Velocity: 1 1 55 (350 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range:
500 feet ( 1 52 m), Damage: 306, Cost: $800-900.
TMP (Steyr)
Country: Austria, Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed:
M950 (Calico)
1 5 , 20, or 25 round box mag . , Weight: 2.7 Ibs ( 1 .30 kg) ,
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 9 mm Parabellum, Feed : 50 Barrel Length: 1 .5 inches ( 1 50 mm; 548 mm overall) ,
or 1 00 round hel ical box mag . , Weight: 4 Ibs (1 .8 kg with Muzzle Velocity: 924 Ws (280 m/s) , Approx. Effective
50 round clip), Barrel Length : 6 inches ( 1 52 mm) , Muzzle Range: 660 feet (201 m), Damage: 306, Cost: $900.
Velocity: 1 066 Ws (323 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range:
1 35 feet (41 m), Damage: 306, Cost: $600+.
Rifles -----

TEC-9 Rifles are long-barreled , high-powered, single-shot

Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 9 mm, Feed: 20 and 32 weapons with long ranges. All of these qualities also make
round magazine, Weight: 2 .75 Ibs (1 .3 kg) , Barrel them ideal for sniping and other long-range shooting. Ri­
Length: 5 inches (1 24 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 604 Ws fles can not be converted to automatic fire (except possi­
(1 83 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 35 feet (41 m), bly by a Weapons Expert) .
Damage: 306, Cost: $480.

21 1
McMillan M87R mon on the streets because of their size which limits
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 2.7 x 99 mm (.50 concealability. The listed prices are for civilian self-loading
Browning) , Feed : 5 round box mag . , Weight: 2 1 Ibs (9.52 versions.
kg) , Barrel Length : 30 inches (736 mm) , Muzzle Veloc­
ity: 1 257 ft/s (38 1 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 660 FAMAS
feet (20 1 m), Damage: 1 04x1 0, Cost: $4,000. Country: France, Cartridge: 5.56 mm, Feed: 25 round
box mag . , Weight: 8 Ibs (3.6 1 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 9
M82A1 & M82A2 inches (488 mm; 1 1 36 mm overall) , Muzzle Velocity:
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 2.7 x 99 mm (.50 2772 ft/s (840 mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 2,000 feet
Browning) , Feed : 1 1 round box mag . , Weight: (1 3.4 kg) , (366 m), Damage: 506, Cost: $3,500.
Barrel Length : 30 and 32.4 inches (737 mm and 81 0
mm), Muzzle Velocity: 931 ft/s (282 m/s) , Approx. Effec­ G1 1 (Heckler& Koch)
tive Range: 660 feet (201 m ) , Damage: 1 04x1 0, Cost: Country: Germany, Cartridge: 4.7 mm x 33 mm
$6,000. The M82A 1 and M82A2 are both semi-automatic caseless, Feed : 50 round mag. (200% ammunition for
and can fire short or long bu rst, but their limited ammo re­ bursts) , Weight: 8 Ibs (3.65 kg) , Barrel Length: 20 inches
stricts them to the pistol rules above. (540 mm; 1 025 mm overall) , Muzzle Velocity: 2650 ft/s
(780-800 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,320 feet (400
Model 85 (Parker Hale) m) , Rate of Fire: Cyclic: 500-600 rounds/minute; Auto:
Country: U . K . , Cartridge: 7.62 mm NATO, Feed : 1 0 1 00 rounds per minute. Damage: 306, Cost: Not avail­
round box mag . , Weight: 1 2.5 Ibs (5.7 kg) , Barrel able in civilian markets. Prices would start at
Length : 27.6 inches (700 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 2805 $8,000-$ 1 0 ,000 on the black market. Note: This advanced
ft/s (850 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 2, 1 33 feet (650 weapon was designed to fire a three round burst with no
m), Damage: 406, Cost: $2 ,200-3000 . appl icable recoil (the recoi l takes affect after the rounds
leave the gun). This weapon can fire short bursts with no
penalty so the burst is +3 to strike, like an aimed shot!
7.62 mm Dragunov Sniper (SVD)
Ammunition for this weapon costs $200 for 50 and special
Country: Russia, Cartridge: 7.62 mm, Feed : 20 round ammunition types cost ten times the normal costs. This
box mag . , Weight: 9.5 Ibs (4.3 kg) , Barrel Length: 2 1 .6 ammunition leave no spent brass casing behind when it is
inches (547 mm; 1 225 mm overall), Muzzle Velocity: fired.
2740 ft/s(830 m/s} , Approx. Effective Range: 4,200 feet
(1 ,200 m) , Damage: 406, Cost: $4,000. Note: The
Oragunov is capable of short burst firing. MD2 (Imbel)
Country: Brazil, Cartridge: 5.56 mm NATO, Feed : 20
or 30 round mag . , Weight: 8 Ibs (4.40 kg) , Barrel Length:
Model 86 (Mauser)
2 1 .6 inches (453 mm) , M uzzle Velocity: 2440 ft/s (800
Country: Germany, Cartridge: 7.62 mm x 51 NATO, mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,800 feet (550 m), Dam­
Feed : 9 round box mag . , Weight: 1 1 Ibs (4.90 kg) , Barrel age: 506, Cost: $3,800 .
Length: 28.8 inches (730 mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 2488
ft/s (754 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,968 feet (600
m) , Damage: 406, Cost: $2400-3000. AK-47 (Kalishnikov)
Country: Russia, Cartridge: 7.62 mm, Feed : 30 round
box mag . , Weight: 9.5 Ibs (4.3 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 7
SSG-3000 (Sig)
inches (41 4 mm; 869 mm overall) , Muzzle Velocity: 2343
Country: Switzerland, Cartridge: 7.62 mm NATO, ft/s (7 1 0 mls) , Approx. Effective Range: 985 feet (300
Feed : 5 round box mag . , Weight: 1 2 Ibs (5.40 kg) , Barrel m), Damage: 406, Cost: $2,200. Note: This is the most
Length : 24 inches (61 0 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 2574 ft/s common assault rifle in the world. N umerous countries (in­
(780-800 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,968 feet (600 cluding China, most notably) make their own knock-offs of
m) , Damage: 406, Cost: $3,500. this classic design. The cost of one might be 1 0-30% less
in areas where many of these weapons have flooded the
Automatic or Assau lt R ifles -------
local market.
These are the weapons used by the world's mil itary to
arm their soldiers in the field. The military versions are La France M1 6K
fully automatic, with large ammunition capacities and very Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 5.56 mm, Feed : 20, 30, or
good range. Automatic rifles all have selector switches to 90 round mag . , Weight: 5.4 Ibs (2 .5 kg) , Barrel Length : 9
adjust their rate of fire from single shot to three round inches (2 1 3 mm) , Muzzle Velocity: 2460 fUs (81 5 m/s) ,
burst, and full automatic. The three round burst works just Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,650 feet (503 m), Damage:
like a short burst. Civilian models have often identical 506, Cost: $3,200-4000.
styling and will be semi-auto/self-Ioading, but can be con­
verted to full automatic as previously discussed. Except
for a specific model or two, these weapons are not com-
21 2
SG 550/551 (SIG) The following stats apply to all shotguns unless specifi-
Country: Switzerland , Cartridge: 5.56 mm, Feed : 20 cally noted otherwise:
or 30 round box mag . , Weight: 9 Ibs (4. 1 0 kg) , Barrel Approx. Effective Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m)
Length : 2 1 .6 inches (528 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 3280 Penetration Value (P.V.): 5 for slugs - 2 for shot.
ft/s ( 1 ,000 m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,5 1 0 feet Damage: 406 for Buckshot (Scatters to cover a 3 ft/0. 9
(460 m), Damage: 506, Cost: $3,000 . m area a t 3 0 feet and a 1 0 ft/3 m area at 6 0 feet) ; 5 0 6 for
solid slug.
M 1 6 & M1 6A1
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 5.56 mm, Feed: 20 or 30 12 Gauge RS 200 Beretta Shotgun
round box mag . , Weight: 6.8 Ibs (3. 1 kg) , Barrel Length : Country: Italy, Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406
20.4 inches (508 mm), M uzzle Velocity: 3300 ft/s (1 ,000 buck or 506 slug, Type: Manual, repeating, pump action ,
m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,320 feet (402 m), Dam­ Feed : 5 or 6 round pump-operated mag . , Weight: approx.
age: 506, Cost: $2,400. 6.6 Ibs (3 kg) , Barrel Length : 20.6 inches (520 mm) ,
Cost: $600.
Steyr AUG (Steyr-Mannlicher)
Country: U . S . Cartridge: 5.56 mm, Feed : 30 or 42 Model 1 2 SPAS Franchi Shotgun
round mag . , Weight: 8.5 Ibs (3.85 kg) , Barrel Length : Country: Italy, Cartridge: 1 2 Bore, Damage: 406 buck
20.4 inches (508 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 990 ft/s (300 or 506, Type: Gas, semi-auto or hand pump, Feed : 6
m/s) , Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,200 feet (366 m), Dam­ round magazine, Weight: 7 Ibs (3.2 kg) , Barrel Length :
age: 506, Cost: $3,000 . 20.4 inches (500 mm), Cost: $850.

