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Handle with care in New York, Paris or Milan, you see bookers

from all over the world, there to

After recent accounts of drug-taking amongst
teenage models in the care of their model support their girls and make sure thot another
agencies, the catwalk world has once again agency doesn't try to attract them with a better
come under public serutiny. Jess Hallett used to contract. 3_________ I'll never forget the time
be a booker, taking bookings for models, when Charles de Gaulle airport was closed
organizing their itineraries and generally down because of a strike and Kate Moss had to
running their lives. She talks about the lengths get to Paris for a very important job. The
she went to in order to protect her girls. While Channel Tunnel hadn't been built then, so I flew
bad behaviour in the modelling world evidently with her to Brussels with the idea of getting the
exists, there are many in the fashion industry train from there. 4_________ The whole
who work very hard to try and make sure it journey took 12 hours, but with a studio full of
doesn't. I spent almost ten years as a booker, people waiting for her at the other end, we had
and become emotionally involved with almost no choice . One danger we had to protect
every girl in my care. Bookers care for and models from was their parents. 5_________It
protect these young models to such a point that was quite clear that she was humiliated by his
they are often too tired at the end of the day behaviour and wasn't at all interested in being o
even to go home. We did all kinds of things for model There were some parents who would let
our girls. 1_________ Sometimes we had to talk their daughter go alone to fashion shoots if it
to them and cheer them up even when they did meant fame and fortune. 6 At the model agency
get the job they wanted; such as the cover of where I worked, parents were usually
Italian Vogue' or the Chanel show in Paris. They encouraged to get involved in their daughters'
were terrified they were going to do it badly careers and travelled with them whenever they
and the booker would reassure them and tell could. The fact is that the majority of girls love
them they looked fantastic. The trend of using the lifestyle. 7________ The Russian model Lido
girls as young as 14 or 15 means a lot of Egorova told me recently how happy she was,
responsibility. The consequences of not taking working with creative and talented people. She
good care of them are too huge for any agency was wealthy and living in Paris; and the night
to consider. 2_________ Backstage at any show before she had met Madonna at a party. What
more could any girl want?

A One father insisted that his daughter was better-looking than anyone in 'Vogue' and complained about
me to my boss because I wouldn't employ her.

B If you don't look after them properly, then someone else will.

C Others never allowed them to go anywhere unaccompanied.

D Whether it was because they were having a hard time at school, had split up with their boyfriend, or
hadn't got a job they really wanted, their booker was the one they talked to.

E And considering how many of them there are nowadays , you don't hear many complaints.

F However, it seemed that the rest of Europe had the same idea, so we had to persuade a taxi driver to
take us all the way to Paris.

G She said she was having a wonderful time and couldn't imagine doing any other job .
H Models tend to travel a lot and whenever necessary a booker will accompany them on a trip.

When you have finished, check that the sentence which you have not used does not fit into any of the

Reacting to the text O

Jess Hallett finishes with the words: ‘What more could any girl want? 'Do you agree with this
assumption? Do you think that children who are encouraged to step into adult roles, such as catwalk
modelling, are being exploited? Do you think it is right that models should be so highly paid?

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