SR-25 (Stoner) 12 Gauge Franchi SPAS 15 Shotgun

Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 7.62 mm, Feed : 1 0 or 20 Country: Italy, Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406
round mag . , Weight: 1 0.8 Ibs (4.88 kg) , Barrel Length : buck or 506 slug, Type: Gas, semiautomatic, or manual
24 inches (600 mm), Muzzle Velocity: 990 ft/s (300 m/s) , pump action , Feed : 6 round box mag . , Weight: 8.4 Ibs
Approx. Effective Range: 1 ,200 feet (366 m), Damage: (3.80 kg without magazine) , Barrel Length : 1 5.6 inches
506+ 1 , Cost: $3,800. (400 mm) , Cost: $1 000 .

Shotg uns ------- 1 2 Gauge Bernadelli B4 Shotgun

Shotguns are listed separately because they have a Country: Italy, Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406
versatility unavai lable to other weapons, a very large bar­ buck or 506, P.V. : 5, Type: Gas, semiautomatic or man­
rel and shell. Shotgun shells can be filled with a number of ual pump action , Feed: 3, 5 or 8 round mag . , Weight: 7.6
different shot, from rock salt to razor flechettes, and cus­ Ibs (3.45 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 8 inches (460 mm), Cost:
tom shaped solid slugs. Special rounds are listed in the $1 200.
Hardware section under Special Bullets (HU2, page 1 34).
Semi-automatic/self-Ioading shotguns can fire a 1 2 Gauge Striker Semiautomatic Shotgun
three-round burst that acts as a short burst, but it is - 1 to Country: South Africa, Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage:
strike. Fully automatic shotguns are rare , because the re­ 406 buck or 506, Type: Repeating revolver, Feed : 1 2
coi l is almost impossible to control. When using such shot cylinder, Weight: 9.3 Ibs (4.2 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 2
weapons, a short burst receives no bonuses, long bursts inches (300 mm), Cost: $1 1 00.
are -2 to strike, and full melee bu rsts are -4 to strike. Char­
acters with exceptional P .S. ratings above 28 or those with
Extraordinary, Superh uman , or Supernatural P.S. higher Model 37M Ithaca Shotgun
than 1 8, can fire them in bursts normally (-1 to strike and Country: U.S., Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406
no knock down or damage) . Anyone else firing these buck or 506 slug, Type: Slide action repeater, Feed : 5 or
weapons in bursts suffer the penalties noted previously 8 shot tubular mag . , Weight: 6.7 Ibs (3.06 kg) , Barrel
and are either knocked down or take 1 06 damage from Length: 1 9 inches (470 mm), Cost: $650.
the recoil (shooter's choice) .
Semi-automatic or self-loading shotguns are lim ited in Stakeout Ithaca Shotgun
the effectiveness of their bu rsts by their ammunition ca­ Country: U.S. Cartridge: 20 to 1 2 Gauge, Damage:
pacity (see HU2, page 75) . 406 buck or 506 slug, Type: Slide action repeater, Feed :
Note: The effective range for virtually all shotguns is 5 round tubular mag . , Weight: 20 gauge: 3.5 Ibs (1 .58 kg) ,
1 00-1 50 feet (30.5 to 45.7 m). Buck shot and similar frag­ 1 2 gauge: 5 Ibs (2.26 kg) , Barrel Length : 1 4 inches (336
mentation rounds will spray a three foot (0 .9 meter) area. m) , Cost: $650-700.
A sawed-off shotgun has a dramatically reduced barrel
size which increases the width of the buck shot "spray" (5 Model 3000 Police Smith & Wesson
foot/1 .5 m area) , but reduces the effective range to about
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406
50-60 feet ( 1 5 to 1 8 m) .
21 3
buck or 506, Type: Single shot, Weight: 7 Ibs (3.06 kg) , Mac h i ne G u ns -------

Barrel Length : 1 8 inches (458 mm), Cost: $450-550. Machine guns are il legal and all of them are fully auto­
matic. They are distinguished from assault rifles by their
1 2 Gauge Defender Winchester Shotgun high rates of fire. Some machine guns even use assault ri­
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406 fle ammunition, but they use the machine gun burst and
buck or 506 slug, Type: Slide action repeater, Feed : 7 damage rules. Machine guns do not have clips because of
shot tubular mag . , Weight: 6.5 Ibs (3.06 kg) , Barrel their high rates of fire, instead relying on large belts of
Length : 1 8 inches (457 mm), Cost: $650 .00. ammo instead, though some robots will use hand held
machineguns with clips instead of belts. The modern
weapons rules give damages based on number of bullets
12 Gauge Stainless Marine Winchester Shotgun
fired in a burst. Each weapon lists its standard belt size
Country: U.S., Cartridge: 12 Gauge, Damage: 406 wh ich will provide one full melee burst or a proportionate
buck or 506 slug, Type: Slide action repeater, Feed : 7 breakdown of other bursts or single shots. If the weapon is
shot tubular mag . , Weight: 6.7 Ibs (3. 1 7 kg) , Barrel vehicle mounted , it may have larger belts, providing more
Length : 1 8 inches (457 mm), Cost: $800 . bu rsts without having to reload (which can sometimes be
difficult if it is built into a vehicle) .
Pancor Jackhammer Mark 3A2 Note: Despite their separate listings here as mach ine
Country: U . S . , Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 406 guns, these weapons and the Heavy Weapons below all
buck, 506 most conventional slugs, 606 for rocket as­ fall under the W.P. Heavy skill. Also note that 20 mm and
sisted and special rounds, Feed : 1 0 shot rotating cylinder, 30 mm mach ine guns are exclusively vehicle weapons
Weight: 1 0 Ibs (4.57 kg) , Barrel Length : 2 1 .6 inches (525 and are presented elsewhere.
mm; 787 mm overall) , Cyclic Rate of Fire: 240 .30, 5.62 mm and 7.62 mm Caliber Light Machineguns
rounds/min. , Cost: $2,000. Note: The casing for this shot­
These are the most common kind of light machineguns
gun is made almost entirely of a high impact plastic and fi­
found in military forces the world over. Includes the M-60,
berglass ! The internal workings are steel . It is designed to
M-240 SAW, Heckler & Koch 2 1 A 1 , Browning .30 Caliber,
al low such payloads as armor pierCing, flechettes, frag­
and simi lar weapons. Cartridge: .30, 5.62 mm and 7.62
mentation loads, can ister loadings, chemical rounds, and
mm in 1 00 round belts. Weight: 1 5-25 Ibs. (6.8 to 1 1 .2 kg)
rocket-assisted projectiles, as well as conventional loads.
Effective Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m) Rate of Fire: Aimed ,
burst or spray (see Modern Weapon Combat) . Cost:
Remington M870 Mark 1 U.S. Marine Corps Shotgun $4,000 and up (mostly illegal) . Damage: 506 per round
Country: U.S., Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 506, for 5.62 mm and 7.62 mm or 1 04x1 0 for .30 caliber ma­
Type: Sl ide action, Feed : 7 shot tubular mag . , Weight: 8 chine guns.
Ibs (3.6 kg) , Barrel Length : 2 1 .6 inches (533 mm; 1 060
mm overall) , Cost: $900. .50 and 1 4.5 mm Heavy Machineguns
These are commonly found mounted on armored mili­
USAS-1 2 Self Loading Shotgun (Daewoo Industries) tary vehicles. Accuracy is poor (-2 strike unless vehicle
Country: South Korea, Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Dam­ mounted) because they are meant for use against large
age: 506, Type: Gas operated, self loading, Feed : 1 0 vehicles or massed soldiers. On the other hand, they will
round box mag. or 20 round drum, Weight: 1 2 Ibs (5.4 punch right through armor or engine blocks. Carrying
kg) , Barrel Length: 1 8. 1 inches (460 mm) , Cost: $1 ,500. these weapons are difficult, and firing without support for a
normal human is impossible unless the character has a
M2000 " Dragonfire" Automatic Shotgun P.S. of 30 or higher. Characters with superhuman P.S.
can fire these large weapons as rifles if their strength is
Country: USA, Cartridge: 1 2 Gauge, Damage: 506 or
20, but a 30 is needed to fire them from the hip on full au­
606 with armor piercing rounds, P.V. : 5 or 7, Type: Select
tomatic (long or full melee bursts) . Cartridge: .50 and
fire, single shot, three-round burst, or fully automatic,
1 4.5 mm in 200 round belts. Weight: 30 to 1 00 Ibs ( 1 3.5
Feed : 1 5 round box mag. or 30 round drum, Weight: 1 3.6
to 45 kg) Effective Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m) Cost:
Ibs. (6 kg) , Barrel Length: 1 8. 9 inches (480 mm), Cost:
$6,000 and up (highly illegal) . Damage: 1 04x 1 0 per
Generally unavailable, but if it would appear on the black
market, prices would start at $4,000. Note: All of the other
shotguns in this section that are capable of burst fire, are
semi-auto or self-loading weapons and use the ru les for Heavy Weapons ------

such. The Oragonfi re is fully automatic and uses the nor­ Remember, everything within the blast radius of an ex­
mal burst fire rules; however, it is a monster to control at plosion takes half damage (which can be rolled with for
nearly 600 rounds per minute and requires superhuman 1 /4 damage), while the target struck takes full damage
strength to adequately fire long of fu ll melee bursts. For (unless the explosion is rolled with). Also keep in mind that
details on handling fully automatic shotguns, refer to page if a rocket or missile misses, it will continue on its course
78 of HU2. and detonate on impact unless it runs out of fuel. If there
is someth ing immediately behind a target, it may still be
21 4
caught in the blast radius of an otherwise "missed" attack. nus to Strike: Must have a W.P. with-Pistol or Revolver.
Also note that a missile can be dodged, but the explosion Damage: Tranquilizer renders victim unconscious within
it creates can only be dodged if the character can get out 1 D4 melees unless he saves vs non-lethal poison . Even if
of the blast radius Oumping, flying, teleporting) . the save is successful , victim will become woozy in 1 D4
melees making him -2 to strike, parry, and dodge and
Rocket Launcher - 1 0% to skill rolls for 4D4 minutes. Duration : 4D4 min­
utes. Cost (pistol): $800. Cost (darts): $ 1 5 each.
Called the "Super Bazooka", it is designed as an anti­
tank weapon , but was sometimes used against bunkers.
Weight: 1 2 Ibs (5.4 kg) , front and rear tubes; 9 Ibs (4 kg) , Gas Gun (pistol)
rocket, Length: 61 inches ( 1 549 mm) , Effective Range: The gas gun is a long , wide, tubular barreled handgun
3,600 feet ( 1 ,097 m) , Damage: 1 D4x1 00, Cost: $4,500+ that fires a gas can ister. Types of gases: Tear Gas, Tran­
(highly illegal) , Blast Radius: 50 feet (1 5 m). quilizer (knockout) , Nerve Gas, and Smoke Gas/Screen .
Cost (gun): $700. Cost o f Tear Gas a n d Tranquilizer
66 mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW) Gas Canisters: $ 1 20 each ; Nerve Gas: $400 each ;
Smoke: $25 each . Range: 1 60 feet (48.8 m). Rate of
Light and disposable, this is a favorite weapon for tak­
Fire: 1 per melee. Bonus to Strike: M ust have a W.P.
ing out "hardened" positions where the enemy has metal
or concrete protection . Weight: 5.2 Ibs. (2.3 kg) , Size: 35 with Pistol. Damage: Varies with the type of gas used
(see Gases: Grenades and Bombs on page 341 of HU2
inches (889 mm), extended. Rate of Fire: Single shot and
discard , Effective Range: 1 ,000 feet (305 m), Blast Ra­ for effects of different gases) .
dius: 50 feet (1 5 m), Damage: 1 D6x1 00, Cost:
$6,000-8,000 (highly illegal) . Pepper Gas/Spray
This extremely potent irritant temporarily impairs vision ,
90 mm Recoilless Rifle causing eyes to burn and water profusely. It also swells
the mucous membranes of the sinuses and throat, making
This weapon looks l i ke a bazooka or rocket launcher
it very difficult to breathe. Victims are -8 to strike, parry,
(see antitank weapons) . Fires a single, antitank round.
dodge , and lose any chance for initiative. Effects are im­
Weight: 35 Ibs. (1 6 kg) , unloaded. Feed: Breech . Rate of
mediate, but a called shot to the face must be made.
Fire: (rapid) 1 0 rounds per minute (max. of 5 rounds) -
Spraying any other part of the body has no effect unless
sustained rate of 1 round per minute. When firing at the
the sprayed area comes into contact with eyes or mouth .
rapid rate, a 1 5 min ute cooling period must be observed
Savings Throw: Dodge for spay (comes in varying sizes
after every 5 rounds. Effective Range: 1 ,200 feet (366
and is often carried instead of mace) , but gas disperSion
m) . Blast Radius: 80 feet (24 m). Damage: 1 D 1 0x1 00
has no save from a grenade or cloud (must dodge to es­
Cost: $ 1 0,000- 1 4,000 (highly illegal) .
cape the area) . Duration: 4D4 minutes. Cost: $ 1 0-$20 for
small spray bottles and $75 for grenades/gas dispersers.
4 0 mm Grenade Launcher Mounted o n Rifle Note: See page 341 & 342 of HU2 for effects other types
This was basically a M-79 installed under the barrel on of gase and explosive grenades) .
a M-1 6 Assau lt Rifle. Weight: 1 0 Ibs. (5 kg) . Length : 1 5 .6
inches (361 mm). Feed: Single shot. Rate of Fire: 3-5
Hand-Held Stunner
rounds per minute. Effective Range: 1 , 1 50 feet (350 m).
This hand-held item is made of plastiC, with a pair of
Damage: 2D4x1 0, Blast Rad i us: 20 feet (6. 1 m), Cost:
contact posts on the business end. To stun an opponent it
$2 ,500 (highly illegal).
must touch him. Damage: When the trigger is depressed ,
it discharges a couple of thousand volts of electricity into
Special G u ns ------­

the victim , stunning him. Victims are dazed , -8 to stri ke,

Tranquilizer Rifle parry and dodge, and reduce the number of attacks per
This is a bolt-action rifle designed to fire a tranquilizer round by half. Duration : 2D4 melees. A successful saving
dart. Its effective range is about half that of a normal rifle. throw of 1 6 or higher means that the person has success­
Range: 800 feet (240 m). Rate of Fire: 2 per melee. Bo­ fully fought off the effect and is unimpaired , but loses ini­
nus to Strike: M ust have W.P. Rifle. Damage: Tranquil­ tiative. Roll to save against each successful strike. Range:
izer will render its victim unconscious within 1 D4 melees Touch . Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of melee at­
unless he saves vs. non-lethal poison. Even if the save is tacks. Bonus to Strike: H to H and P . P . bonuses only.
successfu l , victim will become woozy in 1 D4 melees mak­ Energy Capacity: 1 0 charges for both. Cost: $500.
ing him -2 to strike, parry, and dodge and - 1 0% to skill
rolls for 4D4 minutes. Duration: Effects last 4D4 minutes.
Stun Pistol/Blaster
Cost (rifle): $1 ,500. Cost (darts): $20 each.
This pistol fires an energy charge that short circuits the
nervous system . Damage: Victims are dazed, - 1 0 to
Dart Gun strike , parry and dodge, and reduce attacks per melee
This is basically a pistol version of the rifle above. round by half for 2D4 melees. A successful saving throw
Range: 1 1 0 feet (33.5 m). Rate of Fire: 2 per melee. Bo- of 1 6 or higher means that the person has successfully
21 5
fought off the effect and is unimpai red except loses initia­ Weapons Comba� , E-Clip Capacity: 20 blasts, Weight: 7
tive and one melee action. Roll to save against each blast Ibs (3.2 kg) , Cost: Weapon: $900,000+, E-Clip $25,000.
that strikes. Roll to save against each successfu l stri ke.
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m). Rate of Fire: 5 per melee Heavy Laser (with back-pack)
round. Bonus to Strike: M ust have a W.P. with Energy
Range: 2,000 feet (609 m), Damage: 606+4, Rate of
Pistol. Energy Capacity: 1 0 charges. Cost: Gun: $4000;
Fire: Single shot only, Energy Back-Pack Capacity: 1 00
Cost of energy clip: $ 1 000.
shots; requires 1 2 hours to be recharged , Weight: 6 Ibs
(2.7 kg) for gun, 20 Ibs (9 kg) for the pack, Cost: $ 1 .2+
E nergy Weapons million for the whole unit.
Energy Weapons are highly experimental, rare, and ter­
ribly expensive. The high cost largely is largely due to Mini-Laser (tool)
years of Research & Development costs, the lack of mass The mini-laser is a uti lity tool used by mechanics and
production. and rarity. Most designs are commissioned by communications engineers. It is double the diameter and
the M i litary/Government use (or hand-made by slightly longer than the average ink pen. It fits easily in
superbeings/villains) . At this pOint, each weapon is care­ pockets, uti lity belts, mini-tool packs, or even in ones boot.
fully hand built and most are considered prototypes each Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m), Damage: Three settings: 1 ,
worth hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions). If 1 04, 1 06, Rate of Fire: Single shot, E-Clip Capacity: 20
they were mass-produced , the cost wou ld drop to about charges, Weight: 6 ounces ( 1 70 grams) , Cost: Weapon :
1 0% of their current expense with an additional 204 years $400,000 E-Clip: $1 5,000.
needed before any additional or significant drops in price.
Such weapons will not be made available to the public;
Military use only! Simple Ion Blaster (Pistol)
Any organization with robotics or bionics development Range: 200 feet (6 1 m), Damage: 406, Rate of Fire:
programs, including most governments, will have facilities Single shot only (each shot counts as one melee attack) ,
for making and recharging energy weapons. If characters E-Clip Capacity: 1 4 blasts, Weight: 2 Ibs (0.9 kg) , Cost:
belong to the organization , they can get recharges for Weapon: $550,000, E-Clip: $25,000.
free , but if they are not, access will probably not be avail­
able. However, some organizations may allow use of the Heavy Ion Blaster (Rifle or Sub-Machinegun sized)
recharging system for a fee and access to the energy Range: 400 feet (1 22 m), Damage: 506, Rate of Fire:
weapon for examination (which could take weeks , months, Single shot only, E-Clip Capacity: 1 0 blasts, Weight: 3
or years). Recharging fees can range from $200 to Ibs (1 .4 kg) , Cost: Weapon : $900,000 , E-Clip: $25,000.
$2,000. Hardware characters can also recharge E-Clips
(See Hardware) . Particle Beam Rifle
Most energy weapons fire single shots, but some can Range: 1 200 feet (609 m), Damage: 1 06x1 0 or
unleash three rapid-fire shots, but the latter is considered 1 06x1 0+40 (see below) , Rate of Fire: Single shots only
a burst and use the short burst rules for semi-automatic (no bursts) , Bonuses : W . P . Energy Rifle. E-Clip Capac­
weapons (See Modern Weapons Comba� . Some alien ity: 1 0 blasts, Weight: 1 2 Ibs (5.4 kg) , Cost: Weapon:
races have true pulse weapons that fire energy bursts with $1 .5 million+, E-Clip: $35 ,000 ; super-rare.
little or no penalty, but such technology is beyond the cur­
rent capabilities of Earth technology (See Aliens Unlim­ The Following Restrictions Apply to All Particle
Beam Weapons: When firing a P-beam weapon, ONLY a
ited™ for such weapons and many other futuristic/energy
roll of 1 1 -20 hits (incl udes appl icable mOdifiers) . Even
then , a roll of 1 1 - 1 7 is only a nick, doing 1 06x1 0 damage.
Energy weapons are generally only available to Robot
A strike roll of 1 8-20 is a direct hit, doing 1 06x1 0+40 dam­
and Bionic characters who have a high budget for their
age! Objects destroyed or people killed by a p-beam blast
creations, specific power categories that receive them as
are disintegrated! Note: Particle beams even damage In­
equipment (Secret Operative) or to characters who can
vulnerable characters, but does half damage.
build weapons them themselves (Hardware) . High-tech vil­
lains may also have access to such rare weapons and giz­
mos. M i l itary Vehicles -------

Laser Pistol Player characters are not l i kely to use these vehicles
unless they are in the mil itary and/or the G . M . is running a
Range: 500 feet (1 52 m), Damage: 306, Rate of Fire:
special kind of campaign. But they are much more likely to
Single shot or semi-auto burst (See Modern Weapons
encounter them in the hands of villains, thi rd world rebels
Comba� , E-Clip Capacity: 1 0 blasts, Weight: 1 . 5 1bs (0.7
or corrupt governments, and war-torn geopolitical hot
kg) , Cost: Weapon : $500,000+, E-Clip: $25,000.
spots. G . M . s should use these vehicles carefully, because
all of them use very heavy firepower. We stated earlier
Laser Rifle that firearms are one of the great equalizers in Heroes
Range: 1 ,800 feet (548.6 m), Damage: 506, Rate of Unlimited. Well that's even more the case here. The
Fire: Single shot or sem i-auto burst (See Modern smal lest guns on most military vehicles are machine guns,
21 6
some as large as 20 mm and 30 mm. Th row in some mis­ M-551 Sheridan Tank
siles and cannons, and you have a potentially lethal situa­ Weight: 35, 1 00 Ibs. (1 5,795 kg)
tion for any hero without invulnerability. So use these Length: 21 feet (6.4 m)
vehicles carefully. They are best saved as props or back­ Crew: 4
ground elements to heighten stories, for dramatic effect, to Max. Speed : 45 mph (72 km) on land, 3.5 mph (5 .6 kph)
make characters think and plan , and for character use in in water
specialized or realistic/dramatic stories. They can also be Max. Range: 470 miles (752 km) .
used as inspiration for super vehicles. Armor: A . A. : 1 3. Stops pistol, rifle, machinegun and frag­
Mil itary armor is much more effective than other vehicle ments. The underside is vulnerable to all forms of dam­
armors. Even though some of the vehicles in this section age. The sides are vulnerable to rockets and weapons
will have the same armor rating as the heavy armor in the with penetration values of 8+.
Hardware section , they will have th icker armor, giving S.D.C. By Location :
more S.D.C. and better protection. As a result, each entry Main Body: 600
will detail what kind of weapons simply will not damage Main Gun: 200
the vehicle, no matter what the strike roll was. Weapons Treads : 1 00 each
that can damage the vehicle use the normal vehicle A. A. Typical Armament:
rules to stri ke and for damage. In addition , all military vehi­ 1 52 mm gun: Damage : 2 D4x1 00. Blast Radius: 1 0 feet (3
cles are considered to have a ram prow. The mechanical m) Ammo: 40 rounds. Range: 4,500 feet ( 1 ,372 m)
genius and analytical genius can build super vehicles with 7.62 mm machine gun: Damage : 5D6. Ammo: 1 ,000
this superior mil itary armor, but it can not be concealed . rounds. Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m)
Thus, a car can have armor like a tank, but it will look very .50 caliber heavy machine gun: Damage: 1 D4x1 O.
much like a tank (as opposed to other super vehicles Ammo: 800 rounds. Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m)
which look like normal vehicles but deflect bullets, etc.) . Grenade Launcher: Damage: Smoke grenades only.
Note: Many o f the heavier vehicles presented here are Ammo: 8. Range: 30 feet (9 m)
older models, because they are the ones l i kely to be in the Attacks Per Melee: As Vehicle Combat (pilot) or
hands of mercenaries, rebels, smaller governments, and Machinegun Rules (gunner) . The main gun can fire a
other unofficial, criminal, or non-sanctioned entities. maximum of four times per round, but requires an ac­
tion in between to reload.
Armored Vehicles Mercenary Price: $6-9 million .
M-1 1 3 Personnel Carrier Notes : This tank was designed to be light enough to be
Weight: 24,238 Ibs. (1 0,900 kg) air-portable. Because of the light armor, it wasn't particu­
Length : 1 6 feet (4.9 m) larly successful as a tan k.
Crew: 1
Max. Speed : 42 mph (67 kph) M-41 A3 Walker Bulldog Tank
Max. Range: 300 miles (482 km) Weight: 52,200 Ibs. (23,490 kg)
Armor: A . A . : 1 4. Stops pistols, rifles, light machine guns Length: 27 feet (8.2 m)
under .50 caliber grenades. The underside is vulnera­ Crew: 4
ble to mines and the side walls can be penetrated by Max. Speed : 45 mph (72 km) on land, 3.5 mph (5.6 km) in
antitank rockets or heavy machineguns with armor water
piercing rounds (penetration value of 9+). Max. Range: 470 miles (752 km)
S.D.C. By Location: Typical Armament:
Main Body: 600 76 mm gun: Damage: 4D6x1 0. Ammo: 65 rounds. Range :
Treads: 75 each 3,000 feet (91 5 m)
Typical Armament: Twin .50 caliber machine guns: Damage: 1 D4x1 O .
. 50 cal. machine gun: Damage: 1 D4x1 O. Ammo: 900 Ammo: 600 rounds. Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m). These
rounds. Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m) weapons fire separately and general ly can not be fire
Note: Could also be fitted with a rocket launcher or gre­ linked.
nade launcher. Armor: A . A . : 1 4. Stops pistol, rifle , mach inegun and frag­
Attacks Per Melee: By Vehicle Combat (pilot) or ments. Vulnerable to rockets and heavy machineguns
Machinegun Rules (gunner) . with a penetration value of 9+.
Mercenary Price: $1 50,000-300,000 S.D.C. By Location :
Notes : Designed to carry 1 1 troops (one of whom Main Body: 800
would act as gunner). Often the soldiers would ride on top Main Cannon: 200
because of the high temperatu re inside. Although the Treads: 1 75 each
M-1 1 3 was useful against small arms and fragmentation Attacks Per Melee: As Vehicle Combat (pilot) and
grenades, it would sometimes be deadly to the occupants Machinegun Combat Rules (gunner) . Main gun can fire
when it contained the effect of mines and shape charges a maximum of three times per melee, but req uires an
that did penetrate the armor. (Weapons with penetration action to reload each time.
val ues of 8+ generally will defeat the armor and have a Mercenary Price: $5-7 million .
75% chance of inflicting full damage on the occupants.)
21 7
Notes: Obsolete in the U .S. forces, but still used in High-Speed Laser: Mounted on top of the turret in place
many foreign countries including: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, of the traditional mach inegun. Damage: 1 D4x1 0 per
Greece, Italy, Japan , Lebanon , New Zealand, Pakistan , blast. Range: 6,000 feet (1 ,829 m). Max. Rate of Fire:
South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam . Full automatic fire, but not machine gun rates of fire
(See Modern Weapons Combat) . Ammo: 1 000 shots
M-48A3 Patton II Tank per hour (equal to 1 0 "belts" of 1 00 blasts each).
Weight: 1 04,820 Ibs. (47 , 1 69 kg) 90 mm Energy Beam Cannon : Damage: 1 D6x100.
Length : 28 feet (8.6 m) Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 ,829 m). Max. Rate of Fire: 5 per
Crew: 4 melee. Ammo: 1 0 shots per hour.
Max. Speed : 30 mph (48 km) Additional Weapons Systems: In addition two, or in l ieu
Max. Range: 287 m iles (459 km) of, the 90 mm Energy Cannon, the G . M . may wish to
Armor: A . R . : 1 8. Stops pistol, rifle , machinegun and frag­ use any of the heavy weapons found in the Robotics
ments. Vulnerable to mines and antitank rockets. section of HU2.
Heavy machineguns with penetration values of 1 1 + can Total Attacks Per Melee: As Vehicle Combat (pilot) or
also damage the tank. Modern Weapon Combat rules (gunners).
S.D.C. By Location: Bonuses: +4 to strike with all weapons in addition to the
Main Body: 1 ,000 gunner's ski ll bonuses.
Main Gun: 200 SpeCial Systems : Full sensory capabi l ities,
Treads: 200 each thermo-imager, infrared, night Sights, 20 mile radar, tar­
Typical Armament: geting computer, combat computer, satellite navigation ,
90 mm gun: Damage: 1 D4x 1 00. Ammo: 50 rounds. Blast terrain mapping sonar, atmosphere recycling, inde­
Radius: 20 feet (6 m) Range : 4,000 feet ( 1 ,220 m) pendent oxygen supply, and long range commun ica­
. 50 cal. machine gun: Damage: 1 D4x 1 O. Ammo: 1 ,000 tions (laser, satellite, radio) .
rounds. Range: 3,000 feet (91 4 m) Notes : This tank is also chem ical , radiation, and vi­
. 30 caliber machinegun: Damage: 606. Ammo: 800 rus/biologically sealed/shielded .
rounds. Range: 3,000 feet (9 1 4 m) Mercenary Price: $ 1 6-20 million (triple if has energy
Attacks Per Melee: As Vehicle Combat (pilot) and weapons or tactical nukes) .
Machinegun Combat Rules (gunner) . The main gun can
fire four times per melee with one action needed to re­ Other Veh i c les
load after each shot.
Mercenary Price: $5-7 million. High-Tech Armored Land Rover
Notes : The main U.S. battle tank in the Vietnam war, it Weight: 3.8 tonsl851 2 1bs (3830 kg) .
was rel iable even under rough terrain conditions and de­ Length: 2 4 feet (7.3 m )
spite climate related problems. It has outmatched its So­ Max. Speed : 1 20 mph (1 92 km)
viet counterparts in every theater of conflict. Stil l used by Crew: One pi lot and up to five passengers (3 comfort-
the U . S . , Bolivia, Chile, I ran, Israel, Pakistan , South ably) . A . R . : 1 0
Korea, Taiwan , Thai land, Tu rkey, West Germany and Range: 500 mi les (800 km)
Vietnam (over 340 were abandoned there by U .S. forces) . S.D.C by Location :
Main Body: 600
Wheels: 1 00 each
High-Tech Tank (Average Prototype) Bonuses: +2 to strike and dodge
Weight: 43 tons Special Equipment:
Length : 21 feet (6 .4 m) Radio: Range: 50 m iles (80 km) .
Max. Speed : 65 mph ( 1 04 km) on land, 1 0 mph ( 1 6 km) in High IntenSity Headlights: 1 50 foot beam (46 m) .
water Loudspeaker: Ampl ifies voice by 90 decibels.
Crew: 2, plus up to 3 passengers. Mini-Radar: Range: 4 mi les (6 .4 km) , but only 75% accu-
Max. Range: 580 m iles (928 km) rate and easi ly obscured by h ills, mountains and forest.
Armor: A . R . : 1 5 Stops pistol, rifle, machinegun and frag­ Weapon Systems: (pick one of the fol lowing)
ments. The underside is vulnerable to mines and the 20 mm Machine Gun: Damage: 1 D6x1 O. Ammo: 600
side walls can be penetrated by antitank rockets or rounds. Range : 4,000 feet ( 1 ,220 m)
heavy mach ineguns with armor piercing rounds (pene­ Missile Launcher: Same as the missile systems de­
tration value of 9+) . scribed on page 209 of Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition
S.D.C. by Location : (HU2).
Main Body: 700 Automatic Grenade Launcher: Same as the 40 mm gre­
Turret: 280 nade launcher described on page 208 of HU2, except
Treads: 1 75 each side that it has a payload of 200 and can fire in short and
Main Energy Cannon : 2 1 0 long bursts.
Laser Gun: 1 00 Notes: The Land Rover is a l ightly armored reconnais­
Typical Armament: sance vehicle suitable for rough terrain. It is a sturdy,
open-air vehicle. Mercenary Price: $4-6 million .
21 8
Light Utility Truck ("Jeep") phone, hoist, force trim, armament fire and cargo release.
Weight: 1 .8 tonsl4,032 Ibs. ( 1 ,81 4 kg) . With your left hand you control the Collective Pitch Control
Length : 1 1 feet (3.35 m) Lever, which also has buttons for lights, engine idle, col­
Max. Speed : 65 mph (1 04 km) lective pitch control friction , power control throttle, power
Crew: One driver and up to five passengers (3 comfort­ control friction adjuster, governor RPM increase/decrease,
ably) and the starter ignition. People with third arms can try us­
Range: 300 miles (480 km) ing the other chopper controls. Of cou rse, in Heroes Un­
Armor: A . A . : 6 Use normal vehicle A.A. rules, affected by limited , people can have three arms (or a fully articulated
all weapons. tail) which would provide +1 attack and +1 to dodge while
S.D.C.: 300 piloting a helicopter, while people with four arms actually
Notes : The classic and reliable jeep served as a great get +2 attacks, +2 to strike, and +2 to dodge.
way to move small cargo and personnel in safe areas. Why all the complicated controls? Th ink about what a
It has been replaced by the "humvee" in the U .S . , but chopper is. It's an engine with a large propeller attached to
still receives wide usage throughout the rest of the one end and nothing on the other end. J ust naturally the
world. A l ight or medium machine gun can be mounted whole thing wants to start turning. Then other forces, like
in the rear on a 360 0 swivel mount. torque, aerodynamic lift, and wind , buffet the craft in a
Mercenary Price: $40,000 to $75 ,000. dozen different ways.

2.5 Ton M-35 Cargo Truck Rout i ne Helicopter Ski l ls

Weight: 6.7 tonsl1 5,008 Ibs (6,254 kg) The following moves require only simply helicopter pi­
Length : 22 feet (6.7 m) loting skills (no skill roll necessary) :
Max. Speed : 56 mph (89.6 km) Evaluating Landing Sites : You have to know within an
Cruising Range: 350 miles (560 km) inch whether the clearing is big enough for you r chopper
Armor: A . A . : 7. Affected by all weapons. blades. That means you can tell/measure, by eyeball
S.D.C.: 500 alone, the exact size of a landing zone. Most helicopters
Notes: Although rated to carry 5,000 Ibs. (2,250 kg) , up to have rotors that measure 48 feet ( 1 4.6 m) from tip to tip.
twice as much can be loaded onto this truck. That means the Landing Zone has to be at least that large
Mercenary Price: $1 00,000- 1 25 ,000. in diameter.
Huey Shuffle: This is a tail-wagging movement de­
5 Ton M-81 6 Wrecker signed to distract enemy gunners. +2 to dodge.
Weight: 1 8 tons/40,320 Ibs ( 1 8, 1 44 kg) Stationary Hover: It takes a few months of practice,
Length : 30 feet (9 . 1 m) but helicopter pilots can keep their choppers pretty much
Crew: 2 motionless. Not moving up/down , righVleft, or for­
Max. Speed : 52 mph (83.2 km) ward/backward , is actually much harder than it looks. At
Cruising Range: 350 miles (562 km) fu ll load , the chopper starts losing rpm and will eventually
Armor: A . A . : 8 Affected by all weapons. sink.
S.D.C.: 650
Mercenary Price: $1 50 ,000- 1 80,000. Helicopter Stu nts
The following moves req uire hel icopter piloting rolls,
M-88 Truck, Recovery Vehicle usually with a negative modifier for difficulty:
Weight: 55 tons/1 1 0,000 Ibs (55,440 kg) . Formation Flying: Flying in formation with other heli­
Length : 325.5 inches (27 tV8.7 m). copters with one helicopter's distance between each is a
Crew: 4 standard ski l l . Flying in formation with tips touching or
Max. Speed : 31 mph (50 km) overlapping takes a little more; roll under piloting skill.
Cruising Range: 222 miles (355 km) N ight formation flying means you want to be close enough
Armor: A . A . : 8. Affected by all weapons. to see the instrument lights in the other guy's cockpit; roll
S.D.C.: 800 under pi loting skill at - 1 5%. A failed roll during Formation
Mercenary Price: $1 80,000-225,000. Flying means that the aircraft actually touch . 75% of the
time, this will cause one or both of the craft to crash. Since
choppers are fairly fragile aircraft, crashes usually kill the
Hel icopter Ru les (Optional} ---
crew and all passengers, so think twice before your char-
How To Fly A Helicopter acters go hot dogging!
First off, flying a helicopter takes two bands, two feet, Overloaded Take-Off: It takes a lot of experience, a bit
as many fingers as you can spare, and an extra hand if of skill, and even some l uck to take off with
you've got one. The foot pedals are the direction controls greater-than-maximum load . Basically, you've got to make
for right and left. Because a hel icopter is constantly pulling some really tight circles and eventually speed your way
to the right, you've got to be pushing these pedals con- up. For taking off at full or up to 50% over maximum cargo
stantly. With your right hand you control the Cyclic Control capacity, roll under pi loting ski ll at - 1 0%. Failure means
Stick (or "joy stick") , which also has buttons for micro- the chopper simply lands back on the ground. Choppers
21 9
can not take off at all while carrying more than 50% over Pilot Fire Modifiers:
their maximum rated cargo capacity. - 1 for each 20 mph (32 km) of speed ('cause he's going
Emergency Landing: It's called auto-rotation and it fast) .
means setting up the chopper so that the blades keep - 1 for each 1 00 feet (30.5 m) of altitude ('cause he's far
moving while the chopper sinks. It won't work if you do not away).
have any forward motion (another good reason why you Door Gunner Fire Modifiers :
don't just sit and hover) . If you fai l, the chopper becomes - 1 for each 30 mph (48 km) of speed.
an inert, falling object. Roll under piloting ski l l to pull out. - 1 for each 300 feet (91 .5 m) of altitude.
Making Your Own Landing Zone: Sometimes there's Hel icopter Armament Systems
just not a big enough hole beneath you for a landing site, Helicopter armaments are meant for area affect,
especially in the jungle or thick forest. Thankful ly, a heli­ large-scale combat, and long-range troop suppression. At
copter's rotor blades are 2 1 inches (about a half-meter) the G . M .'s discretion , these weapons systems can be
wide, weighted at the ends and moving at several hun­ mounted on larger ground-based vehicles, including char­
dred rpm. In other words, they make great lawn clippers, acters' super vehicles. They can NOT be carried and fired
so long as you don't hit anything too big. If you do, then by individuals (except possibly by giant robots) because
the rotors break off, and chances are the pilot either dies they simply are too heavy and produce unmanageable re­
from having his head cut off by flaying rotor fragments, or coi l when fired.
when the rotorless bird crashes to the ground. This is one When firing helicopter weapons, there is no bonus to
of those special moves where ski l l has nothing to do with
strike un less the character has the Weapons System Ski l l
it. The G . M . rolls D 1 00; on a 1 5% or less, the rotors h it a (pi lot related) . Normal firearms W.P.s d o not apply. When
branch that's too large , and bye-bye birdie. using these big weapons in combat, use machine gun
Passing Between Obstacles: Remember the 48 feet combat rules.
(1 4.6 m) diameter/width of the chopper blades? Wel l , As warfare creeps into the 2 1 st century, gunships are
sometimes pi lots can pass through a gap a s smal l a s 25 taking on a new battlefield role: tank-killing. To this end ,
feet (7.6 m) by leaning the shopper to the side and angling some modern gunships forego lighter rockets and fewer
through . This is a fairly risky move, though. Roll under pi­ guns in favor of heavier anti-tank missiles. Also, these
loting skil l at - 20%. A failed rol l means a crashed chop­ tank killers (like the H ughes AH-64 Apache, Apache Long­
per. bow and the Comanche) carry an impressive array of
combat electronics, including targeting computers, thermal
Helicopters vs Fig hters and infrared sensors, heat suppression systems (giving
Use of helicopters where air superiority is not estab­ them +6 to dodge any incoming heat-seeking missile) , and
l ished is just plain stupid. Helicopters are terrific against laser-guided weapons, to name just a few. I n addition, in
ground troops; they are unbeatable as anti-tank weapons. the Heroes Unlimited universe, any of the sensors or op­
They are dead meat against fighter aircraft. Why? First of tics available to Robot or Bionic characters also can be
al l , they have a -6 to strike targets moving faster than 1 00 found on cutting-edge gunships.
mph ( 1 60 kph), and they are also -6 to dodge incoming Helicopter hardware is mil itary in nature and as such , it
missiles or rockets. That, any they are hopelessly out­ is highly i llegal and difficult to obtain, even on the black
classed by jet armaments. The average air-to-air m issile market. One would have to be a big-league arms dealer or
mounted on any jet fighter could pick off a helicopter from in tight with a rogue nation to be able to buy or sell this
well outside the range of the chopper's own weapons. A technology. I n the U . S . , getting caught with any one of
few heavier choppers could theoretical ly be mounted with these weapon systems typical ly means a 1 0-30 year
ai r-to-air m issiles (like the A I M-9 Sidewinder) , but even prison term .
then , a helicopter's slow speed and lack of air defense
The availability of these weapons is exclusive to the
measures (such as chaff and flares) would still make it a
world's military and should not be made easily available,
poor match against any jet fighter.
even to wealthy villains. The use of such weapons is
strictly prohibited by the government. Their use would be
H itti n g With Chopper Weapons impossible to conceal and constitute deadly force on a
An armed helicopter (or "gunship") makes a great major scale. Being caught with one or more of these
weapon platform against slower-moving ground targets. If weapon systems will get a person a long prison term
you just hover and fire you can hit anyth ing, with no penal­ ( 1 0-30 years) .
ties, no modifiers . A Note on Weapon Mounts : Most gunships mount
The problem is that if you just hover, you become the their weapons on stubby armament wings (or "pylons')
world's best aerial target. With next to no armor, this is not that come off the side of the vehicle. Smaller gunships,
smart. like the AH-1 Cobra of most H uey gunships, can only ac­
Firing from flying helicopters is also different for door commodate one weapons system per pylon. Heavier
gunners than for pilots. The pilot has to watch where he's gunships, like the AH-64 apache or the infamous Russian
going. The door gunner is concentrating on the ground tar­ Hind series can accommodate four weapons systems per
gets. pylon . In addition , all gunships can accommodate a ma­
chine gun, mini-gun, or grenade launcher on a chin turret.
XM-3 2.75" Rocket Launcher al ready built in. Aside from that, the G . M . should also
Armament: 48 tubes of unguided 2.75" rockets. consider this: as heavy as a minigun may be, any
Range: 1 1 ,250 feet (3,429 m) super-strong character should be able to handle one.
Rate of Fire: Vol leys of 2, 4, 8 or all 48. Second, miniguns are popping up in movies, com ic
Damage: 1 04x1 0 per rocket books and video games everywhere these days, so it's
Blast Radius: 20 feet (6 . 1 m) quite possible you r players will really want their charac­
Payload: 48 Rockets ter to have one. G . M .s, if you let them do this, do keep
Attacks Per Melee: Six in mind the firepower they will command. As long as
Notes: This resembles a large box mounted on the side of game balance is maintained, everything should work
the helicopter. Smaller versions of this weapon (or out all right. The cost for one of these monsters should­
"rocket pods") may contain 7, 1 2 , 1 9, or 24 rockets n't be cheap, though .
each . The advantage to these smaller pods is that Mercenary Price: $200,000-300,000.
heavy gunships like the U . S . Apache or Russian Hind
Third, miniguns are damn cool ! Heroes Unlimited is
can carry up to four of them.)
a rock 'em , sock 'em com ic book role-playing game that
Mercenary Price: $400,000-750,000.
isn't meant to mirror the real world. If your character
can't have a minigun here, where can he? ! ? After all,
there is a dude toting something awfully close to one on
page 1 31 of the HU2 rule book, right?

XM-32 .50 Cal. M2

Damage: 1 04x1 0 per round.
Payload : 500 rounds.
XM-1 34 7.62 mm Minigun Range: 2,500 feet (762 m).
Armament: Six-barreled , 7.62 mm gatling gun, or Rate of Fire: Fully automatic (See Machinegun Combat
"minigun." Miniguns have electric motors that rotate the Rules) .
gun barrels as they fire, al lowing the weapon to achieve Attacks Per Melee: Four as a veh icle weapon, equal to
incredibly high rates of fire without overheating. the gunner's attacks per melee as a manned weapon .
Range: 2,500 feet (762 m) Notes: Used as door gunner weapon or mounted on the
Rate of Fire: Long or full melee bursts only. This weapon outside.
fires so rapidly that a long burst uses only one attack Mercenary Price: $1 25,000-200,000.
and a full melee burst ties up the weapon for only two
attacks. See Mach ine Gun Combat Rules for more info.
M-23 7.62 mm M-60D
Damage: 506 per round
Rounds Carried : 4,000 rounds (enough for 4 melees of Range: 3,000 feet (9 1 4 m).
continuous fire) Rate of Fire: Fully automatic (See Machine Gun Combat
Attacks Per Melee: Four as a veh icle weapon , equal to Rules) .
Damage: 506 per round.
the gunner's attacks per melee as a manned weapon.
Notes: Miniguns usually are mounted on the sides of a Payload : 600
gunship, either singly or one on each side. G unships
Attacks Per Melee: Five
with two miniguns can either fire them separately (re­ Note: This weapon is virtually identical to the M-60 ma­
quiring a second gunner besides the pilot) . Or, chine gun carried by infantrymen around the world . The
miniguns can be mounted as door gunner weapons. big difference is that the M-600 has a modified firing
Usually, a special seat and crad le must be installed to mechanism designed specifically for door gunning. As
accommodate this. such, this weapon can not be used as a personal
Special Note: Contrary to what movies like "Predator" and Mercenary Price: $ 1 00,000- 1 75,000.
''Terminator 2: J udgement Oay" would have you be­
lieve, a normal person CAN NOT carry and/or use a
M-2 Dual Machine Gun System
minigun as a personal weapon. They just aren't de­
signed for it. That said, the G . M . may wish to make an
Damage: 506 per round, but both fire simu ltaneously at
the same target, so damage is doubled ( 1 06x1 0 per
exception for certain Heroes Unlimited characters, for
three reasons. round). A gunship can carry two of these weapon sys­
First, it is possible that a Hardware: Weapons Expert tems; when fire-linked, they do an whopping 206X1 0!
character could modify a minigun for personal use by However, gunships thus armed typically are too
installing it with counterbalances, shock absorbers, etc. weighted down to carry any other guns, rocket pods , or
or buy building one out of super-light al loys, or by fitting missiles.
one with a gyroscopic shooting rig like what the charac­ Payload : 1 ,000 per weapon.
ter Vasq uez uses in the movie "Al iens." Or an Alien Range: 3,750 feet (1 , 1 43 m)
character might come to Earth with an advanced ver­ Rate of Fire: Fully automatic (See mach inegun combat
sion of the minigun with the aforementioned gimmicks rules) .

Attacks Per Melee: Five Main Body: 1 50
Mercenary Price: $300,000-400,000. Tail : 75
Rotor: 75
M-21 Coordinated System Bonuses: +2 to dodge and +5% to piloting rolls for stunts
Armament: Combination of XM-1 34 Minigun and a and maneuvers.
seven-tube XM-1 58 2 .75" rocket pod. Mercenary Cost: $ 1 20,000
Damage, Blast Radius, Payload, Range, Rate of Fire, Notes: Cheap , easy to find , and expendable, the Ra­
and Attacks per Melee: All are described above. ven is a venerable design but remains popular as a l ight
Note: This combined weapons system (or one like it) is observation craft. This bird can be seen in n umerous old
very common on gunships from around the world . television programs and is recognized by its distinctive,
mounted onto the side of the gunship. bubble-like canopy. Different versions are in use in the
Mercenary Price: $380 ,000-500,000. U . S . , Canada, Colombia, Thailand, and the United King­
dom .

DH- bA CAYU5 � (" L OACW)


A Typical Light Observation Helicopter

Length: 30 feet (9 m)
Basic Weight: 1 , 1 60 Ibs (522 kg)
Payload: 930 Ibs (41 5 kg) S.D.C. By Location :
Cruising Speed : 1 50 mph (240 km) Main Body: 200
Range: 380 miles (608 km) Tail : 1 1 0
Armor: A . R . : 7 Rotor: 1 00
Mercenary Cost: $450,000-600,000 Bonuses: +2 to dodge and + 1 0% to pi loting rolls for
stunts and maneuvers.

- .�


AH-1 G H uey Cobra Armor: A . R . : 1 0. The armor deflects bullets, fragments,

Length: 53 feet (1 6 m) and any weapons with a P.V. of 8 or less. A.R. can be
Basic Weight: 8,404 Ibs. (3782 kg) "souped up" and increased to 1 3 max (also increase
Payload : 2,500 Ibs. (1 , 1 25 kg) S . D . C . by 1 0%) but increase maximum cost by 30%.
Cruising Speed : 1 38 mph (22 1 km) S.D.C. by Location :
Range: 359 mi les (574 km) Main Body: 450
Tail : 300 pages with detailed weapons info on them that the enter­
Rotor: 250 prising G . M . can sue to whip up his own military vehicles.
Passenger Armor: A. A . : 1 4, S . D . C . : 350. Even if a Cobra Good l uck!
is shot down, the passenger compartment is likely to re­
main intact. UH-1 H H uey
Bonuses: +2 to strike Length : 57 feet (1 7 m)
Mercenary Cost: $1 0.5 million Basic Weight: 4,900 Ibs. (2 ,205 kg)
Notes : By J uly 1 969, there were 441 Cobras active in Payload: 3, 1 1 6 Ibs. (1 ,402 kg)
Vietnam . A typical "Snake" was armed with 40 mm gre­ Cruising Speed : 1 27 mph (203 km)
nade launcher, XM-3 48-tube 2 .75" rocket pod system , Range: 31 4 miles (502 km)
and two M-60 machineguns. This helicopter remains in Armor: A . A . : 9
widespread use by the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine S.D.C. by Location:
Corps, as well as numerous other nations. Updated ver­ Main Body: 400
sions of the Cobra are avai lable to small nations and mer­ Tail : 200
cenaries for $ 1 1 million each . These generally have Noroc Rotor: 1 50
armor for the crew seats and sides (Increase the A.A. of Bonuses: None.
the passenger armor to 1 5) , 2 M-X1 8 M iniguns, 2 M-1 57 Mercenary Cost: $4 million.
Rocket Pods, special turret-mounted M-29 40 mm gre­ Notes: Perhaps one of the world's most ubiquitous heli­
nade launcher and a Vulcan six-barreled 20 mm cannon copters, its military debut was during the Vietnam Conflict
under the chin. as the U .S. Army's bird of choice. Featuring a more pow­
Special Note: The stats for this vehicle wil l serve as a erful engine than earlier models, it was otherwise the
good template for heavier modern gunships, such as the same as the UH-1 D . By April 1 969, some 2,202 UH chop­
Apache, Comanche or Hind. As a rule of thumb, increase pers were serving in Vietnam . This helicopter is used mili­
each S . D . C . location by 1 00 points, boost all A.A. ratings tarily in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Cambodia,
by two, and al low for two weapons systems to be mounted Chile, EI Salvador, Ethiopia, Greece, Japan , New Zea­
on each of the chopper's pylons, as wel l as one weapons land, Spain, Taiwan, Thai land, and Venezuela. It also is
system for the chin turret. In addition, really heavy birds used as a commercial passenger craft all over the world.
l i ke the Hind will have door gunners, too. For more infor­
mation on gunships of the world , check out any one of a
number of books on the subject. Your local library should
have several. If not, try looking on-line for information. All
branches of the U . S . military, for example, maintain web

UH - / H H UE Y


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